Thursday, November 13, 2008


Orange County District Attorney
Press Release

Tony Rackauckas, District Attorney
401 Civic Center Drive West
Santa Ana, CA 92701

For Immediate Release
Case # TBA

November 12, 2008

Susan Kang Schroeder
Public Affairs Counsel
Office: 714-347-8408
Cell: 714-292-2718

Farrah Emami
Office: 714-347-8405
Cell: 714-323-4486


NEWPORT BEACH– A Protestant pastor of the Apostolic Christian Church in San Clemente was charged today for molesting a 14-year-old female parishioner that he met through his job. Ricardo Avalos Maffey, 42, Santa Ana, was charged with three felony counts of lewd acts upon a child between the ages of 14 and 15, and one felony count of contacting a minor with the intent to engage in child molest. If convicted, he faces a maximum sentence of five years and six months in prison. He is out of custody on $100,000 bail. Maffey is scheduled to be arraigned Dec. 5, 2008, at 8:30 a.m., Harbor Justice Center, Newport Beach. The Department will be determined later.

Maffey met Jane Doe through his role as a pastor. Between May 2008 and August 2008, the defendant is accused of violating his position of trust by engaging in illegal sexual contact with Jane Doe. On multiple occasions, he is accused of passionately kissing Jane Doe on the mouth. He is also accused of contacting her several times to meet and engage in kissing.

Anyone with additional information or who believes they have been a victim is encouraged to contact District Attorney Supervising Investigator Randy Litwin at (714)347-8794 or the Orange County Sheriff’s Sex Crimes Investigation Unit at (714)647-7419.

The Orange County Sheriff’s Department investigated this case. Deputy District Attorney Tony Ferrentino of the Sexual Assault Unit is prosecuting this case.


Wasn't Richard Maffey in line to serve on the Apostolic Assembly General Board? Has the organization made a public comment? How far in advance did they know Maffey was performing these lewd acts and did nothing?

Don't worry, the insurance companies will pay the attorney's fee's and penalties.,0,1568393.story


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Anonymous said...

Richard Buffet has always been very arrogant and prideful.

The danger of going around with that attitude is twofold.

1. You are bound to discourage and even hurt some people along the way who may look up to the ministry.

2. You allow the enemy to use the doorway of pride to begin to attack you in other areas.

Pay attention General Board if you do not humble yourselves.

God will bring you down for your own good because he loves you and desire that you change.

But if you do not heed the warning.

When God humbles you you get brought down big time and very public.

What-Ever!! said...

This message is for the honorable bishop of IDCN Felip Lugo;

Could you please go check out what's going on at the church at Lake Elsinore, CA under the pastorship of Phil Saenz or do an internal investigation on your own administration on why so many ministers have left the church of Lake Elsinore, CA and the AA.

In the month of July a minister by the name of Rafael Mendez now a minister with Pastor John Huizar Jr. In August Evangelist Juan Campos and I believe now he is pastoring in the city of Corona, CA. Now Evangelist Luis Guttierez posts his resignation on the .info website.

All three of these great ministries were out of the church of Pastor Phil Saenz and the district of Bishop Felipe Lugo. Would someone please do an investigation why either the district or the GB.

I guess some men want to be known as men that killed ministries and not raise minitries.


What-Ever!! said...

A long time ago Richard was cheerleading at a camp, you would call it leading worship.

Anyways, people weren't responding, so he yells at us "I'M UP HERE SWEATING LIKE A PIG AND NO ONE IS REPONDING!"

I wonder if he's sweating like pig right now!

dai3000 said...

Wow...I'm in shock. I met him once before at Jr. Camp many years ago. Weird!

factsonly1 said...

To all pastors....

stay 100 yards away from anything that smells, walks or looks like sin. Or else, your picture may end up on here.

PASTORS, since the GB didn't do their job, there is a new sheriff in town. A virtual sheriff who has no name and no face. Rest assured, if you slip, your name will be plastered all over blogspot.

PASTORS, you can no longer fake the funk. Now you have walk the talk. Or else...

Unknown said...

the cops should have waited until Pastor's Day to make the arrest....

factsonly1 said...

does anybody has his e-mail address?

truth said...

who's married to Richard Maffey

LL said...

Truth ,
His wife's name is Delfina. (Del)

His Email address? CALL t/AA

The_End_is_Near said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
LL said...

Well, the AA will have something to talk about besides MONEY in the Texas Convention.

The_End_is_Near said...

His e-mail


Anonymous said...

I guess he got tired of chasing his cousins wife around.

I guess she wouldnt give in to his advances.

Do you blame the poor girl ?

A looker he is NOT !!!!!!!

Unknown said...

dai3000 said...
Wow...I'm in shock. I met him once before at Jr. Camp many years ago. Weird!

Did he try to kiss you? or were you already over 15?

dai3000 said...

Hahahahaha..... No, he never tried to kiss me. I was probably only 13 at the time.

Anonymous said...

I got 100 bucks that says one of the General Board members will be next in having a public humiliation.

Maybe even prison time.

Maybe not a molestation rap, but something nasty and public none the less

Anonymous said...

The current General Board for the 2006-2010 term is composed of the following Bishops:

Bishop President- Daniel ( Ex Cholo ) Sanchez
Vice-President- Samuel( im the real President )Valverde
General Secretary- Bishop Edward ( Napoleon ) Pacheco
General Treasurer- Bishop Leobardo ( Bitter ) Maffey
Secretary of Foreign Missions- Bishop Arthur ( Mr Bean ) Espinoza
Secretary of National Missions- Bishop Abel ( The Screamer ) Aguilar
Secretary of Christian Education- Bishop Ismael ( King Taco ) Martin del Campo
Secretary of Social Assistance- Bishop Victor ( Yes Man ) Prado

apostolicgirl said...


toad said...

Well, at least he'll be forced to have a prison ministry now apostolicgirl - if that's what you mean. And please everyone, if this is proven - THEN and only THEN can we "talk." I do agree we need to pray for everyone involved as for their motivations and intentions. I mean, the girl could be lying or someone here is part of a gran conspiracy to frame him cause he's part of the GB. We don't know, so hold your blood talk unless he's proven guilty. I've known people accused of things they never did only to have their reputations tarnished forever even after being found innocent. So let's wait.

omg said...



If the allegations are true, the law should step in.

Thank you Lord because you give us all a chance for repentance.

There's the gb of the AA. Then there's the AA members who are counted in that number of salvation.

Challenge: Use your christian concience when you blog. God is watching you. Will you be blessed or cursed?

Unknown said...

For all the Apostolics Standing up for Maffey, he should have behaved like a Christian from the begining.

I for one, am celebrating his arrest. The fool got caught and will be tried.

The Apostolic HQ always recieces complaints like these but does nothing.

What Bishops Sanchez, Valverde, Aguilar, Del Campo refuse to act on, the full force of the law will.


He abused his position as a pastor,

He sexually pleased himself with a 14 year old.

He disgraced the church.'

He disgraced his family.

He disgraced himself.

He disgraced us all.

He disgraced the family of the victim.

He disgraced the victim.

He disgraced his children.

He digraced his mother.

He disgraced his dead father.

Should I go on?

Bend over Richard, Jail Justice is about to catch up with you. Prepare to toss lots of salad.

Former Apostolic said...

This is very sad. He is not the first pastor from the AA or will not be the last to be arrested for some kind of perverted thing. I know of another former pastor who was arrested for sexual abuse this year, but it won't make the news because its a small town and church.

I grew up in the AA church and thank my parents for it, but left the church 2 years ago because of all the drama. I have three kids now and don't want my kids growing up with all the drama involved with the AA church. I go to another church now and don't have to worry about the "Hermana Lupe" bringing her son "Joker" who just got arrested and wants to find Jesus. Joker has to go to prison and blames Jesus because he didnt help fight the charges.

Another problem with the AA church is all the sisters gossiping about other sisters and worry about what other sisters are wearing to church.

Im sorry Lord please forgive me and help the AA church with the problems they have. I'm praying for all of you. God Bless

The_End_is_Near said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The_End_is_Near said...

I also know a Pastor who sexually harassed a woman. Board was notified, Guess what? He is still Pastoring.

An Ex Pastor just got released from the Merced County Jail where he was in for(I think) sexual battery. I think he still has his AA license.

What-Ever!! said...

We all know of a former general board member that sexually harassed a headquaters employee, but was allowed to continue on the board and stay as pastor.

In other words if Richard does or doesn't go to prison he'll still be a pastor in the aa.

So kiss a girl, grab someone one's rear, shower with minors, sleep with another man's wife, molest children, etc.. the GB looks the other way and doesn't do anything about it. As long you wear a veil, no jewlery, make-up, women don't wear pants everything will be okay.

You got to love the Honorable, Muy Distingida Meza Directiva.

The_End_is_Near said...

You want fries with that?

The_End_is_Near said...

you must be talking about Lucy(bump the rump) Montez?

cali_pete said...

u wish u knew

You are not entirely correct.
Why? I have seen a number of times that if you are not in their inner circle, it doesn't matter how you dress, they'll take you out.

apostolicgirl said...
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apostolicgirl said...





eyesonjesus said...


When will we unite against the GB!

Why are we afraid? We NEED to question our the Bishops, Pastors, Ministers, Deacons...DON'T BE AFRAID!


Names of Pastors who STEAL_________

Names of Pastors who LIE___________

Names of Pastors who SLANDER_______

Names of Pastors who LUST__________

Names of Pastors who CHEAT_________


END "PRUEBA"... for it is a DOUBLE STANDARD idea in the AAFCJ.

Unknown said...

to apostolic girl.....

yes the devil is a is richard....

yes the greatest men fell...but dont you tihnk that "bro richard" should have been armed with the Spirit of the Lord to resist tempation?

the bible says that we should obey the earthly laws right? we now he has to face the law...

sinaloense said...

Jesus dijo a los que iban a apedrear a la mujer: "el que este libre de pecado que arroje la primera piedra"
lo que nos queda como cristianos apostolicos es orar por el pastor, quiza nosotros nos encontraremos en la misma situacion, tu nunca sabes.

"el diablo anda como leon rugiente buscando a quien devorar"

unamonos y oremos por el hermano Richard Maffey.

Unknown said...


For Maffbueys relatives defending him here: what about the young girl?? are you concern at all what this predator migh have done to her?? what if she was your daughter or sister?

Anonymous said...

My goodness I cant believe anyone is defending Buffet.

We are all capable of falling nobody is perfect, but if you are in a position of leadership you should be held to a higher standard.


