Brother Hernandez embodied the work of the Apostolic Assembly.
David Hernandez...founded Family Life Center Apostolic Church in 1972... focused his ministry on reaching men who struggled with substance abuse and problems with crime and violence. He established the church in 1972 hoping to create a safe, community environment and to win people to God...
Memorial services will be held at 7 p.m. on Monday at Quiet Cannon banquet hall in Montebello and at 10 a.m. on Tuesday at Family Life Center Apostolic Church in Whittier.
Sister Alvarez' has given 73 years of service and ministry to our Lord and Savior under the Apostolic Assembly. Born in 1915, the Lord called her home early this morning at 2:45am (2/25/2008). According to those close to the family, she passed near the time of her daily prayer: 3am.
Sister Alvarez was instrumental to the Apostolic Assembly in founding both the Dorcas (Women's Auxillary) and Flor Azul (Foreign Missionary Fund). Millions of dollars have been raised by both of these groups for the purpose of spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ locally and internationally. Sister Alvarez was also a song writer, poet and author.
Our deepest condolences to the Hernandez and Alvarez families. Our prayers are with you!