Thursday, November 13, 2008


Orange County District Attorney
Press Release

Tony Rackauckas, District Attorney
401 Civic Center Drive West
Santa Ana, CA 92701

For Immediate Release
Case # TBA

November 12, 2008

Susan Kang Schroeder
Public Affairs Counsel
Office: 714-347-8408
Cell: 714-292-2718

Farrah Emami
Office: 714-347-8405
Cell: 714-323-4486


NEWPORT BEACH– A Protestant pastor of the Apostolic Christian Church in San Clemente was charged today for molesting a 14-year-old female parishioner that he met through his job. Ricardo Avalos Maffey, 42, Santa Ana, was charged with three felony counts of lewd acts upon a child between the ages of 14 and 15, and one felony count of contacting a minor with the intent to engage in child molest. If convicted, he faces a maximum sentence of five years and six months in prison. He is out of custody on $100,000 bail. Maffey is scheduled to be arraigned Dec. 5, 2008, at 8:30 a.m., Harbor Justice Center, Newport Beach. The Department will be determined later.

Maffey met Jane Doe through his role as a pastor. Between May 2008 and August 2008, the defendant is accused of violating his position of trust by engaging in illegal sexual contact with Jane Doe. On multiple occasions, he is accused of passionately kissing Jane Doe on the mouth. He is also accused of contacting her several times to meet and engage in kissing.

Anyone with additional information or who believes they have been a victim is encouraged to contact District Attorney Supervising Investigator Randy Litwin at (714)347-8794 or the Orange County Sheriff’s Sex Crimes Investigation Unit at (714)647-7419.

The Orange County Sheriff’s Department investigated this case. Deputy District Attorney Tony Ferrentino of the Sexual Assault Unit is prosecuting this case.


Wasn't Richard Maffey in line to serve on the Apostolic Assembly General Board? Has the organization made a public comment? How far in advance did they know Maffey was performing these lewd acts and did nothing?

Don't worry, the insurance companies will pay the attorney's fee's and penalties.,0,1568393.story


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Remembering said...

Factsonly: Yeah! see you at Gaylord I wouldn't miss it for the world! It is going to be intersting especially in the pastors and ministers meeting unless that has been canceled. Will there be security available? I sure hope so with all the unhealthy pastors and and unhealthy churches I hope the GB takes that in consideration.

Remembering said...

Ooops! Correction on "interesting"

The_End_is_Near said...

It was funny, I was reading about the big 3 car CEO's trip to Washington to beg for a bailout. All this while traveling to Washington in their privte jets to a cost of $20,000 apiece.
Same with the AA, begging for money while they live it up. First class all the way
I can't even afford bus fare at times.
Sending Mrs. Malverde out there to women's conferences to pressure the poor hermanas to give more,if they do want more why not sit her up on her own corner selling naranjas.

WatchOut! said...

If LooseLips Maffey, DirtyMouth Sanchez, CarScammer/TwoVote Pacheco, WeakMinded Espinoza, WannabeAPope Valverde and BackStabbing Aguilar are gonna be at Convention you can count me out!

golf2 said...

let just pray people

golf2 said...

the aa is just a denomination, and not a cult. Why don't you all just go to church for the right reason, and just worship god, and if they are not happy with that, then go to another church where you can all be happy. I know right now I do not have a church, but i'm searching. too much drama

golf2 said...

I just found out about this apostolic news, and boy, it should be called apostolic gossip.

golf2 said...

too many familiar names WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Lets face it, All the pastors will have to go before god and they will be judge

Factsonly1 said...

Why do you losers worry so much? You bicker and complain. You need a life. Leave what is God's to God. The running of the church is not your business.

Its your job only to back up your pastors, to tithe and give as unto the Lord.

For all your pastors not paying your tithes to the church, you are preparing your own place in hell.

You have become like Lucifer who tried to take control of heaven.

You are leading your sheep down a path of no return. Their place in eternity is in your hands.

I know from my sources in the know, that Bishop Sanchez and Bishop Valverde, because they are men of mercy, are going to give you rebels an apportunity to come back into the fold.

Its an amnesty program where you will be given an time to come back, you'll have to sit down for 12 months on prueba, pay all your back tithes, and give a full sacrificial offering unto the Lord.

Its time for you to admit your sins and repent.

The_End_is_Near said...


amnesty or DAMNAMNESTY

Remembering said...

Factsonly1: WHAT!!! Sanchez and Valverde know what MERCY really is boy I thought I had heard it all but this has to be a JOKE!
Didn't Sanchez after Abel Torres asked him in one of his visits with him "what can we do to come together with you all to talk things out." Guess what merciful Sanchez said " you men need to grovel eat dirt and come before us and ask us for forgiveness."
Can you just imagine the Lord give the same response as Sanchez did to Abel Torres when the question was asked "Lord what must we do to be saved?" The crucfixion would have been in vain!

golf2 said...

What about the WIDOWS FROM THE AA:
Wow $50.00 or $100. The churches are not even taking care of them either. OOPS >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Did I hit a nerve, that is why the AA will not be bless at all, at the convention, everyone just ignore all of them.
Also, did anyone give bro Dan Madriaga a call he just lost his mother.

The_End_is_Near said...

$50.00 0r $100.00!!!! for the widows. I wonder how much the tickets for the Cowboys games in Dallas on Thankgiving cost the tithing members of the AA.

your new to this blog and maybe you have not heard. Thirty something tickets for the cowboys game were delivered to the Headquaters. Most likely paid by for flor azul funds that suppose to to missions.

Don't worry about hitting a nerve.
Throught this blog, yes it gets nasty and vulgar at times, but the truth about the dishorable general Board is coming out.

God Bless.

PS the best of luck in your search for a new church, important thing is that you find one. I'm am also doing some searching

omg said...


I really liked your last blog. When you said, you said all you had to say right or to (some) wrong. Yes! I feel the same way about, these are all my brothers, AA,AWA.


People this blog is to have discussion. Healthy discussion!

Think before you blog. I know its hard because, THERE IS TWO SIDES.

There's always more than one opinion. We all have to consider for ourselves what is right for us and our families. It's hard to have more than one side. It is what it is.

Someone please post what book of the Bible, that shows there was unrest between the bretheren. I believe it was the time of Paul's journey, spreading the gospel. There was a departure of the bretheren for a time. They did come together again. I'm sure there was still some differances of opinion.

Maybe one day, that can happen. But, for now I am sure of one thing both sides will still preach and teach Jesus.

Hey we all can agree on obeying Acts 2:28

Thank you Lord because we do live in a free country and we have the right to choose a place of worship.

We are talking about disagreements. Not a bashing party. How about not tearing down families. I'm sure God does'nt need us to chastise for him. When I see someone blogging, the whole family are a bunch of ".,.,.,.," (not going to repeat the awful nonsense) I see a brother that needs to check himself. I dont see someone who speaks validity.

I read there are going to baptisms in the AWA, Praise God! Whether it's one or one hundred. Praise God! I bet there are some baptisms in other Jesus name organizations. Praise God!

Discuss NOT bash, there is a differance.

Revolutionaries For JESUS!!!!

Somebody back me up on this!

golf2 said...

Dallas Cowboys Tickets????????????

Instead why don't they give a love offering to the widows $500.00 each and see how God will bless them and continue to support the widows.

I wonder sometimes do they feel for Gods people.

The(boards members now)have not even experience losing there wife.

One day they will understand what it's to lose there spouse.

We should be taking care of the widows of the AA.

God bless them all. and there families.

omg said...

oops! You people know I meant
Acts 2:38

Raffe, You made me laugh when you said, someone tell me how to delete. Because you sure wrote a hum-dinger. Thanks for deleting it.
Thats what I'm talking about.

Sometimes we laugh together, sometimes we cry.

Thanks for the laugh, your alright.

omg said...

Maybe some of the other bloggers will delete those vulgar words.

Would'nt that be nice.

The_End_is_Near said...

A great day in the history of the AA. It has made to

Sanchez must really be full of pride right now.

rsvp said...
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golf2 said...

Dear Pastors and Bishops,

Several months ago a prediction was made of how the mismanagement and allegations of abuse of power would have long-term affects on the Assembly, and unfortunately the prediction was correct.

The exodus of members of the Assembly now numbers into the thousands including many pastors and former bishops niw I hear that they estimate at least 200 churches that will join the new church fellowship of AWA. They dared to stand up for what was right and the unthinkable happens when the leaders of the Assembly chose to retaliate.

Some of you are attempting to stay out of "trouble" since there is much 'Quid Pro Quo' going on in the assembly which means, "I will do this for you if you do this for me.

Many of you should be respected for at least voicing your concerns and some of you dared to write on the blogs to point out your concerns, you should be commended for at least speaking your mind.

But if you care for what is right now it calls for you to take a stand by sending a message that must be received loud and clear to the leadership of the Assembly that the abuse of power, threats made to pastors and the allegations of questionable actions must cease and change. The leadership of the Assembly is treating all of you as a business organization rather than the People of God.

If you say nothing then you 'silently' support the leadership of the assembly and the longer you remain silent the exodus of the Assembly will continue to grow and sad to say there may be many that will be so affected by this scandel thal many finen people will stop going to church, DO YOU WANT TO BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THAT? one other important point, your silence may also cause public scrutiny of the assembly and much of this fault will lie with you for not taking a stand. Trust God, don't worry if man will take away your possessions because if God has called you then He will lift you up again.

