Monday, June 23, 2008

ITS A PUBLIC LYNCHING! - Posting Stopped



  • Abel Torres - LYNCHED I
  • Saul Avila - LYNCHED
  • Baldemar Rodriguez - LYNCHED
  • Daniel Solomon - LYNCHED
  • Arthur Tafoya
  • Daniel Jauhall
  • Isaac Cota
  • Ishmael Arellano
  • Julian Aguirre
  • Richard Galaviz
  • Samuel Arellano
  • Guillermo Mendoza - LYNCHED
  • Martin Vasquez
  • Herman Garza
  • Efrain Andrade - LYNCHED
  • Isaac Hernandez - LYNCHED*

*Not 2006 Election related


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justice_will_prevail said...

Lynching dates...
Efrain Andrade- date unknown
Guillermo Mendoza- lynched April 4, 2008
Abel Torres- lynched June 11, 2008
Saul Avila- lynched June 21, 2008

ynos said...

according to the letter that the aa wrote to pastor saul avila which is on apostolic assembly info, the aa gb determined on may 21, 2008 to remove him a month ago. we have heard that they sent pastor torres the same letter that they sent to pastor avila. No doubt pastors salomon and rodriguez will get the same letter.

let's began to get the troops lined up for an insurrection of the highest order. let's tell our respective pastors to step up to the plate and have them speak for the mouths of the four plaintiffs whose voices have been silenced by them being ceased from their respective pastorships.

SLJ said...

I'm just posting the link from the D-Day blog so it won't get lost.

Those are very good pictures.

Lets us not forget the other two Rats that had a part in all this.

Gaxiola and Guzman

SLJ said...

Oh by the way in the group picture who are the ones in the white coats?

lehan said...

To all,
Just for your info. My friend in Arizona told me the GB visited Tafoya, and because he agreed to a public retraction of his documents and not to support the plaintiffs he will get a slap in the hand with probation. What a coward and a vieja he sold out the plaintiffs!!! Don't expect a lynching in Arizona. RAT!!!

Little Eddie said...

Will he be allowed to keep his balls?
Or does Sanchez need a second pair?

Little Eddie said...

Hey web master on the name list next to Tafoya's name can you put a rat next to it?

come again said...

Just for the record. The attempted "lynching" of Abel Torres was foiled. Didn't happen. They skedaddled back to Calif with the served Restraining Order in hand and their tail tucked in. Word is they were pretty mad as they scrambled for their cell phones to call their attorneys.

ynos said...

has anybody paid attention to details on the letter that was sent to pastor saul avila in austin, texas? is this letter coming from "the best of the best?

check it out
1. Arturo Espinosa secretary of FOREING missions
2. the district where pastor saul avila was from was the central texas district not the CENTRAL EAST texas

what a bunch of incompetent graduates of la puente. No wonder we are n the mess we are in.

porq said...

I contend for the faith that was once delivered to the saints ever before the Apostolic Assembly was.

The religious money-real-estate-bigot
organization will be found out wanted
and in a very public fashion now!!

You watch and mark my words... but I also fear for them... Pastor Saul Avila's father was also wrongfully removed by Valverde's father-in-law David Contreras, only days after Pastor Avila had lost his wife. We now know the condition of this man.

Unknown said...

Tafoya you'd better decide once and for all which side you're going to be on. Even though you've been kissing the MD's hind quarters, you will be in for a big surprise. There is no honor among thieves here.

My sources tell me that as soon as the plaintiffs have all been removed, they'll be coming after you. If you would have stayed with the plaintiffs, you would still have been removed, but at least the membership would have gone with you. Now they're finding it difficult to follow you because they sense that you don't even know where you're going.

IA DIST. W/Insights into Rancho Cucamonga

Does anyone still have a copy of Tafoya's documents? If so, maybe they can be posted somewhere on this blog. Then he can't have them removed.

Unknown said...

Hey, maybe we can cut Bro. Art some slack. After all, he does own three homes there in Glendale Az and if you take away his $$ machine, how will he make those payments (Over $6000.00/mo)? I wonder if his members know he has all of these houses:

1. 5836 W BELMONT AVE GLENDALE, AZ 85301-1350
Recording date: 08/19/2004
Price $156,500.00 – Assuming 6% 30 years payment = $938 + utilities & $150/mo Taxes
Size: 1939 square feet.
Lot size 10,833

2. 5440 W BRYCE LN GLENDALE, AZ 85301
Price $238,913.00 – Assuming 6% 30 years payment = $1,432 + utilities & $250/mo Taxes
Recording date: 10/12/2001
Size 3544 square feet.
Lot Size 13,356
Swimming Pool – Yes

3. 7727 N 86TH LN GLENDALE, AZ 85305
Price $543,890.00 – Assuming 6% 30 years payment = $3,260 + utilities & $300/mo Taxes (Taxes will actually be higher)
Recording Date: N/A (but after 10/4/2005)
Size 4252 suare feet
Lot Size 18,859

factsonly1 said...




trophyman said...


Please do not confuse me with TROPHYNAN I do not know who this blogger is we are not the same person!

LA DIST. W/Insights into Rancho Cucamonga My contact has not been removed as of 06/23/08

trophyman said...

For those of you that didn't catch my blog from yesterday. Seems to me like a little divine intervention is taking place. Arreola was behind the removal of Torres he wanted the position himself. Seems like he was sucking up to the Hororable MD! I would not want to be caught laying a hand on Torres, this man is really a man of God with integrity and honesty. MD you might want to take a good look at what is happening to Arreola!

Galarza, you are also part of that list! Trust me! They are angry at you for harboring Torres according to them. Be prepared!

LA DIST. W/Insights into Rancho Cucamonga

apostolic blood said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
apostolic blood said...

Information from Texas is that Bro. Arreola is now in a private room doing really well. Thank God he is ok now. We are really grateful that God heard our prayers. Thank you to all of the Hnos. that prayed in his favor. Si Dios con nosotros; quien contra nosotros.

Former-AA said...

To: al_gueso_colorado

What would you have the Pastors do? Speak up? To who? The judge already ruled in the GB's favor. He himself said that the constitution was like a block of swiss cheese - implying that it is full of to many loop-holes. The only real power the Pastors have is at the next convention. They are going to have to use the only recourse available to them which is amending the constitution through the passing of new organizational amendments.

I was disappointed with the outcome of the court proceedings, but what has resulted with the outing of the plaintiffs is common practice. ANY PASTOR in the past that has sued the assembly and lost was eventually hung out to dry. We are simply seeing business as usual. Is it right? NO. These problems are systemic. The system has been built in such a way that the current environment is how the system maintains order. If Baldemar gets outed then at least he will know what it feels like to be on the other end when HE DID the SAME THING in his tenure.

Will it change? It needs to. But by simply calling for Pastors to "advocate for the people"... what good is that now? How do you want them to advocate? Some have said that they need to stop sending tithes. More fuel for the GB's fire. Then you will have the only Pastors that stood up and tried to "SPEAK UP" ousted for not sending tithes and trust me when I say this, there are 4-5 men waiting in the wing for their opportunity to take over a church even with the current situation. Replacing Pastors will not be a problem.

To all the Pastors, bide your time and speak with your colleagues, get yourselves connected and ready for your convention. If you really want things to change then start filling in those holes in the block of cheese. Or, as will be the case for a percentage of the Pastorship, stay quite and enjoy the Gaylord Texan.

Former-AA said...

Let me add this before the tirades begin - non of this could have been possible if it were not for the boldness of Pastors like Saul Avila and Abel Torres. Their actions brought to life a very real problem and they paid for it with their affiliation to the organization. Others will have to pick up where they left off.

Unknown said...

Who is Gustavo Guerra? Why is he suing the AA?




lehan said...

From Bro. Avila,

Blessings to you and your loved ones! Please read the below post and dissiminate to the web of family and friends. With the mind of Christ and in the spirit of “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28). Until next read or time, continue to stay blessed... I love and appreciate y’all immensely!

Your appreciative servant,
Saúl L. Ávila

Servant Saúl L. & Handmaiden Tabitha A. Ávila announce...the continuation of the ministry known as Christian Community Center. We will now “celebrate and communicate Christ” corporately at:

PromiseLand Theater
1504 East 51st Street
Austin, Texas 78723-3012
Sunday June 29, 2008
11:00 AM

Everyone welcome!

Please feel free to dissiminate this information to your family and friends who have been in relationship with us in the past and would like to continue fostering it.

For more information, please feel free to either call or write:

Servant Ávila 512/416-7372 Home; 512/731-9660 Mobile;

Assistant Smith 512/462-9221 Home; 512/913-2545 Mobile;

truth said...

Pastor, Torres y Salomon estaremos orando por ustedeS para que nuestro Dios los siga Bendisiendo..Sabemos que el Amor y la Fe de muchos se estara enfriando quisas por todo lo que se mira ,pero tenemos que tener presente que le servimos a un DIOS TODOPODEROSO y no a una Asamblea apostolica..Ya sea en la AA o indepediente pero temos que servir a DIOS con todo el corason y llevar su palabra y sus mandamientos y siempre Bautisar en el nobre de JESICRISTO..
Tambien pido que oremos por la GB para que DIOS cambie esos corasones llenos de egosentrismo y de soberbia,tambien para que Dios tenga misericordia de la GB ya que quisas no tengan una recompensa alla en el Cielo lla que aqui en la tierra se estan sirviendo con la cuchara grande y digo esto por que cada uno de ellos tienen un sueldo de sus Iglesias y otro por estar en la GB aparte de todas las ofrendas que se les dan cuando visitan a los Distritos o Iglesias locales y mi preginta es por que todavia se les tiene que dar ofrenda si el sueldo que resiben por estar en la GB es para supervisar los Distritos entonses que les quiteN el sueldo de la GB y que solo resiban ofrendas cuando visiten un lugar....
Y de ESPINOSA pues no se diga tiene viajes a todo el mundo con ese Puesto que tiene y de paso se lleva al brother in law DAN SANCHEZ
Es triste al mirar todos estos gastos y aparte que salen de las Iglesias locales,Iglesias que apenas pueden con sus propios gastos donde ay hnos asiendo tamales y varones y jovenes asiendo car wash para sufragar gastos locales, y estos (hombres de DIOS)GB con unas casas enormes y unos carros lujosos quisas su pago lla lo esten resibiendo aqui en la tierra...

