Saturday, October 13, 2007

AAFCJ Election Discussion Update

The comment section for the original Election Irregularities blog has reached an overwhelming amount of of opinions (1,015+). As we approach the coming General Convention in November, it is important that this medium for the discussions regarding the Elections and Lawsuit continue, therefore tonight at 12am we will be stopping the comments from the original blog and will ask that you continue the discussion under this current blog.

Those comments will not be deleted but saved for all to review and add their opinion in this updated section. (They can be viewed here:

We would also like to add that you may feel free to send in pictures, videos and comments of your local, district and national services. They will be posted here. You can email them to

Your voice is being heard. Now, keep your eyes and ears open.

Dios Les Bendiga,
Apostolic Voice

I don't know about you all but I am in serious prayer for the Arizona Diamondbacks. Is it wrong to fast tomorrow for their victory over the Colorado Rockies?


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Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Hey, To: "I see the vipers continue in your pestilence..." blog, if you have a word from the Lord like you claim, STOP HIDING behind the "anonymous" name and reveal yourself. EVERY prophet of God, EVERY voice of God ALWAYS spoke in public! Who are you? I DARE YOU TO TRULY REVEAL YOURSEL! If you don't you're just a charleton like everybody else.

Anonymous said...

His initials are probably MP

Either that or its Pachueco himself

Anonymous said...

Ok, ok. I'll reveal myself. My name is Tim Valmierda.

The $Profit$

Anonymous said...

Ye generation of vipers shall be held responsible for the misdeeds you have thrown upon the Men of God. You cry for my name. Verily I say unto you, huble yourself and cast thyselfs on thine knees and cryout to the Almighty for foregiveneness of your sins. For surely your words of bitterness only ruineth your own souls. The Men of God have been appointed this day to master over his names storehouse. I tell you this day that you will not be blessed of the storehouse because you surely have robbed the storehouse. Therefore poverty of material and poverty of spirit shall rain down upon thine hoseholds. Thine seed of thy generation shall surely reap the harvest of poverty you rebelious and viperous generation. Cast this day yourselfs on your knees and repent and call out the name that serves over the Men of God. I have spoken this day a word upon you.

Anonymous said...

Thanks God. I needed that!

Anonymous said...

Ye GENERAL BOARD board and generation of vipers shall be held responsible for the misdeeds you have thrown upon ALL the Men of God and 600 plus pastors. You cry for my name. Verily I say unto you, huble yourself and cast thyselfs on thine knees and cryout to the Almighty for foregiveneness of your sins. For surely your words of UNTRUTHFULNESS will only ruineth your own souls. The Men of God have NOT been appointed this day to master over his names storehouse. YOU ARE NOT TO LORD OVER MY FLOCK. I tell you this day that you will not be blessed of the storehouse because you surely have robbed the storehouse AND APOSTOLIC ASSEMBLY. Therefore poverty of material and poverty of spirit shall rain down upon thine hoseholds. Thine seed of thy generation shall surely reap the harvest of poverty you rebelious and viperous GENERAL BOARD OF THIS generation. Cast this day yourselfs on your knees and repent and call out the name OF THE LORD that serves over the Men of God. I have spoken this day a word upon you ENTIRE GENERAL BOARD. BE YE WARNED! THIS IS THE TRUTH!

Anonymous said...

Man I didnt know prophets were illiterate.

You need some hooked on phonics bro.

abcdefg hooked on phonics worked for me.

Anonymous said...

Can you please tell the prophet to go check on his 5 luxury houses and then go wash his luxury cars.

Pachuco is guilty by association.

He made the presentations at the churches.(The Car Scam)

He returned to the churches to collect the money. From what I have been told, CASH.

Pachuco then took them money(Larceny by trick), with the intent to permanently deprive the working familes of the Asamblea.

What happend to all the money?

Bernice Molina/Salcido was prosecuted and went to prison.

Do you mean to tell me it was pure coincidence that Pachuco was "CALLED" to the mission field? Was is coincidence that Malverde was appointed pastor of Pachuco's church?


Anonymous said...

If a tree falls in the forest...does it make a sound??

Anonymous said...

Now you are just being silly!

Anonymous said...

Malverde must go back to a real school and complete his degree. Then go to an ACCREDITED Theology School. Fuller, Chapman, or Claremont. This La Puente Institute of Bible only works for the Victory Outreaches of the world.

Pues holms, I gonna char con tigo un buen palabra. Esos guys, los doce apostoles pues, son firme bro. es que un dia, llego el mas firme de todos, ese Jesus....

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

This blog is not a joke. You are a joke valverde!

Anonymous said...

How does this blog reflect the leadership? There's 5 of you on here saying the same dumb, irrelevant things over and over.

Anonymous said...

Actually there is only 1 dumb person who calls him self a prophet but is the son of a board member, and that is you my friend!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...






Anonymous said...

I agree with 2:07pm. This blog is a joke.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like SSP has joined the conversation.

Anonymous said...

Who is SSP? Why use initials- just spell it out. Reminder: this is ANONYMOUS!

Anonymous said...

If when he was endorsing energy drinks he used the AA name- then he's in trouble. If he didn't- and it's on his own. He has a right to do that.

Anonymous said...

You know what ? Comments like the vulgar one just posted do sound like something that would come from a SSP member.

I remember many incidents with the Quesada boys and their followers.

If The Lord was with them why would they be kicked out of everywhere and fight with everyone.

And to the vulgar blogger.

Nobody in here has claimed to be better than anyone else or perfect.

We are just like you sinneres but the difference between us and someone like you is that we recognize that we are sinners and rely on God's grace.

You however seem to be looking at Man and how faulty we are. You already have it wrong. Men will always dissapoint you.


Anonymous said...

I heard that one of the Quesadilla dudes was a wife stealer.

Soldiers on Sin Patrol.

Wife steal
Fist Fight
Rebel against Leaders

Anonymous said...

That sounds more like a non converted GB family member

Anonymous said...

On who works on the HQ's you forgot Sandra Maritnez martin del campo secretary (since he was bishop from LA ) and his brother in law Bro. Huerta. He just brought him from Mexico. I guess they also kick him (bro. huerta ) out of the Iglesia de Mexico as martin del campo.

Anonymous said...

SSP = Soldiers on Soul Patrol

Energy Drink Endoresement

Go to his website, Jason Abel Aguilar Ministries. His personal ministry is backed by a ministerial license granted by the AA. Using this license, he has conducted himself as a pastor and minister, representing, by license, the AA. As such, he is using his name in conjunction with his AA License, to conduct his ministry. Now, I would imagine he would need permission to incorporate JAAM. Is he out on his own? Independent? No. His building was purchased under the AA. His father, bishop of domestic missions, granted his son the pastorship, hence, CT New York.

Who is he accountable to?

Anonymous said...

to his dad (nat. mission bishop) and good friend valverde. this way they will always pad themselves on the back, although their are not productive. yes they bought him a church, the idea was created under bishop fortino but they knew that his dad was going to be his next boss.

Apostolic Voice said...

There always has to be a first, sorry about the foul language and thanks to those who sent notice.

The comments with vulgarity will be deleted.

As you where,
Apostolic Voice

Anonymous said...

How can Jason Aguilar show up for a few months and get $500,000 of flor azul cash -- tons of tamales -- for a building when those other pastors been out there for years with nothing.

Anonymous said...

Has anybody ever tasted the energy drink that Jason Aguilar is selling? I wonder if preaches under the influence of this energy drink?

Also, is it ethical to endorse an energy drink through an AA website? Or is he in the AA.

I have serious reservation about the organization I belong endorsing a psuedo-meth-type energy drink. Those types of drinks may be harmful and are not tested or monitored for thier claims.

Anonymous said...

One of JAAM products is CYBERWIZE.

Cyberwize is a rip-off pyrmaid scheme very succfully pulled of in church settings. See here:

Aso see the rip-off report here:

Anonymous said...

Technically speaking there is no difference selling tamales on the churches behalf as their is selling energy drinks on the churches behalf.

I've never tasted said drink, and am not a fan said drinks.

