Monday, March 25, 2013

Oh how the mighty have fallen! Samuel Valverde has been removed from his papal position over the NAACP...I mean AAFCJ.


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AA Pastor said...

Summary correction:

In case you missed it, I shall I summarize what has happened:

1.) Edward Pacheco was ousted by his cousin Sam Valverde within the last month or so. (I believe it happened after Edward got mad at Sam and confronted him about altering pastor Arellano’s resolution and ALTERED THE AMOUNT OF THE RESOLUTION FROM $600K TO ALMOST $10,000,000 using this forged document for The Fountain Church refinance loan (assisted by Andrew Rodriguez). That was a nice commission you and Ocho got!

2.) Sam Valverde decides he will quiet Eddie and removes him based on a lame excuse. BTW, I wouldn’t be surprised to find out Eddie was doing something “shady”. They are both cut from the same cloth…cousins!

3.) Eddie sends out a “Tell All” letter on some dirt about his cousin, Sam. (This letter had to have been authorized by Eddie’s attorney, otherwise it would be slander).

In the letter Eddie accuses Sam Valverde of the following:

a.) 1st San Bernardino church was raped of $1,000.000 cash to steer to Sam Valverde’s church. (I guess the SB church members are not worthy of their own building because The Fountain Church needs to build a mega building)
b.) San Jose Church had a resolution that was drawn up for Corona church altered (forged) to get more loans for Sam Valverde’s church. ($9,770,000 lien on San Jose).
c.) Solano Beach church was raped of their future by allowing Sam Valverde to put another lien on their property. (ALTERED RESOLUTION TO INCREASE TO Millions).
d.) Unauthorized email access was done of a board member's email account, General Secretary Daniel Solomon. It was done at least once by Sam Valverde’s wife, Rachel Contreras Valverde and consequentially many times through the years by Sam Pacheco Valverde.

FOUR CRIMINAL THINGS DONE BY Sam Valverde & company:

1.) Changed and forged name of resolutions designated for another church to The Fountain Church.

2.) Forged and changed amount of agreed resolution from $600k to almost $10,000,000 on at least 2 different churches. That's financial rape!

3.) Illegally took $1,000,000 cash from the San Bernardino church and hermano's for The Fountain Church

4.) Both Sam and Rachel illegally hacked bishop Solomon's email account. Federal & State crime!

Prosecuter said...

Looks like all will stay the same until the next convention gathering for elections! So Sam is out but the rest just shuffled positions As Expected! Abel Aguilar is secretary? He cannot run his local church! they are currently kicked out of the church building it has been "red tagged" since the beginning of the year. They are holding their services in the "Comedor" check it out they stream live every Sunday, But they continue renting the church out to hold secular concerts! The last one on Feb 25th made it on "El Gordo y La Flaca" Univision due to the antics that were going on behind the scenes. Dancing mariachi on stage right in front of the baptistry. Distrusting! Yet they justify this by saying "you are the church" the building is just a building, and the people buy it! Or at least the people that are left. Since his son moved back from NY they have gone from 700members to about 250! Sam knew about it because the link was sent to him but he just looked the other way! Bishop Aguilar thinks his son Jason is a prophet! Hold on people this is going to be a Journey to Experience kind of a thing now!!

AA Pastor said...

March 27, 2013
Bishop President
John Fortino
10807 Laurel Street
Rancho Cucamonga, California, 91730

Dear Bishop president Fortino,

Greetings in the Name of Jesus. I want to commend you for the current handling of this critical juncture of the Apostolic Assembly of the Faith in Christ Jesus, Inc., to this point.

Many of my fellow bishop, elder and pastor friends are waiting to see if you will be dealing with this situation with the highest of integrity.

We recognized that you had to spend at least nine days of meetings through prayer and discussion with the General Board.

As part of the leadership at the district level we bishops, elders and pastor's are tired and exhausted of what has occurred since 2006. I believe that we have lost a few patriot former board members unjustly but that is not the issue at hand.

As you well know from our discussions with the general board members, we want the Apostolic Assembly to heal and to return to the purpose of reaching the lost.