Apostolic Girl,

The devil is always attacking us all but God gave us a free will to choose and when we are faced with a temptation we have the ability to say yes or no.

Nobody forced Buffet to do it and whats more he went after her it wasnt a temptation that came to him.

You said " god chose him and he is in ministry for a reason "

You are wrong God did not choose him, Man chose him and he was appointed because of his family ties.

He is an arrogant jerk and has never exhibited true christian love, humility and integrity.



El ayuno y oracion deberia haber sido lo que Ricardo Maffey estaba haciendo para estar cerca de Dios y no caer en tentacion.

Porque vamos a horar y ayunar por el si puede ser que Dios lo este humillando por el bien de su alma.

Tal vez tenga que pasar por esto para aprender que como un hombre orgulloso y altivoso el tiene que cambiar.

Anonymous said...

You wish u knew,

You are so right.

If you look the part or are a member of the right family or inner circle the laws dont apply to you.

Jamie Aguilar is a good example cheated on her husband with a chango and she is back and " ministering " like nothing happened.

Aaron Aguirre on the other hand is stripped of his credentials and position as english pastor at the Church of Orange.


Salvador Villegas is another example.

His wife cheats on him and Sanchez swoops down like a vulture and wants his chucrh and strips him of his ministry.

Sanchez said because a man and woman who are married are one flesh she sinned and by default you sinned too.

What a lame excuse

Factsonly1 said...

you have to understand, Pastor Maffey did not have sexual relations with that 14 year old.

There's no penetration, and no case. You people need to know that this "victim" probably offered herself unto Brother Maffey.

Brother Maffey is the real victim here. He's innocent until you can prove him guilty.

Maybe the charges will be dropped.

Anonymous said...

He may be innocent of having sex with her.

But not of kissing an under aged girl.

Are you saying that is okay ?

Even if he is found to be innocent it still would have served to humble him which he has needed for many many years.

He is no angel. He was chasing after his cousins wife and his wife was going to leave him a couple of times already.

He obviously has a problem with lust.

And yes most men do but we have the self control and discipline to make the right choice when faced with temptation.

No excuses.

Active_Neutrality said...
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Active_Neutrality said...
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Active_Neutrality said...
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Active_Neutrality said...
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Active_Neutrality said...


He obviously has a problem with lust.

And yes most men do but we have the self control and discipline to make the right choice when faced with temptation.

Question: Do you have a problem with lust? Have you ever let even one image of pornagraphy into the window of your soul? (eye). Have you ever looked at a woman lustfully? Since you are jumping to the conclusion with Brother Maffey, I will do the same and answer for you with a YES to at least one of these questions. Since you have, then that means you are guilty of the same exact thing that you are blasting brother Maffey for....lacking the self control and discipline to make the right decision when faced with temptation.

Therefore, you should not accuse, judge, nor rejoice in anothers downfall. As men, we are prone to sin. Especially in the area of sexual immorality. Now, I am by no means implying that there should not be any repercussions if he is guilty of the accusation. There are consequences to every action we take. My point here is to allow the courts and the ultimate Judge to decide the repercussions Maffey should face.

I totally agree with your earlier comment though about the partiality. You cite good examples with Sis. Jamie and Bro Aguirre & Villegas. Jamie sins and is "restored" and allowed to sing about Gods grace. A "not important enough Minister or Pastor" does the same and is banished. Not that Jamie shouldn't be able to sing Gods goodness if indeed she is restored. But sing in her closet. Why is she given the means to record a CD and profit from it when a "no name Pastor" has everything taken away from him for the same offence. Partiality. That indeed is a huge issue in the Assembly. I would not be the least bit surprised if charches are dropped and Maffey is allowed to continue Pastoring. However, partiality happens everwhere. At the job, in homes and in families. It shouldnt but also in the church.

apostolicgirl said...

Enrique, your believing what your hearing. people will add to the story to make it more juicier and more talked about. I don't blame those who are angry for the girl but something doesn't sound right.
I can almost guarantee all charges will be dropped... Only God knows what really happened. It just kind of irritates me that as an apostolic blog spot we aren't supposed to make things worse by posting a big picture of them on the front page, don't you think they get that enough? We just need to pray and pray and pray..... only God knows I was just as hurt but we can't put our eyes on man because anyone can fall.
Something in my heart tells me not of all the details are true and I hope I'm right.

I apologize if I offended anybody or hurt anyone those are and were not my intentions. I don't think Maffey's family would come on here to defend him because I doubt they even want to see the horrible comments some have left and I would hope they would never have to see them but Just please join in my praying for him and his family so that the Lord give him guidance and his family strength.


Anonymous said...

Active Neutrality,

I never said I was rejoicing in his downfall. It is just that I am not surprised.

You are correct I have given in to lust before.

I never denied it, I actually said the following.

He obviously has a problem with lust.

And yes most men do but we have the self control and discipline to make the right choice when faced with temptation.

He when faced with lust made the wrond choice and proceeded.


I am judging him and ultimately the courts will make a decision.

But as we have seen that winning a lawsuit or having charges dropped does not mean you are innocent.

Examples : OJ Simson, The Dishonorable General Board.


I think he is guilty and yes I am judgeing him based on previous information and experiences with this individual.

If I am wrong I am wrong but I have no problem judgeing him.


1 Peter 4:17
For it is time for judgment to begin with the family of God; and if it begins with us, what will the outcome be for those who do not obey the gospel of God

waiting4change said...

soon enough everything that all the gb has done will catch up with them just like it happened to maffey! and many other pastors as well.

Unknown said...

I lust. I check out the ladies. What man, other than a member of
GB5, doesn't like to check out the booty or a good pair of DD's?

The difference is that I don't act on my lust. The diiference is I check out adult women age 18 and older.

Richard acted on his lust and acted on a minor, 14 years old.
Richard acted in his role as a pastor.

Do you think Richard could walk into a clubn and get some? No. He needs his position of trust to get some. He couldn't even get a willing dorca. He got himself a Junior Messenger of Peace.

He was MOP President for some time, makes me wonder if he did this before.

If he had done this to a woman from grupo solteros, there would be no problem.

How do you know for certain all charges will be dropped? I don't think so. District Attorneys don't go to the media unless they have a strong case. He's being made an example of.

LL said...

Has the aa realease a statement yet?

*Skotty will show you*THAT FOT HATES;) said...


I have a confession to make as to why I have a problem with Richard Buffet. I am angry with him because of my wife's admiration toward him. She told me, I was not half the man Richard Buffett is. She married me on the rebound, because Richard Maffey did not give her the time of day, In essence, my wife dropped her standard and settled for me. My gut feeling tells me that if Richard Buffet was to be convicted lose the church and his wife, my wife would leave me and try to pursue something with Richard Buffet.

When I got married, my wife was not a virgin and had multiple partners and in some cases multiple partners at the same time. For me, I was a virgin and as a matter of fact I never dated. I attempted multiple times but the girls said that they viewed me more like a brother. I feel a big part of this is due to my physical appearance and lack of masculinity. Regardless of my physical defects, I still gave my wife a chance to be with a virgin and she insults me by telling me that I am not half the man as Richard Buffett. Well that is why I have a strong dislike toward Richard Buffett.

Unknown said...

Notice that no one is feeling sorry for Richard Maffey.

Why is that?

What kind of testimony does he have?

1 of the lost sheep said...

Remember,none of us are perfect and we've all fallen short of God's standards. If any of you are without sin throw the 1st stone.Yes Richard Maffey (not buffet) messed up but he is a man and sometimes in life we do mess up. I've been out of the assembly for about five years now. I grew up in the assembly and still hold it close to my heart. It hits close to me because I'm related to him. None of us are perfect and we all have skeletons in our closets. why don't you show yours? In the end, only god will judge us.

LL said...

To: the Three Amigos picture in the blog

Sorry, but, RM just TOP that picture!

Active_Neutrality said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

I for one have a big stone and am ready to throw it at the fool.

We are no one to judge. Only the Jury selected will judge him.

We all goof up yes. But Rev. Richard Maffey crossed the line by molesting a 14 year old.

MOLESTING a MINOR is not messing up.

Why couldn't he mess up with a 45 year old Dorca?

He has a sickness. He like Minors.

Yes, I won't throw my stone at him. But I think the AA GB should throw him out of as pastor and minister.


He is accused of putting his tongue down the throat of a 14 year old child for his own sexual pleasure.

He should have done that to his wife.

Active_Neutrality said...


If you are not being sarcastic, (Hard to tell on this blog)Then I can see your issue. I can understand your issue with Maffey. Infact, in order to be even more of a man than he is, respond to this the closest you can to the Lord. Rather than reacting according to your flesh, react with love and sincere sympathy. If your wife desires a true man of God, she would admire that much more.

November 14, 2008 11:41 AM

Active_Neutrality said...


How do you know this is true? I agree that if it is, he should and will face repercussions, but how can you be sure? How do you know it is not a total false accusation?

Unknown said...

Pastor Richard Maffey is an ACCUSED MOLESTER.

He is accused of putting his tongue down the throat of a 14 year old child for his own sexual pleasure.

Unknown said...

Pastor Richard Maffey is an ACCUSED MOLESTER.

He is accused of putting his tongue down the throat of a 14 year old child for his own sexual pleasure.


We'll just await his conviction, as in the case against
Pastor Armando Fierro Barrientos.


1 of the lost sheep said...

This hits close to me because months ago this issue was close to me. I to was accused of something I didn't do. The whole world looks down on you if you are an animal and makes you feel like crap! The onlt people who stood next to me was my family. after months of waiting I was proven innocent. how many people looked at me and judged me? believe me, all i wanted to dowas rub it in my accussers faces but that makes me no better then any of them. in time god's grace will show. it did 4 me. if he is guilty he will serve his time. let's not forget his wife and two small children

Anonymous said...

Questions questions!

-Those that have made accusations towards the plantiffs are now in favor of Maffiee's sin?

-Family members are blogging on behalf of Maffiee when the man was CHARGED!!


-The GB does not work in the way of the laws of the land. The GB has their own laws and does not abide by the laws of the land. Many of you on here are confused with the laws of the AA to the laws of the land. The AA governs with prejudice. The land governs with substantial evidence.

The problem is that the GB manipulates the members to believe in their laws only. Yet they agree to disobey the laws of the land. There are many that have disobeyed the laws of the land and continue to do so in the AA and because the AA has allowed this to continue, it is only a matter of time till it all comes out.

Someone is tipping the bean can and slowly they are dropping out. The GB can't control the lives of the people, they are NOT God.

