Thursday, March 28, 2013

So we are all up to speed...UPDATE!

Thanks to a few iReporters this describes where we are in the Valverde debacle.... Tu Papa wrote:
In case you missed it, I shall I summarize what has happened:

1.) Edward Pacheco was ousted by his cousin Sam Valverde within the last month or so. (I believe it happened after Edward got mad at Sam and confronted him about altering pastor Arellano’s resolution and ALTERED THE AMOUNT OF THE RESOLUTION FROM $600K TO ALMOST $10,000,000 using this forged document for The Fountain Church refinance loan (assisted by Andrew Rodriguez). That was a nice commission you and Ocho got!

2.) Sam Valverde decides he will quiet Eddie and removes him based on a lame excuse. BTW, I wouldn’t be surprised to find out Eddie was doing something “shady”. They are both cut from the same cloth…cousins!

3.) Eddie sends out a “Tell All” letter on some dirt about his cousin, Sam. (This letter had to have been authorized by Eddie’s attorney, otherwise it would be slander).

In the letter Eddie accuses Sam Valverde of the following:

a.) 1st San Bernardino church was raped of $1,000.000 cash to steer to Sam Valverde’s church. (I guess the SB church members are not worthy of their own building because The Fountain Church needs to build a mega building)
b.) San Jose Church had a resolution that was drawn up for Corona church altered (forged) to get more loans for Sam Valverde’s church. ($9,770,000 lien on San Jose).
c.) Solano Beach church was raped of their future by allowing Sam Valverde to put another lien on their property. (ALTERED RESOLUTION TO INCREASE TO Millions).
d.) Unauthorized email access was done of a board member's email account, General Secretary Daniel Solomon. It was done at least once by Sam Valverde’s wife, Rachel Contreras Valverde and consequentially many times through the years by Sam Pacheco Valverde.
FOUR CRIMINAL THINGS DONE BY Sam Valverde & company:

1.) Changed and forged name of resolutions designated for another church to The Fountain Church.
2.) Forged and changed amount of agreed resolution from $600k to almost $10,000,000 on at least 2 different churches. That's financial rape!
3.) Illegally took $1,000,000 cash from the San Bernardino church and hermano's for The Fountain Church
4.) Both Sam and Rachel illegally hacked bishop Solomon's email account. Federal & State crime!


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waiting4change said...

I sent an email to David Goldstein from CBS and kcal 9 you should all email him so he can investigate this situation and expose these criminals.

santa maria! said...

Post a link brother.

santa maria! said...

@waiting4change, or sister, sorry for makning that assumption.

waiting4change said...
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waiting4change said...

This is his email

Are you ready for the truth? said...

Dear General Board - In reading the letter to the Pastors from Abel Aguilar I have some questions:
1. Is that what you call a resolution?
2. Do you call a reshuffling of the GB the solution?
3. Do you allow Samuel Valverde to make his own choice to resign?
4. How does this compare to the action taken against: Baldemar Rodriguez, Daniel Solomon, Saul Avila, Art Tafoya, Abel Torres and others who only were asking for a 'Honor review' of the allegations in 2006? and after continually asking then they were retaliated against by Daniel Sanchez and the GB.
5. This Honor Committee that is alluded to in the letter from Abel Aguilar should be renamed to 'Status Quo' 'lets protect each other' committee.
6. And how do you explain the actions of the board that sent out members of the board to 'visit' different pastors to get them all in line with threats to stop them from asking any more questions?
7. How about you Elias Duarte that saw the very same thing that Abel Torres saw and yet you chose to keep quiet to protect your pastor ship and 'kingdom' in Bakersfield?
8. How do you explain your reason to attempt to force Guillermo Mendoza from his pastorship in Houston just to put one of Aguilar's sons there?
8. How do you explain to the pastorship that Daniel Sanchez, Sam Valverde and others freely used there authority to mishandle God's people?
9. How do you explain to the pastors that the correct constitutional process was ignored in order to obtain over $10Million dollars allegedly for Fontana?
10. Have you checked where the money went?
11. How can you explain that presidents of the Assembly can end their terms as millionaires?
12. How do you allow the sweat, tears, toiling the fields selling produce from these fields in order to buy the land and building the church buildings only to be jeopardized by Sam Valverde's and anyone else responsible to freely do what they want to use those church buildings as collateral which puts these other church properties in jeopardy of being taken over by the bank?
13. And finally anyone that believes that Sam Valverde would resign his position for unfounded accusations especially from a position that he clearly aspired and hungered for? how can he say that he is being persecuted? For all the people in scripture and in our time that were persecuted for the Gospel, he should not be using that same word.

So I end with this:
To the pastors, are you going to sit back and let it happen again?
Don't you realize that close to 300 pastors have already left taking thousands of saints with them?
Are you going to let the actions of a few affect every member of the AA?

I hope not. I hope this time you are not complacent and you stand boldly for what is right.
The General Board will hesitate to take adverse action if all of you stand together, you have this chance, save what is left and don't be known as 'Chamberlains' saying that all is well.

Are you ready for the truth? said...

Hopefully the allegations will be investigated then for sure the name of Fontana church must be changed:


Fountain of Truth to what?

Anonymous said...

Could it be that this blog is finally free of San Antonio ?

I sure hope so.

porq said...
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Apostolic Voice said...

The questions remain:

1. what is the status of the monies embezzled by Sam Valverde?

2. What is status of the pastorship at Fountain of Half Truths, Lies and Deception Apostolic Church?

3. What is financial state of the churches that had been leveraged for the expansion of Fountain of Half Truths, Lies and Deception Apostolic Church and it's pastor?

4. What is the financial status of the Apostolic Assembly of the Faith in The Board Members?

Apostolic Voice

Apostolic Voice said...

Because the ain't following Jesus!

porq said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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santa maria! said...

@SAN ANTONE, Dude where've you been???? Did you enema treatment go well???

Unknown said...
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santa maria! said...
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santa maria! said...

@porq, thats a great task for you to take up, let us know what they tell you, thanks!

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I know who you are SAN ANTONE

you will be exposed!

santa maria! said...

@JudasJewish, bro. everyone knows who he is, He himself will tell you who he is.

Anonymous said...

San Antonio is a wife beater and a jobless senior citizen who never made it in The Assembly.

And now is bitter and also a failed actor.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

You wouldn't last a minute chavala.

Go take your geritol and change your depends ese.

MMA cage......please grandpa

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

You are a wife beater! I remember when your skinny wife came up to me was crying because you had beat the crap out of her!!!

You probably wouldn't do too well in the cage because you had a back injury!!!

santa maria! said...

LOL, He's BACK!!!! Fearless leader! When can we see this MMA match on youtube????

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

San Antone: How's the fundraising coming for $100,000???? Where is your next preaching engagement? I would like to go see you. I would like to see if you're still the real deal? Or you're just a fake! I remember when I was in the youth you had just gotten married and you hurt your back and you can even get around...

Unknown said...
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santa maria! said...

How did you hurt your back dude???? Yoga? Pilates? Weightlifting? Cause it sure wasn't while you were wiping your butt cause you still don't do that...

Unknown said...
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AA4change said...

Are you Ready for the Truth......Thank you, well said.

As a lifetime AA member i am disappointed and disgusted at the complete disregard for God's People. i will not let this get me down because i know after a great flood God promises to restore the joy that we once knew.

this GB must be prosecuted to the full extent of the law and pay the price that the laws require. But the worst judgment of all will come from God himself.

the GB cannot treat hard working Pastors and members like they do and expect God to sit by and Allow it. I would rather deal with man than judgement from God.

i pray for each Pastor and church body member that is hurt and discouraged by the GB to hang in there because CHANGE is COMING and there will be a REVIVAL like the days of old.....HANG IN THERE CHANGE IS COMING....


Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

God and Christ ?

Why you seperating them.

So on top of being a bitter wannabe pastor and failed actor you are a Trinitarian now ?

With that mustache the best you could hope for is to be a WWF stand in for the Iron Sheik.... LOL

Ay aya ay what a delusional old fart..... why don't you post that one picture with your super hero t-shirt and you flexing your flabby biceps....member you member

Oh and maybe we can ask Rose Valenzuela if you offered to meet up with her on the sly....i'm sure your wife would not like that.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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santa maria! said...

I forgot about Rosa! How is she doing San Antone???? Is she still on you Facebook?

Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

Remember how you tried to hook up with Rose Valenzuela for a cup of wine.

Don't play dumb got caught !

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...





Anonymous said...

Freddy Mercury is a big mentiroso and a cochino.

I think he has a screw loose from smoking too much mota when he was a cholo running arounf Texas with Barrio Azteca locos.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Factsonly1 said...

BLOGGERS got to facebook and search "Rose Valenzuela (Rose Valenzuela-Jitkot)" and you will see how fictional she is.
As a matter of fact look at ALL her pictures and San Antone liked every single one of them.
San Antone como eres cabron mentiroso!

Anonymous said...

The fact that this sites administrator has not banned or blocked San Antonio and all his many log in names blows me away.

Either the administrators like his negativity or they are friends with this guy.

If anyone is going to take this site seriously, someone has to remove this guys posts and reposts of the same junk.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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AA Pastor said...
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AA Pastor said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

1. At the very least Samuel Valverde Malverde and his friends types should be humbled and removed from being Pastors of the Fountain of Truth/Fountain of Deceit church cult building and given a building like the one on 6th street in San Bernardino for at least 40 days,
2. Provide a written letter of apology with an offer to restore Baldemar Rodriguez and the over 250 pastors that Samuel Valverde and Baldemar Rodriguez kicked out of the Apostolic Assembly church cult.
3. Offer to work together with all the teachers and pastors that have left the Assembly to teach and preach the gospel of truth.
4. All it takes is a little faith. I'm confident that if a part of the discipline the Apostolic Assembly church cult includes that the cult leaders Eddie Pacheco and Samuel Valverde Malverde are put to work together as co-pastors to teach and preach together in Corona they may be able to get enough cult followers and Mexican sort of construction workers to help them complete the temple building in Corona, alright? And that should help the Apostolic Assembly church cult some, ok?

In addition The Fountain of Truth Church Cult building should become the new headquarters of the Apostolic Assembly church cult and then the new Corona church cult building should also become a part of the new Apostolic Assembly church cult head quarters when competed and then once the building in Corona is completed the cult leaders Eddie Pacheco and Samuel Valverde Malverde should be sent on assignment to where they would be the most effective cult leaders to gain more cult members and and restore the Apostolic Assembly church cult building to highest capacity through out the Apostolic Assembly church cult until they raise enough support and donations to pay for all the debts that they may have caused upon the Apostolic Assembly church cult.
5. I encourage the Apostolic Assembly church cult leaders to work together to change the Apostolic Assembly church cult constitution by adding amendments to do away with requiring tithes, dues, registration fees and any other fees and begin to teach and preach the gospel for free the way if should be, alright?
6. Amend the Assemblies constitution and other documents needed to include that teachers and preachers in the Apostolic Assembly contribute a low percentage of their income towards their Assembly retirement accounts so that the teachers and preachers have a substantial right to their Assembly retirement pension regardless of what reason they leave the Assembly.
7. amend the constitution and other documents as needed so that the teachers, preachers and or congregations are able to own the real estate to their temples as the teachers, preachers and or congregation choose and still be able to work with the assembly and not for the assembly to the furtherance of the gospel of Christ.

The changes above should help the Apostolic Assembly church cult not be such a cult and be more like the Iglesia of our God and Christ our Lord and Savior, amen?

Factsonly1 said...

