So why waist so much money having an electoral convention add to that the time waist by 600+ MoG(7 AM to 6 PM) , if the Qualifying commission allowed the disqualification of the majority vote nominee.
This speaks clearly of the type of pastoral leadership we have in the Assembly. For not 1 on of the 600+ spoke out against the CID in the years prior to the election including all the Bishops!
I know some Pastor's look for yes men in their churches, those that will follow blindly, but these Pastor's should be held accountable as well for allowing this to happen. Pastor's need not be yes men and follow blindly in order that they can move to the next level.
I know some Pastor's look for yes men in their churches, those that will follow blindly, but these Pastor's should be held accountable as well for allowing this to happen. Pastor's need not be yes men and follow blindly in order that they can move to the next level.
This smacks 4 of the 9 problems that plagues our organization that a previous brother or sister articulated so well:
1. Authoritarian Hierarchy.
2. Lack of Accountability.
6.Local congregations not a true priority.
9. Organization more important than Jesus or people.
Demand that the CID is removed!

I'll wear this button at he convention.
1. It is not going against and does not disrespect any Man of God.
1. It is not going against and does not disrespect any Man of God.
2. It tells the Pastoral, Episcopal, and GB bodies that will not tolerate political tactics in the affairs of our desire to seeking God's plan in our organization!
3. It holds all that voted for it accountable to the entire Assembly constituency.
4. And It does so in a way that is respectful and in silent.
We could design different respectful signs referencing the CID and have them placed strategically throughout the conference. This will be more effective than any lawsuit.
Nine fundamental problems in the AA.
1. Authoritarian Hierarchy.
2. Lack of Accountability.
3. Closed Communication.
4. Manipulation over Giving.
5. Financial control by the GB.
6.Local congregations not a true priority.
7. Chaos and confusion.
8.Lack of respect for members and pastors.
9. Organization more important than Jesus or people.
The CID document was the weapon utilized to kill the future ministry and service of some of our most brilliant leaders.
I agree with this approach.
I will find my own way of wearing, exhibiting or displaying this logo.
To show my desire for change and protest of this document that has created so much contriversy and division.
One of the fundamental problems is this:
8.Lack of respect for members and pastors.
I encourage pastors to display this logo , to show the members that you are not a yes men , but real leaders.
The definition of CID in the dictionary:
"El Cid" is derived from the word al-sīd in the Andalusian Arabic dialect (from the Arabic sayyid, "chief" or "lord,")
Its a principality and power
Do this is a silent protest that speaks very loudly.
Remember 85% of our apostolic fellowship are Spanish speaking people they have no voice in this blog or knowledge of was going on. We need to instruct them of this silent protest. Most pastors don't have Internet access they need our help too.
LOL I can't believe you. I made the suggestion of wearing buttons in silent protest, you all laughed at me and now you are promoting wearing buttons.
Ok, sounds like a brilliant idea General. Where can we order out buttons?
Any button makers out their that can help make these items and others such as banners, posters?
We need to start wearing these to all the local, distric and sector services.
We need to get the word out now.
The AposTaliban Mullahs, I mean the GB, will probably say the buttons are the sign of the 666.
Who will be paying for the making of the buttons, posters and banners? Who will monitor the funds raised for that, if any?
Are we to donate our own stuff?
If they're made, will they be given away or sold? If sold, who exactly will profit from that? Will we have to set up a board in order to organize this event? Who will be on that board?
How about if we open a booth and sell veils with this symbol. We could take cool aerial pictures with this on their heads.
Just kidding...
I think this is a great idea. It won't work however without everyones involvement.
There is a movie called "Toy Story". In the movie there is a kid name CID, he would take perfectly made toys, destroy them and then turn them into monsters.
Coincidence, I think not.
Isn't that what CID did to the organization, took something that was not perfect, but not as bad as it is now and turned it into a monster. Well, just a thought. LOL!!!!!
The General Offices of the Apostolic Assembly have announced that the November Convention in Dallas, Texas is only for ministers and their wives, all sessions including the evening services. How is it that you plan to attend, if we are not allowed? What hotel are you all staying at so that some of us can be there, too. Anyone have any new ideas?
Boy this just shows how high and mighty they really feel.
Get out the picket signs!!!!!!!!!
Where did they announce this? Please post to confirm.
The youth convention will be celebrated simultaneously with the ministerial convention.
Beware: when you go to the bathroom
if you see a foot under the stall divider that's the flor azul ministry in action, please report it to an undercover GB member.
