Monday, March 25, 2013

Oh how the mighty have fallen! Samuel Valverde has been removed from his papal position over the NAACP...I mean AAFCJ.


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The_End_is_Near said...

Wow! For over 20 years Sammy has had his hands in the Cookie Jar.
With the same stick you measured with, you will also be measured.
Where are you Scotty when we need you?

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Amen! Praise be to God and Christ our Lord and Savior! That's only the first step. The next step is Sammy Malverde Valverde getting kicked out of the Fountian of Truth/Fountain of deciet local Apostolic Assembly church cult so he can go start over like he forced many others to do, alright?
It will be interesting to see how many will follow Sam Malverde Valverde as he goes to work on developing a new congregation outside of the Apostolic Assembly, right?

Anonymous said...


Take your caca somewhere else and let the grown ups talk you chavala !

WatchOut! said...

Well, well, well . . .

Anonymous said...

On the road,

It appears that one by one the corrupt General Board involved with the fraudulent election are being removed.

Could this be the judgement that many prophesied about them.

If that is the case one can only imagine Sanchez is next.

WatchOut! said...

Everything appears to be coming full circle. I hear that Pacheco, aka Two Votes Eddie, is begging and crying for reinstatement to the AA. Now Sammy the "bull" Valverde will air some "press conference" tonite. . . let's see what the culprit has to say now! And what about Raquelito . . . she doesn't know what hit her. Just yesterday she was the AA queen now she's a has been. Just how long were they in office?

Anonymous said...


Where will this press conference be aired ?

Upload a link when and if it is available to you.

WatchOut! said...

Don't know at what time though. They are working at setting it up.

Unknown said...

Well Shammy is going to be humiliated. I think God purposed it this way with great pride comes a great fall. Shammy became drunk with power. Now God said, now this is the time to show you can't play believer with me. Sure you can hide from everyone else but, not God.

Unknown said...

Knowing Shammy I would be afraid to have now been a friend of his when this all started. Knowing the bloodline of these people. He ain't going down alone. He might just take all his co-conspirators down with him.

Anonymous said...

In this information age you cannot keep things under wraps anymore.

Long gone are the days when the only congregants were migrant farm workers and they could just take advantage of them and not be concerned with any repercussions.

AA.Heraldo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
WatchOut! said...

That sure was a short reign! All the king's horses and all the king's men couldn't put Sammy together again . . .

Unknown said...

The news on Facebook is that the proud narcissistic Samuel Valverde Malverde of the Apostolic Assembly Church Cult has resigned his position as President cult leader making his announcement before the congregation on Sunday.

Unknown said...

The news on Facebook is that the proud narcissistic Samuel Valverde Malverde of the Apostolic Assembly Church Cult has resigned his position as President cult leader making his announcement before the congregation on Sunday.

Unknown said...

Amen! Praise be to God and Christ our Lord and Savior! That's only the first step. The next step is Sammy Malverde Valverde getting kicked out of the Fountian of Truth/Fountain of deciet local Apostolic Assembly church cult so he can go start over like he forced many others to do, alright?
It will be interesting to see how many will follow Sam Malverde Valverde as he goes to work on developing a new congregation outside of the Apostolic Assembly, right?

Unknown said...

WatchOut! said...
Everything appears to be coming full circle. I hear that Pacheco, aka Two Votes Eddie, is begging and crying for reinstatement to the AA. Now Sammy the "bull" Valverde will air some "press conference" tonite. . . let's see what the culprit has to say now! And what about Raquelito . . . she doesn't know what hit her. Just yesterday she was the AA queen now she's a has been. Just how long were they in office?

WatchOut! said...

San Antone can you cool it please?

Unknown said...

@ Watch out-I hear you! But you know it's hot news, right?

Unknown said...

March 25, 2013 at 2:35 PM
John Matthews said...
Well Shammy is going to be humiliated. I think God purposed it this way with great pride comes a great fall. Shammy became drunk with power. Now God said, now this is the time to show you can't play believer with me. Sure you can hide from everyone else but, not God.

Knowing Shammy I would be afraid to have now been a friend of his when this all started. Knowing the bloodline of these people. He ain't going down alone. He might just take all his co-conspirators down with him.

WatchOut! said...

Yes. Thank you.

WatchOut! said...

What is your purpose in repeating everything everyone else posts? Just let it be so people can take your comments seriously.

Unknown said...

@ WatchOut!
You are welcome! :)

Unknown said...

@ WatchOut!
My repetitions have purpose. I understand how you feel, ok? Thank you for your concern. For your information. When I write I do not write to please. Readers can take it as they please.
I write to make statements and I repeat those things I feel are important, alright?

Anonymous said...

Everyones tired of you fool.

Nobody enjoys your posts

Como enfadas!

Unknown said...

Hey Rome! Paz de Cristo to you too, alright? If you got any left, ok? Which apparently you do not, right? Hey Rome I just shared the news about your favorite cult leader to all on facebook and all over the world, ok? How does that make you feel?

Unknown said...

Oh included it on twitter too!

Anonymous said...

Jokes on you baboso i'm not even in the AA

Daniel20 said...

My Pastor Sam is a MAN after God. Man. He is not God. We as humans are doomed for sin. I don't understand how many people cast judgement as though they themselves never sinned. What makes a just man is the rising after the fall, for we all have fallen multiple times. So May God continue to be with my Pastor and give him strength, deflect negativity, endurance, and wisdom.

Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. To all the others, may God have mercy on your souls.

khris1018 said...

Pastor sam said this "look for the fish with the coin in its moutj" (refering to souls) man after money n greed

WatchOut! said...

Actually he's a MAN after money . . . lots of it! Like $9,770,000. That's $9.7 MILLION.

khris1018 said...

Im in the aafjc and i knw we have had great leaders and bad ones bt i still believe God can restore the assembly bt we need a leader like Elijah who turned the peoples heart towards God and away from the world. I knw God will raise someone bt they got to be like king Josiah who looked for the law of God...lots have changed since i was a child n we r heading the wrong way we need to return to the journey towards repentance

khris1018 said...

He could have fallen dosent mean he cant get up...i knw man makes mistake...the mary story the whole point is this God can restore and that we all have to remember we all need to repent

AA.Heraldo said...

You're focusing to much on what happened to the president that you don't even realize that's not even the tip of the iceberg.

You thought that was big, I just found out how bad this really is, and something I never imagined to see take place is due to happen! Wow!

Anonymous said...

Can you elaborate?

YaBasta said...

$$$$$ da root of all evil!!

Man of God? Seriously doubted!!

AA.Heraldo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
khris1018 said...

Look God is cleaning house thats all...ezekiel saw a vision of the priest of israel worshiping the sun and moon in the tabernacle in these days men serving themselves and forgotten about God...let me tell you many pastors will fall and ppl on district and general boards as well

khris1018 said...


WatchOut! said...

He misappropriated money to keep his name clean. Then he resigned . . . the presidency and the church? No hombre!

AA.Heraldo said...

@ROME: not yet. Again this is just unexpected and bigger that most thought. I need more time to clearly confirm things and will provide information soon!

Remember I only post when I have facts, not myths!
I told you about Valverde's resignation from sources on the general board, and it sure happened, even though some mocked my info.

Something to think about though: What would you say if I told you you judging Valverde wrong, and that what he did was necessary to keep his name clean?

***have I ever lied on this blog?***

khris1018 said...

Well when sin is brought out to light we try to hide n make it seem clean bt in reality its nt example adam n eve

revelationwatcher said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Observemos como y en que condicion deja Samuel Valverde la Presidencia de la Asamblea, la deja en crisis economica Y SU PRIMO DE Corona le deja una grande deuda ala Asamblea en un Templo que aun no a sido completado y con millones de dolares en deudas...Be careful what u wish for because u might just get it...I do not throw rocks at Valverde, I feel sorry for him for he has sown what he planted...

WatchOut! said...

Mira nomas . . . hechando afuera pastores ( aun obispos!) de sus iglesias quienes lo unico que hicieron es sacar a luz las fechorias que hicieron en las elecciones del 2006. Y ahora se andan hechando encima el uno al otro. Que poca verguenza.

khris1018 said...

I actually feel compasion for him in a way cuz he is a human n makes mistakes only God can judge him bt God has the power to remind you who HE IS and who are u

Unknown said...

Very sad how our leaders have failed us. Im not one to compare and I know they are not perfect but look at the UPCI despite all their shortcomings they have remained steadfast on God's word and the name of Jesus, we on the other hand are just focused on money. Its a sad day.

khris1018 said...


AA.Heraldo said...

It really makes me wonder if I should even post my information on this blog. Didn't I just say you're judging valverde wrong?! It is as if you only read what you want to read and not the facts.

What I would give to see your faces when what's about to happen comes to light and you realize you we're wrong. It's only a matter of time.

By the way, keep your eyes on Lugo.

Unknown said...

From what I hear above on the blog is that the workers of iniquity who are also the leaders of the Apostolic Assembly Church cult that includes now ex president Samuel Valverde Malverde push hard against other leaders in the Apostolic Assembly not getting along in peace striving against one another for control and power over the Apostolic Assembly church cult organization and unjustly and unfairly excommunicating former President Baldemar Rodriguez and others, then worked taking out mortgaging other churches in the Assembly working to build mega churches and continuing to pay themselves (the members of the board) ceo type salaries during the financial crisis and practically taking the Apostolic Assembly to the point of bankruptcy, amen?

Unknown said...

Some people are just focused on the fall of one man, its bigger than Sam Valverde. Its our society in general and the subculture of the AA that reaps corruption. Everyone wants to point the finger at one man but many more men are at fault as well.

WatchOut! said...

Que "compassion" ni que nada! What compassion did he show when he heartlessly evicted Bro. Baldemar, etc. Then he immediately steals the money that Bro. Baldemar's congregation had painstakingly raised to build their own church. Compassion? Hell no!

YaBasta said...