BLOGGERS got to facebook and search "Rose Valenzuela (Rose Valenzuela-Jitkot)" and you will see how fictional she is.
As a matter of fact look at ALL her pictures and San Antone liked every single one of them.
San Antone como eres mentiroso y cochino!

AA Pastor said...


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Evil Queen said...

WOW and let me guess... they hacked into your facebook account and did a like to all her pictures! am I right? ok? as you so eloquently state after every comment you make. I'm sure you don't respond but instead re-post. To the administrators of this blog, please cut down on the repetition.

Unknown said...

To be saved friend all you need is to:
1. Have faith in God.
2. Believe in The name of Christ the Lord and Savior.
3. Pray requesting Christ the Lord and Savior forgive your sins,asking Him (Christ the Lord and Savior) to come into your life to take control of your life(children should stop at this step).
4. Get baptized in the name of Christ the Lord and Savior as soon as you are able (baptism in the name of Christ the Lord and Savior is for mature adults).
5. Seek to be guided by and filled with the holy spirit each and every day of your life praying daily and enjoy the freedom the Holy Spirit gives you to speak in tongues as the Spirit of God gives you utterance and experience the love, joy, peace, and all the gifts of the Spirit God grants you! Get together with other believers for fellowship and worship. 6. Beware of Satan, his devils, demons, cult leaders, cult teachers, false teachers, false prophets, and all who demand you pay them tithes $$$!

To get baptized all you need friend is to have faith in our God and Christ our Lord and Savior, invite at the least one friend or two (the more the merrier) to witness your baptism, go to a body of water such as a pool or big bath tub, go into the pool or tub (you may invite a friend to go into the water with you to help you as you get baptized)ask your friend to pray with you as you call on the Lord saying something like "My God! Christ my Lord and Savior! Come into my life, wash me from all my sins, lead me, fill me and lead me with your Holy
Spirit now and forever I pray! Pray the above prayer before you go down and submerge yourself completely in the water. And you may say the same prayer or one similar as you come out of the water for emphasis and to ensure completeness. You can paraphrase the above prayer but it may help you to work on repeating and memorizing this prayer as best as you can before getting in the water to get baptized and to talk about your plans for baptism with your friend who will go into the water with you before you do it. Have a paper certificate prepared before hand and have pen and at least one or two witnesses sign it. On the certificate it should state that you got baptized in the name of Christ the Lord and Savior as commanded by God in his holy scriptures. Include at least one scripture such as Acts 2:38

You do not need any cult leader to baptize you, alright?

And you do not need to be paying tithes to any cult and or cult leader either, alright?


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Thank's to God & Christ our Lord & Savior & provider I live an abundant life realizing my dreams daily being a proud graduate of SAT/CBAN AND SBVC. Prior Work @: U.S. Dept of Labor's Job Corps as Residential Adviser,
The State of California Employment Development Dept. as an Employment Programs Rep.
Now I work as an actor, an independent apostolic pentecostal christian counselor, teacher and preacher of the gospel of Christ free of charge online and in person through out the world!
Thanks to Christ for the courage to post my own picture on this blog.
Most bloggers here are too cowardly afraid to post their own pics, hide in darkness and work evil! The Lord rebuke them!
Cowardly narcissistic apostolic devils work on this blog and in their churches to greet you with a smile, a paz de Cristo, then manipulate, and coerce you and your children to get baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, pay them tithes and offering and work hard to coerce, have dominion over you, manipulate, slander, harass, threaten and intimidate you and your family to do as they demand.

John 8:32
And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

Let Christ set you free, go independent and you won't need to worry so much about cowardly apostolic narcissistic devils leaders, teachers, and preachers or their flockers coercing, manipulating, harassing, extorting, exploiting, intimidating and or breathing their lies and slandering you.
Most of these cowardly apostolic narcissistic devils do not have an adequate bible college and or secular education and do not have an adequate love of God to share the micro-phone, invite you to sing special songs, give testimony and or even read a holy scripture in their assemblies.
Who in their righteous mind needs narcissistic devil leaders, teachers and preachers in their lives like that?
We are better off saving our tithes and offering and using them to fund and support our own independent ministries, amen? God is calling sincere men to go teach and preach the Gospel of Christ to your families, friends, loved ones and the world today, amen?

I encourage men to be courageous and post your pics here and suffer for teaching and preaching the truth of Christ!

Micah 3:11
The heads thereof judge for reward, and the priests thereof teach for hire, and the prophets thereof divine for money: yet will they lean upon the LORD, and say, Is not the LORD among us? none evil can come upon us.

Bloggers...Religion cannot be free if you have to pay the government, through taxation, to exercise it. Since churches aren't taxable in the first place, why do so many of them go to the IRS and seek permission to be tax-exempt? It occurs out of:

Ignorance ("We didn't know any better")
Bandwagon logic ("Everyone else is doing it")
Professional advice (many attorneys and CPAs recommend it)

Does the law require, or even encourage, a church to organize as a 501c3? To answer that question let's turn to what the IRS itself has to say.

Churches Need Not Apply!

" Congress shall make no law
respecting an establishment of religion,
or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…" 1st Amendment of the Constitution of the U.S.A.

On the link below you can hear the reasons why the Apostolic cult's narcissistic devil's are squealing and hollering so hard and loud, alright?
But you know the devil is a liar!
We do not need to be giving any accounts to any of the Apostolic cult's narcissistic devil's or their children.
We are accountable to God, our families, our friends, and loved ones, amen?

Do not follow any men or their non profit orgs/denominations. Follow Christ and His Gospel/Doctrine alone!

Discipleship training support for your ministry is available free upon request.

Freewill donations are accepted

Evil Queen said...

This is your facebook? Is it not? then why are you on this girl (who looks younger than you) facebook and doing like to her pictures. I can't trust your posts either since you are obviously a LIAR. I bet you do beat your wife. Shame on YOU!

Evil Queen said...

No clearly the fool is you... let me explain simpleton...not for liking pictures STUPID...but for LIEING or denying.. and I have not liked women's pictures since I am not a Lesbian as I'm sure your poor wife has had to resort to that now. Ask God to forgive you for being a Liar..and go get a life, a job, and by the looks of it a personal trainer.

Unknown said...

I am grateful to God and Christ our Lord and Savior that I am not a member of your Apostolic Assembly church like cult so I do not need to worry about fools like you working to micro-manage your fellow cult members likes and dislikes on facebook, alright?
Apostolic's and all others this is another reason why you should not become a member of the Apostolic Assembly like church cults because church cult members like the ones above will be working on taking your freedoms away, slandering you, harassing, you, working to intimidate you, and trying to take as much of your money as possible, alright?
So beware of so called Apostolic cult leaders and member fools like the ones above, ok?

Factsonly1 said...

Hahahaha at San Antone BUSTED!!!!
Cochino viejo verdulero, Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

Are you ready for the truth? said...

Dear administrator, is it possible to block San Antone? Then perhaps we can have real conversation, rather than rantings and ravings.

Unknown said...
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Evil Queen said...

Now to a serious convo, does anyone know what Eddie Pacheco was accused of? All I have seen is that he was removed, but not the reason why? I wondering if there was cause for his removal as well. His letter does not convince me that he is a victim.

Unknown said...

@ Trust no one kind a fool
It is apparent in your writings and response that regardless of what education you may have tried to obtain you have clearly not learned how to read

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Evil Queen said...

To all the bloggers, the administrators will obviously not moderate. So I propose that we simply ignore the village fool and only speak amongst ourselves. Ignore the cries of the baby and it eventually will shut up and end up rocking back and forth like a Russian orphan. I dismissed the fool and will not interact with this poor excuse of a man, even if he continues to address me..I will simply be deaf or in this case blind to his posts and re-post that probably took hours to write. This "chunte" speaks of education, please don't make me laugh. So from now on remember, IGNORE the baby!

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

TrustNoOne that is actually one of the smartest things to do. How do you get a child to shut up. Just simply ignore him long enough. Good point. I am on board with you on this one.

AA Pastor said...

Dear Sis. Alvarez Cantu,

I want to commend you for having the courage to speaking up on behalf of the former Bishop President Sam Valverde and other AA leaders whom you indicate have fallen.

The history of your father and the amount of years he served is without question ivery honorable, to a great extent.

I knew your father well. We were colleagues and I saw your siblings Molly and Ernie, from a distance growing up.

If I may I would like to respectfully draw a contrast between your father's circumstances and the former bishop President Valverde's current circumstance.

Your father (May he rest in peace) had certain "tendencies" throughout the years which he never acted upon. The specific temptation he dealt with, he fell into, though it was burning within him, he did not act on this desire. After many years of suppressing those feelings... he finally "came out" of the closet, per say and therefore he fell into the sin which he had fought so hard to keep under wraps. Being tempted by something is much different than acting on it. Jesus was clearly tempted in ALL ways, but without sin.

I want to make it clear that sin is sin. Your father's specific issue (sin) was no different than any other sin. In other words, sins are not rated as one type higher than another type. Having said that, your father was an honorable man and did not live an alternative lifestyle. His fall was quick and sudden but he rose from it and repented and is now rejoicing in the presence of the Lord.

In the case of former Bishop President Valverde, he was not suppressing his sinful “iniquity”. (I will explain the difference between sins and sins of “iniquity” below), The former bishop President had been operating with “injustice, grossly unfair behavior and inequity” for the last twenty years or more. I can tell you of many evil experiences that many have had with the former bishop president.

To conclude, the difference is your dad sinned and repented and didn’t let it be a continual sin (Romans 1:28 “And because they thought it was worthless to acknowledge God, God allowed their own immoral minds to control them. So they do these indecent things..“)

If we fall in sin, we must repent as David did...repent as your father Ernesto Cantu did. But do not make it your lifestyle to continue in sin. Sadly, the former bishop president has done this over and over again. In other words he remains in the continual sin of “inequity” for all these years, never repenting from them.

God's judgement is upon the former bishop president Samuel Valverde and I wished it not upon him. It’s a terrible thing to fall into the hands of an angry God!

...continued below

Are you ready for the truth? said...
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AA Pastor said...

Galatians 6:7 says:
"Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows."

No one is to blame for the former bishop president’s fall except himself.

This is our sovereign God's judgment for what he sowed into the ground for many years.

This is Samuel Valverde's harvest! He is now reaping the fruit of his labor. If you put strawberry seeds into the ground you reap, strawberries. Please do not tell me that what the former bishop president is now harvesting, is not the fruit of his own seed and labor? (Rhetorically speaking).

I am certain that God will forgive him and he will make it to heaven. It is much better for him to enter into heaven without a ministerial license and a congregation, but to make it in, period. That is what really matters.

He has to give a special account to God for the time he was the lead pastor of the Apostolic Assembly…Hebrews 13: 17 says ”Have confidence in your leaders and submit to their authority, because they keep watch over you AS THOSE WHO MUST GIVE ACCOUNT. Do this so that their work will be a joy, not a burden, for that would be of no benefit to you.”

Lastly, I want to explain the difference between sin and the sin of iniquity. This is the type of sin Jesus was finding in the heart of the Pharasee’s when he confronted them. The scripture clearly outlines what God hates in Psalm 5:4 “ The foolish shall not stand in thy sight: thou HATEST all workers of INIQUITY.

Wow! Did you catch that? God never says in the holy scriptures that he hates sinners, just the sins….but not in the above scripture. The above scripture clearly outlines that he HATES the WORKERS of INIQUITY.
If you look up the word “iniquity” in the dictionary. It is defined as follows= “Immoral or grossly unfair behavior. Injustice –inequity”.