A piece of interesting news, I did find out that the Taurine found in Red Bull and most other energy drinks was originally found in bull feces (bile) - hence the name Red Bull, also Taurine is a derivative of the word Taurus which is bull in english - it release feel good atoms into the body and causes decreased sugar levels in rats.

It can be found in the following drinks: Sparks, Spykes, VK blue, and Mobius, Infused Lager. Monster, Von Dutch, Red Bull, SoBe, Adrenaline Rush, NOS
Boo Koo Energy, RedRave XL, Full Throttle, Rockstar, Pepsi's SoBe Power Fruit Punch.

Anonymous said...

A microwave pastor perhaps

Anonymous said...

This is a post from a forum about Christian scams. Here is the address

...the original post is below:


Foolish Christians ripping-off Christians


Why are Christians allowing themselves to be ripped off by Christians? They have been reported to the BBB for scamming people with the

"Nehamiah" retiremnet money scam,

the "Genesis" money scam, and now

the "Cyberwize" money pyramid scam.

Last night I went to St. Agnes Baptist Church to what I thought was going to be a financial seminar from 7:00pm to 9:00pm. As the Christian male kept speaking he started showing us products, and a pyramid on a white screen with the title "Cyberwize" above it. He continued talking about how we would get paid through members in our groups, and then we would get paid form:

YOE- Your own efforts
OPE-Other People's efforts
OPM-Other People's money
OPI-Other People's Ideas

The pastor of the church had bought into this scam as well. He sat there listening and looking "proud" at all of the "fools" whom he assumed would follow behind him. I Listended glancing back and forth at the speaker and the pastor of that church in disgust. I'm always trying to teach Christians about these scams, and for those people's shepard to bring those foxes into the sacntuary to devour his flock was something to see.

The speaker got to the the part about purchasing the plans-the star-up costs were as follows:
Independent Business Plan $99.95
Travel Wize Plan $458.95
Executive Plan $1,058.85

He let them know that it was no sense in them saying, "I need to go home and pray about it" He said, "You already prayed about it, that's why you're here." My friend and I said, "Wow" A scam built by Christians just for Christians, where even prayer has been removed from the equation.

When he passed out the forms for them to put the pastors name down as their "sponser" and write their "credit cards numbers" at the bottom for preferebly the "executive package" the pastor got up, and ducked out the room at that time. My friend and I asked for one of the papers just to have some evidence of this Christian scam as we headed out of the building. The speaker said to the people, "You guys are lucky, we will be speaking at other churches every night, and those people will be beneath you all, therefore they will be making you money. "

My question is this: Does'nt the Bible say "pray without ceasing?"

Ezekiel 13:3 Thus saith the Lord GOD; Woe unto the foolish prophets, that follow their own spirit, and have seen nothing!
That's exactly what those crooked Christians were doing to the other Christians-especially when they removed the option of going home to pray from them. "Woe unto them"

Matthew 25:2 And five of them were wise, and five were foolish.
These were the people who left and were wise enough to know it was a scam, verses those who eagerly raised thieir hands to hand the crooks their hard earned hopes if getting it back.

Apostolic Voice said...

I just realized this what the GB thinks about these blogs:

In The Apostolic Assembly, anonymous letters never have had any value. Only when a letter is signed can value be given to it. We never accept anonymous letters to verify anything.

section 4b

By the way, this is the proper way to reference documented facts.

Anonymous said...

And to offer the other side of the story, below is a success story:

Senior Director Linda Montes of Texas sponsored 16 people in her first month, including two leaders she knew very well: her college-aged sons.

“I am very excited to be a part of this and to be working with my sons, Jonathan and Ben,” says Linda. “CyberWize is Internet-based, which attracts a whole group of younger leaders to our opportunity. Using the webcasting function, we’re getting more exposures in more places per week, and I can follow up with prospects and answer questions right away. I don’t have to wait until I’m in a prospect’s town to follow up.”

Linda is also working with her sponsor and brother, Associate Norman Quiroz, to recruit the Spanish-speaking community to CyberWize.

“CyberWize has only begun to reach this large and growing market,” says Linda. “Translating our training message is time-consuming, but it’s a key brick in the overall foundation we’re building. Our plans include a website dedicated to the Spanish-speaking market, called CyberNuestro. Because of CyberWize, we are able to reach out to others and help them fulfill their dreams.”

PRODUCT TESTIMONIES: Learn from a physician of the power of the Tunguska Blast and the Vital Products. People are reducing the risks of diabetes and even cancer.

We are compiling credible and powerful testimonies and stories for you to read. Thank you for your patience.

Anonymous said...

AP Voice,
It sounds like if the people asking for the GB to resign, to get their point across they should no longer post as anonymous.


Anonymous said...

From the dark side

The AA never responds to even writen requests, phone calls or anything that will make one of their inner circle look bad. If its a serious matter, they simply respond by saying, "We will form a committee to investigate the matter". Followed later on by, "Our committe investigated the matter and found nothing".

I personally know a brother that accused a current GB member of cheating with his wife. The brother had tapes of witnesses, signed afidavits, you name it. He wrote and wrote just to be able to have permission to have a meeting with the GB member face to face with witnesses in the confines of AA HQ in Rancho. They dismissed the brothers claims. Wouldn't even hear him out or let him produce his evidence.

They take care of and shield their own. Accountable to nobody.

Anonymous said...

Neither shall you covet your neighbour’s wife.

Richard Buffet on his cousin wife?

She is not my neighour!

Anonymous said...

Hollywood has learned that Snachez, Valverde and Pacheco might be out of a job soon and have offered them acting jobs since they are so good at acting.

Sanchez to play the role Of Hitler

Valverde the hunch back of Norte Dame.

Pacheco the little guy on Lord of the Rings that wanted the ring..

Anonymous said...

Speaking of the MOP, The Admninistration of Richard Maffey had to be the WORST by far. The MOP was run smooth. Then the dark days of the MOP came as Richard Maffey was elected. My wife and I were astounded when he gave his farewell speech in Long Beach. Our chins collectively dropped to the floor in utter shock. Here was a man supposedly called by God to lead the youth and in the end, he was coming accross as old and bitter.

Its no wonder the AA has LOST a generation. Where are the young people of our church between the ages of 24 and 33? Did the rapture com for them?

Back to the MOP, its sad to see that Richard Maffey as president of the MOP literally killed MOP by himself. But he solely was not alone. His cronies Victor Prado and John Vasquez share in the blame for rendering the MOP POWERLESS and BROKE. Is it any wonder that these men are sorry and pitiful examples of pastors.

When Brother Cantu passed on, Prado was interested in taking over the church. Because he had a desire to lead the church near downtown LA? No. Because he wanted to grow the church? No. Because brother Cantu left the church with plenty of cash in the account. So the asamblea appointed another of its cronies who raided the fund.

In front of our very eyes we see the next generation of pillagers. These families have trained their children since the inception of the AA in 1930 to live off the backs of our AA families. We are witnessing history. We must stop the generation of lazy pastors and their ill-educated children who seek only to fleece the church for their own gain. Those I speak of are named Sanchez, Valverde, Pacheco, Prado, Jimenez, Alvarez Aguilar and all their offspring.

Is it not obvious why they don't promote higher education? They would rather the church remain ignorant so they can continue to fool them into their scams, such as Pacheco. Now the younger generations are bringing their scams...Aguilar/Montes.

The church needs a purging.

Anonymous said...

who took over Cantu's church was it Val?

Anonymous said...

What was is that Richard Maffey said with his exit speach?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

What About Leadership?

