I haven't really been keeping up with all the activities for some time as life has continued. I think it would be a good idea and good time to get an update as to that status of the AAFCJ organization. I'd like to compile a list of:
1. Pastors that have left (voluntarily or involuntarily)
2. Churches that have closed
3. Property foreclosed
4. Where have the pastors have left gone to
5. Legal matters
6. Organizational evolvement (other organizations created or organizations that have recieved AAFCJ pastors and their congregations).
Current financial status of the organization. Those of you inside the corporate office can continue to email info the apostolicvoice@gmail.com.
I do know from conversations with several pastor's both still involved and those kicked out that there is a strong division among the brethren. Missionaries that are traveling have visited excommunicated pastors incognito although they have been restricted from their fellowship. However, due to the lack of financial assistance from the AAJFC they have no choice but to visit those churches that still are supporting their ministries. However, when they do go it is very deep undercover. It is truly a very sad state of affairs.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
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1 – 200 of 2044 Newer› Newest»Millions have accepted the Lord because of J2X. The Prophets Aguilar are taking the Apostolic Church to new heights.
Its the new generation of leadership that is winning the world!
Perhaps this new post will demonstrate that everyone is ready to move on. I sure hope everyone has spilled their hearts and are now free from all bitterness and hate. I hope we realize that we are all human and are all as flawed as our leaders. Only God is perfect. I hope we're ready to work for God again. I hope we put his priorities of souls 1st in our lives. I hope...
Maybe you people didn't hear me the first time! The Prophets Aguilar, Romo, and Montenegro are turning everything around and bringing all the bastard churches back to the mother church the AA.
Pray to them that they might have mercy on you and them for all the unbelief and doubt in your hearts!
Update/Aviso: Amados herman@s, para que miren que tan desesperados estan los 8 de la mesa directiva de su organizacion. Quieren hacer dinero $$ mas de lo que les han robado de la Flor Azul y mas los templos que tuvieron que refinanciar sin su permiso y por detras de sus espaldas para recobrar mas para que ellos anden disfrutando sus salarios y se vayan en viajes de vacaciones por decir viajes misioneros!
Bueno, ya saben ahora, en la primera grabacion de NC (Nuestro Canto) no se cobro para asistir y todos los que pudiesen ir a Union City entraron GRATIS! Ahora Samuelito, Raquel y ese Arturito les quieren cobrar $10 para asistir a -
Nuestro Canto
" Live Recording" (Don't be fooled, it's a fluke!)
What is this? is this some kind of apostolic war going on??
The UN has now registered the GB 8 AA leadership
as a terrorist group of individuals who deceives a whole lot of spanish immigrants into thinking that you have to and must attend and contribute every dollar they earn to "unknown and suspect causes"!
Beware, lest you fall captive and be held as their prisoner for their selfish and very personal ulterior motives = monetary gain fueled by horrid GREED!!
um...I was at the Honda Center and there were 600 Apostolics and 7 visitors....
...Greg Laurie is the one that had 50,000 at the Angel's stadium...
....the Honda center doesn't even hold 20,000...it was empty...
I figured the numbers for J2X were exaggerated.
Just like when there are claims of 1,000 people recieving the holy ghost at these crusades.
Seems like a bunch of show and very little impact to the real hurting and dying world.
Just my two cents
I would like to think we have moved on....I believe the smoke has cleared and even though the initial hurt is starting to heal..the scarring will remain visible. I know at ALCC God has been blessing us wonderfully...and I'm sure the surrounding churches in the AAFCJ will say the same....so why argue..while I'm at it..I had heard that Pastor Bracamontes was sick...so let's keep all pastors in prayer...I know our Bishop was in bed for a bit..but now he's preaching out of state ....so God keeps his servants in strength
J2X was the biggest event in the history of the apostolic movement! I have spoken to Prophet Agiuilar and we are in negotiations with the rose bowl to have it there next year.
The J2X Video has been seen 8,000,000 times on youtube!
Emailed confessions of accepting Jesus as Savior are confirmed at
Paypal donations to the Lord are at $434,000.00
The Lord is using the new generation of apostolic prophets! Amen!
There are three types of people in the world:
1. Neutral - take both sides
2. Do nothing - you know the truth but, do nothing
3. Do something - you know the truth and do something about it.
You see, as long as you stay in something that is wrong you either fall in the first or second category.
But if you stand for what us right, then you do something about it, why do you think over 200 pastors and thousands of brethren have left something that is wrong?
Why do you think now certain church have to resort to promoting their own concerts or large gatherings? Because it is to fill a huge void in something that is wrong.
Think about this, why would you invest hundreds if thousands of dollars in a huge gathering in new York and then now that person is back in California parroting his father's church? Another thing, I thought there was a rule about pastors children taking their father's church, isn't that a contradiction?
So you see, the more you think about it, it has nothing to do with anger or resentment but it has everything to do with man continuing to abuse their power and continue mistreating God's people, so the question is, is that what you want? How much more will you take? It is has become an embarrassment to even mention any type if relationship with the assembly. Well, enough for now.
If anyone is interested, you are invited to attend the regional English Fellowship of AWA in Salida California in October.
Sorry for some misspelled words, sending message from my iPhone, but I'm sure you get the message.
que pasa en Houston?
Seems to me that this situation would be a big remedy if the AA followed the scriptures regarding teaching for filthy lucre's sake. There are 5 of them. That means preaching for money. I wonder if you took away their money how many of them would still be preaching?
If you required them to work for a living in a REAL job if they would still consider doing this service for FREE. You see you can always question a person's motives in their worship when they are receiving money for the "work" they do for the Lord.
See: Titus 1:11 KJV-" Whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses, teaching things which they ought not, for filthy lucre's sake."
Did the church really remove 600 pastors? If so, where is the proof? What question did BR ask anyway that caused such a problem? What really did happen to Sergio Villanueva? I just heard he wasn't a minister anymore. No, I am not a groupie or whatever you call it. Just a curious 'back slider' wanting to know what happened to the church I grew up in.
What happened to the Glendale Church? Sam Rojas took over and now they are making a mockery out of a service by wearing Team jersey's on a Sunday!? Whatever happened to dressing your best for the Lord on Sunday?
Yes, you can say who am I to talk since I am a back slider, but I have my reasons for leaving. I won't be back. In light of all this on what's written on this blog can you really blame me?
Never mind, I'd rather not know what is going with those people. I don't even know if there is any truth to rumors anyway. There are always 2 sides to a story. I'd rather not hear gossip. If I really wanted to know I'd ask SV or BA in person. Please delete my comments. Thanks!
It is official!! This blog is dead in the water. AWA god bless you and please take all the members who are disgruntled with the AA and do something for God.
Houston, we have a problem.
Praise the Lord! I believe that many Christians are concerned more with numbers that produce lucre than the needs that are in the hearts of people. Things have really changed since the apostles finished their work here on earth. God help your children. The church needs a restructuring of priorities my brothers and sisters.
God bless you.
San Antonio - You are right on! You have presented the 'God purposed' plan for the church and the sad fact is that man has strayed away and created it's own plan. The difference between Organization and the five-fold ministry is extreme. Our purpose must be to find a place of worship that resembles God's Word instead of man's plan. We have all seen what happens when things are built on man.
Bro. Tony, I am glad to hear that many are waking up to Gods will, my pastor has been teaching that exact thought for many years, it has nothing to do with religion nor organizations, if we can focus on those teachings we will become, La Iglesia Universal de Jesucristo, as long as we persist on the true doctrine.
