Monday, October 1, 2007

A Historical Perspective

Tonight while I was cleaning up the shenanigans of a few kids spraying graffiti on our Apostolic News blog, I came across this post that was emailed in. I do not take credit for it, I cannot verify its authenticity. I did not even edit for grammer. Please read "as is", stuffed in my inbox. A few old timers should chime in here and give us their perspective.

Author Anonymous


IN THE YEAR OF 1925 the first convention was held in San Bernardino,California
General Pastor Francisco F. Llorente
Ancianos Pastor Antonio Castaneda Nava, Jose Martinez L. Martinez.
Secretario Convencionista, Bernardo Hernandez.

This continued for several years, cannot go into deep detail. See
"Historia de la Asamblea de la Fe en Cristo Jesus 1916-1966.

See and read whose names is all over the pages, who gets all the credit. How President Francisco Llorente was found be by the Elder
Antonio Nava to be "not really doing his job.(Brother Llorente)
Nava very shudrely "left to Mexico" to visit relatives and how a "Commission" conspired by Nava to "ask" Brother Llorente to "resign" because according to Nava Brother Llorente was not "evangelizing sufficently.

Brother Llorente, an anointed man of God, bi-lingual and very humble and a prayer warrior. Brother LLorente was a great leader and was at one time known to have worn "women shoes", because of the Great Depression crises.There was extreme poverty and lack of everything for everyone in the U.S.A.

Brother LLorente was notified by a messenger before hand that this "commission" was going to present to Brother Llorente the faults that this "commission"was going to present to Brother Llorente, as he was found guilty of non compliance to continuing evangelizing. This was cruel because he was not even tried.

Knowing when the "committee" was coming to meet with Brother Llorente. Brother LLorent became very ill and had a cardiac arrest the "commission" or "committee" got there. The "committee" got there in time for the funeral services.

THEN BROTHER NAVA RETURNED> NEVER being presentin FUTURE WHEN CRISES AROSE. BUT RETURNED IN TO TIME TO "ASSUME" THE PRESIDENCY FOR 30 long years. Not allowing elections. It was when pressure was put by Brother Arturo Hermosillo and Brother Epifanio Cota Senior, and Brother Paublo Garcia Chavez, from Arizona, New Mexico that the elections were forced to be held.....
Brother Nava could not run again because he would not become a USA citizen because there was NO double citizenship then and he had alot of properties in Mexico> Encenada and Rocarito along the coast..WOW..

So the story goes on till now the same old same old.
No matter who was President of the Apostolic Assembly, Brother Nava always had the "LAST AND FINAL WORD"
That is when Brother Efrain Valverde and Brother Nava "Locked horns in the Convention in the 1970 at the San Diego Concourse.

In the late l960's Brother Nava unfortaunately had an automobile accident on a dark night going home from church on the rainy night on Whittier Boulevard in East Los Angeles, California.

The woman crossing the "legal" cross walk was killed at DOA at Los Angeles General Hospital.
This terrible accident "neutralized" Brother Nava "a little tiny bit" had to move to Union City where he had "removed" a pastor there and set his son in law there till this day....

This is why Brother Baldemar had a "HEY" DAY FOR 23 years in the Board...because Brother Nava had been "nutralized" in other words a "LAME DUCK" as in Politics.



Maybe you will know why this has irrupted...Its been a loooonnnngggg
time due. God save...Many Pastors left, Brother Martinez, Brother Lupe Lara, when Brother Nava took his congregation...
They all learned and learned good..


Anonymous said...

So now Bro Nava kill two persons Bro Llorente and a lady.
Can somebody tell us if this is true or not?

Anonymous said...

So would it be safe to say that the AA uh, is haunted?

Apo churches did always give me the creeps. Couldn't stand being in them alone.

My heart goes out to this poor lady.

Anonymous said...

Word from the Lord!

Ezekiel 24:14:

“I, the Lord, have spoken! The time has come, and I won’t hold back. I will not change my mind, and I will have no pity on you.

You will be judged on the basis of all your wicked actions, says the Sovereign Lord.”

You hide behind the name “Anonymous” but I know who you are…

Says the Lord of Host!

Anonymous said...

To Mr word of the lord.

Who you trying to scare.

We know that ultimately God will judge in the afterlife every man for his deeds.

