Those comments will not be deleted but saved for all to review and add their opinion in this updated section. (They can be viewed here: http://apostolicnews.blogspot.com/2007/09/apostolic-assembly-2006-election.html)
We would also like to add that you may feel free to send in pictures, videos and comments of your local, district and national services. They will be posted here. You can email them to apostolicvoice@gmail.com
Your voice is being heard. Now, keep your eyes and ears open.
Dios Les Bendiga,
Apostolic Voice
I don't know about you all but I am in serious prayer for the Arizona Diamondbacks. Is it wrong to fast tomorrow for their victory over the Colorado Rockies?
1 – 200 of 1515 Newer› Newest»Petitioners:
Bishop Daniel Salomón 303/249-0942; Bishop Baldemar Rodríguez 909/957-9175; Bishop Abel V. Torres 423/352-3958
Bishop Ishmael C. Arellano; Bishop Daniel Jauhall; Bishop Richard Galaviz; Bishop Isaac H. Cota; Bishop Samuel C. Arellano; Bishop Guillermo M. Mendoza; Bishop Martín M. Vásquez; Pastor Efraín Andrade; Pastor Saúl L. Ávila 512/731-9660
Pray for all of them , some are old, others tired, some on wheelchairs , with a good reputation ,with a legacy, even do they are coming for our rescue. To rescue the AA from this illegal GB.
Here is the number to the real person behind all this mess:
Bishop Arthur Tafoya
Ask him why he didn't put his name on the lawsuit.
Brother you left my city out of the list..
"Cowards die many times before their deaths.
The brave taste of death but once."
Its time for the brave men and women to stand up!
The ones who are really to blame for this mess is the Qualifying Board.
Sanchez, Valverde, Espinosa,Gaxiola and Guzman.
This men are the ones behind this mess. In my opinion they should be striped of all Godly duties, because I sure don't see what the Bible teaches me about what being bishops should be in this men.
Time to stand up and let your voice be heard.
"You nothing to fear but fear" itself.
This men try to rule by fear, but it just shows their real ignorance.
In the real world they be standing in the unemployment line, selling oranges.
My pastor received some documentation on the coming lawsuit. Ask your pastor's if they have received it also.
It smells like elections in Dallas.
Faith Healer Lets TV News Crew Witness ‘Miracles’
I would like some Apostolic "faith healers" invite this type of public scrutiny. It actully looks like a leg grows in front of a TV news crew.
A word of caution; it may be upsetting for all those Apostolics that believe that the AA has a monopoply on truth and miracle power.
Can someone elaborated on the lawsuit documents, what is all about?
To 9:08
I would like some Apostolic "faith healers" invite this type of public scrutiny. It actully looks like a leg grows in front of a TV news crew.
Oldest trick in the book. Joe Salazar used this to con everyone with this trick.
Abel Aguilar has that leg power.
In politics, a mandate is the authority granted by an electorate to act as its representative. Elections are often said to give the newly elected government or elected official a mandate to implement certain policies. Also the period a government serves between elections is often referred to as a mandate and when the government seeks re-election it is said to be seeking a "new mandate".
Evidently this GB has no MANDATE, is over for them, we need new elections soon.
The outcome of said elections has provoked two things:
1. The morale of our pastors is low and is generating a spirit of illness. This first aspect is totally opposed to the theme of the Road Map which is: “Healthy Pastors - Healthy Assembly”. No doubt you have received copies of the letters floating out in cyberspace that verifies this. Furthermore, the letter that was generated by Bishop Daniel Jauhall from the Oregon District, also mentions this point.
2. The Honorable General Board has lost its credibility and respect due to its alleged abuse of power at our electoral convention. One of the most important elements of
leadership is trust and at this point there is little to none as it pertains to the Honorable General Board. You cannot impart what you do not possess.
definitely, there is no trust is this GB and about roadblock, they are trying to revive it. Too Late, they must look for a different road to follow. New Elections is the only solution to bring direction to our assembly.
GOT EXPOSITORS? because our most qualified christian education bishop can not deliver one. Never fear UPC is here!!
I was told by a very reliable source within headquarters, that the bro. in charge of Christian Education is about 200k in the red.
True or Not why is he there?
Can anyone elaborate on what happened with Luciano Montes at the GB? Someone mentioned in the other blog about a little kid? I heard he harassed a young lady? What gives?
Regarding Bro. LM, I heard he touched or rubbed her back-end on accident. (yeah right)
I guess another one swept under the carpet by the GB.
I don't know the details, but its just swept under the rug by the GB. But you see they are so much better then us. So they can get away with it. That is why Becky is the Pastor at the church now. Just Like when Clinton had his little thing with Monica...Hil stayed but she was running the country after that.
The assembly is ran just like the Mexican government is ran. My boss who's not a believer has more integrity than most of these GB members. I'd make my boss president of the assembly any day.
