Monday, March 25, 2013

Oh how the mighty have fallen! Samuel Valverde has been removed from his papal position over the NAACP...I mean AAFCJ.


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Unknown said...

The news on Facebook and on this blog is that the proud narcissistic Apostolic Assembly cult leader and now ex-president, Samuel Valverde Malverde has resigned his position as President cult leader making his announcement before the congregation on Sunday.

Amen! Praise be to God and Christ our Lord and Savior! That's only the first step. The next step is Sammy Malverde Valverde getting kicked out of the Fountian of Truth/Fountain of deceit local Apostolic Assembly church cult so he can go start over like he forced many others to do, alright?
It will be interesting to see how many of his cult followers will follow Sam Malverde Valverde as he goes to work on developing a new congregation outside of the Apostolic Assembly, right?

Unknown said...

YaBasta said...
Bishop Juan Fortino March 8, 2013
Vice President
Apostolic Assembly
7260 N Oakmont Dr
Miami, FL 33015

Dear Bishop Fortino,

Praying that this missive finds you in the best of health and blessed of the Lord.
After much prayer and seeking counsel, I am writing to present you the following:

An appeal to the decision made by the General Board concerning my removal from the Pastorate of the Corona Strong Tower Church and ministry of the Apostolic Assembly. I find that my removal has been carried out with injustice and lacking the legal constitutional process of the Apostolic Assembly Constitution (the “Constitution”). My ability to appeal this decision is based on the following:

Article 37 paragraphs III English constitution III and IV.
"III. Ministers tried by a district bishop who consider unjust the verdict rendered against them shall have the right to appeal before the Bishop President, who shall study the case with the rest of the members of the General Board of Directors and determine whether to hold a new trial or let the rendered verdict stand."

"IV. Members of the General Board of Directors, district bishops or elders who, after having been tried, are not satisfied with the verdict rendered against them, may appeal to the next Joint Meeting, where a hearing will be held and a definite decision will be given."

I find that the argument presented by Bishop Valverde, where he emphasizes that I put the Apostolic Assembly at risk by jeopardizing the 501 C-3 status is weak, especially in comparison to the apparent illicit and unlawful activities that he has been engaged in as described more fully below. As such, I felt compelled to present this information to you.

Furthermore, I consider that the actions taken by the men involved in this issue have taken my mistakes to an extreme and have misrepresented allegations presented to the General Board of the Apostolic Assembly. (Copies of documents that caused me to be wrongfully terminated and those that will clarify some of the false allegations and provide vindication for me will be presented at the time of appeal with the Joint Bishops meeting). Furthermore, my understanding of the constitution leads me to the conclusion that I was removed from my Pastoral position without any constitutional rights.
I feel that my appeal warrants consideration because of the following issues that have been brought to my attention as of late and that are jeopardizing the Apostolic Assembly at this time.

This is an informative document which I submit to you as you are the Vice President of the Apostolic Assembly. By doing so, I relinquish any responsibility of withholding this information and now it is up to you to follow up on this as the constitution mandates that you as Vice President, take action as necessary.
English Constitution Article 39, paragraph III.

"III. If the Bishop President violate the Constitution, the rest of the members of the General Board of Directors, presided by the Bishop Vice-President, shall form a Commission of Honor and Justice, and with all due respect, call the attention of the Bishop President to rectify his conduct and meet his prescribed obligations, considering that the high investiture of his office requires it."

Unknown said...

March 25, 2013 at 8:57 PM
YaBasta said...
Funds from 1st San Bernardino Apostolic Church
Bishop Abel Jimenez had informed me that the church was looking into purchasing a building for church use. This was due to the fact that the existing building is no longer suitable for their needs.

As time went by, I asked him how that situation was coming along and how much longer before they closed escrow. He replied that they were no longer involved in that transaction because they had no money for a down payment. I was somewhat confused because I was aware, from my time on the General Board, that the General Office had monies in an account that were put in there from the sale of a property during the administration of Bro. Baldemar Rodriguez. I knew that it was approximately $1 million.

I mentioned that to Bishop Jimenez and he told me that when he attempted to withdraw those monies he was told that Bishop Valverde, (pastor of the Fontana church) had used the funds for the Fontana Church. Bishop Valverde’s use of these funds was not authorized with resolutions of the Fontana Church or San Bernardino Church congregations as required by the Constitution. Neither was the pastor, Bishop Jimenez, nor the District Bishop, Felipe Lugo, or the General Board of Directors notified about the use of the monies.

English Constitution Article 30 Paragraph VIII 2011 Edition
"VIII. All funds received on the sale of church buildings and real estate belonging to the Apostolic Assembly, and all other incomes of loans, mortgages or loans of whatever nature, must be put into an account under the name of the “APOSTOLIC ASSEMBLY OF THE FAITH IN CHRIST JESUS.” Said funds shall be deposited with joint signatures of the Bishop General Treasurer, District Bishop, and Pastor. Those funds shall be administered in agreement with the congregation, the Pastor, Supervising Bishop, and the General Board of Directors." (emphasis added).

March 26, 2013 at 7:28 AM

Unknown said...

YaBasta said...
None of the required parties mentioned above were involved in authorizing the use of these funds. Neither was I informed of this as was pertinent being I was the General Secretary of the Apostolic Assembly. My question is: "Why weren't the appropriate authorities, mentioned above, not consulted and a resolution required of them?" The monies were used without proper procedure. This was done during the 2006-2010 administration. As the General Secretary, I was not aware of any of this until a couple of months ago. Who released the monies is beyond me, but these monies constitutionally should have been under the custody of the General Treasurer Leo Maffey, District Bishop Felipe Lugo, and Local Pastor Abel Jimenez.
Bishop Felipe Lugo and Bishop Abel Jimenez, pastor of 1st San Bernardino church were not aware that these monies had been used. I feel that whoever released these monies should be held responsible for this.

$9,770,000.00 Loan for Fontana Fountain of Truth Church

Some time ago I was asked by Bishop Valverde to talk to Bishop Ishmael Arellano concerning the possibility of using the San Jose Central Church as collateral for a loan to finish the construction of the Church in Corona. I spoke to Bishop Arellano and he agreed to do so. I asked him to get the proper resolutions and send them in. He got the resolution from the church and from the District authorities and turned them in to the General Offices. As time went by, I asked Bishop Valverde and Andrew Rodriguez about the process and they told me that they felt that the San Jose Central Church Property did not meet the criteria for the $600K loan and that it was too far for the bank personnel to be interested in going out there to do an appraisal.

Approximately one and a half months ago I received a phone call from someone indicating that Bro. Arellano wanted to talk to me, so I called him. He started out by saying that he couldn't believe what was being done to me and that he thought that it was unthinkable. He questioned the fact that I had not finished the church construction in Corona. I replied that we ran out of money and that I could not obtain a loan. He then asked me as to why I had not gotten a loan with the resolutions that he had sent from the San Jose Central Church. I mentioned what was said to me and he remained quiet for a bit and then said: Bishop Pacheco there is something I need to tell you. He went on to say that he received a call from Bishop Valverde stating that the Corona Church did not qualify for a loan and requesting for the Fontana Church to use his property instead. Bishop Valverde further asked if it were possible for Bro. Arellano to obtain a resolution from the church for this and he was told that he couldn't go back and ask for another resolution being that he had already asked for the one for Corona. According to Bishop Arellano, Bishop Valverde responded that he would see what he could do. I was later informed that the $600K resolution for Corona was modified to use it for Fontana, this without the approval of either the local San Jose Central Church congregation or the Fontana congregation nor their respective district Bishops as required by the Constitution. The pertinent portion of the Constitution reads as follows:

March 25, 2013 at 9:08 PM

Unknown said...

YaBasta said...
English Constitution
Article 30 Paragraph VII
VII. For a congregation to be able to buy, sell, rent, mortgage or lend any properties, which must be duly vested to the Apostolic Assembly, the following steps must be followed:
a. Present the proposal to the local church government, which shall make known their approval on a document bearing their signature.
b. Request it in writing with the signatures of the pastor and the majority of the members of the respective congregation.
c. The request must be approved by the district board, which must be duly confirmed by a resolution.
d. And be approved by the General Board of Directors, which shall give the final resolution.

None of the above “steps” were followed .

Later I received a call that Bishop Valverde had used the Solana Church to Cross Collateralize with the Fontana church and obtain a loan. This too was done incognito without the General Board approval and without Resolutions from Fontana or Solana Beach. See above reference: (Constitution, Article 30, paragraph VII). As General Secretary, I did not write or sign resolutions for this transaction. I was informed that this was done between Pastor J.C Rodriguez together with his leadership team and Bishop Valverde with Fontana and his leadership team.

In the month of August 2012, the first loan, which was taken out in 2008, matured and there was need to refinance.
As per Pastor J.C. Rodriguez, it was done without the corresponding resolutions and without the involvement of the Bishop at the time, Bishop John Sanchez, nor the above referenced constitutional process.

In time I received documentation showing the Deed of Trust for the aforementioned properties and was surprised with the amount of the loan taken out. I called Bro. Arellano and asked him that if he knew the amount of the loan taken out using his property and he said he didn't but that he felt confident that it was for the $600K that was indicated in the resolution for Corona. He was shocked to find that the amount of the lien placed on their property is for $9,770,000.00. The same thing happened with Pastor J.C. Rodriguez when I informed him of the amount of the lien on the Solana Beach church property. (Copies of the Deed of Trust are attached hereto as Exhibit 1).

Hacking e-mails (Violation of Federal Laws)

Right after the lawsuit by Bishop's Baldemar Rodriguez, Dan Solomon, Abel Torres and Pastor Saul Avila started, I received a call from Rachel Valverde telling me that she meant to send me an e-mail but that she mistakenly sent it to Daniel Solomon. I recommended that she “un-send” it, but she couldn't because she didn't have AOL, the email service provider for Daniel Solomon’s email account. She rushed to the General Offices and sought help and someone there remembered Daniel Solomon's password. She opened his account and deleted the mail she had sent.

From there Bishop Valverde took advantage of the fact that they knew Bishop Solomon's password and with the help of others he began to go into the account reading all the correspondence from all those involved with the lawsuit.

When I learned about it I warned him that it was a dangerous situation because the emails were being accessed without authorization. Furthermore, I feared that if the plaintiffs knew he could be caught up in legal problems. This went on even after the lawsuit was over and as far as I can remember he continued accessing the email after becoming President.

March 25, 2013 at 9:10 PM

Unknown said...

YaBasta said...
Bishop Fortino, I am sending this to you not as an accusation but as information. I sought legal counsel, not to enter into legal issues, but to know what my responsibilities were related to the Apostolic Assembly concerning all of this. I was told that I needed to send this information to you being that you are the next in line of authority. I don't want to be an accessory to this, I am complying with what needs to be done and pray that you will follow up on this. I reiterate that by doing this I relinquish my responsibility by informing you and pray that you do the right thing for your protection and that of the Apostolic Assembly. It is ironic that those who so diligently put forth so much effort to destroy my ministry, apparently are caught up doing worse things. I warned Bishop Valverde of the above mentioned issues days before they relieved me from my pastorate and the Assembly. I brought these issues up and at first, he denied them all until I insisted that he was not speaking truth and I brought up proof. He began to bring up excuses. I understand that men make mistakes, but when you judge as if you were pure with no sin and hurt others in the process, then something has to be done.

I humbly request that you please consider my situation, as I never ever imagined that I would end up outside of our beloved church the "Apostolic Assembly." I feel that I was
unjustly and wrongfully terminated from my position of Pastor within the Apostolic Assembly and from the Corona congregation with whom I have worked for over 20 years. My wife and I, together with my family and congregation, worked and sacrificed to build a new building and were 85 to 90% finished when all this began to unravel. I appeal to you to bring justice to my situation. I will await for an official response from you by March 18, 2013. I pray that this can be resolved internally.

If you have any questions please feel free to call me at cell 951. 258.5008 or Home
951. 736.0949

God bless you

Pastor Edward Pacheco

CC: Bishop Daniel Sanchez
Bishop Victor Prado
Bishop Arthur Espinosa
Bishop Abel Aguilar
Bishop Joe Prado
Bishop Isaac Cota
Bishop Francisco Quezada
Bishop Arcadio Peña
Bishop Joe Rodriguez
Bishop John Sanchez
Bishop Abel Rodriguez
Bishop Juan Hernandez
Bishop Ismael Arellano
Bishop Abel Jimenez
Bishop Felipe Lugo
Bishop Adam Lopez
Bishop Ben Quiroz
Bishop Vicente Alvarez
Pastor J. C. Rodriquez

March 25, 2013 at 9:13 PM

Unknown said...

Thank's to God & Christ our Lord & Savior & provider I live an abundant life realizing my dreams daily being a proud graduate of SAT/CBAN AND SBVC. Prior Work @: U.S. Dept of Labor's Job Corps as Residential Adviser,
The State of California Employment Development Dept. as an Employment Programs Rep.
Now I work as an actor, an independent apostolic pentecostal christian counselor, teacher and preacher of the gospel of Christ free of charge online and in person through out the world!
Thanks to Christ for the courage to post my own picture on this blog.
Most bloggers here are too cowardly afraid to post their own pics, hide in darkness and work evil! The Lord rebuke them!
Cowardly narcissistic apostolic devils work on this blog and in their churches to greet you with a smile, a paz de Cristo, then manipulate, and coerce you and your children to get baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, pay them tithes and offering and work hard to coerce, have dominion over you, manipulate, slander, harass, threaten and intimidate you and your family to do as they demand.

John 8:32
And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

Let Christ set you free, go independent and you won't need to worry so much about cowardly apostolic narcissistic devils leaders, teachers, and preachers or their flockers coercing, manipulating, harassing, extorting, exploiting, intimidating and or breathing their lies and slandering you.
Most of these cowardly apostolic narcissistic devils do not have an adequate bible college and or secular education and do not have an adequate love of God to share the micro-phone, invite you to sing special songs, give testimony and or even read a holy scripture in their assemblies.
Who in their righteous mind needs narcissistic devil leaders, teachers and preachers in their lives like that?
We are better off saving our tithes and offering and using them to fund and support our own independent ministries, amen? God is calling sincere men to go teach and preach the Gospel of Christ to your families, friends, loved ones and the world today, amen?

I encourage men to be courageous and post your pics here and suffer for teaching and preaching the truth of Christ!

Micah 3:11
The heads thereof judge for reward, and the priests thereof teach for hire, and the prophets thereof divine for money: yet will they lean upon the LORD, and say, Is not the LORD among us? none evil can come upon us.