World Faith Center Ministries.com will be up and running pretty soon for those that want to keep in touch with us, God Bless.
three churches less in Houston,TX
Yep, but their commitment to the Lord is still solid, Praise God for that.
Good to know that churches have broken relations with the AA but are still committed to will of God. True, there is life after the AA and better systems exist than the tithe of tithes and excessive quotas and fundraisers. However, when you leave then move on and do not rejoice at the demise of the AA but pray for the restoration. We know that the sin of greed, dishonesty and religious pride appear to be the motivators for the General board but do not become bitter toward them. God has publicly exposed them along with their ungodly lawsuits.
The consequence of their sin is exhibited in the lack of attendance at Conference. We have gone from Packing out the Anaheim Convention center to to using the ballroom at the Marriott. I know they are hurting, but hopefully Sam Valverde can bring restoration to the Organization.
Merry Christmas to everyone and a happy New Year!!
Someone who likes to say, that you cannot quote him, or use any words he says on tape is Bishop Abel Aguilar. I haven’t heard him say that he would sue you but he sure does not like to be quoted without his permission, even if he preached a message at a convention and you repeat it in public, he has said, “With all due respect, you need to get my permission before you repeat anything I say”. He has not gone into why he does not want to be repeated, but if he wanted to he could sue anyone that quotes him.
A pastor in the Northern New Mexico town of Taos, has gone as far as tell his congregation that if they tape him without his consent he will sue that person. He would take him or her to court.
Did you know that if you record a service or record someone singing in church without their consent, and let’s say put that on the internet, oh like youtube, you can be sued. That means that someone with a camera phone recording someone singing, even with their consent and if that recording captures someone that did not want to be recorded, and they see their image on the net, you can be sued.
Did you know that if the services are recorded with songs that are copyrighted you can be sued? Especially if you sell those cd’s.
Did you know that if the pastor is asking for love offerings and that gets recorded, he can get in trouble with the IRS for not reporting income?
There must be a sign or some message on the doors of the church to indicated that services are being recorded before they enter into the church
Matthew 18:20 For where TWO OR THREE are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.
Its such a pity that a so call pastor would go that far, when will they learned to take their eyes away from money an set them on the Lord, that says a lot for that persons heart. Greed has surely got the best of them. Help us God.
That Just goes to show how out of touch they are.
They think they can hardball anyone they please even if they don't have a leg to stand on.
General Board has not changed it's spots. Just moved them around a little to try and fool the members to keep on supporting they lavish life styles.
any new report from houston?
Ya basta con este grupo de chimsosas! Ustedes son contra la amable iglesia santa apostolica!
Tienen que pedir perdon de nuesto padre por sus pecados de chisme!
Factsonly1 le gusta negar la libertad que ensena la biblia
2Cor 3:17 El Señor es el Espíritu; y donde está el Espíritu del Señor, allí hay libertad
A Factsonly1 se esconde en las tinieblas y no no anda en la luz porque sus obras son malas.
John 3:19 Y esta es la condenación: porque la luz vino al mundo, y los hombres amaron más las tinieblas que la luz; porque sus obras eran malas.
El que anda en la luz no tiene porque esconder su rostro y su identidad.
Millions continue to accept the Lord because of the prophets/messiahs Aguilars. Now bishop Tafoya is coming on board by hosting a very big number of Pastor's this Friday at his church. I will pray to them for God to move as they rise to preeminence.
Tu no sabes quien soy! Y no sabes que puedo hacer! Viva la Asamblea Apostolica y Sus Profetas! Somos de palabra verdad! Somos lo unico!
Somos haciendo mucho milagros a nuestros miembros. Te vas a ver! Tenemos gente en la Wachinton DC con el profets mas grande de Arizona, El Profeta Poderoso Steve Montenegro!
Somos conquistando milliones de almas para la Asamblea!
Estamos en negociones con La Rose Bowl para tener el convencion general este ano!
Viva la Asamblea Apostolica!
You don't know who I am! And you don't know what I can do!Long live the Apostolic Assemlby and it's prophets! We are the true word! We are the only ones!
We are doing many miracels to our members. You will see! We have people in Washington DC like the greatest prophet from Arizona, the all powerful prophet Steve Montenegro!
We have conquered millions of souls for the Assembly!
We are in negotiations with the Rose Bowl to have our convention there this year!
Long live the Apostolic Assembley!
God Bless the newly ordainded Prophet Reverend Saul Barbosa! The lord is calling this great prophet to be a pastor of thousands in the great church of Santa Barbara!!
The Apostolic Assembly is in a mighty revival! Amen!
The Apostolic Assembly WILL BE the New Jerusalem here on earth! Chosen prophets Aguilar, Romo, Montenegro and now Barbosa will be sitting along with the apostles in this grate city. REPENT and come back to the mother church, the Apostolic Assembly!
The Apostolic Church is raising up a great and mighty generation of new prophets!
Miracles are being done on a daily basis!
Fontana is a 10,000 member strong mega church! Fountain of Truth is the biggest church in California!
Blessed be Bishop President Pastor Prophet Samuel Valverde!
Glory and Honor! Amen!
Pray for poor Factsonly1 which loves lies and loves to make remarks that have no basis of facts at all. I've never ever read in the scriptures where it teaches or preaches and mother church. Where in the Holy Bible does it ever mention the mother church? The mother church is the church for narcissists who love to live in the darkess and in lies. The mother church is for mamas boys who have not grown to become men who love the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ! Jesus Christ sent us to preach His gospel! Jesus Christ did not send us to preach any mother churches or mega churches and especially not by decieving and abusing the saints and mortgaging the churches other saints paid for. I believe the Lord our God is one Lord and I serve only him in the name of Yeshua Messiah! As Jeremiah said in Jeremiah 17:5 Thus saith THE LORD; CURSED [be] THE MAN that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from THE LORD.
The Lord God Almighty and Lord in the name of Yeshua Messiah rebuke you Devil and send you and your mega churches straight to hell effective immediately! As for me and my house we will serve the Lord where two or three are gathered together in the name above all names that is all we need. Those that believe it say amen! And lets unite by twos and by threes and let's build from there!
I am currently a member of the AA but am seriously considering leaving it really soon. I have seen first hand the disrespect of some local board members towards my pastor and was absolutely appalled at the letter sent to him in of 2011 by the HQ telling him he either sends all of his tithes and offerings or he would be removed from his position. I along with the rest of my congregation have worked hard and I do mean hard to have what we have. My pastor as well as the members have put out of their own pockets to have the instruments, chairs, tables and everything else and now the GB says, "we didn't help you with anything, we don't even know your name nor your face from the bum across the street BUT YOU BETTER GIVE US YOUR HARD-EARNED MONEY OR ELSE." Well I just recently received a revelation THERE IS LIFE AFTER THE AA!!!! My whole life I have heard that anyone who leaves the AA is going to hell and all this has opened my eyes and it has been such a weight of my shoulders.
I, by the power of the anointing of the Apostolic Assembly, Inc, REBUKE You badmouthers of the Apostolic Assembly Church and our beloved and annointed prophets!
You bloggers are WARNED! Our I.T. Department at HQ is doing search of where these posts are coming from and who! It wont be long before the lord reveals the names and addresses of you rebels!
The Tri-Unified Prophets are growing! Prophets Barbosa, Aguilar X2, Legalslator Montenegro and Romos will be casting a mighty spiritual curse on you heathen haters!
REPENT NOW before your end comes!
Glory and Honor! Amen!