God is telling the devil "do what you want with the AA and I will show you my true followers, those that chose me will chose blessings and those that chose you will be shown for who they really are"

-Where are the family members of the girl? How is she feeling right now? Just like the AA, quick to help the sinner yet leave the victim behind.

-The maffiee family can get on here and post all they want about redemption, forgiveness, throwing stones, judging. Yet that very family did all that when the subject at hand was the plantiffs and the GB.

-How quick people are to change when it hits home.

-Pride cometh before the fall.

eyesonjesus said...

EXPOSE THESE PASTORS! Sex, Lies, Money run this corrupt organization. Lets go to the AAFCJ HQ. Lets demand answers! CLEAN OUT HOUSE FROM FILTH

Anonymous said...

That shows how much of an idiot you are !

I am not even married.

It doesnt matter how many profiles you steal, anyone can sense when it is you typing.

So you werent content with having half a dozen profiles , now you are stealing others ?

You are nothing but a boludo jiripollas

Anonymous said...

Old CBG,

You must have been one of Maffeys victims the way you talk about him.

I feel sorry that you got man handled by him.

It must have I know why you are always so angry and mentioning Ass.

Your obsessed with man to man love LOL

Anonymous said...

Hell Nah !!!!

You all can toss each others salad.

I dont roll like that !

Keep your cochinadas in HillCrest

Unknown said...

For all you Buffet haters. He will probably do a plea bargain and only get probation.

Look at the case below which was much worse:

Female Teacher Gets Time For Having Sex With Girl
MURRIETA A high school English teacher Thursday was sentenced to three years probation for having sex with an underage girl at her school.

Crissy Torcella Hisey, 28, must also serve 118 weekend days in the county jail, but will not have to register as a sex offender, Ryan Hightower of the Riverside County District Attorney's Office said.

Hisey pleaded guilty in August to 10 counts of oral copulation with a child under 18.

As part of a plea agreement, Riverside County Superior Court Judge John Monterosso dismissed a charge of distribution or exhibition of lewd material to a minor.

Hisey, who taught at Vista Murrieta High School, was arrested in May, Murrieta police Sgt. Jim Ganley said.

The teacher and the student both admitted to having an ongoing sexual relationship, Ganley said at the time of the arrest.

Unknown said...

what's the name of the former general board member that sexually harassed a headquaters employee, but was allowed to continue on the board and stay as pastor???

LL said...


I would like ONLY PARENTS to answer this question.

Before you answer it, forget that you are a pastor, deacon, minister,bishop,choir director,musician,the gb .....

Forget that you are in the Dorcas board(local,district or national)


What would you DO if your Child came over & told you that Mr.XX kissed her?
Please, give an honest response.

****Esta pregunta es para PADRES SOLAMENTE
Antes que me conteste olvidence que es pastor, obispo, ministro, director de coro y la meza directiva..............
Hermanas, antes de que me contestes olvidate que estas en la mesa directiva local, distrital o la mera mera de los Tamales.
Contestame como LA LEONA DE TU HOGAR.

"Que harias tu si tu hija/o te dijera que el Hno(a). XX me beso?"
Por favor sean honestos.

MyMouthMySay said...


I would go to the police station and file a criminal report and hire a lawyer. I would set up an appointment with my AA Pastor for counseling for my daughter. I would hope that justice would be fulfilled.

Factsonly1 said...

Lets your imaginations wonder for a second.

Its late at night. Richard is sleeping in his prison cell, in Chino Prison.

He's dreaming of the days he was MOP President.

As he rolls over, he's dreaming he's in the desert traveling to Egypt.

Being thirsty, he breaks out a snow cone. Licking the cool water melon flavor. His every passion is fulfilled.


He rudely awakes and its not a snow cone at all.

Its Chavo who is giving Richard a taste of his own medicine! A deep french kiss! Richard screems, but the home boys, Los Surenos, bend him over to get some chon chon.

Squeel like a pig! Chon chon city! Tossing lots of salad.

Jail Justice Achieved, for tonight. Two more years to go before parol.

See, pedifiles and molesters are not welcome in prison.

The Victim could be anyones sister or daughter.

Pobre Richard. You had it good. A MOP Presidency, a decent job, a cute wifa, good children. But it wasnt enough.

You must be stressing.......

you should get a flor azuler to break you in.....

MyMouthMySay said...

They called him a Protestant. I looked it up. Apparently a Protestant was one who protested against anything that was seen as contrary to the Word of God and against the famous protest of April 25, 1529. They protested the denial of their right to choose which religion they would reform to. They protested Catholicism.

The world labels us as Protestants; a people that protest and shun anything seen as contrary to the Word of God. The world holds us to a certain higher standard. We choose not a standard religion but rather one of higher standards and commitments. The world watches us and holds us accountable for any violation of that label.

They charged the Protestant; a formal accusation of one committing a criminal offense. In their eyes, they strip him of his former label as Protestant. He is no longer worthy to protest anything that is contrary to the Word of God. The world says you can no longer look after its soul.

Unknown said...

Rev. Richard Maffey isn't Protestant. He's not Apostolic. He's not Christian. He's not even a Catholic.

Richard Maffey is 100% Pendejo!!

Los Carnales are waiting for you Richy!

Santa Ana, Puro F-Troop Ese!!

Los Surenos and MS13 are looking for some Chon!!

omg said...

All that has transpired since 11/06
has to have an end. (The straw that broke the camels back) The Assembly will either dissolve or rebirth with a new administration. I absolutely pray for these gb members and this Assembly.

I wish no ill to anyone. I pray for God's grace on us all. I pray only a stirring amongst God's people. All have sinned and come short of the glory of God.

Brothers and sisters hold on to Jesus. We need to seek him all the more in these times. The Assembly needs God's Restoration.

Please STOP CURSING on your blog. You bloggers who are makeing up your foolish stories are not even funny or interesting. So boring. Use some christian conscience or do you have any? Think about it!

MyMouthMySay said...
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MyMouthMySay said...

This is a comment from a letter received by Ann Landers from a reader who wanted to tell his story and warn people about child molestors:

Dear Ann Landers,

I am your average, everyday child molester. Please understand that I'm not talking about a guy who hides behind bushes or hangs around schoolyards and playgrounds. I could be anyone-- your neighbor, your friend,your brother, your father, and even your grandfather. I am the guy who becomes your friend so I can get close to your child. Ann, the best warning I can give your readers is this: If an adult is spending a lot of time with your child, there is a reason, and it's probably a bad one. Why else would an adult want to take your child to the movies, to the mall, to video arcades, to the swimming pool, to car race's, to amusement parks, or on overnight camping trips? Be alert to any adult who is giving your child a lot of special attention and is willing to take him or her anywhere. That adult may seem kind and helpful, but there could be a motive behind the kindness. If this is happening to your children, you need to start asking questions. And be aware that children could lie to you about what's gong on because they are afraid the molester will harm them or they will get into trouble with you, their parents. When I was molested as a child, I lied to my father when he asked about it because I was afraid he would punish me. Had I told him, the molestation surly would have stopped, and I would have received help? Instead, the molesting went on for years. It destroyed my life and the lives of others because I became a molester and did the same things that were done to me. I prey mostly on the children of single mothers, who welcome someone who will take their child off their hand for awhile, and they like the father figure I provide The children welcome me because I act like a big kid and take them places they enjoy. If your child is lonesome, he is the perfect target for a pedophile. Whoever is reading this, please think about what is going on in your family. If you are a grandparent, consider your son or daughter's household. If everyone would just take the time to talk to their children, thousands of kids could be spared the trauma, heartache and pain that a peephole can create. A molester can also turn the child into a pedophile, too. A molested kid has a one-in-four chance of becoming a molester. I know this is true because it happened to me. Carefully ask your child questions that will get truthful answers, not turnoffs. Don't put any blame on the child. Show children you care about them. And remember: If an adult is going out of his way to spend time with your child, find out why. Something may be wrong. NO NAME, NO CITYANN responds, Here is your letter, which is sure to generate some negative response from adult males who fit your description but will deny there is anything unwholesome about their relationship with the children they be friend. And in most cases, these relationships are perfectly innocent. Denials notwithstanding, you have sounded an alert well worth heeding. Thank you.

The_End_is_Near said...


It was Lucy (bump the rump) Montes

faith said...

People! this is ridiculous! Apostolic Mothers, Fathers, Women, Men, Youth please! learn to question your leaders! stop putting all your faith on man! learn to walk with God and please only God not man! Apostolics tend to put these leaders, pastors, ministers up high as if they were Gods, STOP IT! open your eyes people! wake up to the legalistic cult you serve! start serving God not man and trust no one but God!

They brain wash you then molest you! please! this happens when you trust too much, question your leaders! your authority figures in your churches! do you think this is not going on in other churches? it's been happening in your churches for years! I guess it just takes time before one of them eventually gets caught! Open your eyes!

Wake up Apostolics! stop serving man and truly start living a life for God!
you have Many like Richard Maffey haughty and mighty in the APostolic church, many who are full of it! is that what God's people really represent... do not judge others APostolics, you truly will not be the only churches, souls, to enter heaven! it is clear! don't preach your cult, God's love and doctrine is the opposite of what your actions are. How can you pretend to know God when you discriminate against others for not following your legalistic cult like views?
Remember it is not your manly opinion that counts it is the word of God, read it! your man made rules do not apply in God's word! stop ruining the lives of so many!
open your eyes people! stop getting brain washed.

Unknown said...

to Don't Know:

but who was the board member accused of harassing linda montes?

Unknown said...

rBrother Maffey,

If you ever want a nice wet kiss, give us a call.

trophyman said...

I most certainly applaud TORRES for calling Espinoza out on his exegerations! Bunch of lying cowards! When I see you at the Gay-Lord convention I will confront you about this Artie, you will not be happy be. It is time to call out of these so called bishops on their crap! Artie you may can fool those folks from Odessa, but that's only because they are actually from Ojinaga!

LA DIST. W/Insights into Rancho Cucamonga

trophyman said...

Anybody know if el Richard Masbuey is related to Leopardo Masbuey the guy that calls himself bishop?

LA DIST. W/Insights into Rancho Cucamonga

WatchOut! said...

Seems like a lot has happened since I was last on here. I find it ironic that one former MOP president resigns from the AA and within days another former MOP president makes headlines and is accused of indecency with a minor. I sort of wish they had kept the latter under wraps as much as possible. It sends such an awful message to our youth. I remember hearing of such things sometimes in my youth and it was truly discouraging.

WatchOut! said...

I sure do miss Thought for the day's comments.

*Skotty will show you*THAT FOT HATES;) said...

