I predict with the introduction of blogs and increased scrutiny of elections and those in power, the job may be less desirable. Imagine the day after the election, now with blogs and I imagine other emerging online information sites about the AA, leaders must now consider what those that run for public office consider before their elections: public scrutiny. And there is nothing wrong with that!
If you want to run an organization like the AA, you better have an impeccable resume, an above par family, and high standard of professional readiness (ethical business practices). To put it bluntly, the new AA leadership should be expected to stand the scrutiny of bloggers with way too much time on their hands at work, with way too much bandwidth, with way too much intricate knowledge on how to mine for the internet for information.
Shouldn't we expect anything less?
In case you forgot, this is the Apostolic Church.
For all these people feeling sorry for all these leaders getting their names dragged through these bastions of incredible wit and analysis (the comment sections of these blogs), I say to you that this may be the new price of AA leadership.
You can't expect to walk across that platform in all the grace and glory that the position brings without the expectation that you better be living and leading in a manner worthy of the accolades. Maybe the emergence of these blogs and the hypercritic it brings will dwindle down the leadership ranks to those that don’t have any shady dealings to uncover, or resume to question.
Do I suggest that the blogs now have the ability to dictate Apostolic leadership? No!
But, it does raise the level of scrutiny that a leader must be comfortable with if he so desires the office of…
Author: Apostolico
If you want your name with a GB in it, like
GB = General Board,
GB = Gutierrez Bro's AKA GB5
Then you better come correct:
It's sad that our men have resorted to these extremes. Can we get more women in ministry PLEASE!!!!!
We need Gaddi Vasquez to take over and lead a reorganization effort. He would be appointed CEO under the oversight of a 9-panel blue ribbon committee to reorganize the AA. The committee should be comprised of Apostolic academics (with real degrees -- not from LOGOS), business leaders, government leaders, and any other AA members that have some experience leading/working large organizations.
The reorganization goals should be to dissolve the power of the national board, and return it to the local pastor.
Gaddi is perfect for the job because if he actually took the job he would only want it temporarily as he contemplates running for congress.
Wow, I just solved all our problems in one easy post.
And I forgot to add to my above comments a "thanks" to the webmaster for posting my comments as a featured article.
You are welcome. We welcome well articulated thoughts and discussion.
Apostolic Voice
Here's my ideal GB ticket:
President: Victor Prado
VP: Sergio Maffey
Sec: Ruben Mascareno
Treas: Anthony Romo
Sec of Ed: Jeff Aguilar
Sec of Missions: Jason Aguilar
Ouch- I feel the stones being thrown already
Does the oath of secrecy within the GB includes salaries.?
Let's help define what we are looking for in leadership?
Preaching ability?
A musician who can make good CD's?
Administrative Experience/Education?
Political Connections?
I don't think we'll get a 9-panel blue ribbon committee that will be agreed upon at this point. Those not voted on the 9-panel committee will ultimately file a lawsuit for something and we'll be back in this situation all over again.
Oath of Secrecy? They have one? Who are these people? The Gambinos? The Bonnanos? Should the General Offices start being referred to as Apalachian?
Run for Congress? Gaddi? Sorry. When it gets hot in the kitchen, Gaddi runs for the hills.
Gaddi has had the world handed to him. He was appointed to the OC Board of Supervisors. Its easy to run in a seat handed to you.
Lets not forget that Gaddi was Chair of the Board of Supervisors when OC filed Bankruptcy. OC was the first County Government to go Bankrupt.
Then there was Prop. 187, and Un-Constitutional Law that was overturned by the Court. Gaddi avoided standing up for the law and for his people.
He gave up and resigned the OC Supervisors because he was being challenged.
Then was his Edison years. Do any of your remember Edison and their Rolling Blackouts?
Remember Enron? Gaddi supported deregulation that ended up giving Enron control of Califnornia electricity. Enron did these blackouts to blackmail the Governor and Legislature to increase the contracts.
After that George W Bush threw Gaddi a vine and gave him a few appointments.
I don't think Gaddi has the inner fortitude to lead us, let alone run in a contested seat for congress.
On Gaddi
We need a leader, not window dressing.
On Gsddi again:
Not to be hating on the man. I give him props for his accomplishments. He has accomplished a lot.
But we are talking about a church leader.
Ever time I hear Gaddi preach its like hearing a commercial for the Republican National Committee followed by his celebrity name dropping.
He spoke at his father's funeral like he was addressing a Joint Session of Congress.
yes they have a Oath of Secrecy thats why none of the pastors know how much they make,one bishop comment that they get $15,000,00 a month plus expences.
GB are call the Cucamonga tribe.
I would like to see Sister Georgina Marron on the GB. Or even Sister Santa Leon.
$15,000 a month plus expenses- isn't that more than the Governor of CA and more than the President of the U.S.?