However here on earth if there is wrong doing we must remove any cancer that infests the body of Christ.

Judgement begins in the house of God

Anonymous said...

Like the Marines say,

"We're not here to judge, we're here to arrange the meeting."

Sorry GB, your time is near.

Anonymous said...

Primer Pastor General y Presidente de la Iglesia
Periodo Presidencial: 1925 – 1928
Francisco Llorente es uno de los primeros y más destacados líderes pentecostales latinos en Estados Unidos de Norteamérica. Su lugar de nacimiento fue Acapulco, estado de Guerrero, México, y a pesar que no alcanzó una carrera profesional, se sabe que tuvo buenos estudios. Siendo muy joven, Francisco Llorente emigro a los Estados Unidos. En año de 1912, teniendo poco tiempo de haber llegar a la ciudad de San Diego escucho el poderoso mensaje de la palabra de Dios por medio de hermanos norteamericanos del nombre de Jesucristo. Meses después en este mismo año, fue bautizado por el ministro Juan Navarro Martinez (el hermano Juan Navarro, fue uno de los primeros mexicanos en experimentar el derramamiento de El Espíritu Santo de Dios en la calle Azuza en Los Angeles California) y días después fue bautizado con el Espíritu Santo. El llamado de Dios fue tan fuerte en la vida del hermano Llorente que ese mismo año fue ordenado evangelista y se lanzo a la predicación del evangelio viviendo solo por la fe. Ya para el año de 1913 en el área de San Diego, creyentes eran bautizados en el nombre de Jesucristo como fruto de su trabajo evangelistico. Este mismo año el hermano Llorente se caso con la hermana Josefina R. F. de Llorente con quien tuvo tres hijos. En 1914 bautizo al hermano Marcial de la Cruz.
En el año de 1916 conoció al hermano Antonio Castañeda Nava. Después estos dos hermanos se unieron con el hermano Llorente en el trabajo de la obra de Dios. Este hombre humilde, de origen mexicano fue el primer líder de un buen número de hermanos que con el tiempo se organizaron para suplir las necesidades de otros hermanos de la misma fe. Con el tiempo, su dedicación y pasión por la obra de Dio le permitió consolidarse como líder sobresaliente entre los varios grupos de hermanos que se encontraban diseminados en varias ciudades de California, especialmente el en Sur de este estado. La capacidad del hermano Llorente para ministrar era manifiesta con tal poder y virtud de Dios que la unción y respaldo Divino eran evidentes. En el libro Mis Memorias escrito por el Obispo-historiador José A. Ortega, se narra como el hermano Llorente “Mientras caminaba por los pasillos de la pequeñas congregaciones exponiendo la palabra de Dios, la gente recibía el Espíritu Santo, sanaba milagrosamente, o era tocada por el Poder de Dios” (pg. 276). Su liderazgo eficaz resulto en su nominación y elección como el primer Pastor General titulo que después cambio a presidente de la Iglesia de la Fe Apostólica del Pentecostés (nombre inicial de la Asamblea Apostólica). Los primeros años fueron difíciles para la naciente Iglesia debidos a factores de distancia geográfica entre los grupos de creyentes, necesidad de establecer lineamientos doctrinales, y reglamentos ministeriales. Este trabajo de liderazgo lo llevo a cabo asistido eficazmente por el hermano Antonio Castañeda Nava. Aunque la naciente Iglesia siempre trabajo independientemente de otros movimientos, el ministerio del hermano Llorente recibió la asistencia, y reconocimiento oficial de el movimiento conocido como Pentecostal Assemblies of the World (Asambleas Pentecostales del Mundo).

Por fin, en 1925 se convoco a la primera convención general de la Iglesia. Conforme estos grupos de creyentes fieles a la doctrina del nombre de Jesucristo llegaban a acuerdos de unidad, organización y doctrina bajo el liderazgo del hermano Llorente, de igual manera su nombre como Iglesia se definía. En la primera convención general se le nomino y resulto electo Pastor General. Después de varios años de su conformación la Iglesia adopto el nombre de Asamblea Apostólica de la Fe en Cristo Jesús, nombre con el que hasta hoy es conocida. En 1927 murió su esposa y a finales de este año contrajo matrimonio con la hermana Juanita Peach. Después de este evento se traslado a vivir a Yuma, Arizona. El hermano Llorente falleció de paro cardiaco a temprana edad el día 10 de Septiembre de 1928. Durante el tiempo de su funeral, el 1er Volumen de Historia de la Asamble Apostolica narra que los hermanos comentaban: “... Creemos que Dios lo llamó al descanso porque lo amaba, tomando en cuenta sus sufrimientos y amor a la causa de Cristo ...”
Escrito por: Abraham Ruiz

