Saturday, October 13, 2007

AAFCJ Election Discussion Update

The comment section for the original Election Irregularities blog has reached an overwhelming amount of of opinions (1,015+). As we approach the coming General Convention in November, it is important that this medium for the discussions regarding the Elections and Lawsuit continue, therefore tonight at 12am we will be stopping the comments from the original blog and will ask that you continue the discussion under this current blog.

Those comments will not be deleted but saved for all to review and add their opinion in this updated section. (They can be viewed here:

We would also like to add that you may feel free to send in pictures, videos and comments of your local, district and national services. They will be posted here. You can email them to

Your voice is being heard. Now, keep your eyes and ears open.

Dios Les Bendiga,
Apostolic Voice

I don't know about you all but I am in serious prayer for the Arizona Diamondbacks. Is it wrong to fast tomorrow for their victory over the Colorado Rockies?


«Oldest   ‹Older   1401 – 1515 of 1515
Anonymous said...

Bro. Caranco, don't believe these hypocritical restoration lies from your so called friends.

I know that Brother Eddie says he is your friend and that he is going to help you. WRONG AND DON'T BELIEVE IT. That is a lie from the pit of 2 vote Eddie.

Just look at what happen to his two nephews. He doesn't even talk to them because they left the AA.

Remember the AA is his life.

Anonymous said...

"""Look at former Bishop David Contrerras from Southern CA. He butchered and hacked people on his way to the top. When he was finally outted (he couldn't run for bishop anymore). He got sick and would wallow at his home. Where were his support and fiends? Nowhere. He had hurt so many people/pastors/ministers and one was able to realize what kind of man he truly was."""

Listen up John Sanchez, don't be bitter because Contreras was your Daddy when he was bishop.

Who's your daddy John?!! Who's your daddy?!!

Anonymous said...

wasnt southern districts former bishop hooking up with his secretary ?

thats what I heard

Anonymous said...

Maybe we should contact ALL these Apostolic Independent PAstors tht were kicked out of the assembly and join them, and support them. They seem to be doing better outside the AA!

Anonymous said...

You apos. are truly twisted.
You have the "trinos" from the Assemblies of God come and teach you. oh my.

Anonymous said...

can someone please update us on the "legal issue" here??
maybe it's gonna go under the rug???so-to-speak??another decade??

Anonymous said...

"Maybe we should contact ALL these Apostolic Independent PAstors tht were kicked out of the assembly and join them, and support them. They seem to be doing better outside the AA!"


Anonymous said...

The law suit HAS been filed! Try to get a hold of your friends (staff) inside headquarters. The board is suppossed to be served either tomorrow (Wednesday), Thursday, or Friday. I say get a hold of somebody, because I doubt that anybody on the board will admit, right away, that they are being sued!


Anonymous said...

October 30, 2007 10:57 AM

What does "APWC" mean?

Anonymous said...

APWC= A Pastor With Concern

Anonymous said...

Close! Very good.
APWC = A Pastor Who Cares

Anonymous said...

I heard a GB wife say that they are
not worried about the lawsuit, nothing's going to change.They(GB) don't think the other side has the $$!

Anonymous said...

I agree with the GB wife.

I don't think they have enough money to fight the AA.

The only way they can make this worth their attorney's time is if they sue for lot's of money.

Otherwise, they will not be able to sustain the battle against the AA's attorney's.

Anonymous said...

The only one that could afford to pay for this lawsuit would be bishop Daniel Jauhall's nephew who is a multi-millionare.

Anonymous said...

Otherwise, they will not be able to sustain the battle against the AA's attorney's.
That's the beauty of this lawsuit the QC cannot use the AA's attorney's. Why? fraud.

Anonymous said...

Actually it the QC might be able to use the AA's attorneys because they were working in an official capacity.

Anonymous said...

I just notice this, Saul Avila has started the Elections Legal Defense Trust Fund. What exactly are they defending?

The elections? The same elections they are suing the AA for fraud? How can the plaintiff be the defender at the same time?

Another flat showing these guys don't have a clue!

Anonymous said...

Another flag showing these guys don't have a clue.

Anonymous said...

Do you really believe that they don't know what they are doing?

I think the GB knows they are in the wrong.

If they have nothing to hide why not speak up.

Please GB tell us it is not true!!!

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

I really don't think they know what they are doing. I will bet you dinner at Ruth Chris Steak House this matter will carry on past the next election or will thrown out/ or dropped by the plaintiff's. Remember, Abel Torres is now on the inside. He has internal conversations with the GB, he is the whistle blower, without him, they have even less of a case then what they had before.

The focus needs to be on REMOVING THE CID before the next election.

Torres can look like a hero if he can facilitate amending the need for the CID.

Torres has the potential to be President in 2010 if he plays his cards right.

Anonymous said...

If they have nothing to hide why not speak up.

Please GB tell us it is not true!!!

October 31, 2007 11:45 AM

I don't want to call you a fool in front of all the brothers here, so please don't make it this easy for me.

Anytime there is litigation or threatened litigation, the last thing you want to do is open your mouth. Unless of course you need public opinion on your side.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you! Now give the same advice to the GB, because their rpide (soberbia) in making stupid comments continue. I have personally heard Sanchez, Valverde, and pacheco make some very stupid and incriminationg comments! GO TALK TO THE GENERAL BOARD!

