Wednesday, December 16, 2009


***Below you will are the sample closing docs for the Montebello church property....

Attached is the link to the Plan of Action and Stewardship sent to Apostolic Assembly pastors both in english and espanol.

For your review....

Click here for: Montebello Closing Documents
As noted..."The bank charged for the cost of the loan. Then, the AA Inc,(A Non Profit 501c3 Religeous Organization) added its fees. The AA Inc. is neither registered with the Department of Real Estate nor the Department of Corporations, which allows for charging of fees in a loan".

Please feel free to share.

Blogmaster General


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Anonymous said...

La palabra Bro. es para decir Brother o hermano en Cristo! Haci lo entiendo; estamos perdonados en Cristo nuestro Señor. Amen! West Oso.

unhe2 said...

Verdad que se oye bonito decir Br. Willie, Thank you and God Bless, Go Bucs!

Anonymous said...

cbg nosotros no usamos palabras desonestas y ociosas. Efesios 5:4 Mateo 12:36 the New International Version > "carless words" judgement
day ..Ephesians 5:4 Obscenity Words
be carefuel of what you write or say. Yea we show our colors, but..

Anonymous said...

Texans just ignore cbg... we're much better... somos mucho mejor!!

Anonymous said...

CBG te entrego en las manos de Dios
el Santo Libro dice: que los maldicen seran maldecidos por Dios
mismo...Gen.12:3 y que no entraran el reino de Dios..1Co.6:10 y que hay veneno de serpiente debajo de sus labios..Sepulcro abierto es su garganta Ro.3:13-14 Please don't curse. Dios te Ama!

cbg said...

Hahahahah, bola de tontos! Who is cursing?

Anonymous said...

UUUUUU are cursing...oye este que si esta loco.. es todo lo sabe en todo el blog dice la mismas palabras.... Dios tenga misericordia este no es cristiano!
No conoce a Jesucristo!

cbg said...

Oye Bato Loco....vamos a celebra el 15 aniversario de SELENA. Vato me pusieron gorro con todo lo de AA.y de lo que pasa en H-town. Vatos de San Bene,que honda con el aniversario del famos Freddy Fender.Vato como dice Johnny Canales take it away.

Para que el mundo sepa que soy cristiano los domingos, pero entre semana, adoro a Selena y Freddy Fender. Orale. echale gas guey!

Hahahahahah, Dumb Ass!

Anonymous said...

Este cahavalo no entiende el doble sentido de las palabras...y me quiere educar con ingles sin barreras.. me parece que es un teen.San Pablo dijo de este tipo..los sabios no entienden..son legalistas va el domingo al templo pero sigue con su torpeza de decir palabras groseras. Sabio quiere decir...Educado y por favor no me salgas con el griego, hebreo y latin. Como dijo el tonto just ignore cbg.

Anonymous said...

Bendito sea el Dios padre de nuestro Señor Jesucristo, Bato Loco
gracias por poner zip a tus comentarios. Se que no adoras a la finada de Selena y al finado Freddy

Anonymous said...

CBG here in San Antonio we love you
and take care. Thanks for your comments!

unhe2 said...

My two cents worth, Mientras estamos en este mundo seguiremos batallando con el viejo hombre, no debieramos, pero tenemos grandes ejemplos como San Paulo que nos dice, yo no pretendo verlo alcanzado todo, miserable hombre de mi quien me librara de este cuerpo pecaminoso, etc.... nos pudieramos pasar dia tras dia apuntandonos nuestras faltas, pero un consejo mas apropiado nos haria bien que estarnos desgarrandonos en este blog, que el Senor tenga misericordia de nosotros y nos ayude a lavantar la vista hacia El, El si que es perfecto. God Bless.

Anonymous said...

Gloria a Dios! Mirada cuando bueno es habitar los hermanos en ARMONIA!
Hay que sanar... solo el diablo quiere destruir, robar y matar.
Desruir el Espiritu
Robar el Gozo
Matar el Alma el Tonto!!!

what is going to happen next said...

Okay, everyone let's move on to more important matters. The deadline for the pastors to be in compliance with the AA is coming up! Word is that several pastors are saying that can't no longer tolerate the injustices the GB are doing. Many don't seem to care if they lose the property. I say start new, why do you want to hassel with all the injustices that the GB is committing? In this case "THE GRASS IS GREENER ON THE OTHER SIDE!"

Interested in Truth and Justice said...

This blog was created to discuss or act as a form of warning of anything the AA Board is doing and I can't help but wonder how easy some of you are drawn into side discussions which have nothing to do about this blog. Have you ever wondered who some of these bloggers are and what their real purpose is? I have to believe that it's an attempt to take us of course. My suggestion is don't allow yourself to be easily taken in, don't allow youself to be drawn into something of a distraction. And if these people continue with their distractions then I suggest to just ignore it. There is so much much truth to expose.
much truth to be exposed that these side distractionust be ignored. Don't be tricked

Anonymous said...

Has dicho verdad!!!
Que pasa con Joel M.Montes!! y el suegro Benjamin Quiroz!!
Saben que el papi de Quiroz siempre ha sido James Kilgore, desde que llego a H-town

Anonymous said...


Bro, i was a big fan of los ungidos. where can i find your music? Do you have a website?

unhe2 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
unhe2 said...

IITAJ: Ok Sherloch is not really that hard to figure it out, there is no need to go over board with your investigation let me simplified it to you, a unos nos dieron la patada, a otros se las van dar, ya pronto y otros renunciaron por las injusticias que siguen cometiendo estos individuos, y todo por que? Dinero y Poder, ya lo oistes de su propia boca en su video clip a Joel Montes, queremos MEGA CHURCHES, no importa a que precio, so there you can have your blog. back, sorry i didnt know it was limited. God Bless.

Anonymous said...

Almo City como sabes que Montes es Presidente y CEO.Habra un documento
hay copia?

Anonymous said...

Sam Valverde en video clip habla de Lake Wood y no de New Life Center. Joel Osteen es el que tiene la MEGA CHURCH!!! Tu crees que 1,000 members es una Mega Church. New Life Center tiene 300 a 350

unhe2 said...

No Sir esta hablando con Joel Montes para conprobarlo regresate en el blog y buscalo yo mismo lo vi y lo oi y no esta hablando de Lakewood.

unhe2 said...

y no dijo que ya tienen la MEGA, que sonaban con tenerlas.

unhe2 said...

Ademas en un escrito anterior el Hno. Germain, el confirma esto mismo, de nuevo te digo regresate en el blog y lo encontraras.

Anonymous said...

Lo se, lo vi..Solo estoy vacilando!

what is going to happen next said...

Just heard the church where Pastor Abel Torres pastors in Midland,Tx had a "Super Bowl Party" after their church service tonight with big screen TV's in their fellowship hall. WOW!! What a cool pastor! This pastor and congregation would be crazy to ever consider coming back to the AA.
I wonder if any of the AA churches had one? That will be the day!

Anonymous said...

Nosotros siempre tenemos Super Sunday's at Dairy Queen! Pues que bueno para Abel Torres y su congregacion, que buen convivio.

Que hay de nuevo en H-town con Joel
Montes... Oimos que Valverde y sus colegas lo van a promover para la Mesa Directiva Nac'l en Sept. Alquien tiene el documento donde dice que Montes es el presidente y el ceo de NLC Inc.

Joel Montes no es leal ni a su propia corporacion y a su congregacion; y todo por la avaricia,soberbia y la altivez.


Somehow the blog lost a few points in the IQ meter this past week...

I second the motion of being responsible with your posts.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Lo van a promover? Montes "VA SER" cantidado, mejor dicho va ser nombrado... Pastores tenga mucho cuidado con este nombramiento.
Sancho les va dar un reves...el Verde otro y Espino otro; al fin y alcabo ustedes (pasotres) dicen:
"AMEN". "Es la costumbre".

unhe2 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Donde sacan todo este asunto que Montes sera nombrado por Sanchez, Valverde y Espinoza? De que lo promueva el Vale....que dire. Montes ya es Presidente de NLC y naide voto por el.

Anonymous said...

Que no es conflicto de interes?
Ser parte o tener puesto en dos organicaciones? Si es que es Presidente de NLC Inc.