You have one powerful opportunity that is coming up where you can make your voice heard, cancel your attendance to the General Conference and watch what happens. How will they be able to pay for a complete floor at the hotel that is estimated to run over $50k and also pay for the security guards if you are not there to give your Silver, Bronze or Gold Offerings? I never saw Benjamin Cantu, Lorenzo Salazar, Manuel Vizcarra, Baldemar Rodriguez or Antonio Nava and other key leadership walk around with security guards??. Somebody's ego has to be disciplined. What happened to the Power of God? What happened to Anointing? What happened to the scripture that states "Are we not all heirs of salvation?" Where God has PROMISED His protection against all danger and harm." What happened to the protection that Bro. Munoz had that if anyone stood against him God would immediately stop the attack?and yet someone decides to resort to earthly means to "protect" our leaders. What a bad example to the church of taking God at His Word.

Pastors & Bishops, do something now or the plain truth is that you will also be responsible for the continued disintegration of the Assembly. Don't be afraid to trust God!. As yourself this question, "What would happen to me if I go against the leadership of the assembly? once you answer that question then the answer will be clear for you.

Bishop Duarte where are you? Bishop Quiroz where are you, Bishop Romo where are you? Bishop Cota where are you? Bishop Rodriguez where are you? Bishop Mendoza where are you, especially you since the leadership treated your father badly. Bishop Aguirre where are you? Pastor Zaragoza where are you? Bishop Hoyer where are you, Pastor Saenz where are you? Bishop Diaz where are you? Are you going to let 8 men destroy what many have labored so long to build? How can you silently sit by and allow injustice to continue?

Thank you for reading

Skotty Will Show You said...

Yeah So Convention Should Be In For A Treat right?

Dear Bishop Lugo,

You Sir Are A Disgrace.
Stealing Money From ANYBODY is WRONG, but you stole from Senior Citizens, They Trusted You With Their MONEY! AND TRUSTED THAT THE WE CARE WE SHARE would take care of their family with a pathetic $500, but you just had to take it right?
dont you make enough as the Devils Advocate?
you obviously do Mr Big And Tall.
What Happened To You Lugo?
Why Have You Chosen To Play The Otherside?
Is the Gb Really taking that much care of you?

Question everything people!
why havent they told you the truth yet?
what are they planning on doing next?
its true ... think about it... how many have left?... how many more will leave? How MUCH LONGER WILL YOU IGNORE WHAT IS GOING ON AROUND YOU?


P.S. Its Still On Like Donkey Kong!

SLJ said...
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SLJ said...

Where are they?
I had a meeting with one this weekend to put a stop to the Pastor's verbal abuse.
It went good. It was respectable, but poor Pastor is fustrated, so he can go on verbaly abusing us. Its really my fault that the Pastor has ran off the musicians and other ministers, and now that he is all alone he is tired and fustrated, and canceling our only week day tuesday service for friendship groups. he had already cancel Thursdays a few years back.
Nothing wrong with friendship groups, but don't cancel another church service. We need more church time not less, maybe that is one reason our church is where it is at this time.
No sunday school, no church fasting, no more weekday services.A fustrated pastor thats there because of his own doings.
and now he crys he is tired.
2 hours on sunday makes for 10 hours, give him another 8 or 10 if he attends a friendship group which is not church. Thats 20. another 10 for study. Thats comes up to 30 hours a month for his pay, plus rent free house with bills paid, and I think his car payment too. that equals to like $50 to $60 an hour and doesn't have the time to go visit the sick cause he has a person to go that. That is find only thing is that we only have like 25 members left since everybody has been leaving. Plus he lied durning this meeting.
God Have mercy.
He is fustrated alright, maybe cause he wants another raise

Factsonly1 said...

May God have mercy on your souls for turning against God and his plan for salvation by his church, the Apostolic Assembly.

Skotty Will Show You said...

ok ok... lets think...

If the AA voided the minister licenses of those that left because they questioned the "Godly Boys"

Who Can VOID the gb's licenses for worshiping their IDOL... Money... cash ... The cheeSE!

cuz thats what is going on right???
i mean they turn their backs on the church for money... they got money hungry... and got caught up with the devils evil doing...

Pray for the gb
Pray for Their SOULS
Pray for D.Sanchez...

Because as yoU [THE gb] have turned your backs and betrayed everything the bible and AAfjc stands for...
so shall the Devil, turn his back on you!

straight up no lie... you are now caught up in an infinite circle of betrayal...


SLJ said...

We have not turned away from against god's plan.
We need more of him, by more church time then just 2 hours on Sunday.
Nothing wrong with friendship groups, just don't let it replace church services. Its not the same thing to pray or worship at someone home.which is a good thing, but we need the church time.

Factsonly1 said...

I'll enjoy God's blessings and pouring out of the holy ghost in Texas.

Since you are turning away, I'll enjoy a double portion of blessings and take your share of the great and mighty manifestation of Godliness.

The church is being blessed like no other time. The Apostolic Assembly is the bride of Christ.

You have lost you first love and are wallowed in the hatred of the saints.

I'll be in Texas next week enjoying your share of blessing.

rsvp said...
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rsvp said...
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rsvp said...
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Remembering said...

Factsonly1: I am disappointed with all the pastors and the brethern who should be at Gaylord next week since all the rooms were not reserved our services will be combined I really feel for the youth who are looking forward in going. Young people you have a week to start learning our good old Apostolic songs!

omg said...

If it is true that there are threats for the convention.


There is abusolutly no need for threats. It is really simple if you do not support the AA. You don't attend convention.

rsvp said...
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rsvp said...
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rsvp said...
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WatchOut! said...

I'll be enjoying double portions too - OF TURKEY, with my family, in my warm cozy home, in Texas!

Hey Factso, be sure and pray for us at Convention. That's if you have time what with all the brown nosing you'll be doing. Did everyone who's going remember to practice their bows and curtsies just on the chance the gb should grace you with their royal presence! That's IF they even come down from their $500 a night rooms. OR maybe you can catch them at the Cowboys game. Don't forget to clean out your savings accounts and take out that second mortgage on your homes and take all your money for the MEGA OFRENDAS they'll be hitting you up for. Just DON'T FORGET THE BEAN DIP! And hide it from Pacheco. Remember the economy is going downhill the gb needs your money.

P.S. Did everyone remember to cancel your multiple rooms?

Anonymous said...

Anyone know who has taken over the Church in San Clemente that Richard Maffey was pastoring ?

Seven-T said...

Typically, hotels will allott free rooms w/upgrades for big events. For exaample, for every 50 rooms booked one free room is allotted. A list of "elite" members is provided to the hotel for free upgrades.

So not only will you hand over your life savings at whatever dramatic offering ceremony VP Valverde conjeurs or copies (remember the burnt offering event at one convention?) they will also ride on your coattails with free rooms by you paying for your room at Gaylord. I have always stood amazed at how slick these offering raisers can play on the genuine hearts of people. It's sick!

Another thought that came to me. If the GB is offering lower rates to the Pastors, how is that? Surely, they will not pay for the offset. So I came to the conclusion that perhaps the ACTUAL hotel rate is not what the attendees are being charged by the Gaylord but a little "cushion" might have been tacked on by the ever thoughtful GB.

Just a couple of things for you to think on.

I bought my turkey and ham and have a note to pick up the newspaper for after Thanksgiving Day sales to get ready for Christmas! Happy Thanksgiving to all.

Little Eddie said...

You mean the ever thoughtful DGB.
That is why they wanted Pacheco on the board to come up with different ways to make a buck. Or should I say SCAM?

Factsonly1 said...

Go aheah and celebrate your pagan holiday, Thanksgiving.

You are giving thanks for the murder of native americans.

Thats blastphamy. Celebrate your pagan holidays while I'll be in Texas celebrating in Godliness and the fullness of Apostolic blessings.

WatchOut! said...

Sure, godliness! Que ta loco! Not on your life with the current board members comprised of a president with a dirty mouth, a car scammer of God's own people, the wannabe pope, ex-mop presidents in the news, ex-mop president who would sell out his own brother in a heartbeat and who would give a million dollars to his son in the east coast who is not a missionary but the real hardworking missionaries in the field get ZIP. Godliness, nahhhhhhhhhhhh! However, God greatly bless the good innocent hermanos who will be there with high expectations.

And may the IGNORED, NO VOTE Pastors SPEAK UP this time around.

rsvp said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Factsonly1 said...

Oh, I guess the native indians were never killed by the settlers that landed at Plymoth Rock.

As Rush Limbaugh would say, you are a "revisionist" when it comes to history.

But then again, thats what I would expect from someone who distorts the word of God and promotes spiritual anarchy in the church.

We will celebrate for raising a historical amount of love offering for missions.

What will you bitter, spiritually forgotten people be doing?

All you do is plot against the church.

LL said...

The assistant pastor is suppose to step in . If not the bishop.

But, I heard he confessed already & gave up the church?

Can anyone verify if my source is correct?

bea said...

This very sad....I think most of you that have written negetive things on this web sight need to repent! you can't be a real christians and writing thing like this. The things that are written here are VERY UGLY. Maybe you all don't know the true love of my God, he who died on the cross for our sins. Maybe you went or are going to church only because your parents make you go and you never learned how to have a true relationship with our God. GOD IS REAL.... AND HE IS WATHCHING EVERYTHING YOU ALL ARE WRITING ABOUT THIS BROTHER, and you will be accountable for it one day. You are no differant then a person who commits a crime of death, by trying to kill this family and the brother with ugly and hurting words makes you the same. And you call yourself christians!!! very sad!! You may have somethings against the assembly and the leadership, and your trying to hurt the assembly by your bitter and hurtful words. Wearing earings and pants won't get you to hell, but your heart full of bitterness and hate will. And this sounds like some of you have this bitterness and hate. We should be loveing on this family not trying to kill them. What would christ do... ask yourself. I am sooo sad to know that all this nasty stuff has been written. Remember that God is coming sooner then you think.

set free said...

