Saturday, October 13, 2007

AAFCJ Election Discussion Update

The comment section for the original Election Irregularities blog has reached an overwhelming amount of of opinions (1,015+). As we approach the coming General Convention in November, it is important that this medium for the discussions regarding the Elections and Lawsuit continue, therefore tonight at 12am we will be stopping the comments from the original blog and will ask that you continue the discussion under this current blog.

Those comments will not be deleted but saved for all to review and add their opinion in this updated section. (They can be viewed here:

We would also like to add that you may feel free to send in pictures, videos and comments of your local, district and national services. They will be posted here. You can email them to

Your voice is being heard. Now, keep your eyes and ears open.

Dios Les Bendiga,
Apostolic Voice

I don't know about you all but I am in serious prayer for the Arizona Diamondbacks. Is it wrong to fast tomorrow for their victory over the Colorado Rockies?


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Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

So what was the name of jaime aguilars ex, the minister, or use to be minister....who did she cheat on him with?

Anonymous said...

what college was she from? or going to? how old is she anyway?

Anonymous said...

About Sanchez is that a fact?

Anonymous said...

i heard it was someone from her gym.

Wasn't her last name before Aguirre? not sure what it is now.

Anonymous said...

D Sanchez is not my favorite person but I highly doubt that he is/has done what you are accusing him of-

why is it a fact? 'cause you say so? names/times- more detail. has anyone done anything about this?

Anonymous said...

I think she is hernandez now.

what i think is said is that this cat that married her is running the risk of her cheating on him.

once a cheater always a cheater they say.

I wouldnt want to take such a risk.

But then again he got a girl pregnant before marrying her and they probably are made for each other.

Anonymous said...

is her x-husband still in church? what was his name?

Anonymous said...

what ? you dont believe in evolution ?

hee hee

either way she is not being true to herself.

she likes the black dudes why settle for anything else ?

Anonymous said...

her current husband- was he from her church before they got married? I mean, I know he is NOW because he had no choice. But was he there BEFORE her fiasco?

He got a girl pregnant?

Anonymous said...

he is still in church just not an apostolic church

by the way did i mention his new wife is fine !

Anonymous said...

You know what they say- once you go black- you never go back!

Anonymous said...

Georgie boy used to go to church in orange then after his oops mistake he moved to vegas started clubbing and partying then came back to cali and married jamie

Anonymous said...

is he UPC? what was his name? I vaguely remember what he looked like. there used to be a very nice young looking sister from my church who used to like him. good sister- very pretty- he turned her down. he then dated and married jaime- while this young sister is still in church and serving the Lord with all her heart! Married of course and she is still very very pretty and looks great.

I often wonder if in those situations- people like him could just kick themselves!

Anonymous said...

yeah i bet he did kick himself after he found out what his ex was like

believe me though hes a good guy and he was rewrded with a FINE wife who backs up his ministry 100%

Anonymous said...

the guys only mistake was maybe being too nice and a little bit gullible

women get tired of a guy who is too nice

it gets old fast

women wont always admit it but they like a guy who stands up for himself and puts a girl in check every now and then

Anonymous said...

Bishop Sanchez its time to stand up and be man and fix all the errors made.
If you think Malverde will back you up..Your wrong! My opinion is he'll sale you out for 15 pieces of silver.
Its a fact.

Anonymous said...

Lies about FOT?

Lie #1:

Malverde doesn't plagarize

Lie #2:

Malvedre was studying medicine at UCSD before God "Called" him to Ministry.

Lie #3:

Malverde never has people of bad reputations serving in ministry.

Lie #4:

Malverde never recruits other pastors members.

Lie #5:

Malverde doens't lust for money and power.

Anonymous said...

I think MIKE A finnaly saw the light!

Anonymous said...

Do You mean Baghdad Bob

Anonymous said...

Someone mentioned prostitutes above.

There's a difference between prostitutes and people like the Aguilars, Valverde, Daniel Hernandez, Adam Lopez.

The prostitutes sell their bodies to support themselves and their families. Yes, there are those that sell themselves to support a drug habit.

But the Aguilars and company SELL JESUS and The GOSPEL for the sake of supporting their greed.

I think God will have mercy on the Prostitutes on Judgement Day.

I hope its a slow roast for the above mentioned. Extra Krispy.

Anonymous said...

Lie #6
He never committed fraud at the general elections.

Anonymous said...

Jaime Aguilar is a talented singer.


Monica Lewinsky

Anonymous said...

Lie # 7
He is not the hunch back of Notre Dame

Anonymous said...

Jamie Aguilar did not commit adultery!
Yours Truly,
Bill Clinton

Anonymous said...

That guy Ernesto from FOT, who works the Scam Malverde Tape Ministry, I hope he gets a commission because he's everywhere pimping Scams stuff.