Anonymous said...

Sorry! rpide=Pride

Anonymous said...


1) The Texas attorneys the consenters had, let California attorneys take over the case. They are - Good, Wildman, Hegness & Walley Law Firm in Newport Beach, California. This Partnership includes Professional Corporations cases. they have some high profile attorneys. And yes, they are very tough lawyers.

2) The lawsuit HAS BEEN FILED, in LA! It will take a couple of weeks before it is posted in the internet.

3) The QB and the GB are BOTH being sued! The reasons are to long to explain.

4) The QB and the GB are supposed to get served, at headquarters, either today, Thursday, or Friday!

5) Yes the consenters DO HAVE over $25,000 in donations, from people and churches for starters (tells you they have the support of the people).

6) NO the GB and the QB CANNOT use AA funds to defend themselves. Corporte law does not allow it. Look at ENRON and others.

Let's pray the GB does the right thing, resign and settle out of court. If there is a new election, the qualifying board will probably be composed of lawyers who have no vested interest in the outcome.

Anonymous said...

In that case I want to throw my name in for the AA president. I promise I will hire Jamie as my personal aide

Bill Clinton

Anonymous said...

To 4:17...

Lets be serious, comments like that are so stupid.

Anonymous said...

I don't think you would be able to handle Jaime. Sorry Bro.

Anonymous said...

yeah dude not even the big black dude was able 2

Anonymous said...

Where is the prophet went we need him?

Anonymous said...

"I just notice this, Saul Avila has started the Elections Legal Defense Trust Fund. What exactly are they defending?

Another flat showing these guys don't have a clue!
October 31, 2007 11:36 AM"

Hey Perry Mason, since u r the legal beagle here, why don't u go 2 4 the context of your post's question.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if the posted law firm filing for the petitioners has already called the AA's attorney (Jason deMille of Bewley, Lassleben & Miller, LLP)?

Anonymous said...

Yes they did.

Anonymous said...

how do u know?

Anonymous said...

Doesnt matter I know is a fact.

Anonymous said...

To Perry Mason...
"The Elections Legal Defense Trust Fund. What exactly are they defending?"

in reading the post on they are trying to raise some cheeeeezzzzzzzee to raise the AA's pastors voices heard

Anonymous said...

"Strangely, the expounders of many of the great new ideas of history were frequently considered on the lunatic fringe for some or all their lives. If one stands up and is counted, from time to time one may get knocked down. But remember this: a man flattened by an opponent can get up again. A man flattened by conformity stays down for good." Thomas J. Watson, Jr.

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." Lao-Tzu

"Once harm has been done, even a fool understands it." Homer

Anonymous said...

"in reading the post on they are trying to raise some cheeeeezzzzzzzee to raise the AA's pastors voices heard"

shouldn't it be: the AA pastors voices volume?

Anonymous said...

Again the AA attorney HAVE been notified, and the GB members should be served today, Thursday, or Friday!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Mama please let me go visit my wife, please!


October 31, 2007 10:17 PM

Anonymous said...
About the year 1990, Bishop Manuel Castorena came from Mexico City where he had just terminated being Obispo Presidente de la Iglesia Apostolica de Mexico.

Bishop Castorena was invited by Bro. Manuel Vizcarra who was Presiding Bishop of the Apostolic Assembly to Pastor the AA church in Pacoima, CA.

Bishop Castorena pastored in Pacoima, then relocated to another property that he purchased for the AA on Brand Blvd in San Fernando, CA.

Bishop Castorena is a dynamic preacher, teacher CBAN. For many years he taught at the Colejio Biblico Apostolico in Mexico City, preparing many men and women for ministry.

Now Bro. Castorena is very ill and will be retiring from the pastorship of the Apostolic Assembly church in San Fernando this coming Sunday, November 4 at a special farwell service.

It would be wonderful to take a pause especially now that we are having such a difficult time in our Assembly, to acknowledge and appreciate a great warrior of God who has given it all to the Work of the Lord, and retires only because his health has failed him to the point that he is a double amputee.

Let us rejoice that this man has left such a great legacy with our AA and a bright mark for many to follow.

If you would like to send him an acknowledgement card or offering here is his home address where he resides with his wife:

Rev. Mauel Castorena
11964 Carl Street
Lake View Terrace, CA 91342
(818) 890-1535

May God Bless you.

Anonymous said...

This is what the AA has posted on their website as a requirement for their staff!

The following administrators supervise the Headquarters’ administrative operations: Each of these administrators provides executive assistance to their respective Board Member. They can be reached by phone or by e-mail and function with the goal and mission “To Serve Christ’s Church With Diligence and Excellence” and with the guide and vision that in everything we do “Character Counts”.


Anonymous said...

Donde estan los papeles???? The lawsuit where is it at?

Anonymous said...

Donde estan los papeles?

Where are the lawsuit papers?

Anonymous said...

Hello, Hello, Hello:

Are you there October 30 @ 8:26 pm?

Get a grip and come down to REALITY!

So, Bro. Daniel Jauhall has a multi
millionaire nephew? That's easy living here in California. You can own 2 houses and 2 storefront buildings in any barrio here in Southern Calif. and you are a multi

This guy would not give you a half of a penny. That's why he owns those 2 houses and 2 storefronts.

