Monday, June 23, 2008

ITS A PUBLIC LYNCHING! - Posting Stopped



  • Abel Torres - LYNCHED I
  • Saul Avila - LYNCHED
  • Baldemar Rodriguez - LYNCHED
  • Daniel Solomon - LYNCHED
  • Arthur Tafoya
  • Daniel Jauhall
  • Isaac Cota
  • Ishmael Arellano
  • Julian Aguirre
  • Richard Galaviz
  • Samuel Arellano
  • Guillermo Mendoza - LYNCHED
  • Martin Vasquez
  • Herman Garza
  • Efrain Andrade - LYNCHED
  • Isaac Hernandez - LYNCHED*

*Not 2006 Election related


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factsonly1 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
factsonly1 said...

nice display bro, however, your little pity party seems a little too melancholic. your not our victim. you came on here boldly and frankly you walked right into it. and my, how humble u have suddenly become! kudos! keep it up! maybe they might put you to play the piano again and you'll go 2 church EVERY sunday! ;)

factsonly1 said...

btw i LOVE the whole "scar someone for life thing"! those kind of empty threats are true sign of prayer and neutrality! it reminds of when people say "you're LUCKY i'm a christian... OR ELSE (cracks knuckles)..." AS IF YOU COULD!

well just as an an FYI.


im4reform said...

Many years ago (70s) , I remember reading a book, unfortunately I don't remember the name, Anyways it provoked my thinking about the Apostolic Assembly. The author basically said that the organization of the church as a denomination was necessary in its infancy, but now, what had helped the church in the beginning was now a crutch just holding it up like an old scaffold under a bridge that is about to colapse.

In nature, forests are caught on fire by lightning. This helps keep the build up of dead wood and thatch from getting to thick, thus preventing new growth. Nature selects where the lightning will hit. And areas that have been burned by natural occurrences in the past are the healthiest, according to ecologist.

Could it be that the Apostolic Assembly has been selected to receive a fire storm to dethatch and prune and burn all the under-brush in order to promote growth in the kingdom of God.

We have seen this happen in other Apostolic movements and it appears that the kingdom has increased as the result.

Could it be that God is stirring the nest and getting the chicks to learn how to fly independently from the eagle.

I for one am very unhappy with what the AA has become. I have been looking for change for a long time. I think this is the open door that many will take that will lead us to revival and supernatural growth in the kingdom of God in the End Time.

It was persecution in the Early Church that caused it to spread out and grow. Joseph's brothers premeditated and planned his demise, but God used his test to turn it into a testimony to save many.

It is time to remove the crutch. I'm looking at the BIG PICTURE and this is what I see. What do you think?

Skotty Will Show You said...

Are You Ready???

Unknown said...

RE: Skotty Will Show You!

Just do it.....

sola dei gloria said...

Yes I to believe reform is necessary. If you look at the history of the church (not Apostolic History) there has always been a pendulum effect between the emotions and the intellect. The Apostolic Assembly is very emotionally driven. We teach our members to live by the senses instead of the scriptures. The Apostolic Assembly is the Catholic Church with the Holy Ghost.

Skotty Will Show You said...

Sooon Like 5 Mins... lol

Skotty Will Show You said...

Looky What I Have Here!

I Highly Recommend Watching These Videos Under The Highest Quality Setting That You Tube Provides.. It is a little link under the video...

Video Number 1
The Protest...All Who Are At Risk Should DO This!

Video Number 2
This Is What They Do...And It Might Be Happening To You...

Skotty Will Show You said...

There You Go...

Anonymous said...

To Sigan whatever...

Why you feel the need to prove yourself, I do not know.

Why you will stop blogging, it's fully understandable, the GB has forbade blogging so you must close your mouth because the dictators are slapping you on the hand saying "mijo, they are not baptized members, they can not be in the AA, do not talk to them, we will pray for their bad spirits"

From vindictive to humble you switched quickly, which is not unusual for you.

I will pray for you, as I always have and always will! Whether you like it or not, we were kicked out of the assembly because our pastor spoke up for what was right.

How funny, you are apologizing online but when we were all face to face you wouldn't say a word! Hmm...interesting!!

Unknown said...


Are you going to do it or what...Im here waiting and the more I wait the more I think ur just pulling our leg...

Skotty Will Show You said...

Pulling Ur Leg eh?

Feel Free To Spred This Throughout Your Community!

Anonymous said...

Everyone check this out...
posted by Skotty

This is real!
Looky What I Have Here!

I Highly Recommend Watching These Videos Under The Highest Quality Setting That You Tube Provides.. It is a little link under the video...

Video Number 1
The Protest...All Who Are At Risk Should DO This!

Video Number 2
This Is What They Do...And It Might Be Happening To You...

Skotty Will Show You said...

Looky What I Have Here!

I Highly Recommend Watching These Videos Under The Highest Quality Setting That You Tube Provides.. It is a little link under the video...

Video Number 1
The Protest...All Who Are At Risk Should DO This!

Video Number 2
This Is What They Do...And It Might Be Happening To You...

Unknown said...

That is crazy!!! Skotty great Job!!! Its about time that they show what they are really about...

How hateful that after All Bro. Baldemar Did for President Sanchez and Valverde now they turn their back on him...

Rambo said...


That was truly amazing coverage. Congrats for a job well done.

Skotty Will Show You said...


Spread the word and the Links!

Anonymous said...

The Protest! Check it out!
Dr. Baldemar & his churched being kicked out! Check it out!

Click the links!

Anonymous said...

The Protest! Check it out!

Dr. Baldemar & his churched being kicked out! Check it out!

Skotty Will Show You said...

So... Who Was It That Doubted What Was Going On In SB??

Also Think About It... Why Would He Not Permit A Camera??

What Do They Have To Hide?

I find it funny how they Were On Camera... lol

Now You can All Finally See What Is Going On!

Open Your Eyes!

The Revolutionaries Of Justice Will Not Go Away...
We Are Strong In Numbers And Growing Extremely Fast!

BTW ... Did u see when he Said "If You Are Not Baptized You Cannot Be HERE?"


Skotty Will Show You said...

BTW If Your Church Needs Help... Just Ask And The Revolutionaries Of Justice Shall Answer Your Calls!

Unknown said...

Great work Skotty!

Is it okay to forward this info to sight?

Or have you already?

Skotty Will Show You said...


mb said...

Skotty, Oh my God! Your videos have me shaking and crying. The images are powerful! Unbelievable to see the gb (with no caps), standing there with their Bibles, trying to do this in the name of God. They are only doing this in the name of the gb. I have always respected them and held them up but I can say: they are despicable. They are evil. They may have been used by God and appointed by God at one point but they have allowed their greed and egos to turn them into Fidel Castro. Anyone (and I mean anyone) that speaks out against them will be lynched.

Rambo said...

I hear he's very "good friend" was the one appointed to take Bro. Baldemar's place. As the saying goes "with friends like that, who needs enemies."

Go Bro. Baldemar and your faithful members!

Rush said...

