Attached is the link to the Plan of Action and Stewardship sent to Apostolic Assembly pastors both in english and espanol.
For your review....
Click here for: Montebello Closing Documents
As noted..."The bank charged for the cost of the loan. Then, the AA Inc,(A Non Profit 501c3 Religeous Organization) added its fees. The AA Inc. is neither registered with the Department of Real Estate nor the Department of Corporations, which allows for charging of fees in a loan".
Please feel free to share.
Blogmaster General
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 2267 Newer› Newest»So lets see that is three people who confirmed the story so it is true. Wow I guess the numbers speak for themselves.
Cheerios and 3 "hip hip hoorays"
for my lad josh baynes...
i have to ditto his comments.. well done my dear watson... :p
You sound kind of bitter. You sound like you Pastor is Miguel Hernandez. You might want to ask him how his marriage got started. It might surprise you. Do you want some more?
Justice LOL! For your information my pastor is the Rev. Frank Romo of 1sr Phoenix Apostolic church. You should know because your pastor, dictator Tafoya was very jealous and vindictive of my pastor for many years.
As far as pastor Miguel hernandez, I know of him, but don't personally know him. So what ever you've got to say about him - SAY IT! lol!
While you're on the subject of your pastor Tafoya, if you want to we can talk about litlle Arthur Tafoya and his DRUG problems. Or you can just go to his myspace page and look at all the pictures of him drinking, and partying. Or we can talk about all the stories about the missing money in the church of Glendale, and about how YOUR pastor Tafoya had his 3 older kids on salary for doing nothing. Thas just for starters, there so much, much more!
All I know is that your pastor was very vindictive, jealous, and hateful (very hateful man) towards Pastor Romo and other who didn't give him his way. And he would continuously try to get Pastor Romo in trouble, but would always fail. hahah! No new news in AZ my friend.
Let go and let God, i noticed you removed your comments from yesterday. you wrote that "besides he 'bro Garcia' mocked him" Well that makes perfect sense for a so called man of God-a pastor, mind you-to charge one of his own church members...spare the rod...huh? I think you wrote your comment out of frustration and then realized that the way you responded only added truth to the wacky escapades of the AA.
For those who are for or against Benjamin Bracamontes:
If he's done or hasn't done what has been said of him, does it really matter?
Once the GB comes down it's not only going to affect him but ALL pastors and congregations
within the AA. Honestly, I feel for those who can't get free from bondage. Can you just imagine the confusion?
In the words of Josh Bayne:
"The GB has done its damage and will reap its own wounds. It seems to me they dont need us to make matters worse, they do a pretty darn good job of inflicting their own wounds."
Anyway my point was this. If pastor A. Torres is a man of integrity and character, why would he be associated with the likes of dictator A. Tafoya? Everyone in this district (AZ) knew that while Tafoya was on the AWA board, he was secretly talking to Sanchez in the AA.
I know because Pastor Romo mentioned it to some of us. Apparently Sanchez called my pastor to ask him what he knew about Tafoya because Tafoya kept calling the AA headquarters, to try and work things out. That's why pastor Romo and other pastors here in AZ don't trust Tafoya because they know how canaiving he is (just like his buddy Valverde). LOL!
Oh! so it's not against Tafoya it's about "Torres."
I said it once and I'll say over and over and over again!
"Toooo....late the GB are on their way out!" They have dugged their own grave.
Oh for chrissakes just shut up about it already "he said they said, he did, he didn't", whatever who the hell cares? Grow up already. If Bracamontes gets into fist fights with his congregation, let him, and stay out of it. Its their problem. Maybe we should concentrate on our church and what God wants from us. I am ready to leave all this behind and I DONT WANT TO HEAR ANYMORE OF WHAT HAPPENED OR IS HAPPENENING AT BRACAMONTES OR ANYWHERE ELSE.
GOOD-BYE AA. Can anybody second me?
What do Frank Romo and Art Tafoya have in common?
They are both fatass diabetic gluttons!
And you want that as a pastor? lol
its so much easier to just forget about it and leave it behind. That is just typical of you apostolics, you can never resolve anything so you just "leave it behind". Leaving it behind will will only bite you in the behind later down the line.
This whole fraud mess was a result of years from just "leaving it behind".
You guys are a crack up. Apos alwasy taking the cheap way out. You're too lazy and fearful to actually fix anything. You just kick them out of the assembly and dust your hands.
Reminds me of the mafia. that's all the AA is, a mafia.
To bare facts, those were my comments. You really keep up on this checking it daily? Every hour. Sounds like you have nothing to do.
You people will not let this go right? Your hurting people with the power of your tounge. Face it, it's over.
Be blessed.
Leave it all behind or stay and deal with the unethical things that have been going on in the AA?
That's the million dollar question.
We can turn and leave but to the AWA? Why? for the same old thing? No thanks!
Today I met a Pastor from a Baptist Church in the work that I do. (Yes, I went to College and have an actual career) This very nice pastor asked me what church I belonged to after I told him that I came from a family in ministry and that I take part in the ministry of a local church, I replied "pentecostal" (I'm in the AA) He very nicely inquired "not the one that's known as Apostolic? Gulp... why yes was my answer. Then he went on to tell me "well I don't judge people by the organization they're affiliated with because that would not be fair".
Trinitarians jealous of us... doubt it!
Hey Justice, with the comment you just made, WE KNOW WHO YOU ARE!! hahahahaha. Busted!
We'll call your familia later dude. Say hi to your daddy fatty Fatoya, I mean Tafoya.
I think we can all agree with Josh Bayne. We must move on with our lives and face blessings that the Lord has in store for us.
Maybe the GB board will break, who knows? When it does, then what? Only God can tell.
The majority of my family grew up in the AA. I miss them, it hurts. I keep telling myself, "They don't know what is going on!" Instead I keep pressing to mature myself with God. We have to see things through the eyes of JESUS, not ours.
You AWA still causing rumors? You all talk to much!
I am baptist also. Why go to the AWA? For the same problems? No, way!
Just a thought about Bro. Torres letters that have been posted, someone compared him to Nathan the prophet. The only problem with that is that Nathan just gave the word of the Lord and it was then up to David to deal with his sin.
Being a man who feared and loved God, he did deal with his sin and repented.
If the GB has not listened but instead have come down harder on the AA pastors, not let God deal with them.
There are a lot of very sincere people that love God in both the AA and the AWA. Many of the ones in the AA have no connection with the AA despite what the GB might think. In our church maybe a handful could tell you the name of the GB prez and maybe one or two others. In other words, we are just loving God and doing His work despite what the GB is doing.
God's church will go on. Pastors might not speak out because they are pastors and are looking out for the people that God have placed in their care. It's staying out of the gun shot range of the GB, Bishops and others who might get in the way of God's work.
I was able to talk Ernesto into giving me a copy of the Sam Valverde video that was removed.
Sam hit the roof and almost cursed at Ernesto.
Here it is for all the hermanos and hermanas to see:
How do you all know for a fact that Joel Montes and Able Torres hate each other?
Que bueno que el video esta de vuelta. No me sorprendera ahorita si Samuel Valverde corre o le quita el ministerio a Ernesto!
Una nota luctuosa...
Se nos a ido un gran evangelista con el Señor.
Romulo Valencia acaba de fallecer hace unas horas. Oramos por su esposa e hijos para que Dios les conforte.
Paz a los restos de este gran hombre de Dios.
Everybody know that comments like yours come from the GB to try to take the focus off the despicable actions of Daniel Hitler and the GB. It is not about Montes at all. It is about their actions. They just used Montes. Just look at the facts. The malicious GB is in a corner and it uses whatever dirty tactics it can to deflect attention to their evil actions. They are done and that is all there is to it.
A poll is being held. Do you think that Sanchez will break up the love relationship between Valverde and Montes by applying the law to Montes too or do you think Valverde will be able to get Montes of the hook once again and cause more pain and embarrassment for Sanchez?
Break the relationship?
Let"s start the voting.
Here is my ballot.
If Ernie did in fact give Germain that video I feel for him and what could come to him if it hasn't already! He is a good man!
