Monday, June 23, 2008

ITS A PUBLIC LYNCHING! - Posting Stopped



  • Abel Torres - LYNCHED I
  • Saul Avila - LYNCHED
  • Baldemar Rodriguez - LYNCHED
  • Daniel Solomon - LYNCHED
  • Arthur Tafoya
  • Daniel Jauhall
  • Isaac Cota
  • Ishmael Arellano
  • Julian Aguirre
  • Richard Galaviz
  • Samuel Arellano
  • Guillermo Mendoza - LYNCHED
  • Martin Vasquez
  • Herman Garza
  • Efrain Andrade - LYNCHED
  • Isaac Hernandez - LYNCHED*

*Not 2006 Election related


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Juanita Johnson said...

After reading just a few of the comments archived on this site, I am so very glad I left the Apostolic Church a long time ago. It was only a matter of time before egos prevailed and the Lord Jesus Christ would be left out of the game. He is no where to be found in the hearts of Apostolic Leaders. As a former member who has suffered significantly from the lingering effects of abuse at the hands of men who would not know service it it reach out and slapped them. Thank God I am free, free indeed.

factsonly1 said...


lack integrity, honesty, mercy, character, wisdom, and any kind of godlyness!

You lack all these things cbg but worse because you are a rejecter of Jesus. Everything you can accuse of, point back to you, take the beam out of your eye and maybe you will be able to take specks out other peoples eyes.

factsonly1 said...

You are the king of assumers. You have no idea what my education is.

By the way you didn't answer the question.

Carlos said...


I found your question rhetorical based on its stupidity.

and it's pretty easy to assume your education level.

Trust me.

You're not fooling anyone.

Has anyone else noticed that these people are here just to rustle feathers and distract people from the REAL issues? and it is especially sad to see them having to resort to multiple sign ons to feel that people support them. Good Grief! But it is useless. You will see. Sources say R4J is leading the way to round 2. GB, you won't know what hit you.

factsonly1 said...

To cbg,

You seem to always be talking about homosexuality, and profess to know who is gay. Are you gay?
You accuse people of this frequently. It is known that when someone has this problem they continually talk about it.

Voice from the Bay said...

Juanita Johnson said...

He is no where to be found in the hearts of Apostolic Leaders. As a former member who has suffered significantly from the lingering effects of abuse at the hands of men who would not know service it it reach out and slapped them. Thank God I am free, free indeed.

Sister, you need to be very careful with the words you speak. If you name me your current affiliation, I am sure that I don't have to search too long to find something irregular about your leadership too; including their families.

Yes we have our issues (like every other Org), the difference is that something has been lost in recent years; yes with our leadership, as well as membership. (you can just sift through the comments to confirm this).

It is unfortunate that we have a few members who wish to air our laundry out for the world to see, and hide behind names; I wish that they wouldn't.

I don't have all night to share with you what I feel that has been lost...but I think that it is becoming ever increasingly difficult to find God fearing people of integrity, people who still believe in inward/exterior holiness, people who are more interested in the Move of God, rather than spending time "trying to find more dirt".

I'll stop there.. :)


. said...

There is something in the air people!










Carlos said...


Just to get everybody back on track:

Your honorable General Board has formed another corporation! Apostolic Assembly of the Faith in Christ Jesus of Texas, Inc! (
They have named themselves Directors and have disallowed membership! THE CONSTITUTION DOES NOT ALLOW THIS! Our Current articles of corporation (like any other corp) can be amended if needed and can be used nationally, regardless of the fact that they were filed in Cali.







What will you do church?



Voice from the Bay said...


My grandfather who pastored for a vast number of years gave me these encouraging words once....

"The only person not worth reasoning with is a person with a made of mind".

See, I too feel like many of the Revolutionaries do; but I'd rather channel my energy and frustrations into areas that will be positive.

What has happened with the Elections of 06' has not and will not altar my pursuit of God and the equipping of his Children.

factsonly1 said...

To Carlos,

Assume, assume, assume.
What is my education level if you know?

What is my other sign on name, since you think I have another one.

King of assumers.

When you assume and your wrong, you slander. That's what the word devil means slanderer, false accuser.

Carlos said...


what an ignorant coward.

Must feel good to hide behind anonymity. I wonder if that's what the apostles did? hmmmm...

the devil is the a slanderer, indeed!

factsonly1 said...

To Carlos,

Assume,assume, assume.

What is my education level if you know?

What is my other sign on name, since you think I have one?

You like the word slander huh?

Well when you assume and accuse someone and your wrong, it makes you a slanderer, which is what the word devil means, a false accuser.

Voice from the Bay said...


May I pose the question of "who cares?"

I have much more to be troubled over in these perilous times that my leadership team conducting business.

I have a youth group that is fighting real battles like their sexualities, immorality, trying to learn what is true doctrine and what is false.

So I apologize if I don't share you same zeal on this.

Voice from the Bay said...

God is Justice posted this earlier, but I never got a response, so I'll repost..

so curious....

"he devil together with the General board tried to stop us but NO ONE WAS ABLE To STOP US"

Please explain to the group how exactly the "Devil" and The "GB" tried to stop your youth summit?

Folks, need I remind us all that the enemy is the Devil not the church.

Don_Fernando said...

Paz de Cristo!

Una respuesta a la correspondecia que recibi.

A response to a letter.

Micah 2:1-5
1Woe to them that devise iniquity, and work evil upon their beds! when the morning is light, they practice it, because it is in the power of their hand.

2And they covet fields, and take them by violence; and houses, and take them away: so they oppress a man and his house, even a man and his heritage.

3Therefore thus saith the LORD; Behold, against this family do I devise an evil, from which ye shall not remove your necks; neither shall ye go haughtily: for this time is evil.

4In that day shall one take up a parable against you, and lament with a doleful lamentation, and say, We be utterly spoiled: he hath changed the portion of my people: how hath he removed it from me! turning away he hath divided our fields.

5Therefore thou shalt have none that shall cast a cord by lot in the congregation of the LORD.

. said...

English only, do your self a favor and focus on your youth group!
Because if they are struggling with there sexuality and things of that nature then you have better things to do then blogging!
Go pray MAN OF GOD!

Voice from the Bay said...

rockstar energy drink said...

English only, do your self a favor and focus on your youth group! Because if they are struggling with there sexuality and things of that nature then you have better things to do then blogging! Go pray MAN OF GOD!

and so shall I assume that yours' is not?

. said...


Voice from the Bay said...

Rockstar Energy Drink,
Or can I just call you Mr Drink, for short?

I'm not going to start a debate with you on the current affairs of our Youth Groups. I think that you and I both know the issues that they ALL face.

So please do not make such such comments as "GO PRAY"

However the evening is late and I will turn in.


. said...

Thank you! Seeing it was you sir, who brought up the condition of your youth group! Insted of blogging you should be praying for your youth! That is the problem, leaders like you are worthless to this generation. Insted of blogging teach them truth! Insted of blogging spend time with them!
Teach them to live in VICTORY,POWER,BLESSING,AUTHORITY,DOMINION. But then how could you teach them to live this way, seeing that you don't even live this way! You are the one here talking down on people who want to make a difference! Make no mistake we know very well where YOU STAND!

PS Just because you failed as a leader and your church is beat, doesn't mean all Apostlic churches are going in the same direction you lead your's in!


. said...

Att: Boycott gaylord!

. said...

Hey Rockstar!
That brother is no different then the "gb". Its pastors like him, that we're in the mess we're in.
He's probly lying, he wishes he was a pastor. I bet he's one of those guys caught with more then one logg in,lol.
He came on trying to sound smart,and left sounding like a MENSO!

M.Gallegos said...

Please e-mail me asap.

apostolicanalyst said...

Funeral Services will be held on Wednesday, July 30, between 5-8 PM at Fritz-Henry Funeral Chapel in Indio, CA for Sister Esther Ortega Tapia who went to be with Lord on Saturday, July 26, 2008. Interment will take place at the same Mortuary on Thursday, July 31 at 10 AM.

Sister Esther was a true Apostolic woman who had the privilege of being educated at El Colegio Biblico, Torreon, Coah. MX.

She also received her BA in Theology at Apostolic Bible Seminary in Tulsa, OK., under Rev. & Sis. Williams.

This lady was privilieged to be at the beginnings of both the Apostolic Church in Mexico and the Apostolic Assembly in the USA.

In her younger years, she accompanied her father to many mission and evangelism trips in both Mexico and the US.

Her legacy is extensive. Many of the things that the Dorcas and the Christian Education departments are benefiting from now, where due to her implementation.

She is survived by her husband, Antonio Tapia and three siblings;
Benjamin, Eunice and Ruth Ortega.

Esther also leaves many people whose lives she has touched and changed through the power of the Gospel she so dearly loved to share.

She supported missionaries abroad and local churches with prayers and giving.

Although her abilities were not open and common knowledge, she contributed much in her private and understated way.

Many of us were priviliged to know her and receive of her knowledge, experience and spiritual gifts. She will be terribly missed.

For those of you who did not get a opportunity to know her, you have missed knowing a great lady.

She will receive her great reward in heaven.

factsonly1 said...

Wow. It is sad to see that the AA is now spiritually bankrupt. All the years of emotionalism and hype has finally come to full fruition and the AA has been revealed for what it really is and has been.

It is promised that everything will come to light. It is evident and clear to me now that what the AA truly worshiped was emotionalism and pietism.

We now see on this blog the great and wonderful fruits that the AA has produced. And, it is not very impressive. Indeed, the AA is spiritually broke and bankrupt. Thanks all of you for confirming that for me.

Da411only said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Da411only said...

Just wondering... Does anyone think they know exactly how "Fountain of Truth" ended up being pastored by Valverde when his cousin Pacheco had the church right before he did? I know the truth but I'm curious to find out what stories others were told, or what was said through the grapevine. When I'm satisfied I'll tell you all a nice little bed time story. lol.
And another thing, Klu... *cough* *cough* I mean Carlos, (Isn't that funny how we don't here from him now that Carlos is gracing us with his knowledge during bankers hours) I wouldn't get too much into trying to figure out identities primito. You'll fry your brain and wear out your IP tracker, LOL! That was a good one bye the way! Even if you could, let me give my fellow bloggers the info to shut you up on this subject.

1.Click the Start menu button on the Windows taskbar.

2.Click Run... on this menu.

3.If the computer is holding a current IP address, type 'cmd' (without the quotes) in the text box that appears. A command prompt window appears on the screen.

4.Type 'ipconfig' (without the quotes) to view the status of the computer's IP address(es).

5.If the computer is holding a current IP address, type 'ipconfig/release' to let go of the address.

6.Type 'ipconfig/renew' to obtain a new IP address (whether or not the computer is holding a current address).

