Attached is the link to the Plan of Action and Stewardship sent to Apostolic Assembly pastors both in english and espanol.
For your review....
Click here for: Montebello Closing Documents
As noted..."The bank charged for the cost of the loan. Then, the AA Inc,(A Non Profit 501c3 Religeous Organization) added its fees. The AA Inc. is neither registered with the Department of Real Estate nor the Department of Corporations, which allows for charging of fees in a loan".
Please feel free to share.
Blogmaster General
1 – 200 of 2267 Newer› Newest»Wow nothing on there about being a good Pastor.
Nothing about losing members left and right cause you sit on your behinds all day and don't do your job.
Just as long as the cash keeps flowing in its ok. You can be a lousy Pastor, and still be kept on the church's payroll, no matter how many members you have lost.
Make sure everything is in there name every car, every bench, every pot and dish. I think maybe even the toilet paper.
What a bunch of greedy men of God.
Thank you much for postng this letter. Now I can copy it and slow everyone what their leadership is all about.
Who cares about the spirituality of the church?
Not our fearless leaders!
If you have anything inside the church that belongs to you. You better take it home every service, because from on now there will be no more lost and found room. Everything belongs too the Dishonorables.
This reminds me of the story now the Grinch stole Christmas. HE Even had the gall to steal the candy from the little kids.
This is out right Highway robbery.
Get to your church ASAP and grab all of your church's belongings. Soon you will be without a job and you will need these items for your next church or to sell to feed your family.
Being PROACTIVE for my Pastor means he gets up in the morning.
Heard from one of my "doesn't know any better" relatives in Midland, Texas with Bracamontes that he told the church from the pulpit "if you don't like the way things are run here (in my kingdom) HIT THE ROAD"!!
Same characteristics of the GB, bishops and pastors in the AA.
I guess they have not gotten to part in the Bible how they are suppose to care for the flock instead of telling them to get the flock out.
After years of hard work and sacrifice to raise funds and build a church.
The Den of Thieves can just come in and take without ever lifting a finger to have helped you. All the donations that were given, like pews, pupits chairs etc from good hard working hermanos with a good heart.
For what? For the rats just to come in and take it?
Run! Run! Run! And grab everything you can carry before the GB takes it and sells it to pay for Valverde's church, Pacheco's construction, and the 3% raise the GB just awarded themselves. While the CEOs of the other corporations are foregoing their bonuses and raises because of the recession, the GB is getting a raise. What a bunch! Send your tithes immediately or they will replace you with a "yes man" like Zaragosa, Hoyer, the rest of the Bishops, Fortino, etc.
APO Pastors are quite the leaders.
I bet they're just staring at the train coming at the them like a deer in the headlights.
They won't even know what hit them. They'll just call it a trial like they do with everything else.
Don't forget that the DGB wanted to take Pastor Torres to Court over a $10.00 plant of flowers. They will stoop as low as they can.
For all you in the AWA, its not much different. You all come out of the same doctrine than the AA.
As the AWA is set up, there is no form of accountability. Yes, each congregation is independent. BUT, the church is the independent business of the pastor, set up with more yes men. No elders and no bishops. No form of local accountability.
Just look at Montebello. They went from a Church, to a gym to now, a basement.
Where are all his original members? Where are the members of his 12?
All gone.
Go stuff it fool !
Anything is better than The Assembly.
The AA is a joke, the mere fact that there is a Maffey and a Pacheco on the general board makes it a payasada !
As soon as those two names came up I knew it was a farce !
How in the world did you people in Texas get stuck with Bracamontes? That man is bad news! We had a lot of trouble with him over here. The Pastors didn't like him because he was always stealing members with lies. Lugo despised him too. I heard he was glad with he left the Interior District.
I did not receive any fax regarding the items you mentioned. However if you scan and email them to me, I would be happy to make them available to the AA and AWA constituents.
Blogmaster General
Well I guess it just goes to show you all that the people that you all defended so much and thought they cared about you really did not even care one bit.
Now all those Pastors that turned on these men that left it is time for you to eat up all those harsh words you spoke about these men. AS you see your churches leaving your hands.
* 2006 fraud elections oust Daniel Solomon and Juan Fortino even though the pastor's after fasting and hearing from God, voted overwhelming for them.
* Eddie Pacheco, Sam Valverde's close gossiping cousin becomes a board member with 2 votes out of 250 (it was obvious the pastor's didn't want him) It's suspect who the two votes came from.
* A group of former GB members file lawsuit as a way to investigate the elections (Since the GB was not willing to have an honest and open investigation)The ex GB members are not asking for money in the lawsuit, just want the “2 votes” to be explained.
* On a technicality the courts throws out the case and the truth about the "2 Eddie votes" never comes out.
* The AA claims victory even though they still maintain they don't have to explain how "2 vote Eddie" got in.
* The AA General Board fires and excommunicates all those who signed onto the lawsuit. The GB changes the locks to their churches and they and their members are left out in the cold. This is done on the basis that they should not have sued. (The GB wanted them to keep silent to the fraudulent method of AA elections)
* It is discovered that the AA has filed many lawsuits for many years (therefore rendering their excuse that the plaintiffs should not have sued, mute and void)
* Video is taken of current Bishop Lugo disrespecting the former president of the AA by calling him "ex-pastor" and asking him to tell his members to remove the camera from the meeting/service. All the while current AA president, Sanchez stands hiding in the background unashamed of his own actions.
* "ex-pastor", reverend Baldemar walks to the front of the altar, faces the congregation, lifts his hands and tells the congregation that he does not agree with the "decisions"(election fraud,etc...) by the GB. He is essentially washing his hands before God and the people who stay behind in the AA. In other words, God is not blessing the GB fraud.
* Former AA President, Baldemar walks out with 3/4 of his congregation.
* The plaintiffs form the AWA.
* Abel Torres, the whistle blower; states that he will never return to the AA even if he was invited back unless changes are made to the corporate structure. In other words, "I don't want to be a part of the “same o, same o".
* As many as 100 AA pastor's and ministers leave the AA to join the newly formed AWA.
* The AA finally begins to feel the financial strain.
* The AA loses its insurance policy after the insurance company refuses to renew the policy because of too many potential and current lawsuits.
* Ex AA pastor, Willie Mendoza wins a counter-lawsuit against the AA.
* The AA must pay out of pocket as the insurance policy only covers for defense of lawsuits. They filed the lawsuit and it backfired.
* Many current GB and family member pastors begin to feel the financial strain. Many are on the verge of losing their buildings.
* The banks will not lend money to the AA and their credit rating has gone way down.
* The GB has an emergency board meeting about the financial strain
* They hatch a plan but say they will put a positive spin on it. They say that the purpose of the financial plan is "for YOU pastor's to get better rates and for YOU pastor's to be able to GET loans to BUILD churches."
* LOL!
* Is there a pastor out there dumb enough to try to get a loan and build a church in this current national economic condition? With members losing their jobs?
* Is there a pastor out there dumb enough dumb enough to sweat blood and tears to raise funds and to build a church so that it all goes to an elite few GB members and their families? It won't even belong to the local congregation.
* Is there a pastor out there dumb enough to think that the GB would sign off in you getting you a loan right now? (If you don't believe me, call the general offices and ask them to sign off on a loan for your church) They will laugh real loud behind your back.
* By the way, any pastor who has had any experience in trying to get the GB to sign off on a loan know you have to trek all around the U.S. trying to find the president to sign off on loan docs. Local pastor's have to get on planes, spend money trying to hunt down the bishop president and the bishop secretary into far cities just to bring the loan docs to be signed off. The GB would make the pastor's jump through hoops.
* Do you think the GB will now suddenly cooperate with you?
* It's all coming back to haunt the GB
* The GB is trying to buy time. They only have about a year or less before their financial empire crumbles.
More loans, more refinancing means more money for the AA Real Estate Department.
Andy Rodriguez and Nate Ochoa making big bucks on the backs of the hermanos. Then giving kick backs to Valeverde and Pachuco.
Can any sources from Las Cruces, NM confirm that Pastor Mateo GarcĂa was removed from his pastorship or that they lost the church building recently?
Andale Mr Blogmaster. You have the documentation. Show the world of the AA Double Taxation Program.
And one more thing Mr. Valverde, Pacheco, Sanchez, Maffey, Prado, Del Campo and others.
What Actions have the Board of Directors taken, what policies have been adopted to deal with the wave of on going sexual crimes against the members of the Apostolic Assembly?
Oh, and I mean sexual crimes that are being committed by your LICENCED MINISTERS/PASTORS who have gone through your CID, Tomos, Sadela..etc
Do you need some names to jiggle that memory of yours?
People v. Pastor Richard Ricardo Avalos Maffey
**Accused for Sex Crimes against a Minor**
People v. Pastor Armendo Fierro Barrientos.
**Convicted of Sexual Battery**
Need some more?
Ok, please refer to the California Attorney General's Megan Law Website for Sexual Predators Convicted of Sex Crimes.
In this site you will find some of the following I hope former Apostolic Ministers, who were licensed in the Apostolic Assembly at the time of CONVICTIOM.
Ted Quirino
Raymond Alcantar
Adam Dominguez
and more to come......
Who needs Satan when you have the Apostolic Assembly in the Faith of Jesus Christ abusing the people?
The AA Leadership allow for the financial abuse of its members as well allows for its children to be Sexually Violated by Sexual Predators.
Oh, I didn't forget the Voluntary Manslaughter Conviction of Victor Prado II and the Millions of Dollars paid out by the AA for the killing of another youth.
I could go on......
Merry Christmas General Board!!
...Brothers, enough is enough
Valverde and Pacheco were able
to get millions in financing to
build their buildings because
they used the secured equity
of other chruch buildings in the
...How come other brothers weren't
offered the same deal to raise
a new church building in their city !
...All you have to do brothers is
create your own corporation it only
costs 300-1000 dollars at most
and you can start all over again
without the GB breathing down your
necks for the tithing of tithing
...Put the new church buildings under your new corporate name,
don't worry about spiritual covering, the Holy Spirit knows
your situation and will guide you to ALL TRUTH and not just
speaking in tongues and running
inside a church building
...Valverde has become the Black Pope, the real power behind
it all, he was allowed to
be in the GB unchecked and
he did a RELIGIOUS COUP, got
rid of all those who would oppose his plans and got in the way
...Valverde, as a PROPHET of the living GOD, repent or great
will be your fall, your PRIDE
has reached the FATHER, repent
or your biggest fear will be
born from what you yourself hath sown
Sorry but Apostolic pastors are the laziest self-centered group of Christians I've ever dealt with.
They are too complacent to do anything about this situation.