We sincerely request that you once again meet with your board and consider removing the ministerial license of former Bishop Samuel Valverde. The activities he has participated in are of a criminal nature and I would hope you understand the need for the highest appearance of integrity required of us at this category. We must hold ourselves to the highest of standards.

Many of the pastor's throughout the land have determined to vote out the entire board of directors of the beloved Apostolic Assembly in 2014 if you allow bishop Valverde to remain a minister of this organization.

The pastorship of this organization will not stand by and allow this to continue beyond 2014. Unfortunately, even though we believe you are a good man and wanting to show mercy; allowing former bishop Samuel Valverde to continue does not show mercy but rather shows complacency on the part of the entire general board. After all, he worked closely with you and appears to be done to appease the "good ole boys" network.

I humbly appeal to you and the general board to reconsider.

May God bless you in your decision.

AA Pastor
Name on file

Anonymous said...


How is your chisme any better than my posts?

Prosecuter said...

Again it's information, not getting baited by other bloggers and their rants.

Unknown said...

At the very least Samuel Valverde Malverde and his friends types should be humbled and removed from the Fountain of Truth/Fountain of Deceit church cult building and given a building like the one on 6th street in San Bernardino and let's see how many of his cult followers will follow him there and then restore or offer to restore Baldemar Rodgrigues and offer him to use the Fountain of Truth building. The Fountain of Truth building could also become the new head quarters for the Apostolic Assembly church cult and the New Corona church building should also become a part of the head quarters for the Apostolic Assembly church cult and the Apostolic Assembly church cult could get rid and sell some of the older buildings to pay for the new, alright? That should help the Apostolic Assembly church cult some, ok?
All it takes is a little faith. I'm confident that if the cult leaders Eddie Pacheco and Samuel Valverde Malverde are put to work together as co-pastors to teach and preach together in Corona they may be able to get enough cult followers and Mexican sort of construction workers like Rome to help them complete the building, alright? And that should help the Apostolic Assembly church cult some, ok?

p.s. and all the teachers and pastors that have been kicked out during the times of Baldemar Rodriguez and Samuel Valverde should receive a written apology and a written offer to be reinstated as pastors and teachers for the Apostolic Assembly church cult that they love so much, ok?

In addition if Samuel and Raquel confess their sins including but not limited to the hacking of e-mails and possible real estate fraud then they may be able to get probation since it will be their first conviction, right?

In addition if Samuel and Raquelita Valverde Malverde and Eddie Pacheco confess to the whole world it could be written into an Apostolic education book and offered to the whole world for donations to pay for all the debt they have caused and then it can be turned into a reality tv show or movie or both to help pay for the cost and debts they are responsible for in the Apostolic Assembly church cult, ok? Then they would sincerely come clean, right?
It could be entitled Our Sins for the Love of Power, Greed and Control of the Apostolic Assembly church cult, right?

Unknown said...

The problem besides sin is that the Apostolic Assembly of the Faith in Christ Jesus Inc system of organization does not work because it substitutes the authority of the holy scriptures too much and the Apostolic Assembly of the Faith in Christ Jesus Inc system of organization is a perfect system for any sinister crafty charismatic cult leader such as Samuel Valverde to come into the the Apostolic Assembly of the Faith in Christ Jesus Inc system of organization gain control of it's leadership positions, kick out those who may report fraud and criminal activities and then rape as much $$$$ from the coffers before being discovered and then too many in the AAICJ inc want to keep it hush hush so that they can keep the money coming in so that they can have a chance at raping as much $$$$ from the coffers before being discovered and then too

SANTONE said...

Explain how Joe Aguilar got onto the board?

Was he present for the board meetings? If so, why him?

How was he nominated? What was the process?

It still looks shady!

SANTONE said...

He looks like a felon (just released mugshot) on the AA website.

Unknown said...