Think about another former bishop president, Baldemar Rodriguez for a moment. The man was left with literally…his clothes on his back and is currently living on welfare and food stamps, while former bishop Samuel Valverde has two homes in the hills of Alta Loma worth close to two million dollars and a combined monthly salary in the neighborhood of $18,000. I don’t envy his salary and he may deserve it, however what I am just saying is they were very close colleagues (Baldemar & Valverde).

1 John 3:17 says “But if anyone has the world's goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God's love abide in him?

1 Timothy 6:9-11 says “But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation, into a snare, into many senseless and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction. For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils. It is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs. But as for you, O man of God, flee these things. Pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, steadfastness, gentleness.”

Your father, former bishop Ernesto Cantu was not a man who committed sin through grossly unfair behavior.

...continued below

AA Pastor said...

Unfortunately NO ONE (not even you) can defend the former bishop president the grossly unfair behavior, injustice, inquity handed out by this mortal man.

None of us are above the law and God’s judgement.

Let us not stand in the way of what a loving God is doing with former Bishop President Samuel Valverde. It’s just a separation of the wheat and tares from his life. God is removing the opportunity for the former bishop president to continue in the sin of “iniquity”. Otherwise it would have not only destroyed many more brethren, but more importantly Samuel Valverde himself.

I can guarantee you that other leaders like Richard Maffey who has also been chastised and humbled by the Lord for his sins, can say (even though Richard is no longer the president of the Messenger’s of Peace as your father once was) he is at peace God has chastised him and will make it into the pearly gates of heaven. All these fallen men deserve our respect, Ernesto Cantu, Richard Maffey, et al.

The same will go for our beloved former bishop president, Samuel Valverde. We all love him very much and pray for him. Next time it could be you or me.

“Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest and repent.” Revelation 3:19

Unknown said...

Are you ready for the truth? said...
Sources say that apparently Valverde had had a setback in his health due to everything. If this is true then it was self inflicted. I don't want harm for him but the scriptures does state 'you will sow what you reap' and he has had many years of sowing bad seed.

Unknown said...

WOW! As a former 3rd Gen Apostolic...this is all just crazy! The exchanges here are great, even the more out there ones! Visiting this blog made me realize I left the church back in 1997, 16 years ago, and even then, I saw all of this coming. Greed, corruption and lies can only last so long...Enron, Bernie Madoff, all catches up. I work in fashion/entertainment, a VERY cut-throat industry...and I always say, my best education came from growing up Apostolic, where I saw ALOT of cut-throats (figurativley of course!) and saw the cut-throaters themselved eventually get cut...learned from the best! I beleive this what they call "the end of an era" is done.

Mi papa said...

@san antone your a joke!!

Unknown said...

AA Pastor:

Sis Diana Alvarez Cantu never had siblings named Mollie and Ernie. I should know - her dad was my pastor in Corona decades back. She had a sister and three brothers - one her twin.

porq said...
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Skotty Will Show You said...
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Unknown said...

@ Pack Rojas- If I am a joke then your crooked teeth are the punch line, right?

p.s. Please do not tell me you are another one of those foolish ignorant Apostolic cult leaders and or cult members that is only able to write three word sentences at a time after my name and that lacks impulse control, ok?

Skotty Will Show You said...

Wow if only someone or some group of people would have warned the AA about Sam Valverde...

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

At the very least the AA board members should:
1. Remove Samuel Valverde Malverde from being Pastor of the Fountain of Truth/Fountain of Deceit church cult building and give him a building like the one on 6th street in San Bernardino, Ca for at least 40 days.

2. The new AA board should provide a written letter of apology with an offer to restore Baldemar Rodriguez and the over 250 pastors that Samuel Valverde and Baldemar Rodriguez kicked out of the Apostolic Assembly church cult over the years.
3. Offer to work together with all the teachers and preachers that have left the Assembly to teach and preach the gospel of truth.
4. All it takes is a little faith. I'm confident that if a part of the discipline the Apostolic Assembly church cult includes for the cult leaders Eddie Pacheco and Samuel Valverde Malverde is to put the before mentioned to work together as co-pastors to teach and preach together in Corona they may be able to get enough cult followers and Mexican sort of construction workers to help them complete the temple building in Corona, alright? And that should help the Apostolic Assembly church cult some, ok?

4. The Fountain of Truth Church Cult building should become the new headquarters of the Apostolic Assembly church cult and then the new Corona church cult building should also become a part of the new Apostolic Assembly church cult head quarters when competed and then once the building in Corona is completed the cult leaders Eddie Pacheco and Samuel Valverde Malverde should be sent on assignment to where they would be the most effective cult leaders to gain more cult members and to restore the Apostolic Assembly church cult to highest and best capacity through out the Apostolic Assembly church cult until they raise enough support and donations to pay for all the debts that they may have caused upon the Apostolic Assembly church cult.
5. I encourage the Apostolic Assembly church cult leaders to work together to change the Apostolic Assembly church cult constitution by adding amendments to do away with requiring tithes, dues, registration fees and any other fees and begin to teach and preach the gospel for free the way it should be, alright?
6. Amend the Assemblies constitution and other documents needed to include that teachers and preachers in the Apostolic Assembly contribute a low percentage of their income towards their Assembly retirement accounts so that the teachers and preachers have a substantial right to their Assembly retirement pension regardless of what reason they leave the Assembly.
7. Amend the constitution and other documents as needed so that the teachers, preachers and or congregations are able to own the real estate to their temples as the teachers, preachers and or congregation choose and still be able to work with the assembly and not for the assembly for the furtherance of the gospel of Christ.

The changes above should help the Apostolic Assembly church cult to be not such a cult and be more like the Iglesia of God and Christ our Lord and Savior, amen?
p.s. And if not all the Apostolic Assembly church cult leaders and board members should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law of Christ and of the Law of the Land, amen?

Unknown_123 said...

@san_antone... Lol...Praise God!

Heard the message...praise God.i understand the bitterness Praise God! As mentioned by appears you are a liar Praise God. I looked up Rosa's FB and it appears she is real Praise God and you did like her Pics Praise God!
Liar liar Praise God. Appears you didn't learn much about preaching a good message.

santa maria! said...

@SAN ANTONE, Fearless leader!!! where are we holding Sunrise Service at???? I have friends that don't believe that my pastor is a Hollywood Actor so I want to bring them.

santa maria! said...

@Unknown_123, of course he preaches a good message, how do you think he gets the ladies! Hail San Antone!

Are you ready for the truth? said...

If you want an alternative and tired of an organization that seems to have lost their meaning then you are invited to the AWA Arizona-California regional fellowship in Los Angeles on Friday and Saturday April 5th & 6th -7500 MAIE Ave Los Angeles , ca.

Are you ready for the truth? said...

Please ignore San Antone, the more he writes he appears more foolish

santa maria! said...

@Are you ready for the truth, don't you know that San Antone is like a bad case of herpes? He pretends to leave for a while, but then, comes back worst than ever. He's never leaving man.

Unknown said...

@ unknown_123 I am as sweet tart and with no bitterness at all, alright? The fact is that there are too many Apostolic church cult fools like you that like to consume teaching and preaching that are like greasy sweet donuts that are too sweet and unhealthy. Fools like you need to learn how to eat you fruits and veggies including but not limited to plenty of greens. That's why you Apostolic church like cult fools get into so much trouble with cult leaders like Samuel Valverde.

Ephesians 5:6
Let no man deceive you with vain words: for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience.

Colossians 2:4
And this I say, lest any man should beguile you with enticing words.

1 Thessalonians 2:5
For neither at any time used we flattering words, as ye know, nor a cloke of covetousness; God is witness:

2 Peter 2:
1 But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.

2 And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of.

3 And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not.

Are you ready for the truth? said...

Ignore him.

Unknown_123 said...

@san antone haha! Did you really write your last post or was it your San Antone fearing wife? You didn't say Praise God not once, but yet you couldn't stop saying it about 1000 times in your wanna be "sermon".

Looks like your acting skills are a lot better than your preaching skills. You are actually doing a great job at acting like you are uneducated...or is it not acting. :-) not sure what eating fruits and vegetables has to do with getting in trouble. Then again maybe it's just another bad analogy like the ones in your sermon.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

@ unknown_123 even though you are a sort of developmentally delayed stupid fool God bless you through me, ok? Eating your fruits and vegetables as I stated above is the best thing you can do to stay out of sickness trouble fool, ok?

Mi papa said...

I would say it to your face Iam from la and Hollywood is not far at all!!

Unknown said...

Ephesians 5:6
Let no man deceive you with vain words: for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience.

Colossians 2:4
And this I say, lest any man should beguile you with enticing words.

1 Thessalonians 2:5
For neither at any time used we flattering words, as ye know, nor a cloke of covetousness; God is witness:

2 Peter 2:
1 But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.

2 And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of.

3 And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

You should know I do not appreciate and or deal with stalkers very kindly, ok?

Unknown said...

@ Pack Rojas stalker like apostolic fool- I will put you under citizens arrest and manhandle you if needed, ok?
You may want to call 911 for help, ok?

Unknown_123 said...

@san antone for once you are telling the truth. God did bless me through you. I am able to see that there are still people lost! Causes me to pray more for your Antone fearing wife and your photographer for the horrible head shots! Hahaha

God have mercy

Unknown said...

@ unknown_123 Apostolic church cult fool- Well at least God is blessing you through me and encouraging you to pray more, ok? We could use more prayer including my wife and me. Thank you! I request that you do not lie and be sincere and pray cuz prayer is powerful!
You should know I know how much you love my headshots but you do not have the guts to say it to me or my Hollywood photographer, alright?
p.s. I am safe in the arms of Christ my Savior and Lord Thank you very much.

Unknown_123 said...

@san antone, yes God allows the enemy to touch me so that I can be tested. Your wife definitely could use prayer being married to you. Your son too!

I have the guts to tell you they are horrible. And the picture with you in a sleeveless shirt...just horrible. Hollywood photographer??!! Really?! That means your on his website and portfolio...what's the link? Probably yet another lie...photographer is probably fake...unlike rosé

Unknown said...

Prayer is an act of faith. Baptism is an act of faith. To get baptized all a believer needs to do is to have faith, invite at the least one friend or two (the more the merrier) to witness your baptism, go to a body of water such as a pool or big bath tub, go into the pool or tub (you may invite a friend to go into the water with you to help you as you get baptized)ask your friend to pray with you as you call on the Lord saying something like "My God! Christ my Lord and Savior! Come into my life, wash me from all my sins, lead me, fill me and lead me with your Holy
Spirit now and forever I pray! Pray the above prayer before you go down and submerge yourself completely in the water and you may do it again after you come out of the water to ensure you are complete to fulfill all righteousness. You can revise and or paraphrase the above prayer. It may be helpful for you to work on repeating and memorizing this prayer as best as you can before getting in the water to get baptized and to talk about your plans for baptism with your friend who will go into the water with you before you do it. Have a paper certificate prepared before hand and have pen and at least one or two witnesses sign it. State the date and how you got baptized on the certificate. It should state that you got baptized in the name of Christ the Lord and Savior as commanded by God in his holy scriptures. Include at least one scripture such as Acts 2:38

AA Pastor said...

Dear Hermano Ramirez,

Thank you for clarifying this...I am up there in age you know.

As I stated I saw bishop Ernesto Cantu's children from a distance and did not know them very well. I didn’t even remember Diane who wrote the blog and was rightfully defending those who have “fallen”.

After your comments I realized that I was saying their names wrong. I was saying “Molly” instead of “Dolly” Cantu (married Richard Martinez?) and “Ernie” instead of “Eddie” Cantu. They were wonderful children at that time and I am sure they are wonderful adults now.

