Monday, June 23, 2008

ITS A PUBLIC LYNCHING! - Posting Stopped



  • Abel Torres - LYNCHED I
  • Saul Avila - LYNCHED
  • Baldemar Rodriguez - LYNCHED
  • Daniel Solomon - LYNCHED
  • Arthur Tafoya
  • Daniel Jauhall
  • Isaac Cota
  • Ishmael Arellano
  • Julian Aguirre
  • Richard Galaviz
  • Samuel Arellano
  • Guillermo Mendoza - LYNCHED
  • Martin Vasquez
  • Herman Garza
  • Efrain Andrade - LYNCHED
  • Isaac Hernandez - LYNCHED*

*Not 2006 Election related


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Anonymous said...
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Skotty Will Show You said...

Is That A Threat Shocked?
Cuz Thats Not Nice...

Anonymous said...
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factsonly1 said...

Ever think that judgment might just fall upon you Mr. Fire and Brimstone? I'd rather face God for speaking up for what is right than for what YOU will have to face him for. I wonder what other web browser windows you have running while you judge us...?

Anonymous said...
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factsonly1 said...

have gratitude. they've bent rules for you. you know it.

Anonymous said...


Why doesn't anyone understand this is the United States of America?

Did you know the ladies that stated that they were US Citizens can file a lawsuit against the assembly?

The gb went beyond the assembly constitution, they now violated the US Constitution by not allowing the US Citizens to be in a public area!

Anonymous said...
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Skotty Will Show You said...

Yeah Dude
I TRIED... To Cry Out "Sanctuary!" As The (P)ushers Where Pulling Me Back Towards The Door. (Violating My Rights As A Citizen Of The USA!)

Besides... Those Ppl That Are In The Video Were LUCKY That I Was Too Busy To Record Them CALLING THEIR OWN YOUTH BACK-SLIDERS!!!

Anonymous said...


I'm glad you now know you are in the United States of America! (Thus the reason you side stepped our correct answers and went onto to sideline garbage)

Welcome visitor!

factsonly1 said...

isn't funny how his name is SHOCKED? Shocked at what, i wonder?

at the fact that god led his ppl out of corruption?

At the fact that everyone saw RIGHT thru him who calls himself shocked?


Anonymous said...
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apostolicanalyst said...

Rush.... Allow me to quote you.
It is so well said.

rush said...
SKOTTY: What's up with that intro bro? That's a lame intro. What's up with the disobedient lady protesting against her pastors will.

Oh I get it, she learned from her pastor! DO NOT BE DECIEVED BY THE VIDEO! more than half of the people staging the protest don't seem to have a clue about what their doing.

Their signs read "our pastor stands for the truth"? what truth? "we demand a recount" a recount? what for? "We want a godly leader" you mean like Mr. Baldermar?

Then Mr. Baldemar comes out saying that he is out of the assembly because he asked a question. Wrong!! he is out because he sued the assembly and lost! He says he is "out as nothing" pues que queria? to be honorably discharged? He wants justice to be served? JUSTICE HAS BEEN SERVED.
June 26, 2008 11:24 AM
An intelligent observation at last!

Let me just add that if the tables were turned--Baldemar was the Bishop President—and someone sued him and His board, what do you think he would have done?

He did it anyway, to so many Pastors he was so unfair, even cruel.

Didn’t anyone else see that he did not tell the truth on the video?

He said that all he did was ask a question... NOOOO, he SUED the Assembly.

What is it that people don’t get?

What I see is how he still controls the emotions and even the destiny of that group of followers.

They don’t, they can’t, they won’t see that he has done anything wrong.

Let me be clear that I don’t agree with ANY of the men on the Board beginning with Sanchez, but if you want truth, you must see it, and Baldemar did not lag behind in being a dominating, merciless member of the Board who got very rich during his 23 year reign.

I remember at a Convention in Anaheim, CA, when Baldemar was President, that he contracted a long white limo, to come and go from the Convention Center to his hotel.

On one hot summer day at the Convention, two elderly Apostolic Assembly founders were walking to the Marriott, sweating and stumbling under the hot sun carrying their Bibles.... and I saw Baldemar drive past them in his air conditioned limo.
He didn’t even slow down.

Once out of power, he had to find a way back. He thought he would win the lawsuit. That failing, he grandstands on the video.

‘Despues de la altivez, viene la caida.’

factsonly1 said...

oh, look at how MATURE shocked has SUDDENLY become!

oh wait... never mind. Shocked just aint got nothing else to say but is disguising it with maturity

ahhhh, youth. How silly.

Anonymous said...
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factsonly1 said...

Apostolic analyst

Your ignorance is amazing.

If they GB was so convicted and so sure of a victory, why did they try to pay him off in exchange fo DR Baldemar dropping the appeal charges. i believe it was 3k a month as a retirement pension?

We are witnesses of this!

and skottie can show a clip of it i'm sure.

They know they got lucky, and if you read the hearing transcripts the judge 3xs encourages pastor to appeal.

Skotty Will Show You said...

HAHA i know wHO Shocked IS..
dude We Used To Be Great Friends.
Then You Suddenly Forgot about me bro.
I tHOUGHT we Were Tight... bro...

Anonymous said...


Again, you're so contradictory, even your blog name reveals it. You claim to be an apostolic analyst yet you analyze nothing.

You should be CynicalApostolic, because the way you are in you portray yourself in your comments.

You say you don't agree with the GB and you don't agree with Baldemar... Then what are you doing on here?

Is life really that boring for you that you have to involve yourself in others to have some type of action?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...


Why are you so hostile? Don't let the events of the outcome make you bitter!

factsonly1 said...

OOOHHH! Now SHOCKED is BACK!! what happened to your newfound maturity?

Empty Threats?! tsk, tsk, young person! is that what they teach you at the AA?

so tell me dear friend, i don't plan to "chillax" so what exactly is going to happen?

factsonly1 said...


poor shocked. I'd feel bad too if i knew i was a traitor.

Look at judas, he hung himself!

Its just that our little friend :) has to channel his shame feelings through anger...

tsk, tsk, tsk!

Skotty Will Show You said...

Dude Shocked WAS Shocked Yesterday When He Seen The MAJORITY Leaving...

Anonymous said...
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Skotty Will Show You said...

nO. uR sHOCKED.. DUH?!

Anonymous said...
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factsonly1 said...

shocked why do u delete your comments? do u have something to hide?

it reminds of some ppl that were secreting with the bishop but then denied it in front of God's people.


Anonymous said...
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Skotty Will Show You said...

You Know I Read In A Book One Time
It Said "The Things That Truely Make You The Most Angry.... Are The Things YOU KNOW ARE TRUE..."

I Wish I cOULD Remember The Title...

factsonly1 said...

no. i'm not surprised either.

When Jesus was in earth, he didn't linger in the shadows. He spoke openly.

But then again, you are from the AA.

Anonymous said...
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factsonly1 said...

i'm still waiting to see what's gonna happen if i don't "chillax."

i was kinda hoping it would be good.

Skotty Will Show You said...

Shocked U know U ARE going Against The AA right?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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factsonly1 said...

OH YEAH! good point skotty!

i believe the AA prohibited any good standing members to be blogging on here!

ESPECIALLY ministers!

no winder he's deleting his comments.

I wonder what God thinks about cowards.

Skotty Will Show You said...

Right Shocked...

factsonly1 said...

yeah right shocked.

your one of their little pawns.

you don't believe i have an IP tracker do you?

factsonly1 said...

well good nite for now, all you fearless bloggers!

we will meet again 2morrow!

Anonymous said...
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apostolicanalyst said...

To godisjust and klu9128....

You are right, I am not on the side of the Board or of Baldemar. The only hero I worship is Jesus Christ.

However, I am of the same time as all those men and I know their history. I have been in the Assembly since before some of those men were even born and certainly before Baldemar arrived on scene.

I also am aware that without Baldemar, the people feel that a part of their history is gone.

I feel sorry for him and his church. One can see the heartache on that video. But why can't you see that he did that to others when he was President? I can atest to those actions.

All of these men have done the same thing and continue to do so.
That is all I am trying to say.

If change is going to happen for the good, we must have men whose hands have not been dirtied by this present and those past General Boards.

Taking sides does not clear the issues. We all have feet of clay, but finding solutions for this mess has to be the priority.

Anonymous said...

Klu & Skotty

Shocked is trying to lower you to his standards, don't give in. Allow him to delete his comments, it's called insecure. He is probably with the MAC's Mexican Apostolic Church, because he claims not to be with the AA.

Klu & Skotty don't let your testimony be ruined by others that already have been. Remember...misery loves company!
Let us pray for them!

Note to self: I'm so glad I'm on the East Coast, West Coast is hostile.

Anonymous said...


You finally make clear statements yet one statement makes me wonder... you said the following: "However, I am of the same time as all those men and I know their history. I have been in the Assembly since before some of those men were even born and certainly before Baldemar arrived on scene."

Does that mean you are about 70 or 80? If so, I commend you because you have a sharp mind!

If you do know about "lynching" that Dr. Baldemar did, where is the proof?

Skotty Will Show You said...

Hey N e WORD about Arthur Tafoya?

Skotty Will Show You said...

Hey N e WORD about Arthur Tafoya?

lehan said...

To all,
I am so intrigued by this letter I CAN'T even sleep. I found it in the "" letters titled "Letter from God." Has anybody read it? VERY INTERESTING, especially this part,

"You see, the Lord DID expose these unfruitful works of darkness prior to the elections of 2006, but man chose NOT to heed His word. So the Lord used the mouth, hands, and feet of other to expose the works of those whose hearts had left His will. Allow me to explain! In early February of 2006 I held a revival in our church. A well know UPC evangelist, whom God uses mightily, came to preach for us. During the revival this man of God approached me with this question, “Do you know the Bishop President from the Apostolic Assembly?” I responded, “Yes I do!” He then asked me to give him the President’s mailing address because he had a letter the Lord told him to write to President Sanchez. In this letter (he asked me to read it), through the Holy Spirit President Sanchez was told to clean house, starting with headquarters, down to Bishops and their Districts, and change some of their tactics in treating and handling God’s work and God’s people..."

WOW, the Lord told him to be careful how he handles God's people - Sanchez is kicking them out of churches! Anyways the letter continues,

"...The letter detailed some improprieties that I was not aware of, but only the Holy Ghost could reveal. This UPC evangelist asked me to be a witness of this letter, and to also witness him mailing it, which I did. Now I don’t know what happened to the letter after he put it in the mail, however, it would be interesting to know if the Bishop President would ever disclose receiving this letter. All I know under God is that I DID witness the existence and mailing of such a letter written to the Bishop President!"

WOW!!! Iguess there IS a God who pre-warns us for our own good. Too bad arrogant people listen only to self and yes men, before they listen to God! I may not be a Christian, BUT I KNOW EVIL WHEN I SEE IT!!! May you find mercy from the Lord GB - because with the same measure you meet it shall be met to you!

trophyman said...