So much drama over this. The GB did what any other organization would have done. They fired insoubordinate employees. The GB cannot work with defiant pastors who are disobidient, non-compliant and defiant. Baldemar and his crew had their chance. He governed the AA for many years. Their time is OVER. Apparently they don't understand that. What does he want? does he want to be like the pope? Does he want to do this until he dies? Instead, he should retire. The new board will perform better without these people around. If Baldemar and his crew really wanted to stay they could by retracting their position and publicly apologizing. They are not doing that. They want to end it like this. Since they can't be the victors they will be the victims.

Rambo said...

Say, didn't Bro. Baldemar look great on the video?! He was all cool. As for the gb they looked like fools.

Unknown said...

to HEAD rush,

In any other organization, they would be held in contempt for removing the whistleblowers

Rambo said...


Of course they will better perform their cheating, fraudulent crimes with no one to tell them anything. Go ahead stay under these criminals reign.

Former-AA said...

As stated before: this is business as usual. When ever a Pastor brought a lawsuit against the assembly and LOST - they were forced to surrender their church. If you were a minister and lost? They took your credential.

This is how it's ALWAYS BEEN DONE! The plaintiffs took a calculated risk, and the judge ruled against them because of the block of swiss cheese known as the AA constitution. The plantiffs had to know it was coming. This is how it has always been done. Even in Baldemar's tenure. If a Pastor WON, or the suit was settled out of court - he was granted full continued support and ministry as well as any and all rulings by the court or agreements made between the parties out of court.

Is it right? Not in every case. Will it keep happening? Yes. Can it be fixed? The pastors need to prepare themselves to change things the only way they can - by using their power of making proposals and amendments to the AA constitution.

Anonymous said...

Wow Skotty

You did an awesome job! I can't believe how your videos have impacted me and I'm sure others! I cried!

I'm glad there are people finally taking a stand! The gb(no caps) looked stunned to see all the members that left with Dr. Baldemar Rodriguez! Did you see their body said it all!

I can't believe Lugo said "your EX-Pastor" as if he was just another man. And then he kept saying "all those that are not baptized leave...lets pray for the bad spirits" as if the members following Dr. Baldemar had bad spirits and were not going to be saved!

Also, I noticed that after the people spoke up and said "We are United States Citizens and we have the right to do this, it is a public place!" Lugo began to speak spanish so the US Citizens couldn't understand him. Wow, just wow!

Unknown said...

Bishop's day is coming up in 2 weeks. I hope everyone can be there to show their support for Bishop Lugo.

It will be held at the Marriott in Riverside. Not sure about the time, but I'm sure someone will let us all know. (I think noon)

sola dei gloria said...

Former AA

All I keep hearing about is the constitution. The constitution only protects the organization. Why do we have so many distraught members? Because the organization is more important than the teaching. The Assembly is their “god”. In the Assembly Jesus is not the cornerstone, he’s the stepping stone for a hidden agenda.

Skotty Will Show You said...

Former AA... I Believe You Skipped The Point... Business As Usual?
So Voting Fraud IS seen as Business As Usual In The Eyes Of The AA ?

Unknown said...

140 & 179 views of the video already!

Skotty, you really beamed this one up!!!!

I hear Lugo likes to sit all day on the beach in Cancun. He enjoys the view. Lots of European girls in one piece bikinis (just the bottom piece)

Unknown said...


Skotty Will Show You said...

Rush Would Like To Know What I Am Warning Them About...
Would Ne Body Like To Tell Him What They Believe The "Warning" Is For?


Anonymous said...

Skotty was that all the footage you got or were you able to get the members at the outside service after they were ousted?

Should we be waiting anxiously for another clip?

Skotty Will Show You said...

Hey Bonus... I got Another Tear Jerker. It'll Be Up SOOOOOON!

Former-AA said...

To Sola Dei and Skotty:
I keep mentioning the constitution because it is the ONLY recourse by which the structure and way things are done can be changed. Look what happened at the court. What did the judge use to determine his decision for FRAUD... Answer: The Constitution of the assembly. Not the opinions and videos posted online.

Please dont take my position as one supportive of what is going on, I am simply here to remind everyone that this is what has always happened. Also, that the only way for things to be changed - so that a board of directors do not have the power that they currently have is to use the only channels given - via changes in the document that the courts recognize.

If you dont like the fact that members have no protection then we are in complete agreement, fortunately a door was opened for me to be able to serve the Almighty outside the AA after being in it my entire christian walk. You dont have to stay in that mess.

Skotty - you brought to light on video what has been happening before, for many of you this was shocking and emotionally moving, but the sad truth is that this has gone on before. Again if you want to fix that ugliness, get your Pastors to speak up and change things at those conventions.

Skotty Will Show You said...

Why Is It That None Of The "gb"(Think We Should Come Up With A Name For them LIKE... idk)
Why Is It That The "Great Brothers"
Didnt Want To Say Anything To The camera?

Are They FulL Of Shame? wHO knows?
haha Lugo Cracked ME up though... He Honestly Looked LIke ________ HAHAHA
IDK fill in the blank

Skotty Will Show You said...

How Can Pastors Speak Up When They Are Pretty Much Removing All That Go Against them...
They Are Just Getting Rid Of The Votes That They Know They Will Not Recieve....


oN EACH!!!!!

sola dei gloria said...

Former AA

The point I was trying to make is, begin making changes by the way you think. Even if you fix the constitution you still have a lot of ministers, pastors and leaders with the same mentality. Many false religions exist because they seek God superstitiously. It looks like we are beginning to see that the Apostolic Assembly does not have the truth.

Snickers said...

Not that I am in agreement with anything the GB does but why have a removal service?

Thats so outdated, you dont do things like that becasue of the potential it has to blow up in your face.

Its one thing to do it when they are retiring but in something as controversial as this, well needless to say it blew up in their face.

Goes to show the outdated and ignorant mentality that we have in the Assembly...Horrible! Just Horrible!

sola dei gloria said...

The church must commit faithfully to scripture. Not tradition. Whenever the Word of God is omitted, you will have failure (I don’t care how many bible references you use). What did the serpent tell Eve, “Did God really say that”. He removed her from the reality of the His word. This is what is happening to the Assembly.

Former-AA said...

Skotty -
They are removing all those that were part of that lawsuit. If your name was attached to that thing, then yes expect the letter in the mail. Why do you think there were many that could SPEAK up that didnt. God bless those brave pastors that did, they got the ball rolling. Hopefully the courts can rule a judgement in their favor in the appeal. But if not? What then?

Speak up when it becomes their turn to do it - at those conventions and ministerial meetings. If they dont, then they will enjoy a nice week in Dallas, TX. There is no quick fix to this. I know this is frustrating, but the system is so flawed that this is the eventual result, that the AA leaders may make the AA irrelevant because pastors are now walking out with their congregations.

Skotty Will Show You said...

Any WOrd if the "Godly Boys"
Have SEEN my vids... I would really Like To Know...

And Yeah

Pretty much



sola dei gloria said...

It’s not that difficult to detect error. Any person, group or organization that promotes their ideals more than scripture has reversed reality. The only doctrine that counts as truth is the doctrine where God alone receives the glory. Sola Dei Gloria.

Rush said...

