(For all you trivia buffs - Moses brought more people out of Egypt then we have in our Assembly. The 12 tribes of Judah represent more people then we have in our assembly.)
Various challenges present themselves amongst our organization:
1. The requirement to minister to both in Spanish and English
The Assembly is predominately hispanic and its emphasis is on the spanish speaking individuals and families. Statistic show that the first generation hispanic's primary language is spanish. By the third generation the spanish language is almost not spoken or understood. However we continue to maintain the the emphasis in ministering in spanish while the future generations lose interest not for lack of desire but for lack of comprehension. Wiki states: "The newer generations do not always share the same cultural values and language as old and new migrant members".
2. "The [AAFCJ] denomination is also challenged by its organizational capability."
This an obvious statement by the mere fact of why we are reading these blogs because of our lack of organizational capability. The organizational leaders have failed (and not just the current leaders-many previous iterations of leaders are at fault) to developed the organizational leadership and management to provide a clear and defined path for growth and retention of its constituents. Because you have a good idea doesn't make it so, it is the processes and procedures and consistent actions by realizing strengths and addressing weaknesses. Through a simple SWOT analysis I can tell right off the bat our threats and weaknesses but we (leaders) do not want to admit and much less address them.
"The Apostolic Assembly is challenged to raise it's educational and theological levels. This is due to that initiation and ordination rules are not as demanding in this area as they are in other Oneness Pentecostal Denominations, thus raising the probabilities of ministerial unpreparedness to congregational and spiritual needs".
We love popularity contests. We love the flashy suits, the shiny cars and smooth talkers and crooners. But look where that has gotten us: Right smack dab in the middle of two groups of flashy suit wearing, shiny car driving, smooth talking, popular vote getting politicians.
Are those flashy suits, shiny cars and smooth talker fit to lead our organization? Let's look for some substance - education, experience, vision and ability to develop processes and procedures for membership retention.
Organizational Management - I've taken many classes on the topic, I've practiced and implemented many theories to varying success. I know what it is and I know what it is not. Please don't be surprised when I tell you this is what is it is not!
(I know a young man in Lordsburg, NM who is studying at Harvard. I will be willing to wage that there will be corporations that will be vying for his education, knowledge and skills. They know that in the long run he will benefit their corporations strategic growth plans. Let's recruit him and those like him, move them into positions where we can learn and benefit from them. Oh but no, he's to young and doesn't have gift of pulpit pimpology. ...Wait a minute who are the ones getting pimped? But that is another topic).
One of our problems is that we turn inward for help. We assume that we, the 0.00216% of the world population, have all the answers - theologically, organizationally, socially, and what ever other "lly's" you want put in yourself. We fail to strive for the best.
As a matter of fact, our best strive for the best...and move on.
Let's look at things from a different perspective,
How many members have we LOST?
How many members have we hurt because of our ignorance?
Have many members have gone AWOL?
How many members have gone MIA?
How many members have we kicked out?
How many more members are we willing to sacrifice?
Is some one keeping track?
Good post. I would take it even further to say that the lack of professionalism and integrity in our leaders have made our organization appear like a cult. Take a look at the red flags to watch out for if you suspect that you are involved with a cult:
The Assembly meets each criteria. Very scary. In fact, watchman lists the AA as an official cult.
These comments ring so true .
It is abiout time that we seriously look inwardly and examine first ourselves and then our churches and organization as a whole.
What are we really doing ? When all we do is go from concert to service and all we see are the same already saved fellow apostolics ?
What about the souls ?
Why are there so few truly anointed and called Men of God ?
I would venture to say that the majority of Men in positions of leadership, pastor,Bishops, Elders and Ministers are NOT called of God.
You might say No brother thats wrong if they are there its God's will.
Oh really ? Is it God's will that a preacher put me to sleep ? Is it God's will that my Pastor appoint his brother as Assistant Pastor and pass up Men with a true calling ?
This all must end.
Great, after an intelligent argument, now we’re a “cult.” Read the qualifications again genius. Let the rubble drivel begin.
The Christian Army is the only army that leaves its wounded by the wayside.
We've lost many members and Souls due to our ignorance. Even when you have the teachings, some people just assume stay in their own little world and learn nothing. Could explain why we had a soul visiting our church for faithfully for 3 months, all of a sudden I didn't see her anymore, so I got her number and called her. She said she'd rather not go as one of the 'old ladies' in our church told her she shouldn't be going to our church without a veil and in pants. I know, I know. I wanted to wring her neck! That's like building up a house of cards and right when you're putting on the last card, it falls. Mentality like that is part of why we've lost so many people.
The Apostolics think they are going to sing themselves into Heaven.
Just ask GB5, Isaac Gutierrez. Sing on sunday, stealing on monday.
We were members of the AA for many years having been baptized in the wonderful name of Jesus in 1981. About 6 years ago we left to join the UPCI.
The reason? We recognized the loss of holiness standards and leadership qualities. We did not want our children growing up Apostolic and thinking you could serve God without spirituality. The leadership seemed to be moving to a who's popular and trying to figure out just how much you could get away with and still "stay saved".
Are there problems with the UPCI?
You bet but I will not return to the AA until the holiness standards are returned. The loss of standards is a symptom of a much greater problem, lack of spirituality.
Do you mean fanaticism stay where you are.
Holiness Standards? What do you mean by that? longer skirts and bigger hair?
No doubt you left the AA to the UPCI, just like the rest who jump ship to UPCI, because you left because of some kind of scandel regarding your family.
If you're not in the AA- don't bother to post here- we don't care where and why you left to what organization-- we're still here and have to deal with this.
If holiness standards means running up and down the aisles like a maniac and baptizing your kids at 7 - then good riddance.
Where are you going to go next when the UPCI doesn't meet your holiness standards? keep running . . . just keep running.
If you couldn't stand staying in the AA because of lack of spirituality- why are you contributing to this blog? since you seem to be above that- what with all of the spirituality you've acquired at UPCI- I'm surprised you're even reading all the garbage that is posted here- is gossip the only reason that brings you back. good holiness standards. sign off.
Wow, I left my comment in a different spirit than what you are reading. I miss the AA but desire the days of holiness as it use to be. But your posts show much venom.
Holiness is not fanaticism. I am not talking about bigger hair, baptizing my children at 7. Our children were all baptized in the AA at young ages. I am talking about uncut hair, modest dress and a sincere longing to serve God not man. If you have been in the AA and remember the days of your youth, running and demonstrative worship were part of the AA. Are they not anymore?
We have many friends in the AA and know personally many in the upper levels of leadership. It is the prayer of my family that this issue is resolved without a division in the body. But it may be too late for that.
May the body of Christ unite together as one to fight the onslaught of our common enemy, Satan.