They have all let God's people down. Typical politicians.
Bishops and pastors,
Dont let this letter fool you! The workmans comp for pastors must come from the AA Headquarters. Because the churches, under the Apostolic Assembly, are not soverein and are under the umbrella of the AA. Therefore the "pastors" in the AA are considered Employees under CA State Law. Therefore, The AA Has a legal obligation to cover all of its "Employees" within thier organization. If they are caught once more denying coverage for any member (Pastors) withing its orginization they can under California Labor Law loose thier Non-profit status. Please Pastors, I urge you, do your homework! do not get bamboozled by the General HQ. They must cover you BY LAW! It is their obligation as the employer and not the responsibility of the local church, as they are owned and operated by the Apostolic Assembly.
You hit a GOLDMINE!!!
We have been observing the AA for sometime, but need a couple of injured pastor's to come forward.
The AA has never provided Worker's Compensation for it's pastors (They are considered employees because the AA headquarters owns their church buildings) Since the AA can fire a local pastor the local pastor is considered an employee of the AA organization!!!
Have you ever heard of your employer telling you that you have to pay out of your paycheck for your own worker's compensation?
***Worker's Compensation Law***
Failing to have workers' compensation coverage is a criminal offense. Section 3700.5 of the California Labor Code makes it a misdemeanor punishable by either a fine of up to $10,000 or imprisonment in the county jail for up to one year, or both.
Additionally, the state issues penalties of up to $100,000 against illegally uninsured employers(Apostolic Assembly).
If an employee gets hurt or sick because of work and you are not insured, you are responsible for paying all bills related to the injury or illness. Contact the information and assistance officer at your local DWC office for further information. You should be aware that workers' compensation benefits are only the exclusive remedy for injuries suffered on the job when you are properly insured.
If you(Apostolic Assembly) are illegally uninsured and an employee gets sick or hurt because of work, that employee can file a civil action against you IN ADDITION to filing a workers' compensation claim.
The reason the letter was sent to the pastor's to get Worker's Compensation coverage was because the heat is on them right now!
We are waiting for several current AA pastor's who were injured on the job) to come forward (in confidence) so that we can haul the GB into court and eventually into prison.
We are close but don't have current or former injured pastor's who can create the dominoes affect we are expecting!
Attorney General:
So if the AA is asking Pastor's to pay their own workman's comp. Are they breaking the law?
Let us know so we can get the ball rounding.
To the truth for once:
It is very, very probable that this is illegal.
When I said "probable" this is a legal term. If I had said "possible" then the chances are lower, because anything is possible.
The problem is that until we are able to get a willing pastor or pastors to challenge this we can't investigate further.
By the way, the pastor's names will remain anonymous throughout the investigation.
This would not be a civil case this would be a criminal case. In other words "The People of the State of California Vs. The Apostolic Assembly of the Faith in Christ Jesus, Inc. and the current General Board, headquarters employees,et al.
The faces on the picture tell the whole story. It is a picture of evil. They look like very sneaky, sly, conniving, and ruthless people. They could care less what happens to the AA. They have enough money set aside already. They could care less what happens to everybody else. The three bandidos! Watchale!
Look at the Montebello Docs. Look how the Bank Charges for the Loan. Then, to Tax the Members of the Church, the AA adds ITS FEES, which are substantially more than the Bank Fees.
Since when can a 501c3 Charge Fee's for a loan the Bank gave?
Praise the lord everyone,
This is the first time I write on this blog....But lets make something clear here. I do not wish to reveal the source of my legal expertise, but I will say, especially to ottie and Attorney general. You make a point to a certain degree, And I'm sure that If these pastors find an attorney good enough to argue this case they may have a chance at winning, especially considering the fact that Judges are pretty fed up and almost completely intolerant of lucrative 501c3's resolving to unethical practices. But the sad bottom line to all of this, Is that the assembly functions as a ca corporation, Its local churches or Assemblies, Are seen as chapters of this larger corporation, whose revenues, savings, capital and real interests are thus seen from a more global perspective and as a part of the larger whole. Asking Pastors to provide workers compensation for themselves through their local church, is the same as any other corporation Asking its local chapters to care for the financial responsibilities of its site employees, since all money raised technically belongs to the larger organization and not necessarily to the local Chapter.
This fact stands, because the Assembly should have incorporated every district Individually as is the case with the Catholic Church in the United States. If anyone knows how tho cover their bases, its the Catholic church. When all the sexual molestation cases came to light, The victims attorneys were not able to go after the Big Fish, The Catholic Church, or even the American catholic church, because it made sure to cover all of its bases and legally incorporate itself into Diocese(Districts). When the victims sued, they had to sue the Diocese independently.
We have a lot to learn, any major lawsuit hits the assembly and it will all come down as a whole. The idea behind incorporating locally or as a district is definitely something in the best interest of the pastors. Some sort of legal authority should be given to these pastors at least within their respective districts. That way they would have more say as to functions of the church.
From Sunny SD
My question is this, Do the local churches deduct federal, state, social security, sdi and other deductions from their pastor's checks?
If there is a local pastor out there who knows, this could be great information.
I suspect that the few pastor's that do deduct these type of government imposed taxes are the General Board and they have left each pastor to sink or swim on their own.
In Texas it would cost every church a minimum of $5,000.00 per year to have workers compensation! You see why the GBer's want local churches to take responsibility? Their no fool! They're rip offs! This guys are the stupidity at it's best!
By the way why would any of this lazy ass pastors need Workmans comp? Chances of getting hurt doing nothing are miniscule!
The Assembly is ONE "stress" related worker's compensation claim away from falling apart sooner than later.
I am not trying to put any ideas in the mind of any current or past pastor. But if one pastor went to the doctor and the doctor stated you are officially sick because of stress from your position as an AA pastor, the pastor can put in a Worker's Compensation claim.
The whole AA would come tumbling down! The GB board members could go to prison. Because all non-profit or for profit corporations have to have Worker's Compensation. The AA admittedly does not carry WC for its pastors and it never has.
Now here is the sad part. Because the AA has never ever had WC compensation for its pastor's they (GB) would go to prison.
Doesn't anyone have the backbone to stand up and put the members of the DGB where they belong?
Attorney General:
Does the WC claim apply to all pastors in all the states within the US or is this only for California? Thanks!
If an employer has employees in other states they must abide by the other states laws.
It's on a state by state basis. The strongest case against the AA would be an injured California pastor.
All hell would break loose!
Good question!
It was the night before Christmas.
And all through the AA.
Not a creature was stirring not even a mouse.
All the Pastors were frighten to say anything.
The Missionaries were silently waiting for their Christmas flor azul funds.
When out of the night like a thief in the night. Popped out Sammy, Eddie and Danny and took all the funds.
As they drove off with the loot in the trunk. They heard them exclaim
Merry Christmas to all, it been very Merry for us.
Merry Christmas to all Pastors and all a good night. Don't forget to send your tithes directly to us. Or come next year you won't have job!
Merry Christmas to all. Thanks for your donations that made our Christmas nicer.
Keep on giving all year til it hurts. That way it won't hurt us.
Happy New Year.
Make sure you make our year happier by sending in your tithes.
Make sure to put in that extra flor azul and mano a mano LOVE offering.
Remember God loves a cheerful giver.
We are already cheerful receivers.
So keep it coming all year round.
Plant you seed so you can sow, and when you sow don't worry we will be there to get that too.
With mucho LOVE
The Board
Valverde was left unchecked
his powergrabbing began years
ago I was personally witnessed
to the fact and I even commented it to a Brother who
worked directly with Valverde...
Ten years later my theory
about Valverde became a fact, he made his move and in the process divided and even split
the entire Assembly in half
American-Anglo Churches have
church boards so that that sort of thing wouldn't happen,
a church board keeps Pastors and
other brothers in check
Valverde after all is human like the rest of us, greed,
pride and power flow through our carnal flesh but most
of us fight those temptations
with fasting and prayer and humility
Valverde's sin /lie is still
getting bigger, the Assembly
is on the brink of Bankruptcy
if not has already decalred
bankruptcy or is very close to it
This is what I believe will
happen to Valverde: he will
eventually split and create
his own church, the fontana church is in the name of the assembly so if it is lost/ repo'd
by the bank Valverde will be too proud to stand before other
church leaders
As it is Valverde fired
brothers left and right
MALICIOUSLY, an example of this was
Bro. Alvarez, bro.Alvarez was
a former law enforcement officer
and had in numerous ocassions in the past had to appear in court
under penalty of perjury and declare the truth to the judge about people he ticketed/arrested
bro.Valverde expected Alvarez to
lie for him before a lawyers
deposition and bro.Alvarez knew
that he couldn't lie
The body of Christ is NOT
a FRANCHISE bro.Valverde, you
should not run the church in the
same manner as KFC, subway or Mc
Donalds, your talking about the
souls of men here !!!
What is done is done, I know
that you probably cant sleep at night Valverde after all that you have done, your SUEGRO which I also knew in National City would be turning in his grave if he knew what you have wrought to this Assembly
I still love you in the
love of Christ, and I know that GOD will forgive you if you repent and undo the things
which you did behind close doors
Valverde, everyone knows that
you were the brains behind
the entire thing I even know that you used to joke about your own cousin Pacheco, youve always seen him as somewhat
of a joke-annoyance
Brother, we all sin, but the
rest of us are not responsible
for splitting up an entire
christian organization almost
single-handedly like you are
Sorry guys... but I honestly can not understand what's going on with that document. What's going on with all this?, Why they needed the money for? Is it truth that the AAFCJ in on the brink of bankruptcy?
Help me please?
Bro. these documents which
the newest one dated this year in september is telling/warning the
assembly pastors that they need
to send in their tithe of tithes
10% of what a local church picks up and send it to the assembly if they want to remain part of it and enjoy
the priveledges of it
If you didnt know ever since
the break-up of the assembly and
the subsequent crash in the economy the financial condition
of the general offices have taken
a nose dive for the worst and
their credit rating as a corporation has also been downgraded
Additionally, it appears that with several lawsuits against the
present General Board the
Assembly has lost its insurance
and now must pay out of its own pockets any losses and Lawyers fees
My friend that letter was
a desperate attempt to try and
squeeze funds from any and all churches as much as possible,
unfortunately most church buildings are in the name
of the assembly some will be
repossessed, others will be sold
to keep the assembly offices alive, but it doesnt look good
It only figuers that a morally/ethically bankrupt organization would eventually go financially bankrupt.
Now I understand why Pastor Danny Acosta from Beloit, WI resigned as Pastor and gave the church back to the Midwest District. That letter sent to the pastor is more than a threat for them.