In 1979, Clapton embarked on a brief affair with model, Jenny McLean. Pattie on learning about Clapton's infidelity, left him and flew to America. In an attempt to get Eric and Pattie back together, Clapton's manager, Roger Forrester took a gamble. He made a bet with Eric that he could get his name and photo in the next day's newspapers. Clapton took the bet and Forrester called a gossip columnist with the following item: "Rock Star Eric Clapton will marry Pattie Boyd in Tucson, Arizona next Tuesday." The item appeared in the next day's Daily Mail. Forrester had forced Clapton to decide whether or not he really wanted to be with Pattie. Clapton telephoned Pattie in Los Angeles to propose. The two were married on 27 March 1979 at the Apostolic Assembly of Faith in Christ Jesus in Tucson, Arizona by the Reverend Daniel Sanchez. To ensure privacy, Forrester booked six different churches for the occasion. A small reception was held that night at the hotel. The night after their wedding, Clapton brought Pattie on stage in Tucson so he could sing "Wonderful Tonight" to her. By the end of April, he sent Pattie home to England. When Clapton returned to England, they had a wedding party at their home, Hurtwood Edge on 19 May 1979. The invitation read:

Me and the Mrs. got married the other day but that was in America so we've decided to have a bash in my garden on Saturday, May 19th about 3:00 PM for all our mates here at home. If you are free, try and make it, it's bound to be a laugh.
...see you then..
Eric and Pattie Clapton

The information above is public info. Seems to me that if this is Sanchez he sold himself to evil ways early in his ministry. Now, you tell me what business did Sanchez have dealing with this kind of people. This were nothing but druggies and alcoholics (I did say alcoholics not apostolics)! Seems to me like Sanchez has been SHADY for a lot longer than what we think!!!!

One more thing on Sanchez do any of you remember Salvador Villegas? Well if you don't let me tell you who he is. Villegas is the person that proved Sanchez to be a Liar in COURT!!! He won a lawsuit against the AA!! Guess who Villegas is? Right! He is the brother in law of Saul Avila! Sound like vengeance to you? That's a CHOLO mentality! That is who will be directing the Long Beach Emergency convention!!

LA DIST. W/Insights into Rancho Cucamonga

Unknown said...

What Emergency meeting in Long Beach. Please give us more information.

Rambo said...

To Jesse

On your ridiculous comment speaking about how the gb are men of God but they are also human and make mistakes! That is hogwash and total idiocy.

A "mistake" my dear is when you count 100 apples and miss the count by one. Not if you count the votes of let's say 400 ministers and miss it by 398! Get real, buddy, learn the difference between outright INTENTIONAL FRAUD and "mistakes".

Quintus said...

Christian Greetings!

As a means to becoming acquainted, my name is James and I currently practice as a corporate attorney, and am a member of the local apostolic congregation in Southern California.

My colleagues and I have taken a considerable interest in the current events unfolding in your national church organization. I must say that the presiding judge could not have picked a better a label for your organizational constitution than that mentioned in the court hearing.

What surprises us all are the measures the plaintiffs took in order to resolve the alleged fraud committed by your general board of directors. I would have suggested as counsel to those seeking adjudication in this matter that all funds from the local church entities, hence I say "entities", temporarily suspend all financial contributions to the general treasury, which funds the endeavors of your national assembly. This, without question, would have guaranteed the probity of both the plaintiffs and the defendants, and satisfactory retribution to each respective offender.

In granting objective credits to both parties, we hold to the following position:

The general board of directors were in their own corporate right to dismiss any affiliate clergy as a result of each affiliate's insurrection. Further, the local entities acquired for the services of your national assembly are duly vested assets; therefore any personal financial contributions made to the local church are merely that, and do no grant any shareholding of those assets unless the local property was placed under ownership status of local trustees, which hardly and quite unfortunately seems to be the case for any of your local church entities, namely a small few.

The constitution does not provide any form of judicial process whatsoever for a question of integrity as to the respective offices of the general board of directors. This places your organization in a very tight spot, needless to say, in that, what is known as the ecclesiastical body, really is naught but sharing the same capacity of the laity of each local assembly.

Here is some food for thought: A simple majority (50 + 1% of all voting affiliates) of the convention, which in corporate jurisprudence constitutes quorum necessary for meetings called to order and commencement, as well as motions carried in each session proceeding, may draw up a strategic motion on the floor, calling to the question as to a vote of no confidence in the current governing administration. This would immediately suspend the convention proceedings until a committee of 7, 9, or 11 affiliate members in good standing, be appointed by the majority selection of the convention, to ascertain the outcome of the motion. If parliamentary procedure is correctly carried out, deliberation would commence, while any other action would be out of order and unrecognized in regards to the minutes of those proceedings.

One other item for thought: Consider proposing the amendment of property and asset rights to foster a "self-governing local church" instead of a nationally owned entity.

It's sad to see what is taking place...These are the signs of the times.

God Bless You All,

James Q. Thompson

Snickers said...

Mr. Thompson,

Thank you for your input and if indeed you are an attorney thank you for your expertise.

Sad to say however, our founding fathers never imagined that such acts would be committed. We are suppose to be a Christian organization with Christian virtues. As an outsider no doubt that you see that we lack the virtues that Christ preached in His earthly ministry.

I am not an attorney but I do have a degree in Political Science, I have studied Constitutional law and I as I first read our constitution one of the first things that jumped out to me was the lack of a judicial process in which to resolve conflicting church matters. This along with the fact that their clearly exists a lack of diffusion of power has brought about our current situation.

The power is centralized in one entity: The General Board.

What you have suggested is what I hope some Pastors will propose. Let me just say this, in the past when proposals have been introduced, the General Board has always found alternatives to either suspend the proposal or to oust the person presenting it.

This is one of the reasons why the General Board is attempting to remove Pastor Torres from his position as a Pastor.

Pastor Torres proposed three things in the past Convention that would help our church.

1. That no General Board member serve in any position for more than 20 years total. To be a General Board member they would have to be a Bishop first.

2. That no Pastor can be removed except for morality issues by the Bishop.

3. That all church properties be incorporated or under the ownership of the Local Assembly. This however was suspended due to the Fact that President Sanchez requested that the General Board and the Bishops be able to discuss and evaluate the proposal at the next Episcopal meeting.

Needless to say, it was never presented and this upcoming year if Pastor Torres is removed he will not have the opportunity to present the proposal once again.

The motives to remove these Men of God go beyond the lawsuit. These are men who desire to make changes within our Assembly but when the changes threaten the position or power of the General Board, they find ways to get rid of each and everyone of them.

Thank you for your comments. Please pray for our organization as I know that no matter what, God is in Control!

In Jesus' Name

im4reform said...

To Quintus,

What can local congregations do in order to proctect their local properties from being taken away such as recently happened to other congregations?

Many church facilites have been bought through hard work of pastors and their congregation, and to see those members out in the street is very sad.

Rambo said...


I want to expand some more on the idiocy of your comment. You wrote:

"first of all these are men of God! there ungidos de Dios. Second, when you talk or mess with the men of God ur dealing with God directly. Third pastors and General board members are human. they tend to make mistakes nd we cannot judge them and its up to God! Fourth, we have to be summited first to God and second to authority. you want blessings and prosperity you have to submit yourself. GBU!"

So you say "these are men of God". And just what were the 600 pastors who were there at the infamous 2006 elections in Long Beach who were fasting and praying by order of the "Men of God"? Then the "Men of God" proceed to totally ignore their votes and thus the "2006 Election Fraud." Hence the rebirth of "TWO VOTE EDDIE". Hence this chaos started and incited by the "Men of God".

Jesse, those 600 pastors could have been out having a nice lunch and the "Men of God" could have just sat around electing themselves. Ungidos de Dios???!!!!!

Rambo said...


The GB messed with MEN OF GOD. Six Hundred of them!!!!!!!!!!!

Quintus said...

RE: What can local congregations do in order to proctect their local properties from being taken away such as recently happened to other congregations?

To: Im4reform...

Unfortunately, as I stated before, the local entities acquired for the services of your national assembly are duly vested assets; therefore any personal financial contributions made to the local church are merely that, and do no grant any shareholding of those assets unless the local property was placed under ownership status of local trustees, which hardly and quite unfortunately seems to be the case for any of your local church entities, namely a small few.

I'm hoping to provide some insight for those who may have questions.

Have a blessed day.

James Q. Thompson

Anonymous said...

Sources notified me of the following:

Dr. Baldemar was not able to keep the land the church acquired, nor the 1.5 million the church raised for construction. Even though 80% of the members left with their Pastor and those 80% donated monitarily, they were still left with nothing.

Rambo said...


This is your nemesis once again!

Did you see that picture of all the pastors praying (and the one yawning)? So innocent, praying for the elections when the "Men of God" already had their devious plans for all the positions for themselves. There they all were the innocent pastor casting their little votes that DIDN'T COUNT FOR ANYTHING!

apostolik said...

Hey scotty,

Man im glad you showed us them videos. I find myself wondering why Bro Baldemar was even president in the 1st place! He sure has nothing to show for it! thanks,


Anonymous said...


Find someone else to pick on, your words here are empty, just like your thoughts and obviously you don't know how to spell!

Wow, you're showing a good testimony for the AA!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

My blood boils even worse today after seening the video2. This move by Daniel Sanchez, and Felipe Lugo is an act of a Hostile Invasion. It was a Home Invastion of the House of God.

Dan Sanchez, Sam Valverde, Edward Pacheco and Maffey are ruling the Apostolic Church like Hugo Chavez, a DICTATORSHIP where the hermanos have no VOICE!

What VOICE do the Hermanos have?

Keep SPEAKING UP my Brothers and Sisters!

Send the message.

ENOUGH is ENOUGH! The Hermanos will no longer tolerate your THUGERY!

Nor will we heed to your acts of INTIMIDATION.

Your Thugs are risking Criminal Prosecution is they lay one hand on any of the hermanos!

Keep those cameras rolling!!

i_stand_4_one said...

Los/Las (Chimp)munks:








i_stand_4_one said...

and "shocked" are you still on this thing??

Passionate1_7 said...