Uncut hair? How long is your hair? Remember: Trimming counts as cutting- doesn't matter if you "trim" 1/2 a centimeter to cut your split ends or whether you cut a foot off your hair. I'm assuming you've been baptized for years so you probably have hair that reaches past your ankles right? No bangs either right? No curly q's.
shaving your legs and arm pits count as cut hair. are you recruiting for the taliban?
Taliban? Maybe Amish.
Isn't the big thing causing quite a stir in the UPCI is whether televisions should be allowed in their homes?
wow . . . with all the bigger issues going on and that is still being brought up by them.
Why is it that in the AA and UPCI among many other christian denominations our people are so OBESE?
September 27, 2007 11:40 AM
September 27, 2007 11:42 AM
I think your comments fall under this category:
How many members have we hurt because of our ignorance?
Way to go in confirming our sterotype!
Ouch! People go where they feel their needs will be met and where they feel comfortable. Take it easy. He/She is not saying WE are wrong or condemning us and he/she is certainly not telling you to go UPCI. they have as much right to post here as the rest of us do.
get over the obese stuff it has nothing to do with the price of apples. give us good dialogue. save that for your 8th grade friends.
wow! so i guess you spewing out venom like that makes you the best person here to stand and criticize our leaders and anyone else. you've learned nothing. . . .out of the . ..heart speaketh ...the mouth.
how many people have we lost because of our ignorance?
too many to count.
they can lie, cheat and steal and I can't wear my wedding band because i'd be disobedient? what's wrong with this picture?
approve wedding bands already!
Just wear your wedding band already. This ministers and GB members wear some pretty nice rolex watches. I bet they cost more than your wedding band.
Silly nonsense!! Majoring in minor topics.
To all of the Headquarters employees: do us a favor resign
to 12:29 PM
Are you OBESE?
I do wear my wedding band but not to church, I couldn't stand the looks! I felt like Hester Sue with the Scarlet Letter!
Nope not obese, I happen to be an aerobics instructor at 24-hour fitness.
But let's see you seem to have such a fixation on obesity- which translates to you either being or being attracted to them. Come out of the closet.
Either one my concern is spiritual,
I believe that religiosity has created this phenomenon of obesity in our people.
A question for all pastors in IDC, why you never elected Ed Pacheco as your bishop ,the same goes for ELA pastors with Abel Aguilar.?
Is "religiosity" a word? obesity a phenomenon? I thought it was a reality. quit trying to sound smart.
Hey Richard Simmons,
In case you don't know obesity is a problem that plagues this entire country, not just the assembly and not just pastors. Go to your nearest park, take a look at the kids there. You are bound to find quite a few obese kids there.
Religiosity: Simply, the condition of being religious.Look your diccionary.
Hey Einstein: it's D-I-C-T-I-O-N-A-R-Y not diccionary.
and obesity is not a phenom-
so what do you say about obese people who are not apostolic?
Gees- stick to your 8th grade friends.
Hey Einstein: it's D-I-C-T-I-O-N-A-R-Y not diccionary.
and obesity is not a phenom-
so what do you say about obese people who are not apostolic?
Gees- stick to your 8th grade friends.
I know several Atheist who are obese- how has relegiosity contributed to that brainiac.
Most Christians are Obese. Why? From eating too much junk food while sitting in front of the TV watching Dr. Phil, Oprah, TD Jakes, Trinity Broadcast Network, Benny Hinn and going to church 4 times a week only to sit on the church bench, then they go out to eat late at night.
The reason why conventions are moving to Texas is because the seats in the convention center in Texas are double wide.
Apostolics, like the rest of the obese christian world, have bad habits. Fried chicken after church is not healthy. Neither are pupusas and all that other mexican food.
This is why Texas makes sense. Texans are bigger physically because all of the red meat and carbohydrates they consume. As a result, the seating in Texas public venues are for larger bottoms.
In 1980 a young man from Rwanda was forced by his tribe to either renounce Christ or face certain death. He refused to renounce Christ, and he was killed on the spot. The night before he had written the following commitment which was found in his room:
“I’m part of the fellowship of the unashamed, the die has been cast, I have stepped over the line, the decision has been made- I’m a disciple of Jesus Christ. I won’t look back, let up, slow down, back away or be still.
My past is redeemed, my present makes sense, my future is secure. I’m finished and done with low living, sight walking, smooth knees, colorless dreams, tamed vision, worldly talking, cheap giving & dwarfed goals.
My face is set, my gait is fast, my goal is heaven, my road is narrow, my way is rough, my companions are few, my guide is reliable, my mission is clear. I won’t give up, shut up, let up until I have stayed up, stored up, prayed up for the cause of Jesus Christ.
I must go till He comes, give till I drop, preach till everyone knows, work till He stops me & when He comes for His own, He will have no trouble recognizing me because my banner will have been clear.”
Yes, many many people have not just left our assembly, they've left the Lord's path. Many, were just looking for excuses, however, many, we pushed out with our ignorance and intolerance.
I just thank the Lord He is not like US!
Hey double wide- stop with the obese remarks- it's old already and really is not a good dialogue piece for this forum. People are obese for various reasons just as people are ignorant & intolerant for others. You seem to have a kinky fixation- give it up buddy- get a new topic.
Papusas are not mexican food. get off this blog- you're boring.
These forums were posted in order to get an opinionated dialogue going. Most of the stuff posted is garbage, venemous and of no importance. It sound as though most on here are 15-18 year old, and if not, sure acting like it.
HELLO - LO- LO- LO- Anyone out there? Anyone with something of sustenance to write about? Give some good dialogue- save the bashing for your slumber parties.
"Blowing toward the south, then turning toward the north, the wind continues swirling along; and on its circular courses the wind returns. All the rivers flow into the sea, yet the sea is not full. To the place where the rivers flow, there they flow again." (Ecclesiastes 1:6-7)
Father, may my life be lived with a purpose today. May I receive Your wisdom to know the difference between things that I cannot change, and the things that I can, so that in everything I do, it brings glory and honor to Your name. In Jesus Name!
Our young AA apostolic generation has a higher education than most of our older AA generations. Let us use this education to take the best that they are leaving us and go forward with it.Our beloved AA is a beautiful organization that is well known for its holiness and doctrinal standards. It stands out and is respected for this. I love our doctrine and holiness standards.
Holiness is from the inside out. The fasting, prayer, and the Word make you want to be close to Him and serve Him even in the small things, the long hair, long skirts, short hair (guys) etc.. are not a burden but a way of distinction that should also show in the way we speak or act in church and out.
I, also, think that we do evangelize in different ways according to everyone's ministry but the people sometimes want the "easy religion" and not a true committment with the Lord. I am trying to see the whole picture here. The brethren from the local churches do their part in all areas of work in the church because they are doing it for the Lord and not the pastor. Seen this in different churches in different states and other countries it is for the Lord and obedience to their pastor, but mostly knowingly the brethren work for the Lord in gratitude for what He has done and is doing in their lives. They evangelize, work, teach, and follow the holiness and doctrinal standards out of love for the Lord and in wanting to live a better and different life than what they were living.
