Wednesday, November 28, 2007

2007 General Convention Editorial


Would you so kind in welcoming Brother Josh Bayne to the podium as he provides an analysis of the 2007 General Convention at the Gaylord Resort in Fort Worth Texas. Brother Bayne was asked by us to provide some insight as to what he witnessed at the convention. In my discussion with him, I realized that he may be the most unbiased person to provide this type of on the scene reporting.
I really hate to have to say, please be respectful as he is a guest blogger on this site, but I feel I must. Let's show him what warm hearts we in the AAFCJ have. I always find in interesting how we are percieved outside looking in.


I must admit, I was a little keener to the unusual atmosphere of this years General Convention of the Apostolic Assembly of the Faith in Jesus Christ. I had already done some reading and research concerning the Election Scandal of the General Convention of the previous year. During my research I found myself with a pretty objective attitude due to my lack of relationship with the Apostolic Assembly or its General Board. But as I walked through the doors of the Gaylord Texan, in Grapevine Texas, I was immediately confronted with an amazing sense of tension.

There were 2 types of people I met in Grapevine. The first was the person who was there for information and justice. This person really didn’t seem too interested in the convention itself, but rather in the business meetings and the way the assembly of believers would react to the accusations towards the General Board.

The second type of person was the vacationer. Although they were greatly blessed by the messages by people like Bro. Romo, and Bro. Aguilar, they were more there for a time away at a great resort. As a matter of fact, a good friend of mine who pastors in California said they only went to one service, as they really wanted to spend time with their family in such a “beautiful resort”.

There were plenty of rumors flying around the convention from the start. Rumors about Bishop Sanchez having a nervous breakdown. Rumors about a host of pastors who would be announcing their departure from the Apostolic Assembly and starting a new organization, or going independent. Rumors that the lawyers for the plaintiffs in the case brought against the Assembly and its General Board were present and accounted for. Although some of these rumors turned out to be true, the fact that rumors of this size had been started in the first place struck me as unusual.

I feel like everything I had witnessed so far I did so with a large amount of objectivity. I had refrained from casting stones at people. I had been very respectful of the call of God on the men’s lives who were leading this organization. But then something happened, I witnessed the offering portions of the convention, both of the Youth and General services. There wasn’t a single service I attended in which a large amount of time and effort was taken receiving the offering. Each time an offering was taken it was done so in a way that the person giving the offering was glorified for the amount they gave not the sacrifice in which was made by their giving. It truly was a sad situation. I know I may catch some heat for making this next statement, but here goes…

When will people learn that the way they treat their finances has just as much to do with them going to heaven as does being baptized in the name of Jesus? When will people learn that Jesus cares just as much about your check book as he does your witnessing abilities? The Bible has commanded us to be good stewards with the blessings, both monetary and non-monetary, he has given us. This commandment also is for the elders of the church. As a matter of fact, the offerings aren’t for the Pastors, preachers, and teachers. The tithe is, but not the offering. The offering is to carry on the work of the Lord, while the tithe is there to support the ministry and their families. I am completely confounded as to why so many Oneness Apostolic’s (UPC, PAW, IAFCJ, ALJC, AAFJC, etc.) can’t get this through their heads.

Consider this a prophetic word: When the Apostolic Church of the 21st Century turns from their money loving ways there will be an amazing Revival in the church, as well as an Abundant Harvest of new souls.

This is ultimately what I walked away with: Yes, there is probably some truth to the accusations of the plaintiffs, and yes there is probably some truth to the accusations by the defendants. But what is most true about the entire scandal is, this has everything to do with money and nothing to do with the souls of believers and the lost. Many members of the Apostolic Assembly have lost sight of what is really important.

Let me tell you what is NOT important (Here comes the heat again). Being Apostolic is not important. Walking around with your nose tilted in the air because you have taken on the title of Apostolic is so far from important it almost laughable. Jesus didn’t call you to be Apostolic.
Now for what IS important: Being a Christian. Being a Soul Winner. Being sure of your salvation. Being a Prayer Warrior. Being Sold out. Being ready for the rapture. Guess what hermanos y hermanas; None of this has anything to do with being Apostolic.

I dare you to call a Baptist church in your local town and ask them what they think of Apostolic’s. Once they get beyond the doctrinal differences they will start talking about “self-righteous attitudes”. They will tell you “they seem to be caught in the 19th Century”. “They seem to use coercion in getting new believers to come to Christ”. “Heavy Handed”, “Legalistic”, “They have Dictators as Pastors”, “They look like they fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down.”. I have personally heard these comments from denominational pastors, preachers, and members (Even the last one).

Apostolics, its time to let go of “our” title, and put on the title that Christ gave us; “Beloved”.
As for the General Board and this years General Convention and Youth Conference, it was alright. Nothing to special. Lots of talk and no action. Lots of hype, but no follow through. How long will it be that a man or woman of God will finally say enough is enough and do something? The Apostolic church of yesterday is dying, the Apostolic church of Today is ill, and the Apostolic church of tomorrow won’t know what hit them.

Bro. Josh Bayne is a licensed minister and Professional Audio Engineer. He and his wife (Rebecca Brito-Bayne) have a 4 month old son named J. Michael. Josh and Rebecca are founders of which links Apostolic and other denominational ministers to churches in need of their help. Consider it a for churches.


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Ring of Fire said...

Cause I don't know Marc Payaso.

LOL man that was a good one.
bullfrog looking midget

john.3.16 said...

enrique, there is a class offered at fuller that deals with damaged emotions from church involvement. i feel in my heart that you have issues that prevent you from being in the fullness of gods love. i say this not to chide you but to sincerely be a helping hand. i offer you my hand in peace and in healing of your hurt spirit. i have been through that painful journey. i'll be praying for you my brother.

Ring of Fire said...

"Can't we just get along"

Quote from bro. rodney

With all due respect john you need to have a little sense of humor

Its all in fun

After a long day at work I come on here and unwind and have a laugh.

Believe me it helps.

God bless

between us said...

John …
Are you trying to tell us that Sam Valverde is like Moses?
In what way?
Moses got divorced from Jethro’s daughter, and married a Utopian, a black woman, and brought her to camp, upsetting Miriam and Aaron very much.
Are you trying to tell us that Elena Perez is interested in Valverde? Would he do what Moses did?
At the convention, Abel Aguilar said that his wife threatened to divorce him because of all these blogs.
Is this stuff coming down around their ears?

Hello said...

Moses was dictatorial, self willed, not trusting in other leaders, not a good planner, and failed to understand that failing to plan is a plan to fail. Jethro taught Moses about the need for delegation in leadership. Don’t misunderstand me here. I do not hold a candle to Moses, but the principles of leadership were not well understood by Moses, particularly at this point. He had to learn much while on-the-job. He eventually did learn many principles, however, this was a weakness and set the stage for even greater conflicts.

Unknown said...

RE: Marc Payaso!

Who is this clown? I hear he has a non-profit corp. at CT. called CDC.

Anonymous said...

What does CDC stand for ?

Anyone ?

I heard he is a big jerk and now all of a sudden he has a heart for counseling ?

Doesnt that require caring, love and compassion ?

Please go back to teaching fool.

john.3.16 said...

where's the love? where is the compassion? there is a sense of draught in here. now you degrade a biblical prophet. can we at least be positive of the examples god has seen fit to high light in the bible? or do you now question god? perhaps you are seeing people you point out as yourselves in a mirror and what you see is unpleasant. my brothers, don't let the evil one tell you that you are lacking.

Unknown said...

Between us:

Did Mrs. Aguilar threaten to leave Abel over the blogs? If thats true, they have a weak marraige. Hey, maybe they should go take Mark Payans Marriage Education Class. Payan knows everything about marraige, after 12 whole months of being married.

Oh, Payan was a JERK, when he was single. He also was a PLAYER too. He'd be talking to some chick from FOT, dating a minor from his church, yapping to another from the OC, daang. He was the Player's Player.

He had a taste for the Ladies. Hard to imagine that a Player of his Calibur didn't get a little nookie on the side. Wink Wink.

What do you get when Winny the Pooh named his favorite Orange Drink?
Pooh Tang! lol I crack myself

Mark Payan is my Hero!

Anonymous said...

There are way too many corrupt so called " men of god " in our Assembly.

It starts when people who have no business in ministry are appointed by uncles and fathers and buddies.

Then they make bad decisions and cover up scandals and hurt many loyal believers along the way.

This cancer has spread thruout the whole Assembly now you have very few true Men of God and that is why we have a very sick organization.

Anonymous said...

I dont see how we can repair such a broken system without at least a split in the organization.

And if there is a split those who leave must be dilligent to remove from the inception all forms of favoritism,nepotism and cronyism.

If not all you will have accomplished is more of the same.

john.3.16 said...

i don't see how you can build an organization as large as the apostolic assembly in so many different states without god's devine approval. god appointed his son jesus to lead the church. do you accuse jesus as being part of nepotism? after all, jesus was part of the bloodline of king david. do you accuse god of cronism?

Ring of Fire said...

The top is it spreads among the ranks.

You got women running the church in places, not that it might be a bad idea, but not when the man is suppose to be the pastor, and times its the whole family givng orders. the son, the daughter, the brother, the sister, the cousins the in_laws. All the family has a position of power, and they want everyone to follow blindly, no questions asked.

Dump the HGB

Ring of Fire said...

Without god's devine approval is right.I'm glad you have given him credit instead of Malverde.

God will use anyone or anything to get his will done..

Look at the ass who spoke to the Man of God.

Dump the HGB

jose said...

vices and virtues

Vice Virtue
Lust Chastity
Gluttony Temperance
Greed Charity
Sloth Diligence
Wrath Forgiveness
Envy Kindness
Pride Humility

factsonly1 said...

John 3:16,
You have terrible, terrible analogies that almost sound sacrilegious. I would suggest you find more relevant comparisons before you ignorantly throw the Godhead around in order to support your view on nepotism and cronyism among ministerial ranks.

