Saturday, October 13, 2007

AAFCJ Election Discussion Update

The comment section for the original Election Irregularities blog has reached an overwhelming amount of of opinions (1,015+). As we approach the coming General Convention in November, it is important that this medium for the discussions regarding the Elections and Lawsuit continue, therefore tonight at 12am we will be stopping the comments from the original blog and will ask that you continue the discussion under this current blog.

Those comments will not be deleted but saved for all to review and add their opinion in this updated section. (They can be viewed here:

We would also like to add that you may feel free to send in pictures, videos and comments of your local, district and national services. They will be posted here. You can email them to

Your voice is being heard. Now, keep your eyes and ears open.

Dios Les Bendiga,
Apostolic Voice

I don't know about you all but I am in serious prayer for the Arizona Diamondbacks. Is it wrong to fast tomorrow for their victory over the Colorado Rockies?


«Oldest   ‹Older   801 – 1000 of 1515   Newer›   Newest»
Anonymous said...

Bishop Torres came to help his father due to his illness. The congregation grew and the need to accomodate everyone lead Bishop to build a larger church which seats 1,000 which was built next to his father's. There is a biography that was written by his father before he died on how the church began in West Texas. It tells you about the church, family and etc. If you would like to know more on the history of the church in West Texas contact the Church of Midland, Tx. The convention was celebrated in their church and those books were sold there.

Anonymous said...

The New Rat Pack:

Daniel Sanchsex
Sam Maleverde
Martin Del Rancho
Mr Bean(er)
Victor ComPrado
Edwardo Pachuco

Anonymous said...


You have eliminated Pacheco and Martin de Campo

Who is left........?

Sanchez - Pres
Valverde - VP
Pacheco - Sec. - NO
Maffey - Tres.
Espinosa - Foreign Missions
Aguilar - National Missions
Martín Del Campo-Christian Ed. - NO
Prado - Social Asst -

Come spill the beans...

Anonymous said...

So you're not talking about the church in West Texas- you're talking about how the church started in the city of Midland, TX.

So you guys sold history books about this at the convention? Hmm... sounds alot like Malverde. selling selling, money, money.

Anonymous said...

I'd say one is Espinoza- maybe that's why they moved him to Texas.

Anonymous said...

Sanchez - Adulterer
Valverde - Ok in my book
Pacheco - Arrogant, Greedy
Maffey - Arrogant
Espinosa - Dont know him
Aguilar - Arrogant
Martín Del Campo-Dont know him
Prado - Arrogant

We got a real good group of winners here.

No wonder its a mess

Anonymous said...


thats why they moved him like there are no women he can hit on over there...if he did..if you didn't see it, smell it, touch it, even if its on tape it will do you no good...if it was him he needs a good _ss kicking by his what ever he is to him Daniel Sanchez

Anonymous said...

TO 12:01: Good Observation..

My guess it is Del Campo. He carries his secretary everywhere he goes. When he was Bishop in L.A. they would spend hours together late at night in his office. (WORKING OF COURSE)

You can ask anyone in L.A. about that.

Anonymous said...

To the person who does not understand English. When it is referring to the church in West Texas that's exactly what it means. The person didn't state the church in Midland, Tx. What is it that you are not understanding? The book was written by his father not by the Bishop.

Anonymous said...

Who is left........?

Sanchez - Pres.

Power has its attraction.

Valverde - VP

Only if she were literally made from money. But no.

Pacheco - Sec. - NO

Couldn't get laid in a Tijuana whorehouse with a packet of cash.

Maffey - Tres.

Only in jail.

Espinosa - Foreign Missions

Mr. Bean? lol Whatever! lol

Aguilar - National Missions

A modern day Jimmy Swaggart?

Martín Del Campo-Christian Ed. - NO

This bro couldn't get laid outside of marriage even if he were hold up in a good old Texas Brothel for a month.

Prado - Social Asst -

Too arrogant to attract any ladies. Jr had to get his ways from somewhere.

Anonymous said...


Was she married at the time?

I mean what I hear the guy can't read, write or tie his shoe laces. Does he know how to do the funky monkey? (FOR WORKING PURPOSES OF COURSE)

Anonymous said...

to 12:11- from the ignorant non-english speaker. . . but isn't there more than 1 church in West Texas? West Texas is district right? so why would you refer to your church as a district?

did you mean to say how the churchES were started in West Texas? Get it straight- check your grammar then we won't have this pointless banter.

Abel Torres- if not now, will be bought out in the end. like it or not. admit it or not, respected or not. this will change everything.

peace out!

Anonymous said...

To those comments that have been made with no brains at all. Why don't you look up somo hoodlums that will find your comments and your vulgar words very entertaining. No busines posting your your unwanted comments. Please do us all a favor and get a life!!!

Anonymous said...

To those comments that have been made with no brains at all. Why don't you look up somo hoodlums that will find your comments and your vulgar words very entertaining. No busines posting your your unwanted comments. Please do us all a favor and get a life!!!

Anonymous said...

to the above double-poster:

which comments? do you mean the WHOLE blog because really- 99% of it is just trash.

Anonymous said...

to 12:28

it's not just hoodlums that find vulgar language entertaining. . . even our own gb's lifestyles- beneath what God requires- is pretty entertaining.

Anonymous said...

oh BOO-HOO! someone got offended.

Everyone behave now ok? Or you all will get a time out.

Anonymous said...

to 12:28- I do have a life- it's to get under your skin- that's my life. Mission accomplished.

Anonymous said...

To the English speaker "he who laughs last will laugh the loudest." I have no more comment!

Anonymous said...

And he who is right, doesn't even have to laugh.

Anonymous said...

Today this day the generation of vipers have turned against themselves in the path to reak destruction upon the Godly Men of God. Their paths were blinded by evil and they wallowed in darkness of the high places. For the venom of the vipers has only been used against their fellow vipers and they only cast themselfs down a path of humility and self appointed destruction. Poverty and shame surely this day hath joined with confusion and anger to united this day surely to destroy upon itself a destruction. Judgment hath arised with the sunrise to show into the great and aweseom light the evil of your ways against the Men of God who god appointed to oversee the storehouse. You rob the storehouse and will reap poverty and furious anger of the Lord. This day the Lord surely hath spoken a Word unto you. Repent this day!

Anonymous said...

aYYYY, not YOU again!

Anonymous said...

Who do you think you are performing incantations and voodoo curses on anyone ?

Because you are definitely NOT a prophet !

A prophet would have much more pressing issues to deal with than being online like the rest of us slackers.

Give it up already.

Anonymous said...

Well that really was the district when it first began. Lol See what I mean about not knowing any history when it comes to our church. The district started Back with West Texas was broken up because it was too large of an area for one person to cover. So let us get it straight it is not West Texas it is North West Texas lol. To those of you who like to accurate. Lol Secondly no one else really wanted anyone else to become the bishop call up the Pastor's ask them.
The only reason why some of you are upset is because the current GB messed up everything for our church. Now they are taking the hit for it. Bro. Sanchez would not even try to disqualify Bro. Torres because he and the other GB members knew that everyone was watching to see if there was any retaliation because of what Bro. Torres Standing up for what is right.