Sometimes, I think we are just thinking as 3rd, 4th , 5th generation Apostolics ( I am one of those) but we should think as though we just got to know Him and appreciate all He has given us through this organization. The Apostolic Assembly will most likely go through a change, let us pray we don't lose the doctrinal and holiness standars but that we really adhere to them and ".. si en lo poco fuiste fiel, en lo mucho te pondre.."
If we think that it is the leaders that are not doing their part that is their responsibility before God.
It is as easy as this: Our leaders are responsible before God for their actions in their position of leadership. We, as members, are responsible before God of our actions as members of the Body of Christ.
Pray and fast every Sunday until the Lord has His way. God is always in control and uses different methods to have His way. I am sure this is one, but let's be Christlike as we post our thoughts. God bless.
Just let the "Flor Azul" guys come back and take over the GB.
Pray about where you should fellowship. Make sure the place you are going to call your church home calls sin what it is -- sin. Do they believe the promises of God? Are they loving? Does the pastor treat his wife with respect? Is he a man of the Word? Does he have a humble heart, and a gentle spirit? Listen closely to his teaching. It should glorify God, magnify Jesus, and edify the believer. One evidence that you have been truly saved is that you will have a love for other Christians (1 John 3:14). You will want to fellowship with them. The old saying that "birds of a feather flock together" is true of Christians. You gather together for the breaking of bread (communion), for teaching from the Word, and for fellowship. You share the same inspirations, illuminations, inclinations, temptations, aspirations, motivations, and perspirations -- you are working together for the same thing, for the furtherance of the Kingdom of God on earth. This is why you attend church -- not because you have to, but because you want to.
Don't become a "spiritual butterfly." Send your roots down. If you are moving from church to church, how will your pastor know what type of food you are digesting? The Bible says that your shepherd will have to give an account to Him that has entrusted you to him (Hebrews 13:17), so make yourself known to your pastor. Pray for him regularly. Pray also for his wife, his family, and the elders. Being a pastor is no easy task. Most people don't realize how many hours it takes to gather a fresh sermon each week. They don't appreciate the time spent in prayer and in the study of the Word. If the pastor makes the same joke twice, or shares something he has shared before, remember, he's human. So give him a great deal of grace, and double honor. Never murmur about him. If you don't like something he has said, pray about it, then leave the issue with God. If that doesn't satisfy you, leave the church, rather than divide it through murmuring and complaining.
A woman once spread some hot gossip about a local pastor. What he had supposedly done became common knowledge around town. Then she found that what she had heard wasn't true. She gallantly went to the pastor, and asked for his forgiveness. The pastor forgave her, but then told her to take a pillow full of tiny feathers to a corner of the town, and in high winds, shake the feather out. Then he told her to try and pick up every feather. He explained that the damage had already been done. She had destroyed his good reputation, and trying to repair the damage was like trying to pick up feathers in high winds.
The Bible says that there is life and death in the power of the tongue. We can kill or make something alive with our words. The Scriptures also reveal that God hates those who cause division among the brethren (Proverbs 6:16). Pray with the psalmist, "Set a guard O Lord, over my mouth; keep the door of my lips."
Remember the old saying, "He that gossips to you, will gossip about you
I wonder sometimes if all this education and knowledge we have attained hasnt hurt our generation ?
The old generation had something we seem to be lacking.
There was true humility and dedication to God's work.
We may know more but are we really better off ?
What happened to signs and wonders and healings and great Holy Spirit outpourings ?
All this education is a great thing if we use it wisely toward good and edification of the Body of Christ. I believe that if each one of us used our degrees toward an area of need in our church, our Assembly would save more souls and retain the saved. We have so much to give; among ourselves. We have attorneys, M.D., nurses, contractors, teachers, people in all areas of education, administrators, etc... Education is never a bad thing, it is what you do with it that counts. We are truly blessed. If my dad had had the opportunities I've had. I know he would have accomplished more in the church.
We can have the signs, wonders and outpouring of the Holy Spirit; we just need to get closer to Him in prayer, fasting and reading His Word. It is really so simple. We can have a revival in our own house, in our church, when we as individuals get closer to God. We don't have to wait for the revival to come to the church, start it in your own life. It is so true, God is only a prayer away, but sometimes the remote control is closer. Our worse enemy is Tomorrow!
Imagine the knowledge that our generation has acquired with the power of the Holy Spirit backed by the AA doctrinal and holiness standards, what an impact we could have on the world not just our nation.
One more thing, I don't think the pastors or brethren that have received their education/degrees from Logos and the other theological institutions is a bad thing or not worthy. As an secularly educated generation, you know that it is not necessarily the institution but the individual that gets what he/she put into the studying. I know that many of our pastors and brethren are studying very hard to get their degree and all they have in mind is to be of better service in their church, in their area of ministry. I am sure if any of them had the opportunity or means to attend a secular college they would do it, but it is not possible for many of them, so they are trying to get educated as much as possible to be of better service. Don't put their education down but applaud them for their efforts and we should be grateful for now having open doors to these theological institiutions to where our brethren or even we can get a theological education, which I am sure we all know is very different than secular. I can be an administrator but not know Teologia Pastoral, Epistolas Pastorales, Escatologia, etc.. Let thank God for all the opportunities He provides for each one of us. Pray and fast every Sunday for His will. God bless
Hey, any education is better than none. I made some really bad choices when I was young and dropped out in 11th grade. Thankfully many,many, years later I received my GED, not that I needed it because I was blessed with a job many moons ago and I've moved up through the ranks and I recently graduated from the UC system.
A degree is a degree and it is recognized as such. A degree from Harvard is not any better than my degree from UCLA. Neither is my degree any better than someone going to a city college.
"True humility and dedication to God's work"
I remember when musicians would play for free. Now most want to charge.
Pray about where you should fellowship. Make sure the place you are going to call your church home calls sin what it is -- sin. Do they believe the promises of God? Are they loving? Does the pastor treat his wife with respect? Is he a man of the Word? Does he have a humble heart, and a gentle spirit? Listen closely to his teaching. It should glorify God, magnify Jesus, and edify the believer. One evidence that you have been truly saved is that you will have a love for other Christians (1 John 3:14). You will want to fellowship with them. The old saying that "birds of a feather flock together" is true of Christians. You gather together for the breaking of bread (communion), for teaching from the Word, and for fellowship. You share the same inspirations, illuminations, inclinations, temptations, aspirations, motivations, and perspirations -- you are working together for the same thing, for the furtherance of the Kingdom of God on earth. This is why you attend church -- not because you have to, but because you want to.