Thank's to God & Christ our Lord & Savior & provider I live an abundant life realizing my dreams daily being a proud graduate of SAT/CBAN AND SBVC. Prior Work @: U.S. Dept of Labor's Job Corps as Residential Adviser,
The State of California Employment Development Dept. as an Employment Programs Rep.
Now I work as an actor, an independent apostolic pentecostal christian counselor, teacher and preacher of the gospel of Christ free of charge online and in person through out the world!
Thanks to Christ for the courage to post my own picture on this blog.
Most bloggers here are too cowardly afraid to post their own pics, hide in darkness and work evil! The Lord rebuke them!
Cowardly narcissistic apostolic devils work on this blog and in their churches to greet you with a smile, a paz de Cristo, then manipulate, and coerce you and your children to get baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, pay them tithes and offering and work hard to coerce, have dominion over you, manipulate, slander, harass, threaten and intimidate you and your family to do as they demand.

John 8:32
And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

Let Christ set you free, go independent and you won't need to worry so much about cowardly apostolic narcissistic cult leaders, teachers, and preachers or their flockers coercing, manipulating, harassing, extorting, exploiting, intimidating and or breathing their lies and slandering you.
Most of these cowardly apostolic narcissistic cult leaders do not have an adequate bible college and or secular education and do not have an adequate love of God to share the micro-phone, invite you to sing special songs, give testimony and or even read a holy scripture in their assemblies.
Who in their righteous mind needs narcissistic cult leaders, teachers and preachers in their lives like that?
We are better off saving our tithes and offering and using them to fund and support our own independent ministries, amen? God is calling sincere men to go teach and preach the Gospel of Christ to your families, friends, loved ones and the world today, amen?

Micah 3:11
The heads thereof judge for reward, and the priests thereof teach for hire, and the prophets thereof divine for money: yet will they lean upon the LORD, and say, Is not the LORD among us? none evil can come upon us.

Bloggers...Religion cannot be free if you have to pay the government, through taxation, to exercise it. Since churches aren't taxable in the first place, why do so many of them go to the IRS and seek permission to be tax-exempt? It occurs out of:

Ignorance ("We didn't know any better")
Bandwagon logic ("Everyone else is doing it")
Professional advice (many attorneys and CPAs recommend it)

Does the law require, or even encourage, a church to organize as a 501c3? To answer that question let's turn to what the IRS itself has to say.

Churches Need Not Apply!

" Congress shall make no law
respecting an establishment of religion,
or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…" 1st Amendment of the Constitution of the U.S.A.

On the link below you can hear the reasons why the narcissistic devil's are squealing and hollering so hard and loud, alright?
But you know the devil is a liar!
We do not need to be giving any accounts to any of the Apostolic cult's narcissistic cult leaders or their children.
We are accountable to God, our families, our friends, and loved ones, amen?

Do not follow any men or their non profit orgs/denominations. Follow Christ and His Gospel/Doctrine alone!

Discipleship training support for your ministry is available free upon request.

Anonymous said...


Information? Right!

More like chisme

AA238 said...

All you cowards talk so brave, hiding behind the mask of anonymity, yet you quivered like young maidens when you stood in my presence. You squawk your pathetic insolence like hyenas heckle at a lion, but your knees buckle and your bowels loosen at the sound of my voice. I pity your insurmountable condition. Like a spiritual caste system, you cannot rise beyond your level of mediocrity, you're professional Sudras, climbing a sliding hillside, ever striving, never rising. You've given your full measure, yet you have been found wanting. Broken cisterns, rainless clouds, fruitless fig trees, powerless "Christians", impostors of charity, ever learning and never able to come to the full knowledge thereof. I would admonish you to repent but I fear it is beyond you. You spew railing accusations and say whatever evil you concoct, without even considering if you just might have to give an account of your careless words. Its almost like asking San Antone to be sensible, or at least to pretend he has an inkling of understanding or rationality. But no, this blog is a pit of blood thirsty lions, a brood of vipers, the headquarters of "ministers" of vendetta. No matter what sins a person commits or stands accused of, that doesn't give another person the right to sin himself. Instead you should pray that God has mercy on you, for though your sins aren't known publicly, you also have a list and God knows and sees everything. He judges the intention of your heart (Ecclesiastes 12:14).

Obadiah 1:12 reads,

12 You should not gloat over your brother in the day of his misfortune, nor rejoice over the people of Judah in the day of their destruction, nor boast so much in the day of their trouble. 13You should not march through the gates of my people in the day of their disaster, nor gloat over them in their calamity in the day of their disaster, nor seize their wealth
in the day of their disaster.
14You should not wait at the crossroads to cut down their fugitives,nor hand over their survivors in the day of their trouble. 15“The day of the Lord is near for all nations. As you have done, it will be done to you;
your deeds will return upon your own head.