Did you read the letter set to us Pastors a few months ago stating that Bro. Jauhall, who was then Bishop in Oregon was in dire need of a house and a letter was circulated to all the Apostolic Assembly, Pastors, Bishops and the HGB from a Pastor in Portland Oregon requesting immediate funds from all the churches, Flor Azul, and any other available monies to purchase a house for Bro.Jauhall.

Now we pastors here are commenting by telephone, if he has a multi
millionaire nephew, why was that petition circulated around the Assembly for funds for that purchase?

Heresay is that the house was going to be purchased in Visalia so he can go give problems to Pastor Mosqueda.

Don't expect dear nephew to pay any attorney fees for Jauhall if he won't even purchase a house for his uncle.

The Petitioners are going to have to find money from another source because it ain't coming from the rich nephew, whoever he is!

I remember that Bishop Jauhall condemned us Pastors for trying to buy our little homes, explaining that we were not to build kingdoms on this earth, because the rapture was at hand.

So I am a little confused as to why we would have to help HIM purchase one.

Anonymous said...

To Nov. 1, 8:25 pm

So Timmy Valverde:

"If you only knew, If you only knew.."

You know everything. Of course you do. You live in the middle of the borboyon.

You know all about the hotel prices and of the cancelations...

You know all the gossip, and all the chisme, along with the stratigic information what we all would like to know.

But you can't tell because you have to be true to daddy...

Okay, Okay...Just leave us to our own speculations that nobody cares..

Anonymous said...

Pastor Elias Mosqueda, no there's another joke! The epitome of the AA and their politics. Sad. So sad.

Anonymous said...

Who is Elias Misqueda?

Anonymous said...

Elias Mosqueda - pastor in Visalia, CA. Basically runs off anyone that goes that thinks for themselves. Jauhall promised the church he'd never leave them... only until he got voted out of Bishop! Then he put in this Mosqueda guy just so he could take the Oregon District.

Mosqueda has run the church down and runs the show like Hitler. Anyone that dares have their own opinion, doesn't last too long.

Anonymous said...

WOW! What a sap!

Anonymous said...



"Jason deMille The AA legal counsel resign. Why? Lawyers from the other side , are very tough lawyers. Is not his area of expertise.
November 2, 2007 11:08 AM



Daniel Sanchez has just stepped down!!!"

November 2, 2007 11:12 AM



I can't divulge names, but I was told the AA lawyers were contacted Wednesday by the consenters lawyers and told the lawsuit was being served. Also they were told the AA would probably LOSE!"

November 2, 2007 11:27 AM

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I called a friend who works part time at HQ's who said that Sanchez has not stepped down. My friend said that the access to this blog is going to be blocked at HQ's because a lot of the staff are reading it.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of Pastor Mosqueda, he even set aside a guy for the ministry that was caught embesseling from his fathers business. The only reason is this young guy kisses up to him.

Anonymous said...

I dont know if the lawsuit has been served or even filed, but this is embarrassing to the Body of Christ. Instead of preaching the word and focusing on His kingdom. We are all focused on this shameful act.

Our leaders have let us down. What happened to the Passion we all supposedly have. Guess it was all talk. What a shame. Too much fighting with each other and not enough Christ. Daniel Sanchez is a good man, I just think he made some bad decisions.

Abel Torres, is another good man with Character and integrity. I bet if they would sit down just the two of them, they could resolve things out. Or maybe not.

Anonymous said...

"Hueso Colorado" says

At least Abel Torres has what DS & SV does not have. Integrity and Character.

Now days The higher you go the best Politician you are and if you don't make it over the GB you just don't have the "qualifications" to be a good politician.

Sure, just keep rubbing shoulders!!!!

Like Pacheco, Martin del Campo, etc

Anonymous said...

guess, when you see these "Men of God" (I say that with a grain of salt now), I really believed in them. I really thought they were the real thing. I dont know if they read these blogs or if someone close to them does but if you read this, just let know this.

They really let us down. Everything rises and falls on leadership and in this case everything is coming down.

Anonymous said...

Bro. Jauhall wasn't voted out. He just couldn't run anymore cause he served his full terms. The rest I don't know about. But this I know.

And it was sad day after that, cause we ended with one of the QC for bishop.....Gaxiola!!!!!!

The do nothing Bishop

Anonymous said...

Yes I remember he was always sick. At his mid term when he was up for election again, he ran around the Merced Church to show everybody that he was well now. After that he was sick again and the rest of the Board had to pick up the slack while he spent his time home playing sick. Writing and collecting a hefty salary and a car and his bills paid for.

Anonymous said...

Actually, Bishop Jauhall could've indeed been voted in again. Although he had served two terms as bishop of Central CA. District, he was able to to be voted in again. That was the year that the Central District split into two - Northern & Southern CA. districts. Because they were considered "new districts" we were told he could indeed be chosen for the Northern CA. District. All of us pastors were shocked when he didn't get chosen. You should've seen the look on Jahuall's face in that meeting! He played the real "spiritual" card though. Lasted only a few weeks in Visalia church after "the will of God" was done and he left for Oregon.

Anonymous said...

Yes your right I recall now

So Gaxiola was playing the CID card even way back?

Just figures ruled everyone else out but himself

Anonymous said...