It has taken me these few months to finally be able to breathe without constriction of any kind. I am reaching the point where I can say let’s move on. I have found that writing my thoughts is therapeutic and is part of my healing process.
I was on the Apostolic Assembly website recently and was intrigued when I read the Presidential Thoughts segment by Bishop Sanchez. He writes, “As we saw the closure of our General Convention in Long Beach, California last November, we also saw the end of a chapter – one more among many in our rich apostolic heritage. The new landscape has given rise to the renewal of our vision.” Bishop Sanchez is correct in noting that we did see the closing of another chapter in our “rich apostolic heritage.” Heritage is a strong and viable word. It makes me think of what was handed down to me. It is about my legacy. It also makes me think of that which is sacred, pure and blessed. I take my Apostolic heritage seriously and don’t want to be frivolous about what was passed down to me.
Bishop Sanchez writes about Eleazar and how the garments of his father were placed on him as a symbol of “continuity and empowerment.” Continuity indicates stability and solidity, and empowerment indicates to give authority to somebody. Bishop Sanchez notes “The Apostolic Assembly has received its mandate for continuity and empowerment for the next four years as the new board of directors took the oath of office to function from 2006 through 2010. This duly elected new board was empowered to fulfill God’s mandate as Eleazar had also received his father’s garments on the top of the mount.”
The scripture states that God told Moses to take Aaron and his son Eleazar to Mount Hor and to take Aaron’s garments and place them on his son. Moses did what he was told. He had God’s directive, command or “mandate” to do just that.
Bishop Sanchez writes, “As in Eleazar’s case, he was new on the job, but the garments were the same. The names of the officials may be new, but the work is still the same – to fulfill the will of God until He comes.” The usage of the word “will” indicates this was the preference or the choice of God.
The last sentence of the President’s thoughts states, “As we have begun to tread the beginnings of this new cycle, we covet your prayers that the Lord will give us wisdom and faithfulness to fulfill that which He has entrusted upon us.” I focus on the word entrusted, which indicates that God trusted or assigned these positions. I would like to believe this was also the case in the last election.
Article 74 of our honorable constitution notes that
“All members of the Apostolic Assembly accepted into any of the local churches affiliated with this religious corporation shall comply with the doctrine established by our Lord Jesus Christ, in accordance with the Holy Scripture, and obey this Constitution.”
“All people who believe and accept the doctrine of our Lord Jesus Christ and are members of the Apostolic Assembly, have the right to the privileges and prerogatives of the Church. These privileges and prerogatives cannot be withheld unless a member becomes unworthy and acts contrary to our principles of doctrine, discipline, organizational and economic.”
As a member I’m expected to “obey the Constitution.” And, I would assume that as a leader this expectation should apply above and beyond that expected of a simple member. “The value and strength of our constitution requires that each of us complies with it and enforces its compliance.” This was impressively noted by the Revision Commission of our Constitution of January 2004.
Again, I question was this complied with in the past November election? Did the entire ministerial or pastoral body of our organization really decide the last election? Why am I writing? Why do I care? It’s quite simple, I have that right as a member of the organization to question and ask for an explanation. And, more importantly I need to heal and regain some confidence in the leadership of this organization.
Noah Webster wrote, “Choose just men who will rule in the fear of God. The preservation of our government depends on the faithful discharge of this duty…”
Leadership is a privilege and I have learned that more is required of those in leadership. Personal agendas have corrupted and ruined many leaders for their lack of focus and ethics. Corporate leadership in America has demonstrated this; Enron, Worldcom, Kmart, Adelphia, Tyco were corporate scandals that shook the confidence of their investors and affected the financial markets. These corporations had corporate executives going before congressional panels to testify about their roles in questionable business practices and some of these executives were taken away in handcuffs. More recently we had the trial of Joe Nacchio who presumably took advantage of his investors and employees and he now faces imprisonment after being found guilty.
What’s my point? Be ethical. This is of utmost importance for all of us as leaders. It is something that we have to work and discipline ourselves to do on a daily basis. It really is a challenging thing to do everyday. Magazines and newspapers write about this issue often and not too long ago, USA Today stated that two in three adults believe ethics "vary by situation" or that there is no "unchanging ethical standard of right and wrong." In a survey they conducted only 18% of the people ages 20 - 30 said that there was one standard of right and wrong.
The Vancouver Province printed another study, which reflected that we tell 200 lies a day. Everything from giving excuses for our behavior, to saying things like, "I hate to bother you . . .” I thought this was interesting because I find I do that as well. How can we expect our staff or our constituents/members or the next generation to do what is right if they see us doing what is wrong? It is incredibly important that we have a strong code of ethics to base our decisions and lifestyle on.
As leaders we must ask ourselves, what set of values dictate our ethics–our behavior? Or do we have a code of ethics? Do we have convictions that cause us to say, "I will never do that" or "For me that is not an option?" If we don't, then we need to sit down, think through and write down our non-negotiable code of ethics. I recently read that “sometimes it can be the little things that erode our standards and–by the way–our self esteem. When temptation comes, we may very well do something that we will later be sorry for. Sometimes we have harmful situations to live with the rest of our life.”

Margaret Thatcher once said, "I am not a consensus politician, I am a conviction politician." What kind of leaders are we? Do we have convictions of our own or do we live by the consensus of other opinions?
It is paramount to have high ethical standards to be an effective leader. I have seen this in my 34 years of working within my organization. However, it wasn’t until I reached Senior Level Leadership within the agency that I observed unethical conduct and its impact on our employees and the American public we serve. This misconduct not only impacted the leader but his family and friends as well. It impacted the communities we served to some lesser degree but nonetheless it impacted unfavorably.
Leadership is influential. As leaders, how influential are we? In his book. “Leadership 101” John Maxwell writes about the levels of leadership. He states that Level 1 of leadership is position. People follow because they have to. He states that the only influence a leader has at this level is that which comes with the title.
Level 2 of leadership is permission. People follow because they want to. He states that people don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care. And, he goes on to state that Leadership begins with the heart, not the head. It flourishes with a meaningful relationship, not more regulations.
Level 3 of leadership is production. People follow because of what you have done for the organization. This is where morale is high, turnover is low, needs are being met and goals are being realized.
Level 4 of leadership according to Maxwell is people development. People follow because of what you have done for them. He states that a leader is great, not because of his or her power, but because of his or her ability to empower others. Success without a successor is failure.
And finally, he notes that level 5 of leadership is personhood. People follow because of who you are and what you represent. Maxwell believes that most of us haven’t arrived at this level. But, it is achievable. He believes that only a lifetime of proven leadership will allow us to sit at level 5. This level of leadership is when a leader’s greatest joy is watching others grow and develop. At this level a leader transcends the organization.
So, what’s a leader? I ask myself that question time and again, especially as I struggle as a mother trying to lead and guide her children “in the way that they should go.” How influential am I to them? I ask myself that question time and again as a wife. Have I overstepped my boundaries in our home? Have I supported my husband’s leadership role within our home? How influential have I been in that role of leadership? How influential am I as a leader/director at work? How influential am I with the employees I am responsible for? What type of influence am I as their leader, their mentor and their guide? How about my role as pastor’s wife, bishop’s wife, teacher, counselor, women’s leader in the church?
The list could go on and on. But, I like to think of myself as the gospel writer Luke wrote, a leader is “one who serves.” Jesus set that example. “The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality. The last is to say thank you. In between the two, the leader must become a servant and a debtor. That sums up the progress of an artful leader.” So, writes Max Dupree in his book, “Leadership is an Art.”
I believe that part of the in between as noted by Mr. Dupree is a leader learning to say, “okay, I blew it, I made a mistake, I misjudged, please forgive me and help me fix it.” Our church organizational leadership is being challenged for what some of us believe was poor judgment, violation of authority and poor leadership due to personal agendas and pre-selections. As a wife, mother, woman, female member of the Apostolic Assembly, bishop’s wife, leader in my profession, I am praying for our leadership and that through this current situation we all become better leaders and focus on the true purpose of our life.

Anonymous said...

Sister, I wish your comment would actually made a difference in the GB, but they are more arrogant than what you think. They are going to stick to their agenda because is not about pastors or their families or membership in general. They care about their legacy and power they can execute over people that actually think they are spiritual. In most of the district conventions they have appointed bishop that will respond to them and not to the pastors. Valverde / Pacheco / Martin del Campo and company are not going to stop, unless they are removed and a new guard comes in.

Anonymous said...

A new guard????

They might be as bad or worst then the present ones.

We have had pastors go and come, and when we thought things would change and things be better, they just got worst.