Anonymous said...

why is the FOT tape ministry a scam?

Anonymous said...

With all due respect unto the Honorable General Board of directors of the Apostolic Assembly, It is with great pleasure that I delight in acknowledging this organizations leadership and determination to be competent and indubitably superb to those of any other organizations.

Enron Board of Directors

P.S We learned from the best!

Anonymous said...

To the Heroes of the AA,

It is with great respect we as you to join our team. With your help, we pledge to eradicate the Imperialists in power.

Unfortunately our last attempt only served to get people upset. Yes a many lives were destroyed, but our efforts were pale in comparison to what you mighty men have accomplished.

Please consider coming to our training camps to advise us on how we can take over the government. If you can do it to 600 men of God, we can certainly do it to the infidels in power.

Hope to hear from you soon.


Osama bin Laden

Anonymous said...

This Petitioners have such a mountain of evidence that O.J.Simpson is going to look like a saint to you guys.
Thrust me.

Anonymous said...

I always thought O.J. was innocent.

S. V.

Anonymous said...

Corrupt? Edward Pacheco is a fine and outstanding leader. As honest and hardworking as a man can get.


Al Capone

Anonymous said...

We have room for one more person on our season series. We would like Martin Del Campo to please join us on our TV Program, which is nationally syndicated and appears on prime time. We await your immediate answer.

Best Wishes,

The Cast of The Biggest Loser

Anonymous said...

About serving papers to the QB

Is there any way I can raise my hand and get the Job?

I would love to serve Gaxiola

I'll love to see the look on his face.

I wanna do it........

Anonymous said...

You mean to tell me Pacheco's wife runs the church.

Geeezzz..Don't tell me he has been wearing her skirts 2.

Anonymous said...

“ Healthy churches , Healthy Pastors, Healthy Assembly (GB)”.

Why the ROADMAP is a failure?
Simple: because it was plan backworks.
We need first of all
Healthy GB (Assembly,Organization)
Healthy pastors and then we will have Healthy Churches.

Anonymous said...

Healty Pastors? Pleae define...

Anonymous said...

Healthy Pastors? Please define?


Anonymous said...

Healthy pastor:
committed to excellence in ministry
committed to win souls.

committed to faithfulness to God
committed to maintain a close personal walk with God.
committed to faithfulness to our spouse
committed to faithfulness to our families
committed to personal integrity
committed to keeping ourselves above reproach in all areas of life.
committed to godly servant leadership.
committed to mutually building up the body of Christ, recognizing and affirming the different gifts in the assembly.
committed to diligently preserving unity in the body of Christ.

committed to good stewardship in the church and will be totally forthright in all financial undertakings of the church.
committed to accurately and skillfully communicating the Word of God,
committed to confidentiality in ministry

Anonymous said...

We're Gonna Kick A#$!


Rev. Daniel Sanchez
Obispo Freeking Presidente y Que!

PS My Preachings Kick A@$!

Anonymous said...

Give the dead some respect.

Anonymous said...

Give the dead some respect? Its only a pile of flesh. You do recall that the dead, if saved, are in HEAVEN, if they were saved.

Some may make it by the skin of their teeth, but they made it, like the Good Reverend Daniel Hernandez.

I toast his passing because he doens't have to suffer in this world. I toast because he has moved to the hereafter. I also toast because nobody else will have to suffer from his stupid decisions he made here on earth, namely having 3, 4 Child Molesters in the ministry. How many kids were their victims? How many lives were destroyed?

Not to mention the fleecing of the congregation. But financial loss pales in comparison to the lost lives in child molestation cases.

Whats it say of a pastor when his Assistant Pastor, his Ministers were convicted child molesters?

Show me who your friends are, and I'll tell you who you are.

I had a toast today, and it was good. Children from El Monte can sleep well tonight.

Wait, who is Daniel Hernandez widow? Sister Jenny his ex wife? or Sister Martha XXXXXXs, his son's ex-girl friend?

Its one thing to lose your girl to your friend. Its ANOTHER thing to lose your girl to your Dad.

Rest in Peace Bro.

Anonymous said...

People in Norway, Germany ,Brazil, Japan are commenting in this blog? Amazing

Anonymous said...

No matter how the Abel Torres family tries to justify his election, how he was approved by his district Pastors, it doesn't mean he has the approval of the Apostolic Assembly Pastors.

Because he established a few churches in Texas, doesn't give him the right to sue five men on the Qualifying Committee.

IF he was sueing these five men of the qualifying committee; their personal property, their personal assets, their personal savings or investments, they would have to defend themselves with their personal money.

BUT HE IS SUEING THEM AS MEMBERS OF THE QUALIFYING COMMITTEE, so the cost of the lawsuit is coming out of the TREASURY of the Apostolic Assembly; the tithes and offerings, the Dorcas fund, the funding committee, La Flor Azul.