$15,000! For what? To walk around in $3,000 suits and brag about that during their preachings? AAAhhhpachecoCHOOOO!
$15,000 is an obscene amount of money to make for those positions. No wonder Baldemar wants back in. No wonder Tafoya threw a fit. No wonder they are threatening to sue-- it's not the positions they are vying- it's the money!! Heck I want to run for the GB ticket!
So do the leaders on the national boards for MOP, the Dorcas, Varones & Juniors alloted the same privileges? Do they get a salary?
Gaddi smaddi- I want Hillary for the GB
Bro. Rodriguez cannot run for any position anymore.Keep that in mind
Back to the topic at hand. . .
Please do not respond with inflammatory emotional opinions on this case. I’m not seeking to know what side anyone is on or what you may think anyone deserves. I’m seeking legal educated answers from people in the legal field who may have educated opinions about the following:
1. I understand that this is a pending issue that is not yet in litigation since a Summons & Complaint has not been filed with any court.
What exactly are the Plaintiffs in this case seeking? Will this be a Civil Case, if so what are the monetary damages do you believe they seeking? Will it be a Criminal Case for Fraud? Tort Liability? If so, are they seeking jail time? Will they be fined?
2. Since the General Offices are in California, do you think the jurisdiction in this case will be in the San Bernardino County Court system? Or will it be in Houston, Texas, Harris County, since that is where the attorneys were retained? Or in LA since that is where the Fraud took place.
3. Does anyone know the difference in laws between Texas and California in regards to Tort Liability?
4. Can any of the Defendants be held personally liable, as officers of the ‘corporation’, for the misconduct or do you think that the lawsuit will be directly aimed at the Apostolic Assembly as a Corporation?
5. If an injunction is file, would it be only against the GB, the AA offices or the AA in general?
This is to the plagerizing anonymous poster on 9/26 at 11:50--
DO NOT CUT AND PASTE my comments and or questions from the other blog to this one. I only asked those legal questions in the other blog- not this one. Do not cut and paste. Ask your own questions.
Blogmaster: please address this.
If Baldemar can't run for any positions anymore- why did he keep ACCEPTING nominations for each position on the board- embarrasingly enough he kept being rejected. His time is up, why is he involved in this anyway then? He needs to worry about his lackluster singing career and quit lip synching.
Out with The Old Regime in with the new.
Heres a thought how about fair elections and prayer and fasting and seeking God's will before an election ?
Politics out God and his anointing In !
You have good valid questions,but sorry
Call him an ask him.Baldemar Rodríguez 909-957-9175
I have tried, I've even e-mailed him. I get no responses.
Hmmm. . . YOU wouldn't happen to be Brother Baldemar going incognito would you? If not, nice person to put his number on blast.
Thought so.
Or call. They have nothing to hide.
Abel V. Torres 432-352-3958, Daniel Salomón 303-249-0942 y Saúl L. Ávila 512-731-9660.
Praise the Lord Brother Baldemar, thank you for the numbers.
Ok- I have a question, I'm assuming that the attorneys the GB retained are being paid by us, the AA. Who is paying for the retaining of Bishop Rodriguez and the other Bishops' attorneys? Them personally?
Anyone out there in cyberspace know?
Again, I'm just assuming but you know what they say when you assume.
disclaimer:Im not brother Baldemar.
The GB cannot touch the funds of AA for this case or the Insurance.
Kudos to Brother Baldemar, Brother Abel, Brother Solomon and Brother Avila . . . especially Brother Abel Torres for coming out with this. They've confirmed something that we have all suspected has been happening for so long in our GB elections for many many many years.
Whether or not you like these men, whether or not you like the current GB. The fact of the matter is that it happened, it's out and now we are waiting for the next step. This is a crucial turning point for our assembly. To whomever posted those number, thank you,I will call them and give them my sincere thanks.
The GB cannot touch the AA funds- CANNOT and SHOULD NOT are two different things. :)
Will this fall under their liability insurance?
How about the Plaintiffs in this matter? Are they paying the attorneys fees themselves?
Ok- sure your not. Ok, wink. wink. Our little secret.
Cannot, the reason? it is also a Criminal Case for Fraud.Ask any lawyer
good info, thanks.
That means that the GB own check accounts are going to start bleeding?
I'm not opposed to users using the anonymous id to when posting comments to this website.
However please not that we will not be able to distinguish you from other posters that use the anonymous identity.
My suggestion to you all is that you create an ID will gmail to distingiush yourselves yet remain anonymous.
Back as you where men....and women.
PS. Women on the GB...hmmmm, never thought about that.
GB accounts bleeding, what about the other parties, where do you think they are getting their money from?
No one's accounts are bleeding people. In the end, we'll pay for both sides. I'm sure they'll come up with a new project of sorts and say it's for some missionary in a made-up country.