What an ugly situation this is for San Bernardino church. Pastor Baldemar deserves this for what he has done in the past?! Lol what happened to God’s mercy and forgiveness? Or are we going back to the OT when it was an eye for an eye? Nice theory but if it proves to be an accurate one does this mean that in the near future we will see all 8 board members lose their churches and what about “the committee” that helped remove the pastors seems like that would be the downfall of the organization losing all those churches hee hee…so glad God doesn’t think like you all do. Pastor Baldemar and Sis. Homa are wonderful people and do not deserve what has happened to them they pastored their church for over 14 years with love, humility and fear of God especially when he was president. He was one of the few men on the board that was not money hungry for he proved it by living in the house he lives in and driving the car he does when he could have easily chosen an Escalade or Lexus. They are true examples of unconditional love (which may be hard to believe after reading what some of their followers have written) for even in this situation that they are in they still love all of San Bernardino Church and have no ill feeling towards anyone even those who stayed because they felt it was right nor those who followed him. He never taught to hurt those that were down by adding salt to the wounds. He always preached to leave it in the hands of God because he will never forsake you and that is why I know that he will greatly prosper where ever he may be and so will the church of San Bernardino they have been through divisions before and death of great pastors and have risen above each and every tribulation many times. God sees the heart and intentions of every current and past member of San Bernardino, he sees their pain and tears and in due time everyone’s healing will come if they are not too filled with bitterness and hatred. Bottom line Pastor Baldemar and Sis Homa did not deserve to have this happen to them nor did the church but we can have faith and consolation that God is still in control of the situation and everything will turn out as it should be in the end.

Skotty Will Show You said...

I Stand 4 One

U rule!

Unknown said...

First let me commend you on your video. Kudos, you should work for the mass media with your talent to misconstrue things. Too bad your talents are going to waste..

It’s interesting to note how on ur video you said the police were called and no one was allowed to gather what was theirs.
Why didn’t you put in your video that the place was locked because someone from within that church let Lugo know that very expensive music instruments were stolen? And the cops that were called? BR called the cops cuz he hadn’t been the one to lock them so he was worried; Makes sense. Don’t jump into conclusions without knowing the whole truth skotty. You seem to do this A LOT in your videos.

Regarding video #2:
He got kicked out because he asked a question? And now he’s out of the assembly? He has been asking questions since ’06 and he’s just getting kicked out now? Hmm.. Interesting... The truth is... BR wrote the constitution for the assembly and he also broke it. He’s being kicked out for breaking the rules; Plain and simple.
If another pastor would break the constitution he too would have his pastor ship taken away from him.

You were very rude to the elders who were there at wed night. You should no respect to the elders. You need to check yourself because that was truly uncalled for

About the visitors he didn’t want there…
First and foremost everyone was told wed. Night was not going to be a regular service. It was going to be a meeting; A meeting for the local church.
Cant you see, all the people who are attend that church were crushed at the pastors removal, it was hard enough for the people who have been in church for 10+ years. How do you think a first time visitor would have felt by seeing this?? It would have been the last time they would have stepped foot into a church. There isn’t anything wrong with what he did. There are so many man of G_d there... I know Lugo isn’t liked by a lot of people but look at the other people that were there. You’re going to tell me out of all those men BR is the only one who’s right and the rest are wrong? Open your eyes. I’m not saying the GB is perfect; But to walk out of the church? All that was said after everyone left (out of their own will) was the articles being read which are already online. They didn’t hide anything because everything that was said is and has been online for your viewing pleasure.
You’re calling yourself a revolutionary? That’s ironic coming from a young man who rarely attends church…trust me, I DO know who you are skotty..

xpastorswife said...


The videos have stung me deeply and my pain is renewed once again. My husband is a casulty of a "lynching" last year. At this time I'm fighting with bitterness and resentment. I no longer want to be part of this Assembly. Everyday I wonder how long before my husbands credetials will be stripped altogether. Not long I'm sure. Pray for me and my family and all the families that are bearing the heavy weight of this administration.

Skotty Will Show You said...

First let me commend you on your Piece. Kudos, you should work for the AA with your talent to misconstrue things. Too bad your talents are going to waste...

If That Makes Sense?

P.S. Find Someone ELSE to Fight With...

-------A Message To ALL!!!!!-------

Does Your Church Need Help?

Is Your Church AT RISK?

Do Not Hesitate!


The Revolutionaries For Justice!

We Cannot Be Everywhere ... BUT

the Places We Go Shall OVERCOME!

------Email US!------

Jeanz said...

Dear XpastorsWife,

I posted a comment yesterday dated 6/26/08 around 5pm that I believe will bless you when you read it. Also I'd like to direct you to click on my link and read "jeanz's thoughts" where I have posted a poem the Lord inspired me when I was going through the hell you now face.


Rambo said...


I'll tell you what I told Jesse.

Your so called "men of God" started all this when they ignored the votes of the pastoral body and took upon themselves to appoint themselves for the positions on the board. They went home laughing at all the poor innocent pastors who sat all day fasting and praying and voting for NOTHING, NOTHING, NOTHING. How all the pastors must feel - humiliated that they were just sitting around wasting their time.

factsonly1 said...

Ignorance is not becoming of a Christian. Food for thought.

You said Dr Rodriguez wrote the constitution? the constitution was written in the 1920s, revised in the 1940s, and once again in 2004 and Sanchez' presidency.

Let me ask you something... HOW OLD DO YOU BR IS?

If he indeed wrote it he would have to well over 100 years old! (unless he wrote in when he was a baby)


Plus I wonder what part of the constitution BR broke?

I can tell you many parts that the gb broke, including a certain corporation that was formed with its own tax id by a certain bishop vice president. Are we REALLY allowed to switch monies and titles/assets to an entity WE created? I'll leave that as homework for you.

revolutionary4justice said...


If I learn my ABC's, can read 600 words per minute, and can write perfect penmanship, but have not shown to communicate with the Designer of all language,
I have not been educated.

If I can deliver an eloquent speech and persuade you with my stunning logic, but have not been instructed by God's wisdom,
I have not been educated.

If I read Shakespeare and John Locke and can discuss their writings with keen insight, but have not read the greatest of all books - the Bible - and have no knowledge of its personal importance,
I have not been educated.

If I have memorized addition facts, multiplication tables, and chemical formulas, but have never been disciplined to hide God's Word in my heart,
I have not been educated.

If I can explain the law of gravity and Einstein’s theory of relativity, but have never been instructed in the unchangeable laws of the One Who orders our universe,
I have not been educated.

If I can classify animals by their family, genus, and species, and can write a lengthy scientific paper that wins an award, but have not been introduced to the Maker's purpose for all creation,
I have not been educated

If I can recite the Gettysburg Address anD the Preamble to the Constitution, but have not been informed of the hand of God in the history of our country,
I have not been educated.

If I can play the piano, the violin, six other instruments, and can write music that moves men to tears, but have not been taught to listen to the Director of the universe and worship Him,
I have not been educated.

If I can run cross-country races, star in basketball and do 100 push-ups without stopping, but have never been shown how to bend my spirit to do God's will,
I have not been educated.

If I can identify a Picasso, describe the style of Da Vinci, and even paint a portrait that earns an A+, but have not learned that all harmony and beauty comes from a relationship with God,
I have not been educated.

If I graduate with a perfect 4.0 and am accepted at the best university with a full scholarship. But have not been guided into a career of God's choosing for me,
I have not been educated.

If I become a good citizen, voting at each election and fighting for what is moral and right, but have not beeN told of the sinfulness of man and his hopelessness without God,
I have not been educated.

However, if one day I see the world as God sees it, and come to know Him, Whom to know is life eternal, and glorify God by fulfilling His purpose for me,
Then, I have been educated!

Anonymous said...


Were you at the scene each time?

If not, you are the weakest link! GOODBYE!

Words are empty, actions are everything!

Proof is all the people needed and proof is what they recieved.

P.S. Show us your video footage and then you can have an actual substantial argument.

What's sad is if you do know Skotty, instead of bashing a soul (as you say he is) why don't you try to win him over for Christ? Oh, I'm sorry, the AA doesn't do those things these days. Instead they try to kick out visitors without even giving them a fair explanation of the whole situation. This is what the gb showed the world, they care for nobody but their own.

factsonly1 said...

whoooooo!! godisjust i love you!!!

Skotty Will Show You said...


They Showed


factsonly1 said...

isn't funny how the AA thinks that the only ppl on here are the "revolutionaries" and souls?

YOUR PEOPLE ARE ON HERE AA! hard to believe from the way they have been behaving but they are are on here! I COULD NAME NAMES!

Some of them are so scared of you that they delete their comments on here after they are sure ppl read them.


Skotty Will Show You said...


Isnt It Funny.

How What Was Once The Majority,
Is Now The Minority. And They Are Realizing THAT Like NOW!

And They Are Letting Their Anger Get The Best Of THEM...


insider21 said...

Apostolic analysts you seem to be a very intelligent and witty person. Someone said that you must be in your 70’s or 80’s. I will have to disagree with them because you are so sharp especially when it comes to knowing a lot of our past administrations of the AA . I would assume that you might have even had some experience in knowing what it is to live in a president’s home by some of your comments on the blog but nevertheless your comments have been very informative. Thank you. The only thing that concerns me is some of your comments you have made on this blog regarding Pastor Baldemar Rodriguez to have also committed the same acts as the present GB. My recollection of one of your comments made on this blog you said the GB was corrupted and there needed to be someone who could stand up to them and you even praised Pastor Abel Torres for being the whistleblower of the fraud that was committed in the elections of 2006 as someone who stood up to them. Months later this went into litigation with Pastor Torres being one of the plaintiff’s as well as Pastor Baldemar Rodriguez joining the bandwagon of this demand made against the GB and not the Apostolic Assembly as some have stated. His involvement in this case has created some discontent with you and a few others because you feel that he (Pastor B. Rodriguez) is just as guilty as the present GB to have allowed this to have happened during his administration too. Has it not occur to you that because of his experience in knowing exactly what goes on behind closed doors within the GB that he might have regrets for allowing this corruption to have existed during his administration. Has it not been said that we are all entitled to a second chance. If these things did happen which I can’t say it did or didn’t happen he will have to live with the consequences. Let’s give him a chance to help this cause for justice by cleaning house and doing away with this corruption. What does he have to lose they have already stripped him from his legacy and humiliated him to their content. Are you with us or against us? Seems to me you are playing both sides of the fence. Unfortunately, we can’t change the past but we sure can change the present and the future.

Former-AA said...

To many things to comment on, but let me begin to comment on a great post by "Quintus". We all have to go on each others word in terms of credentials when we post here, but he laid things out very clear and he writes legit. Please continue to post Quintus, as an experienced legal voice is needed in the mist of this discussion - void of emotion and ignorance.

Apostolic Analyst, while some disagree with him, brings a perspective that is needed. To really believe that Baldemar Rodriguez hands are clean in this whole mess is foolish. No he didn't deserve this, but he had every opportunity for 20+ years to change things so that this didn't happen. Why did it not change? Because yes under his tenure, many a church's were locked and other precious saints lost their funds and were on the street. THere were some MAJOR wrongs done under his watch.

And with all the screams about FRAUD and votes being ignored don't forget this: while a few of the board members were not voted on with majority vote, your same pastors voted to approve the CID (the infamous document that helped enable this whole mess) and then voted Daniel Sanchez and Sam Valverde in! There was no discrepancy when it came to the top 2. So what are you going to do when you scream foul play - yet they voted the top 2 leaders in?