And you're done! This is all common knowledge peeps. k? Don't let this clown fool you. ;)
Almost forgot! Kl..Carlos, sorry it's so hard to tell you guys apart! Why aren't you posting the address from the auditorium where you guys had your services? What gives? Are you guys still there? What!? You're not!? Wow! hmmmmm.... Maybe you're claiming that you were kicked out of there too? Does Skotty have a video of that one? I'd pay to see that one! OH!!! Wait a minute! I get it now! Why didn't I see it before! Corre! Iglesia! Corre! Well that's really fitting, cause it looks like that's all you guys seem to be doing. I feel a call from the Olympic committee on the way!
I will say this though, the exercise will do YOU a lot of good!
And please try to remember that ONLY COWARDS RUN!
Later Gents And Dames. Waiting on those responses!
And for the love of blogging leave CBG alone! It's a fetish! he can't help but talk about that part of the human anatomy! It's his thing y'know. ok? (sorry so long, but it's my first, they'll get shorter ;) buh bye.


Response to ENGLISH ONLY

so you are asking how the GB tried to Stop us well the preachers that were suppos to come preach werent allowed because if they were to come they were gonna be taken off their leadership or possition they have and we had many things against us but whenthe service started going on MAN did the Lord move oh he sure did Praise God for that =)

Anonymous said...

Revolutionaries for Justice.

I am against what the Corrupt General Board has done to your beloved pastor.

I truly hope that justice will prevail.

However let me remind you that there are greater things to put your time and effort into than this revolution.

Forget the Corrupt Assembly and forget changing this sinking ship and just enjoy the new found freedom and just focus on kingdom work.

And my goodness if you profess to be at the helm of this revolution take control of those tongues and stop trash talking and using foul and non christian language.

It chips away at your credibility bit by bit.

I am not saying im holier than though or do not get upset and use words I shouldnt at times.

However I am not at the forefront of any movement or revolution. I am not in a position of leadership or in the public eye.

Just my thoughts.

twovote said...


so you are asking how the GB tried to Stop us well the preachers that were supposed to come preach were not allowed because if they were to come they were gonna be taken off their leadership or position

Midland, no offense intended here:

Isn't it peculiar how they (GB) can say they're Christians, say a Pastor is out of order and needs to be removed and at the same time not allow someone to go to Midland so that God may use them to 'restore' the good people there. I guess the GB thinks you're not worth saving. I wonder what they will tell Jesus when He asks about this.

Anonymous said...


I would like to clear up any confusion you have given the bloggers. You are WRONG and LYING about your little "ipconfig" instructions. The "ipconfig" is only in regards to the actual website. Which of course is a private network.

You are right this does work, yet only for the website as a whole!! Therefore, you are lying about who you think Carlos and Klu are. You do not know, unless you were told by someone (nothing but the cheese). I'm sure you are going to try and figure out who I am, however, private networks are my specialty. besides, lets face it, you're a 'wannabe' tech for the AA. You're just like the rest of them, got a certificate that says Microsoft Word Certified and now you think you can teach others how to become a MS Word Professional. Please, stop, it's rather embarrasing for you. I do not know who Carlos or Klu is, I just felt it sad for someone that claims to be someone elses cousin to throw dirt.

By the way, BR's congregation is growing vastly and I hear you will be joining them soon. Talk to your Pastor.

I myself visited just this past sunday and they are on fire. I witnessed true revival. That not only showed me alot, it proved alot.

They are at the Liberal Arts Center at the San Bernardino Valley college. Off of Mt. Vernon! Anyone that wishes to witness it for themselves, I encourage you to!!

In conclusion, your credibility is diminished. You have only the 411 you hear from the phone while you watch your novela.

Anonymous said...

apostolicanalyst (bro. ortega)

i am sorry to hear about your loss. May the Lords angels ascend to your family in this time of need.

Carlos said...


Whew! Calm down bro! I know I am such a matter of interest but wow!

Primito??? HA! you WISH!

And as far as our services, You are more than welcome. It is always a victory when a sinner like you comes to the Lord.

And for all who are wondering, they are STILL at the same place (contrary to what my "primito" says)

i wonder what "running" my church is doing btw? hmmmm...

Maybe the same type of running YOUR church should be doing? how many souls has church lately, "primito"?

and only "COWARDS" are anonymous. (Since you like my word so much)

Skotty Will Show You said...

Enrique said...
"Forget the Corrupt Assembly and forget changing this sinking ship and just enjoy the new found freedom and just focus on kingdom work."

WE COULD FORGET the Corrupt Assembly... And FORGET Changing this sinking ship...


YOU need to understand ... WE EXPOSED THEM ... we showed their TRUE spirit...

Seriously ... dont you think that would be REALLY CONVENIENT For the "Godly Boys" If we were to just LOOK AWAY Especailly AT A TIME LIKE THIS...

I MEAN come on dude... As that famous koala once said, "We will fight them... with... peaches."



Anonymous said...

i'm still laughing about the "ipconfig" dacheeseonly tried to pull on people. it's just truly hilarious!

let me explain in detail what this person is talking about that they themselves are not aware of...

ipconfig is to configure your
OWN ip address...again your OWN ip address.

iprelease is to release your OWN ip address. which does nothing but disconnect you from our OWN server..

iprenew is to renew your OWN ip address. this does nothing but renew your OWN ip address to get you setup again..

So general board..a word of advice, stop trying to follow the directions of this person. i explained it in clear english for you. no need to keep trying, it will only configure YOUR OWN ip address!

dacheeseonly needs to retake those classes...

Anonymous said...


what happened? why aren't you responding? i'm sorry did you say you were going to shut up our fellow blogger carlos on the subject of ip addresses?

i crack myself up. i hope the rest of the bloggers enjoyed as good of a laugh as i did.

Voice from the Bay said...

Rock Star,
You have single handedly confirmed my initial thoughts about blogging here.

PS Just because you failed as a leader and your church is beat, doesn't mean all Apostlic churches are going in the same direction you lead your's in!

Your quick assumption that I am failure as a leader, and that My church is beat, show me your level of maturity.

factsonly and all others who have tried to reason with this is quite obvious that they have a made up mind and that they are not going to reason together.

they will only make quick assumptions as speak with ignorance and immaturity...

Have a Blessed day Revolutionaries...and good luck with all your goals and objectives.

Anonymous said...

english only please

why such a stereotype? you talk about assumptions, yet you are the one making the prime assumption.

assuming those talking against the AA are all revolutionaries?

correct me if i'm wrong. however, cbg and others have stated they are not revolutionaries but are stating their own opinions.

you came on here because you agreed on taking action against the GB yet you sway in your last comment.

you state "factsonly and all others who have tried to reason with this is quite obvious that they have a made up mind and that they are not going to reason together."

if you would have read the complete blog you would have seen that factsonly has never tried to reason. so who are you really? are you a decoy? someone from the AA that is actually for the GB yet trying to gain the trust of those against the AA only to get information from the inside?

interesting comment about factsonly...very interesting...

i had given you the benefit of the doubt, yet after all your assumptions, you proved otherwise.

Da411only said...

I'm Sorry did I say I was trying to configure the web sites ip address? I don't think so. Why would I do that? First you say that the ipconfig "only works for the website as a whole." Then you say "It will only configure YOUR OWN ip address." Maybe the lack of oxygen to the brain with your cackling movie villain laughter got you confused.
A tracker would be used to track an individuals ip address, which you have just confirmed for everyone works just fine using those steps. So, keep cracking yourself up there buddy. *weird* Glad I brought you some joy to your bitter little soul. ;)
oh! hey KLUlos (has a nice ring to it!) I would call you or refer to you as something to the affect of Bro. or hermano, but since your neither I called you primito. uhhhhhhhhh. get it? it's a joke. i'll wait for it to sink in. ok.

Anonymous said...


you don't understand scarcasm. you make me laugh even harder! you're trying to redeem yourself and you can't. (doing the crackling movie villian laugh)

when i said it only works for the website as a whole i was referring to the network. again i will just laugh because you won't undertand. I.T. is not your profession and if it is then you must work for the general offices.

Again all my explains all that dacheeseonly says is WRONG and LIES.

my post: "i'm still laughing about the "ipconfig" dacheeseonly tried to pull on people. it's just truly hilarious!

let me explain in detail what this person is talking about that they themselves are not aware of...

ipconfig is to configure your
OWN ip address...again your OWN ip address.

iprelease is to release your OWN ip address. which does nothing but disconnect you from our OWN server..

iprenew is to renew your OWN ip address. this does nothing but renew your OWN ip address to get you setup again..

So general board..a word of advice, stop trying to follow the directions of this person. i explained it in clear english for you. no need to keep trying, it will only configure YOUR OWN ip address!

dacheeseonly needs to retake those classes..."

you state "...which you have just confirmed for everyone works just fine using those steps."

They do work just fine...if you're configuring your OWN ip address! hahahahhahaha! Thank you dacheeseonly!

LL said...


Mr. V was in texas before his cousin pass on fountain of half truth.

Skotty Will Show You said...

factsonly and all others who have tried to reason with this is quite obvious that they have a made up mind and that they are not going to reason together."


HAHAHAHA Idk YOU... but you need to read THE BLOG MORE!!!

factsonly1 said...
The Holy Ghost is here Mr.

And I feel the Holy Ghost now!

We don't need to wait it's here, ask for it.

What does that have to do with my points?

I got you now!

July 11, 2008 12:04 AM






Don't Sound Foolish...


Skotty Will Show You said...



He's OBVIOUSLY some old person who asked his Grandson about ip addresses and missunderstood the entire... "abuelo if your internet doesnt work just refresh your ip on the network/server..." LOL

and if thats not the case its prob some person going to ITT TECH lol

what an accomplishment right... i mean its hard to get into itt tech BUT most people dont realize that all you have to do is PULL the Door Open... Not Push...



Carlos said...

it'so funny.
I remember the last and only other person that accused me of being klu. They're not here anymore.

How interesting.


so on what basis do you accuse me of this?

I think that would be fun to know. I have hunch that it is an empty statement. Care to clear that up?

Anonymous said...

Bloggers, I hope all are safe in So. Cal.

Spongebob are you ok?

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

The Lord is shaking the GB, Los Angeles area was the center according to the news. Los Angeles...hmm...Daniel Sanchez...

Anonymous said...

I have some news that will quake up this blog...I will post letters I have recieved recently by mail.

The AA pastors have all recieved these letters via mail.

As you read these letters, please remember these points:

Notice the letter was dated October 5, 2007

The certificate of the new Texas Inc. was done on October 11, 2007.

Pay attention to Benjamin Bracamontes mentioned.

Notice the 7 former bishops mentioned in the letters.

Last yet certainly not least, the letter dated July 23, 2008 was done only in spanish and not in english. However, the GB was able to translate the letter sent on October 5, 2007.

I will share more of my thoughts on these letters after I post ready..the "big one" is slowing making it's way through...

LL said...


I think God is trying to empty someones's pockets.....2-be exact three :)

Unknown said...


Hey, does Valverde have some left over Y2K Survival Kits? LOL!!

twovote said...


Also notice they sent the letter 10/05/07 expecting the Plaintiffs to appear 10/09/07.

Since when has the Holy Supper become a 'Peace Pipe'?

Here's a link to the letters they sent out.

For those that don't speak Spanish. Copy the Spanish text and paste here:

Anonymous said...


Thank You Thank You Thank You TwoVote!!! Spongebob has been ignoring me so I didn't know how to copy those letters! I was about to cry!

Anonymous said...


Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

Benjamin Bracamontes wants the church Bro. Hector Flores has in Vegas. So Benjamin Bracamontes makes a move toward the GB. The GB seduces BB and now once they get rid of Hector Flores. BB has his church of which he hopes to make a mega church himself!