Dear factsonly1 I don't believe I am disrespecting anyone since THE ONLY ONE who died on the cross for me was Jesus and I AM NOT WALKING AWAY from HIM so I should be fine. MY ANOINTING DOES NOT COME FROM MAN nor is God as obsessed with the AA as you are. I have yet to find in the Bible mention of the Apostolic Assembly, that being said I do respect the wonderful men and women who with a true and honest heart serve within the AA. I will continue to pray not only for them but for you as well since the Lord, whom I SERVE has called me to love my enemy and although I don't consider you my enemy you obviously are threatened by those who disagree with you and do consider us yours. There is no room in my heart nor should there be any in yours to hate anyone since we are all created in HIS image!!!! God bless you!
east los:
Spoken word or not, this is what these pastor's have said.
Go ask, Bishop Aguilar if you can quote him, he came out and told a pastor in the resent Pastor's meeting in Anaheim, that he did not appreciate being quoted, and he permission needed to be asked.
And whether we can or can't these men say we cannot use their preachings, or sayings, in anyway, without their permission. Even if they are recorded in their local church, I know, I asked one of these men to use part of their message in a newsletter and they flatly told me NO, or I would get sued, I am not speaking our of my.. uhm.. HAND.. this is something I have been told.
Church of the living God please move on, whether inside an organization or not- if you are Baptized in water in the NAME of Jesus Christ you are children of God; asking nicely to move on, by stop feeding and placing negative remarks of brethren that are washed in the blood, leave ALL judging to God and pray that God will have mercy of us all - GBY!
I, by the power invested in my by the Apostolic Assembly, call on the Tri-Unified Prophets of Prophets Romo, AguilarX3, Saul Barbosa, and Montenegro! Please pray with your arms and hands pointing to California! The gays now can be married! I have secret information that the "Flor Azul", the underground apostolic gay mens group, will be demanding to be married in apostolic churches in california! PRAY for us oh mighty Tri-Unfied Prophets!
Glory and Honor! Amen!
LOL LOL Man dude you sure know how to me laugh...LOL
If a pastor demands that the church pay him back pay when the church was unable to pay his salary and he and his wife sends the church to collections, is the church responsible (members/Tresu) or is the Assembly. Should the members keep quiet and let God handle the issue or should this be brought up to the Bishop or Elder?. Dos the congregation send the bill to the assembly or just pay the pastor to keep him and his wife quiet?
The Assembly will never side with the church even if the Pastor has a gun to your head.
That's the way they operate and that is the way they will always operate.
If the church was unable to pay his salary. More likely it was because the Pastor wasn't doing his job like he wa suppose too, and lost most of his members.
That was what happened to us, The Pastor was not Pastor material and we lost almost all of our members, because he ran them off.
Instead of coming as a servent he came on sat on the throne as a Lord and said "I'M THE PASTOR AND THAT'S IT".
He was just in for the salary and title. Both him and his wife were very lazy people.
When we lost most of our members tithes starting going down, and they cried that his salary was only $300.00 per month. Never gave a finanical report because people would ahve found out what they were really doing.
We still had good tithers left so they were skimming of $1,000 to $1,500 per month and calling it for Administration. With only 15 members left???? Administration of what?
After meeting with Bishop to voice our concerns. Nothing was done until he was not sending in the 10%and all the charges the Assembly demands. That was nearly three years after the meeting with Bishop. Where it was said that the Pastor was the Man of God. Mind you not a man of God, but the man of God.
Pray that the Lord gives you a loving Pastor that cares more for the church than his financial needs.
Yeah he said he loved the church but he didn't. He loved what the church was doing for him.
It's been over six months since we received our new Pastor and we have gone to the bank account being in the Red to over $13,000 in this short time, and thats with paying Salary and bill and our dues to the assemby.
The money collected from tithes, offerings, talentos belongs to the Lord! It is not for you members to question where the Lords money goes!
This is what the Honorable Bishop President Samuel Valverde teaches us. God bless the Lords Prophet to the Apostolic Assembly Church!
Glory and Honor! Amen!
SLJ: I am sorry to hear about what happened to you and the church.
This pastor and especially his wife, always menace the members, with, we are going to sue you and send you to collections, if you record us or the preaching we are going to take you to court and sue you. i don't know what is happening today, with some of these "so called" men of God. It seems like they care more for the money and honey, (for those that like the women) then they do for the kingdom or Christ. This woman, the pastor's wife, comes to church with her hair dyed, or comes to church with different wigs on. That would be tolerated, but she always opens her big mouth and tell the sister off, right after service, if she doesn't like something. We are damned if we tell the Bishop and we are damned having to put up with this stuff from these people. We hesitate telling someone, because in the
past we,. as a church, had a rep of getting rid of our pastors. We have been called rebellious and lazy by this pastor. I have also told the prior bishop about this, but he never did anything about it. He throws the constitution around like a LAW book, but when we have brought it up to him, he turns things about on us. His wife used to be in charge of the money, and they never gave a report of what was coming in and going out.. and now that a dear humble brother has taken over, SHE, wants to know where ALL, the money is going. she will called this brother in the middle of the night after service just to make sure he wrote down the right amount that was being picked up. And it's not like they don't have an income, she has a very well paying job. We pay the rent, gas, light and his salary. But WE are considered the bad ones. we are considered the rebels, when we have asked for a report of what was coming into the church in the past.
We as a church are getting tired of these type of me. WE had a good pastor, but he had to leave, then they sent one that was very twisted, he was trying to seduce some sisters in the church, they finally moved him and gave him another church in the same district. He stole money from us and left saying that WE treated him and his family badly. His own kids didn't trust him or his wife.
My question was, "what should we do if these people try to sue or send the church or name us in a collection law suit. do we hand it over to the assembly so then they can see how these people are treating the church. There have even been fights in the church, physical fights between sister due to the pastor's wife instigating everything with gossip. I for one, do not want to leave, we have another apostolic church near here, but that pastor is just as bad, he is more catholic then apostolic. he wear rings and necklaces and teaches some pretty weird stuff.
Dang!!!!! I thought we had it BAD.
But like I said the AA will never side with the members even if the Pastor Shoots you in the head in front of them.
We also were labeled a rebellious church.
The Bishop even sent one of his henchmen to Pastor our church with the order to humble us and treat us with the steel rod.
Bad thing is that this man would have been a good pastor but was trying to please the Bishop so much he stuck his foot in his mouth and was removed by God in less than one year. After this he felt remorse for treating the church so badly for the purpose of trying to please Bishop.
But like I said after years of prayer and fasting God has answered our prayer and we have a good loving Pastor that truly loves the church, and not his pocket book.
With that said the church takes care of his pocket book, because he came to serve not as a lord. The problem with the last pastor was that his wife was running the church and she had no calling. She only got baptized so they could get married. Spent most of the service in the back doing who knows what.
But I'll keep you in my prayers and hope that soon God will deliver you from Jezebel and Ahab.
SLJ: thank you for your words and your prayers, we will need them.
I used to like this blog, it was a place where you could get some good prospective, some good insight and occasionally, (from pastor's or bishops that were reading it) some good advice. That is one reason I threw this out there. I know God has everything in control, and all things eventually come to light, but the waiting is the hard part. How much more to we have to endure these type of people. There are so many things they have done, the pastor before was just as bad. He was cunning, but not in the good way. When pastors begin to believe the hype that some church members heap on them, I guess they forget that they are also sheep in
kingdom. Know a pastor that just married this couple, he still has a wife in Mexico and has not gotten a divorce. So this pastor reasons that since he got married in Mexico it is not valid here in the states. Well in that past convention he set this man aside. He is still married in Mexico and has two kids over there and is not responsible for those kids, and this pastor practically absolves of all his past, and lets him marry a woman that just got baptized, (she hasn't been baptized a year yet). And we wonder why our churches are SICK and people are WEAK.