The one we got now isn't even a Pastor, sure he loves the title and loves to preach down on us we can never be good enough at our worship for him. He tells us we might as well have stayed at home. When he makes alter calls if your not there 2 seconds after he makes an alter call then you don't need anything and might as well go home and eat lunch. One sunday he didn't even preach cause he said god told him not to. cause worship was the the most important thing in the service.. Yeah can you believe that more important then the word of God! Everyone knows his no Pastor. sad even the newer converts are finding out that all he has is the title! No bite just bark. Same as his dog he keeps tied up to his front door so no one would bother him. So you really think a new guard will be for the best, we can only wish!

Anonymous said...


You said it is a current board member. Who is it?

Anonymous said...


Why not post the letter. Let AA hermanos judge that letters and the accusation.

Anonymous said...

Pacheco should not resign!!!!

He should be kicked out on his rear!!!!!!

Stripped of his salary that he has not earned in the almost whole year!!!

An audit on all of his expenses!!!!

2 votes what a JOKE!

What a Scam Sam

But you know what things happen for a reason, and this I think was gods way of keeping you out of the President's desk.

Cause I'm sure he knew if you became the president, the Assembly would be on the sewer before long.

Anonymous said...

Northeast Texas District Convention
NEW Bishop Abel V. Torres

Anonymous said...

Praise God for Bishop Abel Torres.

I hope he gets on the GB right away(well in 3 years).

This man of God has lot's of guts.

Who is he?


I have known every single president personally since Llorente.

This Torres guy is old school when it comes to ethics.


Anonymous said...

He stood up knowing the potential of being "black balled" by the GB.

That's what they do you know!

He didn't care one bit!

Now tell me that the consentor's side is WRONG?

Anonymous said...

I just hope he doesn't begin to comform to the GB's wishes just because they allowed him to be a bishop.

They might tell him to drop the lawsuit or the opportunity to testify against them in return!

Anonymous said...

I guess the election of A. Torres shows that the GB may not be doing what they have accused and rigging electon.

Anonymous said...

Nope not the case!

Anonymous said...

Who has the mandate now?

With Bishop Torres elected, it seems that the "Petitioners" have the mandate now, well at least in Texas.

Anonymous said...

Every single pastor here voted for him to protest the GB and because we loved him.

Anonymous said...

The GB is back on their heels that's why they've probally backed off of rigging elections. Especially, in the election of Torres. If the majority of Pastors voted for him, and the GB tried to disqualify him, they may have realized that it was not worth the trouble.

Especially, with the whole AA observing their every move at these elections, rigging them at this point would probally be more nails in the GB roadmap.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

overwhelming' analyze this.

Anonymous said...

John Sanchez new bishop in SC district

Anonymous said...

Is John Sanchez a GB man?

Anonymous said...

Brother of Daniel Saint Chez

Anonymous said...

Dan San chez lui, c'est une habitude "frauder".

Anonymous said...

Southern Cal ended up with a strong board:

John Sanchez as Bishop (can I say told you...)
Misael Zaragoza as Secretary
Sam Mascareno as Treasurer

Nice... very strong board... looking forward to the next 4 years for the first time in a long time...

Anonymous said...


Only thing in Texas!!!

Steers and Q_ _ _ _RS

Anonymous said...

Pacheco this year for halloween will dress up as Malverde...What can be scarier????

Buffet will dress up as his couisins wife and make a pass at himself..

Malverde will put tithe and offering evvelopes in the trick or treater's bags......then when they turn their backs he will rip off their candy.

Sanchez will play the part of a president whom gets conned into rigging up an election. Then trying to kick _ _ _.

Malverde will just play himself so he and Pache can go off and play the evil twins.

Anonymous said...

From the La Puente Bible School Handbook on Preaching:

If during your preaching, you have no annointing, commence the following strategy:

1. Start Blowing into the

Doing this will trick the
congregation into thinking you
are blowing the holy ghost

2. If your preaching lacks
substance or you are not
confident then start
degregating the morals of
the musicians.

Make comments like: Its
better to worship without
music if our musicians are
going to be living unethically.

Musicians are easy targets
because most of them are under
25 years old(hormones) and have
a Myspace page with plenty of
pictures of the ladies.

Question: Whats with the Blowing in to the microphone tactic ministers are using?

Can you really BLOW a blessing onto the congregation? Can you really BLOW the holy ghost onto the congregation?

I think Malverde has his theology wrong. My wife nudged me yesterday and asked me why does he do that? I wanted to laugh but we were sitting behind our pastor.

Nice message Malverde. It came accross very nice. Your presentation is excellent. But the substance sucks since you killed it by throwing stones at the musicians. You condemn some musicians of not living moral and the church would be better without carnal musicos.


Why don't you apply that same standard test to your own BISHOP SECRETARY!

Has Pachuco acted ethically/morally?

Here's a guy who associated himself with a convicted FELON in his CAR PYRAMID. Now Pachuco is associating himself with another alleged criminal with a REVOKED REAL ESTATE LICENSE. It was revoked, per public record for criminal activity.

He teams up with this man asking the Pastors of the IE to invest with them for retirement by taking equity or savings to give it to them so they can buy fixer uppers and flip them.

Is Pachuco a Bishop/Pastor or Tony Soprano?

Using your logic Malverde, we would be better off serving God without a pastor than to be going to church with a pastor that has an unethical lifestyle.

Using the logic of your preachings, several of your fellow GB Members should be REMOVED IMMEDIATELY.

Then there is the matter of Luis Gutierrez being awarded a church in Yucaipa.

Its documented fact Mr. Gutierrez lives an unethical life. Ask CBS2 News and his victims of fraud.

Using your logic, the church of Yucaipa would be better off without a pastor than to be stuck with the immoral Luis Gutierrez.


Anonymous said...

Malverde preaching on living morals.. What an insult to each and everyone in the assmebly.

I would respect you more if you practiced what you preached.

You don't even know the meaning of the work morals do you?

And your little clone Pacheco is the biggest scam artest the church has ever had.

Now Linda Montez is bringing up a new crop of when they take over daddy's church they will know just what to do....fleece the brothers....

You people have no shame!

And the worst part of it is that she is really happy she is the one that gets to work with her boys.

Yes whole new crop of scammers Little Victor, Little Tim (learned from the best)the aguilars etc etc

Anonymous said...

Does this mean that Two-Vote eddie has been renamed to 'Mini-Me'?

Anonymous said...

This company is a total rip off. They recruit you to start your 'company' at anywhere from $99 to about $1000. They push for recruitment more than the selling of their products because the people at the top are making money off entry fees. Then you have to pay for your own advertising, business cards, websites, etc which the people at the very top are also making money on. Their products are awful so in order to stay 'active' you have to buy the products yourself. You wind up being your own customer, wasting money on products you would never buy, and Brad Hager and his cohorts are sitting back collecting their fat checks from your purchases.The only 'millionaires' in this company are the people who started it, and their money is coming from their EMPLOYEES!!

It was honestly one of the worst sales pitches I have ever seen. YOU HAVE TO READ THIS to understand how these scams work. It is a pretty typical pyramid scheme, dont fall for it and if you know someone already in it, tell them not to give any more money to it. They will probably already be brainwashed though haha.

Copy from

go to and type in cyberwize to read more.

Yes Linda Montez How do yoy feel ripping of the brothers and sisters from your district that I think are forced to join because hubby is the Bishop. And that wasn't enough for you. you had to bring in the kids too...Oh well might as well start them off early....the little Eddie Pachecos of the great state Of TEXAS.

Anonymous said...

Little Eddie He's growing his Evil Empire to the next generation of Apostolic Scammers. Next thing they'll be Real Estate Loan Specialists. lol

Anonymous said...

Can you imagine if we were in the days of the Apostles.

Little Eddie Pachuco would have been accused in a Camel Scam! lol

Anonymous said...

It sounds that Pachueco is nothing more than a "flipper" of real estate. Shhhh...don't tell him hte housing market is crashing.

Anonymous said...

It's unethical that these influential apostolic leaders are marketing these scams to the hermanos.

I don't mean to inslut my brother and sisters, but if these influential leaders with last names associated with Apostolic heirarchy pawned these offers to some of these 1st generation apostolics, this people may actually think this is legit.

For example, Jason Aguilar has "Destiny Network" listed as a ministry in his website. Is this ethical? Is this right? Is selling cyberwoze credits cards and energy drinks a ministry?