First of all I want to tell you all that I thank the Lord for you! Until recently I was just a lonely loser. I believe that God guided me to this blog. I now know that I'm not the only loser with no real friends. For a long time I thought I was the only one went to church with out being spoken to or even noticed. Like the rest of you, I have always had a hard time relating to "real" people. Now that I have found this blog I don't have to be so lonely. I think we should start a new thread called "Losers full of BS"

H said...

When I heard this news my heart broke once again this week. On Monday a son of a sister was killed, he was only 18. He knew the AA way and decided to take another way. It is too late for him now. Brother Maffey still has time and God is loving and powerful. I am a backslider and the events of this week have really touched my heart. We need to come together God's coming is near. May God have mercy on us. God is going to deal with Bro. Maffey in his own way. We can't make accusations and comments of his future because God is the one doing the work not US.

Remembering said...

How intersting to read some of these comments and see so much resemblance in the GB or is it the GB themselves making these comments? Did Sam Valverde once say to Saul Avila "we are going to kick some butts!" This comment was referring to all the pastor's.
On another note:
There is a story that the old folks from a town in West Texas called Odessa have shared with many regarding the time that Artie was in Odessa helping the pastor
got involved with his daughter. The last they heard of him was he had left town because something happen between these two love birds. I wonder how much truth there is to this tale???

InglesConBarreras said...
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InglesConBarreras said...


S(p)am V. doesn't have the b_ _ _ s to "kick butt!" He's always been "momma's boy.

He's also a "fraud", better know as a charlatan.

He claims to have left medical schooling to do what he does best... "stab people in the back!"

Slammy, I know you read this blog so "dis ez fur ju ese!"

"Tia-juana te espera valverdito para que vengas a comer pinole!

Your friends from across the border!

The_End_is_Near said...

Yeah but they hide behind the pupit, and preach don't touch God's anionted. So with this scare tactic it makes their yellow streak down their backs fade a little.

trophyman said...

Now that we are in speaking terms, please let me say according to sources in Texas no one ran Torres out of the AA. FYI Artie's experiences in Texas haven't been very reputable. First and foremost Artie goes to Odessa to help pastor Quin back in the 70s he ends up doing no telling what to his daughter, and has to leave (poor Bertha). Then he goes back to Odessa gets hooked up with Roy A. and they stir up a lota %&#$ and lies. Then he wants the Midland Church doesn't get it because it now only has 25 people. Artie might oughta just want to stay out of Texas, I can't hardly wait to see his wife at Gay-lord I have info she might want to hear on this guy!

Enrique you are LOCO My Friend! You are messing with the wrong man!

LA DIST. W/Insights into Rancho Cucamonga

sinaloense said...

en vez de criticar y lanzar tantas piedras, deberian de ponerse a pedir a Dios para que esto no pase a una de sus hijas.

yo tengo 20 años en la AA y he visto tantas cosas..que mejor dejo que Dios juzgue a ellos y no yo.

God bless you.

trophyman said...

The picture of the thug above is just pathetic, it is the disgraced look of a typical Cholo when he's
been caught with his hand in the cookie jar! Except this time it wasn't his hand, it was his nasty tongue that got caught and unfortunately it wasn't the cookie jar! Freaking pervert. I would love to have been the one to catch this bastard!

LA DIST. W/Insights into Rancho Cucamonga

lehan said...

Anyone happened to know how the Apostolic Summit went in Texas. I'm not sure if it was in Austin, or San Antonio.

Anybody attended? How was it? Does it look promising? Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thanks you!

rsvp said...
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lehan said...

Thank you raffe for all the info!
Did you attend? If so how was it? Does it look promising?

lehan said...

WOW! raffe said, "...board of directors, are, pastors, baldemar,solomon,torres,avila,zuniga,art tafoya,mendoza." So Tafoya is still in there hu! THERE IS NO WAY IN HAIDIS THAT PASTORS FROM ARIZONA WILL JOIN THIS ALLIANCE WITH TAFOYA AS A DIRECTOR!!!

I know because I'm a minister in a church in AZ and I've heard my Pastor and others that have come to visit that they WOULD NEVER join with that man as a director.

Believe me I've seen this man in action in the past and he was ugly, disrispectful, full of himself, and a total jerl! Lord have mercy on this new alliance.

Tx hammer said...

What happened to Maffey is very unfortunate for all the parties envolved. Lets pray that the truth prevails at the end. My prayers go out to both families.

Lets keep our eyes on Jesus. We are all prone to fall to temptation. One mans faults or the faults of a group of men do not represent an entire organization.

God Bless.

santoabel said...

"Apostolic World Alliance, Inc."?
What's the 'Inc' for? Not another 'incorporated' religious organization that can't even begin a new work, but rather just use 200 retreads for 'churches'. Sounds like another 'AA'......

lehan said...

Hey sorel,
The rumor here in AZ is that Tafoya only has a few members (25) in his church. And most fo them are family members.

The other rumor is that his brother Robert Tafoya is also starting a church and they are fighting for family members to attend. LOL LOL LOL!

To santoabel,
Having Tafoya as a board member IS a retread organization THAT WILL FUNCTION like another 'AA' Mark my words I also know the old dictator bishop (Tafoya) here in arizona and this man is baaaaaaddddd neeeewwwssss!

rsvp said...
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Remembering said...

It's amazing how some don't want IN the AWA and others want OUT of the AA. I understand why some wouldn't want to go in the AWA because humans fear the unknown. Now, on the ones who want out of the AA they fear what they've gotten to know during these past 2 years regarding the corruption within the GB members.

rsvp said...
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LL said...

200 churches will join the AWA .
WOW! How many are from California ?

I was informed by an email that the Summit was a success.

rsvp said...
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santoabel said...

Do you 'rebeldes' really think that illegal, unsanctified, and humanistic shenanigans have been going on in only the last two years? Where have you been the last 40 years? You will find the same is true for any other religion in this world.
And as far as this AWA is concerned, I know all of these knucklehead 'rebeldes'. (In fact, one of them is family.) You need to go back to the doctrine of the THEOCRATIC government. Because this is the type of government we live under. Like it or not. The Church is a God-ruled Church, not a man-ruled entity.



not sure if this is embaressing, humiliating, or worse...

however, all innocent until proven guitly... so I will not cast judgement...

but can't be good for the AA's already bruised ego, and tarnished rep...

rsvp said...
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lehan said...

to raffe,

Hey everone in AZ knows that the only clowns here are the Tafoyas. And the they do stick together because they are all LIARS! Everone knows that man, except the people outside of AZ. If you guys have 25 people in church you guys will say you got 100. If you 2 souls visiting you'll say you had 20. If someone said they MIGHT get baptized you'll say we're having 3baptisms.


And YES, 12 family members! Pastor Art has like 33 family members - AND THAT'S IT. Even the congrgation that was with you guys in glendale stayed with Quiroz! THE MAYORITY STAYED IN GLENDALE. And if I remember correctly you guys used to claim you had 300 to 400 members. WHAT A BUNCH OF FAMILY LIARS!

rsvp said...
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LL said...

Thank you, for the info. I know in Califa's t/are some churches under that org(AWA).

The way things are going in the aa you just might get your wish.(w/join in t/AWA)

rsvp said...
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Unknown said...
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lehan said...

It is hilarious to see that the AA Can not move on. They are so focused on this Pastors and the New Alliance they can not even go one with God's business. Everyone said that this men would not make it alone and they are. Everyone said that they would never survive and they have. Everyone in the AA said that no one would follow and they are. Your people from all around the world and now joining even my Pastor has commented about joining and the only ones still stuck in thier ever disassembly ways are the AA. The AWA is on the rise. So from our side adios all of you people who are so concerned with who is leaving who is not leaving. We do not have anymore time for all this mess. The Devil has most of you so under control that you can not even see the writting on the wall.

factsonly1 said...

"So whatcha doing after church?"

accion said...

Mendoza is not part of the Board of Directors of AWA he is only a counselor for the Appeal.

Anonymous said...


Factsonly1 said...

Kiss me Richard, Kiss me!! In DA MouF, wiff your dirty chorizo breath tongue.

omg said...

Thanks for the info affe, Looking forward to January. God bless all those men of God. Think the AA is going to be bankrupt with all them lawsuits they invited.

Nevertheless, I pray for the congregations in the AA. I know there is not a church in the AA who fully agree with their dealings. Pastors and members alike. Gee, would'nt it been better to let the brohers revote immediatly?

Brothers where ever you go it doesn't matter, keep serving God. Man will fail, Jesus never fails, that's for sure.

God is not an organiztion, but we need men of God to organize for His purpose.

sola dei gloria said...

Let me ask you folks a question.

How are “Old Timers” that are “Old School” going to lead a “New Organization” into the New Millennium. You can’t put new wine into old skins. Where is the doctrinal statement? How do you know, you are going from the frying pan – into the fire?

Factsonly1 said...

New Wine into Old Skins? Since the new organization has circumized itself from the old one, I can assure you that if you put new wine into the new skins that was circumcized from the old, if you treat it just right with annointed oil, it will certainly GROW.

sola dei gloria said...

You can’t hide “doctrinal blunders” by going from one organization into another.

porq said...

All I want to know is where is that one Mr. Leotardo Maffey in all this?
He's the self-proclaimed, "I'm in CHARGE here!!" Oye Leo, que vas a decir o hacer por tu carnalito? You are gonna find out that the law of the land & the law of the Lord are REALLY in CHARGE here w/ real power!

However, all of this does pain us...

omg said...

sola dei gloria

It was the gb that cut off the brethern. Did they think they would fold up and stop following Jesus? Don't question present board if you plan to stay in the AA.

It doesn't matter where you AA, AWA, UPC, PAW just that you serve the Lord. If you dont agree with any of these organ.

I say it again, serve the Lord regardless of what organ.

sola dei gloria said...


That’s what I’m already doing. It’s these anxious “ship jumpers” that I am concerned about. I am secure in Christ. The bible makes me that promise. Too many are bent on following “men” rather than “truth”

Remembering said...

Sola de gloria, I think these men are big boys and they can take care of themselves. No need to be concerned just focus on yourself right now and make sure you're on the right ship.

sola dei gloria said...

Ah! Remembering.

Nice to here from you. Are you on the right ship??

omg said...

sola dei gloria

I.m glad to hear your secure in Christ, thats all that matters.

I don't consider them ship jumpers. I don't agree with what happen in Nov. 06. I don't agree with present board. But, I want these men of the gb to serve the Lord. Fixing a vote is not right. So do so many others. It's not my purpose to persuae anyone in either direction, except serve Jesus.

