A couple of things.
I noticed that the powers that be over at apostolicassembly.info removed the links to this and other blogs.
I thought it humorous that they say they want to use the Internet as a medium inform the constituents of the Apostolic Assembly and bring to light what was wronged (take it to the church) but when the light shines on their wrongs all of a sudden they want to turn off the lights again!
I don't think they liked what they were hearing. What should we read into that?
My heart was heavy as I was reading the round of comments on Saturday. It seemed as the comments turned from light jabs to an all out street fight. I saw names of people I forgot I had forgotten. Catarino Huizar? If anybody could cry over the pulpit it was him. I liked him, I tend to look at people apart from their ministry. We didn't have Starbucks back in those days, but if we did I could have great conversations with him over a cup of coffee. (Please don't bombard with details, I know all the stories...some not by choice.)
We are in a new era, an era of instant communication. The world is smaller. News instantaneous. Opinions heard. The voice of the masses can influence direction. I seriously doubt this generation will sit back and be intimidated by all powerful Oz pulling the ropes and levers behind the curtains. Leaders should and will be held accountable. Our leaders, at every level, better shape up, you are under more powerful microscope.
I've always felt uncomfortable with pastors and ministers demanding their respect (RESPECT: esteem, the condition of being honored). Respect is earned. I'm tired of pastors and ministers declaring their anointing. We serve the same God, we have the same Holy Spirit. Yours is not greater. Gifts and and talents are different. Before I give you my respect I want to know you as a person. Scripture dictates that we test all spirits to differentiate the true from false prophets.
You are human, you WILL fail. I expect that, so don't walk around like you are infallible. Romans 3:23 "for all (A)have sinned and fall short of the glory of GOD".
Teach your congregations what to do when you do fail. That is if you do have their best interest in mind. This will stop you from trying to cover up your mistakes. I guarantee you that when you do fall, your fellow believers will be there to help you out instead of throwing rocks and kicking you when your down or need their support.
To Apostolic Voice,
While we did remove the blog links from our site, we still advise our readers that sites do exist. We respect your efforts to allow a forum for people to openly discuss their feelings, thoughts and concerns. We have had multiple requests for links to blog sites. Unfortunately we cannot fulfill all of the requests received. In fairness to others, we chose to mention to our readers that sites such as yours are available in cyberspace.
When the link was originally included, it was the only one and the owner maintained some order. To share facts regarding the elections is one thing, however many of the posts have become childish. While some may be entertaining, they only serve to take away the respect you have noted in your title. Earn It – your predecessor stopped posting and ended the blog because the bloggers were getting out of control and the posts couldn’t be deleted fast enough to maintain standard they had hoped to set. We are not attempting to tell you how to run your site, merely suggesting a more respectful path. We pray God’s blessing on you and all of our readers.
To Suppress the Question. A legitimate question cannot be suppressed in a deliberative assembly without free debate, except by a two-thirds vote. A method of suppressing a question is to postpone it indefinitely (equivalent to rejecting it), which, however, being debatable and opening the main question to debate, is only of service in giving another opportunity to defeat the resolution should this one fail. For, if the motion to postpone indefinitely is adopted, the main question is dead for that session, and if it is lost, the main question is still pending and its enemies have another opportunity to kill it.
Pastors if you have a legitimate question to ask at Gaylord Texas do not alout your question to be kill.
Sorry aloud
Actually, it's "allow". Mispellers irritate me.
" . . . do not allow your quetions to be killed." not alout and kill.
questions, not quetions
Pastors if you have a legitimate question to ask at Gaylord Texas do not allow your question to be kill.
Exploitation of organizations is possible for various reasons. It appears that the Apostolic Assembly as an organization has been ripe for an all out exploitation owing to the nobleness which characterizes the majority of the people in the organization. The members of the organization have been taught to be humble, submissive, forbearing, respectful, and obedient to those in authority at all costs. For the most part, life has evolved in this manner in the organization. The previously mentioned characteristics and virtues have generally prevailed among the brethren of the organization. This tendency or state has caused an unfathomable vulnerability in the organization which makes it easy prey for people who would desire to rule with a sense of absolute and dictatorial leadership.
Cronyism is partiality to long-standing friends, especially by appointing them to positions of authority, regardless of their qualifications
Nepotism is the showing of favoritism toward relatives, based upon that relationship, rather than on an objective evaluation of ability or suitability. For instance, offering employment to a relative, despite the fact that there are others who are better qualified and willing to perform the job, would be considered a form of nepotism. The word nepotism is from the Latin word 'nepos', meaning "nephew" or "grandchild".
When a lawsuit is filed it is done with diligence and takes time. The last meeting was held and all necessary and accurate information needed was received and now it will officially be filed. Let's pray because now everything will come out by the end of October."
Gaylord Texas. Wow. They couldn't select a major city. Here we go to Gaylord, Texas. I bet GB5 will be the convention praise team. Might as well bring all those "Flor Azul'ers" back.
to the irritate person: Any comment
on the comment itself?
Unfortunately, right now, each Pastor has to walk the fine line because if they voice an opinion, opposite the status quo they run the risk of being replaced. No joke. I heard this from a GB family member.
And really, no matter which side you are on, we pay enough as it is, why should we contribute ANY more money to either side. Baldemar and Friends have set up a legal fund for contributions. They want to sue, fine, they're in their every right to, but pay for it themselves. I'm sure at this point, they'll skim off the top from their churches' contributions to help pay for THEIR lawsuit.
Same for the GB- I hope they pay for their own legal defense fund and that none of it is coming out from the skimmings or ANY part of the AA treasuries or insurance.
I disagree with your idea if you believe that our church needs a reform we all need to help Baldemar and his group.
If you want to keep this present GB well.....
For your information: It is Gaylord Texan Hotel & Resort in Grapevine, Tx. It also has a very large Convention Center. I was there once for a convention that our company had and to be honest with you it is very nice hotel. Expensive but classy. If you plan to eat there bring lots of money.
You got to be kidding!!! The GB paying from their pockets. Who is at Headquarters and who has access to whatever one needs???