Anonymous said...

Is there any reason in particular why the GB hasn't answer the petitioners letter to all pastorsZZZ? Anyone out there with an idea of why.

Anonymous said...

As we saw the closure of our General Convention in Long Beach, California last November, we also saw the end of a chapter.
This duly elected new board was empowered to fulfill God’s mandate
God Bless.

Bishop Daniel G. Sánchez

Anonymous said...

Current Positions:
We currently have 1 job opening at our international headquarters office in Rancho Cucamonga, CA.

The positions that are available are the following:

Front Desk Receptionist

Anonymous said...

talk about not knowing your own history. That district was worked many years ago by other men other than Brother Torres. His father and many after him worked and labored that district when it was HUGE. Baldemar is responsible for the restructuring of the districts. Brother Abel's work- and no disrespect to hard work- labored a field that was already worked on.

Anonymous said...

Could she be quitting because everyone kept bombarding her with calls?

Anonymous said...

to 1:57- yes get it straight- but just a reminder- you're the one that first referred to it as West Texas. you really need to check your grammar because that's where you're confusing some.

Hi David

Anonymous said...

Whats the number to the HQ Office in Rancho Cucamonga? We need to post that number and bombard it with calls to ehe HQ Demanding the Resignations of Pachuco!

Anonymous said...

Sorry to disappoint you but I was not even the one to mention it lol. I give props to the Brother that labored the West Texas area. He and the many men did an amazing job. If we are going to make fun of others because they cannot spell correctly we coconuts need to examine ourselves. lol. Aww is someone offended because someone did to you what you did that person about their spelling. AWW

Anonymous said...

(909) 987-3013

Anonymous said...

Nohemi Gonzalez

Anonymous said...

Texas is not Southern California. There's not a church in every corner. Cities are not 10 minutes away. Bishops and elders- actually- guess what---WORK!!

Kudos to Brother Abel Torres- we need someone with intregrity working at the district level that can have direct access to the GB.

Anonymous said...

Okay guys...enough about that whole West Texas thing...let's let it go

Anonymous said...

Hey guys- don't bombard Nohemi with calls- she has nothing to do with anything. If you want to tell Pachueco to resign. Call him directly at his home number. bombard him with letters at his church, his home, the general headquarters. tell him directly-- she nor any other clerical staff member has anything to do with debacle of the elections.

Anonymous said...

The person who is accused of having an affair is not a GB member but a bishop from Texas. It's NOT West Texas, It's NOT East Texas, It's NOT Central Texas! Figure it out!

Anonymous said...


Are you still at it? This blog is adopting the view of the GB in regard to anonimity. No name- no game.

You little clue- leaves tons of people for speculation. Not smart. Give it up.

I thought you had decided to shut up?

Anonymous said...

Germain Garcia,
This guy will have a lot to explain. Millions of dollars.

Anonymous said...

Call Pachueco at his home number and tell him to resign instead of bombarding Nohemi with calls- she has nothing to do with this.

Edward & Rebecca Pacheco (951) 280-9757

Anonymous said...

This is not the previous anonymous you were talking to before my friend. There is Only 1 district left in Texas that I didn't mention, with ONE bishop left. USE YOUR BRAINS AND FIGURE IT OUT!!!!

Anonymous said...

what about germain garcia? he's the one having the affair? he's mishandling funds? what?

you need to be careful how you post things because they can be taken out of context.

Anonymous said...

I'm not from texas so I can't figure out your districts. I'm from WA.

Anonymous said...

Great going guys- yes call Pachueco and the AA HQ and bombard them with calls. Let them know how serious and mature we are.

This still needs to be handled in a mature way- a petition is the best way to go about it.

Any gutsy people out there?

Anonymous said...

You've got to be kidding me-- NorthWest Texas District? Are you insinuating what we think you are?

Anonymous said...

Listen, blogger from WA! Go the apostolic assembly web site, and look under leadership. there you will find all the districts listed, along with their bishops!

Anonymous said...

NO! NOT Northwest Texas either! But you're getting close!

Anonymous said...

Wikipedia is more accurate

Anonymous said...

Then stick to your wikipedia!

Anonymous said...

that leaves Northern Texas District and Southern Texas...according the Leadership/Bishops link in the AA website- they don't mention and EAst Texas- which you said.

Don't make us work this hard!

Anonymous said...

OK! It's not Northern Texas! But wether you believe it or not, I can tell you with all assurance, Sanchez knows about it. And to prove to you that this is legit, something will happen soon, watch and see!

"Filled" I mena "Filed"

Anonymous said...

sorry they do mention East Texas- hey research is not my forte.
that leaves Northern & southern Texas.

is this a proven thing or an alleged thing?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

It's NOT North - It's NOT West - It's NOT East! Hmmmmmm. What's left?

Anonymous said...

Patricio Carranco? who is he? what church does he pastor?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

why didn't you just say that? what church does he pastor?

Anonymous said...

Patricio ?

Who in the world woul;d give any play to aman witha girls name ?

He must have money or something.

That name is a game killer if I ever heard one.

Anonymous said...

Learn from the Catholics, No matter how blind and erroneous their teachings may be they, nevertheless know how to cover their heads when it comes to establishing a church. Why don't you see the Roman Catholic Church being sued as a whole? Because they were smart enough to give their bishops power enough within their diocese to incorporate themselves and still be under the authority of the Vatican. The assembly should have done the same long time ago. Incorporate every one of its districts under state law, and have it maintain its loyalty to the Assembly.

~Concerned Member

Anonymous said...

I take Mr. Carranco will soon be splitting from us? along with his church?

Anonymous said...

Nohemi Gonzalez

Bombard her. She works for a corrupt organization. Its not like she can't find another minimum wage job anywhere else.

She'll probably get better pay and better treatment and benefits.

The AA cuts their checks, take out taxes and TITHES! Can you believe that!

Anonymous said...

We have way too many chuntaro pastors.

We need some new blood and vision.

Those same ex farm workers get drunk with power once their in a position of leadership.

They rule with an iron fist because they were never able to accomplish a carrer or position in corporate america.

Its the only way they can feel important and the only way they can have an excuse to wear a suit and feel like an executive.

Whats up with all the paisas ? Arent there any converts from the big cities in mexico that are well spoken and eloquent?

Like D.F. Guadalajara, Monterey

Anonymous said...

Don't bombard Nohemi just because she works there. How about giving us YOUR name and number- you BELONG to a corrupt organization. Let us bombard you and your family with calls to leave it.

Call Pachueco directly at his home number-- scroll up-- it's there.

Anonymous said...

I know it seems that all the paisa pastors are from oaxaca or sinaloa

Anonymous said...

Stop already with the chuntaro pastors- if your chuntaro ancestors wouldn't have came over- you wouldn't be here to blog.

Anonymous said...

A bunch of wabs and ex cholos running the show

Anonymous said...

