Saturday, October 13, 2007

AAFCJ Election Discussion Update

The comment section for the original Election Irregularities blog has reached an overwhelming amount of of opinions (1,015+). As we approach the coming General Convention in November, it is important that this medium for the discussions regarding the Elections and Lawsuit continue, therefore tonight at 12am we will be stopping the comments from the original blog and will ask that you continue the discussion under this current blog.

Those comments will not be deleted but saved for all to review and add their opinion in this updated section. (They can be viewed here:

We would also like to add that you may feel free to send in pictures, videos and comments of your local, district and national services. They will be posted here. You can email them to

Your voice is being heard. Now, keep your eyes and ears open.

Dios Les Bendiga,
Apostolic Voice

I don't know about you all but I am in serious prayer for the Arizona Diamondbacks. Is it wrong to fast tomorrow for their victory over the Colorado Rockies?


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Anonymous said...

RSVP - Sign up for 2007 Convention Breakfast:

Breakfast for Pastors and Wives
(Compliments of the Apostolic Assembly)

On Thursday morning we will hold a beautiful program:
"Rekindling the Fire"

Our purpose will be to encourage the pastors to return to the biblical purpose of feeling compassion for the lost. We will have two brief but powerful messages, songs that will touch the soul, and a symbolic ceremony.

You can collect your ticket(s) during the Ministerial business meeting on Tuesday or during the Doctrinal Symposium on Wednesday. The deadline to pick these up will be at noon on Wednesday.

Are you planning to go?

Anonymous said...

Does Victor Prado look like Grandpa Munster or is it just me?

Espinosa does really look like Mr Bean.

Ismael Martín del Campo does look like he spends all his time at tacos mexico...wonder if his sec. is always there with him 2?

Abel Aguilar's smile looks like he just gave $500.000 from flor azul money to his son.

He did?

No way?

And here my Pastor wanted just $25.00 for food and got turned downed.

I heard Malverde and Pacheco have agreed to donate a whooping $50.00 from the ACN fund for the fire relief...Who says the GB are just watching out for themselves?

I mean now they told Prado to only spend $50.00 for lunch instead of his normaly $100.00.

Geezzzzzzz Little Victor no happy meals for you this week

Anonymous said...

... spiritual abuse can take place in the context of doctrinally sound, Bible-preaching, fundamentalist, conservative Christianity. All that is needed for abuse is a leader accountable to no one and therefore beyond confrontation.
[Churches That Abuse, p. 189.]

Anonymous said...

Faith Healer? Jason Abel Aguilar is no faith healer! I can prove it!


Danny Hernandez

PS I want my Ofrenda back Jason!

Anonymous said...

Jason, Isn't that the name of a horror movie character?

Anonymous said...

Breakfast for Pastors and Wives
(Compliments of the Apostolic Assembly)

symbolic ceremony.....Maverde and pacheco doing the swan dance from the nut cracker...,,Ay

We will have two brief but powerful messages.

1. Dan Sanchez...kicking _ss!!!!!
2. Malverde......Offering please!!!

Songs that will touch the soul.
1. Sanchez....I will survive
2. Fast Eddie.....Yo no fui

Anonymous said...

If you put a list of this GB names they all have a big question mark.
Its ridiculous

Anonymous said...

“If we don’t learn the lessons of the past, we are condemned to make the same mistakes.”

Anonymous said...

Hurray Blogger 9:33 pm

You are right. Looks like history IS repeating itself, after all.

In the same way Nava provoked Efrain Valverde at the San Diego Concourse auditorium in the late 1960's and got Valverde to go berserk throwing chairs and yelling at the brothers in the lobby and shoving people...

these same tactics are being used by Baldemar and Salomon who are quieting sitting back and watching Sanchez exhibiting strange behavior, crying and desperately trying to resolve this issue by himself, when it is beyond his ability to repair the damage he has done to the Assembly and to the ministerial body.

It is an evil tactic that Baldemar and Salomon have learned from Nava. "Throw the stone and hide the hand, then watch the guy go berserk."

This is diabolic behavior that works to destroy the work of God and breeds mistrust in each other. This is political behavior introduced by Nava and has no business in church.

Nobody seems to notice or care that these events have happened before. I am an old timer. I have paralleled it from the very inception of the Apostolic Assembly, beginning with the Nava versus Bro. Llorente crisis that established a pattern of patronismo, nacionalismo and machismo.

This is a diabolical generational curse of EGO, greed, money, power and control.

It should scare all of us to know that this has shaken the very foundation of our denomination and we just might lose our non-profit status as a California Corp.

The worst is that we have lost our purpose which is to bring souls and give comfort and care to those who need it. This mandate has been lost in the current crisis at hand.

Our leadership has been focused for so long on their own agenda that they have lost the true vision and mission of the church.

Baldemar and Salomon are staying under the radar, just as Nava always left for Mexico, and left Llorente to be attacked by the GB gang of those days.

You are right, history is repeating itself.

"With this you know that you are my disciples, that you love one another." Let's try to resurrect and live that commandment.

Anonymous said...

I agree that we are off-course as an organization. The ship is wandering around without a definite purpose. Position and power have destroyed us. The answer is to incorporate the local churches and reduce the unlimited and vast power that the GB has accrued. Central power can be dangerous as we can all conclude now with all the latest developments. The GB now has developed a system of the "elite." Elite as they define it. The Presidente calls it "The best of the best." The rest of the people have no say. The real "elite" are those who do the will of God not necessarily those who hold a position. The "Best of the Best" are manifesting a severe lack of exxperience as they commit one serious woeful blunder after another. Their immaturity surfaces consistently time after time. Even the President, failed to exhibit Presidential capacity as he failed to handle the present matter in a timely an effective manner. He has admitted this many times, but he still fails to act accordingly. How unfortunate that is for all of us!

Anonymous said...

to 1:53 am:

you sound sooo bias toward Sanchez, Valverde and the rest of the GB.

What got into Sanchez and Valverde's mind to moved aside all ethics and tried to apply CID only to those they didn't like.

You see I am also an old timer...probably too old to even be on this forum.

The past GB as well as the current one have been playing politics for a long time.

But I am happy that someone finally got caught...because this is not going to be pretty.

Sad...yes, but there will be some reforms to whatever is left of this organization.

Anonymous said...

To 1:53
You are typical of the mentality of these good old boys apostolic. NEVER taking responsibility for their sins, and always blaming others for their short comings. You claim to be an old timer - I doubt it - Why? NO COMMON SENSE! The problem IS NOT the Rodriguezes nor Salomons that are throwing stones and hididng their hands. Get your head out of the sand! The real problem is the Sanchezes and Valverdeses who think they are above the law (doctrinal and civil) and call do whatever they darn please (legal or illegal) without any consideration for others, the church, and the organization! Who are you kidding! This time these control freaks got caight and are paying the consequences for their actions. The fault its not in the people persuing justice through the justice system, but the faul is in those who believed and accepted their greed for power and money! This is nothing else than CAUSE AND AEFFECT! The present GB caused this mess, now they have to deal with its effects!
Claiming to be an old timer.

Anonymous said...

To 1:53

You suggested that we try to resurrect and live this commandment, "With this you know that you are my disciples, that you love one another." Why don't you begin with the leadership! When has the GB even tried to manifest this commandment? When? An old timer you say! At 1:53 am I DOUBT IT! You're probably a member of the Sanchez, Valverde, or Pacheco family who sees their future inharitance begin to fall by the way side, and all you can do is blam others and as always NOT TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for your own actions! If you are going to be quoting Scripture to others, please make sure you and your families are first practicing what you think you preach!

Not perfect but true to his calling

Anonymous said...

Well said "claiming to be an old timer." Its time that we get these preppy apostolics out of the lime light so they can get a real job in the real world!

Paris Hilton

Anonymous said...

To 5:23..

I agree with you, politics have been around for a long time. I believe that this new generation will not put up with it.

I remember when the pastor would say, “Do this or that” we would not question it because he was the “man of God”.

After realizing that many of our good pastors got rapped up with the politics of the church they lost much of their credibility.

I remember reading the preaching line-up for the 2006 convention that Eddie Pacheco was going to be on the GB.

I thought Abel A. would be about getting involved with the (AA Mafia) GB. I would really like to see him set out on his own. My personal opinion is that he will do greater things for Christ out of the AA.

Anonymous said...

ooopppsss (I still half asleep)

I remember reading the preaching line-up for the 2006 convention and knew that Eddie Pacheco was going to be on the GB.

I thought Abel A. would think tweice about getting involved with the (AA Mafia) GB. I would really like to see him set out on his own. My personal opinion is that he will do greater things for Christ out of the AA.

Anonymous said...

To Oct. 25 4:39pm
I happen to be very close to Samuel Mascareño's sister, and all that stuff about Aguilar is totally, absolutely false!
Some of you people need to get a life! You are so hateful; with all the junk you have in your hearts towards all those people you post about. Please get some focus here.
It's about the AA GB elections. did some forget?

Anonymous said...