All who have given to build these funds are just common people who work very long and hard to supply the NEEDS that run the Assembly as well as to support foreign missions. Not to cover attorney fees in lawsuits.


The real reason he got sick in Long Beach was because no one nominated him for anything on the General Board which is where he wanted to be.

Torres' collegue from Texas, Joel Montes (whose church properties are in Montes' own name) kept getting nominated over and over again and no one nominated Torres.

So what did he do? He exposed all.
He said in his letter that he felt nauseated at what was happening.

We all thought he was a hero. But now we know what was really on his mind. He got upset because he was never nominated in Long Beach.

Now that he has been voted in by his own Pastors of his district, he forgot the consequences of the CID. He fell into Sanchez's web when Sanchez threw that bone at him.

He was approved by Sanchez when he was in violation of the CID.
Capacidad ---Being able
Idonidad --- Integrity
Derecho ---- Right

There is no integrity when you are sueing the QC, then take a position on their side.

OR is this a strategic move by Torres and his gang to catch Sanchez in violation of the CID?

Either way, we find that Abel Torres is sadly lacking in the integrity we all thought he had.

If you don't understand the complexity of this situation, or just can't follow the logic here, ask God to reveal this to you, because I can't make it clearer.

Ask God for wisdom, knowledge and understanding.

Anonymous said...

It is obvious that 12:46 am was sent by Valverde and Pacheco on a fishing expedition. They can't figure out what hit them! This is fun! The "whistleblower," Abel V. Torres, by law, cannot be retaliated against! They avoided grave consequences when he wasn't disqualified. The President knew the whole Assembly had its eyes on Texas! He probably preferred that the rest of the GB get upset with him instead of the whole Apostolic Assembly "600" and the law of the land.

Anonymous said...

TO 12:46:

If the Qualifying committee is found to have done something wrong and the AA paid for the cost of their legal defense; they will have to pay back all this to the AA. That is corporate law in California.

If DS and SV our ousted then those new GB members will ask for their money back.

Anonymous said...

to 10/24 @ 8:23--

I said Yvie runs Pacheco's church- Yvie is his daughter.

Anonymous said...

to 10/24 @ 11:05

could you please clarify the story on Daniel Hernandez and his son's ex-girlfriend-- Daniel Hernandez had an ex-wife? please clarify this story- I've been living under a rock for a while.

Anonymous said...

With all these accusations of infidelity, etc. - truly we are living in the last days-

the people you think are right in the Lord- sometimes aren't- and the people who you think are not- may be right in His sight.

Our sins WILL find us. Our sins WILL come out.

what's that verse? 'No todo el que dijiere Senor. . . '

Anonymous said...

To 12:46 AM
If Bishop Benjamin Cantu a man from Texas with all of his wisdom.
What would he be doing if he were alive today?
If God would allowed him to analyze this mess he would it be side by side with bishop Torres. I bet you anything.

Anonymous said...

Back to Brother Sanchez' infidelity- just curious as to how many of you--and all this elections debacle set aside--- believe he would actually do that?

I just find it very hard. And I'm not a supporter.

Anonymous said...

Blog 8:38, the scripture you're looking for is Numbers 32:23, "...behold, ye have sinned against the LORD: and be sure your sin will find you out."

Anonymous said...

What happen to the house of brother Narciso and Carmen Romero?.

Anonymous said...

why is it so hard to believe ?

man in his nature is weak to three major things since the beginning of mankind

1. Women
2. Greed ( Money )
3. Power ( positions, titles , glory )etc....

or in spanish

1. lana
2. fama
3. dama

he is not above being tempted only The Lord was and is perfect

God could forgive such indiscretions, however someone who knows that he is that weak should be honest with himself and step down no longer being wirthy to occupy such a position of leadership

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

thank you for the spell check

i need hooked on phonics

Anonymous said...

Women- the alleged infidelity
Power- Not let go of the presidency
Greed- The Romeros house.

Anonymous said...

thats pretty bad if your guilty of all three

i usually just have a weakness for the ladies

Anonymous said...

He is guilty of High treason against all the pastors of the APOSTOLIC ASSEMBLY OF THE FAITH IN CHRIST JESUS INC. And remember the Inc.
The Apostolic Assembly of the faith in Christ Jesus is a non profit organization, incorporated UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA in the United States of America (not the jungle),on March 15,1930.
First Chapter Article 1
(under the laws) gives every pastor a right to suit for alleged fraud.

Anonymous said...


Bishop Patricio Caranco from South Texas District HAS BEEN REMOVED FROM OFFICE due to his adulterous affair!

Anonymous said...

Well his congregation did the right thing, they sign a petition requesting his removal, can we do the same with this GB?

Anonymous said...

Valverde is not that bad after all.

Anonymous said...