The GB is not interested in church growth for the Lord. They want church growth for money and that is totally wrong.
I have a video of the Convention held in 2007. A lot of weird thing happened there. But what really made me felt ashamed was the guy in charge of the offering.
I will try to publish that video on youtube today. That way all you guys will know what I am talking about.
I spoke with several members of the AA over the holiday weekend, and found out how ignorant they really are!
1. They don't have any idea of what is going on with the organization. Their pastors have kept them on the dark, and know nothing about what the GB has done and is doing.
2. When I told them everything, they didn't want to believe it and immediately went on denial.
3. They said their men of God would never do what I told them they did. Even when I told them what websites to look at for all the documentation.
Again I say WOW!!!! What a bunch of dumb asses the AA is producing.
That includes you too pastors, your days are counted. because like I said before, that dumb ass minister you have in your congregation that is giving you a hard time? HE IS going to turn on you and give you up to the GB of the AA.
What a bunch of dumb asses! lol.
to milly...
when was it that danny acosta from beloit resigned from the aa?
lol Going from the AA to the AWA is like going from the Al Quedas to the Taliban! lol
Danny Acosta just resigned as Pastor. I don't think he is out of the AA. But to be honest with you, I will not be surprise if he, one of these days, resign from the AA.
If you do post that video on you tube. Make sure you give us the link.
Thank You
I just uploaded the video that I was writing early about all the weird things that happened at the 2007 Ministerial Convention in Texas. I have more stuffs, but the part of the offerings was disgusting and pathetic. The offering collector was so arrogant and manipulator.
No wondering why they want more people... they don't care for the souls... they care for the people's pockets to emptied in one of these activities.
30 minutes asking for a "miraculous offering" Geeezzz!!!
This is the link for the video:
Please, watch carefully this video. You will notice all kind of stuffs. Share your opinions in this blog.
What a rip off. The members working hard to build funds for the their own local churches, and Adam Lopez puts the Pastors in postion to embarrass them if they don't come with the money.
During the prayer they should have ran and never stopped.
Then when he is talking he gives his little fake hesssssssssss a Mama.
They used the missionaries for their own greed and hunger for money.
And he talks about the Trinitarians making fun of us for not picking up enough offering.
Shit they been making fun of us for putting up with the sheep in wolves clothes for this long.
He thinks the Trinitarians care about what we do.
We're the laughing stock. The AA is the bottom off the barrel.
The organization not the God
fearing members.
But it is good to be the bottom off the barrel right now. We can only go up after God gets rid of the thieves, and the brown noser Pastors like Adam Lopez.
Amados Hermanos/Hermanas:
Sirvan a Dios con todo su corazon, su mente, su alma, y con todas sus fuerzas....a los Honorables Dios los juzgara a SU tiempo. El tiempo de Dios es perfecto.
Estamos en los ultimos dias....es urgente que nuestro enfoque este en DIOS...el hombre comete errores y los cometera siempre..pero Dios es perfecto y JAMAS nos va a defraudar.
Dios les bendiga.
Did you hear what Adam Lopez said (on the 2 of 3 utube link below) about bishop Valverde building a $12 million dollar building?
Adam says "I think that's a little crazy myself"(trying to construct an expensive church building in this economic environment)
Even Adam Lopez thinks Valverde is crazy in trying to build a $12 million dollar building.
By the way, everyone on that platform knows that the missionary offering doesn't all go to the missionaries. Most of it goes to the GB headquarters to pay for their overhead expenses. The missionaries will probably share $15,000 of the supposedly $700,000 they are raising in this one night. Remember that $700,000 is besides all the other offering and flor azul money. Where is all this money?? I don't see the AA buying buildings for the missionaries.
At least the UPC and the "Trinitarians" give all the money they lift-up to the missionaries directly.
Adam and the board is so corrupt!!
Ask any missionary how they are doing financially and they will tell you they don't get very much financial support from the AA headquarters.
Two New documents have been posted discussing plans to remove Pastors from their churches:
Plan de AcciĂłn Y MayordomĂa Plan of Action & Stewardship -
Presidential Letter - http://apostolicassembly.info/Presidential_Letter.pdf
Here are some excerpts:
In the Joint Bishop's meeting celebrated each year in February, the supervising
bishops shall present a written report of the compliance of corporate responsibilities of
their pastors. Furthermore, the supervising bishop shall submit a list of all
non-compliant pastors. This document will be in force taking into account the tithes of
tithes beginning September 2009.
On the 1st of March, the General Board will send a certified letter to pastors who are
non-compliant, notifying them of the March 15 deadline to comply with all their corporate
responsibilities, and of the Third step described below. Those pastors needing help in
complying with these should seek help and available resources from their supervising
Pastors who do not comply by March 15th , with all their corporate responsibilities
hereby described, shall be removed from their pastorates by the 1st of April of the same
Apostolic Assembly - Removal of Pastors Commissions
"We must remember that we are the authority, we did nothing wrong and we must
execute this judgment without fear because we are doing the right thing, as hard as it
may seem. Guard your emotions, we have fasted, prayed and wept for many months, now it is
time to execute our decision. Our constitution and the Bible back us up. Keep cool,
confident and collected and do not get into any arguments. We are not there to answer
"why" or any other questions. We are there to say the "what" and the "what" is that they
are ceased fl.-om the ministry of the Apostolic Assembly. Do not be late to the meeting,
fact be there at 11 :30 and make sure you return from lunch at 2:30pm.
"1. Find out what day the church has midweek service.
2. Write a letter to the Bishop setting up two meeting:
a) 12pm meeting with Commission and District Board
b) 3pm meeting with the pastor to be removed
. . .
3. Call the Bishop to discuss the emailed letter to let him know the paper copy is coming.
4. If the pastor responds that he is not available, the Bishop must be firm
5. If the pastor attends the meeting . . . There should not be explanations or
discussions. This is not a judgment and he will NOT be allowed to bring a minister, his
wife and certainly, not his attorney. . . There will not be any ceremony nor will he be
allowed to speak to the congregation, in fact, it would be best for them not to be present
6. The Bishop should be told to inform the police that there will be change of pastor
and, if possible, to have a patrol car in the area and aware of what is going on.
7. The Bishop should have a locksmith ready to change the locks.,
8. The Bishop should know which ministers, leaders, if any, are with the Assembly and
will respect the change.
La Asamblea se quedara sin pastores y edificios vacios! Se les cumplio el deseo a la familia Valverde.
Que Dios los perdone.
This is really what that letter from Sanchez and Valverde
says : Bishops, Valverde and I
have totally destroyed the finances of the Assembly and
to pay for our personal mistakes, bad stewardship and mis-management we are forced to make all the brothers in the Assembly pay for it out of their own pockets or else we will kick them out...
Sanchez keeps on saying, we
confess that we are being chased
by our creditors because Valverde can't make that 80,000
dollar a month payment and because we devoured and mispent
the refinancing equity of several properties under our
watch, banks our breathing
down our necks and now we
will breath down the local
pastors necks for every last
Brothers, Sanchez, Pacheco and
Valverde need to be RECALLED,
the local churches need to
kick them out, they misused
millions of the Assemblies credit and now they are
threatening to kick out those
who do not keep sending them money
For all of you who are still members of the AA, or affiliated with this organization - "WHAT A BUNCH OF DUMB ASSES!!!" You DESERVE EVERYTHING you get! Even a sinner like me know when somebody is telling me to bend over and take from the ass.
Some of you say, at least have some respect for the pastors. Yea right! First of all they don't respect the truth, they don't respect themselves, and surely they don't respect you. So why should anybody respect them?
Those of you that are still following this corrupt, man made organization, are just as bad, and ignorant as they are. So I can say with confidence that no judgement will come to my life for speaking the truth, "YOU (GB, BISHOPS, PASTORS, MEMBERS) OF THE AA DESERVE WHAT YOU GET - CORRUPTED, IGNORANT FOOLS OF THE AA.
What a bunch of DUMB ASSESS! Hahahahahahah.
Now that this topic has come up, I do remember that in 2008 I had donated $1500 to two different missionaries. One was in the AA and the other was affiliated with the UPC. I reached directly to the missionaries to let them know I was going to give an offering to them, however because I also wanted gain a tax credit I needed to send it to the corporate offices so that I could obtain a recipt from the non-profit organization. I had also asked if they knew how much they would receive and how quick they would get it.
The AA missionary didn't know the answer for each of
question. The UPC missionary said the home would keep 9% for an administrative fee and would receive the funds within 7-10 business days via a wire transfer.
Keep in mind that this happened at two different time periods in 2008. When i followed up with the UPC missionary the funds had been dispersed as he indicated. When I followed up with the AA missionary the funds had not been dispersed when I followed up a few months later he said funds had come in but he did not know the source of the funds nor was it the amount anywhere close to what I had given.
Needless to say I have only given to the UPC missionaries since then. I also received a receipt from the UPC never from the AA.
Fortunately I have the cashed check and my accountant and the IRS is happy with that.
WOW!!! Estos los lideres de la asamblea, preocupados por lo que los trinitarios piensas de ellos, que ninerias disque mandar a los pastores a vender los zapatos de las esposas para que les den dinero. ese pobre no tiene ni gracia para pedir una ofrenda. Lo siento por los hermanos que tiene bajo su cargo, de estar oyendole en cada culto, como que cae mal el pastor Lopez.
Wonder how many pastors throughout the assembly will be getting a certified letter . . . That is too cold blooded any way you look at it. I guess the locksmith companies will be making a killing.
Why didn't they just get out when they could without all the embarrassment. They should have incorporated and changed the name of their church with all funds from that point on legally going into a bank account under that name. WHAT WERE THEY WAITING FOR?! DID THEY THINK THE DEN OF THIEVES AT AA OFFICES WERE GOING TO BACK DOWN?
So I just got a copy of the Pastor's Letter that the AA GB wrote. Now I tell you we are surely seeing the apocalypse of the organization. Pastor's If you were not ready for this church if you were not ready. As I live and breathe I was waiting for the day when your eyes would be open. Too bad it had to take such a drastic action by the criminals of the church. As sure as I breath we are about to see the destruction of the AA. God has given them one last chance and this is how they handle the chance God has given them. Such a shame when people can cut out pastor's and churches so heartless are these so called politicians that they no longer fear God the fear there money is running to low. Now I tell you all they are now in the hands of THE GOD ALMIGHTY and he will handle them. Sanchez your days as king are over with no remorse you terrorize the people of God. Sanchez you are the AA equivalent of Hitler now Just as he killed of the Jews with no remorse you are killing of the people of God. I am going to Pray for you because you and the lunatics that run the AA are about to see the hand of the Lord.