Unknown said...

When and where is this "Jesus Conference" the GB will be having?

pancho villa said...

La estrategia de Valverde/Sanchez will be held at the Westin in Long Beach, starting on July 7th. All bishops and district board are to attend. It will be a week long seminar. Maybe it is a good time AA members show up.

Unknown said...

Time to crash the party. Week long conference? Wow! Otro Vacation paid for by hermanos y sus diezmos and ofrendas y flor azul.

What could there be to talk about that you need a week?

I say, those who have the boldness, show up and speak up.

Unknown said...

Hmmmmm, Westin Long Beach. If anyone wants to join in and strategize a suprise, email me.

truth said...

pancho villa,
for your info all pastors are require to attend this meeting in Long Beach ca. I wouldn't waiste my vacation or my gas to go visit this (men GB).
Realy the pastors should be the ones speaking up, well ups I forgot they can't say anything otherwise they'll be next on the execution list.
It'll be sad how DAN SANCHEZ and his clica are going to stand infront of all this PASTORS to call victory on themselfs.
I could just picture it and it realy makes me sick and on top of everything this PASTORS are probably going to stand up and clap,but that's just because they are scared....

Unknown said...

Not everyone is happy with everything that is going on...Many people who are neutral feel that the plantiffs really hurt the church...

God Bless

fedupwithdeceit said...

I guess the TRUTH hurts!

Unknown said...

Not like Edward Pacheco, current pastor, licensed minister, bishop of the Apostolic Assembly ever hurt the church and its members.

It must be acceptable to defraud the membership while taking legal action to resolve an election is unacceptable.

Mind you, Pacheco has recently been up to his SCAMS again.....

apostolic blood said...


I know what you mean exactly. Cause lets say the GB was or is wrong its not in our hands to judge them. The Bible says that he will fight the battle and we are to remain calm. I think that everything should of been left to God and he would of fixed all the issues.

fedupwithdeceit said...

Jude 1:3 Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.
Jude 1:4 For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ.

If the DGB 'crept' in, they must be creeps

Snickers said...

So how is the Assembly divided? Is it really 50-50 or is that just what people say...Also, I dont mean to say anything against these men but what they did is still Fraud, is it?

I mean how bad can our organization be, our leaders (Not just the General Board) that even though we know they did wrong we still chose to follow them...

Fraud is just as bad as Fornication or Adultery we just pick the ones we accept, the others we just through them out of church...

apostolic blood said...

to fedupwithdeceipt:

I dont think either side was denying the Lord Jesus Christ. This is totally another issue regarding how things were handled.
Both by the GB and by the Pastors who organized the lawsuit.

Unknown said...

Apostolic Blood,
I agree that we should not judge but they should be held accountable. As of right now, they are accountable to no one...

When Members sin, they are held accountable and restored if they are lucky enough to be under a gracious Pastor...

But what about the Pastors, Bishops, Preachers, GB? Who holds them accountable...

I tell you why its important to hold them accountable because in between all of this the people suffer...

Yes, Men like the GB members eventually fall but before they fall or removed they cause all kinds of damage...their power is unchecked and unaccountable...

It has been my experience, that people usually side with the Big name people like the General Board until they are betrayed like the others...

Then they begin to switch sides and see their true colors...Pastors dont be fooled by how big they may seem...

Character, Integrity, Humbleness and Intimacy with God makes the man...

Not the position or their ability to speak...

fedupwithdeceit said...

To Snickers:

1Peter 5:8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:
1Peter 5:9 Whom resist stedfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world.


They are just walking around, no informed person is following them. They've proven, they are just seeking out churches/Pastors they can devour

fedupwithdeceit said...

Apostolic Blood,

When they determined in their hearts that 600 Pastors were out of the will of God, they denied Christ. They put their will (and two votes) before the will of God.



People that believe that are blinded and since they had their faith placed in the Apostolic Assembly not in Jesus thats why they feel that way because they took what they thought was the most perfect and holy organization and now that their eyes are trying to be open they dont want to accept it because the truth hurts we had that situation here in midland many people were afraid they were asking what happends if we leave the Apostolic Assembly the thing is what the plain tiffs are doing is right according to the bible because the GB was told before any of this happend that they did wrong it was brought to their attention they did not wanted to hear anyone well they had to take legal action and now they are gonna suffer the consecuenses i mean look they just lost the biggest church of the North West Texas District and thats what gonna be happening from now on and then when they realize what they have done they are goning to want to apologize and try to bring everybody back together but that might just be 2 late =(

Snickers said...


As long as we remain silent, we remain in agreeance...

Snickers said...

Both parties are wrong...None of them let Jesus reign in their hearts except for Maybe Bishop Torres...

Nothing is wrong with the organization, the organization does need updating on its structure but its appointed leaders is what has failed this Assembly...


well see someone at a general meeting we had said well didnt we got baptize to become emember of the AA and pastor said yes and the person goes well if we leave the denomination what are we then i men the AA was is and will be an organization maid by men so being man maid we cannot put our faith in it I got baptized a year ago and i didnt get baptized to belong to the AA is got Baptized to be part fothe kindom of God!!!!

Unknown said...

God is Justice,

You contradict yourself, the church is the Kingdom of God. The Assembly, although an organization is also an organism...Its alive and they too are a part of the Kingdom of God...

God intends for us to serve him through his kingdom: The Church!

Justice at last... said...

Justice has prevailed...on with the lynching. Remove the weeds from the Assembly. Avila and co. have always been a thorn to the assembly. Teaching that we are all Gods, teaching that we shall exist through tribulation. About time the GB does something good. These men should have put there focus on God not on men.
Matthew 6:33
"But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you."

Including justice. Instead of seeking lawyers, these men should have taken the time to seek god first. If they would have put there trust in god, because he is above all law, justice would have been prevailed. But since they decided to take matters into there own hands, justice has been prevailed.

1 Corinthians 6:1-11
1 Does any one of you, when he has a case against his neighbor, dare to go to law before the unrighteous, and not before the saints? 2 Or do you not know that the saints will judge the world? And if the world is judged by you, are you not competent to constitute the smallest law courts? 3 Do you not know that we shall judge angels? How much more, matters of this life? 4 If then you have law courts dealing with matters of this life, do you appoint them as judges who are of no account in the church? 5 I say this to your shame. Is it so, that there is not among you one wise man who will be able to decide between his brethren, 6 but brother goes to law with brother, and that before unbelievers? 7 Actually, then, it is already a defeat for you, that you have lawsuits with one another. Why not rather be wronged? Why not rather be defrauded? 8 On the contrary, you yourselves wrong and defraud, and that your brethren. 9 Or do you not know that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God?

lehan said...

Justice at last - is a perfect example of the ignorant mentality these GB members have developed throughout the years. It's morons like "Justice at last" that will continue to propagate the lack of integrity, arrogance, and dishonesty we are seeing today.

By the way "justice at last" The scriptures you quoted in 1 Corinthians 6, apply to church doctrine and eclesiastic matters ONLY! The Election fraud had to do with Corporate laws & regulations established by the laws of the land. So naturally you have to go to the judges of the land to mediate corporate matters.

Moron, you don't even know how to use the Scriptures you so proudly and arrogantly quote. No wander there is so much ignorance in the AA.

Love Never Fails said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Love Never Fails said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
apostolic blood said...

There are alot of things that go on in the Midland church and with the Torres family, and yes maybe the Gb was wrong too, but It all should of been left in the hands of the almighty God.

pancho villa said...

to truth - 12:25 p.m.

For the pastor's to attend was a last minute thing, like always. The last day they will of the meeting/seminar they will discuss the lawsuit with them. MAS ATOLE CON EL DEDO!!!

QUE VIVA LA REVOLUCION - Cristo tuvo que tirar las mesas en el templo para que dejaran de hacer negocio.


I am not saying the AA was not establish with good intentions i mean of course it was but sadly right now the people that are up there do not have good intentions so therefore the AA right now is not part of the kingdom of God or what? is the kingdom of God is a divided kingdom like in the old testament??? or what?? and byt his I am not saying all the AA is going to hell cuz they are part of the organization ofcourse not.

Unknown said...

Oh, ok God is Justice...a little misunderstanding then...Yeah because there are lots of Good people in the Assembly its just that the leaders have failed the people...

Unknown said...

cbg-you are wrong. The constitution of the aa was developed thru their doctrine and not the law of the land!
You are going against the Bible and 1 Cor 6:1-11. Whether it is for doctrinal or ecclisiastic matters, nontheless, the aa shuld not be divided, state and church!
Whether the gb did wrong is not the issue. The Word of God is and should be our guidance in ALL situations. Be careful who you call moron.

come again said...

God Bless Bro. Saul Avila. Looks like he is moving on without a backward glance.

Anonymous said...

This just in! Dr.Baldemar Rodriguez' church being locked right now! Hnos. Felipe Lugo, Benjamin Guerra, Sergio Maffey! Members are going to the church to support the pastor!

fedupwithdeceit said...

