I would like to extend an invitation to a interested parties and viewers to this site and allow FEATURED BLOG posting to those who can articulate in clear and captive tone their thoughts on where we come from and where we are going. This is your chance to help influence the leadership of the AAFCJ. The General Board has their communication channel via their website as does those seeking legal action (those links can be seen to the right panel of this website). This is for your voice to be heard. From the abundance the your heart should your mouth speak(matt: 12:34 paraphrased)...or in this case...type.
There is an old lawyers adage that says: "If you can't win on the law, argue the facts. If you can't win on the facts, attack the character of your opponent".
When one directly attacks those they disagree with, they are clearly showing they do not have either the law or the facts on their side or they are just blatantly ignorant and their comments should be taken as such.
You can touch on any subject as it relates to our beloved organization and your blog will be moderated and edited for its content. The extent of my editing will be for grammar to make sure your blog is focused. I will not censor your position. (Disclaimer: If I feel your blog is boring, long winded, lacks focus or purely for the intent of character assasination, it will not be posted). Your writing should inspire diaglogue and discussion.
Those interested in adding dialogue will allowed to remain anonymous if you wish. Please address your interest, comments and concerns to: apostolicvoice@gmail.com
This has nothing to do with the elections but I'd like to get different perspectives and views. If you will be using scriptures to respond, please elaborate.
We need to have the Holy Spirit in our lives- now my questions is this: Is it necessary to have to keep speaking in tongues to be saved? I've been bombarded with so many scriptures I'm dizzy. Some have told me that you just need to speak it once in your life and that's enough. Others have said it's not necessary unless someone will be translating. I'm a new convert but not new to christianity. I was born and raised in a christian home.
Hello New_Convert,
Short answer to your question is, no. You do not need to speak in tongues in order to be saved. Jesus himself established the method for salvation which is simply characterized by faith and grace.
Tongues is a gift as we see it in Ephesians that results from the Holy Spirit working within you.
Salvation in the gospels has never been centered around speaking in tongues, but it is always centered around the cross and your faith in it to justify you of your sins.
Yes but after you are saved you need to keep speaking in tongues to edify yourself
CORRECTION: I mistakenly referenced Ephesians in my last post, I meant 1 Corinthians.
You are right, to edify yourself.
However, New_Convert's question was: "Is it necessary to have to keep speaking in tongues to be saved?"
Answer based on salvation in the Bible is, no.
Someone was praying for a Moses to lead us I believe we need a Joshua instead.
To all the Joshua generation:How can we heal our AA?
Singing in Tongues
There's this brother here in Texas who sings in tongues. Is there a scripture that supports this?
I Cor 14:15
speaking of tongues- can you translate your own tongues to your church?
Actually, I Cor 14:15 is not necessarily referring to singing in tongues. In this verse Paul takes inventory of some of the ways we worship which is prayer and singing. He admonishes us to also use our minds while we partake in these methods of worship.
What I understand from this scripture is Paul telling us to be smart and tactful with these methods of worship. Tongues, praying and singing in public can get quite disorderly which is the problem that Paul was trying to address to the Corinthian church.
I see this happening too often in our churches today. Paul would tell us, stop, use your minds and be smart about how you use these gifts.
I have been in services where the pastor would say “Everyone that speak in tongues start to interceding in tongues” , ??? This is the must heretical thing I have ever heard!! This is going against Scripture!!
“If any speak in a tongue, let there be only two or at most three, and each in turn, and let someone interpret. But if there is no one to interpret, let each of them keep silent in church and speak to himself and to God.” 1 Corinthians 14:27-28 ESV
Why have our pastors, elders, Board members ignore this? I have no clue; it is so clear in scripture that the jambo, jambo, toto, boto, stuff is not of God! Paul asks that if you don’t know what you are saying and if no one else knows either, go pray in the corner by yourself!
And people when you pray for one another, don’t go up to them and pray in tounges!!
“So with yourselves, if with your tongue you utter speech that is not intelligible, how will anyone know what is said? FOR YOU WILL BE SPEAKING TO THE AIR. There are doubtless many different languages in the world, and none is without meaning, but if I do not know the meaning of the language, I will be a foreigner to the speaker and the speaker a foreigner to me.” I Corinthians 14:9-11 ESV
Paul said it best when he said:
“Nevertheless, in church I would rather speak five words with my mind in order to instruct others, than ten thousand words in a tongue.” 1 Corinthians 14:19 ESV
Having seen all the scandals, recent and past, the AA should devote more time on teaching ETHICS.
The Prosperity Doctine is flawed. Ethics needs to be taught, period.
I'm sure there are some Old Testament Scriptures we could focus on here.
This clip on YouTube is a "must see"; talks about the heresy behind the prosperity gospel.
Someone please start a post for the "speaking in tounges" crowd.
Just confess that Jesus Christ is your Lord and Savior and you'll be saved...and don't forget to pray and study God's word.
Tongues are the evidence of the baptism and in filling of the holy ghost.
So if you are saying you dont need to speak in tongues you are nullifying God's evidence of his in filling with The Holy Ghost.