In a new letter on apostolicassembly.info by Pastor Torres ". . .who will stand up and defend our people?"
Apparently there is no one left to do so. People take heart and look at what the Lord has done for those who stood up and said "no more". Pastor Torres' church is flourishing and growing by leaps and bounds. The Lord gave them a new church, the courageous members are hardworking, happy and united and many souls are being reached. We did not lose anything. Do not be afraid, God will be with you as He is with us. God Bless.
"We must remember that we are the authority, we did nothing wrong and we must
execute this judgment without fear because we are doing the right thing, as hard as it
may seem. Guard your emotions, we have fasted, prayed and wept for many months"
What kind of BS is this?
Is there not one Pastor that has the balls to stand up against The Three Stooges?
WE can see that its truly Valverde, Sanchez and Pacheco that are doing all the evil while the other balless Five just follow like mindless idiots.
Diostodolove you are right about those things you wrote about, but sometimes you have to stand up. Just like in the days of Nehemiah when they where rebuilding. The fight was brought to their backyards, and while building some had to pick up the sword to defend what they had worked for.
The evil dishonorable board is bringing the fight to our backyards now.
We have to stand up and do something. The Diabetic Pastors, or Bishops that are ill like Hoyer will never stand up to help. They care more about their livelyhood then what is right.
Is there someone out there that knows what legal means we have to stop the greedy 8 from closing down our churches and stop their raping of the AA?
Someone wrote about the workman's comp thing.
Can anyone besides Pastors go to the state and file something to get the ball rolling?
El Pastor Eddie Campa se esta encargando de vistar las iglesias en Distrito Interior. Este Pastor esta "auditando" las iglesias de todo el distrito. Segun me informo el tesorero local,el hermano Campa ha encontrado varias irregularidades en los libros de tesoreria de muchas iglesias. Dicho esto al parecer el removimiento de muchos pastores en la asamblea sera inminente.
Pregunta: Tiene la asamblea apostolica listos los ministros que tomaran los pastorados de las iglesias que se quedaran sin pastor?
Nomas nos cuesta decir, el lema de final de siglo de nuestra asamblea:
Hey Presidente Sanchez I wanna be a Pastor.
Jez I tired of cutting el grass.
I rather sit on my ass.
Mi Pastor works only 20 hours a month, and makes more moni que yo.
I workee like 6o hours a week, and he says come cut my grass too. Y when I izz there he just lookee por la window. Not even a glass of aqua me da.
I better go now before the first lady comes out and sends me to vacumm the church.
Como son huevones los dos.
They sleep in til noon, she stays up all night on my space and facebook.
Y they lookie for mucho mucho love offering all the time.
So Presidente Sanchez I wanna be a Pastor too.
I hear que van muchos to be kicked out.
Consider this my application. I will send you the tithes every week, and if you want I go cuttie your grass too.
To everyone Happy New Year 2010 and to your
little miser leader Sammy "wanna be doctor" V.
may you and your big greedy family- Mercy U!
Here Sammy boy take a good and I mean good look @ your most admired Pastor/leader here:
You've always copied and pasted from him, I dare you and your cohorts to do the same now
Anti-Gay Pastor Rick Warren Begs For $900,000
The Rev. Rick Warren, pastor of Saddleback Church and author of the best-selling book The Purpose Driven Life, is begging parishioners for $900,000 before January 1.
In a letter posted at the church's website, Warren says, “THIS IS AN URGENT LETTER unlike any I've written in 30 years. Please read all of it and get back to me in the next 48 hours.”
He goes on to ask parishioners to fill a $900,000 financial gap in the next two days.
“On the last weekend of 2009, our total offerings were less than half of what we normally receive – leaving us $900,000 in the red for the year, unless you help make up the difference today and tomorrow.”
Warren says expenses are up because church members are out of work.
The Orange county megachurch pastor continues to make news with his views on homosexuality. In recent weeks, he made headlines for first refusing to take a public stance on a proposed anti-gay bill currently being debated in Uganda, saying “it is not my personal calling as a pastor in America to comment or interfere in the political process of other nations.” One version of the bill prescribes execution for gay men and lesbian if they are HIV-positive or have a history of participating in gay sex.
Warren, however, reversed course just days later in a video statement to Ugandan church leaders where he said “it is my role to speak out on moral issues,” and called the bill “unjust, extreme and un-Christian toward homosexuals.”
“Because I didn't rush to make a public statement some erroneously concluded that I supported this terrible bill, and some even claimed I was a sponsor of the bill,” he said. “You in Uganda know that this is untrue.”
“I oppose the criminalization of homosexuality,” he added.
I just read the letter Pastor Abel Torres wrote yesterday regarding Sanchez and the GB and WOW!!!
What a letter!
This man who since DAY ONE has stood up to Sanchez, Valverde and Pacheco and the REST!
No wonder they got rid of him! At least they thought they had.
Now these documents THAT state as a FACT THAT Arturo Espinoza was sent by Sanchez to speak to Joel Montes that he was being considered as a candidate for the the AA board even though they (Sanchez,Valverde)were aware that the church was not in the name of the organization, weeks before the FRAUD of 2006. WOW.............!!!!!!! It was a CONSPIRACY all AlONG!
I'm confused here, is Abel Toress with the AWA or with the AA? By his writings it looks like he is still with the AA. Some enlighten me please!
He is definitely not with the AA.
I think we ALL know that he is on the side of JUSTICE.
Now regarding if he is with the AA or the AWA why don't you ask Sanchez, Valverde or even Pacheco? I am sure they'll make that very clear to you. They HATE the man that's why they got rid of him. Another suggestion regarding the AWA why not call one of the directors?
Pregunta: Tiene la asamblea apostolica listos los ministros que tomaran los pastorados de las iglesias que se quedaran sin pastor?
It's been Sammy the Scammers plan all along. Remove Pastors and replace them with pastors LOYAL to HIM.
By doing this, he can get 'real' votes to become president. Then he can dictate and establish HIS mega church.
Matthew 12:45 - "Then he goes and takes with him seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter and dwell there; and the last state of that man is worse than the first. So shall it also be with this wicked generation."
It's AMAZING how Pastor Abel Torres not being an employee of the AA can still have a lot of influence in the AA organization. Sanchez, Valverde, Pacheco and the rest I am sure you're regretting it now!! BAD MOVE!!! Worst thing you could have done was to throw him out of the AA. At least by keeping him there you could have had some kind of control!!!
I vote for Speedy Gonzalez for next AA president, skip the pastorship role, Speedy.
Really the way it looks now no real qualifications are required for the general board positions. I mean pastors dont even have to have properties in the AA's name, you dont even have to have been a bishop, a measly two votes will even get you a spot, even if you have committed fraud - real estate and auto theft. Of course, being related to the current board will help immensely. Darn!
Para aquellos de no habla Ingles la carta que escribio el Pastor Abel Torres el dia 30 de Diciembre 2009 esta traducido en Espanol.
"and certainly, not his attorney. If he arrives with an attorney or someone else, simply do not let him in."
What astonishes me is that in all the documentation up on the net, not one single word takes into consideration the Hermanos of the local congregation.
They speak and treat the congregation like we are the personal property of the AA.
We have absolutely no say in any of this, not even the elections. Whats wrong with this picture?
As per the video of the Offering Session at the Convention, Adam Lopez is an idiot. And the Devil sitting next to him is the Devil himself, dressed in a suit, Daniel Sanchez.
This organization, lead by a bunch of greedy, whoremongering, unethical bafoons and cheats is dooomed!
Gracias for the spanish translation I was having a hard time translating to my abuelita.
caminando_voy said...
I vote for Speedy Gonzalez for next AA president, skip the pastorship role,
Why not?
We already have Daffy Duck as the president.
Goofy as the Vice.
Wiley Coyote as the Sec.
Dumbo as the sec of home missions.
Bugs Bunny as sec of International Missions.
Elmer Fudd as sec. of Social Assistance.
Baby Huey as the sec. of Christian Education.
Wally Gator as the General Treasurer
Happy New Year to all.
Hope we have a better 2010.
Don't worry about Valverde. He can have the Position of President of the Apostolic Assembly. It doesn't mean a thing now.
I would have more respect for him if he was the president of the corner naranja sellsmen.
His downfall has started, maybe not this year maybe not next, but it has started.
He will be a ruined bitter old man, with nothing.
God can't be Mocked, he will have to pay dearly for what he has done.
Pacheco has a special spot in HEll for himself if he doesn't repent and and humble himself.
Sanchez is too old and bitter to change. I hope I'm wrong, but if he doesn't repent he will find himself in an insane ayslum. He knows what he has done and allowed Valverde to do, and the guilt will kill him, or drive him over the edge.
I rest of the board God have mercy on you.
Abel you used to be one of the good guys and sold out for a few pieces of silver, and your wife's desire to be a GB members wife. you lost the respect that many had in you, and maybe you also lost your place in heaven too.
Which Abel are you talking about aguilar he has lost a lot of respect.
I was refering to the one on the dishonorable general board.
After reading the latest letter from Daniel Sanchez this is further proof that a man is attempting to use his authority and the Word of God to justify
his actions and actions taken by the General Board. So I ask the same question that was posed several months ago. When will someone speak up? What is wrong with the Bishops? What is wrong with the Pastors? why does it appear that you are too timid and afraid to address this concern? Don't you realize that by not saying anything you are actually supporting the actions that are being taken????
I cannot believe that you will just sit by and say nothing.
I do realize that there has been mistakes committed and I am not
accusing this current administration of being the only ones that have made mistakes but at least in the past there were men that were not afraid to
speak up and in many, cases the wrongs committed too many were corrected.
Now those men are gone and it appears that the ones that are left have chosen to ignore and
not say anything. Is it because of the position that you have? are you afraid of losing your income? WHAT IS IT! How can you sit and just watch everything fall apart around you? The Bible state that every good and perfect thing comes from the Lord and it also states the HE is not the author of confusion and much that is happening is Bad, Imperfect and confusing. You are acting as if your silence has been 'bought' and that is a great shame.
How can you sit there and watch what was built by many great men and women of God be torn apart in such a short period of time by a handful of men?
Don't you realize the long term affects that this will have on many people that will no longer walk into your churches? Don't you realize the scores of people that may never walk into another church house? You will be responsible for them. Your only excuse to God will be that you were too afraid of man.
I can state with no doubt that Daniel Sanchez, Sam Valverde, Edward Pacheco, Abel Aguilar, Arthur Espinoza and the other board members will go down in history as single-handedly destroying a great church organization, not a perfect one but a great one.
With all respect to the readers, especially if you are a pastor, I realize the load that you carry and understand the many challenges you face as a pastor, but understand one thing, you do not want to be known as a coward (I know that is a harsh word but it is what it is).