Here! Here! When you have your eye's on Jesus, why would you want to look back at the ugliness going on behind you?

Take a look at:

Would you want to look at any of them?

Unknown said...

Why is Felipe Lugo there to lock up the building? $$$$$$$

He is seeing all of the GREEEEEN.

Word is, Lugo will try to take over and give up his dwindling church in Del Rosa - or combine it with the three people that remain. Then he will have the property and lots of $$$$$.

Everyone knows where his heart is!!!

I smell another RAT!!

Anonymous said...

Hno. Lugo phoned Eddie Pachueco and Pachueco said quote "Just treat it as a business!"

InglesConBarreras said...

Scriture says: "ALL THINGS (the good with the bad) work together (to gather) for GOoD, to them that love God and to those God calls by name to fulfill their purpose.

I recall a "prophetic message" Daniel Salomon preached in GC 1986. He spoke on the scripture where Abner died as a fool!

The essence of the message was that if the AA did not change it's present course, that it too, like other religious systems/organizations, would fade into history.

What is happening on a larger scale is that God is bringing every system down so that HIS KINGDOM will prevail!

The prophet Isaiah of old said: ...and of HIS KINGDOM, there shall be no end!

HIS KINGDOM has come, HIS WILL is done! In earth as it is in heaven!

AA, It's not even a wake-up call because it is too late already!

Unknown said...

I'm sure everyone has heard of MS 13. Sanchez and Valverde are head of AA 13.

Banda de Cholos!

trophyman said...

Many of you are throwing out scritures like they are going out of style! Let me remind this mess is not about who does or doesn't know scripture. This whole issue is about the MD committing election fraud and disregarding the Pastoral vote. That simple, and for that they should be held accountable in Long Beach.

LA DIST. W/Insights into Rancho Cucamonga

The truth said...


Yesterday Pastor Abel Torres went to the hospital to visit and pray with Pastor Roman Arreola.
This act shows true character and God's love for his brother in Christ.

InglesConBarreras said...

Discomforted by the word - TrophyMan!
That scripture is being used doesn't imply that some know more than others. Just watch your terminology! Your so called "mess" terminology in describing the current situation in the AA is absolutely - so right! if viewed with your carnal and mortal eyes. But if we try to view things from God's point-of-view... as Joseph told his deceitful and evil brothers: What the enemy meant for evil, God turned it for my good... Doesn't scripture also say: It's not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit... i think it also says: Vengeance is mine, saith the Lord! ...and "if you live by the sword, you will also die by the sword!" Remember that we will give account for every idle word

trophyman said...

To Elteclitas!

Listen my friend carnal, mortal or spiritual eyes it is still one huge MESS your boys have created! Intelligence is what will overcome all this MESS God also has given men the intelligence evidently he didn't equip our current board with any of it!

LA DIST. W/Insights into Rancho Cucamonga

come again said...

Did anyone get pictures of the "changing of the locks" at Bro. Baldemar Rodriguez' church?

lehan said...

To candy,
Read this part of this letter from letters. Maybe you will understand and see what everyone else see, including the unsaved, "But the need to expose the wrong works of man is not only necessary but it is a command given to the church, “Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of such things God's wrath comes on those who are disobedient. Therefore do not be partners with them. For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light (for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth) and find out what pleases the Lord. Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.” Ephesians 5:6-11 (NIV). You see, if these letters are presented in the proper forum, what this will teach our children and young people is that we have to do what is TRUTH not what is RIGHT! This is very important to understand because sometimes doing the right thing IS NOT NECESSARILY GOD’S TRUTH! It is obvious by the letters written on both sides of the controversy that a wrong was not only committed, but that a coverup was also attempted in the process. My sister, God’s mercy will ALWAYS give man an opportunity to correct his errors, but when man refuses He will use others to bring about His correction, “Live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day he visits us. Submit yourselves for the Lord's sake to every authority instituted among men: whether to the king, as the supreme authority, or to governors, who are sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to commend those who do right. For it is God's will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish men. Live as free men, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil; live as servants of God. Show proper respect to everyone: Love the brotherhood of believers, fear God, honor the king.” 1 Peter 2:12-17 (NIV).

Definition of a "Moron"; a person of subnormal intelligence, idiot, imbecil, half-wit,!

come again said...

Pres Sanchez was asked what was going to happen to churches if all the members left with the terminated pastors. His lovely christian response was he "didn't care then they would just sell the properties."

The ArchAngel said...

come again said...
God Bless Bro. Saul Avila. Looks like he is moving on without a backward glance.

June 24, 2008 3:23 PM

Indeed so!! God Bless his entire church and their vision. I believe CBG said it well on his last post-
Ephesians 5:6-11. I believe what is happening now is their is a new and fresh outlook on the great commission by Bro. Saul Avila, as well as others not mentioned.

tijuana guerrero said...

Is whats happening kind of like ethnic cleansing, to better control the present entity? or organization.

The ArchAngel said...

I mean, the GB can have,own,sell and profit property and get rich-quick mania but for what eternal benefit? VANITY,VANITY,VANITY!!

Seriously folks, these are some rude and brutal acts by the blind-eyed swine. As you can see, they are like a regime trying to impose power on the humble until the tyrant Saddam got hit by the "shock and awe" by the U.S. military. He was in control for over a decade and it finally was his turn. He was caught in a smalll "spider hole" in a small village with his $$ at hand. Its the same concept, only spiritual if you will. Though, the future legal issues against the GB could also be their undoing as repercussions of their actions, we just don't know what is ahead.

Jonas Palomino said...

The word has it on the street, that they do have pictures at Baldemar's church getting the locks changed. Lugo made sure of it.

Word Up

whoopycushion said...

how funny that lugo, guerra, and maffey think they are doing what's right. Velverde and Sanchez will take there churches as well. Its time for mega church and who wants to be a millionaire.

Jonas Palomino said...

Get ready pastors !!! Inland empire will be taking over by Valverde at the orange show. Hide your keys.

Word Up

factsonly1 said...

They don't know who they are messing with! Dr Rodriguez has his whole congregation backing him up! Justice ALWAYS prevails. We are fighting a winning battle.

GB: don't think they don't know the whole motive behind all of this... we know you see GREEN! Pastor Rodriguez's congregation has about a million stored up in their new building fund and Fontana is quickly approaching they're Dec 08 deadline... couple bucks won't hurt right?

apostolicanalyst said...

A todos los Obispos, Ancianos, Pastores, y pueblo en general,

Estamos tratando con un hombre insensato, irresponsable y que en verdad ha perdido la mente. Él ha perdido la mente en todo lo que es espiritual y de Dios.

Estoy hablando de Daniel Sánchez, que tiene a toda la Mesa Directiva totalmente confundidos que todos están manipulados y controlados por un hombre que ya se puede ver que ha perdido su sentido.

Pastores, Obispos y Ministros que se les ha ordenado que tienen que asistir a esta reunión en Long Beach la semana que viene—¿no hay entre ustedes un sabio que pueda entender la estrategia de este hombre? DS, que los trae para analizar y observarlos para asegurarse que están con él.

Así hacia Hitler con sus oficiales y generales. El los traía para observarlos y si veía un poco de duda en ellos, afuera con la cabeza.

Ustedes van a ir muy obedientes como siempre han sido con el. Le van a decir, “si patroncito, si patroncito, que mas quieres de nosotros.’

Es triste ver la manipulación y el control que este hombre insensato, tiene sobre ustedes.

En lugar de confinar en Dios, y ser valientes y defender la Asamblea que fue fundada con tanto sacrificio, este hombre con toda su Mesa Directiva esta usado por Satanás para destruirla.

Lo que deben de ver es que sigue el Machismo, Patronismo, Nacionalismo en vivo.

Si ustedes son sabios, no asistan a esta reunión—no le den mas armamento a estos insensatos. Por primera vez, no vallan buscando chisme.

Quédense en sus templos, defiéndanlos con la ayuda de Dios y un buen abogado, porque la MD no le ayudo a usted con un centavo.

Ellos andan buscando que Pastores desocupen sus templos para quedarse con las propiedades y hacerse más ricos.

¿Cuando llegaran a UD? Cuando lleguen a usted, estará preparado con un buen abogado para defender lo que Dios solamente le ha concedido.

brotherinchrist said...

To all who've post a comment on this blog, let me first say that I respect each of your opinions.

Depending on were you land on the matter before the AA today, you will either agree or disagree with my thoughts.

First, I would like to say that I'm amazed of the information that you all have post like "personal quotes of GB members" and "value of Pastors homes" and "news flashes saying "they are changing the locks!" were do you get this stuff?
I can respect your fustration for what is going on, but I would like to say that all of your threats about crashing meetings in Long Beach or at the convention will not come to anything.
The fact is that what the GB is doing at the moment is what has always been done and will continue to be done.
The fact is that every election from the local church to the electorial convention has always been determind by the "qualifying commitee" and it will always be done this way.
The fact of the matter is that every Pastor in the AA, and yes this includes each of the Plaintiffs has disqualified a candidate, and inserted a winner that did not have the majority of votes at one time or another.

I truely do not understand the position that these Pastor took, when they paticipated in the every act they are now fighting against.

Have they gone and asked for forgivness to all the people that they did this very act in their local church, sector, district and at the general election level, and when the GB does what has always done, now they cry foul!!! Why Now?

The fact is that every Pastor and or Elder, Bishop, or GB member has removed somebody from thier position with out an explination.

Is this the correct thing to do? some might say YES! and other NO! what ever your opionion might be, I would like to remind you that GOD is in CONTROL of our little AA, and HIS WILL, will come to pass if we like it or not.