Don't become a "spiritual butterfly." Send your roots down. If you are moving from church to church, how will your pastor know what type of food you are digesting? The Bible says that your shepherd will have to give an account to Him that has entrusted you to him (Hebrews 13:17), so make yourself known to your pastor. Pray for him regularly. Pray also for his wife, his family, and the elders. Being a pastor is no easy task. Most people don't realize how many hours it takes to gather a fresh sermon each week. They don't appreciate the time spent in prayer and in the study of the Word. If the pastor makes the same joke twice, or shares something he has shared before, remember, he's human. So give him a great deal of grace, and double honor. Never murmur about him. If you don't like something he has said, pray about it, then leave the issue with God. If that doesn't satisfy you, leave the church, rather than divide it through murmuring and complaining.
A woman once spread some hot gossip about a local pastor. What he had supposedly done became common knowledge around town. Then she found that what she had heard wasn't true. She gallantly went to the pastor, and asked for his forgiveness. The pastor forgave her, but then told her to take a pillow full of tiny feathers to a corner of the town, and in high winds, shake the feather out. Then he told her to try and pick up every feather. He explained that the damage had already been done. She had destroyed his good reputation, and trying to repair the damage was like trying to pick up feathers in high winds.
The Bible says that there is life and death in the power of the tongue. We can kill or make something alive with our words. The Scriptures also reveal that God hates those who cause division among the brethren (Proverbs 6:16). Pray with the psalmist, "Set a guard O Lord, over my mouth; keep the door of my lips."
Remember the old saying, "He that gossips to you, will gossip about you
Stop with the long posts, please. Keep your comments simple and to the point.
Most of us just skip long posts and move to the next one. So if you want your post read, be sure to keep it concise.
To Watcha:
In other words, you want juicy gossip instead of something of sustenance.
don't bother responding- I'm outta here!
So my pastor is retracting his name from the lawsuit because the GB has threatened him with replacing him with another pastor and leaving him without a job.
This is so upsetting. Our leaders have turned this one-time wonder of an organization into a cult. You can no longer speak up and question without being threatened. What kind of leaders do we have here?
I had heard that the GB was looking for Pastor material because if they (the GB) won the lawsuit, they were going to replace all the pastors who were involved in the lawsuit and if they won, they were still going to do it.
who's your pastor?
people, these men are not giving up their positions. not now, not later.
give, tithe to and support your local churches. boycott anything district and national!
boycott the conventions
to upset. . . and you're surprised because . . .
we saw this coming a long time ago, lawsuit or not, anyone who's name is on that lawsuit will loose his church. That's where the division will begin.
Yep, I heard it from a GB family member, the people on the lawsuit will more than likely loose their churches eventually. if they put up a fight, they'll have to go independent. Big division coming up folks-- stand firm!
You're right. I shouldn't be surprised. I am just shocked that the GB just doesn't allow for questions, investigations or any of that sort to take place. Instead they retaliate.
For me it's no longer an issue of miscounted votes. I don't know if votes were miscounted, to me what matters most is how the GB reacts when one questions something that didn't appear clear. The true dynamics of our beloved assembly have been revealed. The business philosophy is obvious and to me, this is the real issue at hand.
I find it ironic that the GB org leaders claim to be in the TRUTH and we are exhorted to always yearn for the truth - yet when we go in search for the truth our churches are taken away, we are threatened and black listed.
What's wrong with this picture. (SIGH)
I've said it once, I'll type it again. . . boycott, people, there's an answer.
Boycott the conventions! Boycott national projects.
Ask the flor azul underground department
Are you referring to the GB kid or -- sorry i've been living under a rock- but he's extremely girly.
Ooops, my bad, I mean GB5 kid.
The last few big events I have gone to,I have noticed a trend of the apostolic male looking more and more, like a girlyman.
I do have to give credit to Dr. Mark Amin, who, as MOP President had conferences on the subject of homosexuality.
I have to give him credit for addressing the issue and not avoiding it like the old timers used to.
I'm not saying open the door for the "Flor Azulers" to come back, but the issue should be addressed. The blaring fact remains that many apostolic children are growing up to be homosexual. Is it the churches fault? Or the parents fault? Or society as a whole?
What should our response be?
Football, I noticed this trend when youth pastors started playing flag football rather than tackle.
More tackle football!
This is what our constitucion says:
Article 74 V 1
Human sexuality- We believe that God has commanded that no intimate sexual activity be engaged in outside of marriage between a man and a woman. We believe that any form of homosexuality, lesbianism, bisexuality, bestiality, incest, fornication, adultery, and pornografy are sinful perversions, of God's gift of sex. We believe that God disapproves of and forbids any attempt to alter one's gender by surgery or APPEARANCE.
We believe that the only legitimate marriage is the joining of one man and a woman.
remove pastors just because they went against them...why don't they remove the bad ones like mine that don't do anything..and insult you every sunday from the pulpit. telling u that u don't know how to worship just because u don't run or jump, if if u don't go up to alter call thatere is something wrong with or u don't need anything from god and u might as well go home......thats the one they should remove
Can someone list the pastors that supported/signed the lawsuit?
That "girly man" stuff is reaching the pulpit. Before it was just the flor azulers hanging in the lobby, but some of these leader's pulpit mannerisms seem a bit...well to say the least, questionable.
No where in any document will you find where brother Tafoya is asking anyone on the GB to resign or for a re-election. I didn’t see his name on the attorney’s letter either.
In all the letters I’ve read he’s only asking for a Commission of Honor and Justice according to Article 39 of the constitution to investigate the ethics of
the 2006 electoral elections
Well I tell you what this might have put a dent into Valverde's desire to be the head honcho of the AA, and 2 vote Eddie will never be president of the dorcas and take over the flor azul fund now
The heroes of the AA
Bishop President Baldemar Rodriguez
Bishop Daniel Jauhall Bishop Daniel Salomon
Bishop Isaac Cota
Bishop Ishmael Arellano
Bishop Julian Aguirre
Bishop Abel Torres
Bishop Samuel Arellano
Bishop Richard Galaviz
Bishop Guillermo Mendoza
Bishop Martin Vasquez
Bishop Herman Garza
Elder Saul Avila
Elder Efrain Andrade
And many many more.
Remember 2 of then are on wheelchairs (Bishop Jauhall and Cota)
Pray for them!
So, the rumor is that the GB will take away these pastor's churches?
Wow, that would be a major division.
Yes, fasten your seat belts.
The cure for corrupt government:
(11) And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed.
The cure for corrupt government has to do with 'waking up'. The solution is nearer than when we believed.
Its getting cold. Ever since Eddie Pacheco was elected to the GB, Hell has been freezing over.
The lawsuit will be filled the last week of October!
It will be filed in California.
San Bernardino County or Los Angeles County?