Bloggers...Religion cannot be free if you have to pay the government, through taxation, to exercise it. Since churches aren't taxable in the first place, why do so many of them go to the IRS and seek permission to be tax-exempt? It occurs out of:

Ignorance ("We didn't know any better")
Bandwagon logic ("Everyone else is doing it")
Professional advice (many attorneys and CPAs recommend it)

Does the law require, or even encourage, a church to organize as a 501c3? To answer that question let's turn to what the IRS itself has to say.

Churches Need Not Apply!

" Congress shall make no law
respecting an establishment of religion,
or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…" 1st Amendment of the Constitution of the U.S.A.

On the link below you can hear the reasons why the Apostolic cult's narcissistic devil's are squealing and hollering so hard and loud, alright?
But you know the devil is a liar!
We do not need to be giving any accounts to any of the Apostolic cult's narcissistic devil's or their children.
We are accountable to God, our families, our friends, and loved ones, amen?

Do not follow any men or their non profit orgs/denominations. Follow Christ and His Gospel/Doctrine alone!

Discipleship training support for your ministry is available free upon request.

Factsonly1 said...

Bloggers I told you trying to reason with San Antone is futile. He is the type of person that will NEVER admit wrong or take responsibility for anything. He believes he is always right and is just like Valverde that's why he despises him because he doesn't like himself. Please ignore him.
Watch as a result of my post he will cut and paste all his nonsense al over again.
The only solution would be for Mr. Leyvas to start deleting his repetitious posts so he doesn't clutter this blog.

Unknown said...

To all concerned the fact is that Prosecuter, Factsonly1 Rome and many others on this blog are cult members and they will continue to act like the cult members that they are working to control others and their posts just like Samuel Valverde their favorite type of cult leaderso I do not take it personal at all. But I will continue to work as best as I see fit. Thanks to all concerned. :)

Factsonly1 said...

See! San Antone just can't shut up, "The one who has knowledge uses words with restraint, and whoever has understanding is even-tempered. Even fools are thought wise if they keep silent, and discerning if they hold their tongues." Proverbs 17:27-28.
And I'm not even a Christian!

Unknown said...

1 Peter 4:17
For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?
El Profeta states: En el 2007 yo le profetice al presidente Sanchez que la AA sufriria una división por causa de las artemanas que hizo durante la eleccion y no hiso caso.
El ano pasado (2012) le profetice a Valverde de su caida y me reprendio y se burlo de mi. Y Dios no ha terminado. Hay otras profecias que vienen para el resto de la des"honorable" mesa directiva.

Para el resto de la mesa directiva de la AA esta es palabra de Dios para ustedes, "El Señor destruye la casa de los soberbios...Al Señor le repugnan los planes malvados, pero las palabras amables le son aceptables. El que es ambicioso trastorna su casa, pero el que desprecia el soborno vivirá. El justo piensa bien, antes de responder." Proverbios 15:25-28.
la boca de los impíos profiere malas palabras.

March 22, 2013 at 5:24 PM
El Profeta AA said...
Ya comenso la mano juzgadora de Dios!
En el 2007 le profetice al presidente Sanchez que la AA hiba a ser dividida sobre las artemanas que hiso durante la eleccion, y se burlo de mi y no hiso caso.
El ano pasado (2012) le profetice al presidente Valverde de su caida, y me reprendio y se burlo de mi.
Me he estado tratando de comunicar con los miembros de la mesa directiva para decirles que Dios no ha terminado, y no me quieren oir. Hay otras profecias que vienen para el resto de la des"honorable" mesa directiva, y pronto se haran notorias.
Pero no tengo el deseo de divulgar mas porque hombres como San Antone perturba el espiritu de este blog.
Si no interviene este hombre (San Antone) con sus repeticiones entonces voy a seguir compartiendo, en este blog y otros, lo que Dios me sigue dando.

Mientras tanto para el resto de la mesa directiva de la AA esta es palabra de Dios para ustedes, "El Señor destruye la casa de los soberbios...Al Señor le repugnan los planes malvados, pero las palabras amables le son aceptables. El que es ambicioso trastorna su casa, pero el que desprecia el soborno vivirá. El justo piensa bien, antes de responder." Proverbios 15:25-28.

March 22, 2013 at 5:25 PM

Unknown said...

Soon before it's too late more and more of the teachers, preachers and members of the Apostolic Assembly will realize that they do not need the Apostolic Assembly to teach, preach and or fellowship, alright? All they need is a sincere faith and love for God and Christ our Lord and Savior and a sincere love for each other, amen?

Bloggers...Religion cannot be free if you have to pay the government, through taxation, to exercise it. Since churches aren't taxable in the first place, why do so many of them go to the IRS and seek permission to be tax-exempt? It occurs out of:

Ignorance ("We didn't know any better")
Bandwagon logic ("Everyone else is doing it")
Professional advice (many attorneys and CPAs recommend it)

Does the law require, or even encourage, a church to organize as a 501c3? To answer that question let's turn to what the IRS itself has to say.

Churches Need Not Apply!

" Congress shall make no law
respecting an establishment of religion,
or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…" 1st Amendment of the Constitution of the U.S.A.


Unknown said...

the truth has left a new comment on the post "Pastor Baldemar Rodriguez":

ATTENTION all bloggers what El Profet AA said earlier is true. I have a friend who visits the Fontana church and he told me Valverde doesn't look good. The rumor is that he was removed by the general board and is no longer the president.
The word over there in Fontana is that Valverde was unjustly removed (if you can believe that)!
I'm not surprised nobody from the AA, including pastor know anything about this. My source told me the board is purposely keeping people in the AA and pastors in the dark because they don't want anybody to know what really happens over there.
The really sad thing is how the AA people defend a bunch of crooks and a sinking ship.

Unknown said...

La Asamblea Apostolic se va a encontrar en medio de otro juicio legal, y esta vez el Senor va a permitir que su amada Asamblea se desborone. Muchas iglesias, pastores, y familias se van a desasociar con la iglesia y el juicio va a sequir con el resto (TODOS) de la mesa directiva, y de los que defraudaron antes tambien.
INCLUYENDO el nuevo presidente!

"El Señor destruye la casa del orgulloso, pero mantiene invariable la propiedad de la viuda. El Señor no soporta los planes malvados,
pero le agradan las palabras sin malicia. El que se da a la codicia arruina su propia casa, pero el que rechaza el soborno, vivirá. El hombre justo piensa lo que ha de responder, pero el malvado lanza maldad por la boca." Proverbios 15:25-28.
El Profeta ha declarado Palabra de Dios!

Unknown said...

Jeremiah 17:5
Thus saith the LORD; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the LORD.

The Lord of the Apostolic Assembly was Sam Valverde Malverde. he ruled by corruption, fraud and deceit with his policies first and then at times with the bylaws and occasionally by the constitution of the Apostolic Assembly. He coerced Apostolic Assembly members to pay tithes, dues, registration fees and other payments and he worked on extremely controlling his cult followers and members with the spirit of Malverde!

The Lord of AWM is Jacob the Usurper Rodriguez. He rules by his policies first and then at times with bylaws. He manipulates and coerces AWM members to pay tithes, dues and other payments and works on coercing, manipulating and controlling AWM members with the spirit of Jacob the Usurper Rodrigues!

Deuteronomy 6:4
Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD:

Mark 12:29
And Jesus answered him, The first of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord:

Luke 16:13
No servant can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.

Do not be deceived by any so-called Apostolic Pentecostal church cult leader teacher and or preacher similar to the ones described above who work on and demand to manipulate the word of God to get you to pay tithes and work to put you and your family down and work to coerce and or control you and your family!


January 28, 2013 at 5:19 PM
Do not be deceived by any so-called Apostolic Pentecostal church cult leader teacher and or preacher similar to the ones described above who work on and demand to manipulate the word of God to get you to pay tithes and work to put you and your family down and work to coerce and or control you and your family!


Unknown said...

Jeremiah 17:5
Thus saith the LORD; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the LORD.

The way of Christ is to trust Christ alone as Lord and for our Salvation and not any of today's Apostolic Pentecostal 501c3/church/cult's and or any cult leaders. The cult leaders of today work on being lords of the saints and do not equal the authority of any of the apostles and or prophets of the first century ekklesia and even though today's cult leaders may sound believable to some do not be deceived! We are truly in the last days! God help us all!

Unknown said...

To be saved friend all you need to do is 1. Have faith in God. 2. Believe in The name of Christ the Lord and Savior. 3. Pray requesting Christ the Lord and Savior forgive your sins,asking Him (Christ the Lord and Savior) to come into your life to take control of your life(children should stop at this step). 4. Get baptized in the name of Christ the Lord and Savior as soon as you are able (baptism in the name of Christ the Lord and Savior is for mature adults). 5. Seek to be guided by and filled with the holy spirit each and every day of your life praying daily and enjoy the freedom the Holy Spirit gives you to speak in tongues as the Spirit of God gives you utterance and experience the love, joy, peace, and all the gifts of the Spirit God grants you! Get together with other believers for fellowship and worship. 6. Beware of Satan, his devils, demons, cult leaders, cult teachers, false teachers, false prophets, and all who demand you pay them tithes $$$!

Unknown said...

Diezmo un fraude descarado 1 de 3

January 30, 2013 at 12:49 PM
El Diezmo - 36 Razones biblicas para no diezmar

santa maria! said...

Let me catch up on this tailgate party!

santa maria! said...

san antonio is still here! That dude is a rockstar!!!

Unknown said...

Our Faith:
begins with the Word of God
Prayer is an act of faith
Baptism in the name of Christ our Lord and Savior is an act of faith.
We are filled with Holy Spirit with love and joy as soon as we turn away from evil and towards God through Christ our Lord and Savior. When it becomes clear to us that Christ has graced us with freedom from sin and condemnation we receive the freedom and joy of the holy spirit which we express outwardly in whatever language the spirit gives us to utter which may or may not be understood by others but that we do not need to prove to no man and or woman. It is the holy spirit that will enlighten the scriptures we read and study. It is the holy spirit that will guide us. Not any apostolic church/cult leaders or any one else. Say no to church/cult leaders. Be set free in the name of Christ our Lord and Savior!

Ezekiel 25:17 And I will execute great vengeance upon them with furious rebukes; and they shall know that I am the LORD, when I shall lay my vengeance upon them.

Prayer is an act of faith. Baptism is an act of faith. To get baptized all a believer needs to do is to have faith, invite at the least one friend or two (the more the merrier) to witness your baptism, go to a body of water such as a pool or big bath tub, go into the pool or tub (you may invite a friend to go into the water with you to help you as you get baptized)ask your friend to pray with you as you call on the Lord saying something like "My God! Christ my Lord and Savior! Come into my life, wash me from all my sins, lead me, fill me and lead me with your Holy
Spirit now and forever I pray! Pray the above prayer before you go down and submerge yourself completely in the water and you may do it again after you come out of the water to ensure you are complete to fulfill all righteousness. You can revise and or paraphrase the above prayer. It may be helpful for you to work on repeating and memorizing this prayer as best as you can before getting in the water to get baptized and to talk about your plans for baptism with your friend who will go into the water with you before you do it. Have a paper certificate prepared before hand and have pen and at least one or two witnesses sign it. State the date and how you got baptized on the certificate. It should state that you got baptized in the name of Christ the Lord and Savior as commanded by God in his holy scriptures. Include at least one scripture such as Acts 2:38

Factsonly1 said...

Mr Leyva pleeeaaasssseee delete his nonsense!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

Cont'd from above- the only thing that the apostolic assembly has that is of value is the belief that God is one and that Christ is Lord and Savior. The biggest problem is that the apostolic assembly church cult and cult leaders and pastors do is charge tithes, dues and other fees for their services.
Christ and his apostles did not require or charge any fees whatsoever!
Another problem with the Apostolic Assembly church cult and cult leaders have done is they have choked the movement of the holy spirit and work to micro manage the movement of the holy spirit and they have choked the movement of the saints!

Micah 3:11
The heads thereof judge for reward, and the priests thereof teach for hire, and the prophets thereof divine for money: yet will they lean upon the LORD, and say, Is not the LORD among us? none evil can come upon us.


Unknown said...

@ Rome- that reminds me of an old song. Please Mr. please! Don't play b 17. How may remember that song?
Lol! Ha Ha Ha!

santa maria! said...

san antone! did you ever get that herpes thingy looked at? I know you were a mess when you found out.

Unknown said...

I only have one Lord!

Deuteronomy 6:4
Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD:

Mark 12:29
And Jesus answered him, The first of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord:

Luke 16:13
No servant can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.

Unknown said...

Once men of God leave the Apostolic Assembly church/cult they see the true light of Christ and experience the freedom the holy spirit gives in an awesome way and no man of God has any desire to return to the darkness and bondage found in the Apostolic Assembly church/cult, alright?
Maybe only to visit a few close friends and family, ok?

santa maria! said...

Well, your one lord is telling you to cut those yellow dirty finger nails bro.

Unknown said...

santa maria! Es que andaba de cabron el puto de San Antone.

Unknown said...

Pastor Sam Valverde Malverde said...
Yo soy el solo cholo of tha Apostolic Assembly church cult. I was born by Tijuana B.C. I copy all my cult leader teaching and preaching estyle from cult leaders before me. I am the greatest tyrant dictator in the Apostolics world and I kicked out and helped lynch Abel Torres - LYNCHED I
Saul Avila - LYNCHED
Baldemar Rodriguez - LYNCHED
Daniel Solomon - LYNCHED
Arthur Tafoya
Daniel Jauhall
Isaac Cota
Ishmael Arellano
Julian Aguirre
Richard Galaviz
Samuel Arellano
Guillermo Mendoza - LYNCHED
Martin Vasquez
Herman Garza
Efrain Andrade - LYNCHED
Isaac Hernandez - LYNCHED*
and excommunicated the most Apostolicos for protesting my tyranny and dictatorship, alright?

p.s. Rome is one of my favorite cult followers and he is my cholito in training and he likes kissing my cholo shoes and sending me tithes, ok? I might not ever reject you or excommunicate you as long as you only teach a Sunday school class ocassionally Rome, ok? But don't you fall asleep during my preaching!

Don't you worry one bit Rome cuz even though you are a good liar and a slanderer I will probably not excommunicate you from my Apostolic Assembly church cult cuz I love mentirositos manosos slanderers like you for my Apostolic Assembly church cults! I may be willing to give you a letter of recommendation so you can visit the AWA, UPC,and AWM and all others and maybe they will let you teach a Sunday school class, alright?

All illegals come and become members of my Apostolic Assembly church cult, pay me tithes after every pay check so I can pay for my luxury home and luxury cars, follow my exsample and all you got to is act and talk english cholo like me and the migra may not notice you are an illegal, ok? You too Rome get on it!!!