By the way, just because the assembly is in every state it does not equate God's approval. The Mormon church and the Jehovah's witnesses are also in every state and city - your mentality would apply God's approval among them as well.

john.3.16 said...

repus, enrique, you both cried at the altar seeking gods face, repenting from your sins, at an apostolic assembly church. now, you belittle the same church god used to bring you to him. gods stamp of approval is written on your baptismal certificates. gods final note of approval of the apostolic assembly church will be seen when you walk through heavens gates where jesus, the son of god, will welcome you to eternity. my point is that the church was the vehicle that brought you two to salvation. is there nepotism? yes. god created adam and eve. from their seed came moses, king david and jesus. the church of our heavenly father passed to his son, and his son passed it to us. we are a royal priesthood. our bloodline is christ. only now, after your weeping for forgivness has settled, your hurtful gestures do not faze the body. certainly god is using you for a purpose. a purpose that is fulfilled in devine guidence. god has chosen to raise up families to carry the cross from generation to generation. give yourselfs fully to the lord, and you too can be chosen to lead the body as a royal priesthood from generation to generation. trust in him, and he will bless you with your desires in his heavenly will.

between us said...

Abel Aguilar was the MC at the funeral service of a man here in SO CA, who died after giving his wife a life of hell for almost 50 years.

After that, they all went and had the biggest bash you have ever witnessed, celebrating that the widow was finally free of this bondage.

The head of the bash was also Aguilar, and guess what, he was there without his wife.

Is something is brewing in the Aguilar camp?

factsonly1 said...

John 3:16,
You are all over the place. It's difficult to keep up with the points you are trying to make. You force cliches and analogies into your preconceived notions and you end up making a mess of your points.

Now I will end with this; you are absolutely wrong AGAIN. God's "stamp of approval" is NOT on my baptismal certificate. In fact, I lost that thing a long long time ago. God approved me when Christ died on the cross. The Cross of Christ approves me, not a Microsoft Template signed by the pastor.

Your comment is a perfect representation of the mentality of the assembly. Always requiring man made symbols in order to validate God's favor.

Anonymous said...


WOW you never cease to amaze me with your comments !

My salvation has nothing to do with the Assembly. And GOD could care less about who's seal or signature is on my baptismal certificate.

Your analogy is flawed in saying that God exercised Nepotism and Cronyism. Men make these choices out of greed and pride.

God divinely annoints and appoints who he in his infinite wisdom knows is the right choice.

We choose out of greed, power, lust etc.....

So now you are comparing Sanchez with GOD ? You are saying that just like Sanchez appointed his son in law as pastor its the same as God annointing his son Jesus ?

Oh and by the way REPUS just took you to school BIGTIME.

Right on REPUS

Unknown said...

Quique, Juanito, Repunoso o como sea- ya aplaquense! Si no se portan bien- van a ver cuando llege su papa! Les va a dar con el cinturon!

Honestly- you guys are just going around in cirles-

Y vale mas que juegen bien con Van cuando llegue. Se portan bien!

Little Eddie said...

Me 2

john.3.16 said...

your salvation has everything to do with the apostolic assembly. unless you got baptised somewhere else, you likely got baptised at an apostolic assembly church. you cried and wept at an apostolic altar. you are now saved, as a result of an apostolic assembly member witnessing to you. it was an apostolic assembly minister who baptised you. god uses the apostolic assembly. god has used apostolic ministers to bless your life and to save you from the pits of hell. now you deny gods handywork. you deny credit to the apostolic assembly for letting itself being used by god to bring you to salvation. did not god pass the church to his son jesus? please answer that simple question.

Anonymous said...
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Hello said...

Breaking news!!!
Sam Valverde announce to his congregation recently that he might split from the AA. The majority of his congregation will follow his steps.

Anonymous said...

You said :

your salvation has everything to do with the apostolic assembly. unless you got baptised somewhere else, you likely got baptised at an apostolic assembly church. you cried and wept at an apostolic altar. you are now saved, as a result of an apostolic assembly member witnessing to you.


it was an apostolic assembly minister who baptised you. god uses the apostolic assembly. god has used apostolic ministers to bless your life and to save you from the pits of hell.


now you deny gods handywork. you deny credit to the apostolic assembly for letting itself being used by god to bring you to salvation.


did not god pass the church to his son jesus? please answer that simple question.


John you are giving Man way too much credit and you are coming off as an idolater.

Repent of your worship of the assembly and your praise of men.

Unknown said...

WOW JOHN, are you really serious on your comments?

Yes we cried at the altar, we got baptized in a AA church. It does not changed that fact of all the corruption with the AA.

Are you that shallow or are you related to the GB?

With that kind on mentality, now I understand why the AA is the way it is.


Little Eddie said...

Way to go primo john

Pastor said...

To John 3:16!

Nothing - NOT WORTH A RESPONSE to such a simple minded person.

To Hello

How do you know Sam Valverde announced to his congregation he might split from the AA?

Ring of fire said...

If Malverde does go he has to leave with nothing.
The same way he has left good pastors high and dry.

But he probably has enough stashed away to build his shrine.

An Investigation needs to be made of Sam's dealing with Nat's company. something is fishy there.
Sounds crimmal.

Can we as members of the AA call the State Att. General and voice our concerns?

To start an investigation of all this.

Sammy and Eddie need to be looked at with a fine tooth comb

john.3.16 said...

such denial i see. i guess you witnessed to yourself. i guess you baptised yourself. i guess you prayed yourself through the holy ghost. oh wait, i forgot, you are a third generation apostolic. i don't disagree that god touched you. but you must recognize that god used the apostolic assembly church to wetnurse you, and the generations prior in your family tree. you remind me of that teenage boy who claims he knows everything. in reality, we are all still learning in this journey god has placed us in. its only up to us to wake up to lifes reality and accept what is in front of us.


Hello said...
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Hello said...

How do you know Sam Valverde announced to his congregation he might split from the AA?
His own members and ministers are making comments .

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...


Nobody wet nursed me and nobody witnessed to me.

Why do you insist !

I do not bash The Assembly in any way. I love and adhere to The Oneness Pentecostal Doctrine and Love The Assembly.

My criticism is against those men who abuse their position and show greed, lust and pride.

Those are the ones who have infected our great organization.

But dont get it twisted son.Only GOD spoke to my life thru the scriptures.

The church I grew up in didnt have much in the way of well prepared preachers or teachers.

I got more out of my own devotional time and studying the word.

I guess I just dont look up to Men like you do.

My focus and respect goes 100% to GOD ONLY !!!!!!!

Im sorry if you disagree with my view but stop trying to make me praise Men like you are conditioned to do.

And the words you say are not the final authority so stop speaking as if you were a prophet from God telling us all how we should think or feel.

Hello said...

This John 3:16 is using reverse psychology.

john.3.16 said...

i use not the psychology of man. i only wish to give recognition to those who labored in love. who sacrificed to bring many to the cross. we were all spiritual infants and thus had to be wetnursed. were you fed meat as a spiritual baby? no. i am by no means trying to be a prophet. only a prophet can prophesy. i am a mere man trying to get by life and travel the journey god has placed me in. for the word says to render credit where credit is due. this is why i recognize the apostolic assembly church. for by it i was spiritually born. by it, as a vessel of god, was i brought to christ. i was not saved by it, for only god through christ can save. but the apostolic assembly church did play a role. the same role that your cars take when you get into them and go to work. do you not give credit to your cars for taking you places? so forth the apostolic assembly is the lexus that took me from mississippi to new york, spiritually speaking. prophet? by no means. i am just a humble man living in humble means seeking devine wisdom. my hand is still extended to you in peace. may we one day, as our native americans do, enjoy a peace offering amoungst us.

Anonymous said...


These are discussions nothing more nothing less.

Why do you think we are not at peace.

We are just disagreeing.

If you feel The assembly did all that for you Great for you.

But why do you insist on saying that since you experienced things the way you did that we must have also experienced the same ?

Thats the way it happened for you and my journey and point of view may be different.

Why must my path and journey be identical to yours ?

Must my opinion also mirror yours in order for me to be correct ?

Anonymous said...

John are you really Jermaine ?

john.3.16 said...

i'm john.3.16 not just john. does a pickup resemble a wheelbarrel? no. i'm not saying that our paths and experiences must be the same. but we must recognize where we came from. i am at peace with where i came from. is it where i am going? no. its the past. but i give recognition to it. are there things i wish i could change? but surely yes. can i change them? by all means no. can i change my current present here and now? by all means yes. i sense anger. its important to channel that anger to the positive. a negative by itself is still negative. but when we team up two negatives, we have positive energy. therefore, let us team our negative energies to do positive. we are plugged into the great outlet of life, god. he has given us the energy. the energy we are plugged into is like a fire that flows through our bones giving is the marrow we need to exist. we are all related in christ. if we like it or not, sam valverde and daniel sanchez are our brothers. are they perfect? by all means no. can we, being plugged into the mighty outlet, be used to change the house we have inherited? by all means yes. channel you negative energy into positive flow. may you grow to be an outlet that others can plug into and be energized.

Ring of fire said...

Yes Sanchez Malverde and the midget are our brothers. Does that mean that we leave the door open and let them do as they please, cheat, steal. lie.

After when one of us has gone down they bring the hammer down on us with no mercy or remorse.

Yes they are are brothers, but they have done wrong and proper steps has to be taken to have them removed.

Now thats positive!!!!

Anonymous said...


Ring of fire


john.3.16 said...

yes, there are times when my lexus gets dirty. therefore i have to take it to the carwash for a cleaning on the outside. but sometimes the check engine light comes on. sometimes it needs to have its oil changed. sometimes the fuel pump breaks. yes, lexus' too need cleaning and repairs. in the end, the lexus remains ours but we do perform maintenence so we can keep it running. daniel sanchez can be the dirty oil in the lexus with 50,000 miles, sam valverde can be the broken fuel pump and needs to be replaced. even worn oil and a broken fuel pump can be recycled and used again. from what i can read, i feel its time to take the lexus into the mechanics shot.

enough said...
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Pastor said...

To John 3:16,

Stop using all that psycological bable and consider the Scriptures!

“Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of such things God's wrath comes on those who are disobedient. Therefore do not be partners with them. For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light (for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth) and find out what pleases the Lord. Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.” Ephesians 5:6-11 (NIV).

