Attention: Apostolic General Board ( I know you read this)
If you are disgusted at this blog, don’t be surprised. This is the type of Christian you have produced. You may have begun in the spirit, but you ended up in the flesh. I don’t care how many times you invoke the name of Jesus for your cause, your efforts are futile.
I hope you are proud at what you have created, a bunch of emotional misfits that could not exegete their way out of a paper bag. The only thing you have going for you are the remaining immigrants that could not think for themselves. This also will end. The influx of immigrants that you used to support your monetary gain has decreased. All you are is an organization without life, doctrine and truth.
You should have been more careful. You should have focused more on Christ, than your Assembly. Don’t try using Jesus for your cause now. We have seen that scheme and are aware of its motives.
You have become like Judas and become only aware of the “places” that Christ went but were unfamiliar with His “person”. You may have used the term “ Apostolic” but you were distant from its genuine message.
Don’t be surprised General Board.
You are reaping what you have sown.
Courtesy of:
Sola Dei Gloria
Image Courtesy of Yours Truly,
Blogmaster Extraordinaire