Does the Apostolic Assembly condone such business practices? What us utterly disgraceful is that I fear that the targets of these scams are the poor hermanos that look up to these people -- or their dad -- and think they can get in good with them if join the club.

Hmmm...looks like I'll be listening in on the next Destiney Netowrk conference call.

Anonymous said...

"Linda is also working with her sponsor and brother, Associate Norman Quiroz, to recruit the Spanish-speaking community to CyberWize.

the Spanish-speaking

the Spanish-speaking

the Spanish-speaking

the Spanish-speaking

Oh yes, this is exaclty what the AA needs, a bunch of over -caffinated, bright-eyed, spirit-filled, hermanos on Tunguska Blast pawning off pyrmiad schemes in the spanish speaking community!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

"How To Turn Your Financial Dreams Into Reality" Business Briefing - Ontario, CA
Venue: Marriott Hotel 2200 East Holt Blvd. Ontario, CA 91761
Time: 7:20PM

Hosted by - Jason Aguilar, Linda Montes & Timothy Valverde
Featuring Gold Executive - Joe Carpenter

>Oh this is too good!!! Did anybody go to this?

Anonymous said...

Funny how the Malverde name keeps popping up.

Is this a wake up call or what Sanchez?

Anonymous said...

I think I figured out the plot: sign up the whole AA on cyberwize, and then have 100,000 over-caffeinated, bright-eye, spirit-filled apostolics selling Cyberwize. They'll make the money at the top of the pyramid scheme as well as increase tithes to GB coffers.

Anonymous said...

"How To Turn Your Financial Dreams Into Reality"
"How To Turn Your Financial Dreams Into Reality"
"How To Turn Your Financial Dreams Into Reality"

1. Remove all GB board members that will get in the way of you immediate or extended family signing up gullible, Spanish-speaking apostolic enamored with your last name to the cyberwize business opportunity.
2. Bring on new GB members that are familiar with, can appreciate and have experience with pyramid scheme.
3. Develop the CID so most Apostlics think that the reason the GB members are intelligent, educated people, so when the Cyberwize scheme is dished out the members think its from these “very well educated and qualified men.”

Anonymous said...

"How To Turn Your Financial Dreams Into Reality"
"How To Turn Your Financial Dreams Into Reality"
"How To Turn Your Financial Dreams Into Reality"

1.Remove all GB board members that will get in the way of your immediate or extended family signing up gullible, Spanish-speaking apostolic enamored with your last name to the cyberwize business opportunity.
2.Bring on new GB members that are familiar with, can appreciate and have experience with pyramid schemes.
3.Develop the CID so most Apostolics think that the GB members are intelligent, educated people, so when the Cyberwize scheme is dished out to the members they think it’s from these “very well educated and qualified men.”

Anonymous said...

Like ole' says, "follow the money."

Can we find out who is at the top of the CyberWize pyrmaid in the AA?

Anonymous said...

I think I'm goign to sign up for this right now. Imagine, they have the whole AA market cornered; I'll make thousands off residual income.

Anonymous said...

OBSERVATION about June 13th, 2007 letter from AA Headquarters to all pastors:

Did you all notice that this letter dated above and available at
says it is only 2 former board members, 1 former bishop and 11 pastors that are disagreeing with the election?

That is actually very deceitful and incorrect.

The consentors are as follows:

Baldemar: Former Board member
Solomon: Former Board member
Jauhall: Former Board member
Arellano: Former Board member
Cota: Former Board member
Tofoya: Bishop
Torres: Bishop
Aguirre: former Bishop
Arellano: former Bishop
Galaviz: former Bishop
Mendoza: former Bishop


That is how AA HQ's operates, half truths.


The establishment in Jesus day was the religious organization(pharasees) now the AA HQ's is doing the same thing.

General Board and Generation of vipers!!

Anonymous said...

The Tunguska drink its call after a demon the price of darkness.
It suppose to give you energy and magic powers.
Do your own research.
The energy charge, sent by the Angel of Darkness, this ball's energy structure and practically above the surface of Earth (at the height of about 6 kilometres) torn its body into hundreds of thousands tiny red-orange living creatures-balls, each of them was not larger than a tennis ball. This happened in summer 1908 above the basin of a Siberian river named Podkamennaya Tunguska.

Anonymous said...

Wealth Business Briefing - Orange County, CA

Santa Ana (Orange County Airport North)

Time: 7:20PM

Hosted by - Bishop Abel Aguilar & Jeffrey Aguilar
Speaker: Pastor Jason Aguilar
Guest Speaker: Joe Carpenter
Preach in the name of Tunguska
Home missions department

Anonymous said...

Abel Aguilar at a Healing Service Altar Call:

"I pray for you in the Holy Name of Tunguska! Be thou healed and Join thou Cyberwize and drink thee 4 bottles of Tunguska each week!"

lol...the Aguilar's and Malverdes are a JOKE to the MINISTERIAL World.

What will these La Puente Bible School Graduates think of next?

Anonymous said...

I have taken no side here...yet. Unfortunately, I don't know enough. On one side there are the various people speaking out, some with proof and others without. On the other side, there's the question of why the GB is keeping this quiet and doesn't address the masses.

They've heard from Avila, Rodriguez and other influential men of the assembly. But they need to hear from us. This blog is great, but WE, the Apostolic people, are disorganized and without a true plan. May I suggest we start a petition. Let the petition not be about resignation or re-election, but simply about asking the GB to address the people. Tell us how the y plan to resolve this and either confess or show us proof of no wrong-doing. Otherwise, we will get nowhere. The lawsuit may take months, years even. And protesting or boycotting the convention will probably do no good. They need to know that ALL the Apostolic members wish to hear from them...NOW!!

Anonymous said...

If I can add to the October 22, 2007 9:55 AM comment . . . We should send letters to the GB members. If they hear from the masses, they may realize they think they're leading, but nobody is following.

If we send a copy of the letter to, maybe they can post what people are telling the GB.

Anonymous said...

Correction - October 22, 2007 10:03 AM - There's nothing spiritual about them

Anonymous said...

Now the Aguilar are using demon powers no wonder Jason believes he can walk on water.

Anonymous said...

Good Idea. Maybe we should form a Committee or better yet, join with the Youth for Justice. Does anyone want to take the lead or is there some one we can contact?

Anonymous said...

A petition is exactly what is needed.

Not to blast anyone or ask for resignatiions.

To show The General Board that The Church wants and needs answers and transparency on what is occuring.

We can not and will not be kept in the dark on such weighty matters that pertain to our church.

Let me know when and where the meeting will be. I will be the first to sign it.

Ruben Cortez Jr

Anonymous said...

Ruben send us your e mail you are the leader now.

Anonymous said...

I would not even pretend to be the most qualified to take on this endeavor.

Nor do I have such a desire. I however do bel;ieve whole heartedly that any leader that does not have anything to hide, would have the boldness to be open and frank with any concerns or questions that the members would have.

I will gladly sign a petion that opens up a discourse with The Leadership of our organization and lets them know how we feel.

I dont know what occured or didnt occur at these elections. However if there is nothing to hide our leaders should be more than willing to have a tonhall meeting type of Q and A with the church.

Anonymous said...

I would not even pretend to be the most qualified to take on this endeavor.

Nor do I have such a desire. I however do believe whole heartedly that any leader that does not have anything to hide, would have the boldness to be open and frank with any concerns or questions that the members would have.

I will gladly sign a petion that opens up a discourse with The Leadership of our organization and lets them know how we feel.

I dont know what occured or didnt occur at these elections. However if there is nothing to hide our leaders should be more than willing to have a tonhall meeting type of Q and A with the church.

Ruben Cortez Jr

Anonymous said...

Personally, I think we're all full of hot air- just as the GB. We will follow if someone takes the lead but we have no one among us who is willing to put his/her name out there and take a risk--to take the lead in regard to starting a petition. So we'll all go on as usual just complaining in a blogsite.

Anonymous said...

I think the individual that brought up the idea should spearhead this effort.

A townhall meeting typr of discussion with the leadership would be very benefitial to the healing process.