Unknown said...

Samuel Valverde (Malverde) is an evil con artist/tyrant/cult ...
Pastor Sam Valverde Malverde – Jan 23, 2013 – Samuel Valverde (Malverde) is an evil con artist/tyrant/cult leader! He one of the most vicious of the Apostolic/Pentecostal church cults!

February 7, 2013 at 11:53 AM
Pastor Sam Valverde Malverde said...

The Fountain of Truth church/cult/pyramid scheme, and show (should ...
Pastor Sam Valverde Malverde – Jan 23, 2013 – The Fountain of Truth church/cult/pyramid scheme, and show (should be called the Fountain of Deceit) is headed by cult leader Samuel Malverde and he is a ... PASTOR G CRAIG LEWIS EXPOSING THE FALSE ((TITHING DOCTRINE)))

santa maria! said...

san antone, I can only assume that the job fair didn't go so well. On the brightside, you're still being supported by the misses huh...your a pimp dude!!!!

Unknown said...

Pastor in San Bernardino, California

Greetings to all in general, Praise the Lord:
With this I greet you in the love of our Lord to communicate to you the following:
On June 24, 2008, leaders ofthe interior district came and removed the locks of the historic
temple of the Apostolic Assembly in San Bernardino, CA. I told them that they should have
called me and I would have given them the keys; they said that they had been sent by the general
On another day I received a call to a meeting with the district board and a general commission.
A week before I asked the district official about the matter of such meeting. I was told he did not
know. At such meeting I was read a letter saying that the general board had agreed to remove
me as pastor and minister of the Apostolic Assembly. They offered me three months of benefits
and 3 thousand dollars as compensation, if I signed a paper to the fact. I called my attorney but
after not answering, I decided not to sign, therefore the benefits and check ceased immediately.
The following day the same check was sent to me saying it was an offering for me, but I did not
accept it.
Now it is being said that I divided the church. I say that they divided it with their actions.
They closed down the temple and the following day at the meeting I was removed from the
ministry, and that same night I was called "Ex-pastor". I felt ridiculed, rejected and the people
too. Now I say, I was not given a trial, I was not told beforehand, and have no records and here I
present my letter of excommunication from the Apostolic Assembly; Church we love much
my wife, I, and my children. Thousands of brethren are praying for us, therefore, thank you,
esteemed pastors and members for your love and respect, we love you in Christ Jesus.
The following is an inventory that we have left for the Apostolic Assembly:
1. A savings account: $187,712.31 (6-3-08) at Wells Fargo Bank. At this same bank is
deposited tithes, donations, missionary works, departments and love offerings. This money is a
loan pro-construction, that was made with Lane Foundation, by brother Arturo Lopez, who has
the original paperwork.
2. A CD of$860,493.93 with the date March 31,2008 with the bank Federal of Broadway
of Los Angeles, California. This account was made tripartite with the local church,
IDCN District, and the General Offices. Both files have been signed and notarized, with copies
to each party. Sunday School $1,711.53, temple $165,000.00 (value) and 4.8 acres of vacant
land pro-construction 13th and Mt. Vernon, the commercial value this day, and the Access Value
is $274,317.00.
I attest,
Brother Baldemar Rodriguez Email:

February 11, 2013 at 4:59 PM

Br. Maldonado said...

Brothers and sisters, the false prophet has been ushered in at the Harlot Church and the LORD JESUS is a the door. Pray for these poor brothers that were snagged by the enemy, may God have mercy on their souls! But as for the rest of us, we need to make sure we are living as God commands, loving HIM above all else, with all our hearts, souls, minds and strength! And our fellowmen as ourselves! Will He find you doing this? Isaiah 17 is about to be fulfilled as well as Isaiah 19! Don't be distracted by the sin in your brothers! Keep your eyes on the author and finisher of our FAITH, Jesus Christ our Almighty King and Savior! Concentrate on your own homes and clean out all the leaven there. Let the LORD deal with the others! Maranatha!

Unknown said...

AA.Heraldo said...
Sadly, but I can CONFIRM that EL PROFETA AA is right.


Si ustedes creen que las infracciones de Sanchez durante las elecciones del 2006 fue algo grande, lo que viene de Valverde va a destruir lo poco respetable que le queda a la Asamblea.

Y lo triste de todo es que cada uno de los miembros de la honorale (lol) Mesa Directiva estan envueltos - Incluyendo Fortino.

Blogmaster Leyvas you might want to start a new blog about the downfall of the AA presidency and its Board members. COMING VERY SOON!

El profeta lo a dicho ENJ!"

Unknown said...

Ya comenso la mano juzgadora de Dios!
En el 2007 le profetice al presidente Sanchez que la AA hiba a ser dividida sobre las artemanas que hiso durante la eleccion, y se burlo de mi y no hiso caso.
El ano pasado (2012) le profetice al presidente Valverde de su caida, y me reprendio y se burlo de mi.
Me he estado tratando de comunicar con los miembros de la mesa directiva para decirles que Dios no ha terminado, y no me quieren oir. Hay otras profecias que vienen para el resto de la des"honorable" mesa directiva, y pronto se haran notorias.
Pero no tengo el deseo de divulgar mas porque hombres como San Antone perturba el espiritu de este blog.
Si no interviene este hombre (San Antone) con sus repeticiones entonces voy a seguir compartiendo, en este blog y otros, lo que Dios me sigue dando.

Mientras tanto para el resto de la mesa directiva de la AA esta es palabra de Dios para ustedes, "El Señor destruye la casa de los soberbios...Al Señor le repugnan los planes malvados, pero las palabras amables le son aceptables. El que es ambicioso trastorna su casa, pero el que desprecia el soborno vivirá. El justo piensa bien, antes de responder." Proverbios 15:25-28.

March 22, 2013 at 5:25 PM

Unknown said...

Soon before the Apostolic Assembly church cult completely sinks more and more of the teachers, preachers and members of the Apostolic Assembly church cult will realize that they do not need the 501c3 Apostolic Assembly church cult to teach, preach and or fellowship, alright? All they need is a sincere faith and love for God and Christ our Lord and Savior and a sincere love for each other, amen?

Bloggers...Religion cannot be free if you have to pay the government, through taxation, to exercise it. Since churches aren't taxable in the first place, why do so many of them go to the IRS and seek permission to be tax-exempt? It occurs out of:

Ignorance ("We didn't know any better")
Bandwagon logic ("Everyone else is doing it")
Professional advice (many attorneys and CPAs recommend it)

Does the law require, or even encourage, a church to organize as a 501c3? To answer that question let's turn to what the IRS itself has to say.

Churches Need Not Apply!

" Congress shall make no law
respecting an establishment of religion,
or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…" 1st Amendment of the Constitution of the U.S.A.


March 23, 2013 at 7:00 PM

santa maria! said...

I say we all congregate with san antone. atleast this way we know our leader is crazy. BTW where do you congregate fearless leader???

santa maria! said...

It got quiet in here, i wonder if SAN ANTONE took his meds...shhhhhhhhh

Sorel said...

Word from my sources close to Fontana church is that Valverde claims to have secret dirt on all the board members:
Prado-Victor & Joe
Martin Del Campo

And of course on Sanchez and Pacheco also!

Sorel said...

Valverde also told a relative that if there is a lawsuit he will spill the beans on everybody for what they did to him!

santa maria! said...

Sorel, it's no secret that they all have dirt on each other. At this point who cares, take them all out and start from scratch, i say.

santa maria! said...

I think they'll all look good in handcuffs.

The_End_is_Near said...

What is this world coming to?
When you can't even have honor among thieves!

santa maria! said...

I do kinda feel bad for the congregation at FTC, they keep believing a lie. I do have to say that sammy is a great performer. That fool got a standing ovation, amazing! Sheep are dumb...

The_End_is_Near said...

Raquelito should be also looked at for hacking e-mails as we have read on Eddie's comments.
Wonder if she still feels like the queen driving around on her Mercedes funded probably by the Flor Azul?
And Espinoza, everyone knows what he was up too in Oddesa TX.
and the Aguilars you can't more dysfunction than that. With Jamie catching jungle fever and the others getting into the gold dust fraud scam!
Prado..just look how dysfunction his son is and still probably doesn't don't know how to drive either.

Sorel said...

santa maria! that's the point. All of them should be taken out NOT just Valverde. But the AA people are so blind they keep telling each other, "Just let God do His will and He will take care of business." lol.
Because the AA people and pastors don't say anything, man continues to do his will.
A relative of mine close to the Aguilar's told me he heard jason Aguilar say that his uncle Bishop Daniel Salomon won the presidency in the election of 2006. And that's why Sanchez and specially Valverde worked hard at removing him.
And the sad commentary is that when the board gets the pastor together to vote they tell them to fast so God can do the will of God! What a joke!

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

@ Santa Maria and all concerned: All who congregate with me are all those provided with a personal and private invitation, alright? No cult members like you allowed, ok?

Unknown said...

Apostolic folks there is no real hope in the 501c3 Apostolic Assembly church cult organization or any like it. The only true hope is to study to shew yourselves approved of God and begin to teach and preach the true gospel of Christ free of any charges and get together at least two or three for fellowship, amen?

Unknown said...

To repent is an act of faith and it is a component of our Salvation.
Jeremiah 18:8
If that nation, against whom I have pronounced, turn from their evil, I will REPENT of the evil that I thought to do unto them.
Jeremiah 26:13
Therefore now amend your ways and your doings, and obey the voice of the LORD your God; and the LORD will REPENT him of the evil that he hath pronounced against you.
Matthew 4:17
From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.
Mark 1:15
And saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: REPENT ye, and believe the gospel.
Mark 6:12
And they went out, and preached that men should repent.
Luke 13:3
I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.
Acts 2:38
Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
Acts 3:19
Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord;
Acts 17:30
And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent:

Unknown said...

"Brethren" You may not be interested in reading this because its not bad chisme but rather a reminder

We need to understand first, that God looks at sin the same. No matter how bad or how small it may be, God sees all these sins the same. The fact that all of this is coming to light does not negate that fact that Jesus Christ died on the Cross over 2,000 years ago with all of us in mind dying for ALL of our SINS SMALL or BIG. That's why we thank God for his grace and mercy every day which we do not deserve, but obtain it through Jesus Christ. Furthermore, Jesus tells us not to judge anyone, lest we ourselves will be judged.

God's word tells us that LOVE covers a multitude of sin. Im not saying that it is ok to keep sinning, no, however God's grace and mercy is there for when we do fall into sin.

Yes, there are consequences for our actions, but let God take care of all of that. Everyone here, instead of slandering people, should use this same energy to spread the Gospel of Christ out there. There are lots of work that needs to be done for the Kingdom of God.

Dont let this thing stop our main purpose here on earth which is to spread the Gospel and tell everyone of the Love, Grace and Mercy of Jesus Christ and the reward that awaits when they become a believer.

God Bless You All in Jesus Name


Unknown said...

To get baptized in the name of Christ our Lord and Savior is and act of faith and it is a component of our Salvation.
Matthew 3:6
And were BAPTIZED of him in Jordan, confessing their sins.
Matthew 3:13
Then cometh Jesus from Galilee to Jordan unto John, to be BAPTIZED of him.
Matthew 3:14
But John forbad him, saying, I have need to be BAPTIZED of thee, and comest thou to me?
Matthew 3:16
And Jesus, when he was baptized, went up straightway out of the water: and, lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and lighting upon him:
Matthew 20:22
But Jesus answered and said, Ye know not what ye ask. Are ye able to drink of the cup that I shall drink of, and to be BAPTIZED with the baptism that I am BAPTIZED with? They say unto him, We are able.
Matthew 20:23
And he saith unto them, Ye shall drink indeed of my cup, and be BAPTIZED with the baptism that I am BAPTIZED with: but to sit on my right hand, and on my left, is not mine to give, but [it shall be given to them] for whom it is prepared of my Father.
Mark 1:5
And there went out unto him all the land of Judaea, and they of Jerusalem, and were all BAPTIZED of him in the river of Jordan, confessing their sins.
Mark 1:8
I indeed have BAPTIZED you with water: but he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost.
Mark 16:16
He that believeth and is BAPTIZED shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.
Luke 3:12
Then came also publicans to be baptized, and said unto him, Master, what shall we do?
Luke 3:21
Now when all the people were baptized, it came to pass, that Jesus also being baptized, and praying, the heaven was opened,
Luke 7:30
But the Pharisees and lawyers rejected the counsel of God against themselves, being not BAPTIZED of him.
John 3:22
After these things came Jesus and his disciples into the land of Judaea; and there he tarried with them, and baptized.
John 4:1
When therefore the Lord knew how the Pharisees had heard that Jesus made and BAPTIZED more disciples than John,
John 4:2
(Though Jesus himself BAPTIZED not, but his disciples,)
Acts 1:5
For John truly BAPTIZED with water; but ye shall be BAPTIZED with the Holy Ghost not many days hence.
Acts 2:38
Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be BAPTIZED every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.

Acts 2:41
Then they that gladly received his word were baptized: and the same day there were added [unto them] about three thousand souls.
Acts 8:12
But when they believed Philip preaching the things concerning the kingdom of God, and the name of Jesus Christ, they were baptized, both men and women.

Unknown said...

Prayer is an act of faith. Baptism is an act of faith. To get baptized all a believer needs to do is to have faith, invite at the least one friend or two (the more the merrier) to witness your baptism, go to a body of water such as a pool or big bath tub, go into the pool or tub (you may invite a friend to go into the water with you to help you as you get baptized)ask your friend to pray with you as you call on the Lord saying something like "My God! Christ my Lord and Savior! Come into my life, wash me from all my sins, lead me, fill me and lead me with your Holy
Spirit now and forever I pray! Pray the above prayer before you go down and submerge yourself completely in the water and you may do it again after you come out of the water to ensure you are complete to fulfill all righteousness. You can revise and or paraphrase the above prayer. It may be helpful for you to work on repeating and memorizing this prayer as best as you can before getting in the water to get baptized and to talk about your plans for baptism with your friend who will go into the water with you before you do it. Have a paper certificate prepared before hand and have pen and at least one or two witnesses sign it. State the date and how you got baptized on the certificate. It should state that you got baptized in the name of Christ the Lord and Savior as commanded by God in his holy scriptures. Include at least one scripture such as Acts 2:38

Unknown said...

1 Corinthians 6:2
Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world? and if the world shall be judged by you, are ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters?