I dont know if all of you that have post a comment on this page are current members of the AA, and I know that their are alot of emotions of anger, fustration and disappointment expressed in all these comments, but I would also like to remind you that we are all brothers in Christ, let us attempt to glorify GOD in all of comments that you and I post.


Unknown said...


"I truely do not understand the position that these Pastor took, when they paticipated in the every act they are now fighting against."

While there is no doubt that ALMOST every Pastor has committed questionable acts, there is a HUGE difference in scale.

You could say 'sin is sin' and you would be correct. However . . . There is a difference between disqualifying a young person for a local position because they are unstable in their walk with God and excommunicating them because they asked why they were disqualified.

The DGB has taken a person who has defrauded many and placed him in a position of leadership. OMG!, as I'm writing this, it is becoming clear to me. The CID really does work!!!! They wanted to commit flagrant acts of fraud. They needed an EXPERT!!! Shady Sam knew his cousin would have some ideas when it came to things like that. He thought 'I know a guy'. Then he called on two vote Eddie.

There was a problem at the elections, the collective group of Pastors (the threefold cord which is not easily broken) would NEVER vote for someone like the Car/Real Estate/Funds fraud Eddie. They couldn't even get the Board members to vote for him!. So, they did what they had to do. Disregard the Men of God (600 Pastors) and disqualify a candidate incapable of performing such deplorable acts of fraud to place one with a proven track record. Two Vote Eddie has the 'Capacity' to commit Fraud the suitability (Ideal) and ability to teach others how to commit fraud and he has the Right because he not only has the knowledge if how to get away with fraud, he has the most experience.

No, in their wildest dreams, the plaintiffs could not have participated 'in the every act they are now fighting against'.

come again said...


Brother you've got to be kidding, or as psychologists say "in denial".

Re your comment:

First, I would like to say that I'm amazed of the information that you all have post like "personal quotes of GB members" and "value of Pastors homes" and "news flashes saying "they are changing the locks!" were do you get this stuff?

The "personal quotes from GB members" came straight from the horse's mouth, whether you believe or not. Values of pastor's homes are public info and easily gotten. Although I don't truly agree on publicizing such personal info. And last but not least the "changing of the locks". Brother, where have you been? It has happened (Willie Mendoza,
Saul Avila, Baldemar Rodriguez)and is happening. Maybe someone should post pictures. Wake up Brother and see these "men of God?" for what they truly are.

come again said...

Oh, and right now they have a new extra unused lock that they failed to use on the Midland church that Bro. Abel Torres pastors, so watch they may be coming your way. So far the Midland congregation has been able to hold on to their church. We have a few aces up our sleeve.

apostolic blood said...

Bro In Christ:

I totally agree with you 100%. I think everything should of been left in the hands of God and he would have corrected things as he sees fit. Yes every pastor has done what the GB did, but it was okay cause it was them doing it, when someone else makes the same move its absolutely time to get the courts involved. I think we should all look in the mirror take a good look at ourselves as we cannot fool God and quit judging other peoples actions and let God be the judge of everyone. Thats the only way we are going to make it to heaven, all this gossip is going to get us no where. God Bless you Brother.

apostolic said...

It makes me really sad to hear all the comments you make. maybe you are right or not, you are bringing judgments to yourselves and to your generations. Anybody can have opinions about leaders and whatever but the word of God says that there is only one Judge and that is Him. Why do you want to help him if he knows exactly what is going on. I know that we all can voice our opinions, but the truth is nobody know exactly the truth, Nobody knows exactly what these leader did, Solomon, Rodriguez, Avila... there is things you might not know. Things that they are not saying about themselves. Nobody can really know the Person but Gos, and I know you are probably going to say.. Por sus frutos los conocereis" which is true... but if you really know them.. you can even judge them like that. No juzgueis para nop ser juzgados... Your own words will come back to you...

Anonymous said...

Apostolic Blood

There is a difference between gossip and truth. It's not gossip when it's a fact. I hope whoever has those pictures posts them soon! God is not a God of confusion and all these Pastor's did was stood up for their people. This is America, not some other dictatorship country. It's called having rights and having freedom! You possibly couln't understand because it hasn't hit home for you yet, mark my words though, unfortunately it will! (Unless your a GB candidate) I do not wish these things on anyone! What I don't understand is why people keep trying to tell others to be quiet and accept everything that is going on, as if the people don't have a voice and can't even vent to their own people. Then again, "their own people" never really were in the first place right!

Rambo said...

Apostolic Blood

Nothing you say counts buddy cause you're the one that's being paid to snoop. Too bad you're being kicked out of homes.

Anonymous said...


You talk about judgement, yet you yourself just judged the plantiffs as well saying "I know that we all can voice our opinions, but the truth is nobody know exactly the truth, Nobody knows exactly what these leader did, Solomon, Rodriguez, Avila... there is things you might not know. Things that they are not saying about themselves." To me, that statement sounded a bit contradictory. You have a voice, you wanted it to be heard, so you stated your opinion here. Good for you but let others state theirs too!

apostolic said...

To Godisjust

Sure you can voice your opinion without being disrespectful, I voiced my opinion, yes it is true, but I did not say anything bad about anyone. In this blog you attack people, you discredit people and you judge... all I am saying is voice your opinions with respect to others, otherwise you will bring up judgment to you and your family

apostolic blood said...

Rambo: I dont know who told you I was being kicked out of homes or that I'm getting paid to snoop, but here we are again judging someone you dont even know. I only get paid at my job not for anything else, and as far as getting kicked out of homes I've lived at the same one for two decades. Please think before writing!!

Anonymous said...

To Apostolic

You say "In this blog you attack people, you discredit people and you judge.......otherwise you will bring up judgment to you and your family" Do you not realize judgment has already been brought upon all these Pastors and families by the GB themselves? Do you not realize that these families and Pastors have been discredited as well by the AA? I love the AA but I do not worship them. God loves the sinner, not the sin!

apostolic said...

I really feel bad for you... GBY Good Bye

Anonymous said...

To all:

There will be a peaceful protest on behalf of the Pastors that have been kicked out of the AA and for Pastor Baldemar while he is in the famous "meeting", at the following address:

1:00 pm is the meeting time
Best Western
8179 Spruce Ave
Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730

Any who wish to join, feel free to support your fellow Pastors and families!

Please remember, this is a Peaceful Protest! That means we are constantly walking with signs. We are not to disrespect others or ourselves! Words are not to be exchanged!

factsonly1 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
fuegoenlasangre said...

mhqpuujLeaders what a joke - Dictator Sanchez aka
Carlos Salinas de Gortari

fuegoenlasangre said...

Why don't people list the amount of money given to Pachueco & Company to get a rough idea how much money he "allegedly" Stole.

factsonly1 said...

From reading GodIsJust's comments, I don't see him judging anybody. He's merely pointing out truth, facts, and events. In sounds like to me your stuck in your own little Apostolic Utopia. I'd hate to be there they burst your bubble...

fuegoenlasangre said...

Check out PACHUECO'S Casitas

Assessment #: 115640011-7
1836 Lucy Ln
Corona CA
$12,607.82 PAID

Assessment #: 114620014-1
4049 Nancy Cir
Corona CA
$20,129.46 PAID

Assessment#: 140341003-0
16649 Morning Mist Ct
$15,625.94 DUE
Riverside CA
052581092-8 [empty lot]
$ 4,621.06 DUE

Assessnebt #: 140370010-6
16892 Ridge Cliff Dr.
Riverside CA
$23,927.14 DUE

Assessment #: 17612710112
5089 Moberly Ave.
Enterprise NV
$ 2,983.49 PAID

$ 79,929.91 Total Amount of TAXES
$ 35,720.77 PAID

$ 44,174.14 DUE

fuegoenlasangre said...

Feel free to look up the above mentioned information

Riverside County Assessor/Recorder: Detailed info about the property
Enter the first 9 digits of the listed Assessor #'s above

Riverside County Officer of the Treasurer-Tax Collector: Annual Tax
Type in the Assessment # for each property:

County of Riverside Assessor/Clerk/Recorder:
Click on Accept
New page opens, Click on I Agree
Under Grantor/Grantee type in: Pacheco Edward [no comma after Pacheco]
or Pacheco Rebecca

After reviewing all PACHUECO'S Recorded Docs

fuegoenlasangre said...

Feel Free to check out Pachueco's Casistas:
Type in Pachuecitos Property Addresses *good pics of Pachueco's Mansion's & his swimming pools

fuegoenlasangre said...

Hmmm I wonder when Pachuecote received his NOTICE OF DEFAULT he told Rebequita " IT"S JUST BUSINESS"

fuegoenlasangre said...

Does Anyone know the names of Pachuecos kids or relatives
Does he have a son named Edward C Pacheco or Diane Pacheco

fuegoenlasangre said...
Services • Passports • Riverside Co
Under Grantee/Grantor APOSTOLIC ASSEMBLY
RECORD 67 [top of page click NEXT 6 times ]

Record 67

Document Number: 2008-0328698 Recording Date: 6/17/2008
Number of Pages: 4 Cost to Buy: $5.00
Add $1.00 for certified copy
Grantors Grantees
Document Type: TRUST DEED
Grantors Grantees

fuegoenlasangre said...

Hmmm no wonder they want all the fondo's .... STRONG TOWER CHURCH aka PACHUCOTE'S Church has a new Mortgage to pay

fuegoenlasangre said...

Search Results Search Criteria:

5 records meet your search criteria.
Displaying Records 1 - 5 below.

Record 3

Document Number: 2008-0169380 Recording Date: 4/4/2008
Number of Pages: 2 Cost to Buy: $3.00
Add $1.00 for certified copy
Grantors Grantees

fuegoenlasangre said...

Imagine $ 79,929.91 of Taxes that doesn't include his Mortgage Payments or Insurance. La Sangre.