SKOTTY: What's up with that intro bro? That's a lame intro. What's up with the disobedient lady protesting against her pastors will. Oh I get it, she learned from her pastor! DO NOT BE DECIEVED BY THE VIDEO! more than half of the people staging the protest don't seem to have a clue about what their doing. Their signs read "our pastor stands for the truth"? what truth? "we demand a recount" a recount? what for? "We want a godly leader" you mean like Mr. Baldermar? Then Mr. Baldemar comes out saying that he is out of the assembly because he asked a question. Wrong!! he is out because he sued the assembly and lost! He says he is "out as nothing" pues que queria? to be honorably discharged? He wants justice to be served? JUSTICE HAS BEEN SERVED.

Skotty Will Show You said...

NICE... Thanks Rush For Going Against Im Guessing. Your Pastors Will An Communicating With me
Also Thank you For Being Such A great Critique. You Must Have Watched Those Vids Plenty Of times... Thanks And Godbless.

Skotty Will Show You said...

Dont Forget To Watch Them In HQ!

The Protest! Check it out!

Dr. Baldemar & his churched being kicked out! Check it out!

This is the truth, this is what's really going on!

Anonymous said...


You should really get back to work! Does the GB allow you to be online while you work in the offices? Oh that's right, I guess thats what the tithe payers and donators pay for huh?

mb said...

Give it up, Rush! Your guys are wrong, wrong, wrong. And they tried to make themselves look good standing there with their Bibles but they looked like fools!

Skotty: I can't wait for the next video.

Skotty Will Show You said...

Uploading...Part 3...

Rush said...

MB: "give it up rush" give what up? "you guys are wrong" wait who's wrong? who is you guys? I'm not with the GB. And if they are wrong? are you right? Dude the case was tried in a court of law and the judge ruled. Sorry my friend but YOU ARE WRONG.

Anonymous said...


You have no idea, but you will see the overall outcome and then you can drop your burger and fries on your tithe member paid general offices computer, while you try to type! Hah!

truth said...

SKOTTY can you forward those videos to my e mail

truth said...

where is this Lugo Bishop from
wich church

mb said...

Dude Rush, the judge ruled that the constitution was full of holes. That doesn't make the gb right. Courts have ruled lots of things - that doesn't necessarily make them right morally, ethically or in the eyes of God. And I said "your guys" not "you guys".

Anyway, I have no time to respond to you anymore. I am too busy sending the video link to everyone I know. Oh, and I have another video to watch soon . . .

Unknown said...

Praise the Lord!

first of all these are men of God! there ungidos de Dios. Second, when you talk or mess with the men of God ur dealing with God directly. Third pastors and General board members are human. they tend to make mistakes nd we cannot judge them and its up to God! Fourth, we have to be summited first to God and second to authority. you want blessings and prosperity you have to submit yourself. GBU!

Unknown said...

Praise the Lord!

first of all these are men of God! there ungidos de Dios. Second, when you talk or mess with the men of God ur dealing with God directly. Third pastors and General board members are human. they tend to make mistakes nd we cannot judge them and its up to God! Fourth, we have to be summited first to God and second to authority. you want blessings and prosperity you have to submit yourself. GBU!

fuegoenlasangre said...

What a JOKE
I wonder if GOD has Spoken to ROMO YET
We only compromise the Pastor’s Vote

truth said...

Jesse your probably related to someone in the GB..

Skotty Will Show You said...

Wow Youtube IS taking Forever!

Skotty Will Show You said...

HAHAHA nice One Truth!

fuegoenlasangre said...

Another JOKE
“Let’s reverse the curse. Enough is enough.
Enough is enough. The Devil is the only
one winning. When are we going to understand
.that it’s not about me, it’s not about you ……”
Bro. Abel when are you going to say
The Vote of the Pastors must be counted !!!!!

truth said...

can anyone forward the videos to me from youtube



Victory is ours victory is ours victory today is ours i told gb yall are gay victory today is ours!!!!!!

BTW skotty Awsome Job bro im surpriced they didnt do that to me when they came to Texas to remove BISHOP abel from Bishopsy.

QUE LA sangre de Cristo Reprenda todo espiritu maligno y que haga justicia sobre esta gente!!!!!

Apostolic Voice said...


I posted the videos to the front page of this blog.

All videos should be sent to:

I didn't agree with the lawsuit but removing pastors for speaking out is ridiculous. In congress if a representative had done something like this they would have been publicly censured. But kept office.

Does anyone on either side really think the process through?

We will keep watching the events unfold.

Dios les pague

Apostolic Voice
Blogmaster Extraordinaire

revolutionary4justice said...


I think u r not worth my time but I am still going to tell u saying we want a GODLY Leader we did mean a God-fearing man and men on the gb and yes, if u agree, someone like Dr. Baldemar ROdriguez. And also FYI Bro. Rodriguez has not backed out of the lawsuit like a coward or hid behind his lawyers neither has he lost the spiritual battle. This is just beginning! MY GOD NEVER LEAVES THE RIGHTEOUS FORSAKEN!!!

God bless!

Unknown said...

The videos are posted on

Skotty Will Show You said...


skottywillshowu IS MY email Address



\\aun que a SANCHEZ no le guste la iglesia sigue caminando//y solo se detiene para predicar, el fuego cae cae, LOS RATAS salen, salen y los creyentes ALABAN AL Senor!!!!


tijuana guerrero said...

The details for a new fellowship are being worked out. There are many waiting to get started where the churches can have their own autonomy
and have more liberty to do a better work for the Lord without the hindrances of someone on your back all the time, so this may be a better option for the church move forward. Something good always come out of persecution. In everything though we must not forget to pray for one another and walk in Gods forgiveness because without it our faith will not go very far.

Rush said...

to Godisjust: (Amen, but your not)What's up with the insults? Wrong! I don't work for the AA. I would never want to work there. I am against all organized religion. I used to take pride in bein a 1st 2nd 3rd whatever generation apostolic. That means absolutely nothing to me now. I am consider my self a believer not an apostolic. I don't back up the borard. But unlike you, I am not a cool aid drinker! I see things for what they are.

By the way I would like to conduct a poll. Just out of curiousity. Can everyone please post your age, sex, location, year and if you DARE put your name.

SAL age 33, Male Santa Barbara

Anonymous said...

TJ Guerro

I agree! We must all remember to pray and fast so that we will not become like the AA! We should start a prayer chain!

I truly believe it is God's will that the AA is kicking out a majority of the founders. Now we will be able to start a new organization that will bring back the fundamentals that were meant to be founded in the AA of today!

aaoutsider said...