“Live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day he visits us. Submit yourselves for the Lord's sake to every authority instituted among men: whether to the king, as the supreme authority, or to governors, who are sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to commend those who do right. For it is God's will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish men. Live as free men, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil; live as servants of God. Show proper respect to everyone: Love the brotherhood of believers, fear God, honor the king.” 1 Peter 2:12-17 (NIV).

“Then came his disciples, and said unto him, Knowest thou that the Pharisees were offended, after they heard this saying? But he answered and said, Every plant, which my heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up. Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.” Mattew 15:12-14 (NIV).

“See to it that you do not refuse him who speaks. If they did not escape when they refused him who warned them on earth, how much less will we, if we turn away from him who warns us from heaven? At that time his voice shook the earth, but now he has promised, Once more I will shake not only the earth but also the heavens. The words once more indicate the removing of what can be shaken--that is, created things-so that what cannot be shaken may remain.” Hebrews 12:25-27 (NIV).

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...


Just a suggestion for the Blog. It would really help to unclutter the
page if you took it down to just the two most popular sections.

It seems to me that the two most active sections are the following.

1. 2007 General Convention Editorial

2. Signed Sealed Delivered.

Also is there any way that the page could take you directly to the
latest comments posted so we dont have to scroll down so far to get the latest ?

If not maybe you could delete older comments that make the page super long to scroll

Unknown said...

It would HELP if you guys would stay on TOPIC. That would cut down the CLUTTER.



Churches, under Malverde are being FLEECED.

Have you NOTICED all the ADMINISTRATORS for the AA are from FOT? What is the % of Administrators are from FOT?


Do they check for steroids at the HQ?

Sam Rojas looks like he's on Roids. Dude has a bigger head than Barry Bonds.

Ring of fire said...

So if Malverde would split from the AAA, and all of the GH Administrators from FOT left with him would they still have a job at GH?

Sounds to me that would free up $1,000s for missions if they all left.

Take out Del Campo and we would free up $1,ooos at king taco.

Take out Pacheco and we would save $1,000s in platform shoes.

Unknown said...

National Missions? What a freeking JOKE!

You have to be from CT to be on the board. All Buddy Buddy. Aguilar X 3. Payan, a CT Buddy, then Ariel Mesa, from CT and inlaw of Aguilar.

Why don't Sanchez make it a clean sweep and appoint Jaime Aguilar on the board.

I give up! Payan? Are you serious? Give me some naturaal herb! I can't take this anymore!

Anonymous said...

I dont mind Velverde so much as I cant understand why his cousin Pachueco is even in Ministry let alone Pastoring or on The GB ?

What is The Assemblies criteria ?

Just that you know the right people ?

Cause it sure isnt talent ability or annointing.

Anonymous said...

Didnt Ariel Meza steal money from the treasury years back ?

If it was him I sure hope the National Missions Department didnt leave him in charge of the dough.

Unknown said...

Ok, Gabriel Guerra is a good guy. Serious. He and his brother Bengie, If I went to a hot LZ in combat, I wouid like to have these guys covering my back.

But sorry, the GB are just plain ignorant.


I know Sanchez is old and that both Malverde and Pachuco are Graduates from La Puente Bible School.

Since when did Hawaii become separate from the United States?

Hawaii and International Mission?

Beem me up Scottie!!

Unknown said...

Why did we fight WW2 if Hawaii was a whole other country?

Anonymous said...


I gotta give it to you bro.

You always come with the comedy.

Half the time you have me rolling.

That photo spread of The International Missions Committee alone speaks volumes about Nepotism and cronyism.

Nothing will ever change will it ?

alltheway said...

What about the receptionist at headquarters...Nohemi Gonzalez..... I hear she "Get's Around"!

Ring of fire said...

She better be careful if Lucy Montez comes in to pay a visit,or is he barred from coming to headquarters.

Unknown said...


Whats her number?

alltheway said...

I understand she's "multitasked and detail oriented"....and BILINGUAL

Unknown said...

Do you mean multi-lengual or BI-Lingual?

alltheway said...

Van....either or!...Take your pick!
Shes very talented

Unknown said...

Isnt being BI a sin of sorts? I'm no bible scholar, nor have I gone to La Puente Bible School. But you would think its a sin.

But then again, Malverde thinks Hawaii is a whole other country. They don't study Geography at La Puente Bible Eskool.

alltheway said...

Hey Van... In regards to... yor comment...
"Have you NOTICED all the ADMINISTRATORS for the AA are from FOT? What is the % of Administrators are from FOT? "

The funny thing is that not only the adminstrators....but practically the whole freaking headquarters staff is from FOT.

Your commment the other day about Elena Perez... If I remember right...she was a cutie...and on FOT a few years back... If memory serves me right she used to be all over their website.

What ever happened to her? Any Idea?

Unknown said...

Elena married but her hubby moved to FOT. She was plastered everywhere.

She was a cutie. Just plain delicious. Hmmm, I don't know whatever happend to her. Swept under the FOT rug?

Personally, my OPINION, I had my suspicions. Was she Malverde's Monica Lewinsky? I don't know. But if had Sis Rachael not recovered from her cancer like she did, me and my friends had a Pool going on who he would hook up with.

I had $25.00 on Elena. Sis Rachael recovered. All money was returned.

Put out an All Points Bulletin on the Whereabouts of Elena Perez.

Hello said...
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Anonymous said...

Just more cronyism and nepotism.

It amazes me that it took this long for something to actually happen. ( meaning the lawsuit )

We all know that this junk has been happening for decades.

Some have tried to speak up in the past only to be silenced , removed or reprimanded.

But it took someone as stubborn and prideful as Sanchez to really make a mess of things.

He botched things up so bad that some former GB members that used to pull similar movidas in the past have come forward and said " Enough " even we didnt go that far.

Ring of fire said...

Especially when Eddie won with only 2 votes. Thats scrapping the bottom of the barrel.

I think Sammy regrets handing over the post to his cuz 2 vote. Enough was enough. This is what broke the camels back.

Sammy will long regret his actions, because this started his down fall.

My opinion he will never be president unless he goes and starts his own little coup, and even then I don't think he will bring The Honorable Edward Pacheco with him.

Unknown said...


Jimmy Garcia (President of the Varones) split the church of Arlington.

Does any one know more information on this?

TomTom777 said...

Hey "between us," you're an idiot. You are talking foolishness by the droves! Andy Rodriguez has never lived nor has ever had any ties with anyone in Co. Tonto, you are talking about someone totaly off the radar in this issue.
You have just discredited yourself and anything else you ever have to say!

As for Elena Perez, now Mrs. Ojeda, she is happily married with two kids. Husband is a real good brother. Both attend FOT.

Mark Payan is from Arlington church where he was set aside. Don't know where he was ordained. Though not well liked, really smart.

As for FOT and Valverde, a good friend there told me him leaving the aa will never happen and has never even been considered except by those that hate the aa itself.

As Gordo Garcia, he tried to split the church up because he doesn't like the younger, better looking Pastor there. He was reported to his bishop and they told him he will lose his position as varones prez if he continues. That shup him up quick. Now he sits with his tail between his legs in the last pew. lol

TomTom777 said...

Hey "between us," you're an idiot. You are talking foolishness by the droves! Andy Rodriguez has never lived nor has ever had any ties with anyone in Co. Tonto, you are talking about someone totaly off the radar in this issue.
You have just discredited yourself and anything else you ever have to say!

As for Elena Perez, now Mrs. Ojeda, she is happily married with two kids. Husband is a real good brother. Both attend FOT.

Mark Payan is from Arlington church where he was set aside. Don't know where he was ordained. Though not well liked, really smart.

As for FOT and Valverde, a good friend there told me him leaving the aa will never happen and has never even been considered except by those that hate the aa itself.

As Gordo Garcia, he tried to split the church up because he doesn't like the younger, better looking Pastor there. He was reported to his bishop and they told him he will lose his position as varones prez if he continues. That shup him up quick. Now he sits with his tail between his legs in the last pew. lol

Unknown said...


Don't call anyone Idiot if you can't learn to think twice, post once.

But thanks for the info on Elena. My suspicions were on her Employer at the time, not her.

Ojeda is a good guy. Shoot, he moved from Az to be with his honey.

On another note, I'm thinking of changing churches. My choices are FOT and CT.

If I go to FOT, I can probably get a side job, with full time pay at the AA HQ.

If I go to CT, I can buddy up to Abel Aguilar, and make it to the Missions Committee. Who knows, maybe I can take Jaimie Aguilar out for coffee once in a while. I know she's married, but its only a matter of time before she gets another divorce. I can just bide my time.

I could always go to South Wettier, I mean South Whittier. But Buddying up with Sanchez doens't do anything. You would think that the Pres of the AA would have his people in high places. He can't even get his own secretary. She's from FOT.

Unknown said...



Unknown said...

As for Jimmy Garcia- he was given the opportunity to start his own church.

Nothing against Jimmy Garcia but
that's the problem with the AA. You say you have the burden and desire to be a pastor- so they let you--only you go 'open' up a church with half of someone else's congregation- and poof- you're a pastor. Instead of opening up a church with souls and winning them for Christ.

He is to rent a baptist church about a mile away from Arlington.

Why not open a church in a town that has NO apostolic church?

Whether or not he likes the younger Pastor in Arlington is besides the point- Jimmy Garcia seems to have a problem submitting himself to ANY authority, he seems to have trouble with that.

That call (having Jimmy Garcia start a church) belongs to the honorable IDCN/ IDCA/IDC (what the heck is it now?) Bishop- Lugo.

Oh and for the record, Mark Payan USED TO belong to Arlington church. He is now at CT. He outgrew Arlington church- I guess he didn't like the dominican music all the time.

Anonymous said...