Question for Ernie:
Do you have to continue being under Sam's regime? I know a lot of good pastors that could use your talent and appreciate it too!
hmmm there is an interesting connection to valverde's confession of dreaming of having a mega church, preaching in coliseums and with what he is doing to the AA.
pastor sam esta vastante trastornado conmigo en este momento. por favor no me pongan en más compromiso. por favor bajen este video, o yo seré quitado de mi puesto este ano
¡Por favor alguien ayuden me!
este es el video que debe ser quitado inmediatamente del internet
Estimados Pastores,
Esperaba que este 2010 las cosas empezaran a cambiar para nuestra asamblea. Pero parece todo lo contrario. Como habia comentado en una ocasion anterior, cuando uno empieza a investigar cada vez se da cuenta uno que tan grave esta este asunto.
Al Grano:
En mi comentario de hace unas semanas hable sobre el caso del Pastor Guillermo Mendoza. Al parecer la asamblea todavia no le a pagado. Cuando la asamblea perdio el caso tenian que pagar cierta cantidad de dinero, pero como opcion la asamblea ofrecio unos edificios como parte del trato.
Resulta que la propiedad que ofrecieron no tiene el valor que ellos prometieron. La realidad es que una vez que se hizo la evaluacion el valor es muy por debajo. Este problema no se compara con lo que viene.
Recordemos que el presidente comento en una ocasion que habian escogido lo mejor de lo mejor de la asamblea. Bueno, si esta mesa directiva no paga lo que la corte estipulo en su orden original y con valor real de la propiedad que ofrecieron, para dia 13 de Diceimbre tendran que pagar
TRES VECES MAS de la orden original
Ahora, esta mesa directiva no pudo extender el contrato con Kaiser Permanente para siguieran rentando el edificio al lado de las oficinas generales. Una perdida mensual de alrededor de 7,000.00 mensuales o 84,000.00 en doce meses.
Y para el colmo nuestra mesa directiva con toda su sabiduria se dieron un aumento de sueldo y un bono. Gracias a Dios que nuestro presidente tiene la certeza que ellos estan haciendo lo que Dios manda.
Pastores, aunque el rio se ve calmado las corientes debajo del rio van muy revueltos. Segun escucho que aun mas demandas vienen en contra de esta administracion.
Creame que esta mesa directiva todavia esconde cosas, que al parecer fueran sencillas pero todo moviemiento que ellos hacen hay un plan detras de ello.
No hace mucho hable con un pastor del Distrito Sur de Texas y me hizo un comentario muy interesante.
Dijo, el Hno. Samuel Valverde nunca viene al valle, pero ahora que las eleciones estan cerca vino y dio unas conferencias a los pastores. El piensa que estamos ignorantes a sus moviemientos pero no, que ni piense que votaremos por el. Creo que las acciones de Samuel Valverde ya no son ignoradas por los pastores lejos de california.
Esperemos poder unirnos en Septiembre y evitar que Samuel Valverde salga de presidente pero que si salga de la asamblea.
He only needs one vote to become the president....Rachels
From what I hear the members of his church wantedto cut some of his salary and he started to cry, and whine. Rachel had to step in and save him.
Maybe he is one of the ones Lopez was talking about in the offering video about letting their wife's preach.
Wify gots to come in a save the cry baby
Malverde is a psychopath dreaming of his diabetic ass preaching in front of THOUSANDS at crusades....what an EGO!
And when he does get an opportunity to speak in front of a few thousand people, he preaches a sermon on how to bake a turkey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We have gone from the Sermon on the Mount, to the Sermon of the Day of Pentecost to Sermon Gobble Gobble Grub Grub!
No More Money:
That is true;however, the constitution does say that the pastors must pray before accepting any candidate and we refuse to pray he cannot become our next president.
Sure is going to take some bravery from the pastors, but that is our last chance to stand up to Valverde. I have talk to several pastors and they are willing to take a stand. For know we are waiting for March and see how many of us are still going to be part of the Assembly.
Product Description for Sammy's book "Dear Brother and Sisters, we need another offering..."
Product Description A Guide to Overcoming Finiancial Struggles in the Local Church. This booklet is a result of a Roadmap 2005-2011 Strategies directive given at last years General Convention. In our effort to accomplish our mission, we need to be healthy.
The Apostolic Assembly needs to be healthy. The local churches need to be healthy. The Pastors need to be health. An area that negatively affecto a pastors health is finance. It seems that most of our good Pastors are under constant financial strain. They in turn put pressure on members who either close their hearts and hands, or begin to give out of guilt, pulpit manipulation or peer pressure. The results vary: a) Many times needs are still not met, b) Even those who give are not blessed and c) The following month the cycle begins all over again.
What A JOKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
...Life in Fontana Church,
the veil here at fontana
is no big deal I know that
at smaller churches it still
is and always has been and so
is make-up, personally that is
No big sin, but as an Assembly there are very different teachings being tought...
...Also valverde if you look at the church web-site doesn't really trust any other Apostolics he only has authorized two links one for
the General offices and the other from that brother in
Corona jacob rodriguez i believe,
...Apart from all of that our
bookstore inside our church has
more christian material from
brothers in other denominations
and only a very few Apostolics
can i get a witness here ???
...Also the Assemblies main
web-site it seems they are
ashamed of hispanics, the
main picture is of non-apostolics, some blonde and other
non-hispanics im not racist
but whats wrong with that when
our assembly is 99% hispanic ???
...Can i get a witness ???
...Once again I am not against this things, but Valverde wants
to be the Assembly President
and Fontana church is really
now a non-denominational church
...Can i get a witness ???
...Ive met sisters outside the
church with pants and even
with shorts and i personally
dont think that thats a sin
but see we need to change those things from the pulpit
...I dont mind Valverde trying
to borrow from other famous evangelists or TV preachers
but dont cram RICK WARRENS
messed up theology down my
throat, I consider RICK WARREN
a spineless all embracing
True, but most of the Bishops and Pastors love to bash women from the pulpit.
I guess it makes them feel manly.
One in mind is Adam Lopez's plucka plucka sermon bashing women for plucking their eyebrows.
I wonder at his age why he still has jet black hair.
Plucka Plucka Plucka, only his hair dresser knows for sure.
sammy boy is back
So now they are praying against " the lies that are being told about the GB "
I am sure that some of the stuff being said are exaggeration, half truths and some outright lies.
But the majority of what is being said is true. The GB just doesnt like that for the first time what they have done for decades behind closed doors is finally out in the open.
There only defense is to lie themselves and say the devil is attacking them aqnd the ones who speak against them are liers and rebels.
I am glad to be out of that horrible organization.
So judgemental and legalistic. And whats worse and very sad is that those who are under that organization are so chicken to walk away cause they would be labeled rebels, heathens or the worst of all put downs a TRINO !
WE hold to the same Apostolic Doctrine but because we left we are rebels and we must be trinos now.
My God I love the freedom that is in Christ the AA is a prison.
I will NEVER place myself under the control of any organization!
Our Lord did not call us to be an elite club and to be judgeing others and attempting to place people back under The Law.
I wonder if now they still think that all that was being said where lies and demons coming against the board now that they have found out the President and his flunkies now that they have sold out the Pastorate body?
Romo Sr. do you think they where lies now?
Now that all these documents have come out in the open.
La fecha que la Asamblea debe de pagarle a Hno. Guillermo Mendoza el 13 de Enero que se vence este proximo viernes. Anteriormente escribi el 13 de Diciembre.
Creo que en esta ocasion no nomas enviaran cartas para presionarnos a que cumplamos con todos los requisitos financieros, creo que hasta vamos a recibir una llamada del Obispo Presidente.
I was going thru my books to see how much I had given to my local church in the past. Here's what I came up with. Prior to last year
(2009) I averaged $32,000.00 year for the period of 1998-2008 between tithes and special offerings. Last year I gave $7,800.00 and that is the last I will give to any AA church. You think this hasn't hurt the organiztion? Well let me tell you the pastor has called me many times to come back! My response has been whenever the GBers are gone I will give it some consideration! See what you've done Sanchez?
Excellent video on Prosperity gospel by David Wilkerson telling people to wake up and stop funding the wolves in sheep chothes that have substituted cash for the cross.
You don't have to give that much to be blessed. Besides why are saying how much you have given?