Ser el primer Pastor General (titulo que después cambio al de presidente) de nuestra Iglesia. Ser el primer líder latino dentro de nuestro movimiento en ser reconocido por otro movimiento pentecostal ya establecido. Fue reconocido como Pastor General-Presidente durante las tres primeras convenciones generales de nuestra Iglesia. Entre sus mayores logros se cuentan: su liderazgo, su consagración al trabajo evangelístico, su consolidación como líder de la naciente Iglesia. Como himnólogo, el hermano Llorente compuso hermosas alabanzas que hoy son clásicas, tales como: “Jesús me habló,” “Jesús Solo Es Dios”, y “En El Cielo Mansión.” Su legado como pionero y fundador en el campo del pentecostalismo moderno entre el pueblo hispano es innegable. Indudablemente nuestro primer presidente fue notable por su talento en el liderazgo espiritual y su capacidad de ministrar la palabra de Dios en los inicios de la Asamblea Apostólica de la Fe en Cristo Jesús.

El destacado liderazgo y contribución del hermano Francisco Llorente entre los primeros lideres latinos pentecostales es plenamente reconocido por The New International Dictionary of Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements (El Nuevo Diccionario Internacional de Movimientos Pentecostales y Carismáticos).

Anonymous said...

Engrish Pease!

Anonymous said...

Wow my mouth is wide open after reading this!
No matter what side wins the only losers are the general members. We lost yesterday, we're losing now and we will go on losing til our Lord comes.
Wow things don't change I guess. we got a Bishop thats going after his cousins wife, another one was sent to spy on the Mexican Church, another ripped off a bunch of good general members out of their hard earned saving in a car scam and another pushed his weight around to destroy a Junior's camp. Geez I guess we can't win.

Anonymous said...

The roots of the Apostolic Assembly, prior to its official establishment, date back to its early years as a missionary branch of the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World or PAW, an English-speaking denomination currently based in Indianapolis. One of the first pioneers was Juan Navarro, who had participated in the Azusa Street Revival and who had spearheaded efforts to spread this new message to other Hispanics. Navarro was instrumental in converting two young men, who would assist him in setting up the foundations for a distinct Hispanic ministry within the emerging Pentecostal movement. In 1912 Navarro gained a new convert, Francisco F. Llorente, originally from Acapulco (Mexico) (Llorente eventually became Bishop President of the Apostolic Assembly when the denomination was formalized in 1925). Soon thereafter, Navarro was to baptize Marcial de la Cruz of Torreón (Mexico), a prolific songwriter. These three ministers moved from the ranks of the sponsoring PAW to preach amongst Mexican immigrants, and began to spread their pioneering message throughout Riverside, Colton, San Bernardino, Los Angeles, and Watts.
In 1912, soon after 22-year-old Francisco F. Llorente arrived in San Diego from his home in Acapulco, Mexico, he was converted to Pentecostalism by a group of Anglo-Americans who were followers of the Apostolic Faith (or "Jesus Only" Pentecostals). In 1914 Llorente converted and baptized Marcial De La Cruz, and the pair traveled throughout Southern California during 1914-1915 and established numerous Spanish-speaking Apostolic churches.
Beginning in 1916, Navarro, Llorente and De La Cruz received their ministerial credentials from the PAW, and Llorente was named the PAW's "Mexican Representative."
That event marks the organizational beginning of the Apostolic Assembly as an emergent denomination, with Llorente as its acting bishop (1916-1925).
Llorente dedicated most of his efforts to ministry between Los Angeles and San Francisco. Although loosely related to the PAW, the PAW leadership exercised no control or supervision of the Spanish-speaking work in California at the time the PAW was formally incorporated in 1919.