You must be a trino
Dear September 25, 2007 8:22, Please contact the BlogMaster if you would like to Author a featured blog regarding Speaking in Tongues.
Yours Truly,
um. . . ok- I'm still dizzy.
so if 'tongues' is a gift, then we all get that gift? The scripture say something to the effect that you need to be baptized in the name of Jesus . . . and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost? What exactly does this mean? Because I've yet to speak in tongues. I was baptized in Jesus name in another denomination and just became a member of the Apostolic Assembly not to long ago. I'm taking Bible Studies, but they're not at this topic yet.
Hi new_convert,
My advice to you is that you first study the salvation essentials as Jesus taught them in the Gospels. These essentials are doctrines which are constant and cannot be changed or debated. For example the need for the sacrifice on the cross. These essentials WILL determine your salvation.
However, when it comes to speaking in tongues, this we do not find Jesus making any reference to for salvation, nor did Paul put major importance to. In fact, he said the complete opposite, "I'd rather you talk coherently than to speak in words that no one can understand."
Speaking in tongues as evidence of the Holy Spirit is a subject that has been debated for decades. Primarily since the beginning of the oneness church. It's a subject that can't be agreed upon and will definitely not be settled on this forum.
My advice to you is that you do not get caught up in trying to major in minor subjects as most apostolics do, eg. escatology, tongues, worship styles, velos, skirts, make-up, tambourines, woman leaders, etc. But rather learn the constant essentials that the Bible talks about, because it's those essentials that will lead us to our salvation.
Wow- not too many comments in this section-- guess the Holy Ghost topic isn't exactly good gossip.
Im a Blogger,
You said " My advice to you is that you do not get caught up in trying to major in minor subjects as most apostolics do. "
What is your knowledge and first hand experience with Apostolics ? You are making generalizations and show that you have little or no understanding of the Oneness Doctrine.
The Oneness Doctrine began with The Early Church and continues today.
We are not protestant we never had a reformation and never split off from the catholic church.
Trinitarians are a spin off of the catholic church and follow the same catholic heretical teachings of a " triune god "
We uphold the " Shema Yisrael " Deuteronomy 6:4 Hear Oh Israel The Lord our God The Lord is One.
You'd be suprised how long I've been in the AA. I could go down my list of pedigree but I consider it a turn off so I won't do it.
I never mentioned anything about the trinity, not sure where you pulled that one from. My only observation that I pointed out was that us Apostolics want to major over the things the Bible is so quiet about, eg veils, skirts, tongues, woman leaders, pre-mill, post-mill, a-mill, etc. In fact we build entire doctrinal movements over these topics and ignore the essentials that will keep us from going astray.
The reason why the AA is in the condition that it's in is because they have been diving over things that the Bible doesn't talk much about. And neglect the things that Bible SCREAMS to us about. The AA is very proactive in trying to fill in the blanks and make those blanks dogmatic.
The Bible says if any man preaches another Gospel other than what has already been preached, let him be accursed. If what we're seeing in the AA is not a curse, then I don't know what is. The consequences of God's promises are unfolding before our very own eyes, and it doesn't look very pretty. I believe it's our fault.
Im a blogger,
Okay my mistake reading too much into it.
I actuually agree that what is choking Our Organization is too much legalism and man made rules.
However I will have to disagree with you on the point of speaking in tongues.
I do believe that scripture teaches that it is the evidence of the baptism of the Holy Ghost and that is essential to the plan of salvation.
If you disagree then I will respectully disagree with you and leave it at that.
You were just sounding a little trino to me thats all.
my bad
Not a problem. And to me it's fine if I sound trino, I'm not trino-phobic like most of us Apos. In fact, if you study the trino doctrine, you'll come to realize it's almost identical to oneness.
I would suggest that apos research the official trino doctrine for their own and not go by what is yelled at them from the microphone. I know to some it sounds cool to be bashing them over the pulpit, because it gives us a sense of superiority, but most AA pastors that I've heard have been completely off. Which makes their members wrongly informed about trinitarians.
I find it amusing that the AA is so trini-phobic behind the pulpit and yet send their members to TD Jakes seminars, Willow Creek, buy their material, etc. I think we should all just stop ignoring the elephant in the room and admit that we actually have learned a lot and been influenced quite a bit by trinitarians themselves. They're actually quite good people, and very influential.
T D JAKES is oneness
TD Jakes is not oneness. He actually doesn't take a stand for either. In fact, I've heard him teach about the trinity using a tripod. Each leg stood for each personality of God, eg Father, Son, Holyghost and how they all meet to form Jehova. This is actually consistent with trinitarian doctrine, not oneness.
I also saw an interview where he was asked if he stood for oneness or trinitarianism and he said he was for the restoration of the people. In essence his job was not to figure out the totality of God but to help restore the totality of God's people. He gets a lot of criticism for this, but I think he understands his calling and thus prefers not to invest his time on things that will be revealed by God himself when we ALL get to heaven.