I'm not some self-rightous person, i believe in grace, but I also believe in justice.
But thank you for your words.
For those pastors that don't like to be recorded or use the words, DO NOT QUOTE ME, get off your high horse.. go ahead and sue your members, go ahead and sue the church, please bring more scandal to the assembly... "if you quote me without my permission I will not be responsible for my actions". GROW UP...
Whats going on in Austin?
And Houston, you have a problem!
jm asks....
What is going on in Houston?
@ The Shepherd, You have a choice. You will make a choice each and everyday to continue or not to continue following a pastor, and or congregation. You need to make the best choice you can. No choice is easy. I encourage you to have bible studies in your home even if you get opposition to it. Those who oppose work to keep you bound and are not of God but of the enemy. Study scriptures about the truth, and learn to speak the truth to yourself and to everyone around you because the truth is able to set you free! :)
San Antonio:
Thank you for your words. True, about the bible studies and such.. and it's true, we don't have to put up with it. I understand the "why" in God allowing men and women like this.. I understand the reason, and all that is fine.. In the end, God's Glory will shine forth, by the endurance those in the congregation have to put up with THESE people.
God bless.
Your right about the endurance.
Most of the acclaimed men of God want to get rid of the good members cause they can see right through them, and see how false they are. Lots of people say go somewhere else, but that's what the devil wants for you to do.
We had that problem. The so called man of God we had criticized the way we worshipped and would put for example what he called his true worshippers.
Who were gangbangers, In church on Sunday running the aisles. Recruiting members for the devil during the week.
Prayer and fasting will help you to endure.
It took us 9 long hard years, but God gave us the victory over our own Jezebel and Ahab.
God Bless.
Can someone please explain this "NEW DEAL" that the assembly is pushing.
About the church converting to a "CELL CHURCH" over night..
We were told by our pastor this Sunday, that he would be doing away with weekly services.. and that we were to pick up the offerings during our cell group meetings. All because the Assembly ie.. Sam Valverde,, is forcing him to do this.
We will only be having Sunday services.. so it will be mandatory to pick up offerings during cell group and hand that to the pastor.. to be able to meet the costs of having church on Sunday.. and to be able to pay his salary. and his car payments.. and his house payments.. What is going on with the assembly? Is your church doing this Factsonly1.. are the other churches that are already involved in CELL GROUPs doing this?
I heard they were going to modify the constitution to be able to push this in the assembly..
this just blows my mind..
We started the cell thing years back first Thursday night service was cancelled for Cell groups. Didn't work out, but we never got our Thursday night service back.
After one more year Prayer on Tuesdays was cancelled for pop luck Tuesday Share group.
No services during the week. Just Sunday.
That is one of the reasons our church went under, and members started leaving because of the share groups.
They left to other churches, where they could go and have a good time in the lord during a service and prayer time at the alter.
Not that they were against Share groups, just that week day services shouldn't have been replaced.
That's one of the reasons the Rocket Scientist is here anymore. We were down like to 15 to 20 members.
To the Shepherd
The offering should go to the one in who's home they are holding the Bible study.Then if they want they can give a tenth to the church.The extra use of water and electric and toilet paper has to be paid .Oh and for the gas also because it's been cold lately.SMILE.
That hit Factsonly1 hard. It must be hard using all that toilet paper to clean his nose from having it up the prophet's behind all the time.
That is one reason he can't think with a clear head.
Schedule for this week at World Faith Center, Monday-Thursday 8-1 Bible College, Tuesday night English Service, Wednesday night worship service, Friday night worship service, Saturday Morning mens matutino service, Sunday morning, S. school, Sunday evening- worship service. I guess what am trying to say is that there is many advantages not being in the AA. God help us all.
Schedule for this week for all the AA.
Monday-Sat..Make sure to send offering!!!!!
Sunday- if you sent in your offering during the week, Enjoy your Sunday Service, BUT don't forget the LOVE offering.
Can something be funny and sad at the same time? forgive me Lord.
The sad part is that it is not funny at all. Even if it sounds funny. Not funny because most of it is true and the AA has become the laughing stock.
Most are brain dead like Facts and wait on being thrown a bone by the ANOINTED.
Absolutely right, I am sorry , and like I said earlier, God help us all
2 Timothy 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
17. so that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.
John 8:32 You will know the truth, and the truth will make you free."
John 14:6 Jesus saith to him, I am the way, and the truth, and the life: no man cometh to the Father, but by me.
Acts 1:8 But ye shall receive power, when the Holy Spirit is come upon you: and ye shall be my witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea and Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.
I've heard that in other organizations. What started as a good thing the cell groups ended up with wife swapping and orgies. Have not heard of that happening in the AA yet. Anyone else heard of that rumor?
If it is true beware of the wolves in sheep clothing. Like the Pastor that shepherd mentions.
Hey you horemongers, bastard children of the mother church the AA. you need to repent and serve the bishop Presedent Sam Valverde. he is the voice of god here on earth. His prophets Romo, Montenegro, and Agulars, and soon tafoyas will come on you for judgement. In our church in Fontana we grow because we follow one man and pray to him.
San Antonio wants to preach on this blog because nobody else wants to hear his blasphemy agains the true and only church the Apostolic Assembly.
I am praying to the triunified prophets and the voice of god bishop president valverde so the rath of god come upon you. En el nombre de la asamblea arepentite pecadores!
Pray for the poor narcissist child Factonly1 that he be delivered from all his demons, false prophets, and his mother church that he still sucks on so much and that he will receive the truth of the Father that is able to set him free. Amen!
And pray that Factonly1 will learn to spell and or use spell check. Amen!
The fact that Factonly1 lacks the ability to spell and or use spell check is most likely one of the main reasons why he has erred from the truth of the Father and still clings to the breasts of his mother church so much, amen?
In addition Factsonly1's apparent lack of English and Spanish proficiency and lack of ability to read and study the holy scriptures and conduct his own bible study and worship services also explains why he is bound and dependent on his false prophets, false teachers and his mother church, amen?
Do not be like Factsonly1! Read and study the holy scriptures, get connected with other believers and have prayer, bible studies, worship services and do not allow ravenous wolves in sheeps clothing, false prophets,false teachers or any so-called mother church have control of your home bible studies and worship services. Beware! Be alert! We are in the end time bretheren!
I visited a brother last night, whose family live in Mexico. I believe that the Mexican Apostolic Church has already been doing the cell thing for a number of years.
This brother shared that they do pick up offerings in their cell group, but it is to provide help for gas to the brother that brings the lesson and to help the house owner/renter pay for utilities. This I can accept, but the idea I mentioned in a prior post, about picking up the offering for the pastor, well I just don't accept this. He straight out says that it is NOT his idea, but that it comes from headquarters and there is nothing he can do about. He has already done away with Sunday School and that kind of has all the parents mad, because that was where their kids could experience a little more personal instruction.. And before someone starts "well it should start in the home". we all know that, but it is nice for them to sit in a class room with others so they will understand that those others have the same beliefs as they do. But my question is: Has any other people in the AA going through the same thing at their church?
La palabra de Dios dice, que el obrero es digno de su salario y tambien dice que el que no trabaje que no coma, that and a little common sense will help us make the right decision.