To mispellers irritate me: Especially if the truth is said.
OK_ I'm lost- Flor Azulers? Can someone elaborate? I've been under a rock for a while.
End the Cronyism and Nepotism NOW
Bishop Valverde announce a while back to the pastoral body of an underground group of gays that call themselves "Flor Azul" their purpose is to recruit new youngsters at the General Convention to participate in orgies at the hotel rooms, they also sell drugs. This a fact,
Flor Azulers? Wow- thought that was a myth.
Could explain why one very well known christian young man, whom was baptized and a convention freak is now infected with the AIDS virus.
Didn't finish my previos post- he once told me he was infected at a convention. I didn't press for details and he didn't offer. Now I know why.
Why are moderating the comments? Did the GB threaten to take something from you? Did they promise you a position in the newly formed "Apostolic Online" division?
No, just doing some site maintanence. Sorry for the inconvenience.
But it there is an opening...apostolicvoice@gmail.com
Now thinking about it, it would be, as the yunginz say, off the hizzy to have reporters at large reporting on various activities. Armed with PDA's and cell phone, we could carefully monitor local, sector, district and national functions.
Your assignment:
Apostolic News.
We report, you decide.
I like it.
To October 1, 2007 11:57 AM
The GB is paying out of their pockets. But remember since they are in power, their pockets include all of the assets of the AA. Including your church building and bank account!!!
The "Flor Azulers" are a group of guys from the AA, that virtually came out of the closet at the same time. Most were active in the AA, mostly all were in the music department from muscicians, singers, and choir directors. Some are even college grads from the Pac 10 and Ivy League.
Rumor has it that they even started their own church in West Los Angeles.
Mike A is probably their Bishop.
Word from the Lord!
Ezekiel 24:14:
“I, the Lord, have spoken! The time has come, and I won’t hold back. I will not change my mind, and I will have no pity on you.
You will be judged on the basis of all your wicked actions, says the Sovereign Lord.”
You hide behind the name “Anonymous” but I know who you are…
Says the Lord of Host!
To the exaggerator above- then why are YOU anonymous- give us YOUR name- don't hid beind 'anonymous' either- God knows who you are as well.
From Isaiah to Jeremiah to Elisha, Old Testament prophets commonly pronounced judgments and curses on nations and peoples. In fact, prophesying doom and gloom on nations and pronouncing judgments on individuals was seemingly part and parcel of the prophetic ministry before Jesus Christ, the Prophet, became a curse for us.
Thousands of years later, some New Testament prophets are still operating in this flow, but are all of them speaking on behalf of the Spirit of God? Or could some of them be prophesying out of hurts and wounds, pride or some sinister spirit?
At the heart of the matter is a single, yet critical question: Is it Biblical for modern day prophets to pronounce judgments and curses on people and cities today?
Anyone who has moved in prophetic circles has surely heard some questionable prophecies. Take, for example the prophet who exerts control over his congregation by proclaiming, “If you leave this church, then something bad will happen to you!”
But did God really say that? Or has carelessness, hidden sin, Jezebel, or some other ungodly influence led some prophets to tap into spirits that are anything but holy?
Part of pronouncing curses and judgments, then, boils down to motives. Is the prophet truly speaking what saith the Lord, no matter what the Lord saith – for good or bad? Or is the prophet decreeing destruction out of pride, arrogance, or rejection? Is the prophet seeking to be admired, feared or revered? Is the prophet speaking forth curses to put on an air of superiority or to look powerful? What kind of prophet would take any pleasure in cursing someone to death when Jesus came to bring life? While the Spirit of God can do as He wishes, the prophet in and of himself does not have any authority to curse or judge.
Prophets who intentionally set out to manipulate, control, deceive or otherwise harm people through prophetic judgments or curses are out of order.
To 12:05 AM,
Wow, very good post! Every apo minister/pastor/evangelist/self-proclaimed healer should be issued this post to be memorized.
I say we just stay away from "Thus sayeth Lord" prophecies and stick to what the Lord has already said in his word. I'm happy just to have his word that has already been established by men like Paul, Luke and John. I don't need el hermano Joaquin Lupe Rodriguez De La Cruz prophesying that I'm going to receive a million dollars next year. I know you pray and stuff, but until your letters end up in the Bible, I'll just stick to the word given by God himself.
I have contacted many people that are computer illiterate or do not own computers, including several pastors. I have been telling them what is going on in our Assembly regarding the 2006 elections. They have not been informed by the GB, or Bishops or other Pastors of all the recent events and of the pending lawsuit.
And the ones who know history and can fill us in to what has happened before, refuse to do so because they do not want to lose their jobs or be excommunicated from the church.
I have been trying to tell them that someone who holds back the truth causes trouble, but one who openly criticizes works for peace. Proverbs 10:10, Good News Bible.
I was told however, by one of the persons I talked to that their parents who lived in Otay remembered that while Bro. Nava was in Mexico, a riot erupted between the Pastors Elders and members during a church meeting regarding who was going to be the next General Pastor (President), and it got so violent that there was fist fighting and chair throwing inside the church. No one could get it calmed down. Do you think this could happen in Dallas? Could it be that history might repeat itself?
Forget about that I wanna see the Cat fight at the Pastor's wives Siminar. Tension going to be so thick in there you will be able to cut it with a knife.
Why is everybody ignoring the fact that God tried to warn Sanchez about unethical practices in the AA, according to that "Letter from God" in www.apostolicassembly.info. I heard, from a former HQ employee that there were more than one letter received by SAnchez, from different sources, and even a video prophecying the coming illegalities!
The truth you do not really know D. Sanchez. He has a brother in Richmond, Va, who was in jail during the 1967 and was pastoring at that time. He is still pastoring under the auspices of the APAA.
The "letter that D. Sanchez supposely received from God," doesn't move D. SAnchez one tiny bit. If the word of God does not move him..As Paul says that a Bishop should be of good rapport etc., D. Sanchez stole that property from the elderly people, still lives here in Anaheim..
You think this "letter from God" would move him. No my dear saints. Nothing moves him he is beyond help. He is in a "web."