The previous post was deleted because it was copy and paste of previous comments. If readers are interested they can view the original comments.
There is no reason to regurgitate old comments.
BTW, It kind of reminded me of the swine that enjoys wallowing in his own slop.
No Offense.
And it is not that I disagreed or agreed with the comments you tried to regurgitate.
In 2007 alone the GB has Refinanced 3 properties in Los Angeles County.
Santa Anita for $475,000.00
Montebello for $2,500,000.00
Azusa for $200,00.00
I saw the Deeds and Sanchez, Valvedre and Pacheco signed on behalf of the church.
Thats a lot of money. Where is the money going?
Probably to pay for the new FOT church they're building.
Does anyone know if any of the records of AA are public?
Were they local church properties or just regular properties that belonged to the AA?
They were local church properties. You know, churches with their misc buildings.
So does that mean that when a church is going to refinance their building, the Assembly GB has to sign off? I thought it was the Pastor.
Do church buildings have to be under the AA? What about the funds? Can they be in the Pastor's names only?
Everything is under the control of the GB, thats how they inflict fear in the pastors,if you dont obey they take away everything.Youre building,money, reputation, moral.Thats the reason why Joel Montes own his building.The guy is smart.
All we need is 300 Spartns.Where are they? A new generation.
Concerning the Gaddi appointment idea,I'm not suggesting he lead the organization. I suggest he lead a reorganization effort; two different ideas. Actually, he would act as an administrator of the committees work and plans.
We need a CEO with the goal of restructuring the leadership and management of the AA, so that new leadership can emerge and take the helm. I don't know how familiar most people are with these types of organizational disputes, especially of the election type, but this may be a very realistic scenario. However, I do admit that Gaddi taking the job may be a bit unrealistic.
As far as the committee, the committee would need to be of the successful pastors, business and academics types, with no leadership ambitions. It would be professional that have experience in this type of work.
Ok, yes, I’m just throwing out some crazy ideas.
As far as Gaddi bashing, please save your anti-GOP remarks for moveon.org. He supported GOP idealogy because he's a Republican, duh.
He's not reponsible for blackouts.
What's wrong with supporting the enforcement of immigration laws? Just because he's Hispanic doesn't mean he should support breaking immigration law.
OC BOS debacle was because of an ambitious, capitalist minded, conservative Republican BOS. Yes, it was a bad deal in the end, but that's what ambitious people do: take risk.
And that's probably why the guy plays golf with the President of the United States of America.
As for his words at his fathers funeral, a joint session speech, yeah right. It may be that all those years of sitting in your church, listening to unorganized, tangential sermons may have distorted your view of what sermons should sound like. Yes, if you compare his speaking style to most Apostolic preachers, it would sound like a joint session speech. When in actuality, his speaking style is probably at par with most accomplished, Hispanics in the Republican Party.
As far as his sermons sounding like a GOP commercial, I think his view is refreshing compared to the majority of the stuff we hear today. Most preaching, again, focuses on what the Devil did this week to turn of the lights, make our youth run away, tricked people into buying a house they can’t afford and now can’t afford the mortgage. It’s encouraging for our youth to see an Apostolic rise to the level where the President of the U.S. has faith in you to be an Ambassador for our nation. I prefer to hear the GOP message of self reliance and morality, over the dead and done Democratic message of “where’s my handout.” Give me, give me, give me.
Outta time...
The Mormon in 08’
For those of you who say Baldemar cannot run again, read the Constitution again. He can run after 4 years are up and- they are up.
In spanish says one thing and another totally different in english (ARTICLE 4 XIX).
Can someone explain?
This is my theory six months prior to the elections Sanchez and Valverde decided to appoint their family members and take away Solomon and Fortino the only two mayor oponents of Valverde in 4 years.They also included in their list Montes,Aguilar and Martin del Campo.They never thougth that brother Torres was going to blow the whistle.2 votes for the family members and friends versus 600 votes that the pastors gave for Solomon and Fortino.
Again this is only a theory.
Bishop Baldemar Rodriguez is not out to get a position. Constitutionally he is not able to run again for President. He was asked to help by many people. He is sacrificing a lot. Please don't make accusations when since you are definitely not very well informed.
Where is the refi money going? The congregation should know where the money is being used. Accountability is nec. 15,000.00 per month as a salary is quite extraordinary, that's almost 180,000 plus expenses. I know some doctors and they don't make half as much.
I will repeat this - Eddie Pacheco presented a sales pitch on brand new cadillacs. This was in the early 1980's and people like my parents paid him cash. He never delivered the vehicle and never returned the money. Never apologized and swiftly went to mission work in Chile. He went a wealthy man. Now your giving these people access to church finances without accountability. Wow -
Hmo. September 27, 2007 1:09 AM
You have repeatedly stated that Hmo. Baldemar cannot run for president based on the constitution. Where are you reading this? He was president in 1978-86 and then in 1994-2002.