One blogger posted that we're scraping the botton of the barrel in appointing our leaders and pastors. Pastors and Bishops are passing down churches and positions to kids with no experience and no success to point back to except for what was handed to them. Not that the AA has not had excellent leaders, it's just that they've all left to other orgs, to start their own church, or just are content in their professions that they've let all these other guys that preach against the education and secular experience they've attained lead in their classic disorganized, unfocused, knee jerk reactive ways.
Most of these new leaders focus on out doing each other with local church big events, seeing who can attract the biggest crowd, and put on the biggest show so they can brag at the next convention, all on the back of their hardworking church. The poor hermanos serve the big shots that come through town as VIPs and are served hand and foot. I can't believe how some of these men can actually accepts service like there some sort of dignitary and go up on the platform and preach anything related to the word of God. I think it started at those endtime events. Where Lopez would get up there and talk about how when visiting preachers come to his church they get filet mingon, and not Mc Donalds. Since then it seems like every local AA special event has VIP rooms, where gluttons are served hand and foot.
No, I don't mean that we shouldn’t respect the men of God, but some of this stuff is getting stupid (in the very literal appropriate use if the word). Yes, treat people with respect and make sure they are comfortable, but don’t set up the next generation for this downfall. I remember one event where they all these leaders and preachers in a VIP room. A new convert expecting all these men of God to be very welcoming and open walked into the room. Expecting a generous welcome, he confidently walked into the room where the buffet table was laid out. But because he wasn’t related to one of these VIPs he was asked to go to another room where all the other “NON VIPs” where eating.

So, now all these bishops and pastors kids introduced to this by the fathers, now either expect this treatment wherever they go, or worse, they try to out do each other when the visit each others churches. All the while the poor hermanos sheepishly (as any humble, obedient Apostolic) serve and think that this is appropriate behavior.

Close the VIP rooms down.

Preach the gospel and get us out of this mess.

One last question: I wonder if Jesus would be eating our VIP rooms at all our special events.

Ring of fire said...

Very true 95.....The End Times speakers even get fruit baskets delivered to their rooms, and the off spring expect the same.

I remember one End Times when Abel was preaching and Jason was not even a Pastor yet. I guess he felt so high class that he couldn't not sit in the pews but was sitting there in back of the speakers.

They play the obedient card for their own purpose, God forbid you disagree with what they are doing, because surely you will bring the wrath of God on you.

Malverde might be a great Pastor to his followers, and I know he is a very good speaker, but as HGB member he has brought shame and dishonor to our Assembly.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

In Other News:

What is a dORCA? Was that a subliminal message from the Founding Fathers that they like Apo Women to look like Whales? That would explain tamales, condcina, etc...


East LA District News Flash...]

East LA District d_ORCA Board Member Assumed the Social Security Number of her adopted child and RUINED her credit.

The Lust for Money Sickness has even spread to the d_ORCAS.

between us said...

On the dORCA trail....

Everybody follows Oma Rodriguez, apparently she is the role model of all the ladies of the AA.

Her husband has been faithful to her for well over 50 years. He managed to stay on the General Board for 23 years of those years, would the way she looks have been an asset for him?

If you look at the pictures of the leaders of women ministries on the official AA website, they all look alike, hair, clothes, size...-a pod of whales?

between us said...

On the dORCA trail....

Everybody follows Oma Rodriguez, apparently she is the role model of all the ladies of the AA.

Her husband has been faithful to her for well over 50 years. He managed to stay on the General Board for 23 years of those years, would the way she looks have been an asset for him?

If you look at the pictures of the leaders of women ministries on the official AA website, they all look alike, hair, clothes, size...-a pod of whales?

between us said...

sorry I double posted.

Hello said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hello said...

The pictures on their website are ridiculous it looks like they suffer the Down Syndrome.They all look alike, hair, clothes, size.

Hello said...

Yes many more need to go.

For starts get Rid of the Dorcas Board. Nothing but ugly overweight over eating sisters that use the flor azuls money for their 20 course meals.

They dress the same, look the same, and over eat the same. Lets get some good dressed looking sisters in there.

factsonly1 said...

There's an upcoming event posted on the Apostolic Dorcas homepage. It's called "Living Without Limits".

Now they can't be serious. A dorca? In the assembly? Without limits? Talk about an oxymoron.

As long as Hermano Macho is in charge, there will always be limits on Dorcas. The only limit a dorca can push is the record for most tamales sold on mother's day.

Unknown said...

That Apostolic Road Map lead straight to the
Buffet. If you see the Orca Board as an example, then souls can say hello to Plus Sizes XXXXXXL because of all the tamales and menudo in the Orca diet plan.

The Orca Board would look good on the Charger Offensive Line.

Not to be poking fun, but how is Bishop Martin "The Fridge" del Campo?

Unknown said...

They need to limit their portions.

A Buffet Without Limits lol

Unknown said...

Come on people leave the Dorcas alone.

Lets stick to the real issues. "The Corruption of the HGB"


Snickers said...

I was just informed that the General Board or at least 3 to 5 Board Members are going to visit one of the Petitioners.

It is not clear who just yet but they are trying to solve this through all possible means because they know they have a losing cause in court.

Unknown said...

Both sides need to appoint a committee to investigate this matter. To correct any problems.

They need people like: Isaac Cota, former General Board member, Leonardo Sepulveda, former General Board member, maybe a few former bishops like Barbosa & Adam Lopez.

This election should not be swept under the rug. It is a matter of proper healing.

What ever a man soweth that shall he also reap.

Hello said...

Leonardo Sepulveda is dead

Ring of fire said...

Adam Lopez!!!!!!????

Thought you wanted healing for the AA instead of getting it sicker.

The ACN curse has to end!!!!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

Well, look at the bright side, if he's dead, he won't be making any Objections.

Unknown said...

Antonio C. Nava? ACN?

Hey, did anyone ever sign up with that Long Distance Phone Company ACN?

It was being promoted in churches. Any relation to the Antionio C Nava?

Unknown said...

yes it is true, the GB is going to Texas to see one of the Plaintiffs.

Folks- the GB is deeper in this than they realized and deeper than they care to admit.

According to the Court website, there was an Amended complaint filed by the Plaintiffs on 12/13/07. Also, the defendants have all been served (11/12/07)- which means they had 30 days to file their response- it's been past 30 days-- keep your eyes out on the Court website in the next few weeks for the response. They are usually backed up.

Ring of fire said...

Is Little Eddie Selling that phone Plan??

If he is, I want to sign up right away!!!

Unknown said...


I would like to comment on several erroneous teachings within the Apostolic Assembly.

I will start with the issue of woman and the wearing of pants and the Truth about Deuteronomy 22:5 which is the main scripture used to speak against the use of pants by woman.

You hear pastors and ministers say well we are a part of this organization so we must abide by its rules. This gives greater authority to the “man made” standards you find within the Apostolic rule books than within the very Word of God. In other words the organization is saying you must obey the Apostolic rules over the Bible.

Let’s study the scripture used by most Apostolic’s and UPC against woman wearing pants.

“The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God.”

This verse -- Deuteronomy 22:5 -- is one of the most commonly quoted by Apostolics and UPC.

Apostolic’s have taken this verse to mean that women shouldn’t wear pants, arguing that pants are that which “pertaineth unto a man.” Many sincere and honest Apostolics have grappled with this issue, wanting to be pleasing to God. This teaching, as with all teachings regarding the scriptures, needs to be carefully examined.

It is just as much an error to teach something that the scriptures doesn’t say as it is to ignore what the scriptures do say.

The teaching that it is wrong for women to wear pants is based upon the following beliefs:

1) Deut 22:5 teaches that women should not wear that which pertains unto a man.

2) Pants pertain to a man because they were not only exclusively invented for men, but they also have historically been worn only by men.

3) The Bible teaches separation of the sexes and since there is so little distinction between men’s and women’s pants, they are essentially unisex and therefore do not provide adequate separation.

In order for the teaching to be consistent, the very reasons cited for prohibiting women from wearing pants would also prohibit women from wearing t-shirts, baseball caps, team jerseys, work boots and any other article of clothing historically worn by men.

It is curious how those that forbid pants on women, based on their idea of separation, never seem to consider the clothing norms in the Bible. Even the most basic study into biblical clothing norms reveals that there was very little distinction between the articles of clothing worn by men and women.

In Genesis, we find the first accounts of clothing mentioned in the Bible. First, we find that upon recognizing their nakedness, Adam and Eve sewed garments of fig leaves together to cover themselves (Gen 3:7). This is an interesting account in that we find humans attempting to clothe themselves, but obviously God was not pleased with their choices, as later we find that God made new clothes for them. Gen 3:21 records that God made “coats of skin” for them to wear. The word coats in this verse is the Hebrew word kethoneth and means “a long shirt-like garment.”7 Interestingly, Moses, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, chose the exact same word to describe the specific type of clothing that God made for both Adam and Eve. Where is the distinction here? If God chose to make so little distinction between a man’s and woman’s clothes that a single word can describe the specific clothing worn both by Adam and Eve, then who are we to require a greater distinction?

In light of the ample information we have on male and female garments in the Bible, it is hard to justify the radical distinction between men’s and women’s clothing required by Christians that forbid women from wearing pants. There is no evidence that such a radical distinction existed in biblical times. While there was a difference in men’s and women’s clothing in the scriptures, these differences were merely stylistic and not functional differences. The differences were only found in color, trim, size, etc. and not in the actual form or function of the clothing as is seen in pants and skirts or dresses.

The differences between men’s and women’s pants today are as great as the differences between men’s and women’s garments in the Bible.

Essentially, Christians today that forbid women from wearing pants demand a difference in form and function in men’s and women’s clothing, whereas the Bible only records a stylistic difference. This amounts to adding to God’s Word and placing requirements on our hermana’s that the Bible does not support.

Many that forbid women to wear pants argue that if it is acceptable for women to wear pants, then it should be acceptable for a man to wear a dress or a skirt.

This is a valid point.

However, there is no inherent sin in a man putting on a skirt-like garment, which is a common practice in some cultures around the world just as it was in the Bible (look at the Scottish). The error would be in the fact that a man wearing a skirt in modern American society would be deemed as counter-culture.

The bottom line is that if you are a lady and you buy ladies pants they are o.k. to wear. If you are a man you should buy men’s pants.
Martin Luther

Unknown said...