The reason they don’t believe in growth is because every time one of our ministers or pastors had a vision to open churches and missions for the expansion of the Work of the Lord they were always against it. For example, in our district there is the City of Brownsville with the population of 161,225 in 2004 and projected to reach well over 206,000 by the year 2010. This city has only one church where our Bishop Patricio Carranco is pastor of well less than 100 members.

There have been three instances where the “Special Commissions” have come down to try and mediate in the hostility that arose for visionaries to open works. The opposing Bishop Patricio Carranco always fought for no other church to be opened in Brownsville or its vicinity. Unfortunately he was appointed as Bishop. We cannot understand why he was appointed as Bishop over our district when he lacks vision and love for the work of the Lord.

Anonymous said...

District Convention is approaching and our District Board is up for elections including Bishop. We right this letter to give notice to any Pastors in our District to consider their vote in prayer and fasting. As we all have seen by now, we pray not to see what was seen at our General Electoral Convention in 2006. As we all are aware of the “friendship” and “camaraderie” that Bishop Patricio Carranco has with the two Leaders that will be present at our District Convention we pray that the same tactics of deceitfulness and cheating will be excluded from these elections.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone have any more pictures of Nohemi Gonzalez? She is now officially the wallpaper on my computer.

We should make a tribute website to her. She could be the most downloaded hermana in the AA.

Anonymous said...

Are there any pictures of her in the FOT website? Where can we see her picture?

Anonymous said...

Any MORE pictures? where are there ANY pictures of her?

Anonymous said...


The GB, present and previous (some) allowed themselves to be part of Corruption & abuse of power due to the "titles", "positions" and $$$$$$ and I fear that what we have seen is the "TOP OF THE ICEBERG". It seems to be that some of us flying in the high altitute saw this one coming and we just did not do enough to the fear in our hearts waiting the for Justice of God, but It got to a point that there is no secret and there is nothing to hide.

Our system is corrupt, compared only to the Judicial System bought by the narcos in Latin America.

As an apostolic of "hueso colorado" 41 years in the church, my vision of the ministry, of the church, of the work of the Lord are very shaddy due to this type of conduct. All I know if that Jesus Christ if my only and sufficient Saviour and I can not take my eyes off of him.

May God save his church!!!!

1 Tim 4. Read it. "In the last days we will have perilous times", and goes on and talk about the leadership of the church in the last days.

Anonymous said...

About sister Nohemi Gonzalez, you can find pictures of her on her myspace page. Now as for my interest and the that of the rest of the sisters, does anybody know if there are any single, good looking, young brothers working at the AA HQ?

Anonymous said...

well the nohemi gonzalez i saw was a bow-wow from the DF in mexico.

what is the address?

Anonymous said...

"hueso colorado" 41 years
What are we suppose to do next?

Anonymous said...

the nohemi i pulled up was a gordita with glasses- not hot.

is it under .../nohemigonzalez or just nohemi? do you have the address?

Anonymous said...

to 11:25 AM
forget about her she has a boyfriend.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I heard she has a myspace page, my bestfriend from church has her on her friend list.

To: 11:18 AM

I think all of the brothers at the HQ are married! :(

Anonymous said...

i'm not looking to hook up- who cares if she has a boyfriend- i just want to know what she looks like and what all the hoopla is.

what is her myspace address?

do we have the right spelling?

Apostolic Voice said...


The city list has been updated. We are up to 225 cities viewing your views and comments.

Bronx in the house.


Anonymous said...

let me guess- Nohemi Gonzalez is hot, she works at the HQ, goes to Fountain of Truth, and has a boyfriend . . . could her boyfriend be Tim Valverde?

Anonymous said...

speaking of Tim Valverde- how many girlfriends has he had? who has he dated?

I heard he was once engaged to some girl from up north but she was cheating on him and he broke it off.

Anonymous said...

That is not her myspace page.
One of her pictures can be found here.

She is the receptionist.

Anonymous said...

Tim Valverde....I go to his church, he's dating a girl named Sonia, she works for the church's (FOT) office. Funny how it's turning into a family business.

Anonymous said...

She was the receptionist.
No girl last there for what I hear.

Anonymous said...

she's not hot- she's cute.

Anonymous said...

what's up with lili cruz? loose a few pounds- finally stay on key and add a pound of make-up and voila! you have a cd

Anonymous said...

I saw her picture on the AA's website and I don't know what you guys see in her, she is not hot, she's just ok.

It seems like there might be 2 or 3 guys working there who seem like they're single. I hope they're on myspace!

Anonymous said...

Skoop on Daniel Hernandez:

While he was pastor at Santa Anita, they had a school, Santa Anita Christian Academy, as well as a day care center.

One of the students Martha C., was a recent convert at age 15. She started going out with Danny Jr, also 15 at the time. Danny Sr. was always fixated on her.