Where in the constitution does it prevent him from running again?
If Baldemar can't run anymore, then I can tell you why he's involved. He wants his friends to appoint him a position on the board, thus repeating this mess.
Like the saying goes, don't eat where you . . . poop. (had to clean it up)
Isaac Gutierrez and GB5 have Slashed Prices on all Window Shutters!
OJ Simpson
GB5 are cute.
Ryan Seacrest
Chris Crocker,
From You Tube "Leave Britney Alone"
Bring back Nu Vision!
Another GB5 victim. I feel sorry for this newlywed couple. I can't believe they can actually minister and then go on their week doing stuff like this.
Read what she says:
"This is sad, because this is our first home, we're a young couple and we just got married and so we saved our money to get window treatments, and unfortunately, we got taken for all of our money. And we have no window treatments," Craven lamented.
We've never seen GB5 steal anything.
Stevie Wonder Ray Charles
Get over the GB5 already, they're not that popular. This blog is about who will want to take over the leadership now. stick to the topic at hand- ok A-D-D!
They can LIE, CHEAT and STEAL but I can't wear my wedding band because i'd be disobedient? what's wrong with this picture?
just approve the wedding bands already! we wear bracelets with time faces on them!
Actually, the GB5 scandal has a lot to do with the issue at hand. The GB5 scandal is among many examples that illustrates how poorly the AA develops leaders.
There are dozens of examples that I've seen first hand where common folk are cheated and taken advantage of. I remember an AA minister who ran a (blank) company in our church. He reported his only employee to the immigration department and got deported. He did this because the company was in a financial rut and did not have the money to pay his employee.
I can go on and on with examples. This my friends is because the level of integrity in a spiritual org propagates from the top down. Unfortunately, integrity is a rare commodity within the top leaders of our AA. Our leaders may be meaty in size, but when it comes to integrity and honesty, I see skeletons.
A sad time for all of us.
To all of the Headquarters employees: do us a favor please resign
A question for all pastors in IDC, why you never elected Ed Pacheco as your bishop ,the same goes for ELA pastors with Abel Aguilar.?
'cuz they didn't wanna
NEXT- anyone
These forums were posted in order to get an opinionated dialogue going. Most of the stuff posted is garbage, venemous and of no importance. It sound as though most on here are 15-18 year old, and if not, sure acting like it.
HELLO - LO- LO- LO- Anyone out there? Anyone with something of sustenance to write about? Give some good dialogue- save the bashing for your slumber parties.
Our leaders may be meaty in size, but when it comes to integrity and honesty, I see skeletons.
Amen to that!
Lord God helpppppppppppp!
The convention if they don't get enough rooms sold they don't get the kick backs and free penthouse rooms for the GB. So that means Sam Jr. and timmy and missy can't stay with mommy and daddy and have to go stay at the Motel 6 and instead of steak and lobster for dinner it will have to be a big WHATaBUGER
Let them spent their $15.000. salary at Gaylord
Are the GB5 and the Jena 6 related?
These things have been going on for yours.
Nobody should be surprised. Im just surprised it took so long to surface.
It is just human nature to allow greed, lust and power to corrupt.
We need Real Men of valor and integrity in our Assembly.
Sadly they are very few and far between
Myanmar's military rulers declare no-go zones around key Buddhist monasteries in an effort to quash demonstrations, and claim security forces have the monks "under control", a diplomat says
Looks like the condition of our AA
Our young AA apostolic generation has a higher education than most of our older AA generations. Let us use this education to take the best that they are leaving us and go forward with it.Our beloved AA is a beautiful organization that is well known for its holiness and doctrinal standards. It stands out and is respected for this. I love our doctrine and holiness standards.
Holiness is from the inside out. The fasting, prayer, and the Word make you want to be close to Him and serve Him even in the small things, the long hair, long skirts, short hair (guys) etc.. are not a burden but a way of distinction that should also show in the way we speak or act in church and out.
I, also, think that we do evangelize in different ways according to everyone's ministry but the people sometimes want the "easy religion" and not a true committment with the Lord. I am trying to see the whole picture here. The brethren from the local churches do their part in all areas of work in the church because they are doing it for the Lord and not the pastor. Seen this in different churches in different states and other countries it is for the Lord and obedience to their pastor, but mostly knowingly the brethren work for the Lord in gratitude for what He has done and is doing in their lives. They evangelize, work, teach, and follow the holiness and doctrinal standards out of love for the Lord and in wanting to live a better and different life than what they were living.