This blog seems to be filled with brothers who are bitter. I'm sorry for that. I do beleive we have the right to disagree. It's hurtful to see the foul talk here. I don't want to lower myself to that. It hurts to see a brother in trouble. I am a christian and do want anyone to waiver from Jesus.

I'm trying to be encouraging. Does anyone agree? Thats what we should be doing

You are my brother or my sister in Christ.

Does anyone agree?

omg said...

My error, my bad.

Revise: Don't want anyone to waiver from Jesus.

Can I get an AMEN!

sola dei gloria said...


omg said...

On the right ship?

The right ship is Jesus! Right?

sola dei gloria said...

Spread the word!!

rsvp said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
lehan said...

One thing that astounds me if that if the eyes are really fixed on God then we would not be too concerned with one or the other we would just move along here is the catch. Behold all things are made new what if God got tired and decided to remake something that was not founded on him. When we are focused on God it should not matter what is going on.
So what if God is not trying to destroy an organization just rustle the feathers see what if we all in here on both sides were so focused on the problem instead of a resolution we just made a problem bigger than what it really needed to be let there be no man among you to judge.
Which means we should just follow God and see where he takes us those that wait upon the Lord? Everyone in here on either side just criticizes one or the other. No souls are being saved there for we are not being what we are called to do. Which is stand still and know that He is God? So if God shakes the foundation you make a better impact then just blowing down the building. We you get rid of a building you just break away the material and do not destroy it in its entirety so what if God decides to start a new.
God has rid us of an erroneous foundation and make it God centered. Old wine skins is just an evaluation of something that is already in existence now new wine skins are made a new and that is what has happened like it or not God has changed the direction things cannot go back to the way it was so people get on or stay back we see how we can become salt by wrong decisions. The people that have made up their minds have already done so no amount of persuasion or well spoken words will change so let’s move on or out of the way.
What has been done is done. What God has done he has done. To keep focused on God and not a problem is what we know have to do. The new milieu is just that a new a time for change something out of the ordinary. Doctrinal views are the laws of Moses and sister or brother unless you have followed that to a T you shall not enter the Kingdom of God and therein lies the problem everyone fails unless you want to come straight out and say it is wrong but God’s word never changes despite our views and compromise God’s word is adamant firm.

A soul is the concern of which we need to focus not words of flattery and pleasant words. It is about hearing the truth except do not except is the choice God gives us not the choice to try and justify and judge.

What-Ever!! said...

This message is for the honorable bishop of IDCN Felip Lugo;

Could you please go check out what's going on at the church at Lake Elsinore, CA under the pastorship of Phil Saenz or do an internal investigation on your own administration on why so many ministers have left the church of Lake Elsinore, CA and the AA.

In the month of July a minister by the name of Rafael Mendez now a minister with Pastor John Huizar Jr. In August Evangelist Juan Campos and I believe now he is pastoring in the city of Corona, CA. Now Evangelist Luis Guttierez posts his resignation on the .info website.

All three of these great ministries were out of the church of Pastor Phil Saenz and the district of Bishop Felipe Lugo. Would someone please do an investigation why either the district or the GB.

I guess some men want to be known as men that killed ministries and not raise minitries.


LL said...

That's the beauty of this Country your not guilty until found guilty.

Unknown said...


I have it from good sources that the charges are going to be dropped. The lawyer do not have no case.

rsvp said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
What-Ever!! said...

Today is the 30th year anniversary of the Jonestown mass suicide of the People's Church, under the direction of their Bishop President Jim Jones.

He takes his followers from San Fransisco to New Guinea and has them their following him blindly all because he has the gift of speaking and charisma. To make a long story short, on the infamous day 30 years ago, he gathered all his followers to the main tabernacle and gave everyone a cup of what they was grape juice to celebrate the Lord's Supper, but in actuality it was psinide, a highly poisonous chemical to the human body. They all drank in obedience to the Bishop and all died.

Will history repeat itself at the Gaylord convention. When hundreds (you thought I was going to say thousands, LOL!) anyways, again, when hundreds go to the Lord's Supper Service and follow the orders of their Bishop to drink from the cup of what looks like Welche's Grape Juice. BEWARE, BEWARE, BEWARE.


Unknown said...

I sense that there are people that want to “Shoot the Messenger” whenever you don’t like the Message. If you point out the hypocrisy in some of our Leaders, you are seemed as bitter, if you call them out on their despicable behavior, you are called judgmental, you’re calls for mercy on these people are admirable. Which is more than some of the gb leaders have had for other people that have asked for accountability, transparency nonetheless.
I ask you, aren’t our leaders supposed to be our examples of how we are to live our Christian lives? Aren’t these leaders the ones we are supposed to go to for counseling? ( I know we are to follow JESUS only and not men, but that’s not what I’m talking about.)
Are our standards in the aa so low for our leaders that they can be accused, arrested, publicly humiliated and drag our aa name thru the mud along with them, yet there are people that seem to defend them?
You are living in DENIAL, we are where we are BECAUSE our leaders preach one thing but live another.

LL said...

He will get his M. License back.

LL said...

People in the aa excuse themselves by saying " We are not perfect" and alot of people justified themselves by that.(t/go under this umbrella).

Remembering said...

You wish u knew: Now that is scary! Jim Jones knew his time had come to an end after he killed California Congressman Ryan and four others as they tried to rescue those that wanted to leave the "People's Temple." What a coinsidence (Pastor Baldemar Rodriguez, Daniel Solomon, Abel Torres, Art Tofoya and Saul Avila) these men who paid the price so an exit door could be opened for those who wanted and want to flee this madness.

Unknown said...

They are all lies. Pastor Maffey is an honorable man. These are nothing more than wicked accusations from the pitts of hell.

It saddens me to see how many of you jumped the gun and proclaimed his guilt.

You have no mercy at all. We serve a merciful God not a vengful one.

May God have mercy on your souls for rejoicing about Pastor Maffey's situation. You are the same crowd that throws stones at a sinner. You are the ones who support them minutemen and proposition 8 in the name of Christianity.

What kind of Christians are you?

WatchOut! said...

So if you do want to join in Valverde's version of the "Holy Comunion" at Convention in Dallas People bring your own grape juice, cup and crackers. Watch out!

Anonymous said...

PDC! A todos. It's odd that noone has talked about the Plaintiffs Brief that is now posted on And to this end the fact that the first ruling looks to be overturned, without question!
Now, when this does, what do you think will happen to the AAFCJ?

Skotty Will Show You said...


dang...ok so Way 2 Go AAFJC!
Try to bail this one out!


Skotty Will Show You said...

so... here come the Jr. Camp Flash Backs!

dang... i hope there was only 1 victim... considering all the youth camps he's prob been to...

looks like 2008 is going to finish off as a pretty bad year for the aafjc and those "Godly Boys"!

btw... you wish you knew...

Lugo Doesnt Care... he pRETTY MUCH stole from the elderly ... we care we share... all that money... wasted... on what?
big and tall store shopping spree!

funny how the entire US was so outraged by the outfits sarah palin chose to wear...
yet the AAFJC and its members dont even question how their board members can afford their suits and caddy's!
just a thought plain and simple...

btw... how much money does each member of the "Godly Boys" Get paid PER YEAR?

isnt it your right to know???

Skotty Will Show You said...

doesnt the usmc KILL people?

lehan said...

Jesse you have a valid point but the whole AA drags the AA name through the mud because many people not all but many people are guilty just as anyone else here.
Many people become religious and others beecome liberal but either way it is a dysfunctional society on other side.

We focus on men and no matter what man is up there none will ever be perfect in the eyes of people they might but what everyone does behind close doors is also sinning it might not be considered that because no one ever catches it but a sin is a sin. No matter how great or how small.

Leaders have to be diplomatic and not side and show favortism but many still do.

When it comes down to it religious people will fall for the appearance because that is what we focus on. God is the focus not that man if we focus on the man we have become ensnared in a trap of idolatry because man fails God never does.

We have become focused on our standards for our leadership that in truth no one will ever come up to because no one and no one is perfect. This is why we need to rely on God for counseling and help.

Then also we have to take in to count the greatest sinners were the greatest leaders because God judges the heart not the appearance and we judge the appearance and not the heart.

What if tomorrow everyone of us went forth and failed God we then would have to apply the same judgement we applied for others.

It is one thing to say that it would not happen if you never had to be judge but if you have then you would realize that God is not like us he cares for the sinner and many times we do not.

lehan said...

We have all sinned and come sort of the Glory of God it is just when you are not in the public eye as much your sins are not obvious even though we all have our faults. When you are in the eye of the public the public makes every flaw noticeable. We have low standards for christians. A person can scream and all of a sudden he is annointed. A person can talk softly and God is not with them.

When God did not have to scream to make himself known he sometimes spoke softly. Their are none that are greater than another in the Kingdom of God but we have been taugh that and everyone is concerned with position and title. When that sometimes is not a calling God has given to all.

Iceman21 said...

how dare any of you hypocrites write anything negative on this board. Maffey is a man of God. He's innocent. There is no way in hell that all this nonsense is true. Its a shame that you all come and write non-conforting hypocritical messages and take the time to write them, as opposed to praying for him and his family. May God himself deal with you all according to his will. I hope grace is upon you instead of of His wrath. Be careful what you write...God is working in Bro.Maffey's life once again. Let's just say it is true...all you people are doing is creating a bad name for apostolics and the gospel of Jesus. God be with you all...and Bro Maffey, God is going work this out....--Isaac

omg said...


I agree with you 100/. None of us should make fun at someone who has possibly fallen. I say possibly. It is a matter of public record. No one has to justify Maffey but God. I pray only the right result. (guilty or not guilty) whichever one is true, when is goes to court.

God help the families involved.

There is alot of bashing on this blog. But, when its all said and done (blogged) we have ourselves to answer to God. Brother bashing or delighting on rude comments here, are just empty words when it comes down to it. Because, what really matters is how we as individuals stand before God. And all who have been bashed here, dont need our justification, just that they stand right in the presence of God.

I know I can't and DON'T beleive all that is said here. Hope all who read this blog realize this.

capish or no capish?

Unknown said...

BUT, Is it too much to ask that someone placed in a position of authority be of higher moral and emotional and spiritual character?
Is it too much to ask that some of our leaders, local or otherwise not have their names mentioned much less get arrested and/or convicted for moral sins?
Is this being insensitive? Or heartless?
If you know you are not who you say you are? Why wait until you get caught to repent?
When you become a leader, you are supposed to lead other, but if you are lost yourself , how can that be?

lehan said...