The AA never investigates issues of adultry unless they have it out for a minister. But if you are buddy buddy, its all swept under the rug. The proof they want is a movie showing penetration. If you don't have that, there's no adultry in their eyes.
The AA/Nava Foundation are supposed to be a charity right?
Remember that kid from Lake Elsinore Church who was eaten by a mountain lion in the San Bernardino Mountains a few years ago?
It was big news. There was a big search for the missing kid. People from all over volunteered. In the end, the kid was found dead. The family was devastated. The father had taken a significant amount of time off of work, non payed. He still had bills to pay, a mortgage a family to feed.
Do you know how much money the AA/Nava Foundation gave?
Wow. They raise money all year, use images of 9/11 to raise money for the Pastors Widows Fund($50 per month to them) and all they donate is $100? To one of our own no less. Thank God for giving members of the Lake Elsinore Church, and the general public.
Prado spends that on lunch and bills the AA for it.
Define 'Relationship'
Bill Clinton
There was no Relationship. It was just plain harrassment on his part. But at that time he was one of the good Old boys.
No Bill you can't be President of the AA so stop coming on here. I think they are more messed up then you were.
Regarding Bro. LM, I heard he touched or rubbed her back-end on accident.
There sure been alot of accidents recently.
But as an earlier comment stated that if it ain't on tape forget it.
About Victor's $100.00 lunches. He must be going large on his value meals at Mcdonalds, and of course he has to take 3 or 4 happy meals home for little Victor. you know he likes the toys.
Why do you guys have to bring little victor into this? Leave her alone.
Leave Brother Montes out of this. As far as you know, the young sister had a boil on her rear end. Hence, the need for him to lay hands on it and pray for her healing.
Yes thats all fine and things, but she was sitting down at the time.
All pastors should have received a letter from the law suit petitioners and consenters, explaining the reason and purpose for the upcoming law suit. According to my sources the law suit is supposed to be filled next week!
Excuse me "filed"
In the words of Sanchez
"we're going to kick _ _ _ ."
What a Pres!
Regarding Luciano Montes of Indio--I heard the victim was a very well known singer from Fontana. Is that true?
Obviously a formal complaint was not filed about this by the victim in this case correct?
I guess this explains why he's kept a low profile in the last few years.
I do hope to see the lawsuit being filed soon. This will introduce a new concept that has been foreign to the AA since it began - that concept is accountability.
This lawsuit will send the message that when you lead, you must be transparent. Otherwise you leave your fate in the hands of those you lead - as is going on right now.
Like they say in boxing, "don't leave it to the judges." Unfortunately, that's too late for the board members. The judges now have the score cards.
Wow! If that was a well known singer from Fontana, LM would need those soccor goalie gloves to grab all that.
The only thing the AA has on our pastors is the ownership of the churches.
Maybe its time for the pastors to rally their congregations to leave their buildings and go independent.
Leave Sanchez a note with the keys to the building. Go form your own legal entity and rent a building.
Kind of like a movement of Independence. We need an Apostolic Boston Tea Party. Say no to our Strong Arm leaders. If it worked for the Soviet Union and the USA, it will work for us.
I guess this explains why he's kept a low profile in the last few years.
What has kept him there is Becky's broom!
If she don't get what she wants or he don't jump when she says jump watch out Lucy.
to 8:38 a.m.
Beacause he is a friend of Valverde. I also heard he fired his administrator and hired his secretary when he was bishop of LA and his brother-in-law. Just like in good old Mexico.
Celebrity Looks Alikes:
Bishop Arturo Espinoza
Mr. Bean
In light of the possibility of churches dividing from our AA- and the church properties raising a serious question--here's an interesting case for you legal begals out there . . .
good case on point.
I say just abandon the buildings and leave sanchez/valverde with the mortgages.
Thats a lot of ofrenda to pick up if all the churches were to unite in going independent.
No tithes, no salary, no ofrenda, no more Dodger games.
I don't think Sanchez and Malverde are going to be in the postion of receiving the mortgages.
Malverde will be back at your friendly neigborhood corner selling oranges again.
And Sanchez will be making info commcials.
How to run an organization into the ground after taking over in just 4 years.
Joke of the day:
What will be Pacheco's next End Time Restoration sermon?
"The LAST Shall Be FIRST"
-Based on a true story experience
Is anybody having problems accessing the Assembly's website "www.apostolicassembly.org"?
I do not know why you are all still "preaching to the Choir" "The Choir" is us and we have "no voice or no vote" The Pastors will do the deciding. If there is elections in Dallas, all the "same general board will be elected" Thats the way the mentality of the majority of the Pastors. So why keep on writing to "the Choir" "Us"
There is nothint we can do but pray and pray so more.
Thank you for believing in God. He will deliver us from Sanchez..
So that is what keeping Luciano Montes in the low profile..What is keeping Daniel Salomon on the "low profile?"
He abuses his new-immigrants by working them at "cruel inhumane" low salary,makeing him rich on real estate..