Tell us more
Why his brother was put in jail
What about the house?
No body is ignoring the fact that D. Sanchez did not listen to the "letter sent from God."
What more than the word of God the Holy Bible, he ignores that every day...We can talk all day and night and nothing will be done about that letter from God.
D. Sanchez will form another Corporation in the state of Texas, where he is negociating to build the General Offices and Bible School building. He has many Bishops on his side. All the active Bishops. You should see how they "still dance to the beat of D. Sanchez drum" We personally know this.
D. Sanchez has lost all his family, daughters from the Apostolic Assembly. He does not care.
In all the conventions he has attended, He leaves, "exits' during the "altar call." He gets paid to oversee the Apostolic Assembly, but he leaves, and lets the "souls" that come to the altar
be dealt by other ministers. He is too good and mighty to pray for them...No burden for the souls.
Imagine he also pastors, another church here in Los Anageles county..
More $$$$$...That's the vision, that's the Gold..
Is Dan Sanchez related to Eliseo Sanchez?
Trinidad Stephen Sanchez?
And the next bishop in SCD John Sanchez?
Yes, Eliseo is the one that was arrested in Edinburb, Texas in 1967, when he was Aposotlic Assembly pastor there. It was a terrible blow to the Rio Grande Valley Aposotlic Churches. They still speak about it here. Brother Nava shoved it under the table, and sent Eliseo to Las Vegas and Nava stated."Valla que el Senor lo testifique" Then Eliseo went somewhere in Florida. Now he is in Richmond, Va. See the Pastoral Directory of the APAS/
Trinidad was the name of the D. Sanchez father.This here could be a brother also named Trinidad. I do not know about him. D. Sanchez has WONDERFUL SISTERS...TOO BAD THEY ARE RELATED TO HIM. Could be I do not want to go into detail what happened to him..John Sanchez, does all copy work from others to present his seminars. and used plagarisim. Sometimes he could be arrested for practicing as a "clinical psycologist" Very arrogant and self=righteous..
Board of Directors:
President Daniel Sanchez
The President heads the Board of Directors and the Episcopal Body in the international leadership of the Apostolic Assembly. He is responsible for leading the work of the various Secretariats, Confederations and Districts in fulfilling the mission and purposes of the organization.
Under his presidential leadership, the Mission Statement of “Exalt Christ, Equip the Church, Evangelize the World” was developed and is being carried out. During this current administrative term, Bishop Sanchez’s burden and desire is to outreach and minister to the pastors and ministerial body of the Apostolic Assembly.
Presidential Thoughts...
Vice President Sam Valverde
The Vice-president chairs various working committees including the Confederations Committee, 2003 Ministerial Convention Committee, Revision of the Constitution Commission, and the Restoration Commission. The Vice-president also serves as the General Manager of the Apostolic Assembly Headquarters.
General Secretary Edward Pacheco
The General Secretary is responsible for generating Official Correspondence; assuring State and Federal Corporate Documentation; processing Resolution Petitions; producing Ministerial Certificates, Licenses and Credentials; maintaining Church and Ministerial Records; compiling Corporate Statistics; handling Legal Matters; and keeping Official Minutes of the General Board Meetings, Joint Meetings and Ministerial Conventions.
To download the California Certificate of Status, California Franchise Tax Board Letter of Good Standing, Resolution Petition Packet, SS-4 Tax Exempt ID# Application, Credential Applications, Ministerial Initiation/Ordination Questionnaires, and additional documents, please log in through e-bishop's/pastor's login.
To request the Articles of Incorporation or Federal Tax-Exempt 501 (c) 3 Form, please contact us.
General Treasurer Leobardo Maffey
The General Treasurer is responsible for the administration of all the monetary funds and stewardship of all contributions. He maintains official records of all income and expenses, and authorizes expenditures in accordance with general agreements. In addition, he provides financial reports for the internal use of the Board of Directors, Episcopal Body and General Ministerial Conventions and for the external use of banking and other financial institutions. To download the Profit/Loss Form, please log in through e-E-Bishop's/Pastor's FTP Login to your bottom left on this page.
To request the Corporation Financial Statements, please contact us.
International Missions Arthur Espinosa
The Secretary of Foreign Missions undertakes the enormous task of taking “The Whole Gospel to the Whole World.” He currently supervises the missionary work in twenty countries that include: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Hawaii, Honduras, Italy, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico, Spain, Uruguay and Venezuela. www.awmissions.org.
National Missions Abel Aguilar
The Secretary of National Missions is responsible for the planting of churches in new areas within the United States . Guided by the vision of “One in One Million”, the Secretariat of National Missions is working toward the goal of placing a missionary in every American city that has a population of one million people or more. Additional projects of this Secretariat include the School of Evangelism and the National Evangelist Training Network. www.nationalmissions.org
Christian Education
Ismael Martín del Campo
The Secretary of Christian Education
is responsible for the writing and production
of the Apostolic Biblical Expositor, Christian Education Literature and outreach tracts. He directs the National Apostolic Bible Colleges, holds Sunday School Seminars throughout all of the districts, and oversees the Apostolic Christian Education Bookstore. www.cepublishinghouse.com
Social Assistance Victor Prado
The Secretary of Social Assistance oversees the A. C. Nava Trust Fund, which provides financial assistance to widows, orphans, and families in need. The Trust Fund also awards academic scholarships to qualifying students. This department also makes available retirement plans for Pastors, along with group medical plans and Life Insurance policies for all members of the Apostolic Assembly. www.acnavafoundation.com
The Episcopal Body
Below the General Board is the Episcopal Body, which includes all District Supervisors or Bishops. Districts generally correspond to state or regional boundaries and are led by a Bishop who serves a four-year term. The Bishop is assisted by a District Secretary and a District Treasurer. Bishops may also rely on Elders, an elected position for Pastors who advise a small group of congregations on behalf of the corresponding district.
As of February 2006, the Apostolic Assembly has twenty-six districts listed below with current District Supervisors in parenthesis.