Pachueco's home number is listed- it's not private- call 411- Corona, CA.

call HIM and tell him to resign- afterall- it's him we want out right- not Nohemi. Go afte the right person. don't be THAT immature.

Anonymous said...

Call Germain Garcia,
Controller ask him how hes going to explain in court or IRS, monies unaccounted for, wasted not by him but the GB.

Anonymous said...

Oh yes- we need educated people to run our assembly- people who use terms like wabs and cholos. real smart chuyito.

Anonymous said...

I happen to be dutch american and learned spanish thru a foreign exchange program and was converted thru some mexican friends in L.A.

Anonymous said...

When did I say I was running for any position of leadership.

I dont want to run anything.

I dont desire to be in any way shape or form part of that political machine.

I will leave that to the chuntis and cholos

after all thats all they will ever have

Anonymous said...

READ the letter "We Need Revival in South Texas" posted in web page. This letter explains who Patricio Carranco is! No wander he is going down soon! Somebody's prayer was answered!

Anonymous said...

to Mr. Dutch American- dude give it up.. . your hispanic and your abuela crossed the river.

you need to go UPC instead of hanging out with us brownies. Move over.

Anonymous said...

when is the district convention in South Texas? or has it passed?

Anonymous said...

Why do you assume im not UPC already ?

And why are you so hurt ?

Did your wittle emotions get stirred ?

Did that hit a nerve ?

You should have a thicker skin.

Your not getting all tender because of a blog comment are you ?

If I offended you my little brown brother I am sorry.

But you shouldnt let it get to you that much maybe I have a twisted sense of humor but my friends know me and understand.

They call me cracker and dutch boy like the kid on the paint can etcc....

No Big Deal

Anonymous said...

They already had their convention in south texas!

Anonymous said...

Time out.

Pastor Danny Hernandez has past away today.
He was the brother of David Hernandez.

Anonymous said...

WOW this blog has become soooooo much more ty=than a discussion board on the elections hasnt it ?

Anonymous said...

Serious? Danny Hernandez passed away? I propose a toast to a man who had no business being a pastor.

I hope he repented of his sins before he met his maker.

Danny Hernandez is Credited with the following:

Assistant Pastor: Adam Dominguez


Molested kids while serving as ASSISTANT PASTOR.

MININISTER: Ray Alcantar


Molested his own step children while serving in the ministry.

MINISTER: Teodoro Quirino


Cheated on his wife, with a minor,student while a teacher at Santa Anita Christian Academy.

*Conspirator of Pachuco in the Cas Scam.

*Pastor of SSP

If he is dead, I'll drink a toast to celebrate.

Anonymous said...

The CONVICTS listed above can be looked up on the California Attorney General's website, Megan's Law.


Anonymous said...

To 4:31 PM:

However you are that is low and dumb of you to say this sort of thing.

How would it sound if I said you mother was a prostitute and now that she is dead I am going to toast to that.

What kind of talk is that?

Danny Hernandez may have been a terrible pastor, he may have indeed been all you say...but give the dead some respect. Perhaps he repented and was forgiven by God.

You are the one that sounds like you will burn with all your bitterness.

Just because you were wronged doesn't mean you should talk like that bro!

That is low!!!

Anonymous said...

Trust is an important word for believers. Our Christian life is built on trust. The Christian fellowship is a community of those who trust God. We should trust one another, especially our leaders.

Anonymous said...

There is a very thin line between leading and lording, discipling and dominating, coaxing and coercing. So thin is the line, it is at times and in certain scenarios nearly indistinguishable.

Anonymous said...

Nohemi Gonzalez is hot!

Anonymous said...

Are We Heading Toward Another Corporate Apostasy?
Jesus' apocalyptic warning against the doctrine and the deeds of the Nicolaitans is more than just interesting. The truth of the matter is that had the early churches given heed to those Divine warnings, the course of Church history would have been totally different than what it was, because the demonically inspired teaching and practices of the Nicolaitans resulted ultimately in the Papal system that supplanted the apostolic authority upon which the Church was founded. This, indeed, was not only the most grievous and egregious effect of the Nicolaitan heresy, but no doubt also the very objective of the arch-enemy of the Church, Satan, who personally contrived this diabolical deception.

The question before the Church today is: will we allow ourselves to be taken into the error and resulting apostasy that was the fate of the Pergamum Church by continuing on this path of displacement of apostolic authority by a Scripturally-invalid system of government and authority, i.e., bishops and the rest that comes after that, or shall we cease and desist from that trend and opt instead to return to the apostolic-prophetic foundation so that indeed "the glory of the latter house shall be greater than the former?"

Anonymous said...

Is there anyone here being affected by the wild fires in CA?

Concerned in AZ

Anonymous said...

Applying the Berean Principle:
"Examining the see if these things be so"
The Greek word translated in the King James Version (KJV) as "bishop" is the word "episkopos," which literally means "overseer." This word, as it is used in the original contexts, bears no thought of an "office," or position of authority, or echelon of rank in the Church. Rather, it speaks only of the function of ministry in which everyone anointed and appointed by the Lord to Fivefold ministry within the New Testament Church operates. In fact, the terms "elder," "overseer," and "shepherd" are all synonymous terms referring to the same offices of spiritual function, which are the Fivefold Ministry offices. If to some the KJV appears to be referring to an "office" or "position" of "bishop," the reason, it is vital to understand, is that the cadre of translators appointed by King James in the Medieval Era to the task of developing an English translation of canonized Scripture, finally completed in 1611, were working from the mental backdrop of ecclesiastical concepts founded in the Dark Ages, and ecclesiastical structure in place at the time in the Roman Church included such positions.

Anonymous said...

Wow...thats all I got to say. Does anybody know what church she is from?? Gonzalez

Anonymous said...

I live in San Diego, We were told to get our things ready evacuation could come any minute, we're actaully about 3-6 miles away from the actual harris fire, but the concern are flare ups that occure with the wind carrying and starting other fires, we had one on monday that burned 30 acres in our areas and pretty close to our home, about 1 mile.

Anonymous said...

To Secret Admirrer 2 She is from FOT

Anonymous said...

....thanks for the info...any number??...jajaja...j.k.

Anonymous said...

Josh Herrera for National Youth President.

Anonymous said...

Please!! somebody tell me who is Abel Torres??????????? I not talking about his home address ok I'm talking about his testimony!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Everyone please read.
Anonymous comments do not help, is there any way that everyone posting would agree to at least post information that will not single you out? Such as your pastors name, your Position within the church, or even your churches name.

The way I see it, an anonymous voice is very unlikely to have any consideration and a voice that can be associated with a church or a pastor will be more valid than any other.

I mean it’s not like your pastor or anyone up at headquarters is going to track you down right?

Plus I think it would very much help to strengthen this movement and also help those seeking to organize some sort of formal awareness movement to understand where exactly these brothers and sisters are located.

I would suggest an alias be used, if you are going to give your church name or your pastors’ name, unless you have no problem with displaying your real name.

Anonymous said...

Jay Arreola?


Noehmi Gonzales is hot. She works at HQ. From FOT.