Hierarchical, Authoritarian Power Structure, and Social Castes
The cult features an Undemocratic reality, Control-oriented leadership, and Superdemocracy or Pseudo-democracy. The cult has social castes, arranged in a hierarchical structure. The cult has Royalty -- The children of the guru are often the princes and princesses of the new kingdom. The inner circle of courtiers is blessed above others, and gets special priveleges.
Such cults sometimes have pseudo-democracy, where anyone can express his or her opinion on any subject, and people can vote on anything, but somehow the elections don't really matter and nothing really changes. All real power is concentrated in the hands of the leaders, who consider such elections to be simply "advice", or "an expression of the popular opinion", but not binding.
Abuse of power or authority may be the prime source and true essence of moral EVIL - Evil is the ABUSE of power. Moral EVIL begins to exist when someone refuses to accept responsibility for the welfare of others, especially those naturally under his or her direct care. It can be said that someone has POWER, if that someone can decisively influence (the) reality (of others).
In this context, AUTHORITY is power that derives from a social accord or convention, such as the laws or customs of a social group such as a state or an organization.
So then, what is "abuse of power"?
ABUSE OF POWER is the illegitimate use of power.
ABUSE OF POWER is that situation that exists whenever someone who has POWER over others, (that is, the capacity to impose his or her will on those others) for example, by virtue of his or her superior mental dexterity, social position, physical strength, knowledge, technology, weapons, wealth, or the trust that others have in him or her, unjustifiably uses that power to EXPLOIT or HARM those others, or through lack of action, ALLOWS exploitation or harm to occur to them.
Both sons of Aaron the priest, Nadab and Abihu were suddenly struck dead in the tabernacle because they offered “strange fire” (Lev. 10:1 NASB). We aren’t told exactly what they did wrong—that is left to our imagination. All we know is that they did not follow God’s specific instructions when offering incense. They were careless with His glory. Their mistake proved to be fatal.
I have no personal vendetta against these spiritual hoodlums, but lately I find myself praying: “Lord, when will You clean up Your church? When will you send Your holy fire into the sanctuary? When will You turn over the tables of the moneychangers and drive the charlatans out of Your house?”
I have a sense that the answer is coming soon enough. The question is: How close to the modern Nadabs and Abihus will you be when the fire of heaven comes to purge them from the sanctuary? If you are anywhere near a defiled altar, my advice is simple: Run for the nearest exit.
"Hierarchical, Authoritarian Power Structure, and Social Castes"
This post was very interesting. Thanks for sharing!
The AA has made this leadership to complicated and cumbersome. Social theories and hierarchical models of leadership crumble under word of God, leaving us the mess we find ourselves into today.
Early Apostolic leadership was exhibited through the power of the Holy Ghost, and crude processes such as "casting lots."
The problem today is that Apostolic leadership is no longer easily identifiable. Which MOG on both side of this issue really stands out as one with Apostolic power and authority? None?
Thus, with the lack of a clear Apostolic leader that exhibits the power and glory of God, the AA resorted to something that's called CID. Yes, that's what we have to tell us if one is an Apostolic leader.
From a historical perspective to a Future perspective...consider this:
Do you think that when Sanchez and the GB is negotiating a purchase of 9 acres in the suburbs of Dallas Texas to build new corporate offices and a Bible School, there may be something to the rumor that they might be disolving the Apostolic Assembly of the Faith in Christ Jesus, a California corporation, in order to set up a new corporation in Texas with a new name for the Assembly?
Why did Bishop Artie Espinoza, a GB member already relocate to the Dallas area? Is he to oversee this move? After all, he is Sanchez' brother-in-law.
Think about this and get your opinions and/or information out and spread the word.
They may be trying to duck the bullet.
Another Twist?
My opinion is that the AA has always been California-centric. Often overlooking the rest of the countries hispanic demographic.
Moving to Texas would be the jolt that the Assembly needs to start fresh. A cleaning out of the closets.
Did you say the Prez & VP are coming out of the closet?
Well you know what they say about Texas."only steers and _ _ _ _ _ _"
Closets? Over the last 5 years there have been a lot of closets that have been cleaned.
Oh, I mean to say, a lot of people have come out of the AA Closet.
Flor Azul Texas!
Especially if VPJr does the stage design.
You need to obey even when you don't feel right about!
Doubts and criticism of our leadership equals sin.
Is slanderous, divisive or factious.
It will cause members to loose jobs, promotions or deter them from school or other goals or family activities.
October 5, 2007 8:28 PM
Anonymous said...