To 5:10 and 9.46 pm

I think we are avoiding the real issue. No one seems to notice that Jauhall was asking for a house for himself and family with money to be collected from assembly, flor azul and any other funds.

Gaxiola may have also sat at home collecting from the assembly but he doesn't have a multi millionaire nephew.

The habit of asking the poor people for money for so many Bishops and Board Members to live high on the hog has to be controlled somehow, or this situation at hand will not go away.

I guess the real issue is that we are in denial about the horrendous faults of our man made 'Heros'. What else would we have to look up to?

That is why we have this situation. We have taken our eyes from the Lord and placed them on man, and our man made heros have failed us in a mighty way.

Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil about these man made heros, that is our motto and what we practice.

Some of us Pastors who want to do honest and sincere work for the Lord are getting tired of the high life of the man made heros above us.

Let us not look at just the few we choose to attack, such as Aguilar, Sanchez and Valverde.

There are many more who have also learned to take from and abuse the people who trust them. Let's not just hound two or three.

Let's not avoid the real issues here. Constitution has to change so that these abuses do not continue to happen.

If the constitution doesn't change, nothing else will, because we are all coward and have learned to condone or look the other way when this type of thing happens. It is not Biblical to do so.

We are all accountable, especially those of us who lead the sheep--and are leading so many astray into anger, confusion and dissolusion.

Anonymous said...

While reading this blog about circulating a letter that was soliciting money to purchase a house for D. Jauhall, it took me back to the time when I worked at the General Office on Beverly Blvd in Los Angeles.

I was a young man aspiring to ministry and I saw, heard and learned a lot of things. Many good, some not good at all. This blog brought to mind an occasion that I was privy to.

Bro. Baldemar has just received an angry phone call from the Jauhall family because D.J. had not been re-elected or elected to any General Board position.

They were quite angry and literally told Bro. Baldemar that he was to blame because he had committed fraud with the Q.B. and eliminated D.J. completely. The family was so furious that it scared Bro. Baldemar.

Around that time, D.J. had been ousted by the church of San Jose, CA, where he literally left it bankrupt. He splurged that money, taking trips to South America and the Holy land and traveling to many cities in the U.S.

He did not want anyone to invest in buying houses because Christ was coming soon. I remembered that when another blogger brought it up.

He then moved to Orange, CA., and he gave a lot of trouble to Bro. Lupe Vazquez there. Then he was moved to Visalia to pastor there. By that time, I was a pastor in the Central District. I heard that he ruled that church like Hitler, and continued to press for a higher position.

I think that Bro. Baldemar was still a little afraid of the family and then, through the Califcadora, appointed him Bishop of Central, CA. for the next 8 years.

We wanted him out so badly that we would call the General Offices. He was never around when we needed him—always on a trip somewhere.

One time he told the District that he needed a new car because the tires on his car were no longer any good. He was given a new Cadillac. This is exploitation and manipulation of the sacrifices and honest work of those we are supposed to serve. We were so tired of him.

When they split the district on orders from Baldemar, the QC, disqualified him and, I must say that he was shocked and stunned.

The family attacked Baldemar again and the General Board appointed him Bishop as far north as they could send him-all the way to Oregon where he was Pastor and Bishop.

At executive meetings, he would always take control, speaking in tongues and scolding the Pastors because we were straying from “La Sana Doctina..” and our women were not dressing modestly and appropriately.

This control and manipulation has been going on for a long time. There is an inherent-inborn behavior/need to jockey for positions of power and control and unsupervised access to money.

And it seems to sit in the hand of a very unqualified few. The Jauhalls have pushed, controlled and manipulated long before the Baldemars, Solomons, Sanchez and Valverdes came along.

Regardless, they all learned from him to dominate and control by fear and intimidation, and we are just inheriting this tyrannical system of government from one generation to the next.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for trying to be honest and do the Lord's work in a sincere manner.

You are so right! I happened to find the districts report once and looked at it, Now I'm not saying it was wrong or anything, but just for Bro Jauhall's retirement per month was $1,000.00. go go figure $1,000.00 per month times 12 months times 8 years. Then a pastors salary, bishops salary, and according to the report hos car payment house payment, gas and light, and water payment, phone 2, all the gas for the car. so with all his bills paid for He was left with all the money from his 2 salaries....

So my question is way should he be in need? He was taken real good care of from what I can see, I could be wrong. Since everything is under the rug.

Like you said they have prayed on the poor bothers backs and we have responed.....and now we see that enought is enough.....Sanchez, Valverde. Espinoza, Gaxolia, Guzman and of course the RAT PACHECO NEED TO STEP DOWN.

Pacheco should be stripped of his salary his has received from the GB for this past year, because he didn't win the election.

after this is all over there has to be someone giving account for all the money, because thats our money that is being sent.

No more laker box seats or dodger box seats, and in my opinion no more vacations for Sammy and the whole family to NYC on the company credit card.

And all the sexual perverts have to go, because the GB knows who they are and hide it under the rug or move them to another church, so they can do their dirty work there 2..

We need reform, and the time is now, and the only way to have it is to remove the whole HGB, and the new men that are put there know that they will answer to us from on now...and they will be reomoved if they screw up.

My 2 cents

Anonymous said...