Watch your Wallets Boys! She's been trained by the best. lol


David Jimenez for National YOuth President!


Which is the Best District?


Anonymous said...

Wherefore I prayed for the speakers of bitterness that speak of the bitterness of hell that the Lord waive his furious anger and smite with great fires of fire and heat upon all those that speak against the Lords Guardians of the Storehouse. Surely you shall reap poverty and homlessness. Surely this day you shall sleep with the heathen for you have espoken unwise speakings of the Men of God of the Board in General. The Lord hath spoken a Word unto you this day.

Anonymous said...

If you don't stop your false prophesies ,listen I AM GOING TO POST THE NAMES OF THE TWO ALLEGED ADULTEROUS GB MEMBERS.I assure you I will post details, names, everything.

Anonymous said...

Wherefore I SAY AGAIN I prayed for the speakers of bitterness that speak of the bitterness of hell that the Lord waive his furious anger and smite with great fires of fire and heat upon all those that speak against the Lords Guardians of the Storehouse. Surely you shall reap poverty and homlessness. Surely this day you shall sleep with the heathen for you have espoken unwise speakings of the Men of God of the Board in General. The Lord hath spoken a Word unto you this day.

Anonymous said...

The following are some of the characteristics commonly present in and control mechanisms practiced by hyper-authoritarian groups.
Apotheosis (improper exaltation) of the leadership.
Open reproof and rebuke.
Open disapproval.
Open denunciation and curses. Members are subjected to denunciation and disparagement as well as voodoo-like witchcraft "prayers" (curses)
Open threat of excommunication.
Threats of judgment from God and church discipline for insubordination.
Indoctrination with fear of failure and judgment.
Indoctrination with fear of spiritual apostasy.
Exclusivity and isolation.
Improper Dependence on Leadership.
Economic exploitation and enslavement.

They are all subtle mechanisms of manipulation used to subjugate and psychologically beat the sheep into complete submission and subservience to the leadership as slaves to build their private kingdoms and achieve their selfish ambitions.

Anonymous said...

Blogger who asked about Abel Torres, and how it started in West Texas:

The real founders and workers in the West Texas district were Bro. Fabian Pacheco and his dear wife, Maria and their children; Bishop Pablo Garica Chavez and his vast family, and ex-Presiding Bishop and the first Bishop of the State of Texas from the 1930's to 1949, Benjamin Cantu. And also the second Bishop for the entire state of Texas during the 1950's, Bro. Canuto Garica, and Rev. Jesus Martinez, a traveling evangelist who worked vigorously and tirelessly without ever being recognized. These are the men who are never remembered but their reward will be in heaven.

These were the founding fathers who broke ground and did the real work of planting churches and bringing souls to Christ throughout the entire state of Texas.

These men did not fly first class in airplanes, or visit churches in luxury cars, or meet at the best hotels and resturants.

They traveled in unreliable old cars that may or may not get them to their destination, they stayed at peoples homes who barely had enough for themselves, and these men honestly and with all genuine integrity build the foundation of our AA in Texas.

Bro. Valentin Torres was a very fine man of God. He established a church in Midland Texas that his son Abel took over.

However, I would think that Bro. Valentin would have been highly offended that his son Abel is suing the Assembly which is going to cost over $300.000, and that his son did not decline when he was re-elected Bishop.

He should have given someone else the opportunity to be Bishop in that he has already been there so long and is in fact SUEING his own employer, the Apostolic Assembly.

The other blogger was right, some men build on what was already built by others and others just take advantage of good opportunities.

I also agree with another blogger who said that Torres has bailed out of the Petitioners side and gone over to the Consentors side, the GB gang.

That has to be a real blow to Salomon and Rodriguez. I wonder what Abel's excuse is?

So what do you know? You can bring a lawsuit against the Assembly and the Pastors will vote you in as Bishop!

Abel Torres' need to be reelected as Bishop just costs us $300.000.

We are extremely, extremely disappointed in the lack of integrity of Abel Torres when he accepted the position of Bishop while suing the Apostolic Assembly.

Anonymous said...

Abel Torres' need to be reelected as Bishop just costs us $300.000.???
The lawsuit is not in yet.

Anonymous said...

That has to be a real blow to Salomon and Rodriguez. LOL
They are rejoicing.Soon you will know why.

Anonymous said...

However, I would think that Bro. Valentin would have been highly offended that his son Abel is suing the Assembly.
They are not suing the Assembly. You are wrong dear sister. They are suing 5 individuals.

Anonymous said...

To: Mrs. "So what do you know? You can bring a lawsuit against the Assembly and the Pastors will vote you in as Bishop!"
Did you know that Bishop Abel Torres is the one who helped his father since a very young age? He was the one who helped his father the most when the church started. It was only there family there at the time they started. Bishop Torres also started 3 other churches in the district, including the one the past Bishop was pastoring. He even started the first one he pastored. It seems he has followed in his father's footsteps. He did it with only one family. How many GB members have done that? Doesn't that tell you something about how the man is respected in his region? Speaking out against injustices is another quality that Bishop Torres inherited from his Father from what I have heard. Even with everything going on, they still voted for him. They were not scared because the President was there. It is coming out now that the pastors were going to protest if he was disqualified and they were going to leave the convention if their vote was ignored.

Anonymous said...

Im NOT even from Texas and I can see the good strategy in having bishop Torres run and win in west Texas. What ignorant comments to make, and assume that Torres is now on the other side. I know for a fact that Sanchez didn't want Torres in the Episcopal body, but when he saw how the pastors of West Texas disctrict stood together he backed off!! And listen carefully AGAIN AND AGAIN -THE LAW SUIT IS NOT AGAINST THE ASSEMBLY but against the qualifying board!!! (Sanchez, Valverde, Espinoza, Garxeola, Guzman) As newly elected Bishop Torres was told by Sanchez to disassociate himself from the consenters of the law suit, but LISTEN, bishop Torres REFUSED AND TOLD SANCHEZ IT WAS TOO LITTLE TO LATE! So STOP making IGNORANT COMMENTS!

Anonymous said...

to 10/23 9:56:

David Jimenez for YOUTH President? Please. No JIMENEZ for anything. Not in this lifetime. It'll never happen again. No one likes you guys except the people in your church. We've told you time and time again- No JIMENEZ will ever make it to anything higher than your local church- that is a fact. Accept it or not. Believe it or not.

Anonymous said...

david jimenez for MOP national pres? I'd rather have Sergio villanueva.

Anonymous said...

We need men like Abel Torres in the episcopal body- men of intregrity, men of valor, men of God, men of sustenance, not too many left in our slowly dwindling AA

Anonymous said...

so are there any pics in the FOT website of sister hot? I mean, sister nohemi?

Anonymous said...

To all those who seem to have so much inside information- who exactly is getting sued, blah, blah, blah-- why don't you find out from your sources when the lawsuit is being filed. I work in a law office and we don't drag our feet. We set a date to file the summons & complaint and we do it.

what's the hold up? exactly when will it be filed?

oh- and if it is filed in SBDO- we won't have public access to it immediately- they're behind on their entries- you're talking several weeks before it's posted in their site.