Sometimes, I think we are just thinking as 3rd, 4th , 5th generation Apostolics ( I am one of those) but we should think as though we just got to know Him and appreciate all He has given us through this organization. The Apostolic Assembly will most likely go through a change, let us pray we don't lose the doctrinal and holiness standars but that we really adhere to them and ".. si en lo poco fuiste fiel, en lo mucho te pondre.."
If we think that it is the leaders that are not doing their part that is their responsibility before God.
It is as easy as this: Our leaders are responsible before God for their actions in their position of leadership. We, as members, are responsible before God of our actions as members of the Body of Christ.
Pray and fast every Sunday until the Lord has His way. God is always in control and uses different methods to have His way. I am sure this is one, but let's be Christlike as we post our thoughts. God bless.
Pray about where you should fellowship. Make sure the place you are going to call your church home calls sin what it is -- sin. Do they believe the promises of God? Are they loving? Does the pastor treat his wife with respect? Is he a man of the Word? Does he have a humble heart, and a gentle spirit? Listen closely to his teaching. It should glorify God, magnify Jesus, and edify the believer. One evidence that you have been truly saved is that you will have a love for other Christians (1 John 3:14). You will want to fellowship with them. The old saying that "birds of a feather flock together" is true of Christians. You gather together for the breaking of bread (communion), for teaching from the Word, and for fellowship. You share the same inspirations, illuminations, inclinations, temptations, aspirations, motivations, and perspirations -- you are working together for the same thing, for the furtherance of the Kingdom of God on earth. This is why you attend church -- not because you have to, but because you want to.
Don't become a "spiritual butterfly." Send your roots down. If you are moving from church to church, how will your pastor know what type of food you are digesting? The Bible says that your shepherd will have to give an account to Him that has entrusted you to him (Hebrews 13:17), so make yourself known to your pastor. Pray for him regularly. Pray also for his wife, his family, and the elders. Being a pastor is no easy task. Most people don't realize how many hours it takes to gather a fresh sermon each week. They don't appreciate the time spent in prayer and in the study of the Word. If the pastor makes the same joke twice, or shares something he has shared before, remember, he's human. So give him a great deal of grace, and double honor. Never murmur about him. If you don't like something he has said, pray about it, then leave the issue with God. If that doesn't satisfy you, leave the church, rather than divide it through murmuring and complaining.
A woman once spread some hot gossip about a local pastor. What he had supposedly done became common knowledge around town. Then she found that what she had heard wasn't true. She gallantly went to the pastor, and asked for his forgiveness. The pastor forgave her, but then told her to take a pillow full of tiny feathers to a corner of the town, and in high winds, shake the feather out. Then he told her to try and pick up every feather. He explained that the damage had already been done. She had destroyed his good reputation, and trying to repair the damage was like trying to pick up feathers in high winds.
The Bible says that there is life and death in the power of the tongue. We can kill or make something alive with our words. The Scriptures also reveal that God hates those who cause division among the brethren (Proverbs 6:16). Pray with the psalmist, "Set a guard O Lord, over my mouth; keep the door of my lips."
Remember the old saying, "He that gossips to you, will gossip about you
Moderator / Administrator
PLEASE remove all the long winded posts
They get ignored and passed up anyway.
To Watcha:
In other words, you want juicy gossip instead of something of sustenance.
don't bother responding- I'm outta here!
Thank you Bishop Valverde for your sermon. "Spiritual Butterfly" is from Rick Warren's book.
Its called a "Source". You should give credit to your reference.
Stop with the Valverde stuff already. Neither he or the GB is going anywhere for the time being. Nothing is happening the rest of this year. Early next year who knows- but as far as for the remainder of the year- things will remain the same. Even if they lawsuit gets filed in the next month- it's won't be going anywhere for months. There won't be re-elections this November. Let's bash on Pachueco--just because its fun.
Stop with the Valverde stuff already. Neither he or the GB is going anywhere for the time being. Nothing is happening the rest of this year. Early next year who knows- but as far as for the remainder of the year- things will remain the same. Even if they lawsuit gets filed in the next month- it's won't be going anywhere for months. There won't be re-elections this November. Let's bash on Pachueco--just because its fun.
Well you seem to know all the Rick Warren books yourself- did quite a bit of studying yourself eh?
Then Rick Warren stole the "Spiritual butterfly" from my dad- except he calls them the "Pica Flores"- and he's an old timer- maybe Rick Warren got his stuff from our old school brothers and updated some material to suit his needs.
your opinion
What do u think Sanchez, Valverde, Pachueco, Espinoza and the whole Qualifying Board will do in 10 years when they get out of the state pen?
Celebrate with Isaac Gutierrez I guess
The lawsuit will be filled the last week of October!
It will be filed in California.