Unknown said...


There is a HUGE discrepancy with the top two.

Given the pre-meditated fraud they commited, they fell short of the mark where their very own CID was concerned!!

Former-AA said...

I understand if there was a discrepancy, after the fact. Of course there was no way they could foresee this future, but voting other tenured people back for 4 more years and expecting anything different? That was not going to happen

Skotty Will Show You said...

Apostolic News Blogmaster!

Is There Any Way To Disable The Ability For People Who Post On Here To Delete Their Comments?

Unknown said...

The video2 doesn't show everything?

That what LAPD said when the Rodney King Video came out.

factsonly1 said...

i agree. If you're gonna say something, STAND BY IT! Don't be a COWARD. (cough, cough, "Shocked")

Skotty Will Show You said...

He's Right Henry... Video 2 DOESN'T SHOW EVERYTHING...


So Next time I will Be Ready With More THAN jUST 1 CAMERA...

Unknown said...

So they have already taken out: BR, Dan Solomon, Avila but what about Pastor Torres...

Anyone have any idea? Technically Pastor Torres is still part of the Apostolic Assembly, does anyone have any information as to what is going to happen to him or what the Assembly plans to do with him?

Skotty Will Show You said...

To N e Body That WAS there... What Else DId i Miss When I was UP at the front..?

by faith we will walk~ said...

guillermo mendoza was stealing money.
His grandson david would live of the church's money.
Having a big house and super good cars wasnt enough, after the division they took $60,000
When they were there they coulnt pay the mortgage now that they left
they pick up the mortgage money in 2 weeks.

apostolic4life said...

Hello "world"

Look we are all very interested in knowing who you are! so at the gaylord make sure you are all wearing some kind of a uniform so we can distinguish your kind.Maybe il get a group of us to lynch you all! so be brave mis amigos and step out of your secular closets...see you at the gaylord

Unknown said...

I know that this is probably not the appropriate place but I dont know where else to go...

I just committed a grave moral sin, very bad. I feel very guilty, cant live with myself. My family will be affected, I dont know what to do...plz help someone...

Love Never Fails said...

Lacks Wisdom,

Stay strong and know that God is forgiving. All you can do know is believe that God is in Control of all things.

God is loving and patient with his children.

My prayers are with you.

Former-AA said...

Lacks Wisdom
I hope that you have a church that you can go to and speak with the elders or pastors of the church to help you get through this. If not there, then perhaps a church close to you, call them and make an appointment to speak to a counselor or man or woman of God. This blog is a great way to start your healing but take the next step.

God is in the business of restoring, even after the greatest of failures. Do not make any quick decisions, when we feel our worst we tend to not to use the greatest of wisdom. Be blessed in the name of Jesus.

Romans 5:19-21
19For just as through the disobedience of the one man the many were made sinners, so also through the obedience of the one man the many will be made righteous.
20The law was added so that the trespass might increase. But where sin increased, grace increased all the more,
21so that, just as sin reigned in death, so also grace might reign through righteousness to bring eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Skotty Will Show You said...

-------A Message To ALL!!!!!-------

Does Your Church Need Help?

Is Your Church AT RISK?

Do Not Hesitate!


The Revolutionaries For Justice!

We Cannot Be Everywhere ... BUT

the Places We Go Shall OVERCOME!

------Email US!------

Rush said...

Fellow bloggers. I feel your pain. I know that many of you think of Mr. Baldemar as a "Man of God", a patriarch, an honorable man, maybe even an idol (lol.. maybe he is your american idol). Look if he is as great as you think he is, this whole "lynching" will make him greater. Hey, think of him as your martyr. Mr. Baldemar will be back. Stop stressing! Be happy. By the way, here is the definition of lynching. LYNCHING: a hanging executed by a mob, usually racially motivated. He was not murdered. He was meerly fired for violating the constitution that he once upheld. That's all. How many of you have been fired before. I have and you know what, is not the end of the world. Be well

Skotty Will Show You said...

Ok so...
Idiot is...A person of profound mental retardation having a mental age below three years and generally being unable to learn connected speech or guard against common dangers. The term belongs to a classification system no longer in use and is now considered offensive.

A Martyr IS...One who makes great sacrifices or suffers much in order to further a belief, cause, or principle.

Voter Fraud IS... illegal interference with the process of an election.

Skotty Will Show You said...

Rush IS....


Btw Rush.

My American Idol IS LUGO.
Because He Is Really Photogenic...
aND He Had The Best Face On Camera...

Rush said...

Skotty: Get some rest. Your delirious

MaR said...

I am in awe of this...its very overwhemling. I comend you for standing up for what you belive. My prayers are with the pastors on "the list", for their families & for the churches! Seeing all of this truely goes to show that Gods' coming is very, very soon. God Bless All of You!

Skotty Will Show You said...

well didnt u see his face in the video when he kicks members out?

It Was PRICELESS dude...

caligurl said...

i feel sad for pastor BR and Sis H. i attended this church about 11yrs ago and was baptized there too. I did not see some ministers though on the video, are they the ones that remain "neutral"?
T.G.,B.G.,E.P. i'm sure theres more. But i cant remember there were so many.

Rambo said...

To all the AA Pastors

Say next time the GB calls for an election DON'T SHOW UP. And if you do go ahead and eat, heck take a brown bag lunch! Shoot tell them you want a Banquet while they count their 2 VOTES! Or turn in little blank pieces of paper. Darn vote for yourself and get your buddy to vote for you - and BINGO who knows you might wind up on the Board. Of course you must be a close friend or relative. Darn, sorry.

Stonehill said...

Did you read this?:
"For Press Release
June 27, 2008 – Concerning the Apostolic Assembly of the Faith in Christ Jesus (“AAFCJ”)

The following was provided by the AAFCJ world headquarters office, as a response to the many inquiries that have been received regarding some developing concerns.

This is written with a saddened and burdened heart. On Tuesday night, the Apostolic Assembly of the Faith in Christ Jesus (“AAFCJ”) world headquarters building was vandalized. It is unknown who did this but it is being investigated by the police.

Recently, many false rumors have been circulated through many sources, including internet blog spots that the AAFCJ is “excommunicating” up to 20 pastors as a result of the election lawsuit. Nothing could be further from the truth. It is true, however, that the AAFCJ has removed the four pastors who did sue the AAFCJ seeking court intervention to overturn the 2006 AAFCJ General Elections.

Regarding the election lawsuit, the Judge issued a final ruling on April 3, 2008, specifically stating:

• Plaintiffs’ (4 pastors) Motion to Set Aside the Election Dated November 24, 2006 and Ordering a New Election is DENIED with prejudice;

• The Court finds there is no evidence of any Church Constitutional irregularity in the selection of the Qualifying Committee;

• The Court finds that there is no Constitution prohibition against members of the Qualifying Committee using the CID or any other document or guideline, in considering the capabilities, qualities and rights of a nominee.
It is extremely unfortunate that there is misinformation being spread about the court decision. It is true that the plaintiffs may appeal this ruling if they wish. AAFCJ has not been informed of an appeal at this time.

Now is the time for healing to begin. The AAFCJ is a church, first and foremost, and wishes to focus on its mission: Exalt Christ, Equip the Church and Evangelize the World. This is being accomplished through various avenues: The ‘Jesus Strategy’ HOME Groups lifestyle, the Church Roadmap- for a more effective mission execution, and the continual preaching of the gospel across the United States of America and around the world."

This is from

senior4christ said...

I am a Senior. I have read and seen the videos. My heart is heartbroken.I have years of hard labor, tears, along with joy and love for Gods work. My voice is weary, my sight has diminished some, my strengh has weekend, but my love for God is stronger and keeps me going. There are no walls for those nor closed doors to anyone that renderes love for souls and worship the Lord with all sincerity. No matter what race or color. Jesus died for all.I praise the Lord for calvery for I as gentile now have salvation. I must remaine focosed and not let Man deter my focus. I need Him We have not much time left.We made many many tameles to build churches. SB was built with alot of sweat equity and tamales yet the walls still stand. Many souls were saved through the word of God. I am proud and happy to have been a participant of those early years. As I saw the doors closed I felt a sharp pain in my heart that braught tears to my eyes. I asked God to give me strengh. I thank my children for providing me with a computor and internet. I thank God that I am able to use the instrument to consel many woman with Gods word. As I continued watching the videos I saw Bro. Baldemar contunue to guide the fold with words of encouragement. And as I saw them stand in that park I remebered seeing some elderly ladies. I dont have much strengh but I decided to take off the dust of my pots and pans, and with thelp of my children and friends i will Make some tameles to help purchase a few chairs for these ladies.So they can contunue worshiping the Lord. If a soul sits on those chairs I will ask the Lord to bless them and whomever sits on those chairs. I undershtand you have to start from the bottom but i know that there many people that will be there for you. I was encouraged by the one person that said He would give 1 months tithes of tithes.I dont have much income but i am willling to give $100.00 to purchase a few chairs.One comment was they had ove a million in savings for construction of new church. But God is greater and will provide and I want to be a blessing. Thank God for tamales. I will pray for you. Stay focus on Jesus. I love Gods People .Thankyou for posting Bro. Baldemars address for I will send my offering. Sincerly
Senior 4 Christ

come again said...


Are you asking about Bro. Abel Torres because you are praying from him? He is doing just great and spending time with his family and family in Christ. As for what the gb will do, who knows since they are sneaky and tend to just swoop down and do their dirty work. This of course will be their UNDOING! You just keep on praying for Bro. Torres.

Rush said...

Wow! Thanks for all that you have done, and for all that you continue to do.

Jeanz said...

Skotty a job well done.. thank you for taking the time to edit and post the videos... will you please let me know the song you used on the 3rd video during worship at the park?

As we texans say, I love y'all

In Christ
Jeanne Romo

a shout out to my jerry cakes... who is the only other person that is not ashamed to identify himself:) nothing to hide:) nothing to fear:) LOVE YOU TO DEATH

Unknown said...

That Press Release is a lie just like everything else the GB is doing.

Please name the four Pastors that have been removed . . . . . . . . . . . . . Still waiting . . . . . Pastor Abel Torres has not been removed!!!!!

They couldn't tell the truth if they were standing on the Bible and looking at Jesus!!!!

Stonehill said...

Comunicado de Prensa
27 de Junio del 2008 – Concerniente a la Asamblea Apostólica de la Fe en Cristo Jesús (“AAFCJ”)

Lo que sigue viene desde las Oficina General Mundial de AAFCJ, como una respuesta a muchos solicitudes que se han sido recibidas concernientes a algunos hechos que se han desarrollado.

Esto es escrito con una carga de tristeza en el corazón. El martes en la noche, el edificio corporativo de la Asamblea Apostólica de la Fe en Cristo Jesús fue vandalizado. Es desconocido quien lo hizo, pero está siendo investigado por el departamento de policía.