Praise the Lord:

I am one of many; that for months has been visiting this page, therefore I have found out the great problems that exists among you (so not to say frauds and injustices) that are neither from yesterday, nor from the day before yesterday, but are of much time; with the difference that in the past nobody brought them to light.
Do you know that it looks very badly that you fight amongst yourselves especially before the public. I believe that it would be better for you to meet and peacefully ask each other in the light of the Word of God concerning the governing system by which you operate; is this one that our God established in His Church?
First of all, the bible uses the terms: Kingdom of God or Kingdom of Heaven (Mark 1:14 - 15, Juan 3:3 and 5, Mat 11:12, Mat 25:1).
In the letter to the Ephesians 4:11 - 16, we found the structure of: Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors and Doctors. Now, we make the question: And what of the Bishops, Elders and Deacons? First, we see in the book of Acts 6:1- 6 tells us that the Deacons were chosen by the congregation to serve the tables. Of those seven deacons; two of them, Stephen and Philip; God gives them the ministry of Evangelists; now in reference to the Bishop and the Elders, they are functions that must be in those who are called by God for the Pastoral Ministry, as Bishops they oversee, and as Elders they advise; let us see Acts 20:17 -28 and Titus 1:5-7.
Next I will say: The church in its beginning was governed theocratically, not by a Democratic Government. The Apostles were the ones in charge of the work of God; we see in the book of Acts 15.
1 Peter 5:1 - 4, we notice the word Peter uses: “Exhort”, I Timothy 1:3 “As I besought thee”. I could continue referring some other verses, but I believe that with these we can understand well.
Let us ask the bible: How many times did the apostles reelected themselves by voting to continue being apostles? Did they have to go through a Qualifying Committee? The only time that the bible registers of an election, is in the book of the Acts 1:15 - 26 and note that it was before they were filled with the Holy Spirit, so it seems that it was not within the will of God to continue these elections. Now, it is to be understood for much time and mainly in the countries where the government is democratic; that they demand or request us to give reason of who we are, and what is the intention to gather ourselves together; and it serves to protect ourselves as well; and for this, it is necessary to examine the case of the Deacons (Acts 6:1 - 6): Men with good testimony, filled with Holy Spirit and Wisdom and if they have education so that they are the representatives of the group before the government.
In the fellowship where I am; each Pastor has their own registry before the government; now, being in the fellowship of Pastors, we recognize whom God gives a greater ministry, and those that have a greater call or ministry, is not so that they are dominated (dictator) on which they have minor vision or ministry, rather, those that they have this higher call are they are for helping those that have less. Finally, the representatives before the government, must be subject to the Pastors or the spiritual leadership:
God bless you!

Apostolic Voice said...

As I grew up in the Assembly when situation like this arose, young people grew frustrated by ignorant so called men of God hiding behind a bible.

I am glad to see the comments, videos and VOICE of those that disagree with these actions.

But do know this, the men being lynched also participated in lynching activities not so long ago.

Matthew 26.52 NASB
Then Jesus said to him, "Put your sword back into its place; for all those who take up the sword shall perish by the sword".

Where are the peacemakers? Who is offering the olive branch?



Apostolic Voice

Anonymous said...


Wow, sounds to me someones looking for a date? Thats what they do in secular chatrooms.

If you don't work at the GB offices and are'nt apostolic, then why are you being so biased and in our business?

Hmm...smells like another RAT!

Skotty Will Show You said...


Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
truth said...

can you downloaded to you computer and then send it again from your e mail?
the reasonj is that i can't open the (youyube site) I got everything block in my computer that way my teenage kids wont get in any of those bad web sites.,and i guess my space and youtube is in that catagory.
thank you

Skotty Will Show You said...

SorrY truth. But ITs on the front page now of

fuegoenlasangre said...

“Retaliation” Technically, it means “repayment
in kind, a sort of revenge. In Employment law,
retaliation means an unlawful payback by the
employer for something lawful the employee did.
And that type of payback, or retaliation, could
lead to a sizeable damages award.
U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

Info regarding Workplace Retaliation California Law

California Department of Fair Employment and Housing:

California Department of Industrial Relations:

mb said...

Truth, the videos are posted at and also on the main page of this blog. I imagine they would be too big to send by e-mail.

Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord my fellow believers!!!!

First of all I would like to say that I as well as others are very sadden by what has happened...I do not feel it is right for people to judge as the bible says only the Almighty can do so! My heart is truly broken to see of what our MD has become....we are now becoming like the Catholic Church....where the higher power can come into a local church and just take the Pastor out without any remorse....Some of you are wanting your pastor's to stand up and voice their opinion...I understand your position but honestly I do not see the benefit....when push comes to shove...I'm pretty sure most of our pastors will take a stand against this injustice.....fellow not pressure your pastors yet...let them consult with God first and God will open those doors for them....

To all the TRUE members of Fortaleza Divina...(I hope that's how you spell it)

We love you brothers and much as we love Pastor Baldemar Rodriguez....He has truly been a blessing in my life and in my families....I am very sad to see how all this came about...but at the same time I know that we serve a MIGHTY GOD and he will never forsake you guys....REMEMBER we have to keep our eyes on the LORD because he is the one that died for us...NOT THE MD!!!!!

Yes...many do not know all the details of what is going on....but I do know that it is unfair and uncalled for....for those of you who think Fortaleza Divina had anything to do with the tagging of the must not really know Pastor Baldemar Rodriguez if you actually think his members would do such a thing.... those of you who have anything to say about my Pastor Benjamin Guerra....just shut it....Pastor Guerra has been put in this situation not by choice....but by obligation....your right we might be next or not....but either way we know and trust in the LORD that he will provide for us and for those who have been affected by this unfortunate situation....

Some words for our Bishop...Felipe Lugo....(I know you know who I am)

I know you made eye contact with me and were surprised because I don't belong in FD...I want you to know that I AM EMBARRASSED OF WHAT YOU HAVE BECOME!!!!! If I once looked up to you...I may never look into your eyes again...for you to laugh at Pastor Baldemar's face is uncalled for! Where is your integrity? You always told me to keep my eyes on the LORD because he was the only one that would stand by me....what happened to your words.....It seems to me like you only talk the talk but lost track of the road of where you were to walk the walk......

I'm sorry if I have offended anyone...that was not my intention...I just pray that God gives each and every single one of us the WISDOM & UNDERSTANDING that we all need in a time like this!!!!


fuegoenlasangre said...

It is very important that we write/call or email our publicly elected officials to let them know what is going on. We all need to attempt to contact these news organiztions
OC Register

Anonymous said...

The few

I commend your words! I DO NOT believe Bro. Ben Guerra is with the GB on this, he looks like he is being forced to do so! We need to pray for his family!

Unknown said...

are u so weak in the spirit and the mind. That you have to be insulting the Men of God?

Former-AA said...

Apostolic Voice:
I cant agree with you more. No matter how you start or end, it just goes in circles back to the same conclusions and results regardless of who is in the gb.

tijuana guerrero said...

All of you who have been directly affected by the removal of your beloved pastors from the assembly, don't let hate and bitterness control what you are feeling right know nor desire wrong for anybody. We know the the removed pastors have not fallen from grace because of an inmoral sin, so rather then being angry it it better to look to the opportunity that is presenting itself to further the Gospel of our Lord. The new fellowship is going to grow fast.

mb said...

I'm sorry, God is Just and the Few, but Ben Guerra was not forced to do anything. If he felt that that was wrong, he should not have been doing it. His hands are dirty. This is why the AA is such a mess. If anyone, stands up for what they feel is right, they are severely punished.

truth said...

I hope our pastors SALOMON,BALDEMAR,TORRES,AVILA and the rest of them that are being remove open up another law suit because that is against the law to RETALIATE against any emplyee.
GB I dont't think you know what's coming,you think you are living in the past when you could just remove anyone for no reason and those pastors wouldn't say a word.
But this are different times genetlemens.
If you really want do do good for the AA start having sensus at the local churches and any Pastor that doesn't have growth then that's a legit reason to remove someone because they are not doing their job (starting with your relatives)

Skotty Will Show You said...