My question is..why didn't they use someone like Pastor Hoyer as a mediator?

twovote said...

Why use 'Ex' Bishops instead of current ones? . . .

1) Their livelyhood is with their church. If go against the GB, they lose.

2) In Bro. Rodriguez administration, he made decisions that were not favorable to some of these men.

3) They have more credibility than the current 'hand-picked' bishops.

4) The ex-bishops didn't make the decision to remove, they just agreed with the GB decision. No doubt, they were not allowed to research the case. They probably had to quickly decide based on a onesided presentation by the GB.

Anonymous said...


Good points! Now, is it just me or does it seem like the GB are pointing fingers away from themselves. Subconciously admitting they are wrong and beginning to put the blame on those bishops?

Don_Fernando said...

Paz de Cristo Blogistas!

I was wondering when these letters might come on here.

Good work, Jovenes. Your on the right track.

Seven-T said...

To patrick:

I am not finding the relation to Benjamin Brancamontes. In which letter is he mentioned?

All I can say is this turns my stomache. Just when you think you've heard it all. The GB, and honorable they are not, is so off the track it is unbelievable.

I've known Bro. Flores for many, many years. I visited his church in Las Vegas maybe 20 years ago when his church was congregating in a small building and went back to visit a couple of years ago while on a business trip and the Lord has blessed him and his congregation for their hard work and dedication.

GB you are sick, sick, sick!

Anonymous said...

Pastor Flores doesnt exactly have clean hands himself.

Ask him what he did with the money from the sale of an apartment complex he sold but the Church has yet to see the money or have any kind of update or report on the matter.

tonedeaf said...

Can you say DAMAGE CONTROL. Too little too late. I personally liked the part that said...We're not telling our lawyers about this meeting...Well, at least we all know one thing for sure. The GB is scrambling, trying to maintain some kind of dignity. All due to the World.Wide.Web.

Rambo said...

So, they send this letter out on October 5, 2007 and expect the brothers to drop everything and be there on October 9th. Just because they have unlimited access to the AA funds to fly around first class doesn't mean everyone else does. Everyone knows how expensive it is to try and get a flight on such short notice. That time frame didn't even give them a 7 day airfare discount. They should have at least paid for them to go.

Unknown said...

Joe Prado?

The self proclaimed healer? Let's get this straight, Joe Prado proclaims his gift of healing, while in the mission field.

Then, while in the mission field, claims his children are sick due to the unclean air in Venezuela or something and needs to relocate to the USA.

Why didn't the "healer" pray for his children and heal them?

Short on faith or living a spiritual lie?

Needless to say, gives a good stage act.

factsonly1 said...

Twovote, Patrick, Seven-t and, Revs of injustice, and supporters:

How can you guys live with yourselves? How can you call yourselves Christians and worship God?

All you present in this blog is assumptions and lies.

All you do is, slander the good names of men of God, you have added two new names H.Flores, and D. Bracamontes.

James 3:4
5 It is the same with the tongue. It is a small part of the body, but it brags about great things.
A big forest fire can be started with only a little flame. 6 And the tongue is like a fire. It is a whole world of evil among the parts of our bodies. The tongue spreads its evil through the whole body. The tongue is set on fire by hell, and it starts a fire that influences all of life.

• They consulted first with current Bishops first, THEN they brought in 7 well known bishops of good name.
• The date of the meeting was a “PROPOSED” date, but plaintiffs were ask to give a date of their choosing in case they couldn’t make it. And they never proposed one.
• Of course they were going to pay for Plaintiff’s expenses, since the AA was bringing them in.
• Why were these letters not posted by plaintiffs in the, if all other letters they received were posted? Maybe because it was not to their convenience.
• You have no evidence that B. Bracamontes who was a mediator, had the intentions of getting Las Vegas church. (What information do you have that Pastor Flores is retiring?)

Everything is clean to those who are clean, but nothing is clean to those who are corrupt and unbelieving. Indeed, their very way of thinking and their consciences have been corrupted.
They profess to know God, but by their deeds they deny Him, being detestable and disobedient and worthless for any good deed.

• The decision to take out the plaintiffs was UNAMIMOUS, by the GB, by all currents bishops, by 7 ex-bishops, and by corresponding District boards, in other words the full authority of the church.
• Next you’re going to say all the authorities (50 MEN OF GOD) of the church were wrong and your right!
• You Rev. of injustice flatter yourselves thinking you made a difference with your circus act, you think “you stopped the lynching of the consenters”, but it was decided since the beginning to only take out the four plaintiffs.
• You give yourself to much credit Scotty. “Pride cometh before the fall.”

All you revolutionaries of injustice are only good for is spreading lies!

A lie has no leg to stand on, but it sure has wings to fly away to far places.

Mat. 12:36
36 “But I tell you that every careless word that people speak, they shall give an accounting for it in the day of judgment.
37 “For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.”


factsonly1 said...

Twovote, Patrick, Seven-t and, Revs of injustice, and supporters:

How can you guys live with yourselves? How can you call yourselves Christians and worship God?

All you present in this blog is assumptions and lies.

All you do is, slander the good names of men of God, you have added two new names H.Flores, and D. Bracamontes.

James 3:4
5 It is the same with the tongue. It is a small part of the body, but it brags about great things.
A big forest fire can be started with only a little flame. 6 And the tongue is like a fire. It is a whole world of evil among the parts of our bodies. The tongue spreads its evil through the whole body. The tongue is set on fire by hell, and it starts a fire that influences all of life.

• They consulted first with current Bishops first, THEN they brought in 7 well known bishops of good name.
• The date of the meeting was a “PROPOSED” date, but plaintiffs were ask to give a date of their choosing in case they couldn’t make it. And they never proposed one.
• Of course they were going to pay for Plaintiff’s expenses, since the AA was bringing them in.
• Why were these letters not posted by plaintiffs in the, if all other letters they received were posted? Maybe because it was not to their convenience.
• You have no evidence that B. Bracamontes who was a mediator, had the intentions of getting Las Vegas church. (What information do you have that Pastor Flores is retiring?)

Everything is clean to those who are clean, but nothing is clean to those who are corrupt and unbelieving. Indeed, their very way of thinking and their consciences have been corrupted.
They profess to know God, but by their deeds they deny Him, being detestable and disobedient and worthless for any good deed.

• The decision to take out the plaintiffs was UNAMIMOUS, by the GB, by all currents bishops, by 7 ex-bishops, and by corresponding District boards, in other words the full authority of the church.
• Next you’re going to say all the authorities (50 MEN OF GOD) of the church were wrong and your right!
• You Rev. of injustice flatter yourselves thinking you made a difference with your circus act, you think “you stopped the lynching of the consenters”, but it was decided since the beginning to only take out the four plaintiffs.
• You give yourself to much credit Scotty. “Pride cometh before the fall.”

All you revolutionaries of injustice are only good for is spreading lies!

A lie has no leg to stand on, but it sure has wings to fly away to far places.

Mat. 12:36
36 “But I tell you that every careless word that people speak, they shall give an accounting for it in the day of judgment.
37 “For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.”


factsonly1 said...

Twovote, Patrick, Seven-t and, Revs of injustice, and supporters:

How can you guys live with yourselves? How can you call yourselves Christians and worship God?

All you present in this blog is assumptions and lies.

All you do is, slander the good names of men of God, you have added two new names H.Flores, and D. Bracamontes.

James 3:4
5 It is the same with the tongue. It is a small part of the body, but it brags about great things.
A big forest fire can be started with only a little flame. 6 And the tongue is like a fire. It is a whole world of evil among the parts of our bodies. The tongue spreads its evil through the whole body. The tongue is set on fire by hell, and it starts a fire that influences all of life.

• They consulted first with current Bishops first, THEN they brought in 7 well known bishops of good name.
• The date of the meeting was a “PROPOSED” date, but plaintiffs were ask to give a date of their choosing in case they couldn’t make it. And they never proposed one.
• Of course they were going to pay for Plaintiff’s expenses, since the AA was bringing them in.
• Why were these letters not posted by plaintiffs in the, if all other letters they received were posted? Maybe because it was not to their convenience.
• You have no evidence that B. Bracamontes who was a mediator, had the intentions of getting Las Vegas church. (What information do you have that Pastor Flores is retiring?)

Titus 1:15,16
Everything is clean to those who are clean, but nothing is clean to those who are corrupt and unbelieving. Indeed, their very way of thinking and their consciences have been corrupted.
They profess to know God, but by their deeds they deny Him, being detestable and disobedient and worthless for any good deed.

• The decision to take out the plaintiffs was UNAMIMOUS, by the GB, by all currents bishops, by 7 ex-bishops, and by corresponding District boards, in other words the full authority of the church.
• Next you’re going to say all the authorities (50 MEN OF GOD) of the church were wrong and your right!
• You Rev. of injustice flatter yourselves thinking you made a difference with your circus act, you think “you stopped the lynching of the consenters”, but it was decided since the beginning to only take out the four plaintiffs.
• You give yourself to much credit Scotty. “Pride cometh before the fall.”

All you revolutionaries of injustice are only good for is spreading lies!

A lie has no leg to stand on, but it sure has wings to fly away to far places.

Mat. 12:36
36 “But I tell you that every careless word that people speak, they shall give an accounting for it in the day of judgment.
37 “For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.”


factsonly1 said...

The 2008 Convention will be a time of victory for the Apostolic Assembly. All the facts will presented to the pastors and I suspect unity, support, and victory!

. said...

Next up to bat, da411only
factsonly again
and then repeat!
anyother "only" did i miss any of them?
looks like those letters hit a nerve.

. said...

i know lets call them the "only brothers".since only they believe in the gb and will defend them till the end.

Seven-T said...


Wow! I'm being called a slanderer??? As I recall I merely posed a question as to where Bro. Brancamontes was mentioned in a referenced and then I mentioned knowledge of Bro. Flores' ministry. I think you need to go back to school and get your terminology straight, er get your facts straight!

God bless you and I am happy to report that I love the Lord and serve Him with all my heart. I respect others opinions but do not allow others to influence my thoughts. I would like to think that you do the same. I learned a LONG time ago that my relationship is direct not through family or friends. I look at the facts and make my decisions as to what direction to take under God's will. No one is perfect but we strive to reach God's perfection when we are glorified on that great day when we will be with Christ.

God bless you richly in your Christian walk. Have a blessed evening.

M.Gallegos said...

Don Fernando, can you e-mail me?

Seven-T said...

One more thought.

So has anyone done the math on the Jesus' Strategies "progress" report? Let's see, there were 175 pastors, elders and bishops in attendance. According to AA records, there are a total of 700 (or possibly less now) churches.

Stay with me now, you take 175 and divide by 700 to get an average of 35% attendance of pastors, elders and bishops to the event. What do you think of that success rate? And what about the possibility of skewed numbers? Just a thought.

Seven-T said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jeanz said...

tejanoooo? where are you? maybe i should txt instead... LOL

. said...