Proverbs 22:6 says “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”

Thank you for stepping in to clarify my mistake.

An imperfect servant,

AA Pastor

Unknown said...
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porq said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

I am so smart and proud of my worthless education from schools that aren't even around anymore. I was going to go to a real school and get a real degree but thought the route I too was a much better choice. I am truly a douche. I have no idea what it is to respect authority as you can tell by my posts

Unknown said...

I am not a strong proponent of Sam because there is a lot he has done a lot of wrong and hurt a lot of people. However, after a long night of contemplation. I have come to an understanding that would should pray for him. The reason is that his sole is in the balance. He may have become drunk with power. However, at some point he lost his focus on God. We should pray that God helps him find his way back to God and refocus his sight on God. We should pray that both him and Rachel focus on God and not on themselves. This was the downfall of the devil is that he became selfish.

AA Pastor said...

Dear Brother Ramirez,

I just realize you are the son of one of the Ramirez boys from Texas. That is so wonderful to hear from you on this blog.

We welcome you to this blog with honor. Your father and his brothers are still Apostolic legends within this organization. I think I have a recording somewhere in my storage of them singing together.

For those of you reading this blog who are younger; please take note that the son of a great pastor, Luis Ramirez is posting on this blog.

Also, your uncle Roberto Ramirez was a funny man. He would always use the expression "you cats" instead of saying "you guys". He was a highly respected board member of the Assembly as was Ernesto Cantu.

I remember seeing your family from a distance too, though I can't remember everyone's name. Can I ask you a question? Was one of your siblings nicknamed "Chicano"?

God richly bless you,

AA Pastor

Unknown said...


SANTONE said...

Dear Sis. Alvarez Cantu,

I want to commend you for having the courage to speaking up on behalf of the former Bishop President Sam Valverde and other AA leaders whom you indicate have fallen.

The history of your father and the amount of years he served is without question ivery honorable, to a great extent.

I knew your father well. We were colleagues and I saw your siblings Molly and Ernie, from a distance growing up.

If I may I would like to respectfully draw a contrast between your father's circumstances and the former bishop President Valverde's current circumstance.

Your father (May he rest in peace) had certain "tendencies" throughout the years which he never acted upon. The specific temptation he dealt with, he fell into, though it was burning within him, he did not act on this desire. After many years of suppressing those feelings... he finally "came out" of the closet, per say and therefore he fell into the sin which he had fought so hard to keep under wraps. Being tempted by something is much different than acting on it. Jesus was clearly tempted in ALL ways, but without sin.

I want to make it clear that sin is sin. Your father's specific issue (sin) was no different than any other sin. In other words, sins are not rated as one type higher than another type. Having said that, your father was an honorable man and did not live an alternative lifestyle. His fall was quick and sudden but he rose from it and repented and is now rejoicing in the presence of the Lord.

In the case of former Bishop President Valverde, he was not suppressing his sinful “iniquity”. (I will explain the difference between sins and sins of “iniquity” below), The former bishop President had been operating with “injustice, grossly unfair behavior and inequity” for the last twenty years or more. I can tell you of many evil experiences that many have had with the former bishop president.

To conclude, the difference is your dad sinned and repented and didn’t let it be a continual sin (Romans 1:28 “And because they thought it was worthless to acknowledge God, God allowed their own immoral minds to control them. So they do these indecent things..“)

If we fall in sin, we must repent as David did...repent as your father Ernesto Cantu did. But do not make it your lifestyle to continue in sin. Sadly, the former bishop president has done this over and over again. In other words he remains in the continual sin of “inequity” for all these years, never repenting from them.

God's judgement is upon the former bishop president Samuel Valverde and I wished it not upon him. It’s a terrible thing to fall into the hands of an angry God!

...continued below

SANTONE said...

Galatians 6:7 says:
"Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows."

No one is to blame for the former bishop president’s fall except himself.

This is our sovereign God's judgment for what he sowed into the ground for many years.

This is Samuel Valverde's harvest! He is now reaping the fruit of his labor. If you put strawberry seeds into the ground you reap, strawberries. Please do not tell me that what the former bishop president is now harvesting, is not the fruit of his own seed and labor? (Rhetorically speaking).

I am certain that God will forgive him and he will make it to heaven. It is much better for him to enter into heaven without a ministerial license and a congregation, but to make it in, period. That is what really matters.

He has to give a special account to God for the time he was the lead pastor of the Apostolic Assembly…Hebrews 13: 17 says ”Have confidence in your leaders and submit to their authority, because they keep watch over you AS THOSE WHO MUST GIVE ACCOUNT. Do this so that their work will be a joy, not a burden, for that would be of no benefit to you.”

Lastly, I want to explain the difference between sin and the sin of iniquity. This is the type of sin Jesus was finding in the heart of the Pharasee’s when he confronted them. The scripture clearly outlines what God hates in Psalm 5:4 “ The foolish shall not stand in thy sight: thou HATEST all workers of INIQUITY.

Wow! Did you catch that? God never says in the holy scriptures that he hates sinners, just the sins….but not in the above scripture. The above scripture clearly outlines that he HATES the WORKERS of INIQUITY.
If you look up the word “iniquity” in the dictionary. It is defined as follows= “Immoral or grossly unfair behavior. Injustice –inequity”.

Think about another former bishop president, Baldemar Rodriguez for a moment. The man was left with literally…his clothes on his back and is currently living on welfare and food stamps, while former bishop Samuel Valverde has two homes in the hills of Alta Loma worth close to two million dollars and a combined monthly salary in the neighborhood of $18,000. I don’t envy his salary and he may deserve it, however what I am just saying is they were very close colleagues (Baldemar & Valverde).

1 John 3:17 says “But if anyone has the world's goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God's love abide in him?

1 Timothy 6:9-11 says “But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation, into a snare, into many senseless and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction. For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils. It is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs. But as for you, O man of God, flee these things. Pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, steadfastness, gentleness.”

Your father, former bishop Ernesto Cantu was not a man who committed sin through grossly unfair behavior.

...continued below

SANTONE said...

Unfortunately NO ONE (not even you) can defend the former bishop president the grossly unfair behavior, injustice, inquity handed out by this mortal man.

None of us are above the law and God’s judgement.

Let us not stand in the way of what a loving God is doing with former Bishop President Samuel Valverde. It’s just a separation of the wheat and tares from his life. God is removing the opportunity for the former bishop president to continue in the sin of “iniquity”. Otherwise it would have not only destroyed many more brethren, but more importantly Samuel Valverde himself.

I can guarantee you that other leaders like Richard Maffey who has also been chastised and humbled by the Lord for his sins, can say (even though Richard is no longer the president of the Messenger’s of Peace as your father once was) he is at peace God has chastised him and will make it into the pearly gates of heaven. All these fallen men deserve our respect, Ernesto Cantu, Richard Maffey, et al.

The same will go for our beloved former bishop president, Samuel Valverde. We all love him very much and pray for him. Next time it could be you or me.

“Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest and repent.” Revelation 3:19

SANTONE said...

Great post AA Pastor! Sorry I had to repost this because of the good scriptures and d explaining you do!

Are you ready for the truth? said...

Vote or what? And idea? Because they already reshuffled in their chairs on last week.

Are you ready for the truth? said...

The General Board will never do the right thing, they don't have the 'guts', the reason why I say so is that if the assembly wants 'real change' all the board members need to step down and the pastors vote in other leadership, the ones in the board have much 'luggage'' that they expect others to fix but ignore it in their own lives.
And another thing 'the devil cannot make you do anything' we as humans make the choice and the belief that the devil was responsible is not biblically sound. Get this, not even God can force you to do anything, He created us with a free will, we choose to or not.
Man can get drunk with greed and power, the scripture is full of examples.
So the questions remains:

- What is the General Board and Bishops going to do?

- Will the pastors and congregation stand up and demand change? Will you demand resolution? Or will you meekly accept what the General Board decides?
You have a chance now to make a change, don't be fearful if losing your church if status because at the end what good is all that for if you do nothing?

Unknown said...

Slimes like Maffey, Richard Maffey who was Convicted of Child Molestation DESERVES our Respect? Never!! They only thing deserve is a jail cell. These men used their power as pastors, bishops, ministers to molest and pillage our church. Where is your respect for the members of the church? Where is your respect for the most innocent of the congregation, the children? Respect for convicted child molestors? If he repents of his ways, yes, may the good lord have mercy on him. But he should never be permitted to minister again. And if i see him "fellowshipping" with teens and kids, i will gladly snap a video of it and report it to the District Attorney. Now, I ask Hermano Fortino, what actions will you take to deal with accused and convicted child molesters in our church?

the truth said...

Several rumors that deserve consideration.
1. Sam Valverde is being removed from the pastorate on Monday.
2. The GB is supposed to meet with the Fontana church on Tuesday to make the announcement.
3. The Fontana church is paid-off.
4. Valverde is going to walk away with his church and building.
5. Reinstatement of Pacheco to the ministry because of threats he made about other secrets on other board members.
5. No outside replacements for the GB, except one who won't say anything, to maintain a cover on other illegal and immoral issues of the GB.
6. If Fortino complies the GB will make him look like a hero that saved the AA.

All these rumors are coming from people I personally know that are close to Rancho Cucamonga, Fontana, Riverside, San Bernardino and surrounding areas.
And have even heard from some family and relatives of the GB of the AA. Take it for what is worth!

Unknown said...

Perversion!!! Thats the only word to describe The Truths post. If those rumors are true, then the church is runned by perverse men. Any you think they are spiritual? Laughable.

AA.Heraldo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
WatchOut! said...

What a slap to all those church members, even relatives, ESPECIALLY RELATIVES, who a few years ago chose to believe these crooked liars and instead of supporting their pastors and bishops turned their backs on them. These were people who had known their pastors for many years, some all their lives, baptized by them, married by them, baptized their children, etc. Los hombres de Dios que velaron por ellos! YET, they chose to believe in men they hardly knew. . . now look at the criminals they supported.


Unknown_123 said...

@Are you ready for the truth Do you have proof that "the ones in the board have much 'luggage'' that they expect others to fix but ignore it in their own lives."

Are you in any leadership position in your organization or church?

Its funny how all are concerned about the leadership of the AA when they are not even a part of the AA. AWA has its own Pastors that have also made their mistakes but you seem to back them very quickly.

Lets be equal here.

Are you ready for the truth? said...

Dear Truth - Most of what you stated would be welcome. however, can you imagine the 'firestorm' that would happen if they gave the property to SV, and it is highly questionable that the property is paid for, why, because they borrowed money and other properties are collateral.

The General Board will not be willing to do the right thing, why?because they should all step down.

As for Unknown 123: for clarification, not accusing them of immoral things but any person can see the twisted and highly questionable actions by the GB, and you are correct, AWA has people that have done wrong and so does every other group. But if you are referring to mistakes, yes we all do them, but you cannot compare what Sam Valverde, or Sanchez or the others have done, the purposely misused their positions to take advantage of others and at the same time becoming millionaires, you don't have to know much math to figure that one out. There is a difference between sin and iniquity, study the scripture and you will discover the difference. The difference between what King David did and Achan is clear, to this day there are still descendants of David but not from Achan.

Unknown_123 said...

@Are you ready for the truth? I understand the difference between iniquity and sin. Your mention of removing the entire GB does not make sense, based on your term of "luggage". Everyone has Luggage including you...right?

Do you continue to preach, teach, hold office?

Unknown said...

If old 2 Vote gets "restored" to pastor, and if Scam Malverde gets to keep his church, then the joke is on the members for being STUPID and not demanding their leaders behave. Keep on funding the lives of the rich and famous. And you wonder why so many molesters are molesting your children...smh

porq said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Br. Maldonado said...