Ruben Cortez Jr

Anonymous said...

To anonymous 11:40

Hot air is very useful.

It propels balloons to reach higher heights.

And it makes ones vision expand by being up so high.

Anonymous said...

Surely as you wallow in your bitterness, you are all fall from the branch. Surely you shall shrivel up and dry fast for you are not connected to the waters of life but to the hell and brimsstone of the evil path.

The time hath come and hath gone. As the Lord put you into the light, the bliding light caused you to go back into darkness into thy dark world of lies, spite and deceptions. Thy blasphemes against the appointed masters of the storehouse laugh at your weakness. As a crying wolf in the valley of darkness you shall run from fear. For the Lord hath this day hath shined his light upon your wicked ways. They run because they live in lies and spread deception. They run, for they know they are living in evil. They run for the knoweth the outcome of thy devine justice, the wages of spreading lies and deciet and deception of Gods' chosen. This day the Lord hath surely spoken a word upon you.

Anonymous said...

Prophet Tunguska has spoken.

Anonymous said...

A town-hall meeting ?
Be careful they might end up selling you something.

Anonymous said...

Will we pick up offerings at the town-hall meeting? If so, who will be the treasurer? Who will head it? Will we have elections? What rules will we follow- should we adopt a form of the CID for this?

Anonymous said...


Nearly 250,000 people were forced to flee in San Diego County alone, some are apostolics pray for them.

Anonymous said...

To October 22, 2007 1:14 PM

Just as we are doing today - Paul was speaking out against the corrupt religious leaders of the day . . .

Acts 25:11 For if I be an offender, or have committed any thing worthy of death, I refuse not to die: but if there be none of these things whereof these accuse me, no man may deliver me unto them. I appeal unto Caesar.

Anonymous said...

To October 22, 2007 1:32 PM

I vote Eddie Pacheco for Treasurer. All I need is a second ang the remaining 600 of you don't have to worry - cuz your vote just don't count for nothing!

Long Live CID!!!

Anonymous said...

Council of Chalcedon, A.D. 451
Canon IX
If any clergyman have a matter against another clergyman, he shall not
forsake his bishop and run to secular courts; but let him first lay open
the matter before his own bishop, or let the matter be submitted to any
person whom each of the parties may, with the bishop’s consent, select.
And if any one shall contravene these decrees, let him be subjected to
canonical penalties. And if a clergyman have a complaint against his
own or any other bishop, let it be decided by the synod of the province.
And if a bishop or clergyman should have a difference with the
metropolitan of the province, let him have recourse to the Exarch of the
Diocese, or to the throne of the Imperial City of Constantinople, and
there let it be tried. 1

Anonymous said...

Who cares about what happens to The Assembly ?

It is just a man made organization.

God is much greater than organization, denominations and assemblies.

We should all be concerned rather with doing The Lord's will and seking his will.

Men will always let you down.

Hispanics are conditioned to fail.

Anonymous said...

Latinos are the biggest haters.

If anyone has any kind of success in business or ministry they are vendidos or they must be doing something illegal.

And especially apostolics we are notorious for kicking someone when they are down instead of restoring them like the bible says.

Anonymous said...

Judicial System as God’s Gift
The judicial system must also, of course, be regarded as a gift of
God, as a part of that realm by which He maintains order in this
world. Accordingly, there are undoubtedly instances in which the
Christian not only may but must utilize the secular court system. We
cannot, for example, deny the benefits to our society occasioned by
the increased safety of products due in no small part to the
substantial increase of product liability lawsuits; the noticeable
improvement of professional services (medical, legal, accounting,
etc.) resulting from the increase in malpractice actions; and the fairer
treatment of minorities and the less fortunate because of civil rights
actions, discrimination cases and labor lawsuits. Because of this,
both Christian and non-Christian have benefitted from our legal

Anonymous said...

It is difficult to ask anyone of us, simply members, to spearhead something like this. I have a wife and 2 kids and totally understand how this can affect your family.

The guy who suggested this gave us a good start. Why don't we take a different approach though. It is obvious that our Pastors know about the situation since they have received letters about it. If you are at all close to your pastor or can give him a hug, then feel free to ask them. Let's bombard them with emails, letters, personal visits and simply ask "Why won't the AA let us know what's up?" In better words of course. Don't attack anyone, or slander anyone, simply ask. Enough Pastors being asked this question by their congregations might stir them to get answers themselves. This way, instead of one brave guy coming out, we'll have thousands of concerned members asking what is their right to ask.

Anonymous said...

So if anyone ever gets bold enough to start the petition as Ruben Cortez suggested- will be hanging out at Stater Brothers or will we go church to church? first stop- Corona Strongtower Apostolic.

Anonymous said...

power and money corrupt people it always has and always will and then we go and put a pyramid scheming arrogant man in a position of leadership ?

Nice reward so if I misbehave and steal the money from the church treasury and get it on with the church secretary and walk around convention with my nose in the air and dont greet anyone.

That must make me Bishop material or maybe even General Board material.

NO THANKS ! I will rather remain a faithful and humble servant of God and do the real work of touching peoples lives with the Gospel and showing them Love and compassion and having an impact on their lives.

I dont need a title or position The work of The Lord is above all that political greed and power plays.

Anonymous said...

If you want to know- call the general offices or go directly to them and ask if you live nearby.

No ones has balls to spearhead anything- we're all a bunch of complainers.

Hot air-- and the balloon goes higher and higher.

Anonymous said...

to the humble servant full of love and compassion- shouldn't that also include forgiveness to the GB?

Anonymous said...

Daniel Sanchel E-Mail
Is a secret but here it is:

Anonymous said...

start a petition and bombard everyone at the convention, district services, churches. Freedom of speech folks.

Anonymous said...

don't become a reporter- stick to your day job- the daniel sanchez email is on the AA Letters website.

Anonymous said...

why do we even need a general board what do they do for us ? I dont ever recall anything any of them have done to benefit me or my church sector or district. All that salary for what ?

Anonymous said...

Edward Pacheco E-Mail
Write to him if you dare.

Anonymous said...

I have no problem forgiving my brother or sister.

However we must understand and judge the situation before us.

If your pastor stole money from your bank account or ran a scheme and cheated you or your family members.

After you forgave him would you trust him with your bank account and personal information.

Or if a minister in your church molested your daughter. After you forgave him would you leave your daughter alone with him in a room ?

Forgiving is one thing but we dont reward one who has fallen with a position of leadership my brother.

We must exercise good judgement and wisdom.

Anonymous said...

Why is the 'Prophet John Arcovio' going to go participate at Jason Aguilar's church in December?

Anonymous said...

If someone commits a sin or wrongdoing against a brother or sister should there be restitution ?

Anonymous said...

I need Valverde's E-Mail anyone?

Anonymous said...

Kudos to Brother Abel Torres and no disrespect- congrats for being elected bishop -- once more- my point being- why is that --that every position is always a recycling of people- are there no other men that could do the job? it starts with the sectors, districts & national boards- it's always the same people- moving to different positions but always on the board. We need to ratify our constitution that once you have ran for a position- you cannot be eligible AGAIN to fill that spot! For Example- Vladimir Rodriguez was president for years! Not just him but past gb members as well.

Anonymous said...

True- sister Santa Leon and Georgina Marron have been on the Dorcas board for an eternity. Our mentality about being spot-hogs has got to change.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone ever seen or received a report on the expenses of the GB? Salaries? Travel? Etc?

Anonymous said...

A song comes to mind when I think of these elections. Here it goes

Cause the eyes of a ranger are upon you any wrong doin he is gonna see.
When your in Texas look behind you
cause that is where the ranger is gonna be.

Anonymous said...

yes it goes something like this
F M $800.000
H M $500.000
C Ed $300.000
Widows $10.000
Scholarships $5.000
General offices $900.000
miscellaneous $4,000,000
the expenses of the GB? Salaries? Travel? Etc? Its a secret. If you ask your out of order.

Anonymous said...

Who is ('Prophet John Arcovio')?

Anonymous said...