1) Arizona (Bishop Arthur Tafoya)
2) Central East Coast (Bishop Abel Cantu)
3) Central Texas (Bishop Robert D. Pérez)
4) Colorado (Bishop Robert Chavarria)
5) East Los Angeles (Bishop Leobardo Maffey)
6) East Texas (Bishop Juan Moreno)*
7) Florida (Bishop Robert Tinoco)
8) Great Lakes (Bishop Daniel G. Jimenez)*
9) Interior California (Bishop Felipe Lugo)*
10) Greater Los Angeles (Bishop Felipe Salazar)*
11) Mid-America (Bishop Amilcar Acosta)
12) Mid-West (Bishop Celestino Guzman)*
13) Nevada (Bishop Marcos Zacarias)
14) New Mexico (Bishop Rene Gaxiola)*
15) North Central California (Bishop Agustine Hoyer)*
16) Northern Golden Valley (Bishop Julian Aguirre Jr.)
17) Northern Pacific Coast (Bishop Adam Lopez)
18) Northern Texas (Bishop Mario Rodriguez)
19) Northwest Texas (Bishop Porfirio Quitanilla)
20) Oregon (Bishop Moises Carillo)*
21) South Central California (Bishop Francisco Castro)*
22) Southern California (Bishop Juan Hernandez)
23) Southern Texas (Bishop Patricio Carranco)
24) Utah & Idaho (Bishop Tommy Vigil)
25) Washington State (Alfredo Muñoz )*
26) West Texas (Bishop Lorenzo Ramirez)
* Newly Elected 2007
We have seen over and again the ending and the beginning of life. We see this in the death of our parents and the birth of our children. It is always painful to see the end of what was once useful and good, but at the same time, we rejoice at the prospect of new things.
As we saw the closure of our General Convention in Long Beach, California last November, we also saw the end of a chapter – one more among many in our rich apostolic heritage. The new landscape has given rise to the renewal of our vision.
Israel had come to a critical moment of transition. God told Moses to take Aaron and his son Eleazar to the top of the mount.
“And Moses stripped Aaron of his garments, and put them upon Eleazar his son; and Aaron died there in the top of the mount: and Moses and Eleazar came down from t he mount.” (Numbers 20:23)
Eleazar went up the mountain wearing his own clothes, but came back with someone else’s – his fathers. His father’s garments were a symbol of continuity and empowerment. The Apostolic Assembly has received its mandate for continuity and empowerment for the next four years as the new board of directors took the oath of office to function from 2006 through 2010. This duly elected new board was empowered to fulfill God’s mandate as Eleazar had also received his father’s garments on the top of the mount. I am sure that Eleazar recognized his father’s work, much like us, who acknowledge the great work and accomplishments of past administrations. As in Eleazar’s case, he was new on the job, but the garments were the same. The names of the officials may be new, but the work is still the same – to fulfill the will of God until He comes.
As we have begun to tread the beginnings of this new cycle, we covet your prayers that the Lord will give us wisdom and faithfulness to fulfill that which He has entrusted upon us.
God Bless,
Bishop Daniel G. Sánchez
From AA.Info
Saúl L. Ávila
c/o Election Legal Defense Trust Fund
1622 Holly Street
Austin, Texas 78702-5422
Email: avilaccc@texas.net
Thursday July 26, 2007
Name of contributor
1234 Main Street
Anywhere, USA 80000-1234
Dear ___________________________:
We greet you in the matchless name of Jesus Christ. We are also praying God’s best upon you and yours.
The Election Legal Defense Trust Fund is currently participating in a fund raising drive. This drive is to offset the legal expenses being absorbed as a result of the civil lawsuit against “the General Board as the governing body of the Apostolic Assembly of the Faith in Christ Jesus, Inc.”
The centerpiece of this lawsuit is that we the petitioners/consenters are pursuing a new election due to the travesty that was committed upon the pastorate on the day of the General Board Election held on Friday November 24, 2006 in Long Beach, California. We opine that numerous violations were committed by the Qualifying Board; therefore, the results of said election are invalid.
A request in the form of a letter petitioning the present Honorable General Board of the Apostolic Assembly to establish a Commission of Honor and Justice (Article 39 of the Constitution of the Apostolic Assembly) to investigate this travesty was refused. The bishop who wrote the request was advised since there was no wrongdoing; there was no need for an investigation. Immediately thereafter, however, the Honorable General Board convoked a Joint Episcopal Meeting to advise that everything was under control. We are attaching the document that the Honorable General Board responded to the bishop who requested this commission dated May 20, 2007 (please see attached). Subsequent to their response a Letter of Demand from our counsel was sent to the Apostolic Assembly of the Faith in Christ Jesus dated May 23, 2007 (please see attached). Through their counsel, they requested an extension and it was granted up to July 10, 2007. During this interim, the Honorable General Board generated a letter dated June 13, 2007 to all the pastorate of the organization in which no doubt you have a copy of this letter stating the predicament they are facing. We have just received a response from their attorney and they have declined our demand. Nonetheless, we proceed. This is where we are at. Save a miracle, we will have to settle this in a court of law.
We regret not being at liberty to divulge more details as this case is now in the hands of our counsel. If this case goes before a court of law, the information at that time will become public. For now, rest assured that we the petitioners/consenters seek that justice prevail and that damaging impressions be corrected. Furthermore, we realize that there will be some collateral damage done. We pray that these actions result in minimal damage than what has already transpired. There are no personal agendas other than justice is served to our beloved fellowship. Our pledge is to pursue this to its finality- justice.
We are seeking your help. All it requires is for you to send a financial contribution to this worthy cause. Please send your contribution in the form of a check, money order, cashier’s check to: Saúl L. Ávila c/o Election Legal Defense Trust Fund 1622 Holly Street Austin, Texas 78702-5422. If you choose to direct deposit, please advice as our facilitator Saúl L. Ávila is charged to send a receipt of your contribution and will do so regardless if you choose sending your contribution to him directly. Please note that this contribution is not tax-deductible and strictly a voluntary endeavor. Please DO NOT SEND CASH! To direct deposit: Bank of America Routing Number- 111000025 Account Number- 5860 0085 8666
Your contribution is greatly appreciated. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to call us. Thank you very much and God bless!