Factso, you are one person that I truly fear for. Your Apostolic bravado is truly hilarious. You are one of those people who think that those in the AA will be the only one to make it to heaven. You need to remove your blinders and see the way the world really is. Jesus did not just die for those attending or accepting Jesus in the AA. Heaven would be a very small place, especially considering everything that has gone on lately within the Assembly. But its ok, I truly understand you. You see, I was just like you, until Jesus opened my eyes. You need to ask him to open yours and stop this hero worship of those on the GB or anywhere else. Seems like your trying to position yourself for some position within the AA. I agree with caminando, one that your an idiot on your view of thanksgiving also you better not be a hipocrite and eat Turkey on Thanksgiving!!!

*Skotty will show you*THAT FOT HATES;) said...


You are soooo right!!! I have bitterness against Bro. Maffey because I feel inferior to him. I would like to ask prayers that the lord could help me to be half the man he is. When I was a child I was molested by one of my Dad's boyfriends so when I hear stuff like this I react on raw emotion from my past. To my fellow blogging community please do not tell anyone about my Dad's boyfriend.

Anonymous said...

It doesnt matter how many profiles you steal babosa !

Your nothing but a boludo jiripollas.

A loser who has nothing better to do.

It is always so obvious when it is you posting under one of your many stolen profiles.

You know why ? Por que dices puras babosadas.

CBG = Cabeson Burro Guey

omg said...

Why should any pastors stand up to the AA? We already know the result. I don't see the need to call out brothers to stand up and leave. As for me I do love my AA church. I've had a heart to heart with my pastor. He is honorable to me. I don't agree with the current AA leaders. I have to think of my family, I have young children. I don't want to disrupt them. I would like to change membership. I am waiting to see if the AWA will start a work in my area. I think ministers and pastors are doing the same. When the time is right. No one should be expected to leave if they don't want to. And I bless you all who want to stay. I continue to pay my tithes, I dont like that the tithe of the tithes is going to the hdqtrs. But, I feel I have to be faithful to my home church and to God. The GB knows already how many feel.

Factsonly, Remembering have a great time at convention. I'll be having turkey on Thanksgiving. Gobble, Gobble. Just kidding around.

You know if you have turkey the day after it wont be pagan for you. Thats what alot of the JW's do.

Really, I never in my life heard that it was pagan. I thought it was giving thanks to God with friends and family. I learned that in public school, that's what the Pilgrims and Indians did. Actually, they had Thanksgiving with fish and maiz. I like turkey better.

I know I'm being a little sarcastic, but I mean it humorously. I dont wish you evil, Just blessings.

omg said...

Factsonly, and Remembering

I did have some bitterness, when I saw my brothers being put out of their churches. And, I do mean their churches. Where my brothers worshiped and toiled. I had to take it to the Lord, it was so very hurtful. I thank you Lord, because you never leave us nor forsake us. - I've never seen the righteous forsaken-

Whether AA or AWA saints.

Revolutionaries for Jesus!!!
Jesus is Justice

rsvp said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
LL said...

regarding Richard

I heard he confessed already & gave up the church?

Can anyone verify if my source is correct?

*Skotty will show you*THAT FOT HATES;) said...


Thank you for responding to me with kindness. I hate when people take my blog name and act as though I do not have emotional issues. I was molested by my Dad's friend. Besides confessing to my Portuguese Grandmother, this is the first time I confess publicly about my sexual abuse. Please do not pay attention to the imposter.

I am finally sharing the truth about my sexual abuse and my wifes discontent with me as a man.

I would like my fellow blogger to give me advice on a personal issue. Since I have been married, everytime, especially late at night, when My Wife and I hear noises outside of the house I will give my wife a flashlight to go see if someone is on our property. My wife has expressed to me that she feels that I should be the protector of our house. However, I do not agree because she is stronger than me and I am very timid. Anyway, can the bloggers advise me on how to persuade my wife to be the protector of the house and to continue that role until I can get some courage.

I know people, the truth is I am wuss. What can I do to become more masculine and build my courage?

Love you all especially honorable Daniel Sanchez, General Board and Richard Maffey. Bro. Maffey please forgive me for my stupidity and I can see why my wife would prefer you over me. This is what my mom did to my dad, but as much as I am tempted to turn Flor Azuler I will resist and not follow my dad's footsteps.


rsvp said...
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SLJ said...

"There is a special place in hell for those who remain silent."

"Silence is not always golden --sometimes it is just plain yellow!"

WatchOut! said...

Other words for these types are cowardly, fainthearted, gutless, lily-livered, timid, unmanly, despicable. In essence a total CHICKEN!

SLJ said...

Somebody asked earlier this week, where were the Bishops in all this. Were they going to let eight men destroy the AA.
The time is here for this men to stand up next week and voice the wrong brought on by the Board.
For all concerned that might ask that it is easy to write this quotes then to stand up.
I have spoken up against the abuses of the local Pastor. Of course they made it sound like it was my fault that he is being abusive, because he is fustrated.
I get fustrated at my job too and don't abuse people. That is call professionalism. Respect people and those same people will respect you back. I spoke up and said that we now only have a Sunday service because Pastor Dave is fustrated, because we have no music or he has no help.
DUH! He ran everybody off.
More to go soon!

east los said...



The_End_is_Near said...

Why do you blame this on the sister?
Maybe, could it be he is a perv?
Maybe he has the problem at home and not the sister.
Whatever the cause, yes he was a supposed man of God.
Whether he was getting some at home or not, it didn't give him the right to stick his tongue down a 14 year old's Throat.

Anonymous said...

Donut Time

Spongebob are you thinking what I'm thinking?

RM is in deep chocolate donuts.

I have better things to think on!

Guess who is Pastoring Glendale AZ?

Hmm...big fat donut!

Sandy Cheeks told me that Sam Rojas is pastoring Glendale, AZ...he was from Sam Valverdes church.

This Sam Rojas knows all the financial dealings going on at the General offices. He is basically a no name yet he was chosen or more like appointed for AZ?

Sandy Cheeks was right!

There are plenty of good men of God in AZ that could have been better appointed (i.e. Romo's son, the infamous Steve Negro, etc...)

Yet another fixed situation in the AAFCJ. The GB needs the votes so they have to "appoint" their people to assure a future position.

Donuts are delicious!

It is obvious the GB does not care for the benefit of the people, yet only for their own. Yet again!

So what happend factsonly1 (Jay-Z). You praised Steve Negro so much for what? Even the GB didn't agree with you on that one!

I have a song in mind ... I will share it as soon as the time comes.

Everyone could use a good laugh!

rsvp said...
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omg said...


All Pastor Art and the congregation did there. Even though Pastor Art is no longer there. That's great! God will honor Pastor Art's labour. Just watch. I dont doubt it was left in mint condition.

God is going to pour out blessings to his faithfull.

rsvp said...
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east los said...


Don_Fernando said...

Praise the Lord, Christ Bloggers!

Paz de Cristo Blogistas pare Cristo!

It has been a long time since I have been able to come on this site to read the happenings of my beloved assembly. But I come tonight to once again post my thoughts in the name of the Lord, Amen.

Richard Maffey, I have personally known since his youth, as many of you have. I was as shocked as anyone, I pray it's not true. May God bless him.

Now Jovenes, I have a received news of a troubling rumor. I hear that my good friend Sam Valverde has gotten into a bit of trouble with the law lately.

I will not disclose more details than that.

At this point, I have much to lose and too many people involved. No sera una movida sabia, en mi opinion.

Yo se que alguien aqui sabe. I know one of you know about this.

Please keep us informed.

Que El Señor, Nuestro Dios les bendiga abudantamente.

May the Lord, Our God, Abudantly bless you.

rsvp said...
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Factsonly1 said...

you need to repent don fernando. Just because Bishop Valverde got a speeding ticket, you paint him as a criminal.

More lies.

bea said...


You are saying some real nasty things on this web sight. remember you will be judged for your words and actions. You can play around and make fun of whom ever... but your day will come! you can't play around with God!!!

Anonymous said...


And anyone who reads theses blogs.

Whenever you read ridiculous, rude, and nasty posts.

It is one person who comes on here and steals peoples profiles and posts under their names.

It has happened to many people on here.

I dont know the purpose of it all, other than he has nobody in his life and he is sad lonely and bitter.

He gets a kick out of it and I would expect that most of you can tell when it is him or when it is the real Enrique.

Just think about what is written and if it seems vulgar, childish and ridiculous then it is him.

He has about 5 or 6 of his own profiles and he has stolen 2 or 3 others profile names.

It is sad that he has nothing better to do.

WatchOut! said...

No one gets disturbed over a speeding ticket. Lets wait for the disturbing news.

Anonymous said...


Do you know something the rest of us don't? Why are you assuming that Don Fernando is calling Sam Val a criminal? We all know what happens when someone assumes right? It makes an A$$ out of U & ME

All he said was that there was trouble with the law. That's too vague to derive an accustation from. You need to slow down factsonly1, you're letting cats out of the bag before their time.

So Bishop Val got a speeding ticket? I guess his motto is "Rules were made to be broken".