Bishop Juan Fortino March 8, 2013
Vice President
Apostolic Assembly
7260 N Oakmont Dr
Miami, FL 33015

Dear Bishop Fortino,

Praying that this missive finds you in the best of health and blessed of the Lord.
After much prayer and seeking counsel, I am writing to present you the following:

An appeal to the decision made by the General Board concerning my removal from the Pastorate of the Corona Strong Tower Church and ministry of the Apostolic Assembly. I find that my removal has been carried out with injustice and lacking the legal constitutional process of the Apostolic Assembly Constitution (the “Constitution”). My ability to appeal this decision is based on the following:

Article 37 paragraphs III English constitution III and IV.
"III. Ministers tried by a district bishop who consider unjust the verdict rendered against them shall have the right to appeal before the Bishop President, who shall study the case with the rest of the members of the General Board of Directors and determine whether to hold a new trial or let the rendered verdict stand."

"IV. Members of the General Board of Directors, district bishops or elders who, after having been tried, are not satisfied with the verdict rendered against them, may appeal to the next Joint Meeting, where a hearing will be held and a definite decision will be given."

I find that the argument presented by Bishop Valverde, where he emphasizes that I put the Apostolic Assembly at risk by jeopardizing the 501 C-3 status is weak, especially in comparison to the apparent illicit and unlawful activities that he has been engaged in as described more fully below. As such, I felt compelled to present this information to you.

Furthermore, I consider that the actions taken by the men involved in this issue have taken my mistakes to an extreme and have misrepresented allegations presented to the General Board of the Apostolic Assembly. (Copies of documents that caused me to be wrongfully terminated and those that will clarify some of the false allegations and provide vindication for me will be presented at the time of appeal with the Joint Bishops meeting). Furthermore, my understanding of the constitution leads me to the conclusion that I was removed from my Pastoral position without any constitutional rights.
I feel that my appeal warrants consideration because of the following issues that have been brought to my attention as of late and that are jeopardizing the Apostolic Assembly at this time.

This is an informative document which I submit to you as you are the Vice President of the Apostolic Assembly. By doing so, I relinquish any responsibility of withholding this information and now it is up to you to follow up on this as the constitution mandates that you as Vice President, take action as necessary.
English Constitution Article 39, paragraph III.

"III. If the Bishop President violate the Constitution, the rest of the members of the General Board of Directors, presided by the Bishop Vice-President, shall form a Commission of Honor and Justice, and with all due respect, call the attention of the Bishop President to rectify his conduct and meet his prescribed obligations, considering that the high investiture of his office requires it."

Unknown said...

Not one of the Apostolic Assembly church cult leaders is innocent in this matter for sure even though many above may be in denial, alright?

Unknown said...

Bishop Juan Fortino March 8, 2013
Vice President
Apostolic Assembly
7260 N Oakmont Dr
Miami, FL 33015

Dear Bishop Fortino,

Praying that this missive finds you in the best of health and blessed of the Lord.
After much prayer and seeking counsel, I am writing to present you the following:

An appeal to the decision made by the General Board concerning my removal from the Pastorate of the Corona Strong Tower Church and ministry of the Apostolic Assembly. I find that my removal has been carried out with injustice and lacking the legal constitutional process of the Apostolic Assembly Constitution (the “Constitution”). My ability to appeal this decision is based on the following:

Article 37 paragraphs III English constitution III and IV.
"III. Ministers tried by a district bishop who consider unjust the verdict rendered against them shall have the right to appeal before the Bishop President, who shall study the case with the rest of the members of the General Board of Directors and determine whether to hold a new trial or let the rendered verdict stand."

"IV. Members of the General Board of Directors, district bishops or elders who, after having been tried, are not satisfied with the verdict rendered against them, may appeal to the next Joint Meeting, where a hearing will be held and a definite decision will be given."

I find that the argument presented by Bishop Valverde, where he emphasizes that I put the Apostolic Assembly at risk by jeopardizing the 501 C-3 status is weak, especially in comparison to the apparent illicit and unlawful activities that he has been engaged in as described more fully below. As such, I felt compelled to present this information to you.

Furthermore, I consider that the actions taken by the men involved in this issue have taken my mistakes to an extreme and have misrepresented allegations presented to the General Board of the Apostolic Assembly. (Copies of documents that caused me to be wrongfully terminated and those that will clarify some of the false allegations and provide vindication for me will be presented at the time of appeal with the Joint Bishops meeting). Furthermore, my understanding of the constitution leads me to the conclusion that I was removed from my Pastoral position without any constitutional rights.
I feel that my appeal warrants consideration because of the following issues that have been brought to my attention as of late and that are jeopardizing the Apostolic Assembly at this time.

This is an informative document which I submit to you as you are the Vice President of the Apostolic Assembly. By doing so, I relinquish any responsibility of withholding this information and now it is up to you to follow up on this as the constitution mandates that you as Vice President, take action as necessary.
English Constitution Article 39, paragraph III.

"III. If the Bishop President violate the Constitution, the rest of the members of the General Board of Directors, presided by the Bishop Vice-President, shall form a Commission of Honor and Justice, and with all due respect, call the attention of the Bishop President to rectify his conduct and meet his prescribed obligations, considering that the high investiture of his office requires it."

Unknown said...

Valverde toda su vida quizo ser Presidente de la Asamblea yo fui testigo de todo y miremos como se rindio, esto nos dice que NO fue llamado de DIOS para ser Presidente, cuando DIOS llama EL no comete errores.

YaBasta said...

Funds from 1st San Bernardino Apostolic Church
Bishop Abel Jimenez had informed me that the church was looking into purchasing a building for church use. This was due to the fact that the existing building is no longer suitable for their needs.

As time went by, I asked him how that situation was coming along and how much longer before they closed escrow. He replied that they were no longer involved in that transaction because they had no money for a down payment. I was somewhat confused because I was aware, from my time on the General Board, that the General Office had monies in an account that were put in there from the sale of a property during the administration of Bro. Baldemar Rodriguez. I knew that it was approximately $1 million.

I mentioned that to Bishop Jimenez and he told me that when he attempted to withdraw those monies he was told that Bishop Valverde, (pastor of the Fontana church) had used the funds for the Fontana Church. Bishop Valverde’s use of these funds was not authorized with resolutions of the Fontana Church or San Bernardino Church congregations as required by the Constitution. Neither was the pastor, Bishop Jimenez, nor the District Bishop, Felipe Lugo, or the General Board of Directors notified about the use of the monies.

English Constitution Article 30 Paragraph VIII 2011 Edition
"VIII. All funds received on the sale of church buildings and real estate belonging to the Apostolic Assembly, and all other incomes of loans, mortgages or loans of whatever nature, must be put into an account under the name of the “APOSTOLIC ASSEMBLY OF THE FAITH IN CHRIST JESUS.” Said funds shall be deposited with joint signatures of the Bishop General Treasurer, District Bishop, and Pastor. Those funds shall be administered in agreement with the congregation, the Pastor, Supervising Bishop, and the General Board of Directors." (emphasis added).

Unknown said...

Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. Romans 12:21

WatchOut! said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
YaBasta said...

None of the required parties mentioned above were involved in authorizing the use of these funds. Neither was I informed of this as was pertinent being I was the General Secretary of the Apostolic Assembly. My question is: "Why weren't the appropriate authorities, mentioned above, not consulted and a resolution required of them?" The monies were used without proper procedure. This was done during the 2006-2010 administration. As the General Secretary, I was not aware of any of this until a couple of months ago. Who released the monies is beyond me, but these monies constitutionally should have been under the custody of the General Treasurer Leo Maffey, District Bishop Felipe Lugo, and Local Pastor Abel Jimenez.
Bishop Felipe Lugo and Bishop Abel Jimenez, pastor of 1st San Bernardino church were not aware that these monies had been used. I feel that whoever released these monies should be held responsible for this.

$9,770,000.00 Loan for Fontana Fountain of Truth Church

Some time ago I was asked by Bishop Valverde to talk to Bishop Ishmael Arellano concerning the possibility of using the San Jose Central Church as collateral for a loan to finish the construction of the Church in Corona. I spoke to Bishop Arellano and he agreed to do so. I asked him to get the proper resolutions and send them in. He got the resolution from the church and from the District authorities and turned them in to the General Offices. As time went by, I asked Bishop Valverde and Andrew Rodriguez about the process and they told me that they felt that the San Jose Central Church Property did not meet the criteria for the $600K loan and that it was too far for the bank personnel to be interested in going out there to do an appraisal.

Approximately one and a half months ago I received a phone call from someone indicating that Bro. Arellano wanted to talk to me, so I called him. He started out by saying that he couldn't believe what was being done to me and that he thought that it was unthinkable. He questioned the fact that I had not finished the church construction in Corona. I replied that we ran out of money and that I could not obtain a loan. He then asked me as to why I had not gotten a loan with the resolutions that he had sent from the San Jose Central Church. I mentioned what was said to me and he remained quiet for a bit and then said: Bishop Pacheco there is something I need to tell you. He went on to say that he received a call from Bishop Valverde stating that the Corona Church did not qualify for a loan and requesting for the Fontana Church to use his property instead. Bishop Valverde further asked if it were possible for Bro. Arellano to obtain a resolution from the church for this and he was told that he couldn't go back and ask for another resolution being that he had already asked for the one for Corona. According to Bishop Arellano, Bishop Valverde responded that he would see what he could do. I was later informed that the $600K resolution for Corona was modified to use it for Fontana, this without the approval of either the local San Jose Central Church congregation or the Fontana congregation nor their respective district Bishops as required by the Constitution. The pertinent portion of the Constitution reads as follows:

YaBasta said...

English Constitution
Article 30 Paragraph VII
VII. For a congregation to be able to buy, sell, rent, mortgage or lend any properties, which must be duly vested to the Apostolic Assembly, the following steps must be followed:
a. Present the proposal to the local church government, which shall make known their approval on a document bearing their signature.
b. Request it in writing with the signatures of the pastor and the majority of the members of the respective congregation.
c. The request must be approved by the district board, which must be duly confirmed by a resolution.
d. And be approved by the General Board of Directors, which shall give the final resolution.

