Saturday, October 27, 2007


The subtitle might as well read "The Intellectual and Moral Bankruptcy of the Apostolic Assembly"

Who knew that a blog such as this would expose supposed wrong doing by so many men and women, young and old on both sides or on no side of the current AA situation.

In our age of instantaneous information available to all, accountability will be demanded. The old, smelly, stale carpet in our house has been removed and replaced with transparent glass thereby removing the opportunity for hidden agendas, intentions and actions to swept under the rug. On this new surface we will be able to see all the fingerprints, smears, smudges, mud and dirt. That is a good thing because they kinds of items can be easily cleaned, addressed as soon as they appear.

It almost hurts to read all the things hurled out about brothers I've held in high regard. It seems that as soon as a name comes it is like they are the object of a pie throwing contest in a county fair, including the dead including the recently deceased.

At the most very basic level the fault of the AA has that we have been taught not to question authority in any manner. The AA body has been taught to almost deify the man behind the pulpit or sitting in the big chair on the platform. We've been taught to roll out the red carpet, kiss their ring finger and believe that this person holds absolute authority. The ignorance of our forefathers treated leaders as though they where the high priests. As far as I know there is only one high priest.

As the newer generation moves into their own, we must realize they've been taught through higher learning institutions how to think critically: Question authority.

"Critical thinking is the intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or evaluating information gathered from, or generated by, observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication, as a guide to belief and action".

Unfortunately, our under-educated pastors and ministers are still of the mentality that we must believe and act according to what the man behind the pulpits dictates. Why? Because if he is behind the pulpit it must be the truth. There really is no logic in this type of thinking, even though this is the mentality that rules the ignorant masses. Fortunately hermanos, we are no longer part of that ignorant mass.

And our leaders played us because of our ignorance, we've been lied to, cheated, talked about mis-treated (anyone recognize this song). We've had dogma shoved down our throats with no biblical validity but "if you don't do what the pastor says, you are disobedient and rebellious".

Pastors/ministers/bishops/leaders, do me favor and stop preaching about the way I look on the outside. You are filled with sin, filth and deceit on the inside. Don't worry about sisters wearing pants, they are not going to hell because of it. There is absolutely no biblical validity to this! God does not love a pant wearer any less then a non-pant wearer. Don't preach to me about wearing jewelry, there to is no biblical validity to this either. I can use the same argument about watches and broaches, it is just stupid! The veil...let's not even go there.

We are saved by God's Grace not by what you think I should look like. It's funny how you think you can make God love someone more because of the way YOU want them to look.

In reality what you are doing is exactly what you've been doing - living a double standard and causing those in your congregations to live with double standards.

I teach my children to behave the same way when they are with me and when they are not with me. I teach them not to hide from me, I teach them that, I, as there father am not perfect and will make mistakes. And when I do make mistakes I will need their help and support. I teach them that they will make mistakes and they do not need to hide those mistakes from me because I will be there for them and not for the purpose of knocking them down. I teach my children that you are going to make mistakes, be selfish in your decision making and guidance (I do this because of your past history of looking out for your best interest and not mine) and not accurately apply God's word. I teach them it is their responsibility to take what you spoken and verify its validity with God's word - to show thyself approved.

When you get behind the pulpit this coming Sunday, please remember, I am probably more educated than you, I probably make more money than you. I've spent countless hours studying God's word, studying for my degrees and analyzing financial and legal documents for real world business decisions. In my career I am compensated by helping other individuals and corporations make short and long term business projections. The bottom line is, I can see a grift coming from a mile away. (If you notice sometimes I wear my boots on Sunday.)

Spare me the dogma, God saved us by his grace, fortunately not your ignorance. It is because of your past decisions we have come to an intellectual and moral bankruptcy in our beloved organization.

We must reorganize and refocus our efforts in teaching God's grace, not Apostolic Assembly dogma.

Dios les pague



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Anonymous said...

There is no lawsuit buffoons?

Anonymous said...

Ok no more dinosaur jokes

Anonymous said...

I believe it is time for a BETTER change in the AA.Half of this AA is still lost out in Egypt,living in the days of Noah.Old gen. that won't recognize a new era upon us now.Some churches still practice that EVIL "trial for your mistake"practices such as sitting someone down and not allowing them to sing with the sisters for many months or years,YET the ministry will gladly accept your offering$$.Lots of folks that were excommunicated from church many years ago.What about those folks,people?Where does restoration take place for them?For that matter,then we all should of been banned also!BRUTALITY in its finest..I will say that I am glad that those peoples blood are not in my hands,you know?UPC,Apostolic holy standards are fine but how is a long dress,long hair,a veil covering,wedding ban or whatever,a glamorous watch that would defeat a ring,clean shaven for men,no shorts,pants,and etc man made standards along with its legalism going to appeal to God when on the INSIDE we are corrupt?It does not apply to those that truly do it in honor for The Lord.I read earlier here on this blog that trinitarians are off??Those folks are souls too.I know of MANY of them that of course,don't practice modest(holy standards) BUT I will bet you that alot of them have a good relationship with God.I'm getting away from the point but had to say these few things.A FRESH and ANNOINTED people will start after all of this Darkness that has clouded this Organization.A TRUE Revival will be with us that truly want to see God.Folks,we are already in the Endtimes,we just don't know it due to all the politics and hollywood ,if you will,involved in our lives.We are too caught up in programs and trying to be living like the Jones.Lets get real folks,the last days have already been with us for a while and its all part of God's prophetic word.Be safe people and find God right now in this fragile time we live in.Souls is the main importance!!

Anonymous said...

Hey where is Mike A?

Is it true he is the co-pastor of Corona Church?

Anonymous said...

There is no trinity. Does Israel believe in the trinity? No. We believe in ONE God.

Anonymous said...

Is Tony Leybas the blog master?
Where he congregate at?
Who is he?

Anonymous said...

Edward Pacheco

5 Million Dollar Houses in the last 2 Years.

Three Luxury Cars.

1 Car Scam

1 Real Estate Scam

2 Associates that are Convicted Felons.

1 Small Church

Many Special Ofrendas with no results

Many burned people from the Car Scam.

1 Raided Fund for the National Board

1 Very Good Primo who got him the hook up on the National Board.

1 Luxury Delux Spot in Hell waiting for him.

Anonymous said...

Lugo where are you?

Anonymous said...


Check this link out, lol

Anonymous said...

Is it me, or does Isaac Gutierrez look malnourished on this explore talent website?

Esta bien feo este vato. He looks like Anish Bandir from India.

Anonymous said...

Isaac Gutierrez Edward Pacheco
evil twins.

Anonymous said...

Bio of a Flor Azuler

Linked to Victor Prado II on myspace

Felipe's Blurbs
About me:
Agredano-Lozano is currently the President of the Garvey Board of Education in the San Gabriel Valley of California, where he resides. Agredano-Lozano, holds a Masters degree from Harvard University and also studied religion at Oxford University. He was a Teaching Fellow at Harvard before returning to his native state of California where he served with the California State Legislature for Rev. Dr. Jack Scott in the State Senate. He also holds dual baccalaureate degrees in Government and in Chicano Studies from the University of California, Berkeley and has given courses in the History of World Religions, US Political and Social History and Religion and Chicanos at East Los Angeles College, Los Angeles Trade Technical Institute and California State University at Northridge. He has sat on numerous boards such as the Muscular Dystrophy Association, California Latino Legislative Caucus Madrias & Padrinos Program, is former President of The UC Berkeley Chicano Latino Alumni and of The Eastside Democratic Club, which represented the greater East Los Angeles area and honored him “Democrat of the Year”. Agredano-Lozano was born and raised in East Los Angeles, California, is of Mexican descent from the Jalisco Highlands. Agredano-Lozano, shares a strong commitment for and access to higher education. He has a deeply rooted interest in faith-based action towards social change. He is a strong believer in economic development and access to finance capital for economically depressed communities.
Who I'd like to meet:
I'd like to hear from the parents, teachers and students of the Garvey School District in the San Gabriel Valley. As always, I am at your service. ABOUT ME: Agredano-Lozano, holds a Masters degree from Harvard University and also studied religion at Oxford University. He was a Teaching Fellow at Harvard before returning to his native state of California where he served with the California State Legislature for Rev. Dr. Jack Scott in the State Senate. He also holds dual baccalaureate degrees in Government and in Chicano Studies from the University of California, Berkeley and has given courses in the History of World Religions, US Political and Social History and Religion and Chicanos at East Los Angeles College, Los Angeles Trade Technical Institute and California State University at Northridge. He has sat on numerous boards such as the Muscular Dystrophy Association, California Latino Legislative Caucus Madrias & Padrinos Program, is former President of The UC Berkeley Chicano Latino Alumni and of The Eastside Democratic Club, which represented the greater East Los Angeles area and honored him “Democrat of the Year”. Agredano-Lozano was born and raised in East Los Angeles, California, is of Mexican descent from the Jalisco Highlands. Agredano-Lozano, shares a strong commitment for and access to higher education. He has a deeply rooted interest in faith-based action towards social change. He is a strong believer in economic development and access to finance capital for economically depressed communities. Agredano-Lozano is currently the President of the Garvey Board of Education in the San Gabriel Valley of California, where he resides. EN ESPANOL: El señor Felipe Emanuel Agredano Lozano es de origin Mexicano, su familia proviene de los Altos de Jalisco. El nació y creció en el Este de Los Angeles, California y obtuvo dos licenciaturas en Ciencias Políticas y en Estudios Chicanos de la Universidad de California en Berkeley. Obtuvo el título de Maestría en la Universidad de Harvard y ha estudiado religion en la Universidad de Oxford, Inglaterra. Fué administrador en Harvard donde dio lectura hasta su regresar al el lugar de nacimiento California donde se desempeño como representante del Rev. Dr. Jack Scott, senator estatal. Agredano Lozano es historiador de religiones del mundo e historia politica cultural de los E.E.U.U. se ha dedicado a dar clases de en various colegios del Este de Los Angeles y en la Universidad Estatal de California en Northridge. Agredano Lozano ha encabezado varios puestos como miembro de la Asociacion de la Distrofia Muscular, fue presidente previo del Alumnado Latino de UC Berkeley y tambien fue presidente de los Demócratas del Este de Los Angeles cual le nombraron “Democrata del Año”. Agredano Lozano valora el ascenso a la educación superior y la acción basada en comunidades de fé hacia el cambio social. Igualmente, apoya el desarollo económico y el acceso a capital financiero para comunidades de bajos recursos. Ultimamente Agredano Lozano es el Presidente del consejo educativo del distrito escolar de Garvey en el valle de San Gabriel donde el reside. La Opinion, lo nombro "Lider del Futuro" en 2006 y el govierno de Espana lo nombro "Joven Lidere Hispano Americano" en 2001.

Anonymous said...


regardless of what happened or is happening with our Assembly, whether Jesus name or trinitarian, there is only one thing that is real in all this mess, if we do not love one another and treat each other with respect, we are wasting our time as a religious group.

Just throw in the towel, and live like the world that has no hope no God and no mercy, grace love.

"with this you will know that you are my disciples, that you love one another.." you might as well never have know about Jesus if this is not your motto...

then the pretense of a christian life, the tithing and offerings, the saintly look on Sunday is all in vain.

Do you really care?
I don't think so.

Anonymous said...

To November 7, 2007 6:39 PM

"The Petitioners and Consenters send letters to all pastors 10/04/07 now is 11/7/2007 where is the lawsuit? the GB must be laughing."

Are you implying that these men are a bunch of liars? Why don't you call Jason de Mille (AA attorney) and find out if he has received a call from the petitioners/consenters lawyer regarding the elections? Like they say... "Delay does not mean denied."

Anonymous said...

So Isaac Guttierez is looking to become famous ?

I thought these GB5 guys were in it for ministry ?

If you are in it for ministry why would you be on a talent search website ?

It makes you wonder how many singers musicians and choirs are using the ministry tag to get famous and make money.

Can you say SSP ! Por que de ministeriop no tienen nada.

Oh by the way I agree with earlier posts Marc Payan ( Payaso ) is a big JERK !!!!!!!

Anonymous said...


38 Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.