APPLEstolic said...

Wow...absolutely sad. What happened to this once beautiful church. Where there is money, there will always be evil, greed and corruption. Just watch Joel Osteen from now on sunday mornings :-)

James H. San Diego

truth said...

I went to apostolicinfo and click to watch videos but it wont open

Unknown said...

Ben 'The Prophet' Guerra
Phil 'The Memorial Church' Saenz
Efrain '37 years 40 members' Ramirez
Juan '? years 30 members' Soriano
Francisco 'Dr. logos' Quesada

These Elders were all present at the 'Lynching'. They claim they didn't have a choice and were all forced to be there.

It is not a choice the didn't have, they don't have b@!!$. Only Sanchez has the b@!!$. He must have all of theirs too because they sure don't have any!!!!

They should have just resigned. Saul was removed by GOD and STILL David refused to touch the Lord's anointed!! These cowards have no respect for Spiritual Authority.

Today (special thanks to Skotty for the video) the entire Interior District was disgraced. If I were a member at any of these churches, I would leave before the wrath of God comes down upon these men.

At some point, we need to stop obeying 'authority' for authority's sake. There is nothing 'Spiritual' about what has happened.

This was the 'shot heard around the Apostolic world'.

Skotty Will Show You said...

remember to watch it IN HIGH QUALITY!

Skotty Will Show You said...

pART 3!!!!
i know it says part 2... BUT u know how i roll...

The ArchAngel said...

jesse said...
are u so weak in the spirit and the mind. That you have to be insulting the Men of God?

June 26, 2008 12:48 PM

Are you MAD?? Can you get a grip on what has and is happening? The GB are NOT doing any holy dividing and splitting churches. They are NOT MEN OF GOD!!! Wake up and get some coffee!!!

Skotty Will Show You said...

Part 1-The Protest

Part 2- Give Us The Boot!

Part 3- The Church Is Made Of PEOPLE!

Anonymous said... must not know how to read...I never said he was forced....and you must one has clean hands....not one is just...that is why we need JESUS CHRIST came and shed his PRECIOUS BLOOD to wash our sins away....I am not here to argue or lower my you may continue to think what you want!!!! God Bless you!!!!

jose said...


Si usted desea contribuir con el fondo de apelacion por favor hacerlo a
Saul L Avila
Bank of America Routing Number- 111000025 Account Number 5860 0085 8666.
Si colaboras con tu donacion no solo estaras ayudando a los demandantes si no a los pastores que ya pronto seran removidos.Es tiempo de poner dinero a nuestras palabras.


truth said...

skotty how can I get to the videos once I click on videos at apostolicassemblyinfo

Anonymous said...


Again, awesome work! May God Bless You for what you have done in favor of Pastor's and their people!

That was definitely a tear jerker and it was so good to see that Dr. Baldemar did not speak ill about the gb yet he encouraged the people to pray and go forth with God's work!

Skotty Will Show You said...

just go to
its under the lynched photo...

Anonymous said...


Go to

On the front page the videos are accesible.

Just press the PLAY button.

If you are really having that much trouble, direct yourself to the blogmaster and he will be able to help you from there!

mb said...

The Few,
You just gave me a good laugh. This is what you wrote: "MD....YOU MUST NOT KNOW HOW TO READ..." It's "MB". Hee hee

I don't want to argue with you - we are ALL hurting.

Skotty Will Show You said...

I was wondering who was MD hahaha
WOW Mb Got U there BRO...

Skotty Will Show You said...

hOW do i email the links to the vids to the blogmaster?
can someone send them to him/her so they can put up the 3rd video...?

Unknown said...

Did you hear when that man on the pulpit said "Le voy a pedir a nuestro hermano ex-pastor que por favor remueva esta camara o todos se van a tener que salir todos.:

If this Pastor is the "x-pastor", he obviously has no more rights there, yet this man at the pulpit gives him the order to take care of this situation, what kind of authority did this man at the pulpit have?
None, and everyone should have stayed there especially if they were members and baptized just to see what this man at the pulpit was going to do. Call the Police?
What could they have done? Nothing, you are a member and have the right to be there with or without a camera.

fuegoenlasangre said...

Who's the new pastor? Thats what i want to know

Anonymous said...


The new pastor is Abel Jimenez!

Anonymous said... ur going to hang me over a typo.....gggggrrrreeeaaatttt! that's a good one!

mb said...

Skotty, can you tell us what is up with the building fund money? I heard that is was substantial. Were you able to take that with you?

fuegoenlasangre said...

Of course it would be Abel Jimenez.. He needs to walk that straight line to make sure that Baby Huey (AKA:David Jimenez} dont loose his church u know that Lugo is probably SALIVATING over that church... Allegedly hahahaha LOL

revolutionary4justice said...

WoW!!! Abel Jimenez?!?!? Wasn't he retired already???

truth said...

well unless some one downloads them to their computer and then forward them to me I wont be able to see them.

fuegoenlasangre said...

Yeah thats right he was retired.. Maybe he can"t handle the retirement so he's coming back PT... ALLEGEDLY hahahaha.. lol

Anonymous said...


Call a friend, go their house, check it out!

revolutionary4justice said...

GodIsJust...u r 2 funny!!! I love the way u and skotty work...

Skotty Will Show You said...

Sorry To Truth And Any Others That Would LIKE COpies... I Will Not
Send Out Any Raw Copies...

truth said...

I live up in the mountain and it wont be till tonight that I could go to someone close to check it out.
I have a couple of neighbors but I don't want them to see whar our AA is going through

Apostolic Voice said...

The third video is online now.

I was watching the video and couple of thoughts came to mind.

This man, Baldemar Rodriguez, dedicated his whole life...he is a household name in my the church. He is not perfect but as far as dedication goes, he has done it.

He doesn't have a retirement plan, he doesn't have books to sell, he doesn't have a business on the side. All he has done is give his life for what he believes.

And what does he get in return? The boot. WOW!!!

He is in his twilight years now, how is he going to sustain himself?

Politics is harsh game.

And he is still doing all that he know how to do...preach.

God Bless You Hmo. Baldemar Rodriguez.


Anonymous said...


It sounds like your parental controls must be blocking you. If you do not know how to unblock your parental controls for a certain time, you are going to need actual IT help!

i_stand_4_one said...

i love Dr.Baldemar Rodriguez

i love Pastor Ben Guerra

and why is everyone so mad that we r standing up for what is right and true?

i love ur blog post the_few

God bless!

coast2coast said...

wow. As we can see, greed has reared it's ugly head, yet once again.
what values are being practiced? how can a group of self appointed men expect to be respected?
when a younger generation is being witness to the injustice being committed.
great leaders such as Dr. Baldemar Rodriguez & others which have been inspired by god to preach truth, now find themselves being ex-communicated from the assembly they worked together with so closely.
not only that, but how about the members of all these churches? they become a fatality.
this is sad a day in our apostolic history, where the evil that brews in the minds of these ministers, seems to have twisted their conscience, to the extreme that they mask a sinister smile, while they participate of their own free will. not to help, but to hinder any possibility of truth. becoming modern day oppressors, which could very easily be compared to mob tactics.
extortion, manipulation, ect. are these the ways we have resorted to?
God has given us a sound mind, a free spirit & liberty to speak. let's exercise these freedoms no matter what!