Ok....So what is going on here. No one is talking. Are you all out shopping for convention?

Anonymous said...

what they need to due is establish a legislative body within the assmebly, the ultimate and finally decisions should be decided by the pastors....Amendments to the constitution, and everything....

new reform has to include a system of checks and balances, in which the pastors can keep the board on check,while still allowing the board enough breathing room to do their job...
The new system has to make it clear to the board, we are not ignorant, we care, and we are watching you'r every move. We might have voted you in, and we respect you as our leaders, but please understand that you disrespect us when you fail to recognize this.

power to the pastors, at the local level, and to the pastors as an assembly with lesgislative power.
~Just a member

Anonymous said...

To 12:01 AM
That's a great idea
A pastor

Anonymous said...

The AA should disolve the current leadership structure and reorganize as fellowship. All the power would be at the local level, such as mininster ordination.

Anonymous said...

November 2, 3007 12:01 A.M.

I agree with you on that there should be a system of checks and balances. I have thought about that many times.
I hope all this can resolve that issue.

THen again one can only hope.

Anonymous said...

I meant to say 2007. To November 4, 2007

Anonymous said...

Pacheco should be stripped of his salary his has received from the GB for this past year, because he didn't win the election
Good idea. Making return the scam monies too.

Anonymous said...


The following blogs have been posted!


"For those who are trully interested the lawsuit HAS been files in LA County. The GB HAS been served! For those of you who think this is hot air - KEEP THINKING that way, we all know once these facts are verified, you'll run like a gallina, and we won't see you in these blogsa again(Thank goodness)! If you have some friends on the inside, they can verify this for you. I know my friend has."


November 5, 2007 11:44 AM

Anonymous said...
"I'm a close relative- it's been filed and they HAVE been served. I won't elaborate any further."


November 5, 2007 11:50 AM

Anonymous said...
"ME TOO! My cousin called me today and told me her dad was served at the office today!"

Anonymous said...

Holy Moses, these GB members were all warned about the evil and unrighteous oath of secrecy and the method ways of the so-called "mesa descalificadora." What it (they) do(es) is pays or rewards men that have close ties and even family connexiones to any current GB members that have been reporting in their $$$ contributions and been attending all AA functions and district activities!
Most look good on paper but Oh Lord
how they lack character and have no cognizant value of these two words integrity and being in covenant w/ the Word of God.

Anonymous said...

Abraham Lincoln once said, "Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power" Looks like most GB members have failed this test!


Anonymous said...

The GB is meeting because ALL of them were served with the law suit!!! Where are all the nay sayers, and the family members, and supporters of the GB board who claimed all to be a farce full of hot air? If you don't believe me, call their relatives, friends, and people on the inside - THEY WILL TELL YOU THE GB HAS BEEN SERVED!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I was sincerely praying for an inside resolution to this matter. But that solution was in the hands of the GB, ie: new elections and an apology to all pastors. That didn't happen! Then I prayed for the Lord to move, however he needed to move. Thus the lawsuit! Now that the GB has been served, my prayer is they settle out of court, do the right thing and resign, and have a new election with an added twist. That NONE of the present, and previous board members accept ANY positions. Once this is done, outside of court, I believe trust will be restored to the pastorship, and membership! Remember, Abraham Lincoln once said, "Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power"
Will the GB and previous GB members BE WILLING TO GIVE UP POWER? That is the key to this solution.


Anonymous said...

"Hueso Colorado" says:

This is the time when we need to see what these men are made of:

Ego, bitterness, Love of money ? Or

Modesty, Love the Lord and one to another, Humility, et?

Easy to preach it on Sunday, but hard to live it Monday thru Saturday.

Anonymous said...

Whether we have 8 Bishops or 27 of them, it makes no difference.

As long as we have a President like Daniel Sanchez, a low-class cholo from Calexico, who makes all the decisions for all the Bishops, anyway, you can have 1000 Bishops and it won't mean a thing.

Every Bishop is afraid of Sanchez. They run to him for every decision. If they have to move a chair or table, they call Sanchez.

If Sanchez doesn't approve, they don't do anything because if they do, he will retaliate immediately. They know better.

They live and administrate in fear of him. They talk to him, and he confuses the issue and then claims he was misunderstood, or changes the story to suit him.

How does one work with these circumstances? No, changing numbers of Bishops won't fix anything until the Top Banana is chopped down to size and held to some sort of measure.

That is why the Assembly is in this condition. This also goes for Baldemar, Salomon and Valverde, they are ALL THE SAME.

They rule with fear, threats and shunning. If the Bishop, Elder, Pastor, member, even a child does not dance to the beat of the drum, he/she is blackballed and shunned. You all know what I am talking about.

They have no love of God. Nothing will change until you take all THAT POWER OFF THE TOP.

And in the name of Jesus, they will be taken down.

Anonymous said...