Anonymous said...

if a Christian does sue, he should do so only after taking the following steps:

Prayerful self-examination that is not tainted by anger over the other party's actions.

Counsel from a trusted and neutral Christian adviser.

Genuine attempts at resolution using the principles laid out in Matthew 18.

A determination that the lawsuit can be handled with integrity and will not tarnish one's Christian witness.

Anonymous said...

The five members will be receiving their papers by the middle of next week....

Anonymous said...

And from there what?
Years and years litigating until new elections in 2011?

Anonymous said...

I hear that with the letter that went out to all the pastors, dozens of pastor are calling and joining the Salomon/Rodriquez camp.

Anonymous said...

5 members? or the heads of the 5 families?

Anonymous said...

The pastors are also pouring money into their legal defense fund. 600+ pastors cheat it by this GB

Anonymous said...

David Jimenez for YOUTH President? Please. No JIMENEZ for anything. Not in this lifetime. It'll never happen again. No one likes you guys except the people in your church. We've told you time and time again- No JIMENEZ will ever make it to anything higher than your local church- that is a fact. Accept it or not. Believe it or not.David Jimenez for YOUTH President? Please. No JIMENEZ for anything. Not in this lifetime. It'll never happen again. No one likes you guys except the people in your church. We've told you time and time again- No JIMENEZ will ever make it to anything higher than your local church- that is a fact. Accept it or not. Believe it or not.David Jimenez for YOUTH President? Please. No JIMENEZ for anything. Not in this lifetime. It'll never happen again. No one likes you guys except the people in your church. We've told you time and time again- No JIMENEZ will ever make it to anything higher than your local church- that is a fact. Accept it or not. Believe it or not.David Jimenez for YOUTH President? Please. No JIMENEZ for anything. Not in this lifetime. It'll never happen again. No one likes you guys except the people in your church. We've told you time and time again- No JIMENEZ will ever make it to anything higher than your local church- that is a fact. Accept it or not. Believe it or not.David Jimenez for YOUTH President? Please. No JIMENEZ for anything. Not in this lifetime. It'll never happen again. No one likes you guys except the people in your church. We've told you time and time again- No JIMENEZ will ever make it to anything higher than your local church- that is a fact. Accept it or not. Believe it or not.David Jimenez for YOUTH President? Please. No JIMENEZ for anything. Not in this lifetime. It'll never happen again. No one likes you guys except the people in your church. We've told you time and time again- No JIMENEZ will ever make it to anything higher than your local church- that is a fact. Accept it or not. Believe it or not.David Jimenez for YOUTH President? Please. No JIMENEZ for anything. Not in this lifetime. It'll never happen again. No one likes you guys except the people in your church. We've told you time and time again- No JIMENEZ will ever make it to anything higher than your local church- that is a fact. Accept it or not. Believe it or not.David Jimenez for YOUTH President? Please. No JIMENEZ for anything. Not in this lifetime. It'll never happen again. No one likes you guys except the people in your church. We've told you time and time again- No JIMENEZ will ever make it to anything higher than your local church- that is a fact. Accept it or not. Believe it or not.David Jimenez for YOUTH President? Please. No JIMENEZ for anything. Not in this lifetime. It'll never happen again. No one likes you guys except the people in your church. We've told you time and time again- No JIMENEZ will ever make it to anything higher than your local church- that is a fact. Accept it or not. Believe it or not.David Jimenez for YOUTH President? Please. No JIMENEZ for anything. Not in this lifetime. It'll never happen again. No one likes you guys except the people in your church. We've told you time and time again- No JIMENEZ will ever make it to anything higher than your local church- that is a fact. Accept it or not. Believe it or not.David Jimenez for YOUTH President? Please. No JIMENEZ for anything. Not in this lifetime. It'll never happen again. No one likes you guys except the people in your church. We've told you time and time again- No JIMENEZ will ever make it to anything higher than your local church- that is a fact. Accept it or not. Believe it or not.David Jimenez for YOUTH President? Please. No JIMENEZ for anything. Not in this lifetime. It'll never happen again. No one likes you guys except the people in your church. We've told you time and time again- No JIMENEZ will ever make it to anything higher than your local church- that is a fact. Accept it or not. Believe it or not.David Jimenez for YOUTH President? Please. No JIMENEZ for anything. Not in this lifetime. It'll never happen again. No one likes you guys except the people in your church. We've told you time and time again- No JIMENEZ will ever make it to anything higher than your local church- that is a fact. Accept it or not. Believe it or not.David Jimenez for YOUTH President? Please. No JIMENEZ for anything. Not in this lifetime. It'll never happen again. No one likes you guys except the people in your church. We've told you time and time again- No JIMENEZ will ever make it to anything higher than your local church- that is a fact. Accept it or not. Believe it or not.David Jimenez for YOUTH President? Please. No JIMENEZ for anything. Not in this lifetime. It'll never happen again. No one likes you guys except the people in your church. We've told you time and time again- No JIMENEZ will ever make it to anything higher than your local church- that is a fact. Accept it or not. Believe it or not.David Jimenez for YOUTH President? Please. No JIMENEZ for anything. Not in this lifetime. It'll never happen again. No one likes you guys except the people in your church. We've told you time and time again- No JIMENEZ will ever make it to anything higher than your local church- that is a fact. Accept it or not. Believe it or not.David Jimenez for YOUTH President? Please. No JIMENEZ for anything. Not in this lifetime. It'll never happen again. No one likes you guys except the people in your church. We've told you time and time again- No JIMENEZ will ever make it to anything higher than your local church- that is a fact. Accept it or not. Believe it or not.David Jimenez for YOUTH President? Please. No JIMENEZ for anything. Not in this lifetime. It'll never happen again. No one likes you guys except the people in your church. We've told you time and time again- No JIMENEZ will ever make it to anything higher than your local church- that is a fact. Accept it or not. Believe it or not.David Jimenez for YOUTH President? Please. No JIMENEZ for anything. Not in this lifetime. It'll never happen again. No one likes you guys except the people in your church. We've told you time and time again- No JIMENEZ will ever make it to anything higher than your local church- that is a fact. Accept it or not. Believe it or not.David Jimenez for YOUTH President? Please. No JIMENEZ for anything. Not in this lifetime. It'll never happen again. No one likes you guys except the people in your church. We've told you time and time again- No JIMENEZ will ever make it to anything higher than your local church- that is a fact. Accept it or not. Believe it or not.David Jimenez for YOUTH President? Please. No JIMENEZ for anything. Not in this lifetime. It'll never happen again. No one likes you guys except the people in your church. We've told you time and time again- No JIMENEZ will ever make it to anything higher than your local church- that is a fact. Accept it or not. Believe it or not.David Jimenez for YOUTH President? Please. No JIMENEZ for anything. Not in this lifetime. It'll never happen again. No one likes you guys except the people in your church. We've told you time and time again- No JIMENEZ will ever make it to anything higher than your local church- that is a fact. Accept it or not. Believe it or not.David Jimenez for YOUTH President? Please. No JIMENEZ for anything. Not in this lifetime. It'll never happen again. No one likes you guys except the people in your church. We've told you time and time again- No JIMENEZ will ever make it to anything higher than your local church- that is a fact. Accept it or not. Believe it or not.David Jimenez for YOUTH President? Please. No JIMENEZ for anything. Not in this lifetime. It'll never happen again. No one likes you guys except the people in your church. We've told you time and time again- No JIMENEZ will ever make it to anything higher than your local church- that is a fact. Accept it or not. Believe it or not.David Jimenez for YOUTH President? Please. No JIMENEZ for anything. Not in this lifetime. It'll never happen again. No one likes you guys except the people in your church. We've told you time and time again- No JIMENEZ will ever make it to anything higher than your local church- that is a fact. Accept it or not. Believe it or not.David Jimenez for YOUTH President? Please. No JIMENEZ for anything. Not in this lifetime. It'll never happen again. No one likes you guys except the people in your church. We've told you time and time again- No JIMENEZ will ever make it to anything higher than your local church- that is a fact. Accept it or not. Believe it or not.David Jimenez for YOUTH President? Please. No JIMENEZ for anything. Not in this lifetime. It'll never happen again. No one likes you guys except the people in your church. We've told you time and time again- No JIMENEZ will ever make it to anything higher than your local church- that is a fact. Accept it or not. Believe it or not.David Jimenez for YOUTH President? Please. No JIMENEZ for anything. Not in this lifetime. It'll never happen again. No one likes you guys except the people in your church. We've told you time and time again- No JIMENEZ will ever make it to anything higher than your local church- that is a fact. Accept it or not. Believe it or not.David Jimenez for YOUTH President? Please. No JIMENEZ for anything. Not in this lifetime. It'll never happen again. No one likes you guys except the people in your church. We've told you time and time again- No JIMENEZ will ever make it to anything higher than your local church- that is a fact. Accept it or not. Believe it or not.David Jimenez for YOUTH President? Please. No JIMENEZ for anything. Not in this lifetime. It'll never happen again. No one likes you guys except the people in your church. We've told you time and time again- No JIMENEZ will ever make it to anything higher than your local church- that is a fact. Accept it or not. Believe it or not.David Jimenez for YOUTH President? Please. No JIMENEZ for anything. Not in this lifetime. It'll never happen again. No one likes you guys except the people in your church. We've told you time and time again- No JIMENEZ will ever make it to anything higher than your local church- that is a fact. Accept it or not. Believe it or not.David Jimenez for YOUTH President? Please. No JIMENEZ for anything. Not in this lifetime. It'll never happen again. No one likes you guys except the people in your church. We've told you time and time again- No JIMENEZ will ever make it to anything higher than your local church- that is a fact. Accept it or not. Believe it or not.David Jimenez for YOUTH President? Please. No JIMENEZ for anything. Not in this lifetime. It'll never happen again. No one likes you guys except the people in your church. We've told you time and time again- No JIMENEZ will ever make it to anything higher than your local church- that is a fact. Accept it or not. Believe it or not.David Jimenez for YOUTH President? Please. No JIMENEZ for anything. Not in this lifetime. It'll never happen again. No one likes you guys except the people in your church. We've told you time and time again- No JIMENEZ will ever make it to anything higher than your local church- that is a fact. Accept it or not. Believe it or not.David Jimenez for YOUTH President? Please. No JIMENEZ for anything. Not in this lifetime. It'll never happen again. No one likes you guys except the people in your church. We've told you time and time again- No JIMENEZ will ever make it to anything higher than your local church- that is a fact. Accept it or not. Believe it or not.David Jimenez for YOUTH President? Please. No JIMENEZ for anything. Not in this lifetime. It'll never happen again. No one likes you guys except the people in your church. We've told you time and time again- No JIMENEZ will ever make it to anything higher than your local church- that is a fact. Accept it or not. Believe it or not.