I understand what you are trying to tell us and what if they had I know this man got caught what if they had already made a change I do not understand maybe on that level what you are trying to say that you need to watch your step when your a leader I agree with you on that. We do not know if they had made a change or asked the pastor or maybe even their superiors and mentioned it to them. What if the action had been resolved long before hand or are you telling me that they should never have had an oppurtunity since they were already cleared with God and the rest.

I am just asking. I say this because I have in my time seen many religious people fail God at many points and when they needed help it was not their because they themselves had never shown it.

I just do not understand because it sounds like once they go down that it is the last chance one time they fall down and it is over.

Maybe that is not what you are trying to express but that is how it sounds.

maria said...

wow a lot of bitterness here as well as ignorance...
you all are mixing up two different things. One thing is to be a pedophile, (yes even if there is no penetration, IT IS STILL SEXUAL MOLESTATION!educate yourself!) and another thing to be a bad leader. Two separate issues.
If maffey is not guilty, I hope for his wife and children's sake, then God will help him and provide total restoration. If he is guilty, God will allow the consequences of sin to take their course in his life, and provide total restoration if maffey repents!

Another totally different issue is what is going on with the leadership of the organization. If all the men who were stripped of their churches had spoken up a long time ago things may have changed. BUT, since they were comfortable and no one was bothering them they were fine with the voting and the setup of the assembly. I guess it all depends on who is getting kicked around huh? Now that they are on the wrong side of the leadership then all of a sudden they want to change it? Ha Ha it doesn't work that way.
If the assembly is wrong in it's dealings then they only have THEMSELVES to blame. Bro Baldemar, Solomon, etc etc have been in the Board for 25-30years. more than enough time to change things, no?

just a closing thought....
God's hands aren't tied! Do you think He is surprised at what is going on and needs our help to bring down the assembly or a particular pastor/minister? He never stopped being in control of things. He will judge each of our hearts for bitterness and hatred. That is enough for me to stay out of what is none of my business and on my knees. God Bless!!

omg said...


How could we not expect more from those who are our leaders? Anyone who is in a position of ministry is not free from failure.

But if they fall, such as a crime, adultry etc. they should no longer be able to stand in a position of authority. Needless to say, that in no way means their salvation is lost. Thank God there is repentance.

omg said...

Maria you said, they were comfortable with the voting?

If all were comfortable with the voting /fixing the vote? Why is there this blog? The board was confronted! Their response was, removal.
What happens at the next election? I wouldn't bother voting, what for?

WatchOut! said...


You're on here too in case you haven't noticed so you too are in everybody's business and judging those who are judging or maybe they're just speaking out.

Remembering said...

Maria: I agree with you why nothing hadn't been done before if this has been going on for years.
Have you read some the letters Pastor Abel Torres wrote to the president in letter info? This is the first time I've ever heard of Abel Torres ever being in an electoral committee. If I am wrong please correct me. It's like the Lord had assigned Abel Torres for this mission which he has paid dearly for it. I still can't understand why the president would have asked Pastor Torres to be in one of the committees if he knew good and well that he was not a "yes man" according to one of the letters he wrote to the president. It seems as if the president wanted to be caught and who better than Torres who couldn't turn the other way and ignore what he had seen. I've often wondered how some of the GB members felt about the choice the president made when he allowed Torres to be in the electoral committee? I guess only God knows what the president was really thinking. Was this part of God's plan? Only God knows and only time will tell.
Regarding the mug shot of Richard Maffey and all the comments made against him they are cold, harsh and heartless. This could well be me my father, son, brother or grandson. I would want compassion and mercy if I was in this situation. I am not saying that what he did or did not do is right I am only considering myself as the word of God teaches us to do because it could be one of us next time. God have mercy on all of us!

rsvp said...
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100%apostolic said...

Richard Maffey Has to be SICK in the head to try to get with an 14 year old girl, What has the apostolic assembly gone to! starting with this child raper. hopeffully he rots in hell. we dont need any more of these pathetic cocksucking leaders in our church.

100%apostolic said...

A la verga con richard maffey

fear of God said...

Blog Master please delete the vulgaran profane blogs from 100% apostolic of which he is not.Ur blog is going downhill real fast my friend, if u continue to allow this profanity and garbage u will be left alone.

fear of God said...

and by the way mr -1% do not judge bro Maffey who knows whats in ur closet? remember vengance is of the Lord !One last comment I did enjoy ur blog for a time being, but when u allowed certain comments that had nothing to do with the 2006 elections u lost it Goodbye forever RIP

omg said...


I dont get what your trying to say. Your saying the votes have been fixed all along? Not just in this 06 election. That just seems to say all the brethern through the AA have been dishonest.

I have a little more faith in the AA than that.

As I understand it, the ministers pray before their vote is cast. I would think by faith at that point God has moved and what God would have appointed will be. But in the last election there was something new placed by the present board. CID which gives the board the right to reject the vote.

Just think its a little to conveinent for the present board. I dont think this CID was ever considered through out the ministerial body. Put in by those who fixed the vote.

There's alot of brothers who think this absolutly wrong. It doesnt matter if any of the brothers are family, just that they properly won by vote. CID? something about disqualifyng someone if the board feels so. What would be disqaulifying? Is what I would like to know. If the CID is in place, shouldn't there be in place what is considered disqualifying?

With all the throwing out of brothers, how many brothers are bewildered? Not attendind church anymore. I know of some already.

I sure hope th AA will straighten this CID situation to make if fair.

rsvp said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Remembering said...

Someone on this blog said the best way to get rid of these SICK PEOPLE that VOMIT everything that is in their heart is to "ignore their comments by not responding to it." Who wants to be eating the VOMIT that someone throws up! According to the bible the dogs do that!! Just to think of VOMIT makes me SICK to my stomach! I'm sorry for being so explicit but it's the TRUTH!!

rsvp said...
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rsvp said...
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rsvp said...
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rsvp said...
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The_End_is_Near said...

Who has the most to gain if this blog is closed?
Think about it?
My opinion is the people who have the most to lose are out to sabatage this blog by themselves or putting people up to make their vulgar comments.
Like someone said earlier just ignore them.
THE dgb is up to their old tricks

accion said...