"In the event your clients do decide to file a lawsuit in California, the AAFCJ stands ready to defend itself VIGOROUSLY through its California legal counsel"
For those of you who have such strong loyalty and faith in the leadership of the AAFCJ I COMMEND YOU! However, from someone who has worked behind the scenes with the administration, I warn you, YOU FAITH AND YOUR LOYALTY WILL BE GREATLY SHAKEN! Please, prepare yourself and your loved ones for what you are going to see. This is not a joke!
you insult the Bishop President, defame the whole General Board of Directors.
"You would be surprised of the enormous quantity of e-mails, telephone calls, and personal conversations by which healthy apostolic pastors ask us with enthusiasm to continue forward."
Why are all the comment sections showing the same comments? Did someone post all that content in all the post?
I agree, I will start deleting multiple posts that the same in each section
I meant to say I will delete the duplicates posts.
When you became a Christian, you stepped right into the heat of an age-old battle. You have a three-fold enemy--the world, the flesh, and the devil. Before you became a Christian, you floated down stream with the other dead fish. But now, God has put His life within you, and you will find yourself swimming against a three-fold current. Let's look at these three resistant enemies.
First, the world. When the Bible speaks of the "world" in this context, it is referring to the sinful, rebellious, world system. This is the world that loves the darkness and hates the light (John 3:20), governed by the "god of this world" (2 Corinthians 4:4)( -- the "prince power of the air" (Ephesians 2:2). The Bible says the Christian has escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust. "Lust" is unlawful desire, and is the life's blood of the world --whether it be the lust for sexual sin, for power, for money, for material things. Lust is a monster that will never be gratified, so don't feed it. It will grow bigger and bigger, until it weighs heavy upon your back, and will be the death of you -- see James 1:15.
There is nothing wrong with sex, power, money, or material things, but when these become predominant in God's sight, the Bible calls this "inordinate affection" (Colossians 3:5). We are told, "Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him." "Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God." (1 John 2:15, James 4:4).
The second enemy is the devil. As we have seen, he is known as the "god of this world." He was your spiritual father before you joined the family of God (John 8:44, Ephesians 2:2. Jesus called the devil a thief, who came to kill, steal and destroy (John 10:10).
The way to overcome him and his demons is to make sure you are outfitted with the spiritual armor of God listed in Ephesians 6:10-20. Become intimately familiar with it. Sleep in it. Never take it off. Bind the two-edged sword to your hand so that you never lose its grip. The reason for this brings us to the third enemy.
The third enemy is what the Bible calls the "flesh." This is your sinful nature. The domain for the battle, is your mind.
If you have a mind to, you will be attracted to the world and all its sin. The mind is the data-processing control panel for the eyes and the ears. It is the center of your appetites. All sin begins in the "heart" (Proverbs 4:23, Matthew 15:19). We think before we sin. This happens because we don't think before we sin. The Bible warns that lust brings forth sin, and sin when it's conceived brings forth death. Every day we have life, we have a choice. To sin or not to sin -- that is the question. The answer to the question of sin, is the fear of God. If you don't fear God, you will sin to your sinful heart's delight.
Did you know that God kills people? He killed a man because he didn't like what he did sexually (Genesis 38:10). He killed a husband and wife because they told just one lie (Acts 5:1-11). Knowledge of God's goodness -- His righteous judgments against evil, should put the fear of God in us, and help us not to indulge in sin.
If we know that the eye of the Lord is in every place beholding the evil and the good, and that He will bring every work to judgment, we will live accordingly. Such weighty thoughts are valuable, for "by the fear of the LORD one departs from evil" (Proverbs 16:6). Jesus said,
"And I say to you, My friends, do not be afraid of those who kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do. But I will show you whom you should fear: Fear Him who, after He has killed, has power to cast into hell; yes, I say to you, fear Him!" (Luke 12:4-5).
The quote, ""You would be surprised of the enormous quantity of e-mails, telephone calls, and personal conversations by which healthy* apostolic pastors ask us with enthusiasm to continue forward." is a perfect example of their blindness! They might tell you to move on, but behind your backs they're are ready to TURN YOU IN!
Word is that Bro. Julian Aguirre deciced he had to much to lose so he stepped down and said to the Apostoic Heros "Hasta otras piscas compadres." Where have all the brave men gone?"
There's a saying, 'Your anointing can take you to a place where your character cannot sustain you.'
There's a lot of soul searching in our movement right now,"
"The Apostolic movement is so driven by emotion and by passion that it sometimes lacks both theological and moral accountability," "May God help us root out the false apostles ... who are making the Apostolic church sick with their.... money-focused heresies."Indeed, beyond the scandal of the moment, Pentecostalism has produced a culture of superstar preachers whose lives are always at risk of being turned into something close to secular entertainment.
Article from Time.com
Julian Aguirre is getting ready to retired, and live his church to his son.
So he decided to be a coward than to mess his little plan.
correction:left his church..
ooops! Correction on mispelled words, Julian Aguirre decided and Apostolic Heros
Really, did Bro. Julian Aguirre abandon the ship? What a convenience.
Some of you DO NOT know the difference between doing RIGHT and doing TRUTH! When you figure it out you'll understand GOD'S purpose for the lawsuit!
“Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of such things God's wrath comes on those who are disobedient. Therefore do not be partners with them. For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light (for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth) and find out what pleases the Lord. Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.” Ephesians 5:6-11 (NIV).
“Live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day he visits us. Submit yourselves for the Lord's sake to every authority instituted among men: whether to the king, as the supreme authority, or to governors, who are sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to commend those who do right. For it is God's will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish men. Live as free men, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil; live as servants of God. Show proper respect to everyone: Love the brotherhood of believers, fear God, honor the king.” 1 Peter 2:12-17 (NIV).
Julian Aguirre? I've seen more sound doctrine in the Washington Times. That brother seems to think you can just "Praise" yourself through life. If he's abandoning the cause its because he's shaky in his beliefs and has no other means to support himself.
Julian Aguirre doesn't pass the "Job Test".
Has anyone read the "Letter From God" posted in the www.apostolicassembly.info/other site?
Word from the Lord!
Chronicles 16:22:
22"Do not touch my anointed ones and do My prophets no harm.
Repent! You have mocked my Name; Judgment is mine; you have placed a curse upon your homes and families.
REPENT!!! I will judge says the Lord of Host!!
watcha said, the AA has the appearance of a cult because it is a cult.
Find yourself a healthy church that is Christ-centered and not leader-centered;a church that comes no where near cultish tendencies.
Let's put ourselves in a place where we will be developed spiritually rather than stricken down; a place where we will be respected and nurtured not manipulated and left to starve.
The Apostolic Assembly is NOT a cult.
What a ridiculous and baseless commenet.
The Assembly needs reform and changes as well as every member and leader truly seeking God.