Recientemente, muchos falsos rumores han estado circulando por muchos sitios, incluyendo espacios de comentarios en internet, que la AAFCJ está “excomunicando” (o poniendo en excomunión) a 20 pastores como resultado de la demanda hecha en contra de las elecciones. Nada podría estar más lejos de la verdad. Es verdad, sin embargo, que la AAFCJ ha removido a los cuatro pastores que demandaron a la AAFCJ buscando la intervención de la corte para anular las elecciones Generales de la AAFCJ hechas el 2006.

Concerniente a la demanda contra las elecciones, el juez impuso un fallo final el 3 de Abril del 2008 declarando especificamente que:

• Plaintiffs’ (4 pastors) Motion to Set Aside the Election Dated November 24, 2006 and Ordering a New Election is DENIED with prejudice;
• The Court finds there is no evidence of any Church Constitutional irregularity in the selection of the Qualifying Committee;
• The Court finds that there is no Constitution prohibition against members of the Qualifying Committee using the CID or any other document or guideline, in considering the capabilities, qualities and rights of a nominee.

Es extremadamente desafortunado que haya mala información siendo esparcida acerca de la decisión judicial. Es verdad que los demandantes podrían apelar este fallo si así lo desean. La AAFCJ no ha sido informada de una apelación hasta estos momentos.

Ahora es tiempo que la sanidad comience. La AAFCJ es una iglesia primero que todo, y que desea enfocarse en su misión: Exaltar a Cristo, Equipar a la Iglesia y Evangelizar al mundo. Esto está siendo llevado a cabo a través de muchas vías: La “Estrategia de Jesús” estilo de grupos de hogar, el Mapa del Camino para la Iglesia para una más efectiva ejecución de su misión y el continuo predicar del Evangelio a través de los EEUU de América y alrededor del mundo.

(Advierto que este es solo un intento personal de traducir algo para aquellos que no dominan el inglés. De ningún modo es de carácter oficial. No he traducido la decisión de la corte por no dominar del todo el lenguaje jurídico)

tejano said...


Stonehill said...

Mis preguntas son:

En el comunicado de prensa ¿Se quiere relacionar el vandalismo a las Oficinas Generales y a los pastores que han sido removidos?

Si el vandalismo obedece a personas disgustadas por las decisiones recientes de la Mesa Directiva ¿Por qué lo hicieron, qué quieren demostrar los vándalos?

Y si estoy loco y esto es mera coincidencia redaccional, entonces ¿para qué juntan ambos casos en la misma declaración y en la página principal de la AAFCJ?

Tanto lo uno como lo otro es realmente frustrante y vergonzoso.

truth said...

It was really sad watching those videos and discusting how coward Dan Sanchez just sat back and watch. But his giing to have to annswer some questions to the. I R S s specially for the missing money from the general funds I heard it was close to 500,000thosand dlls missing. Where is this money Sanchez?


All the Pastor's that have been affected (LYNCHED) all have been used of God in a mighty way. Has anyone thought that maybe, God is taking them out for a purpose to greater his kingdon? I belive that God is going to use the LYNCHED men to do something AWESOME



Rambo said...

Pastors, those of you who won't stand up and be heard after what the GB did to you, you know, ridiculed you by making you think that your vote meant something - WAKE UP! Just look at all of you in that picture (except of course the yawning one - he probably knew what was going on and slept thru it all). There you all are feeling all important because you THOUGHT you counted! Your wives probably sent you off to the elections, straightened your tie and looked at you with pride as you went off to do the Lord's will at the elections. Totally embarrassing, how do you feel now? Really, the only thing you count for to the GB is TO SEND YOUR TITHES IN! Watch - don't send your tithes in for a couple of months and see what happens! If they didn't know you from ADAM before you will quickly be known, they'll be calling madly. Try it, come on, get your pride back.


How many victims are you going to lose because of one mans pride. Hate to say it but he ain't JACK! Its all about money. A selfish leader who is causing a split and he does not care?

mb said...

Please get one thing straight - Baldemar Rodriguez did not cause a division; Willie Mendoza did not cause a division either! They were booted out.

Skotty, thanks again for those awesome videos. Everyone that I have talked to about them was moved to tears.

revolutionary4justice said...


there is always room for improvement & repentance...
glad 2 see u r seeing the whole picture.

see u on sunday!

revolutionary4justice said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
time4gloves2come_off said...

ok, I guess it's time for the gloves to come off.

I know there is something floating around about each of the GB members. Does anyone have enough informetion to take it to the proper authorities?

Sanchez - swindled house from previous pastor

Valverde - Thief - preaches other peoples sermons and SELLS them!

Pacheco - you would need an entire blog dedicated to him! - for startes Car pyramid, Straw buying, his own building fund, election fraud . . .

Maffey - Being related to Richard, wife's unusual condition that won't allow her hair to grow

Espinoza - Stupidity - had buisness card printed out BEFORE the election!

Prado - Allowing his idiot son to kill his girlfriend

Martin del Campo - Gluttony, illiteracy

Aguilar - Conflict of interest - used AA $$ to buy his FAVORITE child and false prophet a $2,000,000.00 building in New York

If the proper documentation can be delivered to the proper authorities, we could clean up our act. Unless, they continue as La 'M' and run things from prison

Lets clean house!!!!!

Unknown said...

We need a "Member's Bill of Rights" incorporated into the AA Constitution.

If the AA Constitution can be amended to add the CID, then why not a "Member's Bill of Rights"?

We the members of the AAFJC need a voice. Right now, we have no voice.

M.Gallegos said...

HEY,skotty. I have a radio's my contact info
contact me asap....

jstrad said...

Hey folks from Colorado, what's the word from Bishop Solomon's church? How did everything shake down there? We are praying for you.

revolutionary4justice said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
revolutionary4justice said...

BTW: does any one have any idea on what the guy in a red looking PT Cruiser did after he hit a parked car @ Best Western in Ranch Cucamonga? He had a broken tail light and scratch on the driver's rear happenedwed. mid afternoon.

Rambo said...


Wow, Sister, what an example you are to all of us. God bless you.

Anonymous said...

-------A Message To ALL!!!!!-------

Does Your Church Need Help?

Is Your Church AT RISK?

Do Not Hesitate!


The Revolutionaries For Justice!

We Cannot Be Everywhere ... BUT

the Places We Go Shall OVERCOME!

------Email US!------

revolutionary4justice said...

Senior 4 Christ

Your blogpost left me in tears.

Thank you for showing us, the young generation, your desire to help in times of need. I have learned about the things that require to build a church, which is determination, dedication and hard work, and that it all pays off in the end. Whether it'd be making tamales, yard sales and car washes, they will make it because God never leaves the righteous forsaken. Your kindness, willingness, and prayer, I know are greatly appreciated by Dr. Baldemar and his faithful members.

i have u in my prayers and honestly i wish there were more people like you in this world...

God bless!

Anonymous said...


I am speechless, the Lord truly still uses his people. Even those that have decided to follow Dr. Baldemar. You are proof of the teachings of Dr. Baldemar. You definitely shined a light on this blog today.

You are an inspiration to all people, all around the world that it doesn't matter what age you are, you can still stand for what you believe in! You are officially considered AWESOME to the youth of today!

Your testimony says it all! May God richly bless you and your loved ones!

jose said...

I’m not sure how I feel right now. I’m upset, hurt, frustrated, appalled, and even in disbelief mode as to the course of action by the General Board of the Apostolic Assembly of the Faith in Christ Jesus (AA). The removal of pastors from their churches and stripping them of their ministerial/pastoral credentials is retaliation at its best. What wrongdoing was committed to warrant such an extreme action?

Is it because these men challenged the electoral process of 2006? We live in America, and we have these privileges to question, and ask within the processes of the organization. And, I surmise there were more than just the four plaintiffs that questioned it, and are still doing so today.

In my view, these men and the action against them is the current General Board’s way of demonstrating their “power” and these “bully tactics” are to demonstrate to the rest of the pastoral body that “this is what happens when you question us.” How nonsensical is that? This is leadership?

What happened to the Road Map? These were Pastoral Strategies for 2005 to 2011. The AA website challenges under the Road Map to return to the Book of Acts:
The Road Map Booklet was written for Apostolic Assembly pastors. And, it refers to 7 basic truths that are expressed in the booklet:
Each truth begins with “We must build….” However, the current action against the pastors who questioned or challenged a process through the appropriate channels and without intent of malice is anything but “building.”
Truth #1 focuses on building wisely; on the foundation… the removal of pastors from the fellowship truly a wise thing to do?
Truth #2 focuses on building without wasting…is the usage of flights, per diem, and hotel stays not a waste to advise a pastor “he is history?”
Truth #3 focuses on building well….to please the Great God we serve, is removing instead of restoring and rebuilding relationships pleasing to God?
Truth #4 focuses on building widely…the world is our field…but are these actions “looking beyond ourselves” as the leaders and “beyond our own churches, and beyond our own culture?” What is the culture that has been set by these actions?
Truth #5 focuses on building wall-to-wall, God wants His house to be full….”compel them to come in,” not “strip them and boot them out.”
Truth #6 focuses on building watchfully…”able to work together, able to identify the enemy, able to build and fight….” Where are the rebuilding, the reinstating, and the refurbishing? Have we given in to the enemy of our souls?
Truth #7 focuses on building weepingly…with heartfelt passion….”more than duty, delight, more than position, passion, more than method, mission…” A leader must be genuine, honest, kind, truthful, compassionate, and puts others before himself….
Quite frankly, is the current AA General Board demonstrating any of these strategies at this time? The men they are removing from the pastoral ranks are “men of God such as the apostles Peter, Paul, and their followers who had a calling and appointment by God to preach the Gospel.” (This was also taken from the Road Map website).
Back to Acts 6
“ Then the twelve called the multitude of the disciples unto them, and said, it is not reason that we should leave the word of God, and serve tables. Wherefore, brethren, look ye out among you seven men of honest report, full of the Holy Ghost and wisdom, whom we may appoint over this business. But we will give ourselves continually to prayer, and to the ministry of the word.” Acts 6:2-4
I’m truly sorry for this and truly disappointed in the “reaction” of the current AA General Board. God truly be merciful to all of us.

jose said...

It is a shame of what is being done to many men of God, I am a believer that truth will always prevail and these recent actions of removing pastors that dare to pose a question is very disturbing, I predict that the damage will be greater now than when allegations were first made.

I am highly disappointed in the man that I thought was a friend to my father and uncle, he (Daniel Sanchez) surely does not represent what these two men of God and what the scriptures instruct us to do. The way to resolve is clearly defined in the scripture. I ask the question, would the following scripture apply to this situation where God warns not to even touch the hairs of the head of believer. I suppose the answer will come when we are before the Throne of God.