"Maldito el que hiciere engañosamente la obra de Jehová, y maldito el que detuviere su espada de la sangre." Jeremías 48:10

"Cursed is he that does the work of the LORD deceitfully, and cursed is he that keeps back his sword from blood." Jeremiah 48:10

Repentance and restitution!

Unknown said...

I do not like cults but if I was the acting president of the Apostolic Assembly church cults I would at the very least push all the AA board members to:
1. Remove Samuel Valverde Malverde from being Pastor of the Fountain of Truth/Fountain of Deceit church cult building and give him a building like the one on 6th street in San Bernardino, Ca for at least 40 days.

2. Provide a written letter of apology with an offer to restore Baldemar Rodriguez and the over 250 pastors that Samuel Valverde and Baldemar Rodriguez kicked out of the Apostolic Assembly church cult over the years during their administrations.
3. Offer to work together with all the teachers and preachers that were kicked out or have left the Assembly to teach and preach the gospel of truth.
4. All it takes is a little faith. I'm confident that if a part of the discipline the Apostolic Assembly church cult administers includes for the cult leaders Eddie Pacheco and Samuel Valverde Malverde to be put to work together as co-pastors to teach and preach together in Corona they may be able to get enough cult followers and Mexican sort of construction workers to help them complete the temple building in Corona, alright? And that should help the Apostolic Assembly church cult some, ok?

4. The Fountain of Truth Church Cult building should become the new headquarters of the Apostolic Assembly church cult and then the new Corona church cult building should also become a part of the new Apostolic Assembly church cult head quarters when competed and then once the building in Corona is completed the cult leaders Eddie Pacheco and Samuel Valverde Malverde should be sent on assignment to the congregations in the Assembly to work on restorations throughout and to gain more cult members and support and donations until the Apostolic Assembly church cult is restored to the best level that the Assembly church cult can be.
5. I encourage the Apostolic Assembly church cult leaders to work together to change the Apostolic Assembly church cult constitution by adding amendments to do away with requiring tithes, dues, registration fees and any other fees and begin to teach and preach the gospel for free the way it should be, alright?
6. Amend the Assemblies constitution and other documents needed to include that teachers and preachers in the Apostolic Assembly contribute a low percentage of their income towards their Assembly retirement accounts so that the teachers and preachers have a substantial right to their Assembly retirement pensions regardless of what reason they leave the Assembly.
7. Amend the constitution and other documents as needed so that the teachers, preachers and or congregations are able to own the real estate to their temples as the teachers, preachers and or congregation choose and still be able to work with the assembly and not for the assembly for the furtherance of the gospel of Christ.

The changes above should help the Apostolic Assembly church cult to be not such a cult and be more like the Iglesia of Christ our Lord and Savior, amen?
p.s. And if not all the Apostolic Assembly church cult leaders, persidents and board members should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law of Christ and of the Law of the Land, amen?

Unknown said...

I do not like cults but if I was the acting president of the Apostolic Assembly church cults I would at the very least push all the AA board members to:
1. Remove Samuel Valverde Malverde from being Pastor of the Fountain of Truth/Fountain of Deceit church cult building and give him a building like the one on 6th street in San Bernardino, Ca for at least 40 days.

2. Provide a written letter of apology with an offer to restore Baldemar Rodriguez and the over 250 pastors that Samuel Valverde and Baldemar Rodriguez kicked out of the Apostolic Assembly church cult over the years during their administrations.
3. Offer to work together with all the teachers and preachers that were kicked out or have left the Assembly to teach and preach the gospel of truth.
4. All it takes is a little faith. I'm confident that if a part of the discipline the Apostolic Assembly church cult administers includes for the cult leaders Eddie Pacheco and Samuel Valverde Malverde to be put to work together as co-pastors to teach and preach together in Corona they may be able to get enough cult followers and Mexican sort of construction workers to help them complete the temple building in Corona, alright? And that should help the Apostolic Assembly church cult some, ok?

4. The Fountain of Truth Church Cult building should become the new headquarters of the Apostolic Assembly church cult and then the new Corona church cult building should also become a part of the new Apostolic Assembly church cult head quarters when competed and then once the building in Corona is completed the cult leaders Eddie Pacheco and Samuel Valverde Malverde should be sent on assignment to the congregations in the Assembly to work on restorations throughout and to gain more cult members and support and donations until the Apostolic Assembly church cult is restored to the best level that the Assembly church cult can be.
5. I encourage the Apostolic Assembly church cult leaders to work together to change the Apostolic Assembly church cult constitution by adding amendments to do away with requiring tithes, dues, registration fees and any other fees and begin to teach and preach the gospel for free the way it should be, alright?
6. Amend the Assemblies constitution and other documents needed to include that teachers and preachers in the Apostolic Assembly contribute a low percentage of their income towards their Assembly retirement accounts so that the teachers and preachers have a substantial right to their Assembly retirement pensions regardless of what reason they leave the Assembly.
7. Amend the constitution and other documents as needed so that the teachers, preachers and or congregations are able to own the real estate to their temples as the teachers, preachers and or congregation choose and still be able to work with the assembly and not for the assembly for the furtherance of the gospel of Christ.

The changes above should help the Apostolic Assembly church cult to be not such a cult and be more like the Iglesia of Christ our Lord and Savior, amen?
p.s. And if not all the Apostolic Assembly church cult leaders, persidents and board members should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law of Christ and of the Law of the Land, amen?

Unknown said...

Paz de Cristo Apostolic's!
Here below are a few very good reasons not to join the Apostolic Assembly like church cults:
1 The Apostolic Assembly church cult leaders and cult members are slanderous of each other and of others like you and me, ok?
Example: Even though I am proud to say I am not and I have not ever been a wife beater the Apostolic Assembly church cult members use evil slanderer fabricating such lies accusing me if it, ok?
The fact is I have not even beaten a man in a very long time, ok? But wouldn't you like to see coward Apostolic cult members like Rome get into an MMA cage so you can see what lying Apostolic church cult cowards like Rome would look so cowardly like in an MMA cage when they are in the MMA cage with me? I encourage you to donate your time and money to see me exposing the Apostolic Assembly church cult obese coward slanderers such as Rome getting disciplined and spanked by me in an MMA cage?
I am certain I can make him squeal and holler for mercy, alright?
I am sure most of you Apostolic's have video cameras on your phones and you could use the video footage and put it on You Tube so the whole world can see what Apostolic Assembly church cult members and leader cowards and slanderers coward down, ok?
And all you Apostolic's can see what a coward Rome really is to slander and challenge a little senior citizen like me who has had a back injury but that the Lord has healed and strengthened and who is willing and able to stand up for my honor because I am very confident that God and Christ my Lord and Savior will deliver into my hands such obese, out of shape, wicked, cowardly Apostolic Assembly church cult leaders and or cult members like Rome are, ok? Sincere Apostolic's pray that God and Christ our Lord and Savior will deliver me and you from such cowards and slanderers such as are found in the Apostolic Assembly church cults of today, amen?
I do not expect poor uneducated heretics like Rome to understand how to read and write the name of God properly. Rome like too many Apostolic Assembly church cult members most like only have a GED and apparently have not even graduated from Sunday School yet, ok?

2. Apostolic Assembly church cult leaders and or members work to create fake online profiles.
The alleged Rosa/Rose is a fake and or fictional character and or is only a slanderous woman that Apostolic Assembly church cult leaders and or members use to slander and intimidate as many as possible and to try to coerce into people into subservience, ok?
And so neither have I ever met anyone by such a name, alright?

I encourage you to go find the fictitious page of the alleged Rosa/Rose but be careful cuz it's a fake profile and the creators of that fake profile are wicked and slanderous especially toward Men of God.
So far I have not met in the world people as vicious, cowardly, and slanderous as those I have found in the Apostolic Assembly church cults and so beware of false Christians!
It's another good reason not to join their Apostolic cults cuz they are worse in person than they are online.
Ex-President Samuel Valverde Malverde is the epitome of what the Apostolic Assembly church cult leaders and cult members are. They will rape and violate your identity, your character, your family, your children, your friends and your money physically and spiritually, alright?

Unknown said...

Paz de Cristo Apostolic's!
Here below are a few very good reasons not to join the Apostolic Assembly like church cults:
1 The Apostolic Assembly church cult leaders and cult members are slanderous of each other and of others like you and me, ok?
Example: Even though I am proud to say I am not and I have not ever been a wife beater the Apostolic Assembly church cult members use evil slanderer fabricating such lies accusing me if it, ok?
The fact is I have not even beaten a man in a very long time, ok? But wouldn't you like to see coward Apostolic cult members like Rome get into an MMA cage so you can see what lying Apostolic church cult cowards like Rome would look so cowardly like in an MMA cage when they are in the MMA cage with me? I encourage you to donate your time and money to see me exposing the Apostolic Assembly church cult obese coward slanderers such as Rome getting disciplined and spanked by me in an MMA cage?
I am certain I can make him squeal and holler for mercy, alright?
I am sure most of you Apostolic's have video cameras on your phones and you could use the video footage and put it on You Tube so the whole world can see what Apostolic Assembly church cult members and leader cowards and slanderers coward down, ok?
And all you Apostolic's can see what a coward Rome really is to slander and challenge a little senior citizen like me who has had a back injury but that the Lord has healed and strengthened and who is willing and able to stand up for my honor because I am very confident that God and Christ my Lord and Savior will deliver into my hands such obese, out of shape, wicked, cowardly Apostolic Assembly church cult leaders and or cult members like Rome are, ok? Sincere Apostolic's pray that God and Christ our Lord and Savior will deliver me and you from such cowards and slanderers such as are found in the Apostolic Assembly church cults of today, amen?
I do not expect poor uneducated heretics like Rome to understand how to read and write the name of God properly. Rome like too many Apostolic Assembly church cult members most like only have a GED and apparently have not even graduated from Sunday School yet, ok?

2. Apostolic Assembly church cult leaders and or members work to create fake online profiles.
The alleged Rosa/Rose is a fake and or fictional character and or is only a slanderous woman that Apostolic Assembly church cult leaders and or members use to slander and intimidate as many as possible and to try to coerce into people into subservience, ok?
And so neither have I ever met anyone by such a name, alright?

I encourage you to go find the fictitious page of the alleged Rosa/Rose but be careful cuz it's a fake profile and the creators of that fake profile are wicked and slanderous especially toward Men of God.
So far I have not met in the world people as vicious, cowardly, and slanderous as those I have found in the Apostolic Assembly church cults and so beware of false Christians!
It's another good reason not to join their Apostolic cults cuz they are worse in person than they are online.
Ex-President Samuel Valverde Malverde is the epitome of what the Apostolic Assembly church cult leaders and cult members are. They will rape and violate your identity, your character, your family, your children, your friends and your money physically and spiritually, alright?

Are you ready for the truth? said...

I believe my statement about baggage was clarified. So let me understand, you are ok with defending what they do? You are ok with Pastor's being pushed out? You are ok with loans being taken out without proper process and authorization? You ok with leaders turning a blind eye to wrong? You ok with positions being used to become wealthy! You ok with close to 300 pastors leaving? You ok with thousands of saints leaving? You ok if there are no checks and balances, because it sure sounds like its ok with you which probably makes you a leader it someone tied closely to losing things if you speak out. You ok with that?

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Ex-President Samuel Valverde Malverde is the epitome of what the Apostolic Assembly church cult leaders and cult members are. They will rape and violate your identity, your character, your family, your children, your friends and your money physically and spiritually, alright?