The tithe and the offering belong to the Lord! Its not for members to question where the Lords money goes!
You are walking on thin ice! Beware! You rebellious rebels are mocking the Lords servants on this earth!
You are warned!
The fact is Jesus Christ and the apostles did not emphesize, stress and or demand via their preachings that people pay their tithes and offerings. They preached the gospel of Jesus Christ freely! The tithe and love offerings are voluntary and are given in appreciation and love for the work of God to men of God that do the work of the ministry. No one should be coerced to pay tithes and or offering. Any one being coerced is being decieved by ravenous wolves and doctrines of devils. And do not be decieved every man can be questioned and every man is accountable for all their actions and for how they spend money, especially when they spend the money given to them by the saints on luxury vehicles and luxury homes and not on the work of the ministry.
There are numerous so-called non-profit organizations doing cell works including but not limited to some in the AA and the AWA (without pointing to their exact location and or naming them individually) Understand that preaching the cells works and preaching the gospel are not the same thing. Jesus Christ commands us to go unto all the world and preach the gospel (not the cells works) One of the main differences is the cells works is a devil's program that strives to limit the preacher and or teacher. Jesus Christ commands us in the holy scriptures teaching them to observe all things I have commanded you : Matthew 28:20 Teaching THEM to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, [even] unto the end of the world. Amen.
2 Timothy 3:16 All SCRIPTURE [is] given by inspiration of God, and [is] profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
So do not let any narcissistic devil interfere with you preaching and teaching any and all the scriptures.
2 Corinthians 3:17 Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord [is], there [is] liberty.
Word is that Sammy* wants another Mercedes for Rachie.
And take that NY,NY Family vacation with the whole family on the company credit card.
So keep the tithes coming in, and just maybe he will throw you a bone.
I really think that factsonly1 is Sammy's Bidet.
Houston Churches are in a crisis!
What's up in Houston?
what is Sammy's Bidet what does that mean?
and someone please answer. What IS happening in Houston? is there a problem. like in Houston we have a problem?
Do you mean the AA churches in Houston? because financially, we all are having problems, the little that I heard of the AA churches is that they are having the same issues as the the Cali, churches, the cutting of services during the week.
I have heard that the same thing is happening in New Mexico.
Many may enjoy less services. This past Sunday we were told we MUST join a small group. Change always brings it's challenges, but this is a pretty drastic change and only time will tell the true tail.. Yep i said tail.. God did say he would make us the HEAD and not the TAIL.
Our schedule of services at WFC stays full even though some may feel the need for ways to cut, but is the faith of Pastor Mendoza that has us continuing with that schedule and we have to honor his decision.
As much as you would think that we should get over the awful experience that the church went threw. Forgive and forget is now where in sight, just recently Br. Damacio Borrego past away, He was bro. in law of bro. Baldemar Rodriguez some of his children congregate with Jeff Aguilar's church, the temple was requested for funeral service, oh by the way, he also was the pastor back in the late 70's , the building was denied by the AA. apparently forgiveness is not in sight from the AA.
I thought Jeff Aguilar, was a little different, but the apple does not fall far from the tree. Able likes to throw around how profet-y they are and they would not lend the church to hold the funeral.. Everyday, more and more, seems like many in the AA are slipping into THIS type of attitude and they do not care who they lose or hurt.
haha Jeff in Houston is a BIG Joke....I told you "HOUSTON WE HAVE A PROBLEM" None of the pastors there like him.
As far as I know, the orders came from HQ. One day all this will be over.
I have an idea why don't we stop giving the AA free publicity and concentrate on the good things going on elsewhere. If you already left the AA then stop talking about it and share what you are doing now. If you haven't left the AA then quit bad-mouthing the organization you belong to and if you have never belonged to it then quit talking about what you don't know nor have experienced firsthand. We already know many unfair things are going on we don't need to dwell on them. Someone share some of the awesome things God is doing with you and your congregation. God Bless You
To Unknown:
I believe the purpose of this particular blog was to expose the corruption within the AA and to seek justice. There are other blogs you could join or write about the great things that GOD has done and continues to do.
We do not dwell on the negative, we share our experiences so other will know that they are not alone.
I, for one, appreciate all the views expressed, good and bad. God has still shown HIS glory, even after the elections fraud, because these men, though stripped of the AA license, went out and continued to pastor individuals that had a clear and open desire to do what God had them do, which was reach the lost and edify the church.
This blog came about because when these men expressed, (blew the whistle) on the fraud that was taking place, they were kicked out.
So to God be the glory for the fraud, because there is nothing covered that shall not be revealed.
I understand this blog was started to expose what the AA is doing and I also appreciate all of the comments that have been used for that purpose but we DO NOT need to resort to name calling and attacking each other. Expose away but without the abusive words because at the end of the day do we not call ourselves "children of God"? Do we really need to say that so-and-so is someone else bidet? Let's be mature and use this blog for the purpose intended. . . exposing the AA not abusing each other!
@ Unknown- It is my understanding that this blog supports our first amendment right to free speech and to post Apostolic News. In the gospel of John it sts "John 1:1 In THE beginning WAS THE Word, and THE WORD WAS with God, and THE WORD WAS God. Well the fact is the word is still God and the word will continue to flow as God wills. The writers of the holy bible use many metaphores and other types of rhetoric as they were inspired by the holy spirit. Here in this blog we reserve the right to use any rhetoric our God and Lord the Word of God inspires us. We are living in the very last days and so I encourage all to be bold, speak the truth that God reveals to you, use the best language God gives you, inculding rhetoric, shine your light and share the insights God gives you and expose all who walk in darkness and evil.
If you are not part of the AA then you are whoremongers, bastard children of the mother church the AA, and you need to repent and serve the bishop President Sam Valverde. HE IS the voice of god here on earth. His prophets Romo, Montenegro, Aguilars, and tafoyas will come against you for judgement.
In our blessed church in Fontana we grow because we follow one man and pray to him and obey him!
San Antonio wants to continue sounding like a preacher on this blog, but nobody wants to hear his foolish rantings trying to sound all spiritual. You are nothing but a wanna be prophet who wants to be like those in the AA. Go blow your hot air someplace else.
I am praying to the triunified prophets and the voice of god bishop president valverde so the wrath of god comes upon you. En el nombre de la asamblea apostolica arrepientance pecadores!
Well Factsonly1 sorry to burst your bubble but the AA has not been a mother anything to my church. All that we have we've worked hard for and have not seen a single penny from your mother church. As for us following we follow God under the guidance of our pastor but we don't worship our pastor as you do. And as for you rebuking anyone in any other name but Jesus. . . well you are already lost! Remember our God is a jealous God and will not share His glory with anyone even your mother church.(Exodus 20:5; Deut 5:9)
San Antonio should be called Santa Antonia. Wah wah wah wah boo boo boo boo wah wah wah repent you antichrist children. Sabes que ese tu eres peor que la AA y AWA con tus pendejadas tratando de parecer muy espiritual.
Any fool like me can recognize a fake when I see one. At least the fools in the AA and AWA are who they say they are. But you, you hide behind the WORD OF GOD!
Give me a break joto, go preach to somebody else that believe your S@#*T.
Glory to the triunified prophets of the mother church AA. If you want to joins us just say so Antonia. hehehe.