...I dont mind tithing, the
only problem is that Valverde
and other pastors made horrible
financial choices like getting
a church mortgage that they couldn't afford and now they are squeezing us for more money in the name of MAYORDOMIA, where is that in
the Bible ???
...its a shame because they stole/borrowed that MAYORDOMIA stuff from American prosperity preachers...Valverde if you had
administered correctly the
regular tithings of the people
you wouldn't need a MAYORDOMIA
how come you don't mortagage
your own house to pay back for your mistakes ???
Trophyman sound like a Pharisee. Does he expect everyone to applaud him for his tithes and offerings?
What a pathetic individual!!!!
don't ever post what you tithe please...
what may seem to be a large amount to someone, may be reason to throw themselves off a bridge for someone else.. lol
as the wise old bhuddist saying goes: If Bill Gates woke up one day, and only had Kobe's money, he'd probably shoot himself! LOL
at the end of the day, its just a bit tacky, you know..
Someone calling himself Chairman Mao quoting a so called Buhddist saying is hilarious and ridiculous.
Thanks for the laugh.
I believe this spirit is what's bringing the AA down.
Discerning The Jezebel Spirit
you may have gotten lost somewhere between the irony and comedy of the statement...
and i doubt anyone really beleives there's a bhuddist saying containing the words "bill gates" or "kobe"... lol
that said.. the chairman mao reference is tied to his well known statement that "religion was the opium of the masses" applied to what the AA has been doing since its einception.
Chairman Mao,
I believe the true quote was not from Chairman Mao Tse Tung.
But rather from Karl Marx who said
" Religion is the opiate of the masses "
Touche mon amie Rome...
The original quote was stated by Karl marx (can't recall for certain if its included in the communist manifesto)...
And it was requoted or documented and applied to the chinese cultural revolution by mao in his list of quotes in what is known in the west as "The Little Red Book" to combat the culture of bhudism, confucionism, and religous-like adoration for the emperor as a diety that was rampant in chineese culture...
ahhh... traditional religion for the sake of tradition and custom, and the viewing of the leader as a cult of personality never to be question.. wait are we still talking about china's history, or the AA (lol)... which was my original intent...
But, since when has china not been occused of plagerism, piracy, and other patent dishonesty (lol)
Chairman Mao,
It is sad to see the state of the AA.
So much control so much legalism.
Religion is not the way, rather a personal walk with our Lord.
Whenever Man is thrown in the mix you will eventually encounter ego, pride,greed and favoritism.
The saddest part of it all are the followers who do not have the stones to walk away or stand up and speak out from the inside.
Because so many people are followers and afraid to speak out, these goatherders take advantage of that and control so many.
But like the saying in spanish says " menso el que se deja ! " And I of course cleaned up that quote for innocent eyes LOL !!!!
The Jezebel spirit is usually a woman who loves to control and refuses to accept no to her. She is a backstabber, especially to her husband or someone with power! She wants to bring prophets down and destroy the male authority! You clearly see this in posted videos. I believe it exists in every church.
Beware of this black widow being.
Is there no end to their depravity ?
Do they have no shame ?
Wait on the GB with 2 votes, nevermind.
I think one of the most sickening things I saw was Daniel Solomon use the images of 9/11 to raise money for Flor Azul at End Time Restoration and at the Convention in Houston.
Yes, I know he's with the AWA. But, he still did the deed.
All the money for Haiti will go into Sanchez's and Valverde's pockets. Who will be dumb enough to send any money to the GB for this? Will Adam Lopez send any?
Our church raised money for the Katrina victims but we gave it to the Red Cross for the Katrina Disaster. We already knew that the general offices doesn't distribute any of the raised funds for any particular cause. They like to label it "administrative expenses".
1. You refine heroin for a living, but you have a moral objection to liquor.
2. You own a $3,000 machine gun and $5,000 rocket launcher, but you can't afford shoes.
3. You have more wives than teeth.
4. You wipe your butt with your bare hand, but consider bacon "unclean."
5. You think vests come in two styles: bullet-proof and suicide.
6. You can't think of anyone you haven't declared Jihad against.
7. You consider television dangerous, but routinely carry explosives in your clothing.
8. You were amazed to discover that cell phones have uses other than setting off roadside bombs.
9. You have nothing against women and think every man should own at least four.
10. You've always had a crush on your neighbor's goat.
11. Your cousin is president of the United States
You may be AposTaliban if...
1. You preach against stealing,
committ election fraud.
USMC Great Thread !
You may be AposTaliban if...
1. You preach against stealing,
committ election fraud.
2.Preach against dying your hair men and women and against cutting !
Yet I have not seen one rapunzel hermana with hair down to the floor and I see alot of hermanos and hermanas in their 40's 50's and even 60's with jet black hair hmmmmmmmmm ???????
But they wouldnt do that would they cause that would make them hypocrites!
You may be AposTaliban if . . .
. . .
3. Your raise funds under false pretenses.
To ALL you morons who disrespected Bishop A. Tafoya for being such a good pastor and bishop BEWARE!!
Bishop A. Torres is presently helping him return back into the AWA board of directors. And yes, Bishop Torres WAS upset that Bishop Tafoya was kicked out of the board by those other wanna be directors.
In the words of Bishop Torres to my Pastor, "This new board operates just like the animals in the AA!"
despertad fariseos y no os mordais ni se enrollen como culebras.proclamad la verdad y no aprovad las injusticias que los hombres que sin temor de Dios cometen con los pocos hombres de valor aqui en la tierra defender una organizacion o ninguna asosiacion. dejar el orgullo que la gente dice ser apostolico que eso es solo un simbolo de una organizacion y despertamos y reaccionemos a la verdad defendiendo con temor y temblor lo que en verdad somos y defendamos lo que la biblia nos llama hijos de Dios.por lo tanto andemos con diligencia cuidando de nuestra salvacion. y no el nombre de una organizacio.Dios los Bendiga.
As I watched CNN on the earthquake in Haiti this morning I couldn't help to admire President Obama and past President's George W. Bush and Bill Clinton as they've come together to help the people in Haiti. The AA could learn from these men who are divided by party and ideas on how the country should be run yet manage to set it aside for the sake of helping and saving humanity!
Allow me to publicly congratulate the AA church in Midland,Tx with Pastor Bracamontes. We heard how you guys reached the max of 150 at you guys New Year Service with families of the brethern that were visiting from out of town and souls included. That's pretty good for a New Year Service. We heard how excited your pastor was to see sooo... many people. WOW!
...Yep, they have scheduled the
General Convention for this
September 2010, in Anaheim I
wonder how they are going to pay for it ???
...Brothers are losing their
houses, going unemployed,
Valverde cant pay the 80,000
monthly mortgage ( unless they've
struck a deal with the bank to modify it )
...What is this General Convention in 2010, is VALVERDE
going to ask forgiveness for
destrying the Assembly with his
2 votes ???
...Is this a General Convention to elect a new President and
BOARD, all of the current
look at all the DESTRUCTION
and DIVISION that they have
produced these past 4 years !!!
...La Iglesia VICTORIOSA , Valverde ??? when brothers cant
pay their church mortgages !!!
how they gonna rent a room
at the Hilton at 119.00 a day ?
...Im i going to the General Convention to listen to men
who lied to the Church and to
the Holy Spirit ???
...Did you know that when they rigged the last elections they
prayed ??? and one hour later
they fixed the elections !!!
...I forgot, Sanchez and Valverde
are you going to hire private
security officers to keep
the true Prophets of GOD
outside of your Convention ???
If you are of the mind-set that the rules of the new "Policy" will be enforced without bias, discrimination, or preference, Im sorry to say you are incorrect.
plans are/have been made for september and beyond, with individuals who have blatantly ignored the rules, and will do so, without remorse pass the deadline.
No plans have been made to come into compliance, and no action will be taken against them.
I merely speculate that an agreement, negotiation, or compromise has been reached.
I seriously doubt this has been offered to the weaker or less politically connected pastors throughout the rest of the AA.
"Silver and Gold I have not... but if you give me some, I"ll look the other way..." GB Evil Acts 3:6.
...What I say here I say it
because I have witnessed it
...Do you know which General
Board member lives the closest
to the General Offices ???
( yep, u guessed it Valverde )
...Valverde years ago had big
plans for taking over the
entire Assembly, I should know
he is my Pastor, I endure
him because I am following
Jesus and not valverde...