None of the above “steps” were followed .

Later I received a call that Bishop Valverde had used the Solana Church to Cross Collateralize with the Fontana church and obtain a loan. This too was done incognito without the General Board approval and without Resolutions from Fontana or Solana Beach. See above reference: (Constitution, Article 30, paragraph VII). As General Secretary, I did not write or sign resolutions for this transaction. I was informed that this was done between Pastor J.C Rodriguez together with his leadership team and Bishop Valverde with Fontana and his leadership team.

In the month of August 2012, the first loan, which was taken out in 2008, matured and there was need to refinance.
As per Pastor J.C. Rodriguez, it was done without the corresponding resolutions and without the involvement of the Bishop at the time, Bishop John Sanchez, nor the above referenced constitutional process.

In time I received documentation showing the Deed of Trust for the aforementioned properties and was surprised with the amount of the loan taken out. I called Bro. Arellano and asked him that if he knew the amount of the loan taken out using his property and he said he didn't but that he felt confident that it was for the $600K that was indicated in the resolution for Corona. He was shocked to find that the amount of the lien placed on their property is for $9,770,000.00. The same thing happened with Pastor J.C. Rodriguez when I informed him of the amount of the lien on the Solana Beach church property. (Copies of the Deed of Trust are attached hereto as Exhibit 1).

Hacking e-mails (Violation of Federal Laws)

Right after the lawsuit by Bishop's Baldemar Rodriguez, Dan Solomon, Abel Torres and Pastor Saul Avila started, I received a call from Rachel Valverde telling me that she meant to send me an e-mail but that she mistakenly sent it to Daniel Solomon. I recommended that she “un-send” it, but she couldn't because she didn't have AOL, the email service provider for Daniel Solomon’s email account. She rushed to the General Offices and sought help and someone there remembered Daniel Solomon's password. She opened his account and deleted the mail she had sent.

From there Bishop Valverde took advantage of the fact that they knew Bishop Solomon's password and with the help of others he began to go into the account reading all the correspondence from all those involved with the lawsuit.

When I learned about it I warned him that it was a dangerous situation because the emails were being accessed without authorization. Furthermore, I feared that if the plaintiffs knew he could be caught up in legal problems. This went on even after the lawsuit was over and as far as I can remember he continued accessing the email after becoming President.

khris1018 said...

Look God can judge man nt us but we suppose to pray for our enemies no matter what i dont agree with many aafjc decisions lately bt all i knw is that God will raise a leader bt the constitution needs to be amended to give rights to pastors ministers and members

YaBasta said...

Bishop Fortino, I am sending this to you not as an accusation but as information. I sought legal counsel, not to enter into legal issues, but to know what my responsibilities were related to the Apostolic Assembly concerning all of this. I was told that I needed to send this information to you being that you are the next in line of authority. I don't want to be an accessory to this, I am complying with what needs to be done and pray that you will follow up on this. I reiterate that by doing this I relinquish my responsibility by informing you and pray that you do the right thing for your protection and that of the Apostolic Assembly. It is ironic that those who so diligently put forth so much effort to destroy my ministry, apparently are caught up doing worse things. I warned Bishop Valverde of the above mentioned issues days before they relieved me from my pastorate and the Assembly. I brought these issues up and at first, he denied them all until I insisted that he was not speaking truth and I brought up proof. He began to bring up excuses. I understand that men make mistakes, but when you judge as if you were pure with no sin and hurt others in the process, then something has to be done.

I humbly request that you please consider my situation, as I never ever imagined that I would end up outside of our beloved church the "Apostolic Assembly." I feel that I was
unjustly and wrongfully terminated from my position of Pastor within the Apostolic Assembly and from the Corona congregation with whom I have worked for over 20 years. My wife and I, together with my family and congregation, worked and sacrificed to build a new building and were 85 to 90% finished when all this began to unravel. I appeal to you to bring justice to my situation. I will await for an official response from you by March 18, 2013. I pray that this can be resolved internally.

If you have any questions please feel free to call me at cell 951. 258.5008 or Home
951. 736.0949

God bless you

Pastor Edward Pacheco

CC: Bishop Daniel Sanchez
Bishop Victor Prado
Bishop Arthur Espinosa
Bishop Abel Aguilar
Bishop Joe Prado
Bishop Isaac Cota
Bishop Francisco Quezada
Bishop Arcadio Peña
Bishop Joe Rodriguez
Bishop John Sanchez
Bishop Abel Rodriguez
Bishop Juan Hernandez
Bishop Ismael Arellano
Bishop Abel Jimenez
Bishop Felipe Lugo
Bishop Adam Lopez
Bishop Ben Quiroz
Bishop Vicente Alvarez
Pastor J. C. Rodriquez

YaBasta said...

How can this people even stand behind a pulpit?

Unknown said...

...It is sad that according to my info the church in fontana pays some 80,000 monthly mortgage payment and the present building is only valued at 2-4 million having lost 60% of its value, WOE BE US, the financial presure is clearly "One" of the reasons why Valverde is calling it quits, his house of cards is coming undone

The_End_is_Near said...

Out of the West, comes the masked Lone Ranger!!!!
YaBasta aka Eddie the man Pacheco

Unknown said...

Interesting how Bishop Pacheco makes a passionate plea for his ministry, the buildings and work they have done over 20 years. How he has only loved the "apostolic assembly". Does he now know how Rodriguez, Solomon and Torres felt when they lost their properties? How much their family suffered and how much they lost?

Unknown said...

...For many, many years Valverde was criscrossing the world in his trips to South America and just about everywhere else while at the same time being our Pastor at Fountain of Truth and now he says that he wants to focus on the church ? PORFAVOR !!!..Bro.valverde I love u as a believer "BUT" GODs chosen never quit !!!...Pride , vanity and greed got the best of u...

WatchOut! said...

Of course it only hurts when it happens to you. Payback is . . . wellll y'all know!

Unknown said...

All of this reminds me of the following scripture:

For you, brethren, have been called to liberty; only do not use liberty as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another. For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” But if you bite and devour one another, beware lest you be consumed by one another! Gal. 5:13-15

The leaders of the AA and former leaders and devouring one another! There is no love!

WatchOut! said...

Of course he wants to focus on the church . . . that's all he's got left, for now.

WatchOut! said...

Well, the church and a few $million$ in his backpocket perhaps.

Unknown said...

...For those of you who don't know for over 16 years Valverde was hands down the most influential power behind the throne ( Apostolic President ) unfortunately Bro.Rodriguez underestimated Valverde...Valverde surrounded himself with his yes people he hired most from his church including family members to work in the general offices for many, many years and enjoyed receiving two checks as income one from the General offices and one from our local Fontana church and now that he has gone over his head he calls it quits after he has left the Assembly in millions of dollars in bad debts !!!

Unknown said...

...Valverde and Pacheco we cannot blame satan for all this mess, this whole mess was created by : your greed, selfishness and hunger for power...There is no need for me to Prophesy against the evil you brought forth against very humble brothers in the faith now many will see your nakedness

The_End_is_Near said...

Maybe everyone should go to CT and the Aguilar clan.
With all the Gold dust and all should fix the problem!

The_End_is_Near said...

Hacking someone else's e-mail!
Does anyone know the phone number for the district attorney?
Raquelito needs to answer to what she has done.

Unknown said...

...The Holy Spirit did NOT put Valverde in power, Valverde put Valverde in power ! king David did NOT escape the justice of GOD and Valverde even though your'e no King David for justices sake you will NOT be exempted from the justice of thee HOLY GOD, you stepped on and over too many humble servants of GOD and GOD has still to respond to all of their cries for justice !

Unknown said...

...Thanks bro.Valverde and cousin Pacheco without your help the enemy couldn't of had destroyed the Apostolic Assembly, now most churches have mortgages that they can never realistically pay back, thanks

Unknown said...

...Les pedimos de todo corazon mil y mil disculpas y perdon a todos aquellos que fueron perseguidos por mi Pastor en fontana Samuel Valverde. Sabemos de que algunos hasta dejaron el camino del Senor a causa de todo ello. Nuestro Pastor es humano y nos averguenza que hubiera actuado casi de la misma forma que actuan los lideres seculares de nuestro pias Mexico, la corrupcion y el hambre por tener mas y mas encego a nuestro Pastor, y solo un Grande hombre tiene el valor de confesar sus faltas y pecados ante el pueblo de DIOS pero sabemos que nuesto Pastor no lo hara en su nombre pedimos su perdon para que todo esto quede en el pasado y todos podamos seguir peleando la buena batalla- su hno. el profeta de fontana


Someone should call the IRS on the assembly. Just saying

the truth said...

Did everyone, except on_the_road_again miss this in Pacheco's letter,

"Hacking e-mails (Violation of Federal Laws)
Right after the lawsuit by Bishop's Baldemar Rodriguez, Dan Solomon, Abel Torres and Pastor Saul Avila started, I received a call from Rachel Valverde telling me that she meant to send me an e-mail but that she mistakenly sent it to Daniel Solomon. I recommended that she “un-send” it, but she couldn't because she didn't have AOL, the email service provider for Daniel Solomon’s email account. She rushed to the General Offices and sought help and someone there remembered Daniel Solomon's password. She opened his account and deleted the mail she had sent.


When I learned about it I warned him that it was a dangerous situation because the emails were being accessed without authorization.

How can some of you still say your Pastor is a man of God! Who in their right mind would justify these actions as coming from a man of God! If you feel this way about this man YOU DESERVE TO HAVE HIM AS YOUR PASTOR! Hacking emails IS a federal crime, so you folks in Fontana better be praying that he is not prosecuted for violating the law.
If he comes out and says he was a victim and doesn't take responsibility for his actions, then he deserves to be prosecuted. If he does I will personally call my Federal Office and report him to the proper federal authorities.