1 Corinthians 6:3
Know ye not that we shall judge angels? how much more things that pertain to this life?

1 Corinthians 6:4
If then ye have judgments of things pertaining to this life, set them to judge who are least esteemed in the church.

1 Corinthians 6:5
I speak to your shame. Is it so, that there is not a wise man among you? no, not one that shall be able to judge between his brethren?

Unknown said...

1 Corinthians 14:29
Let the prophets speak two or three, and let the other judge.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Fools do not know any better and should not be allowed to judge but wise Christians should, alright?

Unknown said...

Wise Christians are the ones needed in the jury box, courts and in the congregations to judge righteously, amen?

Foolish so called Christians that do not know any better should be excused, alright?

Unknown said...

The foolish so called Christians will allow the Anti-Christs into their homes and congregations to lead them, ok?

While the wise Christians will not allow any cult members, leaders and or any other with another gospel into their homes and congregations, amen?

Unknown said...

2 Corinthians 11:4
For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him.

Unknown said...

Galatians 1:6
I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel:

Unknown said...

Galatians 1:8
But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.

Unknown said...

Galatians 1:9
As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.

Unknown said...

1 Peter 4:17
For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?

The_End_is_Near said...

Ya mijo!!!
Stop being so tonto.
Your giving the familia a bad name!
I know you can't help it sometimes because when you were born the doctor dropped you on your head.
They said you would be a little tonto, but ya es mucho!!!
Come home for dinner I have your favorite... Los Rice Krispys!!

Anonymous said...


I hear you brother.

This is the news of the day and we all marvel at how things turned out.

But you are correct sir the end of the day.

Jesus is and should be the center of all our efforts and to continue to do good and draw closer to him.

Unknown said...

2 John 1:10 If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed:

The_End_is_Near said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
santa maria! said...

@ San Antone, don't be rude and listen to yo mama!!! And go cut those yellow dirty finger nails!

Br. Maldonado said...

San Antone, one of the 7 things God Hates is sowing discord among the brethren. All here have been baptized in the Name of our Lord Jesus. So, please refrain from being no better that the ones you are judging! You leave them in God's Hand and you go about your business helping your family and friends, just be careful not to be poisoned by hate, which is NOT of God, and then poison the ones you think you are helping! The Lord be with you brother!

santa maria! said...

He's not going to respond right now, his vieja home from work. San Antone is waiting at the diner table with his fork and knife waiting for his hardworking wife to feed him.

santa maria! said...

I just hope he has enough manners to slap her in the butt and say thank

Unknown said...
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santa maria! said...

@Gudelio Pioquinto,Llame a un abogado, usted, como el diezmo miembro, tiene derecho a hacerlo. Si es importante para usted, hacer la llamada.

Unknown said...

Seguiran ganando esta nueva amdinistracion Mas de $10,000.00 Por mes. Mas los sueldos de sus iglesias, mas tarjetas de Credito, carros, seguros medicos y cuanto mas.

Los obispos, ancianos y pastores pediran que cada miembro de la mesa directiva rinda cuentas y de su testimonio del desfalco de 20,0000000.00 de dolares?

Pediran los obispos, ancianos y pastores la renuncia temporal de toda la Directiva nacional hasta que todo se esclarezca.?

Ya destituyeron a Valverde y le confiscaran todas las propiedades y cuentas de Banco y la iglesia como lo hicieron con Baldemar rodriguez. Ya le cambiaron las cerraduras de la Iglesia que pastoreaba?

La mesa directiva sacara toda la verdad a la iglesia y al ministerio y taparan todo bajo secreto Ejecutivo para cubrirse uno a otro.

Creen que todos los miembros de la mesa directiva es tan involucrados directa o indirectamente?

Creen que no se daban cuenta que faltaba un millon antes que faltaran trece, si se reunen una vez por mes.
Se dividira otra vez la Asamblea con Sam Valverde Igual que como Con Efrain Valverde?

Creen que queda tela que cortar?

Anonymous said...

I remember how members of our church defended these men while we protested and tried to reveal their actions. Now, people call out for Skotty and are looking for someone to do the dirty work. We smelled the roses and new it was time to leave the cult and their obsolute control. Pride kept most of you in or the promise to fill the positions of the men you betrayed. Don't you know there are no winners in the deals made with the devil. All who have sin on their hands will be revealed by The Lord and soon the AA will be brought to its knees. Not by men but by the hands of God. Don't act surprised you all were told of their ways 5 years ago.

santa maria! said...

Andrew, that is very inappropriate. Let's consult San Antone about this matter, I'll call him,(clearing my voice)...IDIOTAAAAA!!!! Te necesitamos!!!!

santa maria! said...

Pastor, Bishop, Cult Leader and head of his house hold (kinda),San Antone has all the answers. Let me summons him...FREE NACHOS!!!

Unknown_123 said...

@san antone - after hearing your's no mystery why you are bitter. Hahaha

You speak a lot about apostolic organization...I'm sure you were never a successful pastor, this could be the reason for your bitterness and frustration from trying to operate out of your calling. It is natural to attack the ones that caused you to notice your weakness, but remember that God is the Healer of your loneliness

santa maria! said...

Ofcourse he's a successful pastor, his congregation is made up of himself, his wife, his altered ego and that cute daughter of his.

YaBasta said...



santa maria! said...

@YaBasta, Amen to that! That dude just needs to come out with all of it along with his "personal staff." Come on A. Rodriguez (fat guy with the super hot ex-wife) spill the beans!!!! nevermind, you'll just eat them off the floor.

WatchOut! said...

Whaaat! Sam Valverde wasn't planning on telling the truth??? Now that's a real ROFLOL for you.

SANTONE said...

Andrew Rodriguez better not be involved in the real estate transactions or providing the loans...if his fingerprints are found on any of these loans, he could be spending some time in the penitentiary....Andrew already has a record for loan fraud from his previous mortgage business when he went BK 15 years ago. Someone is going to prison for this whole loan and email mess. Sam should be a man and not allow his wife, Rachel to suffer for her accessing the email account of Solomon. Then Sam kept getting into Solomon's email? Why hasn't the San Bernardino District Attorney's office been contacted regarding this corporate loan fraud? Sam Valverde will be going to prison...we are about to see some pointing of the fingers towards each other...SAM V also has dirt on the other board members! It's a house of cards and that is why the pastor's are not receiving formal letters to explain. The new president is assigning the positions on the board and the election process of the constitution is being violated.

SANTONE said...

Computer / Network Intrusion Crimes

(e.g., Penal Code § 502 violations - Hacking, Denial of Service, Theft of Data)

State investigation or prosecution should be considered when any of the following factors potentially applies:

An intrusion causes “significant” damage (e.g., loss of more than $50,000, impairment of records, threat to health and safety, actual physical injury).
An intrusion causes a “significant” breach of confidentiality (e.g., the value of the information was greater than $50,000, the intrusion was for the purpose of commercial gain, or the intrusion was for some other criminal purpose).
An intrusion involves a state government computer system.
Local jurisdiction declines prosecution due to technical or resource issues.

SANTONE said...

The law requires that the Apostolic Assembly make a formal notification and investigate if there was a breach of computer security.

AA Board Members: Please do not be slow in notifying the law enforcement community of the breach by both Rachel Contreras Valverde & Samuel Pacheco Valverde.

Data Security Breach Reporting

California law requires a business or state agency to notify any California resident whose unencrypted personal information, as defined, was acquired, or reasonably believed to have been acquired, by an unauthorized person. (California Civil Code s. 1798.29(a) and California Civ. Code s. 1798.82(a))

Any person or business that is required to issue a security breach notification to more than 500 California residents as a result of a single breach of the security system shall electronically submit a single sample copy of that security breach notification, excluding any personally identifiable information, to the Attorney General. (California Civil Code s. 1798.29(e) and California Civ. Code s. 1798.82(f))
If you are a Business or State Agency

Please use our on-line form to Submit Data Security Breach notification samples.



SANTONE said...

Corporations Code § 5223 - Requires service on AG regarding a lawsuit for removal of a corporate director.

Corporations Code § 5617 - Requires notice to AG of action to determine validity of election of a director of any corporation.

SANTONE said...


IT's time to come clean on the NAVA Charitable Foundation.

It was never properly established and you are running it like a slush fund.

SANTONE said...

Email Hacking Is A Serious Crime:

Practically everyone has an email account, and they're used for personal and business reasons.

It's only natural for us to expect a little privacy in our email, and there are all sorts of federal and state laws protecting that privacy.

A case involving former Governor Sarah Palin shows how serious it can be to break these laws and hack into someone else's email account.

College "Prank?"

In April 2010, David Kernell went on trial for "hacking" into then-Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin's personal email account.

In 2008, John McCain was the Republican party's candidate for president. Sarah Palin was the Governor of Alaska and McCain's vice-presidential running mate. David Kernell, the son of a Tennessee state lawmaker, was a student at the University of Tennessee.

Kernell was indicted - meaning a grand jury thought there was enough evidence to put him on trial - on several federal charges. A jury convicted him of two charges. He was sentenced to one year and one day in federal prison.

Rock Solid said...

Sound like Sam can start a new ministry... a prison ministry!!

SANTONE said...

Here is the Federal Statute on email hacking:

Quoting 18 USC Sec. 2701. - Unlawful access to stored communications
(a) Offense.--Except as provided in subsection (c) of this section whoever--

(1) intentionally accesses without authorization a facility through which an electronic communication service is provided; or

(2) intentionally exceeds an authorization to access that facility;

and thereby obtains, alters, or prevents authorized access to a wire or electronic communication while it is in electronic storage in such system shall be punished as provided in subsection (b) of this section.

(b) Punishment.--The punishment for an offense under subsection (a) of this section is--

(1) if the offense is committed for purposes of commercial advantage, malicious destruction or damage, or private commercial gain, or in furtherance of any criminal or tortious act in violation of the Constitution or laws of the United States or any State--

(A) a fine under this title or imprisonment for not more than 5 years, or both, in the case of a first offense under this subparagraph; and
(B) a fine under this title or imprisonment for not more than 10 years, or both, for any subsequent offense under this subparagraph; and

(2) in any other case--

(A) a fine under this title or imprisonment for not more than 1 year or both, in the case of a first offense under this paragraph; and

(B) a fine under this title or imprisonment for not more than 5 years, or both, in the case of an offense under this subparagraph that occurs after a conviction of another offense under this section.

(c) Exceptions.--Subsection (a) of this section does not apply with respect to conduct authorized--

(1) by the person or entity providing a wire or electronic communications service;

(2) by a user of that service with respect to a communication of or intended for that user; or

(3) in section 2703, 2704 or 2518 of this title.

SANTONE said...

Hermano's and hermana's THIS IS ABOUT TO GET REAL UGLY!




SANTONE said...






SANTONE said...



SANTONE said...

All you bishops should have stopped SAM V a long time ago!!

Have you noticed that have of the AA staff is also working at the FTC staff...Half the time they were working at the AA offices they were doing stuff for FTC on the AA's dime...

You would think someone would have said you can't have them working on staff for both the AA and FTC...


-Roy Hernandez
-Sam Rojas
-A. Santos - Care Pastor
-N. Ochoa - Administrator
-Ramon Leal
-Julio Leal
-Andrew Rodriguez
-Cathy Rojas

and they were receiving salaries from the AA and FTC and double dipping...

That should leave a bad taste in most AA pastor's mouth!!!

even if it was just appearance of being unethical, Sam should have never done it!

Rock Solid said...

Have the locks been changed on FTC like they were on all the churches of the Bishops and Pastors that were kicked out for trying to correct a corrupt election?
Sam should step down as pastor while this is all investigated, i am sure he would totally understand1925

Here we go again said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Here we go again said...

I know the vast majority through your comments are GED students, so I will not be extensive. First, the IRS does not investigate 501c3's without having a paper trail showing proof of legal violation (they are very lazy) that leads to tax assessment. So if you don't have these documents too bad! Secondly, the 501c3 corporation has the right to transfer legal loan obligations to any other asset as it pleases as they are shared assets. An officer of the corporation (SV) can transfer obligations. Looks like You lose again. Third, all bishops in the AA fear God more than manna, so they are not likely to express opposition (because they are funding their own IRA's). Ok! everyone happy? Let's move on, there are people dying today all over America without Jesus, and your dribble does nothing but to show the non believers of your ignorance. Throughout history there have been charlatans, liars, deceivers and worse (Nero, not the software). The gospel will prevail as it has. Please don't waste too much time reading post's here. Furthermore, any post after this one is a waste of time.

Unknown said...

applauses Boxed_In's comments

Like I mentioned yesterday, instead of waisting energy on here trying to point fingers and fault finding,we should be utilizing this energy to doing the Work of the Lord in which we have ALL been called to do. Go out and share the Love, Grace and Mercy of Jesus Christ.

The amount of time that people spend to slander someone, they can use that same time and email family, friends and co-workers and tell them about a living God that loves them and wants a relationship with them.

We should remember our faults as Jesus looks at them the same and has died for them over 2,000 years ago.

Everyone here who posts negative things and are so bitter towards the AA organization or any organization for that matter, are full of bitterness and have no love for them.

If you read your bible, Many great leaders who were called by God made terrible mistakes and of course there were consequences, but yet they were still Mend of God.

1st Chronicles 16:22 "Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm."

Regardless of what has been done, These men of God that have made mistakes are still God's anointed whether you like it or not.

When you talk about someone or slander someone, you are in fact doing them harm and are therefore going against the Word of God.

We need to pray for our leaders as mandated by the Word of God according to

1Timothy 2:1-2 "Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, 2 for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence."

Brethren, if you are believer, I urge you to stop all slander and enjoyment of someone's mistake and work on YOUR SALVATION and YOUR mistakes!

God Bless You All!

Enjoy your day!

Unknown said...

I think he had it coming. Sam and his fellow thugs. Would make fun of Men of God that are greater than they will ever be. The are only reaping what they sowed. The sowed discord, hate, anger, bitterness, and so much more. Well now their harvest has come in. On some level I do feel bad for the man. However, thinking on all that he has done to others along the way. Tends to hold back the sympathy.

Heavenly Anonomys said...

to box_in. There is a paper trail. There were legal matters that were taken upon the AA. like Houston church "Pastor Mendoza." and there is a small church in the district great lakes. that when the settlement was done, the AA put clause. that there case and that there and files would be sealed. so there is paper trails. that the IRS is probably lazy, yes your probably right.