In December 1925, the leaders of the Hispanic Apostolic churches (some 23 congregations) in the American southwest and Baja California met together in San Bernardino, California, for their first general assembly as an organization. Those in attendance chose "The Church of the Apostolic Pentecostal Faith" as the official name of their movement and elected Francisco Llorente as Presiding Bishop (1925-1928).
In 1926, a small group of pastors, led by José L. Martínez of San Bernardino, revolted against the leadership of Llorente and demanded "a doctrinal purification, the purging of the ministry, and a new name for the movement," but also the requirement concerning tithing was a major issue in the financial structure of the denomination.

Anonymous said...

The reformation is underway. We are experiencing its beginning. "What's different about this movement and how can it be identified?" you ask. If the apostolic reformation is different from any other movement we have seen in recent history, then it would be a Gospel that challenges the "heart of man" to get involved with the Holy Spirit in building the Church of Jesus Christ, an emphasis on the kingship of every believer, and equipping every willing and available believer to take the Gospel to the nations. Yes, exciting change is upon us.

Anonymous said...

Well I thought I'd read it all. Is our hunger for gossip so insatiable that we have to go back 90 years or so to have another blog? Gees- the National Enquirer has nothing on us!

We are not cursed. We are a blessed people.

Anonymous said...

Yes we are cursed it is call generational curses

Anonymous said...

if i'm cursed, will I make it to heaven?

Anonymous said...

Who hexed us then? Who exactly brought this curse on? Brother Nava? Brother Llorente?

Brother/Sister- I'm not cursed, I am blessed- God has poured his blessing over me and my family repeatedly.

I disagree the AA is cursed. What has happened is that we haven't matured spiritually- we're repeating past mistakes.

Anonymous said...

We had a Pastor pray a curse on us can you believe that.
He prayed "curse the ones that don't tithe or give offerings".
I'm no Pastor but I would pray a curse on anyone no matter what.
Oh yeah he name is Joe, for reals, you know who you are. He said the only way they would take him out was in a coffin. Guess what that didn't happen but he left with his tail between his legs.

Anonymous said...

I meant never pray a curse

Anonymous said...

A little more history….
If you read about the lives and history of the following men: Eisenhower, Patton, MacArthur, Churchill, you will see that in some measure they were men used by God to save the world in a given place and time. Each one in their bios or auto bios say that they learned from history in order to success in their immediate endeavor and to affect the future.
For you that calls my comments ‘The Enquire” that rag is the present, I am commenting on historical factual events that happened in our AA, and were passed on generation to generation as a learned behavior, manipulation, control, little Kingdoms, exploitation of members and pastors.
An old Apostolic President who would not allow elections for 30 years, when he got very sick, summoned an older Bishop to his side. “Come near to my bed, and let us pray to God Almighty that He will forgive us for all the people, brothers and sisters, that we have sent to hell.”
So if we don’t see what has happened in our past, “we are doomed to repeat” it.
Windston Churchill.

Anonymous said...

According to my pastor, I'm going to hell, and I have demons. Why? Because I keep plucking my bushy eyebrows. He doesn't know I wax my fuzzy mustache. I wonder where he would send me for that one?

I have a low self-esteem, and having someone down my back telling me I'm going to hell really doesn't help much.

Anonymous said...


(1) The claim of direct authority from God, rather than testing things by the Word. Many today have set "personal" revelation and experience above the final authority of God's Word. When this occurs there is no longer any basis for ascertaining the will of God, as one would not be able to discern truth from error because the standard is "personal" rather than the Word of God.

(2) The command is to "submit to me," rather than "I will serve you."

(3) The method of leadership is to "order" people around, rather than to appeal for them to do the right things.

(4) There is a dominating, "pushy" drive instead of a dependence on God to direct.

(5) There is a sense of control, rather than a sense of support.

(6) A gift is exploited so that others are made to feel dependent on it.

(7) There is inflexibility - "don't question me" - "don't touch the Lord's anointed."

(8) There is unapproachability and intimidation - the "aura" around the leader keeps the followers in "awe."

(9) There emerges an organization built around a man and his peculiar emphases instead of around Christ and His Word.

(10) There will be cyclical challenges to the authority figure (which are immediately and forcefully purged).

(11) There is more concern for maintaining the authoritarian structure than there is for caring about the people in it.

Anonymous said...


All I can say is, "wow." This list actually almost made me cry.

This is 100% true of the pastor from the church I used to go to. He was a well respected board member, yet his church is still in shambles to this day. That pastor produces more wounded people than anything I've ever seen,

Anonymous said...