Anonymous said...

Conflicto de intereses... es Presidente de otra organizacion...
NLC Inc.

Dacio Vega said...

Mi querido hermano y amigo, Pastor Joel Montes,

Por favor recibe un saludo de cumpleaños caluroso de parte de mi y de mi familia.

Estábamos recordando la primera vez que te conocímos. Fue en 1977 en la cruzada de Nueva York y nuevamente en 1978 en la cruzada de Chicago y en los años siguientes pudimos estar en comunión.

Usted ha sido un amigo y una bendición para mí y mi familia. Usted estaba presente en el nacimiento de mis hijos. Y recuerdo que cuando éramos jóvenes nos poníamos a hablar sobre el futuro y cómo íbamos a ganar el mundo para Dios en veinte minutos y hechar fuera todos los demonios que estaban en la tierra, y que íbamos a predicar a miles de personas en los coliseos y en iglesias enorme.

Bueno, llegamos a la edad de cuarenta hace una década atraz y fue un tiempo de la mitad de nuestra vida y ahora estamos entrando en el tercer trimestre. Pero creo que estamos por delante. Estamos ganando la partida.

Hay ciertas cosas que los cincuentañeros ya no pueden hacer más; por ejemplo, comer tarde en la noche, o no dormir lo suficiente, o dormir demasiado. Estire los músculos antes de hacer ejercicio y andar suave, pero mantenga un gran baston.

Dios te bendiga. La Biblia dice - Pablo dijo a Timoteo que preste atención a sí mismo y de la doctrina y quiero subrayar ese consejo para ti. Tenga cuidado de su salud, cuida su familia, su matrimonio, su corazón y cuida la doctrina y que moriramos predicando lo mismo que nuestros padres nos enseñaron.

La bendición de Juan también te doy a ti, "Amado, yo deseo que tú seas prosperado en todas las cosas, y que tengas salud, así como prospera tu alma.”

La palabra "próspero" significa a conceder un viaje expeditivo y que sea un viaje bueno, directo y fácil para concederte asuntos éxitosos y que te haran prosperar.
[HUH??? I don’t know what the hell he meant here blame it on CBAN]

Muchas, muchas bendiciones, Joel. Dios te bendiga ricamente. Sólo Dios sabe los deseos de tu corazón. Dios sabe las lágrimas en tu alma. Dios sabe las cosas que le mantienen despierto durante la noche. Dios conoce sus deseos y visiones para ensanchar el Reino de Dios.

Tenga cuidado y que disfrutes de ti mismo
hoy. Que tengan un tiempo estupendo y que Dios te bendiga ricamente. Feliz, feliz cumpleaños de parte de todos nosotros.

Dacio Vega said...

My Dear Brother and Friend, Pastor Joel Montes,

Please receive warm birthday greetings from Rachel and myself and my family.

We were remembering the first time we met you back in 1977 in the New York Crusade and then again in 1978 at the Chicago Crusade and then the following years were able to fellowship.

You have been a friend and a blessing to me and my family. You were present at the birth of my children. And I remember when we were young men we would talk about the future and how we were going to win the world for God in 20 minutes and take out all the demons that were on earth and we were going to preach to thousands in coliseums and have huge mega-churches.

Well, we hit 40 about a decade ago and that was a half time of our life and now we are entering into the third quarter. But I think that we are ahead. We are winning the game.

There are certain things that fifty year olds cannot do anymore like eat late at night, or not get enough sleep, or sleep too much. Stretch before you exercise and walk gently but carry a big stick.

God bless you. The Bible says - Paul told Timothy to take heed of himself and of the doctrine and I would underscore that counsel for you. Take care of your health, take care of your family, of your marriage, of your heart and take care of the doctrine. That we would die preaching this same thing that our fathers taught us.

John’s blessing I also give to you, “Beloved I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health even as thy soul doth prosper. “ That word ‘prosperous’ means to grant an expedious journey to have a good and direct and easy journey to grant you successful issues and to cause you to prosper.

Many, many blessings, Joel. God bless you richly. Only God knows the desires of your heart. God knows the tears in your soul. God knows the things that keep you awake at night. God knows your desires and visions to expand His Kingdom.

Take care and enjoy yourself today. Have a great time and may God bless you richly. Happy, happy birthday from all of us.

Unknown said...

Did Jesus ever preach in a coliseum?

The only one I remember doing that are Hitler, Obama and the Harvest Crusaders....oh and Benny Hinn

Anonymous said...

Vale...alli estuvo Joel Montes cuando nacieron tus hijos? Los veo nacer? Que horroroso!!!

Anonymous said...

Bueno es solo un sueño... no es nada real... Hasta este momento Valverde no tiene una Mega Iglesia.
Para él 800-1,000 miembros es Mega Church...pero en realidad es de 5,000 a mas. Mi hermano sigue soñado porque a como van las cosas en la AA Inc. pueda ser que tengas 100-400 te lo deseo.
Mucho cuidado!!!!

Tonto estas equivocado... solo tuvo
el support de Montes.

Anonymous said...

OK!!! ya me habia escamado!!!

Slayer said...
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Slayer said...

Paz todos! I know what is currently happening at NLC Pastor Montes is making a crucial decision and it can not be fulfilled without the vote of the congregation because that is the way the corporation is set up the church in not under the Pastors name it is under the name of the congregation.

unhe2 said...

?you want to die preaching? isn't that was what Pastor Mendoza begged you to let him do? and you said that he was to old for that and he need it to retaired?, todo lo que el hombre siembra eso cosechara. God Bless.

Anonymous said...

NO sir; he doesn't need the votes of his congregation...He's own boss
did he ask his members to give him permission write the letter to President Daniel Sanchez. NO, No.

How about all transactions Joel and Linda Montes have made... do they know..No they don't. WHY? he's
the President and CEO of NLC Inc.

If that's the case they should outset him from his pastorship!
Did the members of NLC vote for Joel to be President and CEO?

unhe2 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

UNHE2; esto sucedio porque Quiroz estaba rentando...Paying Rent!!
Y les decia a los hermanos que pagando el Mortgage de NLC. Por esa
razon se fueron muchos para la primera iglesia; para entonce Bro. Willie era el pastor. Es lo que recuerdo........

Anonymous said...

Bro. Quiroz Paid Rent???
No wonder James Kilgore came to his
Mis padres hablan de eso...
I was just teen...I just heard of some wrong doing there at NLC.

unhe2 said...

I think your right CC town, como esta corpitos? thats my home town, I sure missed Boat n Net. God Bless the bros. of NLC on their decision.

Anonymous said...

Para unhe2,El Tonto y CC Town: esto
paso entre 80-82. Hno. Luis Guerra era el Obispo del Sureste de Texas.

En ese entonces Bro.Quiroz had the biggest church in the State or in the Nation;AA Nation. Let's give some credit to the Quiroz Family.

Oremos por los pastores; necesitan de nosotros y majormente en este tiempo donde hay mucha presion y tencion de parte de la organizacion
Que va suceder con nuestros pastores,familias y familiares.

unhe2 said...

De Acuerdo Alamo City, oremos para que El Senor rescate a su iglesia, y que dispierte o que quite estos individuos de sus malos hechos cometidos contra Su obra bendita. Bendiciones a nuestro. Hno. Luis Guerra, mi primer pastor, bonitos recuerdos de el.

Slayer said...

Alamo City when you are the President of your own corporation you make the rules and everyone abides by them just like the GB they want to knock off Pastors for not following their rules well forget that I would rather be independent then to give the GB anything as they do nothing for no one anyway.

Anonymous said...

Slayer you rather be independent?
They have rules my borther...
Independent church's MUST have by-laws to incorporate.You still have to obey your pastor...Heb.13:17

Submit yourselves for the LORD'S sake to every authority among men:
whether to the king,as the supreme authority, or to governors, vs.13-14 and vs.16 Live as free men,but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil:

See everyone is under authority whether your AA or independent.

Anonymous said...

No,No,I don't agree with the injustice of GB,cause its painful.
The body (Members) of Christ is hurting...

St. John 10:13 The man(Sanchez)runs
away because he is a hired hand and
cares nothing for the sheep (body)
members.Veryone on the board of directors don't about us...porque son "ASALARIADOS" big time!!!!