AA women are traumatised over pants and velos and not being able to serve in ministry.

Relegated to the kitchen and d-ORCA group and Flor-Azul, oh and Sunday School.

Lucky thing for Israel that the AA wasn't incharge. Can you say Golda Mier? Or Margarette Thatcher for the UK.

Think of it. If Condoleeza Rice were for some strange reason, be converted to become an Apostolic, she would be relagated to, to, Praise Team? She can't serve in th womens department because she's not married, can't serve as a minsiter cause she's female. Cant be a pastor cause she's female.

What would Condoleeza Rice do?

Unknown said...

And she's too old to be a Joven.

Ring of fire said...

If they are going to Texas. It must be to see Saul Avila. Who knows what Sanchez will promise him to come over to the dark side.

Seems to me they are running scared.

Run Sammy Run
Run Sanchez Run

What about the QC lame ducks Guzman and Gaxiola. Does anybody know what their thoughts are?

discouraged said...

I need a question answered.

I must be reading the wrong Bible or not the same one the AA HGB is useing.

The Pastor yesterday after coming home from his three week vacation, said if you couldn't feel God and already come to church encouraged and ready to move and feel him by your self it wasn't his problem, and if he the Pastor was the problem of that, then it was better if you left. Go find another church.

The Bible I read speaks of Pastors that don't care of the flocks and scatter them and leave them out in the cold to face troubles by themselves. It speaks of the Good Pastor that will go through thick and thin to find the hurt, and wounded sheep to bring it back into the fold, but this guy doesn't want it to be his problem. So in his words, " its better if you left" If he doesn't want to be to be his problem then Why is he in it? For the Pay check? Bible says a good Pastor will lay down his life for his flock. this guy uses his staff to beat on us rather then to gather. Its a consent abusive rude insulting remarks he always make also. We can never measure up to his worship standards.
He doesn't have anything planned for a Christmas service or anything, but was sure to point out that next sunday make sure to bring that extra Christmas offering.

So I ask you Bishop President Sanchez. Answer me. Have I been reading the wrong Bible. Does the bible you read allow abuse in the way of insulting remarks. Does say its not the Pasors problem, to encourage and liven up the congreagation. I Mean that is one of the reasons I go to church to seek him and be encouraged, but after his rude remarks come home all discouraged.

Bishop Hoyer with all due respect could you answer me also. I'm I reading a different Bible then the one Pastors read that says it ok to verbal abuse the flock. I ask you because he is one of your Pastors in your district. I'm not trying to be smart. I'm truely asking for help.

4Dtruth said...

Praise The Lord!

This is the real reason why we have this mess:

Company Profile: Apostolic Assembly Of The Faith In Christ Jesus

Year Started:1921

State of Incorporation:CA

Location Type:Headquarters

Stock Symbol:N/A

Stock Exchange:N/A

Also Does Business As:N/A


SIC #Code:8661

Est. Annual Sales:$13,800,000

Est. Employees:700

Est. Employees at Location:25

Contact Name:Daniel Sanchez

Contact Title:President

Data above provided by D&B.

It is all about money and not souls

Who waants to be millioni... I mean a Bishop?

Unknown said...

I don't understand what your point is in posting the company profile.

Please explain.

Unknown said...


The answer is: Annual Sales: $13,800,000.00

Sales? Are you serious? See, we are supposed to be a Non-Profit 501c3 Church.

Malverde, Sanchez, Aguilar, Maffey and the rest of the WHORES in charge, see the AA as a Trough of Money.

Sales? When are my tithes and offerings seen as Annual Sales? Only in the eyes of a Spiritual WHORE.

Unknown said...

It might interest you to know that the information provided came from D&B (according to the post). That is Dun and Bradstreet (not Dooney & Bourke), a company very similar to TransUnion, Equifax, and Experian only it compiles data on corporations instead of individuals. Duns & Bradstreet maintain credit reporting information for the corporate world.

The AA as a legal corporation and requires the use of credit and its info is maintained on databases such as Duns & Bradstreet's.

The term Sales is used in this case by D&B (not the AA) as a generic term interchangeable with Revenue or Gross Income. Your tithes are income or revenue to the AA just like your donation to the United Way is revenue to them.

Disclaimer: This statement by no means condones the management (or rather mismanagement) of church monies by AA officials. It is merely an attempt to provide context to the information provided in the prior post.

Hello said...

One thing is for sure, there is a lot of money in the hands of this individuals.

between us said...

Dear discouraged:

I wrote to you on the “signed, sealed and delivered” blog by mistake, so please bear with me… I am going to add a few more thoughts…

How old are you? This is a question you do not have to answer me, just gage your maturity and character. How long have you been taking this abuse?

Why are you pleading to Daniel Sanchez when he can’t even help himself. Look at the mess he is in!

Either pray for your Pastor to be removed by the Lord, or you move out of there.

If your Pastor is abusive, he needs knowledge of the Word. Christ brought us to PEACE and not to abuse.

Your Pastor is wanting of the truth, and that is why he yells and accuses his flock. He deviates from having to give sustenance to sending everyone out the door or straight to hell.

It sounds like you are in bondage, and you cannot think for yourself. Ask the Lord to deliver you from that church. Do you have strong family ties there?

Sister, there are many other churches with good Pastors. Tell me the district you are in and I can tell you about a good church and Pastor.

I know of many Pastors who have worked hard in their churches and it shows. Of course, they are still subject to the HGB and their whims, so you will find that some Pastors, if not abusive, will be reserved. No matter, a Man of God shows his fruit.

I have lived this situation and I know what it is like. But you have to take courage, ask the Lord for guidance in any move you make.

May the Lord deliver you...

Unknown said...


Well, too a point you are right. Your definition is right on the money.

But the AA's Revenue, Profit also is derived from Sales of Books, CD's, DVD's, etc...

Oh, did I forget to mention the Fees the AA derives from its own Real Estate Department?

How are such Fees generated? The AA will mandate that Church XYZ refinance their mortgage.

Church XYZ then goes about assembling all the necessary paperwork to complete said refinance. After which, the Pastor of Church XYZ is told, Oh, we have our own Lender. We do that through our Real Estate Department.

AA Real Estate works with Bank ABC to get refi done.

The Local Church is Charged by Bank ABC and the AA Real Estate Department.

Example, one church was Charged in Excess of $100,000.00 in ORIGINATION FEES by the AA.

But when you look at $13,800,000.00, whats $100,000.00?

I think the Feds have a term for this kind of business practice...


Unknown said...

Hello said...
whats wrong with this video?

Unknown said...

Nothing is wrong with that video.

Here's a video where its all WRONG!

I have never heard Anthony Romo Preach. But after these 8 minutes, its a good thing I know how to read my bible.


Then he goes on to say that people went to the conference to see Jesus.

But if God is Omni Present, Isn't Jesus Everywhere? Doens't Jesus, God, via the Holy Ghost Live in Mr. Romo as well as everyone who ACCEPTS Christ?

Oh, I forgot, La Puente Bible School Sydrome....

If this is what our National BORED is preaching....gees whiz.....we are dooomed!

Hello said...

Nothing is wrong with that video.
So its Ok to have a whale pastor and not and d Orca sister?

Unknown said...

Wow, are there still "twitchers" in the Assembly? Every time Romo's punchline ended with, "passion!", everyone on the platform would twitch.

Really, what exactly is the twitching about? I could never understand it. Can someone break it down for me? I didn't know this still went on in the AA - very weird.

Little Eddie said...

Unknown said...

raquet who? someone playing tennis?
lol wow 100000 thats a whole lot of BMws or mercedes for some people...i have a question.. i saw the report of all the money breakdown..they said about 2 or 4 million on salaries but now who is making what.. how much money is Sanchez and Valverde making out of those millions of dollars.. Is it true that when la santa mesa directiva member goes to a church they get a white envelope with at least 500 dollars or is that reported to el tio sammito up in washington?Now besides el Roadmap for so called getaway convivios, what other programs have they stablished to better the whole assembly over all..

Unknown said...

Whale Pastor?

You mean like this?:

Ok, "Healthy Pastors, Healthy Bishops, Healthy Church"?

Wow. More like obese pastors, obese church. Literal and spiritual.

The AA needs a 12 Step Program.

Tantos Tamales have taken their toll.

enough said...

Santa Mesa? Should be more like Santa Masa!

$500.00 seems low to me. I've heard its more, and thats not counting dinner, fruit baskets, gifts, and if they bring family it could add up to quite a bit. I don't think any of it is reported to Uncle Sam.

And the getaways? Wow I bet there is a lot there that would interest our dear Uncle Sam

They do live high on the hog.

Unknown said...

""la santa mesa directiva""


Unknown said...

after all this time, i have to the conclusion that ifyouwant to help out an outside evangelist give him personally the money to help him carry out the gospel..An else look for direction for God to grow in decipleship and in numbers that God will direct you on how to do both..Its time to look To God for direction because the mesa directiva has no direction but theme selfs...Could other people do a better job, how sad that the answer is yes. Most programs are directed into paying for activities
and entertainment centers for the people in the church. They will spend 5ooo dollars or more to put up a service with a big name and a top of the line choir. So with this current board its better to stick being a true biblical apostolic then being a mesa directive apostolic..The first church had the movement of God and would open up churches left in right.. Now we have people in convention telling us.. WE have the name, be have being around since 1917, we have the revival of azusa street.... But the sad thing is that they go stuck with telling us the stories of When God moved under brother sepulveda, nava and other folks..WHere is the true church of being an apostolic is about velos, do acts 238 or go to el hell. I even heard of a church where they have hermanas waiting to put a velo when you go inside of church.

Unknown said...

so lets be a true apostolic with the works of the church of acts..
lets be fruitful and lets put people upthere who are fruitfull in spirit and in lets throw away being a mesa directiva apostolico. lets have passion for not just the lost but else for the people of the house..I remember certain youth national president talking about how they would put up plans for the young people, plans that would help out but the santa mesa would just shut theme lets put people up there who will trully help the church people with servent attitudes not hey iam your superior fill up my wallet and give me the best seats when i go to your church and dont forget my envelope..:)con la ofrenda de amor no less then 500:)

4Dtruth said...