19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:


Is it possible that they were both saying the same thing?

Don't worry about formula, formulas will not save you; it is the blood that He gave that saves.

It doesn't matter which formula is used as long as you are referring to the same gospel of Jesus Christ and you are referring to His death, burial and resurrection.

You must have faith that God raised Jesus from the dead!

Anonymous said...

Jesus was NOT contradicting Peter so we DO NOT have to choose one's statement over the other.

You are mistaken in saying this my friend.

If the Oneness Doctrine has been revealed to you then you would understand that there is no contradiction to us it is plain to see in all scripture.

All Scripture is in harmony and there are NO contradictions only some lack understanding.

Anonymous said...


Apostolic Voice said...

New Rules ****Update 11/8/2007****

Over the past couple of days we've been working on a solution that would allow greater adminstrative control in controlling comments on this blog. We feel quite a bit of the comments are childish and belong on someone else's blog. The purpose of us being here is to discuss the current state of the AAFCJ and its continued growth. With that being said, in 48 hours (11/10/2008) we are going to require those that wish to voice their opinion and add pertinant discussion in this matter become registered users to this blog. We feel this will do a couple of things.

1. Allow us to control the frivolous comments in this site by removing those users that continue to waste bandwidth by commenting on their affection for the opposite sex and have no relevance to this discussion.

2. Create an identity (although that identity can still remain anonymous if you so desire) which will hold that identity responsible for its comments. For example, Mike A, will be forever Mike A because he has registered his identity and no one will be able to attribute a comment to him unless it really is him as with other registered users. To register please create an email account using GMail at or your prefered mail provider.

We are doing this because your voice really matters and we want it to ensure its influence is not diminished.

Please not that we have been contacted by leaders on both sides of this issue and both sides have positively reacted to the voicing of your opinions. (Don't ask who they are because we won't disclose that information.)

The rules below still apply.

Apostolic Voice

Anonymous said...

This is a great idea. I have been quite disappointed in the last week or so as the discussions have turned away from the purpose of this forum to juvenile topics. Thank you admin.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, Blogmaster, this was suggested to you when you first began the blogs, but that was ignored, But NOW that you've been contacted by bigwigs on both sides, you've caved in. Hmmm, is it that they are trying to control who says what? So- that will give you more access as to tracking correct?

Anonymous said...

Someone else start a blog where we can still give and get the cheese on folks. I don't know how or else I would.

Anonymous said...

THANK GOODNESS!!!!!!!!!! I am sick and tired of not being able to comment anything of sustenance because all of the acne-faced teenagers seem to have to respond to ANY entry with stupid comments.

For every 1 legitimate and valuable comment, there is 30 idiodic comments in return.

Unknown said...

Its only a matter of time before the apostolic assembly as we know it implodes.

There's been far too much shadiness. People like Edward Pacheco only have their own self interests at hand.

Talk about abandoning charity as outlined in the bible. What we have are money changers in the temple. From Valverde selling his cds, dvds, to the music people selling their cds, to pacheco lining up his wallet on scams. Jesus would runs these people out if he were to see them up close. Perhaps thats what we are seeing in front of our eyes. God is chasing out the money changers from the temple.

Anonymous said...

There is another site which I think will allow you to post your myspace type comments and even post pictures. It something like Apostolic Free Forum. Can the person in charge of that site please post a link?

Anonymous said...

I am the administrator of Apostolic Free Forum.

And no thank you I do not want the MTV Myspace crowd jamming up the site with trash.

They can stay on Myspace


Anonymous said...

it is but you have to register for that one, which is good because it eliminates all the idiots posting their nonsense. in other words- it's for adults. i think it is run by upc.

Anonymous said...

it is but you have to register for that one, which is good because it eliminates all the idiots posting their nonsense. in other words- it's for adults. i think it is run by upc.

Unknown said...

Even if Sanchez does resign, what do we get? Valverde. All these bishops need to step down. There needs to be OPEN and FREE Elections where the MEMBERSHIP gets to vote for the national leaders.

This system of only pastors getting to vote, only to have their votes dismissed is wrong.

The General Membership needs to be allowed to Vote. We pay the tithes, and therefore, We should make the decision.

Sorry, but this cronyism needs to come to an end. We need fully qualified people to run the organization. We don't need leaders that have a history of associating themselves with known convicted felons. We don't need leaders who have a history of fudging their resumes. We don't need leaders who are easily taken to playing partisan politics because carl rove invite them to a summit. We don't need leaders who have no track record of growth, who were given a church of 100 members and are now at 75. We don't need leaders who sell tickets to their own pastors day for $50.00. We don't need leaders who recruit other churches members. We don't need leaders who discourage higher education for the youth.

We need a house cleaning.

Anonymous said...


Kudos to you for FINALLY doing that!! Does this mean that you will now archive the other blogs on your site?

You should consider archiving after say 500 entries or so- it takes forever to scroll down to finally post an entry.

Anonymous said...

I don't need my pastor reprsenting ME when he votes. He won't represent me in Heaven, I will be the one to answer for my self, I shouldn't have to let HIM be the voice for MY opinion.

Open elections for all baptized members in good standing! Not just pastors!! WE do all the ground work, WE do the tithing, WE do the supporting, WE, WE, WE, WE- WE the people have a voice and it must BE HEARD!!!!!

Unknown said...

Who in their right mind, having been fully informed about the background, education and history of Mr. Edward Pacheco, would cast thier vote for him for ANY position?

He left to the mission field under a cloud of mystery.

Sam Valverde took over Mr. Pacheco's church soon after. I had no clue, at the time, that Sam Valverde was related to him.

Now that makes me wonder if Sam's hands are dirty in the car scam.

Sam's another person with a questionable background. He has his own shady ways as pastor and bishop.

Does Sam get a kickback from the Real Estate Department? All you need to do is follow the money.

Are Sam and Pacheco building their own personal wealth off the offerings and credit cards of the people of the Apostolic Assembly?

I think so.

Anonymous said...

Well 'Van' NOBODY in their right mind voted for Pacheco. That's how he earned his 'two vote Eddie' nickname

Anonymous said...

what's up Texas in the house

Anonymous said...

I know a secret from East Texas

Anonymous said...

Why do you all keep bashing Valverde and Pacheco?

You know very well that when you see them you will bow down to them and pay homage to them.

You run and get water for them when they are speaking on the pulpit, and cater to their every need.

Let's not be hypocritical and say things and not stand up for them.

When they walk in with their heads held high, not looking at anyone who they think is beneath them, along with Baldemar, Homa, Salomon, Sanchez and their wives...

The minute they walk in, you will be there to cater to them, so don't say what you are not willing to stand up to, we have enough hypocracy and double standards in the house!

Unknown said...

To: 3:04

If you or they don't like the bashing, perhaps they should step down from their political/religeous positions. If you can't stand to see your idols bashed, then get out of the kitchen. When they ran for the office, they voluntarily put themselves into a position to be bashed with public opinion. Even more so when they went to bed with Carl Rove by prostituting the church for partisan politics.

As for Pacheco, a good bashing is the least of this man's problems. He shouldn't be bashed, he should be INDICTED. Car scam, housing scam, associates, in the course and scope of his pastorship and bishopship, with CONVICTED FELONS.

The pastor is a position of trust. A Non-Profit Secretary owes a Fiduciary Duty to the members he serves. He's violated that one several times and needs to be held accountable too. If Valverde is actively protecting his cousin Pacheco, then he should be held accountable too.

Anonymous said...

What's up in East Texas?

Anonymous said...

Dear Van:

PDC... Why are you arguing with us? We are on your side. It is agreed that these people should be held accountable.

What we are trying to get across is that WE BASH ON ONE HAND and THEN CATER TO THEM in church when we see them, and just allow these men to continue thinking that they are above reproach.

If we truly believe that they need to be held accountable, WE NEED TO LET THEM SEE HOW WE FEEL, not just hide behind this blog.

We agree with you Bro, and just feel that it should show when we are in front of these men.

Maybe we should shun them like they shun us, and we need to find a way to stop their protection of one another.

Pacheco was not indicted on the car scam because Baldemar sent him to Chile, but now the same Baldemar who sent him to Chile until statue of limitations had run its course, is sueing him for election fraud.

It is okay to scam the brethren, but not to scam Baldemar and Co.

That is what bothers us, how hypocritical they are.

Anonymous said...

I agree....

We stand by hoping one of the General Board throws a bone at us.

We want to rub elbows with one of them.

That must be what has to be done to get in line to become Bishop.

That price is to high, and I think it is a good idea... let's shun them all.

What do you think the response will be?

I guess if they are ignored, they will have to actually be nice.

Unknown said...

I feel what you are saying. Maybe thats why we are seeing the implosion of the apostolic assembly as we know it.

There has to be a good purging, even if court ordered. Its sad to see our churches pillaged as they are. Whats sickening is seeing men who have no honor whatsoever, picking up the ofrendas and not using them as they are supposed to be.

Its a shame that our leaders continue in their little empire mentality.

I saw Malverde look straight into the camera at the Southern District Convention and call out people who have left accusing them of drawing away from God. And then he had the nerve to call out musicians for being premiscuous.

All the while, he turns a blind eye to the Bishop Secretary Edward Pacheco bring a CONVICTED FELON to the church, to get hermanos to refi their homes and invest their money WITH A MAN WHO WAS CONVICTED OF WIRE FRAUD BY THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT.

YES. I have the DOCUMENTATION. Our Bishop Secretary has a history and tendency to ASSOCIATE WITH CONVICTED FELONS aka CROOKS, HOODLUMS, SCAMMERS using his position of TRUST to CON-vince people to give up their hard earned money to CONMEN!

Is this they type of CHARACTER the CID was supposed to screen out?



He literally has brought the wolf to the sheep when he gathered those hermanos to invest their money with a KNOWN and CONVICTED FELON.

Thats like taking your daughters to a convicted rapist to babysit.

This General Board has no shame, no honor, no code of ethics, no discipline, no values.

Yes, that means you EDWARD PACHECO!

5 Million Dollar Homes in the last 2 Years.

3 Luxury Cars.

1 Car Scam.

1 Real Estate Investment Scam.

Many brothers you DEFRAUDED money from.

How much more money have you raised for CONVICTED FELONS this month Mr. Pacheco?

What share does the CONVICTED FELON give you as a BONUS/BRIBE to get Access to our Members?

Anonymous said...

Sanchez, Malverde, Espinoza, Gaxoila and Guzman must go.
They are the QC that screwed everything up.

And for sure Pacheco has to go, the little scum bag.

Gaxoila and Guzman the two disrict bishops that went along with the wicked plans of the GB, shouldn't even be allowed to teach Sunday School, let alone stand up there during conventions and give conferences. On what? Holiness?
I know people in prison with better morals then this bozos.

Might as well get rid of the whole GB. Buffet Maffet, Prado, Aguilar, Del Campo and his girl friday 2.

Oh yes and The GB5 and the apostolic J-LO

Anonymous said...

You know what all of us need, including myself, is a reality check! I agree with most blogs regarding the GB and the QC. what they did is wrong, unethical, immoral, and wicked. The Bible says in Numbers 32:23, "...behold, ye have sinned against the LORD: and be sure your sin will find you out." They will suffer the consequences, SOON! But the reality is this, my 14 year old daughter came to talk to me a few minutes ago. And she was troubled, and wanted guidance because one of her teenage friends confessed to her today that she wanted to commit suicide. It broke my heart because while we are just focusing on the nonesense of the GB, souls are really dieing, and falling by the wayside. It got me on my knees to pray for this young lady. I gave my daughter advice, and told her what to do. And how we are going to follow up on her to help her through this trying time in her life. Brethren, let's make our voices known! Let's speak out! Let's request accountability! But don't forget that you and I were saved by the Lord to reach and help the Lost. My heart is broken tonite! NOT because of what the GB board did, but because I can't stop thinking how many more teenager, or adults for that matter, are out there needing the help, comfort, and grace of a loving Christian who will take the time to just care. Pray for us that we might do the will of God in the lives of the lost, "Brothers, if someone is caught in a sin, you who are spiritual should restore him gently. But watch yourself, or you also may be tempted. Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ." Galatians 6:1-2 (NIV).