Mi papa said...

Kenney & McCafferty, PC
1787 Sentry Parkway West, Building 18, Suite 410, Plymouth Meeting, PA 19422

To Report Tax Fraud Claims in the Amount of $2 Million Dollars or More
Call 1(888)482-6825

We take calls 24/7, including nights, weekends and holidays.
Call our 24 Hour Fraud Hotline by Dialing Toll Free 1 (888) 482-6825


Someone should email Daniel Solomon this letter... take proper legal action.

Mi papa said...

Kenney & McCafferty, PC
1787 Sentry Parkway West, Building 18, Suite 410, Plymouth Meeting, PA 19422

To Report Tax Fraud Claims in the Amount of $2 Million Dollars or More
Call 1(888)482-6825

We take calls 24/7, including nights, weekends and holidays.
Call our 24 Hour Fraud Hotline by Dialing Toll Free 1 (888) 482-6825

The_End_is_Near said...

To Many times and for so many years things have been swept under the carpets. Under the scare tactics of don't go up against the MAN OF GOD, the anointed!!!!
the truth it's time to call the feds!!


The question who is going to call the feds... mr pack rojas has already provided the info.

Factsonly1 said...

AWA here I come!

Unknown said...

I already called, alright?

Mi papa said...

Justice needs to be served!!

The_End_is_Near said...

@ Factonly1...LOL LOL


hahaha AWA is a replica of the AA!!! Someone better call.. Justice needs to be served by the law of the land.

Mi papa said...

Good job bro!

Mi papa said...

Iam sorry let me repost

Contact Us!
Kenney & McCafferty, PC
1787 Sentry Parkway West, Building 18, Suite 410, Plymouth Meeting, PA 19422

To Report Tax Fraud Claims in the Amount of $2 Million Dollars or More
Call 1(888)482-6825

We take calls 24/7, including nights, weekends and holidays.
Call our 24 Hour Fraud Hotline by Dialing Toll Free 1 (888) 482-6825
Outside the USA Dial (215) 667-4774. Ask for Investigator Sweeney

FAX Toll Free 1 (888) 609-5755
Outside the USA Dial Fax (215) 494-3540

Email Investigator Sweeney-

Email Attorney Brian Kenney -

Click here for a confidential tax fraud case evaluation!

Kenney & McCafferty, PC works exclusively with individuals who would like to obtain a monetary reward from the IRS for blowing the whistle on wealthy individuals and/or corporations that have committed tax fraud in monetary amounts of $2 Million Dollars or more.

Mi papa said...

May the reward be used for missionary field

Unknown said...

Bro.Pastor Valverde where is that spark of love and of a servant that you once preached us to have ? I forgive you for letting me down but I ask that you ask forgiveness for all of those you hurt on your way up to power. A great man realizes his mistakes and asks forgiveness from those he has offended

Daniel20 said...

Its dissapointing how you so called brothers act towards one another.

Factsonly1 said...

Hey Daniel20, I hope you are talking about the AA board members!

Daniel20 said...

No, you bloggers are no better. Sin is sin.

Daniel20 said...

Once again, I said sin is sin.

For whoever keeps the whole law but fails in one point has become accountable for all of it. -James 2:10

Unknown said...

That "Real Estate Dept" they had was
BS. Look at the documents posted years ago when they refinanced Montebello. 1. The bank charged fees for the loan. Which is ok. 2. The AA RE Dept Charged "Fees" for the same loan. Not ok ALSO, they have their members at FOT get life insurance policies with Sam V or their church named as beneficiaries. So instead of the money going to help the families who just lost a loved one, sammy v gets the money. Wow!!

WatchOut! said...

Yeah, well Daniel with the exception that Valverde's "sins" are criminal. Writing comments under assumed name titles on a blog is not. Valverde raped the AA.

Unknown said...

I wonder how Pacheco and Sam must be handling it. Now that they are on the otherside of it. The countless lives they have destroyed. I wonder how the must feel now that they are are having to find new buildings. Now that they won't be able to take nothing with them. I wonder how it must feel for your lies and bad dealings to catch up with you. What a long way to fall. Sam you had it coming. It may have taken years but, the spiritual blood of the saints was on your hands. Now God stepped in. Finally enough was enough. I hope you enjoyed your building while you had it. Now the lies you told have come to reveal themselves. There is only one person to compare you to in the bible and God said, "Pharaoh let my people go." God said, "Sam let my people go."

Anonymous said...

John Matthews,

Do you think Valverde would not have found a way to put the property in his name ?

I'm just wondering of someone who has behaved the way he has, did not think that one day he could also lose his building.

Unless it's convenient to let go of a building that is under water.

Unknown said...

YaBasta said...
$$$$$ is the root of all evil!!

Man of God? Seriously doubt it!

Unknown said...

March 25, 2013 at 8:57 PM
YaBasta said...
Funds from 1st San Bernardino Apostolic Church
Bishop Abel Jimenez had informed me that the church was looking into purchasing a building for church use. This was due to the fact that the existing building is no longer suitable for their needs.

As time went by, I asked him how that situation was coming along and how much longer before they closed escrow. He replied that they were no longer involved in that transaction because they had no money for a down payment. I was somewhat confused because I was aware, from my time on the General Board, that the General Office had monies in an account that were put in there from the sale of a property during the administration of Bro. Baldemar Rodriguez. I knew that it was approximately $1 million.

I mentioned that to Bishop Jimenez and he told me that when he attempted to withdraw those monies he was told that Bishop Valverde, (pastor of the Fontana church) had used the funds for the Fontana Church. Bishop Valverde’s use of these funds was not authorized with resolutions of the Fontana Church or San Bernardino Church congregations as required by the Constitution. Neither was the pastor, Bishop Jimenez, nor the District Bishop, Felipe Lugo, or the General Board of Directors notified about the use of the monies.

English Constitution Article 30 Paragraph VIII 2011 Edition
"VIII. All funds received on the sale of church buildings and real estate belonging to the Apostolic Assembly, and all other incomes of loans, mortgages or loans of whatever nature, must be put into an account under the name of the “APOSTOLIC ASSEMBLY OF THE FAITH IN CHRIST JESUS.” Said funds shall be deposited with joint signatures of the Bishop General Treasurer, District Bishop, and Pastor. Those funds shall be administered in agreement with the congregation, the Pastor, Supervising Bishop, and the General Board of Directors." (emphasis added).

Unknown said...

Rome that is a very good question. It will be interesting to see what will happen. However, I remember a few years ago. When they were trying the Pastor's and Bishop's were making a big deal about how acting board members should put there property under the name of the assembly. Not to add to the fact that they were already committing fraud. If I am not mistaken he placed it back under the assembly's name. I could be mistaken though. I think we will have to wait and see how this plays out. I am almost sure Sam is going to go down swinging.

Unknown said...

YaBasta said...
None of the required parties mentioned above were involved in authorizing the use of these funds. Neither was I informed of this as was pertinent being I was the General Secretary of the Apostolic Assembly. My question is: "Why weren't the appropriate authorities, mentioned above, not consulted and a resolution required of them?" The monies were used without proper procedure. This was done during the 2006-2010 administration. As the General Secretary, I was not aware of any of this until a couple of months ago. Who released the monies is beyond me, but these monies constitutionally should have been under the custody of the General Treasurer Leo Maffey, District Bishop Felipe Lugo, and Local Pastor Abel Jimenez.
Bishop Felipe Lugo and Bishop Abel Jimenez, pastor of 1st San Bernardino church were not aware that these monies had been used. I feel that whoever released these monies should be held responsible for this.

$9,770,000.00 Loan for Fontana Fountain of Truth Church

Some time ago I was asked by Bishop Valverde to talk to Bishop Ishmael Arellano concerning the possibility of using the San Jose Central Church as collateral for a loan to finish the construction of the Church in Corona. I spoke to Bishop Arellano and he agreed to do so. I asked him to get the proper resolutions and send them in. He got the resolution from the church and from the District authorities and turned them in to the General Offices. As time went by, I asked Bishop Valverde and Andrew Rodriguez about the process and they told me that they felt that the San Jose Central Church Property did not meet the criteria for the $600K loan and that it was too far for the bank personnel to be interested in going out there to do an appraisal.

Approximately one and a half months ago I received a phone call from someone indicating that Bro. Arellano wanted to talk to me, so I called him. He started out by saying that he couldn't believe what was being done to me and that he thought that it was unthinkable. He questioned the fact that I had not finished the church construction in Corona. I replied that we ran out of money and that I could not obtain a loan. He then asked me as to why I had not gotten a loan with the resolutions that he had sent from the San Jose Central Church. I mentioned what was said to me and he remained quiet for a bit and then said: Bishop Pacheco there is something I need to tell you. He went on to say that he received a call from Bishop Valverde stating that the Corona Church did not qualify for a loan and requesting for the Fontana Church to use his property instead. Bishop Valverde further asked if it were possible for Bro. Arellano to obtain a resolution from the church for this and he was told that he couldn't go back and ask for another resolution being that he had already asked for the one for Corona. According to Bishop Arellano, Bishop Valverde responded that he would see what he could do. I was later informed that the $600K resolution for Corona was modified to use it for Fontana, this without the approval of either the local San Jose Central Church congregation or the Fontana congregation nor their respective district Bishops as required by the Constitution. The pertinent portion of the Constitution reads as follows:

March 25, 2013 at 9:08 PM

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

YaBasta said...
English Constitution
Article 30 Paragraph VII
VII. For a congregation to be able to buy, sell, rent, mortgage or lend any properties, which must be duly vested to the Apostolic Assembly, the following steps must be followed:
a. Present the proposal to the local church government, which shall make known their approval on a document bearing their signature.
b. Request it in writing with the signatures of the pastor and the majority of the members of the respective congregation.
c. The request must be approved by the district board, which must be duly confirmed by a resolution.
d. And be approved by the General Board of Directors, which shall give the final resolution.