Unknown said...

Looks like Hermano Pacheco has been running apostolic church money to a private foundation.

on that private foundation, does anyone know who are the board of directors?

does the apostolic church allow for pastors to open separate accounts?

which house is in default?

is pacheco laundering apostolic
501c3 donations for his private use?

fuegoenlasangre said...

Layne foundation is the Mortgage company.

Unknown said...

One things STANDS out in these blogs: DISSENSIONIt would be alright if you post your feelings, action, and findigs about this whole situation, but when I see words like "blind-eyed swine", and other evil words, I cringe.Again, whether it the gb is at fault and is wrong, the fact of the matter is that NOW, some of the people of this AA are angry with malice and filthy language.I would be better if you still are a member of the AA and a member of the body of Christ, that you rid yourselves of such filth.  Let God take care of the situation as only He knows how.  Otherwise, all the exhortation given to us in the Bible are being disregarded.I have been guilty of calling someone a dirty word whether that someone fit the shoe or not, and it has come back to me or my family.Let us be careful in the choice of words and judgements made here, or anywhere for that matter.  Remember, on Sunday when we go to church, we will lift up HOLY hands? Worship a God who is Holy and Just with the SAME mouth and heart that we used to call the gb or others names.  Prayer is the best way.  Pray to vent with God.  Let the Leaders of your churches do the "fighting" or the "debating".  The saints of the church are going haywire with this situation, and so the testimony of the church is being marred. When you call out dirty names and nasty accusations (whether true or not) you are calling these spirits to be in power.  Call out for the Holy Ghost (Jesus) to take control and guide your Pastor.  Of course, I know that there is weed growing alongside the wheat, and their response identifies them.

fuegoenlasangre said...


Under Grantee/Grantor : Type in


there will be 6 pages of documents, click next 6 times and review Record 67

Unknown said...

candy should smoke some of that weed. have any of you noticed candy is always equating everything to weed or weeds in the midst? candy is being very "blunt" by using such a word like weed. no wonder she calls herself candy, por ke tiene los munchies.

Rambo said...

I think people are just really really angry and frustated because by the looks of it (at the moment) the GB seems to be getting away with "bloody murder". I still believe that they WILL PAY IN THE END.

fuegoenlasangre said...

Riverside County Assessor/Recorder:
Under Document Type Select: NOTICE OF DEFAULT
Under Grantor/Grantee Type in: Pacheco Edward or Pacheco Rebecca
Sumbit Search

Clark County Assessor for property listed in Clark NV:
Click on Owner Name listed in Left Column
Type in Pacheco under Last Name, Edward under First Name
Click on Names Summary, Check 1st box Pacheco, Edward (10)

Clark County Assessor:
Click on Owner Name listed in Left Column
Type in Pacheco under Last
Type in Edward under First
Click on Highlighted Parcel #176-12-710-112
Click on * 20060724:02817

sola dei gloria said...

Bloggers. Do you really think this blog is going to impact the GB? Starting sending your letters to Headquarters.

fuegoenlasangre said...

Riverside County Assessor/Recorder:
Under Document Type Select: NOTICE OF DEFAULT
Under Grantor/Grantee Type in: Pacheco Edward or Pacheco Rebecca
Sumbit Search

Clark County Assessor for property listed in Clark NV:
Click on Owner Name listed in Left Column
Type in Pacheco under Last Name, Edward under First Name
Click on Names Summary, Check 1st box Pacheco, Edward (10)

Clark County Assessor:
Click on Owner Name listed in Left Column
Type in Pacheco under Last
Type in Edward under First
Click on Highlighted Parcel #176-12-710-112
Click on * 20060724:02817

Unknown said...

pues mis estimado hermanos, si hermano obispo pacheco es en default de su nota de su case, no esta honrando su contracto con el banco. y si no esta honrando su "PACTO" no esta honrando su propio palabra.

resulta, no esta responsable con su palabra como hombre, como ministro, como obispo, como un persona que tiene derecho del CID.

no esta honrando su PACTO de OBLIGACIONES.

apostolic said...

To all of you

Que Dios tenga misericordia de todos ustedes... quiero ver mas adelante.. como van a estar ustedes

Rambo said...

sola dei gloria

Haven't you heard before? The GB doesn't even care about our correspondence. According to insiders they just discard it unless they can tell there's money in there.

justice_will_prevail said...

to sola dei gloria...

the gb has said in the past that they do not read any letters sent to them without a signature, please make sure that your letter has a signature on it.

why don't we get each blogger to generate a letter in your respective church and have it signed by the members then send it to rancho

Unknown said...

creo que vamos estar super bien mi hermanito. es mejo morir en pie de vivir de rodillas.

la biblia dice que es bien a batallar por justicia.

Rambo said...

justice will prevail

Okay so then they will now have your name, church name, members names. Next they'll come and snatch your church away. I don't know about that. Look at what they made Tafoya do and the word is they're still gonna come for him. I mean it's an idea but looks like we're not dealing with reasonable men at all.

lehan said...

Give it a rest Sam, stick to english! You didn't make any sense in English much less in spanish!

truth said...

any one knows the outcome of the GB visit to Pastor Salomon....
I hope the GB doesn't get away with their dictating evil spirit....
And for bishop president Dan Sanchez I hope GOD has mercy of you....
and for you brother ABEL AGUILAR you were doing just fine when you were out of the GB now hopefully you don't get corrupted, I really
admire you because I felt you were a real man of GOD but if you let Dan Sanchez use you for hIs dirty work hopefully GOD won't stop using you for his HOLLY WORKS..
I wonder what(Efrain Valverde ex bishop pres at one time) has to say about all this mess....

latinprof said...

Today is truly a sad day in the history of the Apostolic Assembly. As a 3rd generation Apostolic I never thought I would witness the injustice imposed upon Pastors Baldemar, Solomon, Torres, and Avila. I am saddened and at the same time vehemently outraged with the General Board's unethical, unscriptural, and unspiritual antics! Many of us in the ministry have tired of these "controlling" and "manipulative" tactics. My prayer is that God will stengthen the aforementioned pastors whom I love dearly. As for me I will surrender my ministerial license in the next few days in protest of the inappropriate and malicious behavior of the General Board. God bless...RevG
PS..I want to commend the webmasters of this site for providing this blog as a vehicle of free expression.

truth said...


Anonymous said...

2006 Long Beach was called "What do these stones mean?" Bishop Sanchez worried about what legacy would be left for future generations.

As it appears empty buildings will be the legacy, a memory of what was of the assembly will be the legacy, a tragic end by self-righteous, self-centered, egotistical, unforgiving, proud, arrogant and other choice word men, that will be the legacy.

I am in th e 30-40 year old group of discontent ministers that is very disappointed with this GB. Other organizations or even independency is looking very attractive. What'll happen when my generation leaves this disgrace of an organism in the body of Christ...I wonder if this is what Christ meant when he said "And if thy right hand offend thee, cut it off, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell" back to topic what'll happen when my generation leaves and these old goats die off, retire, have heart attacks, strokes and are paralyzed now physically and can no longer pastor and there is no one to pass the dead torch of their local church.

We are one generation from dying just like other major denominations that have old moldy buildnigs but there is no congregation or even an eager seminarist to pastor because everybody has left to the non-denominational church with starbucks in the lobby.

Thanks to the Eight Apostles of the Asamblea.

latinprof said...

I'm located on the west coast.

latinprof said...

Bro. Zapata, I firmly agree with you!

Nacho said...

Does anyone know is any pastors from the AA has set up any type of community prayer to fight the Gays right that the state of California has allow? Or are we to busy fighting each other on ignorance political power position and man made rules. There are Trinitarian from my local town has called a meeting for all pastors from different faiths to pray together and fight these ridiculous law and right that these gays are claiming that they have! We claim we have the truth and we are highly favored by God cause we look so Holy! This whole entire Law suit was a joke! AA are a bunch of back stabbing clowns!!!! There is more important issue to fight for then all this garbage!

pancho villa said...

Today at 2 p.m. In the Rancho Cucamonga Church they will LYNCH Bishop President Baldemar Rodriguez.

Emiliano Zapata... VIVA La Revolucion !!!!!

We have one hour to show up a rally behind Bro. Baldemar.

aaoutsider said...


"I wonder what(Efrain Valverde ex bishop pres at one time) has to say about all this mess...."

For your info, Efrain Valverde(Ex-Obispo Pres.) passed away about 4 or 5 years ago.

But in his autobiography, he says that he also was disqualified for re-elect Bishop President by the CID. That's why he left the AA in his time.

Anonymous said...

In the third term of Baldemar's Presidency the theme of the AA was "An Apostolic Revolution"

Guess what Pancho Villa.......IT IS TIME!!!!!!!

Viva la Revolucion contra los mendigo rateros y extorsionistas de la AA.

aaoutsider said...