Factsonly1 thank you for the information. The defense mechanism doesn't always work for the good, you can pull your foot out of your mouth now.


holy snap..!!

did i read correctly.. people wil be hiring security detail at the convo..???

hahaha... i hope its not Blackwater... or you gonan have some shot hermanas at the veil booth.. LOL..

i don;t know whats he was reaching for, but she made a sudden move to her purse!! LOL...

now.. if its a couple of Texas rangers.. i'd freeze and throw my hands in the air.. dem boys don't mess around... :)

factsonly1 said...

Maffey, Valverde - on the ropes

Sanchez & Pachueco - Whatcha gonna do when they come for you . . .

lehan said...

Raffe said, "...dont forget also, SPRINGS OF LIVING WATERS, in prescott! the AZ district CAMP ! you should have seen the way that camp ground WAS..and how it is NOW. THIS TOO, is to pastor Art's credit." WHHAAAATTTT! YOUR Pastor Tafoya Whaaaattt!

Raffe I live in Surprise, Az. I drive by the glendale church on Marlette everyday, AND THE CHURCH IS NOT BEAUTIFUL AS YOU DESCRIBE IT! YOU ARE A LIAR MY FRIEND!!!

And the camp in Prescott HAS BEEN CONDEMNED BY THE CITY of Prescott because of the unsusable condition it is! Give me a break STOP trying to fool all these bloggers with your lies. Pastor Tafoya is being audited for missing funds in the District and in Glendale. If this wasn't true then why does he have a lawyer to defend him!

Also please tell me, WHY DID HE RETRACT HIS LETTERS FROM APOSTOLIC ASSEMBLY.INFO? These out of state bloggers might believe you, but here in AZ we know your kind and how you like to strectch the truth. I know who you are, and you attend Tafoya's church also!

Anonymous said...


You are the liar. I can say before God, and before any man: i have seen the audit papers first hand. with my own eyes. Bishop Arthur Tafoya was being hunted by the General Board. TWO audits were issued on Bishop Tafoya. And both were cleared with no suspicion. They got nothing on him. I SAW IT! And you can email me anytime you want.

And you are also lying about the campground. I have inside information on Springs of living water. It is NOT condemned. It was long ago, but because of Bishop Tafoya and his board, they made repairs and maintenance, and when he left office, it was up to code and up to date with everything. Again, I SAW THIS WITH MY EYES.

You can contacted me anytime. The witch-hunt after Bishop Tafoya can continue if you want it to. He will still preach and spread the word of God. And so will I.

rsvp said...
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justice_will_prevail said...

Apostolic World Alliance, Inc. new web site addy is:

From the looks of it, they just started it a few days ago! God bless them...

rsvp said...
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lehan said...

J said...
"You can contacted me anytime. The witch-hunt after Bishop Tafoya can continue if you want it to. He will still preach and spread the word of God. And so will I."

Contact you for what? Your're probably another one of tafoyas relatives from his church. I happen to know the brother who was put in charge of the camp, he was from chandler. and tafoya didn't even have the courtesy to pay him his salary, that's why he left. and the camp IS STILL IN DISREPAIR. NO ONE HAS USED IT SINCE YOUR PASTOR WAS BISHOP!

A far as raffe saying, "where I attend church is non of your buss! if only I wasnt elsewhere, you bet that is where I WOULD BE" This is what you said on this blog on November 17, 2008 1:26 PM about tafoya's church, "COME THIS SUNDAY, WERE HAVING A THANKSGIVING DINNER FREE FOR WHOSOEVER, THAT MEANS YOU TOO. TAKE ALL THE PICTURES YOU WANT. SEEING IS BELIEVING. PS. BY FAITH, PASTOR AND HIS MEMBERS ARE MOVING FORWARD W/ OR W/O YOU!"

You got caught STOP trying to make yourselves look good to everyone out there, we know what you're about. You people are just hurt because YOUR buddy Valverde turned his back on you!!!!!

SLJ said...

The only buddy valerde has is andrew jackson


hey ptl i created a logo for AWA its nice i would like to give it to the person whoe taking care of the awa website email me at

omg said...

the truth

The AWA will take the property off the AA hands. It's so worthless? I visited the camp last summer. Camp Beverly Hills it's not. But, it sure is a great camp. It's busy all summer long. If you dont want to rejoice and worship God at that camp, dont go.

Sorry, but your blog name has nothing to do with the truth. Please dont speak lies. I only hear the hate in your blog.

omg said...

Come on brothers and sisters only speak the truth.

Revolutionaries for JESUS!!!

Be the christian God wants you to be. It dont matter where you worship. Do any of us really care where you go. Make sure it has the truth of salvation. You all know.

lehan said...

Hey omg I happen to be from Phoenix, and most of what the truth is saying is true. Let me ask you this, I was also at the camp last year. Who was the speaker?

And you're correct Camp Beverly Hills it's not, cause we used to run out of hot water by wednesday evening, ALL THE TIME!

As far as pastor tafoya's repuitation in arizons, unless you were here during his reign, you have no idea what you;re talking about.

Keep it up the truth, we all know someone here is speaking the truth. Just ask some of the folks from Mesa, Tempe, Peoria, and South Phoenix. Even pastor Romo doesn't like him. He can tell you some stories!

rsvp said...
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Unknown said...

CD's are available from the SAN ANTONIO SUMMIT @

rsvp said...
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omg said...

I guess you went to that awful camp? The AA needs to buy a bigger and better water heater. You mean the brother left the camp with cold water? Terrible man. Pass the camp on to the AWA. Camp next time in Beverly Hills. You dont have to worry about the brother anymore.

rsvp said...
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lehan said...

Hey raffe it sounds like pastor art is your god. Does he also walk on water? Serve Jesus not man, man!

rsvp said...
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lehan said...

Raffe, by the way you talk you remind me of factsonly1 except from a different organization. Serve the Lord and stop idolizing man!

Thanks jcinaz for speaking out! I wish more brethren form az would speak out and tell the truth about the former bishop dictator tafoya.

factsonly1 said...

interesting to note that I was not the only one that noticed your tendency to worship man. Now that there are more who have noticed the same thing, I think you need to look inward and pray about some things.

Again, good luck with your gods.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Unknown said...

santobel: are you referring to theocracy,as in blindly following man?
I believe that God will take leadership away from people that have abused their power and are not willing to submit to him ( this was the major flaw of the kings of Israel/Judah who didn't understand that they were merely there to enforce God's law not their own). The cases of Saul and Rehoboam are some examples in which leadership was removed. In both cases God allowed for their power to be challenged, and not only that, he endorsed the challengers by annointing them. First Saul, who was challenged by David who was annointed by the prophet Samuel. David did it God's way and completely established a central government under which the Israelites continued to conquer surrounding hostile tribes and brought some small kingdoms under tribute. During Salomon's reign this rule was solidified, but due to GREAT TAXATION (heavy burdens) brought upon the people (and the worship of foreign gods) their was a lot discomfort. Rehoboam had the opportunity to change his fathers latter works and relieve the people of the heavy burdens. He chose to continue the burdens, continue the nepotism( favoring Judah over the rest of the tribes and finally God annointed Jeroboam to become king of Israel. In this case this leader did what he wanted and sinned before God, but nonetheless he was annointed by the prophet Ahijah. These cases show us that people who were formerly annointed can be challenged, since they are merely chess pieces that have ceased to do God's purpose. True adherents of ChristianTheocracy should not follow humans who are prone to fail, but should follow JesusChrist. I believe that this assembly is so corrupt at every level that it needs a total restructuring if it is going to survive. I believe God is exposing our sins as an organization, so that we may address them, ask for forgiveness, turn away from our sins, and introduce an organizational design that would allow us to be accountable to each other, but most importantly to the Lord. This means transparency, this means employing a system in which we can protect people of having the temptation of stealing money, abusing kids etc.., while protecting potential victims. This is what Jesuschrist was talking about when he said Mathew 18:9"And if thine eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: it is better for thee to enter into life with one eye, rather than having two eyes to be cast into hell fire". Making our Organization, making our people know their limitations and doing something about it, is essential if we want to survive and become a prosperous organization. We must remove PRIDE as our most sacred organizational value, which is killing us and making us sin. So far every action of the GB has been based in pride, trying to subjugate any sign of revolt. This sounds to me alot like Rehoboam, instead of listening to the elders, instead of admitting mistake, he forfeited the kingdom.

Now the AWA has to remain under the annointing of God, under the calling. If they commit the same mistakes as other leaders, Rehoboam, General Board etc.. they will fail. If they take corrupt leaders with them for the sake of alliances they will fail. They must stay true to God if they are going to go anywhere. I don't know much about the organization, or the organizational structure. All I know, is that, this is a great opportunity to change organizational culture. This is a great time to get rid of pride, elitism, nepotism and other diseases that hindered the AA. This is a great time to learn what tithes were really meant for. This is a great time for the church to start giving to their communities. This is a great time to start over again.I pray that they remain true to God and learn from past mistakes. I hope both of these organizations prosper and that they refrain from fighting with each other and address the real problems that we are facing.

rsvp said...
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lehan said...

I agree whole heartedly with you. However being from arizona I garantee you that having someone like art tafoya in the AWA board does bring corrupt leaders for the sake of alliances. Tafoya brings with him pride, elitism, nepotism and other diseases that hindered the AA. just look at the way his followers like raffe talk! the are fanatics that worship the ground man walks on. They can't tell the diffrence between simple reverence and outright idolworship. Even diputs noticed the same thing, and all of art tafoya's followers here in arizona are just the same way, cause that what he teaches!