Saúl L. Ávila
Bishop Daniel Salomón 303/249-0942; Bishop Baldemar Rodríguez 909/957-9175; Bishop Abel V. Torres 423/352-3958
Bishop Ishmael C. Arellano; Bishop Daniel Jauhall; Bishop Richard Galaviz; Bishop Isaac H. Cota; Bishop Samuel C. Arellano; Bishop Guillermo M. Mendoza; Bishop Martín M. Vásquez; Pastor Efraín Andrade; Pastor Saúl L. Ávila 512/731-9660
So now Brother Baldemar is "begging" for money to sue Our beloved Assembly. Who does he think we are to give him and Salomon money for that...
D. Sanchez will be soon gone. So will all the rest, so we'll be broke.
If the General Board does not beg for money that is D. Sanchez and his gang are they getting the money from the Flor Azul, the Nava Foundation and the thies and offering. WAKE UP BROTHERS AND SIS TERS AND ESPECIALLY PASTORS AND BISHOPS. THIS IS A SIN THAT THE 'DORCAS' AND OUR BROTHERS WORK SO HARD FOR THE D. SANCHEZ GANG SPEND OVER $5000,000.00 ON ATTORNEY FEES. tHIS IS NOT THEIR MONEY IT IS OURS THE MEMBERS...
WAKE UP......
Wake up? Yeah, that's funny, telling the AA to wake up. They need more than a wake up call, the AA needs resuscitation. It's a decaying organization, and it's decaying at rapid speeds.
As I mentioned in my previous blogs and in the one dated "Oct. 15, 1:26 pm, Election Irregularities blog" all pastors have received a letter from the law suit petitioners and consenters, explaining the reason and purpose for the upcoming law suit. You can see it posted in "www.apostolicassembly.info" Now for all of you who called the men of God who were going to file the law suit "cowards" KEEP YOUR EYES AND EARS OPEN, it's finally coming!
Praying Always
Anonymous said...
Mama please let me go visit my wife, please!
October 31, 2007 10:17 PM
Anonymous said...
About the year 1990, Bishop Manuel Castorena came from Mexico City where he had just terminated being Obispo Presidente de la Iglesia Apostolica de Mexico.
Bishop Castorena was invited by Bro. Manuel Vizcarra who was Presiding Bishop of the Apostolic Assembly to Pastor the AA church in Pacoima, CA.
Bishop Castorena pastored in Pacoima, then relocated to another property that he purchased for the AA on Brand Blvd in San Fernando, CA.
Bishop Castorena is a dynamic preacher, teacher CBAN. For many years he taught at the Colejio Biblico Apostolico in Mexico City, preparing many men and women for ministry.
Now Bro. Castorena is very ill and will be retiring from the pastorship of the Apostolic Assembly church in San Fernando this coming Sunday, November 4 at a special farwell service.
It would be wonderful to take a pause especially now that we are having such a difficult time in our Assembly, to acknowledge and appreciate a great warrior of God who has given it all to the Work of the Lord, and retires only because his health has failed him to the point that he is a double amputee.
Let us rejoice that this man has left such a great legacy with our AA and a bright mark for many to follow.
If you would like to send him an acknowledgement card or offering here is his home address where he resides with his wife:
Rev. Mauel Castorena
11964 Carl Street
Lake View Terrace, CA 91342
(818) 890-1535
May God Bless you.
The GB is meeting because ALL of them were served with the law suit!!! Where are all the nay sayers, and the family members, and supporters of the GB board who claimed all to be a farce full of hot air? If you don't believe me, call their relatives, friends, and people on the inside - THEY WILL TELL YOU THE GB HAS BEEN SERVED!!!!!
ignoring the bottom half of comments that I've already read umpteenth times. I agree that respect should be earned. I'm not against people respecting the GB. But do they do it because they were taught to respect the office, or do they know them? I know almost all of the people on Bishop Abel Torres's side. I can't even say I respect all of them. But I do respect Most of them..out of the GB..there's ONE I respect. I feel so bad for him because he swallowed that Watchman Nee crap that only God can rebuke a leader
Churches are not even required to file for non profit 501c3 status in the United States, alright? It is used by cults to control the members and ministers.
...however. In addition, churches and certain church-affiliated organizations are excepted from filing.
Exposing the false tithes doctrine not to mention dues and fees
Attention all bishops and pastors of the Apostolic Assembly church cult!!! To to make the appropriate needed changes to the policies, bylaws and or constitution of the Apostolic Assembly church/cult org. and for pastors to gain any degree of real power in the Apostolic Assembly church/cult for to manage the Apostolic Assembly church cult, you must start a Apostolic revolution, form a congress of pastors and a senate of bishops and require a majority of votes for any issue or bill/policy and or bylaw to pass and become a component of the constitution of Apostolic Assembly church cult. Without this you are only under dictators and are only right to work 1099 sort of employees with no real union and no real power in the Apostolic Assembly church cult organization and you can be terminated at will. It takes real buffoons to work under tyrannical dictator cult leaders like those in the Apostolic Assembly church cult, right?
Jeremiah 17:5
Thus saith the LORD; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the LORD.
The Lord of the Apostolic Assembly is Sam Valverde Malverde. he rules by his policies first and then at times with the bylaws and occasionally by the constitution of the Apostolic Assembly. He coerces Apostolic Assembly members to pay tithes, dues and other payments and he works on controlling his members with the spirit of Malverde!
The Lord of AWM is Jacob the Usurper Rodriguez. He rules by his policies first and then at times with bylaws. He manipulates and coerces AWM members to pay tithes, dues and other payments and works on coercing, manipulating and controlling AWM members with the spirit of Jacob the Usurper Rodrigues!
Deuteronomy 6:4
Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD:
Mark 12:29
And Jesus answered him, The first of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord:
Luke 16:13
No servant can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.
Do not be deceived by any so-called Apostolic Pentecostal church cult leader teacher and or preacher similar to the ones described above who work on and demand to manipulate the word of God to get you to pay tithes and work to put you and your family down and work to coerce and or control you and your family!