Anonymous said...

Don't Care about us!!!!! GB

cbg said...

Hey chicas, isn't ben montes (joel monte's son) from texas (huston). I hear you texas boys like, hum like.........!

Any way, como esta benny montes boys. hahahahahahah.

Anonymous said...

Le pegaste al clavo...cacheton!!
Los GB lo que a ellos les interesa son las propiedades,P&L y los Bank Statements!!!Les importa poco los pastores y los miembros.

Anonymous said...

Cristo profetizo de esto que en los ultimos dias los entregaran para ser afligidos,y os mataran;

Afligidos > la iglesia en general
Mataran > El espiritu de la iglesia
y el respeto entre la hermandad.

San Juan 10:10 El Ladron no viene sino para robar,matar y destruir.
Robar > la dignidad pastoral
Matar > el amor farternal
destruir > el cuerpo de Cristo

Esto es lo que esta ocurriendo en la amada Asamblea Apostlica. Que triste que los GB no ven la destruccion,desde 2006 hasta 2010.

Anonymous said...

Y eso que te dicen: El Tonto!!
Oye los tejanos saben o conocen de la biblia. Estas pesado chavalo!!!

Anonymous said...

Good comments Tonto; CC Town keep it humble my brother;we don't know that much, but we try!

God Bless!

what is going to happen next said...

Let's pray for Pastor Julian Aguirre from Modesto,Ca. and his family, he had a stroke and is not doing well.

Anonymous said...

Estamos orando por Julian Aguirre
y su familia. Dios sane a este gran
hombre de Dios. Lo que es de cada quien un buen predicador.

Anonymous said...

Aqui en Corpus Christi no hay nuevas de la AWA.

Nadie sabe donde o cuando hay actividades en Houston,Dallas,
Austin,San Antonio,Rio Grande Valley or Miland, Texas.

Anonymous said...

Cuantas iglesias tiene AWA aqui en Texas?

Anonymous said...

AWA tiene como 20-30 iglesias.
Es lo que creo.

Anonymous said...

Currently these are the AWA Churches in Texas and growing every day !

1. Austin, TX

2. Midland, TX

3. Houston, TX

4. Brownsville, TX

5. Desoto, TX

6. Grand Prairie, TX

7. Sunland Park,

8. Dallas, TX

9. Mansfield, TX

10.Buda, TX

11.San Antonio, TX

12.Skidmore TX

13.Irving, TX

14.Buda, TX

15. Corpus Christi, TX

16. S. Houston, TX

17. Lubbock, TX

18. Royse City, TX

19. North Richland Hill,

20. Tyler, TX

21.Dallas, TX

22. McKinney, TX

23. Lewisville, TX

24. Rio Grande City, TX

25. Dallas, TX
26. Seagraves, TX

27. Dallas, TX

28.Waco, TX

IAMREAL said...

To El Tonto, CC Town and Alamo City...

The AWA is just a FELLOWSHIP. It doesn't work like the AA in that they, "The AWA", does NOT plan out "local, sector, district and for the most part, National Events." The "fellowship" is for the "members", in this case, the pastors that have joined the fellowship.

However, if the "locally run, incorporated churches" want to get together and host an event where they can all come together to do whatever they wish, they are free to do so.

We are also free to associate with whatever other christian organizations we want to associate and fellowship with. I hope this help to answer your questions regarding your comment about "donde y cuando hay actividades."
God Bless


Anonymous said...

Houston does'nt belong to AWA.
Ellos me lo han dicho. Check out!

IAMREAL said...

Alamo City
South Houston, not just "Houston." Bro. Juan Morales Church.


For all of you "so Educated" and graduates of Fontana, San Bernardino, La Puente, and Cal State Poly and San Diego States etc!

You may know linguistics and formulas and geology,theology, ideology and physics., but YOU DO NOT KNOW THE MIND OF MAFIOSOS..ROBONES, CONTUMASES como

Sanchez, Valverde, Pacheco, Aguilar, Maffey, Prado, who will knock you over at conventions, dragging
Ofelia by the hair;
and Ismael Martin del Rancho.,
and other other "Has been" Mafioso Baldemar,Torres and now Joel Montes, the lone savage from Torreon, Coah., al grito de Mexico!!

You highly educated Eruditos, novices., do not "have that Need" be "GLORIFIED' IDIOLIZE AND REVEERED LIKE THE Cesars, after 60 years A.D.
Same diobolic system, of money, greed, hate and spiritual blackballing!

These men LISTED...all of them!
"NEED" need carnal adololation.... or they will DIE!!

Don't write to these blogs stupid remarks..."I know Brother so and so, he is good, he preaches etcs., don't be STUPID!!!

WAKE UP... The reality is that no matter how far gone the AA had gone with these crazy dummers than dumb., We should have left the things to God.

Look at Quiroz, who once already., baptized was involved with a non= converted woman.., from European descent.,

then Quiroz sacrified his wife to work and work and work and work., while he was introduced by Vicente Alvarez., coupid Mama Juanita to the divorcee Hortencia Perez, Vega, Meraz and divorced., and first husband living.

what happened to the legalista Quiroz???That ousted so many people from the Houston church that he "rented from the UPC Pastor Kilgore., and told the then board that he was giving the church property of Houston to the AA.

The whole entire question of cause and effect on JOEL MONTES IS>>>is ONLY THIS????

Why does Valverde tolerate Joel Montes to have the Houston 2nd church in the name of Montes and Montes?

Flesh........carnal flesh figure it out that is why.,
Only Joel can have the church property in the Montes Quiroz Montes name.....Why??????

That's the real question? Why???

And no other Pastor in the AA can have the church proerty in his name and his wife!!!
WHY???? Valverde????? After all think of the other brothers of Joel, the one in Chicago...and the younger one's life style!!

Birds of a feather flock together huh? Torres...

So now that you figured it out., go out and Celebrate with A Gala Party as Torres did, now with the OLYMPICS!!!

Wherever the cognitive mind is that is your heart is.

Read Mark 24-Romans chapter 1

So figure it out, don't be educated and still dumb!

Have you 'NOTICED' NOTHING IS published in "Letters" only Torresses highlights.

Could it be he is the "letter's Master?"
No wonder people tell me he and Montes are the same, bad tempered!

unhe2 said...

That is true that we don't belong to AA or AWA, but please don't let that stop you from dropping by and worship with us, We at World Faith Center will always welcome you and if you are willing to invite us to fellowship we might just take you up on that, May God Bless you richly is our prayer. Adelante como ejercitos en orden.

unhe2 said...

I know we are better than that, que no tenga que venir San Pablo a recordarnos, porque unos decian, yo soy Apolos, yo soy de Cefas, mas nosotros a pesar del jaloneo seguimos siendo de Jesucristo.

Anonymous said...

Quien es Juan Morales?

Quien es unhe2? Sera Rolando Gomez!

what is going to happen next said...

Paz! Alamo City sounds a lot like Jacinto City. Isn't Jacinto City where Juan Morales pastors and isn't that close to Pasadena,Tx. I have family that lives in Pasadena,Tx. Could you tell me if there are any AA churches there?

what is going to happen next said...

To: "The Only Ego to Glorified is mine."




Anonymous said...

Hey Bro. unhe2 don't answer....

Everybody here is anonymous!!!!

Anonymous said...

Say H-Town don't answer...

It's nobody's business!!!

Unhe2 it's good!!

Anonymous said...

No se si es pastor en Jacinto City
o en Pasadena...lo que me ??? esta fuera de area... yo me congrego en San Antonio,Texas.

Anonymous said...

Y el que ??? fue Don't Know!!!!

Anonymous said...

ENRIQUE nos dijo que Juan Morales es pastor en South Houston!!!

Anonymous said...

En realidad no dijo...en South Houston...Sorry Enrique!!!

No mas dije...south houston...
alguien puede aclarar si Juan Morales esta alli...

Mi error....perdon

what is going to happen next said...

Okay, just wondering. I know he (Juan Morales)comes from around that area and since I'm not familiar with Texas I thought I asked. He once visited us and share how God was blessing them as he took the message out to the streets. GREAT MINISTRY!
I just figured you guys might know him since it's very obvious that Alamo City, Unhe2 and CC Town might just know each other and may be from that same area too! Sorry, my mistake!