It is wrong to go against God's Word but it is totally acceptable to speak up against practices, wrong doings, inconsistencies and double standards that has and is being committed by man. They are not 'Ceasars' they are supposed to be keepers and watch over the people of God. You don't deserve to be in the position of authority if you refuse to speak up.
You will be respected for standing up for truth. There are many that want justice and wrongs to be corrected.
Something else to consider, there are hundreds and thousands of people on your side and only '8' people on the other so it's amazing to me that a handful of men are allowed to mishandle God's people. Don't you realize that what is happening can cause in some cases irreparable damage, do you want to be part of the problem? or part of the solution?
I will not sign this letter, it is not that I am afraid it's only because some may want to point their attention to who I am rather than understanding the message of this letter. Let's just end by stating the we know each other.
Si Samuel Valverde lee este blog, por favor permitame preguntarle lo siguiente:
Acaso terminĂł usted de escribir el libro “I was there”?
Poco despuĂ©s que ustedes excomulgaran de la Asamblea Apostolica a los Hnos Baldemar RodrĂguez, Abel Torres, Saul Avila y Daniel SalomĂłn; usted dijo en una reunion de Distrito que iba a publicar dicho libro. Me gustaria leerlo…
Alguien sabe aquĂ si lo publicĂł?
Quiren saber que tan apegados estan Joel Montes y Sam Valverde?????? Miren este video!!!!
No que no??? Barbaro!!! con razon lo puso una gran cantidad de veces como nominado a la mesa directiva y no gano. Solamente logro que su carnal de mision mundial (Abel Aguilar) ocupara un lugar de mesa directiva.
Este hombre piensa que la Asamblea Apostolica le pertenece!
Opinen Algo!
Alguien grabe este video desde youtube antes que lo quiten!!!!!
Don't go up against god's anionted!
"Our constitution and Bible back us up.
Ps: we're taking applications for Locksmiths.
go to our website:
I just saw the video where Sammy greets Montes a Happy Birthday.
Sammy is so full of it, that it stinks.
He says Montes has cried at night. In my opinion the only thing that fool is crying over is having a dog faced woman to wake up too every morning.
Interested... the point is that they are afraid to speak after they saw what happened to the ones who stood up and were heard, Baldemar, Torres, Salomon, Avila. What they haven't seen is that these men of God have prospered in spite of what was done unto them. God didn't leave them, it was a win not a loss.
Wow, what is going on, and what have I walked into? I was not born into this organization, but It saddens me that, there are so many wonderful and Godly Saints of God, leaders and members alike, whos reputations are sitting on, what may be, corruption. I do not know what's going on, as far as what I read, I just know my own personal testimony. I pray to God, things change, however, if it is Gods will that things do not, I pray Christ Jesus will raise up those who really are about His Holy word, in this organization. May the Assemblies, and EVERY Apostolic organization get back to the basics of the word of God, and soon.
God Bless you all!
Ok, our services since the convention suck. Forget this, I'm going back to the AA.
Hasta luego!
To Said:
Do what dogs do! Go back to your vomit! You deserve what ever the GBers have to offer!
Welcome back my brother said.
Don't forget to bring your check book!
To said go ahead and go back to the AA if there is even one left because the AA is already beganning to dissolve it had dissolved spiritually, in respect and their finances why do you think they did not have a convention not because they wanted to spend time with family but because they could not afford it they had to stop this one to save up for next year.
The aa and the congregations that dont believe I mean refuse to believe what is going on you all have become the biggest joke.
Realize the poor AA is in a bad situation.
The Trinitarians are laughing at us, cause all we can mustard up is a lousy $700,000 at convention.
While Rick Warren is up to $2.4 million so far.
Bssides selling half your wife's shoes to donate. Sell your children's shoes too. And throw in their college fund too.
You don't want the Trinitarians laughing at us. Do you?
shamba shamba shamba
Copied from the LA Times for the unholy 8 that sit at their man made throne.
It began akin to a trade-show booth
Banner overhead with the moniker of “Truth”
It’s purpose to mask the thin veil of faith
And with you as a Sheppard no wallet is safe
Faking omnipotence, proverbs rehashed
Shouting down the false prophets as the checks are cashed
Shaking your finger, pointing out our sins
And deluded you think it will be you who wins
Well, gilded lilies have pedals that die
And you know there is no glory for those who lie
Sheppard the needy, the weak, the dying
Filling your belly with salvation they’re buying
False piety adorned with bracelets of gold
High-end suits bought with the souls you’ve stole
Afterlife - a money back guarantee
Yes, and a return policy no one will see
Tax breaks and travel with money you hoard
Plus all those free lunches in the name of the Lord
For you know the game and all the science
You & your cohorts, the unholy alliance
Long time standing, repetition of lies
While crescendos induce psychological highs
With trust funds and church bonds among your schemes
You build a lifestyle paid with the congregates dreams,
“Don’t worry now if you can’t make the rent
God will work miracles with the money you’ve sent”
False piety adorned with bracelets of gold
High-end suits bought with the souls you’ve stole
Like Judas with his own rope for a belt
And I hope, around your neck that belt will be felt
Your children reflect your own compromise
Their integrity knowingly founded on lies
Your family’s unsheltered by denial
And their fangs cannot be hidden by any smile
Mary Magdalene wasn’t half the whore
Of your precious children you pretend to adore
And I know I cannot change a damn thing
Nor can I lessen the pain of the praise you sing
I wish you forty lashes to burn and sting
Less the crown of thorns, for you are no king
High-end suits bought with the souls you’ve stole.
Ya lo sabia... como dicen en ingles "smell fishy"
It would be ok if it smelled fishy.
Smells like a broken sewer pipe.
Yeah I hear when Joel Montes comes to end times, he is real demanding and wants the red carpet rolled out for him.
Everybody runs when they see him coming.
What timing with the Torres letter and documents he provided and the youtube that Valverde made. Valverde confirms that he tried to shoo in his good friend onto the GB and the whole time he knew they were in violation of the constitution. Talk about double standards! It is all a joke!
Sammy,tooo....late!! Many of us saw the video. QUE ESTABAS PENSANDO??? Abel te vento una buena "curve ball" con esos documentos.
By the way tell Ernie he did a great job especially with the sound where your message was heard LOUD AND CLEAR as you spoke of your GOOD FRIEND "Joel."
Gracias a Dios que estos individuos de Midland y Houston Texas nos han dado declaraciĂłn por sus cartas de los trabajos cubiertos en la Asamblea ApostĂłlica. Ya sabemos porque nuestra Asamblea esta como esta.
Los dos pastores en este pleito son dos personas consentidas y mimadas en su área familiar y religiosa. Por esta razón ahora son rivales y enemigos dento y fuera de la Asamblea.
Nunca se imaginaba Abel Torres que iba quedar totalmente fuera de la Asamblea al demandarla en la corte secular. Para añadir al insulto, quedó Joel Montes dentro de la Asamblea y aun queda la propiedad de su iglesia en Houston a su nombre (Joel Montes) en vez de al nombre de la Asamblea Apostólica, Inc.
En esta carta que escribe Abel Torres (31, diciembre, 2009) podemos ver que lo que más le duele y lo que más le puede a Torres son las cosas que ha hecho Joel Montes. ¿Por quĂ© le puede tanto a Torres que Montes mantiene la iglesia y propiedad de Houston a su propio nombre (Montes) cuando le quitaron la propiedad a Torres en Midland? Los dos heredaron estas propiedades de parte de su padre o su suegro; no las trabajaron, las heredaron.
La rabia que trae Abel Torres es que Joel Montes tenĂa acercamiento como compadres con la Mesa Directiva. Ellos usaron a Joel como un tĂtere para correr como pro-candidato en las elecciones de fraude en Long Beach. Ahora, Montes se dejo utilizar por la MD en no ganar en ningĂşn puesto mientras que lo dejaran quedar de dueño de la propiedad en Houston.
Esto se nota claramente en la carta que vemos en letter@apostlicassembly.com escrita por Joel Montes a Daniel Sánchez donde da muchas gracias porque la MD le ha dado la oportunidad para funcionar en diferentes puestos en el distrito del este de Texas.
Joel Montes se explica obviamente en la carta a Daniel Sánchez, que no fue por elecciĂłn, pero por la oportunidad que ellos le dieron para tomar ciertos puestos. ¿Esto incluye la posiciĂłn de Obispo?
Ustedes ya pueden concluir que esto es problema y pleito personal entre dos rivales, Abel Torres y Joel Montes. Sabemos bien que por años y años se hizo fraude en las elecciones, desde el tiempo de EfraĂn Valverde cuando entro la Calificadora.
El arreglo de Joel con Sánchez para colocar solamente los que Sánchez querĂa o necesitaba en la MD no es algo nuevo. ¿Ahora sale solo esto a la luz? ¿Cuántos otros han hecho juego irregular con la MD para sobrevivir o apoderarse en una posiciĂłn mas alta y de mas dinero?
Lo malo que hizo Abel Torres en su carta de 12/31/09 dirigida a todos nosotros los pastores, primeramente es declarar que en verdad Ă©l (Torres) no esta contento con la Alianza Mundial ApostĂłlica. Aparentemente no puede olvidar la Asamblea ApostĂłlica.
Segundo que hizo una larga lista de nombres que han dado problema a la iglesia, pero por su conveniencia no incluyo a Baldemar RodrĂguez quien fue parte del fraude durante su reinado de 23 años de la Mesa Directiva.
¿Por quĂ©? Porque esto no le conviene a Abel Torres. ¿Por quĂ© no el conviene a Torres incluir a Baldemar? Porque Baldemar esta con Torres en la Alianza ApostĂłlica.
Aseguense que yo no estoy de lado de Sánchez ni de Joel Montes. Solamente me interesa ver la falta de Abel Torres en no incluir a Baldemar quien hizo bastante mal a muchos pastores en la Asamblea. También, me interesa ver que Abel no suelta su gran interés en controlar o manipular asuntos de la Asamblea de donde él ya no es miembro.
Si es que Torres le interesa el crecimiento de la AWA, y del trabajo de traer almas a JesĂşs, debiera “olvidar lo que queda atrás… y extendiĂ©ndome a lo que esta delante, prosigo al blanco, al premio de la soberana vocaciĂłn de Dios en Cristo JesĂşs” Filipenses 3:13-14
Thank the Lord that the two individuals from Midland and Houston Texas have given us through their letters, a clear look at the covert operations in our Apostolic Assembly. Now we know why the Assembly is in the shape it is in.