Proverbs 24:17
17Do not gloat when your enemy falls; when they stumble, do not let your heart rejoice, 18or the Lord will see and disapprove and turn his wrath away from them.

Ecclesiastes 12:14
For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.

Unknown said...

La Asamblea Apostolica se va a encontrar en medio de otro juicio legal, y esta vez el Senor va a permitir que su amada Asamblea se desborone. Muchas iglesias, pastores, y familias se van a desasociar con la iglesia y el juicio va a sequir con el resto (TODOS) de la mesa directiva, y de los que defraudaron antes tambien.

1. Obispo Fortino - Sera juzgado por no completar la justicia de Dios en la mesa directiva, y en casos pasados.
2. Obispo V. Prado - Sera juzgado por ignorar el pecado en su casa.
3. Obispo Aguilar - Sera juzgaado por cubrir su pecado en San Jose y por permitir que sus hijos siguan destranpando el evangelio.
4. Obispo Ezpinosa - Sera juzgado por cubrir su pecado en Tejas.
5. Obispo Martin del Campo - Sera juzgado por cubrir su pecado inmoral.
6. Obispo Maffey - Sera juzgado por sus chuecuras e hipocresias.
Obispo J. Padro - Sera juzgado por no exponer la mentira!
7. Obispo Sanchez - Su pago sera su vida.
8. Obispo Valverde - Se le arrebatara todo lo que tiene y todo lo que es. Quedara desnudo y afuera sin paz y misericordia.
9. San Antone - Su orgullo sera su caida y grande sera tu ruina por hablar mal de los hijos e hijas de Dios!

"El Señor destruye la casa del orgulloso, pero mantiene invariable la propiedad de la viuda. El Señor no soporta los planes malvados, pero le agradan las palabras sin malicia. El que se da a la codicia arruina su propia casa, pero el que rechaza el soborno, vivirá. El hombre justo piensa lo que ha de responder, pero el malvado lanza maldad por la boca." Proverbios 15:25-28.
El Profeta ha declarado Palabra de Dios!

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
WatchOut! said...

Raquel said,
"We are going to leave the Assembly as soon as possible. Most of the money is accounted for and will be used for our new temple.

This has gotten out of hand and is a big misunderstanding."

Most of the money . . . give or take a few million?

And if this is such a "big misunderstanding" why are yall all of a sudden just mere regular folks and not the president and first lady of the AA? Explain maam.

WatchOut! said...

AA238, what's up Sammy? Yeah, we know that's you. The hacking . . . was that a mistake too? Just what do you think you're doing on here behind your "mask of anonymity? Greedy, pompous fool that you are. You're writings show exactly who you are. You show no repentance whatsoever. What a nobody you are now. You are the "christian impostor." May you rot in hell for taking advantage of the innocent brothers and sisters who believed in you!

Anonymous said...

This thing is getting ugly.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Does anyone think the organization is all of a sudden going to change? We are talking about about an organization that has permitted the molestation of its members children. The board itself has blood on its hand with the negligence of Bishop Victor Prado that resulted in the death of 14 year old Cecia Zuniga(RIP). We are talking about a board that has no control of its ministers. Pacheco is crying now? How many people have family that were scammed by him via the Car Scam? Pacheco, while pastor at Corona, had a Convicted Felon on his Ministerial Staff. Suprised that Scam Valverde is accused of Fraud? LOL!!! Here is a guy that claims he was going to be a MD before G_d called him to ministry. LOL!!! Taking classes at SouthWest College or even upper division classes at UCSD is far from being in medical school. Lets not his claim that he got his bachelors degree from La Puente Bible School. Upon looking this claim up, LPBS didnt even offer a bachelors degree durinng the time he claimed to be a student there. Brother Contreras, SV father in law must be rolling in his grave, may he RIP. I stand behind my claims and if anyone has questions, feel free to contact me.

Unknown said...