Are you ready for the truth? said...

t is amazing how man can destroy things on purpose and yet communicate that they are the victims and are being persecuted, that word should not even be used in what Valverde, Sanchez, Espinoza and the others have done. Some fault can lay with those that could have spoken up but were too afraid at losing their little kingdoms at the end there cowardice has brought us to this point. Ladies and Gentleman, the reason thousands have left the AA and over 275 pastors have left was caused by cowards like Elias Duarte that also saw what Abel Torres saw but chose to clam up for fear of losing his little kingdom in Bakersfield. Others at first I congratulated but soon retracted my congratulations because they also became cowards towards Sanchez and his clan: to name a few: Julian Aguirre, Joe Mendoza, Benjamin Quiroz, Romo, Adam Lopez, Abel Jimenez these men along with many others chose to remain silent and should be considered partially responsible. Thank You Daniel Solomon, Saul Avila, Saul Montez, Salvador Mendoza, Daniel Jauhall, Issac Cota, Baldemar Rodriguez and Arthur Tafoya for standing up for what was right.
In order for the Assembly to clean this up you must do the following:
1. Hold people responsible and if it calls for removal of office or from their church then so be it.
2. Hold a special voting conference and not allow any sitting or previous board member run for office.
3. Change the by-laws to remove the power from a handful of men
4. Change the by-laws to state that pastors is the highest form of office in the church
5. Change the by-laws to state that any one or any small group of people can no longer dictate the actions of the Assembly which will recognize the church and pastor as the highest form of office in the organization.
6. Evaluate the compensation of the Assembly leadership - do not allow them to use their position to gain excessive finances.
7. Establish a fellowship of counselors made up of senior elders of the church to offer direction and advice.
8. Establish true peace and communion with pastors that have left the AA not for the purpose of bringing them back but for the purpose of being in one mind and in one accord in the eyes of God.
Only then can the Assembly truly move to changing to become a real and powerful force against the kindgom of satan.
Just my thoughts for today.

jm said...


porq said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Humbled said...

I can only say what I have experienced. Personally working in the corporate world I can detect ambitious men. I saw the attitude that was prevalent and the culture being established for longevity to keep them insulated and ensure that there culture keeps power. I think it mirrors our own government corrupt ways. The same thing a new upper class has been formed comprised of Hollywood celebrities, powerful corporate financial tycoons, high power senators, special interest groups, Rich activist ...etc. All to make sure the cash flows in there direction therefore giving them full ADVANTAGE in ELECTIONS MONEY and SOCIAL STATUS. Manipulated by special activist groups behind the scenes. I would expect that from companies and corporations because its all about the money right? I am saddened and disappointed but that is what happens when man is reveres man more than God. Man is so blinded by his own greatness and loses focus he only sees his own greatness. I will not judge these men because I love them all in Christ. I will pray and wait on the Lord. God is in Control and I will step aside. I pray for them and cry for mercy. It really reflects where we are as followers of Christ. If we are so engulfed with hatred with the things that we say on these blogs or forums. Then we are not following Christ we follow man and his man made establishment. We need to humble our selves pray and turn from our wicked ways in order for God to heal us. God is a Just God. We need Him right now. Too much crazy chatter and cackle is only reflective of our own character. Lets not celebrate the falling of your brother. We don't deny what happened, but lets have some fear of God. This can be a test for all of us. I am deeply saddened. I feel like our camp has stopped in the middle of the desert. Like when God spanked Israel for worshiping the idol. Lets not revere man so much! Remember we serve a jealous God! Lets turn to God! We as members may have a lot to do with this because we have placed these men in harms way by revering them so much. We put them on very high pedestals. We serve a Jealous God and He is still Just. Instead lets love and pray for them. The word says How will they know they are my disciples? I believe it says, how they love one another. Seek God's direction. We need to find the alders of the church and pray as I'm sure they are already. We lost our way, we need to rise from the ashes by Faith. Men of God if you are truly of God conduct yourselves as such!

santa maria! said...

@Humbled, Shut up! I pray that you have the courage to do something about it instead of, blah blah blah. That's the same junk that you "AA" members somehow understand. DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!!!

WatchOut! said...

And the ax keeps swinging! Someone should start a "Lynched" list . . . remember that? The tables have turned!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Are you ready for the truth? said...

Dear Humbled: There is nothing that you wrote that I disagree with however will you use that stand to just sit by and do nothing? I equally understand that as humans we all make mistakes and I am chief among them however it's hard to have compassion and apply what your wrote and by the way what I also believe on people or persons that purposely do wrong for the self exaltation or gain at the expense and investment of so many people that have and continue to work hard to advance the church for God's Glory. You don't force a man like Guillermo Mendoza to retire for the purpose of putting a 'crony' into that church which by the way he was eventually forced out but Pastor Mendoza continued in his calling and is pastoring even today with hundreds that continue to support him. You don't do think illegally again for self gain and expect the same compassion that is used on people that fail. Look what happened to Achan, because of his disobedience for self gain he and his whole family were killed. (Please don't get me wrong, I'm not a nut case implying that the same should happen in this case. It is sad that it is more clear now that God has been used to promote the misdeed by saying to the pastors 'let's all pray that the Lord direct us in who is voted' when it is evidently clear that underhanded things were already going on and ultimately after several efforts many pastors requesting a review of some was ignore by Sanchez and his board we then see the exodus of thousands of saints and almost 275 pastors and still counting that have left to get away from this sort of misdeed and disappointing administrations. The sad fact that this has also cause many perhaps in the hundreds that decided to leave the church period because of statements and beliefs likes your that people either didn't want to or were afraid of confronting the issues and chose instead to clam up and not say anything and once again use God and His Word as a way out, "well we just got to pray for them. everyone makes mistakes and so on and so on'
So HUMBLED are you going to stand for what is right and try to influence change or are you going to sand idly by and watch a great church organization be torn at the seams? Will you be brave enough to quote the scriptures that state "MARK those that cause division among you" or if they do not repent after the third time then they should be dealt with or put out?" but no, most stay with the same of the same and as the result the same of the same happens.
AA you have a chance to make that change now, because if it's again ignored and people are not held accountable then you will only deserve what you get.
My words for today

Anonymous said...

San Antoña is so quiet today.

I think she got a job.

What a great feeling to be free of that chavala

Now your haina won't be the sole bread winner ese.

Here we go again said...

Good afternoon sojourners, it's another day in the neighborhood, how much time will you spend in the Word today, hopefully more than on this site.

Let us not join the fallen, rather let us rise up with our own integrity, our own consistency, our own honor. Let us not gloat today at the errors of those near us, Jesus reminds us to pray daily to be delivered from temptation, and we must ask to be delivered from evil as well.

God is just and merciful, no evil deed goes unpunished. No good work is unrewarded. Are we better than these who have committed these offenses? Will we not ourselves stand in the great white hall of judgment, to give account ourselves? By what measure of justice will we receive, when the Lord brings up all of our posts in that day.

Jesus asked "who is good?", then replied "none are good." The stain of a tarnished reputation and soiled testimony lasts a lifetime, and will now lead to unfulfilled objectives and goals, and shatters dreams.

Does not the body itself teach you that when a wound occurs, you must sanitize, bandage and airate the area allowing for restoration to take place. I pray that you have not cut off your finger for a sliver.

Was not David God's anointed himself an adulterer, and a conspirator to murder, did he not also lie to the prophet Nathan about his deeds. Did he not suffer for these transgressions. Yet do we not esteem his testimony as God was with him?

Don't remain intrigued by the handiwork of the enemy. He seeks to steal, to kill, and destroy all of us. The time you spend seeking and advocating justice for matters of God, rob you of unrecoverable lost opportunities, to minister to others.

Find it in your heart to move on, and leave these matters to those who themselves must give account for these dealings.

Read Proverbs Chapter 1 today.

Unknown said...

1 Corinthians 6:2
Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world? and if the world shall be judged by you, are ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters?

1 Corinthians 6:3
Know ye not that we shall judge angels? how much more things that pertain to this life?

1 Corinthians 6:4
If then ye have judgments of things pertaining to this life, set them to judge who are least esteemed in the church.

1 Corinthians 6:5
I speak to your shame. Is it so, that there is not a wise man among you? no, not one that shall be able to judge between his brethren?

1 Corinthians 14:29
Let the prophets speak two or three, and let the other judge.

Fools do not know any better and should not be allowed to judge but wise Christians should, alright?

March 26, 2013 at 3:50 PM
SAN ANTONE said...
Wise Christians are the ones needed in the jury box, courts and in the congregations to judge righteously, amen?

Foolish so called Christians that do not know any better should be excused, alright?

The foolish so called Christians will allow the Anti-Christs into their homes and congregations to lead them, ok?

While the wise Christians will not allow any cult members, leaders and or any other with another gospel into their homes and congregations, amen?

2 Corinthians 11:4
For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him.

Galatians 1:6
I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel:

Galatians 1:8
But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.

Galatians 1:9
As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.

1 Peter 4:17
For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?

Unknown said...

Wise hard working Christians are able to multi-task including executing righteous judgement and teaching and preaching the gospel of Christ at the same time.

Only fools let the wicked stay and lead them in the Apostolic Assembly church cult, alright?

Br. Maldonado said...

@ Humbled, well said my brother! This event has brought to the surface, hideous things lurking in the hearts of many who somehow feel they are better that these poor snared souls that fell at satan's tempting! I pray, they stop and reflect, looking at the vitriol coming out of their hearts. Then, as true believers, drop to their knees and ask God to be washed from this poison that has crept into their hearts. Let God be God and Judge, step out of His way and pray you are not next being humiliated, my brothers and sisters! God bless you all!

Prosecuter said...

And the outcome is as follows:

March 25, 2013
Esteemed Pastors of the Apostolic Assembly:

Paz de Cristo, Praying the Lord's blessing upon you and your family.

On Wednesday March 13th, 2013, the General Board agreed to form a Commission of Honor and Justice in accordance to Article 40 Clause 1 (2012 Constitution) to inquire about administrative claims in regards to President Samuel Valverde.

This Commission convened for nine days to address the claims and on Friday morning March 22nd, 2013 the Commission met with President Samuel Valverde presenting the findings of their investigation. Upon receiving this information, Bishop Samuel Valverde verbally submitted his resignation as President of the Apostolic Assembly and it was done in an honorable and respectful manner. A prayer was made and peace prevailed as we were dismissed.

Immediately thereafter, the Commission of Honor and Justice proceeded with Constitutional protocol so that the Vice President should assume the Presidency according to Article 20 Clause 1 (2012 Constitution). In the presence of this Commission, the General Secretary, Bishop Victor O. Prado, gave the oath of office for Vice President John Fortino to assume the responsibility of President of the Apostolic Assembly until the 2014 General Electoral Convention. Subsequently, the Commission of Honor and Justice proceeded in nominating and electing the General Board positions that became vacant based on Article 22 Clause IV and V (2012 Constitution).

On Monday March 25th, 2103, President Samuel Valverde submitted his resignation in writing, which the General Board of Directors accepted according to Article 22 Clause II (2012 Constitution). Article 40 Clause VI (2012 Constitution) provides for convening all the District Bishops for the installation of the new Bishop President and the General Board Officers that were nominated and elected. The convocation is scheduled for Tuesday April 2nd, 2013 at 9:00 A. M. All pertinent information on the matter will be presented at this meeting to all District Bishops.

Dear Pastors, the process has been heartbreaking and painful. Numerous times, prayer interrupted our sessions to seek the face of God for direction and help, in order to complete this delicate and serious matter. The Commission of Honor and Justice maintained its highest level of ethical and respectful conduct toward Bishop Samuel Valverde.

With respect, we present the new General Board of Directors, who will serve in their respective positions until the 2014 General Electoral Convention.

General Secretary:
General Treasurer:
Secretary of International Missions:
Secretary of National Missions:
Secretary of Christian Education:
Secretary of Social Assistance:

Bishop John Fortino
Bishop Victor O. Prado
Bishop Abel F. Aguilar
Bishop Leobardo A. Maffey
Bishop Arthur Espinosa
Bishop Joe Aguilar
Bishop Ishmael Martin del Campo
Bishop Joe Prado


Bishop Abel F. Aguilar
General Secretary

Unknown said...

And the outcome is as follows:

March 25, 2013
Esteemed Pastors of the Apostolic Assembly:

Paz de Cristo, Praying the Lord's blessing upon you and your family.

On Wednesday March 13th, 2013, the General Board agreed to form a Commission of Honor and Justice in accordance to Article 40 Clause 1 (2012 Constitution) to inquire about administrative claims in regards to President Samuel Valverde.

This Commission convened for nine days to address the claims and on Friday morning March 22nd, 2013 the Commission met with President Samuel Valverde presenting the findings of their investigation. Upon receiving this information, Bishop Samuel Valverde verbally submitted his resignation as President of the Apostolic Assembly and it was done in an honorable and respectful manner. A prayer was made and peace prevailed as we were dismissed.

Immediately thereafter, the Commission of Honor and Justice proceeded with Constitutional protocol so that the Vice President should assume the Presidency according to Article 20 Clause 1 (2012 Constitution). In the presence of this Commission, the General Secretary, Bishop Victor O. Prado, gave the oath of office for Vice President John Fortino to assume the responsibility of President of the Apostolic Assembly until the 2014 General Electoral Convention. Subsequently, the Commission of Honor and Justice proceeded in nominating and electing the General Board positions that became vacant based on Article 22 Clause IV and V (2012 Constitution).

On Monday March 25th, 2103, President Samuel Valverde submitted his resignation in writing, which the General Board of Directors accepted according to Article 22 Clause II (2012 Constitution). Article 40 Clause VI (2012 Constitution) provides for convening all the District Bishops for the installation of the new Bishop President and the General Board Officers that were nominated and elected. The convocation is scheduled for Tuesday April 2nd, 2013 at 9:00 A. M. All pertinent information on the matter will be presented at this meeting to all District Bishops.

Dear Pastors, the process has been heartbreaking and painful. Numerous times, prayer interrupted our sessions to seek the face of God for direction and help, in order to complete this delicate and serious matter. The Commission of Honor and Justice maintained its highest level of ethical and respectful conduct toward Bishop Samuel Valverde.

With respect, we present the new General Board of Directors, who will serve in their respective positions until the 2014 General Electoral Convention.

General Secretary:
General Treasurer:
Secretary of International Missions:
Secretary of National Missions:
Secretary of Christian Education:
Secretary of Social Assistance:

Bishop John Fortino
Bishop Victor O. Prado
Bishop Abel F. Aguilar
Bishop Leobardo A. Maffey
Bishop Arthur Espinosa
Bishop Joe Aguilar
Bishop Ishmael Martin del Campo
Bishop Joe Prado


Bishop Abel F. Aguilar
General Secretary

Unknown said...

1 Corinthians 6:2
Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world? and if the world shall be judged by you, are ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters?