January 28, 2013 at 5:19 PM
Do not be deceived by any so-called Apostolic Pentecostal church cult leader teacher and or preacher similar to the ones described above who work on and demand to manipulate the word of God to get you to pay tithes and work to put you and your family down and work to coerce and or control you and your family!
Jeremiah 17:5
Thus saith the LORD; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the LORD.
The Lord of the Apostolic Assembly is Sam Valverde Malverde. he rules by his policies first and then at times with the bylaws and occasionally by the constitution of the Apostolic Assembly. He coerces Apostolic Assembly members to pay tithes, dues and other payments and he works on controlling his members with the spirit of Malverde!
The Lord of AWM is Jacob the Usurper Rodriguez. He rules by his policies first and then at times with bylaws. He manipulates and coerces AWM members to pay tithes, dues and other payments and works on coercing, manipulating and controlling AWM members with the spirit of Jacob the Usurper Rodrigues!
Deuteronomy 6:4
Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD:
Mark 12:29
And Jesus answered him, The first of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord:
Luke 16:13
No servant can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.
Do not be deceived by any so-called Apostolic Pentecostal church cult leader teacher and or preacher similar to the ones described above who work on and demand to manipulate the word of God to get you to pay tithes and work to put you and your family down and work to coerce and or control you and your family!
January 28, 2013 at 5:19 PM
Do not be deceived by any so-called Apostolic Pentecostal church cult leader teacher and or preacher similar to the ones described above who work on and demand to manipulate the word of God to get you to pay tithes and work to put you and your family down and work to coerce and or control you and your family!
Jeremiah 17:5
Thus saith the LORD; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the LORD.
The way of Christ is to trust Christ alone as Lord and for our Salvation and not any of today's Apostolic Pentecostal 501c3/church/cult's and or any cult leaders. The cult leaders of today work on being lords of the saints and do not equal the authority of any of the apostles and or prophets of the first century ekklesia and even though today's cult leaders may sound believable to some do not be deceived! We are truly in the last days! God help us all!
To be saved friend all you need to do is 1. Have faith in God. 2. Believe in The name of Christ the Lord and Savior. 3. Pray requesting Christ the Lord and Savior forgive your sins,asking Him (Christ the Lord and Savior) to come into your life to take control of your life(children should stop at this step). 4. Get baptized in the name of Christ the Lord and Savior as soon as you are able (baptism in the name of Christ the Lord and Savior is for mature adults). 5. Seek to be guided by and filled with the holy spirit each and every day of your life praying daily and enjoy the freedom the Holy Spirit gives you to speak in tongues as the Spirit of God gives you utterance and experience the love, joy, peace, and all the gifts of the Spirit God grants you! Get together with other believers for fellowship and worship. 6. Beware of Satan, his devils, demons, cult leaders, cult teachers, false teachers, false prophets, and all who demand you pay them tithes $$$!
p.s it's not that important who attends the funerals, ok?
Samuel Valverde can be simply described as a con artist, manipulative, deceptive, vicious, evil, and narcissistic church/cult leader/dictator/authoritarian who works to deceive, dominate, control, manipulate and or coerce any at the apostolic assembly 501c3/church/cult/pyramid scheme congregations and online.
Samuel Valverde is like an immature narcissistic spoiled child who lacks the competence to work with too many other men of God throwing fits of anger/rage when any man of God protests his dictator/authoritarian rule and works to excommunicate other men of God who protest Sam Valverde's wicked and or unjust actions.
The cult leader Samuel Valverde income payments from the apostolic assembly 501c3/church/cult/pyramid scheme is most likely in excess of $10,000.00 per month and it is one of the reasons why cult leaders like Samuel Valverde push the false tithing doctrine so hard and he sets a horrible example for teachers and preachers to follow!
Do not be deceived and or spell bound by his long oratory speeches.
1 Timothy 4:12
Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity.
Do not allow any cult leader despise thy youth, put you down, and or to work on infantalizing you!
Go make disciples and teach and preach the gospel of Christ! No 501c3 filing needed and or required! And you do not need or require any authorization from any cult leaders! Use your own tithes and offerings as you like to go teach and preach and make disciples!
Diezmo un fraude descarado 1 de 3
El Diezmo - 36 Razones biblicas para no diezmar
Ezekiel 25:17 And I will execute great vengeance upon them with furious rebukes; and they shall know that I am the LORD, when I shall lay my vengeance upon them.
Prayer is an act of faith. Baptism is an act of faith. To get baptized all a believer needs to do is to have faith, invite at the least one friend or two (the more the merrier) to witness your baptism, go to a body of water such as a pool or big bath tub, go into the pool or tub (you may invite a friend to go into the water with you to help you as you get baptized)ask your friend to pray with you as you call on the Lord saying something like "My God! Christ my Lord and Savior! Come into my life, wash me from all my sins, lead me, fill me and lead me with your Holy
Spirit now and forever I pray! Pray the above prayer before you go down and submerge yourself completely in the water and you may do it again after you come out of the water to ensure you are complete to fulfill all righteousness. You can revise and or paraphrase the above prayer. It may be helpful for you to work on repeating and memorizing this prayer as best as you can before getting in the water to get baptized and to talk about your plans for baptism with your friend who will go into the water with you before you do it. Have a paper certificate prepared before hand and have pen and at least one or two witnesses sign it. State the date and how you got baptized on the certificate. It should state that you got baptized in the name of Christ the Lord and Savior as commanded by God in his holy scriptures. Include at least one scripture such as Acts 2:38
Our Faith:
begins with the Word of God
Prayer is an act of faith
Baptism in the name of Christ our Lord and Savior is an act of faith.
We are filled with Holy Spirit with love and joy as soon as we turn away from evil and towards God through Christ our Lord and Savior. When it becomes clear to us that Christ has graced us with freedom from sin and condemnation we receive the freedom and joy of the holy spirit which we express outwardly in whatever language the spirit gives us to utter which may or may not be understood by others but that we do not need to prove to no man and or woman. It is the holy spirit that will enlighten the scriptures we read and study. It is the holy spirit that will guide us. Not any apostolic church/cult leaders or any one else. Say no to church/cult leaders. Be set free in the name of Christ our Lord and Savior!