Paz de Cristo!:

Soy uno de muchos; que ya de meses he estado visitando su página, así me he enterado de los grandes problemas que hay entre ustedes (por no decir fraudes e injusticias) que no son ni tan siquiera de ayer, ni de antier, sino ya tienen tiempo; con la diferencia de que en el tiempo pasado nadie los sacó a luz.
Saben ustedes que se mira muy mal que se tiren unos a otros, ¡y esto ante el público!. Creo que mejor sería se reunieran y en paz se preguntaran a la luz de la palabra de Dios sobre el sistema de gobierno que ustedes llevan; ¿Es el que nuestro Dios estableció en su Iglesia?.
Primeramente, La biblia usa los términos: Reino de Dios o Reino de los cielos (Marcos 1:14-15, Juan 3:3 y 5, Mateo 11:12, Mateo 25:1).
En la carta a los Efesios 4:11-16, encontramos la estructura de: Apóstoles, Profetas, Evangelistas, Pastores y Doctores osea Maestros. Ahora, hagamos la pregunta: ¿Y que de los Obispos, Ancianos y Diáconos?. Primero, miremos en el libro de los Hechos 6:1-6 nos da razón que los Diáconos fueron elegidos por la congregación para servir las mesas. De aquellos siete diáconos; dos de ellos, Esteban y Felipe; Dios les da el ministerio de Evangelistas y ahora, en cuanto a los Obispos y Ancianos, son facultades que deben de estar en los que son Llamados por Dios para el Ministerio Pastoral en la facultad de Obispos sobreven, como Ancianos aconsejan; veamos Hechos 20:17-28 y Tito 1:5-7.
Enseguida diremos: La iglesia del principio se gobernó Teocráticamente, no por un Gobierno Democrático. Los Apóstoles fueron los responsables de la obra de Dios; veamos el libro de los Hechos 15.
La 1ra de Pedro 5:1-4, notemos la palabra con que da principio el capitulo: “Ruego”, La Primera a Timoteo 1:3 “Como te rogué”. Podría seguir refiriendo algunas otras escrituras, pero creo que con estas podemos comprender bien.
Preguntemos a la biblia: ¿Cuántas veces los apóstoles se reeligieron por votación para seguir siendo apóstoles?, ¿Pasaron por una Mesa Calificadora?. La única ocación que la biblia registra de una elección, es en el libro de los Hechos 1:15-26 y nótese que fue antes de ser llenos del Espiritu Santo, tal parece que no estuvo dentro de la voluntad de Dios que haigan hecho tal cosa. Ahora, es de comprenderse ya de tiempo y mayormente en los paises donde el gobierno cecular es democrático; demanda o pide dar razón de Quienes somos, Cuál es el propósito de agruparnos; y nos conviene para protegernos; y para esto, es necesario buscar como en el caso de los Diáconos (Hechos 6:1-6): Varones con buen testimonio, llenos del Espiritu Santo y de Sabiduria y si tienen preparación cecular para que sean los representantes del grupo ante el gobierno.
En la fraternidad donde yo estoy; cada pastor tenemos nuestro propio registro ante el gobierno; ahora, tratandose de la fraternidad de Pastores, se reconoce a los que mi Dios da un mayor ministerio, y los que tienen un mayor llamamiento o ministerio, no es para que se enseñoreen sobre los que tienen menor visión o ministerio, mas bien, los que tienen mas son para ayudar a los que tienen menos. Por último, los representantes ante el gobierno, deben de sujetarse al Pastorado o al liderazgo espiritual: Sin más,
Dios los bendiga ricamente.

pancho villa said...

Emiliano Zapata
Pancho Villa - su servidor

Donde esta el Che Guevara

Para darles en la mazeta a los Pelones.

Pastores ninguno esta fuera del alcanze de la mesa directiva. Miembros de Amada Asamblea Apostolica cuestionen a sus Pastores de la situacion de la Asamblea, muchos de ellos ni siquiera estan enterados de que estan removiendo a sus colegas.

Creo que muy pronto no va ver mas que los miembros se unan y dejen de entregar diezmos en su congregacion local. Yo ya no entrego diezmos pero no dejo de contribuir.

Viva La Revolucion !!!

David Tobar, Ismael Martin del Campo no esta de tu lado.

tonedeaf said...

Okay, everyone so what does your local pastor plan to do? Is this situation been spoken of? Have you had some kind of meeting? Does anyone you know really care? Or are they just content to let it go. There are no checks and balances. It is highly discouraging.

aaoutsider said...

Praise the Lord:

I am one of many; that for months I have been visiting this page, therefore I have found out the great problems that there are between you (not to say frauds and injustices) that they are neither yesterday, nor the day before yesterday, but are of much time; with the difference the past nobody bright them to light.
Do you know that it looks very badly that you fight amongst yourselves and this before the public. I believe that better it would be to meet and peacefully ask among yourselves in the light of the Word of God on the governing system who you take; is this one that our God established in His Church?
Firstly, the bible uses the terms: Kingdom of God or Kingdom of Heaven (Mark 1:14 - 15, Juan 3:3 and 5, Mat 11:12, Mat 25:1).
In the letter to the Ephesians 4:11 - 16, we found the structure of: Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors and Doctors. Now, we make the question: And that of the Bishops, Elders and Deacons. First, we watch in the book of Acts 6:1- 6 give reason us that the Deacons were chosen by the congregation to serve the tables. Of those seven deacons; two of them, Stephen and Philip; God gives the ministry them of Evangelists; now in reference to the Bishop and the Elders, they are functions that must be in those who are called by God for the Pastoral Ministry, as Bishops they oversee, and as Elders they advise; let us see Acts 20:17 -28 and Titus 1:5-7.
Next I will say: The church in its beginning was governed theocratically, not by a Democratic Government. The Apostles were the people in charge of the work of God; let us see the book of Acts 15.
1 Peter 5:1 - 4, we notice the word Peter uses: “Exhort”, the I Timothy 1:3 “As I besought thee”. It could continue referring some other verses, but I believe that with these we can understand well.
Let us ask the bible: How many times the apostles reelected themselves by voting to continue being apostles? Did they have to go through a Qualifying Committee? The only time that the bible registers of an election, is in the book of the Acts 1:15 - 26 and note that it was before they were filled with the Holy Spirit, so seems that it was not within the will of God that continue these elections. Now, it is to be understood for much time and mainly in the countries where the government is democratic; that they demand or request us to give reason of who we are, and what is the intention to gather ourselves together; and it is serves to protect ourselves as well; and for this, it is necessary to examine the case of the Deacons (Acts 6:1 - 6): Men with good testimony, filled with Holy Spirit and Wisdom and if they have education so that they are the representatives of the group before the government.
In the fellowship where I am; each Pastor has their own registry before the government; now, being in the fellowship of Pastors, we recognize whom God gives a greater ministry, and those that have a greater call or ministry, is not so that they are dominated (dictator) on which they have minor vision or ministry, rather, those that they have this higher call are they are for helping those that they have less. Finally, the representatives before the government, must be subject to the Pastors or the spiritual leadership:
God bless you!

Anonymous said...

WWAAHH!! WAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! WWWWAAAAAAAAAA!!! bunch of cry babies......
I Sam 15:23

fuegoenlasangre said...

Feel free to write your elected officials:

Office of The Attorney General
Edmond O. Brown Jr.
Right Side of Page
How to File a Complaint Against A Charity
Click On: Complaint Form
Print Form
Fill out to the best of your knowledge and send it in
Attach La Opinion/ etc……
Mailing Address:
Edmond O. Brown Jr.
Attorney General's Office California Department of Justice
Attn: Public Inquiry Unit
P.O. Box 944255 Sacramento, CA 94244-2550

fuegoenlasangre said...

Governor's Office:
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger
State Capitol Building
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: 916-445-2841
Fax: 916-558-3160 ( new number )

Riverside Office
3737 Main Street #201
Riverside, CA 92501
Phone: 951-680-6860
Fax: 951-680-686

fuegoenlasangre said...

Senator Dianne Feinstein
United States Senate
331 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510

Phone: (202) 224-3841
Fax: (202) 228-3954
TTY/TDD: (202) 224-2501

fuegoenlasangre said...

Senator Barbara Boxer
Washington, D.C.
112 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
(202) 224-3553
(202) 224-0454 fax

Inland Empire
201 North E Street Suite 210
San Bernardino, CA 92401
(909) 888-8525
(909) 888-8613 fax

fuegoenlasangre said...

CA Department of Industrial Relations (DIR)

Unknown said...

follow up to fuegoenlasangre June 25, 2008 10:03 AM:

1. 4049 NANCY CIR CORONA, CA 92881
Price $1,353,000.00
Owner Exempt: Y Tax Amount: $20,129.46
Recording date: 09/08/2005
Square Footage Living Area: 5251
Square Footage Garage: 902
Lot Size 37,461
Document #: 000000740482
Parcel No: 114-620-014

Price $990,000.00
Owner Exempt: N/A Tax Amount: $14,187.24
Recording date: 03/30/2007
Square Footage Living Area: 4576
Square Footage Garage: 887
Lot Size 37,461
Document #: 000000217802
Parcel No: 140-341-003

Price $828,000.00
Owner Exempt: N/A Tax Amount: $14,142.54
Recording date: 11/22/2006
Square Footage Living Area: 4,576
Square Footage Garage: 887
Lot Size 12,632
Document #: 000000861255
Parcel No: 140-370-010

4. 5089 W MOBERLY AVE , NV
Price $353,740.00
Owner Exempt: N/A Tax Amount: $2,983.49
Recording date: 07/24/2006
Square Footage Living Area: 2,179
Square Footage Garage: 390
Lot Size 3,484
Document #: 060724002817
Parcel No: 140-370-010

5. 1836 Lucy Ln was sold? . . . More to come – stay tuned

Unknown said...

Bishop Pacheco is a blessed man of God. Don't hate because most of you are day labor or lower middle class.

Unknown said...

. . . here's the scam:

So . . . Here’s the latest Pacheco Scam – First you buy a house, then you sell it to someone you know at a substantially higher price. The ‘new’ buyer borrows more money than it is worth. Do you see a familiar buyer/seller? 1st buyer $832K -> 2nd buyer $990K. Here’s example # 1:

Transferred: 03/30/2007 Lender Name: INDYMAC BK FSB
Sale Price: $990,000.00 Title Company: LANDSAFE TITLE
Sale Code: SALE PRICE (FULL) Loan Amt Other: $198,000.00
Document #: N/A
Mortgage Deed Type: CONVENTIONAL Loan
Amt 1 St: $792,000.00
Prior Sales Price: $832,000.00 Prior Sales Date: 12/19/2006
Prior Doc #: 000000956706
Prior Doc Type: GRANT DEED

Look for this one to go into foreclosure. SnL Huizar may have made money on loan #1, loan #2 & the sale & together they pocket the difference in loan amounts.