We have been informed of a video in which Bro. John Archovio was used to prophesy about the current activities in the early part of 2006. This occured during an Azusa St. activity sponsored by the Los Angeles District. If you are in possesion of this video or know how it can be obtained, please contact us.

Anonymous said...

John Arcovio is an Evangelist and Author from The UPC Church.

Here is a link to his website if you want more info.

Im curious does he call himself a prophet or is that what people call him ?

Also he kind of looks like the actor Tom Sizemore from Saving Private Ryan.

Anonymous said...

ooops forgot the link

Anonymous said...

Jason Aguilar labeled him a Prophet on his website. Events- December-

Anonymous said...

I'm a little skeptical about Brother Arcovio prophesying that these events would transpire. Prophesy or common sense? We saw this train coming LONG ago. This was bound to happen.

Anonymous said...

If Archivio is a prophet and prophesied over this election was a warning to Sanchez to clean house NOW...

In other words how clean house with those GB members that are unethical and aren't serving the body of Christ.

What has solomon done? Nothing wrong apparently, because DS and SV did call him back to the qualifying committee (as they should have done).

Instead they put Pacheco in (has a shady past) with only 2 out of the over 600 pastors.

Now what was Archovio prophesying about? TO CLEAN HOUSE!!!

So we have dirtied up the house and now Archovio's words are perfect....GET IT?


Anonymous said...

I agree the prophecy from bro. Archovio is for DS to clean house now!

Anonymous said...

Has anyone seen this tape where Arcevio prophesies about these events?

I looked at his website but you have to pay for everything except for a free download of his picture.

Anonymous said...

CT Choir rocks!!!

Anonymous said...

I didnt know Tom Sizemore was Apostolic. Hee Hee

Anonymous said...

Yes apparently he's a prophet now with the AA too? :)

Anonymous said...

Did Arcevio attend a School of Prophets at CLC? Can anyone clarify this? Is there such a thing? A school of prophets?

Anonymous said...

If you compare what prophet John Arcovio prophecied about the AA GB cleaning house, and compare it with the "Letter from God" posted in you will discover that both are saying the same thing to Sanchez - CLEAN HOUSE AND STOP ALL CORRUPTION!

Anonymous said...

Arcevio was preaching at Abel Aguilar church 2 weeks ago any prophecys there?

Anonymous said...

Is this "Prophet" from CLC? Might as well be from La Puente Bible School.

Look people, calling out the obvious is not exactly rocket science.

Corruption has been in the AA since Pachuco was a kid.

Who appointed this cat a prophet? If he was such a Prophet, then why does he associate himself with another member of the cyndicate? Aguilar is not a spiritual whore?

Come on People! WAKE UP! Have some of the Tsgunga Blast that Jason Abel Aguilar or Yeffrey Aguilar sells.

Here's a prophecy, Tsgkunka Blast will cause a great increase in heart rates!

It has nothing to do with the amount of caffine or guarana in the product.

Anonymous said...

Apo$tolic A$$embly

Anonymous said...


You said it is a current board member. Who is it?

Anonymous said...

From The Dark Side:

Because of the sensativity of the alleged matter involving a current GB, and because of the potential for legal liability, the alleged GB member will remain annonymous.

I hope you understand. But naming names in an matter of marital infidelity is serious. Therefore, no names at this time.

This Message was brought to you by:


When you need some cash and don't want to work like the Bible says, just Scam some brothers. Its better to con some money than to work for it. CYBERUNWISE. Good for you, bad for the hermanos.

Cyberwise and Tsgunka Drink, just go ahead and waste your money. Then blame the devil when your creditors start calling.

Anonymous said...

To The Dark Side....

Why should we have GB members in office that do things like that?

I am more than positive if it would have been you or I, we would have been exposed and X out of the AA. True or not?

Why cover up? Why allow the GB to continue to cover up things such as these?

I understand the potential marital problems that could occur.

Does the GB member’s wife know of the allegations against her husband?

Anonymous said...

From the Dark Side:

The Potential for Legal Liability is too great to divulge names in a case of this matter.

Am I covering up? No. If I was covering up, I would not have made the statement. To be specific in a case of this matter of ALLEGED promiscuity, would far too risky.

Curiousity will kill your cat. lol

Anonymous said...

Pray that the hermanos didn't waste their fire insurance payment on Tsgkunka or Cyberwise.

Think of it. A fire destroys your house. But you were vigilant on your fire insurance. The Lord Blesses you with a Brand New Home.

Waste your money of Tsghunka and your liver will fail!

Jeff must have been using this junk when he was directing choir. He always directed like a hype addicted to crystal meth.

Anonymous said...

What do you know???

The convention in Lubbuck Texas is over and Abel Torres fell right back into the web of musical chairs. He was again elected unanimously by all the Pastors, because the Pastors cannot think for themselves.

Sanchez did not dare apply the disqualifying tatics of the Qualifying Commission because Sanchez needed to neutralize Abel Torres.

As for Daniel Salomon and Baldemar Rodriguez, it must have been a heavy blow that Abel Torres is now part of the GB gang again.

How can a man be voted as Bishop by the Pastors who are part of the Apostolic Assembly when Torres is one of the ones suing the five members of the Qualifying Committee of the elections held in Long Beach CA in 2006?

Torres should have been disqualified for that reason.

That is called insubordination
to the Church and to the Bible
(I Cor. 6:1-11) which forbids the church to go to the world for resolution of internal church problems.

So is this the kind of hero we need? If he had the integrity alluded to earlier by another blogger, he would have disqualified himself for that reason alone.

But now Abel Torres is putty in Sanchez's hands. And we now have another person who is willing and able (no pun intended) to sue our Assembly if it is convenient and expedient for him...and you want Abel Torres as a board member-a man who sued his own Assembly?

Sorry to Baldemar and Salomon, their partner in the lawsuit has gone to the other side-the GB gang.

Anonymous said...

WOW You people are so caught up in your anger you havent even seen or realized that God did try to speak to these men! There are TWO, count them TWO, times that God DID speak to Sanchez directly (check But you get so cought up in your rambling you don't even see it! Pay attention, look closely, and once you see it you WILL understand why thw law suit WILL be filled this week!!!!

Anonymous said...

excuse me FILED this week!

Anonymous said...

It's not that I am angry. I am seeing a vicious circle. Can't YOU see it?

Abel Torres already served two 4 year terms. And they put him back again? Why do you think they did that?

They all know that he is capable of turnig around and suing them. It's a mockery.

Maybe He was suing because he wanted back on the bandwagon with all the Bishops. He got his wish. That's the kind of integrity we can all do without.

Or was it Sanchez that orchestrated this in order to put a pacifier in Torres' mouth?

Heads up to the other Bishops.
Be careful what you say and do when you are with Bishop Abel Torres. You might just find yourself in a lawsuit.

Anonymous said...

Who is angry here? You must be a member of the GB or at least a relative of a GB member. Your remarks are very entertaining. The eyes of the whole country were on the elections in Midland, Tx where brother Abel V. Torres has served for about 17 years as a bishop, not just 8. Everybody wanted to see if the President was going to risk breaking the laws of the land that protect "whistleblowers." Evidently he weighed everything out and realized that it was to risky. Bishop Torres is loved very much and respected in this area. He didn't have to manipulate the elections to become a bishop again. He was not even allowed to be on the qualifying board like the members of the GB who were and qualified themselves. Word is that they had agreed to disqualify him, but the pastors voted almost to a man for Bishop Torres. What a blow it has dealt to the GB!

Anonymous said...

Through out this blog, and the previous one, I have been given you people small clues about the law suit and its purpose, the REAL truth from an insider, and you still don't catch ANYTHING, my GOD! Do we have to spell it for you? Put any ill feelings aside, and listen carefully and prayerfully. Go through all the blogs that have the word "filed" spelled "filled" and you will see that everything we told is what trully has happened. Next move is, the law suit WILL be filled "filed" THIS week. Put on your prayer caps because you will see the GB scramble like never before!

Anonymous said...


It is not the curiosity will kill my cat. It is that things like this need to be exposed.

What kind of liability? If it is true its true. (Right)

Congratulations you now qualify to be a GB member.

Anonymous said...


Yes, it's true, curiosity killed the cat. . . but satisfaction brought it back.