Anonymous said...

Concerned Texan

As long as I can remember the AA has really done nothing to help our district or our local churches the GB only come to TX whenever someone does something wrong but really encourage are pastors to keep giving to Flor Azul or Foreign Mission and we do not receive a report.

Anonymous said...

The bottom line on the elections is twofold:

1. If Hno. Sanchez and Hno. Valverde really believed that Hno. Solomon & Hno. Fortino should be out; they should have done it publicly and told the pastors they were not allowing them to run.

Have we the pastor's ever been informed why they were disqualified?

2. Next, Hno. Sanchez and Hno. Valverde should never have stuck their hands in putting there friends or relatives into the different positions.

That is why Hno. Sanchez and Hno. Valverde both look bad.

The others on the QC were also guilty because they looked the other way. But Hno. Sanchez and Hno. Valverde already knew what they were going to do before the elections.

After this fiasco I ask you pastors:

How can Hno. Sanchez and Hno. Valverde continue to lead the Apostolic Assembly of the Faith in Christ Jesus?

A concerned Pastor

Anonymous said...

Its all about CREDABILITY.

Sanchez has NONE.

This man is supposed to be a representative of the Faith.

Example where he's not a Christian. His son in law decides to leave the AA. Fine. He splits the church that was handed to him by his father in law.

But since it was egg all over Sanchez wrinckled face, he then ABANDONS his daughter and his grand children. Simply DISOWNS them.

Even Jesus forgave an adultress. But to take out your anger with her husband on his own daughter and grand children?

Thats just plain FOOLISH. Sanchez could have avoided the problem by not giving his son the church in Anaheim in the first place. But you know how they do it, puro cronyism.

CREDABILITY for Valverde:

Simply, he backed up his cousin Mr. Edward Pacheco, whom just loves to ASSOCIATE, PARTICIPATE with CONVICTED FELONS.

See Bernice Salcido Molina and Roger Alavarez, aka Rogelio Garduno Alvarez.

Mr Pacheco gives ACCESS to our Apostolic Assembly Members to known FELONS so they can suck us dry of our hard worked money in their SCAMS.



Mr Pacheco is, as a pastor, and as Bishop Secretary, supposed to watch out for OUR interests. Instead he sells access to us to Financial Rapists to take advantage of us only to then preach forgiveness from the pulpit.

Because of this Sanchez, Valverde, and Pacheco do not have any CREDABILITY and must be REMOVED from OFFICE.

Anonymous said...

Another point that shows that these men ar not doing things right and there are double standards is this.

There have been many Men of God who were not eligible to be elected to the National Board because they told them they had not filled the requirement of being a Bishop of a District first.

So how is it that there are some members of The General Board that have never been District Bishops ?

Example :

1. Abel Aguilar
2. Sam Valverde

So when its convenient they apply certain rules and look the other way when your part of the inner circle.

Then the worst part is that they say " The Lord directed me to choose and appoint so and so "


Anonymous said...

There is a reason why you should be a district Bishop before you can be on the general board.

The district bishops (supposedly) are voted in by their own peers, other pastors. If you can earn the respect of your fellow pastors in your own district, that shows that you have respected them when their have been transfers in and out of your church to theirs. It shows that you have respected them when there have been district, sector or other activities.

It shows that you have behaved and acted cordially when you are in a pastoral meeting with the rest of the pastors, etc...

You can fool some of the pastors some of the time but you can't fool all of the pastors all of the time.

After having shown your true character, then the pastors will respond by voting you in or not voting for you at all.

Valverde does not command respect within his own IDNC disctrict. Ask any pastor, starting with Abel & David Jimenez. There churches have been at each other throats for generations.

By the way, how long has Valverde been pastoring Fontana? Over 20 years!

He still hasn't earned the respect of the pastors and they have never voted him in as bishop.

There was a time in which you could be a pastor, bishop and board member.

Why wasn't he ever voted in by his peers to be bishop? Because they really know him. He really doesn't like the other pastors. He actually thinks they shouldn't be pastoring.

Anonymous said...


I would like to ask you to reconsider making 2 separate sections.

1. Section one would be with a log in as you are now proceeding.

REASON: All those reasons you have mentioned about the silly comments, etc...

2. Section two would remain exactly as you now have it.

REASON: All those silly kids could still post and there would still be an opportunity for those who have real stories to tell us about our public officials.

Most of us that are serious would not bother going into this blog but it could also be a source of information.

I have found that many of the stories posted were really legit.


Anonymous said...

Brother Sanchez should have advised and encouraged his board to step down, right along him, in the very beginning. They should have allowed for an investigative committee to look into the matter, in the very beginning. Truth of the matter is that the GB knew they had cheated their way into positions and didn’t care. They didn’t think it would ever come out and that NO ONE would ever have the audacity to question them, expose them, and least of all, sue them. They had AMPLE time to rectify this situation. Ample time to come clean and come out with some shred of dignity. Should have, could have, would have . . . if only.

If Brother Pacheco had any ounce of true love for the work of the Lord and any love for this organization, that has been his bread and butter for so long mind you, he should have been the FIRST to step down even before Brother Sanchez should have advised it. He is at the root of this fiasco. He is at the root of this immanent division. How can he accept a position that he didn’t rightfully attain? That alone speaks volumes about his character. But then can you expect any more from a man that is surrounded by so much controversy? His testimony has been tainted from years ago! It should weigh heavy on him that he is at the cause of this debacle. But a person like him is too proud and arrogant to ever admit or show that he was wrong.

The people of Israel were supposed to reach the Promised Land in 40 days, but God allowed them to wander in the desert for 40 years. Why? Even though He knew, God wanted to know what was in their hearts. He saw no good. Two people from the generation that started made it to the Promised Land. The AA is not the only organization going through a cleansing process. Many organizations are. Why? Sign of the times. God wants to see what is in the hearts of His church. God has allowed this to happen. He is cleaning house. He is purging His church. How many of us will make it to the Promised Land after this purging?

Our assembly needs a MAJOR reorganization under completely new leadership. Our constitution needs some MAJOR ratifications. Let’s pray that the next wave of leaders are really and truly, in every sense of the phrase, Men of God.

Whatever we do, wherever we go, let us NEVER leave the Body of Christ. A major division is immanent in our organization. It saddens me that some will leave to other oneness organizations, some will form their own churches, and unfortunately, some will just leave the Lord’s path all together. Brothers and Sisters, let us hold steadfast to the hand of the Lord and NEVER take our eyes off of Him because His coming is at hand. REGARDLESS OF WHERE WE GO let us never lower our Christian standards that God has given us, continue in His path and go forward. The change that is to come for our beloved organization will be a painful one, but we will heal with His help. This needed to be done. It is all in His perfect plan.

" todo el que dijiere Senor. . . "

Anonymous said...

Even since before the dictatorship of Brother Baldemar, things have been going wrong. (I say dictatorship because he ‘reigned’ as president for way too many years!) Baldemar allowed for Brother Valverde and Brother Pacheco to be on the GB without ever being bishops, a direct violation of the constitution. Should We the People countersue him for that? He put them there in the beginning and now we’re left to deal with the mess. Rumor has it that Baldemar himself was accused several years ago of a roving eye. Gees, is there not a decent man among us??????????????

I know for a fact, that the Flor Azul money raised in each district for the missionaries, is not all used on them. Half , if not more, stays at the headquarters, who do you think pockets the rest? I know this because a relative of mine used to be on the GB under Baldemar’s administration… and the stories he tells, well , leaves me speechless, and that usually does not happen!

We need to amend our constitution. Once you have served on ANY position in the GB, and any national board, you should NOT be allowed to run for ANY more positions any more. We have plenty of men & women who can do the job, if not better! They just recycle themselves, they change from position to position—collecting their hefty pay. Only visiting churches when something goes wrong, when it’s time to take someone off.

Same goes to some of the district bishops/elders. What DO they do? Over see the churches? Well, they’re not doing their jobs because most of the churches are falling by the wayside, being run by unfit pastors who are mini-versions of THEM. Especially here in the IE. Pathetically there are so many 30 member churches whose pastors have no vision and no clue how to administer funds, preach, run a church and deal with people. Some of them have a pretty building though, an EMPTY one, but a pretty one.

And while I’m at it. . .aren’t you tired of having Santa Leon and Georginna Marron on the Dorcs board? Are there not any OTHER Dorcs that could do the job? Why do they keep accepting these positions? Gees!! Give someone else a chance!!

Aren’t you tired of having Pacheco, Valverde, Baldmar, on the board of every administration? Are there not any OTHER men that could do the job? Why do they keep accepting these positions? Gees!! Give someone else a chance!!

It’s time for a CHANGE!!! All across the board!!! The people who tithe and do the brunt work of everything want and demand a change!! We have a voice and it WILL be heard!

Anonymous said...

Amen 9:36...

Let's get ready for a great move of God!

Anonymous said...

oops, 9:56, Amen!

Unknown said...

I have a few questions for Baldemar.

While you, Rev. Baldemar Rodriguez, were Obispo Presidente of the Apostolic Assembly in the Faith of Jesus Christ, Inc.

Why did you not Discipline Edward Pacheco during or after the Car Scam?

Why did you allow Edward Pacheco to continue as a Licensed Minister of the Apostolic Assembly?

Why did you promote Edward Pacheco to the Missions Field immediately during the Car Scam?

Did you in any way, shape of form, recieve any benefit from Bernice Salcido Molina or any of her Accomplices including but not limited to Edward Pacheco?

Anonymous said...

From my understanding, I have heard from several people that other pastors were also involved in that car scam with Pacheco-- I can't confirm this because it is heresay and I wasn't witness to that event. However, it makes me wonder, WHO ELSE was involved? These men have no shame, especially Pacheco- he let a woman take the fall for him. That's weak.

Speaking of scams- someone mentioned in earlier blogs about Isai Baeza and the house scams, from my understanding, Brother Viscarra was involved with him as well. Several pastors let them 'hawk' their churches in order to purchase these homes, I guess they were supposed to make money off of them. It backfired and they lost alot of money and yet the churches were left to foot the bill.

Why is it that these men keep getting themselves in these get rich quick scams? It's mind boggling. The pastors among us that have not been involved in scams and do not have a roving eye, are very few. That is pathetically sad.

Anonymous said...

Earlier posts suggested that it was announced at an L.A. church that Brother Sanchez had resigned. Anyone know of this??

Anonymous said...

to Van:
good points. Most ministers, if they do not tithe to their local, can get their ministerial license suspended. But Pacheco- instead got rewarded the Missionary position of Chile. Why DID Baldemar allow this?

Why WASN'T he dealth with??

Why does Pacheco threaten people in his church if they leave to another church, he will not give them a good recommendation? Especially if they are major tithers, he WILL NOT let them go! He reminds me of the Korean dictator.

Pacheco needs to step down.

Anonymous said...

My brother messed up when he was young- he was baptized at 11 and left church for a few months when he was 19. Now he's in his mid-thirties, completely dedicated to the Lord, and has this burning desire in heart for the ministry, he's been shot down every time by Pacheco and Lugo for that mistake he made when he was young. He's been told he will never be a minister. Because he left Pacheco's church years ago, and he had a small run in with Lugo years ago. These men never forget and are very vengeful. Men of God??

Yet, Pacheco, a well known crook has been allowed to continue as a minister, a pastor, and a board member of our organization. That is disgusting.

Anonymous said...

I've read all these stories on here, many many of them true and some- questionable. Either way, is this the mantle and the legacy of our heritage that I am supposed to pass on to my kids?? No thanks.

Unknown said...

Isai Baeza?

The same man that ran San Gabriel Apostolic Church into the ground.

The same man who gets involved in every multi-level scam there is.

The same man who teamed up with Memo Oros Alarms?

The same man after scamming dozens of people, ran a church into the ground, was given a pastorship in Ridgecrest by Bishop Jimenez?

No shame these people!

Anonymous said...

Yep that's the one, him and Brother Vizcarra were involved in THAT fiasco.

Bishop Jimenez- rumor has it he himself was also part of the car scam with Pacheco. I'm not too sure as to what level of involvement, but he was.