1 Corinthians 6:3
Know ye not that we shall judge angels? how much more things that pertain to this life?

1 Corinthians 6:4
If then ye have judgments of things pertaining to this life, set them to judge who are least esteemed in the church.

1 Corinthians 6:5
I speak to your shame. Is it so, that there is not a wise man among you? no, not one that shall be able to judge between his brethren?

1 Corinthians 14:29
Let the prophets speak two or three, and let the other judge.

Fools do not know any better and should not be allowed to judge but wise Christians should, alright?

March 26, 2013 at 3:50 PM
SAN ANTONE said...
Wise Christians are the ones needed in the jury box, courts and in the congregations to judge righteously, amen?

Foolish so called Christians that do not know any better should be excused, alright?

The foolish so called Christians will allow the Anti-Christs into their homes and congregations to lead them, ok?

While the wise Christians will not allow any cult members, leaders and or any other with another gospel into their homes and congregations, amen?

2 Corinthians 11:4
For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him.

Galatians 1:6
I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel:

Galatians 1:8
But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.

Galatians 1:9
As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.

1 Peter 4:17
For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?

Unknown said...

Wise hard working Christians are able to multi-task including executing righteous judgement and teaching and preaching the gospel of Christ at the same time.

Only stupid pathetic fools let the wicked stay and lead them in the Apostolic Assembly church cult, alright?

Heavenly Anonomys said...

There are two prados and two aguilares. Are they all related?

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

No body truly needs any 501c3 so-called non for profit org/Apostolic Assembly/church/cult/pyramid scheme/business show and nobody needs any Apostolic Assembly type cult leader to get baptized in the name of Christ, alright?

And nobody needs or is required to be paying tithes to any cult and or cult leader either, ok?

Soon before the Apostolic Assembly church cult completely sinks more and more of the teachers, preachers and members of the Apostolic Assembly church cult will realize that they do not need the 501c3 Apostolic Assembly church cult to teach, preach and or fellowship, alright? All they need is a sincere faith and love for God and Christ our Lord and Savior and a sincere love for each other, amen?

Bloggers...Religion cannot be free if you have to pay the government, through taxation, to exercise it. Since churches aren't taxable in the first place, why do so many of them go to the IRS and seek permission to be tax-exempt? It occurs out of:

Ignorance ("We didn't know any better")
Bandwagon logic ("Everyone else is doing it")
Professional advice (many attorneys and CPAs recommend it)

Does the law require, or even encourage, a church to organize as a 501c3? To answer that question let's turn to what the IRS itself has to say.

Churches Need Not Apply!

" Congress shall make no law
respecting an establishment of religion,
or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…" 1st Amendment of the Constitution of the U.S.A.


Prosecuter said...

@Heavenly Anonomys: Victor & Joe Prado are cousins the Aguilars however are not related.

Unknown said...

I got joy like a river and I am like great tasting grapes not bitter only sweet tart. The problem is there are too many fools that like to have too many sweets in the teaching and preaching just like in their food and too often you can tell who they are because they are way too obese spiritually and physically because they have not learned to eat their fruits and veggies and they have too much sweet bread and donuts, ok?

Unknown said...

2 Timothy 4:3
For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;

2 Timothy 4:4
And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.

santa maria! said...

@San Antone, so how was diner last night??? We all missed your ignorant self. Now, can you share with us all your wise knowledge of how to keep you pimp hand strong???

Unknown said...

@ santa maria! - Quiet!

1 Corinthians 14:34
Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law.

Unknown said...

Apostolic's beware of loud mouth obese AWA sort of women teachers and preachers like santa maria, alright?

Unknown said...

@ santa maria! - Quiet!

1 Corinthians 14:34
Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law.

Unknown said...

BRo. GErmain I too saw what you saw, there was a conflict of interest when Valverde hired too many from our church at fontana during the 1990's to work at the General offices. Bro.Rodriguez should have stopped it, but he didn't and yes Bro.Rodriguez here at fonatana who has a very sweet wife is one of the real estate advisers to Valverde and the General offices and so is a dear Bro.Chaparro who I personally know. I'm shoked that Bro.Chaparro who is very smart ( USC Grad ) has tolerated all of Valverdes unscriptural power grab and unethical financial dealings but he has and I want to reiterate that I wish no man evil, what is coming to Valverde is of his own doing he is merely reaping what he has sowned for so many years.

Unknown said...

..I just want to remind everyone that just between Valverde and our church here in Fontana and Pacheco's Church in Corona the Assembly is indebted in one way or another for over 12+ million dollars all this debt is tied up and secured with other Apostolic churches because Valverde used them to secure the loans for our building in Fontana

Unknown said...

1 Corinthians 14:34
Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law.

Apostolic's beware of loud mouth obese AWA sort of women wanta be teachers and preachers in the congregation of the saints such as santa maria, alright?

@ santa maria! - Quiet!

1 Corinthians 14:34
Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law.

WatchOut! said...

"Bishop Samuel Valverde verbally submitted his resignation as President of the Apostolic Assembly and it was done in an honorable and respectful manner."

He should have gotten booted out and the locks changed at the General Office and a the Fountain.

I recall how much people criticized Bishop Baldemar, etc. for the lawsuit . . . well let's just see how many of these crooks require and obtain legal services.

WatchOut! said...

. . . over $12 MILLION!!! Better get to making those tamales. I'll take a dozen.

Unknown said...

...What is something else is that for many years our Pastor Valverde sponsored several financial planning sessions here at the Church and yet because of his lack of financial wisdom the entire Assembly is indebted for millions of dollars !!! and then he pressures us locally for the Tithes and offerings !

Unknown said...

At the very least Samuel Valverde Malverde and his friends types should be humbled and removed from the Fountain of Truth/Fountain of Deceit and given a congregation like the one on 6th street in San Bernardino and let's see how many of his cult followers will follow him there and then restore or offer to restore Baldemar Rodgrigues and offer him to use the Fountain of Truth building. The Fountain of Truth building should also become the new head quarters for the Apostolic Assembly church cult and the New Corona church building should also become a part of the head quarters for the Apostolic Assembly church cult and get rid and sell some of the older buildings to pay for the new, alright? That should help the Apostolic Assembly church cult some, ok?

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Then after a time of discipline maybe the Apostolic Assembly church cult should put Eddie Pacheco and Samuel Valverde Malverde to work together in the new Corona church cult building until they complete it, alright? That should help the Apostolic Assembly church cult some, alright?

Unknown said...

...What is sad and tragic is that it is not likely that the new church in Corona will ever be finalized, they couldn't complete it when the economy was booming now that the economy has tanked the prospects of it being completed is very dim especially because the very net worth of the building itself has depreciated so much since the economy and the real estate market collapsed, I would not be surprised that it will be REPOSSESSED by the bank especially now that Pacheco has suppossedly left it in no way do I celebrate this tragedy and gross mismanagement of Valverde and Pacheco

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

All it takes is a little faith. I'm sure that if you put Eddie Pacheco and Samuel Valverde Malverde to teach and pastor together in Corona they may be able to get enough cult followers to help them complete the building, alright? And that should help the Apostolic Assembly church cult some, ok?

santa maria! said...

@SAN ANTONE, No you quiet!!! Stop reposting other peoples junk! The only source of info you have is what time Dr. Phil comes on...BTW how did your Maxi Pad audition go??? Or did your daughter beat you outta that job?

Anonymous said...

Ya regreso la mosca enfadosa !

Go get a job chavala !

Anonymous said...

By the way you look like a paisa on your credential. LOL

Your confused loco you have to choose one or the other.

Are you a paisa or a cholo ?

Unknown said...

1 Corinthians 14:34
Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law.

Apostolic's beware of loud mouth obese AWA sort of women wanta be teachers and preachers in the congregation of the saints such as santa maria/Rome, alright?

@ santa maria!/Rome - Quiet!

1 Corinthians 14:34
Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law.

Anonymous said...

The boss and sole bread winner of the house must have just arrived.

What happened chavala the boss won't let you get on the internet ?

I have noticed that your so happy that you learned from your online tutorial how to cut and paste. But come on Toña you use that way too much.

And try and have an original thought of your own , rather than post others thoughts and re post others comments.

Is there a brain in that huge cranium or is your pea brain surrounded by mierda ?

Anonymous said...

I just realized that it's not a mustache on your credential.

It's that you are so full of mierda that its seeping out of your nose.

Unknown said...

All it takes is a little faith. I'm confident that if the cult leaders Eddie Pacheco and Samuel Valverde Malverde are put to work together as co-pastors to teach and preach together in Corona they may be able to get enough cult followers and Mexican sort of construction workers to help them complete the building, alright? And that should help the Apostolic Assembly church cult some, ok?

Unknown said...

All it takes is a little faith. I'm confident that if the cult leaders Eddie Pacheco and Samuel Valverde Malverde are put to work together as co-pastors to teach and preach together in Corona they may be able to get enough cult followers and Mexican sort of construction workers like Rome to help them complete the building, alright? And that should help the Apostolic Assembly church cult some, ok?

Anonymous said...

I just realized that it's not a mustache on your credential.

It's that you are so full of mierda that its seeping out of your nose.

santa maria! said...

@San Antone, Where were you? I missed you fearless leader. How about we start applying for loans using you wifes credit line, and buy Sams church after we get pedies and manies???

Unknown said...

At the very least Samuel Valverde Malverde and his friends types should be humbled and removed from the Fountain of Truth/Fountain of Deceit church cult building and given a building like the one on 6th street in San Bernardino and let's see how many of his cult followers will follow him there and then restore or offer to restore Baldemar Rodgrigues and offer him to use the Fountain of Truth building. The Fountain of Truth building could also become the new head quarters for the Apostolic Assembly church cult and the New Corona church building should also become a part of the head quarters for the Apostolic Assembly church cult and the Apostolic Assembly church cult could get rid and sell some of the older buildings to pay for the new, alright? That should help the Apostolic Assembly church cult some, ok?
All it takes is a little faith. I'm confident that if the cult leaders Eddie Pacheco and Samuel Valverde Malverde are put to work together as co-pastors to teach and preach together in Corona they may be able to get enough cult followers and Mexican sort of construction workers like Rome to help them complete the building, alright? And that should help the Apostolic Assembly church cult some, ok?

p.s. and all the teachers and pastors that have been kicked out during the times of Baldemar Rodriguez and Samuel Valverde should receive and a written apology and and written offer to be reinstated as pastors and teachers for the Apostolic Assembly church cult that they love so much, ok?

Anonymous said...

That was your comeback ?


Pobre.... that pea brain doesn't produce much huh ?

It all makes sense now why you cut and paste others quotes.

The two brain cells you have are utilized on cut....paste. and that's it

Unknown said...

At the very least Samuel Valverde Malverde and his friends types should be humbled and removed from the Fountain of Truth/Fountain of Deceit church cult building and given a building like the one on 6th street in San Bernardino and let's see how many of his cult followers will follow him there and then restore or offer to restore Baldemar Rodgrigues and offer him to use the Fountain of Truth building. The Fountain of Truth building could also become the new head quarters for the Apostolic Assembly church cult and the New Corona church building should also become a part of the head quarters for the Apostolic Assembly church cult and the Apostolic Assembly church cult could get rid and sell some of the older buildings to pay for the new, alright? That should help the Apostolic Assembly church cult some, ok?
All it takes is a little faith. I'm confident that if the cult leaders Eddie Pacheco and Samuel Valverde Malverde are put to work together as co-pastors to teach and preach together in Corona they may be able to get enough cult followers and Mexican sort of construction workers like Rome to help them complete the building, alright? And that should help the Apostolic Assembly church cult some, ok?

p.s. and all the teachers and pastors that have been kicked out during the times of Baldemar Rodriguez and Samuel Valverde should receive a written apology and a written offer to be reinstated as pastors and teachers for the Apostolic Assembly church cult that they love so much, ok?

In addition if Samuel and Raquel confess their sins including but not limited to the hacking of e-mails and possible real estate fraud then they may be able to get probation since it will be their first conviction, right?

santa maria! said...

@SAN ANTONE, fearless leader, do you think you'll receive an apology letter for ever making you a minister?

Unknown said...

In addition if Samuel and Raquelita Valverde Malverde and Eddie Pacheco confess to the whole world it could be written into an Apostolic education book and offered to the whole world for donations to pay for all the debt they have caused and then it can be turned into a reality tv show or movie or both to help pay for the cost and debts they are responsible for in the Apostolic Assembly church cult, ok? Then they would sincerely come clean, right?
It could be entitled Our Sins for the Love of Power, Greed and Control of the Apostolic Assembly church cult, right?

santa maria! said...

@SAN ANTONE, I think we all deserve an apology letter for creating the beastly idiot named SAN ANTONE. You should have never been ordained.

Unknown said...

At the very least Samuel Valverde Malverde and his friends types should be humbled and removed from the Fountain of Truth/Fountain of Deceit church cult building and given a building like the one on 6th street in San Bernardino and let's see how many of his cult followers will follow him there and then restore or offer to restore Baldemar Rodgrigues and offer him to use the Fountain of Truth building. The Fountain of Truth building could also become the new head quarters for the Apostolic Assembly church cult and the New Corona church building should also become a part of the head quarters for the Apostolic Assembly church cult and the Apostolic Assembly church cult could get rid and sell some of the older buildings to pay for the new, alright? That should help the Apostolic Assembly church cult some, ok?
All it takes is a little faith. I'm confident that if the cult leaders Eddie Pacheco and Samuel Valverde Malverde are put to work together as co-pastors to teach and preach together in Corona they may be able to get enough cult followers and Mexican sort of construction workers like Rome to help them complete the building, alright? And that should help the Apostolic Assembly church cult some, ok?

p.s. and all the teachers and pastors that have been kicked out during the times of Baldemar Rodriguez and Samuel Valverde should receive a written apology and a written offer to be reinstated as pastors and teachers for the Apostolic Assembly church cult that they love so much, ok?

In addition if Samuel and Raquel confess their sins including but not limited to the hacking of e-mails and possible real estate fraud then they may be able to get probation since it will be their first conviction, right?

Anonymous said...

Ya esta loco este guey !

Smoking too much mota when he was a cholo in Texas running around with Barrio Azteca.

From Cholo to Paisa to Bitter Old Man.

santa maria! said...

@San Antone, Is that your idols signature under your credential picture? Looooks liiiiikke....oh no!!! It's Valverdes!!! You narcissistic devil, alright!

Anonymous said...

He looks like Freddy Mercury from The Band Queen.

How befitting...LOL

Unknown said...