But a cult ? please
You are probably just a bitter ex apostolic who got burned or hurt by someone.
NEWSFLASH : We all have been hurt or dissed by someone.Get over it and take your eyes off man and focus on God.
If it smells like a cult, looks like a cult, then ummmm maybe it is one.
It is not baseless. The AA fits almost perfectly the profile of a cult. There is plenty of evidence in the AA structure that point to cultish tendencies.
You should read the following:
A checklist, known as the ABCDEF ("Because understanding cults should be elementary"), allows the user to evaluate groups on a scale of 1–10, on the basis of 18 factors:
internal control
external control
wisdom or knowledge claimed by leaders
wisdom or knowledge credited to leaders
front groups
sexual manipulation
sexual favoritism
dropout control
surrender of will
Our organization is not a cult, what we need is a reform that's all.
A reform? In the assembly? You make it sound so trivial! A reform to the GB is the equivalent to building a space station in Saturn.
If you haven't seen a reform in 85 years, then you probably won't see one in the next 6 months. In the meantime, the AA is being governed by cultish practices. If you can't acknowledge that, then nothing will ever get changed.
E'NUFF of the cult nonsense. If you really believe the AA is a cult and you don't like it, membership is optional. Leave the assembly if you think it is a cult, simple as that. If you're staying, shut up, sit down and buckle up. Enough of the cult crap already.
If you believe the AA is a cult, it doesn't say much about you then, why are you still in it? Why do you belong to a cult?
No, I am no longer in the Assembly. I was a minister in the Assembly, and I left when I was told that the reason why my baby was sick was because I refused to give $2,500 in order to pay for a luxury car as a gift to the pastor. His kids began to mistreat my wife and I and after a long and hurtful battle we decided it was better that we find a healthy place to grow.
My baby recovered soon after leaving the AA and is now a very healthy 4 year old.
Go to the AA website and try to get anything for free to preach the gospel any tool to enhance your life, any download to better your life, any free CD from Valverde.
The only thing you will find is an empty no purpose website or worst a promotion of themselves.
I'm not bitter and zealous.
Where is Fortino in all this? He is sitting back doing nothing. He said God showed him to sit back and let others do all the work. Very nice! Those are the kind of leaders we don't need in the Assembly. He is playing both sides of the fence!
http://www.apostolicassembly.org is down.
They must've not paid the bill.
Or maybe it's just bogged down from so many people downloading from all the awesome resources that we can find there - such as... the constitution.
I'm not bitter or hurt either.
Or it could be down from everyone looking at all those awesome and inspiring church websites!!
Seriously though! Most of them (church sites) are inactive- they need to take them off the list!
to 4:02- look again- it's still up. don't post things unless you're sure. Slow system does not equal "down"
It's down for me too... I get a time out error.
To 4:08 PM,
There's a reason why their websites are inactive. There's never anything new to post. What would these AA churches post? "There's a car wash and tamale bake-off this saturday"? I could've figured that one out without internet access.
Websites are meant as a source for dynamic ever-evolving information.
Catalino Huizar, former Bishop of the AA and GB Member once said:
"Un predicasion, doc mil dolares"
One preaching, $2,000 dollars.
The mentality of the GB percists.
In bible days it was, one preaching, two thousand souls....
Where have we gone?
Catalino Huizar
Yes and where is he hiding out now?
Ha! Ha! Eres o te haces? Or are you just being sarcastic? Your ABCDEF describes the AA. The AA checks off as a cult based on the factors you listed. Sexual manipulation and sexual favoritism are pretty much the only ones that are not as evident or perhaps,do not occur as frequently as most of the rest of the list...
Some people are just so in denial...
"A checklist, known as the ABCDEF ("Because understanding cults should be elementary"), allows the user to evaluate groups on a scale of 1–10, on the basis of 18 factors:
internal control
external control
wisdom or knowledge claimed by leaders
wisdom or knowledge credited to leaders
front groups
sexual manipulation
sexual favoritism
dropout control
surrender of will
Our organization is not a cult, what we need is a reform that's all."
INTERNAL CONTROL: amount of internal political power exercised by leader(s) over members
WISDOM CLAIMED: by leader(s); amount of infallibility declared about decisions.
WISDOM CREDITED: to leaders by members; amount of trust in decisions made by leader)s).
DOGMA: rigidity of reality concepts taught; of amount of doctrinal inflexibility.
RECRUITING: emphasis put on attracting new members, amount of proselytizing.
FRONT GROUPS: number of subsidiary groups using different name from that of main group.
WEALTH: amount of money and/or property desired or obtained; emphasis on members’ donations.
POLITICAL POWER: amount of external political influence desired or obtained.
SEXUAL MANIPULATION: of members by leader(s); amount of control over the lives of members.
CENSORSHIP: amount of control over members’ access to outside opinions on group, its doctrines or
DROPOUT CONTROL: intensity of efforts directed at preventing or returning dropouts.
ENDORSEMENT OF VIOLENCE: when used by or for the group or its leader(s).
PARANOIA: amount of fear concerning real or imagined enemies; perceived power of opponents.
GRIMNESS: amount of disapproval concerning jokes about the group, its doctrines or leaders(s).
SURRENDER OF WILL: emphasis on members not having to be responsible for personal decisions.
We are NOT A CULT.
Can you add "denial" to that list?
check - INTERNAL CONTROL: amount of internal political power exercised by leader(s) over members
check - WISDOM CLAIMED: by leader(s); amount of infallibility declared about decisions.
check - WISDOM CREDITED: to leaders by members; amount of trust in decisions made by leader)s).
check - DOGMA: rigidity of reality concepts taught; of amount of doctrinal inflexibility.
check - RECRUITING: emphasis put on attracting new members, amount of proselytizing.
check - FRONT GROUPS: number of subsidiary groups using different name from that of main group.
check - WEALTH: amount of money and/or property desired or obtained; emphasis on members’ donations.
check - POLITICAL POWER: amount of external political influence desired or obtained.
SEXUAL MANIPULATION: of members by leader(s); amount of control over the lives of members.
check - CENSORSHIP: amount of control over members’ access to outside opinions on group, its doctrines or
check - DROPOUT CONTROL: intensity of efforts directed at preventing or returning dropouts.
ENDORSEMENT OF VIOLENCE: when used by or for the group or its leader(s).
check - PARANOIA: amount of fear concerning real or imagined enemies; perceived power of opponents.
check - GRIMNESS: amount of disapproval concerning jokes about the group, its doctrines or leaders(s).
check - SURRENDER OF WILL: emphasis on members not having to be responsible for personal decisions.
check - DENIAL
13 out of 14 is not bad...
We are A CULT.
Some Pastors and Bishops exhibit cultic practices however that does not make the whole Organization a Cult.
That is painting with a broad brush.