So that is what keeping Luciano Montes in the low profile..What is keeping Daniel Salomon on the "low profile?"
He abuses his new-immigrants by working them at "cruel inhumane" low salary,makeing him rich on real estate..
Is there not one single Bishop out there on either side that is a desent human being?
I heard Malverde wanted the Red Carpet rolled out for him when he arrived at Gaylord, but the others thought it was to tacky.
Ronald Reagan asked the nation:
Are you better off than you were four years ago?
We need to ask ourselves:
Is the Asamblea better off than we were four years ago?
Is anybody having problems accessing the Assembly's website "www.apostolicassembly.org"?
Nope, I can get in perfectly fine. What do you need from there anyways? All the information there is as old as cheese.
Sooo whaaat!
We do own property in mexico!
Remember this comment it was really him.
Who cares? It's a time share that we own.
And yes we enjoy family time together with a certain bishop and his family.
Tim V.
My sources are telling me that the
GB call an emergency meeting today, one of the reason is this blog they are reading everything and are feeling the heat.
If you have more information keep posting is working.
How do you know they're calling an emergency meeting?
I'm not so sure they are reading the blog. The GB is too scared to face the truth. Although, I'm sure half the AA is reading it.
The GB are reading the posts?
I didn't realize that La Puente Bible School Graduates could read.
Who Knew!
The GB are reading the posts?
I didn't realize that La Puente Bible School Graduates could read.
Who Knew!
The AA website sucks. Look for world missions website MR Bean has nothing to report, no progress in 11 months and Mr Abel the same. They have no vision nothing to report.
From AA.Info
Bishop President Daniel G. Sánchez visits with Bishop Daniel Salomón on December 14, 2006 in the presence of Bishop Vice-President Samuel P. Valverde and Minister Samuel Orozco, facilitator of the Road Map concept, to apologize for the outcome of the elections. Thereafter, Bishop President Sánchez met with Bishop Daniel Salomón privately to once again apologize. Additionally, when Bishop President Sánchez went to the Road Map Seminar in Denver, Colorado on April 13-14, 2007 he once again expressed the same thing over again to Bishop Daniel Salomón of his regret of the outcome of the elections. Bishop President Sánchez also met with another former member of the Honorable Board of Directors expressing his apologies for the outcome of the elections. Lastly, on April 24, 2007 Bishop President Sánchez travels to Glendale, Arizona and visits with Bishop Arthur L Tafoya to do the same in the vein of the previous other personal visits as referenced above.
As I mentioned in my previous blogs and in the one dated "Oct. 15, 1:26 pm" all pastors have received a letter from the law suit petitioners and consenters, explaining the reason and purpose for the upcoming law suit. You can see it posted in "www.apostolicassembly.info" Now for all of you who called the men of God who were going to file the law suit "cowards" KEEP YOUR EYES AND EARS OPEN, it's finally coming!
Praying Always
October 15, 2007 1:26 PM
The GB are in the believe that only 12 MoG are after them. They are wrong the list is as follows
3 petitioners
9 consenters
and 600 + supporters.
It is interesting to read the letter that the GB sent out to all the pastors on June 13, 2007 that a pocket of men were suing them. The GB has been sued various times prior to this, when did they ever fire out a letter advising them that they were being sued prior to this election fiasco? The GB in the past has also sued pastors that were at one time with us... Pastors Miguel Hernandez, Ruben Martinez (apostolicassembly.info post), Salvador Villegas, Antonio Lugo and the list can go on and on...
For you legal experts... the initial letter was called "The Demand Letter" with 3 petitioners and 9 consenters. The GB did not accept this proposal. Now from what I understand, this will take a new form which will be a civil lawsuit. There will be no petitioners nor consenters but plaintiffs. Who are the plaintiffs, that remains to be seen? As some else posted... "keep your eyes and ears open".
To 10:17 AM
Do you know why they don't have nothing to report no progress, because they were appointed by men not by God.
To 11:22 AM,
Well then, the practical thing to do is to train those men. Oh wait, training requires expenses, which in turn requires a huge offering. God forbid if the GB fund covers the expenses to make the AA more effective! That would mean no rims for Valverde's SUV. Oh no! He would have to drive with stock rims.
Mat 18:17 - And if he shall neglect to hear them,.... The one or two, in conjunction with the offended person that shall hear the ease, and admonish and reprove; if he takes no notice of what they say to him, but remains stiff and impenitent, tell it unto the church: which some understand, of the רבים, or "multitude", before whom it was lawful to reprove, after such private methods had been taken: others, the political magistrates, or sanhedrim; who took cognizance of cases between one person and other, either by themselves, or messengers; and gave admonitions and reproofs, as to parents, when they did not provide for their families (x), and to wives that were perverse, and provoked their husbands (y), &c. others, of the presbyters and governors of the Christian church; others, of the church itself, and so the Ethiopic version renders it, "the house of Christians"; to which it is objected, that as yet a Christian church was not formed: but what were the twelve apostles of the Lamb? They were the great congregation and church, in the midst of which Christ sung praise to his Father: and since the whole of this advice, and these excellent rules are given to them, and they are spoken of in the next verse, as having the power of binding and loosing, they may well be thought to be meant here; and that the design of Christ is, to instruct them how to behave, in case of offence to one another; that the reproof should be first private, and if it did not succeed, to be made before one or two more; and if that did not do, the whole body was to be acquainted with it; and which rules hold good, and are to be observed by all Christian men and churches, in all ages: though no doubt but allusion is made to the Jewish customs, in rebuking before the multitude, or carrying of a private case, after all other means used were ineffectual, to the sanhedrim.
