Honorable Bishop President Daniel Sanchez,
I greet you in the name of our loving Savior Jesus Christ. I pray God's blessing and wisdom upon you and your family.
The purpose of my letter is to address the matter of the removal of Former Bishop Abel Torres.
As you are aware the movements of the General Board are posted on this site daily. Prior to your visit to Texas, the agenda of your travels was published on this site. The outcome of your meeting with Brother Torres was immediately published on this site. The outcome of your visit with the Pastors of their respective district was again immediately published on this site.
Although many disagree with the purpose of this website, it has become a gathering place for those who LOVE this heritage of the Apostolic Assembly. The amount of visitors to this site is astonishing. Those who take time to post are passionate about their feelings. Some are well articulated and some are crass and rude. But nonetheless they are passionate! No one, not one, wants to leave this beloved organization. That, My Dear Bishop President, is LOVE.
Many view this lawsuit as addressing a plague affecting this organization. Many view this lawsuit as the affliction itself. Which ever side the constituents of this Assembly are on, we seem to agree on one thing: Brother Abel Torres was wrongfully removed.
Bishop President Sanchez, respectfully I submit to you a personal story.
I once held a secret clearance for a government agency for a line of work I was in. Prior to my employment with this agency I underwent a very stringent and lengthy background test which included psychological tests, physical test, criminal checks, 30 year background checks, social affiliations, credit checks, drug tests and mental aptitude tests. This process took several months. By the grace of God, and God fearing parents who instructed me on the value of my testimony, I gained clearance and proceeded to work diligently for a number of years in this environment.
Several opportunities arose which required a move to the private sector. Upon leaving the government agency, my superior officer told me, "We are losing a valuable asset, if you are not happy with your new duties do not hesitate to come back. We will only have to review from the time of this termination to the time of your reinstatement request. You are already cleared and on record from this date backward". This meant if I chose to return, I would not have to undergo all the previous test again. I would only be accountable for the time I left this agency and the time I requested to return. My clearance up unto that point was granted.
Respectfully I bring these items to you attention.
1. Brother Torres was voted in by an overwhelming margin as Bishop of his respective district. The local pastors were and are aware of his involvement this lawsuit but still held fast in their hearts and spirit they wanted him to lead their district. This was because of his integrity, character and record.
2. Brother Abel Torres, under the existing CID, was approved to charge the office of District Bishop. The opportunity arose to disqualify Brother Torres from the District election for reasons of insubordination or rebellion but the election committee felt he was qualified nonetheless. Brother Torres gracefully accepted this position and communicated his desire to continue God's work through the office of Bishop and bring resolve to the aforementioned matter.
3. During Brother Torres' short administration as Bishop, he worked with humility, integrity and the fear of God. He did not use his position to bring reproach to the General Board or the Apostolic Assembly. He did not use his position as leverage on behalf of the plaintiff's of the lawsuit. Rather he worked to bring the parties together as a peacemaker.
4. On December 28, Brother Torres was removed from the Office of Bishop. Brother Torres gracefully accepted the General Board's removal of his title. He did not use this action to bring reproach to the General Board or the Apostolic Assembly.
My beloved Bishop President, I submit to you 1 Corinthians 13: 4-7.
4.Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5.It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6.Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7.It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
Although comments on this website fall short of reflecting of this scripture, I would suggest that Brother Torres does not. His actions are that of love - (13. And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love).
I addressed the disclosure or awareness of the movements of the General Board and actions during the dates leading and up to the removal of Brother Torres from Bishop to also bring to light that we are also aware that Brother Torres did no wrong doing whatsoever during his term as Bishop. I would suggest to you that had their been impropriety on Brother Torres' behalf, it would have been well documented on this website and should be held responsible for those
actions if true.
Since Brother Torres was accepted as Bishop during the district election, and there was no impropriety on his part during his administration and reason for removal, we are asking that Brother Torres be re-instated as Bishop of his respective district.
He was granted clearance by the local pastors of his district, he was granted clearance by the election committee and General Board. And he did nothing during his administration to remove said clearance up until the time he was stripped of his position and until present.
The local pastors and leaders again called upon his reinstatement the same day by their actions in re voting and calling upon him to be their Bishop. This should be taken as a vote of confidence on his behalf.
My beloved Bishop President. there are many matters in our Assembly that need to be addressed and corrected. We know that they cannot be changed over night. However, we do not need to keep adding to that list.
I know it is a great burden that is on the shoulders of you and your administration, I pray that God grants you the strength and wisdom to keep the flame burning.
I ask that you please reinstate Bishop Abel Torres as Bishop. It is the right thing to do.
With Respect and Love,
Apostolic Voice