None of the above “steps” were followed .

Later I received a call that Bishop Valverde had used the Solana Church to Cross Collateralize with the Fontana church and obtain a loan. This too was done incognito without the General Board approval and without Resolutions from Fontana or Solana Beach. See above reference: (Constitution, Article 30, paragraph VII). As General Secretary, I did not write or sign resolutions for this transaction. I was informed that this was done between Pastor J.C Rodriguez together with his leadership team and Bishop Valverde with Fontana and his leadership team.

In the month of August 2012, the first loan, which was taken out in 2008, matured and there was need to refinance.
As per Pastor J.C. Rodriguez, it was done without the corresponding resolutions and without the involvement of the Bishop at the time, Bishop John Sanchez, nor the above referenced constitutional process.

In time I received documentation showing the Deed of Trust for the aforementioned properties and was surprised with the amount of the loan taken out. I called Bro. Arellano and asked him that if he knew the amount of the loan taken out using his property and he said he didn't but that he felt confident that it was for the $600K that was indicated in the resolution for Corona. He was shocked to find that the amount of the lien placed on their property is for $9,770,000.00. The same thing happened with Pastor J.C. Rodriguez when I informed him of the amount of the lien on the Solana Beach church property. (Copies of the Deed of Trust are attached hereto as Exhibit 1).

Hacking e-mails (Violation of Federal Laws)

Right after the lawsuit by Bishop's Baldemar Rodriguez, Dan Solomon, Abel Torres and Pastor Saul Avila started, I received a call from Rachel Valverde telling me that she meant to send me an e-mail but that she mistakenly sent it to Daniel Solomon. I recommended that she “un-send” it, but she couldn't because she didn't have AOL, the email service provider for Daniel Solomon’s email account. She rushed to the General Offices and sought help and someone there remembered Daniel Solomon's password. She opened his account and deleted the mail she had sent.

From there Bishop Valverde took advantage of the fact that they knew Bishop Solomon's password and with the help of others he began to go into the account reading all the correspondence from all those involved with the lawsuit.

When I learned about it I warned him that it was a dangerous situation because the emails were being accessed without authorization. Furthermore, I feared that if the plaintiffs knew he could be caught up in legal problems. This went on even after the lawsuit was over and as far as I can remember he continued accessing the email after becoming President.

March 25, 2013 at 9:10 PM

Unknown said...

YaBasta said...
Bishop Fortino, I am sending this to you not as an accusation but as information. I sought legal counsel, not to enter into legal issues, but to know what my responsibilities were related to the Apostolic Assembly concerning all of this. I was told that I needed to send this information to you being that you are the next in line of authority. I don't want to be an accessory to this, I am complying with what needs to be done and pray that you will follow up on this. I reiterate that by doing this I relinquish my responsibility by informing you and pray that you do the right thing for your protection and that of the Apostolic Assembly. It is ironic that those who so diligently put forth so much effort to destroy my ministry, apparently are caught up doing worse things. I warned Bishop Valverde of the above mentioned issues days before they relieved me from my pastorate and the Assembly. I brought these issues up and at first, he denied them all until I insisted that he was not speaking truth and I brought up proof. He began to bring up excuses. I understand that men make mistakes, but when you judge as if you were pure with no sin and hurt others in the process, then something has to be done.

I humbly request that you please consider my situation, as I never ever imagined that I would end up outside of our beloved church the "Apostolic Assembly." I feel that I was
unjustly and wrongfully terminated from my position of Pastor within the Apostolic Assembly and from the Corona congregation with whom I have worked for over 20 years. My wife and I, together with my family and congregation, worked and sacrificed to build a new building and were 85 to 90% finished when all this began to unravel. I appeal to you to bring justice to my situation. I will await for an official response from you by March 18, 2013. I pray that this can be resolved internally.

If you have any questions please feel free to call me at cell 951. 258.5008 or Home
951. 736.0949

God bless you

Pastor Edward Pacheco

CC: Bishop Daniel Sanchez
Bishop Victor Prado
Bishop Arthur Espinosa
Bishop Abel Aguilar
Bishop Joe Prado
Bishop Isaac Cota
Bishop Francisco Quezada
Bishop Arcadio Peña
Bishop Joe Rodriguez
Bishop John Sanchez
Bishop Abel Rodriguez
Bishop Juan Hernandez
Bishop Ismael Arellano
Bishop Abel Jimenez
Bishop Felipe Lugo
Bishop Adam Lopez
Bishop Ben Quiroz
Bishop Vicente Alvarez
Pastor J. C. Rodriquez

March 25, 2013 at 9:13 PM

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

YaBasta said...
How can this people even stand behind a pulpit?

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

WatchOut! said...
Yeah, well Daniel with the exception that Valverde's "sins" are criminal. Writing comments under assumed name titles on a blog is not. Valverde raped the AA.

Unknown said...

Contact Us!
Kenney & McCafferty, PC
1787 Sentry Parkway West, Building 18, Suite 410, Plymouth Meeting, PA 19422

To Report Tax Fraud Claims in the Amount of $2 Million Dollars or More
Call 1(888)482-6825

We take calls 24/7, including nights, weekends and holidays.
Call our 24 Hour Fraud Hotline by Dialing Toll Free 1 (888) 482-6825
Outside the USA Dial (215) 667-4774. Ask for Investigator Sweeney

FAX Toll Free 1 (888) 609-5755
Outside the USA Dial Fax (215) 494-3540

Email Investigator Sweeney-

Email Attorney Brian Kenney -

Click here for a confidential tax fraud case evaluation!

Kenney & McCafferty, PC works exclusively with individuals who would like to obtain a monetary reward from the IRS for blowing the whistle on wealthy individuals and/or corporations that have committed tax fraud in monetary amounts of $2 Million Dollars or more.

March 25, 2013 at 11:07 PM

Anonymous said...

John Matthews,

Yes it will be interesting to see how it plays out.

It's sad that many people see this and are discouraged, however an old dog like me who has been in this for life am no longer surprised by anything.

Man is capable of greatness and also folly, it just depends on where his heart is.

Anonymous said...

And you wonder why everyone on here dislikes you !

Talk about a narcissist !

Quit flooding the blog with nonsense and reposting quotes of other bloggers posts.

Join the conversation with something worth discussing or stay away !

Unknown said...


That is a very good point. It does depened om where the heart of a man really is. I think many should focus on God during tough times like this. Leaders in general are always going fail us at one point or another. If we look at biblical references it was a common occurance. I think we all should just hold on to God's hand and see where God takes this. I have been around for a while. I have seen how people come and go but, faith and God never change. I think that is something we including myself should take from situations like this.

I think we should use this a moment to reflect and re-direct our attention to where it should be because that is the only thing that will keep faith alive. Since this world is only getting out of control everyday it seems like.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

@ Rome I know you like me Rome that's why you stalk me at every opportunity but you know it's not healthy, right? You need to get yourself some treatment or you are going to wynd up in the loony bin and or in a cell next to Sammy your church cult leader, alright?

Unknown said...

The problem besides sin is that the Apostolic Assembly of the Faith in Christ Jesus Inc system of organization does not work because it substitutes the authority of the holy scriptures too much and the Apostolic Assembly of the Faith in Christ Jesus Inc system of organization is a perfect system for any sinister crafty charismatic cult leader such as Samuel Valverde to come into the the Apostolic Assembly of the Faith in Christ Jesus Inc system of organization gain control of it's leadership positions, kick out those who may report fraud and criminal activities and then rape as much $$$$ from the coffers before being discovered and then too many in the AAICJ inc want to keep it hush hush so that they can keep the money coming in so that they can have a chance at raping as much $$$$ from the coffers before being discovered and then too

Unknown said...

Thank's to God & Christ our Lord & Savior & provider I live an abundant life realizing my dreams daily being a proud graduate of SAT/CBAN AND SBVC. Prior Work @: U.S. Dept of Labor's Job Corps as Residential Adviser,
The State of California Employment Development Dept. as an Employment Programs Rep.
Now I work as an actor, an independent apostolic pentecostal christian counselor, teacher and preacher of the gospel of Christ free of charge online and in person through out the world!
Thanks to Christ for the courage to post my own picture on this blog.
Most bloggers here are too cowardly afraid to post their own pics, hide in darkness and work evil! The Lord rebuke them!
Cowardly narcissistic apostolic devils work on this blog and in their churches to greet you with a smile, a paz de Cristo, then manipulate, and coerce you and your children to get baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, pay them tithes and offering and work hard to coerce, have dominion over you, manipulate, slander, harass, threaten and intimidate you and your family to do as they demand.

John 8:32
And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

Let Christ set you free, go independent and you won't need to worry so much about cowardly apostolic narcissistic devils leaders, teachers, and preachers or their flockers coercing, manipulating, harassing, extorting, exploiting, intimidating and or breathing their lies and slandering you.
Most of these cowardly apostolic narcissistic devils do not have an adequate bible college and or secular education and do not have an adequate love of God to share the micro-phone, invite you to sing special songs, give testimony and or even read a holy scripture in their assemblies.
Who in their righteous mind needs narcissistic devil leaders, teachers and preachers in their lives like that?
We are better off saving our tithes and offering and using them to fund and support our own independent ministries, amen? God is calling sincere men to go teach and preach the Gospel of Christ to your families, friends, loved ones and the world today, amen?

I encourage men to be courageous and post your pics here and suffer for teaching and preaching the truth of Christ!

Micah 3:11
The heads thereof judge for reward, and the priests thereof teach for hire, and the prophets thereof divine for money: yet will they lean upon the LORD, and say, Is not the LORD among us? none evil can come upon us.

Bloggers...Religion cannot be free if you have to pay the government, through taxation, to exercise it. Since churches aren't taxable in the first place, why do so many of them go to the IRS and seek permission to be tax-exempt? It occurs out of:

Ignorance ("We didn't know any better")
Bandwagon logic ("Everyone else is doing it")
Professional advice (many attorneys and CPAs recommend it)

Does the law require, or even encourage, a church to organize as a 501c3? To answer that question let's turn to what the IRS itself has to say.