Boycott gaylord!
Boycott gaylord!
Boycott gaylord!
Boycott gaylord!
Boycott gaylord!
Boycott gaylord!
Boycott gaylord!
Boycott gaylord!
Boycott gaylord!
Boycott gaylord!
Boycott gaylord!
Boycott gaylord!
Boycott gaylord!
Boycott gaylord!
Boycott gaylord!
Boycott gaylord!

save your money people,something is coming! Get ready!

. said...

Boycott gaylord!
Boycott gaylord!
Boycott gaylord!
Boycott gaylord!
Boycott gaylord!
Boycott gaylord!
Boycott gaylord!
Boycott gaylord!
Boycott gaylord!
Boycott gaylord!
Boycott gaylord!
Boycott gaylord!
Boycott gaylord!
Boycott gaylord!
Boycott gaylord!
Boycott gaylord!

save your money people,something is coming! Get ready!

Little Eddie said...

""The 2008 Convention will be a time of victory for the Apostolic Assembly. All the facts will presented to the pastors and I suspect unity, support, and victory!""

Is that after or before the pastors are stabbed in the BACK????????

Unknown said...

Ex L.A. bishop Oscar Barbosa as a man of GOD ???
the same person who ran 1st Compton church while being bishop into the ground, to the point where the church divided (or rather he kicked out literately) and 90% of the people left and founded the now Bell Gardens church…and his punishment?? He got a new church to destroy now the Santa Barbara church which used to be Joe Prado’s church

Joe Prado is a good man but he is Barbosa’s Son in Law enough said……

Anonymous said...


english ONLY please


hmm..I don't know if anyone else is catching on but I see a pattern... Mr.ONLY....interesting...

. said...

Any and every r4j,apostolic 4 justice and Apostolic Restorations
please make plans to attend this friday in Midland Tx. Its going to be a very important meeting!

Also we are boycotting gaylord!
If you already made plans to be there we want people in different parts to hold up signs opposing the actions of the gb!

If you have not made plans there will be a meeting for everyone (Apostolic) here in California!

More details to come!

Keep blogging the Board is being shaken!!!!!!!!!

They fear us people, you are making a difference!

Rambo said...

The gb's July 23rd letter is full of lies as can well be expected.

Some I am absolutely sure of and shall point out:

No. 3 c. "Despues de contestar todas las preguntas surgidas, cada mesa directiva distrital apoyo junto con su Obispo Supervisor.."

An outright lie from the pits of hell. That ministers were backed up against a wall and coerced is a better statement. They were not given an opportunity whatsoever to voice their opinions. (JUST AS AT THE 2006 ELECTIONS, SURPRISE, SURPRISE!) As told by a Bishop himself and several pastors.

No. 3 d. "Y se ha procedido a instalar pastores en esas cuatro iglesias".

New pastors have not been installed in all four churches! Honorary Bishop Abel Torres is still the one and Only pastor of the Midland church! Great services are being held and baptisms are taking place!

No. 3 d. "El cuarto, Abel Torres no comparecio".

Another lie. He appeared by his attorney's agent and served them with a restraining order! Imagine that! Pastor Torres doing all he can to keep the church his congregation lovingly built!

No. 3 e. "Despues de removidos, los demandantes procedieron a dividar las iglesias que pastoreaban".

The pastors have NOT proceeded to divide their churches. The wonderful, faithful, courageous and loyal congregations have chosen to take a stand and remain by their pastors. Some have lost NO MEMBERS AT ALL!

The letter is TOTAL hogwash!

Anonymous said...

mr.only is tracked to rancho cucamonga, just an FYI for bloggers.

. said...

Rambo,theres more to come very soon!

. said...

No matter what name Mr.Only just cant hold credibility and he always gets caught!

Rambo said...

See you in Midland!!!!

Skotty Will Show You said...

SO... Where Did that Gabriel Munos Character Go?

M.Gallegos said...

Hopefully off the deep-end!

By the way, good job! This is turning out better then I thought.

factsonly1 said...

Rambo said:
An outright lie from the pits of hell. That ministers were backed up against a wall and coerced is a better statement. They were not given an opportunity whatsoever to voice their opinions. (JUST AS AT THE 2006 ELECTIONS, SURPRISE, SURPRISE!) As told by a Bishop himself and several pastors.

Of course they were given an opportunity to voice their opinion. Why would any Bishop or Pastor put their name to something they don’t agree. You’re trying to present them as pushovers and cowards which I’m sure they’re not. If what you are saying is true, why didn’t they say anything at the Long Beach Conference when everyone was given the opportunity to speak. What kind of men of God are you trying to present them as?

Rambo said:
New pastors have not been installed in all four churches! Honorary Bishop Abel Torres is still the one and Only pastor of the Midland church! Great services are being held and baptisms are taking place!

They never said new pastors HAVE been installed, they said “se ha procedido” which means “to begin to”. Abel Torres is an ex-bishop not Honorary Bishop. Believe me a new pastor will be installed in Midland, just a matter of time.

Rambo said:
Another lie. He appeared by his attorney's agent and served them with a restraining order! Imagine that! Pastor Torres doing all he can to keep the church his congregation lovingly built!

Fact: No comparecio, means his person was not present. Sending a restraining order does not mean he showed up.

Rambo said:
The pastors have NOT proceeded to divide their churches. The wonderful, faithful, courageous and loyal congregations have chosen to take a stand and remain by their pastors. Some have lost NO MEMBERS AT ALL!

Fact: San Bernardino was divided, Denver was divided, and Austin was divided, and when they install the new pastor in Midland it will be divided. All divided by the plaintiffs.

Rambo said:
The letter is TOTAL hogwash!

Fact: I think Rambo’s comments are the real hogwash!

Rambo mejor toma un curso de Español.

factsonly1 said...

Rock star,

I can't help it if I'm getting sympathizers. But believ me I only need to post as Factsonly.

factsonly1 said...

Seven T,

The report on the Strategy of Jesus is great!
175 pastors attended, but hundreds more are using the strategy but couldn't attend. There will be a revival. Just a thought.

. said...

Amen to that Factsonly!!!!!
We got them now!!!!!!!!

trophyman said...

Me parecio algo curioso la carta de Sanchez de Octubre 5, donde dice que "con el corazon en la mano". No sera mas apropiado decir "con los @#%&#@ en rastra" mejor? Just a thought! For factsonly1! You fool!

LA DIST. W/Insights to Rancho Cucamonga

trophyman said...

A Revival with Valverde preaching what we have already heard on TBN!!LOL! Jaimie A. singing when you go black you will never go back! Just a thought!

trophyman said...

Para Solo Ingles Por Favor

You people are in for a Big SURPRISE! Grande mi Amigo!

LA DIST. W/Insights to Rancho Cucamonga

factsonly1 said...


Easy there, watch that language.

Mat 5:22
....And if you call someone a fool, you will be in danger of the fire of hell.

The Holy Bible:
The New Century Version

trophyman said...


That is very funny you FOOL!

LA DIST. W/insights into Rancho Cucamonga

BTW Take your fire and brimstone somewhere else it don't cut mustard here in LA! LOL!!!

factsonly1 said...

The word doesn't cut mustard there huh.

factsonly1 said...


Are you Christian?

trophyman said...


Christian is that a race that use to belong to the AA? Answer to your question is no I am human something you don't find in the AA! LOL!

LA DIST. W/Insights into Rancho Cucamonga

factsonly1 said...

well, no response. Good night englishonly.

trophyman said...


Your expressions are not very christian like themselves buddy boy! Besides you are very off on time as far as you fire and brimstone scriptures go. You must be a Valverde follower! LOL! FOOL!

LA DIST. W/Insights into Rancho Cucamonga

senior4christ said...

Bro Hector Flores is one of the finest in its field honest at its best. Ask G.b. where the money is . I beleave as I have always known through the actions as to why did they never give Br. Flores the honor of Bishop in the state of Nevada. If ever this a faithful man, honorable, fearful is Brother Hector Flores along with His God fearing loving wife woman of prayer. If any person was more deserving and still is to take Bishop in that state is Bishop Hector Flores. Bro. Lugo cannot supervise two districts at once. After all I beleave Bro Hector 's church is the mother church of most of Nevadas churches. I'd nothing more than to see this honorable man His rightfull place. There are a few honorable men left and He is one. may God Richly bless Him and his family.. I know alot of what goes on and will stand up for truth.

Seven-T said...


Your wrote to trophy,

oh, so you're not Christian.

No wonder you express yourself like a heathen.

Aweseome! Is that the soul winning techinique they showed you at Jesus' Strategies? Gee I want to be a part of THAT! NOT!

Seven-T said...

Looks like we have factsonly1 all stirred up. Let's all pray for him/her so he/she can make it to his/her IA (Idiots Anonymous) meeting. I believe this individual admitted to being an idiot. Okay, factsonly1, I'll go slow for you. No, I am not calling you an idiot, you yourself admitted to being an idiot on this here blog. So the first step to healing is admittance, now go on to your IA meeting. Let us know how it went.

I have much more to say in regards to your other posts but I will waste no more of my time or energy in allowing you to upset my spirit, there are so many other great things happpening right now for me to waste my time and lowering my standards to bicker with you. God bless you and have a wonderful day.

Can't wait til Friday! God is doing great things!

twovote said...

New from

From the General Board: Letter sent to all Pastors

From Family Life Center: THE GB TOOK OUR CHURCH AWAY.

From Nathaniel Ramirez: Those interested in the future of the Apostolic Assembly

Rambo said...


I steadfastly stand by my comments regarding the LYING LETTER as they are the exact truth, all of them. The gb can no longer expect the church to believe ALL THEIR LIES! They have been proven wrong over and over again!

And yes Bro. A. Torres is HONORABLE, which is something the gb knows not the meaning of! And for your info "proceeded to" means have done, "in the process of" is the correct terminology. Idiot! That you all will take the Midland church over remains to be seen.

Y para your information si quisiera write en Spanish lo hago if y cuando I feel like it. Te puedo dar classes whenever you quieras. Pero para ratas como ustedes I'll use the universal language.

cant we all just get along! said...

Does any body really know what happend to Issac Hernandez?

Rambo said...

Has everyone read what the "RATAS DE DOS PATAS" have done now? Read on:

THE GB TOOK OUR CHURCH AWAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thought u should know that the GB took over our church tonight, they removed our Pastor Isaac Hernandez with no reason at all, the GB keep saying this of God and if your against their decision then your in sin.

when are Pastor David Hernandez passed away he left instructions to leave the church with Isaac and know his dream is over, members of the church are already looking into other church FLC was an awesome church and the Dream that My Pastor had is not going to happen.........................thought u should know


Rambo said...

Wow, I recall someone commenting before that as Bro. Hernandez' funeral was going on the gb goons were already in his office going over his books, etc. What a bunch of RATAS DE DOS PATAS! Inconsiderate and heartless bunch.

porq said...

People of the Covenant, men/women of God, precious saints inside d AA

Greetings in the lovely name JESUS!

What the physical earthquakes mean is that there is a shaking taking palce in the spiritual realm also!!

Everything that can be shaken will be cast down by our Mighty God...

What the AA DGB is after is money, buildings' assets and sadly their own self-preservation for posterity
and to discard all who they see as a threat to their whims and riches!

But what "Christ in us" is after is life= righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost. Amen to this

I say, WE BOYCOTT all that is NOT God, right now it's the AA leaders!
See how they'll start to cry n beg.