Anonymous said...

It's true.. not my business!!!

Sorry for asking....

unhe2 said...

He used to be a member of the AA South Houston church but now i thought he became upc, or he may well be AWA, I visited him once and he is located right in the border line of Pasadena and South Houston right of the 225 Hwy.

unhe2 said...

Don't Know, not to worry, no big deal, just keep going forward. Sorry for not writing earlier just got back from Austin, went to help transfer the new pastor at Austin AA Second Church.

Anonymous said...

Acabo de salir de trabajo.....
unhe2 que no habia cerrado la AA la segunda de Austin, Texas.

Ahora quien es el se puede preguntar.

Que Frank Balboa no la mando cerrar!!! Ya ves como es FB...Es el FBI de la AA.

Anonymous said...

Frank Balboa es el dedo chiquito de
Daniel Sanchez...el presidente hace
lo que el FBI o el CIA de dice...

Por eso mismo esta la AA como esta en H-town.

Un dia de estos FB no sera el pastor de la primera de
el presidente Daniel Sanchez lo analiza bien...To much money presidente!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Frank Balboa es buen chavalo...
Fue Presidente de M.O.P del Dist. ET y Presidente M.O.P.Nacional.

Que si se la lleva bien con el Presidente Daniel Sanchez esta bien. Alamo City tu crees que haci es como acabas de escribir

Anonymous said...

No es lo que se dice de Bro.Frank

Anonymous said...

Es lo que oi dentro del pastorado
de la AA...tu sabes que uno como miembro se da cuenta de muchas cosas. Sera cierto no lo se....

Que sea FBI O CIA no se...

unhe2 said...

El Hno. Pastor de la segunda de Austin es un buen amigo y hno., companero del Seminario Apostolico de Texas, Faustino Garza enviado de la primera de Houston. Dios lo Bendiga en Su obra.

Anonymous said...

Pense que habia cerrado 2nd de Austin. Que bueno Bro.F.Garza es el pastor.

De FB es un vasilon!!!!

Anonymous said...

Que lo que djie de FB es puro vasilon!

Para pasar el tiempo!!!

so cal district man said...
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so cal district man said...

no es panchito balboa el que le hizo una mala onda a guillermo mendoza? oimos por aca en el sur de califas que estaba contento panchito que habian cerrado la segunda de austin por que todos los hnos de alli se iban a ir con el a la primera de austin. que lastima que no va hacer asi...happy valentine's day a.a.


For all of you "so Educated" and graduates of Fontana, San Bernardino, La Puente, and Cal State Poly and San Diego States etc!

You may know linguistics and formulas and geology,theology, ideology and physics., but YOU DO NOT KNOW THE MIND OF MAFIOSOS..ROBONES, CONTUMASES como

Sanchez, Valverde, Pacheco, Aguilar, Maffey, Prado, who will knock you over at conventions, dragging
Ofelia by the hair;
and Ismael Martin del Rancho.,
and other other "Has been" Mafioso Baldemar,Torres and now Joel Montes, the lone savage from Torreon, Coah., al grito de Mexico!!

You highly educated Eruditos, novices., do not "have that Need" be "GLORIFIED' IDIOLIZE AND REVEERED LIKE THE Cesars, after 60 years A.D.
Same diobolic system, of money, greed, hate and spiritual blackballing!

These men LISTED...all of them!
"NEED" need carnal adololation.... or they will DIE!!

Don't write to these blogs stupid remarks..."I know Brother so and so, he is good, he preaches etcs., don't be STUPID!!!

WAKE UP... The reality is that no matter how far gone the AA had gone with these crazy dummers than dumb., We should have left the things to God.

Look at Quiroz, who once already., baptized was involved with a non= converted woman.., from European descent.,

then Quiroz sacrified his wife to work and work and work and work., while he was introduced by Vicente Alvarez., coupid Mama Juanita to the divorcee Hortencia Perez, Vega, Meraz and divorced., and first husband living.

what happened to the legalista Quiroz???That ousted so many people from the Houston church that he "rented from the UPC Pastor Kilgore., and told the then board that he was giving the church property of Houston to the AA.

The whole entire question of cause and effect on JOEL MONTES IS>>>is ONLY THIS????

Why does Valverde tolerate Joel Montes to have the Houston 2nd church in the name of Montes and Montes?

Flesh........carnal flesh figure it out that is why.,
Only Joel can have the church property in the Montes Quiroz Montes name.....Why??????

That's the real question? Why???

And no other Pastor in the AA can have the church proerty in his name and his wife!!!
WHY???? Valverde????? After all think of the other brothers of Joel, the one in Chicago...and the younger one's life style!!

Birds of a feather flock together huh? Torres...

So now that you figured it out., go out and Celebrate with A Gala Party as Torres did, now with the OLYMPICS!!!

Wherever the cognitive mind is that is your heart is.

Read Mark 24-Romans chapter 1

So figure it out, don't be educated and still dumb!

Have you 'NOTICED' NOTHING IS published in "Letters" only Torres' highlights.

Could it be he is the "Letter's Master?"
No wonder people tell me he and Montes are the same, bad tempered!

February 12, 2010 7:58 PM

This comment has been removed by the author.
This comment has been removed by the author.

It doesn't matter whether or not you understand what I wrote in my previous comment. The important thing is for Valverde, Joel Montes and Torres to know that they are transparent and we know what they are into.

Nothing that they are doing is to glorify God, but to glorify their own ego. This includes Baldemar and the rest of the mafiosos on the AA Board.

A reminder to Quiroz to stop whitewashing himself.

They all get away with it. WHY????
It is because you need these men as heros instead of having Jesus Christ as your hero?

Don't avoid the issue.

what is going to happen next said...

To: Nothing you say will change for Valverde to become the next president of the AA or Montes turning the deed over to the AA and even Torres ever returning back to the AA. Call it what you want but there are also pastors or you might even know one yourself or be one as well that has supported all the AA has done in the past and is presently doing today all because of the "EGO." I just heard the other day that Torres was doing very well in Midland. Maybe it would have been better for his "EGO" to just have kept his mouth shut just like many have done. This would have made him look good in the eyes of the AA, district and local church! I guess the "EGO" is not his problem afterall to have been willing to go through all the humiliation.

Anonymous said...

It's done to glorify your ego... What ego are you talking about?

They lost everthing...they put everthing they had on the line.... especialy... ego!!!!

Anonymous said...

It's done only to glorify your ego.
Lo sacrificaron todo...por todos
los pastores de AA Inc. Especial-
mente el Presidente Baldemar Rodriguez. Todo su legado...amigo!!

Es que tu sabes el costo......lo dieron por el todo. Nadie lo habia hecho asi...esto es HISTORIA!!!

Saul Avila, Abel Torres,Daniel Salomon y Baldemar Rodriguez.

Anonymous said...

Es que tu no sabes el costo. La familias de ELLOS lo que sufieron! NO es facil!! Pero gracias a Dios ya vencieron como todo buen cristiano.

Anonymous said...

To: It's done only to glorify your ego:What's your ego...your legacy?

These men have ego and Legacy!!!
Baldemar Rodriguez, Daniel Salomon
Abel Torres and Saul Avila.Quiroz
Na!! just ego!!

The_End_is_Near said...

It's Presidents Day:
I wonder if Sanchez thinks they made this day for him.


the backroom.. (or in the AA... the norm..)

dealing.. wranglings, and negotiations have begun...

how much "flow azul" money will be exchanged.. transferred.. or embezzled in the next few days, weeks...

thse guys just leave you feeling dirty ...

The_End_is_Near said...
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The_End_is_Near said...

Well it is mano a mano week this week.
Thing that they don't tell you that it going from your mano to theirs.

mendozaisabully said...

Has anyone heard of Joe Mendoza kicking out Pastor Polanco from Stockton, CA? Polanco has a stronger ministry than Mendoza, and his spanish church was growing too fast, so he bullied him out!!!

Anonymous said...

Esta semana los Obispo's llevaran los reportes al Presidente Sanchez y a sus colegas...
Rancho Cucamonga va temblar cuando los reportes no esten al alcance o normas de lo que pide la Mesa Directiva Nac'l....