"In the event your clients do decide to file a lawsuit in California, the AAFCJ stands ready to defend itself VIGOROUSLY through its California legal counsel"
For those of you who have such strong loyalty and faith in the leadership of the AAFCJ I COMMEND YOU! However, from someone who has worked behind the scenes with the administration, I warn you, YOU FAITH AND YOUR LOYALTY WILL BE GREATLY SHAKEN! Please, prepare yourself and your loved ones for what you are going to see. This is not a joke!
you insult the Bishop President, defame the whole General Board of Directors
Some of you DO NOT know the difference between doing RIGHT and doing TRUTH! When you figure it out you'll understand GOD'S purpose for the lawsuit!
“Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of such things God's wrath comes on those who are disobedient. Therefore do not be partners with them. For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light (for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth) and find out what pleases the Lord. Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.” Ephesians 5:6-11 (NIV).
“Live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day he visits us. Submit yourselves for the Lord's sake to every authority instituted among men: whether to the king, as the supreme authority, or to governors, who are sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to commend those who do right. For it is God's will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish men. Live as free men, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil; live as servants of God. Show proper respect to everyone: Love the brotherhood of believers, fear God, honor the king.” 1 Peter 2:12-17 (NIV).
Has anyone read the "Letter From God" posted in the www.apostolicassembly.info/other site?
Is there any ex-AA pastor out there with a view or comment on this ordeal?
Don't forget Robert Tafoya!!!
Word from the Lord!
Chronicles 16:22:
22"Do not touch my anointed ones and do My prophets no harm.
Repent! You have mocked my Name; Judgment is mine; you have placed a curse upon your homes and families.
REPENT!!! I will judge says the Lord of Host!!
OK "2-vote Eddie"- enough of the repent posting.
Barney Five has my vote.
To the more pressing matters! Britney Spears lost custody of her sons!
How about Randy Quesada of SSP (Soldiers on Soul Patrol) fame for President?
Word from the Lord!
Ezekiel 24:14:
“I, the Lord, have spoken! The time has come, and I won’t hold back. I will not change my mind, and I will have no pity on you.
You will be judged on the basis of all your wicked actions, says the Sovereign Lord.”
You hide behind the name “Anonymous” but I know who you are…
Says the Lord of Host!
To the holy one above- then why ARE you anonymous? Why not give us your name and church?
From Isaiah to Jeremiah to Elisha, Old Testament prophets commonly pronounced judgments and curses on nations and peoples. In fact, prophesying doom and gloom on nations and pronouncing judgments on individuals was seemingly part and parcel of the prophetic ministry before Jesus Christ, the Prophet, became a curse for us.
Thousands of years later, some New Testament prophets are still operating in this flow, but are all of them speaking on behalf of the Spirit of God? Or could some of them be prophesying out of hurts and wounds, pride or some sinister spirit?
At the heart of the matter is a single, yet critical question: Is it Biblical for modern day prophets to pronounce judgments and curses on people and cities today?
Anyone who has moved in prophetic circles has surely heard some questionable prophecies. Take, for example the prophet who exerts control over his congregation by proclaiming, “If you leave this church, then something bad will happen to you!”
But did God really say that? Or has carelessness, hidden sin, Jezebel, or some other ungodly influence led some prophets to tap into spirits that are anything but holy?
Part of pronouncing curses and judgments, then, boils down to motives. Is the prophet truly speaking what saith the Lord, no matter what the Lord saith – for good or bad? Or is the prophet decreeing destruction out of pride, arrogance, or rejection? Is the prophet seeking to be admired, feared or revered? Is the prophet speaking forth curses to put on an air of superiority or to look powerful? What kind of prophet would take any pleasure in cursing someone to death when Jesus came to bring life? While the Spirit of God can do as He wishes, the prophet in and of himself does not have any authority to curse or judge.
Prophets who intentionally set out to manipulate, control, deceive or otherwise harm people through prophetic judgments or curses are out of order
You're too long winded pal, learn to get to your point.
Wow, very good post! Every apo minister/pastor/evangelist/self-proclaimed healer should be issued this post to be memorized.
I say we just stay away from "Thus sayeth Lord" prophecies and stick to what the Lord has already said in his word. I'm happy just to have his word that has already been established by men like Paul, Luke and John. I don't need el hermano Joaquin Lupe Rodriguez De La Cruz prophesying that I'm going to receive a million dollars next year. I know you pray and stuff, but until your letters end up in the Bible, I'll just stick to the word given by God himself.
Where is Fortino in all this? He is sitting back doing nothing. He said God showed him to sit back and let others do all the work. Very nice! Those are the kind of leaders we don't need in the Assembly. He is playing both sides of the fence!