Want to hear a good one about SV? I have a relative who works for a cemetary that also offers funeral insurance to cover the cost of funeral and cemetary at the time of death. yes, its life insurance. They often make presentations at churches, since most times at the time of death of a loved one, families are not prepared because they didnt preplan or didnt get life insurance. Well, they approached FOT about making a presentation or at least setting up a info table at church. FOT said no because its common practice that members take out life insurance policies and have the pastor, SV named as beneficiary!!! OMG!! So, when a loved one passes away at FOT, SV is getting paid!! Never mind the family using that money for funeral/burial costs or to help out with income for the family and kids or heirs. And you think Sam Valverde is a man of conscience? What an utter disgrace!!!

Br. Maldonado said...

"Pónganse a prueba para ver si están en la fe. Examínense a sí mismos. ¿O no se reconocen a ustedes mismos de que Jesucristo está en ustedes, a menos de que en verdad no pasen la prueba?" 2 Corintios 13:5

Amados, ¡PRUEBENSE y EXAMÍNENSE A SÍ MISMOS diariamente! ¿Están viviendo dignos de su alta vocación? ¿Están cediendo al Espíritu Santo diario? No sean de mente carnal, ríndanse al Espíritu siempre, ¡negándose a sí mismos! ¡Despierta Oh Novia!

"Examine yourselves, whether you are in the faith; prove your own selves. Know you not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, unless you are counterfeits?" 2 Corinthians 13:5

Beloved, TEST YOURSELVES, EXAMINE YOURSELVES daily! Are you living worthy of your high calling? Are you yielding to the Holy Spirit daily? Don't be carnally minded, yield to the Spirit always, denying yourself. Awaken Oh Bride!

What you are witnessing is God's Rebuke, and He Rebukes those He Loves. He is at the door, ready to take His Bride home, making a last call to REPENTANCE! Unfortunately the AA became a Roman Catholic Church clone, where men are put on pedestals instead of honoring the One Who Shed His Blood for us! These men became perverse because of hidden unrepentant sin! I should know, I fell in sin and it was ONLY By the Grace of my King and Savior that I was brought to my knees in agonizing repentance before a Holy God. During my period of sin, not one ordained "man of God" responsible for my soul, ever said a word to me. (Except my own sons and my UPC brother.) They are too busy building their little kingdoms. In these kingdoms, they corrupt God's Word, giving their opinions instead of Godly Counsel based on God's truth. Here is a simple example: Divorce and remarriage, God HATES divorce and when tested by the Pharisees, He told them that the divorce decree was given by Moses because of the hardness of their hearts. But from the beginning it was not so! What God has joined, let NO MAN put asunder! And IF they allow it because of sexual immorality, as long as the spouse lives, there should NOT be any remarriage because then it would be DOUBLE ADULTERY! Yet, because these men do not want to loose those sheep they have endeared themselves to, they give them UNGODLY COUNSEL. Are we NOT TO HAVE BEEN GIVEN hearts of flesh? Why is divorce still given as an option? We are commanded to love our neighbor as ourselves, where better to prove this than in the marriage? How can you not BECOME A SERVANT of one another in a marriage? How in the world can you hope to do that with a stranger? Look at all the homosexuality in the church! Homosexuality is a rebuke from God to those that DON'T HONOR HIM or FEAR HIM! The Joel Olsteen's are out there ready to take you into their WIDE ROAD Gospel if you don't repent before it is too late! Not only do these shamed "leaders" NEED TO DROP TO THEIR KNEES IN SHAME AND AGONIZING REPENTANCE, but so do all these here that are like hyenas after they've tasted blood! Dear brothers and sisters, don't be LEFT BEHIND, the Trumpet Blast is about to sound, REPENT before our Great God and Savior Jesus Christ! May the Holy Spirit give testimony of His Truth!

santa maria! said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
santa maria! said...

AA members have the right to storm the offices and demand answers, buuuuut, what are the odds of that happening?

SANTONE said...

FOUR CRIMINAL THINGS DONE BY Sam Valverde & company:

1.) Changed and forged name of resolutions designated for another church to The Fountain Church.

2.) Forged and changed amount of agreed resolution from $600k to almost $10,000,000 on at least 2 different churches. That's financial rape!