Ezekiel 25:17 And I will execute great vengeance upon them with furious rebukes; and they shall know that I am the LORD, when I shall lay my vengeance upon them.
Prayer is an act of faith. Baptism is an act of faith. To get baptized all a believer needs to do is to have faith, invite at the least one friend or two (the more the merrier) to witness your baptism, go to a body of water such as a pool or big bath tub, go into the pool or tub (you may invite a friend to go into the water with you to help you as you get baptized)ask your friend to pray with you as you call on the Lord saying something like "My God! Christ my Lord and Savior! Come into my life, wash me from all my sins, lead me, fill me and lead me with your Holy
Spirit now and forever I pray! Pray the above prayer before you go down and submerge yourself completely in the water and you may do it again after you come out of the water to ensure you are complete to fulfill all righteousness. You can revise and or paraphrase the above prayer. It may be helpful for you to work on repeating and memorizing this prayer as best as you can before getting in the water to get baptized and to talk about your plans for baptism with your friend who will go into the water with you before you do it. Have a paper certificate prepared before hand and have pen and at least one or two witnesses sign it. State the date and how you got baptized on the certificate. It should state that you got baptized in the name of Christ the Lord and Savior as commanded by God in his holy scriptures. Include at least one scripture such as Acts 2:38
Our Faith:
begins with the Word of God
Prayer is an act of faith
Baptism in the name of Christ our Lord and Savior is an act of faith.
We are filled with Holy Spirit with love and joy as soon as we turn away from evil and towards God through Christ our Lord and Savior. When it becomes clear to us that Christ has graced us with freedom from sin and condemnation we receive the freedom and joy of the holy spirit which we express outwardly in whatever language the spirit gives us to utter which may or may not be understood by others but that we do not need to prove to no man and or woman. It is the holy spirit that will enlighten the scriptures we read and study. It is the holy spirit that will guide us. Not any apostolic church/cult leaders or any one else. Say no to church/cult leaders. Be set free in the name of Christ our Lord and Savior!
Ezekiel 25:17 And I will execute great vengeance upon them with furious rebukes; and they shall know that I am the LORD, when I shall lay my vengeance upon them.
Prayer is an act of faith. Baptism is an act of faith. To get baptized all a believer needs to do is to have faith, invite at the least one friend or two (the more the merrier) to witness your baptism, go to a body of water such as a pool or big bath tub, go into the pool or tub (you may invite a friend to go into the water with you to help you as you get baptized)ask your friend to pray with you as you call on the Lord saying something like "My God! Christ my Lord and Savior! Come into my life, wash me from all my sins, lead me, fill me and lead me with your Holy
Spirit now and forever I pray! Pray the above prayer before you go down and submerge yourself completely in the water and you may do it again after you come out of the water to ensure you are complete to fulfill all righteousness. You can revise and or paraphrase the above prayer. It may be helpful for you to work on repeating and memorizing this prayer as best as you can before getting in the water to get baptized and to talk about your plans for baptism with your friend who will go into the water with you before you do it. Have a paper certificate prepared before hand and have pen and at least one or two witnesses sign it. State the date and how you got baptized on the certificate. It should state that you got baptized in the name of Christ the Lord and Savior as commanded by God in his holy scriptures. Include at least one scripture such as Acts 2:38
Our Faith:
begins with the Word of God
Prayer is an act of faith
Baptism in the name of Christ our Lord and Savior is an act of faith.
We are filled with Holy Spirit with love and joy as soon as we turn away from evil and towards God through Christ our Lord and Savior. When it becomes clear to us that Christ has graced us with freedom from sin and condemnation we receive the freedom and joy of the holy spirit which we express outwardly in whatever language the spirit gives us to utter which may or may not be understood by others but that we do not need to prove to no man and or woman. It is the holy spirit that will enlighten the scriptures we read and study. It is the holy spirit that will guide us. Not any apostolic church/cult leaders or any one else. Say no to church/cult leaders. Be set free in the name of Christ our Lord and Savior!
Ezekiel 25:17 And I will execute great vengeance upon them with furious rebukes; and they shall know that I am the LORD, when I shall lay my vengeance upon them.
Prayer is an act of faith. Baptism is an act of faith. To get baptized all a believer needs to do is to have faith, invite at the least one friend or two (the more the merrier) to witness your baptism, go to a body of water such as a pool or big bath tub, go into the pool or tub (you may invite a friend to go into the water with you to help you as you get baptized)ask your friend to pray with you as you call on the Lord saying something like "My God! Christ my Lord and Savior! Come into my life, wash me from all my sins, lead me, fill me and lead me with your Holy
Spirit now and forever I pray! Pray the above prayer before you go down and submerge yourself completely in the water and you may do it again after you come out of the water to ensure you are complete to fulfill all righteousness. You can revise and or paraphrase the above prayer. It may be helpful for you to work on repeating and memorizing this prayer as best as you can before getting in the water to get baptized and to talk about your plans for baptism with your friend who will go into the water with you before you do it. Have a paper certificate prepared before hand and have pen and at least one or two witnesses sign it. State the date and how you got baptized on the certificate. It should state that you got baptized in the name of Christ the Lord and Savior as commanded by God in his holy scriptures. Include at least one scripture such as Acts 2:38
Once men of God leave the Apostolic Assembly church/cult they will see the true light of Christ and experience the freedom the holy spirit gives in an awesome way and no man of God has any desire to return to the darkness and bondage found in the Apostolic Assembly church/cult, alright?
Maybe only to visit a few close friends and family, ok?
Once men of God leave the Apostolic Assembly church/cult they will see the true light of Christ and experience the freedom the holy spirit gives in an awesome way and no man of God has any desire to return to the darkness and bondage found in the Apostolic Assembly church/cult, alright?
Maybe only to visit a few close friends and family, ok?