@ Factsonly1-Our God and Lord Jesus Christ shines his bright light of truth. The saints of the Lord Jesus Christ are the light of the world. John 3:19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. The Lord rebuke factonly1. In the name of Yeshua Messiah, I pray! :)
Hahahahah, what kind of a MAN OF GOD would say this, "Y si quieres me traigo mis guantes de boxeo y te enseno quien es el mas hombre entre los dos y veras que tu eres el que saldras diciendo wah wah wah, boo whoo whoo!" WOW! I think I have proved my point, Santa Antonia IS A FAKE.
Ya te veo predicando la palabra de Dios y luego diciendome,"Y si quieres me traigo mis guantes de boxeo y te enseno quien es el mas hombre entre los dos..." Paz de Cristo hermano. Who ever you are YOU ARE WORST than the AA and AWA, pinchi mendigo hipocrita. Oh y dios the bendiga joto! hahahahah.
@ fatsonly1-Ya no te acobardes tanto y sal de donde te escondes ahoy y sal de las tinieblas de maldad del diablo fatsonly1 pon tu foto para que todos vean que tan feo te vez y para que todos vean y sepan como estas en muy malas condiciones fisicas y sacaremos todos tus malos espiritus y recojere ofrendas de $20.00 por cada ticket para que todos vean y lo pondre en You Tube para que todos te vean que tan feo tienes la piel. Lo haremos estilo MMA en
publico y lloraras y crujiras tus dientes delante de todos en la luz donde todos te vean y se den cuenta porque te escondes tanto en las tinieblas, ok?
@Fatsonly- U should know that this man of God is bold enough to say what I said, alright? And I am not ashamed, ok? And my word is firm! Stop being such a coward and hiding in the darkness and post a picture of your ugly self, ok? Don't be so ashamed cuz we know u probably have serious skin problems on u r face, and u r substantially overweight, and filled with evil spirits, alright? I challenge u little narcissist devil to come out of the darkness where u hide all u r uglyness, I will put u in front of all u r false prophets, and false teachers and all who want to see and I will put my hands on you and rebuke all your evil spirits out of you, and then I will collect a love offering of $20.00 from all who come to see and we can put up a sort of a MMA match to raise money and who ever wins will take it all, ok? If I win it will be for my ministry (and you know I will win that's why you won't post your pic or accept the challenge and everybody knows that I am much more of a righteous man than you)
Don't be a coward any more cuz u know cowards will not enter into the kingdom of God,right? I said it and I said it again! It is righteous! A manly challenge from a true man of God! Stop being a wuss and stop changing the subject you little devil, alright? Do you accept, or will you continue to be a coward? I will post it on You Tube so that everybody sees you knashing your teeth, and crying wah wah wah boo whoo whoo! How many of you on this blogg want to see fatsonly's ugly spirits and face come out of the darkness?
@ fatsonly - Whats the matter you
little chicken fatsi? I haven't put on a pair of boxing gloves in decades but I would ablige you even though you are probably younger than I am. I am sure I can teach you a few lessons in the cage ring and out of the cage, ok? But you are such a weakling of a little devil that you do not have the ability and so I will also challenge you to a public debate, ok? But you lack communication skills fatsi, right? So I beat u there, right? And so I challenge you to a sing off, ok? Oh but you probably can't sing either, right? Oh well I guess I can beat you at everything you little weakling of a devil fatsi, I can do all things through Jesus Christ which strengthens me, amen? Who on this blogg wants to see fatsi's ugly face pic? Say amen, alright?
Jejejejeje Jajajajajaj Hehehehehe Hahahaha. I got you on the run San Antonia. Bow down to tri-unified prophets of Aguilar, Romo, Montenegro because your words and rebukes mean NOTHING!!!!! Arrepientete joto de tus poquerias y sirve a la AA en el nombre de valverde. Jijijijijijiji
@ east los -Thanks!
The powerful Apostolic Assembly has prevailed against the demonic rebelious separatists of the awa!
Victor is for the Tri-Unified Prophets! Its the New Generation of Prophets that are leading the Apostolic Assembly Church to places never seen before! God Bless Prophet Steve Montenegro who will one day bring back School Prayer and Holiness Standards to public schools! The Apostolic Doctrine will one day be mandatory study for American Children! Women will be required to wear velos!
Glory and Honor! Amen!
9 I wrote to the church about this, but Diotrephes,(insert a Pastor’s name here) who loves to be the leader(guy in charge), refuses to have anything to do with us. 10 When I come, I will report some of the things he is doing and the evil accusations he is making against us(just like so many pastors that talk bad about others in the area or because of their insecurities they will not give the letter of recommendation so someone can go to another church, because they will lose the tithes). Not only does he refuse to welcome the traveling teachers, he also tells others not to help them(you get these “men of God” not letting their members visit other churches, because if they did, they would find out how bad their pastor really is). And when they do help, he puts them out of the church.(isn’t this typical or so many of these type of men, they want you in their church, but if they find out you visited or like another preacher, they get their feeling hurt.)
How many of these people are still in our churches, how many are still allowed to pastor a congregation of 20 members after 5, 10, 20 years. Does the assembly think that these men that are set in their ways are going to change and start with the strategy of Jesus? They do not know anything else, and they do not have a proper education to be able to fall back on, because all they do or did was preach.
Some of them just teach hate, most of the times, it isn’t the Pastor, but his wife that is causing all the hurt and pain in the church. I have known women that love to plant rumor seeds and watch it grow. I heard one say that after the pastor, as the authority, it was her, and not the co-pastor or ministers, but that the church had to do what she said, or else. That if they ever left the church the assembly would come in and sell the property, because they were the only ones that were keeping the assembly away from selling the church and closing the doors. This woman brought up the thing with Brother Rodriguez, how they did not respect their own former leader, so what makes them think they would not sell some little piece of property…
By the way those verses are found in 3 John.
how many of you have pastor's or had pastor's just like this? In my sector we have 5, that is 5 out of 8 pastor's, that are just like this. We got those that are so insecure they are now dying their hair.
to Factsonly1, si mijito whatever you say, everything is going to be allright, now get you chupon and go to your room.
Face the truth people! Apostolic Assembly is a cult of greedy high minded,EVIL people, robbing the people of God. as AA is plain and simply a real estate business using and abusing people of God.Using religion as a coverup for their corrupt deeds.AA could care less about your souls as all they want is MONEY!!!!!
Glory be to the Tri-Unified Prophets of the glorious Apostolic Assembly Church! The Gospel is being spread and is changing America thanks to J2X!
Journey to Experience is taking America by storm! Souls by the millions will be saved by Prophet Jason Abel Aguilar! Prophet Jeff Aguilar is also working a mighty work! Prophetess Jaime Aguilar Hernandez is also saving Hollywood souls!
The Lord is using the great Aposstolic Assembly Church to win America for Jesus!
Glory and Honor! Amen!
I tend to agree more with unknowns statements. I feel sorry for those who trust the AA, AWA and or other so-called non-profit organization(s) for salvation of their loved ones or for help developing their ministries. If you want your loved ones saved or you want to develop your ministry for our God and Savior Christ the Lord it is best for you to search and discover the Lord and his power without so-called non-profit organizations because there are too many apostate, evil men, deceivers, liars, devils, seducers, coercing the saints with their devils' doctrines. Like the hotel in the song Hotel California "you can check-out anytime you like but you can never leave" "There's plenty of room at the Hotel California"...
To all my apostolic bretheren-Why not seek more freedom and independence in Christ? Why not build more independent home bible studies, and independent home iglesias? Sam is not your God,and or pope right? Baldemar is not your God, and or pope, right? So why do you allow any narcissist devil to coerce you and dictate to you to do cell works? Christ did not command you or commision you to do cell works, right? Do not be decieved, alright? Christ commands and commissions you to go preach His gospel to every creature, amen? Deuteonomy 6:4 Hear ye Israel, the Lord your God is one Lord. Matthew 4:10 Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt WORSHIP the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.