3.) Illegally took $1,000,000 cash from the San Bernardino church and hermano's for The Fountain Church

4.) Both Sam and Rachel illegally hacked bishop Solomon's email account. Federal & State crime!

santa maria! said...

My heart goes out for the brethren in San Jose and Solana Beach. They worked hard just to see it possibly go away.

Are you ready for the truth? said...

Dear General Board - In reading the letter to the Pastors from Abel Aguilar I have some questions:
1. Is that what you call a resolution?
2. Do you call a reshuffling of the GB the solution?
3. Do you allow Samuel Valverde to make his own choice to resign?
4. How does this compare to the action taken against: Baldemar Rodriguez, Daniel Solomon, Saul Avila, Art Tafoya, Abel Torres and others who only were asking for a 'Honor review' of the allegations in 2006? and after continually asking then they were retaliated against by Daniel Sanchez and the GB.
5. This Honor Committee that is alluded to in the letter from Abel Aguilar should be renamed to 'Status Quo' 'lets protect each other' committee.
6. And how do you explain the actions of the board that sent out members of the board to 'visit' different pastors to get them all in line with threats to stop them from asking any more questions?
7. How about you Elias Duarte that saw the very same thing that Abel Torres saw and yet you chose to keep quiet to protect your pastor ship and 'kingdom' in Bakersfield?
8. How do you explain your reason to attempt to force Guillermo Mendoza from his pastorship in Houston just to put one of Aguilar's sons there?
8. How do you explain to the pastorship that Daniel Sanchez, Sam Valverde and others freely used there authority to mishandle God's people?
9. How do you explain to the pastors that the correct constitutional process was ignored in order to obtain over $10Million dollars allegedly for Fontana?
10. Have you checked where the money went?
11. How can you explain that presidents of the Assembly can end their terms as millionaires?
12. How do you allow the sweat, tears, toiling the fields selling produce from these fields in order to buy the land and building the church buildings only to be jeopardized by Sam Valverde's and anyone else responsible to freely do what they want to use those church buildings as collateral which puts these other church properties in jeopardy of being taken over by the bank?
13. And finally anyone that believes that Sam Valverde would resign his position for unfounded accusations especially from a position that he clearly aspired and hungered for? how can he say that he is being persecuted? For all the people in scripture and in our time that were persecuted for the Gospel, he should not be using that same word.

So I end with this:
To the pastors, are you going to sit back and let it happen again?
Don't you realize that close to 300 pastors have already left taking thousands of saints with them?
Are you going to let the actions of a few affect every member of the AA?

I hope not. I hope this time you are not complacent and you stand boldly for what is right.
The General Board will hesitate to take adverse action if all of you stand together, you have this chance, save what is left and don't be known as 'Chamberlains' saying that all is well.

Unknown said...

Praise the Lord. I was raised in the church. My father was a pastor and former Bishop. My husband's father is a pastor and former Bishop. My husband was recently made pastor. I am the daughter of the late Ernesto S. Cantu. Many of you will not know him because he may have passed away even before you were born. He was the first Messengers of Peace president. Later on the National board as secretary of education. He wrote the Sunday School material for 26 years, and created other material and lessons. He built two churches and was Bishop of the Interior District. He fell from grace. My mom was the national president of the Ladies' auxiliary department -"Dorcas" at the time. It was the most difficult time of all our lives. The shame my mom and family had to go through was nearly unbearable. It was my mom's faith and faithfulness in loving the Lord that sustained me and taught me the greatest lesson of all. We didn't get baptized to adore, love, and serve men. We repented and got baptized for the remission of our sins and made a commitment to adore, love, and serve our Creator. She taught me to keep my eyes on God and not on men because men, even though they are called and chosen of God, are not infallible. God is infallible.

Through the years I have seen people stand before the congregation and pledge to serve God all the days of their lives. The vow is forgotten just a few days, months, or years later. First trial comes their way and they are the first to blame someone else for their own bad choices. Some humble themselves, admit their error, repent, and recommit themselves to the Lord. Others are too proud or too ashamed to repent and never return to serving the Lord. The outcome of their choice is between them and God. I can not use this as an excuse to break my vow to God.