Those in power are used to ruling with fear. As a former Pastor, I had a newly elected Bishop, come to the church I pastored and demanded I leave the church within 2 weeks. I had worked and was able to aquire a trailer 5 bd 3bth, for a future pastor, I was able, through the Lord, to teach healing to a church that had been abused by some men that ruled with power and fear. I was labeled by this bishop as rebellious, he placed a man that has so far caused those humble members more harm then good. They call me and ask me to come back..
I had to deal directly, at that time, with the GB, and that told him to back down. He is still in power, and part of this administration. They rule through fear and also defaming people's characters. I asked him for a letter of recommendation and all he did was put me off, finally my former pastor showed me a letter he wrote, in the letter I was labeled as rebellious but my wife and children were saints. It takes well-balanced parents to raise children, my three are baptized. He had one child that caused him more problems then my three combined.
We do need to pray for these men, because God is the only one that will be able to, either move them to change, or turn them over to a reprobate mind..

Anonymous said...

What is it that the Lord is saying to us? The organization has been controlled and not by the Spirit of God but by man and as the years have gone by the spirit of man has straightened, it’s claws have not only reached the core of the church but the core of the spirits of men and it controls, manipulates, intimidates and is blinded by the aspiration of success and riches. There is a stronghold that is manipulating this and this stronghold needs to fall in the name of JESUS. God wants us to bind this strong man that He might come in and spoil the strong man’s goods. Spoil means to take away violently, and this strong man that influences the organization needs to have the corrupt hearts, fraudulent spirits, lying tongues, deceitful hearts violently removed from the positions of leadership. This strong man needs to be bound and I call to the youth of the organization not to demonstrate as the world does with signs, t-shirts, rebellion, megaphones at headquarters or Dallas in November, but I call the youth to FAST, PRAY, HUMBLE OURSELVES, ASK GOD TO FORGIVE THE SINS OF OUR FATHERS AND BREAK THE CURSE OF SIN THAT WOULD FALL ON US UP TO THE FOURTH GENERATION OF THIS LEADERSHIP.

Anonymous said...

This guys have been doing this for so long that getting forgiven is like a big joke to them.

Take out the picket signs.

If thats what it takes.......... do it!

You think some of Pacheco's victims have not forgiven him. Thats the problem they should have taken to court, locked him up, paid for his crimes then forgive him. then maybe we wouldn't have as many new victims with his new scams.

Anonymous said...

Tim Malverde looks like Borat.

Apostolic Old Timer said...

Now here is my idea.

The present GB or the new one and any future candidates to any position from Elder on up should make their financial and income tax taxes available for audit, just like candidates for a public office.

Do you think they report all the "ofrendas" they gt when ever they visit a church?

Every church should be independantly Incorporated as a non-profit so that control can stay localy, they should form a board composed of the local members that way if the pastor falls from "Grace" he can be removed without having Eddie P. come and make an "Extensive" investigation.

Anonymous said...

Amen to that old timer.
Are you a pastor?

Anonymous said...

Edward Pacheco

5 Million Dollar Houses in the last 2 Years.

Three Luxury Cars.

1 Car Scam

1 Real Estate Scam

2 Associates that are Convicted Felons.

1 Small Church

Many Special Ofrendas with no results

Many burned people from the Car Scam.

1 Raided Fund for the National Board

1 Very Good Primo who got him the hook up on the National Board.

1 Luxury Delux Spot in Hell waiting for him.

Anonymous said...

The ONLY way to keep men of integrity in office, old and new, is to have full accountability of their business. By that I mean, to post or present an annual report, with ALL the income and expenses to the membership. This includes their personal salaries and expenses. If everything is done correctly, there is no need to hide anything. I personally make available our church books to any of our members who faithfully and consistently tithe. They can even see my tithing, but NOT of others. Keep in mind that hardly anybody questions our finances, because they know they are available for scrutiny. We also have an outside CPA audit our books every year. The key is TRUST! develop that with the people, and they will serve, and follow the Lord with you anywhere! So let's set up a system of accountability (checks and balances) that is proper and open to avoid even the slightest appearance of evil.


Anonymous said...

What the lawsuit is asking is this:
If settled out of court, there has to be a new election. ALL GB members MUST resign their positions. Sanchez and Valverde CANNOT run again. They're not worried about the others because they didn't get many votes to begin with. And finally, a total disclosure of what happened to ALL the pastors of the AA, along with an apology for what the GB did.

Anonymous said...

Okay folks, this seems to be as official as it gets:

Pastor George Barbosa announced to his congregation this week, that Bishop Daniel Sanchez has submitted his resignation from the AA presidency. THis week was his last week in the white house, I mean the general offices.

Anonymous said...

Don't really know what difference that would make, good or bad, for the lawsuit. It's been filed and each GB member has been served.

Anyone know how Sanchez's resignation would affect anything? Why would he resign if it doesn't change the reality of the suit?

Anonymous said...

How reliable is our source?

Anonymous said...

I would assume very reliable being that the sister that told us last night about 11:00 p.m. congregates in his church (George Barbos's) and called after she got home to see if we had known anything about this.

Anonymous said...

If Bro. Sanchez resigned to his position, guess who is our new president? Valverde, now we are really in for it.

Apostolic Voice said...

New Rules ****Update 11/8/2007****

Over the past couple of days we've been working on a solution that would allow greater adminstrative control in controlling comments on this blog. We feel quite a bit of the comments are childish and belong on someone else's blog. The purpose of us being here is to discuss the current state of the AAFCJ and its continued growth. With that being said, in 48 hours (11/10/2008) we are going to require those that wish to voice their opinion and add pertinant discussion in this matter become registered users to this blog. We feel this will do a couple of things.