Anonymous said...


Is there any way to get in touch with you offline? Please advise.

LL said...

Can anyone verify about Isaac Hernandez??

Anonymous said...

Skotty can be reached at

This email is ran solely by him.

Skotty Will Show You said...

it would appear that the "Godly Boys" Didnt Learn their lesson yet...

i hope
bigger things await them in the end





P.S. THE orange show is getting pretty old... can we please move FOT to another facility yet?

porq said...

To ll:

What I can tell ya is that no doubt Isaac Hernandez knew and suspected that this would be happening to him. HE WAS THE ONE that told a very reliable source of when they went into PASTOR DAVID HERNANDEZ's church office (his Dad) as he passed. What a bunch of barbarians & thugs!!!!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I heard Bishop Maffey audited Family Life Center's books and found 50K missing.

Rambo said...

I wouldn't doubt that they stole them themselves and then found them missing.

Anonymous said...


That is true.

I would not put anything past this Corrupt GB.

Is it true that Peter is now at CT ?

Rambo said...

I hope the church just moved them into another account before the thugs got to them.

Apostolic_insider said...

Could someone please post some info. regarding lodging for the meeting that will take place in Midland,Tx this Friday. Please include the address to the church too! Thanks!

Love Never Fails said...


Abundant Living Christian Center
2309 S. Fort Worth St.
Midland TX, 79701

Love Never Fails said...


117 West Wall Street
Midland, TX 79701
432) 683-6131

4300 West Wall Street,
Midland, TX
432) 697-3181

Love Never Fails said...


117 West Wall Street
Midland, TX 79701
432) 683-6131

4300 West Wall Street,
Midland, TX
432) 697-3181

Anonymous said...

I have some questions.

Why is it that they are doing the auditing themselves? Aren't they supposed to use a "third party" to do these types of dealings?

Seven-T said...

Midland Church location:
2309 S. Ft. Worth
Midland, Texas 79701

A host hotel has not been designated. Here is a list of recommended hotels.

Please note that there is a National ASA Softball Tournament going on this weekend so it might take several calls to secure a room.

Midland's population is approx. 100,000 so everything is a "close drive." I will say that the Comfort Inn Suites is probably the closest to the church. I would probably rate it as an okay hotel. Maybe along the lines of a Best Western?

Hampton Inn
5011 W. Loop 250

La Quinta Inn
2606 N. Loop 250

Hilton Midland Plaza
117 W. Wall

Comfort Inn
902 W. I-20
(very close to the church)

Holiday Inn Express
5309 W. Loop 250

Clarion (formerly a Holiday Inn)
4300 W. Wall

Plaza Inn
4108 N. Big Spring

Super 8 (used to be Sleep Inn)
I've stayed at this location when it was Sleep Inn, not bad.
3828 W. Wall Street
$89.00/night double room
Called this hotel; they might have 2 rooms available.

See you in Midland!

. said...

It is of the utmost importance that as many as possible show up at the Midland Church this Friday at 9:00am it will be an all day thing!

Also if you wish to go to gaylord we need people to hold up signs in the middle of the service! And spred out in different areas.

For those of you not attending gaylord there will be a "Convention" here in Los Angeles Ca this will be one of the most important meetings in the history of the AA, make plans on being there, its the same dates as gaylord!

These are awesome times, history is being made in the "Oneness movement"....

Thank you to all the Pastors and Ministers who support the "movement" we will not fail you!

porq said...

Know that something spiritual, BIG and uplifting is going to take place in Midland TX this weekend!!

*Unlike your typical General/Youth AA confections that sell, promote &
elevate flesh, fashion and position

Is that Danny Sanchez trio up in the Yosemite Nat'l forest regions still singing that "Quemame" song?

Ya quemalo y consumelo Oh Señor...

Unknown said...

Where is the meeting in LA?

. said...

I will post the location of the LA meeting as soon as the hosting Pastor gives me the go-ahead!
But it will be in LA.

Unknown said...

Its official. Isaac Hernandez was given the boot and Sanchez put in Art Diaz as Pastor.

Its a sad day. Art's a good guy, but Isaac was paying his dues.

I guess the only people related to Sanchez and Valverde get to stay as pastors.

The Sanchez/Valverde Reign of Terror Continues.....

Love Never Fails said...

What a bunch of lies…

What a bunch of lies that they General Board tried to reconcile everything and that they tried to make amends with the plaintiffs.

First off, how dare they send a letter on October 7, 2007 and expect to meet on the 11th of that Month? October 7th was a Friday and depending on how quickly they sent out the letters it might not have gotten to each of them until Monday. And even if they did get it on Saturday the 8th of October, what makes them think that they can just drop everything and go meet them at their convenience.

They (the plantiffs) don’t have access to all the “prosperous” accounts of the Assembly where they can simply get up and go. The courtesy would have been to give them at least a week to prepare themselves and make arrangements to fly out.

Then, they have the audacity to say that Bro. Baldemar Rodriguez, Daniel Solomon, Saul Avila and Abel Torres have proceeded to divide the churches!!!

How dare they?!?! If anything, go to the local church and ask them if they want to stay or if they want another Pastor, ask them! They will tell you that they want to support their Pastor and that they desire to go where they go.

You can’t make people stay somewhere they do not want to stay and you cannot make them follow someone whom they do not want to.

As a matter of fact, think about this. What do you expect the people to do when they are being thrown out of their churches and when the locks are being changed? What do we expect the people to do? Cry?

No instead, the Apostolic people are resilient people and if they are not wanted they logically they will go somewhere else.

Now the GB tries to cover everything up by quoting scripture and acting so HOLY! Like they where in the right all along.

President Sanchez and Bishop Aguilar both cried and asked Bro. Abel Torres for Forgiveness because they had done wrong, many board members have expressed their wrong doing to them personally and asked for forgiveness but they refuse to do it public.

What would if have cost them to say, “You know what we don’t agree with you we hate the fact that you did this but you forgive you, just as Christ forgave us…You forgive you lets move on.” But did that happen? No? What would Jesus have done? I don’t know what he would have done exactly but this I know that he would have not excommunicated them…God always forgives, always…Can we say them same about our leaders?

LL said...

Jew or Gentile

You asked "Why types of dealings?

It's more like

"S T E A L I N G!!!!!!!!

LL said...

Reunion/ o Familion??
Meeting or Family meeting?
Carta fecha/letter to pastors: 7/23/0


Benjamin Quiroz- suegro de Joel Montes..Houston TX (father-in-law to Joel Montes)

Joe Prado - primo de Victor Prado, Asistencia Social(cousin to V. Prado)

Oscar Barbosa - suegro de J.Prado
(J.Prados Father-in-law)

Frank Romo Sr.- su hijo esta en la Mesa directiva de Los Mensajeros de Paz.(related to Jr.)

Daniel Sanchez -primo de Arturo Espinoza, Missiones Internaciones
(D. Sanchez cousin to Art Espinoza)

Arturo Espinoza-mentor y amigo de Joe Prado *Le PASO el palo.
( A.Espinoza mentor & buddy to Joe Prado)

Samuel Valverde -primo de Eduardo Pacheco(Sam & Ed are cousins)

Que piensan ustedes?

What do you think?

Anonymous said...


You stated: "...A big forest fire can be started with only a little flame."

That is CORRECT sir!

This problem started November 24, 2006. They (The GB) started it, right?

Anonymous said...


you are CORRECT as well!

Did you know Benjamin Bracamontes stated himself that Sam Valverde was like a father to him?

I myself witnessed this! What a coincidence that BB was involved as a mediator when in all the letters, he was never stated as a mediator from the beginning. Until June 23, 2008!

If he truly was a mediator why did neither party mention him in prior letters or even the first court case? Are the GB holding more information or are they just making up more lies and getting more hands dirty?

. said...


factsonly1 said...

To all blogers:

If Family Life Center was audited and if in fact (which rome states in his posting) $50,000 are missing, the GB has all the right to take out Isaac Hernandez. Only someone that is a crook would argue against that.

In the corporate world when a CEO or manager resigns, is fired, or dies for that matter, they don’t take weeks to look at the records. It gets done as soon as possible.

Also when manager can no longer perform his duties for any of the above mentioned reasons, he doesn’t choose who will succeed him. The upper management does. With all due respect to any pastor, they are only stewards of church buildings and church property and any church funds. They are not owners.

Also in the corporate world when manager is terminated all the locks are changed immediately. Not to lock out employees but the previous manager. If members of the churches of plaintiffs got kicked out, then why is there members that stayed still using those buildings? Like someone said they chose to follow their pastor out of their own free will, they were not locked or kicked out. They can come back and enjoy those building under new management, but they choose not to.

This revolutionaries are accustomed to assuming and slandering. They said the GB probably stole the 50K. They have no proof of this. Beside when an audit is done, auditors have access to records not funds. Any person with common sense knows that.

Someone said:
"there will be a Convention here in Los Angeles Ca this will be one of the most important meetings in the history of the AA."

LOL, LOL, Please don’t flatter yourselves.
I can’t wait to see what pastors and ministers show up to that “convention.”

Some are making a big fuss at the fact that the plaintiffs were invited to a meeting with five day notice. Once again it was a PROPOSED date, but the plaintiffs were given the choice to choose a date themselves. They refused.
Someone said that it would have been too expensive to pay for airfare, and implying they probably couldn’t afford it. Yet instead, plaintiffs spent tens of thousands, maybe hundreds on attorney fees. What a joke!

Yes they divided the church and they’re still causing division, or why are the Revs of injustice having a meeting in Midland? Why is there two congregations in San Bernardino, Austin, and Denver?

If God forgives why didn’t the plaintiffs forgive? Why did they proceed to take the issue to court.

Someone said: "God always forgives”, the truth is no, not always, and when he does he requires repentance, which the plaintiffs haven’t shown.

As far as people been related, of course, any family that is second third generation has a lot of relatives. But once again people are assuming and implying that because they are related they will not do what is right in front of God. They slander men of God with good testimonies like Joe Prado, Benjamin Quiroz, Frank Romo ect….

What about the unanimous decision of all 25 existing Bishops are they going to slander them too?

May God have mercy on the Revs of injustice.

. said...


Apostolic Convocation 2008

Los Angeles California

Nov.28-Dec.3 2008

All are welcome!

Anonymous said...


Nobody blogs on that blog it is very very boring.

And the few posts that I have seen get deleted.

So what is the purpose of having your blog sir ?

Unknown said...

Wow. I find it amazing that the Gb would conduct an audit and then publish its findings, that $50,000 was missing because of Isaac Hernandez.

Then to even authorize the release of this information. Truly amazing.

Not like Pacheco has ever taken money from the church under false pretenses.

Isaac's problem is that he's not related to Sanchez, like Abel Villanueva who sat at the destruction of the church of Anahiem.

Wow. So, where can we find the results of this audit?

Anonymous said...

factsONLY1 (GB)


Would you please get to work and send out more letters. We would like to see you shoot yourselves in the foot again!

I will post this again and maybe you will respond to this one:

you are CORRECT as well!

Did you know Benjamin Bracamontes stated himself that Sam Valverde was like a father to him?