The only reason tafoya is so humble right now is cause he got caught! None of you outside of arizona know what we went through over here during his 8 years of dictatorship. IT WAS AWFUL!!!!

Anyway, I also pray that this new AWA remains true to God and learn from past mistakes. But having art tafoya on their board I doubt this will happen. this man will sooner or later bring all the garbage into the AWA that he brought into arizona. God bless!

And raffe the only reason I am not affraid to say what I say is because it's truth. Many, many, many brethren in arizona CAN confirm this!

Anonymous said...

The problem is judgement. Can we forgive and forget?

Did God not forgive the murderer next to him on the cross? Did God not forgive the prositute? Did God not forgive each and every one of US?

Are we so blind to our own sins that we can not look past anothers?

By the way everyone is talking about Arturo Tafoya, I now understand that the plantiffs would NOT be allowed back into the AAFCJ!

The plantiffs simply would not be forgiven for what they did! Plain as day, thats just it.

To my understanding, the AAFCJ is NOT going to forgive any sinner right?

So, we are taking the place of God now and judging one man and looking past others?

I didn't know you all died for my sins? Give me your real name and number so I can ask you for forgiveness and repent!

You go as far as to curse the AWA yet at the same time you don't realize you are cursing us, AAFCJ.

I will have you know that I am a fully dedicated AAFCJ member yet all you that are talking ignorantly from the AAFCJ make us members look bad!

Let go of your envy and jealousy and let God control your life instead of you trying to control te lives of others. So much hate towards one person.

lehan said...

Another tafoya member - forgive & forget.

Hey forgive & forget, did your pastor art ask forgiveness of all the people he wronged. It's easy for you to say because you have NO IDEA how far this man went. You said, "The problem is judgement. Can we forgive and forget?"

No that's not the problem. The problem is when they do wrong there is NO forgiveness, but as soon as they get caught, "Oh please let's forgive and forget, aren't we Christians!"

What a joke it's called reaping what you sowed!

Old Cbg said...

AMEN to that JC...
I'm from AZ and I know EXACTLY what you're talking about.

Unknown said...

If the new AWA does not make sure to have safeguards against nepotism and cronyism it will only be a matter of time before it is just another copy of The AA.

I do not agree with all the legalism in the Assembly but there is such a thing as going too far in the other direction.

I do not agree with women in the Five Fold Ministry and do not believe the Bible teaches this.

cbg said...

To j who posted on November 24, 2008 3:43 PM,

"I can say before God, and before any man: i have seen the audit papers first hand. with my own eyes. Bishop Arthur Tafoya was being hunted by the General Board. TWO audits were issued on Bishop Tafoya. And both were cleared with no suspicion. They got nothing on him. I SAW IT! And you can email me anytime you want."

The lawyer for pastor tafoya is sal mendoza. Write him and ask him yourself. I know for a fact here in TX that he has been offering advise and maybe even legal councel regarding his case against the AA. I herd it directly from the AWA board members.

What-Ever!! said...

To Don Fernando,

Why in the world did you write something about Valverde if you are not goin to deliver. If you know something, say it and move on, but don't arouse all the chismosos, gossipers,busybodies and have nothing better to do than monitor this site 24/7.

Now you have people speculating, inventing and even bugging the poor members of Fountain of ?

If you have something say it, if not please retract your comment.


*Skotty will show you*THAT FOT HATES;) said...

I find this funny that members of the plantiff's new organization (AWA) are calling this blog (Satanic). Not only are the faithful AA people but also the New organization thinks we evil!!!! Maybe because we are Raffe you dumbass!!! I am a backslider and I can call anyone I want a dumbass!! If you do not like what we got to say then you do not have post to this blog dumbAss.

*Skotty will show you*THAT FOT HATES;) said...

On November 13, 2008 @ 1:36 PM

"You are bound to discourage and even hurt some people along the way who may look up to the ministry"

Are you hurt Enrique? Did Richard Maffey Hurt your dumbass? Did his Ministry make you feel a little girl?

Enrique you are pathetic and sound worse than an old hen?


Don_Fernando said...

Praise the Lord, Christ Bloggers!

Paz de Cristo Blogistas para Cristo!

I will repeat my previous post:

It has been a long time since I have been able to come on this site to read the happenings of my beloved assembly. But I come tonight to once again post my thoughts in the name of the Lord, Amen.

Richard Maffey, I have personally known since his youth, as many of you have. I was as shocked as anyone, I pray it's not true. May God bless him.

Now Jovenes, I have a received news of a troubling rumor. I hear that my good friend Sam Valverde has gotten into a bit of trouble with the law lately.

I will not disclose more details than that.

At this point, I have much to lose and too many people involved. No sera una movida sabia, en mi opinion.

Yo se que alguien aqui sabe. I know one of you know about this.

Please keep us informed.

Que El Señor, Nuestro Dios les bendiga abudantamente.

May the Lord, Our God, Abudantly bless you.

Now it is said that I have painted Bishop Valverde as criminal. I say, it is not so. I beleive that the blogger, like myself, has ties with the general directive board. Brothers I tell you this: I approached the the issue with love and above all, peace. El Paz de Cristo fue mi saluda a ustedes, los blogistas profeticos.

Now I ask again, can anyone confirm the rumor for our forum? I know one of you must know. I can not disclose any information. I am much too old to be mixed up in any trouble, and I have much too lose. Los años no perdonan a nadie.

Although I match Bishop Baldemar in age and physical limitations, I fall short to his strength. El es un hombre de fuerza internal que sobrepasa los años y la viejez. Yo no tengo esa bendicion.

Again, Jovenes, blogistas, y queridos APOSTOLICOS: Speak.

I'll tell you one thing, who can hide from God? If it exists, you will find it. But you must seek it. Bonds are difficult to obtain and entail alot of messy paperwork.

Como dijo el apostol y profeta Juan: "La gracia de nuestro Señor Jesucristo, sea con todos vosotros. Amen."

Don Fernando

Anonymous said...

Old Cbg is a chavala.

He is not man enough to give his life to christ.

It takes no courage to give in to your flesh and it takes a real man to give his life to christ and subject himself under God's authority.

Anonymous said...


Where you at chavala ?

Say something about that you spineless heathen.

Man up and give your life to God

Or does sin have you by the bolas ?

*Skotty will show you*THAT FOT HATES;) said...


I would like to apologize to you because you are a man of courage.
Especially, after everything you have gone through, being molested by your Dad's friend, your wife having a thing for Richard Maffey or as you put it Richard Buffet, yet You're still trying to be a christian.

Do you hate Richard Maffey, because he ignored you at convention!!

Old Cbg

Anonymous said...

old cbg,

There you are you little chavala

I knew you would come out of your rat hole.

Cabeson Burro Guey is back.

Are you all hurt cause the big bad enrique hurt your feelings.


You really have it out for me and there can only be one reason.

You must be jealous of me for some reason.

I dont know what that reason may be but the more hatred you spew towards me just shows your desire to be like me or have what i have.

Pobrecita CBG youll be okay someday youll grow up and be a real man.

You keep projecting your rejection, loneliness and sexual abuse on others.

Go see a therapist instead of wasting time on here.

What-Ever!! said...

To Don Fernando,

If what you speak of is true or just a rumor, who cares if you spill the beans, it's not like anybody in here knows who we are.

It's just that I myself have heard something and I want to know if it is of the same line you speak of. All I'll say is that it involves a branch of the federal government.


What-Ever!! said...

To my last comment


*Skotty will show you*THAT FOT HATES;) said...


I am a chaval and you are jealous of GB members!!!

I like the way, I get reactions out of you!!! I find it funny, but remember you are the one posting your confessions my little dumbass!!!

Could you do me a favor and change your blogname to dumbass?

On second thought, you better not because then you would not be anonymous anymore!!! The results would be your whole church would know you are posting and your pastor would put you out of the church!!!

Enrique my dumbass!!! My mental midget!!! You woman in a man's body!!! You need to tell your pastor about your Daddy's boyfriend and what he did to you?

Since your professing to be a christian, you wrote something about bolas!!! What does bolas mean!! Are you being vulgar while professing to be saved or as you put it one who is willing to man up and follow Jesus!!!! How can you say you are saved and say the things you say. Turn the other cheek and I do not mean in the way you did for your daddy's friend

Cabeson Burro Guey

*Skotty will show you*THAT FOT HATES;) said...


One more thing: Dumbass

called2proclaim said...

What has Valverde gotten into???

east los said...



Unknown said...

amen to that. How's your son. I hope he's well. Does he know the ugliness in your heart? Lord have mercy on you. Remember God's goodness.

sola dei gloria said...


I Believe the Apostolic Assembly is a cult. Maybe, not a “satanic” cult or even an extremist cult but definitely a moderate cult. AA doctrine is twisted and does not advocate scriptural growth. The AA is very legalistic (emphasizes “behavior” more than “belief”). The AA is also very anti intellectual. Their focus is “doing” instead of “becoming”. Give it another forty years and the AA will cease to exist.

Jewelry, movies, Disneyland, music etc, are not inherently evil. Paul said, “I know and am convinced by the Lord Jesus that there is nothing unclean of itself; but to him who considers anything to be unclean, to him it is unclean.” (Romans 14:14).

Objects, places and clothing are not unclean, people are unclean. The Apostolic Assembly uses certain restrictions to create pseudo holiness.

omg said...

The story of the prodigal son. He left home to live a riotous life. He came back home to his father when he realized the dead to his ways. The father put a ring on his finger. I havent seen this any where else in the Bible. But, I think there is more.