But if he neglect to hear the church: the advice they should give unto him, the reproof they should think proper for him, or the censure they should pass upon him,
let him be unto thee as an heathen man, and a publican. This is not a form of excommunication to be used among Christians, nor was there ever any such form among the Jews; nor could Heathens or publicans, especially such publicans as were Gentiles, be excommunicated, when they never were of the Jewish church.
"A religious person indeed, that becomes a collector of taxes, they first said, is to be driven from the society; but they afterwards said, all the time that he is a tax gatherer, they drive him from the society; but when he goes out of his office, lo! he is as a religious person (z).''
But one that never was of a religious society, could not be driven out of it. And besides, this is given, not as a rule to the church, but as advice to the offended person, how to behave towards the offender: after he has come under the cognizance, reproof, and censure of the church, he is to look upon him as the Jews did one that disregarded both private reproof by a man's self, and that which was in the presence of one or two more, חבר פחות, "a worthless friend", or neighbour; as a Gentile, with whom the Jews had neither religious nor civil conversation; and a "publican", or as Munster's Hebrew Gospel reads it, בעל עברה "a notorious sinner", as a publican was accounted: hence such are often joined together, and with whom the Jews might not eat, nor keep any friendly and familiar acquaintance: and so such that have been privately admonished and publicly rebuked, without success, their company is to be shunned, and intimate friendship with them to be avoided.
For some that need to know the difference on the terms previously posted, here they are:
Petition- (Law) a. A formal written application requesting a court for a specific judicial action: a petition for appeal. b. The judicial action asked for in any such request.
Consent- acceptance or approval of what is planned or done by another; acquiescence.
Plaintiff- the party who initiates a lawsuit by filing a complaint with the clerk of the court against the defendant(s) demanding damages, performance and/or court determination of rights.
Proposal to all the bloggers out there. Can we meet at the General Convention in Grapevine either prior to, during or after the convention? If there would be enough interest in this we need to find a room and a facilitator/moderator for such event.
EVERYONE SHOULD BOYCOT THE CONVENTION!!! That's the only way to hit them in their pockets, and get the GB attention. Otherwise they are going to say that the brethren support them, by being there!
Yes, only pastors must go no wife's no pks no youth.
They need their own formula, pastors go and kick ....
In the words of Sanchez
"we're going to kick _ _ _ ."
What ever happened to those pastors that were at one time with us (Pastors Miguel Hernandez, Ruben Martinez, Salvador Villegas, Antonio Lugo, etc.). Where are they now?
Question: What ever happened to those pastors that were at one time with us (Pastors Miguel Hernandez, Ruben Martinez, Salvador Villegas, Antonio Lugo, etc.). Where are they now?
Answer: They have moved on to greener pastures as a result of them being sued by the GB of the AA. From what we know, these men are just but a few names of the many that have left us in reaction to the lawsuits against them.
The AA has lost its vision. They have a convention for their elite club of ministers, neglecting the rest of the church. If you're not a minister, then the only other option is the youth convention.
So the only groups being served are the Inner Circle and the teeny boppers.
The rest of us that actually pay the bills with our tithes and offerings are being locked out.
No wonder only 2,000 people went to last years convention. Our numbers are shrinking because other churches are serving the needs of the people.
Even at the teeny boopers event, frank b. and his crew are charging a registration fee for them to attend.
who is frank b?
You see this people is so disconnected from the church no one knows who they are.
Frank Balboa is the replacement of Maffey and Amin.
Gees, take a laxative! I'm not disconnected- just a simple question.
I'm not talking about you is about them my friend. They are the ones disconnected
Oh that youth board has lots of vision.
What is the purpose of the MOP? What have they done?
Oh, like the National Board.
Except collect ofrendas.
Malverde's Motto is
No Offering Left Behind
Question for all Southern California AA. How in the wold are you going to elect John Sanchez as your new bishop? Give me the logic for doing this.
Question for all Southern California AA. How in the wold are you going to elect John Sanchez as your new bishop? Give me the logic for doing this.
Simple, Sammy, Marty and Johnny will do their thing there in SD.
The MOP board? please! Anthony Romo with all his yelling instead of preaching. Ayyyyy
Does anyone out their know if the MOP board gets salary? If so, where does it come from? Precious Seed?