Thats like saying all trinitarians are money grubbing, greedy Jim Bakker types and Hooker hiring dirt bags like Jimmy Swaggart.
Or saying that all blacks are crooks and all mexicans are lazy.
What a stupid comment.
Keep your check off list to yourself and go back to Calvary Chapel.
You haven't described the AA as a cult, you've just described my job. If that defines a cult, then pretty much all organizations, religious or not, are cults.
'Nuff of the cult. If it is, why are you still in it? Why do YOU belong to a cult?
Don't let the door hitcha where the good Lord splitcha!
This is hilarious! Anonymous said,
"Some Pastors and Bishops exhibit cultic practices however that does not make the whole Organization a Cult."
To say "some Pastors" is an understatement. Every pastor that I've met and talked with exhibit cultist ideas. I haven't met every pastor in the AA, but I've met MANY, MANY AA pastors. And every which one had cultish tendencies.
This also includes men on the GB that I am friends with. If your board is aligned with cultist ideas, then that propagates down to bishops, elders and pastors. This makes for a cultic organization. The AA board doesn't need a reform, it needs a wake up call. Problem is they keep hitting the snooze button every time they get one.
Denial will fix nothing.
A number of holiness churches over the years have taught that it is a sin for women to wear makeup. The idea that it is a sin for women to wear makeup comes from the belief that the only -- or at least the primary -- purpose for makeup is to entice men. They point to the passage in the Bible where Jezebel applies makeup to her face (5) and assert that her putting makeup on was a wicked attempt to seduce her coming captors. The same scripture says that Jezebel fixed her hair (KJV says “tired”), but curiously, they do not draw the same conclusions about hair styling. They also note that long ago, makeup was worn only by prostitutes and other “loose” women. Some also go on to suggest that Christian women shouldn’t attempt to change the way God naturally made their faces and that any attempt to do so is vanity.
This is a telling example of looking at the action while ignoring or minimizing the real intent and motive behind it. Undoubtedly, some women that wear makeup are doing so for the purposes of inciting lust in the opposite sex, but to say that all women wear makeup for that purpose is simply not true. Happily married 80-year-old grandmothers do not put on makeup for the purpose of inciting lust in the hearts of other men. If the attempt to beautify oneself with makeup amounts to vanity and/or the desire to entice the opposite sex, then styling one’s hair (just as Jezebel did), brushing one’s teeth and bathing would all be sinful as well, not to mention the fact that these things alter one’s “natural” appearance.
Simply put, wearing makeup (an action) is done for several reasons (intentions and motives), some of which are sinful, such as the desire to incite lust and sexual desire, but most are not. Perhaps the most common motive for wearing makeup comes from the desire to be clean, seemly, and presentable, which are the very reasons we comb our hair, bathe, brush our teeth and press our clothes.
Wow, very good makeup article. I heard the same "prostitute" example from my old pastor while giving a "holiness" class a while back. I think it's silly.
If I may take a bit further, prostitutes also wear thongs and lingerie. Should we ban our wives from wearing this as well? Should we stop staying in hotel rooms with our wives? Should our wives stop wearing high-heels? Stop them from wearing nylons? Why not, this is what prostitutes do and wear?
Heck, sex is featured on adult rated material and performed by prostitutes. Let's just ban sex all together!
Interesting how we stand against only that which doesn't inconvenience us men.
Hmmm, makes me wonder why Valverde requires his women in his church to wear nylons and heels.
Thongs, yummy. That reminds me, youth convention is comming up.
What??Gaddi Vasquez??You gotta be kidding. Have you ever seen Gaddi in the long white limons, at the Century Hotel in Beverly Hills with four white blonds, taking off after the political rally there.?
Where have you been? Gaddi who was the son of a Texas good man who came from Mexico and his dear mother who was born in a "country new immigrant town in Sweetwater,Texas who also came from immigrant.,he a very proud and self-centered person. But in reality it is his back ground and the denial he is in that makes him so arrogant.
Gaddi I hear has visited the "Pope" and has been seen in Mazagines advertisements of "Corona and Tecate Cervesa"
You gotts be kidding ????? We would rather have the "old board back with all their fraud and faults. Think about it.
Also when Gaddi got married to his poor looked down wife, he did not invite his paternal relatives who live in Arizona because he was ashame of them. God forbid.....Get your bearings right....
You got that right about Gaddi. You wouldn't even know Gaddi had a brother. Gaddi was offered to take over his father's church after his passing. Gaddi turned his back to his father's parishoners and sold out for his career.
He used the church to vault his career and then abandoned us. Well, got to give him credit for resisting the tempation to pillage the church though.
Better to pillage Bush. I wonder if Gaddi has offered to get the dorcas to make and sell tamales to fund our war in Iraq.
Four white blonds..got any pics for the Heraldo?
As I mentioned in my previous blogs and in the one dated "Oct. 15, 1:26 pm, Election Irregularities blog" all pastors have received a letter from the law suit petitioners and consenters, explaining the reason and purpose for the upcoming law suit. You can see it posted in "www.apostolicassembly.info" Now for all of you who called the men of God who were going to file the law suit "cowards" KEEP YOUR EYES AND EARS OPEN, it's finally coming!
Praying Always
The GB is meeting because ALL of them were served with the law suit!!! Where are all the nay sayers, and the family members, and supporters of the GB board who claimed all to be a farce full of hot air? If you don't believe me, call their relatives, friends, and people on the inside - THEY WILL TELL YOU THE GB HAS BEEN SERVED!!!!!
Good morning. How is everyone? It's been a while since anyone has posted on here. I wanted to share a concern I had with everyone about two things.
#1 Someone has taken a post of mine (and there may be more than mine) from this website and posted it on the "Apostolic News" blog. As a result I deleted most of my comments on this forum because I don't want my words being misinterpreted and taken out of context. We were having a good discussion in here and now that stuff left this place and moved to another blog.
#2 Speaking of the Apostolic News blog, has that thing got out of hand REAL FAST or what? What began as conversation turned debate, and now, just flat out gossiping. I am concerned about many of the comments on there that basically are ripping people (particularly ministers) and bringing to light people's mistakes in some cases. This is dangerous because EVERYONE makes mistakes. Yes, even Mr. or Mrs. Blogger. The lives of those who are out of the public eye will certainly be able to hide their past while those who are led to step out become destroyed because men seem to believe that God forgives and forgets, but not the bloggers.
I don't want to vent anymore than that, but right now it seems like anyone doing anything int he kingdom is an open target for the bloggers. Cybersaints have officially crept into the Assembly.
Good morning. How is everyone? It's been a while since anyone has posted on here. I wanted to share a concern I had with everyone about two things.