These actions do not support the doctrine of Theocracy rather it has the reflection of earthly governments like: monarchy, communism, aristocracy, authoritarianism or corporatocracy and perhaps others.

“I can speak up since I do not have membership or a church ministry that can be taken away from me”

- Nathaniel Ramirez

i_stand_4_one said...







7 “Listen to me, you who know right from wrong
you who cherish my law in your hearts.
Do not be afraid of people’s scorn,
nor fear their insults.
8 For the moth will devour them as it devours clothing.
The worm will eat at them as it eats wool.
But my righteousness will last forever.
My salvation will continue from generation to generation.”
Isaiah 51:7&8

649 said...


649 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
factsonly1 said...

Any more news on Tafoya's lynching?
It is said to have happened last night...

Unknown said...

Thank you Nathaniel Ramirez!

I commend you for being bold enough to speak out and sign your name to this blog, unlike the rest of us.

This kind of proves my theory that I am posing that most of the members of the AA do not agree with the GB.

The people (liaty) are looking at this situation and they suspect exactly what the plaintiff's suspect...that something went wrong at the 2006 elections.

Unless you are related to any of the board members, I believe most of the members of the AA are not siding with the GB.

I hear even Pacheco's daughter has left her dad's church recently and gone independent because of all of this.

Brother Nathaniel you were related to former board member of the AA. Was it the late Bishop Robert Ramirez?

I wouldn't doubt that most of the people suspect something went unethically wrong in the 2006.

It would be nice to set up a poll or if every blogger put at the end of their blog if they suspect something went unethically wrong at the 2006 elections. Nothing else for now.

truth said...

It makes me sick every time I see that video but like - said it's gonna be interesting how the GB is going to fix their books whe the I R S shows up conranle a areglar los libros y the only words I got for you GB is (rats) and (camdores de si mismos). It was pretty discusting watching Sanchez. how Lugo was doing his dirty work .Lugo de seguro te prometi algo la GB cara de papa

Unknown said...

bros and sis
let's take it to the next level
we need a bilingual Podcast,Internet Radio Show, our side needs to be told!!!!
I'm will commit to a monthly donation of $250. for a year to help cover any expenses in setting this up!!

ynos said...

time for a worship break in all this fiasco. check this clip out, it will cause you to soar

Rambo said...

Nathaniel Ramirez

Greetings from the great state of Texas!

Your father, Bro. Thomas and uncle, Bro. Robert were great friends of Bro. Valentin Torres during the time they lived in Texas. They remained friends until the Lord took them back. We loved them and their families.

Your dad and uncle would have "kicked some butt" about all these shenanigans if they were here. It would have been great to see.

God Bless.

tijuana guerrero said...

Bro. Abel Torres supposedly received a certified letter stating that he was relieved of his pastoral duties. This was a day after the gb was to talk with him. Can anybody else confirm this.

truth said...

I hard from a good source how all the Sanchez are cut con la misma tijera I Heard que han bivido amargados por problemas de su pasado con sus padres y creen haberlo superado but los echos disen otra cosa including bishop from southerern district John Sanchez all they talk about es amrgura y desobediensia and believe me. John Sanchez is a good counselor we have brought him here to our district several times but after the firt time you could see all the bitterness thi Sanchez guys have.

come again said...

tijuana guerrero

Yep, they broke the restraining order within less than 24 hours. They know what that means, we're hoping they don't listen to their attorneys again. I hear they got a good slapping last time!

Unknown said...


Was that video clip to make us SOAR? Or SNOAR? lol

Check this Oldie but a Goodie out:

porq said...

The Sanchezs come from the Imperial Valley = El Centro CA to be exact. Dan Sanchez has always belittle his younger brother John, even in public he just throws verbal jabs at him, basically implying that he (Dan) is the "thing".
Dan has even disowned his only 2 daughters, because they have left the AA years ago. And, he's always had a jealousy vendetta on Salomon and w/ G. Mendoza
He thinks he's the most sought after preacher the AA's ever had, baloney!!
Talk about a haughty spirit it's DS

come again said...

We are waiting for them with ummm "open arms".

porq said...

Los Sanchezs come from the Imperial Valley = El Centro CA to be exact. Dan Sanchez has always belittle his younger brother lil John, even in public he just throws verbal jabs at him, basically implying that he (Dan) is the "thing" to be admired.
Dan has even disowned his only 2 daughters, because they have left the AA years ago. And, he's always had a jealousy vendetta on Salomon & against Pastor Guillermo Mendoza!
He thinks he's the most eloquent sought-after preacher the AA's ever had, baloney!!

insider21 said...

Today as I sat here at my desk and pondered as to why this was going I began to cry. I cried because with all my heart I wished this had never happened. I am 25 and you can discredit this or not it is your choice, It is not just the board’s fault. We have all had a hand in this. We all need to be held accountable you might say while reading this. Which is true we must all be held accountable.

We are not fighting the board, we are fighting against principalities and powers of the air. We are fighting a spirit that has plagued our church for to long. We have this problem because we are worried about how far we can get and where we can get. We no longer allow God we vote for whom is popular at the moment and how it will benefit our own interest.

We have gone on like this for years. We do not have our eyes focused on God. We sometimes can not even see the Lord directing us in our fingertips and what we say, We are trying to discredit everyone for everything. We are a body and in this spiritual body we all have different but very important functions. Together we bring balance to this body. Have we forgotten where we should set our eyes on God.

I have seen people campaigning long before elections by just simply asking who are you voting for. We recognize that there is a problem but we follow the same thing expecting different results which I am sure as many of you know is the definition of insanity. We are all guilty of that I say that because I even include myself.

I Love you in all in Christ
If you do not treat me with the same regard
I still love you all.
God Bless

Former-AA said...

That is not an oldie/goodie - thats a classic!

justmenGod said...

wow godisjust u must of been with that family up north as you claim u know so much. hmmmm i wonder who you are talking about. at least have the guts to say things straight. Your right Bro Baledemar did open his arms for that family! but you know what that family went thru stuff you wouldnt even imagine. and this was personaly aginst them! their lives. have you ever received a death threat! have you ever been ran off the road by someone on the middle of a freeway has any of your family been chased by a bunch of thugz in a car threating against your life. i dont think so. You know that 'family' as you call it.they stood with their heads up high for what was right. and not eith words and insults with silence and prayer. until the day came for them to move on. when they saw a church who was destroyed broken and hurt be recovered healthy and well. Then and only then did they move on. how do you know it wasnt God's will. by the way u speak you must have been there. but by that same way you can tell you werent or else you wouldnt even metion this on a blog. My heart and deepest prayers go out to Bro Baldemar and especialy sis Homa. what has happened to them is not right. and they do not deserve it. but y keep on bringing other ppl into this. they have families too. daughter sons grandkids and innocent bistandards.if you were ppl of God you would be praying not attacking others. all you are doing is making Bro Baldemar look bad. He doesnt deserve this.If you stand by it then do it. Do it with love and prayer. not with negativity and murmur! For at the end of all this God will show his hand in all things

quepasa? said...


"And, he's always had a jealousy vendetta on Salomon & against Pastor Guillermo Mendoza!"

i agree!

im4reform said...
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factsonly1 said...


if "siganmelosbuenos" hadn't deleted his comments, you would of seen the bashing he did. But like most people for the GB, he has something to hide. Godisjust was responding to his bashing and reminding him of what pastor has done for people who now seem so indifferent. they SAY they back up pastor and his cause, but their ACTIONS betray them. So sad...
Plus he deleted all of his empty threats... why? tiro la piedra y escondio la mano.

Unknown said...

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This box: view • talk • editIn modern usage a tyrant is a single ruler holding vast, if not absolute power through a state or in an organization. The term carries modern connotations of a harsh and cruel ruler who places his or her own interests or the interests of a small oligarchy over the best interests of the general population which the tyrant governs or controls. However, in the classical sense, the word simply means one who has taken power by their own means as opposed to hereditary or constitutional power (and generally without the modern connotations). This mode of rule is referred to as tyranny. Many individual rulers or government officials are accused of tyranny, with the label almost always a matter of controversy.

The word derives from Latin tyrannus, and ultimately from the non-pejorative Greek τύραννος tyrannos, meaning "illegitimate ruler", although this was not pejorative and applicable to both good and bad leaders alike.[1][2]

im4reform said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...


Your thugs are too funny!

You stated the following "but y keep on bringing other ppl into this. they have families too. daughter sons grandkids and innocent bistandards.if you were ppl of God you would be praying not attacking others."

Anyone can read my posts again and I have not brought anyone into anything, I don't know you, I just pass on word as it is given to me. So I'm sorry if you ended up the person I was informed about.

As far as I have read and continue to do so, your group of thugs keep slandering and threatening Dr.Baldemar's congregation. It is unfortunate that this is what it has come to.

I pray the Lord help all of you members, whether with you be with the Americans (the followers) or Mexicans (the left behind), you are still all equal.

im4reform said...

To Presiding President Bishop Daniel Sanchez

What is the worth of one soul in the eyes of God? How do you suppose the Lord feels when he sees even one of His children's heart aching and hurt? How do you think the brethren feel in the depths of their souls that have been severely hurt because the General Board removed the candle stick from its place.

Was it really worth it? Did the election in 2006 really gain what you were after? Did the end justify the means? Anyone with Godly convictions would have to feel for these deposed brethren.

Are the pastors healthier today than they were November 2006? Has the Road Map taken the Assembly to the place of its intended destiny?

The REAL "Strategy of Jesus" is not a program nor is it an evangelistic tool. The strategy Jesus used was love, and compassion. Jesus' strategy was the unity of the brethren until we grow up to the stature and measure of Christ. The strategy of Jesus was honesty and integrity, not deception.

Now because of the elections in 2006, pastors are sicker than ever before. In the more than 30 years that I have been in the Assembly, I have NEVER seen so much division, anger, and resentment towards our organization and its leaders. Our young people who will be the leaders of tomorrow have been severely affected by all of this. The wives are stressed out. Add to that the state of the economy and all the bad news in the world are making people lose hope.

2 Chronicles 7:14
"if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land."

What are you going to do about it? How long do you think this will continue before:
1) there is an out right civil war in our organization and you see a mass exodus taking place.
2) or you see God bringing judgment, not just to the leaders, but to the whole assembly because they have been led into rebellion through deception.

You are our authority whether we like it or not. You are our covering and are supposed to be protecting us like an umbrella. But your umbrella over us is like our constitution, it has many holes.

Bringing our organization back together is going to take real leadership. One that has a meek heart and a gentle spirit. One that makes the flock love and follow their pastors until the end, as was seen in the congregations that have broken away.

You bare the responsibility of what is happening. As a pastor whose vote did not count, I could NEVER respect you, nor honor you in my spirit no matter if I follow the letter of the law, I could never follow the spirit of the law as far as our organization is concerned.