Bishop Juan Sanchez has years of experience with the district. His church has grown from one of the smallest to one of the largest in the district. On top of that, he's got real world experience and is not dependent on the church like Malverde.
Bishop Sanchez has a real world job. Not like Malverde who's only experience in the real world is selling fruit and veggies door to door.
Yea- how about the Dorcs national board and the Varones? Do they also get a salary-
Who is Sammy, Marty and Johnny?
Bishop Abel Torres: you are our hero. Thank you for speaking up.
Valverde, I'll have some papas, naranjas, uvas, and some pina a llevar.
The English & Spanish pastoral/summary letters dated 10/4/07 on the AA Letters website are not the same letter. The one in english has completely different information than the one in Spanish. Any GOOD translators out there?
Who is Sammy, Marty and Johnny?
Sammy is Samuel Valverde...
Marty is Ismael Martin del Campo...
Johnny is Juan Hernandez.
Does Brother Saul Avila have a son?
Bishop Abel Torres: you are our hero. Thank you for speaking up.
He was the initial whistle blower as it is mentioned in the pastoral summary letter on apostolicassembly.info. Does anybody know who is the writer of these letters? They are very well written.
I'm hoping Pastor John Sanchez is our next Bishop. He has served as the Second in Command the last two terms and is capable to take the helm if he choses to do so. His church is growing and they're on the verge of expanding their Sanctuary in the near future. He also has a nice crop of young men developing at that church into a great group of young ministers.
Bishop Juan Sanchez has years of experience with the district. His church has grown from one of the smallest to one of the largest in the district. On top of that, he's got real world experience and is not dependent on the church like Malverde.
Bishop Sanchez has a real world job.
Is Juan Sanchez already crowned as bishop or is there a confusion as to the names. Juan is the present bishop and John is the future?
John Sanchez? Pastor of Vista? Are you kidding? He's pastores there for 150 years and they are still at 150 members. Not only thst, he just kicked out a bunch of people from his church because they visited another church. His blood of Daniel Sanchez.
Yes, but he is related to the Pres. So . . . . if you add CID then he can take on a position
John Sanchez, does all copy work from others to present his seminars. and used plagarisim. Sometimes he could be arrested for practicing as a "clinical psycologist" Very arrogant and self=righteous..
I'm sorry do you congregate at Vista or are you just believing every thing you hear? I hope you learned in life that there are 2 sides to every story. You may have heard only 1 side and jumped on the chisme band wagon. If you did, well you just bascially made a decision based on half of the story.
John Sanchez is not a shoe in, but he is respected amongst the Pastors down here in San Diego as was/ is Bishop Juan. This administration was effective and definitely had to deal with adversity through their tenure but made very good decisions even when they did not appear to be so at the time. With teh passing of time, their decisions held up.
"I'm sorry do you congregate at Vista or are you just believing every thing you hear? I hope you learned in life that there are 2 sides to every story. You may have heard only 1 side and jumped on the chisme band wagon. If you did, well you just bascially made a decision based on half of the story."
Yes, thats exactly what I do. I find half a story filled with chisme and jump all over it as fact.
But I'm sure he found a way to dust that under the rug. John is no different than his brother Daniel. Instead of attracting people to Christ, he pushes them away.
Bishop Juanito should easily be re-elected. the only exception would be Bro. Zaragosa.
I have not been in every seminar John has taught, but I have not sat in a session with material that was not his.
I think the whole thing about taking other people's material is getting to be a bit rediculous. I think you'd be surprised at the amount of material out on the web that Christian leaders allow to be used, quoted, cut and pasted and don't care to be referenced. There are a lot of leaders that are into the Kingdom mentality and know that the word they wrote/ spoke came from God. So freely as they have received, freely they have given.
If stuff is actually under a copy right that may be another ball game if someone is writing it and passing it as theirs. But if a preacher preaches something and another preacher uses it in a sermon, I have no problem with that. You think TD Jakes is original? Come on... he does the same thing. I heard him recycle a message called The Lesser Light Shall Rule the Night which was just microwaving Bishop Norman Wagner's message, Star Wars preached at BOT in 2006.
It happens. What are you going to do...
We will have the Spanish Summary Letter translated shortly and will make it available to anyone who wants it.
I requested that the blogmaster update the most active cities list, but he still hasn't obliged. I think it would be interesting to see the results.
Personally, Sergio Villanueva has my vote on any position.
"Yes, thats exactly what I do. I find half a story filled with chisme and jump all over it as fact.
But I'm sure he found a way to dust that under the rug. John is no different than his brother Daniel. Instead of attracting people to Christ, he pushes them away.
Bishop Juanito should easily be re-elected. the only exception would be Bro. Zaragosa."
Ok... after that post I realize that you are not living in SD or close enough to really have an educated opinion. If you are from another District (and you may not be), what difference does it make who is Bishop? You will not be impacted in any way. I on the other hand live in the area and can personally speak to what I see. Knowing that, please know that he is respected by his peers and has a strong chance at being Bishop. Zaragoza has no chance. And if you were from the area you would know why. Another man that may have a chance is Pastor Anaya.