Hey as long as the churchs send in their 10% of the 10% its ok. The pastors can be sinning all they want.

All the Board says is "Show me the MOney"

And the really good pastors that are are having a hard time sending in their money are taken to the shed.

And what I mean by hard time sending in their money, is that the mortage..local programs, help the needy( no Sam that doesn't mean you) programs have to take a back seat cause the board wants their MONEY yeserday. And if the Pastor doesn't his a Bad Pastor, but as long as the money is in go on ahead a have an affair, look at the sisters with perverted eyes. Take over the gneral church fund and spend as you like. Just make sure we get our share. And that my friends is how the AA operates.
Now they want to go to convention on their little own and leave the general membership out.
Whos money are they using for this?
Its time to bring this Good Old Boys Club DOWN!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

From a historical perspective to a Future perspective...consider this:

Do you think that when Sanchez and the GB is negotiating a purchase of 9 acres in the suburbs of Dallas Texas to build new corporate offices and a Bible School, there may be something to the rumor that they might be disolving the Apostolic Assembly of the Faith in Christ Jesus, a California corporation, in order to set up a new corporation in Texas with a new name for the Assembly?

Why did Bishop Artie Espinoza, a GB member already relocate to the Dallas area? Is he to oversee this move? After all, he is Sanchez' brother-in-law.

Think about this and get your opinions and/or information out and spread the word.

They may be trying to duck the bullet.

Anonymous said...

What proof do you have that this deal is in the works? Are documents of a potential transaction available?

Anonymous said...

Is is a fact that they were purchasing or have already purchased 9 acres for offices and a Bible College. It was announced by Sanchez at a Dallas Convention three weeks ago.

So, fill in the blanks.

Already, everyone knows that Bishop Espinoza purchased a home in Grand Prarie, a suburb of Dallas.

Any Realtors out there who can check recent purchases of commercial property in Texas by the AA? Or purchased in another corporation name, perhaps?

Anonymous said...

Not only should you trust God but you need to trust your leaders also!

Not only should you be loyal to God but you need to be loyal to your leaders!

Not only should you have faith in God but you need to have faith in your leaders!
"Touch not my anointed"
all criticism of our leaders are slanderous or malicious.

Not only should you imitate Jesus but you need to imitate your leaders

Anonymous said...

October 5, 2007 8:28 PM

Anonymous said...
One of the most common errors found in Christianity today is that particular persons, usually pastors or evangelists, are somehow more "anointed" than the average Christian. This teaching often coincides with a veiled threat in the form of "touch not mine [the Lord's] anointed," (I Ch. 16:22, Ps. 105:15).

The term "anointing" means to "authorize, or set apart, a person for a particular work or service," (Is.61:1). The New Testament is absolutely clear on whom the anointing rests - ALL of Christ's disciples, who are God's very own, set apart and commissioned for service (2 Cor. 1:21). The New Testament does not support the notion of a "greater" anointing based on "position" and such teaching has its origin in a fundamental misunderstanding of the relationship between the Old and New Testaments.

Proponents of this error fail to use careful exegesis to discern the difference between the Old Testament call of a "prophet," where the anointing rested on one man (Is. 61:1, I Sam. 26:9,11, 2 Sam. 22:51, 2 Chr. 6:42), and the New Testament call of a "priesthood of believers" (I Pet. 2:5,9). Certainly there are diversities of gifts, but the Spirit [or anointing] remains the same (I Cor. 12). Benny Hinn, Kenneth Copeland, Kenneth Hagin, and many others have long terrorized God's people with "touch not mine anointed" nonsense if anyone dared question them or their teaching. Anyone who has a gift (all have gifts, 1 Cor. 12:7-11), has a ministry, and anyone who has a ministry, has authority and is anointed.

Anonymous said...


The truth is that the pastors of the Apostolic Assembly truly do not care for their families.
In the years past the General Conventions were held on December 27-3l. Everyone that would atttend and there were many and in very dire situations. The lodging were in church members homes and even nieghbors of the brethren would help out.

In the year of approximately 1978 more about that time. Sal Mendoza who had roots with the Jehovah Witnesses. His paternal and maternal families are Jehovah Witnesses, then from the city of Oxnard, California.
Sal Mendoza was the Messenger's of Peace President
Brother Sal who no longer is affiliated with the Aposotlic Assembly, presented during the year of 1970 or l978, (I have to see the Heraldo's from that time that I have.) to the GB of the time Brother Sal was MPP the dates of the Holiday of Thanksgiving to celebrate the Messengers of Peace convention.