1. Allow us to control the frivolous comments in this site by removing those users that continue to waste bandwidth by commenting on their affection for the opposite sex and have no relevance to this discussion.

2. Create an identity (although that identity can still remain anonymous if you so desire) which will hold that identity responsible for its comments. For example, Mike A, will be forever Mike A because he has registered his identity and no one will be able to attribute a comment to him unless it really is him as with other registered users. To register please create an email account using GMail at or your prefered mail provider.

We are doing this because your voice really matters and we want it to ensure its influence is not diminished.

Please not that we have been contacted by leaders on both sides of this issue and both sides have positively reacted to the voicing of your opinions. (Don't ask who they are because we won't disclose that information.)

The rules below still apply.

Apostolic Voice

Anonymous said...

If this is true, I hope that some kind of explanation is given from the GB. Of course this is very unlikely as a lawsuit might prevent any info to be shared.

Apostolic Old Timer said...

to 9:44. No I'm not a pastor, i'm not even on "layaway" (apartado)
but I did help as treasure at my local church for a number of years.

An just like 6:25, we also had an outside accountant check our books every month and we gave a financial report to all members in good standing every quarter.

I can't understand how Eddie can have have as much real estate as people say he has. For a guy that has never worked a regular job (as far as I know). He should be giving financial seminars instead of being on the GB. I got burned in the car scam myself, but i guess it was partly my fault for trying to get something for almost nothing.

Here's a thought for you pastors.
If the AA looses the lawsuit, and the non-profit status because of accounting irregularities due to the board spending corporate funds for personnal purposes.
What are you going to do when you have to pay taxes on the churches income? Plus property taxes and any other taxes that may be due in your area?

Plus the congregation can't deduct the tithes and offerings and any other contributions from their income taxes? It's going to be a realllly BIG mess.
Lets pray that the GB sees the light and does the right thing what ever it takes to save the membership any further problems.

Unknown said...

To: Apostolic Old Timer

"""can't understand how Eddie can have have as much real estate as people say he has. For a guy that has never worked a regular job (as far as I know)."""

Brother, its called FRAUD.

2 Vote Eddie aligns himself with people who COMMITT FRAUD, gives them access to the church members, they then do their SCAMS then give Mr Pacheco his BRIBE/FEE for the access.

Examples where 2 Vote Eddie has done this.

CAR SCAM: Assisted Bernice Salcido Molina...CONVICTED for FRAUD in Arizona.

REAL ESTATE SCAM: Associates with CONVICTED FELON Rogelio Garduno Alvarez, aka Roger Alvarez

See USA vs. Roger Alvarez.

This man never has repented or changed his fraudulent ways.

Anonymous said...

Durning the 2008 conventions have 2 vote Eddie walk the aisles with just his shorts on and a sign saying "I'm a Scum"

Then maybe he can be forgiven

Apostolic Old Timer said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Apostolic Old Timer said...

To: Van

I didn't know about the Real Estate scam, I don't live in his district.
I've known Eddie for many years and he has allways been "shaddy"

I wonder where he's going to hide after this, where is the Spirit going to call him to, maybe missions work in Africa.

An earlier post said that Bro. Sanchez had stepped down, is this confirmed?

Anonymous said...

Good points from another blog:

Brother Sanchez should have advised and encouraged his board to step down, right along him, in the very beginning. They should have allowed for an investigative committee to look into the matter, in the very beginning. Truth of the matter is that the GB knew they had cheated their way into positions and didn’t care. They didn’t think it would ever come out and that NO ONE would ever have the audacity to question them, expose them, and least of all, sue them. They had AMPLE time to rectify this situation. Ample time to come clean and come out with some shred of dignity. Should have, could have, would have . . . if only.

If Brother Pacheco had any ounce of true love for the work of the Lord and any love for this organization, that has been his bread and butter for so long mind you, he should have been the FIRST to step down even before Brother Sanchez should have advised it. He is at the root of this fiasco. He is at the root of this immanent division. How can he accept a position that he didn’t rightfully attain? That alone speaks volumes about his character. But then can you expect any more from a man that is surrounded by so much controversy? His testimony has been tainted from years ago! It should weigh heavy on him that he is at the cause of this debacle. But a person like him is too proud and arrogant to ever admit or show that he was wrong.

The people of Israel were supposed to reach the Promised Land in 40 days, but God allowed them to wander in the desert for 40 years. Why? Even though He knew, God wanted to know what was in their hearts. He saw no good. Two people from the generation that started made it to the Promised Land. The AA is not the only organization going through a cleansing process. Many organizations are. Why? Sign of the times. God wants to see what is in the hearts of His church. God has allowed this to happen. He is cleaning house. He is purging His church. How many of us will make it to the Promised Land after this purging?

Our assembly needs a MAJOR reorganization under completely new leadership. Our constitution needs some MAJOR ratifications. Let’s pray that the next wave of leaders are really and truly, in every sense of the phrase, Men of God.

Whatever we do, wherever we go, let us NEVER leave the Body of Christ. A major division is immanent in our organization. It saddens me that some will leave to other oneness organizations, some will form their own churches, and unfortunately, some will just leave the Lord’s path all together. Brothers and Sisters, let us hold steadfast to the hand of the Lord and NEVER take our eyes off of Him because His coming is at hand. REGARDLESS OF WHERE WE GO let us never lower our Christian standards that God has given us, continue in His path and go forward. The change that is to come for our beloved organization will be a painful one, but we will heal with His help. This needed to be done. It is all in His perfect plan.