The ring was used as a seal of contract. Marriage is a contract. The UPC and other denominations do not use rings. Why would the ring be wrong, if it was in the Word of God? I'm Apostolic and never questioned it. I dont feel it is wrong.

Unknown said...

Rumor has it that Samuel Valverde, our beloved VP of our shamed Assembly was arrested for fraud, but was immediately bailed out and preaching on Sunday to his followers.

Can anyone confirm this?

Deborah said...

Uh, HELLO, did anyone forget this man is a human being that is prone to making mistakes? People hold these men on pedestals, but gosh, the enemy can attack anyone!! Anyone! It's very sad this happened and it is a shame. But, Pastor or not, this could have been any other man in the assembly, even some of you male bloggers.

Deborah said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Deborah said...

Wow, this is my first time on this blog, but it's given me a sick feeling seeing all the horrible comments posted on here. Most of the people attacking others on here just want a platform for attention and don't even sound like real christians, but more like bitter people. As for those who use this to give mature feedback, that's great, keep it up, that's what I really like to read on here.

WatchOut! said...

Followers!? Valverde has followers? And here I always thought we were God's followers. Amazing, so are his followers gonna follow in his footsteps straight to the jailhouse? Oh, never mind he's already out just in time for convention probably planning his Holy Comunion for his FOLLOWERS!

WatchOut! said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
WatchOut! said...

Looks like No. 2 is BUSTED! Darn, right before Convention. I wonder if all the "IN THE NEWS JAILBIRDS" will be at Convention?

WatchOut! said...

Poor Factsonly, all his idols are falling left and right! Dropping like hot potatoes. Pretty soon he'll be the only one standing "in the front" blabbering like a fool. Hey Factsonly, now you can have Maffey's and Valverde's blessings too! More portions for you. Good for you buddy!

WatchOut! said...

I really don't wish them wrong, truly. It's just that look at all the wrongs they committed against God's people. God help them.

WatchOut! said...

Looks like STRIPED SUITS are in for Convention!

Old Cbg said...

To maria
How's my son. I hope he's well. what the heck are you talking about? I'm not even married!


will anyone be doing any live blogging fromt he convention next few days? (for us lucky ones who will not be attending...)

and any1 gonnna post videoupdates on youtube?

just curious....

rsvp said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Active_Neutrality said...

Sola, Well said. Extremely well said. May I email you? sola dei gloria said...

I Believe the Apostolic Assembly is a cult. Maybe, not a “satanic” cult or even an extremist cult but definitely a moderate cult. AA doctrine is twisted and does not advocate scriptural growth. The AA is very legalistic (emphasizes “behavior” more than “belief”). The AA is also very anti intellectual. Their focus is “doing” instead of “becoming”. Give it another forty years and the AA will cease to exist.

Jewelry, movies, Disneyland, music etc, are not inherently evil. Paul said, “I know and am convinced by the Lord Jesus that there is nothing unclean of itself; but to him who considers anything to be unclean, to him it is unclean.” (Romans 14:14).

Objects, places and clothing are not unclean, people are unclean. The Apostolic Assembly uses certain restrictions to create pseudo holiness.

Factsonly1 said...

I'll be sure to be blogging. Its going to be a celebration of honor and glory.

The holy ghost is going to move in a mighty and powerful way. The glory of the lord will fall on Texas. Its going to be a excellent and mighty experience that gaylord has never seen before.

The lord is moving in a mighty and powerful way in the Apostolic Assembly. This friday is set for our special guests and annoucement.

The lord is opening doors for the church like never before.

Its a shame you rebellion bloggers will be missing out on blessings. I'll be sure to take your blessing and enjoy a double portion of the holy ghost.

While you spiritual losers are home celebrating your pagan holidays, where you celebrate the mass murder of innocent indians, I'll be enjoying the lord's company with great and powerful men of God.

While you spiritual losers are blastpheming the men of God, we'll be being celebrated.

Enjoy your pagan holiday.

WatchOut! said...

I just wanta know ARE MAFFEY AND VALVERDE gonna be there? What conferences will they be giving?

WatchOut! said...

Will we know them by their black and white striped suits?

WatchOut! said...

Factso said, "The lord is opening doors for the church like never before."

AND the jailhouse seems to have a revolving door with AA leaders seen coming and going!

sola dei gloria said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
What-Ever!! said...

will the jailhouse experience a Paul and Silas experience, with Maffey and Valverde.

Oh wait they would have to pray and sing praises to the Lord and be willling to have the "foundation" of prison shaken.

Oh well i guess that won't happen, since the prison they've placed people in has never been shaken to it's very foundation. Well maybe when Pacheco goes in.

JCinAZ said...

Hey mr raffe,
WOW your christian love sure comes out in the way you blog, lol! Anyway, I have nothing to be ashamed of because, get this, I HEARD ROMO SAY WHAT HE SAID. As a matter of fact I was in a meeting where your god, I mena pastor art, disrispected Romo in front of every body

I WAS THERE and many others. This in not new, this is old news because your pastor art disrespected many, many, many, pastors and ministers, and leaders in the district!

So get off with your self-righteous, holier than thou attitude, everyone in AZ knows what mr tafoya is all about. And you my friend are upset because people are exposing the truth about yur god. Repent and serve the true God and His NAme is Jesus Chriat of Nazareth!

JCinAZ said...

Sorry tongue-tied there for a moment! LOL!!!!

JCinAZ said...

Hey mr raffe,
Why are you deleting your blogs. Afraid you might get caught again?

WatchOut! said...

Sale: Black and white striped men's suits $39.99 at Sears Roebuck. Come get yours for convention!

WatchOut! said...

Question - Can a person be VP of the AA if he has ever been arrested?

I guess we could check it out on the infamous CID.

WatchOut! said...

Revision to the CID that will be brought up at Convention.

Clause 1a. Should a general board member or relative thereof ever be arrested for fraud, etc. that shall not constitute dismissal. He may go on receiving his full salary as he may need it for bonding out of jail.

Clause 1b. Should any hermana forget her velo when she comes to church she will forever be banished from church and made to make tamales for the rest of her life, unless of course she is a relative of any general board member.

east los said...


Unknown said...

Forgive me here, but did someone get arrested and I missed it???

Unknown said...

Thanks for any info!!!

omg said...

Imagine these blogs on judgement day. Lord have mercy on us.

Jesus bring us back to seeking you and your righteousness.

Revolutionaries for Jesus!!!

Jesus is Justice!

Leticia_Padilla_Solis said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Leticia_Padilla_Solis said...

Muchos Saludos a todos, Apostolicos Y genuinos apoyadores y apreciadores del arte de un BUEN chisme! lol

pero mas que nada, Paz de cristo, paz de cristo, claro, claro.

Ya se que estoy entrando retre tardisissimo a este chisme pero BUENOTE, pero me siento obligada. Y buen chisme, hosea, no se dejas a medias! Ay no, ya es pecado, Dios mio PERDONANOS, no?

Pues ya veo que a alguien ya se le solto la sopa sobre el dichoso "incidente" que se supone que la paso al broder Valverde... AY DIOS, AL FIN!

No se IMAGINAN que tanto se habla del dichoso tema a escondidas aqui en la "Fountain of Truth". Todos estan pero super ENTRADOS en esto. Y quien los culpe??!?! ES EL CHISME DEL SIGLO!

Bueno, les voy a contar lo que a mi me contaron: No lo garantizo, acabo que no me consta. Y tampoco no digan que so chismosa, eh. Yo soy COMUNICATIVA. Hay una diferencia. Bueno esto es lo que dicen aqua en la ilustra "Fuente de Verdad":

Se dice que el Broder Valverde se lo llavaron preso... oiganmen bien... PRESO. Que HORROR! Que oso! Se supone que el broder Valverde hizo algun tipo de fraude, pero nada que ver la asamblea. Algo con sus financas personales. bueno, por miedo de un escandalazo, se pago BUEN dinero para que lo sacen pero EN FRIEGA. Hasta predico el domingo? Hay, pero quien sabe? Y no se lo dice ese tipo Don Fernando, pero se los garantizo:

Nadie va a descubrir NADA.

Esas cosas no se reportan, no es como lo que hizo el cochinote del maffey.

Bueno, los dejo, pero ahi me avisan! Acuerdensen que un buen chisme no se deja a medias!

factsonly1 said...

RE: Sam Valverde Arrested

So basically the last post from "Leticia Padilla Solis" is a member of Fountain Of Truth church. There is quite of bit of talk behind the scenes at Fountain of Truth church regarding Valverde's arrest, but the Valverdes and Co. are trying to keep this hush-hush. In fact he preached the following Sunday as if nothing happened. Allegedly, the arrest was due to some kind of financial fraud which had nothing to do with the assembly.

This will probably go unreported and will be hidden from the AA.

factsonly1 said...

Well actually here's a better more accurate translation of what "Leticia Padilla Solis" said:

Greetings to all you genuine supporters and patrons of the art of good gossip!

But above all, Praise the Lord, praise the lord, of course, of course.

I know I'm gettin in a little late on this gossip but i feel obligated. A good piece of gossip can not be given only halfway. It's practically a sin! God forgive us!

I see someone has let the cat out of the bag with the the infamous Valverde incident.. oh God... FINALLY!!