Honestly I think all the money that Flor Azul, Mano a Mano and Precious Seed collects stays in the GB.

A few years ago I spoke with a brother that got baptized in the missionary field and then came to live in Illinois about the Misionary field money that we collect. He told me that all the work is made by local ministers in his country and those minister do not received a dime from the AA.

He told me if you really want to help the misionary field do not give the offering in the Flor Azul service and send it directly to some REAL not HIDE misionary.

Whats the AA does with all the money they received from flor azul or other funds created to supply the demand of our men of God in the misionary field? I don't know. But at least I know that Mr Aguilar Jr received over 500,000.00 from National Mission's funds (aproved by his daddy) to purchase a temple in Long Island.

If you send those 500,000.00 spread it to all the national misioners that would be fear. In this case for me is not.

Anyone knows how much does Aguilar Jr receive a month from national missions?

Unknown said...


CBS2 News ran an update a couple of weeks ago. Isaac Gutierrez has not repaid his victims.

I have a feeling that Brother Isaac may be having a Prison Ministry some time soon.

Unknown said...



Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Why doesn't CBS contact GB5 and book a concert, and then try to get an interview then?

Unknown said...

i they charge like 2000 to sing
or tell theme to book theme for a Gig and they will show up...

Unknown said...

maybe they can do a johny cash special concert in la pinta..........
Gb5 live from DownTown Jail...:)

Anonymous said...

This is an email from Daniel Ramirez, Ph.D. who is regarded as an historian on oneness pentacostal movements

***** start *****

This is what I call the structural implosion of Oneness Pentecostalism, what with the UPCI troubles, ,the split of Chicago's Brazier and LA's Jones from the PAW, and now this in the Assembly.

There are allegations of vote fraud in some of the general board positions voted on in the 2006 general convention in Long Beach. Some of the incumbents and senior emeriti and junior pastors have formed an opposition that may be taking its case to the courts. We're talking big names. Of course, if they go to California courts, the Assembly has a 100% batting average there. If they go to Texas, the odds may be different. This does not break down simply, or the way that differences over standards and practices might, that is, not easy conservative-moderate-liberal divide here. More personality dynamics. Personally, I was blindsided. I predicted that the first cleavages (cochino, get your mind out of the gutter!) would be over standards, women's empowerment, ,etc., but I do think that if one peels away layers of ostensible differences and charges and counter-charges, at base it comes down to pride and power, male pride and power. In this, the Assembly's troubles are much like those of the UPCI and PAW.

The ironic thing is, that the governing board that came out of the general convention was, IMHO, perhaps the best equipped one to handle today's and tomorrow's challenges. I've been consulted by the education secretary to help him and his team think about ratcheting up the quality of theological education. They have now made serious inroads with Fuller Seminary and Claremont School of Theology. But all this and more may be jeopardized by the charge of voting irregularities. NOT, mind you, that the AA was ever a paradigm of democratic governance.....

I think the ball is really in the oppostion's court. If they press beyond this by now very clear protest over integrity, and take it to the next level, then they may pass a point of no return. Again, power, pride, and humilty are the key variables in the outcome. They just wrapped up general convention in Texas. I will be in touch with my sources soon.

Of course, I've been asked by many pastor friends for my opinion as a historian. I tell them that the historian doesn't take sides. He has the luxury of showing up on the day after the battle to count the bodies. Then we declare winners and losers. On the other hand, given my deep roots in the Assembly, it does not fail to pain me to see them go through this. Ditto the UPCI, and for that matter, the PAW.

Maybe Catholic cardenal Jacopo Salodeto was right when he warned the Protestant citizens of Geneva that once they split from the organic unity of the Christian Church, they would never stop splitting......

Unknown said...

Ummm, are we talking about Dan Ramirez, Phd and OPEN HOMO-SEXUAL?

I do respect his accomplishments as a Latino. However, just because the man has a Phd, does not give him credability since he is an OPEN, OUT of THE CLOSET HOMO-SEXUAL. Just like his Amigito, Felipe Agredano.

Go figuer, two guys who like guys are heavily opinionated on the church. Felipe even has a Theology Degree. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I do believe the Bible does clearly state that its a sin for a Man to have SEXUAL Relations with another MAN.

Great, the Educated GB5 Fan Club is now inputting their opinions.

Well, it is a free country......

between us said...

Van..Thanks for your statement

My friends thought I was exaggerating about Daniel Ramirez’s life style. But when they read your blog, they knew that I was telling the truth. He is brother of Chicano Ramirez, and of Luisa Ramirez, all same life style.

Since 95 theses brought it out, I guess its fair game

Our concern is not so much about Daniel Ramirez personal lifestyle.

Our concern is how he has damaged sexually, psychologically, physiologically, spiritually, and emotionally, so many young boys who would otherwise have had the option of growing up to be normal men.

This goes as far back to when he lived in Corona.

Did he finally get his PhD or is he still a candidate?

The past administration refused to accept his application to be ordained to ministry when he lived near San Francisco-near Union City. This is why he is angry.

He focuses his writings of the history of the Apostolic Assembly on one man who is related to Daniel’s Union City buddies.

It is a tragedy that he appoints himself to be the Apostolic Assembly historian.

This puts the AA in a less credible place than it already is.

Hello said...

It this Daniel Ramirez the one in Nuestro Canto production, under the umbrella of Daniel Sanchez?

between us said...

To Hello:

Yes, that's the one.

Daniel Sanchez put Ramirez under his umbrella so Sanchez son-in-law, Eddie Lopez could be the pianist of the video. (coincidence that it was recorded/filmed at the Union City Church...?)

Eddie Lopez is no longer with the Assembly, he gave Sanchez the BOOT.

Anonymous said...

Dang, I didn't know all these details about the Dr.

Just so you know, I don't know the guy -- at all. I copied the text from a message board (I pasted it correctly and and cited where I got the text from in another forum in the "Signed, Sealed, Delivered" comment section). This is not a personal email from him to me or anybody I knoe. I posted because this guy wrote am article for some AA publication this year. If all this is true about him, and they let him publish in an AA magazine, the we may be worse off than I thought.
If you go to the "Signed, Sealed, Delivered" comment section and see where I correctly posted the entire email -- I seemed to have missed the last part of the email when I copied it to this comment section.

But anyways, I thought this guy was legit since I seen that the AA asked him to write an article in one of thier magazines. Did anybody see that magazine published this year?

Dang, I guess the good Dr. may pissed at me for bringing up his name here on the blog. But as I stated before, if you put yourself up there and are writing in an AA magazine as some authority, some poor soul like me is actually going to think that you're legit and post a comment you wrote in another blog where people that know details about your past will bring it all up.

Funny, and at the same time sad.

Unknown said...

yea that guy wrote some good articles and i heard of him being from the other side. So el copy and paste ministry caught up to him. ..but back to topic yea that guy can write good articles even do his life style is againt biblical foundations(if its true)... i guess those two clubs of jotitos are still alive la flor azul and the round table, lo mas feo is that alot of those guys were preachers and board members relatives.

Unknown said...

People like Dr. Dan, or should I say, from that certain "FELLOWship", think they are the Elites because they have a diploma from a university.

They are a group unto their own. Flor Azul'ers. Apostolic Ladyboys. A few Liquer Licenses included as well.

Well, there are many, many more who have those same diplomas who haven't turned a leaf.

So, are you saying the Bishop President appointed a Flor Azul'er as the AA Historian? lol

Dan Sanchez would have an Open Out of the Closet Homosexual as Historian as he keeps women as Tamale Makers?

Help Us Lord!

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

oo the great tamal ministry in the apostolic church.. i heard a guy saying that the santa asamblea should build a trophe made out to "EL TAMAL DE ORO " and should be put on display on the apostolic general offices. "EL TAMAL DE ORO" for all the churches that open up there buildings thanks to the great flor azul ministry.. and the GREATEST mensada is that 60 percent of all those tamaleadas were payed and purchased by the hermanos of that church... DANG!!!! SO hopely someone can write a song about the great apostolico tamal and put it on the next hymnal book.."YO QUIERO TRAVAJAR,,, PARA LA COMISION DE TAMALES,,,QUIERO PAGAR LA CUENTA PARA PAGAR MI COMISION ALA NAVA FOUNDATION, AUQUE LA ASSAMBLEA SE LLEVE TODO LA COMISION, YO QUIERO VENDER UN TAMALLL""""

Unknown said...

I know this is off topic, but if the hermana Flor Azul, run by the sisters, are going to continue to do cocina, then they should have the:

"Annual Tamale Awards"

Nah, then the hermanos would from El Salvador would cry foul and propose

"Annual Pupusa Awards"

But its a great idea, Ke No?

Nah, scrap the idea. Cause then the "OTHER" Flor Azul'ers will want to have their own:

"Annual Oscar Mier Awards"

jose said...



Complaint Number: 1
Complaint Type: COMPLAINT
Filing Date: 11/08/2007
Complaint Status: ACTIVE
1 to 10 of 15 total records Next >
Party Number Party Type Party Name Attorney Party Status
6 DEFENDANT ABEL AGUILAR Unrepresented Serve Required (WaitS)
7 DEFENDANT ISMAEL MARTIN DEL CAMPO Unrepresented Serve Required (WaitS)
8 DEFENDANT ARTURO ESPINOZA Unrepresented Serve Required (WaitS)
9 DEFENDANT FELIPE GAXIOLA Unrepresented Serve Required (WaitS)
10 DEFENDANT CELESTINO GUZMAN Unrepresented Serve Required (Wait
Party Number Party Type Party Name Attorney Party Status
11 DEFENDANT LEOBARDO A MAFFEY Unrepresented Serve Required (WaitS)
12 DEFENDANT EDWARD PACHECO Unrepresented Serve Required (WaitS)
13 DEFENDANT VICTOR O PRADO Unrepresented Serve Required (WaitS)
14 DEFENDANT DANIEL G SANCHEZ Unrepresented Serve Required (WaitS)
15 DEFENDANT SAMUEL VALVERDE Unrepresented Serve Required (WaitS)

jose said...