Disclaimer: In re Jimenez: just hearsay, not a proven fact as I was not witness to those events, however, I've heard this from several people who were scammed. Who else was involved?

Unknown said...

Was there ever an age of Innocense in the church? Or has it always been filled with Corruption?

Car Scams
House Scams
Alarm Scams
Sexual Abuses
Financial Abuses

What a legacy to leave the youth. May the good Lord purify our church.

Anonymous said...

Earlier posts suggested that it was announced at an L.A. church that Brother Sanchez had resigned. Anyone know of this??

Anonymous said...

Earlier posts suggested that it was announced at an L.A. church that Brother Sanchez had resigned. Anyone know of this??

Anonymous said...

Brother or siter anonymous 10:50.

Thats the problem with these holier than though types they judge someone for making mistakes and punish them by never allowing them to get involved in ministry.

But the calling is from GOD not man.

Anonymous said...

Why did not Baldemar do something about Pacheco?
This guys are all a bunch of con artist..they all have something on each other....and if someone trys to do something about something wrong that was done his name will get smeared to.
Malverde is the master of this so he probably stuck up for his cuz the slime ball Pacheco, but only thing now his going to have to pay for his mistakes. I don't believe he will ever be elected to be the President. His greatest desire to to be Pope Sammy the first.
Sad to say just about every Bishop walks around with his nose so high in the air I don't see how they breath, with the one exception being Pacheco. If he did that being a fat little short man his nose would be would always be up someones rear.

And about the roving eye I heard even ACN had one

Anonymous said...

After 11/10/2007

For Anonymous users who want to remain that way.

Anonymous said...

to Air it out: Oh great comment you entered in your blog-- that doesn't legitmize your site. Yep- it's for the pimple faced teens alright.

No thanks-- I'd rather give my identity.

Anonymous said...

Like it matters at this point, but folks- 2-vote Eddie only had one vote. He's 1-vote Eddie.

Apostolic Voice said...

Registered users are only allowed to comment.

I enacted this early due to the fact I will be going out of town tomorrow.

Dios Les Pague


LocoValdez said...

any truth to Bro. Sanchez resigning?

Anonymous said...

Any news on Sanchez resigning?

Anonymous said...

Hopefully, this comment policy change will elimate the stupid comments, and this blog can serve a forum for ideas and updates on the election.

If it's true that Sanchez resigned, then SV is in charge and this should get very interesting, very quick.

What the AA needs to do is move all the poewr to the local church. No where in the Bible is their precident for the enormous amount of control of the church by a few men, such as the GB. The AA should model itself after the UPC fellowship organizational structure, where the local congragations and pastors hold the key to the future of their church.

help us now said...

To that sister that talks great about Brother Abel Aguilar, what world are you living in? I was there and yes I am Gil I know that 99.99 percent of the people are not happy with him in Nor Cal. He is a great person to talk to however he is a horrible administrator. I would not let him run a lemonade stand much less a church. Here is the truth. When he left; the church had double the debt than when the building was first purchased. The building was purchased in the 70's for 200,000 when he left the mortgage was 400,000 (please keep in mind that at that time a regular home was less than 100,000). He and his wife had started a daycare business using the church funds and when he left, he sold the business and pocketed the money. This is the worst; the youth intended to purchase his office furniture by fund raising and working hard to not incur debtfor the church. He decided to take the cash and purchase the furniture on credit leaving the church with the debt. It was not discovered until he left that the money the youth had raised was pocketed and the furniture was still owed. He is a cool person however his lavish lifestyle did not fit a pastor who makes his money off of the backs of a bunch of minimum wage earners who are scrimping to feed and clothe their kids. One thing I do have to say is that he did not charge $100 a ticket for pastors day, they were free when he was here in San Jose.

Unknown said...

Baldemar allowed for Brother Valverde and Brother Pacheco to be on the GB without ever being bishops, a direct violation of the constitution. Should We the People countersue him for that? He put them there in the beginning and now we’re left to deal with the mess.

Unknown said...

The AA is doomed because we are founded on the myth of the Azusa Street Revival.

Ummm, when you base your inspiration on something other than the Bible, you are doomed.

Sadly, the AA is a bastard child church.

Unknown said...

Galatians 1:8

But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed.

This is a follow-up to van's comment about the AA being a "bastard child" to Christianity. Such a simple comment, yet it rings so true. The oneness pentecostal movement has always been characterized and scarred by unethical practices, scandals, divisions, exclusivity, dogmatic thinking, and the list goes on.

Is it not obvious that God's favor is not at all evident within the AA circles? Is it not obvious that the AA is an organization that is counterproductive to Christianity?

The AA's emotional ties to Asuza has blurred the vision of the cross. The AA is still celebrating Asuza and has forgotten to celebrate Christ.

The gospel according to Asuza St. is the very hinderance of the AA. The Asuza party is over and everyone has left the party to fulfill their mission. Yet, the AA is still trying to keep the lights on and the drinks flowing not realizing the party has ended.

Embrace Christ, not Asuza and you will see deliverance.

help us now said...

What's up with the Messengers of Peace National Board all but two of the officers havent been able to get their bio's on their and the AA website. If Frank Balboa doesnt have the time to write up a simple bio to place on the website how can he manage the affairs of the messengers of peace. The only one on the board that seems to have his stuff together is Steve Montenegro the secretary you can tell because he is probably the one that organized their website.

Connie said...

Fraudulent elections are not just at General Board level, but continues all the way down. The GB has a stranglehold on all positions so they can continue to control monies coming in from all sources of the Assembly.

Georgina Marron and Santa Leon and Misael Zargosa all have looked the other way when they handed committee funds to the HGB. Those funds are controlled and used by the GB. That is why they have been in those positions since the time of the dinosaurs.

This includes Flor Azul, fund raisers and all other money collected from the poor hermanos and hermanas who work on minimum wage job. .

Misael Zaragosa was President of the Varones, then he became pastor and continued to be President of the Varones, like it was in the beginning of the obra, when there were no other men to take these positions.

They continue to ask the innocent hermanas and hermanos of the assembly to FAST and PRAY before we vote in these elections.

But no matter what revelation comes to us from above, the decision will remain with the desqualificadora and the President who appoints whoever he can control and manipulate.

Just like he did with Francisca Fernandez and Linda Montes from FRESNO, they were not elected, but appointed by Sanchez.

What will be done…?

NOTHING, because we have the mañama syndrome. Mañana is good enough for us, and mañana never comes!

Unknown said...

Steve Montenegro? Yeah, he probably had his sister do his bio. He was in charge of the higher education network for the MOP. In three years, under Steve's leadership, they raised $00.00 and had one informal meeting.

Then he had the audacity to make it seem like he invented the wheel. Give me a break. Then the MOP appointed some other person, lazy as heck, to head the committee. To date, they had a pledge of $100.00

Does the word WORTHLESS ring familiar?

Balboa, Romo, Montenegro are making Richard Maffey look like Bill Gates.

Connie said...


Did you hear the latest?

All the Pastors have been order by the HGB to immediately send $5000. from each of their churches?

Does anyone know why?

Unknown said...

Who elected Balboa, Romo and Montenegro?

I can't see how these guys from Texas and Arizona came to Long Beach, California, and won. Not one person was elected from the most populous state of the AA and in our own back yard.

What did Romo Jr. ever do?

Balboa? The only Balboa I ever knew was Rocky Balboa.

At least Montenegro pimped the AA with the Arizona Republicans. And he too likes to preach outside the AA. Hmmmmm,.....

By the way, at the meeting Montenegro had, Dr. Amin paid for the subway sanwhiches, not the MOP.

Unknown said...

Sister Connie:

The $5000.00 the HGB is asking for is for several reasons.

1. Sam Malverde needs a wig.

2. Eddie Pacheco needs to be ready
to bail out his criminal

3. Martin Del Campo needs to pay
his HomeTown Buffet bill.

4. Leobardo Maffey needs to have
a Bail Fund for Leo Jr., who
has a record of beating women.

5. Sanchez needs to buy back his
daughter Becky's love.

6. Prado needs thereapy for 2nd.

Connie said...

Bro. Van...
The name Maffey is a dirivitive of the Chinese name 'Ma'.

The grandfather of Maffey changed his name of Ma to Maffey when he came from China to Mexico.

He returned to China, leaving some of his family in Mexico, later on some of them went to China to visit the Ma family over there.

The Maffeys are very gracious and forgiving people. They go out of their way to greet you in a Christian way. They are full of love and have a bubbling personality. Let them be.

Unknown said...

What in the world is your point? I do not understand the relevance of Chinese people changing their names from Ma to Maffey and visiting your grandpa in China. What does that have to do with ANYTHING?

I can only conclude that what you are trying to say is that people who have grandpas that change their names from Ma to Maffey and visit grandpa Maffey in China, do not break the law or beat their wives.

Thanks for the Maffey's historical ancestry - now let's stay on topic.

Anonymous said...

Maffeys Friendly ?

Go out of their way to greet you ?

Are we talking about the same family ?

You must live in a patallel universe where everything is opposite.

What a joke !

Sister from Central San Jose said...

Brother Help us now!

I am sad to have to come on this blog again to set the record straight.

You see hermano Gil, you speak very horrible things that you know nothing about.

You have a shady past like the time you were caught on the side of the central church during the preaching of the Word. I won't mention what you were caught doing because I believe and trust that you have changed your ways.

The church membership was about 65 people when brother Aguilar arrived and when he left there were about 325-350 people. The membership at central is currently about 225.

The church is now paid off and it worth more than $3 million dollars.

By the way most people really like Aguilar.

I can give you many examples of people from Northern that really like him.

You can say that people don't like him but the truth is that he has a good reputation with most people up here including those that went to central church when he was here. Sadly, Central church lost a lot of members when he left.

You don't seem to like brother Aguilar very much.

You should pray for him that God give you love for him, hermano.

I leave you with these scriptures hermano Gil.

1ra Juan 4:20
Si alguno dice: Yo amo a Dios, y aborrece a su hermano, es mentiroso. Pues el que no ama a su hermano a quien ha visto, como puede amar a Dios a quien no ha visto?

1ra Cor. 13:2
Y si tuviese profecia, y entendiese todos los misterios y toda ciencia, y si tuviese toda la fe, de tal manera que trasladase los montes,y no tengo amor, nada soy.

Unknown said...

The Maffeys friendly? What have you been smoking? Sista, I know its a natural herb, but its making you lose a few brain cells.

Chinese? Yeah, one of the Maffeys looks like he has Chinese eyes and on a good day, could pass for Buddah.

But back to the topic. How many votes did Leobardo Maffey get?

Unknown said...

Are we formulating some kind of strategy to hold the GB accountable to these issues at the convention?

I suggest that we form a committee and have a press conference calling on the US Senate to include the Apostolic Assembly in their investigation of the tax status of Church 501c3.

jose said...

Any more info on the lawsuit?

jose said...

To Van
Can you give more details
4. Leobardo Maffey needs to have
a Bail Fund for Leo Jr., who
has a record of beating women.

Unknown said...


Leo Jr. beat his girl friend. What an example of a Godly man.

Anonymous said...

It wasnt Leo Jr who was arrested for beating up his girlfriend.

It was his younger brother Stephen who beat up his then girfriend stacie.

Unknown said...

Oh, I stand corrected. Wrong Maffey. Still, what an example those Maffeys.

But it was still in Leo Sr house. The man can't control his household.

Stephen got that behavior somewhere....

jose said...

Leo Jr or Stephen
Now you are telling me that both of them are women beaters?
Shame on women beaters.

Unknown said...

Look, the bible says to teach a child in the ways of the Lord. If a man has the gaul to beat a woman, then he learned it somewhere, ke no?

The Maffeys show big signs of being machistas. Its in their Mexican culture. Stephen beat his gf, in the house of Leo Sr. This must have been permitted behavior by the man of the house. Leo Sr.

Leo Sr., who just happens to be Pastor and now National Bishop.

National Bishop Maffey allows women beating in his household.

jose said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Roy Hernandez? lol thats right. not to mention his brother Gus. Gus with the help of another sister, kidnapped a kid and held him for ransom. They were involved with the Crips and Darrel Hicks, who played for the Rams who was convicted of selling cocain. All did prison time. I know the "sister". She did time in Chowchilla womens facility.