You can't imagine how much this topic has been discussed behind closed doors here at fountain of truth. Every one her is really into it. And who can blame them? It is the gossip of the century

Well Im gonna tell you what was told to me. I can't guarantee it, I wasn't there. And don't say that I am a gossip... I merely COMMUNICATE... there is a difference. Well here is what is said here at FOT

It is said that Bro Valverde was taken in to custody, hear me well INTO CUSTODY! What Horror! What Audacity! Supposedly he did some type of fraud but nothing to do with the assembly. It was something in his personal finances. Well to avoid a huge scandal, a lot of money was paid to get him out ASAP. He even preached on sunday! But who knows? And I don;t know what that guy "Don Fernando" is talking about but I guarantee you:

Noone will find out ANYTHING.

These things won't get reported (to the media?) It's not like what that pig maffey did.

Well I'll leave you with that, but keep me informed. Remember that a good piece of gossip can never be left half way told

east los said...


justice_will_prevail said...

Have a blessed day of thanksgiving...

This in one side of the story!

On August 1, 1620, the Mayflower set sail. It carried a total of 102 passengers, including forty Pilgrims led by William Bradford. On the journey, Bradford set up an agreement, a contract, that established just and equal laws for all members of the new community, irrespective of their religious beliefs. Where did the revolutionary ideas expressed in the Mayflower Compact come from? The Bible. The Pilgrims were a people completely steeped in the lessons of the Old and New Testaments. They looked to the ancient Israelites for their example. And, because of the biblical precedents set forth in Scripture, they never doubted that their experiment would work.

The Pilgrims who sailed to this country aboard the Mayflower were originally members of the English Separatist Church (a Puritan sect). They had earlier fled their home in England and sailed to Holland (The Netherlands) to escape religious persecution. There, they enjoyed more religious tolerance, but they eventually became disenchanted with the Dutch way of life, thinking it ungodly. Seeking a better life, the Separatists negotiated with a London stock company to finance a pilgrimage to America. Most of those making the trip aboard the Mayflower were non-Separatists, but were hired to protect the company's interests. Only about one-third of the original colonists were Separatists.

The Pilgrims set ground at Plymouth Rock on December 11, 1620. Their first winter was devastating.

The original contract the Pilgrims had entered into with their merchant-sponsors in London called for everything they produced to go into a common store,' when they got here, 'and each member of the community was entitled to one common share. All of the land they cleared and the houses they built belong to the community as well.

They were going to distribute it equally. All of the land they cleared and the houses they built belonged to the community as well. ... [William] Bradford, who had become the new governor of the colony, recognized that this form of collectivism was as costly and destructive to the Pilgrims as that first harsh winter, which had taken so many lives. He decided to take bold action. Bradford assigned a plot of land to each family to work and manage, thus turning loose the power of the marketplace. ... Long before Karl Marx was even born, the Pilgrims had discovered and experimented with what could only be described as socialism,' and it had failed" miserably because when every put things in the common store, some people didn't have to put things in for there to be, people that didn't produce anything were taking things out, and it caused resentment just as it does today. So Bradford had to change it.

What Bradford and his community found was that the most creative and industrious people had no incentive to work any harder than anyone else, unless they could utilize the power of personal motivation! But while most of the rest of the world has been experimenting with socialism for well over a hundred years – trying to refine it, perfect it, and re-invent it – the Pilgrims decided early on to scrap it permanently. What Bradford wrote about this social experiment should be in every schoolchild's history lesson. If it were, we might prevent much needless suffering," that happens today and will happen "in the future. 'The experience that we had in this common course and condition, tried sundry years...that by taking away property, and bringing community into a common wealth, would make them happy and flourishing – as if they were wiser than God,' Bradford wrote.

"For this community (so far as it was) was found to breed much confusion and discontent, and retard much employment that would have been to their benefit and comfort. For young men that were most able and fit for labor and service did repine that they should spend their time and strength to work for other men's wives and children without [being paid] that was thought injustice.” ... The Pilgrims found that people could not be expected to do their best work without incentive. So what did Bradford's community try next? They unharnessed the power of good old free enterprise by invoking the undergirding capitalistic principle of private property. Every family was assigned its own plot of land to work and permitted to market its own crops and products. And what was the result?"

Here's what Bradford wrote, the governor of the Massachusetts colony. "'This had very good success,' wrote Bradford, 'for it made all hands industrious, so as much more corn was planted than otherwise would have been.' At the beginning of the following fall, they had lost 46 of the original 102 who sailed on the Mayflower. But the harvest of 1621 was a bountiful one. And the remaining colonists decided to celebrate with a feast -- including 91 Indians who had helped the Pilgrims survive their first year. It is believed that the Pilgrims would not have made it through the year without the help of the natives. The feast was more of a traditional English harvest festival than a true "thanksgiving" observance. It lasted three days.
Governor William Bradford sent "four men fowling" after wild ducks and geese. It is not certain that wild turkey was part of their feast. However, it is certain that they had venison. The term "turkey" was used by the Pilgrims to mean any sort of wild fowl.

... Anyway, the pilgrims found "In no time, the Pilgrims found they had more food than they could eat themselves. ... So they set up trading posts and exchanged goods with the Indians. The profits allowed them to pay off their debts to the merchants in London. And the success and prosperity of the Plymouth settlement attracted more Europeans and began what came to be known as the 'Great Puritan Migration.'"

Very few people have heard this story or have had it taught to them -- and the "thanks" was to God for showing them the way. John Adams and George Washington also reference this on their reminisces and their thoughts on the first Thanksgiving and the notion it was thanks to God. It was an entirely different story than is being taught in the schools. It's been muddied down, watered down all these years -- and now it's been hijacked by the multicultural community -- to the point that the story of Thanksgiving is the Pilgrims were a bunch of incompetents and were saved only by the goodness of the Indians, who then were wiped out. And that's what kids are being taught today -- 'cause, of course, you can't mention the Bible in school, and that's fundamental to the real story of Thanksgiving.

omg said...

God is good, all the time God is good.

Today I am thankful, because salvation is mine, through our Lord Jesus Christ.

Revolutionaries for Jesus!!!

lehan said...

Question if he mis handled his own finances what is he and the rest of the qhetto board doing with the other finances.

polloloco said...


Anonymous said...


I hope SpongeBob has donuts this year!

I'm going to head out to Convention tonight. I want to see Sam V. Check out his mug, see if he's even there.

So how is it that the AAFCJ is not involved with Sam V. personal finances? Does Sam V. have another job besides being a Pastor? As far as me and his Cousin Ed are concerned the AAFCJ is ran strictly as a business. If this is so, then for Sam V. there is no such thing as "personal finances".

So while Sam V. personal finances are being investigated, that means because he is a Pastor AND a GB member, the AAFCJ is heavily involved!

It's only a matter of time, Merry Christmas Plantiffs! Maybe the overall verdict of the laws of the land is not yet out, however we the AAFCJ are handing ourselves over to you one by one.

Lucky Maffey is going to get away from the lime light of the blog. It's Sammy boy's time now!

I want a turkey donut with extra gravy!

I don't care what the Assembly says, I'm eating my turkey today. Whether they believe in turkeys or not!

Why doesn't the AAFCJ believe in turkeys? Turkeys are good, we make friends with them, feed them well and then we kill them and eat them!

That's why the GB is so disgruntled, they don't get to eat turkey on Thanksgiving and they don't get presents on Christmas!

Pagan's really have it good!

I'm glad I'm an AAFCJ pagan, I enjoy it! I enjoy it more because I admit it!

Happy Thanksgiving all you pagans, you rebels you!

SLJ said...


That was a very good job at you did with the translation. If your not a translater you should look into it.

Now back to the point, if Valerde was really arrested for fraud, doesn't matter if it was an AA matter or not. The all imporatant CID should come into play.

What was that reporters e-mail?, maybe if he was to look into the matter it wouldn't be swept under the carpet so fast.

SLJ said...

Patrick: LOL... good one!

"Why doesn't the AAFCJ believe in turkeys? Turkeys are good, we make friends with them, feed them well and then we kill them and eat them!"

Besides they don't need Christmas on the 25th of Dec, it's christmas 365 days of the year for them. Talking about the GB.

factsonly1 said...

re: Sam Valverde Arrested

wouldn't sam valverde's recent arrest be public record? is there any way someone local could retrieve this public record?

It would really help to have this handy so we can all see how the board (mis)handles this one as compared to others who were severely mistreated for not paying tithes.

WatchOut! said...

Forgive me Lord for I have sinned today by eating way too much turkey and trimmings! I was a true glutton, however, I enjoyed every single bite. So thank you Lord for all your blessings!

InglesConBarreras said...

Oye BlogMaster!
Ya quita la foto de Maffey, No? Ya basta de la publicidad gratis!
"Feliz dia de Torki a todos los Apostolocos" y espero que les vaya bien en Tejas porque me dicen que va a estar "color hormiga".

come again said...

Ya mejor pongan el mugshot de Valverde!

omg said...

Has anyone heard that the AA is moving their headqtrs. to Texas?

Don_Fernando said...

Mucho Paz de Cristo, Blogistas del Señor!

Praise the Lord, all ye Bloggers of the Lord!

Espero que los encuentra con mucha salud y con mucha bendicion de de Dios!

I hope you are with good health and you are blessed by the Lord, amen.

Primero, quiero aclarar algo. I would like to clarify some thing. Sister Padilla, thank you for your words and your insight. May the Lord Bless you. But we are not here to gossip, i must correct you.

We are here to testify.

We are hear to encourage.

To proclaim the works of the Highest One, amen.

And some, to prophesy!

But I will tell you, you chose a clever alias.

Now it is said that I am drawing confusion, and that I am instigating gossip. I say it is not so. The Board is doing it with their actions. I love the General Board. I love the Apostolic Assembly. I love my Apostolic Heritage. And I also love the TRUTH, lest it be true that I am a gossip.