Anonymous said...

And what does all this mean?

Unknown said...

Unrepresented? Wow....

Hello said...

Unrepresented What its the meaning of that?

Unknown said...

It means nothing. The court website has listed the defendents as "unrepresented" since the file was created on 11/10, even though the minutes of the first hearing assert the presence of the attorneys for the defendants.

The defendants do not have to "officially" declare their legal representation until the case goes to trial, regardless of whether or not they have representation.

My guess is unless there is an Insider who tells us when they get a new atty, we won't find out who it is until the minutes for the hearing scheduled on 1/17/08 are released by the court.

jose said...

Church Mutual Insurance until the plaintiffs show evidence of fraud.

Hello said...

This GB is nothing but flesh all dress up in dollar bills.

Ring of fire said...

What more proof do they need that 2 vote eddie won with only 2 votes out of over 600.

The only ones to voTe for him was malverde and probably his golfing buddy Adam Lopez

wally said...

This is a test

wally said...
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wally said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...


Technically, I'm sharp with my finger tips.

I'll leave the sharp tongue to you and the rest of your Flor Azul'ers.

Unknown said...
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wally said...

To Van: A more suitable name for you would be vangina lips.

wally said...
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Unknown said...

Hey Wally, why are you so upset? Are you upset over my comments on Edward "Car Scam" Pacheco? Or on Dr. Dan Phd? Dr Dan is a nice guy. He's on the up and up. Its just that his particular lifestyle doesn't concurr with the Bible. The Bible does say to love your brother, but not in the Eros Manner.

Ok, I'm a degenerate moron, cool. I'm degenerate because I loath a Thief and the Lifestyle of a Flor Azul'er.

If those are Norms that are acceptable to you, then hey, what can I say. Give my regards to the Theif Edward Pacheco and your Flor Azul Buddies.

Happy Kwanza!

wally said...

To Van: as far as Eddie Pacheco I do not know the man and all I know about Dan Ramirez is that he hosted the Nuestro Canto video. The scary thing is that you say things about people and attack reputations and you do not produce proof. What proof do you have of Dan Ramirez being homosexual? and what proof do you have of Eddie Pacheco being involved in a car scam? I do not say that this is not true, but since I am a person who only know these men from district services and general conferences you have to prove your charge against them. I am assuming this is a reasonable request if you are a person of integrity.

As I have monitored these blogs, in my opinion you seem to be a hateful person toward a lot people. You have a lot of venom. I understand srutinizing the GB decision and questioning their actions, but to make accusations with no proof and under a code name causes me to wonder about your credibility.
To repeat my previous question, Please disclose the name of your pastor so I can scrutinize him. In the past you said he is a good man, but let me research his background and see what shady things come up.
You ask me why I am upset, I am not upset all I have done is mimic your blog behavior. You come across as someone who is bitter toward the assembly and instead of trying to fix a problem you say hateful stuff (without proof) against some of these people. God bless and I hope this has been an eye opener.

Unknown said...

I Witnessed Edward Pacheco with my own eyes. I know people who gave him cash.Edward Pacheco continues in his behavior. See the reference on Garduno.

Will a Federal Indictment Suffice as Proof Enough?

I mentioned Isaac Gutierrez

Here, look at this:

As for Dr. Dan Phd, actually, I have no concrete proof. No video to see. Only people who know people. Though Art Espinosa did introduce him one time at a service Saying "God Bless brother Dan and his Boyfriend, errrr his friend" or something like

wally said...

You keep referring to car scams, what exactly did he do and what are the names of the people that gave him money? Has Eddie Pacheco been indicted? As far as an indictment being proof it is not, because a person is innocent until proven guilty. Indictments do not prove guilt, but again I not sure if Bro. Pacheco is even being investigated. If he has been indicted why haven't you displayed any public records? even your friends who say they gave money to pacheco, that is only heresay.
Concerning Isaac Gutierrez, I do not know the guy, but if he is Apostolic then I hope he makes right the people he has wronged.
Is Isaac an apostolic minister?

According to you, Dan Ramirez openly practices homosexuality. You said this as if it were concrete, but now you say that your accusations are based on people who know people and a verbal slip from Art Espinosa.
Now I understand why you do not want to mention your pastor's name, because if he is a good man he would probably be ashamed of your behavior, his lost little lamb that knows "people who know people." Unless you think he is a good man because he acts like you. Like they say water seeks its own level or the fruit does not fall from the tree.

Anyway, like you said you loathe homosexuality and a thief, but what about evil speaking, clamor, dissension, malice, and factions. Is this not what you are guilty of?

Take Care

Unknown said...

Wally, I can appreciate your point of view. However, I believe no matter what proof I offer up to you, it will remain insuffient.

The copy of the Indictment of Garduno was only that, the Indictment. If you search further, you'll find that he was Convicted.

As for Edward Pacheco, There are many, many victims. Was he indicted, no. But was he part of the criminal conspiracy, yes.

Records in Maricopa County, Arizona show that. His Accomplice, Bernice Molina was found Guilty and did several years in prison, while 2Vote Eddie found a haven in another country without an extradition treaty. How convenient.

As for Dr. Dan Phd, again, he's a good guy. I respect his academic accomplishments.

There is a posting he did on another blog, one that someone posted here where at the end of the post he signs, ""Love, Tu Carnal""

Undoubtedly, that was a Flor Azul Forum. The Flor Azul'ers are for real. No one in their right mind would make that up. Lets not deny that they exist cause they do.

Yes, call me malicious. Call me bitter. Call me whatever. If it makes your Kwanza happier, have at it.

wally said...

To Van:

The point is you have no proof. Now you know why I have a low opinion of you. You make accusations against Pacheco and have no proof. I asked you about Pacheco and to disclose proof and you continue to demonstrate you ignorance. I seriously doubt that there was a car scam and victims from it. Since you are simple minded, I am asking simple questions. What are the names of the victims? Was Pacheco investigated? If yes, by what law enforcement agency?

As far as Dan Ramirez signing love tu Carnal, how does this make him a homosexual or flor azuler? Unless your a flor azuler and you know something I do not know.

By pointing out your bitterness does not make my kwanza better, because I celebrate Christmas. However, checking you on this blog does make my Christmas much better. I feel that I am doing a good job calling a spade a spade. In your case I am calling you a liar.


Unknown said...


Yeah, actually, you're right. I'm a fiction writer from Santa Barbara Junior College. I'm in my 4th Year.

All statements I made about Ed Pacheco, Garduno, Isaac Gutierrez, Flor Azul'ers, Malverde, I just made it up.

To help me out with the Isaac Video, my friend Toby Bowe, who's majoring in Filmography, helped me out with the video to make it look official. And the Indictment, I got my girlfriend to type it up. It looks tight but I guess you can tell it was a fake.

As for the AA, it doens't exist either. Neither does that lawsuit. I made all that up. You got to admit, I had a lot of people going. We have a fake court studio at the campus. I got some old white guy in a black robe to play the judge.

I got to bump, I'm a go spark up some tree for the Kwanza Eve.


Tu Canralito

By the Way, I made you up too Wally. You're really my hidden personality that I use to keep myself in check. See what happens when I don't take my meds.

wally said...


I am not made up and neither is the Apostolic assembly, but I am sure your education part is. You seem to stupid to be able accomplish anything that requires higher cognitive thinking. Again you continue to be evasive about Edward Pacheco. All I ask is that your answer my questions, but you continue to wuss out. So what is your pastor's name? was Pacheco investigated? If yes, what law enforcement agency? What are the names of the victims?I do not care about garduno and gutierrez but Pacheco. Why can't you understand that you ignorant wuss? If you are going to talk trash you need to support your arguement. Put up or shut your Van-gina lips.

Unknown said...


For someone who appears to be a psuedo intellectual, you kill it with use of such lacking language. But then again, you appear to be a biproduct of a deprived upbringing, aka childhood. Also, I think I may have touched a nerve by commenting on La Puente Bible Schools Finest Alumns, Edward Pacheco.

Why don't you ask Edward Pacheco is he ever Associated with Ms. Bernice Molina Salcido.

Also Ask:

Edward Pacheco, did you ever use your influence as a licensed minister/pastor of the Apostolic Assembly to gain Access to Apostolic Assembly churches to make presentations of the Car Scam?

Edward Pacheco, did you ever recieve cash payments from Members of the Apostolic Assembly and General Public for said Car Scam?

Edward Pacheco, as part of the Car Scam, how many "cars" were actually delivered?

Edward Pacheco, with respect to those people who paid cash for cars but never recieved such cars, were refunds ever paid?

wally said...


While I appear to be a psuedo-intellectual, sad to say that would be a compliment for you. Actually, it would be a lie. Unfortunately, the lacking language desribes you perfectly. For the exception of this blog, I have never heard of La Puente Bible school. Did Edward Pacheco attend classes there or were you denied admission because of your low testing scores? or were you denied because you are a special needs flunkie who could graduate from highschool? Maybe you are bitter against Pacheco because he accomplish something you, your parents and your pastor could not. To use more lacking language, Maybe you are a dumbass because you come from a lineage of Dumbasses. Something for you to ponder

Some friendly advise so you can upgrade your intellectual aptitude from a dumbass to psuedo intellectual. first of all psuedo intellectual would be your long term goal, but your short goal would be to go from dumbass to stupid. In order to accomplish that you need to raise your reading level to a 3rd grade level and your math skills need to be higher than that of a five year old. Once you can accomplish this then we will see what we can do to raise your mental aptitude to an embecile.

As a psuedo-intellectual, if I am going to make accusations against a person I have to support them with evidence. This is a form of persuasive communication. You have accused Edward Pacheco of a crime, but you have not produced proof. I am not a big fan of Apostolic leadership; however, I am not quick to defame their names and reputation.

To reiterate, I do not know Edward Pacheco or the GB. So whatever you say about them means nothing to me, but what does annoy me is how you venemously speak and want to destroy people. Since I do not take sides on this issue, I am asking objectively to prove your accusations. Since I have no interaction with Edward Pacheco, I cannot ask him anything or do I want to ask him anything. However, since you are making accusations I will ask you the following questions:
1)Could you please give me the names of the people he stole money from?
2) Since Pacheco was never indicted, was he investigated?
3) if yes, by what Law enforcement agency or was it by the attoney General?
4)Who are the names of people you know that gave him money?