One of the most common errors found in Christianity today is that particular persons, usually pastors or evangelists, are somehow more "anointed" than the average Christian. This teaching often coincides with a veiled threat in the form of "touch not mine [the Lord's] anointed," (I Ch. 16:22, Ps. 105:15).
The term "anointing" means to "authorize, or set apart, a person for a particular work or service," (Is.61:1). The New Testament is absolutely clear on whom the anointing rests - ALL of Christ's disciples, who are God's very own, set apart and commissioned for service (2 Cor. 1:21). The New Testament does not support the notion of a "greater" anointing based on "position" and such teaching has its origin in a fundamental misunderstanding of the relationship between the Old and New Testaments.
Proponents of this error fail to use careful exegesis to discern the difference between the Old Testament call of a "prophet," where the anointing rested on one man (Is. 61:1, I Sam. 26:9,11, 2 Sam. 22:51, 2 Chr. 6:42), and the New Testament call of a "priesthood of believers" (I Pet. 2:5,9). Certainly there are diversities of gifts, but the Spirit [or anointing] remains the same (I Cor. 12). Benny Hinn, Kenneth Copeland, Kenneth Hagin, and many others have long terrorized God's people with "touch not mine anointed" nonsense if anyone dared question them or their teaching. Anyone who has a gift (all have gifts, 1 Cor. 12:7-11), has a ministry, and anyone who has a ministry, has authority and is anointed.
Can you please stop posting duplicate posts? It is annoying and a waste of time.
It is a fact that Sam uses somebody else's material nothing about him is original, he is a copycatted.
You don't need that type of a sermon if you really want to protest what his been doing to our AA send his material back, tell him that way you don't want his
non-inspired material.
Stop making him rich don't buy his material.
Here is his address
10415 Hillside Rd
Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91737-2349
The AA has made this leadership to complicated and cumbersome. Social theories and hierarchical models of leadership crumble under word of God, leaving us the mess we find ourselves into today.
Early Apostolic leadership was exhibited through the power of the Holy Ghost, and crude processes such as "casting lots."
The problem today is that Apostolic leadership is no longer easily identifiable. Which MOG on both side of this issue really stands out as one with Apostolic power and authority? None?
Thus, with the lack of a clear Apostolic leader that exhibits the power and glory of God, the AA resorted to something that's called CID. Yes, that's what we have to tell us if one is an Apostolic leader.
Any update on the lawsuit?
The next general convention Theme: "Speak Thou....
yes pastors Speak Thou... don't be afraid.
If you speak and not tolerate this present GB then we are going to have Sound Doctrine.
From AA.Info
Saúl L. Ávila
c/o Election Legal Defense Trust Fund
1622 Holly Street
Austin, Texas 78702-5422
Email: avilaccc@texas.net
Thursday July 26, 2007
Name of contributor
1234 Main Street
Anywhere, USA 80000-1234
Dear ___________________________:
We greet you in the matchless name of Jesus Christ. We are also praying God’s best upon you and yours.
The Election Legal Defense Trust Fund is currently participating in a fund raising drive. This drive is to offset the legal expenses being absorbed as a result of the civil lawsuit against “the General Board as the governing body of the Apostolic Assembly of the Faith in Christ Jesus, Inc.”
The centerpiece of this lawsuit is that we the petitioners/consenters are pursuing a new election due to the travesty that was committed upon the pastorate on the day of the General Board Election held on Friday November 24, 2006 in Long Beach, California. We opine that numerous violations were committed by the Qualifying Board; therefore, the results of said election are invalid.
A request in the form of a letter petitioning the present Honorable General Board of the Apostolic Assembly to establish a Commission of Honor and Justice (Article 39 of the Constitution of the Apostolic Assembly) to investigate this travesty was refused. The bishop who wrote the request was advised since there was no wrongdoing; there was no need for an investigation. Immediately thereafter, however, the Honorable General Board convoked a Joint Episcopal Meeting to advise that everything was under control. We are attaching the document that the Honorable General Board responded to the bishop who requested this commission dated May 20, 2007 (please see attached). Subsequent to their response a Letter of Demand from our counsel was sent to the Apostolic Assembly of the Faith in Christ Jesus dated May 23, 2007 (please see attached). Through their counsel, they requested an extension and it was granted up to July 10, 2007. During this interim, the Honorable General Board generated a letter dated June 13, 2007 to all the pastorate of the organization in which no doubt you have a copy of this letter stating the predicament they are facing. We have just received a response from their attorney and they have declined our demand. Nonetheless, we proceed. This is where we are at. Save a miracle, we will have to settle this in a court of law.