I myself witnessed this! What a coincidence that BB was involved as a mediator when in all the letters, he was never stated as a mediator from the beginning. Until June(typo I meant July) 23, 2008!

If he truly was a mediator why did neither party mention him in prior letters or even the first court case? Are the GB holding more information or are they just making up more lies and getting more hands dirty?"

So factsONLY1 why didn't you guys bring Benjamin Bracamontes into all your letters before? If this was true also, why didn't he come out in the court case?

. said...

rome, they really don't want anyone commenting on that blog, that blog is just ummm cant say. But there is a purpose, by the way its not mine, i'm just a part of it.
you dont have to check it out if you dont want to.

Anonymous said...

Rome (GB jr.)

You gave out confidential information from the GB. Ooo you better watch out..they might just change the locks to your bicycle!
And then send a letter to all the pastors about you!

Anonymous said...

By the is it that Maffey & Pachueco work on the board together?

Apparently Pachueco sold his scam artist car to Maffey. Pachueco kept the moola.

Oooo factsONLY1 (GB) answer that one!

factsonly1 said...

To all blogers:

If Family Life Center was audited and if in fact (which rome states in his posting) $50,000 are missing, the GB has all the right to take out Isaac Hernandez. Only someone that is a crook would argue against that.

In the corporate world when a CEO or manager resigns , is fired, or dies for that matter, they don’t take weeks to look at the records. It gets done as soon as possible.

Also when manager can no longer perform his duties for any of the above mentioned reasons, he doesn’t choose who will succeed him. The upper management does. With all due respect to any pastor, they are only stewards of church buildings and church property and any church funds. They are not owners.

Also in the corporate world when manager is terminated all the locks are changed immediately. Not to lock out employees but the previous manager. If members of the churches of plaintiffs got kicked out then why is there members that stayed still using those buildings? Like someone said they chose to follow their pastor out of their own free will, they were not locked or kicked out. They can come back and enjoy those building under new management, but they choose not to.

This revolutionaries are accustomed to assuming and slander. They said the GB probably stole the 50K. They have no proof of this. Beside when an audit is done, auditors have access to records not funds. Any person with common sense knows that.

there will be a "Convention" here in Los Angeles Ca this will be one of the most important meetings in the history of the AA.

LOL, LOL, Please don’t flatter yourself.
I can’t wait to see what pastors and ministers show up to that “convention.”

Some are making a big fuss at the fact that the plaintiffs were invited to a meeting with five day notice. Once again it was a PROPOSED date, but the plaintiffs were given the choice to choose a date themselves. They refused.
Someone said that it would have been too expensive to pay for airfare, and implying they probably couldn’t afford it. Yet instead, plaintiffs spent tens of thousands, maybe hundreds on attorney fees.

Yes they divided the church and they’re still causing division, or why are the Revs of injustice having a meeting in Midland? Why is there two congregations in San Bernardino, Austin, and Denver?

If God forgives why didn’t the plaintiffs forgive? Why did they proceed to take the issue to court.
“Someone said God always forgives”, the truth is no, not always, and when he does he requires repentance, which the plaintiffs haven’t shown.

As far as people been related, of course, any family that is second third generation has a lot of relatives. But once again people are assuming and implying that because they are related they will not do what is right in front of God. They slander men of God with good testimonies like Joe Prado, Benjamin Quiroz, Frank Romo ect….
What about the unanimous decision of all 25 existing Bishops are they going to slander them too?

May God have mercy on the Revs of injustice.

Anonymous said...

I'm going to repost because the GB isn't answering me
"factsONLY1 (GB)


Would you please get to work and send out more letters. We would like to see you shoot yourselves in the foot again!

I will post this again and maybe you will respond to this one:

you are CORRECT as well!

Did you know Benjamin Bracamontes stated himself that Sam Valverde was like a father to him?

I myself witnessed this! What a coincidence that BB was involved as a mediator when in all the letters, he was never stated as a mediator from the beginning. Until June(typo I meant July) 23, 2008!

If he truly was a mediator why did neither party mention him in prior letters or even the first court case? Are the GB holding more information or are they just making up more lies and getting more hands dirty?"

So factsONLY1 why didn't you guys bring Benjamin Bracamontes into all your letters before? If this was true also, why didn't he come out in the court case?"
"By the is it that Maffey & Pachueco work on the board together?

Apparently Pachueco sold his scam artist car to Maffey. Pachueco kept the moola.

Oooo factsONLY1 (GB) answer that one!"

Nice try dodging the bullet!

factsonly1 said...


Why don't you have Bald mar Rodriguez answer that one?

It was during his watch that the ALLEGED accusations took place.

As far as your other postings, I’m not avoiding them, they just don’t make sense.

BTW, if you’re implying that the response letter of the plaintiffs was mailed by accident, there you go ASSUMING. At the conference in Long Beach it was read to all attendees and the President promised to mail it to all pastors. They have nothing to hide, unlike the plaintiffs who had these letters but never posted them.

factsonly1 said...


I didn't know Abel Villanueva was related to Daniel Sanchez. That's news to everyone.

factsonly1 said...

Daniel Bracamontes was unofficially used as a mediator, because he is good friends with both S. Valverde and B. Rodriguez. He was in communication with both. Inform yourself, this has all been made public.

Anonymous said...

factsONLY1 (GB)


Just another uneducated la puente bible thumper

You remind me of my good friend spongebob...such a big head yet full of holes

I never implied anything about your little letters...i truly would like to read more though, it's actually better than the sunday comics!

Hmmm..I wonder why you're not responding about BB or the Maffey & Pachueco situation...acting like it doesn't make sense. Let me put this in terms you'll understand..."Liar Liar Pants On Fire" Neener Neener Neener!

Anonymous said...



you stated "Daniel Bracamontes was unofficially used as a mediator, because he is good friends with both S. Valverde and B. Rodriguez. He was in communication with both. Inform yourself, this has all been made public."

Nothing has been made public about Daniel just made that public itself!

Unofficially..hahaha..if it was unofficially then that means it was done WRONGFULLY..what you're saying is the GB went against the CONSTITUTION!? OHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!

factsonly1 said...


LOL,LOL,LOL, it's funny how you're all ASSUMING that I'm from Rancho or a rep. of the GB.

But that's ok with me.

I know the devil is a liar, and the father of ALL LIES.

Unknown said...


You need to ask yourself, who is Abel Villanueva married to?

Answer that question, and you win 25 Merits Points.

I mean, Ed Lopez isn't direct to Daniel Sanchez, but, who, you may ask, is he married to?

Answer that question, and you win 2passes to Lego Land and a all expenses paid trip to Skid Row.

Grasshopper, follow the Brides, and you will find the pride.

The Profet has spoken.

So be it.

factsonly1 said...


You're a joke, all the pastors who read this blog and attended the conference in Long Beach are all laghing at you. This was made public there.

Have you read the constitution where does it say you can't use a mediator to resolve an issue.

Quit making a fool of yourself.

Carlos said...

I could be wrong here but why is every one mentioning daniel bracamontes? the letter mentions Benjamin Bracamontes as the supposed "mediator." (conveniently revealed recently....hmmm fishy)

Can anyone clarify this?

Carlos said...

Sis Rita Salomon,

You sister are my hero.

This will saty in my heart as truth from the wise.

You said:
We are Apostolic, we did not leave the Apostolic Assembly, its leadership left us


Love Never Fails said...


God "Always" Forgives, Why cause he forgave us on the Cross of Calvary..."All" Sin is forgiven...its up to us to accept and receive that forgiveness through Faith and Repentance...

You are obviously related to the GB or a good friend...Thats fine...

But how can you support corruption? Do they pay? Are you a Pastor and have they promised you a church?

Maybe so but all in all what goes around comes around...You will get yours eventually...

Love Never Fails said...


Is everyone else wrong? Does what the world and just about every AA member see wrong?

The only ones who think that they are right are family members and church or those who are closely tied to the GB everyone else sees the wrong that they did...

Fraud!! Fraud! Thats what they did! They rigged the elections and they justified it through the CID.

Just because the Constitution allowed it and the court ruled that it allowed it does not mean that it is still right.

Is abortion right before God's eyes? It's legal in most states?

Of course not! It violates God's word!

People and Pastors are catching on, tell your friends that theres coming...

FYI said...

Who is in charge of the LA Convocation? What should we expect?

DRiley said...

I really do not know what is going in regards to this law suit, but one thing I do know is that you should all be ashamed of yourselves - both parties - plaintiffs as well as defendants. I am sure there is a lot of blame to go around - but the truly is blasphamy of the worst kind. My father the Rev. Bernardo Lerma would have been so ashamed of you all. I am baptized and did receive the Holy Ghost years ago. I left the church for personal reasons. I have always respected the church and its members. Even though I do not belong to any church I have always held the teaching close to my heart and believe in my heart that I have lived a very respectable life. I do not have any opinion either way in regards to this lawsuit - but one thing I do feel - this is truly bigger than any sin that I have committed in my entire life and believe me I am the last to pick up the stone and throw it. You folks really need to grow up and find the Lord again.

DRiley said...

I really do not know what is going in regards to this law suit, but one thing I do know is that you should all be ashamed of yourselves - both parties - plaintiffs as well as defendants. I am sure there is a lot of blame to go around - but the truly is blasphamy of the worst kind. My father the Rev. Bernardo Lerma would have been so ashamed of you all. I am baptized and did receive the Holy Ghost years ago. I left the church for personal reasons. I have always respected the church and its members. Even though I do not belong to any church I have always held the teaching close to my heart and believe in my heart that I have lived a very respectable life. I do not have any opinion either way in regards to this lawsuit - but one thing I do feel - this is truly bigger than any sin that I have committed in my entire life and believe me I am the last to pick up the stone and throw it. You folks really need to grow up and find the Lord again.

DRiley said...

I really do not know what is going in regards to this law suit, but one thing I do know is that you should all be ashamed of yourselves - both parties - plaintiffs as well as defendants. I am sure there is a lot of blame to go around - but the truly is blasphamy of the worst kind. My father the Rev. Bernardo Lerma would have been so ashamed of you all. I am baptized and did receive the Holy Ghost years ago. I left the church for personal reasons. I have always respected the church and its members. Even though I do not belong to any church I have always held the teaching close to my heart and believe in my heart that I have lived a very respectable life. I do not have any opinion either way in regards to this lawsuit - but one thing I do feel - this is truly bigger than any sin that I have committed in my entire life and believe me I am the last to pick up the stone and throw it. You folks really need to grow up and find the Lord again.

DRiley said...

I really do not know what is going in regards to this law suit, but one thing I do know is that you should all be ashamed of yourselves - both parties - plaintiffs as well as defendants. I am sure there is a lot of blame to go around - but the truly is blasphamy of the worst kind. My father the Rev. Bernardo Lerma would have been so ashamed of you all. I am baptized and did receive the Holy Ghost years ago. I left the church for personal reasons. I have always respected the church and its members. Even though I do not belong to any church I have always held the teaching close to my heart and believe in my heart that I have lived a very respectable life. I do not have any opinion either way in regards to this lawsuit - but one thing I do feel - this is truly bigger than any sin that I have committed in my entire life and believe me I am the last to pick up the stone and throw it. You folks really need to grow up and find the Lord again.