#1 Someone has taken a post of mine (and there may be more than mine) from this website and posted it on the "Apostolic News" blog. As a result I deleted most of my comments on this forum because I don't want my words being misinterpreted and taken out of context. We were having a good discussion in here and now that stuff left this place and moved to another blog.
#2 Speaking of the Apostolic News blog, has that thing got out of hand REAL FAST or what? What began as conversation turned debate, and now, just flat out gossiping. I am concerned about many of the comments on there that basically are ripping people (particularly ministers) and bringing to light people's mistakes in some cases. This is dangerous because EVERYONE makes mistakes. Yes, even Mr. or Mrs. Blogger. The lives of those who are out of the public eye will certainly be able to hide their past while those who are led to step out become destroyed because men seem to believe that God forgives and forgets, but not the bloggers.
I don't want to vent anymore than that, but right now it seems like anyone doing anything int he kingdom is an open target for the bloggers. Cybersaints have officially crept into the Assembly.
It is true that the AAFCJ is listed as a cult, but it does not make it so. There are certain things we as true Oneness Believers must recognize and learn from. The Trinitarian community has many of the things that we AAFCJ do not have and that is, they stick together in their core belief of a triune god. I know, you know, we all know there is but One God; yet here we are branding, labeling, denigrating, and ridiculing the leaders that God has allowed to direct this section of God's body. We need to pray more earnestly believing in the One that saved us from the ways of the world. I hate to say it but we sound more like the Mexicans we sometimes say we are not. The type that if his brother advances in any way shape or form in life, especially in their ministerial endeavors, gets immediately pulled by at least several of his fellow "brothers in the faith" by actions such as the ones all over the blog world today. If we are truly incensed with the issue of the GB, why have we not flooded our local congregations with prayers and fasting, petitions and supplications to God to remove the "heathen Leaders" we now have? I will tell you why. We are very quick to judge when our own hide is not at stake. We hide under this type of communication to dump our spiritual sewage, Those things that defile the heart of man. If we are truly Apostolic, if we are truly born again, and follow Jesus, why have we not been able to do the simplest of tasks, Unite in the Spirit of the Lord and Do the Lord's Will. If Trinitarian believers can do it why can't we? Maybe we would have less turmoil in our Assembly if we let the LORD handle His Business. The Bible says:
Be of the same mind toward one another. Do not set your mind on high things, but associate with the humble. Do not be wise in your own opinion.17 Repay no one evil for evil. Have regard for good things in the sight of all men. 18If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men. 19 Beloved, do not avenge yourselves, but rather give place to wrath; for it is written, “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,” says the Lord. 20Therefore “If your enemy is hungry, feed him; If he is thirsty, give him a drink; For in so doing you will heap coals of fire on his head.”21Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
The Bible says we must obey the leaders God has placed to lead us. Who are we to Judge who stays and who goes from the GB? If we truly love the LORD, and the AAFCJ, then let's show it by uniting in prayer and let the Lord deal with the wrong doers whom ever they may be. We either belong to the Lord and the AA, or are we just a bunch of discontent losers upset that we were not selected by God for a task such as this.
I'm nobody in the Apostolic Assembly and may be too ignorant of the goings on of the same but I tell you, I rather have my faith solidly set on the Lord's calling in my life to witness and save souls, than to waste time and cry like a sore loser. Who will be man and Christian enough to say to the GB; "I'm sorry that I ever doubted your integrity Bishop..." once this all comes to pass and the Constitution of the Apostolic Assembly Stands unshakable and triumphant in Court? We are sometimes so ignorant that we baffle ourselves with our ignominious frame of mind. Just because we say it is wrong does not make it wrong.
I Hope I can get at least a few "Amen" to my comment. If not, no problem. But, When the wrath of God comes down on the true Wrong doers, I know they will not be coming to this forum to say they were wrong and that God has been dealing with them a hard rebuke.
bye, bye!
Hey Pancho Villa!
AMEN You Happy Now?
Now lets get back to the real world did you misfire your gun and blow a hole out your rear, because your blowing hot air out off it!
Nope the AA is not a cult its a country club...where the leaders say lets go golfing while receiving our fat salaries.
"sorry that I ever doubted your integrity Bishop..." once this all comes to pass and the Constitution of the Apostolic Assembly Stands unshakable and triumphant in Court"
Unshakable?? Get a life! If it does remain, it means Sanchez, Malverde and fast Eddie stay and keep on running the AA into the ground!
"cry like a sore loser" Have you given it even a little thought that most of those people or close families maybe have lost lots to of money to Eddie's scams?, but you don't give a rat's behind about them! Do you?
You must be related to Eddie or Sammy, maybe Sanchez is your Grand Daddy!
And what about some losing her credentials while some bishop"s daugher goes and screws another dude and he the one that gets busted.
Another bishop chasing his cousin's wife
You have your head so far up your rear, that you think People have not prayed and prayed about this!
But greed, Lust. and Pride win out!
Shadow, you seems to be really in touch with everything that is going on in the AA. I don't think that an opinion needs to be maligned as you have done with my comment and responding in the manner of someone that (Christian..Not)does not fear God. In everything I said there is not one mention of the actual things going on with the Assembly. Do you need to write in the manner you did in order to prove a point or make a comment? All I'm saying is: If, only if, then you re-read the previously written blog.
As far as the Assembly being labeled a Cult, I am not the one saying it. The trinitarian writers are the ones saying it. But you know what? That is not the point anyway. Shadow, If you say that a lot of prayer has been done then, you just need to wait on the Lord and he will do. Do you want to be the one judging who's right or who's wrong? I'm sorry, you already have. I wait upon the Lord, not upon you or anybody else that thinks they are high and mighty and I might add, free of sin. We like to throw stones at people's characters and testimonies from this hiding place, but you know what? God sees all, knows all, judges all. I really don't want to find myself in your shoes. I guess your acronym fits you perfect. I am nobody's grandson, and I'm not related to anybody in the Assembly, I'm just posting my opinion and I don't massacre any body else's comments in the process. If you feel righteous and with the right to write the way you do, then the Lord was right when He said: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh.Luke 6:45b. You are worried that the GB is doing a number on the People of God? What kind of God do you think you have? I don't think He's the same God you say we believe in. No one, even though it may seem like it, takes advantage of the Lord's people and get away with it. We just don't like the fact that we are not the ones that will make them pay when it comes time for it.
Interesting blog - although the first statistic regarding the language is changing. There is a large portion of the 2nd and 3rd generation that is changing their opinions and practices in regards to the Spanish language. This of course does not change the problems associated with the AA. .00216% - I would have thought it to be smaller by now.
Shadow...I'm sorry our brother misread your post. If you didn't mean to say that the GB is right in their stance, then I also misunderstood it. But if you're blind enough to believe that title equals spiritual authority than you got that from the catholic church not from the Bible.
wow, im not aa, but its very obvious God is cleaning his church! not just aa, but all churches.
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