We regret not being at liberty to divulge more details as this case is now in the hands of our counsel. If this case goes before a court of law, the information at that time will become public. For now, rest assured that we the petitioners/consenters seek that justice prevail and that damaging impressions be corrected. Furthermore, we realize that there will be some collateral damage done. We pray that these actions result in minimal damage than what has already transpired. There are no personal agendas other than justice is served to our beloved fellowship. Our pledge is to pursue this to its finality- justice.
We are seeking your help. All it requires is for you to send a financial contribution to this worthy cause. Please send your contribution in the form of a check, money order, cashier’s check to: Saúl L. Ávila c/o Election Legal Defense Trust Fund 1622 Holly Street Austin, Texas 78702-5422. If you choose to direct deposit, please advice as our facilitator Saúl L. Ávila is charged to send a receipt of your contribution and will do so regardless if you choose sending your contribution to him directly. Please note that this contribution is not tax-deductible and strictly a voluntary endeavor. Please DO NOT SEND CASH! To direct deposit: Bank of America Routing Number- 111000025 Account Number- 5860 0085 8666
Your contribution is greatly appreciated. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to call us. Thank you very much and God bless!
Saúl L. Ávila
Bishop Daniel Salomón 303/249-0942; Bishop Baldemar Rodríguez 909/957-9175; Bishop Abel V. Torres 423/352-3958
Bishop Ishmael C. Arellano; Bishop Daniel Jauhall; Bishop Richard Galaviz; Bishop Isaac H. Cota; Bishop Samuel C. Arellano; Bishop Guillermo M. Mendoza; Bishop Martín M. Vásquez; Pastor Efraín Andrade; Pastor Saúl L. Ávila 512/731-9660
Bishop Daniel Salomón 303/249-0942; Bishop Baldemar Rodríguez 909/957-9175; Bishop Abel V. Torres 423/352-3958
Bishop Ishmael C. Arellano; Bishop Daniel Jauhall; Bishop Richard Galaviz; Bishop Isaac H. Cota; Bishop Samuel C. Arellano; Bishop Guillermo M. Mendoza; Bishop Martín M. Vásquez; Pastor Efraín Andrade; Pastor Saúl L. Ávila 512/731-9660
Pray for all of them , some are old, others tired, some on wheelchairs , with a good reputation ,with a legacy, even do they are coming for our rescue. To rescue the AA from this illegal GB.
: Conozca a la “honorable” Asamblea Apostólica de la Fe en Cristo Jesús.
El inolvidable viernes 24 de Noviembre del 2006. El “irreprensible” Obispo
Presidente Daniel Sánchez; y el “irreprensible” Obispo Vicepresidente Samuel
Valverde. Cometieron uno de los fraudes electorales más descarados que se
hallan visto en la historia de nuestra pobre Iglesia. En esa semana de convención;
especialmente el “irreprensible” Vicepresidente Samuel Valverde, se llenó la
boca en las reuniones ministeriales. Hablando hipócritamente de que el ministro
debe de ser “irreprensible”. Pero al llegarse el día de dizque votar por los ocho
nuevos elementos que formarían la “irreprensible” nueva Mesa Directiva Nacional.
Los que se llenaban la boca diciendo que el ministro debe de ser “irreprensible”; y
que tuvieron el cinismo de escribir en un manual llamado “Restauración
Ministerial”: “Que el alto honor y privilegio del ministro apostólico, exige una
vida ejemplar del hombre que ocupa dicho ministerio; bla; bla; bla”. Nos mintieron;
nos vieron la cara de tontos sin ningún temor de Dios; haciéndonos votar como
tontos. Mientras los “irreprensibles” Sánchez y Valverde ponían a sus escogidos y
familiares (el nauseabundo antibíblico y anticristiano nepotismo).
Violando nuestra
Constitución (la cual usan como papel sanitario). Poniendo a ministros con super
minoría de votos. El “irreprensible” Samuel Valverde poniendo “a su primito”
Eduardo Pacheco como Secretario General. Pero qué se puede esperar de Samuel
Valverde (a
quien lástima que la iglesia de Fontana, Ca., donde es “irreprensible”
Pastor; no lo conozcan en realidad). Quien cuando en el pasado quisieron ponerlo
Como Secretario de Educación Cristiana; no le importó ser “irreprensible” o íntegro;
aceptando “la designación”, cuando no llenaba los requisitos de nuestra Constitución.