The two pastors in this battle are two spoiled and self- indulgent individuals within their familial and religious community. This is why now, they are enemies and rivals within and outside of the Assembly.
Abel Torres never imagined that he would find himself totally outside of the Apostolic Assembly when he sued them in the secular court. To add insult to injury, Joel Montes stay in the Assembly and was even able to keep the Houston church property in his own name (Montes) instead of in the name of the Apostolic Assembly like all the other church properties.
In the letter of Dec 31, 2009, written by Abel Torres, we can see that what hurts and upsets him the most is what Joel Montes has gotten away with. Why should it matter to Abel Torres that Montes keeps the church property in Houston in his own name (Montes) when Torres had the church in Midland taken away by the Board? Both men did not work for these properties, they inherited-one from the father, one from the father-in-law.
The rage that Abel Torres has is that Montes had a close relationship with the Board as a comrade. They used Joel like a puppet to be runner-up at the fraudulent Long Beach elections. Montes consented to allow himself to be only a runner-up and not win, with the agreement that the Board would allow him to keep the Houston church property in his name.
This is clear in the terminology that Joel Montes used in his letter to Daniel Sanchez that is posted on letters@apostolicassembly.com where he gives thanks to the Board for giving him the opportunity to function in different positions for the AA in east Texas.
Joel Montes states clearly in that letter to Sanchez, that it was not by election, but by opportunity given to him to assume those positions in the district of east Texas. Does this include the position of Bishop?
It is a forgone conclusion that the tug-and-war is a personal one between rival; Abel Torres and Joel Montes. We know for a fact that for many years, the elections have been fraudulent, since the time of Efrain Valverde and the introduction of the Calificadora.
The arrangement between Joel Montes and Sanchez to insure the placement of Sanchez people in key positions on the Board is nothing new. So this comes out now? How many other ministers have made dubious arrangements with the Board in order to survive or elevate themselves for monetary gain?
What Abel Torres did wrong in his letter of Dec.31, 2009 to all the pastors, is to first of all, allow us to see that he is not happy with the AWA. Apparently, he cannot forget the Apostolic Assembly.
Secondly, he made a long list of names that have been problematic to the Assembly, but he conveniently left out Baldemar Rodriguez who, along with the others, committed fraud during his 23 year reign on the Board.
Why? Because it was not convenient to Abel Torres to mention Baldemar. Why is it not convenient to mention Baldemar? Because Baldemar is with Torres in the AWA.
Please be assured that I am neither on the side of Sanchez or Joel Montes. My interest is in the fault of Abel Torres in omitting Baldemar with those who did damage to many pastors in the Assembly. Also, it interests me to see that Abel doesn’t let go of his great interest in trying to control or manipulate things at the Assembly where he is no longer a member.
If indeed, Torres is interested in the growth of the AWA and in the work of bringing souls to Christ Jesus, he should, forget what is behind... “and strain to what is ahead, press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called ‘us’ heavenward in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 3:13-14
To Sent it and Lived it:
You have a very weak argument against Torres. It is obvious that he has nothing to gain. A child can see that he had everything to gain by not saying anything. Your attempt to disguise yourself doesn"t fly with us. You are AA all the way. You are way off. You don't seem to know which way is up. You are one of those that judges everyone and does nothing about anything.
What gives you away is that you don't mention a single thing about the cruel tactics of Dictator Sanchez.You attack the one who speaks out against it and you don't mention a single thing about Daniel Hitler"s demonic methods. You need to inquire in Arizona about his noncompliance and rebelliousness when he was there. What right those he have to condemn fire and destroy others? Who made you and him the judge. You sound like John the pervert Sanchez.
Well, of course you have!!
I said it once and I'll say it again, toooo....late!!!
Surely, you don't think the "FACTS" that Abel Torrres posted with his EXCELLENT LETTER is going to go away or be REMOVED as fast as my "FRIEND" Sammy removed his FACTS!! I think those documents are here to stay my friend. Oh!! I'm amazed how fast copies of these documents are being made and are being passed around too. They are going faster than those guys who make those delicious pancakes at INTERNATIONAL HOUSE OF PANCAKES!!
Let’s play fill in the missing wholes to seen it buy obviously not lived it.
1. If it was against Joel Montes it would never have affected the assembly it would have been a problem between the churches in Houston and Midland.
2. It does not change the fact that the GB was still in Violation of the constitution
3. Why would they kick out a bishop just for not liking another bishop?
4. If it was just a problem between two bishops it would not have affected the whole AA because a problem between two bishops has never had such a negative impact on a whole assembly. I mean what diluted individual would believe that.
5. Conspiracy that is now being validated by the GB clearly shows that the GB is corrupt and so are those that follow them because no Honest man of God would follow their leadership when they are clearly not following God.
spurious relationship is a relationship one in which two occurrences have no causal connection, yet it may be inferred that they do, due to a certain third, unseen factor.
So here your theory that the whole assembly is in this mess because of a one bishop not liking another bishop. Spurious relationship and the third unseen Factor is that the GB cheated in the elections and there is your third unseen factor that connects the bishops to the assembly crashing, So just a quick review,
True relationship
GB cheating=assembly falls down.
False relationship
Bishops maybe not liking each other=assembly falls down.
So clearly not lived it. Next time you want to come up with a theory make sure everything ties together or another person is going to do then what I have down just now.
"the rage that Abel Torres has"???
Now I've heard it all. That is too ridiculously much. Now when has anyone EVER seen Bro. Torres in a rage? Or angry, or even close to mad. I have known the brother for decades and nothing seems to rattle the man. I totally admire him for standing up to the entire general board when he discovered their wrongdoings. I think that is why it has had such results and made people open their eyes because of his seriousness and devotion to the Assembly. I'm sure that just because he's not in the AA anymore it doesn't mean he doesn't care for what happens to us in the hands of these crooks. This proves he has not abandoned us and thank God, we need him.
It took a special person, one of his caliber, to finally take on what no one else had the courage to do. My greatest admiration for this calm and intelligent man of God. "rage?" Yeah, imagine Bro. Torres in a rage about anything. Sounds more like that runt, Pacheco or Sammy the Bull, or that screaming Aguilar.
Since Valverde remove his video, I posted the last part of the offering night at the 2007 convention. He is begging for money!!!
Milly! GREAT JOB!!
You couldn't have done it any better!!
My source in the tundra of Wisconsin do confirm that Pastor Danny Acosta did resign from both: pastoring Beloit, Wisconsin and the AA. Another one bites the dust!
Breaking News!!!!
On January 16 2010 the AWA will be ordaning and introducing the churches who are joining. Bishop Baldemar will be presinding over this event....
It is said that the AA church of sacramento will be joining.... And many others...This will take place in fairfield ca.
Esta carta me la hizo llegar un hermano del Distrito Medio Oeste.
Danny E. Acosta
955 Burton Apt. 7 Beloit, WI 53511 608.449.7070 608.449.7577 pdannyacosta@sbcglobal.net _____________________________________________________________________________________
28 de diciembre del 2009
Amados en Cristo:
¡Paz de Cristo!
Después de largas horas de reflexión exhaustiva, he decidido presentar a ustedes mi decisión, de no formar parte de la organización Asamblea Apostólica de la Fe en Cristo Jesús.
Con profundo agradecimiento a Dios primero, por permitirme tan alto privilegio de trabajar en su obra. En segundo lugar agradezco a todos los lideres, colegas y hermanos en la fe que durante tantos años combatimos juntos como parte de este ejército.
Esta decisiĂłn no es el efecto de renuncia por: inmoralidad, divisiĂłn, rebeliĂłn contra autoridades, fraude, conflictos personales, negaciĂłn de la fe, disgusto pastoral o como protesta por asuntos electorales.
He decidido solo como un hijo que luego de madurar desarrolla un deseo y una visiĂłn de formar su propio hogar tomando lo aprendido de papa y mama. De igual manera en este momento lo hacemos.
No vemos a nuestros hermanos como contrincantes sino como compañeros de la misma fe en Cristo Jesús y deseamos nunca nuestra decisión culmine con esa relación familiar.
Estaré siempre al servicio de los santos y defenderé su causa siempre y esta sea: Santa, justa y piadosa.
Con amor en Cristo se despide su servidor,
Danny Acosta
Lugo, Your days of feasting in all those fancy restaurants are almost done, your body looks like it can use a break. The Offer is still open if u wana Blow me.
Excuse my langguage brother in the Lord, I am just a little pissed off at that fat tub of lard.
It's so sad to see what the GB as well as some bishops and pastors of the AA have done to people. My heart and prayers go out to this person who has obviously been hurt!
Thank you For understanding my brethren, I just dont understand why people dont stand up to this come mierda. (Piece of Shit, for the english speaking people.)
Wow, surfing on the web and found this site! I remember back when my cousin was voted for youth president in Torres's district when all of a sudden a relative moved there and in one week replaced him with a family member. Now Torres is writing I miss you letters? I guess he misses his Assembly like seen it and lived it states. Pay back is a b****. Thanks for the great news you all Apostolic World Wrestling Alliance or whatever the hell your called.
You should have voted for Pedro.
The comments that I posted last night regarding Abel Torres letters and his animosity toward Joel Montes and visa versa was only to try and enlighten Abel Torres to know that he is transparent and that many of us know why he sued the Assembly.
Not for justice, not for fraud, not for love of our heritage, not to enhance the work of God, not to destroy Sanchez and his gang, but only because of the notoriety and attention that Joel Montes was unjustly receiving at the fraudulent convention in Long Beach.
The sad thing about this is that the loving, kind and passive Apostolic minister which Abel Torres is supposed to be, lost his cool and forgot his father’s teachings to let the Lord fight his battles; fast and pray and leave it to God.
Torres did not obey I Corinthians 6:7, “The very fact that you have lawsuits among you means you have been completely defeated already. Why not rather be wronged? Why not rather be cheated?”
But when he let his anger at Joel Montes continue even after Torres was ousted from the Assembly, it showed that Torres continues his vendetta even while beginning a new division.
Why not just let it go? Let God take care of Sanchez and his gang of thugs. No one can reek vengeance quite like the Lord does.
Our concern is about Torres, his health and wellbeing. We believe he needs to focus his energies on the more positive aspect of the AWA, his local church and his family. Let God handle that dishonorable Board.
Remember, God’s work is His responsibility, we cannot fix it for Him. He will hold any of us accountable for our behavior, our actions and our thoughts and words.
That is why we mentioned the verse, “....forgetting those things that are behind.” Let’s forget that Joel Montes owns the church in Houston. Why does Torres consume himself worrying that Joel is on the deed of the church?