GodisLove said...

PTL, Im new to this page. I've heard of it from someone and decided to login in. I just want to say that im proud many of you are standing up for whats right. My heart goes out to Bro.Baldemar Rodriguez's church, stay united and strong for the battle is not yours, its the LORDS.

Anonymous said...


Skotty Will Show You said...

Wow Thanks To Every1
Almost 250+ VIEWS on ALL the Vids!
Keep Spreading The links!

Anonymous said...


Thank you for understanding the situation at hand. Sources tell me the members wanted to call the police to escort them back into the church but Dr. Baldemar told his members not to worry about it and to just go to the park to continue the service! The members obeyed.

Anonymous said...


Btw, in regard to the 3rd video..I love the part of that song where it says "even churches have forsaken"

truth said...

thanks for forwarding the videos to me,even though it made me sick but other wise I would've never believed it.
It's sad how this men had the guts to do thi to our ex bishop president,that just tells you they have no mercy of anyone but their buddy's.
One question to the GB board how come they don't look at the ones that are really messing up if thats what you want to call it,
there is to cases in southern district going on 1.The word is that ex bishop from southern ca district has an affair with one of the dorcas from his chuch and
2.That one of the pastors from the same district infact I think from Imperial Valley has problems with the LAW over SEXUAL HARRASMENT and I don't think anything has been done as far as removing them.
My question is why the GB boerd are removing pastors just because they didn't agree with the elections thats freedom of speech, but in the other hand you got pastors having sex or molesting dorcas or jovenes and it's o k..
GOD have mercy of this corrupted GB ,I believe we should have mercy ,but all the way across not just with who we want....

SLJ said...

First I want to say to the hermanos from Pastor Rodriguez's church.
You Guys are AWESOME!!!

Skotty if you ran for president I'd vote for you!

Lugo your an embarrASSment to the human race.

Bro Phil Saniz. I love you Bro. don't be part of this evil mission the DGB has been up.

snoopyd said...

For the last 25 years, the AA has taught us:

1. Do what your pastor says without question
2. Accept and support your pastor’s unilateral decisions, and the appointments that are made at your local “elections.”
3. Leave everything in the hands of God. Your pastor will have to give account in the next life anyway.

For those who aspire upward mobility in the ranks of the AA, this has all seemed good and biblical.



Because what the pastors have been practicing at the local level is now being practiced at the national level with the GB in the shoes of the pastorship, and the pastors in the shoes of the lay people. Now that pastors like Baldemar, Saul, and Tafoya finally know what it’s like to have their vote ignored, to have no show of support from their “friends and colleagues” when they speak out, now maybe they will re-think how they are managing their local leadership. If they don’t change what they have been doing at the local level for the last three decades, then nothing will change. We’ll just have more independent churches governed by benevolent dictators with loyal supporters who seek status in their local church.

Skotty Will Show You said...

Hey Peeps.
There Is SOme one ON youtube
By the Screen name Onlyspeaktruth

If You Know This Person... pRAY FOR THEM...

mb said...

I just watched the videos again. They are awesome, skotty!

I love Bro. Baldemar! I grew up on "Cuando Cristo me Hallo"

Lugo - I do not know him but he looks shady. Kind of looks like two vote Pacheco. I wouldn't trust him with a dime.

Skotty Will Show You said...

HAHA thanks Truth For Once!

Rush said...

I think Donald Trump should be the new AA president. I wonder if you all would react the same to him saying YOUR FIRED!

Skotty Will Show You said...

And Just When You Think He's Had Enough...

Rush said...

MB: now you can sing a long "me miro despreciado, me miro despreciado por que meti una demanda...

mb said...

Wow! Rush got it right for once. Despreciado for standing up for the truth! Thanks, Rush!

truth said...

With all this mess I think it's time for the I.R.S to come and check things out at the AA.
I believe the AA is a nonprofit organisation wich means all moneys should be traded carefully.
1.when one of this preachers,preaches some where else they get an ofrenda and do they reported to the I.R.S.?
2.Bishops get thousands of dollars on bishop day do they report that to the I.R.S?
3.Bishops drive a car that is given either by district or national do they report that as income to I.R.S?
4.Do this men report to I.R.S all the money they get for working as pastors plus the income for working as bishops,either district or national..?
5.can they really justify all the money that they spend on all the trips they make?
According to them they go on these big trips to supervise the missions else where but it's funny that they never supervise the churches here in the states.
I wonder what the I.R.S would have to say ON any of these items..
Also it's going to be really hard to ever hear these men preach again GB...
So if any one else agrees to that this money in our AA is HOLLY lets get the I.R.S involved, it'll be iteresting,all they gotta do is check all the outgoing dlls from the tresure books from a lot of these churches..

fuegoenlasangre said...

Suggestion, Bro. Baldemar’s congretation should
hold church @ Valverde’s church on Sunday.
They can hold church on the sidewalk.
Megaphones, Signs, Tamberines, Drums,
Clapping & Stomping. Make a joyful noise
unto the lord. Nothing in the bible says
you have to be quite. Shout it from the
Mountain Tops. Proclaim it in the city Streets.
Sing it everywhere you go. Tell it to everyone you

Let Valverde’s congregation ask him what’s
going on. Print out cards w/ the blogs
address, & the url
address to the youtube videos. You can
also create a large banner with the
and the
address and include it in your youtube footage.

fuegoenlasangre said...

Be equipped with many cameras to
Capture your protest/service to post on
Youtube. The following Sunday, a protest
At Lugo’s church’s sidwalk. Fellow
Brothers and Sisters should consider
Joining to show a united church who
Are DISCUSTED with the actions
Of the general board. A murderer is
Shown more Civility, Mercy and Justice
Than these BRAVE Pastor’s who have
Stood up for the body of the church.
Arrive 1 hour before the scheduled
Service. This is Valverde’s last service
At this site and your voices should be heard.

Rush said...

Power to the people! j/k fuego en la sangre: take a chill pill

jstrad said...


Thank you for these videos. They show the heart of our Apostolic Assembly Leaders.

God is opening a great and effectual door for those pastors that have been ousted. Count it all joy when you suffer for Christ!

jstrad said...

Rush you sound a little nervous!

Jeanz said...