Que va decir Sanchez a Valverde cuando vea que Joel M. Montes no envio los Bank Statements o copias del traslado de propiedades!!!!

Anonymous said...

Ustedes creen que Valverde va a rescatar y abogar por su amable amigito Joel Montes?

Estara Benjamin Quiroz alli para abogar por querido yerno Joel Montes?

Pondra su cabeza Abel Aguilar por Joel Montes?

Anonymous said...

El que estara alli es Frank Balboa
el dara todo por Benjamin Quiroz y Joel Montes...

. said...

didnt hear mendoza kicked him (polanco) out but did hear he (polanco) left! there was a district service for the dorcas at mendoza's church two saturdays ago and the service was really sad! because polanco had least that was what was said.

Anonymous said...

En la reunion en Rancho Cucamonga van hablar del Roadmap?

X-Favor said...

To: El Tonto, CC Town and So Cal Distric Man

Ya van a empezar con sus burradas! Piensen antes de abrir la boca en lo que dicen. En primer lugar Bro. Frank no tiene el poder para mandar cerrar ninguna iglesia. Segundo porque les puede que el hermano le caiga bien a la gente ya sea el hermano Sanchez o quien sea. Tercero, lo de el hermano Willie no fue asi. Recuerden que siempre hay dos versiones para cada historia. El hermano Frank es un buen hermano. No es perfecto pero es un buen hermano. Todos tenemos nuestros defectos y cometemos errores pero lo importante aqui es que es lo que estamos haciendo para el reino de Dios.
Yo se que El Senor lo esta bendiciendo en Austin y tambien se que el hermano Faustino tambien va a ser una bendicion en Austin. Ademas el Hno. Frank y Hno. Garza se estiman.
Y eso de darlo todo por el Hno. Quiroz y el Hno. Montes yo creo que el hermano Frank solo lo daria todo por Jesus!
Asi que ya dejense de esas payasadas de que el hermano es el FBI y CIA de la AA! Estan viendo muchas novelas. Por Favor!

X-Favor said...

cbg = immature
Please refrain from profanity.

Anonymous said...

X-Favor: lo que dije de FB;porque es amigo de Bro.Quiroz y Montes.
Bro. Quiroz fue su mentor...
No lo dije en mal intencion. Pero gracias por defenderlo, cada quien defiende lo que aprecia y ama. Es nuestro derecho. Dios nos ama a todos malos y buenos.

Anonymous said...

De las gracias!!!
de R. Balboa y Rambo...maybe!!

idea said...

About twelve years ago Brother Polanco kick out of his church three families because they knew to much. If Polanco kept on doing his thing I can understand why he got kicked out.
I agree that brother Mendoza can be a bully, but Polanco is just the same. You reap what you sow.

Anonymous said...

X-Favor; explica como fue lo de Bro. Willie...
Sabemos que FB no tiene poder para
cerra la iglesia...pero Sanchez si!
No a todos les cai bien FB; y quien
dijo que CC Town y yo eramos perfectos!!! Nadie lo es,solo hay uno que es Cristo!
Si eres miembro de FB das tus 10%,
nunca has hablo detras de sus amigo nunca has hablado mal de FB? Tambien Cristo odia la hipocrecia!! Recuerda nadie
es perfecto tu lo has dicho!!!!

X-Favor said...

CC Town - No te preocupes. Todos podemos opinar y tal vez tengas un buen punto. Gracias por no usar palabras ofensivas.

CBG - Correction. Refrain from uding offensive or derogatory words. You do not know me like that. We all can opiniate but not in that manner.

X-Favor said...

EL Tonto: Como no me conta lo del Hno. Willie no puedo opinar con certeza asi como ninguno de nosotros que no estuvimos presentes. Simplemente se que siempre hay dos lados, dos versiones en cada dilema. Si el Hno. Sanchez cierra o no iglesias es punto muy aparte. Mandele un blog a el! Nadie le cae bien a todo el mundo. Ni tu ni yo le caemos bien a todos. Y el Hno. Frank no el la exepcion. Yo no soy una persona perfecta pero tampoco hipocrita. Porque como Christianos tenemos que alumbrar los defectos de otros y no los positivos? Cuando esto suele suceder es que estamos heridos o dolidos. Y si no siempre estoy de acuerdo con las acciones. Dios te bendiga.


I like the fact the blog has taken on a bit of texas flair....

That said, when's it gonna get hot aroudn here!!! I miss my Texas spring weather!!!

Anonymous said...

Texas Flair ?

You mean all the Spanglish and meaningless topics and fighting ?


That's why im out ! DONE !

This blog used to be informative and interesting.

what is going to happen next said...

Just wondering what is going to happen next. Being the bishops of the district are meeting with the GB to give them a report of the pastors who are in compliance with the AA and those who are not.
Does the GB really mean business or are they only bluffing? How many pastors sold their life savings to buy the insurance the GB demanded they get during this recession? Will Joel Montes turn over the deed of the church over to the AA after all these years Ben Quiroz never had it under the AA? After all is said and done, how many pastors will be dismissed and some left without a job?

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

To all bloggers and nonbloggers:
In short words:

All this mess started with Joel Montes at 2006 convention in Long Beach where fraud was committed. Also Frank Balboa initiated all the mess regarding
Pastor Guillermo Mendoza. Bottom Line.

Y ya dejen a Lelo en paz juntamente con Los Ungidos.

mendozaisabully said...

Mendoza is a bully, he was just mad that Polanco wanted to get out from under his reign! he didn't want to lose the money! and other members that like Polanco better than Mendoza, he would show up every year and try and preach in spanish. He would never fellowship with us, he made it seem the english was better then us spanish people!

unhe2 said...

Hello Bro. Rome: Stop it gringo, you are hooked to this blog, no matter what your beef is you will always be peeking at this blog for ever, I know cause I said the same thing some time ago, out goose is cooked, one sujestion to you, just enjoy it.

Unknown said...

so who had more members.. Polanco or Joe mendoza in Stockton? wow so that means that he is going to loose thousands of dollars every months from all the people that Joe mendoza was not the main pastor?

X-Favor said...

No, you are giving these brothers too much credit. Bro. Montes did not create this mess all by himself and Bro. Willie did his share. A pilar of the assembly could not just be gone because he did absolutely nothing! Everyone needs to be accountable. All I know is this mess is decades old and brought about not because of these men.

X-Favor said...

Hablando de Lelo y los ungidos, no se acuerdan cuando el Hno. Balboa tocaba con ustedes (papa)? Lelo que no era tu amigo? Recuerdo cuando vinieron a tocar a nuestro templo. No les vaya a caer un rayo!

Anonymous said...

To X-Favor:

Yes indeed, Joel Montes started this mess all himself. Running five times as candidate at 2006 convention. This has never happened in the history of AA, for someone to run five times. Poor Joel. He made a fool of himself and GB knew it. GB are using Joel Montes as a string-puppet.

And Frank Balboa started a circus with Willie Mendoza and it backfired on Frank and GB. GB all time knew that "panchito" Frank Balboa knew too much at ABC Houston. That's why GB relied on Panchito. Panchito thought too highly of himself.GB also used Panchito as a string-puppet.

Panchito doesn't know beans and he's full of it.

Now GB needs to pay Willie Mendoza.
A portion of Panchito's diezmos should go to World Faith Center in Houston.

It's that simple!

X-Favor said...

Mira Pitos:
First of all someone doednt just stand up and says I'm running vote for me. Y a quien le dan pan que llore!
Second of all I don't know what you are referring to backfire... Have you been to either one of these brothers' temples? I have and Bro.Frank's church is very nice. I would not say backfire.
Third you sound like you must belong to Bro. Willie's church and your anger is coming through. You are sounding disrespectful when you are saying "full of it". I do not care to interact with people who cannot control their emotions. We are here to express our likes or dislikes without being disrespectful to anyone. Unless you were in the meetings with them you don't know beans either!

Anonymous said...

Frank Balboa toco con los ungidos?
Que toco la puerta del Van?
No podemos ignorar que FB tuvo mucho que ver con Bro. Willie Case.

Ya paso y perdio tan dienro la AA por hacerle caso a un neófito,en cuanto al pastorado.