Regarding the recent story involving Isaac (of GB5), they aired an update today...CBS is retracting their story (probably for fear of being sued for defamation of character) they confirmed their story was missing pertinent facts. Isaac had already began the refunding of his customers mentioned. CBS Dan Ball stated he and his team had only reported what was told them. Isaac issued a written statement today stating his reasoning behind the closing of his window business, due to the current rise in real-estate bank fall outs he was forced to close doors due to the decline of customers. It seems CBS reporter Dan Ball misrepresented the truth behind this unfortunate situation. Isaac stated his attorney was currently reviewing the case to see if he should move forward with legal action for defamation of character.
Another case of Apostolics jumping the wagon to throw their rocks of judgment before finding out the real truth behind the matter. "Apostolic Assembly = Organized Mexican Cheese Spreaders"
Yeah, but the customers were real, and had real experiences. In fact, Isaac is heard on the phone admitting that he was going to pay them but was experiencing financial difficulties.
Isaac confessed on the phone with the reporter.
He's still a fraud.
duh! of course they were real people, what, you thought they were robots? lol besides, business difficulties does not make you a fraud. which is probably why he's going to win in letigation if he pursues the defamation of character suit. thousands of businesses go under every year, for example: your mom's tortilla rolling enchilada baking business...you member, member?? i think she still owes the aa gen board a few dozens? ;)
I knew there was more to this story. I know GB5 and with all that's being said of them, they're really some cool bros. Good to hear the truth is finally told. I hope Isaac goes forward with a lawsuit against that reporter! Hey with all the money he's gonna win he can pay for the next 3 GB5 recordings!
Isaac is a fraud, oh I mean alleged fraud. He took people's money and spent it, leaving those poor women out of their savings.
Is Isaac Gutierrez' Pastor Edward Pacheco? Or maybe his uncle
Get your story straight about the GB5.
The story is still posted and their talk that they have additional reporting that will be done before the end of the year.
As I mentioned in my previous blogs and in the one dated "Oct. 15, 1:26 pm, Election Irregularities blog" all pastors have received a letter from the law suit petitioners and consenters, explaining the reason and purpose for the upcoming law suit. You can see it posted in "www.apostolicassembly.info" Now for all of you who called the men of God who were going to file the law suit "cowards" KEEP YOUR EYES AND EARS OPEN, it's finally coming!
Praying Always
last days maybe??? I love it!!!
What do you know???
The convention in Lubbuck Texas is over and Abel Torres fell right back into the web of musical chairs. He was again elected unanimously by all the Pastors, because the Pastors cannot think for themselves.
Sanchez did not dare apply the disqualifying tatics of the Qualifying Commission because Sanchez needed to neutralize Abel Torres.
As for Daniel Salomon and Baldemar Rodriguez, it must have been a heavy blow that Abel Torres is now part of the GB gang again.
How can a man be voted as Bishop by the Pastors who are part of the Apostolic Assembly when Torres is one of the ones suing the five members of the Qualifying Committee of the elections held in Long Beach CA in 2006?
Torres should have been disqualified for that reason.
That is called insubordination
to the Church and to the Bible
(I Cor. 6:1-11) which forbids the church to go to the world for resolution of internal church problems.
So is this the kind of hero we need? If he had the integrity alluded to earlier by another blogger, he would have disqualified himself for that reason alone.
But now Abel Torres is putty in Sanchez's hands. And we now have another person who is willing and able (no pun intended) to sue our Assembly if it is convenient and expedient for him...and you want Abel Torres as a board member-a man who sued his own Assembly?
Sorry to Baldemar and Salomon, their partner in the lawsuit has gone to the other side-the GB gang.
Anonymous said...
Mama please let me go visit my wife, please!
October 31, 2007 10:17 PM
Anonymous said...
About the year 1990, Bishop Manuel Castorena came from Mexico City where he had just terminated being Obispo Presidente de la Iglesia Apostolica de Mexico.
Bishop Castorena was invited by Bro. Manuel Vizcarra who was Presiding Bishop of the Apostolic Assembly to Pastor the AA church in Pacoima, CA.
Bishop Castorena pastored in Pacoima, then relocated to another property that he purchased for the AA on Brand Blvd in San Fernando, CA.
Bishop Castorena is a dynamic preacher, teacher CBAN. For many years he taught at the Colejio Biblico Apostolico in Mexico City, preparing many men and women for ministry.
Now Bro. Castorena is very ill and will be retiring from the pastorship of the Apostolic Assembly church in San Fernando this coming Sunday, November 4 at a special farwell service.
It would be wonderful to take a pause especially now that we are having such a difficult time in our Assembly, to acknowledge and appreciate a great warrior of God who has given it all to the Work of the Lord, and retires only because his health has failed him to the point that he is a double amputee.
Let us rejoice that this man has left such a great legacy with our AA and a bright mark for many to follow.
If you would like to send him an acknowledgement card or offering here is his home address where he resides with his wife:
Rev. Mauel Castorena
11964 Carl Street
Lake View Terrace, CA 91342
(818) 890-1535
May God Bless you.