I have seen great men of God fall from grace many times. The decisions we all make throughout our lives will have to be answered to God. If the actions we make cause another to brother or sister to fall, we will be made accountable - according to the Scriptures.

What saddens me the most is that there are people that take advantage of another's weakness or fall. How quick they are to pick up the rock and throw it as if they are infallible themselves. Right now, we as a family of God should be weaping, fasting, and praying for our fallin family member who is in great need. "If my people which are called by my name shall humble themselves,and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land." I Chron 7:14. Everytime there is a member of our Christian family fall, stumble, hurt themselves, or leave, it should be a reminder of just how human we are and how much more we need to re-evaluate ourselves in our spiritual walk with the Lord. We need praying people; not people who are ready - and oh so ready - to throw that rock. "He who is without sin, let him cast the first stone." May God have mercy on all of us. Love and prayers, Sis. Diana Alvarez

santa maria! said...

@Sis Alvarez, very compassionate words. I just wish you wrote one just like this for Bishop Baldemar, Bishop Torres, Bishop Solomon and others, that will go unmentioned, that had their church facilities stripped away from them. Once again, thank you.

Factsonly1 said...

Really! Where were all these people giving such godly advice when Sanchez, Valverde, an the rest of their henchmen were destroying lives and churches?
To little to late. I think they belong to the Valverde gang and now that the shoe is on the other foot they get all spiritual. What a bunch of hipocrysy. If you are going to give advice make sure you have a history of speaking out against other injustices, otherwise SHUT UP!!!

Br. Maldonado said...

@ Factsonly1, ok let's suppose we follow your advice. What is it? How will that advice help you or us? Shut up? Why? Something in the counsel of God, offend you? Let's hear something constructive from you . . .

santa maria! said...

@DIANA ALVAREZ, now I see where you compassion comes from...

Are you ready for the truth? said...

Diana Alvarez - Very powerful and true words, thanks for taking the time to post but here is the but... In my opinion your words cannot be applied in this case, I totally understand someone that morally falls and makes mistakes but in this case, we are addressing the actions and decisions to wrong others, these are not people that fall but people that are doing wrong for example, what Achan did and David did was wrong but one was judged differently than the other to this day there are no family members or descendants of Achan but there are for David. We must be careful on how we apply the Word in this case, for example, God clearly states in HIs word the formula for discipline, But there is one are area we are in total agreement, we should be praying for those that are and will be affected by yet another scandal that they don't turn their back on the church or on God. Is it right to break the rules? is it right to lie to God's people? is it right to mistreat God's people? is it right to steal from God's people? is it right to use authority to threaten God's people Is it right to allow leadership to retaliate and we stand idly by and not do anything> is that right? was it even right to mistreat your mother for something she did not do? where and when does it stop? and yet when this happens many say let's for pray for those that are doing this because they have 'fallen' or made mistakes.
I knew your father and respected him a great deal and still do, but I cannot compare the decision that your father made to those made in authority, it's not the same.
We must not even say that people like Valverde, Sanchez or others are being persecuted making them the victims otherwise if we do then man will continue to destroy what so many have worked very hard to build. So the question is, will you stand idly by? will others stand idly by? or can people, for once, be held accountable? only then can it stop.

Factsonly1 said...

Mr Br. Maldonado, let me ask you the same question. Let's suppose we follow your advice. What is it? How will that advice help you or us? So far the injustices CONTINUE. Why? Because people like YOU are all spiritual talk and NO action. You hide under the belief to leave it in God's hands. Well you have and the mess continues. You and the others are what people call "So heavenly minded you're no earthly good!"
God gave you a mouth to SPEAK AGAINST INJUSTICE and to SPEAK for the TRUTH. So far you have done NEITHER. It's a sad day when people like me who are not converted have to speak out for people like you who actually have the charge from God to speak the truth!
How is that for something constructive . . .

santa maria! said...

AA PASTORs letter is on the right track, remove the board completely. Give that right back to the people to vote who they are led by GOD to vote for.

Br. Maldonado said...

@ Factsonly1, sorry I did not know you were not converted. I understand. But you cannot speak about spiritual things when they don't make sense to you!

santa maria! said...

How aboooouuuttt....putting some Godly women on the board??? Maybe one or two. Thoughts anyone????

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