I think I speak the sentiments of many pastors that are under you but are afraid to speak out for fear of retaliation. Many are getting angry enough to speak out. I will wait a few months, to wait on the Lord and see what you will do. Mean while I will be looking at my options. I for one am not afraid of losing everything. I cannot violate my own values, in continuing an organization whose leaders do not value their own.

I conclude with this:
I once heard you tell a story of when you were a young minister. You were driving a car along with other brothers including your pastor at the time. You relate that your pastor was a great man of God, howbeit, a simple man who did not know how to exegete the Scriptures very well. As you were driving you were discussing a Passage from the Bible and your pastor incorrectly interpreted a Passage. You proceeded to correct him and gave him the correct interpretation. As you were driving, you looked in the rear view mirror and you saw your simple pastor, the man of God with tears in his eyes. The pastor responded "Si mijito ensename" meaning, yes son teach me. You shared how bad you felt for what you had done to your pastor.

President Bishop Sanchez, when you were little in your own eyes you were able to recognize the pain in your pastor. You had a heart of flesh, of love and compassion. There are a lot of pastors that are weeping. They have been wounded. Many of them are simple, yet they are men of God.

Please look in your rear view mirror, only you can console them.

RaCHy said...

-------A Message To ALL!!!!!-------

Does Your Church Need Help?

Is Your Church AT RISK?

Do Not Hesitate!


The Revolutionaries For Justice!

We Cannot Be Everywhere ... BUT

the Places We Go Shall OVERCOME!

------Email US!------

Anonymous said...


I am going to retire for the night, I pray the Lord bless each and everyone of you whether you are on the AA side or not!

Psalm 1 is what I leave you with to meditate on tonight!

649 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
649 said...


miss novice said...

Jesucristo ya viene...

ynos said...

to revslilangel
"Jesucristo ya viene..." ya llego!

eager bro. said...

if this church needs a place to met for services my home has plenty room .bor mike michel

justmenGod said...

well GODisjust maybe you should find your information from another source because in this paticular case i knew the family first had i lived this situation with them. and you think that the MEXICANS as you call them are who were attacking this family you have your story mixed up. maybe you should speak for yourself or find another source of just not metion certain people in paticular.You laugh at the mention of thugz but if you would have known what these people put them thru you wouldnt be know for you to speak such righteousness you sure are racist. so sad. now its not only AA GB OR whatever against whatever. ITS MEXICANS vs AMERICANS well i am mexican and as i see in your videos so are most of the members that left with Bro Baldemar . i think what the board done to your partor is wrong. but i dont think this is the place to fight it and i dont think you should bring other families down ither. i think you should pray for those who you dont agree with and help your pastor as much as you can in the time of his pain. all im saying is with this paticular family get your story straingt. because what you have heard is false. and what you have posted is false and in reality have NO idea what they went thru unless you were there.

Rambo said...

Maybe we should leave personal vendettas out of this, I mean we do have enough problems as it is.



Anonymous said...


As I said before I pray for you as I hope you pray for me! I don't know why you feel the need to keep trying to put others down. I am not here to fight, nor do I feel you truly are either.

Why you didn't expect a response from your prior bashing? I do not know. We are all human, just as you are being human in your responses and I forgive you for them! You hold true to yours as I will hold true to my sources.

I am glad you noticed that there were mexicans in the video, but I guess you didn't get my scarcasm about everyone being equal. That was my point exactly. Please vent to someone else your bias opinions.

May God bless and keep you always! :-)

jose said...

I. The Church recognizes our Lord Jesus Christ as the Just and Supreme Judge of all men, and knows that we will all appear before His Judgment Throne, at which time the true thoughts and acts of men will be revealed.
We also find that the Word of God authorizes the Church to bring to trial those members who are disobedient or commit errors. These trials have two objectives:
CONSTITUTION Apostolic Assembly of the Faith in Christ Jesus
1) To conserve, insofar as humanly possible, the purity of the Church by admonishing and dismissing those who, pretending to be Christians, disobey the Word of God, thus bringing shame and reproach upon the Church, thereby endangering other faithful Christians who may follow their example (I Corinthians 6:16; Titus 2: 10).
2) To consider those faults that may appear to be of minor importance, but nonetheless carry the danger of greater spiritual contamination to those who practice them. In these cases, the primary purpose is to find a way for the brethren to correct their faults and regain church fellowship (Galatians 6:12; II Timothy 2:24-26; 1 John 5:16-17;
II Corinthians, 2:5-7).
II. It is the duty of pastors to counsel their church members, judge among them, correct their faults, remove from office those helpers not in the ministry who are insubordinate, and dismiss others when their proven bad conduct prevents them from being retained in the church. (I Timothy 5:20-21; Titus 1:13, 3:10; Hebrews 13:17).
III. Trials involving pastors, ministers in charge of a new work, evangelists, assistant pastors and ordained ministers, shall take place in meetings presided by the respective district bishop and at least two elders, and include all necessary witnesses.
IV. Trials involving members of the General Board of Directors, district bishops, and auxiliary elders shall take place in meetings presided by the Bishop President or, in his absence, by the Bishop Vice-President, with the assistance of the Bishop General Secretary and three more members from either the General Board of Directors or the Episcopal Body.
V. Accusations against pastors, ministers in charge of a new work, evangelists, co-pastors, assistant pastors, and ordained ministers shall be presented in writing and in duplicate to the corresponding district bishop, and be signed by at least two witnesses
(I Timothy 5:19).
VI. The district bishop who received the aforementioned accusation shall send a copy to the accused party indicating the date and place where the trial will take place so that the latter may attend. The original copy shall remain with the district bishop for his use on the specified date of the trial.
Apostolic Assembly of the Faith in Christ Jesus CONSTITUTION
VII. Accusations against members of the General Board of Directors, district bishops and elders shall be presented in writing and in duplicate to the Bishop President or, in his absence, to the Bishop Vice-President, and include the signatures of no less than two accusers (I Timothy 5:19).
VIII. The Bishop President, or the Bishop Vice-President if the former is unavailable, shall send a copy to the accused party, indicating the date and place where the trial will take place. The original copy shall remain with the person who will preside over the trial for his use on the specified date.
IX.Those who are to preside over a trial shall summon the participants with enough anticipation, including the accused party, the accuser, and the necessary witnesses (Deuteronomy 19:15).
X. The accused parties shall have the right to present witnesses they consider necessary for their defense, and be counseled by a minister of the Apostolic Assembly, selected by the accused party, who may also be present at the trial.
XI. No person shall be tried in absentia nor shall a trial be held if the accuser is not present.
XII. If neither the accused party nor the accuser is present, the one presiding over the trial shall decide whether to hold a new meeting or to pursue another course of action.
XIII. Whenever a pastor puts a member of his congregation on trial, the respective elder must be present with prior authorization of the supervising bishop.
XIV. All persons put on trial shall be considered innocent unless proven otherwise.
XV. The minutes of each trial shall be recorded, making note of all declarations made by trial participants and of the final decision. One copy of these minutes shall be sent to the Bishop General Secretary, a second one shall remain at the office of the respective district secretary, and the last one shall be given to the accused party.
CONSTITUTION Apostolic Assembly of the Faith in Christ Jesus
XVI.Whenever a minister displays disloyalty to the principles of doctrine, organizational system, and discipline of the Apostolic Assembly, and labors against the church, thereby putting in danger its integrity and unity, he shall be held accountable by his respective supervisors. If he manifests having strayed from his religious convictions or is unable to continue exercising faithfully the ministry conferred on him, he shall be ceased from it. Should the case warrant it, he can be defrocked from the ministry or be expelled from the church membership.
XVII. Whenever a person accuses another, and the accusation cannot be proved, measures shall be taken to correct the accuser and vindicate the accused.
I. A member of a local church who, in his opinion, has been tried unjustly by his local pastor, shall have the right to appeal to the District Board of Directors, which will examine each case and determine whether to hold a new trial or ratify the pastorʼs verdict (Deuteronomy 1: 17; III John 10).
II. A member who consider unjust the verdict rendered against him by the District Board of Directors shall have the right to appeal before the Bishop President, who shall recommend what is to be done.
III. Ministers tried by a district bishop who consider unjust the verdict rendered against them shall have the right to appeal before the Bishop President, who shall study the case with the rest of the members of the General Board of Directors and determine whether to hold a new trial or let the rendered verdict stand.
IV. Members of the General Board of Directors, district bishops or elders who, after having been tried, are not satisfied with the verdict rendered against them, may appeal to the next Joint Meeting, where a hearing will be held and a definite decision will be given.
Apostolic Assembly of the Faith in Christ Jesus CONSTITUTION

Strong Believer in God said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Seeker said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
jose said...

For Immediate Release Contact: Henry Palma
June 26, 2008 (909) 782-7414

Inland Valley Church Organization Excommunicating Over 20 Pastors over Lawsuit

(Rancho Cucamonga, CA) The Apostolic Assembly of the Faith of Christ Jesus, Inc. (AAFCJ), a California corporation 501(c)(3) church organization based in Rancho Cucamonga, CA. has begun an extreme move of excommunicating over 20 Pastors that petitioned/consented to a lawsuit and were named as plaintiffs in the lawsuit challenging the results of the organization’s 2006 General Election.

After obtaining a partial and favorable ruling in the San Bernardino Superior Court, the eight leaders of the AAFJC, presided by the Bishop President Daniel Sanchez decided recently to excommunicate all petitioners and consenters on a legal complaint in a retaliatory move.

In this extreme move, the AAFCJ has begun excommunicating pastors, including Pastor Baldemar Rodriguez, who has pastored the AAFCJ church in San Bernardino, CA. for 15 years without legal precedent within the organization. This move is seen by many as a dictatorship-type take over of a church organization that has been in existence since the Azusa Street Revival of Los Ángeles in the early 1900’s.

It appears that the current leadership has decided to consolidate its control and power of this 501(c)(3) church by summarily kicking out anyone who dared to question the validity of the 2006 election which saw the vote of 600 pastors over turned by a panel hand picked by the current leadership consisting of 5 members.

The panel of 5, without stating why, disqualified several vote winners. The panel members would only state that they selected winners based on qualifications and standards of conduct based on a document known as the “C.I.D.” document which the court deemed unconstitutional. This vague explanation puzzled many pastors since Board of Directors member and Bishop General Secretary Edward Pacheco of Corona, CA had been involved in a scandal that resulted in many members of the AAFCJ being defrauded of money in a illegal car pyramid scam.

Representatives of the AAFCJ showed up to Pastor Baldemar Rodríguez’s church 2 days ago to pad lock the church building and to notify members of the local church that it was closing the church and had excommunicated their pastor. A peaceful protest is scheduled simultaneously to a meeting between AAFJC leadership and Pastor Baldemar Rodríguez tomorrow. Pastor Rodríguez had led the AAFCJ organization as the Presiding Bishop President (1978-86, 1994-2002).

For further information call Henry Palma at (909) 782 7414


jose said...