Brother Ruben Mascareno for Bishop!
Zaragoza has no chance.
Look at the constitution. That's the starting point. He does not meet the criteria unless my interpretation of it is off. It may be off, sometimes interpeting the Constitution is difficult.
I would not be surprised to see him come out as an Elder. Lord knows in Sector 1 he's the most qualified. Pastor Mascareno is too but Pastoring an all english church has not given him too many merits with the District.
Go for Bro Anaya then. No son of the Trinidad shut be allowed in the oneness AA to be bishop
I don't see that happening. Like I said, you may have your reasons not to vote for someone, but are you actually voting? Do you reside in this District? If not, it really should not matter too much to you.
The Pastor's in SD like John Sanchez and I have a good feeling that he'll be next. I wouldn't be surprised if it's Anaya, but I still think he's a long shot. So if the Pastor's like him and want him, why would you care?
Geeese Louise, someone has an axe to grind with Zaragosa. I bet you got that juicy insider information, since you are from SD. I bet you're the only "educated" person in SD too.
I'll give you Anaya, he's a good man, unless you have some more insider information to the contrary.
John Sanchez, he's a good bottom tier candiate. If this was the NFL Draft, he'd go in the 5th Round.
Anaya started with almost nothing and has grown his church, nutured his congregation and got bigger and better facilities.
Oh, seems like Zaragosa has done the same thing.
I know, I know, you have the inside scoop on all the chisme on Zaragosa.
Pastoring an all english congregation is a bad thing? Oh, we're talking about SD. The all paisa district. Ever here of ingles sin barreras? I thought all the paisas would be in LA. Can't seem to make it past those check points. \
Is it a sin to be an illegal alien?
Pastoring an all english congregation is a bad thing? Oh, we're talking about SD. The all paisa district. Ever here of ingles sin barreras? I thought all the paisas would be in LA. Can't seem to make it past those check points. \
Is it a sin to be an illegal alien?
Lets go back to Cucamonga whats going on with the emergency meeting today. Are they going to resign or go to court?
well the bible does state to obey the laws of the land- how can you be obedient to the laws of the land by being an illegal immigrant-
I know some brothers and sisters who use fake socials- and they're in blessing every sunday- go figure.
so if they tithe from a job that they received illegally, with someone's else's social- does God honor that tithe? Things that make you go hmmmm.
Rancho Cucamonga, CA. Today the National Board of the Apostolic Assembly in the Faith of Jesus Christ, Inc. held an what is called an Emergency Meeting to conduct an Emergency Vote. Today's vote was brought about speculation that Kobe Bryant would be traded to Dallas or Chigago.
These rumors have dealt the organization a severe blow since it is rumored that several of the General Board have spent thousands of Apostolic Assembly Funds for season tickets.
With the rumors still permeating in the national media, Bispop President Sanchez was heard saying "If Kobe gets traded to Dallas, we're packing up and moving this organization to Texas. We're gonna kick @#$"
Bishop Malverde was heard saying "I hope Kobe gets traded to Dallas, I can be closer to my idol TD Jakes".
Maybe its just me, but this new letter written to all the pastorate smacks of politics.
Even Solomon used to say: Stand up, Speak up and Shut Up.
To those who are so positive that they must sue: you've already Stood up, Spoke up, now shut up and sue.
I'm not a attorney but I know mediators and judges do not look kindly toward leaking information for public persuasion.
If the plaintiffs feel so strongly in their case they do not need discuss their actions in public anymore. That time has passed. Why do they need public opinion on their side now? Shouldn't they be more concerned with legal opinion.
They are going to split our beloved organization up.
I still feel strongly there the lawsuit will have no merit but the damage is already done.
I was at the UPC Conference in Phoenix a couple of years ago and Bishop Haney preached a dynamic message it was as if a general was directing his troops.
He said, tell the trinitarians we are coming, tell the catholics we are coming, tell the muslims we are coming, tell the buddhist we are coming, tell the charasmatcis we are coming.
They need to add one more, tell the Apostolic Assembly we are coming...to rescue them.
"I'm not a attorney but I know mediators and judges do not look kindly toward leaking information for public persuasion."
True, after the law has issued a gag order, prior to that, it is fair game.
Whats this now we charge for attendig church. I thought that worshipping the LORD was free. Didnt GOD pay the price on Calvary. Maybe someone need to get in touch with the coordinators of END TIME & RENEWING MY SPIRIT ETC.. What they need to do is check them selves because they're asking for another lawsuit.. It's against the Law. Are we or are we not non-profit. I thought that attending church for any function was free salvation. May god have mercy on u all...
"I was at the UPC Conference in Phoenix a couple of years ago and Bishop Haney preached a dynamic message it was as if a general was directing his troops."
Haney is not a bishop... he is the General Superintendent. They like us and the PAW are having their own set of issues.