Yes, its all documented fact per police records, court records.

I will give credit to Gus, the last time I saw him, he did his time, was repentant actually helped some of the homies in prison find the Lord.

Unlike Bishop Edward Pacheco.

I would call him Pachuco, but pachucos, in the gang life have their own code of honor. Edward Pacheco has no code, no honor, nothing.

Anonymous said...

That midget Pachueco is corrupt to the bone.

At least if he was a cool dude you could say poor guy we all make mistakes.

But he has the nerve to be arrogant on top of being corrupt.

He makes people stand in line to greet him at his church as if he was royalty.

Unknown said...

$50.00 per month for Widows? Jajaja Thats what Bishop Martin Del Campo drops at Los Mariscos for lunch. lol

Unknown said...

Our constitution needs some MAJOR ratifications. I would like to see an amendment that once you have served two terms on ANY seat on the GB- you are NOT allowed to run again. This will eliminate any monopoly of positions.

These men hold on to these positions because there is no checks and balances in place in regard to their salaries.

IT'S AN EMBARRASEMENT AND A SHAME that a Pastor's widow only get a measly $50 a month as compensation for her husband's dedication and work. $50 a month for her husband and her neglecting their familis (this is the way the old timers were taught)- while they, the GB have these exhorbant salaries that are so unnecessary. It's a shame!

Thank God my mother will want for nothing should my father ever pass away. Number one, God will supply all her needs, and second of all, due to my father's investments he's made sure she is taken care of and not ever need their $50.00. (And before you all jump on the bandwagon that he's a pastor therefore he's a thief, think again! He's invested his money in property WAY before he was ever a pastor. He also inherited some money from his father. He learned to be a good steward with his money- and better yet-- the church's money as well)

$50.00- not even my teenaged son couldn't survive on $50.00 allowance!!!!!

Unknown said...

Just like churches are supposed to give their members the fund reports, I would like to see a District report of funds collected, better yet, I think the national boards need to supply each church with quarterly reports for their respective groups- the GB should be no exception.

Unknown said...

Memo Oros

Any info?

downtown_eddie said...

"Linda Montes from FRESNO" YUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think she goes to Gaxoila's church!! member of the QC.

Go figure

Connie said...

Everyone is talking about wearing a pin at the convention that says "Out with the CID"

It is not only the CID that we need out, but the Qualifying Committee needs to be taken out of the Constitution as well.

That is the REAL CULPRIT!

BRO. VAN, let's meet at the Dallas Convention parking lot and call a press conference. If you spear head it.... we'll support you.

I honestly believe that the majority of the people do not know what is really happening at HQTRs.

Be Bold, Be Moses, Be Joshua...
Be a Warrior.... Let's change the Assembly's future.

In Jesus Name! Tell those mountains 'be thou removed!'

downtown_eddie said...

GOAL FOR 2007 for flor azul


Wonder what percent goes to missions and what percent goes into the HGB Pockets?

Have you seen the AA doras Page?

Why do they all look alike?

Overweight, same hairdo, and kinda of Ugly

Connie said...

Dear Shadow....

You are so right about the Flor Azul goal.

But they better reach it, each district better comply.

If not it will reflect on the BISHOP.

He will be told that he has 'no revival.'

He will be told that he is incompetent.

The shoving begins from the GB to the Bishop, the Bishop pushes the District Elders, the Elders and Bishops and Pastors, push on the District Dorcas President, she pushes the local church Presidents of the Dorcas and the local Presidents push the local treasurers, and the treasurers push and shove on the members....

More Tamales
More Food Plates
More Velos
More Rifas
More garage sales
More Candy sales
More Peanut Butter Brittle
More Pupusas
More Tacos....

THe poor, innocent Dorcas working their fingers to the bone and its never enough!

Not sufficient for the HGB...

More New Cars
More million dollar houses
More travel
More expensive hotels
More resturants
More Girl Fridays
More season sports tickets
More corporate cell phones
More corporate Am Express Cards
More Custom Tailored suits
More Rolexes
More over booking time at the Convention centers.
More booking of the penthouse suites at the Convention.

Guess who oversees giving the money to HGB for all of this...
----Santa Leon
----Francisca Fernandez
----Linda Montes from Fresno

Don't forget that the Board and the Dorcas travel abroad, to 'visit' the mission fields...

so fire up your stoves, sisters and get working..

Unknown said...

We were all serving as monkeys...

The light has shined!

Connie said...


You are asking why they all look alike? They all want to look like Eva Sanchez.

If you are wondering why they all look alike. They have too, in order to be in the Confederacion de Sociedad Femenil Dorcas.

They are cloned.

But Santa Leon, Linda Montes Francisca Fernandez and Georgina Marron all dye their hair, which is a big sin according to the doctrine.

The real sin here is how they exploit the hermanas to make huge amounts of money to give to HGB.

Same look, same hair, same veil, mannerisms, passive, and complacent to the GB President.

help us now said...

Sister from Central is tripping. What does what I got caught doing with your sister on the side of the church have to do with Aguilar. Like I said, he is a cool person however, I would not like to see him handle a dime. Funny how you did not refute any of the claims I made because you know they are true. I was there when he took the cash for the office furniture. We worked really hard and he scammed us, that is shady. You know that the Noah's Ark Day Care off of King and Alumn Rock was also a scam. Yeah alot of people did like him and a bunch of idiots followed him all the way down south to So Cal that does not mean anything. A bunch of people followed Jim Jones to Guyana does that make him a great person, I dont think so. The fact that the new pastor worked hard and paid off the church does not mean that Aguilar did not accumulate debt to finance his lifestyle. Instead of defending Aguilar's misdeeds you should recognize your new pastors wise management of funds. Some of the current members have confirmed to to me that the current pastor lamented all the time that he was left with a large debt event more than the original price of the church (I was told that he said it from the pulpit).

Connie said...

Dear Bro. Van...

We are not talking about monkeys.

We are talking about the great, ingenious idea of a press release spear headed by you in Dallas in the upcoming Convention.

Do you think that all those who were so open on the blogs over all these months are willing to chance being blackballed and shunned and possibly excommunicated from the Assembly for openly expressing their right to free speech in the parking lot of the Convention Center?

Do any of us dare go ahead with anything like this? Will they use water hoses on us like they did to Martin Luther King?

Over the past months, people have showed their concern, anger, frustration, resentment about what is going on in the Assembly.

Many have already left but have been voicing their opinions from a safe distance away. They wouldn't stay and fight like I believe you will. Are you our Gideon?

We have a right to be informed and to participate in change. Will we take advantage of that right and make a stand?

WE 'SHOULD' OVERCOME... in Jesus Name.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

That guy is a nut! He has no tact at all. He's just as twisted and distorted as the health and wealth message that the Apostolic Assembly preaches.

"Name it and claim it!"

That concept alone will keep you from having a true genuine relationship with Christ. Sadly, it's this concept that the AA leaders have instilled in their organization for many many decades. This is the poison that is keeping the Assembly from living in Christ - or living at all for that matter.

Anonymous said...

I dont trust any man that wears pink and has young boys hanging around him.

This false prophet is ignorant and is so far from understanding that it is sad.

Anonymous said...

What in the world has any Maffey ever accomplished ?

Leo Maffey _ Daddy gave him a church.

Richard Maffey Bishop Bother hooked him up.

And neither church has any kind of vision or growth.

The hermanos from their church witness and bring the souls and the maffeys and their bad attitudes drive them away eventually.

And now stephen the girlfriend beater is being groomed to be a minister ?

Can you guess whos taking over when Leo retires ?

Hmmmmm I wonder ?

Unknown said...


Why are you fixated on the mans fashion and the minor aged boys?

I know it may be difficult, but please dust off your brain and analyze the content of what the man has to say.

If you don't trust a man that wears pink, why do you have a GB5 Poster in your room?

Again, use your intellect, not your emotion to analyze.

Unknown said...


False prophet? Yeah, coming from a guy who has a Sam Valverde collection of teachings. Followed up by The Aguilar Collection with a few cds from Eddie Pacheco.

Give me a break. Your Creflo Dollar cds are waiting for you.

Unknown said...


Jesus wore a robe. A toga if you may. Does this mean you wouldn't listen to Jesus? I bet good money that most of the men in the bible didn't wear pants or suits.

What you got to say now?

Unknown said...

And one more thing before I go. The General Board and Qualifying Committee all wear suits. They even have the "Official" look.

Yeah, look where these men have taken us. We have a broken system. Fraudulent elections, bogus Prosperity Doctrine, no accountability, financial fraud, adulterers, a church that is offered JUNK by our HGB, all in suits.

To borrow a phrase, "Its in the Fruits, not the Suits".

Anonymous said...


WOW did I hit a nerve with you ?

Just come out of the closet already with all that anger and frustration.

I was joking around but I obviously hit you where it hurts.

You must be the leader of the flor azulers cause you got all tender about such a comment.

And with a name like van no wonder is that short for vanessa wich is what you dress up as on the weekends.

Your probably also a member of the buffet family.

jose said...

How can we call this saga:


Unknown said...


Please do continue to enlighten us with your ignorance.

Anonymous said...


Whats the matter did your little feelings get hurt ?

You must be a follower of that false prophet.

You can follow ATLAH all the way to the lake of fire.

Dont talk junk if you cant handle it son.

jose said...

The great statesman Edmund Burke challenged the people of this Apostolic Assembly to fight against the rise of evil and said, "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."
The Word of God said, "When the righteous are in AUTHORITY, the people rejoice: but when the WICKED BEARETH RULE, the people mourn" Proverbs 29:2

Unknown said...


Bring it on boy. And bring a note pad, cause you're about to be taken to school. I don't talk junk, I burn it.

As for the lawsuit, its going to take a while for all you people asking for updates. Its a lawsuit, not a football game with up to the minute updates. Please be patient.

jose said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...


"Bring it on boy. And bring a note pad, cause you're about to be taken to school. I don't talk junk, I burn it."

I pretty sure that this is about the lamest comments I've ever seen on this blog. Now, you don't only have to worry about the GB finding you out and kicking you out, but now you need to worry about us bloggers finding out who wrote the absolute most "corniest" comments on the blog.

I guess "it's on like Juan"
Don't mess, cuz I'm blessed.
I brought the pad, but I won't be had"

Dude, you're the greatest.

Anonymous said...

I'm just realizing that the fate of the AA, the salvation for mankind, the leadership for the the endtime revival, and the man responsible to lead the church through the most glarious, opportunistic time for revival and the rapture generation is in the hands of Dan Sanchez.

Ok, now I'm scared.

Anonymous said...

And...the guy that's going to chronicle the entire event is Pachueco! On the verge of the greatest demonstration and glorious generation for all Apostolics, Pacheuco stands at the helm ready to lead us all on!

Ok, is this God showing us that "He can use anybody." Or, is this God saying, "return to your first love, and get your house in order."

help us now said...

If you guys think these cats are bad just look at Joyce Meyers she just bought a $23,000 toilet for herself an $11,000 french clock.

"Meyer’s ministry has reported spending at least $4 million on five homes for Meyer and her four children, the largest of which is Meyer’s 10,000-square-foot Cape Cod style estate that spreads over three acres and includes a private putting green, a gazebo, a pool and a pool house."

"Creflo Dollar, pastor of World Changers Church International, is one of those under investigation. He has several Rolls Royces, private jets, a million-dollar home in Atlanta and a $2.5 million Manhattan apartment."

This is how bad the GB would be if they had access to the type of cash the televangelist are getting. However they cant b/c they live of of poor folks.

jose said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Wow. They admit over $2,000,000 in Salaries and Administrative costs.

Thats over $2,000,000 not spent on charity.

Thats over $2,000,000 spend on lavish.

The AA GB taxes the poor and spends it on themselves.

No wonder Timmy Valverde loves those No-Bid Contracts.

jose said...