In our 18 doctrinal principles one says:16. SIN UNTO DEATH
We believe, by the light of the Word of God, that there is a sin unto death and that if this sin is committed in the terms expressed in the Bible, the right to salvation is lost (Matthew 12:31-32; Romans 6:23; Hebrews 10:26-27; 1 John 5:16-17). Therefore, we recommend that the faithful abstain from giving ear to doctrines that promise eternal security to the Christian regardless of his conduct and the idea that “once saved, always saved.” The Bible teaches that it is possible to be reproved and that we must remain faithful unto the end (Romans 2:6-10; 1 Corinthians 9:26-27).
Do you believe that all sins are unto death?
Is this a doctrinal principle?
Thats a little out of left field isnt it ?
RE: Do you believe that all sins are unto death?
Yes, all sin leads to death. Death spiritually and physically. However, the cross was given to atone for those sins and thus providing life. Our responsibility is to intentionally move ourselves closer to the cross through faith in order to avoid death.
Is there a sin that the Lord dispises?
doesn't He despise all sin but the only unforgiveable one is blasphemy? does that mean he forgives suicide?
He forgives everything when you take it to Calvary except blasphemy I don't believe a person that committed suicide can take that sin to the cross.
I was curious about that- I heard that He didn't forgive suicides, but I've never read that.
Let me pick your brain if I may. Do you believe that it is possible for someone to translate their own tongues? For example I was in a church once where someone was speaking in tongues because he had a message from God. When he was done, he then proceeded to interpret what was said. What's your perspective on that?
Read 1 cor.14:13 that's on a personal level, in the congregation read 1 cor 14:27-28
I'm very skeptical about interpreting your own tongues or even others. I take interpretations with a grain of salt. I know we would like to think that they're right on, but that's why they call it discernment, it's man's humanly best effort to decipher what God could be communicating. I'd much rather stick to my own personal prayers than have others tell me what God is saying via tongues.
I remember a visiting preacher translating his own tongues-session at our church, in it he addressed a young lady telling her not to be in a hurry about finding a man, that he will come to her and that she should prepare herself so when he arrives. The problem was that she was already married and had two kids.
Talk about being way off! This is why I take interps. with a grain of salt. Nothing beats personal communication with God, don't sit back and let others do it for you.
I gather that you also pray in tongues
September 27, 2007 5:34 PM wrote
"I remember a visiting preacher translating his own tongues-session at our church, in it he addressed a young lady telling her not to be in a hurry about finding a man, that he will come to her and that she should prepare herself so when he arrives. The problem was that she was already married and had two kids.
HA! I've seen funny stuff happen in church.
I remember one time we in church and a deamon possessed guy started doing his thing - distracting. Quickly the visiting lifeliners removed him and took him to the back office. The deomon possessed guy started swinging at the lifeliners. The pastor told them that it was the evil spirit taking this action not the person himself. One of the piped up "ain't no spirit gonna dog me" and he hit the deomon possessed guy square on the nose and knocked him out.
Ah, the good ol' days.
Pray about where you should fellowship. Make sure the place you are going to call your church home calls sin what it is -- sin. Do they believe the promises of God? Are they loving? Does the pastor treat his wife with respect? Is he a man of the Word? Does he have a humble heart, and a gentle spirit? Listen closely to his teaching. It should glorify God, magnify Jesus, and edify the believer. One evidence that you have been truly saved is that you will have a love for other Christians (1 John 3:14). You will want to fellowship with them. The old saying that "birds of a feather flock together" is true of Christians. You gather together for the breaking of bread (communion), for teaching from the Word, and for fellowship. You share the same inspirations, illuminations, inclinations, temptations, aspirations, motivations, and perspirations -- you are working together for the same thing, for the furtherance of the Kingdom of God on earth. This is why you attend church -- not because you have to, but because you want to.
Don't become a "spiritual butterfly." Send your roots down. If you are moving from church to church, how will your pastor know what type of food you are digesting? The Bible says that your shepherd will have to give an account to Him that has entrusted you to him (Hebrews 13:17), so make yourself known to your pastor. Pray for him regularly. Pray also for his wife, his family, and the elders. Being a pastor is no easy task. Most people don't realize how many hours it takes to gather a fresh sermon each week. They don't appreciate the time spent in prayer and in the study of the Word. If the pastor makes the same joke twice, or shares something he has shared before, remember, he's human. So give him a great deal of grace, and double honor. Never murmur about him. If you don't like something he has said, pray about it, then leave the issue with God. If that doesn't satisfy you, leave the church, rather than divide it through murmuring and complaining.
A woman once spread some hot gossip about a local pastor. What he had supposedly done became common knowledge around town. Then she found that what she had heard wasn't true. She gallantly went to the pastor, and asked for his forgiveness. The pastor forgave her, but then told her to take a pillow full of tiny feathers to a corner of the town, and in high winds, shake the feather out. Then he told her to try and pick up every feather. He explained that the damage had already been done. She had destroyed his good reputation, and trying to repair the damage was like trying to pick up feathers in high winds.
The Bible says that there is life and death in the power of the tongue. We can kill or make something alive with our words. The Scriptures also reveal that God hates those who cause division among the brethren (Proverbs 6:16). Pray with the psalmist, "Set a guard O Lord, over my mouth; keep the door of my lips."