OMG Are we talking about the smae Sergio Villanueva? Aka: Roba Maridas. That bro needs to repent and stay repented. In the bible its states love one another not still another....
sorry i meant same.. and i meant steal.. i was to inspired
To October 16, 2007 4:40 PM,
First of all, your comment makes absolutely no sense at all.
You said, "I thought that attending church for any function was free salvation."
If you're asking if salvation is free, no, salvation is not free. Although it is available, it requires your heart, faith and commitment. A price not many are willing to pay.
You probably should take a little more time in articulating your thoughts.
Yes- "Mr. I-won't-sit-next-to-a-non-tither-Villanueva"- yep that's the one. Was it a married woman? I heard it was a young lady from his church.
unfortunately the law is the law it still is illegal to charge for entrance for a church function.. period.. accept it !!!!! We live on this earth we need to abide by the law.. Its against the law we are a non- profit organization... I smell trouble
Yes I heard that one before from 'Evangelist Villanueva'. The harsher in criticism you are- the harder the fall.
uuuuuuummmmmm are u speaking about the 1st time or the 2nd time. Like I said repent and stay repented
Hmm, so one could say he wouldn't sit next to a non-tither but he would fornicate with one. Hmmm. Or was she?
The SECOND time? Man! I need to get from under my rock! Do tell.
explain urself: or was she?
So if it's illegal- then ALOT of churches are in trouble- churches in and out of the AA charge for registration all the time.
It's sad because he evangelizes and he sure does get around. Hermano Roba Maridas...
Or was she a non-tither. :) Just being a smarty.
I know we're not to rejoice when one of our own falls- but I'm not ashamed to say it, when I heard, I gave a little smirk- happiness? I don't know- but I smirked. He was such an 'escandaloso'. Then he had these little lemmings from Rancho carrying his briefcase like he was someone important- and there they went- following after him like his puppydog assistants.
The Second time? Please explain. I thought it was once.
lets pray for the brother he needs our prayers... Maybe his pastors can pray over him.. please not let it be a sister
what do you mean "please not let it be a sister". do you wish it were a guy? what are you talking about?
OK. would anyone be interested in buying 1 of Bro. Pacheco's investment properties
Sergio Villanueva? What happened to him? Are you guys talking about what I think you are? Gees. There goes another one. Satan is rejoicing- another bit the dust.
This is the problem with our church now days. We get to pre-ocupied with the minute things that some of the important things are slipping-
We all need to be ready and hold steadfast for the His coming is near.
Does anyoneknow Pacheco's hoem address?
God Bless u Bro. Sergio we'll pray for u... We we'll hold stead fast after we laugh ...
Does Bro. Pacheco live on Nancy cir. ? is his home addr: 4049 Nancy circle.. in Corona?
How do you know that is Pachueco's property listed?
PUBLIC RECORDS. look up PB with the county
ahhhhh must I tell u all my links
People want facts.. I guess we are getting facts.
What happened with Sergio Villanueva? How do you guys know whatever he did is true?
ok with the Sergio who ever gossip its old...
Do I hear a lil Soldier of the Roba Maridas.. Confess
CORONA, CA 92881
CORONA, CA 92879
APN#: 140370010
APN#: 140341003
Nancy Cir: APN #: 114620014
4049 Nancy Cir CORONA CA 92881
per Zillow if this is his house here are some details:
5 beds, 3.25 baths, 5,251 sq ft;
Taxes paid in 2006 $19,060.00
Zillow estimates that Valverdes taxes were appro.. $13,000.00 to $14,000.00. Im in the wrong prefession... Why wont the repent or resign? Umm They can't afford to.
Apostolic Assembly of the Rich and Fraudsters
pachuco robo de votos
Guess like somebody said earlier in another blog.
Is there nothing this man won't sell?
Dates for Missy?
Dates For Timmy with the Blue Flowers?
I am sure that the GB have not been sleeping for awhile. For several reasons:
1. I know I have done wrong and I don't know how to fix it or I can't fix it.
2. I don't agree what happen but we (GB) have to stick together.
3. If I leave the AA who is going to follow me.
4. I have heard from God but the others are telling to fight it tell the end.
God help Pres. Sanchez.
Pachuco didn't rob the votes. He didn't have any. Nobody in their right mind voted for him. So his cuz Malverde gave him his vote, then Pachuco voted for himself. Just two votes and then they Had Gaxiola turn his back and probably say...Its ok brothers I saw the whole tamale and it was good. My friend and brother Pachi won by a landslide.
I'm positive they're losing hair over it. They try to act pious, arrogant and smirk in front of many in a vein effort to make us think they are not worried.
They even mock and make fun of several of those who are consenting the lawsuit. I see it firsthand. But I know the GB is worried and stressed - they should be.
It is obvious the elections or should I say selections went bad. You can't hide that. It's like the woman walking in on her adulterous husband and him saying, "It's not what you think it is!"