I wept as I saw Pastor Baldemar preach at the park just moments after being stripped of his church. I did NOT weep in pitty, it was his strength and passion that moved me as I remembered how I was blessed every time he took pulpit at the general conventions. I understand exactly what you guys are going through. Three years ago my father lifted up a complaint about a fellow Apostolic pastor who was an alchoholic and whom had also at the time been arrested for theft, yet instead of seeing justice served my father was stripped from his pastorship with the AA and we found ourselves not knowing where to go. AA had been our life, all we had ever known. We looked to Jesus and its been 3 years since we left the AA, and nothing better could have happened to us because what we saw as "hell" in the situation that stood before us to defeat us, was instead the very furnice that God used to mold us into whom we are today. So to all you brothers and sisters that are facing the road ahead, the road you thought you'd never travel(LEAVING THE AA), be encouraged today as you read the words of a former, "I'll be in the AA to the Death" girl... you will be just fine. There is a whole world ahead without boundaries or denomination. Just give me Jesus. God is with you and He avenges His annointed- That is the terrifying thing, how those who have wronged the annointed will have to face the vengence of the Almighty.

i_stand_4_one said...

yea rush u sound nervous...

and fuegoenlasangre i like

as for jeanz thanks for the kind words and the support...

it is greatly appreciated!!

factsonly1 said...

it is time to unite in prayer, and unite for ONE God, ONE Doctrine, ONE truth! We ask for prayers for the members of Dr Baldemar Rodriguez's Congregation, that God may bless them in a mighty, MIGHTY way!

The ArchAngel said...

Jeanz said...

Just wanted to let you know that was very well said post.
On your post and comments-"and nothing better could have happened to us because what we saw as "hell" in the situation that stood before us to defeat us, was instead the very furnice that God used to mold us into whom we are today."

im4reform said...

I viewed that videos by Skotty. All I can say is "Your the Man." May I make a suggestion to all the pastors that are reading this blog, I am not sure how the removal of Bro. Baldemar will affect their church financially. I for one am willing to send him one month's of our tithes of tithes. If Somebody can post his legitimate addresss that would be great. No Scammers please. You know who you are.

im4reform said...

Let's show our support to the brave brethren from San Bernardino.

"Si se puede!"

Jeanz said...

I_stand_4_one.... my pleasure... been there done that... its a terrible wonderful thing but it must be done

& as for The Archangel, thanks for reading my words... may even know you huh? :)

God Luv

justice_will_prevail said...

here is bishop's address for any financial contribution that you might want to send his way

Baldemar L & Homa L Rodriguez
1328 South Lilac Avenue
Bloomington, California 92316-2138
(909) 877-3848

Los Chipmunks said...

Yo me siento triste por lo que le paso al Hno Rodigz. Pero porque se tuvo que llevar a esas viejas as de las rodrigez?!

A la "Shaka Jackie" quien sabe con cuantos se ha metido! Parece que tenia una junta de "hombres fieles" cada fin de semana en su cuarto! Estos estan confirmados.
El peter de Santa Ana-
Un chavo del UPC-
El piloto que la llevava alas nubes-
El Joshua de bloominton-
Un muchacho que la mire bien entrada a besos en el cine!-
El negro del Angel-
Todo eso antes de que se casaba!! La Sangre!!

Aaaah Ohhh! la yessica! Pobrecita pero nadie le echaba ojo haste que se areglo los dientes- ewww man!!! esa todovia no se casa pero ya tiene el cuerpesote! no me creen. Fijate en los videos aye sale la huerca inflada.

Pero lo que me imagino es que la yenifer es la que hace las introduccion en los videos pues no oyeron la voz de bajista que carga! Chispas! Si yo tuviera esa voz, consigiera un jale para la voz del Vader en star wars!
Y la razon que le subieron el volumen cuando hablaba el Broder Rodrigez esque es mas tartamudo quel moises! Necesita un Abram para que le interpreti! deebeedeebeedee. jajaja! no manches!

Y yo olli que la mujer le escribe los sermones pero alli ellos verdad. yo nomas digo que si es cierto que le den lacredencial a ella poque hace mas o menos trabajo. Y eso mis hnos es la verdad con papas! Quien ViVe!?

Anonymous said...

Los Chip-Lames

Why don't you post in english so everyone can read what your writing.

Is any of this slandering information relevant to what is going on, much less true!?

How sad that it has come to this, Praise God that those ladies stood up for what was right and actually took a stand when people like you just quacked yourselves in arrogance.

I happen to know these ladies and the real unfortunate thing is that they never spoke ill about any members from their church, instead they've always been laboring in the work of the Lord!

The ArchAngel said...

I would like us all to take a TIMEOUT on the matter at hand, sit back and meditate on the LORD with these 2 links. Let God saturate you with what is ALL OF HIM!!



BE Blessed my brothers&sisters.

factsonly1 said...

ayy q' maduros los cobardes, perdon, disculpen. queria decir: "neutrales" q se quedaron! pero me pregunto... porq tanto se fijan en ellas? o sera q todavia estas dolido? tu sabes porq! No te quitaron por irresponsalble si no porq tocas rete FEO! CALMATE DI'BLASIO!!! No le tengas envidia al la gente bendecida! Pidele a Dios que un dia te de un talento!! Pidele te rodillas, bro! LO NECESITAS!

The ArchAngel said...

Because of who you are!

"Lord, I pray someone be touched throughout the chaos and troubled time, You are MY GOD!! I worship you Lord"!!

Anonymous said...

This just in..

Tafoya will be lynched tonight!

factsonly1 said...

twinkle fingers! twinkle fingers!

donde estas?

hablanos mas de tu sabiduria!

Little Eddie said...

So they are still lynching him after he kissed their A$$.
Goes to show there is no honor among Rats.

Rambo said...

Wow what a day, a real roller coaster ride. The awesome coverage by Skotty of the horrible actions of the gb. The great response and support for Bro. Baldemar and his loyal congregation! Of course the awful and sometimes ignorant comments by a few. One such ridiculous comment really stood out, I believe it came from "jesse" speaking about how the gb are men of God but they are also human and make mistakes! That is hogwash and total idiocy. A "mistake" my dear is when you count 100 apples and miss the count by one. Not if you count the votes of let's say 400 ministers and miss it by 398! Get real, buddy.

Also, to the person slandering ladies. How low can you go? A gentleman much less a christian one never talks about ladies in that manner. Didn't your mom teach you any better? You should apologize.

AntiTerrorism said...

Los Chipmunks... se te olvido el Hermano Zapata. Lo tuvieron como perrito corriendo cada vez que el GB le llamavan. Quando le van a enseniar como pedir para una posicion de pastor? Ay, por favor rascale el estomago.

Skotty Will Show You said...

Los Chimps (Monkey!) ... HAHA

So ... All I have To Say Is ...How
Christian of you...

Los Chipmunks said...

Hey did n e one c that last laker game...DANG!!!! They got toasted!!!Man I lost a lot of money onthat game what r my kids gonna eat taking food out of my babies mouth. How bout we pick up an offering it seems like everyone here is use to it. Oh I'm sorry I'm not bro. Jimenez Mr Offering man himself to ask and beg for an offering. One time I saw him take off his coat drag it on the floor and ask people to fill it up money. Can you imagine how much money he picked up he must be a size 100 with all those after offering meals he eats after the district services. Man I remember that some ushers you know who i'mtalking about mr. head usher himself...come on you know. He was picking up the moneyoff the ground. What I wanna know is what is Jimenez cut in all the offering he picks up. He's gotta be like that used car salesman that gets his plaque up on the office every month for making the most sales. Valverde do you have his grill hanging up in your office. N e ways I better go. N e ways I better go Pacheco is at the door asking me to join some sort of Straw Purchase. Does n e one know what that is?

mi3boyz said...

