In case you missed it, I shall I summarize what has happened:
1.) Edward Pacheco was ousted by his cousin Sam Valverde within the last month or so. (I believe it happened after Edward got mad at Sam and confronted him about altering pastor Arellano’s resolution and ALTERED THE AMOUNT OF THE RESOLUTION FROM $600K TO ALMOST $10,000,000 using this forged document for The Fountain Church refinance loan (assisted by Andrew Rodriguez). That was a nice commission you and Ocho got!
2.) Sam Valverde decides he will quiet Eddie and removes him based on a lame excuse. BTW, I wouldn’t be surprised to find out Eddie was doing something “shady”. They are both cut from the same cloth…cousins!
3.) Eddie sends out a “Tell All” letter on some dirt about his cousin, Sam. (This letter had to have been authorized by Eddie’s attorney, otherwise it would be slander).
In the letter Eddie accuses Sam Valverde of the following:
a.) 1st San Bernardino church was raped of $1,000.000 cash to steer to Sam Valverde’s church. (I guess the SB church members are not worthy of their own building because The Fountain Church needs to build a mega building)
b.) San Jose Church had a resolution that was drawn up for Corona church altered (forged) to get more loans for Sam Valverde’s church. ($9,770,000 lien on San Jose).
c.) Solano Beach church was raped of their future by allowing Sam Valverde to put another lien on their property. (ALTERED RESOLUTION TO INCREASE TO Millions).
d.) Unauthorized email access was done of a board member's email account, General Secretary Daniel Solomon. It was done at least once by Sam Valverde’s wife, Rachel Contreras Valverde and consequentially many times through the years by Sam Pacheco Valverde.
FOUR CRIMINAL THINGS DONE BY Sam Valverde & company:
1.) Changed and forged name of resolutions designated for another church to The Fountain Church.
2.) Forged and changed amount of agreed resolution from $600k to almost $10,000,000 on at least 2 different churches. That's financial rape!
3.) Illegally took $1,000,000 cash from the San Bernardino church and hermano's for The Fountain Church
4.) Both Sam and Rachel illegally hacked bishop Solomon's email account. Federal & State crime!