In the grand scheme of God’s plan, what would happen to all the evil plans worked up by Montes, Sanchez and his villains? Let’s leave that mess to God and let us concentrate on His soon approaching return.
Califonia Love:
I agree with apocalypse your relative being disqualified is no way close or can't even be compared to what Sanchez, Valverde and the rest are doing to the AA. So PLEASE don't sing us the "somebody done somebody wrong song." By the way I am surprise you haven't drowned yet! You been surfing on this blog for quite some time. I remember you since this all begin and singing the SAME OLD SONG!
Seen it and Lived it!
Tooo... LATE!! The damage to the AA was done Nov 13,14, 2006 when Art Espinoza was sent BY Sanchez to speak to Joel before the convention! There is nothing you can say or do to change that! So my dear brother and possibly sister SAVE YOUR WORDS!! You can't cover it up anymore so get your "good night rest."
You poor poor bitter people trust me you are about the only ones that hate Torres because we would all take him away from you all in a moments notice.
You all are so bitter I have talked to people who are from all over the place that would want him as Pastor because we respect him.
He lost his position and his title all for the greater good of the AA and you all what have you lost. Yeah that is right just as I thought nothing.
So while you people are bitter if you texans don't like him trust me there are plenty of other states that want him including us Cali people.
California love you have to be the most ignorant person to not know how much we talk about him over here and would love for him to come you know you poor Gb slackies are just on here because they days are numbered they have been weighed measured and found lacking.
So get over your self and wake up to all the people that want him over here.
Seen it and lived it:
It is clear that you are Pacheco or Valverde. You are trying to cover everything up by flinging mud. It is too late. First of all, it is now so plain to see how the GB conpired to place the ones they wanted on the board. There is an uproar about it. It is like a flood. None of you can stop it now. You should have thought about it when you made the arrangement with Montes. As much as you try to change the focus of the real issue, the real problem is still there. What everybody is angry about is the trampling of the people of God by the evil 8 of the GB. Pay close attention and hear the cry. It is resounding all over the country! GB, you time is up!
Let me remind you of what the evil GB is instructing the Bishops to do:
#6 "The Bishop should be told to inform the police that there will be a change of Pastor and, if possible, to have a patrol car in the area and aware of what is going on." #7 "The Bishop should have a locksmith ready to change the locks." Part of #5 says, "If he arrives with an attorney or someone else, simply do not let them in." This last part, violates civil rights. Everyone has the right in the USA to be represented by an attorney. The GB will argue that it is a matter of the Church and that there is separation of church and state. It is true, then why are they involving the police of the State? Is convenience involved here by the GB once again? They always approve what is convenient for them.
you're wasting your time if you keep putting your faith, your lives, or your money in either the AA or AWA...
I'm not saying do not attend, but don't repeat the same mistake and continue to follow blindly.
regardless... the exodus has just begun...
this policy was badly written, will be terribly executed, and will cause issues to occur that the GB have no answer to resolve.
on a secular manageria;/administrative level... this is simply bad execution of a terribly policy...
the AA is run by untrained, uneducated management...
Seen it and Lived it - So you think that Torres should just forget the whole thing! Don't be ridiculous. He seems to be the only one willing to put himself on the line and take criticism such as yours. If you'll notice he puts his name on all his writings, whereas the rest of us don't have the guts. He may be trying to clear his name to those that the general board convinced with all their lies that he did wrong. Look at all the bishops and pastors who would rather sit on their a____s and keep their checks coming. They don't want to rock their moneyboat by disagreeing openly. Its easy to sit back and let someone else do the work. I don't think he's bitter (even if he was who would blame him after all he was put through) I for one thank the man for keeping up the effort. Some people still don't understand what happened or didn't want to believe. A lot are beginning to believe now that it is being verified by documents. I say keep up the good work!
NO ME DIGAS: Please allow me to correct you regarding signatures.
Sanchez signs his name on the COLD BLOODED and THREATENING letter he sends to the Bishops regarding the destruction of all pastors and their families who don't comply with the GB ordinance which he states in the letter
"WE ARE THE AUTHORITY!" (don't you forget it!)
Joel signs the letter he sent to his friends on Nov 15, 2006 expressing his most profound gratitude that he has been offered the job to be on the board even if he isn't fairly voted in by the ministerial body of the AA and the church he pastors, New Life Center is not under the AA.
The GB's worst "NIGHTMARE" has not gone away! Torres has posted another letter on Apostolic Assembly Letters.
Why is some1 out of the AA the only one publishing papers?
Groupt think is somethign feard in any fortune 100 company, becaus elack of diversity of thought can lead you easily in the wrong direction. has any1 even respectfully so, disagreed with the current policy? And have they published a document to be released to the public?
Worse then the policy, is that no-one from within the AA has made a counter-point or argument. It does not have to be dismissive, arrogant, rude, or disrespectful. But are we not in a society of ideas, and free thinkers?
CM - A refugee far away from home.....
What impact would it be if the offering was taken during the sermon?
More reason to start giving to the Chabad Telethon.....
LOL Looking at Maverde, he is funny! He makes it seem as if the Lord is in the back room awaiting his offering....
OMG! You guys obiviously have no lives if u are still talking about what has happened in the past. FORGET about what happened...why still live on the past, just move on and get over it seriously. What can u gain with repeating what was done? Yes people made mistakes but they are human just like you. Just leave it up to God and GET OVER it. I can gurantee that the ones that reply to this with a bad response are the ones that obviously dont fear God and depend on Him. Lets see who replies to this and takes it the wrong way....shall we being to count? 1.....2....3....10...12....100?
10 Step Program to AA.
1. Confess with your mouth that
you are an Apostolic lol
Brother Torres,
Thank you for standing tall and continuing to write letters.
We who have been pastoring in small churches around the country barely know of the things you are aware of regarding the General Board. You have inside information which we would never have known. It was you who stood up to Bishop Sanchez and Sam Valverde to expose the election fraud. It was they who started this mess and fraud.
To whom much is given, much is required.
May God continue to give you grace and the words to expose the injustices that continue to occur!!
Never stop writing to us in these blogs and posting on the internet.
You are the voice of reason!
There are many reasons for unease with the video posted of the 2007 convention offering.
1. Bully tactics used to coerce Pastors to give. Whatever happened to the Lord loves a cheerful giver?
2. Playing up to their Mexican Macho self (low self regard) "maybe your wife should be the one preaching" ... oh brother!
3. And the most disturbing is what has been practiced as long as I can remember "____ gave __ dollars!" so that every one can know or feel like "man, Ive got it going on" What happened to the teaching of Jesus where your right hand should not know what your left hand is giving? Boasting, gloating and self exaltation, it's no wonder we are so messed up.
And as far as Bro Torres is concerned, I've only heard of the brother, great things as a matter of fact. My heart broke as I watched the videos he made early on with his mom standing by his side, but come on, if you leave then leave. Move on, God has blessing beyond and many souls to reach.
God help us all!!
So how many of you are going to Baldy Mal's church? Why don't he write letters? Chicken.
If the offering was for the Lord, then what did the Lord do with the money?
The Lord is a good Jew, and definately has his books in order.
Unlike the AA sons of satan...
those who make up lies. . . Ummm the general board wants to live in the past, my dear. They want all those PAST DUE tithes, or you're OUT!
1 Sam 15:10 Then came the word of the LORD unto Samuel(ABEL TORRES), saying, 1 Sam 15:11 It repenteth me that I have set up Saul(DAN SANCHEZ) to be king(PRESIDENT OF THE AA): for he is turned back from following me, and hath not performed my commandments. And it grieved Samuel; and he cried unto the LORD all night.
Humans make mistakes, that is true. But crooks connive them.
Saul Savila would be in the back licking his tounge with saliva back and forth ready to seal the envelope! lol.
The prophet Nathan exposes King David's sin. Just as Abel Torres is exposing Daniel Sanchez sin.
Notice in the bible that the story Nathan tells David is very simple. Two men lived in the same city; one was very rich and the other was very poor. The rich man had flocks and herds. The rich man did not just have a large flock and a large herd; he had many flocks and many herds. We would say this man was “filthy rich.” The poor man had but one ewe lamb; this was his “pet lamb.” He purchased it and then raised it in his own home. The lamb spent much time in the man's lap and being carried about. It lived inside the house, not outside, being hand fed with food from the table and even drinking from its master's cup.
Some of you cannot even imagine what this is like. It is a horrifying thought to you. How could anyone treat an animal that way?
I have only one response: Obviously you haven't been to our house lately to be greeted by three cats (who, to the dismay of my wife, can be found around -- and sometimes on -- the table) and four dogs (none of them are ours, technically).
The rich man had a guest drop in for a visit, and as the host he was obliged to provide him with a meal. The rich man decided upon using the lamb, and yet he was not willing to sacrifice just one lamb from all those he owned. Instead, he took the poor man's lamb, slaughtered and served it to his guest, so as not to suffer any losses personally. He not only let (i.e., forced) the poor man to pick up the tab for the meal, he deprived this man of his only lamb, and one that was like a member of the family.
God is under no obligation to stop anyone from sinning.
Sometimes people justify their sin by saying something like: “I've prayed about it and asked God to stop me if it is wrong. . . .”
When God does not stop them, they somehow assume it must be right. Just as the General Board has continued doing it's sinning after having had a favorable judgment in court.
God could have stopped David after he chose to stay home from the war, or after he began to covet Uriah's wife, or after he committed adultery, but instead He allowed David to persist in his sin for some time. God even allowed David to get away with murder, for a time. God's Word forbade David's sins of coveting, adultery, and murder. God's Word commanded David to stop, and he did not. God allowed David to persist in his sin for a season, but not indefinitely. God allowed David's sin to go full circle, to reach full bloom, so that he (and we) could see how sin grows.
Okay, since you've made us aware that you know how to count! Why don't you help us start a COUNT DOWN on the days the GB have left in their kingdom! Thanks!!
"if you leave, then leave"??? He didn't leave or haven't you been keeping up? HE WAS REMOVED for bringing things to light and they got really, really mad.
Samuel had a horrible nation gathered behind him. They rebeled and wanted a king. He was dumb enough to listen to them So he annionts Saul in front of the nation, who is tormented by demons? You compare him to your Bishop Torres? wow. At least Samuel retired.
It seems all HELL is breaking loose within the GB and their followers because they "ain't no happy campers!" Torres must be doing something RIGHT and he's got the devil on the RUN!!
He's got the devil on the run and he is only WRITING LETTERS and stating FACTS!! WOW!!
TO CAMINANDO VOY: u say they are living in the past, ok maybe they are but why must you also live in it as well? Again, what do u gain by doing that besides having bitterness in the end? Once again, GET OVER IT! Just live on with your life...