Do not be deceived, ok? Christ, and or the apostles never went to any government to get authorization to build any non-profit organization for the iglesia, alright? Do not be deceived by the religions in the world, amen? Do not be deceived by all the religious language used by seducers and evil men that are out to coerce you with their devil's doctrines, and captivate you with their strong delusions, amen? Christ stated John 8:32 And ye shall know the truth, and the TRUTH shall make you free. John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
No church will save you, amen? No non-profit organization will save you, amen? And no false prophet will save you, amen? Trust in Christ the Savior and Lord to save you and deliver you from all evil, amen?
Saints of God come out from among the pagan churches and come to the Lord's house Matthew 21:13 And said unto them, It is written, My HOUSE shall be called the HOUSE OF prayer; but ye have made it a den OF thieves.
2 Corinthians 6:17 Wherefore COME OUT from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean [thing]; and I will receive you,
Glory be to the Tri-Unified Prophets of the glorious Apostolic Assembly Church! Souls by the millions will be saved by Prophet Jason Abel Aguilar! Prophet Jeff Aguilar is also working a mighty work! Prophetess Jaime Aguilar Hernandez is also saving Hollywood souls!
Santa Antonia, YA CALLATE CON TUS MENSADAS and go praise yourself. You are so stuck on yourself you should be a comadre!
Get thee hence Satan (San Antonio) and stop being jealous at the Tri-unified prophets. At least they are doing something for the Lord and have something to show for it but you, just your big mouth. Hahahahahahaha!
The Lord is using the great Aposstolic Assembly Church to win America for Jesus, wheter you like or not, vieja!
Glory and Honor! Amen!
When you consider the fact that an "ecclesia" was "a civil body politic", this is strong proof that the Christian ecclesias we read about in the New Testament were independent civil bodies of Christians ruled by God's Spirit. They wanted freedom to serve Christ the Savior. They weren't building and attending non- profit organizations called churches! Please understand! The pattern laid down in the New Testament bears no resemblence to what we know today as "church". God's people are meant to live by the spirit and the ecclesia pattern -together in communities. Quit saying "church" when it is supposed to be "ecclesia"! It's an important step in retrieving your brain from the trap set by religious false poly-unified prophets, and their doctrines of devil's, amen?
John 8:32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
Imagine apostolics and apostolic pastors, teachers, and evangilists enjoying the true paz de Cristo and living free and independent from poly-unified false prophets, popes, and their narcissist doctrines of devil's and their false non-profit organized churches. Paz de Cristo in abundance, amen?
Word is that they are waiting for The Bishops approval to give David Rangel a church in Minn. Him and his family destroyed the church in DP and left it in bankruptcy. They sold church property that was used for fund raisers. They never did a thing but for the church but collect the money, and that they did a very good good job. Remember Samuel and Eli, God was mad cause the sons of Ehi had brought dirty sin into the house of god. I won’t go into it, but that was the case here too.
Why do I write this. Because I don’t want another church to go through what we went through. God forbid that this Family take control of another church and ruin it too. Hermanos in Minn. If you read this voice up and stop this, or in a few years you won’t have a church left. Don’t let his big words and David telling that he is an intelligential and his wife saying that she is an educator fool you. They only have a GED from High School.
Dear President Bishop if you read this, don’t let this happen to another church!!!
@ $$$$$$$ We need more bretheren like you to make every effort to alert the saints of God about evil, greedy, corrupt, and narcissistic devils that have creeped in to the assembly. But the fact is that the saints need to get out from the corrupt assembly they are presently members of and support. A solution to this problem is to abandon the assembly's buildings and to hold independent bible studies and worship services in our homes and use buildings that do not belong to the assembly. Each congregation needs to strive for independence like the Americans fought for independence from england. How many say amen? Independence! Freedom! Independence! No taxation without representation! freedom! Independence!
Protest corporate greed in the aa, awa, and others. Support religious freedom of expression, amen?
To: $$$$$
This is the Bishop'S email.
I would encourage you to write to him and let him know your concerns.
Bro. Sam has shown, at least to me, that he listens with an open ear and an open heart, (it may surprise some), but also a sincere heart.
Sometime back I expressed a concern I had,, he was open and honest enough to give me solid advise. Whether he will or will not be able to do anything about it is another matter.He needs to know and so does the bishop in that area.
This pastor you mention, if given a church, should be observed closely, and that is probably what will happen. But it will depend on the bishop and elder in that area.
In the past the assembly would place men like this, with no apparent skills or abilities because they cannot function in the secular world, in churches so that can have some type of income. It reminds me of people getting out of prison, they go right back in because that is the only life they know.
Men and women like this must be watched. there are many that are not sincere, and seek and are struck by their own greed. With no true desire to see the kingdom further the cause of Christ.
I know of men that have tried to open new works, only to be shot down by the Bishop/Elder/ or neighboring pastor in the area, because of their insecurities, they fear they will lose people. I would rather lose someone to another church then to have them go to the world, if I am not feeding them then go somewhere you WILL be feed.
I hope and pray.. $$$$$$ is that short for Mr. Moneybags.. hehehe that you get your point across to those in charge, and that they lend an ear to your insight into this man that was placed where ever you are from.
Then again, I am reminded of a Pastor, who was sent to that particular area in Minn.. to his first pastorship and it was a disaster. He came back with his tail between his legs. Fresh out of bible college, and then he was placed in a small church, now it is one of the fastest growing churches in the assembly.
God bless..
Thank you for your words.
I know it should not matter to me now that he is gone.
Twice they fell behind on the dues to the Assembly. This last time we had to pay close to $5,000.00 of back dues they didn’t pay. There was money coming in, just that it was going to pay their close to $500.00 car payment instead of paying the dues.
When they left in April the church was bankrupt, paying overdraft charges. Now after one year we have close to $12,000.00 in the bank, and that’s even with paying all our bills, dues to district and assembly, Pastor’s Salary and the $5,000.00 mess they left behind.
Hermanos were months in the hospital without a visit from the so called Man of God. His way of thinking was God Knows what you need. You shouldn’t be asking for prayer all the time. REALLY!!!!.
Since 2008 I asked for a financial report. Still waiting. They cried over that fact that no money was coming in for his salary which they said was around $400.00, but with only about 20 members left they collected close to $1,000.00 to $1,500.00per month for administration costs. Administration Costs??? For only 15 to 20 members left??? And another $500.00 a month for car payment. And we get stuck with their $5,000.00 debt they didn’t pay the assembly
With that way of thinking and laziness, I don’t want to see another church Destroyed.
The sad thing being that there are many "men of god" that are doing exactly the same thing. You are right, a man like this should not be allowed to Pastor again, and those in authority should be held accountable, Bishop/Elder for keeping this person at the helm of the church you attend.
You have a right to be angry, even if it was in the past, and you, As a child of God, have the obligation to warn others or those in that area where they are thinking of giving him another church, of this person character and all that he did (actually didn't do).
Some will say that you are blowing the whistle on a "man of God" but the bible warns of men like this. I hope you have told those in charge.. and please, let the president know. I know what is said in this blog.. but I really believe that he should be aware of this, whether or not he does do anything about it. As long as you did your part in warning him, and it does happen, you can say that you let someone know and nothing was done about it. If this man wants a church so bad, let him start an OBRA and work it from the ground up.