March 29, 2013 at 12:44 PM
SAN ANTONE said...
Ex-President Samuel Valverde Malverde is the epitome of what the Apostolic Assembly church cult leaders and cult members are. They will rape and violate your identity, your character, your family, your children, your friends and your money physically and spiritually, alright?

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Ex-President Samuel Valverde Malverde is the epitome of what the Apostolic Assembly church cult leaders and cult members are. They will rape and violate your identity, your character, your family, your children, your friends and your money physically and spiritually, alright?

Ex-President Samuel Valverde Malverde is the epitome of what the Apostolic Assembly church cult leaders and cult members are. They will rape and violate your identity, your character, your family, your children, your friends and your money physically and spiritually, alright?

Ex-President Samuel Valverde Malverde is the epitome of what the Apostolic Assembly church cult leaders and cult members are. They will rape and violate your identity, your character, your family, your children, your friends and your money physically and spiritually, alright?

Ex-President Samuel Valverde Malverde is the epitome of what the Apostolic Assembly church cult leaders and cult members are. They will rape and violate your identity, your character, your family, your children, your friends and your money physically and spiritually, alright?

Ex-President Samuel Valverde Malverde is the epitome of what the Apostolic Assembly church cult leaders and cult members are. They will rape and violate your identity, your character, your family, your children, your friends and your money physically and spiritually, alright?

Too many of The Apostolic Assembly church cult like leaders and cult members are false Christians so beware!

Unknown said...

Ex-President Samuel Valverde Malverde is the epitome of what the Apostolic Assembly church cult leaders and cult members are. They will work hard to rape and violate your identity, your character, your life, your family, your children, your friends and your money physically and spiritually, alright?

Ex-President Samuel Valverde Malverde is the epitome of what the Apostolic Assembly church cult leaders and cult members are. They will work hard to rape and violate your identity, your character, your life, your family, your children, your friends and your money physically and spiritually, alright?

Ex-President Samuel Valverde Malverde is the epitome of what the Apostolic Assembly church cult leaders and cult members are. They will work hard to rape and violate your identity, your character, your life, your family, your children, your friends and your money physically and spiritually, alright?

Ex-President Samuel Valverde Malverde is the epitome of what the Apostolic Assembly church cult leaders and cult members are. They will work hard to rape and violate your identity, your character, your life, your family, your children, your friends and your money physically and spiritually, alright?

Ex-President Samuel Valverde Malverde is the epitome of what the Apostolic Assembly church cult leaders and cult members are. They will work hard to rape and violate your identity, your character, your life, your family, your children, your friends and your money physically and spiritually, alright?

Too many of The Apostolic Assembly church cult like leaders and cult members are false Christians so beware!

Unknown said...

Ex-President Samuel Valverde Malverde is the epitome of what the Apostolic Assembly church cult leaders and cult members are. They will work hard to rape and violate your spirit, your identity, your character, your life, your family, your children, your friends and your money physically and spiritually, alright?

Ex-President Samuel Valverde Malverde is the epitome of what the Apostolic Assembly church cult leaders and cult members are. They will work hard to rape and violate your spirit,your identity, your character, your life, your family, your children, your friends and your money physically and spiritually, alright?

Ex-President Samuel Valverde Malverde is the epitome of what the Apostolic Assembly church cult leaders and cult members are. They will work hard to rape and violate your spirit, your identity, your character, your life, your family, your children, your friends and your money physically and spiritually, alright?

Ex-President Samuel Valverde Malverde is the epitome of what the Apostolic Assembly church cult leaders and cult members are. They will work hard to rape and violate your spirit, your identity, your character, your life, your family, your children, your friends and your money physically and spiritually, alright?

Ex-President Samuel Valverde Malverde is the epitome of what the Apostolic Assembly church cult leaders and cult members are. They will work hard to rape and violate your spirit, your identity, your character, your life, your family, your children, your friends and your money physically and spiritually, alright?

Too many of The Apostolic Assembly church cult like leaders and cult members are false Christians so beware!

santa maria! said...

@SAN ANTONE, Will Rosa be collecting offering this Sunday after your sermon????

Unknown said...

Apostolic Assembly church cults and frauds. And reasons not to join and or be members of the Apostolic Assembly church cults

Ex-President Samuel Valverde Malverde is the epitome of what the Apostolic Assembly church cult leaders and cult members are. They will work hard to rape and violate your spirit, your identity, your character, your life, your family, your children, your friends and your money physically and spiritually, alright?

Ex-President Samuel Valverde Malverde is the epitome of what the Apostolic Assembly church cult leaders and cult members are. They will work hard to rape and violate your spirit,your identity, your character, your life, your family, your children, your friends and your money physically and spiritually, alright?

Ex-President Samuel Valverde Malverde is the epitome of what the Apostolic Assembly church cult leaders and cult members are. They will work hard to rape and violate your spirit, your identity, your character, your life, your family, your children, your friends and your money physically and spiritually, alright?

Ex-President Samuel Valverde Malverde is the epitome of what the Apostolic Assembly church cult leaders and cult members are. They will work hard to rape and violate your spirit, your identity, your character, your life, your family, your children, your friends and your money physically and spiritually, alright?

Ex-President Samuel Valverde Malverde is the epitome of what the Apostolic Assembly church cult leaders and cult members are. They will work hard to rape and violate your spirit, your identity, your character, your life, your family, your children, your friends and your money physically and spiritually, alright?

Too many of The Apostolic Assembly church cult like leaders and cult members are false Christians so beware!

Unknown said...

Apostolic Assembly church cults and frauds. And reasons not to join and or be members of the Apostolic Assembly church cults

Ex-President Samuel Valverde Malverde is the epitome of what the Apostolic Assembly church cult leaders and cult members are. They will work hard to rape and violate your spirit, your identity, your character, your life, your family, your children, your friends and your money physically and spiritually, alright?

Ex-President Samuel Valverde Malverde is the epitome of what the Apostolic Assembly church cult leaders and cult members are. They will work hard to rape and violate your spirit,your identity, your character, your life, your family, your children, your friends and your money physically and spiritually, alright?

Ex-President Samuel Valverde Malverde is the epitome of what the Apostolic Assembly church cult leaders and cult members are. They will work hard to rape and violate your spirit, your identity, your character, your life, your family, your children, your friends and your money physically and spiritually, alright?

Ex-President Samuel Valverde Malverde is the epitome of what the Apostolic Assembly church cult leaders and cult members are. They will work hard to rape and violate your spirit, your identity, your character, your life, your family, your children, your friends and your money physically and spiritually, alright?

Ex-President Samuel Valverde Malverde is the epitome of what the Apostolic Assembly church cult leaders and cult members are. They will work hard to rape and violate your spirit, your identity, your character, your life, your family, your children, your friends and your money physically and spiritually, alright?

Beware too many of The Apostolic Assembly church cult like leaders and cult members are false Christians and fools lacking righteous judgement!

Unknown said...

Paz de Cristo Apostolic's!
Here below are a few very good reasons not to join the Apostolic Assembly like church cults:
1 The Apostolic Assembly church cult leaders and cult members are slanderous of each other and of others like you and me, ok?
Example: Even though I am proud to say I am not and I have not ever been a wife beater the Apostolic Assembly church cult members use evil slanderer fabricating such lies accusing me if it, ok?
The fact is I have not even beaten a man in a very long time, ok? But wouldn't you like to see coward Apostolic cult members like Rome get into an MMA cage so you can see what lying Apostolic church cult cowards like Rome would look so cowardly like in an MMA cage when they are in the MMA cage with me? I encourage you to donate your time and money to see me exposing the Apostolic Assembly church cult obese coward slanderers such as Rome getting disciplined and spanked by me in an MMA cage?
I am certain I can make him squeal and holler for mercy, alright?
I am sure most of you Apostolic's have video cameras on your phones and you could use the video footage and put it on You Tube so the whole world can see what Apostolic Assembly church cult members and leader cowards and slanderers coward down, ok?
And all you Apostolic's can see what a coward Rome really is to slander and challenge a little senior citizen like me who has had a back injury but that the Lord has healed and strengthened and who is willing and able to stand up for my honor because I am very confident that God and Christ my Lord and Savior will deliver into my hands such obese, out of shape, wicked, cowardly Apostolic Assembly church cult leaders and or cult members like Rome are, ok? Sincere Apostolic's pray that God and Christ our Lord and Savior will deliver me and you from such cowards and slanderers such as are found in the Apostolic Assembly church cults of today, amen?
I do not expect poor uneducated heretics like Rome to understand how to read and write the name of God properly. Rome like too many Apostolic Assembly church cult members most like only have a GED and apparently have not even graduated from Sunday School yet, ok?

2. Apostolic Assembly church cult leaders and or members work to create fake online profiles.
The alleged Rosa/Rose is a fake and or fictional character and or is only a slanderous woman that Apostolic Assembly church cult leaders and or members use to slander and intimidate as many as possible and to try to coerce into people into subservience, ok?
And so neither have I ever met anyone by such a name, alright?

I encourage you to go find the fictitious page of the alleged Rosa/Rose but be careful cuz it's a fake profile and the creators of that fake profile are wicked and slanderous especially toward Men of God.
So far I have not met in the world people as vicious, cowardly, and slanderous as those I have found in the Apostolic Assembly church cults and so beware of false Christians!
It's another good reason not to join their Apostolic cults cuz they are worse in person than they are online.
Ex-President Samuel Valverde Malverde is the epitome of what the Apostolic Assembly church cult leaders and cult members are. They will rape and violate your identity, your character, your family, your children, your friends and your money physically and spiritually, alright?

Unknown said...

At the very least the AA board members should:
1. Remove Samuel Valverde Malverde from being Pastor of the Fountain of Truth/Fountain of Deceit church cult building and give him a building like the one on 6th street in San Bernardino, Ca for at least 40 days.

2. The new AA board should provide a written letter of apology with an offer to restore Baldemar Rodriguez and the over 250 pastors that Samuel Valverde and Baldemar Rodriguez kicked out of the Apostolic Assembly church cult over the years.
3. Offer to work together with all the teachers and preachers that have left the Assembly to teach and preach the gospel of truth.
4. All it takes is a little faith. I'm confident that if a part of the discipline the Apostolic Assembly church cult includes for the cult leaders Eddie Pacheco and Samuel Valverde Malverde is to put the before mentioned to work together as co-pastors to teach and preach together in Corona they may be able to get enough cult followers and Mexican sort of construction workers to help them complete the temple building in Corona, alright? And that should help the Apostolic Assembly church cult some, ok?

4. The Fountain of Truth Church Cult building should become the new headquarters of the Apostolic Assembly church cult and then the new Corona church cult building should also become a part of the new Apostolic Assembly church cult head quarters when competed and then once the building in Corona is completed the cult leaders Eddie Pacheco and Samuel Valverde Malverde should be sent on assignment to where they would be the most effective cult leaders to gain more cult members and to restore the Apostolic Assembly church cult to highest and best capacity through out the Apostolic Assembly church cult until they raise enough support and donations to pay for all the debts that they may have caused upon the Apostolic Assembly church cult.
5. I encourage the Apostolic Assembly church cult leaders to work together to change the Apostolic Assembly church cult constitution by adding amendments to do away with requiring tithes, dues, registration fees and any other fees and begin to teach and preach the gospel for free the way it should be, alright?
6. Amend the Assemblies constitution and other documents needed to include that teachers and preachers in the Apostolic Assembly contribute a low percentage of their income towards their Assembly retirement accounts so that the teachers and preachers have a substantial right to their Assembly retirement pension regardless of what reason they leave the Assembly.
7. Amend the constitution and other documents as needed so that the teachers, preachers and or congregations are able to own the real estate to their temples as the teachers, preachers and or congregation choose and still be able to work with the assembly and not for the assembly for the furtherance of the gospel of Christ.