I recently came back to the Lord about a few years ago. I started to read this blog and it saddens my heart to hear all of the anger and hatred in these comments. I pray that the Lord's Will be done and not man's will. He can move mountains, raise the dead, heal the sick, so why can't we get on our knees and pray that his will be done instead of fighting. May God Bless each and everyone of you.

factsonly1 said...

Los Chipmunks,
quit sharing your sign on. seriously. ur not fooling anyone.


factsonly1 said...

los chipmunks,
all of a sudden your hating on the AA?

Don't be sad cuz they played you like a fiddle and didn't put Zapata after all.

De repente estan hablando pestes de la AA?

no se aguiten porq no pusieron a zapata como pastor!


Los Chipmunks said...

Raise the dead? Heal the sick? Move mountains? When was the last time you saw something like that? In a movie? Did you read it? That stuff may have happened before but now a days you ain't going to see any of that. Lets be honest that's the reason why they had to get lawyers to try to fight this cause nothing is going to happen. Pray all you want, fast all you want nothing is going to happen. Take it from these leaders that turn to the law of the land, and to there caniving ways to get things done. If they believed in prayer they would have waited on the Lord. So don't kid yourself lady pray all you want nothing is going to happen. This is a game of Kings and Pawns the kings won. That's how its been that's how it will always be. Men want power and nothing else. Power and money rule this world. So if you think that your pastor, from whatever church you attend, wants more members just to take to heaven, I'm sorry to tell you but more members = more money.
Here's a simple equation:

the more members you have= more money

Just ask all those pastors that have lived off the church members for years without ever holding a real job, and yet they are able to have the best car, house, clothes and things than anyone else in the church. The reality is that men are moved by money that includes pastors.

factsonly1 said...

los chipmunks,
bring back twinlkle fingers! PLEASE!

traigan p'tras al diblasio!

Los Chipmunks said...

hey dudes im just callin how i see from the sidelines. for real u betta watch yo back with some of your followers, cause im rootin for you. the revelation is calling my name, i wish i had your guts. Maybe some day, I have to get steppin now so i'll see u on the flip side. BTw who the heck is twinkles did they hurt you girl?

Skotty Will Show You said...

HAHA best Cars... u Mean LiKe The gb Had? Now Those Guys Know How To Roll!

Skotty Will Show You said...

HAHA best Cars... u Mean LiKe The gb Had? Now Those Guys Know How To Roll!

La baldemarista said...

to....los chipmunks ummmm who the heck
are you? seriously! why hide your identity. why cant you tell the
rodriguez sisters who you are. Are
you scared of them or something?
why do you have to make up stuff?
how could u talk about someone you
know nothing about. maybe this is a
guy who got rejected by them. awww
ive been dumped too. but trust me
prayer does work. it got me through
my heartbreak. shooting low blows
aint gonna help time go
for someone in your league. you
know i heard la india maria is

Skotty Will Show You said...

Omg That Was SOOOOOO

La baldemarista said...

im buying the ABC album TONIGHT!

factsonly1 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rush said...

This blog is getting out of control. Where are the moderators? Is this what you all want? Anarchy, Revolution, Lawsuits declarations of war? defamations, Profanity? Come on guys.. make your postings informative, interesting.. A joke here or there no problem. Maybe you should hire me as a moderator. Well enough said for one day. Good night bloggers.. p. s. RUSH is never nervous.

AntiTerrorism said...

Hey Rush, what are you talking about. Isn't this how they do it at Fontana Church? Oh, that's right, everything gets swept under the rug there...My bad

Skotty Will Show You said...


quepasa? said...

I’m Sad! I grew up in the AA! But before being a member of the AA, I am a child of God and I follow Him, He saved me not the AA.
As this mess goes on and on, I am saddened more and more. It’s incredible to see what measures man will take to obtain money and power!!! Because I believe this has a lot to do with pride, money, and power! :o( and another thing I believe…as they go from church to church “lynching”, they are afraid! Because behind those black suits and ugly fake smiles they know, ohhhhhhh they know deep in their heart that what they are doing is wrong, they know that God is going to take care of them.
So, although I think they are cowards, perverts, liars, and dictators…..I pray for them! And although I sometimes feel anger…I pray for them. And although I want to shout in their face that they are liars (one in particular)…I pray for them!!
Let’s pray for them!!
I am a member of Pastor Salomon’s church. From what I see here, we too have been “lynched”. I truly believe with all my heart that God is allowing all this to happen, God has a plan! I may get angry and sad, but I am not afraid of what will come. God IS taking care of it!! It’s in His hands.

God Bless

cartel said...

Now you see how we replay our leaders in the Apostolic Assembly. They just ousted our formerly beloved president. Don't ask questions, keep your mouth shut. This is like a large corporation like where I work. Those who question the boss get the ax. Sanchez and his goons will find themselves overseeing and empty field. They will miss the great harvest. God Bless our true leaders.

cartel said...

This is how we repay our leaders. Soon Sanchez and his goons will find themselves overseeing and empty field. They will miss the great harvest. God Bless our true leaders.
The Assembly has turned into a corporation like my place of work. Just keep your mouth shut or else............. The machete.

Unknown said...

Sanchez and his THUGS

Efrain Ramirez
Phil Saenz
Benji Guerra
David Jimenez
Martin Del Campo
Felipe Lugo


factsonly1 said...

I LOVE that we all feel this way! but who's gonna DO something about it! Lets learn from the Dr Rodriguez's congregation and UNITE! ACT! ADVOCATE!

Neutrality is a lie from HELL!

The bible commands us to be hot or cold! Who be lukewarm among you?

factsonly1 said...

No henry, not all of them. I personally know Elder Guerra, and Elder Ramirez.
They have put their church's needs before theirs even to the point of putting mortgages on their homes to finish renovations. They are men of God.

But for all the rest you 100% right!


Unknown said...


Anonymous said...
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latinprof said...

Skotty...I commend you for the excellent videos which reflect an ugly truth! Sadly, I was very disappointed and surprised to witness Pastor SERGIO MAFFEY and Pastor PHIL SAENZ as participants in this dastardly deed. Nonetheless, I am praying for these men. I salute Pastor Baldemar Rodriguez and congregation for their faith and committment to forge forward! God bless.

Anonymous said...

hey skotty, scott, whatever your name is i think you should take a look back into your memory bank and remember the day you got baptized and gave your life to god. b/c you know what you need!!JESUS back in your life!!! the day of judgement will come real soon. sooner than you think.

factsonly1 said...

get educated.

and shocked:
They were in a public place, in a public setting. And the videographer was in his right.

why do you think celebrities can;t sue paparazzi?

1st Amendment, buddy! this isn't Cuba.

And the videographer has already sought legal counsel. Y'ALL CAN'T TOUCH HIM.

Anonymous said...
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Unknown said...


Its in a public place. No permission needed. The video wasn't sold sold or used for commercial purposes.

What are they scared of?

factsonly1 said...

there you again, shocked. JUDGING, AGAIN! don't you ever learn? you are INFAMOUS for that! we all know who you are, why bother keeping your profile blocked.

ever heard of an IP address tracker?

Anonymous said...
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Unknown said...



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