5) Who are the people that "need refunds"?

6) What is your pastor's name
7) What are his credentials?
8) Is your pastor bitter against the assembly?

Step up your game and free thyself from being a dumbass. I do not say this with anger, but in a spirit of discerning who you really are.

You appear to come from social forces that are rejects. First your family then your pastor. I apologize for your family and pastoral insecurities that have caused you to resent Pacheco, Aguilar and anyone else that is better than you


Unknown said...


You sound like a product of SSP. I can appreciate your zeal.

Happy Kwanza

Unknown said...

To Van

For some of us that have been around for many years. Bro. Pacheco was involved with the Car Scams.

I was told that one of the churches in San Jose gave him 100k in cash. I believe it was the 3rd church I think Joe Rodriquez Sr. was the pastor back then.

between us said...


Don’t fall for the bait that Wally is hurling at you. You gave him websites to validate what you are saying, but he ignores it. Why?

Every person who was a victim of the car scam was sent a letter by the court. That is easy enough to find, there is plenty of documented proof.

Baldemar, who was Vice President at the time, sent Pacheco to Chile to avoid going to jail as his partner had to do.

Regarding the election fraud, Baldemar is suing Pacheco along with the GB. Plenty of proof. That is also easy to find.

wally said...

To Between us:

The only website I recall is the one that has to do with Isaac G. I did not ask about Isaac G. and some Garduno guy that attends church with Pacheco, but I wanted to know about Edward Pacheco. This is where Van continues to fail. However He counters with questions to ask Pacheco and claims to know people that were done wrong.

Now you are saying that court documents exist, can you upload copies of these documents since they are easy for you to access? These documents would really validate your arguements and you win Wally to your side. Being that I am not from California, I am have been asking people I know from my district and surroundings districts what they think about this website. For the most part, you all have no credibility.

Part of the reason is that stuff is said and there is no documented proof. Edward Pacheco is thief, Abel Aguilar has committed adultery. I recall reading that the purpose of this website is to address problems in the organization. In the past, I have been involved in union negotiations and have been a union representative. If I had an accusation against anyone in management, or had to address problems then I had to produce proof.

Another thing, when something is said it should be open to scrutiny. Questions pertaining to Pacheco's investigation are valid questions.

As far as websites about Pacheco please re-send them to me. What court sent letters to the victims?

Please do not be evasive like Van and just simply answer the questions.

Thank You
Wally (aka Van's Daddy)

Unknown said...

Van's Daddy? lol Now thats funny, even if it came from a psuedo sipping his latte' at the coffee bean.

Such language Wally, they should have learned you better manners.

Unknown said...

The thing with Wally is that whoever this Wally is, he or she has exposed him or herself as intellectually inferior to the rest of the group here. Hence, the use of such language as Van-gina or stating Wally is my Daddy.

This is known in the world of psychology as the Napoleon Complex, commonly demonstrated by short people who act over aggressive to taller people to make up for their lack of height therefore compensating for their inner low self esteem.

No matter what proof we offer to this person, whom is also using an alias, it will be insufficient.

Nonetheless, I do find interaction with Wally entertaining. He reminds me of that up and comming rookie looking to knock out anything or anyone who comes into his way.

So, Daddy, why do you call yourself Wally? I do think you do know Pacheco and are from the region. Over empasizing that you are not from the area and over emphasizing you do not know Edward Pacheco is kind of like Don Imus or Rush Limbaugh stating his best friends are African American.

wally said...

Van (aka baalam's donkey/dumbass) wrote this on November 29,2007

I'm just speculating...

Hmmm, if they did some transactions, and the checks were made out to the Apostolic Assembly, and Nate Ochoa has a business with that name. Then it would be easy enough to launder or steer AA moneys to his own account. Not part of the general fund...

Hmmm, I'm off to church. But this is certainly interesting and warrants further investigation.

u please, email me at

Van Johnson "End of Van's quote"

Tonight when I was sipping my latte, another question came to mind. Did you ever further investigate your speculation against Nate Ochoa? What was the outcome of your "investigation" Is Nate Ochoa laundering money from the Apostolic Assembly? Again, could you produce proof such as financial statements? Were you able to contact any people that may have conducted transactions and written checks to the assembly? if your answer is yes, (which I doubt) did Nate Ochoa launder those checks? Did you contact the FBI or some goverment agency so they could investigate?
Did you discuss this with your uneducated, insecure and bitter pastor? By the way, I am still waiting for his name.

Like always, you probably cannot backup your words therefore Vangina is a perfect name for you.
Since you seem to speak out your rearend, another name for you is v-anus or V-ano. (this name is not given to you because your flor azuler)

V-anus your no investigator, at best your probably a peeping Tom.

Wally (Van's Daddy)

wally said...
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wally said...
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Unknown said...

Ah-ha! You're real issue are the hobo-phobic remarks. Hmmm, very interesting.

Wow, I didn't think I had readers like you who "Monitor" my every word.

I should start my own Column.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

The dictionaries definition of Wally is as follows :


a silly and inept person; someone who is regarded as stupid

Very fitting

Anonymous said...

Hey Van,

Am I mistaken or does wally sound like hes into willies ? Hee Hee

He sounds like a cochino and its probably A Mike again.

Or as he is also known Marc Payaso

Anonymous said...

Wally must be gay if he wants to be Van's daddy.

Unknown said...

lol Oh, leave Wally alone. Wally is adding a good mix to the discussion while we are between Hearings, Scandals, Elections, Meetings....etc

Wally's gonna buy me a Latte' so we can be Psuedo

Hello said...

We need to pray on behalf of Bishop Torres, you see he is the whistle blower and the irony and mockery is that Sanchez is coming with Pacheco and Aguilar two ilegal GB members to take away Torrees legal position as a bishop.

Anonymous said...

Oh WOW Van !

Your defending Wally ?

Ok then bro your on your own with Wally.

wally said...
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Unknown said...

Bring it on Wally! Vent boy, Vent!

wally said...
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Unknown said...

Wally: You need help.

Call 1-800-Psuedo-Psycho

wally said...

To Van:

I tried that number, but it is no longer in service. Any other number I can try.

You should not stop enriqueer from defending you. Unlike you, your Pastor Enriqueer knows your are getting spanked (figuratively speaking, Enriqueer gives you the physical spankings).

Wally/Marc Pacheco

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...


You must be a fruit. Why the obsession with all things gay ?

Its okay bro we understand that you were molested as a child thats why you have so much anger and hatred in your life.

Maybe someday you can get passed the emotional scars and get some counseling to see you thru it all.

only someone who is a closet homo would dwell on the subject so much as you do.

And your strong words for Van come from your broken heart because he never gave you the time of day.

Did Van break your little heart ?

Did he reject your gay advances ?

Anonymous said...


Were you desperately hoping that Van was giving his private phone number ?

Awe your little tender heart got broken again when you found out it wasnt a real number.

Pobrecito el mariconsito wally.

Dont worry youll find a man just attend the next GB5 concert im sure there will be many of your kind their.

Unknown said...

Wally has a thing for me. Notice I am the center of his Universe.

I feel flattered. Turn on the GB5. Hey Wally, bust out with your GB5 Collection before Isaac gets tossed into the Slammer, I mean Riverside County Jail.

wally said...

To Hello:

When is Torrez supposed to be removed? Does the GB have a legal right to do this? Could the assembly be sued by Torres? Also, the Pastors that are on the lawsuit can the GB remove them as Pastors? This seems to be a bad move on the GB's part, because this comes across as retaliation and could be dangerous to the assembly in a court of law.
Unless there is a clause in the AA's constitution that permits them to do this. I wonder if Sanchez is acting under the advice of his attorney?


Unknown said...

Wally is coming around. He share's our sarcasm, and is close to sharing our views. You're moving up Daddy.

wally said...
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Unknown said...

lol if it wasn't for his job at Kinkos, Wally wouldn't have access to a PC. Lets take an offering for Wally.

I'll donate the first Fifty Cents.

wally said...
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wally said...

To Enrique and Van:

Wally has realized that he has been having too much fun on this blog. I decided to remove anything that is R rated and to my surprise that waa most of my blogs. While I will attempt to keep it to a psuedo intellectual level, it will be hard because my son Van pulls out the worst in me (haha).

I hope there are no hard feelings and I found it entertaining going back and forth with you two, especially Van. I hope you two have a happy New Year and look forward to blogging with you two in the future. Since I am not quick to forming opinions, I will still continue to drill for proof.

You two have a happy new Year and knock off that Kwanza talk mijo.

Take Care

Unknown said...

To Hello:

Are you sure? I know there was a meeting to take place but from what my source tells me, it's not about that.

If that is a fact however: Torres has an even BIGGER lawsuit against the GB and the Assembly. You have to prove that you've been negligent in your work to be fired in a situation as this or it will be considered retaliation. Torres has not been negligent in ANYTHING, he doesn't know how. He's a straight up brother. If they even try, I WILL SURELY recommend my past employers- they are kick-butt attorneys specializing in harassment and employment law.

No attorney who has an ounce of a brain is going to suggest firing him. Especially right now. But keep in mind, the GB does not have representation at the moment.

People, I am telling you, boycott giving to anything above your local church is the way to go. Hit them where it hurts.

Unknown said...

I agree with Cheese:

I don't think the GB is that ignorant to do something like that. They are, however, that cold and heartless to want to do that. They would reap severe reprocussions for doing that.

Brother Abel Torres is a highly respected man in Texas, and he is a highly respected man within our Assembly. If he was to be given the boot, I hope that there would be an up-rising from the Pastors. Which incidentally, should have been done in the first place.

Our pastors need not be afraid, the One standing behind them is bigger than any trial ahead of them and bigger than the GB.

I believe they need to stage a coup and get these greedy men out of there.

Unknown said...

Any news on the AMENDED COMPLAINT filed by the Plaintiffs on 12/13??

wally said...
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