Meanwhile, Danny Sr, was a Rev. Pervert. This was well known he would be preaching about adult subject matter. One day, someone found a Playboy Magazine on his desk. Well, fast forward. He later was Divorced by Mother Superior, Jenny Hernandez.

Meanwhile, the young and beautiful Martha C, remained single. Hard to believe with Apostolic Culture. It was rumored that she was having an affair with Danny Sr. all those years. Now she's in her late 30's and still single, but remained faithful to Danny Sr. Martha C even took over the role of Jenny Hernandez after the divorce. Then the AA decided to remove Danny Sr. after the scandal with SSP. Enough was enough. So, Danny Sr was in ill health, and in the end, died lonely, no congregation, abandoned by his family and abandoned by the Assembly. RIP

Anonymous said...

Finally, I found her!

Nohemi's myspace:

Anonymous said...

her my space is set to private- the pic on the AA website is alright. she's cute- not necessarily hot.

Anonymous said...

so Daniel Hernandez Sr. was divorced? and they let him continue to be a pastor? do i have the story straight?

others have not been so fortunate-- they're wife leaves them and they lose their ministerial credentials

Anonymous said...

oops sorry- i answered my own questions- wrong name- is Frank Hernandez their brother as well?

Anonymous said...

where is Danny Hernandez Jr now?

Anonymous said...

who's the pastor in santa anita now? where was daniel hernandez congregating, if at all, the last few years?

Anonymous said...

I've heard bits and pieces in regards to SSP- can anyone clarify who they were, where they were from and what happened?

Anonymous said...

Somebody is deliberately derailing the real discussion in here and that is the GB and the election fraud.
Alert!! the GB call another emergency meeting this week.

Anonymous said...

oh no she's hot, i just...nevermind...

Anonymous said...

"Hueso Colorado" says:

The judgedment of Men is coming and this is not the Judgement of God. Basically the lawsuit is based on the fact that the GB or the "Mesa Calificadora" violated the constitution. The same one that they proclaim they defend. So they shot themselves on their own feet.

These men that are originating this legal battle are right. There are two ways to clean up the house, from inside or the outside.

That is way a lot of Bishops, pastors, ministers and lay people have left the AA. Some think that by leavng they are going to do a favor or they are far better off. The true of the matter is that the house needs to be broomed and desynfacted from inside.

I just wonder where are the rest of those men that in my mind are Great men of God? Where do they stand? Are they going to be on the sidelines while some are going to the battlefield?

None is talking about a warfare, but Justice after All.


Anonymous said...

SSP started in the church of Eagle Rock in the L.A. District.

After the Pastor got busted with one of the girls, the Bishop removed him.

SSP were a group of young people from different walks of life.

Randy Quezada was the young man that started witnessing at his school and won 50 to 60 to Christ.

After the church of Eagle Rock was shut down, SSP was sent to Canoga Park, (Alfred Rodriquez) what a mistake. All SSP wanted was a pastor.

SSP competed in several competitions and won. They were awesome. (to bad no one new how to deal with them.) They were all young people full of the Holy Ghost.

I will continue the story later…

Anonymous said...

When need to PRAY, PRAY AND THEN PRAY SOME MORE…There needs to be genuine intercessors praying for the men and women of God instead of laying blame.

Muslims don’t go blaming one another when one fall’s, Hindus don’t either, but Christians we are so hard on one another we need to examine our own hearts!

Anonymous said...

SSP was probably good in the begining, but then like the GB, money, power, greed and fame took over.

That version was really pc about Randy Quesadilla winning 60 people to the Lord.

Again, I got to wonder about someone who appoints himself Bishop at age 25.

Good Choir director, just not the ministerial type. Again, fame and some fortune killed him.

Franky Hernandez is David Hernandez son. Isaac is David Hernandez son.

Danny Jr, with his Momma of course, have started a church in the OC. Pastor Jenny is at it again, fronting her son as the Pastor.

The Old Mother Superior knows how to handle her

I just hope Jr doesn't carry his Fathers demons of child molesters.

Anonymous said...

In re: SSP--I heard something about their pastor being with them in the shower or something.

What did they used to compete in?

How long ago was this?

Isn't that where Artie Medina comes from?

Anonymous said...

Someone at HQ should let those female employee shave their mustaches.

Did that Carranco really get removed or is that nickle gossip?

Anonymous said...

'Quesdailla' died? Where have i been? I need to get more often because alot of these stories are new to me!

Anonymous said...

Pacheco, you should RESIGN ALREADY! Spare your family of pending public scrutiny!

Anonymous said...


A staff person from HQ told me Sanchez held a meeting this week with all AA staff and told them he was getting sued! He also told a personal friend that if the suit is filed he thinks Valverde is going to turn on him!