Remember the old saying, "He that gossips to you, will gossip about you
to 9/28 12:10-
Sister/Brother: very well put.
OK- Baptisms.
The scriptures state that children should be presented to God and not baptized.
What age IS a good age to be baptized? I've known some as young as 8 years old.
The lawsuit will be filled the last week of October!
Where in Texas or California?
It will be filed in California.
San Bernardino County or Los Angeles County?
You people should read the "Letter from God" posted in the www.apostolicassembly.info/other page! It is VERY INTERESTING!!!
"In the event your clients do decide to file a lawsuit in California, the AAFCJ stands ready to defend itself VIGOROUSLY through its California legal counsel"
For those of you who have such strong loyalty and faith in the leadership of the AAFCJ I COMMEND YOU! However, from someone who has worked behind the scenes with the administration, I warn you, YOU FAITH AND YOUR LOYALTY WILL BE GREATLY SHAKEN! Please, prepare yourself and your loved ones for what you are going to see. This is not a joke!
you insult the Bishop President, defame the whole General Board of Directors
"You would be surprised of the enormous quantity of e-mails, telephone calls, and personal conversations by which healthy* apostolic pastors ask us with enthusiasm to continue forward."
The quote, ""You would be surprised of the enormous quantity of e-mails, telephone calls, and personal conversations by which healthy* apostolic pastors ask us with enthusiasm to continue forward." is a perfect example of their blindness! They might tell you to move on, but behind your backs they're are ready to TURN YOU IN!
It's one thing to say for this healthy* apostolic pastors to tell you with enthusiasm to continue forward, but it is another to stick with you when they get called under oath to testify. Then what will they do - Take a wild guess!
healthy* apostolic pastors???????
Oh, for heaven's sake.
Don't Get Me Started
Has anyone read the "Letter From God" posted in the www.apostolicassembly.info/other site?
Word from the Lord!
Chronicles 16:22:
22"Do not touch my anointed ones and do My prophets no harm.
Repent! You have mocked my Name; Judgment is mine; you have placed a curse upon your homes and families.
REPENT!!! I will judge says the Lord of Host!!
To the Prophet,
Um, don't worry, we're not talking about the anointed ones. The anointed ones are pastors and influential leaders in our community.
don't forget the honest and God fearing ones
“The Seven Deadly
Gluttony, Sloth, Greed, Envy, Wrath,
Lust, and Pride
to 9/28 12:10-
Sister/Brother: very well put.
September 28, 2007 8:20 AM
Anonymous said...
OK- Baptisms.
The scriptures state that children should be presented to God and not baptized.
What age IS a good age to be baptized? I've known some as young as 8 years old.
to 9/28 @ 11:35 entry: what e-mail are you talking about- I'm lost here-
Ooops- sorry- wrong blog.
“The Seven Deadly
Gluttony(Bishop_Pacheco), Sloth(Bisop_Maffey), Greed(Bishiop_Sanchez,Bishop_Valverde), Envy(Bishop_Valverde), Wrath(Bishop_Prado)_,
Lust(Hmm,for_money), and Pride(All_of_them)
Word from the Lord!
Ezekiel 24:14:
“I, the Lord, have spoken! The time has come, and I won’t hold back. I will not change my mind, and I will have no pity on you.
You will be judged on the basis of all your wicked actions, says the Sovereign Lord.”
You hide behind the name “Anonymous” but I know who you are…
Says the Lord of Host!
To the Prophet,
That's not word from the Lord! That's called common sense. Of course God knows who anonymous is, God knows all things. God gave me the common sense to figure that one out without the need for a prophet.
Stop trying to use common sense as your prophetic mask, it's spiritually immature.
The Lord hath showed me that you can't have your cake and eat it too, unless you are an AA Bishop.
The Bible no where states that "speaking in tongues" is the evidence of receiving the Holy Spirit. Paul tells us the contrary, he says that all in the body of Christ have a gift but they are all different. In this, he includes tongues as a gift.
1 Corinthians 12:27-34 (English Standard Version)
27Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it. 28And God has appointed in the church first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then miracles, then gifts of healing, helping, administrating, and various kinds of tongues. 29Are all apostles? Are all prophets? Are all teachers? Do all work miracles? 30Do all possess gifts of healing? Do all speak with tongues? Do all interpret? 31But earnestly desire the higher gifts.
He asks a rhetorical question, do all have every gift? The answer is of course, no. The signs that one has the Holy Spirit is that they bear good fruit.
Matthew 7:19-21 (English Standard Version)
19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20Thus you will recognize them by their fruits.
The fruits being;
Galatians 5:22-23 (English Standard Version)
22But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.
How in the world is a baptist doing in our apostolic blog.
Speaking with tongues as the initial evidence of receiving the Holy Ghost (Acts 2,10,19) and speaking with tongues a gift to be exercised in church meetings (I Corinthians 14) are distinguishable in function. There need be no interpretation of the tongues that people speak when they are filled with the Spirit. This experience is a personal thing between them and God and is not designed to convey a message to the church. On the other hand, someone may use the gift of tongues to speak a specific message of comfort and edification, and the church is blessed when the speak or someone else interprets the message (I Corinthians 14:13).