Y si el templo de 2 Austin esta en mejor condiciones...fue por la venta de un terreno. X-Favor se sabe mas de lo que piensas o crees de Bro. Frank Balboa.

Anonymous said...

Y de que ahora se habla mas de Texas, bueno ya estabamos cansados de tanto de Arizona...Tafoya;Cali de lo Richard Maffey y de las historias de Valverde, Pacheco,
Aguilar,Prado,Espinoza y Martin del
Campo etc...

Y ahora por lo de Frankie Balboa a poco tiempo termina esto y luego otros...haci es la chismelogia.

Pero el enfoque es Daniel Sanchez y
la Mesa Directiva. Que se espera de ellos depues de esta semana de reunion con los Obispo's.

Anonymous said...

X-Favor; por H-town se sabe que bro. Frank Balboa tuvo que mucho ver con lo de Bro. Willie Mendoz.

Pues preguntar a los de la primera de Houston y a los que WFC.

X-Favor said...

CC Town: No Bro. J Balboa por favor lee bien y no hay necesidad de sarcasmo.(por lo de van).
Si tuvo que ver pero no fue por gusto. El unico neofito es David Valdez el nieto de el Hno. Willie que puso a ministrar apenas salio de la carcel. Esa fue la debilidad de el Hno. Willie. Yo no niego que no tuvo que ver. pero si niego que el y solo el tuvo culpa. Si para ser ujier o predicar requieren de que estes bien atiendas todos los cultos y diezmar. Como crees que la AA va a acceptar que alguien asi sea pastor o predicador? Ya parenle con echarle el muerto a Hno. Frank. Por Favor!

Anonymous said...

X-Favor; de David hay razon; pero dialogo era Bro. Willie y no David.

Y lo de FB no es importante para mi..solo comentaba!!!

Anonymous said...

X-Favor; ya no le eches leña al fuego!!! Parale!!

unhe2 said...

Mis queridos hnos. por mas que quise no escribir para comemtar acerca de lo mas reciente, les recomiendo con especialidad al hno. X, que tengamos en mente lo que sea la verdad, porque leendo sus escritos, me atrevo a segurarles que sus conociemiento easta muy limitado, si es facil decir, pues es su nieto, pero cuando tu estas mirando el cuadro conpleto te das cuenta que no es asi, me refiero en cuanto al hno. David. algo que yo no alcanso a entender es como podemos predicar que Cristo salva y que te puede cambiar tu vida, que siempre y cuando no seas nieto del pastor? pregunto. A mi me consta, yo mire a este joven crecer en la iglesia, se descuido el enemigo lo engano y tuvo que pagar el precio, fue entonces que tuvo una convercion real, su vida lo ensena, yo lo conoci antes y me quedo sorprendido de el cambio hoy, el Senor nos a dado ese privilegio de dicernir entre lo real y lo falso. No dejen que los sentimiento o los chismes los enganen. Y encuanto al hno. Juan Balboa si tengo muy gratos recuerdos de el, fue de grande bendicion, el Senor lo tenga en gloria.

X-Favor said...

unhe2- Yo estoy feliz de que Davisd fue rescatado y emprendio una nueva vida. Gloria a Dios! Ese no es el detalle o el punto de la conversacion aqui. Simplemente no es correcto que se le culpe a una persona solamente cuando hubo various factores y personas que jugaron parte en el asunto. Mi conocimiento es real y factual pues hay record. No es ningun chisme o sentimiento alguno.
Otra vez digo me da gusto por lo que el Senor en su gran misercordia hizo. Y asi como tienen consideracion para con el tenganla para con todos incluyendo al Hno. Frank que les sirvio mucho alli en la primera. Ya basta de hablar de ellos!

idea said...

If brother Polanco wants to get out from under Brother Mendoza all he has to do is gat another building, take the people, and become independent. I believe that the reason why he does not do that is because Joe Mendoza and other pastors know stuff that you do not know. Have you ever wondered why Brother Polanco is not listed as a Pastor in Stockton at the AA website? I think that Brother Polanco is afraid that Joe Mendoza can start talking if he does not do what he says.

unhe2 said...

X: te repito estas limitado, yo creo que el jues se equivoco en su veredicto, y estoy de acuerdo no se hable mas.

Anonymous said...

To X Favor:

When I mean backfire, I mean the GB thought they had the case won against Bro. Guillermo Mendoza by Frank Balboa's "panchito's" information about ABC Houston. Valverde depended so much on panchito to help GB in this case. Panchito didn't know beans about the case.

Now because Panchito didn't know anything, GB now owes Bro. Mendoza World Faith Center millions. Now every Pastor in AA diezmos de diezmos a portion will somehow need to be collected to pay World Faith Center.

So because of Frank Balboa's lack of knowledge of the case against Bro. Mendoza, all AA pastors are now responsible. Panchito didn't know beans!

These are facts. X-Favor, get your facts straight !

X-Favor said...

Look Pitos - Were you there? Unless you were again you also don't know beans! if an agreement was reached. It usually means that neither party received what they really wanted but are content with the outcome. Otherwise Bro. Willie would still be pastoring instead of Bro. Jeff who I hear is doing a tremendous job! When someone serves you with a subpoena you have to by law appear and answer truthfully. I imagine this is what happened as you keep stating Bro. Willie "won".
If "Panchito" didn't know beans and you guys made out like bandits as you say, then they or you guys as I imagine you belong to Bro. Willie's should be happy!
Let's stop talking about Bro. Frank, Bro. Willie, David etc. is old over and done with.

Anonymous said...

To X-Favor

Don't worry x favor. Just be faithful in Your diezmos if you give your diezmos and whoever your pastor is if he belongs to AA will pay World Faith Center its millions.

Panchito wanted to get subpoena. Panchito wanted it bad. And he got what he deserved. You can't touch Bro. Willie.

And also about Balboa tocando with Ungidos, no mas toco la van.

X-Favor said...

Ay Pitos!!
Did you even know Bro. Juan Balboa? Didn't you read the previous comment from unhe2 in regards to Bro. Balboa playing and what a blessing he was? If Bro. Frank received what he deserved then he must have done something good. Let's see....Austin vs. Houston? Hmmm of course it isn't California but I don't think he is complaining. I don't have any desire to touch Bro. Willie or anyone else for that matter. If you really look at it he has already been touched. Don't get me wrong Bro. Willie is an awesome predicador. A Cesar lo que es de Cesar!
With all the lawsuits and chaos going on the diezmos of diezmos are going to all of them and or problems. How many millions you said he received or is going to receive?
Don't blame all this mess on Bro. Frank and or Bro. Montes it goes beyond that. God Bless You.

Anonymous said...


I don't belong to WFC as you mentioned. I with Jeff Aguilar in Houston. I am here to just state the facts. That is all. I also need to continue to give diezmos to help Jeff pay Diezmos de Diezmos to AA and so AA can pay Bro. Willie. but I am faithful here at my CT Houston.

I didn't leave with Bro. Willie, but what they did to Bro. Willie was wrong.

I have friends in AA, AWA, and WFC, Grace and Lakewood, Iglesia Apostolica de Mexico and Iglesia Apostolica de Mexico en Estados Unidos. I am just enjoying the fellowship in these worlds.

I am just stating the facts of the case. Is that simple.

Anonymous said...

To X-Favor:

You said Balboa played with Ungidos?
Do you even own a CD of Los Ungidos? Can you name any of its band members? Did you know any of the lead singers?

Anonymous said...

Joel Montes no tuvo nada que ver con la demanda de Bro.Willie.

Solo tuvo que ver con el fruade y la elecciones en el 2006. Bueno son las noticias de AA.

Anonymous said...

Look X -Favor:

Joel Montes is to blame for all this corruption, Listen, maybe during the 70's 80's and 90's there were flaws that may not have been perfect but were committed. But the difference is these guys in General Board got caught! These dummy's got caught during election in 2006.

"It is not called cheating until you're caught."

Just like in sports, for example, all players cheat on their wives, but Kobe Bryant got caught. Tiger Woods got caught, etc.

This General Board are so dumb. They got caught! but again according to AA constitution, the General Board has last word. What General Board did was legally right but morally wrong. So means all pastors in AA their voice and vote don't count.