Anonymous said...

Wow- I guess the Jimenez' are not a very well liked family. :)

anyway- i thought the lawsuit was supposed to be filed by the middle of THIS week/ which would have been yesterday.

Now it's next week? Sounds to me like it's just all talk.

Anonymous said...

So let me get this straight- no Jimenez on ANY board? :)

Anonymous said...

So they're 'pouring' money in to the legal defense fund huh? So what happens if they collect way more than what the attorney's fees are? What will they do with the extra money? pocket it?

Anonymous said...

If you want to be BORED, then listen to David Jimenez preach.

David Jimenez Preaching:

blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blahblah blah blah blah blah blah blah blblah blah blah blah blah blah blah blahahblah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah




Ha ha ha ha! lol lol I love this church!! Muahahahahaha......

Anonymous said...

To 10:02
NO, they will send you to Iraq as a missionary.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Mrs. I Work in a Law Office.

If there is a lawsuit, then the lawyers in this case are slacking it.

Collect the Retainer, file your motions, and lets get to court. Who's Baldemar using? Prepaid Legal?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

sorry- to 10:06

Anonymous said...

So Saul Avila is the secretary of the group- is he also the treasurer? Are they all on the account? What happens with the unused funds? My take- they will start their own organization with that money- they'll be at each others throats in a few years because Baldemar will want to be the president of the new organization- indefenitely. Abel will then be filing a lawsuit against him. Saul will then set up another fund-- round and round.

Anonymous said...

And no one will STILL no be letting Art Tafoya talk! :)

Anonymous said...

I think 10:14 works at the circus!

Anonymous said...

To I Work in a Law Office
When somebody filed a lawsuit how do you gets served? By mail ,a paralegal go to your house or office etc.
Pardon my ignorance.

Anonymous said...

No I work in the strawberry fields with your momma & your daddy and your tio chuy.

Anonymous said...

To 10:19
No, you work at the General office.

Anonymous said...

There's different methods of being served: personal (via a process server), mail, newspaper (Public Notices), or through your attorney. In this case- not for certain- they'll be personally served and they'll in turn give their paperwork to their attorneys.

The Summons & complaint (lawsuit) first needs to be filed with the court in order to be given a case number, be assigned a department, a judge and then given the OSC date. Then once the plaintiffs (Baldemar & Co) receive the conformed (proof of filing) copy of the lawsuit, they need to then serve the defendants (QC). It may take a day, it may take several weeks. Once they serve it, they need to file a proof of service of summons- proof that they served the defs.

ONCE the defs have been served, they have 30 calendar days to respond to the complaint. That's where their attorneys come in.

If the case is filed in SBDO county- we'll need to go pay for copies of the S&C. Too bad it's not filed in the Riverside County Court System- you can print it off of their system directly.

Anonymous said...

No I just ate one of the bean burritos your mom brought for break. I waved at you in between the rows but you seem pretty prideful and wouldn't wave back.

Anonymous said...

So once it is filed it doesn't sound like this will move along very quickly or do you think it will?

Anonymous said...