Well with his background where in his home they did not celebrate Thanksgiving it was just "okay"

The General Board during that time agreed. One GB told someone " Itis okay with me I"d rather be away from my home at that time, my wife cannot even "cook" a turkey"





Anonymous said...

This really happening to the Apostolic extended families. We know for a fact that we are really being looked down and critized by other that we are so "cultish" that we do not even celebrate Thanksgiving Day, a National Religious Holiday here in the United States of America.
But why should we if 95.5 % of the Pastor are from Latin America..

So the native Mexican American is over ruled. Thank you Brother Salvador Mendoza, now from Houston, Texas.

Its true, the Messengers of Peace started this via Sal Mendoza in the 1970's. But now even the Ministerial Body and spouses are having "their" Pow Wow convention "away from their extended families" Over ruled..Sanchez, Valverde and Pacheco Montes are from Mexico also. Oh but they want the "church's familes to prosper" and be a nucleous of bonding..How hyprotical.

Anonymous said...

This is why the AA is no longer relevant in today's culture and society. The AA does not make any effort in trying to be something that your typical person can relate to. In Bible times, many could identify themselves with Jesus, Paul or John which made them effective leaders. In our time today, the only people who can identify and relate with the AA status quo are the 2nd and 3rd gen apos.

This does not mean the AA should compromise their moral stance on issues of sex, cheating, lying, etc. This means the AA needs to find a new method to reach out to people. Unfortunately the AA is still stuck on tamale sales and vigilias. The people you will reach out to using old methods will be very minimal.

Anonymous said...

Uh as for #2- not true- most of the wives are running some of the churches- especially here in the IE- their husbands are wearing the skirts and they're wearing the pants and running the people out of their churches with their bad attitudes and actions.

Anonymous said...

To October 11, 10:30 p.m.- So you must think God is female right?

Anonymous said...

To "October 15, 2007 2:36 PM",

What a stupid question. That's neither here nor there.

Anonymous said...

'Neither here OR there'

'Either here nor there'

can't have two negatives...

from stupid.

Anonymous said...

In light of the possibility of churches dividing from our AA- and the church properties raising a serious question--here's an interesting case for you legal begals out there . . .

Anonymous said...

As I mentioned in my previous blogs and in the one dated "Oct. 15, 1:26 pm, Election Irregularities blog" all pastors have received a letter from the law suit petitioners and consenters, explaining the reason and purpose for the upcoming law suit. You can see it posted in "" Now for all of you who called the men of God who were going to file the law suit "cowards" KEEP YOUR EYES AND EARS OPEN, it's finally coming!

Praying Always

Anonymous said...

What do you know???

The convention in Lubbuck Texas is over and Abel Torres fell right back into the web of musical chairs. He was again elected unanimously by all the Pastors, because the Pastors cannot think for themselves.

Sanchez did not dare apply the disqualifying tatics of the Qualifying Commission because Sanchez needed to neutralize Abel Torres.

As for Daniel Salomon and Baldemar Rodriguez, it must have been a heavy blow that Abel Torres is now part of the GB gang again.

How can a man be voted as Bishop by the Pastors who are part of the Apostolic Assembly when Torres is one of the ones suing the five members of the Qualifying Committee of the elections held in Long Beach CA in 2006?

Torres should have been disqualified for that reason.

That is called insubordination
to the Church and to the Bible
(I Cor. 6:1-11) which forbids the church to go to the world for resolution of internal church problems.

So is this the kind of hero we need? If he had the integrity alluded to earlier by another blogger, he would have disqualified himself for that reason alone.

But now Abel Torres is putty in Sanchez's hands. And we now have another person who is willing and able (no pun intended) to sue our Assembly if it is convenient and expedient for him...and you want Abel Torres as a board member-a man who sued his own Assembly?

Sorry to Baldemar and Salomon, their partner in the lawsuit has gone to the other side-the GB gang.

Anonymous said...

In all this mess Where is Bishop Juan Fortino? Hiding in Miami?
He should stand for something. This is the time when we need to see what kind of material a man is made of...........

Anonymous said...