Regarding 1:53:
I think you all might have misread or misinterpreted what he was saying. It sounds like he is just as frustrated as everyone else. He has been seeing this mess from a different perspective. Regarding Baldemar and Solomons hit and run, we'll yes that's what they have all been doing since the AA's inception. None of those men can wash their hands of any of this. Baldemar set the stage for alot of this - he knows whats been going on - did he change it when he was Bishop? NO. As for Solomon - great preacher - but do you remember the posts regarding Jamie Aguilar? She was married to Aaron Aguirre. When she cheated on him - Aaron packed her stuff and took her back to dad. Do you know who revoked his ministerial credential? Daniel Solomon. Who ever sues who ever - just get it FIXED!

Anonymous said...

Lets see whats going on today, I love this. I'm a back slider that feels like he's been given the potium at Convention. Under the anonymous banner I can be anyone or say whatever I want. I can be a 40 year old minister or an 18 year old sister or even a flor azuler (put your hands in the air and wave them from side to side).
I can ask questions and answer them myself. I can make up lies. Yeah!!!! I'm going to hell, but I'm not alone. I'm saving a seat for you cause there's lots of room.
fun back to buisness

ahemm....Resign Pachuco..Sister J-Lo I mean Jaime is Hot!!!

and yes I'm going to respond to this post and say what a fool!

Anonymous said...

FOCUS PEOPLE! Why is the GB in this PRESENT MESS? Cause they got caught! Whoever did whatever in the past, its gone we can't change that. But whatever is happening NOW, CAN BE CHANGED! The only thing that you and I can do is stand on the side of TRUTH! Use the TRUTH as a measure for the integrity of each man. Then you will see who is who!

Anonymous said...

To 8:41

What a fool!

Anonymous said...

I am just so thankful that I left the AA before all of this mess happened. We were scandalized for leaving, but weathered the storm for the first 1 or so. All the junk being said finally has died down for the most part, and now we are challenged and excited about our future as Christ continues to be glorified in the lives of the members in his church that call our church their "home".

Now with all this stuff happening in the AA, it makes me sad to see how the very foundations of the denomination are being shaken by the politics and corruption. Now perhaps the GB and other AA pastors and members can stop talking smack, trying to destroy the credibility of all those who nervously have left AA and start concentrating on their own troubles.

Anonymous said...

They were caught? They have been caught to many times to number - but nothing was done or things were settled out of court. People have sued the assembly and settled out of court for money or the return of their credentials or pastoral positions. This time they just cant hide it because it has become a galvanizing issue among leaders and congregations. An of course who controls it all? The Lord is giving us an opportunity to make things right - listen up GB - make it right!

God was tired of this so the shake up

Anonymous said...


Just found out that Pastor Obed Aguilar, who resigned his pastorship in Bakersfield, CA. for personal reasons (one can only guess) has left the AA to help, who was his assistant pastor, Paul Ramirez, start another independent church in Bakersfield.

As a result Obed's family has said that his brother, Joe Aguilar, who is pastoring in Merced, CA. is attempting to find a way to get the building out of the AA's name to be able to leave the AA as well - and take the building with him!

Then the same family member (Obed's son) has said that his uncle, David Aguilar, who pastors in Earlimart, CA. is also planning to leave the AA. Currently, David is on the North Central CA. District Board and is intending to resign his position and leave the AA along with his brothers Obed and Joe.

They probably will start their own organization of holier-than-thous! Sounds more like a cult!

Anonymous said...

Yikes - Assemblea Apostolica de Aguilars

Anonymous said...

Go for it Joe, and let us know how.

Anonymous said...

I second that Joe....

Anonymous said...

May God Bless Brother Joe Aguilar for his boldness to go independant.

Hes a good man and a great preacher / teacher.

I wish all the true men of God would split from the assembly and leave the old communist mentality legalists and their nepotistic power hungry ways behind.

Anonymous said...

You mean the arrogant Joe Aguilar that used to be more concerned about making out with every sister in the district when we were all at youth camp back in the day? Oh my gosh! Whatever!!

Now he's some super holy, legalistic, know it all. He bashed everyone for leaving the AA the last few years and now he's going to do the same? Please! What a hypocrite!

Anonymous said...

To 8:26

Yes, its about the election. Elections with candidates. Abel Aguilar was one of those candidates, and was elected bishop.

How can someone with that type of ALLEGATION hanging over his head be elected without at least ANSWERING to his ACCUSER in front of WITNESSES as the Bible prescribes?

If its a baseless claim, then the truth will be revealed. If the allegation has merit, then it should be addressed.

But you see, Abel Aguilar is one of the Bigger Attractions and has a good money base. So he remains untouched.

Its not about the sister, its about the Aguilar in question. Its about his personal ethics. Its about his integrity. Its about his accountability. This is a man who had his son in law's ministerial license revoked because his daughter cheated on him. A bit of a DOUBLE STANDARD.

Did Aguilar ever date the sister in question at any time? Did they have any contact after their marriages?

These are simple questions. Again, they are just ALLEGATIONS, innocent until proven guilty. If they are lies, then they should be put to rest. But if they are true, then Aguilar needs to RESIGN from his bishopness, and his pastoralship.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Dan Sanchez you destroy this organization.

Anonymous said...

Typical hypocrisy throughout the AA. As long as you're in the circle, you're taken care of. When your not in the "in," then you're not.

It's the same with Joe's Bishop, Bro. Hoyer. Cried on everyone's shoulder about the loss of his grandchild, collecting money from the assembly and others for his loss. What he wasn't telling people is his grandchild died of a sexually transmitted disease he got from Hoyer's son!

Anonymous said...

Hey Old-Timer,

lol, yeah righ! If you are and Old Timer, why are you on Myspace checking out Lily Cruz' profile... lol


Anonymous said...

To 10:20

Please expand on this:

"What he wasn't telling people is his grandchild died of a sexually transmitted disease he got from Hoyer's son!"

Anonymous said...

to 10:17. you are right!
*"This is a man who had his son in law's ministerial license revoked because his daughter cheated on him. A bit of a DOUBLE STANDARD"*
that was totally wrong to have done! besides, what if the man was not taking proper care of his "goods"? in any case i think the GB is to blame for all this mess throught the aa history. it's who you rub shoulders with/play their game. GOD have mercy. let HIM judge. we already know what the GB is capable of doing/undoing. unfortunately, there are very few Honest men of God on the GB. we all need prayer! we need God to intervene! this is all too, too sad for the aa and its members. it really is sickening!

(i really do not believe that story about aguilar and the sister)

Anonymous said...

To 8:26AM
I happen to be very close to Samuel Mascareño's sister, and all that stuff about Aguilar is totally, absolutely false!
Did you ask her ex-husband, the witness, did you listen to the tapes, etc?
Again, they are just ALLEGATIONS

Anonymous said...

For thos who siad the AA did not contribute to the wild fire victims...

To their credit, they did send a Truck load of goods (meat, bread, water) for a group of around 90 brothers and sisters taking refuge in one of the Apostolic churches in El Cajon.

Anonymous said...

Again, they are just ALLEGATIONS...

Anonymous said...

Supposedly, Agustin Hoyer ranted and raved, threatening to suit everybody due to the baby dying. He demanded an autopsy and everything and then when he got the results from the doctors he basically shut up. THe thing was that he immediately tried to blame it on the daughter in law but she was only like 16 at the time and was a virgin. He began treating her bad and even made her sleep on the floor while she was pregnant.

When they found out that it was ghonnorea or syphilis (or something like that) from his son, he swept it all under the carpet and played the victim.

Of course he can never be truthful with anyone since now he's a Bishop and if ever anyone found out all the real truth he's danced around, then his preaching schedule would be no more.

Anonymous said...

Edward Pacheco had an extra marital affair...

With an ATM Machine! lol

Anonymous said...

There is a family from the church of Vista - Andres and Lydia Saavedra - that lost their entire home and possessions in the fire in Fallbrook. This is an honorable ministerial man and woman, lets see what they do for them. Send them $50 after they fill out the application and 2 month approval process.

Anonymous said...

Accoording to the Nationl MOP website, this years youth convention is going to be totally seperate from the ministerial convention, including the evening service. Can somebody elaborate on this?...from what I reall this is someting that hasn't been done before, is that correct?

Anonymous said...

To 11:08 AM
Its too late for this GB their image is already tarnished.

Anonymous said...

To 11:08

I bet Sanchez and Malverde were there to get a photo opp unloading the truck.

Anonymous said...

Whats going on with the lawsuit?

Anonymous said...

Sam-chez resign

Anonymous said...

To 11:12 a.m.

Can you get us a number for the family that lost there home? Or the number to their pastor.

Anonymous said...

I lost my home to rising interest rates and no one had pity on me.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Move into Malverde's house. He's got plenty of room in his 5,000 square foot house.

Or maybe you can move into one of Pachuco's many 5,000 square foot houses.

Anonymous said...

The family that lost the home goes to Vista Apostolic Church
Andres and Lydia Saavedra

Pastor John Sanchez

The fire completely destroyed the home - nothing left. Please dont make light of this situation as it is as serious as it gets. I saw pictures of this and it is very devastating to see the power of nature.

Anonymous said...

A question for the legal beagles:
Joe Aguilar, who is pastoring in Merced, CA. is attempting to find a way to get the building out of the AA's name to be able to leave the AA as well - and take the building with him!
Its that possible?
Any legal advice?

Anonymous said...

Joe Aguilar should look up the case of Hilario Gamez vs. Apostolic Assembly. Hilario Gamez left, with his building. Its possible. He was pastoring in Huntington Park, CA/

Anonymous said...