General and Administrative Expenses (See Statement of Activities H.Q.) Administrative expenses were
72.09% in calendar year 2005 compared to 60.57% in calendar year 2004. Administrative expenses totaled
$3,933,288 and $3,505,149 in calendar year 2005 and calendar year 2004 respectively, an increase of
$428,139 or 12.21% from 2004 to 2005. General and administrative expenses for 3rd Qt. 2004 were
$2,868,619 or 62.14% of revenue.

jose said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

It makes me sick to think a crook like Edward Pacheco is on our payroll.

It makes me sick to think he's got access to the money, a willing cousin on the board.

It makes me sick to think of all the waste of tithes and hermanas work on flor azul.

We really need to stop giving to Rancho Cucamonga. There has to be a away we can accomplish this. Giving Valverde, SanChez and Pacheco access to so much money is like giving an acoholic the keys to the liquer store.

Unknown said...

Why are there soo many people from Fountain of Truth on the AA Payroll?

Sam Malverde has got his own little fiefdom.

Congradulations to all us monkeys for letting him get to that position.

Unknown said...

Basically, that report was like the person who talked and talked and in the end, said nothing.

That report was full of so much garbage. Did anyone notice that the administrative expenses was in the million while everything else was in the hundred thousands? AND, did you notice the categor for OTHER? The amount is not a simple amount of a few bucks, it's in the hundred thousands. On any report such as this, there should NEVER EVER be a category such as MISCELLANEOUS or OTHER. Every penny should be accounted for. How do you spend thousands on OTHER and cannot find a category to put it in?

In reality, the report didn't have a breakdown of anything!! There's no breakdown of income and expenses in detail. Everything is too generalized, which makes it all the eaiser to skim off the top.

I KNOW FOR A FACT that they skim off the top of the Flor Azul projections. Most of the money does not reach the missionaries. How do I know that? I heard it from a Missionary's mother, who USED to be in the missionary field herself and I heard it from a relative who is a former GB member who served under the dictatorship of Baldemar.

And to think, every church bends over backward to collect money for the Flor Azul- for what? To line the pockets of these arrogant fellows and their families. I wonder if the GB members' churches give their tithe of tithes.

As for that report- it is garbage. If they use an accounting firm to help with the reports, they need to fire the firm because the information is not clear. If they don't already have a firm to help, they seriously need to hire one. I highly doubt that the General Treasurer came up with that system all on his own. The presentation of it is nice, cute tables and all, but the information is too generalized.

And while I'm at it, what exactly do the administrations' fringe benefits consist of??

Unknown said...

To Van (10:54)

"Why are there soo many people from Fountain of Truth on the AA Payroll?" QUOTE

Quite a while back I applied for a position there- I won't go into detail as to what position- I interviewed, and was pretty much offered the job. I was told that the last thing that needed to be done was get the Bishop's approval. Which would be Felipe 'PowerHungry' Lugo. Years ago, my father had a falling out with him over something so insignificant, but yet huge enough to make Lugo hate our family. I knew I had no chance and declined.

Felipe Lugo, apparently, approves candidates for staff positions at HQ if you are from his district.

How do you like that? So, in essence, HQ are staffed by FOT members because Lugo approved them. Either that or he couldn't stand up to Valverde and caved in.
If that is the case, it leads me to another story.

He's a bully. He knows which pastor's to bully and threaten to take away their churches if they don't grow. He only picks on certain ones. However, his church has not grown, on the contrary, it has lost many members. As a pastor, if you cross him in ANY way that irritates him, he WILL bully you. If you kiss his flat behind as most do, even if you suck at being a pastor, you'll keep your church. Men like him, who go around bullying everyone, saying no because that is their final word and are power hungry like he is, usually have no say so at home and so they feel they have to excercise the power they can't at home on everyone else.

If I was a pastor and he wanted to come take me off for no GOOD reason- I would sue him and the AA.

Unknown said...

To APOSTOLIC, you said that the 'fate of salvation of mankind lies in the hands of Sanchez'

What kind of twisted, anti-Christ, perverse comment is that???? You just literally made me sick to my stomach.

Salvation of mankind does not rest on Sanchez, it rests on Christ. The AA is only a vehicle or a means to get to Christ, or atleast that's what the AA proclaims. The problem is, the engine is on but no one is driving.

Do not worry about the AA's failure to partake in accomplishing the spread of salvation to mankind , there are plenty of Christians doing that already, feel free to join us.

Unknown said...

I agree with Repus, salvation of mankind does not rest on Sanchez, it rests on Christ. That could be quite an ego boost for him, or anyone else.

Our job here is to witness and win souls for Christ, whether you are AA or not. You don't need permisison from your pastor, you don't need to be a minister. It is every saved person's responsibility to win souls for the Kingdom of God. Time to stop resting on your laurels and get to work.

Unknown said...

Brain fart. I meant to say, stating that kind of comment could add to their egotism and arrogance.

jose said...

To happy: good post. I have a question for you, how in the world 600+ pastors approved a report such as that?

Unknown said...

Where on the Report can I find the payment for Sams Escalade? And Missys too. Is that under PERKS?

I hear, through the Grapevine that one of Martin Del Campo's perks is an "All you can eat card" for Tacos Mexico. lol

Pastor said...

Where are all the defenders and prophets for the GB that so strongly declared there was no lawsuit? I would like to hear from them.

downtown_eddie said...

Wonder if Missy uses the company credit card to fuel up?

Jan Crouch quote “If my heart really, honestly desires a nice Cadillac…would there be something terribly wrong with me saying, ‘Lord, it is the desire of my heart to have a nice car…and I’ll use it for Your glory?’ I think I could do that and in time, as I walked in obedience with God, I believe I’d have it.
The Crouches also say if your not giving to the network you are robbing God. hmmmmm sounds alot like he won't get in your car if you don't tithe Abel is their neigbor

Anonymous said...


The comment was a sarcastic comment meant to highlight once again how many apostolics do believe: we're the only organzization with the only true message. Thus, those that lead the AA must be the last great hope for mankind, and hold a monopoly on the truth and salvation for mankind.

Connie said...

We heard tonight on the news that Thankgiving week is the most heavily traveled holiday of the year.

Even the military airports will be opening for domestic and international flights to get families and friends to be together for Thanksgiving.

You can see how out of focus in family relations the AA is.

A big part of the AA is traveling to Dallas to be with the HGB for Thanksgiving.

I realize that first generation Pastors are not used to celebrating Thanksgiving.

Some pastors are arriving to Dallas as early as Sunday when the Convention actually starts on Tuesday.

What a statement they give their children. 'Will go as far as we can to get away from you.'
No wonder their children rebel.

You would think that the HGB would focus more on keeping the family together. After all, that is the source of their riches.

But that is precicely what the 1st chapter of Romans talks about. They have been totally confused for sinning against God.

This situation of spending Thanksgiving with the HGB instead of their families, explains the cultish, self-centered control of the HGB toward all the pastors.

In saying all this, I forgot that the HGB does not focus on families celebrating Thanksgiving, but the HGB knows that all the Pastors, Bishops and Elders and almost all the members are first generation immigrants who do not celebrate Thanksgiving in their country of origin.

Unknown said...

Sam Valverde celebrates Thanksgiving every Monday. When he deposits the Sunday ofrenda into his bank.

Connie said...

Did you read the reports submitted by Sanchez and Valverde?

They sound like Cantinflas, 'dos pasos para alante y cuatro para atras.'

Sounds like a filibuster in order to be able to present their faces in Dalles this week.

Cantinflas, by the way, was a Mexican comedian. What do you think these are?

Unknown said...

You made an interesting observation. While everyone else is flying in, the AA is flying out. That alone should speak volumes of where the GB stands in regards to family values.

I think Thanksgiving is a perfect opportunity not only to display your gratefulness toward God, but also a perfect opportunity to drop a seed of influence about Christ to all those present at the family dinner. But instead of maximizing this opportunity, the AA is flying out, shutting the doors and will be picking up an offering.

Now there's another example of being counterproductive to Christianity. My goodness, common sense is no longer common.

Anonymous said...

You missed the whole point of having the convention during the Thanksgivng weekend: cheap hotel and convention rates!!!!!

What other religious organization, except the JWs, would hold a convention during the most celebrated holiday of the year. I still remember the look on my co-workers face when I told them I was headed the Anaheim for a church event during Thanksgiving.

And, who in the world would want to be there instead of home with family and friends? I never understood it. It's those that hope for some position or have a position and the feeling of importance keep them coming every year, year after year.

Unknown said...

The AA has over 600 pastors who may or may not take their families to each convention. I understand that pastors are required to go to conventions. What I can’t figure out is why the REST of the people (who ARE NOT required and obligated to go) bother to attend?

I’ve gone to 2 conventions over Thanksgiving in my life. The first one was about 12 years ago. The last one I went to was roughly 7 years ago. It was a waste of time and money. Never again. And from what I hear, they’re going downhill year after year.

But why DO the rest of the people go? You don't have to, you’re not obligated, you’re not forced to go. So why go? Everyone's complaining about convention being during Thanksgiving Holidays- but in reality- if people wouldn’t SUPPORT conventions during the holidays- they WOULDN’T have them during the Holidays!! STAY HOME and spend some much needed time with your families. Afterall, the only ones obligated to go are Pastors.

I highly doubt that they can afford much with just the Pastors being the only ones to give offerings during services. They can’t ask the churches for more than what they already are. So if WE THE PEOPLE stop supporting conventions during the Holidays- I think attendance will continually go down and they will eventually stop.

And really- why do the MOP also have the youth conventions during Thanksgiving as well? They’re not 1st generation apos who don't celebrate the holidays- why do THEY continue to have them during the holidays??

And what DO YOU really get out of going to conventions anyway? You get more into debt trying to find the right outfits to wear, you eat 2-4 times daily, your hotel, and your travel can be an exhorbant amount. And as if that wasn’t enough, you have to register and pay to attend the services. The preachings have gone downhill, the conferences leave alot to be desired. Most people go to see other friends they haven’t seen in a while, some go to meet new people, and some go because . . . I’m not sure why they go. . . but if networking is the main reason for going- there’s many other things to do that can give you the same results. You can’t tell me you go because of the services—

Some people use the conventions as a 'vacation'. I got news for you folks- that is NOT a vacation. Take your families on REAL vacations!!

So let’s stop our whining and complaining about why they shouldn’t have them during Thanksgiving. If you don’t like it, don’t go. Simple as that. Unless you’re a Pastor- in which then you don’t have much choice. But really—I think as long as you give the Five Families of the AA your stuffed envelope- they’ll excuse you.

BOYCOTT CONVENTIONS!! BOYCOTT giving ANY money to the district and national levels- don’t line the pockets of these people any more!! Give to your local churches only! Headquarters gets the tithes of tithes anyway- that should be enough. If GOD himself only asks 10% from us—why should the AA HQ require more from us?

Unknown said...

The AA has over 600 pastors who may or may not take their families to each convention. I understand that pastors are required to go to conventions. What I can’t figure out is why the REST of the people (who ARE NOT required and obligated to go) bother to attend?

I’ve gone to 2 conventions over Thanksgiving in my life. The first one was about 12 years ago. The last one I went to was roughly 7 years ago. It was a waste of time and money. Never again. And from what I hear, they’re going downhill year after year.

But why DO the rest of the people go? You don't have to, you’re not obligated, you’re not forced to go. So why go? Everyone's complaining about convention being during Thanksgiving Holidays- but in reality- if people wouldn’t SUPPORT conventions during the holidays- they WOULDN’T have them during the Holidays!! STAY HOME and spend some much needed time with your families. Afterall, the only ones obligated to go are Pastors.

I highly doubt that they can afford much with just the Pastors being the only ones to give offerings during services. They can’t ask the churches for more than what they already are. So if WE THE PEOPLE stop supporting conventions during the Holidays- I think attendance will continually go down and they will eventually stop.

And really- why do the MOP also have the youth conventions during Thanksgiving as well? They’re not 1st generation apos who don't celebrate the holidays- why do THEY continue to have them during the holidays??