The GB abused the constitution. If your going to cheat, be smart about it. Don't get caught.

Is that simple my friend!

X-Favor said...

Pitos - I am glad you belong to Bro. Jeff's church. I hear good things are happening there.
I don't have a cd as in those days they had cassettes. But they were an awesome band.
Names..... Lelo I remember and that brother who sang with curly hair and a mustache his name escapes me. It has been a long time. I also have friends in all the same associatons as you and add UPC to it. You know everyone has choices and sometimes the choices people make harm a lot of other people. I know injustices were done on both sides however is never a one man show.
Oh I just remembered Roland!!

Anonymous said...

To X-Favor:

Curly hair man with mustache, is probably Roland Gomez. Good man.

And Lelo, poor man.

X-Favor said...

Pitos - Were you a member when Bro. Willie was pastoring there?

Anonymous said...

Seems like pitos y hair andX-Favor made up.. thank God. Man God is good!

Anonymous said...

To El Tonto y El Bato Loco:

Donde se congregan? En que cuidad?

Anonymous said...

pitos y hair; el bato loco es de Corpus...Corpitos. El Tonto me parece que de San Anto;porque alli esta la casa de los locos...

Anonymous said...

CC Town:

Y tu, de donde eres? Del Valle de Texas?

Anonymous said...

no se chavalo de donde sea el Tonto! Tengo tiempo de no verlo.
Pero aqui en este bog es anonimo.

Y tu de donde eres pitos y hair!

X-Favor said...

I don't know -
Is more like agreeing to disagree.
But you are right, God is good ALL the time!

Anonymous said... sabes que Corpus forma parte del eres tejano?

Te venieste con Jeff Aguilar de Cali... eres el lider de la musica?

Anonymous said...

CC Town:
Eres de Corpus Christi verdad?
A ver cuando nos podemos juntar para el al Whataburger.

Anonymous said...

No,No porque no se quien eres... a la mejor me echas al mar...vas a tantas organizaciones que no en lo que crees...No Chavalo!!!

Asi como hablas de Frank Balboa ni para que...Cahvalo!!

Anonymous said...

CC Town:
No te preocupes. No tenemos que ir al Whataburger en Corpus si no quieres estar cerca del mar. Nos podemos junatar en Robstown y ver un juego de baseball comiendo un double double de Whataburger en el stadium on Hwy. 77.

Si no le haces nada de mal a Wille Mendoza, no voy hablar de ti como panchito lo hizo. Si no cometes fraude como Joel Montes, porque voy hablar mal de ti?

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Hey no voy a decir de donde soy.
Tampoco me gusta molestar a siento hambre voy solo; es mejor solo que mal a compañado.


just from curiosity...

but will the aa board publish who is to be removed, excommunicated, etc?

was just wondering... i'm beginning to think its either a terrible bluff.. or a horrible case of corporate suicide....

i think money, favors, and secrets are transferring from hand to hand as we speak...

i put nothing past this mafia...

frank said...

quienes son los que no dan la voz apostolica desde hace mucho se an enrredado y no pueden salir de la asamblea apostolica salgan de la asamblea y prediquen el evangelio no le hace que se bayan ala alianza apostolica; predico Arturo Espinoza en Menlo Park california; mientras Loami Diaz predico que no se salgan ni bayan a otra Iglesia.PORQUE?SI MUCHOS SE QUIEREN IR DE MENLO PARK PERO ESTAN BIEN CONTROLADOS CON MIEDO DE QUE SI SE BAN LOS ATACAN TODOS LOS QUE SE QUEDAN POR LAS JUNTAS Y EL CONTROL DE SIMBOLISMOS...POR FABOR SALGAN A PREDICAR

Anonymous said...

La congregacion ya voto para quedarse o salirse...

Que astuto Mr. Joel M. Montes,echar
de cabeza a la congregacion, no tener el valor de decirle al Presidente Sanchez aqui esta mi renuncia y la credencial.

Todavia tiene esperanza de ser candidato a la mesa directiva, esta proxima convencion general.

Anonymous said...

Paz de Cristo! Hermanos de NLC como
van las cosas por alli...
No dejen a Joel que los manipule,
hoy si quiere el consenso de ustedes;como lo les pidio el buen visto cuando escribio la carta en Nov.15,2006.

Que astucia de hombre!

Anonymous said...

Frank said: Los pobres pastores no
pueden hacer nada, no por falta de valor,sus manos estan atadas.

Recuerda ellos no tiene voz ni voto. Este es el problema en al AA.

Anonymous said...

Miren el que se va a salir lo va hacer y el que no, pues no.

Es tan sencillo!!! ya no digan no manden dinero...a flor azul,mano a mano etc, etc. Es lo mismo el que va enviar dinero lo va hacer y el que no,pues no. es un cuento de nunca acabar!!!

Anonymous said...

To Alamo City, Tonto, y CC Town:
Any also to all who just read the blogs:

No importa el resultado de NLC. Auqune Joel Montes no tenga credential de AA, como quiera puede correr para un puesto.

Porque fue electo tesorero Pastor Alfredo Herrera en Edinburg, TX correr sin credential para Tersoreo de Sur de Texas cuando Herrera ni sus ministros local tenien credential de AA. Y tambien la propiedad de su iglesia no esta en AA.

Yo se porque: Porque la iglesia de Herrera is muy prospera en diezmo de diezmo y la AA no puede vivir sin los diezmos de Herrera. La iglesia es una de las cinco iglesias mas prosperas de la AA.

La AA nesecita el $ de Herrera para pagarle an Guillermo Mendoza sus milliones para WFC Houston.

Nada encontra de Herrera, pero
hay doble estander en AA y GB lo sabe.
So no importa lo que la congregacion diga en NLC, la ultima palabra la tiene Joel Montes.


Doesn't matter what NLC's result will be or what the congregation will say. Joel Montes will have the last word. Joel Montes will be elgible to run for any position without a credential.

Why did Pastor Herrera from Edinburg, TX win the election as treasure in South TX without credential. GB was present during district election and GB knew Herrera property is not under AA and GB also knew Herrera does not posses a AA credential. Why even let Herrera run for position in district? Not even Herrera ministers have AA credentials.

The AA/GB cannot live without Herrera's $ diezmos de diezmos. This is a prosperous church in South Texas. Probably ranked top 5 in AA with $ diezmos de diezmos.

AA needs the $diezmos de diezmos from Herrera to eventually pay Pastor Guillermo Mendoza, WFC Houston.

Nothing against Herrera, but this shows there are double standard in AA.

It's that simple!

Anonymous said...

La AA necesita a NLC/Joel Montes porque NLC is la iglesia mas prospera en el Distrito Este de Texas.

Joel Montes no puede vivir sin Sam Valverde y Sam Valverde no puede vivier sin Joel Montes.

Linda Montes tambien, para que de las conferencias a las dorcas en California.



My fear or #1 concern is, how ould their ponzi schemes (which come out every 3-5 years) be able to flourish if they leave the AA?

I mean, how wide can your circle be next time you push a diet pill, Nani Drinks, Tungunska Blast, when all you have is the same dwindling congregation????

How will this economic model ever work? You need the wider network of the AA to find fresh gullible meat...

I don't see them wanting to leave anytime soon...

Yes, this was written in sarcasm...

truth be told said...

Truth Be Told.....previous comment about Menlo's true... it's like a prison...if you leave you're an outcast....They are control Freaks.....Church IS NOT under Assembly's Name...but they play the politics roll very well.....Fake accts etc to detract the Assembly.....Many More people to leave!....Just like the AA.....people are tired and want to serve God in Liberty...not Control and Dictatorship

Anonymous said...

To X Favor:

After reading all your comments, it seems to you congregate in Austin, TX with Frank Balboa. Seems you don't know all the facts. You were never a product from the AA. You were brought up UPC and converted UPC and you act and speak like a UPC.

You know Balboa "panchito" just a few years. I bet you cannot even name all the churches in your own district. I bet you cannot name all members of General Board.

You could not even remember who the man with curly hair and mustache was with Los Ungidos. You only knew Lelo. You don't even know the band members of Ungidos.

You were never a product of the AA.

Go back to the UPC.