Arent there land use rights?
Not a lawyer but had heard someone got a building in a similar case (not AA)

Anonymous said...

The land use provisions of the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act of 2000 (RLUIPA), 42 U.S.C. §§ 2000cc, et seq., protect individuals, houses of worship, and other religious institutions from discrimination in zoning and landmarking laws (for information on RLUIPA's institutionalized persons provisions, please refer to the Civil Rights Division's Special Litigation Section ).

Anonymous said...

The new GB
President Francisco Madero
Vicepresident Pancho Villa
General Secretary Emiliano Zapata
Treasurer Pascual Orozco

Anonymous said...

Id like to know more on the Hoyer situation and which one of his son's was the one with the disease. How sad to know that a child had to die over the foolishness and immoral actions of oneself..

Anonymous said...

Ive heard and I've seen Alyssa Covarooch on diffrent occasions in pant apparel , joyas wearing makeup like she fell into a box of crayons.. Let me just tell that the apple doesnt fall far from the tree: " Ive also seen her MAMA in pant apparel." Well u all know where she originally came from .. Where the famous Bishop Lopez pastors. Half of his praise singers were jewelery , makeup, go clubbing, have special cocktails.. They have no shame all thier pics are posted all over the internet.. but come sunday they are all restored and ready to be anointed PLEASE!!!!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

oh hey isnt she singing in alabanza 07. november 3rd in union city, ca .. i wonder if she is gonna wear her pants to..
Wait thats in union city anything goes..... just give ur offering.....

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

There is nothing wrong with sisters wearing pants, thats part of the mind control this cult has over us.

Anonymous said...

if there is nothing wrong with them why dont she wear them to the Convention next time she is praise singing.. Hypocrit..

Anonymous said...

The argument against Christian women wearing pants is that pants have historically been worn by and associated with men and are therefore men’s clothing. One problem with this view is that it is not a consistently applied principle among those that advocate it. Many of the articles of clothing have histories of originating with a certain sex. Consider t-shirts – these too were invented for men and originally worn exclusively by men. The t-shirt was introduced to America during WWI when American soldiers noticed European soldiers wearing them. By WWII, the t-shirt became standard issue in the American military and was quickly introduced into American fashion. Not only were t-shirts originally invented for men, but they were invented specifically for the military. Considering this in light of the true meaning of Deut 22:5, which seems to be forbidding women from wearing the habiliments of a soldier, it would logically follow that a woman wearing a t-shirt would be in much greater violation of this verse than a woman wearing pants. Furthermore, there is no distinction between men’s and women’s t-shirts.

Anonymous said...

Amen to what 1:40 just said....

...we can't get it mixed up....what's going on within the AA is one thing, and our doctrine is something else!

Anonymous said...

To 1:40
That's exactly the point we have make our sisters hypocrites with this dame rules. No were to be found in the bible. Hypocrit

Anonymous said...

Whats wrong with the girl wearing pants? NOTHING! You people are Ignorant if you base on her for wearing pants.

Its funny to see these Apostolic Women in their Levi Skirts, with hairy legs, mustaches, looking like a group of BRUJAS!

At least Alyssa has the boldness to dress her conviction. If she dresses in dresses on sunday, its out of respect for the organization.

Apostolic Women need to wear make up, shave, do their hair, jewelry, the whole deal.

People, we are not in the RANCHO anymore!

Geeez! Pffff...

Anonymous said...

No there's nothing wrong with wearing pants- then why aren't all the sisters wearing them? why does she wear pants and jewelry during the week and wear a skirt on Sunday? why not be true to herself? that's being a hypocrite- a big one at that- you preach by your actions one thing and do another.

I've also heard she's put out with her off and on again Arti- but that's ok- God forgives her on Sunday and all is well. she's being true to herself.

Go girl!! Just don't be a hypocrite- ain't no shame in wearing what you want and what you're convicted to wear- just don't pretend not to. that's where it's wrong.

hmmm. i wonder if Bishop LUgo has seen these pics-- he may not be so quick to help her 'daddy' everytime he gets into a pickle with someone from his church.

Anonymous said...

I for one would like to see more sisters wear pants- why not wear them to district services and conventions? most of you sisters commenting there's nothing wrong- put your money where your mouth is and wear some nice slacks to the next service- local, district, national- just don't forget the veil and the calvary chapel worship stance. :)

Anonymous said...

If the AA is a cult and we don't like the pant rule- there's another non-denom church around the corner we can all move to-- if we choose to stay- the rule is no pants- like it or not.

alessa covarrubias is a hypicrite- not because she wears the pants- but because she wears them everywhere else but church- why doesn't she do that? Out of respect? Respect for what? if there's nothing wrong with them- then wearing them is not disrespectful to anything- in reality- pants are really long skirts sowed up in the middle.

I suggest all sisters start wearing them- most of you wear them in hiding anyway and that is what is wrong- the hypocrisy of it all.

Anonymous said...

I forgot, this Blog is composed of mostly Hispanic Macho Ultra-Right Wing Religious Fanatic Males.

There's another word to describe you guys,


Anonymous said...

It's just a big mess.

Anonymous said...

I bet you anything is not a man but a hairy sister writing.

Anonymous said...

If you think it's good or bad to wear pants is really up to a persons own way of thinking.....the fact is that it is strictly prohibited for woman to wear pants in our already commented by someone else....there are many non-denominational organizations out there such as Calvary Chapel where they allow sisters to do that!

Anonymous said...

God will judge us all according to our own convictions-- if you feel like wearing pants sister- by all means do it-- just don't be a hypocrite and do it in hiding and when you see an hermana/hermano- don't hide. . . show yourself with pride!

Kudos to her for wearing pants- she needs to buy some nice slacks for the Alabanza recording in November-- don't be afraid girl-- just wear them!

Anonymous said...

Sisters help us beautified this ugly organization, wear your pants, jewelry makeup the whole enchilada. Down with those damn rules.

Anonymous said...

SISTERS UNITE!!! Start wearing pants if that is what you feel like doing! there's nothing wrong with wearing them!! Just make sure you're not a size 18 trying to squeeze into a size 4!!!

Anonymous said... those pictures alessa actually LOOKS christian! I'VE SEEN WORSE.

Anonymous said...

Funny how the whole AA GB controversy is starting to get boring, cause all you see now is people talking bout the doctrine, sisters wearing pants....sis. Noehmi being hot looking, etc.

Anonymous said...

you all stop picking on Alessa-she can wear pants if she wants--how is it hurting or affecting any of you?

Anonymous said...

Hillary in 2008

Doesn't Hillary belong on that list of males?

Anonymous said...

Alessa for MOP president. Go girl

Anonymous said...

Size 18 into a 4 lol. I've seen that already....specially when it comes to bishop's daughters!

Anonymous said...

Men are the root to all these problems.

Martin Del Campo - Male
Jason Aguilar - Male
Jeff Aguilar - Male
Bush - Male
Cheney - Male
Sanchez - Male
Satan - Male
Valverde - Male
Rick Ramirez - Male
Art Tafoya - Male
Demons - Male
Randy Quesada - Male
Hitler - Male
Osama Ben Ladin - Male
Suddam Hessein - Male

Do all of you see the common denominator?

Hillary in 2008

Anonymous said...

Stop already with that lesbian.

Anonymous said...

I don't think the pants are the problem. I think M/F pants that are provocative - just like skirts/shorts that are to short are more the issue.

I say wear your pants, just remember men are watching you. Even though they should maintain self control, ladies - you're not helping matters by not being modest.

Anonymous said...

Even in the bible, its filled with men who have sinned against God.

Adam - Sinned
Lucifer - Sinned
King David - Sinned
Judas - Sinned
Peter - Sinned
Cain - Sinned
Noah - Sinned

There are 20 men who sinned against God for every 1 woman. Its the same in this cult you call the apostolic assembly. You sin, bring the church down and treat women like property.

Anonymous said...

AMEN to 1:34 & Thank You 1:40
there's nothing wrong with girl's
pants, make up, jewelry. the problem with all u AA's is that you like the control that the GB
men have on you. believe me, some of you girls/ladies would look much better (attractive) in pant suits/ modest pant apparel. and a little make up would help as well.
Just because you wear designer labels/ expensive watches..
I wonder how it is that the AA Bishops/pastors/ministers/AA men in general have time to be looking at their "brothers" wife and point out what they wear, be it pants, make up, jewelry, etc.. when you would think they should be focusing on saving the lost. Win some for the Kingdom!(leave the girls alone!) But a lot of AA ladies look like toads, while their husbands look Good! But, again, man-made rules;for the women, of course.
Anyway, you all women continue doing and wearing what they tell you and they(GB) will continue to be corrupt with elections, funds, bashing and everything else, as there does not seem to be any change as of yet. (and you men, how do you allow those same GB men to dictate what your wife looks like? i'll never understand)

Although, hopefully, something does change for the good of the people. and maybe we will not see so much hate towards some of the people, as there has been throughout most of this blog. People, we are people; we all make mistakes.But let's not continue to make the same over and over...and over again.
"Let us love one another" that the world may see that we are one..."

Anonymous said...

Well, think about it. . .

Job had everything. The first thing the devil went after was his wealth. Next his family. Finally his health.