Churches Need Not Apply!

" Congress shall make no law
respecting an establishment of religion,
or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…" 1st Amendment of the Constitution of the U.S.A.

On the link below you can hear the reasons why the Apostolic cult's narcissistic devil's are squealing and hollering so hard and loud, alright?
But you know the devil is a liar!
We do not need to be giving any accounts to any of the Apostolic cult's narcissistic devil's or their children.
We are accountable to God, our families, our friends, and loved ones, amen?

Do not follow any men or their non profit orgs/denominations. Follow Christ and His Gospel/Doctrine alone!

Discipleship training support for your ministry is available free upon request.

Anonymous said...

John Matthews,

I agree that it definitely makes one reflect on where our focus should be.

The Church should never lose it's focus and allow greed, money and fame to take hold.

It makes me think of a few " christian artists " I get an inkling that some have forgotten that they started singing for The Lord and NOW are chasing after a music career.

Unknown said...

I think you are right on that aspect as well. I think many ministries in churches should remember that it is all about God. I think any ministy that has the potential to be highlighted for all to see. Can be a very dangerous if used in a selfish way. Such as you stated before, "Where the heart of a man is". Most ministries that begin always start in a good place. However, if not focused on God can spiral out of control. Since the heart of a man is corruptable. It is important to keep God on center stage. Always remembering that without him we would not step into our destiny and without him we would not have half of what we do.

Unknown said...

The Apostolic Assembly of Faith in Christ Jesus Inc teachers and preachers and members are controlled by the organization/church/cult/leaders and do not even have the freedom of the holy spirit to teach and or preach against corrupt leaders, teachers and preachers in the organization and so it is clear that the Apostolic Assembly of the Faith in Christ Jesus Inc. is not what God and Christ sincerely intended for believers,

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

The Apostolic Assembly of Faith in Christ Jesus Inc is an excellent example of a cult!

Unknown said...

The Apostolic Assembly of Faith in Christ Jesus Inc teachers and preachers and members are controlled by the organization/church/cult/leaders and do not even have the freedom of the holy spirit to teach and or preach against corrupt leaders, teachers and preachers in the organization and so it is clear that the Apostolic Assembly of the Faith in Christ Jesus Inc. is not what God and Christ sincerely intended for believers,

The Apostolic Assembly of Faith in Christ Jesus Inc is an excellent example of a cult!

Anonymous said...

John Matthews,

An old timer once told me that a Minister must guard himself against three major stumbling blocks that satan has placed before Men for ages and it keeps on working.

1. Money ( greed )
2. Fame ( pride )
3. Women ( lust )

The enemy will keep firing away until he finds that whole in the armor.

Unknown said...

Samuel Valverde can be simply described as a con artist, manipulative, deceptive, vicious, evil, and narcissistic church/cult leader/dictator/authoritarian who works to deceive, dominate, control, manipulate and or coerce any at the apostolic assembly 501c3/church/cult/pyramid scheme congregations and online.
Samuel Valverde is like an immature narcissistic spoiled child who lacks the competence to work with too many other men of God throwing fits of anger/rage when any man of God protests his dictator/authoritarian rule and works to excommunicate other men of God who protest Sam Valverde's wicked and or unjust actions.
The cult leader Samuel Valverde income payments from the apostolic assembly 501c3/church/cult/pyramid scheme is most likely in excess of $10,000.00 per month and it is one of the reasons why cult leaders like Samuel Valverde push the false tithing doctrine so hard and he sets a horrible example for teachers and preachers to follow!

Do not be deceived and or spell bound by his long oratory speeches.

January 30, 2013 at 12:46 PM

Anonymous said...


I agree that it is easy to judge and not so easy to forgive sometimes.

We should all be gracious and forgiving.

I do believe the reason that many are not so gracious is because of how the Defendants against the 2006 fraudulent elections were treated.

Had they been treated with respect and grace then I assure you everyones feeling would be different.

I don't think he is a bad person obvously he is a good preacher and he loves his family and congregation.

But he allowed greed to set in and none of us are perfect, however if you treat all with love, respect and graciousness when you fall people will more than likely have compassion.

When you wield the sword of power harshly then when you fall people will not be so forgiving.

Unknown said...

That is a true statement Rome. The only thing to add is that those stem from from vanity or self-centeredness. See satan was self-centered. He wanted center stage. He knew he was great in the kingdom of God but, he wanted to be greater. Self-centeredness is also accompanied by vanity, and envy(in a sense can be lustful) because you can also be lustful of someone else job, car, house, financial blessing, happiness. All these three self-centeredness, vanity, and envy come together. This has been the greast down-fall of men and women alike.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Samuel Valverde can be simply described as a narcissistic sinister charismatic con artist, manipulator, deceiver, evil, church/cult leader/dictator/authoritarian who kicked out/excommunicated as many as stood in his way of getting dominion/control of the Apostolic Assembly of the Faith in Christ Jesus Inc, by the use of fraud, deception, manipulation and coercion so he could rape as many coffers of their $$$
Samuel Valverde is like an immature narcissistic spoiled child who lacks the competence to work with real men of God throwing fits of anger/rage when any man of God protests his acts of sin, fraud,criminal and unlawful behaviors that include but are not limited to his dictatorship/authoritarian rule
The Apostolic Assembly/501c3/church/cult/pyramid scheme/business show is ripe for cult leaders like Samuel Valverde and it's another reason why cult leaders like him push the false tithing doctrine so hard

Do not be deceived and or spell bound by his charismatic long oratory speeches.


Anonymous said...

John Matthews,

That is very accurate my brother.

What men and women are capable of doing when God is not the center blows me away.

I myself have been there and marvelled at how I got there ?

Only to reflect on how I gradually stepped away from my consecration to God and focused on guess what ? ..... Yup ME !

Thank you for allowing God to use you to speak to me today my brother.

Who would have thought this blog could serve that purpose ?

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

We are not talking about a man only falling into sin here folks! We are talking about a sinister individual who apparently committed criminal fraud, financial fraud and who most likely will go to prison for his crimes and one who most definitely should also be removed from being the pastor of the Fountain of Truth which was more of a Fountain of Deception, ok?

khris1018 said...

Yea but sam was a pastor of the aa so under state law its property of the aa

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...


Well if that is the case then it could possibly be the AA's. However, I think he co-mingled the funds so much it would be hard to trace. What he invested in the property and what the AA invested. So I think there is a good chance. That the AA will stay with his building.

Mi papa said...

I agree with you Rome

Anonymous said...

Pack Rojas,

Even though I do believe the defendants were treated harshly and unjustly, I find myself in the interesting position where I feel bad for Valverde.

In the sense that he could allow himself to be placed in that compromising situation and it must be a blow to his ego.

That is why we must all stand watch to not give in to the temptations of this world.

You cannot go pushing your weight around and doing shady deals and expect that it will remain hush hush.

It always comes out in the wash.

Factsonly1 said...

All bloggers check out and let me know what you think. This guy is crazy!

Kennedy said...

This is what the AWA website says. Anyone care to comment?
"The APOSTOLIC WORLD ALLIANCE is an organization focused on "Reconnecting the 21st Century Church with the LORD's Mission" to "...Go and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of Jesus Christ, teaching them to observe all things whatsoever the Lord our God has commanded."
The A.W.A. believes and adheres to the inspired Word of God as the infallible rule of faith and conduct, expressed in the fundamental Apostolic Doctrines of the oneness of God, Water Baptism in the Name of Jesus Christ, and the Infilling of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of Speaking in Tongues.
The governmental structure of the APOSTOLIC WORLD ALLIANCE is composed of autonomous, self governed and self incorporated churches. The Board of Directors are equal in authority, role, and function, with only managerial authority over the fellowship and do not exercise authority over the local pastors and churches. A.W.A. churches appoint their own pastors and church leaders, own their properties, formulate their budgets, establish their memberships, and conduct all necessary business locally without the intervention of the A.W.A.
The A.W.A. embraces a system that conducts an annual National Conference and Regional Conferences through out the year, to assists the local churches in establishing their local structures, business, leadership and spiritual growth where ever needed.
As of the end of fiscal year 2012 the AWA's governing Board of Directors is comprised of the following pastors:
Saul Avila, Austin Texas
Miguel A. Hernandez, Peoria, Arizona.
Ramon Leal, Stockton, California
Sal Mendoza, Houston, Texas
Joel Montes, Houston, Texas
Daniel Salomon, Denver, Colorado"

Unknown said...

Honestly, why do we need organizations. Why do we have to met up anywhere at all. Should we not just focus on our own churches. Why not reach people in our respective cities. Reach people that need God. Anytime there a leaders everyone begins fighting to climb to the top of something that does not even belong to anyone individual. I mean if you want to climb up a chain so that you can say you got something. Isn't God after all the only thing we really need.

Prosecuter said...

@factsonly1: is a sample page, or
am I missing something?

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Unknown said...

Hey San Antonio. I would delete that copy and paste it is just computer language for templates used to design templates for a webpage.

Unknown said...

@ Kennedy- regarding your post above the fact is no one needs to join and or become a member of any 501c3 so-called non profit org/church/cult in the USA in order to teach and preach the gospel of Christ. I am certain that we are not being provided with all the information regarding the AWA organization including financial obligations, tithes, dues, registration fees, and many other important information. I was made aware that the AWA allows women to teach and preach from their pulpits which is in violation of the holy scriptures. All we need is for godly men to rise up after prayer and go teach and preach the gospel of Christ and not the gospel of the AWA and or any body elses gospel. Get together with a friend for prayer and bible study start from the bottom and allow God to raise up Men of God.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

You are like a broken record man!

Same thing over and over

Unknown said...

@ Kennedy and all concerned:
When ever you see any teacher of preacher pushing and charging tithes, dues and or any registration fees know it's not the true gospel, alright?