Ya que nunca había sido Anciano ni Obispo. Y su primito Eduardo Pacheco; en el
pasado se vió envuelto en un fraude de carros estando de Pastor en Fontana, Ca. Y lo
premiaron enviándolo como “irreprensible” Misionero Supervisor al país de Chile.
Ya de regreso, lo volvieron a premiar “designándolo” como Obispo Secretario de
Misiones, o sea; quedando como miembro de la Mesa Directiva Nacional. Violándose
la Constitución; ya que nunca había sido Anciano ni Obispo. Este es “el primito
irreprensible” que ahora el “irreprensible” Samuel Valverde mete fraudulentamente
como Secretario General. ¡Qué otra cosa se puede esperar de
hipócritas usurpadores
ilegítimos como éstos! ¡Cuál era el problema un fraude más ahora en Noviembre
pasado! Y ya de las dizque votaciones que siguieron después: “Ni para que hablar”.
Ahora, los “irreprensibles” Presidente Sánchez y Vicepresidente Valverde, continúan
con el cinismo y la burla de enviarnos una circular, en donde nos citan para continuar
con su famoso programa “Road Map”. Es decir; las conferencias que nos dan para
tener “Pastores Sanos”. Cuando nos mienten; nos ven la cara de tontos; nos cometen
fraude. Y todavía tienen el descaro y la falta de temor de Dios de convocarnos para
“convertirnos en Pastores y Ministros sanos”. Pero como dice el dicho: “No tiene la
culpa el indio; sino el que lo hace compadre”. Por eso estamos como estamos, porque
nadie les pone un alto como si se tratara de dioses infalibles. Y los que pudieran
hacerlo, se detienen, porque como desgraciadamente también buscan una
pues, “no se quieren quemar” (con razón Cristo habla de quererse vomitar en Apoc. 3).
Oren por nosotros, porque ahora, el “irreprensible” Samuel Valverde, aspira a ser
Presidente dentro de 4 años. Pero Dios, por algo permite las cosas. Porque esto que
nos permitió ver a muchos; quienes son en realidad “los irreprensibles” Sánchez
y Valverde. Y con esta tremenda chamuscada que se ha dado Valverde: “Adiós
Presidencia”. Esta es parte de nuestra triste y lamentable situación, de nuestra “honorable”
Asamblea Apostólica de la Fe en Cristo Jesús, con oficinas generales en 10807 Laurel
Street, Rancho Cucamonga California. (909) 987-3013.
Ah! Y de aquí en adelante, que no nos sorprenda el recibir
sorpresitas con la "irreprensibilidad" que tienen para tomar
decisiones estos "irreprensibles" miembros de nuestra
Honorable???? Fraudulenta!!!!!! Mesa Directiva Nacional.
Sabemos que trataran de pararnos y desacreditar esta carta pero invitamos a los hermanos que reciban este e-mail a que busquen la verdad, comuníquense con hermanos que estuvieron presente y fueron testigos de este fraude, no se dejen engañar por la “honorable” mesa directiva que al final de cuenta, como toda persona que comete fraude, se defenderán como fieras y trataran de intimidarnos y hacernos sentir mal usando el nombre de Dios en vano para seguir como siempre poniéndonos el pie en el cuello.
Abusivos y deshonesto miembros de la Mesa Directiva: Que la vergüenza e ira de Dios caiga sobre ustedes!!
gwow. . .
The GB is meeting because ALL of them were served with the law suit!!! Where are all the nay sayers, and the family members, and supporters of the GB board who claimed all to be a farce full of hot air? If you don't believe me, call their relatives, friends, and people on the inside - THEY WILL TELL YOU THE GB HAS BEEN SERVED!!!!!
I was just kidding about the HOT AIR. I am on your side. LOL.
So what now? What does the letter say? Does someone have a copy of the letter?
Donde esta la copia de los papeles?
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I enacted this early due to the fact I will be going out of town tomorrow.
Dios Les Pague
I'd wear one to every church service I can
You people really need to read your BIBLE. Have you not been taught to trust GOD!!! He is our Attorney, Our Law, Our Protector. He is Victorious and He is the Law and the Order. We need to learn to trust Him and to leave matters in HIS hands. He will bring Justice to those who are out of order and deserve justice. It is not for us to judge. We are all human and have all sinned. Whether what has been said or done the right or wrong thing to do is not for any one of us to say but for the LORD. He sees and knows all things, as we know. We need to pray instead of discourage one another and create confusing and bitterness among our Bretheren. PAZ DE CRISTO HERMANOS...........QUE TENGAN LA PAZ DE CRISTO!!!!!!!!
Hello everyone
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