Recognizing the Elements of Fraud
By Mark R. Simmons, CIA CFE
A government agency official directs the owner of a company doing business under contract to provide equipment and contractor staff that will be used to perform non-contract related work for the agency. When seeking payment, the contractor bills the hours for non-contract work as having been expended on contract related activity. The billing occurs with the knowledge of the agency official, and the agency official instructs lower level staff to approve the bill for payment from agency accounts. Because the contract is part of a federally funded program, the agency in turn files a claim for reimbursement with the federal government, which the federal government, in good faith, pays. Some people might say that the agency official is a creative manager. I'd say that agency official is a crook.
FRAUD occurs when all of the following elements exist:
• an individual or an organization intentionally makes an untrue representation about an important fact or event;
• the untrue representation is believed by the victim (the person or organization to whom the representation has been made);
• the victim relies upon and acts upon the untrue representation;
• the victim suffers loss of money and/or property as a result of relying upon and acting upon the untrue representation.
Fraud can be for the benefit and gain of an individual, or for the benefit and gain of an organizational entity or program. When an individual commits fraud, the benefits and gains may be direct (receipt of money or property), or indirect (reward of promotions, bonuses, power and influence). When an organization (actually an employee acting on behalf of the organization) commits fraud, the benefits and gains to the organization are usually direct, in the form of financial gain.
Some states have specific fraud statutes. Other states may have specific laws to deal with bribery and corruption; and may prosecute other types of fraud under larceny, robbery, embezzlement or other specific statutes. Whenever the U.S. government is injured through fraud, the matter falls within the jurisdiction of the US Justice Department and the federal courts. Therefore, a fraud could be prosecuted as a felony under both state and federal laws.
In addition, under U.S. federal Law, anyone who engages in fraudulent activity and uses telephones, telegraph and/or the Postal Service to discuss or either send or receive correspondence or documents in furtherance of the fraud, can be prosecuted for felony mail fraud and/or wire fraud; and if two or more persons act in collusion to defraud, U.S. federal conspiracy statutes also apply. Also, under U.S. federal law, anyone who has knowledge that a felony fraud has actually been committed against the U.S. government; fails to report the fraud to appropriate authorities; and helps to conceal the fraud by giving false information, concealing facts, obstructing justice, or taking some other positive action, is also guilty of a felony crime punishable by up to three years in federal prison.
In addition to the general laws governing fraud, there are U.S. laws that deal with and/or regulate specific industries and business transactions. These laws also usually contain specific statutes for prosecuting fraud. Some examples would be statutes pertaining to bank fraud, forgery or insurance fraud.
Generally, there are twelve crimes that fall under the umbrella of Fraud.
1. Bribery
Bribery is the giving, receiving, offering, or soliciting of any "thing of value" in order to influence an official in the performance of, or failure to perform, the lawful duties of that official. This includes influencing or soliciting the commission, or collusion to commit, any other type of fraud; or influencing an official, or soliciting by an official, to do, or omit to do, any act that violates the lawful duty of that official. Bribery defrauds the victim (usually an organization or political entity) of the right to honest and loyal services from those employed by the victim.
2. Commercial Bribery
Commercial bribery is the giving, receiving, offering or soliciting of any "thing of value" in order to influence a business decision without the victim's (usually a business organization's) knowledge or consent.
3. Illegal Gratuity
An illegal gratuity is the giving, receiving, offering or soliciting, after the fact, of any "thing of value" for or because of an official act that has been taken.
Following are examples of bribery and illegal gratuities:
* A government inspector solicits payment from the owner of a business regulated by a government agency. In return, the inspector fails to report important safety and financial violations discovered during the last inspection. In this situation, the victims are those who rely upon the honest reporting of deficiencies, and the loss is salary paid to the inspector for work not performed, plus any damages that result from failure to perform.
* The owner of a company doing business under contract for an organization knows that the manager responsible for overseeing the contractor's activities plays an influential role in deciding whether or not the contractor is satisfactorily meeting the performance terms and conditions of the contract. The manager uses personal influence and position to assure that the contractor receives satisfactory performance evaluations and is paid, even though the contractor's work is substandard, and lower level staff in the organization have legitimate concerns about the cost of the contract and the contractor's ability to perform. The contractor secretly gives financial and other incentives to the manager in return. In this situation, the victims are those who expect satisfactory performance of contract terms. The loss is dollars paid for unsatisfactory work.
* A senior organization official accepts financial and other incentives from a contractor to assure that a request for proposals is written in such a way that only that one contractor will be able to submit a satisfactory bid proposal. In addition, the senior official uses personal influence and position to persuade other senior officials that a good faith effort to obtain competitive bids has been made. As a result, the favored contractor wins the bid award at a noncompetitive price. In addition, once the contract is in effect, the same senior official approves and justifies several high cost contract amendments, for which additional illegal gratuities are received. In this situation, the victims are those who expect a fair and impartial competitive procurement process. The loss is dollars needlessly spent as a result of noncompetitive pricing and price gouging.
4. Conflict of Interest
A conflict of interest occurs when a person or organization acts on behalf of another individual or organization; and has, or appears to have, a hidden bias or self-interest in the activity undertaken; and the hidden bias or self-interest is actually or potentially adverse to the interests of the individual or organization being represented; and the hidden bias or self-interest is not made known to the individual or organization being represented.
When a person's conflict of interest results in economic or financial loss to the individual or organization on whose behalf the person is acting, then fraud has occurred. Conflict of interest can exist on its own, or can be an intricate part of other frauds such as bribery and illegal gratuities. Conflict of interest laws apply to government employees and those doing business with government. In the non-public sector, conflict of interest may not be a prosecutable offense, although the criminal results of such conflict would be.
* The examples given for bribery and illegal gratuities are also examples of conflict of interest resulting in fraud.
* Conflict of interest can also occur and result in fraud without the presence of bribery and illegal gratuities. This happens when an individual or organization acting on behalf of another individual or organization has a hidden financial interest in the outcome of an event or transaction.
The typical example is that of a company official or employee, or an immediate relative of an official or employee, who has a hidden financial interest (stock or direct ownership) in a vendor doing business with the company. If the official or employee is in a position to influence the amount of business the vendor does with the company, then a conflict of interest exists. If that conflict of interest results in unnecessary orders being filled, or paying higher than fair market prices for the goods or services, then fraud has occurred. This is because the involved individuals will benefit financially through higher valuation of stock or direct distribution of proceeds from doing business with the company. The victims here are those who expect company officials and employees to act in the best interests of the company, rather than in self-interest. The loss is dollars needlessly spent on overpriced or unnecessary goods and services.
* Conflict of interest can also exist and result in fraud when an organization has a hidden interest or benefit from the outcome of an event or transaction. In a government environment, for example, this more subtle type of conflict of interest could occur if government officials, acting on behalf of the government, either alone or in conspiracy with providers of services, obtain state and federal funds and use those funds for other than intended program purposes. In this instance, the government agency, in acting as the conduit of state and federal funds, has a hidden self-interest that is actually or potentially adverse to the interests of the state and federal government. An example of this would be the following situation:
An agency official directs the owner of a company doing business under contract with the agency to provide the agency with equipment and contractor staff that will be used to perform work for the agency that is unrelated to the terms and conditions of the contract, and unrelated to the federal program under which the contract is funded. This favor and benefit creates a conflict of interest because there is no longer an arms-length relationship between the agency, which acts on behalf of the government, and the contractor. When seeking payment, if the contractor intentionally bills the hours for non-contract work as having been expended on contract related activity, then the contractor has committed fraud. If the fraudulent billing occurs with the knowledge of the agency official; and/or the agency official instructs lower level staff to approve the bill for payment from agency accounts; and the agency in turn files a claim for reimbursement with the federal government, which the federal government, in good faith, pays, then the agency official has also committed fraud under federal law.
The example given is a fraudulent act resulting from conflict of interest because the actions of self-interest by the contractor and the official acting on behalf of the agency are hidden from the state and federal governments, and constitutes obtaining state and federal funds under false pretense (see False Statements and False Claims, below). The victims are the state and the federal government, from which the funds were obtained, and the loss is the funds illegally obtained.
5. False Statements and False Claims
A false statement fraud and false claims fraud occur whenever anyone knowingly and willfully falsifies a material fact or makes a false or fictitious representation or files a false or fictitious claim that results in economic or financial loss to the party to whom the false representation has been made.
Example of False Statements and False Claims:
* An employee prepares and submits a monthly payroll time report, and intentionally falsifies the document by not reporting unpaid leave taken while the supervisor was away on business. As a result, the employee is paid for the time not worked. The same principle applies to an employee who falsifies a travel voucher by reporting expenses that were not incurred. The victim is the employer, and the loss is the money wrongfully paid to the employee.
* A senior company official disagrees with a court decision for which all legal remedies have been exhausted, and which the company must therefore comply with. The decision has a significant financial impact on operations. The senior official knowingly and intentionally continues practices that the court decision has prohibited. The failure to comply with the ruling results in the chief operating officer filing false statements, reports and vouchers with the government. The victims are those who rely on accurate reporting to the government, and the loss is funds illegally obtained or expended; or economic or property losses incurred because of the improper reporting.
* A company performs contract work for a government agency. Under the direction of company managers, staff charge time to a government program that reimburses 75% of incurred costs, instead of charging the time to the actual government program that they worked on, which only reimburses 50% of incurred costs. The employees recognize that the wrong program is being charged for their time, but are unaware of the differing reimbursement percentages. When the employees question their instructions, the company managers tell them not to worry since both programs are paid from government funds, and the cross-charging doesn't really matter. The government is subsequently fraudulently mischarged as a result. The company managers have engaged in fraudulent activity that results in false statements, false claims, and probably mail fraud. Under U.S. law, the employees who filed the false time reports are guilty of conspiracy to defraud. Though the employees neither benefited from the mischarging, nor were aware that the mischarging was illegal, they are also parties to false statements, false claims, mail fraud and conspiracy statutes. The employees knew they were improperly charging their time, and by falsely preparing the time documents, the employees concealed the fraud. Whether they knew that the mischarging was illegal is not a consideration. As a result of the employees' actions, when the government was billed for reimbursement, the company managers were able to defraud the government of costs that should have been borne by the company.
6. Extortion
Extortion occurs when a person or organization obtains something from another individual or organization under color of official office and/or through the use of actual or threatened force or fear, including fear of economic or fiscal loss.
Examples of Extortion:
* A government inspector solicits payment from the owner of a business regulated by a government agency, and in order to secure the payment, the inspector threatens the business owner with charges of severe code violations and heavy fines. Faced with a threat of economic and fiscal loss, the business owner makes the payment. In this situation, the victims are those who rely upon the honest reporting of safety issues and deficiencies. The loss is salary paid to the inspector for work not performed and the money extorted from the business.
* An official responsible for contract procurements also has a great deal of influence among contract procurement officers in other companies and government agencies. The official informs a contractor that in order to continue receiving contracts, the contractor must provide special gratuities, favors or services without compensation to the contractor. If the contractor fails to cooperate, the official threatens to blacklist the contractor and cut the contractor off from any further work. Faced with a threat of economic and fiscal loss, the contractor complies. In this case, the victims are those who rely upon the official to carry out duties and responsibilities with honesty and integrity. The loss is the cost to the contractor of providing non-reimbursed services.
7. and 8. Mail Fraud and Wire Fraud
Under U.S. federal law, anyone who engages in fraudulent activity and uses telephones, telegraph and/or the U.S. Postal Service to discuss or either send or receive correspondence or documents in furtherance of the fraud, can be prosecuted for felony mail fraud and/or wire fraud.
Examples of Mail and Wire fraud:
* If any of the perpetrators of the previously described crimes used the postal system to mail reimbursement claims, mail bid announcements, exchange correspondence with co-conspirators or victims, submit/return contract amendments, or in any way used the postal system to carry out the fraud, then they can be prosecuted for mail fraud. Similarly, if a modem was used to electronically exchange data or file claims related to the fraud; or if co-conspirators discussed related activities over the telephones, or in any way used telephones or telegraph to carry out the fraud, then they can be prosecuted for wire fraud.
9. Conspiracy
Conspiracy occurs when there is the specific intent that a crime be performed; and there is an agreement with another person to engage in or cause that crime to be performed, and one of the conspirators commits an overt act in furtherance of the conspiracy. At state and local levels, there are various degrees of conspiracy, ranging from misdemeanors to felonies, depending upon the crime that is committed. Under U.S. federal law, conspiracy is a felony. When two or more persons conspire to defraud the United States, or any agency of the United States, for any purpose or in any manner, each person is subject to a $10,000 fine and imprisonment of five years.
Examples of Conspiracy
* All of the crimes previously described could be prosecuted under conspiracy statutes if the elements of conspiracy exist.
10. Breach of Fiduciary Duty
A breach of fiduciary duty occurs when a person, who is employed by and owes a duty to an organization or another individual, does something that is not in the best financial interest of that organization or individual. Breach of fiduciary duty is a civil matter, not a criminal offense. However, as a civil offense, the elements of proof required for conviction are considerably simpler than for criminal fraud, and it is not necessary to prove wrongful intent.
Examples of Breach of Fiduciary Duty:
* All the previously cited examples of bribery, illegal gratuities, fraudulent conflict of interest, and making false statements are felony crimes. They are also breaches of fiduciary duty. This means that in addition to criminal charges, the persons who have committed wrongful acts can be sued for damages in civil court.
* There are other types of breach of fiduciary duty. These fall under the umbrella of gross negligence, gross mismanagement, and abuse. An example would be failure to design adequate systems of internal controls that ensure the accuracy of data and information upon which company funds are disbursed. The victim is the organization, and the loss is the funds inappropriately disbursed.
11. Embezzlement
Embezzlement is the fraudulent conversion of personal property by a person in possession of that property where the possession was obtained pursuant to a trust relationship.
Examples of Embezzlement:
* Typical examples are the use of a kiting or lapping scheme to steal money.
Kiting can occur when a bank allows withdrawals to be made on checks deposited by a customer but for which the actual funds have not yet been collected from the bank on which the check is drawn. In reality, the cash could either be in transit or non-existent. Goods and services are then purchased, or cash is obtained from legitimate sources, by writing checks against non-existent account balances. The fraud is perpetuated by continuous "kiting" from bank to bank checks that are drawn on non-existent funds . In a kiting scheme, the victim is usually the bank that has paid out on uncollected deposits, and the loss is the money paid out by the bank.
Lapping is the use of funds received from payment of accounts receivable to cover a theft of cash. The perpetrator initially steals cash tendered in payment of an outstanding receivable. To cover the initial theft, a payment made by a second customer is charged against the account from which the initial theft was made, thus "lapping" the two accounts. Payment from a third customer is used to cover the second account, and so on. The victim in a lapping scheme is usually the company from whom the money was stolen, and the loss is the amount of money stolen.
12. Failure to Report a Federal Felony to Appropriate U.S. Law Enforcement Authorities
If an individual: knows that a fraudulent act has been committed under federal law; and fails to report the fraudulent act to appropriate U.S. law enforcement authorities; and then actively engages in concealing the fraudulent act or evidence of the fraudulent act; then that individual is guilty of a felony crime punishable by up to three years in U.S. federal prison. Examples of acts to conceal fraud include: changing, hiding or destroying official records in order to conceal the fraudulent act; suppression of evidence regarding the fraudulent act; directly or indirectly causing others to withhold or suppress information pertaining to the fraudulent act; making false statements to investigators regarding the fraudulent act; or any other affirmative action designed to conceal the fraudulent act from authorities.
Consider the implications of this for auditors: Since the auditor's primary duty is to examine, evaluate and report, if an auditor becomes aware of fraudulent activity, and fails to report it to appropriate law enforcement audthorities, a prosecutor could argue that the failure to report is an "affirmative act" by the auditor to conceal the fraud.
(For a discussion of the legal implications facing an internal auditor who has discovered wrongdoing, I suggest the article "Dealing With Known Corporate Wrongdoing", by Michael Meier, J.D., and Larry Rittenburg, PhD, CIA, CPA, that appeared in the April 1986 issue of Internal Auditor magazine.)
How can the potential for fraud be dealt with? One crucial weapon in the internal auditor's arsenal is a comprehensive fraud policy, such as the example presented in the article "Fighting Fraud", which appeared in the August 1992 issue of Internal Auditor Magazine.
We have an obligation to exercise reasonable and due care in our work, and must be alert to the possibility of wrong doing and conflict of interest in our organizations. In this article, we've looked at the overall issues associated with fraud, and some of the many fraud risks involved. However, this article on recognizing the elements of fraud is meant only to inform. It is not a substitute for professional legal advice. As always in matters of law, he who counsel's himself has a fool for a client. If you need legal advice or an interpretation of law, seek out a qualified attorney.
Copyright © 1995 Mark R. Simmons
Some of the concepts used in this article have been adapted from material contained in the Certified Fraud Examiner's Manual (published by the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners) and in a presentation on fraud by W. Michael Kramer, J.D., CFE. The example of false statements and claims that resulted from cross-charging government programs was adapted from the article "Avoiding Corporate Self-Incrimination",