Unknown said...

The true gospel is taught and preached for free!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

donations are accepted

Factsonly1 said...

Gentlemen don't address San Antone just let him rant as he always does. He copies and pastes only and his posts don't really have any value or substance.
Just watch what he does after he reads this post.

Unknown said...

Everyone better listen and obey the narcssisists fatslonly1 and rome because they may get mad and go into a rage, right? I think not!

Are you ready for the truth? said...

Two activities that you may be interested in:

Pastor Daniel Solomon will be preaching at Shield of Faith Conference on Thursday April 4th - Held at: Shield of Faith 1750 W. Holt Pomona, ca. 91768

And AWA Los Angeles/Arizona Fellowhip on April 5 7:30 pm and April 6 at 1:pm held at 7500 MAIE Ave. Los Angeles Ca.

If you are in the Brea Area:
Visit: Celebration with Pastor Daniel Mendoza 562 E. Lambert Rd. Brea - 714-784-5089 - They meet at 11am on Sundays

If you live in the Rancho Cucamonga area: vist New Covenant Christian Center with Pastors Peter and Sophia Meza - 9161 Baseline Rd. Rancho Cucamonga, Ca on Sundays at 10:55am

This is an alternative for you/ Remember, the church is bigger than the AA. Man may fall but God still lives.

Anonymous said...


He is like that kid that nobody wants on their team and nobody likes...LOL

He craves attention cause he is a loser.

I like how you always put that fool in check.... You are my favorite blogger !

Unknown said...

Any you all sure do not want the narcssisists fatslonly1 and rome start to speak in tongues of the devil, right?

Factsonly1 said...

See what I mean! lol, lol. You know it Rome, for some reason I get in San Antone skin. That fool is so easy to lead just like a DUMB ASS, alright? Hahahahahaha.

Unknown said...

I encourage you to stop going from one cult (the AAICJ inc) to another (the AWA) or any other cult. Get right with God and work in the corner of the world that God put you in. You do not need to be paying cults and cult leaders tithes, dues and or registration fees, alright?

Unknown said...

To get baptized all you need friend is to have faith in God, invite at the least one friend or two (the more the merrier) to witness your baptism, go to a body of water such as a pool or big bath tub, go into the pool or tub (you may invite a friend to go into the water with you to help you as you get baptized)ask your friend to pray with you as you call on the Lord saying something like "My God! Christ my Lord and Savior! Come into my life, wash me from all my sins, lead me, fill me and lead me with your Holy
Spirit now and forever I pray! Pray the above prayer before you go down and submerge yourself completely in the water. And you may say the same prayer or one similar as you come out of the water for emphasis and to ensure completeness. You can paraphrase the above prayer but it may help you to work on repeating and memorizing this prayer as best as you can before getting in the water to get baptized and to talk about your plans for baptism with your friend who will go into the water with you before you do it. Have a paper certificate prepared before hand and have pen and at least one or two witnesses sign it. On the certificate it should state that you got baptized in the name of Christ the Lord and Savior as commanded by God in his holy scriptures. Include at least one scripture such as Acts 2:38

You do not need any cult leader to baptize you, alright?

And you do not need to be paying tithes to any cult leader either, ok?


Unknown said...

Beware that there are cult leaders waiting to take advantage of you as soon as you leave the Apostolic Assembly church cult organization and ready to take you into a 501c3/church/cult that maybe worse from where you came out from

Unknown said...

and cult members too!
Like fatslonly1, rome, and kennedy
so beware!!!

Factsonly1 said...

SAN ANTONE said...
I encourage you to stop going from one cult (the AAICJ inc) to another (the AWA)...just join the San Antonta cult (Dumb ASS cult).
Get right with God and work in the corner of...Hollywood where I act like a wanna be actor.
You do not need to be paying cults and cult leaders tithes, dues and or registration fees...become a tight ass, tightwad, cheapskate, skinflint like me, alright?

Unknown said...

Thank's to God & Christ our Lord & Savior & provider I live an abundant life realizing my dreams daily being a proud graduate of SAT/CBAN AND SBVC. Prior Work @: U.S. Dept of Labor's Job Corps as Residential Adviser,
The State of California Employment Development Dept. as an Employment Programs Rep.
Now I work as an actor, an independent apostolic pentecostal christian counselor, teacher and preacher of the gospel of Christ free of charge online and in person through out the world!
Thanks to Christ for the courage to post my own picture on this blog.
Most bloggers here are too cowardly afraid to post their own pics, hide in darkness and work evil! The Lord rebuke them!
Cowardly narcissistic apostolic devils work on this blog and in their churches to greet you with a smile, a paz de Cristo, then manipulate, and coerce you and your children to get baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, pay them tithes and offering and work hard to coerce, have dominion over you, manipulate, slander, harass, threaten and intimidate you and your family to do as they demand.

John 8:32
And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

Let Christ set you free, go independent and you won't need to worry so much about cowardly apostolic narcissistic devils leaders, teachers, and preachers or their flockers coercing, manipulating, harassing, extorting, exploiting, intimidating and or breathing their lies and slandering you.
Most of these cowardly apostolic narcissistic devils do not have an adequate bible college and or secular education and do not have an adequate love of God to share the micro-phone, invite you to sing special songs, give testimony and or even read a holy scripture in their assemblies.
Who in their righteous mind needs narcissistic devil leaders, teachers and preachers in their lives like that?
We are better off saving our tithes and offering and using them to fund and support our own independent ministries, amen? God is calling sincere men to go teach and preach the Gospel of Christ to your families, friends, loved ones and the world today, amen?

I encourage men to be courageous and post your pics here and suffer for teaching and preaching the truth of Christ!

Micah 3:11
The heads thereof judge for reward, and the priests thereof teach for hire, and the prophets thereof divine for money: yet will they lean upon the LORD, and say, Is not the LORD among us? none evil can come upon us.

Bloggers...Religion cannot be free if you have to pay the government, through taxation, to exercise it. Since churches aren't taxable in the first place, why do so many of them go to the IRS and seek permission to be tax-exempt? It occurs out of:

Ignorance ("We didn't know any better")
Bandwagon logic ("Everyone else is doing it")
Professional advice (many attorneys and CPAs recommend it)

Does the law require, or even encourage, a church to organize as a 501c3? To answer that question let's turn to what the IRS itself has to say.

Churches Need Not Apply!

" Congress shall make no law
respecting an establishment of religion,
or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…" 1st Amendment of the Constitution of the U.S.A.

On the link below you can hear the reasons why the Apostolic cult's narcissistic devil's are squealing and hollering so hard and loud, alright?
But you know the devil is a liar!
We do not need to be giving any accounts to any of the Apostolic cult's narcissistic devil's or their children.
We are accountable to God, our families, our friends, and loved ones, amen?

Do not follow any men or their non profit orgs/denominations. Follow Christ and His Gospel/Doctrine alone!

Discipleship training support for your ministry is available free upon request.

Unknown said...

SAN ANTONE said...
Beware that there are cult leaders waiting to take advantage of you as soon as you leave the Apostolic Assembly church cult organization and ready to take you into a 501c3/church/cult that maybe worse from where you came out from

March 26, 2013 at 10:47 AM
SAN ANTONE said...
and cult members too!
Like fatslonly1, rome, and kennedy
so beware!!!

Factsonly1 said...

SAN ANTONE said...
I encourage you to stop going from one cult (the AAICJ inc) to another (the AWA)...just join the San Antonta cult (Dumb ASS cult).
Get right with God and work in the corner of...Hollywood where I act like a wanna be actor.
You do not need to be paying cults and cult leaders tithes, dues and or registration fees...become a tight ass, tightwad, cheapskate, skinflint like me, alright?


Anonymous said...

Y siguele con lo mismo !

We get it the Assembly rejected you and you are butt hurt.

Be a Man and get over it.

Based on your sermon I know why they never used you or promoted you.

" I told my mom you need to go to church " and " light is energy "


Are you ready for the truth? said...

San Antone - Thanks for the information you provided, but the more and more you post you are undermining your own intent, in other words like a lunatic of some sort. You did provide some great reading material but your additional posts will portray you as a person with a vendetta. Just my advice to you, don't take what you read as the salt of the earth because for every book and teacher you can tout others can tout 10 more and there we go again fighting each other and losing focus or what really matters. But you did good, thanks for the info.

Unknown said...

I encourage you to stop going from one cult (the AAICJ inc) to another (the AWA) or any other cult. Get right with God and work in the corner of the world that God put you in. You do not need to be paying cults and cult leaders tithes, dues and or registration fees, alright?

To get baptized all you need friend is to have faith in God, invite at the least one friend or two (the more the merrier) to witness your baptism, go to a body of water such as a pool or big bath tub, go into the pool or tub (you may invite a friend to go into the water with you to help you as you get baptized)ask your friend to pray with you as you call on the Lord saying something like "My God! Christ my Lord and Savior! Come into my life, wash me from all my sins, lead me, fill me and lead me with your Holy
Spirit now and forever I pray! Pray the above prayer before you go down and submerge yourself completely in the water. And you may say the same prayer or one similar as you come out of the water for emphasis and to ensure completeness. You can paraphrase the above prayer but it may help you to work on repeating and memorizing this prayer as best as you can before getting in the water to get baptized and to talk about your plans for baptism with your friend who will go into the water with you before you do it. Have a paper certificate prepared before hand and have pen and at least one or two witnesses sign it. On the certificate it should state that you got baptized in the name of Christ the Lord and Savior as commanded by God in his holy scriptures. Include at least one scripture such as Acts 2:38

You do not need any cult leader to baptize you, alright?

And you do not need to be paying tithes to any cult leader either, ok?


Factsonly1 said...

Alright, now that we have exposed San Antone, ONCE AGAIN, for the real dumb ass he is let's ignore him and continue with the real blogging. I assure you he will continue to flood this blog with nonsense, but just skip it and go to the real blogs.