The only thing the devil never asked to take away was his wife!!! He knew he could use her. He had used a woman before - to introduce sin into the WORLD. Before Eve, there was no sin. Job's wife told him to curse God & die!!!

Adam should have give his arm and leg for a woman - instead of just a rib.

Anonymous said...

that is the stupidest thing I've ever read! that's like blaming a woman for getting raped for wearing certain outfits.

the problem is some men's self-control or lack of it. in general-men need to practice self-control and christian men--need to be prayed and fasted. if that is their weekness- they need to ask God for help. Some men salivate at some women whether or not they are dressed modestly or provactivaly.

Anonymous said...

the 2:33 entry was in response to the 2:22 entry.

Anonymous said...

Let's turn this around- Just as I've seen alot of apostolic women who look less than desirable (women: christian doesn't mean let yourselves go) I've also seen alot of nice looking sisters . . .with the UUUUUGLIEST men!! I wonder what the attraction is!! Women are supposed not let themselves go and look attractive but then why do the men end up with the 9-month beer belly under those suits? OH-- but the sister had better pluck right and shave this'n that and look nice- all the while the hubby is huge and ugly- where is the logic?

Anonymous said...

Sister who wear make up, wear pants, jewelry are going to hell.


Jaime Aguilar

PS My New Release will be out at Convention for only $20.00

Autographed for $25.00

Anonymous said...

LOL! I bet alessa finally stopped crying now that we've moved on to something else! ;)

Anonymous said...

Alyssa is good for one night!
Lilly is good for two nights
But Jaime Hernandez toda la noche sin parar!!!!!

I meant singing cochinos!!

Anonymous said...

Fornication= 2 weeks restoration
Adultry= 4 weeks restoration
Stealing/Scamming= ignored
Sisters wearing pants= No doubt about it! you're going to hell! no mercy for you!

that seems to be the mentality.

Anonymous said...

Huge stretch from reason for modest attire to rape for wearing provacative clothing.

Remember who first provided proper clothing - Gen 3:21 - God made COATS not aprons.

Unfortunately Men and woman do not pray & fast as much as you would likt them to. If they did, the women would be wearing apparel that is pleasing to their God. and Men would not be lusting at them becuase they are busy drawing closer to the creator. but take any consecrated man and through a scantily clad attractive woman in front of him and I guarantee he will be distracted.

Anonymous said...

There is absolutely nothing wrong with women looking attractive. And yes, men should take care of themselves too - Even if they are not Flor-Azulers.

You don't need to show your navel or your tonsils to be attractive. That's not the attraction we need.

Anonymous said...

2:46 PM

Fraud = sElection to GB

Anonymous said...

men (and women for that matter) aren't dead- of course if we see someone attractive we're going to look- but it's when we can't stop looking and start lusting that we've crossed the line.

I think 'modesty' is a matter of opinion- what I consider modest- someone else can consider immodest- it's according to our own conviction- but our convictions- if any- can't be that far out that you can't distinguish where do draw the line.

that sister wearing pants- is not half as bad us judging her.

Anonymous said...

I spend lots of time on my knees.


Sergio Villanueva

Anonymous said...

I don't consider Daisy Duke shorts immodest! They're just HOT!

Anonymous said...

To October 26, 2007 2:09 PM

So . . . according to your statement the three deranged monsters from Santa Anita Church should not be judged because - their convictions said it was okay to molest children?

I thought someone said you passed away bro. Dan Hernandez. Or are you one of the three? Or do you just a sympathizer?

Anonymous said...

2:09 PM

It is also interesting that you should use the word 'pride'.

Please read your scripture and tell us where you have found 'pride' to be a good thing. Everywhere I look it is bad.

Pride is also associated with homosexuals. Are you telling them to wear their pants and come out of the closet?

Anonymous said...

i'm talking about convictions in regard to apparel--

in re: daniel hernandez- those were not convictions- he was just a sinful man.

Anonymous said...

2:09 PM

And lastly, were you hoping for Alessa's contact information? Maybe you'd like to ask her out so she can model her pants for you.

Is that what you wanted SISTER?

Anonymous said...

to 3:06- if your kid gets into harvard - would you not be 'proud' of him/her?

if your kids give themselves to the lord and not go 'into the world' - are you not proud of that?

do you not try to dress yourself to look nice on a daily basis? or do you not take any 'pride' in yourself and don't bathe, wear deo or brush your teeth?

are you not 'proud' to be an apostolic? are you not 'proud' of your family?

i know what the bible says about pride- but don't take it out of context.

Anonymous said...

I think we all need to have a healthy level of pride-

Anonymous said...

I'm a brother and I don't like sloppy seconds.

Anonymous said...

I think what 2:09 meant by 'show yourself with pride' is for her not to do it in hiding and be ashamed because that is how she believes. if you're going to wear them- why hide?

not too difficult to understand that.

Anonymous said...

yo all is talking about what is the dress of the girls and of the ladies here in the apostolic church. what all is I have to say is that what is the church girls espeically of the youths ladies what wheres the thong and g=strings are spending lots of the time of tempting the modern apostolic mans. thought I can say I of the do like thems, they pobably make me to thank bad thoughs in my head but as a mans I haves to say i loves it but has the spirituol mans inside of me it pobbaly bad and make my pastor say me need to repend.

Anonymous said...

to entry 3:20:


Anonymous said...

3:20 needs to go to myspace.

Anonymous said...

one word

Anonymous said...

3:20 - your CBS Kids shows are starting in 5 minutes- time to log off!

Anonymous said...

Anything new??



So what, if anything is new with the lawsuit??

Anonymous said...

AAAyyyy 'nuff about the dress codes and blah, blah, blah

this blog is about the elections- or did everyone forget-

if you want to continue your 'doctrinal symposium' go to FOT tomorrw- they're having a basic doctrinal talk tomorrow- look at their church calendar for more info-

elections---lawsuit-- hellllooo!!!

anyone out there with something of substenance in regards to the elections fiasco?

Anonymous said...

Pride is what put this blog on the map!

The GB's pride that doesn't allow them to confess and step down.

The pride some people have with their bodies. Makes them want to flaunt them.

I would be 'happy' that my children accomplished something.

Lucifer was PROUD of the light that seemed to shine from his being. In reality he was only reflecting God's light.

I am happy to be a child of God. It's God's mercy/grace not my works that allow me to be Apostolic. The GB is proud to be Apostolic.

Please enlighten us all as to the context in which the Holy word of God allows for pride to be a good thing.

Anonymous said...

Brother- I'm ecstatic and proud to be a child of God! I'm no ordinary person- my Father is not only a king- he is THE King!

Anonymous said...


1. Inordinate self-esteem; an unreasonable conceit of one's own superiority in talents, beauty, wealth, accomplishments, rank or elevation in office, which manifests itself in lofty airs, distance, reserve, and often in contempt of others.

PRIDE, v.t. With the reciprocal pronoun, to pride one's self, to indulge pride; to take pride; to value one's self; to gratify self-esteem. They pride themselves in their wealth, dress or equipage. He prides himself in his achievements.

1Timothy 3:4 One that ruleth well his own house, having his children in subjection with all gravity;

1Timothy 3:6 Not a novice, lest being lifted up with pride he fall into the condemnation of the devil.

Be careful I know of great men of God who have taken pride in their relationship with God. That pride makes one think they are above the law. In turn these great men, in prolonged fasting/prayer have fallen - Pride.

Anonymous said...

My sources are telling me that none of the pastors but one complain about the letters send by the petitioners to the contrary pastors welcome the lawsuit.
That tells me a lot the mind frame of the AA pastors. They are not willing to put up with this any longer.

Anonymous said...

or we're just not willing to go against the hand that feeds us. Silence doesn't necessarily mean agreement.

Anonymous said...

Silence doesn't necessarily mean agreement?.

Anonymous said...

TO October 26, 2007 2:45 PM


Anonymous said...

OK back the elections...

I have one question:

Bishop Arthur Tafoya,
Now that the lawsuit has been filed, whose side are you on?

On your site you post this quote:

"Give us clear vision that we may know where to stand and what to stand for, because unless we stand for something, we shall fall for anything." Rev. Peter Marshall ~ Chalpain

But you do not sign your name with the petitioners, this looks like your not practicing what you are preaching.

Who are you standing with?

Anonymous said...

Politics at its finest!!

Anonymous said...

To 4:33 PM
Now that the lawsuit has been filed.
How do you know?.

Anonymous said...

Silence shall abound with the winds of nonconvictious demonic speaches of the generation of vipers. You wallow in your bitterness but the Men of God have thus not dwindled to your wasteful wishes of change. For the Lord surely hath this day appointed the guardians of the storehouse. Thy wickedness surely this day shall not prevail and his will be done. Thy pervertedness of thy bitter speach surely this day hath turned to ears that do not listen. Like a hallowing wind, or the silence of the snake, your threats have diminishing returns with a great and awesome silence. Surely this day a pestilence of poverty and depression shall rain down upon the houses of the many Judas' that dominate this site. The Lord hath showed me in devine vision that this site of the web of deciet will surely be shut down by the second day of the coming week. The bitter waters will be shut soon and bittness will end in the week to come. The Lord hath surely this day spoken to you a word.

Anonymous said...

The Lord?
Who is your LORD, for sure not our Lord Jesus. But the lord of this world.