The changes above should help the Apostolic Assembly church cult to be not such a cult and be more like the Iglesia of God and Christ our Lord and Savior, amen?
p.s. And if not all the Apostolic Assembly church cult leaders and board members should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law of Christ and of the Law of the Land, amen?

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
AA Pastor said...

Praise the Lord General board members, bishops, elders, pastors and God's elected people!
I want to greet each of you in the wonderful, matchless name that is above all names, the blood stained name of Jesus!
I recently posted a short response to a sister Alvarez Cantu who posted on this blog. I did this in response to her defending the former bishop president Valverde and categorizing him in the same sentence with other great leaders who have fallen.
I pray that my comments were done with respect and honor. In addition, I tried to contrast between sins and the sin of "iniquity". I believe there is an "ocean-wide" difference between "sins" and the sin of "iniquity". I hope you will take the time to read my previous post and if you have any comments or disagreements with it, please let me know.
I would just like to follow up on this topic entitled:
I defined in my previous post that God hates sin but never says he hates the sinner. But I showed you in the scriptures where God does clearly state he hates the "workers" of "iniquity". There is something about the sin of “iniquity” that smells grotesque to his nostrils. We must therefore understand the distinction so we can stay far away from this sin of “iniquity” in our lives.
So I ask you these questions:
1. “Who are the “workers” of "iniquity"?
2. What do they look like?
3. How do they appear?
4. What is a litmus test of whether you are a worker of "iniquity" or not?
If we can only answer this question; who is in the category of a "worker" of "iniquity" …then and only then can we clearly understand if we are a “workers” of “iniquity”.
Let's start once again by defining "Iniquity". INIQUITY=Immoral or grossly unfair behavior, lack of justice. Injustice.
In reviewing the definition of this word you find a constant thread pointing to the word “Injustice” You will find that this has to do with handing out injustice. So, it is clearly a word that can apply to anyone in a position of power. Each one of us has the capacity to be in that position for many reasons. You and I have authority over our children, family members, church members (if you are a pastor) or at work as a supervisor of employees. We all are put in situations (every day) where we can be “workers” of “iniquity”. You really have to be in a place of power over a person or a position of power in order to commit this sin. You have to commit something that is grossly unfair. It has to do with injustice behavior.

AA Pastor said...


The Hebrew word” avon”, translated "iniquity", refers to how our heart (temperament, disposition, inclination, loyalties) falls short of God's standards.
That is clearly the reason why Jesus confronted the Pharisees and Sadducees all the time. He was disgusted with their “work” of “iniquity”. Were they moral people? Yes, of course they were! They were “better” than most people of their time because they gave more, they fasted more, and they prayed more. They were held on pedestals by society (until Jesus showed up) because of their religious positions. But there was always one major flaw with these religious leaders. What was it? They were “workers” of “iniquity”. Because they had a position of power, they constantly dispensed injustice (as they tried with the prostitute woman caught in the “very act” and whom they wanted stoned).
Many brethren and sisters have fallen into sin. For that matter, we all sin daily. Romans 3:23 “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,”
So I know you want to ask me the following questions:

1.) “Why were the Pharisees and Sadducees, not forgiven”?
2.) They sinned daily and we sin daily, what is the big difference?
3.) What is the big deal?
4.) Let’s cut them some slack?
5.) Let’s be more forgiving to them, right?
Jesus didn’t cut them some slack. To the contrary he called them a generation of vipers (to the prestigious religious leaders!)
The reason I believe this sin is so strong is because it’s a heart condition. It involves pride and power and how you use your authority to cause unfair inequity. Yes, that was the problem with Achan. There were over 36 men that were killed because of his sin. God gave specific instructions on what was to be done with the gold and silver. Achan on the other hand decided he knew was best. Do you remember Lucifer? He was full of himself and swelled with pride.
That was iniquity.
Luke 13:27 says: “But he shall say, I tell you, I know you not whence ye are; depart from me, all ye workers of iniquity.”

porq said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Factsonly1 said...

Maria Rodriguez must be SAN ANTONE's mother. She sounds just like him!

Anonymous said...

Serious?? How about instead of everyone that's posting on here and judging, why don't you actually go and do something productive with your lives? You post all your comments trying to justify something that is none of your concern. God will handle everything. Not the police, not CBS, not the IRS. I suggest that you stop judging with your exaggerated comments and actually do something productive. God takes care of everything and is the only one that may judge man.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
DueProcess said...

I agree with DoNotJudge. What a bunch of losers wasting hours upon hours speaking to (and often over) each other. Most of you are still bitter that your precious Baldemar and those that followed him LOST in a court of law. Most of you are backsliding sinners with no connection with the AA, yet here you are bemoaning what has happened to the AA. Nobody is seeking your opinion or counsel.

I could care less what you think of those still in the AA. It's our organization, not yours. We've got our issues that we've gotta work out, but every single organization on the planet has them.

Alot of you are also making slanderous accusations of men of God with absolutely no proof. You're basing your critique on ONE letter from a disgruntled former pastor. Where's the due process? Where's the presumption of innocence? You're taking each and every allegation at face value. All of you are contemptuous. Balmedar and Salomon got their due process, their day in court. THEY LOST. GET. OVER. IT.

Unknown said...

I think that is funny. However, Valverde and his supporters can not handle what they dish out on others. They made fun of others. Be little others. Now they can handle it now that there time has come. Well just like they tell all the bloggers on here. They can just GET OVER IT. One phrase.

WatchOut! said...

Try telling God to get over it . . . because I really don't think He has.

WatchOut! said...


Unknown said...

I agree with you WatchOut. How can tell everyone to get over it. When they were unable to control there remarks and their mouths. Now it just came back and slapped them in the face. Now they can't handle it. The corruption was not unnoticed by God.

WatchOut! said...

I respect Bro. Baldemar way more. He didn't steal anything . . . The gb crooks on the other hand could hardly wait for him to be gone so they could rob the church blind. Yeah, ROB, STEAL, TAKE, EMBEZZLE . . . Sounds like a CRIME to me! LADRON!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
santa maria! said...

@DoNotJudge&DooDooProcess,First of all, "DoNotJudge," isn't that a LadyGaGa song??? Only you would know. Man does judge here on earth, which is why God allowed us to establish a court system and so on and so forth. As for DooDooProcess, they didn't lose "the court case," the Judges ruling was, "IN FAVOR WITH PREJUDICE." The AA constitution had too many loopholes. That's not winning maricon.

jm said...

When the AA board members wrote that letter about Bro. Mendoza acussing him of fraud ,theft and taking advantage of his immigrant congregation they must of being looking in the mirror when they wrote it.

Unknown said...

....I know all of the Apostolic Board and to tell you the truth ALL should be replaced, the Assembly should start from scratch because : Prado, Fortino, Del Campo and Aguilar have all been in one way or another complicit in Valverdes rise and sacking of the Assemblies finances and they became blind to Vaverdes outright unethical and unchristian actions; shame on all of them ! this is the Prophet from Fontana speaking ! Woe is us !

jm said...

As you know Bro. Mendoza won in court .The board took him to court and lost.

Unknown said...

..WOE UNTO US we have all sinned against GOD and He has punished us with corrupt leaders, woe to us our Sheperds lead us astray, Woe unto us where did all the Prophets of GOD go ?

santa maria! said...

@Unknown, No joke, that is a sad thought.

Unknown said...

..Yo conoci a todos los miembros de la mesa directiva a : Prado, Fortino , Aguilar y los demas y me asuste que ellos aun estan en el poder ! que tragedia TODOS los de la mesa directiva deberian de ser re-emplazados porque TODOS ellos fueron complices de Valverde ! tendrian que estar ciegos para no darse cuenta las injusticias de mi Pastor ! que les paso alos Profetas ? que tambien a ellos se les pago por cayar la boca ?

santa maria! said...

@Unknown, unfortunatly I really believe if there was a Prophet, no one would be ready to listen or receive.

Unknown said...

Valverde, te rias de lo anticuado de Baldemar y en tu corazon te dijiste que tu revolucionarias ala Asamblea y que la sacarias de los files, de vender tamales sin embargo Baldemar no dustruyo ala Asamblea como tu lo hiciste y haci como David le hizo a Urias el hitita tu le quitaste a Baldemar su propia iglesia para ti ! Lo tragico es que aun en tu corazon no te das cuenta de tu iniquidad porque el orgullo y vanidad que tienes en tu corazon te ha encegado estas CIEGO y DESNUDO ante el pueblo de DIOS y ante la SANTIDAD de DIOS, arrepientete de todo corazon y DIOS te perdonara

Unknown said...

En ninguna organizacion se debe de llenar los puestos con familiares porque asi es como se multiplica la corrupcion, tu llenaste por anos ala Asamblea con tus primos, tu concunyo Mena, y amigos mas cercanos en quien podias mantener callados PERO los ojo de DIOS ven todo, aunque Baldemar era humilde el nunca endrogo ala Asamblea con millones de dolares como tu lo haz hecho con la ayuda de 'tu y yo sabemos muy bien quien'

Unknown said...

This is for all you Apostolic Assembly church cult like fools who love false charismatic teachers and preachers like Samuel Valverde Malverde to preach to you with vain words, enticing words, flattering words, with clokes of covetousness and make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not.

Ephesians 5:6
Let no man deceive you with vain words: for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience.

Colossians 2:4
And this I say, lest any man should beguile you with enticing words.

1 Thessalonians 2:5
For neither at any time used we flattering words, as ye know, nor a cloke of covetousness; God is witness:

2 Peter 2:
1 But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.

2 And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of.

3 And through covetousness shall they with cloke of covetousness make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not.

Are you ready for the truth? said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Valverde no estoy aqui para aventarte piedras, No ! pero si estoy aqui para llorar contigo, habre tus ojos y reconoce tu desnudez y ceguedad ! dejas ala Asamblea con : grandes heridas, con grandes deudas, con grandes divisiones y todo para que ? para presumir un edificio que nunca sera pagado ? ahora las pobres hermanas de toda la Asamblea si tendran que vender mas Tamales !

Unknown said...

Valverde you said in your heart that you were going to 'modernise' the Assembly you saw Baldemar as too humble , too backwards. Yet, Baldemar never even close indebted the entire Assembly with millions of dollars in debt nor literally divided it in half and literally kicked out any and all Ministers who knew the TRUTH about your real intentions and motives, woe Valverde !

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

@ DueProcess- The reason you do not care is because you are a worker of iniquity and a wicked narcissistic cult member and you are turning out to be like your lord and cult leader Samuel Valverde Malverde, alright?
As far as I am concerned I perceive that Baldemar Rodriguez us a cult leader too. But he is much better educated and has had much more experience than Samuel Valverde Malverde and he was not ever kicked out of being President of the Apostolic Assembly church cult for any wrong doing the more than 4 terms he served. It is amazing how many narcissistic cult members like you there are in the Apostolic Assembly church cult today that even though a man served close to 50 years in service in the Apostolic Assembly you so easily can get rid of him as he was a piece of trash. You are like a person who aborts your child and throws him in the trash. If you treat a person like Baldemar Rodriguez like that then how do you treat the new souls that go into the congregation, right? Those new souls are only good for you to use them, suck as much cash, blood and soul out of them and then you can spit them out like poop out your behind, right?
This judgement that is befalling Samuel Valverde Malverde and you and that will continue to befall Samuel Valverde Malverde and you is not of men but God and it will not end until God is satisfied.
Even though you are so narcissistic and wicked and you do not care, you should know that God cares very deeply for every soul that the Apostolic Assembly church cult leaders and members like Samuel Valverde Malverde and you have worked hard to steal from, kill, and or destroy.
You are of your father the devil.