At the very least Samuel Valverde Malverde and his friends types should be humbled and removed from the Fountain of Truth/Fountain of Deceit church cult building and given a building like the one on 6th street in San Bernardino and let's see how many of his cult followers will follow him there and then restore or offer to restore Baldemar Rodgrigues and offer him to use the Fountain of Truth building. The Fountain of Truth building could also become the new head quarters for the Apostolic Assembly church cult and the New Corona church building should also become a part of the head quarters for the Apostolic Assembly church cult and the Apostolic Assembly church cult could get rid and sell some of the older buildings to pay for the new, alright? That should help the Apostolic Assembly church cult some, ok?
All it takes is a little faith. I'm confident that if the cult leaders Eddie Pacheco and Samuel Valverde Malverde are put to work together as co-pastors to teach and preach together in Corona they may be able to get enough cult followers and Mexican sort of construction workers like Rome to help them complete the building, alright? And that should help the Apostolic Assembly church cult some, ok?

p.s. and all the teachers and pastors that have been kicked out during the times of Baldemar Rodriguez and Samuel Valverde should receive a written apology and a written offer to be reinstated as pastors and teachers for the Apostolic Assembly church cult that they love so much, ok?

In addition if Samuel and Raquel confess their sins including but not limited to the hacking of e-mails and possible real estate fraud then they may be able to get probation since it will be their first conviction, right?

In addition if Samuel and Raquelita Valverde Malverde and Eddie Pacheco confess to the whole world it could be written into an Apostolic education book and offered to the whole world for donations to pay for all the debt they have caused and then it can be turned into a reality tv show or movie or both to help pay for the cost and debts they are responsible for in the Apostolic Assembly church cult, ok? Then they would sincerely come clean, right?
It could be entitled Our Sins for the Love of Power, Greed and Control of the Apostolic Assembly church cult, right?

santa maria! said...

@ROME, LOL, he does look like Freddy! I bet he likes to be a power bottom to.

Unknown said...

At the very least Samuel Valverde Malverde and his friends types should be humbled and removed from the Fountain of Truth/Fountain of Deceit church cult building and given a building like the one on 6th street in San Bernardino and let's see how many of his cult followers will follow him there and then restore or offer to restore Baldemar Rodgrigues and offer him to use the Fountain of Truth building. The Fountain of Truth building could also become the new head quarters for the Apostolic Assembly church cult and the New Corona church building should also become a part of the head quarters for the Apostolic Assembly church cult and the Apostolic Assembly church cult could get rid and sell some of the older buildings to pay for the new, alright? That should help the Apostolic Assembly church cult some, ok?
All it takes is a little faith. I'm confident that if the cult leaders Eddie Pacheco and Samuel Valverde Malverde are put to work together as co-pastors to teach and preach together in Corona they may be able to get enough cult followers and Mexican sort of construction workers like Rome to help them complete the building, alright? And that should help the Apostolic Assembly church cult some, ok?

p.s. and all the teachers and pastors that have been kicked out during the times of Baldemar Rodriguez and Samuel Valverde should receive a written apology and a written offer to be reinstated as pastors and teachers for the Apostolic Assembly church cult that they love so much, ok?

In addition if Samuel and Raquel confess their sins including but not limited to the hacking of e-mails and possible real estate fraud then they may be able to get probation since it will be their first conviction, right?

In addition if Samuel and Raquelita Valverde Malverde and Eddie Pacheco confess to the whole world it could be written into an Apostolic education book and offered to the whole world for donations to pay for all the debt they have caused and then it can be turned into a reality tv show or movie or both to help pay for the cost and debts they are responsible for in the Apostolic Assembly church cult, ok? Then they would sincerely come clean, right?
It could be entitled Our Sins for the Love of Power, Greed and Control of the Apostolic Assembly church cult, right?

WatchOut! said...

Does anyone know if any of this has been leaked to the news there in California?

jm said...

In the words of the prophet,"CORRE IGLESIA CORRE".

santa maria! said...

@SAN ANTONE, Leader! I want to attend your school, what time and where do we meet??? Dejavu perhaps?

Unknown said...

...The way I see it under Valverde ( my Pastor at Fontana ) he maxed out the credit of the Assembly and now 'ooops' he wants out before the problem gets even worse...i still love my Pastor but all of our decisions have consequences...Bro.Chaparro you should know better and should have told our Pastor Valverde that the way he was going about financing everyone elses Church to finance our was unethical and financially irresponsible, but what happened happened

santa maria! said...

@WATCHOUT!, I think you should take up that task. Univision would love that story.

Unknown said...

I only disciple for the Lord men just as Christ my Lord set as an example.

2 Timothy 2:2
And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also.

santa maria! said...

@Unknown, it's not "what happened, happened," idiot! Pastors, like Torres, Solomon, and Baldemar lost their retirements, health benefits, churches, credibility and were humiliated before all you AA-holes. As far as I know, none of the rumors about them weren't true after all. Baldemar didn't take the 1.something million, Sam did!!!

Unknown said...

...Santa maria I question your salvation any christian who talks and curses other believers like you do need to be born again, don't let your flesh get the better of you and that goes for all those who are saying curse words in this blog GOD will hold u accountable for every curse word u say

Unknown said...

At the very least Samuel Valverde Malverde and his friends types should be humbled and removed from the Fountain of Truth/Fountain of Deceit church cult building and given a building like the one on 6th street in San Bernardino and let's see how many of his cult followers will follow him there and then restore or offer to restore Baldemar Rodgrigues and offer him to use the Fountain of Truth building. The Fountain of Truth building could also become the new head quarters for the Apostolic Assembly church cult and the New Corona church building should also become a part of the head quarters for the Apostolic Assembly church cult and the Apostolic Assembly church cult could get rid and sell some of the older buildings to pay for the new, alright? That should help the Apostolic Assembly church cult some, ok?
All it takes is a little faith. I'm confident that if the cult leaders Eddie Pacheco and Samuel Valverde Malverde are put to work together as co-pastors to teach and preach together in Corona they may be able to get enough cult followers and Mexican sort of construction workers like Rome to help them complete the building, alright? And that should help the Apostolic Assembly church cult some, ok?

p.s. and all the teachers and pastors that have been kicked out during the times of Baldemar Rodriguez and Samuel Valverde should receive a written apology and a written offer to be reinstated as pastors and teachers for the Apostolic Assembly church cult that they love so much, ok?

In addition if Samuel and Raquel confess their sins including but not limited to the hacking of e-mails and possible real estate fraud then they may be able to get probation since it will be their first conviction, right?

In addition if Samuel and Raquelita Valverde Malverde and Eddie Pacheco confess to the whole world it could be written into an Apostolic education book and offered to the whole world for donations to pay for all the debt they have caused and then it can be turned into a reality tv show or movie or both to help pay for the cost and debts they are responsible for in the Apostolic Assembly church cult, ok? Then they would sincerely come clean, right?
It could be entitled Our Sins for the Love of Power, Greed and Control of the Apostolic Assembly church cult, right?

santa maria! said...

@Unknown, wow, surprise surprise...divert attention from the real facts...loser.

santa maria! said...

@Unknown, don't let your ignorance get the best of you.

AA Pastor said...

To “In the box”. Your name “In the box” suits you well, as you appear to be in Sam Valverde’s box.

After reading your pithy comments I realized how much more I want to follow this blog to find out what is really happening.

People like you and Sam Valverde followers want to suppress information and I welcome an open dialogue of information. People can read and determine for themselves what is true and what is not. We don’t need you to tell us!

I believe in forgiveness but I don’t see why forgiveness shouldn’t also be handed to Bishop Baldemar Rodriguez and the others who stood up to the illegal 2006 elections.

-What the Baldemar group did, is wrong.
-What Sam Valverde did, is criminal.

The board would not have presented him with the option of willfully resigning or of being forcefully removed.

AA Pastor said...


In case you missed it, I shall I summarize what has happened:

1.) Edward Pacheco was ousted by his cousin Sam Valverde within the last month or so. (I believe it happened after Edward got mad at Sam and confronted him about altering pastor Arellano’s resolution and using this forged document for The Fountain Church refinance loan (assisted by Andrew Rodriguez). That was a nice commission you and Ocho got!

2.) Sam Valverde decides he will quiet Eddie and removes him based on a lame excuse. BTW, I wouldn’t be surprised to find out Eddie was doing something “shady”. They are both cut from the same cloth…cousins!

3.) Eddie sends out a “Tell All” letter on some dirt about his cousin, Sam. (This letter had to have been authorized by Eddie’s attorney, otherwise it would be slander).

In the letter Eddie accuses Sam Valverde of the following:

a.) 1st San Bernardino church was raped of $1,000.000 cash to steer to Sam Valverde’s church. (I guess the SB church members are not worthy of their own building because The Fountain Church needs to build a mega building)
b.) San Jose Church had a resolution that was drawn up for Corona church altered (forged) to get more loans for Sam Valverde’s church. ($9,770,000 lien on San Jose).
c.) Solano Beach church was raped of their future by allowing Sam Valverde to put another lien on their property. (Millions).
d.) Unauthorized email access was done of a board member, General Secretary Daniel Solomon. It was done at least once by Sam Valverde’s wife, Rachel Contreras Valverde and consequentially many times through the years by Sam Pacheco Valverde.

If I was Sam Valverde I would have enough dignity to resign completely from pastoring. This man is not only unethical, he condones criminal activity and participates of it.

The new board is condoning this and I am shocked that they are allowing him to remain as a minister of the Apostolic Assembly. Why? Because they will continue to exploit the other churches.

Shame on Valverde! Resign your ministerial post! God is judging you! He’s not done!
Same on you Pacheco! For asking to come back and crying that you can’t believe you are out! How does it feel?
Shame on you Fortino! You had an opportunity to get this straight and clean house like they did with you and your 2006 elections friends.
Shame on the rest of the board by sitting idle and NOT removing Sam Valverde’s ministerial license.

You are showing that you condone this type of action! You are looking bad, right about now!

“In the Box” do us a favor and stay in the box. You tell us to get back to the business of saving souls while Sam Valverde gets back to the business of financially raping the Apostolic Assembly Churches.

You want us to not look at the criminal activities that have been committed by Sam Valverde, Rachel Valverde, Nat Ochoa and Andrew Rodriguez.

BTW, the IRS does not take the lead on these types of crimes. It can either be done by the local police, San Bernardino County District Attorney or the State of California Attorney General’s Office.

What Sam Valverde & Company has done has to do with criminal activities. This would not jeopardize the 501 (c)non-profit status of the Apostolic Assembly, unless they cover it up.

The IRS does not take the lead in investigating crimes like Sam Valverde & Co have committed.

Send your GED diploma back to La Puente Bible College!

Unknown said...

To “In the box”. Your name “In the box” suits you well, as you appear to be in Sam Valverde’s box.

After reading your pithy comments I realized how much more I want to follow this blog to find out what is really happening.

People like you and Sam Valverde followers want to suppress information and I welcome an open dialogue of information. People can read and determine for themselves what is true and what is not. We don’t need you to tell us!

I believe in forgiveness but I don’t see why forgiveness shouldn’t also be handed to Bishop Baldemar Rodriguez and the others who stood up to the illegal 2006 elections.

-What the Baldemar group did, is wrong.
-What Sam Valverde did, is criminal.

Unknown said...

...Santa maria, you sure aren't talking with the Holy Spirit, believers with the Spirit of GOd don't talk with curse words you have a spirit of superiority, I too am questioning what Valverde and Pacheco did get your facts straight...I've met many brothers like you fool who think that you can hide behind a computer you FOOL GOD knows your IP Address and remember your the one cussing not me

Unknown said...

The board would not have presented him with the option of willfully resigning or of being forcefully removed.

In case you missed it, I shall I summarize what has happened:

1.) Edward Pacheco was ousted by his cousin Sam Valverde within the last month or so. (I believe it happened after Edward got mad at Sam and confronted him about altering pastor Arellano’s resolution and using this forged document for The Fountain Church refinance loan (assisted by Andrew Rodriguez). That was a nice commission you and Ocho got!

2.) Sam Valverde decides he will quiet Eddie and removes him based on a lame excuse. BTW, I wouldn’t be surprised to find out Eddie was doing something “shady”. They are both cut from the same cloth…cousins!

3.) Eddie sends out a “Tell All” letter on some dirt about his cousin, Sam. (This letter had to have been authorized by Eddie’s attorney, otherwise it would be slander).

In the letter Eddie accuses Sam Valverde of the following:

a.) 1st San Bernardino church was raped of $1,000.000 cash to steer to Sam Valverde’s church. (I guess the SB church members are not worthy of their own building because The Fountain Church needs to build a mega building)
b.) San Jose Church had a resolution that was drawn up for Corona church altered (forged) to get more loans for Sam Valverde’s church. ($9,770,000 lien on San Jose).
c.) Solano Beach church was raped of their future by allowing Sam Valverde to put another lien on their property. (Millions).
d.) Unauthorized email access was done of a board member, General Secretary Daniel Solomon. It was done at least once by Sam Valverde’s wife, Rachel Contreras Valverde and consequentially many times through the years by Sam Pacheco Valverde.

If I was Sam Valverde I would have enough dignity to resign completely from pastoring. This man is not only unethical, he condones criminal activity and participates of it.

The new board is condoning this and I am shocked that they are allowing him to remain as a minister of the Apostolic Assembly. Why? Because they will continue to exploit the other churches.

Shame on Valverde! Resign your ministerial post! God is judging you! He’s not done!
Same on you Pacheco! For asking to come back and crying that you can’t believe you are out! How does it feel?
Shame on you Fortino! You had an opportunity to get this straight and clean house like they did with you and your 2006 elections friends.
Shame on the rest of the board by sitting idle and NOT removing Sam Valverde’s ministerial license.

You are showing that you condone this type of action! You are looking bad, right about now!

“In the Box” do us a favor and stay in the box. You tell us to get back to the business of saving souls while Sam Valverde gets back to the business of financially raping the Apostolic Assembly Churches.

You want us to not look at the criminal activities that have been committed by Sam Valverde, Rachel Valverde, Nat Ochoa and Andrew Rodriguez.

BTW, the IRS does not take the lead on these types of crimes. It can either be done by the local police, San Bernardino County District Attorney or the State of California Attorney General’s Office.

What Sam Valverde & Company has done has to do with criminal activities. This would not jeopardize the 501 (c)non-profit status of the Apostolic Assembly, unless they cover it up.

The IRS does not take the lead in investigating crimes like Sam Valverde & Co have committed.

Send your GED diploma back to La Puente Bible College!

AA Pastor said...

Wow unknown, that was very well put.

You put "In-the-box" back in the box!

Unknown said...