Anonymous said...

It cracks me up how this person always signs anonymous.

Anonymous said...

Its not a person is a demonic force. Believed me. The demonic force on supporting this corrupt

Anonymous said...

Hmo. 4:33 PM
That is kind of like waiting until the 4th quarter to decide who's team you are voting for.

What else do you expect from these guys.

Anonymous said...

In reading all this sinformation on this blog, you'd think that believers would be just as eager to share the Word and faith and good news just as enthusiastically.

Anonymous said...

“Today, the Church is at a crossroads. You are the key person who can help in this matter to help deter the great harm that is about to befall the Church. It is urgent that you take actions that will avoid this terrible dilemma we are facing. In this very critical moment, you have the great burden and responsibility to set aside your personal interests and feelings. At a certain time, Moses went before God to advocate for the preservation of the life of the people (Numbers 14:11-20). Moses placed his personal interests to the side when God wanted to destroy the people of Israel and give him a new people. According to God, the people warranted death. But Moses did not want another people. He wanted God to forgive Israel. Moses deals personally with God. If somebody else would have been by his side, perhaps they would have advised him, “Let God destroy them. They deserve that for being such a rebellious people.” It is obvious that Moses was more interested in the well being of the people than his own personal interests.

My brother and friend, Bishop Daniel Sánchez, you are faced with an enormous decision that will impact and have great repercussion in the Church. In no way do I pretend to comprehend your situation in totality, but the reality is that you are the only one that with the direction of God could help resolve this crisis that now threatens the Lord’s Church.

At this juncture, my simple opinion is that you would please consider new elections to solve this most serious situation. I believe with all my heart that if you do that, you will still be elected President. We need your maturity in that important position. I believe that will be honorable for you and it will bring healing to the Church and we will avoid much harm. This will show that the interests of the Church of the LORD are more important for you than your own.

As a friend, I beg you for the love of God and His work that you will use your power to preserve the unity of the Church. It does not behoove us to blame the brethren that are demanding. You well know that they did not originate the dilemma in which we are now in. Do not permit this to reach the need for litigation in courts. If this does happen, no matter who wins, we will all lose.

I come to the end of this plea by saying that my desire is that God will bless you and your appreciative wife. I will be praying that the LORD will show you what you need to do in this very difficult hour. I have the utmost confidence that you will allow the LORD to guide you.”

Anonymous said...

Sammy won't let him

Sammy has to much on him and will blackmail.

Thats why nothinig is ever done,cause everyone has something on everyone else.

Let it to the courts..its time for all the bad things the church has done for all this years come to the light.

Let the QB be sued..I for one whould like to see the all mighty Gaxiola pay for all the mess he has made of the north central district.

The time is now..if its not done now we all lose.

More power to the people!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Can we get confirmation on Joe Aguilar?

Anonymous said...

My letter to Sam Valverde, then and still the "Secretary of Christian Education" for the Apostolic Assembly and also currently a pastor, focused on the issue of pants in response to his article in one of their publications ("Holiness: Part 3", Preserving Doctrinal Unity, Apostolic Biblical Expositor, 2nd Quarter, [Manna Apostolic Publications, Los Angeles, CA, 1994], 51) that stated Deut. 22:5 (the article actually had 22:9) "is used to prove that woman should 'not wear pants'". In his letter dated October 24, 1994, Mr. Valverde first agreed with my hermeneutical analysis of Deut. 22:5 and later admitted that he "should have put the word prove ('prove') in quotes, in order to emphasize the point."
However, his comments elsewhere dulled their truthfulness. For instance, he emphatically stated that his article explains "one should not interpret the text the way you accuse me of doing" (his emphasis). Yet in his article, he states "but to interpret this verse in this way ONLY, violates the hermeneutical laws..." (my emphasis). Clearly this is an acceptance of the flawed interpretation and only an objection to it being the only interpretation. He then denounced the fact that I did not provide a reference "by a recognized authority" for one of my statements, yet he ignored the fact that he did not always provide documentation for several of his statements.

Anonymous said...


T he verse used by Oneness Pentecostals to "prove" that women are not to wear pants is Deuteronomy 22:5.1 There are at least two reasons why this verse has a deeper meaning than what is concluded from just a simple reading of it and, therefore, does not ban women from wearing pants. One reason is that if we also read verse 12 it should be clear that the clothing worn in those days were similar for men and woman. They both wore robes as an outer garment. Let's now take a look at the text in two versions.
The KJV reads: "The woman shall not wear THAT WHICH PERTAINETH unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the Lord thy God." The Literal Translation reads: "not will be WHAT IS OF A MAN on a woman nor will put on a man garment a woman's because an abomination to Yahweh your God whoever does these things." Notice that it speaks NOTHING of a man's CLOTHING on a woman. It only speaks of a woman's clothing on a man.

The word "wear" (Hebrew hayah) means to exist (i.e. be or become, come to pass - always emphatic, and not a mere copula or auxiliary). Compare that to the word "wear" in verse 11 (Hebrew labesh) which means properly, wrap around (i.e. - by implication - to put on a garment or clothe (oneself, or another), literally or figuratively). Returning to verse 5, the word "pertaineth" (KJV; Hebrew kliy) means something prepared (i.e. any apparatus - as an implement, utensil, dress, vessel or weapon). This word is never used for clothing. The word "garment" (Hebrew simlah) means a covering through the idea of a cover assuming the shape of the object beneath (i.e. clothing; also treachery or pillage).

Therefore, verse 5 conveys two meanings. First, it may be referring to men who would wear something which would make them "become" as a woman. He would then "hang out" with a group of women and befriend a certain woman. Once the trust was established the man would then take advantage of her sexually and/or rob her.

Secondly, it may be referring to acts of idol worship. During this period, pagans would worship idols in rituals that would have women wearing men's accessories such as his armor, and staff, etc. Both acts would most certainly be detestable to God.

Nonetheless, in case you disagree with the interpretation above and still believe that it means woman are not to wear pants, you may be interested to know that this was a law given by God to the Israelites which would not be continued in the New Testament. As Romans 6:14 states, we "are not under law, but under grace." If you read verses 23-24, you will find a law that commands a couple be stoned to death for a certain act of fornication. I know of many "Apostolics" (as well as non-Oneness) who are very glad that this law is not still in effect. You will find certain laws that are still continued in the New Testament, such as the Ten Commandments, which we most definately should still uphold.

On this point, women are instructed in the New Testament to only wear modest and inexpensive clothes (1 Tim 2:9). The word "modest" (KJV; Greek kosmios) simply means orderly or well arranged (i.e. decorous, seemly). In fact, pants worn by women today are not worn because of idol worship. They are worn for comfort, and in some cases, for purposes of modesty. Many women first began wearing pants during the World Wars. Women were needed to work in factories because most of the men were away. They didn't wear pants because they wanted to be men or worship idols. They wore them because it was suitable and proper (seemly) for the job at hand.


Anonymous said...

Missy V HOT!!!!

Anonymous said...

blog-master this place is too full.

Anonymous said...

Have you heard about the War between or among "Mafias" or Narco Wars among "Cartels". That is exactly what is going on.

With an exception or two, most of these "great men" are responsible for the present and the past mess and now they are eating each other.

This is a question of Who is more corrupt?

A. The Current GB
B. The Past members of the GB
C. All the Above

"Hueso Colorado" From East Coast

Anonymous said...

TO hueso colorado.
A. Of course. Adultery, Fraud, Lies, Deception, Scams, Treason, CID, Greed , ETC, ETC. Never before in the history of this organization we have seen anything like it. This is unprecedented.

Anonymous said...

To Hueso Colorado:
Where is the CID in all of this
they knew about Pacheco before elections he was approved same with Aguilar , same with Montes, same with Espinoza and now Carranco at his district, several other new bishops and elders and God only knows who else. None of the above qualified for different reasons.

Anonymous said...

Go to the Home Missions website then to the NEWS section, there is nothing there to report do you know why....oh never mind!!

Anonymous said...

Our new hero

Joe Aguilar, Pastor

2427 E Santa Fe Ave
Merced, CA 95340-4337
(209) 324-7586

Anonymous said...

To 10/26 7:41
..I for one whould like to see the all mighty Gaxiola pay for all the mess he has made of the north central district.

WHO's gaxiola?? explain/elaborate.
what mess has he made???

Anonymous said...

I believe Joe Aguilar and his Bros would leave over somehting like this. Joe Aguilar has the largest churcg in the Central Valley - people and building. If he finds a way to pull off the property thing, for sure he will leave. I'm not a member of his church and have no inside info., btu just judging from his leadership style, he'll bounce.

Here is the church's website:
Nice building

Anonymous said...

October 26, 2007 9:03 AM

RE: Obed, they say he left because of the diabetis... he actually got caught...yes it was another woman..goes to show no matter how fat, bald, or loud you are there is someone out there willing to go the extra mile to help a poor pastor down on his sex life..

Anonymous said...

Is it only the brother that wants to part. or does his congregation also want to go independant?

Anonymous said...

"goes to show no matter how fat, bald, or loud you are there is someone out there willing to go the extra mile to help a poor pastor"

HA! I'm not fat, just a little chubby.


Edward Pacheco

Anonymous said...