...Guess what they are going
to discuss at the Convention ?
MONEY, what else, they are going to
emphasize a MANDATORY tithing
of tithing in the worst economy
in some 20 years !!!
...They are hurting, since they didn't have a General Convention
last year they know that they
somehow have to keep the brothers
fired up !!!
...And the topic will be
The Victorious Church !!! what
an insult for the past 4 years Sanchez and Valverde have brought DIVISION and DESTRUCTION
in the body of Christ, the
only victory that they have
had was KICKING out their
enemies and all those who dared
question them !!! like Solomon,
Baldemar, Jahaul, and othe brothers
who i personally knew
...Valverde you still havent committed the unpardonable
sin but u do NEED TO REPENT
for almost singlehandedly
tearing up in half the Apostolic Assembly, dont u know GOD has
real Prophets always !!!
...The truth will always be known, what you did in secret
is being exposed on the world wide web, REPENT Valverde , before it is too late and
your own pride cuts u from the grace of GOD...
...NO one is above GODs laws
Is Pastor Richard Ricardo Avalos Maffey going to convention?
Hello, Bro.Joe Did you ever met Bro. Sam Pacheco? Back in the 80's he and Bro. Valverde were my bible school teachers at Seminario Apostolico De Texas, I became good friends with Bro. Sam (the best bro. ever) back then he would tell me some stuff about his nephews, now is coming clear to me what he meant, especially about Eddie he was the worst of the two.
...I think i did know sam pacheco if i am correct he really feared the Lord, the older pacheco i believe that he was older than valverde I think thats sam pacheco , the present pacheco who got the 2 votes and won is GOING TO BE IN TROUBLE financially because he is also building a new church building in corona ca and the price of it is somewhere between 4-6 million I dont see how he is going to be making payments in this economy, especially if the
membership of the corona church is
somewhere between 250-350 members know whats amazing is that
even his cousin Erik Rangel broke
away from Valverde, Erik used to work at the general offices for
about 6+ years, I guess he saw
Valverdes real face, Erik is
still a good christian independent
Pastor in Neeedles Arizona i believe
...And, yes valverde used to be
a more humble man in the 1980s
when you met him but he started
to change once Baldemar Rodriguez
allowed him to go unchecked in
the 1990's, Valverde soon started to pull most of the strings in the Assembly, he was the most travelled in the entire general board and this "SE LE FUE ALA CABEZA"
...iN A WAY Baldemar Rodriguez
created a monster in that he
naively believed that Valverde
was a true servant of God who could
be trusted, some 13 years later
this would come back to haunt him
under Valverdes watch Baldemar
Rodriguez was literally kicked out
of his church building and out of the Assembly by the authorization
of Samuel Valverde...
...NO man is incorruptible,
power gets to a mans head and
there wasn't a mechanism to
keep so much power out of the
hands of Valverde, by power I
mean Valverde pulls most of the
strings behind the scenes, Prado,
Campos and the others were at
Valverdes service, this I can attest to because I witnessed
it first hand
...A man can go no lower than kicking out the very man who
allowed him to rise in power
this is what Valverde did to
Baldemar Rodriguez, I should know
They call me "El chupa rosas." Can somebody tell me what that means so I can get happy or get mad?
They're gonna throw Aguilar on the stage this convention to fire everyone up.
He screams so we will all forget how unfaithful he was to his wife back in the san jose days.
Joe it sure is a shame what power can do to a man when not used according to Gods will, you know I been to Valverde's church to minister in music and he always took good care of us, but last time we met in a San Diego district convention, not a word he spoke to us, that was when I notice that it had gone to his head, what a shame.
Oh and yes bro. Sam was Eddie Pachecos uncle and the other nephew he talk to me about was Sam Valverde. and yes bro. Sam Pacheco was a very humble man he had a Doctors degree and he would never would like to talk about that, last time i saw him was some years ago in a church in southern california, I loved that brother so much.
Mr. Garcia whoever you are. Sounds to me like you're boasting that it's being said you're a "chupa rosas." If you are breaking hearts don't do it because it's going to come back to haunt you. Believe me in the work I'm in I have seen it over and over again. So repent bro!
On another note please do us ALL a favor and keep your private life to yourself. God bless.
Bishop Cantiflas how do you know about Abel Aguilar's infidelity?
Now i wonder if it runs in the family since Jaime did the same.
hypocritical that the aguilars condemn so manhy pple yet don't see they're huge mistakes.
I like big black ones. ;-)
Don't send your money to the AA, send it to "Churches helping Churches"; this is an effort to Help the churches in Haiti
Abel Aguilar had his little side thing while he was up north as a pastor in san jose.
Everyone there knows about it. It was with some sister there at the downtown church that he pastored. When the news got out about his side thing he left to santa ana right away.
...Sanchez, Pacheco and Valverde,
I just want to clarify that I
do not consider you my enemies,
my enemy is the Satan, I just consider you three Generals who
have led astray an entire army
in the wrong direction and now you are losing many of them and you
still keep heading into the wrong
direction, I feel so sorry for you
I pray for you but sometimes
personal pride keeps you spiritually blind...
...Im going to move on, I had
great plans and dreams once in the
Apostolic Assembly but now they
are impossible with three men like you totally DESTROYING this
Christian organization...
...I am not a Bishop, nor a
Pastor, not even a Deacon not by
my own will but because Valverde
blocked my calling, but GOD has
still big plans for my life, I
forgive you Valverde, once again
you are not my enemy I have
learned the hard way "Maldito es
el hombre que confia en el hombre"
...My destiny has yet to be fulfilled, and I know that I cannot die until I fulfill my GOD given destiny in this planet, I will learn from all of
your mistakes Valverde, I still
consider you a brother and
a friend, church history will not be kind to you and that is
the price you will have to pay
...All of this mess, has only
verified that the powers of
darkness are out to destroy
any and all christian churches
any which way they can and by any
means, this means spiritual war
and so Im going to prepare
myself for the task, the Kingdom
of GOD suffereth violence and
the violent take by force so be
Truth be told:
The UPCI has a Haiti relief fund. Being that they are a oneness organization it might behoove us to help an organization that still preaches truth. Not saying that Mars Hill Church is doing a bad thing, but they still have a different doctrine. If there was no other oneness alternative then Mark Driscoll would be a better choice than AA social assistance. Anyway, if you are interested in donating to the Haiti relief fun the UPC website is
I definitely agree with you that the AA will never change.
Send a message to the General Board that you will boycott the general convention.
The convention center will never again see the crowds that it once had, at least not from the AA. Very Sad. The arrogance and self personal gain of a handful of men will affect thousands and that is very sad.
I don't know how many of you can just ignore this like nothing is happening, you are also responsible if you say nothing. Is it the fear of losing income or your position, if so then you should be ashamed of yourselves.
I am curious to see how the GB will attempt to 'force' pastors and ministers to the convention so that they can have a crowd, let's watch and see...
Same gangster tactics they use now.
If you don't come to convention and vote for me. There are plenty of gardeners out that that will jump for a chance to vote for me(Sammy) to be a Pastor and not have to mow the lawns anymore.
It's ashame how Lazy some of the Pastors have really gotten. They want to stay and be lazy for the rest of their lives without doing any real work.
We're down to just one worship service during the week and thats on Sunday. No sunday school! No church fasting! Instead of preaching, its treaching, Most of our Sunday messages are carried on for two or more Sundays. Nothing new. No new bread but stale after two or three Sundays of the same treaching.
Convention here in my backyard. Lots of fresh new meat.
We can blog about these individuals (GB) ALL day and ALL night until we turn blue. My question is will it make a difference?? NO!! It's not until the ministerial body if they WERE men of INTEGRITY with SOME DIGNITY could stand up and say to these men "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH, WE WILL NOT TOLERATE IT ANYMORE!" Sad to say there is NOT one to be found. Evidently, all we have within our ministerial body are a bunch of "PANSIES!"
They have failed us our children and the Apostolic Assembly of the Faith in Christ Jesus.
We need a Scott Brown, is there any? someone? come on please.