Word is that President Bush's Vice is the hench man and does all the dirty
word behind the scenes. Hmmmmmmmm I wonder. Oh well like I said that my .02
Luis Solis JR
There's one thing I want to bring up. Since this topic has Uncle Sam on it, I thought it appropriate.
The AA Constitution clearly states that all baptised members of the AA are to be "Non-Combatants". Or on other words, consciencuious objectors. By no means are we supposed to take up arms and kill the enemy.
Then why do we have churches that celebrate "Veterans"?
Don't get me wrong, having served myself, I highly believe serving in the Armed Forces. Including women. It just seems hypocritical that someone like Bishop Valverde would stand by the Aa Constitution, where it mandates being a coward, then to celebrate Veterans, Combat Veterans. People who have killed in the line of duty.
In stead of amending the Constitution of the AA to allow the CID, they should amend the section where it promotes Cowardice. Afterall, if it were not for Comabat Vets like Mizael Zaragosa, Daniel Juahall, and all the hermanos that faught in WW2, Korea and stood guard during the Cold War, we would not be enjoying the freedoms we now enjoy.
The AA would not exist in either a Communist State, a Nazi State, nor an Imperial State.
Its no wonder why the GB is backwards. They support a Legal Document that promotes Cowardice.
Judging by the way this mess has evolved, the current GB is full of literal and spiritual Cowards.
Bro Jauhall a Combat VET?
I think he said he was a clerk.
Don't get me wrong I love the Bro. but lets get the story straight. Bro Jauhall did serve and didn't deserve the the dirty little rude reponse the GB sent him. If he had been there he would have swept the floor with them!
Brother Jauhall and many of us grew up together. He was one of the biggest flirts the youth has ever known. I never thought he was much especially since he moved from Tulare to Los Angeles after the Korean War. He was a medic in the Army,made sargent and was a concentious objector. Nice good looking dude, but he didn't know what he really wanted in a woman for a wife. He had many choices, but his decisions "were made by others." Never fullfilled himself in the right "girl" because he was always "bashing" women from the "power of the podium" . He was well liked by me, but not so because he didn't have a mind of "his own". poor thing.
He told me one time that he loved me, but he was so scared, it made me scared too.
The only reason that he would have scared the GB is because he knows alot about them. But in reality he does not know the Aposotlic constitution very well, and now that it has been 'revised' forget it, not even then. He also does not know how to "develop" or present a "sermon" since really he did not learn from his 'good'teaching 'older ministers' how to preach. He always would start "speaking in tongues", and would intimidate the pastors, because they did not know really what he would tell them.
He used 'the scarey tachics. If anyone in the world knows him I do. He is really a fun guy, and can be very nice, if you do not have anything that he is threaten by you. But if you do wow...Iam so sorry he is so ill. I pray to God every day that he gets well. What a waste in life to have been so unfilled, always bashing the women. Easy to tell that's his weakness..
Brother Jauhall and many of us grew up together. He was one of the biggest flirts the youth has ever known. I never thought he was much especially since he moved from Tulare to Los Angeles after the Korean War. He was a medic in the Army,made sargent and was a concentious objector. Nice good looking dude, but he didn't know what he really wanted in a woman for a wife. He had many choices, but his decisions "were made by others." Never fullfilled himself in the right "girl" because he was always "bashing" women from the "power of the podium" . He was well liked by me, but not so because he didn't have a mind of "his own". poor thing.
He told me one time that he loved me, but he was so scared, it made me scared too.
The only reason that he would have scared the GB is because he knows alot about them. But in reality he does not know the Aposotlic constitution very well, and now that it has been 'revised' forget it, not even then. He also does not know how to "develop" or present a "sermon" since really he did not learn from his 'good'teaching 'older ministers' how to preach. He always would start "speaking in tongues", and would intimidate the pastors, because they did not know really what he would tell them.
He used 'the scarey tachics. If anyone in the world knows him I do. He is really a fun guy, and can be very nice, if you do not have anything that he is threaten by you. But if you do wow...Iam so sorry he is so ill. I pray to God every day that he gets well. What a waste in life to have been so unfilled, always bashing the women. Easy to tell that's his weakness..
Really....Are you sure you are saying the truth. Reading this about Brother D. Jauhall makes alot of sense to me now.
Strange that you know so much..Who are you? Are relative?
Does he have any brothers? Where is he from the name Jauhall is strange to me. I looked it up in the telephone directory of this big county and I cannot find another Jauhall. Is it of Latin origin? Who knows. Really strange. Is he from another country?
I can now relate why he always seemed so angry with being left behind with the GB. How long was he a GBM? You seem to know alot about him. Why?
Dedicated to Bro. Daniel Jauhall, who served as missionary in Panama. He prompted the recording of these "cantos" by asking for Bro. Salazar's songs.
The list grew.
Misionero Que Anuncias Misionero que vas a cumplir tu misión
Tú que anuncias la paz y los bienes de Sión
A los campos que vas anunciando su amor
Que mi Cristo te guarde y te sostenga fiel
hasta volvernos a ver.