"goes to show no matter how fat, bald, or loud you are there is someone out there willing to go the extra mile to help a poor pastor"

HA! I'm not fat, just a little chubby.


Edward Pacheco

Anonymous said...

All of you are a bunch of whining, crybaby, sore losers, np respecting apostolics.


Kobe Bryant

Anonymous said...

RE: Obed, they say he left because of the diabetis... he actually got caught...

Caught with his pants down?

Hey how many Pastors have been caught with their pants down?

And where are they? Still pastoring and still with their pants down. To bad sometimes it involves children.
And Sanchez just looks the other way.....and says..." nomas mande todo el dinero y todo esta bien"
and his hench man Malverde says yesss mucho verde.

but don't blame Obed thats the way he probaby grew up...watching the so called Men of God sin and get away with why not him! fleece the church and screw the sisters. No body will report you and if they do they will get taking to court for slander and defammtion all in the name of the Lord. Because you should not go against God Anionted...God forbid!Its ok for the Bishops, Pastors, ministers and all the PK's To put out and _uck. Why not they get away with it..while the GB looks the other way and sweeps it all under the rug.
And god forbid that we even think of bothering this great men of god, about our problems. Thats why I say the _ell with it, take them to court, thats the only way to get rid of the scum and their spoiled offspring. They rule by fear and thats all they got..cause they are not men enough to stand up for themselves and have to hid behind the pulpit.....and the collar....


BS....In my opinion Its time for some anionted hermanos whose wives and daughters have been sexual abuse by this scum and hermanos that have been robbed of life saving to get up and beat the heck out of the scum of the church...starting with
2 vote Eddie

diabetis huh? maybe he thought dipping it somewhere else would cure it

Anonymous said...

If it was for Diabetes, the Malverde needs to RESIGN!

Anonymous said...

Diabetes or Diablo?

Anonymous said...

Malverde, Pachuco, Sanchez, Prado, Maffey son los Gangster Obispos.

Anonymous said...

Once you start exposing all this corruption they tell you to get out of the AA. No we are not going nowhere this is our church and we are going to fix it from with in Somebody else needs to get out.
Your Brother from Texas.

Anonymous said...

Jeremiah 23:14-16 states, “I have seen also in the prophets of Jerusalem an horrible thing: they commit adultery, and walk in lies: they strengthen also the hands of evildoers, that none doth return from his wickedness: they are all of them unto me as Sodom, and the inhabitants thereof as Gomorrah. 15 Therefore thus saith the LORD of hosts concerning the prophets; Behold, I will feed them with wormwood, and make them drink the water of gall: for from the prophets of Jerusalem is profaneness gone forth into all the land. 16 Thus saith the LORD of hosts, Hearken not unto the words of the prophets that prophesy unto you: they make you vain: they speak a vision of their own heart, and not out of the mouth of the LORD.”

The prophet in these verses refers to those that speak; they are the spokesmen, or speakers, especially referring to the spiritual leaders of the people. This is a very interesting passage, as it speaks of the prophets that commit adultery, and then walk in lies. Walking in lies refers to the way they live. Verse 14 indicates they so live to cause evildoers to remain in their wickedness. This is exactly what we see today, even among our Apostolic brothers. These adulterers have not stepped down from their position, nor do they encourage others, who have disqualified themselves, from stepping down. Therefore wickedness continues, and grows. God states they are the same as Sodom and Gomorrah, whose inhabitants were filled with homosexuality, which is an abomination to God. Just as surely as God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, he will destroy those that walk after them. Notice the difference in how men see sins and how God sees the same sins!

Verse 15 states the end of the judgment of God upon these false prophets. How terrible this judgment is! Adulterers, who are prophets (spokesmen of God), who do not repent, who by their un-repentance encourage others to remain unrepentant, will face wormwood and gall, judgments of God reserved for terrible sinners and pagans who have convinced themselves of their personal righteousness, but are abomination to God Almighty! Why do they face such terrible judgments from God? Verse 15 continues by stating that through their continual wickedness and “thumbing their noses” at God, profaneness (which is pollution, hypocrisy and godlessness) has gone forth into all the land. This is exactly what has happened in this United States of America! Look at all the Apostolic churches that do not stand for morals at all. Look at the qualifications of pastors in I Timothy 3:1-7. These are all moral qualifications. Today, go to any Apostolic ordination, and you will find most of the questions are about doctrine, not morals. Are doctrines important? Of course, but if the pastor has no morals, his doctrine will fall on deaf ears, because his doctrine will be his own. Let every pastor realize he is responsible to God alone. The morals of the pastor will soon become the morals of the people he pastors, just exactly like the doctrines of the pastor will soon become the doctrines of the people he pastors.

Verse 16 continues by stating that the people who want to serve God will not listen to the adulterous pastor. This is God’s command, not God’s suggestion. This command must be obeyed, or the spiritual well being of the listeners will be just like the speaker. Those that listen to the words of the adulterous pastor will hear words he has produced from his own depraved heart. The listeners will become vain (empty). This is a very terrible thing.

Anonymous said...

It's about time that we have a place to discuss openly what most of us talk about after church in corner of the parking lot: how in the world is the pastor allowed to continue to lead after 20 years the same ole' 200 people. Only 5-10 baptisms a year and these pastors think that we should actually believe what they say when it comes to following the will of God in our lives. And now we have to deal with the spoiled little brat pastor son's that will mooch off the church for the next 20 years. No education, no experience, no respect, no accountability, but they think they deserve to be the next pastor. There are some of the sons that have actually gone out and acquired an education or a career and then gave it up to take over dad’s church, for these I have some respect. But all the new breed of “wanna be pastors” think just because they can “tear it up” with all their “one-liners” and actually think that what they produce is a move of God is an utter joke. These guys have turn into showmen, with all their crazy antics on the stage. How many can stand up there and deliver the word of God and get a real holy ghost move of God without shaming people into worshipping, without putting on a show and regurgitating the same lines that they know get people excited and running.

It’s time that Apostolics hold up a higher standard when choosing a pastor.

Anonymous said...

If you all complain so much of the GB and your pastor, why do you stay within the AA? The AA will not change over night.

1.. The ladies will not be allowed to wear pants any time soon. Sisters no disrespect but before you wear pants PLEASE make sure you look good.

2. Restoration - We have read that no individual that commits adultery or fornication will be allowed back in the ministry.

"Bro, why are you still hanging around just leave don't waste your time."

3. Politics - As long as there are men and women involve there will ALWAYS be politics.

If you don't like the rules or all the junk that happens, LEAVE.

Anonymous said...

Once you start exposing all this corruption they tell you to get out of the AA. No we are not going nowhere this is our church and we are going to fix it from with in Somebody else needs to get out.
Your Brother from Texas.

I think you just proved my point.

Anonymous said...

Brother from Texas, do you really believe in your heart that you will clean up the AA?

Anonymous said...

Brother from Texas. I am not a GB or friend with the GB, all what I am saying STOP wasting your time.

Yesterday it was old GB, today is current GB, tommorrow it will be new GB.

Anonymous said...

"If you don't like the rules or all the junk that happens, LEAVE."

Thats what they wanted Jesus to do when he came in the church and started turning the tables over. When the church was nothing more then a money making machine for the higher ups like it is now.

Its not the rules, its who is breaking them and getting away with it, and getting rich at it, bashing the sisters one day then trying to get under their skirts the next day. The bashing sermons like the Bishop Lopez's one "Plucka, plucka plucka"..that was one great one.
and I could go on and on but I think you get the idea now
unless your one of the breakers that get away with it cause your daddy can get you out of it. Right Jamie?

Anonymous said...

I am a 4th generation AA, I think I have seen ALOT OF JUNK. Focus on JESUS and let the other stuff pass you by.

Election fraud has been going on for years and years. Those that are suing and are being sued are all guilty of putting and taking people out of positions.

The only difference now is that the shoe is on the other foot.

Anonymous said...

Jaime did what she did. She will give account for her actions. True or not?

If Abel was your daddy I am sure you would want help also. RIGHT?

I am sure you and I have done some things that we are not proud of. RIGHT?

So leave the girl alone. "So she went black at least she came back"

We talk about restoration, so if the girl got a break good for her.

Anonymous said...

"He that is without sin cast the first rock"

Anonymous said...

"We talk about restoration, so if the girl got a break good for her."

Thats all good and all, but what about the poor ex? What break did he get? The shaft!!!!
Lost his ministry and she comes back and is put in the lime light singing I'm in Heaven I'm in heaven. Its ok to come back thats great, but put her in the lime light justs shows all the girls in the assembly thats its ok to cheat.

Anonymous said...

If she has repented of her sin, who are we to say she can't sing in the lime lights.

Look at it as how great is HIS mercy.

Or should she be sitting in the back bench?

If she is just covering the sin then in time she will go black ...ooops i mean back again....

Anonymous said...

What about her father?

Anonymous said...

what about him?

Anonymous said...

Those that listen to the words of the adulterous pastor will hear words he has produced from his own depraved heart. The listeners will become vain (empty). This is a very terrible thing.

Anonymous said...

To 7:45 PM
Almost, blackout

Anonymous said...

Are you saying the he is an adulterous pastor?

If so, do you have proof? No chismes, no I heard and no I cant say becuase I dont want to hurt anyone. That is BLA BLA BLA.

If you have fact, lay them on the table.