just ignore irgnorance...

and some1 hit the nail on the head... by donwgrading the dialogue to a level below reprehensible... they are wanting to shut thischannel of communication.

Please do not censor.. and do not shut down... simply ignore..

WatchOut! said...

Its probably Sanchez himself talking trash. I mean he did make that statement about others "not having the b---s to run the AA".

Unknown said...

Regarding the plaintiff's court appeal:

TWO LIES the AA/GB attorneys are telling the courts. If you haven't followed the AA 2006 election fraud case, you might not understand this.


The AA attorneys are saying there is no proof that the GB used the CID as a "weighing system". In other words--1/4 for votes, 1/4 for Capabilities, etc...

Did you catch that?

The attorneys are telling the court of appeals that they didn't use the weighing system, however they told countless AA pastors the opposite. When pastors questioned the GB, the GB explained that there was a weighing system that only counted the votes as 1/4 of the overall selection process.

This tells me that they either lied in the recent court documents or they lied to the pastors. Take your pick!

**That was lie number 1


The AA attorneys say in their appeal that the AA constitution does not require pastors to have their churches in the name of the Apostlic Assembly.

Did you catch that?

Everyone here knows that in a case filed by the AA (see Apostolic Assembly vs. Guiermo Mendoza,@ the AA precisely states the opposite. That is one of the reasons they cite for removing Willie Mendoza. The GB attorney's state that they are removing him as pastor because one of the properties is not in the AA's name and that is a violation of the AA constitution. (I hope the appellants have submitted this Guiermo Mendoza document to the California court of appeals)

Can you believe that the AA general board has no fear of God in saying one thing in a Texas court and then saying the opposite in a California court.

If I caught these lies, I am sure the plaintiff's have caught it!

On another note: The plaintiff's attorney did a much better job on the rebuttal than the original filing. I was a little worried it wasn't going anywhere. Now they have a chance, even though the chance is still small.

rsvp said...
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Factsonly1 said...
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rsvp said...
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factsonly1 said...

i am sensing from your posts that you are really absorbed and in awe by the 'holy men' of this new organization. which leads me to believe you are a woman. your language is typical of the dorca language aka "dorcaneese".

secondly, by you being so impressed by these 'holy men' clearly tells us that not much has changed between the two organizations. your continual reference of your leaders as 'holy men' is an indication that this is just more man centered worship as we have seen in the old AA.

Good luck with your gods.

omg said...
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omg said...
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rsvp said...
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Anonymous said...

You do understand that these 'men of god' of yours read, studied and voted approval for the CID right? You do understand that Mr. Torres was invited to be part of the committee that oversaw the election candidates? And you do understand that the Apostle Paul, a Man of God, admonished and rebuked the Corinthian Church administration for tolerating a member of their Church suing another in open court? These men of god of yours did not do what they did for God and the Church. They did it out of being hurt for voting for a policy that acted as a mirror on themselves. They did it all for THEMSELVES. If they were real Men of God they would just resigned their ministries and gone on their merry way. And not take with them another Church's members and even their own church's monies and members with them. They just portrayed themselves for who they really are, whiners, disrespectful of God and His Word, quitters, and egocentrics. And yes you will find these same types in every other religion. So as you say, focus on Christ and then I say serve Him and guard your tongue.

WatchOut! said...

Santo?, you are WRONG, absolutely! Those of us members who left with our pastors did so willingly, do not be mistaken, no one asked us to, no one is forcing us. The gb has NEVER done anything for us, not ever. They have only taken. They couldn't care less who we are. Our pastors on the other hand tend to us night and day. My Pastor in particular is there when we are sick, when we are in need, when we despair, when we rejoice, when we celebrate, when a child is born, when my child graduates, etc. Yes, my Pastor is there ALWAYS, thank God for a great man. The gb has never done a thing for me, so you think I would abandon my beloved pastor when he has been so wronged. NEVER!
Go Pastor Torres, we love you and support you!

WatchOut! said...


At the end of your comment there is a little trash can symbol, just click on it to delete.

factsonly1 said...

your theology is flawed. being baptized in Jesus name does not make you holy.

in addition, you insist on calling your leaders 'holy men'. i sense that by doing this, you feel superior to others since you are associated with them. by associating with men whom you've categorized as 'holy' gives you a sense of comfort and security.

this is no different than me constantly bragging that my relatives are very wealthy people.

your language is cultish and is the same spirit that keeps the aa crippled. i see the new organization is just more of the same.

rsvp said...
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rsvp said...
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rsvp said...
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rsvp said...
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factsonly1 said...

i was not judging, just making an observation.

most aa and reformed aa members speak just as you do, always propping each other up using spiritual terms like "holy men", and "men of god", etc. always trying to impress people with pious terminology.

the world cannot relate to you and your people. which is why the AA and the reformed AA is stifled.

rsvp said...
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Remembering said...

Santoable, PLEASE!!! Do your homework and ask the GB why all of sudden they dropped the LAWSUIT against Pastor Guillermo Mendoza AND THEN come back around and tell them to drop the lawsuit against them or else they will pick up where they left off. Hmmm.....??
As you stated in your comment, "The Apostle Paul, a Man of God, admonished and rebuked the Corinthian Church ADMINISTRATION for tolerating a member of their Church suing another in open court?" Now what about tolerating those leaders from an ADMINISTRATION who are considered to be "Men of God" who SHOULD represent JesusChrist who do the opposite of what the Apostole Paul admonishes by suing other pastors too?
Come on!! Even children can catch on to that! You can't play them for fools and much less us! I wish you well in getting a list of those pastors UNLESS you already have access to it.

Factsonly1 said...

You are all going to see a great manifestation at the celebration in Texas.

The Apostolic Assembly of Jesus Christ is on the move. We have a new generation of powerful and mighty men of God.

Lead by powerful leaders like Minister Anthony Romo, Minister Steve Montenegro, Jess and Jason Aguilar, Minister Tim Valverde, Pastor Samuel Mascareno, the Apostolic Assembly will go to higher places like never before.

Its the new generation of prophets that will take us to the holy of holies.

God is opening up doors that have never been opened before for his church.

For those of you not blessed enough to go to the great manifestation, you are missing out on the great power of the holy ghost.

We will lift him up and will be celebrated.

For all of you who dare speak against and celebrate at his false accusations, Pastor Maffey along with my Jesus will have the last laugh. Cast your stones but be prepared for a great and mighty trial.

factsonly1 said...

jejeje... you're funny, and I like your teachable spirit.

Relevance in today's culture is key. Fortune 500 companies invest millions in trying stay relevant to today's culture. It is sad that the apo church has lost all relevance and makes no intention to be relevant. People cannot relate to your "man of God", yet the apo insists on propping them up and honoring, worshiping them, and giving them homage. This is a turn off for the world, they don't need another king, they need the king who always has been. Unfortunately, he's been escorted out.

The_End_is_Near said...
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The_End_is_Near said...

The term "MAN OF GOD" is losely used now a days.
Just because someone has a license to pastor in the AA doesn't mean he is a MOG.
They demand respect, when they themselves don't give any.
Its ok to use verbel abuse because he is Frustrated with his job.
I get frustrated with my job too at times, but don't disrespect the people under me or verbal abuse them. That is called professionalism.

Ex-AA said...

What an absolute disappointment this is. I grew up seeing that man preach every summer for years upon years. This just goes to show that we can never keep our eyes on man. God says vengeance is mine, and it obviously will be! I left the church as soon as I could escape the long skirts myself. I love the lord but never saw the need to the screaming preachers throwing bibles around. Until God judges him I refuse to pressure my children to be subject to the confusion at age 11 that I did through my adolescence. Richard Maffey not only let himself and his family down, he affected this young woman in a profound way that will be with her for the rest of her life. The shame and guilt her and her family may be enduring should also not go ignored. Regardless if she was willing she is indeed a victim. After all what did we know at 14? When I was that age my biggest worries were if my skirt and hair were long enough worries about being scolded by RIchard Maffey over too much lipgloss.

Factsonly1 said...

I have to stand up for the man of God. Pastor Maffey was probably entraped by the parents of the girl.

She probably threw herself on him, consenting to the kisses.

If she consented, then the false charges will be dropped.

All that is hurt is the Pastor's good name and reputation.

See you in Texas.

rsvp said...
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