X-Favor said...

Mira Pitos:
After reading all YOUR coments I realize you are just fishing for information. I asked you if you were a member when Bro. Willie was @ the first answer.
To answer your questions ...Negative to all. I've known both Bro. Frank and Bro. Willie for decades. You didn't even know Bro. Balboa played with Ungidos. And I did tell you the name of the singer you just don't read.
I am not going to quote as if I am taking a quiz to pacify your curiosity when you don't even answer a simple question.
Is very clear you do not like Bro. Frank for your head speaking bad about Bro. Willie but if that's the case you need to address all of the others who do it as well and that my friend is a monumental task! Some may refrain to do it publicly because Bro. Willie's age.
Even you telling CC Town if he didn't speak or do bad to Bro. Willie only then you would meet. That does not sound like a healthy relationship. We are to respect and love our pastors but not idiolize them. Again I do Not congregate @ Austin.

Anonymous said...

To X -Favor:

Why would I want to meet with people who have hurt Bro. Guillermo Mendoza? I would love to meet CC Town for lunch. Regarding Panchito, I've known Panchito forever, I'm just stating the facts. It was he who intiated the circus with Guillermo Mendoza.

It CC Town does not talk bad about WFC Houston or Mendoza and if he's not a snitch like Panchito and if CC Town is not like Joel Montes, I will treat CC Town for lunch.

remnant said...

Praise the Lord

X-Favor said...

Again you didn't answer.
I am also stating facts. "Panchito" did not start any circus. The circus started when David came. And really I don't want to continue talking about it. You have your mind made up and so do I.
On another note...let me ask you something..If you were faced with the legal dilemma to answer questions regarding your beloved Bro. Willie would you tell the truth even if it was damaging or would you lie? If you tell the truth your a snitch according to you but if you don't your a LIAR according to the Bible.
Furthermore as Christians we are not supposed to hold grudges and we are supposed to forgive and that my friend is something you need to think about. Do you think Bro. Willie hates Frank? My question is what would he do? After all he is the oldest and should be wiser.

Anonymous said...

To:X-Favor and Pitos y Hair:
Cuando comence a escribir en esta blog me puse EL BATO LOCO....

Ya parenle su brolote los conosco ni quiero conocerlos!!!
Lo de Frank Balboa pues todos sabemos la realidad. Que el papa de FB toco con los ungidos no lo se
nunca lo vi tocar con ellos. El grupo empezo cuando Luis Guerra era el pastor en H-Town;y cuando Baldemar Rodriguez grabo su primer disco con Ungidos de Cristo,fue el primer nombre de los Ungidos.Se la historia antes me congrege alli cuando hno. Borrego fue pastor.

Y me depido de todo ustedes y con la ayuda de Dios nos vemos...en el cielo con Cristo. Amen!

remnant said...

Just to clarify Brother Juan Morales is pastoring in South Houston Texas, and is founder of New Beginnings Global Fellowship- which is a Non denominational organization (Based on the Book of Acts)

remnant said...

The church address is off Allen Genoa, its very nice.

Anonymous said...

To CC Town te vamos extrañar... pero gracias por tus comentarios;es
que aqui nunca terminan el dime y te dire. Creo que alli otras cosas mejores;que estar dando nuestras opinió escribe demas y te metes en una red que no puedes salir.

Di mi opinión y comente; gracias a todos por sus comentarios en favor o encontra. Adelante con la cruz..

X-Favor said...

To CC Town & El Tonto:
Yo tambien estoy de acuerdo con El Tonto. Ay mejores cosas que hacer o decir.
Lo unico es que caras vemos corazones no sabemos. Tenemos que orar los unos por los otros. Y hay que saber perdonar y no amargarse uno. Sino de que sirve ser Christiano?
Lo del Hno. J. Balboa se sabe que en ocasiones viajaba con el grupo y tocaba si grabo o no, no se sabe y eso no importa ahorita.
Lo de Hno. Frank es como le dije a Pitos. Nadie sabe en realidad a menos que estuvieron presente detras de las puertas cerradas en junta con ellos. Lo demas solo es "word of mouth" y no nos consta.
Dios les bendiga a todos!

Anonymous said...

A CC Town y El Tonto: Bueno colegas
y amigos de este blog...muchos thank you's por compartir sus comentarios con todos nosotros. Creo que el tonto tambien ya se despidio...

Pues si todo tiene su proposito y enfoque,y aveces nos salimos de la realidad de este blog..

Se creo este blog para informar y dialogar sobre lo que sucedio en el 2006 el fraude en las elecciones

Y en este momento lo que importa es la reunion de la mesa directiva y los obispos en Rancho Cucamonga.
Y de lo que va pasar en NLC Inc.

Anonymous said...

Yes I"m out...como dice el famoso
Johnny Canales:You Got It..Take it
away!! God Bless

Anonymous said...

To X-Favor:

Regarding your comment on previous page:
Why would I hold a grudge to Panchito. All I am saying according to the facts about case, is that
Frank Balboa started this circus. What Frank "Panchito" did was wrong! You know who was present behind closed doors? Jeff Aguilar and Arturo Espinoza. You don't believe me, ask either one.

Why you say If Guillermo Mendoza hates Frank Balboa?
Question is:
Does Frank hate David? Does Frank hate Guilliermo Mendoza? Does Frank even hate Tito and Margie?

Get your facts straight, Go back to UPC!

X-Favor said...

To: Alamo City

Que sabes de NLC? Como esta eso de que echo de cabeza a la congregacion? Comparte.

Anonymous said...

To el Tonto y CC Town:
Los voy a extranar mucho. No se vayan. Por favor.

unhe2 said...

cc town: saludame a Luisito Zepeda, Y Dios los Bendiga y como decia el Hno. Luis Guerra, Adelante Como Ejecitos en Orden.

Anonymous said...

X-Favor: echar de cabeza; poner por
delante o por enfrente: como pilato
lavarse las manos...y decir fue decision de la iglesia local y no yo (joel)Hno. Presidente.

X-Favor said...

You always answer with a question as if you don't have any answers or are afraid to answer.
You rant on and on and on about how Bro.Frank told on Bro. Willie etc. I am tired of explaining the legal process to you.
You say you know Bro. Frank for .any years you even referto him as Panchito as if ypu cared for him so ask him yourself how he feels about others.
The circus started when Bro. Willie allowed David to brainwash him. You should check to see whose name the properties are in. Don't be surprised if you see David Valdez name.
You say Bro. Jeff was present when Bro. Frank and Bro. Willie had their agreement? It surprises me that if what you say happened why Is he preaching at his church and vice versa? amd why is your pastor telling members confidential information? Nah that does not sound like it happened. I'm tired of talking about the subject with you.

X-Favor said...


You read but do not comprehend so here I go one last time..... I am NOT UPC nor do I congregate in Austin.
Did you get that?

scottie said...

i heard polanco could never be a pastor cause he backslid and he has been accused 3 times of sexual harassment. its about time he was excomunicated. and you reap what u sew. and for everyones info he didnt leave he ran like a chicken!!!

Anonymous said...

X-Favor: si las propiedades estan en david valdez what.
Bro. Willie is no longer w/AA. Pueden hacer y deshacer como ellos quieren. Haci como Joel Montes y otros que estan localmente incorporados. Gracias a Dios que ya no vas a escribir sobre Frank Balboa!! LO QUE PASO,PASO ENTRE FB Y BRO.WILLIE.JUST FORGET IT! Escribe de otra cosa mas importante
de Texas Youth Conference en H-town
el templo alli es SMALL para esta fiesta.

Anonymous said...

Nadie tiene informacion sobre la reunion en Rancho Cucamonga? Hoy es el 4 dia de reuniones!!!

Anonymous said...


Oí por amigos en H-Town que Bro. Willie Mendoza predico en la 1ra. de Houston en un servicio funebre.
Ven como los hermanos de la 1ra.todavia estiman a Bro. Mendoza.
Un diálogo por favor.

unhe2 said...

lo estiman tanto que le han hablado para felicitarlo por su progama radial, y que los hnos. del miniterio de la prision los estan escuchando a traves de internet todos los viernes a las 8:30 en vivo por medio de klvl radio triunfo. se los recomiendo.

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