" todo el que dijiere Senor. . . "
Even since before the dictatorship of Brother Baldemar, things have been going wrong. (I say dictatorship because he ‘reigned’ as president for way too many years!) Baldemar allowed for Brother Valverde and Brother Pacheco to be on the GB without ever being bishops, a direct violation of the constitution. Should We the People countersue him for that? He put them there in the beginning and now we’re left to deal with the mess. Rumor has it that Baldemar himself was accused several years ago of a roving eye. Gees, is there not a decent man among us??????????????

I know for a fact, that the Flor Azul money raised in each district for the missionaries, is not all used on them. Half , if not more, stays at the headquarters, who do you think pockets the rest? I know this because a relative of mine used to be on the GB under Baldemar’s administration… and the stories he tells, well , leaves me speechless, and that usually does not happen!

We need to amend our constitution. Once you have served on ANY position in the GB, and any national board, you should NOT be allowed to run for ANY more positions any more. We have plenty of men & women who can do the job, if not better! They just recycle themselves, they change from position to position—collecting their hefty pay. Only visiting churches when something goes wrong, when it’s time to take someone off.

Same goes to some of the district bishops/elders. What DO they do? Over see the churches? Well, they’re not doing their jobs because most of the churches are falling by the wayside, being run by unfit pastors who are mini-versions of THEM. Especially here in the IE. Pathetically there are so many 30 member churches whose pastors have no vision and no clue how to administer funds, preach, run a church and deal with people. Some of them have a pretty building though, an EMPTY one, but a pretty one.

And while I’m at it. . .aren’t you tired of having Santa Leon and Georginna Marron on the Dorcs board? Are there not any OTHER Dorcs that could do the job? Why do they keep accepting these positions? Gees!! Give someone else a chance!!

Aren’t you tired of having Pacheco, Valverde, Baldmar, on the board of every administration? Are there not any OTHER men that could do the job? Why do they keep accepting these positions? Gees!! Give someone else a chance!!

It’s time for a CHANGE!!! All across the board!!! The people who tithe and do the brunt work of everything want and demand a change!! We have a voice and it WILL be heard!

Anonymous said...

To Anon 2:55--

what the heck does that have to do with the price of eggs?

Are you trying to promote you business? :)

Apostolic Voice said...

Registered users are only allowed to comment.

I enacted this early due to the fact I will be going out of town tomorrow.

Dios Les Pague


LocoValdez said...

sign up to comment was easy and pain free..

Apostolic Old Timer said...

What's the latest news?

so cal district man said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
so cal district man said...

PTL to all... Let us continue to pray for a peaceful resolution in our fellowship's dilemma. We need nothing but His hand to move upon us all. Here locally we dedicated the month of August to seek His face through prayer and fasting in our local house and fellowship's matters. God bless y'all!

downtown_eddie said...

"PTL to all... Let us continue to pray for a peaceful resolution in our fellowship's dilemma."

I don't think so. For years we have been talked down too, preached down too. Treated like second class dummies. Taken our money and hard work and adused it for their own personal use!

Sexual abused the women of our assembly, sadly to say some young men too, and worst of the children.

Sad to say this men are still in their postions of power.

Peaceful resolution? Yeah only when the whole board is gone and the curse of ACN is lifted.

And you you can't forget the QC who's wickness is the blame for all this.

Well they sit on their recliner writing books... GEZZZZZZ!!!On what?????Holiness!!!!

jose said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Apostolic Old Timer said...

to Jose
Where is the info. at? can you give me the link of site please?


Connie said...

Everyone is talking about wearing a pin at the convention that says "Out with the CID"

It is not only the CID that we need out, but the Qualifying Committee needs to be taken out of the Constitution as well.

That is the REAL CULPRIT!

I honestly believe that the majority of the people do not know what is really happening at HQTRs.

Even if they knew, they still would not be able to do anything.

Some of us have to do something...
Let's change the Assembly's future.

In Jesus Name! We can tell those mountains 'be thou removed!' Believing it, it shall happen!

Unknown said...

To Apostolic Old Timer,

The link below takes you to another page of related letters

Pastor said...

What is the latest on the lawsuit? Anybody know?

so cal district man said...

From very reliable sources...
The lawyers from both sides met yesterday afternoon in San Bernardino County Court Annex in Rancho Cucamonga in a pretrial hearing. This lawsuit is moving fast and furious. Can somebody verify if the file is there in SB County already?

jose said...

Superior Court Of the State of California in the County of San Bernardino, Rancho Cucamonga District.
Case # CIVRS 706256
Department R12 Honorable Judge Ben T.Kayashima

so cal district man said...

while the AA is in convention the attorneys will be in session on Tuesday in Judge Ben T.Kayashima's chambers.

Unknown said...

Well I guess Bro. Sanchez is not resigning.

It will be real interesting to see how they treat each other at the convention.

We all know what the Bible says, "If you have something against your brother, leave your present at the alter.....

Let’s see if before the GB brings the present (WORD) they will approach their brother and ask for forgiveness. (I don’t think so)

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