My advice to everyone, is to be careful with some of the bloggers. It appears that some no longer believe in the core doctrines of the AA. While the Organization may have been hi-jacked by the GB, my plea to the bloggers is hold on to the truth that was presented to you. Man fails as is the case of the GB, but God's principles never change.
The AA Doctine? Umm, its a doctrine that doesn't allow women to wear pants, but allows for theft and deciet with its leaders. Its a doctrine that doesnt allow for a glass of wine, which Jesus made from water and used at the Last Supper. Its a doctrine that lacks in moral ethics. Its a doctrine that says Aaron Aguirre had to be stripped of his ministry but allows the adulterous wife to continue in her ministry. Its a doctrine that says divorce is a sin, but allows Henry Patino to continue to pastor. Its a doctrine where dating outside the asamblea is a sin but allows for child molesters to go unchecked for Ricardo Maffey, allegedly, Ted Quirino, Adam Dominguez, so on and so forth....the list goes on about our beloved church which has been spiritually raped by satan, through his vesels Malverde, Sanchez, Prado(Father of VP2 who was convicted for Manslaughter)......
praises folks..
I just want to comment quickly on the opinions that many people have about Arthur Tafoya.
First, let me tell you who i am. My name is Jahaziel Garcia. Many people in arizona know who i am. I was music director for pastor tafoya from 2001 to 2006. I was with the tafoya family for all the camps, conventions, district services, and many of the activities. I know first-hand the things that happened behind closed doors. And i know way more than some of these "inside sources". Guys, I'm not here to defend or deny anything about the tafoya's. I'm only gonna say this: Bishop Tafoya changed my life. Think what you may about him, but if it had not been for him, i would not be who i am today. now many of you may not know me, but i consider my life and testimony to be somewhat of a praise to God. God used pastor tafoya to help me become more than a musician, but a minister of music. I'm still serving full-time today at an apostolic Church in california.
My point is, brethren, that many things may have happened, but i know that i'm not the only one that has been affected in a positive way by the great men of God who have left the assembly. Now many of you have bad-mouthed pastor tafoya. And just by reading your comments, i've been able to figure out who most of you are. Guys, come on. What many of you fail to remember is this: "be not deceived; GOD WILL NOT BE MOCKED! Whatever a man reapeth, that he shall sow." Why repay evil with evil? I speak to the arizona brethren. Come on guys, we're better than this. I can speak freely to the arizona people, because you are my own.
Are we really so blind as to believe that men should be perfect? mistakes were made, i'm sure. But the minute we begin to fault men for being men, we become fools.
Man is not perfect, therefore man should be repentant.
Tafoya is not repentant, has not apologized for any of the fraudulent activity he has committed, has not confessed to any of his wrongdoings, therefore he is a man of no integrity standing in an unforgiven state.
Tiger Woods also changed the lives of many and was the best player in golf.
Unless you ask for forgiveness, you remain a coward and outside of grace.
So true! People on this blog do not want to forgive. Bloggers are making spiritual judgements based on bitterness toward their Spiritual leaders. By no means is Art Tafoya innocent, but his sins are still covered under the blood. He does not pastor because he is perfect rather he pastors because he is forgiven.
I believe ART has repented because his church is growing , they have purchased a building. His church has done all of this without the Assembly or the AWA. Art has stepped out on faith and the lord is providing. Art is going to continue to prosper and all the haters will continue to be bitter because they cannot forgive. BTW whether Art ask for forgiveness or not the haters are still required to forgive so they are not haters anymore.
Found this on craigslist:
And only the Tafoyanites (his family and people that benefited from his crooked dealings) are the ones that continue to paint a pictue of the man HE IS NOT! LOL. Why don't you give it up. The so called mistakes that you mentioned WERE NOT mistakes. Tafoya actually hurt and destroyed many lives and ministries.
So at least here in Arizona don't come up with your bull because everyone knows the real Tafoya. If others outside of Arizona belive you, knock yourself out. But here, his damage extend way beyond anything anybody else can do.
And by the way, people disliking him has nothing to do with forgiveness. People could care less if he repents or not, or if he is forgiven or not. But just like the rest of the AA board, it;s a matter of TRUTH, TRUST, AND INTEGRITY. God bless you for sticking up for such a crook. The AA board needs more people like you. lol lol lol!
The diaspora in East Texas has begun....
NLC-Houston has elected to leave the AA.
Chairman Mao: Why does that not surprise me? The Quiroz/Montez in Houston would be STUPID to give it to the AA after having it under their name since day one. I've got to hand it to Minister Ben Quiroz. He was the SMART ONE!! He understood though he didn't abide to the AA SWISS CHEESE CONSTITUTION that the ones who did all the work to bring a church up were not the GB but the pastor and congregation! HE GOT THAT RIGHT!
So your telling me that Joel Montez, "Mr I Wanna be a board member" is leaving?
I thought Valverde and him were bosom buddies?
Guess not all the rats will stay for the cheese.
not true chairman mao
Dacio: Word is from within the congregation in NLC in Houston
that it's being considered because they don't have anything to lose. The church is not under the AA anyway. Wait a minute! I forgot it could jeapordize Joel Montes position with the GB but I don't think the congregation really cares. Folks let's just wait and see by the deadline that has been set by the GB that ALL properties be under the name of the AA.
Let's wait and see how Daniel Hitler Sanchez handles the Montes case. He is saying that everybody has to comply. We will see if he really means it. We already know how much he has been lying to everybody. The letter by Montes just before the 2006 elections made a liar out of Sanchez. Did Valverde pull the wool over Sanchez's eyes so Montes could run in the elections? Will Valverde do it to Sanchez again? If Valverde is able to save Montes, did it will be obvious to all that Valverde has something on Sanchez. Maybe it is true that Sanchez had an affair and Valverde has that on him. Valverde is a snake. No doubt about it. There is no doubt in the minds of many AA Pastors that the AA is rapidly going downhill. It is being destroyed bit by bit by Sanchez and his robots. What a tragedy. That is all pastors are talking about over here in CA. Doomsday is at hand. Valverde has handled the business of the AA like he has handled the Fontana business, and that is not good news. He wanted to impress everybody with his wharehouse, and he has fallen flat on his face!
apocalypse: any info. on the AA and Pastor W. Mendoza?
sorry apocalypse I got mixed up with atalaya.
“elected to leave” and “it’s being considered” – so have they elected to leave or are they considering leaving? one uses “elected” and the other uses “considered.” for dramatic purposes, it would be more exciting to believe “elected” – “considered” sounds a little boring. “elected” makes for a better topic. let’s all choose “elected” because we can have more fun with that then boring “considered” even if we have to sacrifice the truth. “truth” can be boring too – let’s aim more toward “lie” – we can get a better kick out of “lie” than “truth.” by the way, “lie” borders around “hear-say” – another exciting term. “word is from within the congregation” actually means “I heard this from someone else – I was not there.”
WIGTHN said “it’s being considered because…the church Is not under the AA” – a decision would not have to be taken into consideration had a letter of ultimatum not been written by our good offices in rancho cucamonga. “they don’t have anything to lose…the church is not under the AA anyway” – so then you would also hypothesize that “they do have everything to lose…the church is under the AA afterall.” So are you summarizing that a church not under the AA has nothing to lose OR a church under the AA has everything to lose?
Not sure what your rant is about, and you stated nothing to disprove or dicredit my statement.
Elected, yes, the decision was reached by the executive leadership board, then the ministerial body in general.
I never said "elected by a congregation wide referendum" and I never used the word considered.
Am I a member (god forbid!! lol)?
I left many moons ago, but my roots and many friends remained behind, the parting was an amicable one, but one of conscious.
But multiple members both lay-people, general members, and those in leadership all confirmed within the last few days.
Dacio: As painful as it may be for you Chairman Mao has stated a fact regarding the church at NLC in Houston.
When I used the word "considered" it was only to come down easy on Joel and Linda Montes. You don't understand how painful this is for them just to think of everything they will miss out on.
I know more than what you think. The people at NLC in Houston ARE NOT STUPID to turn over the property to the AA so they can have control. Though Bro. Ben Quiroz and Joel & Linda broke the rules of the constitution by never registering the church under the AA they were able to enjoy many priviledges and even positions within the AA.