Cuán hermosos son los pies sobre los montes,
Del que publica la paz, del que alegres nuevas trae,
Del que anuncia salud, del que trae nuevas de bien
Del que dice a Sión tu Dios, para siempre reinaras
por los siglos, Amen
Misionero que vas a los campos de labor,
Anunciando las nuevas de Cristo el Salvador;
Oraremos por ti que te guarde el Señor,
Que te de de su gracia, que te de fortaleza,
y te revista de valor.
Sorry to disappoint you but the song."Misionero que Vas" was not composed by Reverend Lorenzo Echavarria Salazar. This great song was composed by the Father of Bishop Alfred Rodriguez, from Canoga Park here in California. The Father of brother Alfred Rodriguez , Pastor Santos Rodriguez. who is now with the Lord in Paradise, was for many years Pastor of the church in Woodlake, California. Pastor Santos composed many other songs. This song in particular was composed for the honor and glory of the Lord to Bishop Robert Saavedra, who at that time lived in Cutler, here in California, very near Woodlake in Central California. Bishop Robert Saaveddra, who also is with the Lord was Missionary in Argentina, Uraguay and Paraguay.
Although Bishop Lorenzo E. Salazar composed great and wonderful songs, he did not compose "Misionero que Vas" You may call Bishop Alfred Rodriguez where he lives with his lovely wife in Lenox, here in California in the county of Los Angeles. He confirm this.
Dear Saint, we must read about our History of our beloved APAA. God bless you.
Thank you very much for the information on "Misionero que Vas"
We remember that song very good.
The Bible stated, "No devas a nadie nada" "A que a pecho, pecho y a que honra, honra."
Great song writers both of them. Have left us a wonderful legacy. Too bad "Marcos Witt" took over. Great gain for Witt. But we are the ones to blame. That we do not respect and sing those blessed songs. We lost it all with leaving our "songs" behind...Its never too late...
Brother Juahall was a big flirt? Well, at least we know he's straight.
I feel sorry for the next generation when this current crop of jovenes gets old.
Right now we have divorces where the husband leaves his wife for a younger woman.
The church will have a heck of a problem when the husband, leaves his husband for a younger man.
Flor Azuler's
Thats what ya get when you have youth convention conferences called "Will and Grace, and Me".
Too much sugar in those boys pockets.
I do not want to say anything bad about Brother Jauhall because he is ill and I pray to God he gets well. But I too know that he was very unhappy all his life. I pray he finds peace now as a retired "Bishop"
Too bad he lost the love of his life. He did "fight her" very much. One time when I visited his home in San Jose, California next to the Church on McCeary. I believe that's the name,it has been many year. He told me he was sorry he let her go.
But it was impossible to "fight for her" because she was so much younger. Who she was he never told me.
But then in about a few minutes he started talking very bad about someone that lived in the Los Angeles area...
His face was twisted with anger. Spoke terrible things about this sister. I was shocked.. But then I knew who she was. I could not believe it because I knew he could never have her. I felt so sad for the man. He spoke about this sister and her family for about two hours. My heart ached for him.
What the Apostolic Church can do to hurt its wounded.The problem was this sister never knew how he felt about her.
He apparently was too proud to approach her. Instead he showed ranchor and rage toward this poor sister.
She will never know. Where she is now I do not know? She is not in the Apostolic Assembly anymore,
according to my sources.
I hope he finds peace. He is still a very good friend of mine. For I understand him very good.
Why don't you do something to help these young people that are being abused in conventions to experience the most painful and deporable sextual abuse possible for a young boy or girl.
First of all you should not be confessing this. Because whatever you confess with your mouth shall be done.
Suggestion...call Ex. Bishop Adam Lopez in Union City. Since he is in charge of Roadway crusades, he can alert the Pastors and declare praying and fasting, for these demonic forces and curses to leave Our wonderful Apostolic Assembly and its christian body.
After all he very well knows his sons were the beginning of this perverted sextual evils in the conventions in Anaheim and also in San Diego.
He knows it very well because he has been told over and over. But he is a daaaa type of man and has been in denial for ever. But you having a burden toward these young people, call prayer and fasting to rebuke these evil satanic forces. In Jesus Name.
God bless you mightly...
Sorry Boys and Girls. But sexual perversions have been around since Adam and Eve. I heard this preacher, who was recently deported from his congregation in Texas, that sexual perversions started in Greece. Unless Sodom and Gamorah have changed locations, I don't see how that could happen.
Just as I don't see how we can believe that the Lopez boys started sexual perversions all by themselves.
To be honest, as a young man, I admired guys like Aaron Lopez, Chucky Escamilla, Fano, and all those musicos cauae they had all the cute girls. I should have played piano instead.
All of you that are being bold by naming those boys out are just plain jealous cause you were'nt getting any.
Its called youth and hormones people!
Sex is like food and water, you need it to survive. Preferrably, God wants you to do it in marriage between a man and a woman.
But now and days, you have all these Girlymen walking around acting more girly than my daughter.
Anonymous said,
"Preferrably, God wants you to do it in marriage between a man and a woman."
"All of you that are being bold by naming those boys out are just plain jealous cause you were'nt getting any."