And what DO YOU really get out of going to conventions anyway? You get more into debt trying to find the right outfits to wear, you eat 2-4 times daily, your hotel, and your travel can be an exhorbant amount. And as if that wasn’t enough, you have to register and pay to attend the services. The preachings have gone downhill, the conferences leave alot to be desired. Most people go to see other friends they haven’t seen in a while, some go to meet new people, and some go because . . . I’m not sure why they go. . . but if networking is the main reason for going- there’s many other things to do that can give you the same results. You can’t tell me you go because of the services—

Some people use the conventions as a 'vacation'. I got news for you folks- that is NOT a vacation. Take your families on REAL vacations!!

So let’s stop our whining and complaining about why they shouldn’t have them during Thanksgiving. If you don’t like it, don’t go. Simple as that. Unless you’re a Pastor- in which then you don’t have much choice. But really—I think as long as you give the Five Families of the AA your stuffed envelope- they’ll excuse you.

BOYCOTT CONVENTIONS!! BOYCOTT giving ANY money to the district and national levels- don’t line the pockets of these people any more!! Give to your local churches only! Headquarters gets the tithes of tithes anyway- that should be enough. If GOD himself only asks 10% from us—why should the AA HQ require more from us?

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

OK- I had a brain fart. Not sure how I deleted my comment. But I meant to say i apologize for the double entry above on my original comment. I'm being asked to re-enter my word verification several times, thus ending in the double entries. Sorry.

Unknown said...

General Conventions used to be held during the summer. In July. They weren't bad at all.

I can agree in part about Happy's sentiments about convention, anf I can disagree in part.

I agree that the conferences are lacking.

Then there are the chessy themes. "What do these stones mean?" "Corre, hermano, Corre" "Teach thou sound doctrine" "A More Excellent..."

Convention had become part of the apostolic culture. I don't see anything wrong with that. Kind of an apostolic Ramadan.

Obviously, their a place where you can socialize with your fellow apostolics(young people, middle agers and so forth) I still know people I met at a convention from when I was a Jr.

Lately, the conventions are vacant of any substance. Social, educational, spiritual, etc...

Instead, we get charged so we can go hear Sam Malverde preach about "How to make a turkey" or hear him crying wondering why soooo many young people have left the church to join Calvary chapel, or Faith Community, or listen to the boyband gb5. As for networking, yes, back a few years ago it was good. But attendance has dwindled down severely.

Conventions aren't even good for a good old "Lobby Service".

Its funny that Sam Malverde would whine about young people going to other churches like Rick Warrens, or Calvary Chapel. The Irony is that Sam Malverde plagarizes sermons from the pastors from those churches. Why not just go to the source?

What should we expect from a La Puente Bible School Graduate?

so cal district man said...

From very reliable sources...
The lawyers from both sides met yesterday afternoon in San Bernardino County Court Annex in Rancho Cucamonga in a pretrial hearing. This lawsuit is moving fast and furious. Can somebody verify if the file is there in SB County already?

Unknown said...

I personal believe that Mr. Valverde has done well for himself. Now is cousin Mr. Pacheco that is a different story.

I heard that when Mr. Pacheco came back from Chile he brought back a lot of expensive stuff. If any of Mr. Pacheco's family is reading this you know it is true.

Do the HGB members think that they do wrong by using the AA credit card for private use. NO.

I quote "We give up so much for the AA why shouldn't we enjoy the fringe benefits."

downtown_eddie said...

Did you see Mr Bean's report on Chrsitian Ed.

Salaries and fringe benefits.

Office Expense


Travel and meetings


Travel and meeting with who?
thats a whole lot of Tacos

What a bunch of rip offs!!!!

we need to get rid of the whole bunch

downtown_eddie said...

Go read mile A's Response to Pacheco’s Associates.
He says
Thats why Roger came to the lord beacuse of all the wrong he did and put aside in 03 then why was he doing all this stuff with pacheco just last year.

And whats that got to do with pacheco being innocent

Unknown said...

Pacheco bought a lot of expensive stuff when he got back from the Mission Field?

Well, that answers my question as to what he did with the money that Hermanos and Souls gave to him, in CASH in the Car Scam.

Mr. Edward Pacheco, while licensed by the Apostolic Assembly as a minister and pastor, did make presentations to chuches on the Car Scam, accompanied by several Criminal Accomplices.

Mr. Edward Pacheco, while licensed as a minister and pastor of the Apostolic Assembly did use his influence as a pastor to gain access to members of the Apostolic Assembly church in various cities.

Mr. Edward Pacheco, while licensed as a minister and pastor of the Apostolic Assembly church, did make false presentations and representations to Members of the Apostolic Assembly to gain Money, in the form of CASH, under FALSE PRETENSES.

Mr. Edward Pacheco while licensed as a minister and pastor of the Apostolic Assembly Church, did not terminate his involvement with the Car Scam, a Criminal Conspiracy to defraud members of their money, until AFTER the matter had been reported to authorities.

Mr. Edward Pacheco, while a licensed minister and pastor of the Apostolic Assembly Church, did FLEE the United States to the country of Chile, with the assistance of Mr. Baldemar Rodriguez, President of the Apostolic Assembly church at that time.

Mr. Sam Valverde, did take over the church of Mr. Edward Pacheco. Mr. Sam Valverde being a blood relative of Mr. Edward Pacheco. The terms of the transfer of the church to Mr. Sam Valverde have not been made public to Members of the Apostolic Assembly.

Recently, Mr. Edward Pacheco has teamed up with Mr. Roger Alvarez, aka Rogelio Garduno Alvarez, a Felon, convicted in the United States Federal Court, Central California District, for the Crime of FRAUD.

Mr. Edward Pacheco and Mr. Rogelio Garduno Alvarez have started in a Real Estate Venture, soliciting members of the Apostolic Assembly Church for Investors in a Real Estate Fixer Upper Retirement Fund Program.

Mr. Rogelio Garduno Alvarez, due to his Criminal Conviction, is not permitted to conduct any business that would require a real estate license or licencing from the state. The Commissioner of the California Department of Real Estate has REVOKED all of Mr. Rogelio Garduno Alvarez privilages to work in that capacity.

Mr. Edward Pacheco, a man of very questionable ETHICS, Conduct, Morals, Morale, Character, should RESIGN IMMEDIATELY as General Secretary of the Apostolic Assembly in the Faith of Jesus Christ, Inc, and as Pastor of the Corona Apostolic Assembly Church.

downtown_eddie said...

Mike A wrote

"The fact that the author of this original post has attempted to defame the character of Pastor Pacheco by dragging his “associate” through the mud is detestable. Did not Christ make it a point to sit and eat with the Publicans and the sinners?"

Sit and eat....well duh.....I don't think he scammed them like Fast Eddie did.

Go talk to the victims first then come back and defend Eddie.

I wonder if Rogelio Alvarez spills the beans on Eddie will the whole AA be brought up in another yet lawsuit cause Eddie was doing it in the the Name.

jose said...

Down with Pachec! said...
If nothing else, Edward Pachueco is a wuss- he let a woman take the fall for him and he ran off to another country in quite a hurry . . . oh. . . and in the Name of Jesus.

What a joke- and he's the one usually on the board for initiating ministers- he turns down anyone he pleases without regard as to their true calling. With him, and Lugo being on any ministerial board- NO ONE with a true calling has a chance-- and we loose out.

Besides having his nails buffed (it's a fact folks!) he also needs some surgery on those eyelids- they're too droopy- and he needs to grow a mustache- spare us from that thin line of lips he has.

Can you tell I just can't stand him? I like him about as much as he likes me and my family. He's not a good man folks- there's more than the scams he's been involved with. Much more- but you know what? Every sin comes out to light- his time will come. However, he'll be too arrogant to notice it.

Tell us spill the beans, this is the time to know everything.

downtown_eddie said...

Its been #706256

Read it here

Where are all the ones that said it was all hot air?

Come out from where your hiding now from under your wives skirts!

You can't run now!

What will you do now Sanchez?
Kick _$$ !

Say something!
Stop hiding behind Sammy he will turn on you if he hasn't already!!

jose said...

Corporations code section 9418
9418. (a) Upon the filing of an action therefor by any director or
member, or by any person who had the right to vote in the election at
issue after such director, member, or person has exhausted any
remedies provided in the articles or bylaws, the superior court of
the proper county shall determine the validity of any election or
appointment of any director of any corporation.
(b) Upon the filing of the complaint, and before any further
proceedings are had, the court shall enter an order fixing a date for
the hearing, which shall be within five days unless for good cause
shown a later date is fixed, and requiring notice of the date for the
hearing and a copy of the complaint to be served upon the
corporation and upon the person whose purported election or
appointment is questioned and upon any person (other than the
plaintiff) whom the plaintiff alleges to have been elected or
appointed, in the manner in which a summons is required to be served,
or, if the court so directs, by registered mail; and the court may
make such further requirements as to notice as appear to be proper
under the circumstances.
(c) The court, consistent with the provisions of this part and in
conformity with the articles and bylaws to the extent feasible, may
determine the person entitled to the office of director or may order
a new election to be held or appointment to be made, may determine
the validity of the issuance of memberships and the right of persons to vote and may direct such other relief as may be just and proper.

Pastor said...

Working with many felons (in a Federal Prison), a very insecure, controlling man will do the following once he gets caught (only AFTER he gets caught).
1) Will begin to play the pobrecito card (I was a victim of circumstamces, etc., etc.).
2) Will cry publicly to obtain pity and people can feel sorry for him.
3) Will make a public apology for what happened, NOT really taking responsibility for his true actions.
4) Will blame others.

What the true repentannt man should do is the following:
1) STOP crying publicly and begin making amends in public, with those he personally hurt.
2) Admit that what the accusers declared to be injustices, WERE indeed injustices.
3) Resign from any position, and control immediately (main reason) to demonstrate that he has the best interest of the organization in mind!
4) Confess before the organization, everything that they did was wrong!

Will there be any men of honor in the GB, and release what IS NOT rightfully theirs? Or will the justify themselves and hold on to the positions they illigaly obtain? Like Abraham Lincoln once said, "Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power"
Will the GB BE WILLING TO GIVE UP POWER? Watch and see what happens at the convention!

Connie said...

In reading about all the accusations of Edward Pacheco way long ago, I shutter to think what time does to reveal and uncover schemes and dark secrets.

Here we have then President Baldemar Rodriguez, who at that time, to the surprise of most of us, sent Edward Pacheco to Chile for five years...
we were wondering if Pacheco was being rewarded for fraudulently separating so many AA members from their hard earned money in the car scam...

Now, years later, we see that then President Baldemar Rodriguez, allowed Edward Pacheco and Sam Valverde to be on the HGB without ever being Bishops of any district..

Now Baldemar Rodriguez, an individual, is suing the same dudes that Baldemar helped to get to where they are.

Time reveals many things, but it also uncovers those little and overlooked incidents that were swept under the rug, and exposes people for who they really are.

This is really scary, because these who are suing the Acting Board now, have in the past, done some pretty shady things also.

No, there were no scams as such, but living high off the poor is no less a sin in God's eyes and election fraud is not just happening today, but has been going for decades.

Unfortunalty, these got caught. By whom?

By the same ones who have played the same game.

Again, I say it is scary, because one cannot trust anyone in the Apostolic Assembly, not even your best friend--that was what Baldemar was to those dudes.

Take it down the road that Baldemar was not friends with Salomon, and now-together they are suing Baldemar's former best friends and his former employer, the Apostolic Assembly.

Go figure.

downtown_eddie said...

To much power to so few, thats the problem.

The big power has to removed so men like Valverde can't run the AA like their own personal toy.

In my opinion Valverde is the mastermind of all this, and needs to go, as for Eddie you should have been gone long time ago.

We the members support the AA and have to have more say so on how things are ran.

We need place where we can go and turn in bad pastors without being accused of slander and defamation, when truly we have the truth on our side.

And when they do listen to you, they just sweep it under the rug and hope you forget about it.

Things have to change if we're to go on. We can't go on like this anymore.

Connie said...

All these men who have the audacity to sue the AA, when they did the same thing for 20-30 years, should be held accountable after this lawsuit is over.

They should be de-credentialed, excommunicated as they would have done to each and every blogger here if they only knew who we are.

They would have ex-communicated us or any other Pastor if we would have sued them for Fraud in any of those last 20-30 years.