Bro. Ben Quiroz has always been known to be smart. I just wonder how he was able to get away with not registering the churcn in Houston under the AA and still get away with it by being director of missions and district bishop in past administrations? History repeated itself with Joel Montes who also served as a district bishop and ALMOST came close to being on the GB as well.
If only the other pastors could have done the same BUT unfortunately they wouldn't have gotten by with it. They would have been thrown out of the AA for diobedience!
Whether Joel Montes stays or leaves, the AA will own the building. Due to the fact that Montes has an AA ministerial license, he is considered an employee of the AA and legally he was obligated to have the title under the name of the AA. Either way he is not relieved of his obligation and the AA will sue the local church.
ICJ: I have to disagree with you though the AA lawyer Motes in Texas believes he can use the "ministerial license" as grounds to take properties away from pastors I really don't think that will work. If that was the case why have others such as Pastor Salvador Rodarte in Dallas, Texas able to have salvage the church property from the AA?
CM: my rant is about one person stating by hear-say (not present at any meeting) that the church has “elected” (which also means “chosen” or “voted”) to unaffiliate itself with the AA. on the other hand, there is another person stating by hear-say (again, not present at any meeting) that the church is “considering” (which also means “thinking about” or “mulling over”) unaffiliating itself with the AA. So are we talking about “voted” to unaffiliate or “thinking about” unaffiliating?
CM, you essentially self-declared “the decision was reached” – “decision” means that there was an end result, a conclusion – are you prepared to take on the careless, thoughtless and uncontrollable self-responsibility of pronouncing to everyone that through hear-say (and not present at any meeting) you have opinioned that the church allegedly voted and reached a unanimous conclusion to unaffiliate itself from the AA?
you also use defensive phrases like: “I never said” and “I never used” which means you have to explain or qualify a former statement or you are not confident in what you have stated. you also immediately follow up with “am I a member?” and then continue on to explain how you are a former disgruntled congregant. from your explanation we can gather that your body has left the church but not your heart – plus the fact that you also emphasize that the departure was “amicable” means you still have a soft-spot somewhere for the church and that you somehow secretly wish you had never left. Who “amicably” and “consciously” leaves behind many friends? You also didn’t state that you went anywhere, just that you left A LONG TIME AGO. According to you, so much time has passed since you left but within THE LAST FEW DAYS you are up on all the hear-say?
Anyone interested in some TUNGUSKA BLAST?
And for those that want to know who the real Pastor is at NLC, check it out!
linda, you found the generic LinkedIn profile for linda montes. do you know what this tells me? you STUMBLED upon this "profile" while you did a search on various search engines with the name "linda montes", "joel montes", "NLC", "new life church" or just anything that you can think of to give credibility to what "chairman mao" and "what is going to happnen next" have stated. I really do believe this is how you stumbled across "linda montes" LinkedIn "profile."
All the best to you...
I'm not really here to argue.. and the facts will hsow themselves in time..
feel free to split whichever hair you wish, it's not gonna change what will eventually be made pulic beyond the local congregation.
If you have any knoweledge of a typical church congregation, you will be aware that one can leave the church-roll, and still come into contact with local members in your everday life for th erest of your life, work, school, FAMILY, in-laws, friends, etc.
Am I explaining my previous comment (yet again) well of course I am di-di-di...
To you.. or at least I was attmepting to, but feel free to argue against the inevitable, and what wil be known againt o the general public in due time.
Am not here to pick a fight with you, your are of no consequence to me. But feel free to keep whaling in the wind..
In regards to someones argument about ownership of property through a miniterial license, that is null and void under texas property laws in the great state of Texas.
In Texas, a man's land and home, are his castle, he even has the right to shoot the varmint intruding on it LOL. Heck, your neighbour can shoot the vermint on it for you, and he will not get prcosecuted, so feel free to send a GB member to 840 Rouse LOL. I have two buddies they may want to meet, Senor Smith, and Mr. Wesson :) This aint California y'all!
Chairman Mao: TRUE! Dacio can say all he wants. Either he or she is trying to cover it up that this meeting ever took place or is in denial. Nevertheless the congregation at NLC in Houston is not going to let the church go that easy! Joel and Linda Montes are under tooo.. much pressure with personal problems and now having to deal with the pressure the GB has put on all pastors regarding that all church properties be under the name of the AA!
Like you said "it will be known to the public in due time."
Hello Decio
It wouldn't surprise me if Sam Valverde is working on a plan to spare his friend Joel. I wouldn't put it pass them if they've met behind closed doors. Isn't that the way they work?
So whatever happened to thw hole Richard Buffet thing ?
Is he locked up or free or is he on another continuance.
Im surprised this story has fallen by the wayside.
Excited waiting for convention. Fresh new meat,
Can't wait!
Mr Ricardo Avalos Maffey, aka Pastor Richard Maffey has another Pre Trial Hearing for the 29th.
He'll probably file another Continuance.....
You would think he would like a speedy trial, if he were innocent.
Pues, I guess we will see.....
Should give him some homework.
Watch and write a review of the following movies:
1. American Me
2. Blood In Blood Out
lol Give it up Guero! Give it up!
CM, you’re not here to argue but you sure set out to incite flamewars for the sole purpose of offending and irritating other bloggers. The “facts” that you declare will be self-revealed will be the second-hand smoke screen you would like all of us to believe based on the hear-say that you “heard” (again, not witnessed for yourself) from your FAMILY as you put it. What is there left to “eventually be made public?” You have already declared it beyond any local congregation. You just announced it here where hundreds of bloggers read daily. Why go public when you couldn’t wait to beat them to the punch WITHIN THE LAST FEW DAYS?!
It is very obvious that you are no close friend of the church that you said you went to many moons ago if you choose to divulge very private and very confidential details in a very cavalier and arrogant spirit – how offhanded and inconsiderate you are to the MANY family members, in-laws and friends that you left behind that attend the very church that you are attacking in a very aggressive and violent manner!
That you would be so belligerent leads me to believe that when you attended that church A LONG TIME AGO (God forbid) that you might not have been part of the elitist of family and friends that attend church there. You obviously didn’t care enough about them to stay there. Do you realize that you have irresponsibly unveiled careful decisions that a church is trying to make in a diligent manner? Do you realize the souls that you potentially might have cost to lose their salvation all due to a former, disgruntled congregant?
And all this is based on hear-say because you were not there. You “heard” from someone else. I am pretty sure that this particular church is trying to figure out what is best for all through prayer and fasting, seeking the Lord in a very difficult time and here you come reveling that the dispersion in East Texas has begun. Now you are attacking the state of Texas, how very graceful of you – you should be up next for the nobel peace prize.
Do you think you are putting a smile on God’s face right now? Do you think He is patting you on the back saying, “Well done, mijo, I approve of the discord you are sowing”? I truly believe that God is sorrowful for the upcoming fragmentation of our once-beloved Apostolic Assembly. A work that He started, with the outpouring of His Spirit on Azusa Street. And you, sir, are so bold as to mock and laugh to the Lord’s face in these trying moments for His Bride, the Church?
Dacio: Do you think your church is the only one who has gone or is going through the valley of decision? Have you thought about those or maybe even made a QUICK prayer for the rest of the body of Christ who were thrown and will be thrown out of the AA? Do you realize how many sleepness nights they went through or will be going through as they seek the Lord in prayer and fasting at a "VERY DIFFICULT" time in their lives?
It seems to me that now it has hit home and before everything seemed to be working in your favor. I feel for the souls and brethern of your congregation because it is them whose FAITH will fail due to the evil forces of arrogance,pride and the love for POWER in men(GB).
We have lost and in your words:
"our once-beloved Apostolic Assembly."
Sorry couldn't diagree with you more.
I'm neither offended or ashamed.
Sorry, I neither created the situation, nor did I make a decision. Thats between the GB and NLC.
Those who have sinned, were those who were in leadership, at all adn every single level. Because at the end of the day, we are all men, and we have all sinned, the difference is, some of us admit to it, and use it to better ourselves, the others hide behinf mand-made positions and titles, and do ridiculous attempts to condemn us, for not believing that every word that comes out of their mouths is infallible.
I think NLC leaving is a good thing, they are in no way perfect,a dn they have their share of the blame in all of this (again , in this matter, no one is clean) but all in all, it has the potential to finally impact its surrounding neighborhood, and maybe, just maybe, going independent can finally free the leadership from the distraction of districta nd national politics, and force them to finally get to work in the local community.
elitist? I'm sorry, I had no clue there were elites amongst us.