Abel Aguilar at Apostolic Assembly for about 40 years, just resigned this week from being Secretary Bishop of the Apostolic Assembly Church Cult
Abel Aguilar at Apostolic Assembly for about 40 years, just resigned this week from being Secretary Bishop of the Apostolic Assembly Church Cult
Abel Aguilar at Apostolic Assembly for about 40 years, just resigned this week from being Secretary Bishop of the Apostolic Assembly Church Cult
Abel Aguilar at Apostolic Assembly for about 40 years, just resigned this week from being Secretary Bishop of the Apostolic Assembly Church Cult
Septiembre Oración y Ayuno Estimado Pueblo del Señor,
Paz de Cristo.
Estoy llamando a todos los obispos, ancianos, pastores, evangelistas, misioneros, hermanos y hermanas, y al pueblo del Señor, a un ayuno general de 3 días de 24 horas, los días 12-14 de septiembre.
Nuestra amada Asamblea Apostólica ha estado experimentando ataques del enemigo como nunca antes en su historia. Por todas partes, aún nuestros campos misioneros, han sufrido estas embestidas espirituales que han querido afectar, si no la marcha, el progreso y desarrollo de la Iglesia. Por momentos, hemos sentido como que un manto negro y denso está encima de nosotros, y no nos deja ver la luz del sol. Es como una soga que está atada al pie y que no nos deja avanzar. Definitivamente estamos en guerra espiritual. Aunque son personas las que producen estos efectos, tenemos que entender que nuestra lucha no es contra ellos, sino en contra de “huestes espirituales de maldad que andan en las regiones celestes”.
En los últimos años esta lucha se ha intensificado, y hemos visto como los hermanos están sufriendo por injusticias y falta de cordura de otros. Todo esto que nos ha sucedido ha colocado a la Asamblea Apostólica en la vanguardia de las Iglesias del Nombre como un modelo a NO seguir. Desafortunadamente la Asamblea Apostólica es objeto de burla y degradación de muchos.
Obispo J. Fortino
Arrepientete, ayuna mas sequido, no vendas comida ni productos en el templo, abandona todas las doctrinas falsas, dale libertad a los santos para cantar y predicar la verdad, deja la doctrina falsa de cobrar diezmos a los miembros, deja de cobrar quotas, dinos que tanto salario tomas, ya no tomes tanto salario, y toma solo ofredas y te ira mejor, ok?
The entire letter is posted here:https://www.facebook.com/apostolicassembly.org/photos/a.205658909481432.49791.201931909854132/715058001874851/?type=1&theater
My response is posted here: Obispo J. Fortino sounds like such a victim, ok? When he and the leaders are more like bullies of the saints.
What he and the board need to do is:
Arrepientete, ayuna mas sequido, no vendas comida ni productos en el templo, abandona todas las doctrinas falsas, dale libertad a los santos para cantar y predicar la verdad, deja la doctrina falsa de cobrar diezmos a los miembros, deja de cobrar quotas, dinos que tanto salario tomas, ya no tomes tanto salario, y toma solo ofredas y te ira mejor, ok?
The Apostolic Assembly is a Church Cult/ Pyramid Scheme that is apostate and it's leaders are cult leaders. At Apostolic Assembly church cult locations members and visitors are required to treat pastors as if they are lords. The pastors like to lord it over members and visitors. The Apostolic Assembly and other church cults like it require members and visitors to pay tithes as if we were still in the Levitical Law of the priests of the old testament. Most of the pastors in the Apostolic Assembly have never taken bible college classes and they teach heresies including but not limited to the false tithes doctrine, the Nicolaitan doctrine, Balaam's doctrine and Jezabel's doctrine. The Apostolic Assembly is too similar to the Roman Catholic Church. It celebrates most of the major holidays that the Catholic Church celebrates such as Easter, Christmas, and others. The Apostolic Assembly main worship day is on on Sundays just like the catholic Church. The Apostolic Assembly and cults like it charge you more money though including a minimum of ten percent of your earning which is heretical. The Apostolic Assembly and it's leaders work to manipulate and control their members and visitors lives and they will work to slander and screw your wife, children and finances physically and spiritually as much as possible!
2 Corinthians 11:13 For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ.
14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.
15 Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.
Matthew 7:15
Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
2 Timothy 4:3
For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;
2 Peter 2:1
But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.
1 John 4:1
Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.
The Apostolic Assembly is a Church Cult/ Pyramid Scheme that is apostate and it's leaders are cult leaders. At Apostolic Assembly church cult locations members and visitors are required to treat pastors as if they are lords. The pastors like to lord it over members and visitors. The Apostolic Assembly and other church cults like it require members and visitors to pay tithes as if we were still in the Levitical Law of the priests of the old testament. Most of the pastors in the Apostolic Assembly have never taken bible college classes and they teach heresies including but not limited to the false tithes doctrine, the Nicolaitan doctrine, Balaam's doctrine and Jezabel's doctrine. The Apostolic Assembly is too similar to the Roman Catholic Church. It celebrates most of the major holidays that the Catholic Church celebrates such as Easter, Christmas, and others. The Apostolic Assembly main worship day is on on Sundays just like the catholic Church. The Apostolic Assembly and cults like it charge you more money though including a minimum of ten percent of your earning which is heretical. The Apostolic Assembly and it's leaders work to manipulate and control their members and visitors lives and they will work to slander and screw your wife, children and finances physically and spiritually as much as possible!
P.S. If you do not pay at least ten percent of your earnings to the Apostolic Assembly (church cult) you will not be allowed to do much of anything. And if you do not accept the Apostolic Assembly pastor as your lord and cult leader, you will not be allowed to do much of anything. If you or your family is deceived to believe in the Apostolic Assembly church cult, you are going to get stuck in their mud and it will almost be impossible for you to get out. It is similar to the Hotel California. You can check out any time you like but you can never leave. Be warned!
Self esteem =Self Respect=Self love. Love, self esteem and self respect comes from God and is deposited on the inside of man. Other men do not deposit respect into another man. You either have it because you received it from God or you do not have it because you have not received it from God.
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