Wow... I heard about this blog page from someone and had never bothered to read it. Now that I've read it, I see there are a lot of bitter people. And by the sounds of it most of you who post comments are feeding off eachothers negative thoughts and opinions. And that's pretty much all your comments are, opinions because I haven't really seen any major proof of anything you speak of on here. It's a shame. My question is if you feel so strongly that the current AA General Board isn't for you and your church then why not leave the AA and start your own? Your so witty and smart to make supposed allegations.. you should be smart and witty enough to run your own church. I'd be very afraid to be going against spritual authority.
Saddest part is, I think that most of the people who post their opinions on here about specific GB members are local people who smile in their face but then turn around and stab in the back. I don't know, just doesn't make sense!!
The GB is meeting because ALL of them were served with the law suit!!! Where are all the nay sayers, and the family members, and supporters of the GB board who claimed all to be a farce full of hot air? If you don't believe me, call their relatives, friends, and people on the inside - THEY WILL TELL YOU THE GB HAS BEEN SERVED!!!!!
Bishop Abel Torres in this matter is a man of immense integrity. The fact that he was unanimously voted in as Bishop should be a warning to the GB that he is a trustworthy man of influence to those around him...and if they think they would only lose the NW TX district, don't fool yourselves. The West TX district has been crying for his leadership for years. They're tired of all the fraud that has been going on in their district since Bishop Torres moved to Midland, TX.
All of this was bound to happen sooner of later it really did not matter who was elected for the GB.
Many issues have started to come across the AA and sadly alot of good honest people are going to be dragged through all this.
There are many Pastors who are Pastoring their churches in a very honorable way. And they will have to pay the price for those who have taken advantage of the Pastorship and Leadership that has been assigned to them.
Yes I do firmly believe that reasiging the GB with members who were actualy voted for from all the 600 pastors and leaders, would be a great solution. Many memebers of the AA are now confused, worried, upset, and feeling betrayed. This can be a cause for great division in the AA.
Unfortuanely somehow we all lost the importance of our spiritualism.
And started focusing more on the outside of the person instead of the inside.
An ex AA Pastor once told me that the GB was set up by one individual person who pulled the strings, and this person is not the AA President. In other words this election past was just the beginning. And yes our AA would be run by dictatorship.
It is sad, but if man does not follow God's guidence and God's word, and does his own will, this man is not an anointed man of God.
There has been alot of names mentioned in this blog, and there is one name that truly fits the profile.
As God's people we need to pray that this lawsuit actually helps the GB come to terms with it's mistakes and tries to bring back the trust we once had in them.
It is emberrasing how other "Christian denominations" have a better relationship with it's members, leaders, pastors etc.
God Bless
Amen strong believer!! I was speaking to a pastor who well has decided to stay neutral (as opposed to it as I am). He told me in conficence that he was praying that the GB would wake up and publicly decry their mistake. He says that since they've done a lot of private repenting and phone calls and visits trying to make it up without doing what they should actually do. He found himself writing a check to the plaintiffs when God told him not to. The fight had nothing to do with him since at the time he wasn't a pastor and didn't even vote. All of us are blessed to be able to voice our opinions but let's not forget the battle is the Lord's.
How about this? The AA has the Antonio Nava foundation. Bro. Nava was a great and humble man of God.
We owe a lot to him for all he did in his lifetime. He died several years ago and is buried at Oak Hill
Cemetery in San Jose. I went to visit his grave and to my shock his
name is not even on his grave marker. The Marker, on the top of it says "NAVA" and underneath to the left side is the name of his wife, it says "Dolores O." and gives the dates of birth and death.
To the right of her name the stone is blank. Though he has been dead for several years, neither his family nor the AA GB has done anything to correct this disgrace. I took a photo of the gravestone and mailed it to the AA Headquarters, to President Daniel Sanchez, and also to Adam Lopez who
is son-in-law to Bro. Nava. Do you know that Bro. Nava's headstone is still blank in regard to his name? Neither the AA or Adam Lopez will do anything to show decency to add Bro. Nava's name next to his wifes on that gravemarker. Maybe someone else will have better luck in trying to get someone in the AA to show a little respect and at least put the dead bishop's name on the headstone. Anyone visiting San Jose, check it out for yourself at the Oakhill Cemetery. What a shame for the AA and Adam Lopez!
I have nothing to see about that since I've never seen or been to Nava's grave. I have no opinion on how much of a man of God he is. I don't know of any of his good points...unfortunately only the bad ones. I heard the recording of the phone conversation that Bishop Efraim Valverde had with him when Nava sent him off on "vacation" and secretly called the bishops together to oust him.
Why did you delete your comment sunny....I agreed with your comment. Unfortunately the General Board has allowed Satan to cloud their vision of truth.
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