A couple of things.
I noticed that the powers that be over at apostolicassembly.info removed the links to this and other blogs.
I thought it humorous that they say they want to use the Internet as a medium inform the constituents of the Apostolic Assembly and bring to light what was wronged (take it to the church) but when the light shines on their wrongs all of a sudden they want to turn off the lights again!
I don't think they liked what they were hearing. What should we read into that?
My heart was heavy as I was reading the round of comments on Saturday. It seemed as the comments turned from light jabs to an all out street fight. I saw names of people I forgot I had forgotten. Catarino Huizar? If anybody could cry over the pulpit it was him. I liked him, I tend to look at people apart from their ministry. We didn't have Starbucks back in those days, but if we did I could have great conversations with him over a cup of coffee. (Please don't bombard with details, I know all the stories...some not by choice.)
We are in a new era, an era of instant communication. The world is smaller. News instantaneous. Opinions heard. The voice of the masses can influence direction. I seriously doubt this generation will sit back and be intimidated by all powerful Oz pulling the ropes and levers behind the curtains. Leaders should and will be held accountable. Our leaders, at every level, better shape up, you are under more powerful microscope.
I've always felt uncomfortable with pastors and ministers demanding their respect (RESPECT: esteem, the condition of being honored). Respect is earned. I'm tired of pastors and ministers declaring their anointing. We serve the same God, we have the same Holy Spirit. Yours is not greater. Gifts and and talents are different. Before I give you my respect I want to know you as a person. Scripture dictates that we test all spirits to differentiate the true from false prophets.
You are human, you WILL fail. I expect that, so don't walk around like you are infallible. Romans 3:23 "for all (A)have sinned and fall short of the glory of GOD".
Teach your congregations what to do when you do fail. That is if you do have their best interest in mind. This will stop you from trying to cover up your mistakes. I guarantee you that when you do fall, your fellow believers will be there to help you out instead of throwing rocks and kicking you when your down or need their support.