Not sure, but this looks fishy too:
Pachueco buys for 507K Sells for 835K 1 year later. Questions – who are Joselito & Diana Guintu? Is ‘Diana’ also the ‘Diane’ in Edward C & Diana Pacheco? If so, they own another 6 houses. The names could be a coincidence, but they bought a house next door two months earlier!
Does anyone know Guintu?

Our nation is in a financial mess because of greedy dishonest people like this!!!

Unknown said...

Itsnotovertillitsover, it looks like FRAUD. Guitu purchased the property from Huizar. But if you run a check on Pacheco's telephone number, a reverse seach, that address pops up.

Guintu was a STRAW BUYER for Pacheco and HUIZAR. Thats straight out a FELONY CRIME. That means Guintu lied on his loan application and HUIZAR knew about it.

Remember who has been advising Pacheco and Huizar: Rogelio Alvarez Garduno. Convicted Felon for loan fraud and beloved minister at Pachecos church.

fuegoenlasangre said...

Check out PACHUECO'S Casitas

Assessment #: 115640011-7
1836 Lucy Ln
Corona CA
$12,607.82 PAID

Assessment #: 114620014-1
4049 Nancy Cir
Corona CA
$20,129.46 PAID

Assessment#: 140341003-0
16649 Morning Mist Ct
$15,625.94 DUE
Riverside CA
052581092-8 [empty lot]
$ 4,621.06 DUE

Assessnebt #: 140370010-6
16892 Ridge Cliff Dr.
Riverside CA
$23,927.14 DUE

Assessment #: 17612710112
5089 Moberly Ave.
Enterprise NV
$ 2,983.49 PAID

$ 79,929.91 Total Amount of TAXES
$ 35,720.77 PAID

$ 44,174.14 DUE

fuegoenlasangre said...


Alvarez, Rogelio Garduno

Mailing Address:
CORONA, CA 92879

License ID:

Expiration Date:

License Status:

Broker License Issued:
05/05/98 (Unofficial -- taken from secondary records)

Former Name(s):

Main Office:



Affiliated Licensed Corporation(s):
01273597 - Officer Expiration Date: 07/16/04
Alvarez Financial Inc
EXPIRED AS OF 07/17/04

01074677 - Officer Expiration Date: 02/25/03
Sun Pacific Funding Inc
EXPIRED AS OF 02/26/03

07/29/04 - H-31120 LA

05/16/05 - REVOKED

01/23/08 - PETITION FOR R

fuegoenlasangre said...

Who would like to buy one of Pachueco's Casitas..... $860,000.00 What a JOKE

16892 Ridge Cliff Dr Riverside, CA 92503
Price: $860,000

Click on Monitor your Homes Value:
Type in: 16892 Ridge Cliff Dr. Riverside CA 92503
Estimate $527,220

fuegoenlasangre said...

Here’s PACHUECO & REBEQUITA reading the Blog today:

fuegoenlasangre said...

It amazes me that the Bishops & Ex-Bishops pledge their allegiance to the Pachueco Board. What Integrity or Moral Compass do they possess. ZIP.
We Have Dictator Don Vito Corleone [Sanchez] thinking he’s in Hollywood. King Nebakanezer [Valverde] [Salivating for his turn as Dictator] and Pachueco jumping up and down. He can’t quite believe that he has hit the LOTERIA. Allegedly stealing funds from Hermanos and now being appointed to the board.

Unknown said...

Here's #2

Pachueco makes a great investment:
Transferred: 08/25/2004 Lender Name: COUNTRYWIDE BK
Sale Price: $507,000.00 Title Company: FIRST AMERICAN TITLE
Sale Code: SALE PRICE (FULL) Loan Amt Other: N/A
Mortgage Deed Type: UNKNOWN Loan Amt 1 St: $190,000.00
Prior Sales Price: N/A Prior Sales Date: N/A
Prior Doc #: N/A Prior Doc Type: UNKNOWN

He sells that house 1 year later - RESALE
Transferred: 09/02/2005 Lender Name: AMERICAS WHOLESALE LENDER
Sale Price: $835,000.00 Title Company: STEWART TITLE
Sale Code: SALE PRICE (FULL) Loan Amt Other: N/A
Document #: N/A Seller: PACHECO EDWARD & REBECCA
Mortgage Deed Type: CONVENTIONAL Loan Amt 1 St: $668,000.00
Prior Sales Price: $507,000.00 Prior Sales Date: 03/04/2004
Prior Doc #: 000000671978 Prior Doc Type: GRANT DEED

And !!!! I'll bet Huizar handled the entire transaction!!!!

Yes, it is called Straw buying. and I do wonder how many more of these they did!

whoopycushion said...

I don't understand how AA members are standing still. You might not worry now but wait until Dec when all small churches including bro lugo(sheep) bro maffey (sheep) and bro guerra (sheep) will lose there churches also cuz valverde hit the jackpot found people to do the dirty work while bro pacheco can play monopoly with all his properties. Members stand up for your Pastors and our Pastors of the AA before it will no longer be the AA. It will now be just another Cuba except in the Orange Show. Stand up for what is right and what is yours.

factsonly1 said...

Some highly "honorable" Apostolic officials met with Pastor Baldemar Rodriguez today to serve him his order.

They were met with 100 of Pastor Rodriguez's faithful sheep, marching and picketing with protest signs. Two of the members of the GB sent their goons to scope out the area and they snuck in thru the back like a pair of RATS! that shows they are COWARDS! Why can't they FACE the people of San Bernardino? they have enough guts to do what they did but not enough guts to boldly face the people and explain their actions!

rumor has it 60 more pastors are getting the boot... make way for the mega churches...

jstrad said...

Any word on which of the GB members were the ax men this time.

factsonly1 said...

Malverde for sure. One of his goons Sam Rojas was seen scoping out the area. Also Bishop Lugo was seen walking in the building.

jstrad said...

President Rodriguez we are praying for you, your family and your church. I know you have given your all to the Work of the Lord. Believe me it has not gone unnoticed. God will recompense you for all you have done for His Work.

Skotty Will Show You said...

The Truth Will Be Revealed Tonight!
Stay Posted. My Mission Has Started! And It Will NOT END SOON!
I Will Take Criticism, and I Will Also Give IT! Dont Hate Just Wait...

jstrad said...

klu9128 please keep us updated!


jstrad said...

Skotty. What truth?

jstrad said...

What's your mission?

Skotty Will Show You said...

My Mission, Will Be Revealed Tonight! You Will All See! THIS IS NO JOKE.

jstrad said...

Tonight at what time? You have my attention!

Skotty Will Show You said...

No Later Than 1AM pst. My Mission Has Started... Why Hasn't Yours?
It Is Time People.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Little Eddie said...

I'm in bed by 8:00 pm. Give us a clue

jstrad said...

Skotty. I am with Little Eddie on this one. Don't leave us hanging.

factsonly1 said...

Siguanme los buenos:
I believe only 3 cowardly ministers remained "neutral" and really that was expected. They're opinion really doesn't matter. THEY NEVER EVEN GO TO CHURCH! how DARE they stand up and rebuke the congregation for following what is morally right. don't they have a lil "history" themselves? didn;t pastor look the other way for them? Bite the hand that feeds you, will you?
and one minister SAID he was neutral but we'll find out tonight where his intentions lie. Personally i think he sees GREEN! What a coincidence bishop calls him JUST to see how the piano is? is that all?
and they are not strong for remaining silent, because they are remaining silent out of FEAR!

Skotty Will Show You said...

How Dare You Speak That Way. You Talk About Not Wanting Division Yet You Feel The Need To Speak On This Blog?

What Makes You So Experienced?

P.S. I dont want to hear n e BS about YOUr history if Thats What You Plan On Doing

Memebers Have A Right To Speak Up... WE're Are Not In Mexico... So If In case Your Not Familiar With the U.S. Constitution We Have Rights....
Go Back To YOur Mexican apostolic Church ...

;) Buddy!

As I Said B4 I Will Take N e Criticism And I WILL GIVE IT...

jstrad said...

Did the Bishop follow the Constituion when he called the Minister? Where is the Respect for Authority in that? Although, this is another instance where it is better not to look the other way. Sounds like it's coming back to bite him.

I'm still with President Rodriguez!

Skotty Will Show You said...

bTW that last one was for Sig...

And Sorry Cant Tell You.
I Wish I could But you will just have to wait.

jUST Know It Will BE EPIC!

Rambo said...

Whoa there Skotty

Careful and don't go doing anything that might land you in jail. We have enough troubles without people getting hotheaded and losing control. God bless you.

jstrad said...

What's the word?
Is President Rodriguez still in the meeting with the GB members?
Who was in the meeting with him?
What was the outcome?

chris said...

I think the picture used is an insult to people that have suffered such tragedies. In no way, shape or form can you compare what is happening to the Pasors to what happened to these people. Where exactly is the fear of God and repect for other.

justice_will_prevail said...

Abel Torres- lynched June 11, 2008
Saul Avila- lynched June 21, 2008
Baldemar Rodriguez- lynched June 25, 2008
Daniel Salomon- lynched June 25, 2008

These were the executors
Abel Torres- E. Pacheco & A. Aguilar
Saul Avila- L. Maffey & Arthur Espinoza
Baldemar Rodriguez- D. Sanchez & I. Martin del Campo
Daniel Salomon- S. Valverde & V. Prado

jstrad said...