Anonymous said...

to 1:14- don't become a journalist-- stick to your day job- that was not breaking news- we've known he was getting sued and that Valverde would turn on him for a looooong time. . . ahhhhemmm- have you NOT been reading the blogs?

Anonymous said...

Bishop Patricio Carranco NOT ONLY was removed from the district supervision (bishop) but also from pastoring his church! Soon there will be new elections in South Texas District!

Anonymous said...

why would there be new elections? doesn't the treasurer of the district take over the bishop's position should he resign or in this case-- made to resign.

Anonymous said...

Who removed him?

Anonymous said...

to 1:14 PM
I hear the same thing.

Anonymous said...

to 1:16

Yea I've been reading the blogs, and we knew that, but LISTEN AND READ SLOOOWWWLLLLYYY! Sanchez HELD A MEETING this week with all AA staff and told them he was getting sued (that means he has spoken with key people who told them the suit has been filed)! GET IT! Knucklehead

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know if Saul Avila has a son?

Anonymous said...

Yes an interim bishop can be appointed by the GB in the mean time instead of Carranco. But the GB will have a new election in the district to apease the pastors!

Anonymous said...

to 1:16- hey blockhead, in case YOU haven't been reading the blogs- nothing is confirmed- it is all hearsay-

I happen to personally know- it's been filed.

Anonymous said...

WHERE was it filed???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Anonymous said...

It's been filed in LA by a California law firm, hired by the texas firm!

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know if Saul Avila has a son?

Yes he does why?
You want to throw some dirt?

Anonymous said...

Hey, I heard a couple of former AA pastors in Arizona have inside juicy scoop on Tafoya and Valverde. Anyone know anything about this?

Anonymous said...

filed and served or only filed?

Anonymous said...

Just filed. To be served next week!

Anonymous said...

Hey, I heard a couple of former AA pastors in Arizona have inside juicy scoop
Who are they?

Anonymous said...

"What's the scoop"?

Anonymous said...

they filed it- now they need to be served-- once it is served- the QC has 30 days to respond-(answer to complaint).

the most important parts of this begining stage is to obtain a copy of the complaint and a copy of the answer to the complaint.

during the discovery phase- it will be important for us to obtain copies of the interrogatories (questions), demand for production of records- people that's where all the meaty part of this meal is at.

Anonymous said...

Anyone form Arizona know who they are?

Anonymous said...

sorry- correctioin: the most important part of this beginning stage FOR US members . . .

Anonymous said...

Tafoya, the man gets no respect from ANYONE!

Anonymous said...

i have a friend who works in the LA county court system- i'm trying hard to get a hold of him to obtain a copy of the S&C. If I do- I will forward it to the letters immediately.

Anonymous said...

you have to pay to do searches for documents in the LA county court website. not free.

and they are BEHIND on their postings!

Anonymous said...

Do you know if the GB are going to fight this lawsuit? Or mediation?
anyone out there please.

Anonymous said...

Read the blogs!

We're going to kick @#$!


ps can anyone out there send me an offereing. I'm going to need it. What's that thing sticking out of my back? And Where's SAM!!!

Anonymous said...

mediation is the method of settling disputes outside a court setting with a neutral third party.

if Vladi & the boys filed- of course the QC has to fight it. However- way down the line- they still ONE more opportunity to settle- a mandatory settlement conference- if they can't settle- then it goes to trial.

Anonymous said...

Apparently Tafoya was Valverde's hatchet man in Arizona. He was able to do his own dirty work in the district with Valverde's help and blessing!

Anonymous said...

. . . and now Artie help create some of this mess . . . these guys are incredible. . . one moment they are buddy-buddy, the next their stabbing each other in the back!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

From what I heard from a relative in Arizona, Tafoya outsted several pastors from the district during his 8 year reign, because they spoke up against the corruption. But as bishop he couldn't do it by himself, so Valverde approved all these hatchet jobs!

Anonymous said...

Being from AZ, Art and Sam would always be together. Sam used and dumb Art fell for it.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if the webmaster from this blog is from Arizona. Well are you? Give us some insight!

Anonymous said...

Yea, I heard Tafoya is playing the victim role now, "I fell into their trap and was used by them (GB)." Yea right - Tafoya is just like them, cut from the same yerba!

Anonymous said...

I was told personally that I could not say anything that went or goes on here at headquaters.

I am sure I will get fired but I don't care anymore.....

Anonymous said...

Go ahead Sally, spill the beans!

Anonymous said...

Our last front office secretary could not handle the flirting and two sided conversations.

I know for a fact that a current GB member had to talk to a current bishop about his comments to the sister.

I have to admit she did look very attractive.

Both are from California

Anonymous said...

Who is that bishop?

Anonymous said...

Yeeeah, first hand info. finally someone from within the HQ. tells us about it! what do you know?

Anonymous said...