This whole blog is about exposure. Everything is anonymous. We've rummaged pretty much through everyone's closet and have brought out all the skeletons. From Fender Bender Maffey to Buffet coveting his cousin's wife, to gays in the AA and you make a generalized statement such as that? A GB member with a possible affair? That is huge and that SHOULD come out. If I was having an affair- you'd better believe it that anyone in ANY position would oust me. If that is the case, we have a right to know. Unless, the reason you are scared to say anything is that you're making it up. In which case- you'd best be careful.

If you're not willing to give names or just tell half stories- don't bother with the entries because speculation on our parts is worse.

Anonymous said...


You're either lying and that is why you are afraid . . .

'liability, schmiability'- this is anonymous.

Anonymous said...

I take it Abel Torres will now withdraw from the lawsuit? How can you continue to work for your boss and be suing it? That's hypocritical.

He'd have been a bigger hero had he won- and turned it down.

That should be a conflict of interest.

Anonymous said...

Abel Torres didn't would never turn the position down. It's all about power and mula! They're all the same. There's NO difference between the current GB and the petitioners. All greedy and lustful for power. That's what this is all about.

Anonymous said...

The marriage of the lady involved was destroyed because of the alleged infidelity.

Anonymous said...

That doesn't narrow it down. There's an affair in every church.

who is the GB member? Grow some hair on your balls and spill it. otherwise, don't post half stories.

Anonymous said...

Come on people keep it clean.

My question to the dark side, why didn't the husband expose the GB member?

Anonymous said...

Life is full of 'allegeds'. Put a disclaimer on your entry that this is not fact and that it was an alleged affair and your covered. Have you seen all the entries on here? People are writing about EVERYTHING. The things they are saying are flat out mean.

This would not be mean, this would be the right thing to do. If we don't want thieves and cheaters, why would we want 'alleged' adulterers on the board?

Anonymous said...

Had I been her husband, i'd gone to the GB member's home and beat the heck out of him and then I would exposed him for all to know what a hypocrite he was.

Anonymous said...


In essence- there's this alleged affair, and you're helping with the sweeping.

Make sure you lift the rug all the way to sweep everything under.

Anonymous said...

I think the Dark Side is in great need of attention.

Either put up or shut up....

Anonymous said...


If you reveal his name, it wouldn't be anything new. I'm sure there's a whole church somewhere that know of this. I'm sure this couples' Pastor knows. Obviously the witnesses know- who were probably church members. No one could pinpoint it to you.

Who is the GB member that had the alleged affair? If it's true, he should be very afraid for living a hypocritical life. Everything comes to light anyway. If it's not, God's protection will be on him.

Anonymous said...

Is he on the Restoration Committee?

Anonymous said...

The Famous “Lawsuit” is like:

The Loch Ness Monster - always sighted, never seen.

The Famous “Lawsuit” is like: ???

Anonymous said...

Dark Side is a bluffer.

Dark Side is a liar.

Dark Side is a sweeper.

Anonymous said...


don't be afraid of disclosing the GB member who had the alleged affair for fear of ruining his marriage. HE did that on his own when he decided to cheat on his wife, his kids and God. IF he did.

Anonymous said...

To Dark Side:

Who exactly would divulging the name be risky to? You? Yes, if you're lying-

risky to his family? HE screwed it up with his alleged infidelity.

Who's the GB member?

Anonymous said...

Bishop Torres can now work for justice from the inside. He is working for the Church and for God.

Anonymous said...

From The Darkside:

You all sound like a group of little chismosas. From my sources, there have been two current GB members with alleged marital infidelities. My sources are not good, they are excellent and credible.

Call me all the names you can think of. Bring it on. Better yet, go have some Tskgunkabla Blast.

Instead of trying to uncover the affairs of these men, you should focus more on their financial misdeeds, like Pachuco, or Aguilars' using the Name of the Lord to make a few bucks, or Sam the Scam and his ties to his lies.

One of the alleged adulterers should get a medal or some kind of an award. Who knew he had the game to get some.

Anonymous said...

To the 8:30 and 8:33 comments.

Just to let you know you need to know inside information before making sensationalist comments. Ignorance is bliss. So you must feel perfectly at ease.

Anonymous said...

I join together with the comment just posted on the comment that was made at 8:30 am and 8:33 am today. Bishop Abel Torres was voted in by the pastors not the GB. I can assure you the pastors from N.W Texas district voted for him. Before you make assumptions please make sure you get your facts straight. Maybe you say this because you don't know anything on how the church was started in West Texas. Then you wouldn't have a clue. Bishop Torres is not a man that can be bought. Just read your notes on "Letters Sent" look in your notes before you stereotype him. He is man well respected in Texas and if you don't respect him it's because you didn't know his father "Honorary Bishop Valentin Torres. He was a man who stood for justice.

Anonymous said...

Didn't Brother Abel Torres also inherit the church from his dad?

Anonymous said...

to 10:14, how WAS the church started in West Texas?

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...


Game? You call that having game? Brother- he's an adulterer, in case you forgot, that doesn't sit too well with God. Obviously, you've been jaded by sin.

You have nothing- no story. Hot air. Don't bother commenting-

Anonymous said...

From the Darkside:

Shutting up.

Peace Out

Anonymous said...

to Darkside 9:50:

We're ALL CHISMOSAS on here, why do think we log on? To keep tabs on the amount of entries? We want to know the lates cheese on everyone, this includes you.

Thank God you're shutting up. Stay that way.

Anonymous said...

From the Darkside:

Jaded by sin? Wow. Thats cute. Better men than them have had adulterous affairs and have moved on to do great works for the Lord. Abraham, known in the Word as a friend of God, had an affair with his maid. King David got his groove on with his neighbors wife and had her husband killed. Do you berate them? No, you sing songs about dancing like David.

Do the math. Utilize your analytical skills.

The only way Pachuco and Martin Del Rancho could get some is if they rubbed up on some gordas at the Buffet line at Sizzlers.

I just eliminated two for you.

Anonymous said...

Why should Pachueco rub up on some gordas at Sizzlers when he has YOU as his bootie call.

Darkside-- real nice, more like flor azuler.

Anonymous said...

Keep it clean guys

Anonymous said...

To Darkside:

Yes, Abi and Davi had affairs. Men in that time also bedded their daughters and their sisters. Does that mean it's ok to do now?

We're not living in THAT time anymore. Yes we sing songs like that because a song about Pachueco hasn't been made up. Dibs anyone?

Anonymous said...

To Darkside, yes men back then had adulterous affairs and went on to do great things for the Lord. So did cheaters and thieves. So let's let this who election fiasco rest then. All the current GB can continue to like, cheat, steal and have alleged adulterous affairs. They will do great things for the Lord ya'll.

Anonymous said...

Mira que cute, darkside likes Pacheco cause he's a gordito and they went to dinner at Sizzlers.

Anonymous said...

Where's the prophet when you need him.

Anonymous said...

Where's Brother Ceniseros? Juan Campos? Don't they have that gift? Rick Ramirez- oh nevermind.

Anonymous said...

Leave T-Rex alone.

Anonymous said...

Had I been her husband, i'd gone to the GB member's home and beat the heck out of him and then I would exposed him for all to know what a hypocrite he was.


Thats what needs to be done. You caqn't win with them. the first thing they accuse you of is slander and defammation. Then its did you hear it, smell it, see it, they are very good at what they do. believe I know. Not even if you tape it will it work. They will blackball you.

The only way to deal with this RATS is to hit them where it
Hurts. Turn them in. Let the Law deal with all the perverts, and sexual harressment. All the shady backroon deals. Somebody should turn them in to the IRS. somebody that knows where they preached and got paid CASH. Like Union City, just how much they got paid. I'm sure they reported it on their taxes....sure LOL.

Just like the RAT Al Capone no body could touch him, not even Elliot for all his gangster dealing, but the IRS sure got him.
I'm sure the IRS would be real interested in Malverde's and Pacheco's Cash flow!

Lakers seats, trips, expense account!!

If that what it takes to bring the house down..let it be done!!!

Anonymous said...

Eliott Ness- not Nash.

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