According to the property taxes alone for the fontana church are $ 126,000 a year !!!!!!

santa maria! said...

@Unknown, stop hidding your curse words behind trying to be holy. Everyone is guilty of slander in here including you to!

Unknown said...

Bro.Santa maria lets just end it there, no hard feelings your not my enemy and we are both critical of the actions of these two brothers and we are to seek holiness without it no one will see GOD, lets just end it there GOD Bless

santa maria! said...

@Unknown, I like your style, GB

Prosecuter said...

@unknown and a few of the other bloggers, thank you for just putting the information out there. This blog was intended for the purpose of exchanging information and discuss the issues at hand. As far as those bloggers SanAntone, Rome, Santa Maria, keep it under the blood!

LocoValdez said...

The AA site has changed to reflecr the new board...

Anonymous said...


I have tried to have discussions on topic here and this guy san antonio ruins this blog everytime

Anyone who has been on this blog long enough has seen me try.

This guy posts and reposts the same junk and is only here to divide and disrupt ......nothing else trust me.

Stick around you'll see

Anonymous said...

That's why im on his case cause he is a divider and has the spirit if jezebel.

He has also been known to pickup women on facebook and claims to be a man of God

I am an original poster from day one and have always respected everyone and have posted many meaningful and relevant threads on here.

I just will not allow this hipocrite to come in here and post his garbage and not say anything.

Not gonna hapoen!

Unknown said...

@ Rome- You have no real evidence of any allegations against me, alright? The only allegations you have been custom created by slandering fools such as you, alright?

Unknown said...

YaBasta said...
Bishop Juan Fortino March 8, 2013
Vice President
Apostolic Assembly
7260 N Oakmont Dr
Miami, FL 33015

Dear Bishop Fortino,

Praying that this missive finds you in the best of health and blessed of the Lord.
After much prayer and seeking counsel, I am writing to present you the following:

An appeal to the decision made by the General Board concerning my removal from the Pastorate of the Corona Strong Tower Church and ministry of the Apostolic Assembly. I find that my removal has been carried out with injustice and lacking the legal constitutional process of the Apostolic Assembly Constitution (the “Constitution”). My ability to appeal this decision is based on the following:

Article 37 paragraphs III English constitution III and IV.
"III. Ministers tried by a district bishop who consider unjust the verdict rendered against them shall have the right to appeal before the Bishop President, who shall study the case with the rest of the members of the General Board of Directors and determine whether to hold a new trial or let the rendered verdict stand."

"IV. Members of the General Board of Directors, district bishops or elders who, after having been tried, are not satisfied with the verdict rendered against them, may appeal to the next Joint Meeting, where a hearing will be held and a definite decision will be given."

I find that the argument presented by Bishop Valverde, where he emphasizes that I put the Apostolic Assembly at risk by jeopardizing the 501 C-3 status is weak, especially in comparison to the apparent illicit and unlawful activities that he has been engaged in as described more fully below. As such, I felt compelled to present this information to you.

Furthermore, I consider that the actions taken by the men involved in this issue have taken my mistakes to an extreme and have misrepresented allegations presented to the General Board of the Apostolic Assembly. (Copies of documents that caused me to be wrongfully terminated and those that will clarify some of the false allegations and provide vindication for me will be presented at the time of appeal with the Joint Bishops meeting). Furthermore, my understanding of the constitution leads me to the conclusion that I was removed from my Pastoral position without any constitutional rights.
I feel that my appeal warrants consideration because of the following issues that have been brought to my attention as of late and that are jeopardizing the Apostolic Assembly at this time.

This is an informative document which I submit to you as you are the Vice President of the Apostolic Assembly. By doing so, I relinquish any responsibility of withholding this information and now it is up to you to follow up on this as the constitution mandates that you as Vice President, take action as necessary.
English Constitution Article 39, paragraph III.

"III. If the Bishop President violate the Constitution, the rest of the members of the General Board of Directors, presided by the Bishop Vice-President, shall form a Commission of Honor and Justice, and with all due respect, call the attention of the Bishop President to rectify his conduct and meet his prescribed obligations, considering that the high investiture of his office requires it."

Unknown said...

YaBasta said...
Funds from 1st San Bernardino Apostolic Church
Bishop Abel Jimenez had informed me that the church was looking into purchasing a building for church use. This was due to the fact that the existing building is no longer suitable for their needs.

As time went by, I asked him how that situation was coming along and how much longer before they closed escrow. He replied that they were no longer involved in that transaction because they had no money for a down payment. I was somewhat confused because I was aware, from my time on the General Board, that the General Office had monies in an account that were put in there from the sale of a property during the administration of Bro. Baldemar Rodriguez. I knew that it was approximately $1 million.

I mentioned that to Bishop Jimenez and he told me that when he attempted to withdraw those monies he was told that Bishop Valverde, (pastor of the Fontana church) had used the funds for the Fontana Church. Bishop Valverde’s use of these funds was not authorized with resolutions of the Fontana Church or San Bernardino Church congregations as required by the Constitution. Neither was the pastor, Bishop Jimenez, nor the District Bishop, Felipe Lugo, or the General Board of Directors notified about the use of the monies.

English Constitution Article 30 Paragraph VIII 2011 Edition
"VIII. All funds received on the sale of church buildings and real estate belonging to the Apostolic Assembly, and all other incomes of loans, mortgages or loans of whatever nature, must be put into an account under the name of the “APOSTOLIC ASSEMBLY OF THE FAITH IN CHRIST JESUS.” Said funds shall be deposited with joint signatures of the Bishop General Treasurer, District Bishop, and Pastor. Those funds shall be administered in agreement with the congregation, the Pastor, Supervising Bishop, and the General Board of Directors." (emphasis added).

Unknown said...

YaBasta said...
None of the required parties mentioned above were involved in authorizing the use of these funds. Neither was I informed of this as was pertinent being I was the General Secretary of the Apostolic Assembly. My question is: "Why weren't the appropriate authorities, mentioned above, not consulted and a resolution required of them?" The monies were used without proper procedure. This was done during the 2006-2010 administration. As the General Secretary, I was not aware of any of this until a couple of months ago. Who released the monies is beyond me, but these monies constitutionally should have been under the custody of the General Treasurer Leo Maffey, District Bishop Felipe Lugo, and Local Pastor Abel Jimenez.
Bishop Felipe Lugo and Bishop Abel Jimenez, pastor of 1st San Bernardino church were not aware that these monies had been used. I feel that whoever released these monies should be held responsible for this.

$9,770,000.00 Loan for Fontana Fountain of Truth Church

Some time ago I was asked by Bishop Valverde to talk to Bishop Ishmael Arellano concerning the possibility of using the San Jose Central Church as collateral for a loan to finish the construction of the Church in Corona. I spoke to Bishop Arellano and he agreed to do so. I asked him to get the proper resolutions and send them in. He got the resolution from the church and from the District authorities and turned them in to the General Offices. As time went by, I asked Bishop Valverde and Andrew Rodriguez about the process and they told me that they felt that the San Jose Central Church Property did not meet the criteria for the $600K loan and that it was too far for the bank personnel to be interested in going out there to do an appraisal.

Approximately one and a half months ago I received a phone call from someone indicating that Bro. Arellano wanted to talk to me, so I called him. He started out by saying that he couldn't believe what was being done to me and that he thought that it was unthinkable. He questioned the fact that I had not finished the church construction in Corona. I replied that we ran out of money and that I could not obtain a loan. He then asked me as to why I had not gotten a loan with the resolutions that he had sent from the San Jose Central Church. I mentioned what was said to me and he remained quiet for a bit and then said: Bishop Pacheco there is something I need to tell you. He went on to say that he received a call from Bishop Valverde stating that the Corona Church did not qualify for a loan and requesting for the Fontana Church to use his property instead. Bishop Valverde further asked if it were possible for Bro. Arellano to obtain a resolution from the church for this and he was told that he couldn't go back and ask for another resolution being that he had already asked for the one for Corona. According to Bishop Arellano, Bishop Valverde responded that he would see what he could do. I was later informed that the $600K resolution for Corona was modified to use it for Fontana, this without the approval of either the local San Jose Central Church congregation or the Fontana congregation nor their respective district Bishops as required by the Constitution. The pertinent portion of the Constitution reads as follows:

Unknown said...

English Constitution
Article 30 Paragraph VII
VII. For a congregation to be able to buy, sell, rent, mortgage or lend any properties, which must be duly vested to the Apostolic Assembly, the following steps must be followed:
a. Present the proposal to the local church government, which shall make known their approval on a document bearing their signature.
b. Request it in writing with the signatures of the pastor and the majority of the members of the respective congregation.
c. The request must be approved by the district board, which must be duly confirmed by a resolution.
d. And be approved by the General Board of Directors, which shall give the final resolution.

None of the above “steps” were followed .

Later I received a call that Bishop Valverde had used the Solana Church to Cross Collateralize with the Fontana church and obtain a loan. This too was done incognito without the General Board approval and without Resolutions from Fontana or Solana Beach. See above reference: (Constitution, Article 30, paragraph VII). As General Secretary, I did not write or sign resolutions for this transaction. I was informed that this was done between Pastor J.C Rodriguez together with his leadership team and Bishop Valverde with Fontana and his leadership team.

In the month of August 2012, the first loan, which was taken out in 2008, matured and there was need to refinance.
As per Pastor J.C. Rodriguez, it was done without the corresponding resolutions and without the involvement of the Bishop at the time, Bishop John Sanchez, nor the above referenced constitutional process.

In time I received documentation showing the Deed of Trust for the aforementioned properties and was surprised with the amount of the loan taken out. I called Bro. Arellano and asked him that if he knew the amount of the loan taken out using his property and he said he didn't but that he felt confident that it was for the $600K that was indicated in the resolution for Corona. He was shocked to find that the amount of the lien placed on their property is for $9,770,000.00. The same thing happened with Pastor J.C. Rodriguez when I informed him of the amount of the lien on the Solana Beach church property. (Copies of the Deed of Trust are attached hereto as Exhibit 1).

Hacking e-mails (Violation of Federal Laws)

Right after the lawsuit by Bishop's Baldemar Rodriguez, Dan Solomon, Abel Torres and Pastor Saul Avila started, I received a call from Rachel Valverde telling me that she meant to send me an e-mail but that she mistakenly sent it to Daniel Solomon. I recommended that she “un-send” it, but she couldn't because she didn't have AOL, the email service provider for Daniel Solomon’s email account. She rushed to the General Offices and sought help and someone there remembered Daniel Solomon's password. She opened his account and deleted the mail she had sent.

From there Bishop Valverde took advantage of the fact that they knew Bishop Solomon's password and with the help of others he began to go into the account reading all the correspondence from all those involved with the lawsuit.

When I learned about it I warned him that it was a dangerous situation because the emails were being accessed without authorization. Furthermore, I feared that if the plaintiffs knew he could be caught up in legal problems. This went on even after the lawsuit was over and as far as I can remember he continued accessing the email after becoming President.

Unknown said...

YaBasta said...
Bishop Fortino, I am sending this to you not as an accusation but as information. I sought legal counsel, not to enter into legal issues, but to know what my responsibilities were related to the Apostolic Assembly concerning all of this. I was told that I needed to send this information to you being that you are the next in line of authority. I don't want to be an accessory to this, I am complying with what needs to be done and pray that you will follow up on this. I reiterate that by doing this I relinquish my responsibility by informing you and pray that you do the right thing for your protection and that of the Apostolic Assembly. It is ironic that those who so diligently put forth so much effort to destroy my ministry, apparently are caught up doing worse things. I warned Bishop Valverde of the above mentioned issues days before they relieved me from my pastorate and the Assembly. I brought these issues up and at first, he denied them all until I insisted that he was not speaking truth and I brought up proof. He began to bring up excuses. I understand that men make mistakes, but when you judge as if you were pure with no sin and hurt others in the process, then something has to be done.

I humbly request that you please consider my situation, as I never ever imagined that I would end up outside of our beloved church the "Apostolic Assembly." I feel that I was
unjustly and wrongfully terminated from my position of Pastor within the Apostolic Assembly and from the Corona congregation with whom I have worked for over 20 years. My wife and I, together with my family and congregation, worked and sacrificed to build a new building and were 85 to 90% finished when all this began to unravel. I appeal to you to bring justice to my situation. I will await for an official response from you by March 18, 2013. I pray that this can be resolved internally.

If you have any questions please feel free to call me at cell 951. 258.5008 or Home
951. 736.0949

God bless you

Pastor Edward Pacheco

CC: Bishop Daniel Sanchez
Bishop Victor Prado
Bishop Arthur Espinosa
Bishop Abel Aguilar
Bishop Joe Prado
Bishop Isaac Cota
Bishop Francisco Quezada
Bishop Arcadio Peña
Bishop Joe Rodriguez
Bishop John Sanchez
Bishop Abel Rodriguez
Bishop Juan Hernandez
Bishop Ismael Arellano
Bishop Abel Jimenez
Bishop Felipe Lugo
Bishop Adam Lopez
Bishop Ben Quiroz
Bishop Vicente Alvarez
Pastor J. C. Rodriquez

Raquel V said...

Please everyone stop judging Sammy.

We are going to leave the Assembly as soon as possible. Most of the money is accounted for and will be used for our new temple.

This has gotten out of hand and is a big misunderstanding.

Keep us in prayer.


AA Pastor said...

“In the Box” do us a favor and stay in the box. You tell us to get back to the business of saving souls while Sam Valverde gets back to the business of financially raping the Apostolic Assembly Churches.

You want us to not look at the criminal activities that have been committed by Sam Valverde, Rachel Valverde, Nat Ochoa and Andrew Rodriguez.

BTW, the IRS does not take the lead on these types of crimes. It can either be done by the local police, San Bernardino County District Attorney or the State of California Attorney General’s Office.

What Sam Valverde & Company has done has to do with criminal activities. This would not jeopardize the 501 (c)non-profit status of the Apostolic Assembly, unless they cover it up.

The IRS does not take the lead in investigating corporate & email fraud crimes like Sam Valverde & Co have committed.

Send your GED diploma back to La Puente Bible College and get a refund!

Rock Solid said...

Bro Fortino
The church of the Lord Jesus Christ holds its leaders to the highest standards. You cannot start this house cleaning and leave it half finished.
The crimes that Bro Valverde committed warrant that he not only resign the presidency of the apostolic assembly, but should be removed from pastorship and his ministerial license should be revoked.
Bro Fortino, if you do not take these steps, you will not be cleaning house and you will be responsible for the destruction and disappointment of the apostolic assembly.
It is time to restore faith in our leadership. Lets move forward and be ready for the Lords coming.

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