In re: Saul Avila's son-

According to some friends who have hacker friends- they figured the 'Letters' website was up by some Saul something or other. My friend cannot recall the last name. so that's why i asked if Saul Avila had a son-

Anonymous said...

NO, the AA letters web site is coming out of Arizona!

Anonymous said...

To 2:58
Give us the bishops name.

Anonymous said...

2:58- you're bluffing. you don't work @ HQ

Anonymous said...

Hackers lol Get back to your movie...

Anonymous said...

DUUUUU! Blogs like 2:58 only come on line to deviate the present conversation. I think one of Tafoyas or Valverdes peeps wrote it to change the subject!

Anonymous said...

You're on a desert island buy yourself, all alone.
You come across a lantern. You rub it and the Genie pops out. Says you have a choice between one of the two:

1. Alessa Covarrubias


2 Lilli Cruz

Who do you choose?

Anonymous said...

Urband Legend?

Timmy V has a life size poster of GB5 in his room.

Anonymous said...

I would choose Noehmi Gonzalez!

Anonymous said...

Lili- too chunky
alessa- no shape/no personality

mmmmm....i'd rather be alone-- besides all either of them would do is sing me to death anyway.

Anonymous said...

To those bloggers who are STILL discussing which girls to chose, GO TO ANOTHER BLOG!!!! This blog is for adults discussing the corruption of the AA. Go to you myspace and discuss that with your teenage friends! MORONS!!!

Anonymous said...

where is Alessa at now?

Anonymous said...

I think Alessa (3:46) just read your comment brother. lol.

Anonymous said...

If I was on a Island all by myself, and a Geneie in tight pants came out and let me choose who to be with, I would choose Timmy V.


Aaron Gutierrez

Anonymous said...

To 3:50

Dude, that was very very rude. lol. Good One!

Anonymous said...

Does Alessa have a boyfriend?

Anonymous said...

I don't know about now, but I know she was dating some loser, Artie, formerly of SSP. He's a real winner- he was ALWAYS seeing other girls on the side. He's an awesome bass playa though! But he IS a playa!

Anonymous said...

'Nuff! What about the elections? What about the accusations on DSanchez? What about this Carranco Bishop-=-any relation to the Carranco on the MOP board?

Anonymous said...

You have to wait until these MORONS go to bed so we can have some serious discussion. They're still debating their wish list like little gay boys. GET A LIFE!!!

Anonymous said...

Forget Alessa. Whats the skooop on Lily? She got b/f? She's the finest sister at FOT. She would complement my ministry really well.

Anonymous said...

All other bloggers. Don't respond to these little boys who have nothing better to do than just wish they could hook up with somebody. Ignore their blogs and lets talk about the pressing issues. to MORON bloggers go to myspace and ask about your girls and boys there. PLEASE LEAVE THIS BLOG!!!

Anonymous said...

I believe Lily is single and available. Go for it!

Anonymous said...

Somebody is deliberately derailing the real discussion in here and that is the GB and the election fraud.
Its a fact

Anonymous said...

hackers from FOT and Corona

Anonymous said...

Some pastors saw Sanches at the west texas district convention apologizing to torres, crying, telling him to please derail the law suit. Can you believe this guy!

Anonymous said...

I highly doubt that- he's a very proud man- nothing but nothing will make him step down and have an election recall- other than the courts.

Anonymous said...

Here's your AA GB Info.

Aguilar is allegedly a Adulterer with Mascarenos Sister, who was married at the time.

Pacheco is a Crook. He has teamed up with Bernice Molina and Garuno Alvarez. Raises money for a temple, but its never built.

Aguilar Jr, gets $500,000 with a handshake from his Daddy using our money. a Gift.

Malverde is a plagarizer and a conman, and diabetic.

Anonymous said...

Please expand in detail what you know about Aguilar/Mascareno affair.

What do you mean he gave Jr $50,000?

Anonymous said...

Well, the word IS from people close to Sanchez that he is running scared, and has tries to apologize to some consenters in order for them to feel sorry for him. However IT'S NOT working, because one pastor told me, he told Sanchez it was too little to late!

Anonymous said...

Jason Abel Aguilar was given $500,000.00 by the secretary of domestic missions, Abel Aguilar Sr. This money was used for this new church in Long Island. Also, the Aguilars went to churches that have money to get them to donate $1,000 or so to help Little Jason Abel Aguilar Jr with his mortgage payment.



Its alleged that Bishop Aguilar had an extra-marrital affair with his ex-girlfriend, who happens to be Samuel Mascarenos sister. The brother she was married to appealed to the Mesa Directiva to hear out his claims that Bishop Aguilar cheated with his wife. The GB supposedly "formed a Committee" to investigate the matter. They concluded it was a false claim. They never even gave the poor heart broken brother a chance to show his evidence.


Talk about brushing it under the rug.