John 10:10
The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.

SANTONE said...

Paz the Cristo pueblo en general!

I can honestly say that there is a lot of good discussion and even some bible study going on "up-in-here". We can make comments and it doesn't mean we can't have a little Bible Study in the meantime.

I don't believe that the leaders before and the ones that are current are better. They both had faults. Look, we have had many great board members that fell.

But always follow the money, those leaders that fell because of moral sins were not in it for the money. That is the measure. Like someone said on this blog, note the contrast! Sin is different than the sin of iniquity... I learned something here!

How many Apostolic Leaders fell because of the "love of money" or for a power grab (iniquity)?

Let's count them by category:

Those that fell to sin of moral nature:
1. Llorente
2. Cantu
3. Ramirez
4. Martinez
5. Barbosa
6. Maffey
7. Salazar
8. Bojorquez
9. Azuna
10. Gonzales
11. Rodarte
12. Jauhall
13. Aguirre
...I may have not spelled them all right but there are many many more!
These men fell, just as king David fell and repented.

Now lets count how many of the Apostolic Assembly leaders fell because of a power grab, finances or money?

1. Efrain Valverde
2. Eddie Pacheco
3. Sam Valverde

Unknown said...

The Fountain of Truth/Fountain of Deceit may or may not be paid off but if it is paid off it is most likely paid off at the expense of the Apostolic Church of San Bernardino's $1,000,000.00,
Apostolic church of San Jose $9,000,000,00 plus liens, and Apostolic church of Solano Beach and who knows how many other congregations. And the narcissistic Apostolic fools at the Fountain of Truth/Fountain of Deceit are apparently happy of what they have done to their fellow church cult members in the Apostolic Assembly church cult, right?

Rock Solid said...

DueProcess and DoNotJudge,
One thing you both need to understand is Sam was intimidated by all of the men that he had kicked out. He had a plan to get to the top any way that he could, but it did not happen the correct way with an election so he cheated these Bros. out of positions that they were rightfully elected to. He had no problem evicting them from church properties they worked hard for.
Now it came full circle on him with the allegations from his cousin who knew exactly which buttons to push, and it worked. When he realized he was about to be exposed, he told several members of the board that he "did not want to have the assembly go through a family feud" Really? So he cowardly quit, HE QUIT!!! He had no problem putting the family in Christ through a feud with a corrupt election, because he had much to gain, power, finances, etc etc. He even bragged at end time restoration of a million dollar home and $500,000 bank account!! What arrogance.
It is time to clean up the assembly so that we as members can move forward with our praise and finally get over this mess! Sam just simply needs to move on!!
DoNotJudge, you're right, God will handle everything.
DueProcess,Wheres the presumption of innocence? He Quit, he gave himself up and told family members he handled resolutions wrongfully, sounds guilty to me, but if you both like, follow him, we will be fine.

CP said...

I just need a phone or email to contact the news,also a need a link to see all the info in spanish.

WeTheApostolicAssembly said...

Hello All!

I feel that, truly, the Assembly is at a breaking point and the aftermath may be for the better good of the organization. I challenge all those who are, wholeheartedly, concerned about the way the Assembly operates to unite and re-engage the discussion of uncovering the real truth and demand reform from our leaders. I have heard previous Bishop Presidents speak of change and reform with very narrow views. Our flawed organization does not need a new website or a new iPhone app to step into a new age of unity; it needs to update its antiquated bylaws that allow the manipulation and, perhaps, the eventual corruption of the organization. Change does not begin and end here at this blog, and does not happen overnight. Change takes time, persistence and actual work. What has been done is done, and we cannot ask for solutions to problems that are not ours; no matter how dear the affected are to us. But we, as a whole, as the constituents of the Apostolic Assembly, that support the church with every second we give of our time and life to the His kingdom-work, and fund the organization with every dollar we give, have the power to initiate honorable change. If you are reading this, and are part of the Apostolic Assembly, I implore you to ignore the venomous tongues that make up this blog and continue with our own public discussion here (ignoring those, whose intentions are wrongly placed). Let’s begin.

Like I previously stated, change is not easy and does not happen overnight. This cannot just be a hype that divides the church (leading many members, unknowingly, to Trinitarian churches) and that gives birth to the spirit of bitterness and vendetta. Come on people, we literally have saved souls at stake here! How many have not backslid after each violation of trust by our leaders? We are the only to blame for allowing the violations of the few to affect the many for so long. I’m not talking about the Pastors and members that started another church and only look to slander anyone associated with the Assembly. I’m talking about us, the members, which continue loyal, for one reason or another, within the Assembly and stand by in silence. We always look up to our pastors and district bishops to initiate this reform, but this is the wrong angle of approach. Change starts with those who actually have power… us, the constituents. The General Board only gives the notion of power by flashing their fancy titles, and enforcing their code of secrecy. Without us, the members, there would be no Apostolic Assembly and we need to remind them of that. Most of us will not leave the Assembly, because the truth is: Where do we go? Most other churches have now resorted to backwards doctrine, deceitful Trinitarian based teachings and just plain absurdities. I’m not saying that there are not good alternative churches, I’m saying that the fundamentals of the Assembly still stand true and are worth fighting for. We need to protect our monotheistic doctrine and continue spreading the word that there is only one God, one Faith, and one Baptism!

WeTheApostolicAssembly said...

There are a lot of oddities on how the assembly is structured. Creating most of the problems we have seen up to today. Man was created weak, and when engaged with the high calling of spreading the word of God, shall always encounter the enemy’s taunts of temptation. Have you ever noticed the pattern of how our prayer warriors and kingdom-work focused brethren are always facing some sort of trial? And our first thought to mind is always “Why him?” or “Why her?” or “Why them?” “They are so nice, always helping with something at church, and always reaching out to souls.” The enemy will always try to tarnish your testimony and rob you of your blessings, as we have experienced in the past and have seen on this blog. We need to unite in fasting and prayer to rebuke the enemy and ensure that provisions get instated to not only promote fair game within the Assembly, but to protect the organization and its leaders. I’m getting a bit off topic, so let’s continue. Why do we quiet our voice? Out of fear? Why do our pastors not act upon our cries? Why do pastors and district bishops not lift their voice and demand resolution? Honestly, because they truly do not have a voice. Our goal should be to reform the system and create accountability by having the General Board give accounts to a non-executive, yet vested, group of people; perhaps the entire body of district bishops? At this point, the General Board responds to no one; they all concurrently serve the role of officer and board member (these are usually kept separate to create a system of accountability). The only other organization, which comes to mind, that functions as we do is the Catholic Church. Really? We follow the same organizational structure of a non-represented Sovereign Hierarchy that has caused hundreds of wars century after century. This needs to change!

WeTheApostolicAssembly said...

There is a dramatic measure that can be taken, by the constituents, which might get everyone’s attention. Once we have everyone’s attention, this will open the door for pastors and district bishops to be able to speak freely without repercussion. The key to this is that neither the General Board nor local church can reprimand its constituents like they do the pastors and bishops (we do not work for the Assembly). By beginning with us, the members, we are protecting our pastors and bishops. I have honestly heard some good plans of reform from different pastors and bishops, but somehow always revert to silence in the end. We need to take matters into our own hands and move forward towards true reform! Before we get deeper into this, we need clarify the gossip that reigns over the matter at hand.

- First and foremost, I hear serious accusations of theft and embezzlement but no actual proof or examples of the said actions. So far from what I read and hear is that: general board members redistributed assets and broke the Assembly’s bylaws. This is all legally within their powers and without consequence due to the lack of provisions to penalize officers or board members for breaking the Assembly’s bylaws. Can someone truthfully elaborate on these accusations?

Before I continue on with details of what I feel may be a game changer, I will wait to see the response of our Apostolic Assembly members. Please forward this to everyone you know. Do not fear, because when speaking in truth not only is God on our side, but the law as well. This is why we must ignore all the slander created by the majority and create a strong foundation in which we may rebuild on.

I would love to hear your thoughts. We can converse here on this blog or, privately, by reaching me at Please excuse my anonymity, as you all know how judgmental people can be, I feel that being anonymous is necessary for the time being. I pray for the day that we may all stand united, without the need of anonymous names and emails.

May God guide us all.

LL said...

Can someone post the county or where I can find the Lien(debt) that S. Valverde place on the AA?

Are you ready for the truth? said...

As long as there are 'Chamberlains' among you nothing will be done.

There is power in words as to this day we read many books of authors that penned in down that still makes an impact today, whether the author is secular or religious. Which is why many of us have to resort to writing out thoughts down in hopes of reaching out to others. An important point that some of you forget is that God does permit us to make 'judgement' for example 'Mark those that cause division amongst you' yet what some are writing "we'll, we just got to pray, Gos will take care or it' or how about the way God disciplined Achan? To this day and forever there will not be any descendants of Achan for disobeying and 'stealing' treasures from Jericho for his own self gain.

I have read a lot of great scripture that some of you have written but to give you insight to what God thinks, have you read Ezekiel 13, read it for yourself and see how it applies to men like Valverde, Sanchez, Espinoza, and the rest.

How about this scripture: Ezekiel 11:9? God will bring them out to be judged by strangers, could that be a courtroom?

Consider this final scripture: Ezekiel 34; 1-10. Can you see how these hand full of men in this example?

Don't sit idly by, or you also can blame yourself for being a chamberlain in a time of turmoil. Some of you say, "we'll God is going to take care of it" NEWSFLASH!!! He already spoke of what he thought about it.

Unknown said...

@ WeTheApostolicAssembly-
The Truth and fact is that no one will be able to change the old Apostolic Assembly because of the way it was originally structured. Example: Let's say the AA some how got a very wise godly President that has the wisdom on exactly what to do but you got too many board members who are fools and want to keep the organization as it is. Then guess what? The wise President will not be able to make any changes, ok? At the next level there is the Bishops it is almost if not completely impossible to for them to get together on their own to have a meeting to even discuss the needed issues much less getting them to take a vote for the changes needed to the AA constitution. And let's not even bring up the pastors in the AA that are in a worse situation than the bishops in the AA and would be able to get together and or address the issues needed for change and or to cast a vote.
And so what does that leave you?
What many others have done to achieve change, ok?
To achieve the Apostolic change you are looking for you need to think outside the box of the AA, ok?
In order for Apostolic's to get the changes they need and want you need to abandon the old AA and demolish it and get together in small groups and then work to meet with other groups and start from the ground up and custom build what you need and want.
Because what is needed is the old building (the Apostolic Assembly) to be humbled and demolished completely before you can build the New Apostolic Assembly, alright?
That is the reason there are over 250 pastors, teachers and preachers and thousands of members have left because the fact is that that is the only way you or anybody can achieve change. To try and change the Apostolic Assembly is like trying to change the way the Catholic Church conducts it's business. That is why so many have left the Catholic Church so they could get the change they wanted and needed. Then many went to the Apostolic Assembly thinking it was a lot better only to be deceived. The answer to all your questions, needs and desires for change in the Apostolic world will be found when you find the sincere Truth of the Gospel of Christ.
p.s. Christ and his apostles never formed a 501c3 non profit org.
All they did was they studied to shew themselves approved of God, becoming disciples, then teachers and preachers of the gospel forming small groups and larger groups every where they went, amen?

cbg said...
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lehan said...
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