Sister Padilla you are wrong about what happened to Sam Valverde.

I realize that I put myself and many others in jeopardy when I say this, but I am moved in spirit. I know what happened. I have always known. But I prayed for the jovenes to rise up and find out for themselves, like in San Bernardino, but the jovenes are tired, yes.

Listen to me. Listen very well.

4 million dollars are missing from the Apostolic Assembly's general fund

This is a time of confusion and disappointments, no doubt.

But I tell you, I do not lie.


Sam Valverde was not taken into custody as Leticia says, but merely taken into questioning.

Pacheco, my son, they will question you next, if not already.

As I said before, "Who can hide from God?"

If it exists, it will be found.

If it is there it will be seen.

Never in my many many years in the Apostolic Assembly has such discrepancy occurred. I am eager to find out what happened. I am eager to see an end to this. I hunger and thirst for God's righteousness.

with many regards,


Skotty Will Show You said...

So... is Sam Valverde allowed to Leave the state since he was questioned? i thought that once you are questioned you need to remain local so the police can reach you if something develops...
but what do i know right?
maybe some1 should look into that... and some1 in Gaylord should call the Local Authorities if Valverde is seen there...

$4,000,000. tHATS ALOT OF QUESO!
seriously how does $4,000,000 just go missing?but then again... they did make the We Care We Share Money disappear without n e body noticing...


east los said...


Anonymous said...


LightHouse said...


What church are you from?

Anonymous said...

It's been a while since I posted, but this whole Maffey issue has brought me back. As a Manager of programs that in some way deal with these types of issues, specifically assisting victims through the lifelong trauma, 90% of the time the offender has victimized others. The man is innocent until proven guilty, but I felt to share this information for those that have shared that this may be some small incident or small moral failure.

SLJ said...

You really think he won't have to pay the $20,000 back.
He just sold his soul to the GB, and now he will have to vote the way they want for him to vote in the 2010 elections. JUmp when they say jump. Run errands like a little puppy dog.
About the 4 million missing. I guess Edward Pacheco is on his way back to chile

Anonymous said...

Is there any news if anyone is going to bring any action in the pastors meetings about the recent removals of the dissenting pastors?

Also, did the GB cancel the youth track of the convention because of low turnout?

SLJ said...

Galatians 2:2

That is true, but nobody wants to report it to the higher ups because of the way you will be treated.
I had a meeting with A bishop this past 15th of Nov. to report the Pastor's verbal abuse, and canceling of all our weekday services.
Even though it was a respectable meeting I was told maybe it was my fault or the congregations, and that he is fustrated with his job and is lashing out.

accion said...

You can't fight the system when the system is corrupt. If you ask for help, they will turn things around real good to make it seem you're the one at fault.
It's an old boy's club, and you better realize you are not part of it. They are not stupid. They know when things are wrong, but if they take the member's side, it opens up the door for reform, and for sure they don't want that.
Too many years of living the good life, and the power trip, and every Pastor's dream to make it to there. The District board and finally the chance, if you ruin enough people's lives, you'll earn a spot on the General Board.
Doesn't do any good to complain, they just tie your hands so you can't say the truth, because they know darn well that the truth will set you free, and they want to keep you in bondage.
I will slowly begin to depart the AA and leave that corrupt system behind.
After being a hard core Apostolic, I learned today that the leadership of the AA doesn't give a crap about you.
I suggest that if you're unsure of what to do, then it's time to leave. Break free from the bondage. You don't have to be a slave to the so called "ANOINTED MEN OF GOD".
If you stay, it will turn to bitterness.
Hoping that things will improve? FORGET IT!!
Run for your lives, The Lord's coming is at hand.
No more pain, no more suffering, no more money problems or health issues, but most important of all!!!! NO MORE DISHONORABLE BOARD MEMBERS.

Anonymous said...

The Truth For Once,
More tragic than the GB's action in 2006 election is the realization that there are very few individuals willing to take a stand for what is right.

omg said...

Taking a stand, yes our ministers need to take a stand. But as we saw what happened to those that did. Would there be a different result? We need our leaders to take a stand, hold those who at the top to be upright in their actions.

It seems to me that the only step to take, because the previous steps did not end in a result that would return trust. The results where so unimaginable.
It seems taking a stand would be to move on without an organization that puts ownself first before God.

Is it time to question and uphold these leaders or is it time to move on?

I never really thought of questioning our leaders or pastor untill now. Is it that we or I just had to much trust? As I do realize Jesus is the only one we can fully trust. Thank you Jesus!

Our leaders need to know it is not self rule when you are in a position of a leader. Decisions are not made only on how they would perceive it should be. Only on what the Lord would want it to be. Brothers it's time for change. That which was has failed is only man's rule. The church of the Living God is still moving on and will never cease.

We are not an organization, we are the church. Leaders you will be acountable. I think there is a new definition of a leader. Because, I am the leader of my salvation. We do need each other. Jesus we pray for your anointing. We pray for Your acountability to lead us.

Praise the wonderful name of Jesus!

Are you a Revoltionary for justice?
Or are you/we a Revolutionary for Jesus?


Unknown said...

Please don't exagerate, The AA is missing less than $4,000,000 but more than $3,500,000

Distributed to GB churches

Factsonly1 said...

More exagerated lies from hell. The church is not missing a penny.

God is pouring out his spirit especially blessings here in Texas.

Thank God for all you backsliders.

More blessings for us faithful.

WatchOut! said...

I hope everybody remembered to take their life savings to Convention. I mean how else are those $4 million going to be raised. Valverde needs you all now like never before. I mean he may be looking at prison time like never before.

Hey Factso is that the announcement that was going to be made? Its a whopper! I think that the only doors that were opened were the jailhouse doors.

east los said...



WatchOut! said...

Factsonly is thanking God for backsliders! I'm sure God is rejoicing about that.

Hey Factso, update us on Convention. How's the suits? Striped? How are the Mega Ofrendas going? HAS IT REACHED THE $4 MILLION MARK YET? Are the missionaries being lined up to get sympathy from the unsuspecting ofrenda givers? Poor missionaries, they will never see a dime.

Skotty Will Show You said...

Factso Said
More exagerated lies from hell. The church is not missing a penny.

God is pouring out his spirit especially blessings here in Texas.

Thank God for all you backsliders.

More blessings for us faithful.


WatchOut! said...

I told you people there WERE million$ in the AA. Of course now its gone.

WatchOut! said...

Factso, of course its not missing a PENNY silly!

Its missing FOUR MILLION$$$$$$$$.

WatchOut! said...

Hey Mary, what are you trying to say? Can you give us more clues?

omg said...

Has anyone heard that the AA HDQTS moving to Texas?

come again said...

We've heard something. Probably cause things are really hot in CA.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Can anyone provide a report on the attendance at the convention? Is it true that the youth activities were combined with the general activities because of low turnout?

What-Ever!! said...

Fortino and Solomon never did anything to disqualify them from the GB. How can someone that has been on the GB for 12 years andother for 8 years now not qualify, I'll tell you how.

When in 2010 there's an election for new president and board and Fortino and Solomon are the major threats for Valverde for the presidency position. A very highly paid position,may I add. That's how they don't qualify.


Anonymous said...

I agree that those still within the AA begin to organize to remove the GB through the election process. This is an opportunity for new leaders to begin to emerge by engaging the pastors about a new direction for the church. These new leaders should begin to openly talk about an alternative future of the AA without degrading the current administration. If these new leaders talk about an alternative future, a future of empowering local churches to reach their communities, without attacking the current administration they may have a chance. I actually think that if the dissenters worked at a grassroots efforts with pastors and bishops they would have had better results.

Also, I've may have missed it, but why did the GB disqualify Fortino and Solomon in the first place? What did they do? Has this questioned been asked or answered.

SLJ said...

As you can read above your post they were disqualified because Valverde wants to be President in 2010.
They are or were a major threat to him for the position.
So they conned the Pastors to vote on the now famous CID in 2005.
That is how Edward Pacheco won with only 2 votes, and the main reason Solomon and Fortino were
When your running for a position and on the CID commission at the same time and can appoint your own 2 bishop buddies Gaxiola and Guzman). Is that not a conflict of interest.
Now I think they been appointing Pastors in key position for their votes in 2010.
AS you know you only need 2 votes.

WatchOut! said...

Can a person qualify for the AA presidency if he has ever been arrested?

lehan said...

Galations that is what they tried to do change the system from with in I remember one proposal was that the president and VP had to be a bishop to Hold either position and that is why than ran the other men out Becuase Valverde is so desperate to become President.

WatchOut! said...

Or "taken in for questioning" in the matter of $4million$$ missing funds?

LL said...

The Truth for Once
In the Constitution doesn't say some where that if a minister is arrested they can removed him from ministry ?

Doesn't every city has a local paper where they ususally print local arrests or disturbances..?

Where were you when they arrested sam v. ?

2 arrests? Three's is the charm!

4 mil? That's sounds like pocket change($$) for eduardo pacheco!

Factsonly1 said...

This has been the best convention ever. I have spoken to several men of God and they agree.

Those of you backsliders who are not here, you are missing out.

As I prepare for my personal time of prayer and reflection, I will take you before the lord.

The church is transforming into a great and mighty vessel. The doors of blessing have opened up.

Its time for a great and mighty revival. With great leaders like Ministers Anthony Romo, Jason and Jess Aguilar, Congressman Rev. Steve Montenegro, the lord is arising up a new generation of apostolic leaders to lead the church to greater and mightier places like no other church before.

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