JM said...

Praise the Lord!

Does anyone know if the Isaac H. removal was filmed?

If so, can you give details as to where it may be found?


Skotty Will Show You said...

fACTsonly1 said

You're a joke, all the pastors who read this blog and attended the conference in Long Beach are all laghing at you. This was made public there.

Have you read the constitution where does it say you can't use a mediator to resolve an issue.

Quit making a fool of yourself."

HAHAHA you are funny fAXE...
You Say you are not from Rancho... AND that you are not a rep for Team "Godly Boys" ...

So... why exactly are you fighting THEIR BATTLES?? (or atleast attempting to)...

what do you have to gain from all of this?


why do you have to speak FOR THEM???

were you voted in?

and i find it funny how you pick on patrick... its like he is the only person on here that you can talk to that way...
what happened? didnt like gettting slapped in the FACE by ME? or Henry? or Carlos? Or ANYONE else that you tried to talk SMACK TO?
Cant wait to see PATRICK PUT IT IN YOUR FACE...

ok now to comment on the comment above....

"You're a joke, all the pastors who read this blog and attended the conference in Long Beach are all laghing at you. This was made public there.

If they attended and ARE APART OF THE AA... WHY WOULD THEY DEFY THEIR VERY HOLY gb, AND read this blog???

"Have you read the constitution where does it say you can't use a mediator to resolve an issue."







. said...

To (FYI) the Apostolic Convocation
is headed by Pastors of good name.

. said...

Don't forget people!

Midland Tx. this friday starting at 9:00am it will be an all day thing all r4j,a4j,ar try your best to attend! Its a very important meeting!

Rambo said...

Sister Rita Solomon’s letter is so fantastic, it depicts such inner strength, that of someone who continues to trust in the Lord in spite of the trials and tribulations that have been wrought upon her and her family. May God continue to embrace her with his love.

In her heartwrenching statement she writes: “I appreciate and love our congregation all the more. I thank God daily for them and ask Him to bless them, console them and encourage them as we work through this time of transition and change. It is through them that we are encouraged and uplifted in prayer….”

This is what touched me the most, because sometimes we don’t realize that the people we need, the ones we can count on during our hardest times, are the very ones whom we may take for granted. These are the people, the congregation, whom they tended to during their heartaches, their spiritual needs, their personal needs. They tended to them because it was their place, their obligation to do so. What they perhaps didn’t realize was that they were planting a seed in their hearts and that now it is their turn to be there to tend to their broken hearts, to their needs. Sister Solomon lean on your congregation, let them console and encourage you now.

Congregations, don’t abandon your Pastors, they need you now, each one of you. Remember when you called them at all hours and they came because you had a special need, they now have a very special need, they need you to stand by them, don’t let them down. God bless you.

factsonly1 said...

Scotty, Scotty, Scotty,

“You slapped me?” LOL,LOL, LOL,

You’re a joke!

I thought you were not to engage me?

Couldn’t resist huh?
Can't follow your own instructions huh.

Why do you ASSUME that everyone who disagrees with you, has to be a rep of the GB.
Why do you ASSUME that everyone who disagrees with you is after money, position, power or any gain? Oh I know:

Everything is clean to those who are clean, but nothing is clean to those who are corrupt and unbelieving. Indeed, their very way of thinking and their consciences have been corrupted.
Titus 1:15

Read the Constitution Scotty:

Article 36 Section 16
Article 20 Section 1

This gives the GB the authority to remove pastors. Read it and weep, but you probably don’t own a Constitution, the only things you know what to do is press play on a camera and assume and distort the truth.

Even your followers call you a sick twisted freak.

Skotty Will Show You said...

i dont press play... it doenst record the truth if you press play...

i press RECORD...

and Stuff happense and People Can't Deny it so they Attack OUT OF FEAR and ANGER... right?

Skotty Will Show You said...

do you REALLY want to start Cherry Picking The Constitution AGAIN....??

lehan said...

To fagsonly1,

I'M BAAAAAACK! Did you miss me guera? LOL LOL LOL LOL

Skotty Will Show You said...






Anonymous said...


Why do you avoid questions?

I guess since everyone found you out that you were dacheeseonly and figured why fight it right?

Either that or your friends left you to fend for yourself! Which is not unusual for the GB.

My my..."assume" must have been the word for the day on sesame street're using it way too much!

Unknown said...

Isaac Hernandez never stole. Edward Pacheco did. Isaac Hernandez was never part of a criminal conspiracy to steal from the hermanos. Edward Pacheco was.

Isaac Hernandez didn't have a convicted felon as his right hand man advising a scam to steal from the hermanos. Edward Pacheco does.


Skotty Will Show You said...


Anonymous said...

This is going to be long, but please follow me. Read this twice if you don't understand the first time.

10/05/2007 - General Board "dated" letter sent letter to plantiffs. An exact date recieved would have to be later than the date on the letter.

10/09/2007 - Date set by General Board for plantiffs to have meeting. Less than four days for plantiffs to make appropriate decisions. General Board attempting to force plantiffs to make a rash/pressured decision.

10/11/2007 - AAFCJ, Texas Inc. made official. A corporation takes two weeks to create. Therefore, the General Board made this decision before attempting to resolve the matter. Decision was made solely by General Board, no other authority had a say in it.

11/10/2007 - Dr. Baldemar Rodriguez celebrated ground breaking service for the new temple to be built. General Board members that attended (not limited to):

Sam Valverde
Abel Aguilar
Felipe Lugo
Sergio Maffey
Adam Lopez

Amount collected at service = rounded to 50k.

General Board members donations = Between 7k - 10k.

Donations given by church members = rounded to 40k.

Now is the time to refer to the afore mentioned in regard to the new Texas corporation.

The General Board members that went to the service gave monies already knowing of the new corporation. A factual person knowing would be Sam Valverde, as he his name appears on the Texas Corp. documents.

How could the General Board allow the Bro.'s to be manipulated in giving monies to a temple they knew was never going to be built under the AAFCJ, Ca? The General Board never took a loss. However, the bro.'s took a personal 40k loss.

If the building in San Bernardino is ever built under AAFCJ, Tx. or rather even the fact that the members gave monies for a building to be built by the church itself and money is used for another cause, the members could sue for false pretense. All donations were made to AAFCJ, Ca. in regard to a building construction fund. Another tid bit, all donations were made to AAFCJ, Ca. NOT AAFCJ, Tx.

“It is said that power corrupts, but actually it's more true that power attracts the corruptible. The sane are usually attracted by other things than power.” - David Brin

crazyapos001 said...

Reply to jm:"Praise the Lord!

Does anyone know if the Isaac H. removal was filmed?

If so, can you give details as to where it may be found?


the whole service was filmed by many people at the church, i know i was there =)
and to be honest the GB didn't act disrepectful in any way. The Hernandez family on the other hand did. they acted like such fools. Pastor Hernandez (R.I.P.). His grandson Sammie was seen slashing the tires of the GB van. Also, David Hernandez son and grandsons ( who never went to church in the first place)where the one making a big scene. Right after the congregation was called to say hello and welcome to Bro. Art Diaz and his wife, and almost the whole congregation went up. Isaac Hernandez called most ministers telling them to join him, but almost all agreed that what was being done was the will of God. A lot of familys where going behind his back to the GB telling them to do something because the church was in bad shape and that Isaac wasnt doing anything well. (not an actual fact, but i know for a church member commented to me) After David Hernandez died people that where receiving thearpy (or whatever you want to call it) where left with Isaac and one of them said that all Isaac would say was "oh, ok, i see, well waht do you think, oh ok..." lol not like David Hernandez he had no mercy he would tell you straight out. You wouldn't come out of that office the same. Art Diaz knows the church like the back of his hand, he graduated from Life Line Ministries, his wife was like a daughter to David Hernandez that women survived only because of him. Isaac acted like if the church was beig handed to a bunch of strangers. Isaac and his fornicating brother (name unknown) after kept saying that it was not going to end like this and blah blah blah. Real drama queens.
The video will surface in due time. I'm not sure but i believe Art Diaz niece or something to him, was there to film the whole thing for the purpose of it not being tampered with. I think she works for a magazine or something she had some logo on her jacket.

I'm speaking outside the box, I think that everything was handeled with good taste except when Salvador Lopez and some other dude was speaking the Hernandez clan posted a big screen that had a picture of David Hernandez and it said "This is not what I wanted to be done.." something like that. They only made his memory crash, and their family seem stupid lol.

I was told that the only ministers that stayed with Isaac where those who the AA had kicked out do to serious matter like Rick Ramirez. Mainly because Ramirez felt that everything was going to be taken away because the AA kicked him out of his church (which is now Daniel Sanchez church in Whitter) due to a matter of him showing to much love to young ladies. And other ministers that had problems of that sort.

but like i said ... videos will show up. a lot of people where video taping....

I've been inside the AA and outside of it... where ever you go. their will be corruption. just keep your eyes on God. And when he makes justice for you and your pastors just sit back take a drink of your virgin margaritas and enjoy how God makes justice and brings them down from their high horse... in words of nacho libre "it's the best! i love it!"

sorry for my spelling my english sucks.

crazyapos001 said...

p.s. the AA told Isaac and his family that they will still like them to stay and help the ministry. Sis. Rosie Hernandez would've still been receiving financial help from A.A.

Art Diaz from the stage said the same thing. He invited Isaac to stay and work together...

my opinon, Isaac is a fool. He acted so childish. He should've left with his head up high, and then called up everyone to see who was with him, not try and make a big thing out of it. But nope.. he wanted to look dumb... idk his wifes reaction... they say you can tell due to all the plastic surgery shes had on her face lol... she did look funny last time i seen her lol...

dang i'm mean lol

Rambo said...

The financial help from the AA for widows of Pastors is $75 a month! She'll be living it up on that.

Rambo said...

Pastors dedicate probably on an average of 25 years to the Assembly, they work tirelessly and they die doing the Lord's work. They tend to all their flock, day and night, put up with all types of problems, even hermanos who will eventually stab them in the back when they need them the most, in their hour of need, and the ASSEMBLY rewards their widows a whopping $75 a month. They probably spend more than that on a tie for convention.

Unknown said...

Isaac can bring back Nu Vision.

or join gb5 to replace GbIsaac.

Anonymous said...

This is going to be long, but please follow me. Read this twice if you don't understand the first time.

10/05/2007 - General Board "dated" letter sent letter to plantiffs. An exact date recieved would have to be later than the date on the letter.

10/09/2007 - Date set by General Board for plantiffs to have meeting. Less than four days for plantiffs to make appropriate decisions. General Board attempting to force plantiffs to make a rash/pressured decision.

10/11/2007 - AAFCJ, Texas Inc. made official. A corporation takes two weeks to create. Therefore, the General Board made this decision before attempting to resolve the matter. Decision was made solely by General Board, no other authority had a say in it.

11/10/2007 - Dr. Baldemar Rodriguez celebrated ground breaking service for the new temple to be built. General Board members that attended (not limited to):

Sam Valverde
Abel Aguilar
Felipe Lugo
Sergio Maffey
Adam Lopez

Amount collected at service = rounded to 50k.

General Board members donations = Between 7k - 10k.