Who here is any better or elite than the other?
At the end of the day we're all sinners, and have a nopal on our forheads to boot LOL.
But is the thought that there IS elites amongst us, more of a reflection on you, than I?
I don't know, I'm sinply asking.
At the end of the day, this is about the ownership of property, if you think God has taken sides, you're mistaken.
So, I;m not much concerned of getting anyones pat on my back, or much less being called mijo, heck what if my name was Tito, that would be really messed up! lol
Come on Dacio!
You said that "careful decisions" are being made by the church. Do you call being carefull what Ben Quiroz and Montes have done. The whole time they were rebellious and conniving in the eyes of the AA constitution, but their GB cronies permitted it. Baldemar, Sachen and many others knew about this, but they never did anything about it. This has been going on for years. It didn't start today. The church has been non-compliant for years. Like you stated because Quiroz and Montes has been a part of the "elite." The elite means the privileged as you might know. That is the one of the problems the AA is facing today; the politics of the privileged. It is an overwhelming corruption. It is the way the Mafia operates. The monster is self_destructing slowly but surely.
Maffey Update:
Ask for and was granted another Coninuance to February 24th.
Now why is Ricardo Avalos Maffey gonna deny Popeye some chon chon for Valentines Day? lol
CONTINUANCE that is....
Dang ! Another continuance ?
How many can you legally request ?
That is ridiculous ! If he is innocent and was framed as he claims, then Man up and face the music.
Is Sanchez going to hook him up with a Missionary spot in South America ?
New Life Center, Houston 2nd Church Pastor Joel Montes
Bro.. Who said i was sticking up for Tafoya? I clearly said i'm not defending anyone. I'm exhorting people like you to change your views. The fact that i benefited from a leader and man of God means very little in my eyes, because i have very different views than you. I believe that no matter who is the man in charge, God has the last word. And like i said, God shall not be mocked. Are you and others really that bitter that God has shown grace and mercy on his children?
Think about it: Did brother Tafoya do mean and cruel things the whole time he was in charge? Obviously he's not 100% evil, or God would have removed him. Same goes for bishop Daniel Sanchez and Bishop Valverde. Everyone is so judgemental because of their recent decisions, which have REALLY hurt people. But the minute we begin to believe that God has abandoned us, they we will fall prey to the devil's plans of destruction for us.
The real problem is that we in america are so spoiled rotten. i'm not denying the wrong-doing that our leaders have done, nor am i defending it. But if Peter and Paul continued to preach in the streets, after being stoned and jailed, then we should just ignore what our leaders may have done, and continue to preach. Wake up people..
seriously, now more than ever: What Would Jesus Do?
Went to: (
Looked up New Life Center,found like 6 different properties under 3 or 4 different titles! Sounds like some kind of scam going on here! If I were a member at that church I would raise a holy stink! What kind of morons run this place? Pastor my @$$!!! Montes Pastor? Sounds like Hogwash!! Way to go Linda!!
C/O JOEL M MONTES 1/11/1996
QUIROZ B C 1/2/1984
[end of record
This is info from looking up Linda Ann Quiroz! Seems to me like the Holier than thou Bishop Quiroz had to get rid of this property in order to get his Medicare and Social Security Check! So he transfer it to Joel first and then on to Linda. What the hell is up with this people?
The info in my prior posting is for the property at:
LTS 29 30 31 & 32 BLK 43
Property Address: 832 HENKE ST
Wasn't this Bishop Quiroz residence?
For everyones info "j" who posted as "Jahaziel Garcia" on January 25, 2010 2:03 AM and on January 29, 2010 11:17 PM, was banging C. Tafoya on the side before he got married. lol Dumb ass.
Just curious, besides the obvious... I wonder how the congregations that were pastored by the plaintiffs are doing? We have read a lot about Midland here but how about San Bernardino, Austin and Denver?
Anybody have any idea what Religious Non-Profit organization New Life Center Apostolic Church is? or maybe New Life Center? How about New Life Center Apostolic church of Houston? or maybe New Life Center Apostilic Church? Here's my take on this! Quiroz was always under the umbrella of the UPC, but because he a Mexican he was never going to make it to any board positions there. So then his next best option was to consider himself a part of the AA. Uncommiting the properties to the AA! HELLO!! He took the AA for nothing more than fools! And Fools they are!!!!
The GB are coming to the Northern District of California to audit all the pastors. Pastors get ready the GB weren't kidding!
I wonder why they didn't audit the church of East Palo Alto when Artie Espinoza was there before he fled to Texas.
Hilarious man. i don't mind that you make up a lie about me. Cuz no one would believe you. mainly cuz...
i'm not married, and i never was.. thats funny. literally made me laugh.
I got paparazzi and tabloid magazines making stuff up about me. I guess i finally made it to the top.. LOL
The line up for Endtimes!
Dr. Gerald Jeffers
Sam Valverde
Bishop Joe Rodriguez
Juan Fortino
Frank Romo
Edward Pacheco
Sam Mascareno
Anthony Romo
Elias Limones
Eddie Pachueco ?
Hey why am I not on the line up for endtimes this year.
I need the extra bucks like any other bishop.
Gee Wheezz I was counting on the extra bucks, and the wine and dine that comes with it.
I heard some funny stuff about the church in sacramento, there financing is questionable and also stuff about their building. I hear its not under the name of the organization...Also they are big-time friends with the AWA.
orale, cbq
Almo City dice: Joel Montes necesita ser removido del pastorado
de NLC Inc. aunque sea el ceo y presidente. Cometio traecion los les dijo que iba combiar el nombre
de NLC Inc. a AA Inc.La congrega-
cion no saabe que el escribio a al
Presdiente Sanchez de este cambio.
Hermanos de NLC necesita hacer algo con su pastor o congregarse en otro lugar. "El hombre no es leal" No han leido la carta que escribio a Presidente Sanchez del cambio de la propiedad...
El necesita dar lectura a esa carta
en presencia de todos ustedes.Fue escrita en Nov. 15,2006
Oye Almo City como esta San Anto.No
solamente Joel sino Benjamin Quiroz
necesita ser removido!!!! Que no voto para que Baldemar, Torres,
Salomon y Avila fueran despedidos de la AA. El y Joel firmaron como corporate officer en Marzo 12,1992
vean el exhibit 6-C.
Esto esta pesado, lo que escirbio Almo City y El Bato Loco.Sanchez; Joel te dijo:On your face...Nunca pondre la propiedad a AA Inc.Montes
el BIG LOSER!!figuro como candidato
en 5 ocaciones hizo historia en la AA Inc.
The reason Joel Montes or Benjamin Quirozdidn't transfer the property over to the AA, is simply because New Life Center is it's own organization!Remember Quiroz always preaching obedience! Ha! HA!
La razon que Joel Montes o Benjamin Quiroz nunca le entrgaron las propiedades a la AA, es simplemente porque New Life Center es su propia organizacion! Recuerdan como prdeicaba Quiroz tanto sobre la obediencia? Ha! Ha!
Los dos se han burlado de los dirigentes de la AA!
New Life Center People you have put so much into that church and most of you don't even know what organization you belong to! Seems to me like they are laughing they're @$$*$ off at you too!
Its very easy to preach obedience when the shoe is on the other foot.
But when it hits in your own backyard, they can't obey.
That's why Pastors shouldn't preach down to people, because when their own kids grow up and go out of control, it a double standard.
Bueno en San Anto estamos esperando
la bien estar de Emilio Navaira es mas probable que Emilio este mejor que la AA Inc. Bato Loco.Que honda con Ricardo Maffey si va convencion
o no,a las convenciones siempre van los salidos; solo van a ver viejos amigos,tener parties y sex.
Quiero decir con "salidos" que no son parte de la AA Inc. Vamos a la convencion en Sept.solo para tener un buen social y a ver a la famosa rata...
Ese vato de San Anto que bueno que Emilio tiene el coco estable. Pero los cocos de GB AA Inc. estan mas..