Really, you think God just 'prefers' that we keep sex withing marriage boundaries? Is that what you're going to tell your daugther? That God prefers she doesn't have sex, but if you have to, hey, I'd rather you have sex than be gay. If you expect boys to be boys at convention, then don't expect your daughter to be pure much longer. Because those same boys will be right on your daughter's tail. Be careful what you wish for, because you might just get it.
Think before you write - Girlydad
Thats just great. Parenting advice from a snot nosed teenage. Listen sonny, go back to your ipod and leave the conversation for the adultos or you wont get any pozole tonight.
Yes, boys will be boys. Even at our conventions. Better to use protection.
Sadly, now and days, the boys are using other boys as their toys. If they are going to sin, better to sin the normal way.
Sorry if I ofended you Flor Azuler.
Hey bro, I'm not at all advocating for homosexuality. What I advocate is for purity. Thanks to people like me being a gentlemen, I'm not going to lure your daughter into a convention hotel room and have my way with her. Based on your logic, this is absolutely fine with you. I know a few dozen guys who would jump on your offer in a heartbeat.
Rather than pushing condoms (protection) you should be pushing integrity and purity. Because it's these men your daughter will have to fight off when she's older. I'm glad most men don't think like you, otherwise your daughter wouldn't have much to look forward to.
Stop focusing on girlymen and 'florazulers' and start focusing on influencing boys into being gentlemen with class. Unless of course you find it hard to keep your focus off girlymen, if that's the case, then you got issues bro.
Issues? I'm happily msrried. I'm not the 30 year old virgin still going to youth convention looking for action.
Yes, we need to advocate the use of condoms in church. Face the facts Sir, can you say hormones? Teen pregnancy is an issue. Purity? Thats real cute Nancy Reagan, but Just Say No doesn't work with this myspace generation.
Have fun at convention sonny. I'll have the ushers keep an eye on you so you don't end up on Megans List.
Be sure to give Sean Hannity and the Minutemen my regards.
Really, advocate condoms? That's the easy way out bro. Are you really that lazy that you're not willing to take the time into teaching our youth about the dangers of premarital sex?
Did you know you increase the chances of being unfaithful to your wife if you've had premarital sex?
Did you know you increase the chances of divorce if you've had premarital sex?
Did you know you're more likely to become addicted to pornography and sexual immorality if you've had premarital sex?
What crazy logic are you using? They're going to have sex anyways, so let's give them protection? Let's facilitate a method that will be safe and fun? This isn't Chuck E Cheese's, this is a matter of life.
Let me ask you a question, if your wife was going to cheat on you, would you provide a safe and fun environment for her to do it at? Would you give her 'protection' as you so eloquently put it? Maybe a 'safe' hotel room? After all "hormones are hormones" right?
Your moral compass is so messed up, you don't even realize where your logic leads you. I'm sorry you can't think that far ahead, I suggest you expose yourself to real leaders who can hand hold you and reveal to you the future consequences of your present actions.
Yes, you're right, premarital sex is real - it's very real. But when you allow your moral convictions to be manipulated by mainstream culture, you run into all sorts of moral dilemmas.
Mainstream culture should not separate us from the unmovable moral doctrines that have already been established in the Bible regarding sex. Mainstream doesn't influence us, we should influence them. This isn't turning a blind eye to the premarital sex dilemma. It just means we have to work harder now to educate young people on the perils of premarital sex. It means, we have to invest more, it means spending more time with them, it means being better examples. The easier way is to give them a condom and tell 'em to have at it. That takes no effort whatsoever.
A full and complete education should include the topic of protection and contriception. Not bringing the topic up, only shortens the subject. You can even use examples in the bible to show where sexual promiscuity is wrong and show the consequences. Then you could even show a modern example, which should include a trip to any clinic, where you will see Latinas of young age awaiting to give birth. All I'm saying is give them their lesson, and tell them, if you decide to do the bump and grind, then use protection, unless you want to be hounded for the rest of your life for child support and misery.
You two need to listen to Dr. Laura
As I mentioned in my previous blogs and in the one dated "Oct. 15, 1:26 pm, Election Irregularities blog" all pastors have received a letter from the law suit petitioners and consenters, explaining the reason and purpose for the upcoming law suit. You can see it posted in "www.apostolicassembly.info" Now for all of you who called the men of God who were going to file the law suit "cowards" KEEP YOUR EYES AND EARS OPEN, it's finally coming!
Praying Always
I know there´s brothers and sisters reading this that understand and logically and constitutionally interpret legalities or legal issues. It is no secret that corruption exists in the AA all through the hierarchical ladder. In Arizona fraud and corruption exists in elder elections, use of power, ignoring members rights, etc. Do not the members of the church have a legal right to be heard and attended to by elders, pastors, and bishops? Tithes one must pay accumulate to much more member fees than one would pay at a gym, golf course, and any other club or group membership. Legally, if our tithes go to pay elder´s salaries, bishop´s salaries, and pastor´s salaries, do we not have a right to be protected and responded to when the assistance of an elder, bishop, or pastor is needed or called upon in an issue?