GB, you cheated and you can't deny it!
Preach it: No one voted for Pachueco.
How are they thinking that they can have a Convention with all this mess.. They Consegration instead of a Convention.
They need consecration instead of a convention... Thats the mess they created.. Go figure who is leading us... RESIGN!!!!!!
Hey!!! Malverde can't afford to lose any more hair.
NO WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The whole flor azelers were planing to go to Gaytown.
Even the Lopezs' were coming.
I guess that they are going strong in convention... what are they waiting for. They want the congregation to stand up @ the convention and protest screaming RESIGN!!!!!
Lets talk a lil bit about the Lopez's. Well I know first hand of Bro. Adam Sr being pervert him self. No one can tell me diffrent.. They have to get the jeans from someone.. No better than the root of the ancestors...
To be more clear meaning Adam Lopez I
Bro. Adam Sr being pervert him self. Why you said that?
I can remember being a lil girl and visiting the family at thier home. Then i tried to go to the bathroom and as my mom walked away to drink a cup of coffee. I walked towards the bathroom and he grabbed me and tried to kiss me.. I was a lil girl maybe 7yrs old. I was so scared I was shacking in my seat afterwards.. My mom looked at me and asked me whats wrong mejia are u ok? I just shooked my head.. I can still remember his breath and the look on his perverted face...
The Pastor?
The Bishop?
Self centered Pastor from Union city? That one?
No the father of the Bishop. Its been only like 1yr ago that I was able to even speak about it to another person and I'm a grown woman now and I have children of my own. I would die first to leave them in a room with a another man alone than thier father
No wonder our sisters are leaving the AA.
Men like this preach hell and brimstone to our sisters about their apperance while at the same time trying to get under there skirts!
Then they sit up on the Pulpit at End times acting like a GOD
OMG I just checked people finders.com and the dirty old man is 92 yrs old...
I hate do disappoint everyone, but Brother Blog master is not providing correct information on "Shout Out." The activity and the cities are incorrect. I heard he is being paid to place incorrect information.
No Im talking about the old man Bro. Lopez....
Sorry to hear about that sister.
Not all men are that way.
Still don't ever trust anyone.
AHHHHHHHH no this is correct information... Im not lying he was a sick old man
Are you talking about Union City pastor?
I cant say more than what I know and what I went thru.. Parents watch after ur children its soemthing that I cant forget...
No not the pastor but his father was the perverted one... THE FATHER
To be more clearer the current Pastor Lopez's father
And after all this Sanchez and Malverde can still sit on their thrones at the General Offices.
And all they worry about is their money.
Who cares about all the molested children left behind by all the perverts.
Bad thing they probably know who each and everyone out there that a perv. and turned their heads.
Yeah Sanchez...who cares?
As I began to read the comments on the blog all those feelings came up again...
What proof do you have about the Lopez boys?
Or is it just your hear say?
Like I said they have to get thier jeans form someone and who better than thier ancestor
Three sons of bishops have died of AIDS. Is a fact and is really sad.
Who are they? Names plse who?
"Three sons of bishops have died of AIDS. Is a fact and is really sad."
Are they Benjamin Quiroz, Eleazar Rodriguez and Manuel Soto's sons?
Yes, they were openly gays and friends of the Lopez's
When and where did the "Flor Azul" groupie start?
In the bay area.
I know of one that repented and what does that have to do with anything.. Is that what this has to result into bringing all the sins of the assembly out becuz of the current GB disobedience and difiance to god... I hold that brother of higher esteem because he repented of his sins not becuz man told him too. God made that conviction in his heart and he still had that opportunity to repent and so we could all see his testimony and his true love for god... These men that died of the deadly disease are not alive to back them selves up.. U should be ashamed for urselves for even talking about the dead.. who ever u are....
We are not talking about the dead , we are showing a curse in our AA that has to be removed. Like your friend he repented what about the rest?
Ok now lets talk about Rachel Valverde when she was diagnosed with cancer why did the GB have to run to need of hysteric, panic of her ill ness.. I heard that she questioned god.. Not even Job had the nerve to question god.. Did she not have faith.. Did she not believe in god and trust that he was to deliver from the illness.. dont they say in every good man there is a good woman. where was her faith...
You don't want to judge Christ by Christians, someone once said. He is perfect, they are not.
god delivered pacheco's wife from cancer. Does he think that gods gonna deliver him from prison... FAT chance... RESIGN!!!!!!!!!!
We went into another thread... Has anybody heard from the GB?
Last we heard from a GB member was that they were already bashing Pastor S. Avila as to who had designated him to be the secretary of this group of men that were questioning the elections.
Oh I see... he is the secretary of this group!
They can bash all they want all the way behind bars... hilarious
RESIGN!!!!!!!!!! RESIGN!!!!!! when are they gonna resign when the members start law suits not just against the the assembly but person law suits.
If Pastor Avila is the secretary of this group of men, maybe we can write him to translate the Spanish document that is on aa.info.
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