The following are some of the characteristics commonly present in and control mechanisms practiced by hyper-authoritarian groups.
Apotheosis (improper exaltation) of the leadership.
Open reproof and rebuke.
Open disapproval.
Open denunciation and curses. Members are subjected to denunciation and disparagement as well as voodoo-like witchcraft "prayers" (curses)
Open threat of excommunication.
Threats of judgment from God and church discipline for insubordination.
Indoctrination with fear of failure and judgment.
Indoctrination with fear of spiritual apostasy.
Exclusivity and isolation.
Improper Dependence on Leadership.
Economic exploitation and enslavement.

They are all subtle mechanisms of manipulation used to subjugate and psychologically beat the sheep into complete submission and subservience to the leadership as slaves to build their private kingdoms and achieve their selfish ambitions.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Mama please let me go visit my wife, please!


October 31, 2007 10:17 PM

Anonymous said...
About the year 1990, Bishop Manuel Castorena came from Mexico City where he had just terminated being Obispo Presidente de la Iglesia Apostolica de Mexico.

Bishop Castorena was invited by Bro. Manuel Vizcarra who was Presiding Bishop of the Apostolic Assembly to Pastor the AA church in Pacoima, CA.

Bishop Castorena pastored in Pacoima, then relocated to another property that he purchased for the AA on Brand Blvd in San Fernando, CA.

Bishop Castorena is a dynamic preacher, teacher CBAN. For many years he taught at the Colejio Biblico Apostolico in Mexico City, preparing many men and women for ministry.

Now Bro. Castorena is very ill and will be retiring from the pastorship of the Apostolic Assembly church in San Fernando this coming Sunday, November 4 at a special farwell service.

It would be wonderful to take a pause especially now that we are having such a difficult time in our Assembly, to acknowledge and appreciate a great warrior of God who has given it all to the Work of the Lord, and retires only because his health has failed him to the point that he is a double amputee.

Let us rejoice that this man has left such a great legacy with our AA and a bright mark for many to follow.

If you would like to send him an acknowledgement card or offering here is his home address where he resides with his wife:

Rev. Mauel Castorena
11964 Carl Street
Lake View Terrace, CA 91342
(818) 890-1535

May God Bless you.

Anonymous said...

The GB is meeting because ALL of them were served with the law suit!!! Where are all the nay sayers, and the family members, and supporters of the GB board who claimed all to be a farce full of hot air? If you don't believe me, call their relatives, friends, and people on the inside - THEY WILL TELL YOU THE GB HAS BEEN SERVED!!!!!

Miguel G. Maturino said...

Dios les bendiga.
Estoy interesado en saber donde puedo encontrar himos por Maricial de La Cruz, himnologo celebre. Busco letra y musica, o CD's por Marcial de La Cruz.
Tambien busco personas que son de la familia de Marcial de la Cruz. Somos familiares retirados y quedan dos sobrinas de Marcial que aun viven en Santa Ana, Ca. y en Ontario.
Informacion puede mandarse al correo electronico de:
Miguel G. Maturino MS. Ed.

tejano said...

To the person whe continually posts about Bishop Torres backtracking because he was elected, he was later discharged by the Bishop mean Sanchez. He originally said God told him not to disqualify him because "I am in control" according to the words he claimed God spoke to him.
My question is: Is Bishop Sanchez being rebellious to what God told him, or did he lie from the very get-go about God speaking to him?

One of God's Children said...

The only history that I am interested in right now is getting a copy of the Northern CA Youth Camp picture for 73-74. I was baptized in 1973 and attended my 1st Youth Camp at Beaulah Park in Santa Cruz, CA and my camp picture got ruined in a move. I was hoping I could find someone that has a picture that I can either copy or that maybe can be scanned and sent to me. My maiden name was JoAnn Cota but now I am JoAnn Sandoval. I look forward to hearing from someone soon. My email address and my cell is 707 416-5806. In the meantime, May God Bless Us All and I hope to see you all in the Rapture!

Kookie said...

I would like to find more information about The first convention held in San Bernardino,California in 1925 the Secretario Convencionista, Bernardo Hernandez is my grandfather I never met him and just now discovering my family history.

Kookie said...

I would like to find more information about The first convention held in San Bernardino,California in 1925 the Secretario Convencionista, Bernardo Hernandez is my grandfather I never met him and just now discovering my family history.