Anonymous said...

Carranco was hand picked by Sanchez when he was assigned as bishop. An earlier allegation surfaced but they put it under the rug. This new allegation was proved to be correct by the ladies husband who threaten to, get this, SUE the assembly for covering it up! They quickly removed him afrom the bishop and the pastorship! Truth NOT allegations.

Anonymous said...

This is the first time in the history of AA a missionary foreign or domestic gets such amount of money.$500,000.This is horrible.

Anonymous said...

To 4:50PM
The CID document perhaps.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone have any more pictures of Nohemi Gonzalez?

Come on Lucy Montez stop posting about the sister.

You know you already got in trouble at the HQ.

And Becky is going to take you off being her Assistence Pastor.

And what gives Jamie Aguilar gets married and 2 weeks later she cheating..poor guy didn't a get chance to unzip his zipper..then the poor guy loses his ministers license for being cheated on, and she is doing J- Lo and a new CD.

Anonymous said...

I believe Aguilar is part of the restoration committee.

Anonymous said...

I know Sammy Valverde, and he no crook.

Richard M. Nixon

Anonymous said...

to 4:20 p.m.

you forgot the biggest loser ( Martin de Campo) he is always with his secretary. You will see she will problably be at convention in Dallas.

Anonymous said...

This is getting ugly...

Anonymous said...

Restoration Committee.

Daniel Sanchez
Samuel Valverde
Lupe Zuniga
Marcos Zacarias
Edward Pacheco
Vicente Alvarez
Abel Aguilar
Abner Arias.

Anonymous said...

Please dont mention Alessa Covarrubias. She is too full of herself. I made the mistake of going to an Interior District of CA district service (of course it was a joke as to who supported the service, mostly the smaller churches). Should have stayed home! She shows up late (about 10 minutes before she sings). Gets called up, sings, walks down the stage, grabs her purse and walks out! Doesnt even have the decency to wait till we are praying or standing! We were honored to have the great Covaach in our mists. This happened in 2 separate occasions!

Anonymous said...

Its those northern CA artists that spread their silliness all across this great country! It has to be the clams they are eating.

Anonymous said...

What did marcos zacarias do? Wasnt he in Nevada?

Anonymous said...

Oh boy!! the document approved by the pastors in 2006. No pastor in the AA can be restored to ministry not now not ever in a case of adultery.
Sign by
Dan Sanchez Abel Aguilar

Anonymous said...

to 6:36 pm
go to look for "comision de restaracion" file.

Anonymous said...

I guess there goes the GB and 98% of pastors and bishops.

Anonymous said...

Ive heard and I've seen Alyssa Covarooch on diffrent occasions in pant apparel , joyas wearing makeup like she fell into a box of crayons.. Let me just tell that the apple doesnt fall far from the tree: " Ive also seen her MAMA in pant apparel." Well u all know where she originally came from .. Where the famous Bishop Lopez pastors. Half of his praise singers were jewelery , makeup, go clubbing, have special cocktails.. They have no shame all thier pics are posted all over the internet.. but come sunday they are all restored and ready to be anointed PLEASE!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yes I run the church!!!!!

Y que????


Anonymous said...

Let me just state a comment about GB5 well they need to be more cautious of themselves... They need some assistance in thier clothing dept. OK I have a suggestion anyone out there reading this and if u are one thier friends PLEASE.. Let them know that we are tired of seeing all that god has blessed them with.. if u want to call it a blessing.. I think that they need to start walking towards the mens dept. and leave the boys dept. what do u all think?

Anonymous said...

Little boys dept?

Did you mean the little girls dept?

Anonymous said...

This whole ordeal looks like a fright house.

Anonymous said...

fright house is right, and you know where that is...HQ in El Rancho.

They are either perverts...scammers....liers....etc etc etc.

Thats the scary truth

Anonymous said...

I guess they getting ready for Halloween next week

Anonymous said...

LIARS! Martin Del Campo doesn't have enough game to have a mistress, unless she works at Tacos Mexico.

Anonymous said...

Germain Garcia,

Does this guy look shady or is it just me.

Is Lupe Marioni
Bookkeeper...related to the Rice a Ronis.

Is she married?

Anonymous said...

Lili Cruz and Jaime Aguilar are hot. Them be hotter than a bucket of fried chicken.


Ruben Studdard
American Idol Winner 2005

Anonymous said...

GB5 are hot! I like the mens/boys.

With Love,

Clay Aiken
American Idol Runner Up 2005

Anonymous said...

Lili Cruz? Just get her married or on the jack-in-the-box circuit and she'll be back to "chubsie ubsie". You cant fix ugly.

Anonymous said...

It's Jamie Aguirre, I mean
Jamie Cheater. I mean
Jamie Aguilar, no wait...
Its Jaime Hernandez! Please get it right!

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