Vato en CC Town vamos a celebra el 15 aniversario de SELENA. Vato me pusieron gorro con todo lo de AA.y de lo que pasa en H-town. Vatos de San Bene,que honda con el aniver-
sario del famos Freddy Fender.Vato como dice Johnny Canales take it away.
Aqui en H-town estamos por celebrar el segundo aniversario de World Faith Center, en el exodo si que nos sacarando de onda la AA, pero hemos exprimentado un gran gozo en el tiempo transcurido viendo como el Senor ha restaurado la paz y el gozo a su Iglesia y si extranamos el convivio de nuestros queridos hermanos, mas no de el GB. pero en cuanto a nosotros toca les deseamos muchas Bendiciones y que el Senor los saque adelante en estos proximos meses, donde aconteseran muchos cambios, nuestras oraciones son con ustedes y requerden con Jesus si van a triunfar.
I was looking at the church locator on the AA web page and ran into this on page 15.
The Apostolic Church
Pastor: Apostolic Pastor
1111 Somewhere Street
Heaven City USA, CA 91111
(702) 985-8518
Homepage: (none)
print map
Can you just imagine they have no idea what's going on.
I wonder if they really send mail to that address?
What you gonna do? What you gonna do when we come for you?
Orale mis blogger's a que vamos a convencion a tener un social y sex?
Y que de World Faith Center quienes
son? Ese Almo City que bien de lo de Emilio y Bato Loco ya son 15 años que fallecio la Selena? Cuando
es el aniversario de Freddy Fender?
es que ya es un fastidio de lo que paso en la AA. Es mejor hablar de Tejano Music.. Capital City y que de Willie Nelson?
English Please
Rome;carnal tu escribe English y yo Español. Vato recuerda hay mas Mexicanos en los USA. La AA y AWA son Mex y hispanos Vato!!!! Y otros movimientos ESE!!! No pongas gorro...Zorro!!! Aqui se vale el ingles y español ESE.
World Faith Center (Primera Iglesia en Houston) Pastor Guillermo Mendoza, y de tejano music pues tambien te digo que anda en su ultimo suspiro exempto en San Anto.
WOW No wonder things are the way they are !
just be happy hombre.
Rome,we're Texans... we're Bilingual bro. Bato Loco calmado ese.. Rome he's probably from California.
Oye el Rome entiende ingles..dijo:
WOW! por eso estan las cosas como estan. Come frijoles de la olla!
pues no que muy gavacho. Ya ves bato loco si entiende English el rome.
Quiero decir Español el Rome entiende Español. Come frijoles igual que los Tejanos. Rome pues no
que no...gavacho!!
Hermanos de WFC la primera iglesia el pastor es Jeff Aguilar y no Bro. Willie. Ustedes son la primera
iglesia de la AWA, y los felicito! Creo que en seguida sera J. Montes y sera la segunda como siempre. Ustedes creen que Joel va entregar los Bank Statements y poner la propiedad al nombre de AA Inc.para el dia 15 de Marzo. Se dice que Linda Q. Montes es la pastora de
NLC Inc. Ella no se quiere cambiar el nombre.... AA Inc. Aqui en San Anto estamos en armonia y en paz con nuestra amada Asamblea de Dios o la AA Inc. God Bless! Arriba Bro
Willie Mendoza fiel como siempre.
I never said I did not understand The Espanol.
I said English please.
Your in America Fool.
You have to adapt and assimilate !
Rome porque dices de adoptar y similar. You said adapt and assimilate. Are you from Mexico, Central America, o gavacho!!
Hno. Almo es Alamo no Almo gracias por tu correcion, pero tampoco somos de el AWA ya aprendimos nuestra leccion. encuanto a el Hno. Joel, estaria fuera de su mente dejar que manotas tome control de sus finansas si alguien sabe come corre el agua en la AA es el.Gracia por tus oraciones por WFC. Dios les Bendiga en Alamo City.
unhe2: Tu nombre en el blog me suena muy conocido y a la vez porque mencionas al Pastor Guillermo Mendoza como tu pastor me hace pensar que eres de el grupo que se llamaban "Los Unjidos". Los escuche por primera vez en una convencion en California y me gusto mucho su estilo de tocar. Casi tocaban el mismo estilo de "Little Joe y la Familia."
WFC gracias por la corrección. Pero sino estan con AWA entonce con quien van a convivir..ustedes dicen que extrañan a los hermanos de la AA alli en H-town. Joel que se puede decir...LLevo a Ruben Martinez a corte porque firmo la venta de la propiedad de Aldine; y el y Quiroz hiceron lo mismo en Marzo 12,1992 quien los a llevado a corte.See Exhibit 6-C se firmaron como Corprate Officer de AA Inc. esta en Apostolic Letters
Go to under
A Candidate's File Bishop Joel Montes date 8.14.2007
WIGTHN: God Bless, yes God gave me the privledge to minister to His church under the Ministry of the Ungidos for 25 years and I still do in the local church at WFC, the Lords has been good to us in this pass two years and Bro. Willie is as strong as ever, I just Praise God for what He has done with his servant. To: Alamo City de ves en cuando nos encontramos con hnos. en un lugar u otro y los saludamos como debe ser, de nuestra parte vamos a confiar que Dios hara su voluntad y como dijo Abraham, Dios provera.
Alamo en cuanto a Joel, a eso me refiero, parese ser que cada quien hagale como puedan, pero al final solo el Jues Justo pagara a cada quien segun sean sus obras.
Unhe2: Jamas he escuchado otro grupo como usteds. Creo que fue el grupo mas profesional en la AA! Me puede no haber comprado cassettes o CD's cuando los vendian. Que bueno que sigues usando tu talento!
Gracias por tu honestidad.
Orale LELO pense que no te llevabas
bien cone el WIllie....
Ha poco el vato de Lelo esta con Willie Mendoza...Orale...pues no que no ese!!! El vato canta bien...
pero!! Estaba en el jale.
Quiero decirle al Bato Loco y Al Tonto que Hermano Lelo no congrega con Bro. Willie.. Hay que saber respetar Lelo es hermano en Cristo!
Dejen de comentar de él.. Este blog es para comentar de lo que pasa en la AA. Es mi opinión!!
God Bless!
Y hablando de la AA Inc. Pastores, porque tiene la osadía de enviar los Bank Statements y todo lo demas. Saben sus feligreses que ustedes hacen esto? Es como si el pastor nos pidiera los statements personales para saber si estamos dando el diezmo correctamente. Nos hemos dado cuenta que a Bro. Willie
Mendoza no le han pagado!!! Estan en este plan de acción..para ver si hay dinero en la iglesia local.
Dios nos bendiga.
ALAMO gracias por la aclaracion, es cierto no soy el hno. Desiderio, a esto se refiere el hno. Mendoza que estar tantos anos en la iglesia y no conocer a Dios, que lastima tanto tiempo perdido, o no saben que con nuestras expreciones damos testimonio de lo que treas en tu corazon, con que facilidad se igualan a los hombres de Dios tutiandolos de esa manera. para ustedes es el hno.Mendoza, pastor Mendoza y no el willie, corrihanse, anden como el digno.
Andar dignos de nuestro llamamiento, reflejar a Jesucristo en nuestras vida, de igual manera, es mi opinion
Alamo City...YOU GOT IT!! No mas Lelo!!! Y para el hermanito de WFC haci se dio a conocer Bro. Willie
por toda AA y no como BRO.MENDOZA.
Dice San Pablo que algunos "tiene aparencia de piedad". Nunca aqui en Corpitos le faltamos el respeto a tu pastor!!! Y puedo expresarme como me da la gana..que no se te caliente la moyera!! Ya no le picques Bro.
OK! papi-lu no hablare de Mr.Lelo.
y tu bato loco no pongas atención al Bro. de WFC. El chavalo ya cambio de parecer. ES buena honda el guy. Love you bro.
Estas en lo cierto, y en tu derecho de expresarte como te de tu gana, pero recuerda que algun dia tendras que responder y estoy de acuerdo pero la palabra Bro. hace mucha diferiencia, no es mi intencion causarte ningun disgusto, es algo muy personal en mi, de tener a los hombres de Dios en alta estima, especialmente cuando son mayores de edad, yo tambien creci en corpus, me gradue de Roy Miller, y entiendo la forma de expresion, perdoname si te ofendi.
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