Some pastors do their deeds, like buy a building and promise the church heaven and earth and then leave that church to take another church with more money in the fund, so they can run that church in the ground. They talk about this pastors that put their name on the deeds, they are talked about as being rebellious, but that is wise.. that way the assembly will not sell, borrow against, or do something to that property that will end up hurting the church.
God bless you for you efforts and your concern brother. We need more people out their like you that will not sit down and take it. Be proactive. We are not the hermanitos from the 60's and 70's.. that just sit there and take what these men dish out.
God bless
forgive my mistakes, I wrote this on the fly. NOT on the wall or that I'm a fly, but I wrote this FAST
The word church distracts those seeking to know the truth and detracts from the truth, alright?
But it sounds good to so many religious people, right?
The devil like's to keep people in the dark, que no?
There are not enough teachers and preachers that have the courage to teach and preach The Truth, amen?
I am a convert of the church of San Antonio, alright?
Instead of praying to the Tri-unified prophets, I'm switching to the holy nonsense of San Antonio, right?
He is just as warp and stupid as I am, OK?
La ikklesia has spoken, alright?
Protest corporate greed in the aa, awa, and others, alright?
Protest hairpieces in the aa, awa, and others, right?
Protest tithes and offerings in the aa, awa, and others, que no?
Protest pink underwear in the aa, awa, and others, amen?
And support religious freedom of expression, simon?
The San Antonia disciple has spoken, alright?
Baldemar Rodriguez left the AWA, Bishop Torres left the AWA. What's Netx?
Hahaha, these brothers did the AWA a favor by leaving!
to what organization do Pastor Baldemar and Pastor Abel belong to now? enrique?
2 Timothy 2:9
Wherein I suffer trouble, as an evil doer, [even] unto bonds; but the word of God is not bound.
@ Fatsonly1 I am glad you are at least beginning to see some light of truth, ok?
I pray eventually u will receive your complete healing, alright?
2 Peter 1:19
We have also A more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, AS UNTO A LIGHT that shineth in A dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts:
Christ our Savior and Lord is The Word of God, The Gospel, The Doctrine, The Truth, and The Way of Salvation. Come to the Light of Christ! Christ is worthy of your love and devotion. Non-profit organizations like the AA, AWA and others have been taking advantage of the saints and their resources for too long, amen? The saints do not owe any of these organizations anything, amen? We owe everything to God through Christ for everything He has done to save us, amen? Saints! You do not need any of these false non for profit organizations! Strive to set your selves free from them. Be dependent on God's Christ alone for your Salvation! Forsake all evil so-called non for profit organizations that are exploiting you, men, women, and children, amen?
John 1:17
For THE law was given by Moses, [but] grace and TRUTH came by Jesus Christ.
John 8:32
And ye shall KNOW THE truth, and THE TRUTH shall make you free.
John 14:6
Jesus saith unto him, I am THE way, THE truth, and THE life: no man cometh unto THE Father, but by me.
The original writings of the holy scriptures never used the word church. Christ never used the word church in His Gospel, and or in His Doctrine. The word church is associated with pagan worship. Those that use the word church only show they are still in the dark. The word used in The Gospel of Christ means called out and it is the word ekklesia. Iglesia en Espanol. The iglesia are the body of Christ here on earth and they are saints.
Acts 9:32
And it came to pass, as Peter passed throughout all [quarters], he came down also to the SAINTS which dwelt at Lydda.
Romans 15:25
But now I go unto Jerusalem to minister unto the saints.
Ephesians 1:1
Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, to the SAINTS which are at Ephesus, and to the faithful in Christ Jesus:
The best thing Apostolic's can do is save their tithes and use them to fund their independent home bible studies and build independent Apostolic house's of prayer, amen?
Matthew 21:13
And said unto them, It is written, My HOUSE shall be called the HOUSE OF prayer; but ye have made it a den OF thieves.
@ fatslonely1 Yo se que fatslonly1 esta enfermito pero se lo encargamos a Cristo El Senor y Sanador, amen?
Ephesians 4:29
Let NO CORRUPT COMMUNICATION proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers.
Matthew 5:44
But I say unto you, Love your enemies, BLESS THEM that curse you, do good to THEM that hate you, and pray for THEM which despitefully use you, and persecute you;
Luke 6:28
Bless THEM that curse you, and pray for THEM which despitefully use you.
Romans 12:14
Bless THEM which persecute you: bless, and curse not.
1 Corinthians 4:12
And labour, working with our own hands: being reviled, we bless; being persecuted, we suffer it:
Galatians 1:9
As we said before, so say I now again, If any [man] PREACH any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.
Philippians 1:15
Some indeed PREACH Christ even of envy and strife; and some also of good will:
Philippians 1:16
The one PREACH Christ of contention, not sincerely, supposing to add affliction to my bonds:
The commission of the saints of Christ is to teach and preach The Gospel/Doctrine of Christ not the gospel/doctrine of the AA or the AWA or any other false non for profit org, amen? The Gospel/Doctrine of Christ is The Way, The Truth and The Life. The gospel/doctrine of the AA, AWA, and other so-called non for profit orgs are other gospels and we should not let them in our homes, amen?
Galatians 1:8
But though we, or an angel from heaven, PREACH any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.
Galatians 1:9
As we said before, so say I now again, If any [man] PREACH any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.
Let's get together two or three in our communities to protest the corruption that exists in the AA and the AWA and other corrupt religious organizations. Find a friend that is baptized in the name of Christ our Savior and work on getting together at least once a week. Let's connect with each other via the internet, facebook, twitter, e-mail and whatever works. Let's pray, read and study the holy bible scriptures and let us build groups. Let's support each other until the end, amen?
Matthew 18:19 Again I say unto you, That if TWO of you shall AGREE on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven.
Matthew 18:20 For where TWO OR THREE are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.
Please forgive fatslonly1's lack of holiness and inappropriate language and pray for him cuz he seems to be tormented with demons, amen?
The commission of the saints of Christ is to teach and preach The Gospel/Doctrine of Christ not the gospel/doctrine of the AA or the AWA or any other false non for profit org, amen? The Gospel/Doctrine of Christ is The Way, The Truth and The Life. The gospel/doctrine of the AA, AWA, and other so-called non for profit orgs are other gospels and we should not let them in our homes, amen?
Galatians 1:8
But though we, or an angel from heaven, PREACH any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.
Galatians 1:9
As we said before, so say I now again, If any [man] PREACH any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.
Have you received The Gospel/Doctrine of Christ or have you received the doctrine of the AA or AWA or another like them?
God is shaking up the AA and the AWA for good reason, amen? For God so loved the world that he does not want any to perish, amen? Serve Christ above any assembly or church, alright?
And again I say please forgive fatslonly1 cuz besides all things that torment him, he seems to have not completed much of his education and that is why he has such poor manners and lacks communication skills, ok? Pray for him that he will be enlightened, amen?
To all concerned, do not be decieved by the AA, the AWA or other so-called non-profit organizations who teach and preach their organization's gospels and cells works and not Christ's Gospel.
Matthew 7:15 Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
These narcissistic wolves in sheeps clothing are coercing their way into homes with devil's programs and doctrines. Christ did not send us to preach and teach cell works. Do not be decieved. Go preach and teach The Gospel of Christ our Savior! All believers need is the holy scriptures and the Holy Spirit. The man of the house is the pastor! Do not let ravenous wolves take your place. Study to show yourselves approved of God. If you need assistance contact someone you can trust to use the holy bible and the Holy Spirit for your bible studies and worship services, amen?
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