No it won't move along quickly at all. There are many stages to a lawsuit... this will be in the courts' system for a very long time. However, there is still one more opportunity for them to come to an agreed settlement right before trial. If they can't settle- then it goes to trial. But nothing has been filed yet and we're still a long ways from that.

Anonymous said...

Are you an attorney or a paralegal?

Anonymous said...

I'm a law student- i'll graduate next summer.

Anonymous said...

(via a process server) can that be the sheriffs department.

Anonymous said...

How interesting, I'm pursuing a career in the legal field myself, though I’m still in the very early stages. What exactly are you aiming at? What school did are you attending? By the way my props to you, we need more legally educated brothers and sisters within our assembly. Ever think about forming a legal counsel from within?

Anonymous said...

There's the legal process, which will take some time.

Then theres the political solution. These "gentlemen" ran for office in our organization, leading thousands of us members. Nows its time for the membership to start flexing its muscle and voice its opinion.

Where's the Petition guy? Does he have it drafted yet?

Its a disgrace that someone like Pachuco could be Secretary of our organization. He has a pattern of deciet.

Pachuco associated himself with a Convicted Felon, Bernice Molina. Now he associates with alleged convicted criminal Rogelio Garduno Alvarez.

The thing that gets me, they started making presentations for cars at churches in 1981. People were giving money left and right.

According to records, a complaint wasn't filed against Bernice Molina until 1987 in Phoenix. If my memory serves me right, Pachuco didn't "get called" to the mission field until 1987. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Pachuco collected CASH for at least 5 years.

What happend to all the money? Did Pachuco go to the mission field with loads of CASH?

We know Bernice Molina was convicted, and kept her mouth shut.

Looking at the time-line, Pachuco defrauded for at least five years.

People may be asking, why didn't they file a report or sue?

Likely, they were following the pastors advice using biblical reasons not to sue. Stating just to foregive them and move on.


Anonymous said...

oops sorry for the typo....
What school are you attending?

Anonymous said...

Is someone trying to pick up? I sense the attraction. lol

Just ask her for her phone nuber or email addy while you are at it Elliot Nash.

Anonymous said...

I've got to admitt she's pretty hot....I mean really!!

Anonymous said...

I attend UCLA Law School- my specialty will be civil litigation.

Not sure if I want to start my own practice or work with a lawfirm. It all depends on my financial situation.

One of my goals is to help our AA, or individual churches as needed. It would be awesome to get some brothers and sisters with their JD to form an in house legal counsel of sorts for the AA.

It is not an easy road but it is not an impossible one. Keep your head on straight, set your goals and pursue them.

Anonymous said...

Who's hot? Nohemi from the General Offices?

Anonymous said...

yeahp the same Nohemi.

Anonymous said...

Who is hot? The Law Student? Or the HQ Receptionist? Nohemi Gonzalez

Anonymous said...

to 11:07:

let me guess- you're roughly around the 16-18 age group, barely passing grades- first in your family to graduate high school, maybe- no girlfriend. You wear name brand clothes but you live in crappy home.

yep- sounds about right- what a moron.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know if there are any pictures posted on the FOT website of Sister Hot? Nohemi?

Anonymous said...

Wow, Congradulations brother. I trust God will bless you greatly, I will be praying for you that God may bless you and use you as such. I have exactly the same goal, I eventually plan on specialize in civil litigation, and or family law. Either one would be great for me though I wuld prefer civil litigation.

In house legal counsel sounds great! keep it up

Anonymous said...

excuse my typos...

Anonymous said...

To 11:20

Wow. Enlighten us with your educated wisdom. I'm glad you got a "C" in your GED English class.

Anonymous said...

The lawsuit will be filed in Los Angeles County.

Anonymous said...

How do you know if it will be filed in LA County? since you seem to know that- do you also know when it will be filed? Any other specifics?

Anonymous said...

Brother Pacheco is here in Texas investigating the alleged infidelity of bishop Carranco.

Anonymous said...

To 11:22

You are probably an unhappily married brother contemplating divorce and on the verge of dropping the ball and walking away. And let me guess it bothers you to see young brothers like us contemplating on one day finding, courting and treating such a beautiful sister in Godly relationship that will eventually lead to a happy life next to a beautiful and respectful sister,

Sorry if it didn't turn out the way you wanted for yourself, but don't hate on the younger brothers, they still got a good chance.

Anonymous said...

Can you give specifics of how and why Carranco is being accused of having an affair.

Anonymous said...

To UCLA Law Student:

Minister D, makes presentations to churches informing them they can buy cars at bottom rates. The members of the church trust Minister D, because Minister D is a "Trustworthy Pastor" in the same organization. One example is a Cadillac for the prices of $3,000.00, while the Retail price for such vehicle is $45,000.00

Minister D, who is working with A,C, and H, in this "program" takes thousands of dollars from the Members of the congregation. However, no cars are ever delivered. Members of the congregation try looking for Minister D, to recoup their money or cars, but Minister D does not respond to them.

What Crime(s), if any, has Minister Committed and what Defenses, if any, are available.


Anonymous said...

Rev. John D. Carranco
National Treasurer
Its he related to the bishop?

Anonymous said...

to 11:37 what the hell are you rambling about?

I'm a 21 year old female, a junior at Pepperdine, having the time of my life.

you sound as though your hand jobs aren't satisfying anymore- you need to graduate from Victoria Secret Catalogs.

Gotta go!

Anonymous said...

Brother is real good about those kinds of things. I likes to hear all the chisme. How, where, why, how many times.

He is a very very Holy Man...

Anonymous said...

11:37 Thats pretty big talk from a virgin. I am happily married to a beautiful woman. Now get back to your GED Upholstry Class.

Anonymous said...

oooops I left out his name... Brother Eddie

Anonymous said...

Who said I was a virgin? Tell wifey to do her job- you sound pretty unhappy. oops- she's busy having a go with your best friend. Oh and the video store called- your porno tapes are late brother- they're next to your bible.

Anonymous said...

to 11:43 and 11:46:


Anonymous said...

Ayy ya! enough of the childish banter- one cause she's young and the other cause he's older- both of you grow up.

anyway- this site is about the elections debacle- not your personal lives.

both of you- to your corners!

Anonymous said...

To South Texas- how long is Pachueco there to investigate? Do ya'll have to give him an offering for his services?

Anonymous said...

To South Texas- how long is Pachueco there to investigate? Do ya'll have to give him an offering for his services?

Anonymous said...

Pacheco doesnt have the moral principles to take Carranco out. He was the one that put him there as a bishop in the first place a month ago.

Anonymous said...


My apologies. I was listening to Jim Rhome. All the smack talk on sports radio gets me annimated. I did go to my corner for a Time

Ok, Back to PACHUCO! This FOOL posing as a Pastor needs to go!

Investigating someone? That foolish little man has no moral ground to stand on.

Anonymous said...

back to Pacheco, how in the world is he going to build that mega building with 150 members.

Anonymous said...