Anonymous said...

Loss of consciousness or memory .
When he took over the position using the CID he lost his memory of his alleged love affair.

Anonymous said...

Come on brother, I asked you again, do you know facts or are you repeating what you heard?

Lets be fair. If he did then kick him out.

If you have the proof, be like Bishop Torres. Put it in writing and post it on the internet....

Anonymous said...

With all do respect, if you, me or anyone else have SOLID facts say it.

In other words, "PUT UP OR SHUT UP"

Anonymous said...

Everything will be exposed in court.Brother G T the ex will be ready.

Anonymous said...

I am tired of hearing, well someone said, my brothers friend girlfriend is related to so and so and they heard it from so and so that he did it.

Come on lets be real. If he got some someone needs to expose him with FACTS.

Anonymous said...

ok enough of Jamie lets go back to bashing Eddie and Sammy

does anybody know if Mr bean is really hiding in Dallas.

what will be the theme for End times next year? "The GB would have been here but were ordered not to leave the county"

Who is the next GB5 to get his hand caught in the cookie jar?

Will Del Campo's mistress oops I mean girl friday teach him how to read and write?

will the Aguilar require all their members to be baptized in tunguska blast?

did Becky slap Lucy's hand when he was naughty?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Someone please explain why lucy would grab (touch) the girl butt having a big one at home..... sorry Becky...

Anonymous said...

Becky if you read this, please forgive me.

I have to say it, "Baby you got back"

Anonymous said...

What is the name of the girl he
grab ?

Anonymous said...

There is a pastor in Arizona who stood against the established political norm, even before he was a pastor. As a result, bishop Tafoya and Valverde kicked him out of the AA. He now pastors an independent apostolic church! He can tell you exactly how these gangstas from HQ work.

Anonymous said...

Who is He? And how do you know him?

Anonymous said...

He preached at our church last Sunday, and he tore it up!

Anonymous said...

He called out a sick baby out of the audience, and the Lord healed him right there!

Anonymous said...

Here is the number to the real person behind all this mess:

Bishop Arthur Tafoya

Ask him why he didn't put his name on the lawsuit.

Anonymous said...

I know who you're talking about! Tafoya hated his guts!!!!

Anonymous said...

are you talking about Erik Rangel?

Anonymous said...


The purpose of the letter is to present and explain attentively the details of why a lawsuit is being now being pursued against the “Qualifying Committee. As you know, everyone deserves that we do so with all honor and respect.

Therefore we are outlining in this letter the reason why we, the consenters are making an official lawsuit against the “Qualifying committee that functioned in the elections this last General Convention that occurred in Long Beach, California Friday November 24th, 2006.

It is absolutely clear that several violations in said elections were committed. This lawsuit is being done only after several attempts by several honorable men and bishops to have an honest and open investigation into the inconsistencies of this election. A number of requests were made through several means and throughout these last eleven months with patience.

We would like to advise you that no honest, honorable and neutral investigation as ever been done. It is for this reason we are in this serious dilemma that is affecting the Apostolic Assembly. Our brother and Bishop President Daniel Sánchez, the 2006 electoral “Qualifying Committee in question and the others member of the General Board have flatly rejected every plea that has been presented to attempt to correct the injustices and violations committed.

We are conscious that at this present time there exists a lot of anxiety among all the pastors of our beloved organization. Many pastors have pleaded with us that we give an informative and complete explanation of what has happened and the reasons that have obliged us to file this lawsuit. There is some information available of the inconsistencies in the election on the internet, but we understand that many pastors do not have access to that media.

We beg in advance your forgiveness for this extensive and lengthy letter, but we expect that it will be useful so that you can appreciate and understand why it is necessary to now proceed with this lawsuit.

Among some of the reasons for which we have delayed is that we have tried to resolve this very serious matter short of litigation and we do so with a lot of fear and trembling. Nothing we have done was with lightness.

In the course of this process we have been asking God that our bishop president Daniel Sánchez and the others member of the General Board reflect and reconsider so that all can be resolved with minimum possible damage to our beloved organization. Sadly, the attitude that has been conveyed by our Bishop President and his collaborators in the honorable General Board and conveyed by their legal counsel is the following: "We will defend ourselves vigorously".

The attitude of our General Board should be that they will exhaust all resources to try to resolve this matter in a peaceful way. For such reason, we are giving to the task and the time to report some of the details that we are permitted since we have currently commenced the legal process.

All the brothers that are taking part in the demand are men of God that have served in the organization for many years as members of the Honorable General Board, former Bishop presidents, former Bishop Vice-Presidents, former General Treasurers, former General Secretaries, former Foreign Mission Bishops, former and current District Bishops, current Pastors and others within administrative positions.

The careful steps in which these men of God have taken to get to this point has only been done after a lot of agonizing pain, prayer, and with much fear of God.

Please be reminded that this is not the first time that the actions of the leader of our organization have been questioned, our past history has shown that there was a previous Bishop President whose unjust actions were successfully challenged in court and was removed. So to reiterate, this is not without precedent.

We want to emphasize that is not anti-biblical nor is it anti-constitutional to pursue legal remedy after exhausting all other means. On the contrary, the lawsuit is being filed because of violations to the Constitution of the Apostolic Assembly, for this reason and with God’s help shall prevail. The Apostolic Assembly constitution was written and rewritten so that those in authority would always operate in a spirit of humility and honesty and there would be checks and balances to precisely avoid circumstances we now face.

The lawsuit was our last resort and is only being done after almost a year of having exhausted all other resources. As you may be aware, there are certain Statutes of Limitations which require us to file within a certain period of time, after which time we would not be allowed by the courts to proceed legally after the violators of the Apostolic Assembly constitution. Therefore it is a last but necessary step to protect the constitution through this lawsuit.

Each and every attempt by the honorable men requesting an honest and open investigation to resolve this situation has been meet with a refusal on the part of the honorable General Board.

• Initially Bishop Daniel Jauhall wrote them and they rejected his letter as they said he was not present at the elections.

• Former Bishop President Baldemar Rodriguez wrote and pleaded on behalf of various brothers even though he did not desire to be involved in this matter. His plea to have the organization open an investigation and discuss this matter in an open and honest manner was also rejected.

• Bishop Arthur Tafoya also wrote to the board and the results were the same. Bishop Tafoya was summoned to a hastily called bishops meeting, but he was never allowed sufficient time to present the mounting evidence in the meeting of April 18th, 2007. He was very well prepared to present in writing the violations of the 2006 elections to the entire Bishops Episcopal body that day, but the General Board did not permit that he present the documents that specified the violations that were committed. Before attending the meeting he was told by the board to bring this information in writing and present his case in this meeting, but once he arrived the board did not permit him to present the documentation in this Joint Meeting. It was asked of all the bishops to vote a vote of confidence with regard to the elections without giving opportunity for Bishop Tafoya to present the violations in detail and in writing. Bishop Tafoya was only given five minutes to speak and it was impossible that he present the mounting evidence in said time.

• Bishop Abel Torres, a personal witness to the 2006 election inconsistencies, also wrote to our Bishop President entreating him not to permit this to arrive at litigation, as he felt no one wins and but ultimately we all lose. To date no one has listened to him.

• Bishop Rodriguez and the Bishop Tafoya several times requested that a Commission of Honor and Justice be established so that an open investigation as to the results of the elections could be permitted. But they would not listen to their plea. They were told that this was not constitutional.

Therefore the process we are now following is clearly defined and established in the word of God in Matthew 18:15-17 that says: Moreover if thy brother shall trespass against thee, go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone: if he shall hear thee, thou hast gained thy brother. 16 But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established. 17 And if he shall neglect to hear them, TELL IT UNTO THE CHURCH: BUT IF HE NEGLECT TO HEAR THE CHURCH, LET HIM BE UNTO THEE AS A HEATHEN MAN AND A PUBLICAN.

We are now telling it to the church!

It is clear that the “Qualifying Board” did not have respect for the vote of the pastors because they disqualified brothers that had a greater majority of votes for various positions. Two of the brothers that were disqualified were at the time, members of the General Board that finished its functions in the convention but they could be re-elected into those same positions or be eligible candidates for other positions. The “Qualifying Committee comprising of our brothers: Bishop President Daniel Sánchez, Bishop vice President Samuel Valverde, Bishop Treasurer Aurelio Arturo Espinosa, Bishop Felipe Gaxiola and Bishop Celestino Guzmán, disqualified those it did not desire without there being a justified reason. In place of them, they approved candidates that only had one or two votes. Even a list of additional candidates with 10 or more votes were disqualified and in their place were placed candidates with the least amount of votes, as low as two votes. This signifies that each time candidates were disqualified as six to eight brothers were, the Qualifying Committee would continue to place their own candidates who had only two votes and whom they did not apply the CID document to.

Our Bishop President and other members of the Honorable General Board have explained that the reason by which they disqualified some brothers was because they applied in a strict form the document "Capacity, Suitability’s and Rights." It is extremely difficult to believe that they did such a thing because it has been verified that they qualified and approved as a candidate for various positions Bishop Joel Montes. Bishop Montes who did not and does not have the property of the church building he pastors in the name of the Apostolic Assembly organization. To our Bishop President was delivered copies of legal documents which indicate Bishop President Sanchez ignored this documentation and still permitted Bishop Montes as a qualified candidate. Even to this moment he is still he is violation of the Constitutional agreements. Such actions are evidences of terrible weaknesses in Bishop Montes and the leadership of our organization.

