So the Revolutionaries for Justice want to come with video camera's in hand and try to affect change?
Have you not seen the Rodney King Video? It doesn't matter what the video shows, they were found not guilty.
Do you realize that a very well respected group of pastors just tried to sue our Beloved Assembly and ended up losing their churches. You think our leaders are going to listen to a few foul mouthed, name calling, disrespectful noobs? I think not! You must realize one thing; the Apostolic Assembly of the Faith in Christ Jesus, Inc.(Texas and California) has the legal system behind them.
You can't fight City Hall. I am surprised they sued. I am surprised that some of these pastors are apologizing. "I'm sorry for pointing out how the AA and its constituents were defrauded from a fair election, can I have my church back"? But I do understand why they are apologizing: It is their livelihood at stake. That is very unfortunate because most of these pastors have nothing else to fall back on.
I did read Sister Rita Solomon's letter over on AA.info. She is very well respected, intelligent and well spoken. She articulated very well her feelings and emotions through her ordeal. The anxiety, the unknowing, the embarrassment, the humiliation, the frustration of trying to do what was right and being told you where wrong, the lack of clarity as to what the future holds, being called rebellious. As Bill Clinton said, "I feel your pain".
Now you know what countless other pastors wives, who where excommunicated and removed while your husband was on the General Board and stood their and said nothing, feels like. Welcome to the real world. And I do say that with the utmost respect and admiration for you and your husband's ministry...but it had to be said. This type of politics has been bred in our Assembly, many generations have been through this. You held the reigns and did nothing to change this, not only did you do nothing to change this, you fostered this corruption. You lived high of the hog and now the hog has turned and kicked you out of the pen.
You are free now, there is no need to come back. What are you going to come back to? Its easier to see how dirty things are when your not rolling around in it. Run free and be clean no one can hold property over your head anymore. All the other pastors are held hostage by their properties. John 8:32 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. The truth is that Jesus did not intend for pastors to be slaves to an organization. An organization that can do what it wants, when it wants to whom in wants in the name of Jesus. Pastor's do not realize that they are held captive because of the structure of the AA. It controls the property therefore holds captive its pastors. I may not be Bible scholar but I don't think this is what God intended. It breeds corruption, pride of the flesh.
Back to the Revolutionaries...
If you want to really affect change, you must change from within. Lose the slang, lose the hostility, put on a tie and a suit and STUDY TO SHOW YOURSELF APPROVED. Speak clearly, assertively and with the peace and kindness of Christ. You must grow into a position of respect and admiration, then...when you hold the reigns, you must not let the power go to your head. You must be a giver, not selfish and look out for future generations of Latino's across this country. Not you and your children's fancy houses and cars. This is how we must build wealth, by effecting the lives of others beyond your site and reach. YOU MUST AFFECT THE EFFECT!(That is for Freddie Jose, some of the old timers will understand the FJ reference). It will take time, be steadfast.
I am afraid if you don't, this may be the beginning of the end of our beloved social.
Apostolic Voice
BlogMaster Extraordinaire
For our revolutionaries....