Baldemar and Salomon want to be the 'DELIVERS' of this situation.

Why didn't they take care of this so many years ago?

Is it a coincidence that they filed and served one week before Convention?

You want us to boycott when this is going to be the Convention of the Century?

My guess is that all those men will sit on those chairs on the platform and hypocritically show the people that nothing is wrong!!

Worst...we will assist in being part of this denial.

Hear nothing
Say nothing
See nothing
Do nothing


downtown_eddie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Connie said...

Before I say Good Night and Paz de Cristo...

I just want to say that I am extremely disappointed trying to enlighten you on the grave situation we apostolics are in, and the individuals (Baldemar, Salomon and Sanchez) who are playing these vicious roles.

I realize that you folks are mostly from the interior district in California.

You are very heavy ladened and saddened by the Corona Pastor and FOT Pastor.

But issue before us is the lawsuit brought about by two bitter men who are now 'has beens' and who want power again as the 'DELIVERERS'

If they had truly been sincere and righteous in wanting to help the AA, they would have done this long ago when they were at the helm.

Let's not get lost with the Pacheco scams.. that doesn't have the APOSTOLIC ASSEMBLY in court...

The law suit is about ELECTION FRAUD committed also by those who are suing the AA now.



downtown_eddie said...

If found guilty of election fraud, I don't know about the rest, But a very good friend of mine lost his Credentials due to a call from Gaxiola for a far smaller incident then election fraud now thats a criminal offense.
Shouldn't Gaxiola be measured by the same stick he measured with as it says in the bible. In my opinion his credentials should be revoked!!!

Pastor said...

If anybody NEEDS TO STAY FOCUSED it's poor Connie! As a matter of fact, your conclusions don't even deserve a rebutal. Sister, you Have NO idea, and NO clue of what you are talking about. And by the bias in your comments, you must either work for, be related, or a member of FOT or the church in Corona!

jose said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
jose said...

To Connie
All these men who have the audacity to sue the AA, when they did the same thing for 20-30 years, should be held accountable after this lawsuit is over.

I agree in the past they have disqualified people, the difference now dear sister is that in 2006 they qualified people for whom the pastors never vote for, that's unprecedented. The QC ignore completely the will of the pastors, that's one of the reasons why they are getting sue.

Apostolic Old Timer said...

to Connie

I'm not defending Bro. Baldemar, but as I recall, Bro. Viscarra was president at the time Eddie was doing the car scam. Unless I'm having a "senior moment" it was in 1981 when the car scam was going on. Can anyone remember when Baldemar was elected to president the first time?

The one thing that will give them all a wake call is by hitting them in the bottom line. HQ gets most of the income from 10% of the Tithes, So, if I want my givings to stay at the local church I can designate it as offering not tithes.

downtown_eddie said...

Good one old timer. Hit them below the belt. Maybe I'll just give my tithes to the rescue mission or a woman's selter.

Thanks for bringing that up.

Ok everyone! just offerings.

Connie said...

To apwc:

I am neither related to or attend the church of any of the scammers...

I am not defending those men. But there has been enough harping about their situation, and we are being deviated and derailed from the issue of ELECTION FRAUD.

What is so hard to understand about that?

I believe that you want to keep Pacheco and Valverde on the fore front in order to take the heat off of Baldemar and Salomon.

I feel as bad as you do that those two men are on the Board, but right is about Election Fraud Lawsuit.

I have proof of election fraud from way back, during the administration of Baldemar, but I am as much of a coward as the rest of you, I do not want to be hosed down or thrown rocks at.

You are balling me out without knowing half of what I know and have proof of.

Qualifying men without the vote of the Pastors is not new with this administration, it is NOT UNPRECEDENTED!!!!

During the Baldemar administration several men were put on the General Board with only two or three votes.

If you are so sure that this election fraud is a precedent, I guarantee you that you are totally wrong.

Do you think that the Pastors voted for Elias Duarte over and over again, then we had to hear him preach totally out of context.

Trust me, that was not the vote of the Pastors.....
That was la qualificadora..
Were you there?

Those are the things that I know. That my friend, is focus.

Pastor said...

Dear Connie, Please listen well and listen closely. I WAS THERE during the last election fraud. I have been there during many other election frauds. As a matter of fact, as a pastor I have been aware of unethical practices from BOTH SIDES, for many years. However, this is where YOU MISS the mark! What makes Sanches and Valverde's different from many others is the attitude of audacity and pride in which things were done in 2006. first of all, if the case goes to court, which I doubt, the petitioners are going to prove how Sanchez came up with the idea of the CID document (Marin DelCampo wrote it), with the sole purpose of getting rid of certain board members. Witnesses are going to be called to testify saying how Valverde wanted certain people on the board (which he got) without caring what the pastor voted for.

Connie, YOU failed to see that even after Sanchez and Valverde were told in writing about the injustices, they still declared IN WRITING that no wrong doing was committed. This is Fact, confirmed by other GB members like fortino and Arellano, Sanchez told some of these men he wanted Salomon out! Valverde saw him as athreat for 2010, so they got him out of the board all together. When Pacheco and Valverde were allowed to be on the GB board without the qualifications, VIZCARRA was president NOT Baldemar.

This has NOTHING to do with past or present board members, but it has EVERYTHING to do with a spirit of pride, iniquity, malice, arroagnce, and wickedness. Is that what you want heading the AA. Oh and ONE last thing. Do you know why it took a whole year to file this lawsuit? Let me tell you why! Once the election was over, the winners and the LOSERS left the election as it was and resigned themselves to the results. If you read the documents in, the lawsuit came about AFTER the whistle was blown by Bishop Torres, and AFTER the petitioners requested explanations, clarifications, and resolution to this matter. If Bishop Torres WOULD HAVE NOT blown the whistle, there would be NO lawsuit! So Connie please try, as you put it, STAY FOCUSED! GBY.

Connie said...

Convention update:

Many Board members and Pastors are already at the Convention Hotel, today Sunday.

It gives them an extra Sunday to ditch their church, while their poor members are working to pay for these days of leisure and high prices dinners.

Tuesday the workshops start for the Pastors. There will be no ministerial meetings, so there will be no questions and answers.

Workshops will be on:

1. Church Growth, how to keep it small so you don't have to work too much.

2. Handling your stress by spending time golfing and having expensive vacations in your time shares.

3. Making sure that the Church Praise Group and Muscians have not gone deaf, plus How to get them to not play so loud as to be sound abusive to the congregation.

4. Refresher Course for Board Members, Elders and Pastors on how to pretend to love each other and your flocks.

5. How to be sure that your wife meets the physical criteria of hair, clothes, attitude, self-righteousness by cloning her to look exactly like every other woman aspiring for her husband to move up in the hirarcy of the AA.

6. How to be good at disappearing the votes meant for someone you don't want on the board and other committees.

Do you know of any other workshop needed by this group?

On Thursday, you are all invited to enjoy Thankgiving dinner hosted by Daniel Sanchez, Sam Valverde, Ed Pacheco, Baldemar Rodriguez, Dan Salomon, Saul Avila.

It will be held in the Grand Ballroom of the Hotel.

Don't forget that you have chosen to spend THanksgiving with this group instead of your elderly and extended family and friends because it was mandetory by the HGB that every Pastor, Bishop and their wives be present at this Grand Ball Room dinner.

Thursday through Saturday will be the MOP Convention. Take your lap tops, cell phones and cameras for when the major events begin.

Wear your motto pins...
See no evil
Say no evil
Hear no evil

You can purchase them in the lobby for $20.

See you there....

Unknown said...

Connie does have a good point. But at some time, someone has to put their foot down. Even if its a former offender.

Yes, its ironic that someone like Baldemar, who certainly conformed to the present standard and norms of the AA GB, would now cry foul.

But slowly but surely, power in the AA has been consolidated to the select few.

Members have no say so. Ministers no longer have any say so.

Only pastors, whom are selected and approved by the GB have a somewhat say so. Even their votes are over-ridden.

2-600 is not a victory. Unless your name is Hugo Chavez.

Then the voting process is literally JUNK.

Have any of you been to the elestions?

An Usher passes out cut pieces of paper, no matter who is there. I know for a fact, that a certain Joven got 5 votes for Varones President. Why? Because the usher, whom didn't speak a lick of english, gave us a grip of blank pieces of paper that were collected into a bucket and counted.

There is no integrity in the electoral process.

Then there is the matter of the Nomination Process. Who decides will be candidates? When we have candidates, we have no idea of what kind of platform they have and we have no idea of what they want to accomplish.

And still, we have no idea nor have an opportunity to check out their backgrounds.

How else can you explain the FRAUD of a General Secretary, Edward Pacheco.

The fact Edward Pacheco is on the GB, undoubtedly with Sam Valverde's stamp of approval, reflects the TRUE scam nature of Sam Valverde.

Sam Valverde APPROVES of Eddward Pacheco on the GB. Edward Pacheco is a tested scam artist. Edward Pacheco is a Con Man.

Show me your friends, that will tell me who you are.

That cliche' rings so true in the case of Edward Pacheco and Sam Valverde.

Unknown said...

From the Biography of Sam Valverde on the FOT Website:

"""Over the years, Pastor Valverde has served in many areas of Christian ministry including Founder and Principal of the San Ysidro Apostolic Church Academy"""

Is this one of those ACE Schools?

Let me get this straight, Sam Valvedre without a Bachelor's Degree, Cause he hadn't completed his studies at La Puente Bible School, and without a Teaching Credential, started a Christian School?

We're talking about a school where children are taken out of public schools and placed at these types of schools of inferior education.

Questions for Sam Valverde.

1. What were your qualifications
when you started this school?

2. How were you qualified to teach
and or be principal without a
teaching credential or degree?

3. What was your graduation rate?

Apostolic Old Timer said...

Sams qualifications.
His father in law D Contreras was the Pastor of SY church

Hello said...

The time is near for Sanchez and company!!!!

Malverde will never be the President of the AA.

Pacheco will end up a broken bitter man.

The QC will feel the wrath of God for their wickedness.

The rest of the HGB will spiral down hill.

We're near the bottom of the barrel right now, once we hit bottom, there is only one way to go, and thats up.

The AA will rise again. I just hope the lesson was learned.



i don't see the AA being able to survive all of this...

its been exposed the for the racketeriing front that it is. it's a shame, a sham, and a disgrace.

it has lost its best talents, its most educated, and most professional people to other organizations. It has experienced what secular society calls "Brain Drain". Thats not an insult to them who stayed behind, but its a true phenomenom experienced by many developing coutries, and i am afraid by the AA too.

That helps explain its current leaders, its decision making skills, management/crisis management skills, or lack thereof all the previously mentioned.

Look at even the MOP board, which is suppose to offer a glimpse of the future, 2 non-educated leaders, a hand-picked hispanic puppet (and idealogical demagouge, if you heard his teaching or better said propaganda statement at natl convo's day classes) in an uncontested republican stronghold of a congessional district, and a guy from south texas's rio grande valley (enough said.. lol).

but the current and perhaps this being the last make-up of the leaders of the AA have become its own demise...

they have shunned and nearly oucasted the educated and enlightened among them.

but who can blame them for doing just that.. an enducated electorate woudl never allow their fraud, racketeering, pyramid scheming shenanigans to continue...

how many times did I hear at youth camp, i was oing to university, but i left it to pursue the things of god (yes little G)..

you fool, just becuase you were to small minded to pursue both of them, why did you attempt to outcast and shun those of us who attempted to do both, only to be prohibited from pursing our calling in the church, because of our pursuit of our education, or as you labeled it... our materialist secularist aspirations....

the AA is getting exactly what it asked for...

tejano said...

I think we need to get our hearts right. I was very upset when this happened. My parents live in Midland, TX and are pastored by Bishop Torres. I feel their pain. If you see this and all you see an opportunity to hate, you should go read the story of Noah and find out that the son who was glad to see his father's misfortune was cursed by his actions. But the sons who covered their father's sin were blessed.

I do agree that the state of the organization is shameful, it reminds me of Isaiah chapter 3. In it the prophet states that because of Israel's sin, GOd took from Israel all of the excellent trades. To the point that they began to vote each other in as princes.

I AM FREE said...


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