After the elections the General Board has been explaining its actions to the members and saying that they have applied the "Capacity, Suitability and Rights” document in a different way, which has never been agreed upon by anyone, much less previously explained to the pastors. Such explanations never were done before the elections. The pastors never approved this manner of applying the document as they are now doing. They explain now that the vote counts as 25%, capacity another 25%, suitability 25% and right 25%. If this is so, then the document has more power than the constitution of the Apostolic Assembly. A great contradiction exists but the same document says in the Introduction: "A. The criteria 'capacity, suitability and right' are the guidelines that the Constitution gives to every Qualifying Committee to select and to approve candidates for the General Board and district boards." This document is an extra tool because the Apostolic Assembly constitution already provides for the qualifications.

Nowhere in the document or the constitution does it specify any mention of percentages as you now indicate it has. If the document has a value of 75% then the vote of the pastors was still weighed at 25% which would be in excess of the necessary amount to elect these brethren who were disqualified. This signifies to us that we as pastors have been wasting our time because even after praying and fasting our vote did not count. By assigning percentages in such form, the Qualifying Committee is taking powers that were never conferred them by the constitution. The pastor’s should be the balance of power which the constitution intended to check the authority of the General Board.

In essence, five people were choosing the members of the Honorable General Board in our last election. It is a great risk when alone, five unchecked people are determining the destiny of our organization. Who was watching them? This manner of operating was never intended by our forefathers. Do you think that our pastors are in agreement with this manner of appointing the General Board? Does an unchecked Qualifying Committee have this type of authority granted by the constitution and the pastors?

Bishop Joel Montes who was approved by the Qualifying Committee as a candidate did not have the necessary votes nor Capacity, neither Suitability nor Right. The brother received only two votes and even thus the Qualifying Committee approved him as a candidate on five different occasions for five different positions. All can see that the Qualifying Committee was obviously trying to accommodate and place people they wanted without real consideration to this CID document.
He did not have capacity because it says in the key point of D of the section of the CID document: "… (Every position of election, national, or local is in essence a position of responsibility)." Clearly the candidate, Bishop Montes was not a obeying this by not having the property of the church he pastors in the name of the Apostolic Assembly. The section of Suitability says in point one D and Clause 2: "… he will be able to obey and to work as a team in the highest body of authority?" The candidate did not obey the Constitution. How will he be able to be an example for others if he himself does not follow the constitution? Bishop candidate Montes cannot fulfill his duties as a general board member because the church property where he pastors is not in the name of the Apostolic Assembly. Our Bishop President was conscious of all this because proof exist that he received copies of the legal documents that clearly indicated that the property of the candidate was not and to this day is not in the name of the Apostolic Assembly. When the name of the candidate was announced by the president of the elections, a pastor tried to present his objection before the Qualifying Committee but Bishop Vice President Samuel Valverde not give permission for the pastor to speak as has been the previous practice. What is very difficult to understand is that when the above-mentioned candidate (Bishop Montes) who was approved illegally went to present his objection to the candidacy of another brother, he was permitted to speak to the Qualifying Committee and allowed to present his objections. There seems to be favoritism happening on the part of the Qualifying Committee or those who controlled this committee.

The Article 39 and Clause 1 says: "The Bishop President after being chosen and confirmed in his position, should publicly declare, to comply with all the codes established in the present Constitution, watching jealously that everyone comply and exercise all rights with justice, requiring of the others member of the General Board and of the bishops supervisors the compliance of all their prescribed obligations."

In this case the Bishop President lacked good judgment and justice. If he himself cannot work for justice and fairness, how can he possibly require the compliance by others? Such is the predicament our Bishop President now has us in.

Some brethren have sent correspondence to our Bishop President and many others have communicated personally with him entreating him that these errors which were committed be corrected. But this has all turned out fruitless. Those which have asked for a peaceful but just resolution are the following brothers:

• Bishop Baldemar Rodriguez,
• Bishop Daniel Solomon,
• Bishop Daniel Jauhall,
• Bishop Arthur Tafoya
• Bishop Abel V. Towers.

Every correspondence to the General Board has been directed with a lot of fear and respect. The brothers have done all with honor and respect keeping the highest level of ministerial ethics. Yet at every effort the General Board has rejected and denied an honest and open forum.

On several occasions we have pleaded with the honorable General Board to not allow us to come to this point.

We understand why the honorable General Board sent a letter to all the pastors to report to them of the lawsuit with regard to the elections of November of the 2006. It is interesting that the Honorable General Board has decided to inform all the pastors only in this case, when it has never informed pastors of past lawsuits. Are they trying to influence the pastors? Are they feeling guilty in this matter? In the past, the General Board has never informed pastors of the many lawsuits filed by it against others or cases against our organization. Some lawsuit cases have been lost by the Assembly and others have been negotiated. In the past the General Board has never reported this to us. It is also interesting to think that the same General Board who ignored the same voting pastors is now seeking their support. This is the same board that completely ignored the vote of the pastors.

Once again, we wish to reiterate that the purpose of this letter is in order to clarify extensively to all the pastors of everything that has happened at the 2006 elections. Nobody desired that we arrive at this juncture and crossroad, but the honorable General Board has resisted every attempt to resolve this crisis in a peaceful manner. The refusal of them to accept the good intentions and actions of the brothers have caused a very serious situation in our organization. Is lamentable that now we must ask the legal authorities to intervene in this internal matter. Our principle point has always been that we have many sufficient qualified wise men within our organization who will not have their own agenda to help resolve this matter, but the authorities of our organization do not share the same thought and for such reason it has carried us precipice in this which now we find ourselves. We are arriving at a very dark hour in the history of our organization. We need God’s intervention and direction. All that we are doing is for the love of the work of the Lord. It is our responsibility. We would do wrong if we were to remain silent and ignore the violations that have been committed. We continue praying so that God will help us all. The Church is Christ’s. We say close this letter with the Apostle Paul in Ephesians 6:18: "And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints." and also in 2nd Thessalonians 3:18: "The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.

Anonymous said...

I think you're talking about Miguel Hernandez!

Anonymous said...

When Hoyer was elected for Bishop of North Central I heard they brought in his family from where ever they live cause they knew he had it already before the election.

I'm just asking cause thats what I heard and would like to know the truth.

What I know is that not everyone was happy the way the elections were ran.

Anonymous said...

Bro: October 27, 2007 9:40 PM


Where is this letter coming from and going to? How come it is not on the website?

Was it mail, emailed, carried by pigeon, sent via smoke signals? Who wrote the letter? Have any pastors acknowledged receiving this letter?

Please answer these questions so we may a verify its validity.

Anonymous said...

11:51 AM
That's the same letter send in Spanish to all pastors somebody did a good translation.

Anonymous said...

That is way different from the English version.

Anonymous said...

I believe the person that translated the letter works as a clerk for a federal judge.

Anonymous said...

Hello out there....

All this talk about the sin of death...

Have you heard the latest? The Apostolic Church is changing. Reconciliation is at work NOW...

They are listening to what Paul wrote to the Galatians...'if your brother falls in a grave sin, restore him because you being spiritual may also fall...'

Of course that means only those who have been found out. There are many who continue to live adulterous life styles, or lives unbecoming a Man of God..

Please note that I am not including child molestors or predators and those who are part of this life-style, or blasphemers against the H.S.

You can take the restored person out to lunch and even sit with them in the church, fellowship with them at conventions where people see you with the fallen bro/sis, now restored by you (the Honorable General Board).

BUT...These are the other guidelines, the person that is restored because he has repented before God and pleaded for forgivness from the church may never, never be a pastor again, in the ministry again, conduct a service, sing in the praise team, preach, teach in ANY category, they may never give a conference, because the other holy, self-righteous saints will not allow this, especially teach at CBAN.

So Bro. Caranco, don't believe these hypocritical restoration lies from your so called friends. Remember, the Apostolic Assembly is known to shoot their wounded. Any you, my dear brother and sister, are going to be yet another casualty of this deplorable system.

Hopefully, we can reverse all the damage that has be wrought on this Assembly for generations.

We must find a way to restore, heal and protect those who have been hurt by Satan and who have repented and are pleading for forgiveness.

For those of you who want us to believe that you are in the Christ-like business of restoration of those who have asked for forgiveness from not be hypocritial and lie to your brother that you are restoring him...when in reality you are only placating him and fooling him.

That is a self-righteous attitude, you will be accountable to God, if that even matters to you. HGB.

Anonymous said...

These leaders that are being "caught" didnt arrive there overnight. There was a gradual process that got them there.

It is not uncommon for many of these "leaders" to burn many bridges and people on their way up the ladder. Then when they come down - they get to see all the people they burned. Why is it that they cant make it back? To whom much is given - much is required. Consequences dont disappear - you may be forgiven - but you reap what you sow.

Look at former Bishop David Contrerras from Southern CA. He butchered and hacked people on his way to the top. When he was finally outted (he couldn't run for bishop anymore). He got sick and would wallow at his home. Where were his support and fiends? Nowhere. He had hurt so many people/pastors/ministers and one was able to realize what kind of man he truly was.

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