Well, it appears that they had everyone on the GB get their hands dirty.

I was holding out hope for a couple of them. Victor Prado in particular.

I guess it is all or nothing at this point.

What a very sad time in the Apostolic Assembly, but one thing that holds true throughout scripture that when the persecution has been the greatest the Kingdom of God has grown. The Kingdom of God not the kingdom of men.

"let God be true, but every man a liar;"
Romans 3:4

pancho villa said...

Does anybody has any news on the graffiti that appeared at the Assembly HQ's?

And please do not say that Sam Rojas was actually working.

Felipe Lugo, you are not part of their group, they are using you. They know you were playing both sides.

Que Viva La Revolucion !!!

Skotty Will Show You said...

I Have To Say ... The Movement Will Commence Tonight What I have Witnessed Was A Disgrace...

Anonymous said...

Victory for Baldemar Rodriguez! More than 50% of his members are backing him up! They went and protested while he was in the meeting!

Then when they went to the church tonight, Pastor Baldemar walked out and over 50% of the members followed! Including former District Ladies President Diane Rodriguez and her family!

factsonly1 said...

Dr Baldemar's Church has united against the corrupt leaders of the AA and for the work of the lord! more than HALF of his congregation marched out of that church leaving bishop and aa officials flabbergasted!

The only ones that stayed are the cowards (cough, cough) i mean, neutral ppl. To some of the ministers at SB, remember all that Pastor has done for you... some of you shouldn't even be MINISTERS, but God showed his GRACE to you thru this Man of God. Be grateful to God for this man.

And about the graffiti, Dr Baldemar teaches peace and preaches morality. So I wouldn't be surprised if the AA did it themselves to rile people up.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
AntiTerrorist said...

General Board...Will be held accountable.

General Board Staff...Will be held accountable.

Members who chose to support the General Board...Will be held accountable.

To the General Board, Thank you for the many years of preaching and teachings you've blessed us with. They were wonderful and inspiring. No doubt that you were used by God. But like Judas, you fell. You sold yourselves on a fantasy of a wealthy life and continue living off of believer’s expense. Fortunately, just as Judas did, you also will hang yourselves and rid yourselves from this earth. Before you do us the favor, the truth will be exposed. Holy men of God the Apostolic Assembly General Board is not.

factsonly1 said...

Well brother for you to assume that it was someone supporting Pastor that vandalized the church... wow. it shows just how naive you are.

And yes, attendance is a CLEAR reflection of whats in their hearts. EVERYONE works. We ALL make sacrifices... NOT just when we are on the schedule... (ouch! i hope THAT didn't hit close to home)

I remember someone that was asked to minister in a particular way on a particular sunday and MAN was he excited! He hadn't done that in a LONG time!
BUT when he found out that
he WASN'T going to be needed to minister in that particular way he decided he wasn't gonna show up...

INTERESTING!!! did i mention this is "NEUTRAL" minister, whose selective attendance isn't a clear reflection of his heart?


Skotty Will Show You said...


Wait .... The Greatness is Upon Us!

Those Whom's Eyes Are Shut. Shall Once Again See The Truth, Tragedy, And Heartache The gb (Not capitalized for reasons you all know...) Is Causing.

Soooooon People SOOOOOON!

Skotty Will Show You said...

Sig... U ARE FREAKING HILLARIOUS! hahahahaha The Small Group? How Funny. Your Eyes Shall Open In the Future BRO...

But Dont Worry Keep Talking W.e. U WANT .

apostolicanalyst said...

So much confusion..

What locks of what doors of the building of Baldemar’s church was changed if the building is not owned by the Assembly?

Wasn’t Baldemar’s church meeting in a rental building that is part of the city college?

So what locks did Lugo, Ma, and Guevara show up to change?

Does anybody have the answer? Give us the correct information.

factsonly1 said...

yes it is true that 1 san bernardino would rent the auditorium of the SB Valley college on Sundays.

However, The historic 6th st building was used for weekly services, activities, rehearsals, etc.

The AA officials changed the locks of THAT building.

Anonymous said...

To Sigen whatever...

You stated "Well I will not talk about my experience which is irrelevant, but I will say that I am very sad for the way a small group from the church potrayed itself throughout the day."

Small group!? Wait till you see...the proof is in the pudding! Are you miss-informed or what? There was 80% members that walked out. Guess you were late or just didn't show up, yet again!!

About your experience, there is little I bet. Hmmm...I recall a time when a family cried to the SB church because some members up north ran and kicked out a pastor and his family. That family claims to be "nuetral" and follow the Will of God and accept everything. Wow..that family didn't stay at that church and accept God's Will did they? Instead they ran to Pastor Baldemar for a safe harbor and Pastor Baldemar accepted them with open arms.....

About the graffiti, hmmm you know a bit much don't you? If you still don't get it..The members supporting Baldemar were busy protesting all day yesterday and all day today. So I hope you tossed your cans already!

Get your info straight, tell your sources to stop calling you at the drop of every is making you sound like a very unrealiable source!

Rambo said...

Skotty and Anyone who might be thinking of any kind of retaliation against the GB:

Careful now, don't stoop to their level. Re-think your actions. Will anything you might be planning on doing tonite affect your life tomorrow? Will it hurt you or your families? Will it hurt anyone. I'm up late unable to sleep worrying about the situation at hand. I am praying for you and anyone who thinks they might take the law into their own hands that could in the end wind up hurting them.

Please say a prayer and re-think your plans. Don't stoop to the level that the GB has. God bless us all.

factsonly1 said...

calm down rambo.
dr rodriguez teaches his followers peace.

noone can stoop as low as the gb, btw

Rambo said...

By the way, this comes all the way from your fellow supporter in Texas who truly cares. It is 2:40 a.m. here and I'm am praying for all of you.

factsonly1 said...

thank u rambo.
we need your prayers and support

apostolicanalyst said...

Thank you for answering regarding the SB property. Got it straight.

It is a shame that in all these years that BR has been in SB, he is still using the building from 1920 which was built by Bro. Aguilar who has long since gone to be with the Lord. With all the fame he gives himself and all that he has pretends to be, it is incredible that in 70 years he has never purchased, built or acquired a building for the Assembly.

This man has only acquired for himself and never for the Assembly. The pedestal where he has placed himself is null and void. He deserves exactly what he got because he lynched many a good man, himself.

If he accepted someone to help, it had to be someone who could never be a threat to him politically. But those who could be a threat, he toppled without remorse. Do not tell me different, nor to those who have been in the Assembly a long time, because we have not only seen it, but lived it and suffered it. His day has come.

factsonly1 said...


How ignorant you are.
The church on 6th st was a TEMPORARY situation. everyone knows that.

In 1993, Bor Rodriguez acquired a building TWICE the size on Esperanza st, across the street form the San Bernardino College.

In 2006, the MEMBERS of BR's church decided to sell that property to the Valley college in response to very generous offer. The members have been hard at work ever since fund raising for the remaining monies needed to complete the building project on Mt Vernon and 13th said to have been able to seat 1200 people. they have raised since then 1 million dollars. and had recently had a groundbreaking service, where an extra 20k was raised.

Get facts straight before you judge apostolic analyst...

PLUS, correct me if i am wrong, but wasn't the aa headquarters built under BR's presidency? i don't think that was something he acquired for himself, now was it?

Anonymous said...

To Apostolicanalyst

Your post saddens me, even you will be taken for a ride. It is unfortunate you do not see the truth nor stand for it.

However, your opinion does not concern those supporting Dr. Baldemar Rodriguez.

Your stuck in the 1920's (which by the way makes you sound horribly bitter).

I will pray that God be with us, as well as yourself!

It is not worth even one breath to begin to debate with you on your opinion.

The name "apostolicanalyst" should stand for an apostolic that analyzes. Yet even that you are not doing!

Anonymous said...


You make valid remarks and I agree with you.

How is it that Dr. Baldemar Rodriguez did everything for himself when there was many times he was taking care of the assembly?

Hmmm...23 years of service to the AA and 47 years of service in total as an actual servant (member). Oh yes, Dr. B acquired so much for himself that he now owns the car of the year and a million dollar home!

According to my sources, at the "lynching meeting" (and protest) the GB arrived in their Cadillac Escalades, Lexus', Mercedes, etc.. and what did Baldemar arrive in because he has aquired so much? Oh that is right..his 2001 or so Toyota Avalon!

Stormy Love said...

First They Came for the Jews
First they came for the Jews
and I did not speak out
because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for the Communists
and I did not speak out
because I was not a Communist.
Then they came for the trade unionists
and I did not speak out
because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for me
and there was no one left
to speak out for me.

Pastor Martin Niemöller

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Skotty Will Show You said...

WOW DUDE... U are really lame...
dont worry cuz I GOT IT NOW...

Unknown said...

I guess Skotty was beamed up. Or fell to sleep.

What happened to your mission?

Skotty Will Show You said...

iTS STILL IN THE WORKS... ... trust me it is WORTH THE WAIT...



Skotty Will Show You said...

Bye Noon Today Every1 will have Seen My Mission And will Join ...

Skotty Will Show You said...

Lol I PUT BYE... i must be tired.. hahaha

Skotty Will Show You said...

Lol I PUT BYE... i must be tired.. hahaha

Skotty Will Show You said...

BTW did u guys know LUGO doesnt allow People That Are Not Baptized to Enjoy the Word Of GOD?

Its True... i will prove it to you!

Skotty Will Show You said...

BTW did u guys know LUGO doesnt allow People That Are Not Baptized to Enjoy the Word Of GOD?

Its True... i will prove it to you!

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