Sounds to me like its a female speaking am I right?
Why dont u start to count the amount of ppl you need to learn to forgive, b/c by the way you speak seems like you may also have bitterness in your heart.
You 2 are in my prayers, keep speaking with all that negativity you have...instead of being on here all the time speaking nonsense, why dont you guys draw closer to God and speak of His word rather than speaking hatred.
I wonder if there are any legal grounds for any pastor who wishes to initiate a law suite against the AA who has been or will be removed for not paying their 10% of 10% since some of the current GBers have not been faithful themselves. I challenge GT Leo Maffey to look into this.
Let Go and Let God:
Well, OF COURSE you want to LET IT GO it's convenient for you to do so because everything is going well for you! You must be family, friend or even the GB. "AM I RIGHT" as you say. Why would you care for the other pastors and their families who work harder who are trying to make ends meet? If it's killing you to know what is my gender. Let me tell you who I am! I am SOMEONE who is FED UP with all these injustice the GB, bishops have done against God's children. ESPECIALLY THE INJUSTICES DONE AGAINST THE PASTORS AND THEIR FAMILIES!!
If knowing my gender would change the COURSE in HISTORY I would gladly make it known to you but unfortunately it WON'T!
I said it once and I'll say it again " it's tooo...late!! I commend Torres for EXPOSING those CORRUPTED individuals!
Let Go you must be a female because it takes a women to know another women.
That is just what I gather because of you calling what is next a female
Is Nat Ochoa (Real Estate Dept) from the HQ, the same Nat Ochoa listed on Fountain of Truth's web-site as being their maintenance facilities manager?
And Why does HQ need a "Real Estate" dept anyway? Has it become a sub-office for Century 21?
Just asking.
CM - a Fugee far away from home....
Its the same one on on both the HQ's and Fontana's page.
You know the saying rats of a feather stick together.
TO WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN NEXT: Actually I'm not a family friend or family member much less the GB.lol Assumptions assumptions. Why would it kill me to know what ur gender was...touchy touchy aren't we? You must be a females after all though but tht doesn't concern me at all. I too am tired of all this non sense..but honestly, don't u guys get tired of talking smack? Ur only hurting ur self ya know. But what's done is done. Go on..why keep talking, I just don't get it???
Yes for once my life is going well...what more can I ask for?
Thanx for noticing!
TO GUNTER: wow let me guess...was it the "OMG" that gave it away? Lol
That's what u gathered? Ohkay??? Let me guess...ur a typical guy...so now that's been said...am I a guy calling another a guy???
It just saddens me when one says they r going to pray for the other and one gets offended..I thought that was a blessing but apparently its not for some people...that's why there's still a lot of people not saved. People would rather speak against their own brother rather than speak to others of the love of Christ...this world will nvr know!!!!
Trying to Let it Go and Possibly Let God!
If you were really sincere of praying for others why not just do it instead of making it public like the Pharisees did AND still do in our times. I would tell you "God bless" but I would be lying so "Happy Trails to You." I am as calm as can be to see how everything is beginning to come down on the GB!
I said it once and i'll say it again.
That's what you get when you start with a group of unprepared, uneducated ex cholos and paisas.
Nepotism, legalism and cronyism.
Not one of the GB is well equipped to lead in the manner God would desire.
They lead with an iron fist 100% carnal 0 % spiritual.
And who is the genius that came up with all the legalism for the Assembly ? Talk about misquoting and misinterpreting scriptures. WOW !!!!!
No wisdom whatsoever to rightly divide the word and understand context,and proper application, not to mention understanding manners and customs of Bible times and properly understanding a scriptures application in modern times.
Then to build an organization only solid in part by starting with the revelation of Oneness ( of which I hold true to myself ) but then adding all of the legalistic junk about hair, make up, jewelry and pants just set up to eventually fail.
I cannot understand how so many people either dont get it, or even sadder would be if they get it but care so much about what people would say about them being rebels and heathens, that they continue dressing like the Amish just so people wont judge them.
Na-na, Na-na, hey, hey good-bye. Let Go and Let God - looks like you can't let go either, BECAUSE here you are, even tho you're not. YOU sound bitter, really bitter. You need to get God back.
I would say let it go. But people like Ricardo Avalos Maffey, who has been charged by the Orange County District Attorney, for MOLESTATION of a 13 YEAR OLD, need to be exposed for the SLIME they truly are.
Hey don't knock Bishop Torres down! Here in AZ we love him also. He's been helping and counseling our Pastor for months. He was even upset when our Pastor was removed form the AWA board. Why do you think Bishop Torres didn't show up at the AWA Mesa, conference? Because he was upset with the other board members just like we were. That's why none of us showed up!
Keep it up Bishop Torres, we love you in AZ, and our PAstor does too!
I asked myself the other day… How many Pastors in our assembly have a legitimate theological degree? I am talking about a serious REAL bachelor, master, doctor, PhD or at least a certificated degree in Biblical Studies by an accredited theological or secular university or seminar. Not from the Logos Institute or La Puente Bible School (Latin American Seminar) or that CBAI which I think is a waste of time and money.
Why I asked that question to myself? Hosea 4:6. Not only have our pastor’s lack of knowledge created this whole mess, but now they are refusing to get more knowledge of what this current GB is doing or will do. Some believe that getting knowledge of what really happened on Election Day would open the gates of hell for their lives cause then the Devil will deceive them. Some of them have been threaten by bishops or elders that if they even talk, ask or investigate about it then they will be removed from their churches. And the fear of the word “remove” is blocking their freedom to speech against all these crimes committed by Sam Valverde and the GB.
A removal for a pastor with no theological or even secular education could mean the end of a comfortable life and the beginning of a personal financial melt down. Some times even worst situations. It hurt even more for the ones that started a church with no financial support (whatsoever) from the Apostolic Assembly, and now after X years of hard work for the Lord (which includes raising a church from 0 members to more than a 100+ in a x time, buying acres of land or buildings for their congregation and establishing themselves as very well respectable servants of God), all that work seems it was in vain.
It is obvious that the 8 GB men in charge of the AA are applying the same dictatorial system that defines an oppression government. Well educated and/or men with knowledge are not very welcome in their regimes. And when educated or men of knowledge and integrity opposed to all the unjust tactics acts of the dictator (s), their lives are either threat it, tortured and in worst of the cases… murdered.
Someone said once; quote: "In the land of the blind, a one-eyed is (the) king” end of the quote. The pastoral and ministerial body of the Apostolic Assembly is blind. And the one-eyed ruler, Sam Valverde, is taking a huge advantage of it.
Many reasons, I think, in my humble opinion, why most of our leaders in our church have such fear for 8 men on top is because their lack of theological education outside of the Apostolic Assembly. No wondering now why we have so many “yes men” in our organization.
No that was not it you just fight like a women would so that is why I think you are a women excellent deductive reasoning by the way.
I've heard that some pastors in the AA have called him for advice. He seems to be a man of God that tries to help everyone not only the AWA! I really feel he could make it without being in any organization! I've also heard other Jesus Name Independant Churches have asked him to help them as their leader.
Hey APAR-I-CIO who is your pastor in AZ?
To JCinAZ: my Pastor is Bishop A. Tafoya. Why?
OMG! And Torres is associated with him? ;-[ WOW!!!! I wouldn't divulge that information if I was you. Especially here in Arizona.
(second thoughts about Torres now)........
Could anybody verify some info on a letter circulating around to the GB "powers that be" received from Pastor Torres about an altercation that may have occured between the AA pastor of the Midland church(which I believe is Bracamontes) and one of its parishoners? Us in Cali would like to know.
Okay if I not mistaking Pastor Torres had already made other plans prior to that event and that is why he did not show in Arizona. I talked a close friend of mine and he verified that that is why they did not show to that event.
As for the altercation The AA Pastor did infact become frustrated with the members of his church. Two people had to hold him back because he was getting ready to hit one of the members. As for details I am not sure I can only tell you that it did happen. If any news breaks please keep me informed. I only know part of the story.
WOW! The AA pastor had to be restrained by two others? I can't believe what I read...but I do. I guess the GB sent one in their own image to Midland. AA GB what are you all doing? What are you all thinking? I am on bended knee praying for God to unharden you're hearts. Thank you gunter for verifing on that piece of info. Please keep us posted.
Gunter who r u speaking of that hit the members?
As much as I believe in what the GB has done to destroy the assembly, I don't think he was held from a fight. A relative of mine goes to that church.
Unbended knee how can u even believe that. My close friend goes to that church. Gunter get ur facts straight b4 making up things...u ppl r so gallable.
Let go and let God, I to have a close friend in the midland church. And yea they would be GULLIBLE, but its true. it was however one person that held him back which was the assistant pastor. and the one that the AA cronie, Bracamontes was charging after was a brother that stayed behind, his name is Bro Garcia. ask him and see if its true. Also ask around about this occurence, word is that the pastor got his vehicle egged and guess who he thinks it is? Give up? He said before his "congregation" that he suspects someone within his own members did it! Keep up the good work GB! Oh and "let go let God' I suggest you should question the validity of your 'friend's' honesty.
You people talking smack about the AA church in Midland should really get your facts right before making up some loony story.
So its been a while.
Although I have tons of opinions about this whole thing, I thought I would refrain and just give you one.
Its over.
People who are in the AA are either too ignorant, or blinded to the issues. Do you really think this blog will be the eye opening event for a Pastor? I doubt it.
For the ones who left, spend your time praying, reading, studying, go to school for a real degree, write a action plan for the new year, meet with your neighbors, visit a homeless shelter, call a backslider to see if they need anything besides a sermon, create a month long sermon series on Grace, spend time with your family, go on a vacation that has nothing to do with a convention, call your son and go play golf, set up a tea party with your 6 year old daughter, call your local high school and see if they need any tutors, organize a community clean up project, go shopping with your wife and tell her how nice she looks, cook dinner, do some laundry for your wife, reinvestigate your beliefs and find solid contextual scripture for each one, go for a prayer walk in your neighborhood, call a legitimate Bible College and see if you can land an intern for your youth, pray, fast, read, study. Yeah I know I restated those last ones.
The GB has done its damage and will reap its own wounds. It seems to me they dont need us to make matters worse, they do a pretty darn good job of inflicting their own wounds.
Dont get me wrong; voice your opinion, boycott conferences, and support your pastor, but is there really a need to slander the slanderers??? Nah. Once again, they sling so much mud theyve muddied themselves. Instead call your Pastor and tell him how much you love him and support him. Take a load off his shoulders.
Ok, thats my rant.... see you in 6 months.
Oh, and if you want to get ahold of me feel free to email me @ joshbayne80@gmail.com
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