For Press Release
June 27, 2008 – Concerning the Apostolic Assembly of the Faith in Christ Jesus (“AAFCJ”)

The following was provided by the AAFCJ world headquarters office, as a response to the many inquiries that have been received regarding some developing concerns.

This is written with a saddened and burdened heart. On Tuesday night, the Apostolic Assembly of the Faith in Christ Jesus (“AAFCJ”) world headquarters building was vandalized. It is unknown who did this but it is being investigated by the police.

Recently, many false rumors have been circulated through many sources, including internet blog spots that the AAFCJ is “excommunicating” up to 20 pastors as a result of the election lawsuit. Nothing could be further from the truth. It is true, however, that the AAFCJ has removed the four pastors who did sue the AAFCJ seeking court intervention to overturn the 2006 AAFCJ General Elections.

Regarding the election lawsuit, the Judge issued a final ruling on April 3, 2008, specifically stating:

• Plaintiffs’ (4 pastors) Motion to Set Aside the Election Dated November 24, 2006 and Ordering a New Election is DENIED with prejudice;

• The Court finds there is no evidence of any Church Constitutional irregularity in the selection of the Qualifying Committee;
• The Court finds that there is no Constitution prohibition against members of the Qualifying Committee using the CID or any other document or guideline, in considering the capabilities, qualities and rights of a nominee.

It is extremely unfortunate that there is misinformation being spread about the court decision. It is true that the plaintiffs may appeal this ruling if they wish. AAFCJ has not been informed of an appeal at this time.

Now is the time for healing to begin. The AAFCJ is a church, first and foremost, and wishes to focus on its mission: Exalt Christ, Equip the Church and Evangelize the World. This is being accomplished through various avenues: The ‘Jesus Strategy’ HOME Groups lifestyle, the Church Roadmap- for a more effective mission execution, and the continual preaching of the gospel across the United States of America and around the world.

jose said...

This is written with a saddened and burdened heart. On Tuesday night, the Apostolic Assembly of the Faith in Christ Jesus (“AAFCJ”) world headquarters building was vandalized.
Recently, many false rumors have been circulated through many sources, including internet blog spots that the AAFCJ is “excommunicating” up to 20 pastors as a result of the election lawsuit.
AAFCJ has not been informed of an appeal at this time.
The AAFCJ is a church, first and foremost

The ‘Jesus Strategy’

Strong Believer in God said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...


The video doens't lie. I'm glad to know you. Who are you?

come again said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
come again said...


So just who do you think had more to hide the people with cameras or the ones who didn't want them there? Simple isn't it?

Jeanz said...

ATTENTION: Someone from Pastor Baldemar's congregation, PLEASE give the following letter from my father to Pastor Baldemar Rodriguez and let me know when you have done so.


Jeanne Romo


Obispo Honorario Baldemar Rodriguez,

Me dirigo a usted con el respeto que se merece. Yo Pastor Ruben Romo junto con mi familia duramos 21 an~os en la Assamblea Apostolic y 11 an~os en el pastorado. Nos trasladamos a la Iglesia de Mexico donde tenemos 3 an~os trabajando con ellos y cuento con mi carta de traslado. Me dirigo a usted para ponernos a su disposicion- yo, toda mi familia, y los que dignamente pastoreo si en el futuro usted piensa levantar una nueva organizacion. Cuente con una iglesia en la cuidad de Lubbock, TX. Hombres como usted necesitan todo el respaldo que se merecen. Aqui estamos nosotros para que usted acabe de terminar su carrera como es digno.

(806) 793-1662 Casa
(806) 744-2116 Trabajo
(806) 789-1886 Cell

Dios le bendiga, estamos orando por usted, ya tiene la victoria.

Pastor Ruben Romo V.

Rambo said...


Your comment

"sadly the GB had more respect for the house of God"

SURE, they kicked the pastors and members out. How respectful!


Rush said...

Here it goes again. Just in case you missed it.
Fellow bloggers. I feel your pain. I know that many of you think of Mr. Baldemar as a "Man of God", a patriarch, an honorable man, maybe even an idol (lol.. maybe he is your american idol). Look if he is as great as you think he is, this whole "lynching" will make him greater. Hey, think of him as your martyr. Mr. Baldemar will be back. Stop stressing! Be happy. By the way, here is the definition of lynching. LYNCHING: a hanging executed by a mob, usually racially motivated. He was not murdered. He was meerly fired for violating the constitution that he once upheld. That's all. How many of you have been fired before. I have and you know what, is not the end of the world. Be well

Reality Check said...

Is that battle not GOD'S? How many times have we all read this scipture, and now all of sudden when it applys to us in any given situation, we don't want to hear it. Let us not forget about going to the Creator for the things that have been unjustly done to us. What about "Count it all joy..." Why are allowing Men to steal our joy? Whatever has happened, are we supposed to take eachother to court and sue? NO! Oh, but that scrpture don't apply to us, right? What I'm saying is all of this is the work of ourselves, the AA has forgotten who it is, and who it serves. I believe we as a whole, The Apostolic Assembly In The Faith of Christ Jesus used to be respected, we used to have what all those other churches wanted, NOW we're sueing eachother, marching AGAINST eachother, pointing fingers at eachother, letting our tongues overpower the Holy Spirit! I say once again, THIS HAD TO HAPPEN!

Reality Check said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
lehan said...

I have two words for you!
DUMB ..SS!!!!

Reality Check said...

After reading my blog, I want everyone to know that I am in full support of those Pastor and Members that were obviously wronged in a major way. My point is that we need to remember who we are in Christ, and know that there is no need to compromise our faith by placing hatefull messages, using language that we should have no part in, and letting our tongues outshine the Holy Spirit! Saints, this too shall pass...

God Bless All of You!
Bro. B
from NVGD

JDM05 said...

It's about time people see these "men of God" for who they really are; liars. I do not like speaking against or about those in authorithy in the AA, but when you see and hear of the corruption its hard to keep quiet. They have gotten away for so many years and now that they have been exposed, they don't know how to act. If they were true men of God, they would admit their wrong and ask God for forgiveness. They are causing a divide in the church. They need to worry about the church instead of being in competition to see who has the most expensive car and the biggest house. I'm glad I am no longer in the AA.

RaCHy said...



iTS S000 TRUE!







Rush said...

Check out my new blogg!

Strong Believer in God said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rush said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rush said...


Rush said...


SLJ said...

What about Lugo mocking in front of the camera with his arms raised.
Now that was messed up!.
Sanchez couldn't even look up. He knows what he is.
Closed meeting????? Thats why we're in the middle of this muck!
to amny damn closed meetings. Sweep everything under the carpet.
This time the truth is out, and on video.
LIke Sanchez clearly put it.
"Time to kick A$$!!!!

Apple_Core said...

Thank you Strong Believer. I am a member of the SB congregation and I’m ashamed of the behavior of some of the brethren. I agree the video does not show all, it’s made to incite and make us look bad. It doesn’t show the Pastors and Bishops hugging and genuinely greeting Pastor Baldemar. I was not kick out I voluntarily walked out. That doesn’t mean that I can’t return either. Pastor Dr. Baldemar has taught us to respect the men of God, they were there out of obedience just as they were obedient to him when he was their Bishop and President. He still considers some his friend. I for one don’t know what I’m going to do, I may choose stay with Pastor Baldemar or go to Redlands, Medowbrook, or stay and support Bro Zapata. All I know is that the GB does not affect my relationship with God I just want to go to church and praise and magnify my creator.

Rush said...

The Apostolic Church is being portrayed by some in the blogsphere as a corrupt organization that is run by thugs, thieves, liars, cheaters and even murderers. These bloggers are filled with hate, resentment, pain and frustration. They have slandered the leadership of the Apostolic Assembly in the name of free speech. They have a mission to divide and bring shame to the Apostolic Assembly.... Read the rest of this article:

pancho villa said...

Rush, I saw your blog and read your opening statement. I do not see nothing fair or balance on it. I respect your opinion, but I rather just stick with this blog that I see more fair and balance overall. Maybe is not what we would like to see or being express from other AA members, but that is were we stand now.


Doroteo Arango

Voice from the Bay said...

Just curious as to where the left-wingin', camera happy, revolutionizers were when the "Doctor" checked out all those patients (err... I mean pastors) when they didn't pay their tithe of tithes, years ago? I’d sure like to see some footage from when the Dr went and chained all those churches in his day.

I'm impartial, and therefore I think that people need to realize that he removed many pastor for far less that this.

I fact, I think that we should start a list of all the pastors that he removed for not “following the constitution’s rules”. Yeah, I think its pretty more that just 4.

I think it was… was Jesus who said “let he who is without sin cast the 1st stone” right?

Impartially Yours....

SLJ said...

Judas betrayed Jesus with a kiss. So what?

SLJ said...

Some of you are talking about what one sided Skotty's video was.
Well duh! How long has the DGB had all one sided. Sweep everything under the carpet. Do as they please under the cloud of hush hush. Don't give anybody else a chance to express an opinion. Well its out in the open now. Everybody know what a leadership is all about now.
Power and mucho Money!

SLJ said...

One sided?
Why don't you ask Jeanz how one side it was when her Father was removed from his pastorship because he did the right thing and reported an alchoholic pastor and thief to boot.
Ask Xpastor's wife how one sided it was when her husband was removed.
The DGB has been having their cake and eating it too.

Voice from the Bay said...

Just curious as to where the left-wingin', camera happy, revolutionizers were when the "Doctor" checked out all those patients (err... I mean pastors) when they didn't pay their tithe of tithes, years ago? I’d sure like to see some footage from when the Dr went and chained all those churches in his day.

I'm impartial, and therefore I think that people need to realize that he removed many pastor for far less that this.

I fact, I think that we should start a list of all the pastors that he removed for not “following the constitution’s rules”. Yeah, I think its pretty more that just 4.

I think it was… was Jesus who said “let he who is without sin cast the 1st stone” right?


the Dr was quite shaddy in his day too. So lets just agree that he got ousted by by the very infrastructure that he supported, implemented, and executed time and time again.


fuegoenlasangre said...

"AAFCJ has removed the four pastors who did
sue the AAFCJ seeking court intervention to overturn
the 2006 AAFCJ General Elections."
Listed below are the benefits these pastors no longer
receive from AAFCJ. LOL
The Pastors :
Don’t have to give the local District their 10% tithes
Don’t have to give a “Quota” for Bishops day
Don’t have to give monthly 10% of church tithes
to headquarters
Don’t have to give Flor Azul Money
Don’t have to give Mano a Mano money
Don’t have to give to International Missions
Don’t have to give to National Missions
Don’t have to give to District Convention Quota
Don’t have to give General Convention Quota
Don’t have to give $50 a month to the A.C. Nava
Foundation for a measly 20 – 25 k for death benefits
What Exactly do they do for the Pastors,

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