Hasn't Strong Tower (Corona) been under construction of their new temple for years? has anyone seen the progress? he's picking up $ left and right from members- but have they actually broke ground?

he's so smug and arrogant. Only the people who tithe a certain amount and over are given invitations to celebrate 'Pastors' Day for him and they have to buy a How arrogant can you be??? I couldn't stomach paying to honor him or his stuck up daughters.

I hear Yvie runs the church of Corona.

Anonymous said...

sorry. . . have to a ticket.

I hear Abel Aguilar also charges for tickets for his Pastor's Day.
What is wrong with these people?

Anonymous said...

gees- my dyslexia is setting in

'. . . have to buy a ticket. . .'

Anonymous said...

Yes, Ms. Plastic Surgery patient of the year.

Anonymous said...

Do you think the AA will be better off without the Pachecos and Valverdes?.

Anonymous said...

plastic surgery? who?

Aguilar sells tickets for his pastors day? I'd buy some if Jaime would give me a LD. Several! lol

Anonymous said...


LD? what does that mean?

Anonymous said...

speaking of Jaime, what is her last name now?

Anonymous said...

Yes there was a $50 donation to enter- per person- which was supposed to contribute to some ministry in his church. (Aguilar)

Anonymous said...

LD = Lap Dance

Anonymous said...

Come on guys, leave Jaime alone.

Anonymous said...

oh- that's tacky-

Anonymous said...

Yoo hooooooooooooooo-

A Miiiiiike! Where ya been?

Anonymous said...

NOTE: Please be advised that all monies (money order) must be sent with this application. The cost per booth is $600.00 for exhibition from Nov 20 – 24, 2007 (Tuesday – Saturday). If electrical outlets are required, an additional charge of $50.00 will be imposed. As a confirmation of exhibit booth(s) reservation, this application will be approved, signed by an administrator and returned within 14 days from postmark. This signed application must be presented at time of booth request. If no confirmation letter is presented, no exhibit booth will be granted and no money refund will be made. The sale of non-religious items; clothing, food, drinks, toys, etc. is prohibited and such sales must be in compliance with the rules and regulations of the Apostolic Assembly of the Faith in Christ Jesus. Any type of presentation, Powerpoint, etc. will be via computer monitor/screen. No type of projection will be permitted. All audio sound will be via earphones. Furthermore, the Apostolic Assembly reserves the right to cancel and deny applications for non-compliance of the above rules and regulations.

By signing this document you hereby acknowledge and agree to comply with the rules and regulations stated therein and all charges incurred
Please return completed application to:
Apostolic Assembly
10807 Laurel St.
Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730
(909) 987-3013
Attn: Convention Registration Attn: Convention Exhibitions
Form 03-002 Nat Ochoa

Anonymous said...

I don't think this lawsuit can be filed in LA county.

The AA HQ's are in San Bernardino county and the elections happened in Orange County.

It would be a major mistake to file in LA county because you must file in the court in which the defendant conducts business.

HAS TO BE FILED IN SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY. If filed elsewhere it shows me that the attorney's don't really know what they are doing.

I was always concerned as to why this started off as a Texas lawfirm. A Texas lawfirm has no business handling a case in California. They would get "eaten up" by California attorney's in regards to California law.

But I also understand that the Texas lawfirm operates in California.

My question is : why didn't the California office for the plaintiffs send the original demand letter?

Pretty strange!!

The moment the AA attorney's got a letter from a Texas lawfirm they knew you weren't serious.
BECAUSE YOU CAN'T FIGHT A CALIFORNIA CASE WITH TEXAS ATTORNEY'S. Plaintiff's should have had thier California counsel send the letter.


Anonymous said...

elections happened in Orange County. ???

Long Beach is in LA county

Anonymous said...


Valverde has had a lock on the tape ministry at conventions for many years until certain board members began to change that.

FOT makes about $1000-$2000 a night at conventions as the official sponsor of the convention tapes/CD's.

When the AA started to catch on to this they purchased their own duplicating equipment and dumped FOT.

Valverde didn't like this so that is one of the reason's why he wanted a Christian Ed. guy that is friendly toward's FOT.

In comes, Martin de Campo.

FOT is now back in and selling at convention and make all that profit.

FOT new purchased property on Citrus Ave, in Fontana is not in the AA's name. There is no record of any property under the AA at the San Bernardino County Tax recorder's office.

SOME POSTED THAT THE ADDRESS FOR THE NEW PROPERTY IS 640 CITRUS AVE., Fontana. (By the way they included the parcel numbers)


That is incorrect!!

It must have been valverde who posted that address.



BY the way there is no 640 Citrus Ave., in Fontana by Citrus Avenue and highway 210.


Anonymous said...

Hypocracy Alert!

Jaime cheats on her minister husband.

So what happens, the AA Revokes the Husbands Ministerial License.

But Jaime is "restored" just in time to promote her hoochie CD.

How come they didn't do that to "Pastor" Henry Patino of Azusa?

Another "Been a Pastor for 100 Years" and only has 50 members.

Whats more insulting is that Patino is now called Dr. Patino cause he went to Tomos II at a school like La Puente Bible School.


Long Beach is in Los Angeles County. Since the election was held in Los Angeles, the plaintiff can file there and since the AA has a District there.

You could make a case for San Bernardino as well or San Bernardino West Valley.


Anonymous said...

Daniel Sanchez Sinned. But because he is Bishop President, he forgave himself and restored himself as well.

Anonymous said...

Is he the alleged adulterer?

Anonymous said...

They can file in Texas, LA or wherever- the judge has the last word- if he says go to SBDOOOO- then it's SBDOOOO.

what is Jaime(Aguilar's) last name now that she has remarried?????

Anonymous said...

OK- let me get this straight- SHE cheated but he got his ministerial license revoked?

Is he still in church? does anyone know?

who is her current husband??

what is the name of her new CD? or is it the last one from CT choir?

Anonymous said...

AGAIN- come on folks- we're all grown ups- no half stories- what up with Daniel Sanchez sinning?

Anonymous said...

Who know's where the elections were held. It sould have been in Orange County. Maybe they were consulting the 'Angels' in Anaheim and while they were there they decided the results of the elections . . .

Anonymous said...

meant to say could have, no should have

Anonymous said...

Stop posting lies. Fountain of Truth's property on Citrus Avenue IS in the name of the Apostolic Assembly.
APN#s 0239-141-09 $ 0239-141-10

Anonymous said...

Jamie Aguilar cheated on her minister husband and because of this he moved to the church of orange and was serving as acting english pastor while Gaddi Vazquez was in Washington working on his political career.

When Pastor Vazquez Gaddi's father passed away Jamies Ex was removed from Orange and a Maffey Cronie was installed as pastor.

Janies Ex was stripped of license and all and run out of town to make room for Maffeys buddie.

As for jamie she was miraculously restored and putting out cd's in no time.

Funny how that works. If you have the right name or connections you recieve more grace.

Good thing that Our Lord sees all things and will reward those who are unjust.

Anonymous said...

Yes our amable presidente was double dipping or creeping or cheating however you want to call it.

I guess cheating and stealing is not that bad you can still end up being bishop, pastor or even a general board member.

Good standards there guys.

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