On another note, my sources tell me there is a real possibility the AA is going to be sued again because of the email hacking Valverde did during the lawsuit back in 2007.

Unknown said...

@ Are you ready for the truth?
Thanks for the feed back! I hear you! But I am going to continue working as I see fit.
Thank again for you concern.

Prosecuter said...

@Factsonly1 & @Rome

This should be a blog for interesting comments and/or posting facts as we know them.

Don't let the "blogger" bait you! He seems to be somewhat of a bi-polar blogger anyway.

Unknown said...

@ all concerned the fact is that Prosecuter, Factsonly1 Rome and many others on this blog are cult members and they will continue to act like the cult members that they are so I do not take it personal at all. But I will continue to work as best as I see fit. Thanks to all concerned. :)

Unknown said...

To get baptized all you need friend is to have faith in God, invite at the least one friend or two (the more the merrier) to witness your baptism, go to a body of water such as a pool or big bath tub, go into the pool or tub (you may invite a friend to go into the water with you to help you as you get baptized)ask your friend to pray with you as you call on the Lord saying something like "My God! Christ my Lord and Savior! Come into my life, wash me from all my sins, lead me, fill me and lead me with your Holy
Spirit now and forever I pray! Pray the above prayer before you go down and submerge yourself completely in the water. And you may say the same prayer or one similar as you come out of the water for emphasis and to ensure completeness. You can paraphrase the above prayer but it may help you to work on repeating and memorizing this prayer as best as you can before getting in the water to get baptized and to talk about your plans for baptism with your friend who will go into the water with you before you do it. Have a paper certificate prepared before hand and have pen and at least one or two witnesses sign it. On the certificate it should state that you got baptized in the name of Christ the Lord and Savior as commanded by God in his holy scriptures. Include at least one scripture such as Acts 2:38

You do not need any cult leader to baptize you, alright?

And you do not need to be paying tithes to any cult leader either, ok?


Unknown said...

Thank's to God & Christ our Lord & Savior & provider I live an abundant life realizing my dreams daily being a proud graduate of SAT/CBAN AND SBVC. Prior Work @: U.S. Dept of Labor's Job Corps as Residential Adviser,
The State of California Employment Development Dept. as an Employment Programs Rep.
Now I work as an actor, an independent apostolic pentecostal christian counselor, teacher and preacher of the gospel of Christ free of charge online and in person through out the world!
Thanks to Christ for the courage to post my own picture on this blog.
Most bloggers here are too cowardly afraid to post their own pics, hide in darkness and work evil! The Lord rebuke them!
Cowardly narcissistic apostolic devils work on this blog and in their churches to greet you with a smile, a paz de Cristo, then manipulate, and coerce you and your children to get baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, pay them tithes and offering and work hard to coerce, have dominion over you, manipulate, slander, harass, threaten and intimidate you and your family to do as they demand.

John 8:32
And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

Let Christ set you free, go independent and you won't need to worry so much about cowardly apostolic narcissistic devils leaders, teachers, and preachers or their flockers coercing, manipulating, harassing, extorting, exploiting, intimidating and or breathing their lies and slandering you.
Most of these cowardly apostolic narcissistic devils do not have an adequate bible college and or secular education and do not have an adequate love of God to share the micro-phone, invite you to sing special songs, give testimony and or even read a holy scripture in their assemblies.
Who in their righteous mind needs narcissistic devil leaders, teachers and preachers in their lives like that?
We are better off saving our tithes and offering and using them to fund and support our own independent ministries, amen? God is calling sincere men to go teach and preach the Gospel of Christ to your families, friends, loved ones and the world today, amen?

I encourage men to be courageous and post your pics here and suffer for teaching and preaching the truth of Christ!

Micah 3:11
The heads thereof judge for reward, and the priests thereof teach for hire, and the prophets thereof divine for money: yet will they lean upon the LORD, and say, Is not the LORD among us? none evil can come upon us.

Bloggers...Religion cannot be free if you have to pay the government, through taxation, to exercise it. Since churches aren't taxable in the first place, why do so many of them go to the IRS and seek permission to be tax-exempt? It occurs out of:

Ignorance ("We didn't know any better")
Bandwagon logic ("Everyone else is doing it")
Professional advice (many attorneys and CPAs recommend it)

Does the law require, or even encourage, a church to organize as a 501c3? To answer that question let's turn to what the IRS itself has to say.

Churches Need Not Apply!

" Congress shall make no law
respecting an establishment of religion,
or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…" 1st Amendment of the Constitution of the U.S.A.

On the link below you can hear the reasons why the Apostolic cult's narcissistic devil's are squealing and hollering so hard and loud, alright?
But you know the devil is a liar!
We do not need to be giving any accounts to any of the Apostolic cult's narcissistic devil's or their children.
We are accountable to God, our families, our friends, and loved ones, amen?

Do not follow any men or their non profit orgs/denominations. Follow Christ and His Gospel/Doctrine alone!

Discipleship training support for your ministry is available free upon request.

Unknown said...

To all concerned: I have no vendetta and or no bitterness. I am grateful to God for the things I learned at the Apostolic Assembly and it's seminaries because it helped me learn not to trust any cults with the salvation of my family friends and loved ones. And now I share the things I learned with as many as possible, alright?

Unknown said...

La Asamblea Apostolic se va a encontrar en medio de otro juicio legal, y esta vez el Senor va a permitir que su amada Asamblea se desborone. Muchas iglesias, pastores, y familias se van a desasociar con la iglesia y el juicio va a sequir con el resto (TODOS) de la mesa directiva, y de los que defraudaron antes tambien.
INCLUYENDO el nuevo presidente!

"El Señor destruye la casa del orgulloso, pero mantiene invariable la propiedad de la viuda. El Señor no soporta los planes malvados,
pero le agradan las palabras sin malicia. El que se da a la codicia arruina su propia casa, pero el que rechaza el soborno, vivirá. El hombre justo piensa lo que ha de responder, pero el malvado lanza maldad por la boca." Proverbios 15:25-28.
El Profeta ha declarado Palabra de Dios!

WatchOut! said...

Because they probably won't do it themselves . . . I'm going to say this for Bishops Baldemar, Torres & Solomon. WE TOLD Y'ALL SO - SEVEN YEARS AGO. This could have been avoided. Aw but redemption must be an awesome feeling. I applaud them.

Unknown said...

El Profeta AA has left a new comment on the post "Oh how the mighty have fallen! Samuel Valverde has...":

La Asamblea Apostolic se va a encontrar en medio de otro juicio legal, y esta vez el Senor va a permitir que su amada Asamblea se desborone. Muchas iglesias, pastores, y familias se van a desasociar con la iglesia y el juicio va a sequir con el resto (TODOS) de la mesa directiva, y de los que defraudaron antes tambien.
INCLUYENDO el nuevo presidente!

"El Señor destruye la casa del orgulloso, pero mantiene invariable la propiedad de la viuda. El Señor no soporta los planes malvados,
pero le agradan las palabras sin malicia. El que se da a la codicia arruina su propia casa, pero el que rechaza el soborno, vivirá. El hombre justo piensa lo que ha de responder, pero el malvado lanza maldad por la boca." Proverbios 15:25-28.
El Profeta ha declarado Palabra de Dios!

Unknown said...

ps. the 501c3/so-called non profit organizations/church/cults belong to the State
and so the Apostolic Assembly church cult organization belongs to the State of California

Unknown said...

and that is a good reason not to form any iglesia under the power of the State

WatchOut! said...

Ay Dios mio San Antone would you just STOP clogging up the blog. Please!

Unknown said...

Say no to 501c3/so-called non profit org/church/cults

Unknown said...

El Profeta AA has left a new comment on the post "Oh how the mighty have fallen! Samuel Valverde has...":

La Asamblea Apostolic se va a encontrar en medio de otro juicio legal, y esta vez el Senor va a permitir que su amada Asamblea se desborone. Muchas iglesias, pastores, y familias se van a desasociar con la iglesia y el juicio va a sequir con el resto (TODOS) de la mesa directiva, y de los que defraudaron antes tambien.
INCLUYENDO el nuevo presidente!

"El Señor destruye la casa del orgulloso, pero mantiene invariable la propiedad de la viuda. El Señor no soporta los planes malvados,
pero le agradan las palabras sin malicia. El que se da a la codicia arruina su propia casa, pero el que rechaza el soborno, vivirá. El hombre justo piensa lo que ha de responder, pero el malvado lanza maldad por la boca." Proverbios 15:25-28.
El Profeta ha declarado Palabra de Dios!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Are you ready for the truth? said...

San Antone - You have every right to state your comments but you sound very upset, something must have happened to you. Not attempting to challenge you in a debate but a comment from someone that does not know you.

Mi papa said...

@san antone please leave this blog!!

Unknown said...

@ Are you ready for the truth? I am actually very happy and not upset at all, alright? Thank you for your concern. Nothing bad happened to me in the AAICJ inc and seminaries. I actually focused on learning the word of God, the Gospel and the the system of organization of the AAICJ and I am very grateful to God that he showed me what a cult the AAICJ and it's cult leaders are and not to trust them from the beginning. Now I am able to help my family and friends learn the truth of the gospel of Christ and the truth about the Apostolic Pentecostal cults, alright?

Unknown said...

@ Pack Rojas- You first ok and do not come back to read and see if I am still here after, ok?

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

@ Pack Rojas- You first ok and do not come back to read and see if I am still here after, ok?

Are you ready for the truth? said...

San Antone - No more comments from me to you. I still say that you are angry. But no more from me.

Unknown said...

@ Are you ready for the truth? No problemo! You can say anything you want and you may believe it yourself but it does not make it true. Just because I or anyone one disagrees with your perspective does not mean they are angry, ok? It just means they have a different perspective, ok?

Factsonly1 said...

Prosecuter, is a page he is building with the help of his local staff, because he got them to believe he is a victim of unscrupulous board members.
As a matter of fact when you translate what the latin says you will understand what he is trying to portray.

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