Donations given by church members = rounded to 40k.

Now is the time to refer to the afore mentioned in regard to the new Texas corporation.

The General Board members that went to the service gave monies already knowing of the new corporation. A factual person knowing would be Sam Valverde, as he his name appears on the Texas Corp. documents.

How could the General Board allow the Bro.'s to be manipulated in giving monies to a temple they knew was never going to be built under the AAFCJ, Ca? The General Board never took a loss. However, the bro.'s took a personal 40k loss.

If the building in San Bernardino is ever built under AAFCJ, Tx. or rather even the fact that the members gave monies for a building to be built by the church itself and money is used for another cause, the members could sue for false pretense. All donations were made to AAFCJ, Ca. in regard to a building construction fund. Another tid bit, all donations were made to AAFCJ, Ca. NOT AAFCJ, Tx.

“It is said that power corrupts, but actually it's more true that power attracts the corruptible. The sane are usually attracted by other things than power.” - David Brin

JM said...

To: crazyapos001

Thank you for your responses. I was not there for the removal, but I was a member from '92 to 2000. And things were never really run by the book. Pastor David Hernandez' word was pretty much "the law".

I know Pastor Art Diaz, he is a man of integrity. He has always been a fair and just man of God.

Pray for him and Sis. Sylvia as they go through the change as well.

God Bless You,

factsonly1 said...


Very good!

Might I add something to your statement to emphasize a point?

The members did indeed donate up to 40k themselves, some members giving 10k on their own.

Does anyone remember what Sam Valverde gave? I DO! :-)

It was a slap in the face to hear him donate FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS!

And that was on behalf of FOT.


Doesn't He have a HUGE 7 br house with a luxury car? Correct me if i am wrong.

tsk, tsk, tsk.

Malverde, since you were going to keep the money anyways, you should have made yourself look a little better. You should have thought of it as an ivestment, seeins as you were going to steal it from poor hardworking people anyways.

Anonymous said...

crazyapos001 and jm

why not sign on with your real

name since you're not ashamed to

talk about your former pastor (in

crazyapos001 situation colleague)?

does anyone else find it

interesting that the general board

allowed the people to have

camera's? why did the general

board put up such a fight with the

church in san bernardino? sounds

to me R4J made the general board

clean up their act regarding

removal service procedures.

Skotty Will Show You said...

fax has yet to answer our questions...

maybe he is googling the answers... or asking his fellow gb members... lol

hey fax ... who is BERNICE MOLINA... and what does she mean to you?

If anybody has any info on bernice's husband please email R4J...

Skotty Will Show You said...

the gb= Robin hood of the rich...

steal from the poor to FIll up your own Pockets? lol

Skotty Will Show You said...

i believe the name

jew or gentile?

is kinda rhetorical right?
you cannot pick one or the other...
i'm pretty sure JOG knows IF he's a JEW OR GENTILE...

but wants you to guess...

JOG doesnt talk about his PASTOR as you do...

so are you ashamed??? JM?
How About you ...crazyapos001??


JM said...

To: Skotty Will Show You

Why do you defend Mr. Rhetorical?

And no I have nothing to be ashamed of.

I am not the one running around behind closed doors plotting and scheming.

Have a nice day


Skotty Will Show You said...

"I am not the one running around behind closed doors plotting and scheming."

yes..yes... thats right...we are plotting and scheming....

I think thats a great image for us to have...

thanks for the insight!

but i would prefer...

Formulating... and Calculating...

the gb is more of the PLOTTING AND SCHEMING type...

LL said...

aa , henry , carlos

please, keep me posted in the activity in Texas. (video,pictures etc.)

Anonymous said...


it is obvious you are a child. i
didn't come on this blog bashing a
former pastor of mine. you made
that decision, so take
responsibility for it. why did you not attend the removal service? since you talk so bad about your former pastor, wouldn't you have wanted to be there? let me guess, just another wannabe from rancho headquarters trying to gain leverage for a position in the aa. so while mr.ONLY got caught, they ask the ninos to get on and blog for them.

i know you don't understand the word rhetorical so i will leave you with the definition.

rhetorical: –adjective 1. used for, belonging to, or concerned with mere style or effect.
2. marked by or tending to use bombast.
3. of, concerned with, or having the nature of rhetoric.

accion said...

To the legal beagles, please validate this thought:

Here’s a way to keep your tithes & offering from supporting corruption

When giving, specify what can and what can not be done with the money you give.

“This donation is designated for use within the local church of ‘Jesus Loves You Apostolic Church’. It can be used for local salaries, local expenses and locally planned activities.”

“This donation may not be distributed to any cause outside of the local church including, but not limited to, Tithe of Tithes (ToT), Flor Azul, Mano a Mano, Precious Seed.”

If we were to include something like this with our donations, we would protect our Pastors from the reach of the General Board. At the same time, we could throw the money changers out of God’s house by cutting off their money supply.

Consider the average church with 150 members. Of those members 60 are receiving a salary. If the average salary is $20,000.00 per year the annual income from tithes is $120,000.00. If the church sends the ToT to headquarters, they are sending $12,000.00 each year. With 700 churches sending in $12,000.00/year that comes out to $8,400,000.00 each year.

Instead of giving to Flor Azul, which no doubt started as a worthy cause, adopt a missionary Foreign or Domestic. When they start sharing how your support made a difference in God’s kingdom the local membership will be happy to see their money is actually being used as they hoped and their efforts are not in vain. The same goes with Mano a Mano & Precious Seed. These causes only started because they saw how lucrative the Flor Azul was.

If you are thinking of purchasing a building to further the kingdom of God, think again. The church is better off renting than building/buying a structure. If you buy/build, you are only contributing to the organization. You and everyone that contributed time and money to the project can be removed a moments notice. Instead, get together with a few stable brothers/sisters. Form your own business and make an investment in real estate. If you see a nice building, maybe you can find a tenant before you buy. Who knows maybe the church would want to rent from you. Then no one can ever kick you out.

By committing to doing these simple things, your local church would then have more funds available to meet the needs of a growing congregation.

David Sanchez
Quote from AA.Info
This is really good.
Amen to that

Unknown said...

I think I'll be going to the November event here in LA.

Sorry brothers and sisters. I just can't for the life of me go to GAY-LORD, Texas.

Can you imagine the week after Thanksgiving when your collegues ask you what you did for Thanksgiving weekend?


So, Henry, how did you spend your Thanksgiving weekend?


I went to GAY-LORD, Texas.


What did you do in GAY-LORD?


We listened to GB5 perform and gave money to the Flor Azul.

Sorry, I'll

sola dei gloria said...

Hey Henry!

Are you still in Diamond Bar??

xpastorswife said...

The Top Five Reasons Why Leaders Fail
February 18, 2007 by Paul Peterson

Last week I asked a question, “Why do leaders fail?”
After hearing from a number of you and doing some reflection of my own I suggest that the top five reasons why leaders fail are as follows…
• They disconnect from the people they are leading. The reality is that sometimes leaders can get so consumed in “leadership stuff” that they forget what leadership is all about… people! If the people you’re leading don’t like you, understand you, trust you, etc. … you ain’t leading! A great illustration of this is the ex-CEO of Home Depot… I blogged about it last week Effective leaders make every effort to enage in “Management by Wandering Around”.
• They become proud and refuse to be questioned. When a leader refuses to be held accountable to someone or some standard… trouble’s on the way! I think people will tolerate a bit of ego, but when it becomes the driving force of the organization… the leader is destined to fail! Effective leaders embrace accountability and do not walk away from instruction! Effective leaders are continually learning and changing… implicitly recognizing that who they are today is not enough for tomorrow!
• They are not authentic. One of my first mistakes at Northgate was trying to be someone I was not. I followed two godly, competent pastors and was totally unsure about how to pastor a large church… still am for that matter! I was well read in church growth and leadership literature and therefore tried to become someone that I thought the large church needed. MISTAKE! This bad decision cost me and our church. At the end of the day, through the grace of God and Northgate, I am realizing that the best thing I can do is be who God made me… not someone else! The best thing I have done, as a pastor/leader, is to identify my strengths and weaknesses, focus on my strengths, and staff to my weaknesses! Leaders who try to be someone else will fail… and hurt a lot of people!
• They are authentic. OK, I know this is in direct contradiction to what I just said, but follow me on this… Sometimes “Being real” is not all it’s cracked up to be! Sometimes it is incumbent upon a leader to be contextually wise! In other words, discernment is critical for a leader! Sometimes, “Just being me” is stupid… so don’t do it! I think that “maturity” is knowing when to do/say what… effective leaders are mature and thus not always “Authentic” (i.e. “Just being me”).
• They do to much. Jim Collins suggests that every leader should develop a “Stop-doing” list. Here’s the scoop… on a scale of 1-10 if I were to rank your “talent level”, most leaders would be between a 5-10 (this is not super analytical you know…). If each number represents the “things you can do well” then here’s the problem - If you can do five things well then chances are you are going to get frustrated when a “Two” or a “Three” tries to do any of those things that you are talented in… so you’ll take over, ’cause you can do it better (and probably you can too). The problem is that you, because you are multi-talented, can do more than one thing well… and because you care so much… you will do them! Unfortunately after time you will get burned out by doing so much “so well.” The struggle for talented people is that they have to say “NO” to some things that they could do a good job at! Just because you can do it, and even do it good, does not mean that you should do it! Effective leaders realize that their effectiveness lies not in doing everything that they can do, but in doing those things that only they can do. For instance, on the week I am scheduled to preach, there are a lot of things I can do, but only one person that can preach… so I should choose to let some things go (delegate them, procrastinate, ignore, etc.) and focus on the one thing that only I can do. Don’t fail because you do too much! Create a “Stop-Doing” list! (For more on this idea see Craig Groeschel’s five part post “Don’t Do It All”

xpastorswife said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Sola: Yup still in D-Bar. lol What an adventure with that earthquake. lol All my pictures came off the wall.

Someone was comparing the firing of Isaac Hernandez to the firing in a corporate job. That if he was CEO, and lost $50,000 he would have been booted out.

Well, in the Corporate world would you:

Have someone as a CEO that LIED about their education on their resume?

Ask CEO Valverde about his education.

Have someone as CEO with criminal allegations in his participation with Car Scam?

Ask CEO Pacheco about his dealings with the Car Scam.

Have someone Act with Negligence placing the Corporation at risk of a severe financial loss?

Ask CEO Prado.

I would add more, but I got to go.

DJ said...

Just to let every one know the corruption that is going on in the AA is not going to get better AND THAT know one is SECURE with their churches!!!!!!I know that the late Pastor David Hernandez is turning in his grave!!!!!!!!!!!
AND to CRAZYAPO001 so when did you become GOD and decide who was fit to be the Pastor , and talking bout pastor Isaac H. and his wife your just a judgemental carnal nontithing member with a BIG Mouth.....I wish i could meet u since your so perfect
Almost like god.....

DJ said...

Please dont talk about people and there appearances
YOU talk bout Isaac H. wife BUTTTTTT....
Pastor Sam Velverde WIFE R.V has been cancer free for 6 years and funny cause her hair is still at her ears HUMMMMMMMMMMMMMM..........
so just keep quite thats why we dont judge ........

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