At our church the person with the worst testimony and misunderstanding of what serving and what being a born again Christian means was initiated into the position of a deacon, simply because he never disagreed with the pastor.The church has lived with this burden for 9 years now. The whole church was surprised when the news was broken, apparently this was done secretly at a district convention. This man is untouchable, he has hurt and caused more than 30 people to leave the church, but nobody can do anything about it because it was the elder who initially gave him that position as local pastor of that church at that time. Our new pastor has even sought for help from higher authorities and has also been ignored. The church members have many times asked for help with this situation, but nobody listens, yet they do take the money from the church members. This person even got to the point of claiming that he was the pastor of the church, yet the community knows him and won´t visit the church because they know what his behavior outside of the church is like. All this because of the power given to a single man and because he expects the church of God to live with his mistakes and suffer them. Is this legal? Does one as member not have legal rights? Is this behavior admissible for non-profit organizations?
Hey where are all the comments being posted on? Have any newer ones been posted since February 1st? If they have what address can one find them at? Thanks.
Re: Bishop Daniel Jauhall: I feel very sad that you can bash a great man of God like Bro. Daniel Jauhall. He was a great missionary to Panama, gave up the good life here in America to bring the word of the Lord in Panama where they lived in a very simple home to do God's work. I was a member in Rev. Daniel Jauhall's church in San Jose, California and never did I ever hear him bash woman as you have stated. He is a dynamic preacher, and brought the crowds in to the church of San Jose. We were having revival and souls were being baptised under Bishop Daniel Jauhall's ministry. Even in a funeral they were receiving the Holy Ghost. It is sad that people like you post such ignorant tails and rubbish of Bro. Jauhall and claim to know him but don't even know his nationality. His father was Indian decendent of India and his mother (hermana Chana) a great lady was Mexican-American. She was truly a missionary and brought many to the LORD. And you who claim that Bro.Jauhall told you such private stories for 2 hours. It is sad that he trusted you, if he truly said what you claim, which seems to far fetched especially knowing Bro. Jauhall, and now here you are bashing him as you are doing. He is a great preacher, father and grandfather. His former members in the church of San Jose miss him and sister Angelia very much and wish he was back in San Jose as their pastor. Bro. Daniel Jauhall belongs back in the first Chruch of San Jose not in Portland, OR. I will pray for you all and pray that Bro. Jauhall recovers from his illness. We love Bro. and Sister Jauhall and they will always hold a special place in our heart back in the church of San Jose, California. Our prayers are with you Bishop Jauhall. RM
I can't believe what I'm reading. Forget for a second the election fraud in the AAFCJ. Look at all the frauds on here parading as apostolics. Pass out condoms at youth conventions? Speaking in tongues is bad for the church?
I'm sorry but I refuse to be anonymous. I will not hide from the GB or from my fellow brothers and sisters.
This is just a comment about all the AA mess.
I grew up in the Apostolic Church & thought I'd never leave, but when our Bishop & Board chose to do nothing about a corrupt paster & his family all I could do was pray. I had seen this go on for years but as an Adult it was harder to swallow. Although, I wanted to leave to another church, God would not let me, about 2 years after the mess unfolded & the pastor was handing out framed certificates & gave one to his daughther who was SIN with a tight dress on and said "mija, yours is not done I need to have a torch engraved on it because you will continue to hold the torch of this church", my thoughts were "My God! How can we teach our children holiness, if the leaders of the church do not practice it?" Then when one questions these actions the pulpit is used to throw darts at you. Believe me, it was not just a tight dress... it was everything you could possibly think of.
I went to my car & started praying, God then told me it was time to leave, but where? I went to another church 40 miles away, there was corruption there too, as there is everywhere but the commute was long and the fog in the Winter was dangereous so I went to the local UPC church, I was not happy but it was a place to worship. Five years later, I am still in the UPC church, veil and all, so I know now that the church that was 40 miles away was just a stepping stone and the corruption continues in the local Apostolic Church. Now more than ever I understand the Word that says "do not turn to the left or to the right, but just look straight forward."
At this point in my life I am just trying to make it in. As one person wrote "we have been taught to never question authority", which is very true and there was a reason for it. Not only is this simple brain washing, but the GB is like the Sanhedrin in Bible times, they rejected Jesus as the Messiah because it didn't fit with their personal agendas to have all the power and control over the Jews so they conspired to have Christ crucified, well history repeats itself. The GB and the High Priest (the AA president) conspired to ex-communicate anybody that wants justice because it doesn't fit with their personal agendas. When the CID was written in as part of the Constitution in 2005, the pastors basically tightened the rope that was already around their necks and the GB had it all planned so that if anything like what happened in 2006ever happened, which it did, they could legally kill the sheep of God and come out smelling like a Rose, who cares what God thinks, after all they are the supreme authority and death to anyone who trys to defy their power.
Another person wrote something like "when the AA stops their love of money then we will have revival." To this I also say AMEN, although all of this saddens me deeply, I am not surprised, after all it is the last days and the love of many will wax cold.
Remember...I've just got to make it in.
Que Dios Les Bendiga.
there need to be reorganization in the A.A. and less division.
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