Orange County District Attorney
Press Release
Tony Rackauckas, District Attorney
401 Civic Center Drive West
Santa Ana, CA 92701
For Immediate Release
Case # TBA
November 12, 2008
Susan Kang Schroeder
Public Affairs Counsel
Office: 714-347-8408
Cell: 714-292-2718
Farrah Emami
Office: 714-347-8405
Cell: 714-323-4486
NEWPORT BEACH– A Protestant pastor of the Apostolic Christian Church in San Clemente was charged today for molesting a 14-year-old female parishioner that he met through his job. Ricardo Avalos Maffey, 42, Santa Ana, was charged with three felony counts of lewd acts upon a child between the ages of 14 and 15, and one felony count of contacting a minor with the intent to engage in child molest. If convicted, he faces a maximum sentence of five years and six months in prison. He is out of custody on $100,000 bail. Maffey is scheduled to be arraigned Dec. 5, 2008, at 8:30 a.m., Harbor Justice Center, Newport Beach. The Department will be determined later.
Maffey met Jane Doe through his role as a pastor. Between May 2008 and August 2008, the defendant is accused of violating his position of trust by engaging in illegal sexual contact with Jane Doe. On multiple occasions, he is accused of passionately kissing Jane Doe on the mouth. He is also accused of contacting her several times to meet and engage in kissing.
Anyone with additional information or who believes they have been a victim is encouraged to contact District Attorney Supervising Investigator Randy Litwin at (714)347-8794 or the Orange County Sheriff’s Sex Crimes Investigation Unit at (714)647-7419.
The Orange County Sheriff’s Department investigated this case. Deputy District Attorney Tony Ferrentino of the Sexual Assault Unit is prosecuting this case.
Wasn't Richard Maffey in line to serve on the Apostolic Assembly General Board? Has the organization made a public comment? How far in advance did they know Maffey was performing these lewd acts and did nothing?
Don't worry, the insurance companies will pay the attorney's fee's and penalties.